Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 03, 1841, Image 4

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    FOr Sale br Rent.
• - . • A House and half Lot of Ground, sit.
.•aa , .
natal on Main street,_Carlisle, atoin.
• ,r •
is . ■ „ tightmes Hamilton, Esq.; the property
of Airs. Cooper, Fcir terms apply to, c ,
Feb. 10,1811
Black Walnut Flank:
THE' Subseriher wishes to purchase
BLACK. IVAL.7I',UT PL4N7tiu anv quan
tity that may be'offered; for which Forty . oollars
cash per thousand feet plank measure will be given:
Said .Plank to be - Of good - quality; two inches and
one-eighth in thickness and fourteen feet tour inches
in length. To be ddlivered at the Omni in Harris=
burg, or ut any point on the Cumberland Valley Rail
Road, and immediate inforMation forwarded to . the
- 'Any other information relative to said businesscan be 'had on applicatiOri to .Robert TViszlitinan;
Carlisle; or bv addressing the subscriber (post paid)
residing in Philadelphia.
' December 30; 1840.-6. ino.*
vnw larevoce
The subscriber has just returned from the city
P • and is now 'Opening some very desirable seasonable
GOODS, consisting in 'part of Itriisible Green,
Brown, DinniOnd, Pilot, Beaver, Blank Wool dyed,
Blue; Adilade, Cadet and Olive
Wool dyed Black, Blue, and figured Cossinterest
Sattinetts of all descriptions; Cords and Beaverpens;
Ticks,and Checks; Imported Stair and figured Car
peting; Saxony, Prince and Mouse de .Laines; Bom
bazines, :11eri noes, blue black, Mack, Mantua, Fawn,
Brown, Figured and Plain Silks; Figured . and
Plain Swiss and Jaconet Oftudins, . Green Baize and
Flannels of, different colours; Gloves and Hosiery;
..Cloth and Fur Caps. Broshemod . Merino Shawls;
11Iackinaw,-Rose Point -Blankets; Ler,iniM and
Straw Bonnets; together with an assortment of
Groceries Sr. tiateensware.
All of which' will he sold on the most rcasiiiialile
terms. Person - are invited tocall and examine for
themselves before purchasing:elsewhere.
Carlisle, Dec. 23 1810. . •
pargaips,. Barg6ins.
Cheup Goods-for Cash.
-Thrt SabscriberAolesirous,ottreilticing their stock
of•Nisti•oloodize,'offcr it at reduced - prioca for Cask
TheiV enfiro Btock of.
0:39:40 CL9TIA.
• nels, - CSFc. 4-c.
vokbe Frail At a vzrysmalf advanqe. Such persons
as arellesirolticif_7b) — ffining_gootllAtrgainfmill•rlealv
Call' at the store of ' • . .
N. BrTlie entire sick• :4f,alarCkinlizo
Bold: t bargain to any one wishing to ciig,ttgit' in the
businegi, if appli
Deo. 13-1% • .
tr:i:a LOOK HERE ..Dl
AT Tue
in SlOmiensburEy Pa
- -
_ .
Arc nontooening 'at their Store , a- laiie, and -aos
splendid assortment of -- ..
Fall and
.(; (to MI 5
. 4
which they" will sell at such prices as cannel fail to
suit pueeltasers,,,q; determined to sell cheaper
thatican be found iilsuislieve in the state. Their
stook consisting in part of the-following articlesoiz:
Black, Woe, Brown, Olive' Green, Invieible .Orten,
wllatserry., Steel-mixed, 41 Cadet mixed
Broad Cloths,'
Bluo, Striped, and Drab Castinteree; Blue
Green, 13..ah' and Steel-mixed Casaineisi Prussian
Blanket atteMeri no Shawls, Handkerchiefs, leo..
Also a large assortment of
• ,
• Queensware, Hardware Groce
&c. &p.
We would invite the olio enfrilytd:examine
our new sad cheap giiih!s, ind if podigobcts, low
prices sad exertion to preaseittlitive: nnyeffect; we
feel confident tlsat they will not go away without
leaving with us a little of the Ready Rine.
N. B. Country Produce of all kinds will be taken
in exchange for Goods, at market price. .
I'. S. A report has been 'circulated that we do not
intend to 'continue here lenge? than the ensuing
spring, we therefore would aciptaint the public that
'We have leased' the store-house, which we now occu
py, for the term of four years. May this.check the
slanderous tongue of those who seem to devote al
their attention to such base and degraded. acts,
Dee: 9, 184.0.
- Sontheimer t Lindatter ,
At their Ne%v Store in ioentreville, hare just re
ceived and are now opening a 'very large and splendid
Assortinent of BRITISH,TRENCII :and-DOMES.
which hare beenaeleeted with much care in the'
of MON YORK and PHILADELPHIA, and which
• they
„,, re spectfully invite the citizens of Centreville
*thuity.-ttk_aall-und-examine, as-they-will-be ena -any
other establishment ii—t-tlfe
happirat all. times to see cuitanuers whoilte desirous
of having •
New .Cheap and Good Goods.
Among Their stock will, be found Blue,Black,
Brown, 'Green, Olive, Cadet, Mplberryi Dahlia, Cit
ron• Claret, Mixt Drab, And„ tvikriety of low priCed
(Mb 0 V 11163 41
Superior striped and plain London and Buckskin
- ---Cassimeresoreminm mallow priced Sattinetts; an.
'parlor Silk, Satin, Velvet, Valencia, Corded, Strip.
ed, Figured and Plain Marseilles and Cassimere
Vesting's. • A general assortment of all qualities and
colors , ot •
suitable ffir,..
Gentlemen's - wear, Superior Black
Gros-De, Naps; „Po De Swell,
. Gros De Swiitit, , anti,lOnshani Silks, Challeis;Chint.
zes,Jacconki.Oarithriol, Dobbinetts,PlOin' anti ,
inred Swiss, and Book Muslini, Shawls, Dress
„Ilantlkerehiefs, Searle, Veils, Ribbons, See.
A large• and excellent assortment of fine and ltur
3 prieed..Calleoes, Irish; Table, Towelling and Table
Diaper, Crash Mustins, Titskitigs, cheeks Cords,
Deaverteens, &C A general assortment of Leghorn
. lint! Straw Bonnets, Umbrellas, Parasols, tee. Also,
• sit ettensive assortment. of • •
Groceries and.Queensivare
, of the Most ueproved Qualities The public areee.
spectrally invited to call.titiul Judge for themselves as'
• they are determined to sell cheap for cash or country
produce. TAVERN KKEPCRS are reepectfully
invitettte call end exainine their stook of Liquors
before - purchasing- elsewhere:
Centreville; Cum. Co., October 14,110.
Champ Shavvis.
The Subscribers have on hand a large assortment
orCash.mere, Thibet, Merino, Brodie, Chenille and
other kinds. of Shawls, which -limy will sell at a
small advance fur Cash. , -
• Par 1 lofh.±l Caps.. .
A gbwritisoitosiet of Par and Cloth Caps will
sold sheap ot the store Ot •
: :01.41 M1:. ' 4l trir 47 rr• '
. .
~` 1 ~u~~rw:~ ;
• • otr•L 0 O'.lC• HERE!}! •
EntillattaltMt 0111‘23
The Subioribers offer their present Sibirk of Alm , .
eltandize at reduced prices, and. wilfenntinue st such
priaes MM. all is sold. A largo portion of their
Stock is offrred at Coat.
Carlisle, Dec, 30,1540.. ' • •
Mechanicsburg Line
ga, j 3 t, .
4 .‘
Beliveen ',Mechanicsburg :and
• Philadelphia or Ballintore. .
ir HE sUbsetibers grateful fur past favors,
liewkave to inform their friends and the public
generally; that they atill.continue to run a Imp of
burthen Cars regularly between Meelinnicsbnrg and
Philadelphia or Baltimore, by,which goods and pro 7
duce of all descriptions will beNbrwarded with care
and despatch at the lowest rates of :freight.
Produce will be received at their Ware' Howes
in Mechanicsburg, and , forwarded to' either Phila
delphia or Baltimpre,laccording to 'the direetion of
the owner.
The highest price will be . given for Wheat:
and Flour.
-N. B. Plaster of Paris and salt always kept' on
hand, and for ea 4 at the lowest prices. . , -
For Sale.
The two Story' Stone }louse, ottenpicdbr the, sub-
Seriber on East street Carlisle, with: the Lotof
Grotinti 90 feet 'front on •said street, and extending:
.250 feet buck,!o the Letart spring. There is a Stone_
Stable, a Carriaate•llotise, and .0 well of water on
the. premises. The whole neoperty is enclosed by a
substantial stone wall: Forftwther particulars apply,
Carlisloillov. 4;1840.
12.111.17172Agea 1 270 •
The sitbseriberliereby informs the_eitizetts,of car,
lisle, and thrpublici generally, that he has taken the
-shop nearly opposite the . lail, where-he will be pre.
pared toManufaetttre to, order, on the most reasona
ble terms, any article in his line of bitsineas, such as
Axes, Mill Picks, &c:
lie will also attend to • Steeling and Grinding Axes
lie soliciia's share Of public imronage. - •
Carlisle, Nov, 5, 15.19
Variety StOre, Sie.`. --
. M in' subscriber, thankful for pnst fiiyors, respect
_ _fully inforrfis the puhlic.that he still continues
.to'''hotet in -Church -All ei, - -near--"
Hall," where he has now on hand a large nssortment
of:notion/. consisting in Part, of the follOW mg: Bread,
Mikes, Cheese, Bacon, Hams; Flour, Saap,C4l,, T ,-
Spices, Fruits, Sweetmeats, and otlier necessaries
c tleulated for this meridian.
N. Bile also continues to kLep an Eatink Tfouse,
where gentlemen can be accommodated mill; Tripe,
Pigs FertiPickled'Oystei.s,&c. at the or eit wake.
J. cot .
. .
-• Sept. 9, IS4nr.;—.l year. *.
Prodtce .Wanted Immediate - Iv.
CASII•will be paid for rtvr,
rels of Elm.; TEN TuousAm.) Invalids of Wheat;
TEN • THOUSAND bushels of Rye; and TEN
TilousAwk bushels or Corn, , liv the - ealbscriber,
Vi o can at all times be found at hi's:Ware-house on
the canal between AValnut and State streets.
OWEN ..111 . CABE.
Ilarrisliair: , April 1,1840.--.4
LARIS, offered for sale by
of a new style, for sale nt the ,New Store in
Iklppensburr„.by . _ARNOLD Sc. ABRAMS.
Alear Hardware, Grocery, A'
• 11^11111MTP : STOWE.'
THE subscriber has justreturned from
the Cities of New York, Philadelphia and Mil
! timore, and is' now opening at his storeroom S.
Corner of Market Square and Main Streets (for
merly occupied by Geo. W. ilitner,) a general as
sortment .or . -
Hardware, Slone Ware, Cedar. Mire,
.Brittania Ware, Groceries, • Oils,
Paihls,rarniehes,'Cla ss,Bruilf- . -
es, Whips, Canes, Lamps for
• bUrning . .'Camphine Oil,
mud a
,great variety of articles useful and necessary
Tor'. furnishingand keeping a house.-- lie hasalso,and
willoonstantly keep on hand
a cheap and elegant imbititute for sperm oil, and
having been appointed the agent of Messrs. Backers
and Brother of Newark N. J., for the sale of .Tone's
Patent Lamps in thiscounty, he is prepared to fur
nish Lamm and Oil', at Lvery reasonable, rate to all
w i alwish to use this new and economical light.
Basing selected-his goods himself, and made his
purehases for cash, lie is•able, and is determined to
Those having the cash to lay out will find it to their
advantage to pre bins a call.
Carlisle, July 8, 1840.---tf. . '
Lace Goods.
• •
• A large acOrtrrient of Thread Lace and Edgings;
Cambric and Swiss Edginr„sund Insertings, for sale
at reduced pricela - the store of .
IirUST RECEIVED at the New Stpri
lt.P. in Shippensbnrg, English, German aful French
MERINOES, and for sale by
ARNOLD - * -- ABRA3V3: -
JUST RECEIVED and - tiiiiTeered - fot -- IT4le at
the New Store in Shippensburg, a handsome
and splendid assortment of Plain, White . and Braid
ered Merino Shawls.
Why Dr. ILARLICH'S:Compound Strengthening
and German Aperient Pills arc used by all,clatis of
people, in preferene to other Medicines, beeatitTe they
are prepared from a pure extract of herbs, a whole
some medicineonild - in its operation and pleasant in
its effect—the most certain preeercer of health, a safe
and effectual cure of Dyspepsia or Indigestion ; and
all Storitach Complaints, a preserver and
_purifier of
the whole system. •
Ilecause - they - soothe - nerres-of-sensibility-and-fen,
tify the nervesof motion, imparting to their most sub
tile fluid its pristine tone, thus giving strength and
elearnFss of - • -
I)Cosibie they never destpy the coats of the stomach
and bOwele, as all strolig purgatives do. •
Because science and experience teach us that no
mere, purgative alone Will cure the disease of the Sto
and Nerves. Weakness is the primary cause of
a host of diseases,and,hv euntinuly resort; ngto /Mas
tic purgative., yen matte the diseases much worse,
instead of better. ' ' • .
. . • -
Becane Dr. Harnett% Metlivi nes are ptit ttptipon the
common sense principle, to "atomise and strengthen,"
.which Issheonlyssourse to-pursue to- efreet - a - nure.-4
Lastly,- --- •
Because titose. itiedieines really do cure the disease
for wliith - they are recommended. Principal Office For.
the United Statei b at No. 19 North Eighth stied, Phil
adelphia. XO4-
.• . '
Also, for sale by J. Wirers Sr, Co., Carlisle; arid
Wm. Peal, Sliqppensborg i :Pa. prin. 13,1814...9t
v To remove these trotiblesonie and dangerous
'inhabitants of the Stomach and bowels; which so often
impair the health And tiestrOti the ihve of children,
use Jayne's Tonic Vermiftige, a certain and safe _pr&
paration for theremoval ofth:. variants kiritis worms,,
dyspepsia, sour stomach, want of appetite, infantile
feier and ague, and dibliity of the ;stomach ,end
elai.and organs of djetation. To be ha 4 stßi No. £0
;Math Third street " Aliate be had at ?simnel Elliott and Stevenson . &
Diakle;Carliele,Pa: ,: Daarls :taw
EiT);, l l, -. : , :tr;4**44.04-IF-.:70.e...r a',l
,ti - 03: - Sp.._ :
~,Ir_lo ip'..l,:i..e x . -..
4 Aeivibitleof.Freighrearpl-
TIIE subscriber,grateful for past rovors, respectful,
ly Requaints his triendaand the publie, that be bas put
Into operation on the Harrisburg, Luncaster & EO :
. lunabia • • . •
a line of new nountx CARS, which will run regu
larly betivecu Harrisburg and Philadelphia; by which
Goods and Produce elan desciptiOns will be forwar
ded 'with care and despatch, at the lowest rates of
• Goods will he received at the yVarcnonse of TIIOS.
J. MAXWELL, N. E. corner of Broad'and :Vine
streets; 'Philadelphia, and forwarded tollarrisburg,'
Carlisle,.Clutinbersburg,.,and intermediate places,
by the subscriber, • OWEN M'CABE. '
Harrisburg., Feb. 5, 1836.
pti-FISII, SALT AND PLASTER,censtantly on
hand. Cad'. paid for almost all kinds of country lwo
duce. - . . . .•
Copper, Shtet iron ; and - Tin /rare
The sn . bscriber, nt his shot), in North
ilanoverstreet Carlisle, next door to W . ro. Leon
ard's store, (or will tunnufheThre nt.the shortest no
tice) the following articles,io wit:
srr()v ES
of all descriptions,
.I%hiell be hes on hand it large assortment, which
he will Bell lower than ever, for Cash. lk also of;
'fel% for sale,any quantity of Stove rive; .
- Cool:hog •
• ~ .for wood and coal; all 53115 . , of
77n • 'Copper and .6'heet . Iron Ware,
aucliut - WaslrKottlea;llyit'Kette - aillatteloa - Kettlesi
Drums, Drippibg Pima, !louse Spoutiug, £ . v.e.; all of
which he will sell on better ter:lls'oam usual;
- - ---• ..4REL—KREATE, --
Caflislc, Sept: '23,11840.—V: •
- "THIZE - 41!1 - NG - MACI - 11 - NEg
HiMidi improved-,
Potent Horse
TIM - great 'encouragement .heretofore recei
._froni.the to of-_
ant. .mprivet. - __orse Power,
fir to the public a new
%shirt' can be shifted in gear °rout of gear by keys,
and shift the band to give it five different reyolutiOns.
And he has no hesitation Massmitigibe Varmersthat
he is now able to feeiiish them with an article far Su-
Periorto those raimufactured heretofore. For speed
and clean 'threshing and ease to the' horses, he be
lieves his machines to he unequalled.
• Ills price is $l.lO-,seventy dollars to be paid cash,
sind . llie balance in six months, for. which a note will
be reqhired with interest. • Any personAisirchasing
machine nod upon a fair whit, not being pleased, can
return it. Ile will at all times be ready to furnish
them nu the , shortest notice;, orders Irmo ft diStiltlee
will be punctually attended o. lie will 'also repair
machines oen the shortest notice.,
Nenville, Telly al, 1840: 7 41. - - .
AL sale at the Newtore in Shippenslineg, by •
Balm,: Of Columbia.
British CsusuPs Ojke; -
Philadelphia. 5
- Irr , NOW ALL PERSONS to whom thi,se pres
rm. cnts cone , coe, that I; GILD/3 BIT RO EiITSON,
EST his mio . Mh j esti's - Consul' for - the City of
Philadelphia, tlo hereby certify , , That Robert Whar
ton, Esq., who attests to the foregoing Certificates, is
- Mayor of the' City of Philadelphia; and that Mat
thew Rainfall, Esq., is Prothonotary of the Court of
Commott.Pleas foiLthe city_ and county of Philadetr
phist, to both whosexignitures, with the Seals of their
respective offices', full faith and credit is due;
1 further certify, that I am personally acqumitted
with Joseph LAnglis,one of the signers of the certi
ficates hereunto affixed, which expresses the efficacy
.of the Balm of Columbia, and that he is a. persOn of
great respectability, and, worthy of full faith and-cre
dit; and that I have heard Idol express his unqualifi
ed approbation of the effects of the said Balm of Co-
Jumbta,ln restOring•his hair. - •
Given under m) hand and seal of office, at the cit) ,
"of Philadelphia, - in -the
• State of Pennsylvania, the
thaite4 States of America.
. . • .
Read lice' follorviSig:
" 6 ROBERT, WHARTON, • Esq..,„late, Mayor of
certifieiViiiiiiiiity lie seen below, to
the high character of the following gentlemen.
The undersigned do hereby certify .that we have
used the Balm of .Columbia discovered by J. Old
,ridge, and have found it highly serviceable .not only
as a preventive against the falling off of hair, but also
a certain restorative.
WM.)FHATCHER, senior, •
_Melltogiat.Ministerin_SLGeorge chat:ge,_
No. 86 North F ifth
JOHN P. INGLIS, 01 Arch at,-
JOHN - 11: - THOMASTM: 6.3vßaee - st -
JOHN S. FUREY, WI Spruce et
-, 4IUGH URDY,44S SnutjAsk ,
- JOHN YAUD,jr., ty.3 Arch at.
-.The aged, and those who persist in wearing wigs
may not always experience its restorative qualitiw
yetlit will certainly raise its virtues in the estimation
of the Mfblic, when it - is known that three of the a
hos e . signers are more than 50 years of age, and the
others not less than 30. •
[From the ! Ilfasce:.] •
• City of Philadelphia.
I, ROBERT •WHARTON, Mayor of said city tif
Philadelphia, do hereby certify that I am Well eo.
painted with Messrs. J.: P. Inglis, John S. Furey,
and Hugh AffiCffi'dy - .7whose - names are• signed to the
above certificate, that they are. gentlemen of clime
teiand respectability, mid as see!) full credit Should
be given to•the said certificate. !,''
Iu Witnes, whereof, I hove hereunto set my hand,
. r 42 . 1 and caused the seal of the city to lie affixed,'
the s ixth day of December,
, .
CkLDRIDGES liAtattl.CAP 9TionA , FOR
Ifi THE' HAlR.—listiositiveigua 'ties are as fol.
lows: •
Ist. For Infant's keeping The'ltead five from eourf
And:eausinga luxuriant growth of hair.. .
lafiles after Chil&blith,twstorinctlie - skiti
to its usual strength and firmness, and preventing the
calling ontofthe hair.. , , •
• 3d. For any. person recovering kern tinidebility,
the same effect isprinftwed. . •
4th: If used in infancy till a plod growth is started,
it may be preserved by attention to the 'latest period
• sih, It frees the lietul ;from dandruir, strengthens
Ain roots, imparts health and Vigor tti•the circulation
and prevents the hair from changing, colour or, get
It conies' the hair to curl histUtifully when.
done up in it over night: '
goy* No ladles'itillet should ever be,rnade,witliontit.
th. Children who have by; any, means 'contracted"
* vermin in the head;' Ric immediately and perfectly
mired Of them by,its user ! , '
for - ule lathe drug store. eteiwnstock Ik'
Fiddler street Dear Pearl. soid".ll 'Carlisle by .Ellto
• (tlec• it41840.6_1y
'~`~l.le.k~i4~_~i'`+" a ~,sb` `~,i t a~zfYV~l~e~~ 71.~'`l~€~4ut~*' 8u4"n :^s:l~:.l.~~".k~~
It is made known to us from the 'bills of Motality,'.
, the t_twotbi rds of the human familvdiethimally fyom
that Mal destroyer"Consumptionr Would patients
pay more regard to their health, and proeure rriper
remedies at the first attackonauy valuablelives would
be saved to.the enjoyment of their dearest Melilla and
relatives. It lea well known fact that "Dr. Swayneta
Compound Sypip of Wild Cherii" will arrest 'the
dangerous disease... This Medicine , hailnoved its
efficacy in thousand,' of" cases. z , The very many cer
tificatet,reeelvedi and the 'recommendations'flom
country agents, who sell thismedicinethrOughbut the
Tuited States, is truly astonishitig•-they speak from
ocular proof. witnecung the cures in their, own skin
- ity: This Certainly is sufficient evidence' to convince
to convince the moc.Skeptical of , the wonderful effi
cacy of this invaluable medicine. ,Will patients any
longer bc (biped kyr InesperienCed comparmdsire
commended by ignorant. . pretenders as ! cure-a11.,"
Whisk lkei . well know is both rnlnous to•the health
and constitution.: • • - - - •
For J. *Ors is Co.; csilislet and
Win Pittl e llhlppimithTT. Pi. Om 3411140-11 t.
_Craig, Deltas Co;
6-2; :74 7 .34 • tk`aaltz'
!rave remtived . to•the' capacious Warehouse recently.
occupied by.D.iLecch & Co...itt the north-weitcorne'r
o . l . c:berry and Broad street, Philadelphia:
; From the facilitieti which"the location and internal
arrangement of this depot afford, 30 to 40 Burthen,
Cars cattle accdnimodated to unload and load at the
seine time with sullicient room to,store 20,000 barrels
of .Flour, and 400 to 600 toil of Grain exclusive of the
forwarding department. • .
Produce of 'every description will be. received as
usual on consignments, and liberal advanCes made on
receipt (if required) until sales are'efeeted.
• North.west.eorner of Cherry.6c-13rond at,
' . Philadelphia.
, •
W., S. Cobesm,
R C E Zhi E er il . Fal : Ct • S :
l!enderson . Parker, Carhatz.
itenry Blmads,
Snunderson liossermon, • •
JrCol) SWo.yer, Jrewville.y
Darid loin, Shitipenstiorp
J. Logno Smith , Lsq. Cathie lChamAersintre
F A yster, Butz
,Pt. Co, , . •
Robert Fleming, -, • ,
Cntlierwood (.3 MI g r . phif a d e rhh m.
IVm:li. Thompson &co: . • •
Mikan & Brown, • .
Improved - Water. Wheel, -
pm: Subscriber having purchased-of the original
• A- . Patentee'the right o f the above .Water Wheel
-for the state of 'Pennsylvania, will dispose of individ
_ual rights or counties on adiantageouti terms. This
water wheel his been fully tested and rot/A-to been
tar Superior to any kind , in its tower' of propelling,
machinery, having a greater tome than any other
wheels in propot lion to the quantity el Water applied.
It ic.calculitted to be more particularly nicht' at'
mills, having- from two to eight feet-head-undfall,
and to greatly obviate the inconveniences experienc
ea from back 'miler.- •It is considered by those.hav-
In them in use as one oldie most important improvp
-ments that has•ever been• introduced for its simplici
ty, itrengtb, steadiness-Of motion and durability.. It
is constructed altogether of iron Rena so expensive
to make as an lershot, and operating with about
half the water and not liable to be 'obstructed by ice
in the winter. The.subseriber will devote his atten
.tion to calls for these n heels at such places is may
be 'required. '
• MICIIAE . I. M'MATH, Ibirrisburg.
This is to certify;l at I base put in one of Ilowd's.
Potent Laid Iron Direct 'Act,on IVater Wheels, in'
place of a Reaction Wheel , that the Direct Wheel
does not flood die tail race aseudi by tire inches
cad - grind"
els with the direct action wheel, an hour, and Aire
two run of:stones, witereJ mold not grind four bush
'els in the same time with - the.reacti - an tindAdrive-one
run of stones. iwrim_rAtorEsTocx.
Euphrata, Lan. co. Oct. 1838.
Allowav- Mav 5, 1834
This -arty cfbrfiiy, that 1 have liven engaged in put=
ling - 11-11owil's cast-iron.-direct -action water.
'wheel; kith hilthe State ,of New ,Vork and iii'Mield
ganoinil,-can girt: , it as my decided- opipiOn,tliat with
8 feet head or tinder, rightly, put in, . it will do more,
business with the same water than any other water
is heel which I have yet had, any experience inoand in
reference to back water; is second beg to pone that I
have yet tried. In recrrencoto guarding against ice,
there can be no better operatirim, and it is Very_ently
to he kept i n -
wr EN-A ILES; afilhmtla.
loway, Sept. 3, 1838.
--This may certify.that Ileitve had m_my . Mill one of_
Mr. Howd' wheels for thespace of one
year: It is a five feet wheel, and I have had a . re- .
action in the same place—) have also had 'Wheeler's
Union Wheel, yet Howd's will do, more
business with less water than any other I have tried.
It does well iu hack water. I have had from sto 6
feekhead; I think we could (to tis much• work' with
half the water as we used 'to do with the undershoot
wheel, Which has also been in operstion in my
. Lyons, Sept. 3,1838.
This may certify, that we have used "one of S.
.Howd's patent water Wheels since December last,by
the. side• of a re-action wheel, and we think t h at
Howd's will do double the business with the same
water that the re-action will do, or very- near. We
never havebuf three feet head, and can grind with
that eight bushel per hour. AVe are subject to back
water. This wheel will do as good beisiness under
bnclf,water as the re-action, and_we recommendit to
the attention and patronage of the public.
WM. - W. BERGSTRESSER; mill-wright, is
agent for the above mentioned water wheel in the
counties of DaUphin, Cumberland and York,and will
nt all times be ready to attend to their sale and-eree
tion, at the shortest notice, by addressing' him nt
Shepherdstown, Cumberland county, Pa. ,
April 8, 1840. • 1 •
. .
.Thereis not one case of Fever in a thousand, lint
may be effectually broken. up and remeied by. the
.use of this Elixir. it removes all ocidity indigestion,
bilious matter and ecitistipation from the stomach
and bowels. It operates gently and etrectually on
the bowels, and powerfully on the kidneys and skin.
It retwes all unpleasant feelinglafter a hearty meal,'
and promotes a good appetite. It needs only a trial
logive perfect satisfaction.. It hail become a general
practice with many to use this wide in all cases of
colds, pains in the bones,or heavy disagreeable feel
ing,tendering to headache or chiiliness. For hoarse
mess, ifmken through the day, it completely restores
the voice without producing sickness. Whooping
cough, and all coughs of children are cured by it.—
The stomach is kept in perfect order by it, and it is
quite impossible that any disease, should commence
while a person is using this - Syrup.
-- G:rifitikei9laily - it produces a rudy, - healtliY;and
- young - appearance;
byi riving off all the humors - of
_the.system._Sold_genuineat 2 Fletckeik". stmatonD
door below Pearl street, N. Y. by Comstock & Co., ,
' and by all respectable Druggists., •
For sale also by STEATONSON & DIN
‘i.K,L-E, Carlisle; Pa.
_ .
is the baseit. crime •in man.
We are not among that class of Editors who for ,a
few dollars will, (at the expense of truth and hones
ty) "creek up" an article and bring it into rapid sale;
nettker are we willino pill; remain silent, alter having
tested thy utility of au improvement o; discovery in
science or art.• OM.; rollers will recollect we told
them we were unwell -01 i n sore throat and violent
cold some few"weeks ago. Well, we purchased two
HOUND and so Sudden was the cure, that we forget
we ever had a cold. Those who , are affleted,•may
try it upon our re - Commendation.—Lewittown Tele r
rap& .• •;•
• •
• . For sale by
OIT , Ca rl i sle,
A. 3. NORTH, Newville.
• Also, by . Druggists generally throughout the t ry. calm-
Price S 0 cents per bottle. • '-
Oct. 28, 1840. • , ' • •
This extrioNlinary chemical composition, the re
sult of science and the invention of a celebrated med
ical:trian, the introduction : of which to, the public
was invested with the solemnity of a death-bed be
quest, has since gained. a reputation unparalleled,
fully sustaining the correctness of the fomented Dr.
Grfdlley's last confession, that "he dared not' die
without giving to posterity the benefit of his knowl
edge on this subject," and 'he therefore bequeathed
to his friend and.attondaitt i Solornon4lays, the secret
of his discovery.
. .
It is now used in the principal hospitals, and the
private practice in our country;firat and most cer
tainly for the cure of the PILES, and also extensive
ly and effectually as to baffle credulity,' unless where
its effects are witnessed: Externally in the 'follow
in complaints:
--For -Dropsy—Creating-2extraordinary absorption
Swellings-,Reducing them in a few hours.
' I
chtronie,—giving quick
Sores an& Ulcers---Whethet fresh or longstand
ing, and fever sores. .
Its operation upon adults and children in reducing
rheumatic swellings, and loosening coughs and tight
ness of the cbcst by relaxation of the parts, has been
surprising beyond conception. --The coinmon - re=
mark of those who hive used it in the • Pitee, is "-It
acts like a charm."
THE PILES.—The price, $l, is refunded to any,
person who wall USC's bottle of Ilfiyar'Liiiiment for
the Piles; and return the empty bottle without being,
cured. Theie are the positive orders of the proprie
toiqo the agents, and out of many thousands sold;not
one has"been unsueeessful. - • • • • •
We "might insert 'certificates to any, length, but
prefer that those who sell the ortielO, should exhibit
the original to puroluisers.
. •
' To Physicians etnd.Pa cients.
The Blind Piles, saidto'be incurable by external
I applicatioris.-4-Solomon Heys warrants the contrary.
His Liniment wilicure Blind Piles. Fitts - are more
stubborn than theories. . He, solicits all-respectable
physicians to try it up on their patients. , It will do
-there-no harm,
_ and it is known that every physician
who, es had the honesty to:maker-the - trial, has. can+
dl , dniittedthat it has succeeded Wevcry case
ther h ve known. Then why not uselt ? It is the
recipe or ,one of theirtnost respectable rnembers,m*
deceased. Why'refuse to' useit ?. Because it is sold
es a.proprietaly medicine? is this , a sufficient ,dx
°use for suffering their honeit patients to linger In
diiarpas ? We think not. - Pliyaicians shall be coil
vincterthattliere. is. ,no humbug. or 'quackery about
this article.-=-W by filen notalleviate human luffer
ing ? 'll6'l won't try it, before, let them after all
other preiereptiofis &I) Physicians are reMpectfillly
requested to dothemselves and psdiOnta thejustice to
use-this article. - • It shall be..taken from. the bottlis,
, andlione up as their prescription if they' desire.' '
''' -• ,'' ' • • ' . ' - ffOLOMON FIA.Y'S. "
Sold by Comstock lk Co. lifholetale Druggist',
4, Fletcher stre . et,Now York. -
For sale also 'STEVENSON &
PiNKtE. Carlisle.
Ihmemblir 1, 0 114°•*-17.
.• •
NUMEROUS remedies have- been offered and
puffed into notice- for diseases _of, the. Lungs,
some of which has undoubtedly been found very use,
fn.!, but of all that haVe.hitherto h.een known,it must
be Universally IteknOwledged thereis none that
ever proved as the "BALSOM OF
Stich itideeeitee the astonishing restorative and
healing propertiesof this, 'lflalsam;" that even in the
world •forros of Consumption, whim' the patient has
suffered with the most distressing , cough, violent
'pains in 'the chest, difficulty of Ihentlung; night invents,
bleeding of the rungs, &c. and when the moscesteem--
ed remedies of our Pharmacopins !Ind failed to afford
any relief, and even when BotanicOlomeepathic, and
numerous other remedies,lind 'been , used for-many
months iwvain, this invaltiable".remedy had checked
every symptom, and been productive of the most as:
tonishing Lefler In the early stages of the disease,
proceeding from neglected colds, termed Catarrluill
Consumption, it has been used with undeviating suc
cess, and in many instances, when this disease-seem •
'ed to have marked its -victim for an early grave, the
use of this medicine has arrested every symptom, and
•restored the lungs to a Mate of perfect health. "
In that 'form of Consumption. soprevalent amongst
delicate young females,, commonly termed debilitb, or
"going into a decline," a complaint with which thou
sands are lingering, it has also been used with surpri
sing success, nail
,not only possesses the power of
checking the prog ress of this alarming disease,but
at the, same- time strengthens and invigorates the
whole system more effectually than any remedy we.
have ever possessed... . . •
9 — j• Vplt COMPLAINT.---hr diseases of the
Liver, particularly When attended-with a cough,
gestion or wandering mins in the side, at lins also pro—
ved very efficacious; mid cured many cases of this
kind after the most powerfalremedies had failed.
. .
. .
IK7- ASTI' NIA. 1441.1 . i1s Complaint it has also been
used in numerous instances . with -the most .singular
titicetisi: . It opens the chest, rendering the breathing
perfectly free, arrests the cough, and will seldom Ibil
to give permanent relief. . .
(-•• BRUNCiIITIS.L—As n remedy in all Drool
-0161 aftioctions of the throat * attended with a hoarse
ness, cough or sore in the throat, it will Also he found
timrreffectual remedy, md will mostly afford int- .
Mediate relief if used at the commencement of its
(r:P ; COUGIIS common coughs
and.colds, that prevail so extensively throughout the
L - Cintee - , - it will be found much more enema] Alai any
remetlyin'use, and when colds settle upon the lungs,
causing an inflammation with pains in the ' breast,dif
ficulty or shortness of breathing, c., the use_ 0 this
Balsam' will suppress such symptts immediately
and at the same time prevent the gefrom becom ,
ing:more seriously diseased,
these complaints, so common, to young children, this
- will he'foundmuclEsuiterioe to .the Paregp
iiii-rnixir--Syliip Of Squills, and the:vile:icing - e g itli
mixtures in commit use, ail it is entirely free trom
any thing the leasiin)'urious, find may at all times be
-gieen- to children with perfeet safety,..itTiMiththe -- Cer-•
minty of its affording-them speedy relief. '
co' , AS A FAMILY 111EDIC1NE for Many otli
er Lomplaints, this Balsam will'also be found partic
ularly useful. Besides having proved an_ invaluable
remedy in alirulnionary affections, it exerts a .pow--
. erful influence over many- diseaseCtliiwnding-ft •
depraN ed condition' of the system, and those who have
suffered from the indiscriminate use of Mercury, or
other deleterious drugs, that, are, often compounded
in different quack nostrums, will find it n remedy of
great -value, possessing the power of strengthening
and invigoratingilie_wholti.system more efli.ctually
than any other medicine we possess. - •
icine has alrettdy - acquired great celelirity. there may
probably be some attempts to imiote_kand - deceive
the public with a spurious mixture, to prevent which
I would .wish all purchasers to observe the following
marks of the genuine Balsam. It is put up in bottles
of two sizes each, ,having the words \VISTAR'S
FIIIA, blown in the glass, and a label on the front
with the. signature of HENRY WISTAR, M.. D.
without which none is genuine.
Prepared for the proprietor by WILLIAMS &
CO., ClieMists;No. - 2T-Ciiinmerce streets Philadel
phia, and sold by the most respectable Druggists and
other appointed agents in all the .principal towns
throughout the United States.
ior.lrlie Genuine Balsam sold in Car-
Bile, by SAMUEL ELLIOTT, appoint
ed Agent.
• - . 'Price 1 :,o(ra bottle.
December 16, 1840-1 y
. - :r
- ~.
• . DR. I. C. LOOMIS,' .
14A.S.tieturned to Carlisle , and will, as heretofore
- attend - to-the - practice - of--Dentistry .--- He-may
be ound 'aA ,Colonel Ferree's Hotel. Persons re
plying itiivill be waited upon at their residedee.,
Refer ,- 0 DR. OV.ORGE D. FOULKE,
''`` Dn. DAVID N. MAHON.. , .
Carlisle, March. It, IMO.
Sore Throat—By cancers. ulcers, or colds.
Croup and NVhoooing-Cough--•Externally and
ver the chest.
All Bruises, Sprains, and Burns—Cured in a,few
ours. .
IFF insto Balsam of
An unparalleled reMetly I'M. common Colds,Coughs,
Asthma; Influenza, Whooping Cough, Bronclittie,
and all diseases of the Breast and 'Lungs, leading
to Coasumption; composed of the Concentrated
virtues of Horeheund,Beneset, Blood Root, Lay--
'erwort and several other vegetable - sitbstlinces.—
Preptieed only by J. M. WINSLOW, Rochester
--The innocence and _universally admitted pectoral,
virtues, of the Herbs from which the BALSAM. OF
HOREHOUND.. is made, are too generally known
to require recommendation; it is therefore only ne,
cessary to observe that -this medecine contains the
'whole of their medical properties, highly, concentrat
ed, and so happily combined with several .other ve
getable Substances, as to render it the most ,speedy,
mild and-certainreMedv; nor/in use, for 'the Com
plaints above ntq;nt . dineil., •
For Children, this Balsam is of inestimable value.
' It is a speedy remedy for the Whooping Cons* and
.Croup,and affordscertain reliefin Bowel Complainte,
I Chola., Teethin,,Ecc. It is pleasant to the taste, and
may be safely given to. the tenderest infant mid should
be kept at all tithes in every flintily, as it is innoli
better for the complaints incident to Children, than
Paregovie„GodfreywtordiaLlr.the pordinlssn corn-.
monly used, as I lreds in this City have testified.
Read the folloiving.—l hereby certify that early
in the spring of 1898, I-contracted a, severe. COLD,
whicli settled upon - my lungs, and threatened's - hasty
Consumption. I used severitl, prescriptions; but oh-
tamed little or no relief; -1 was much alarmed.—
Happening to be- in Rochester, I was atliised by my
friend, Mr. Winslow. to try a bottle of his Bat SAM
or Hon-moo:co: . I did so, and to my surprise obJ,
tained relief at once—and by the use of that single
bottle was perfectly. restored. to health. To • those
Milked With Colds or Coughs, at this -inclement
season, Isay "go and do likewise." -
• --" Pittsford, Mour(ie co., Nov. 9, 1 8 38.
Mr. John M. Winslow, Druggist, . •
. Dear Sir:. I have been for a series-of years-afflict
ed with an affection.of the Lungs, and a hard cough,
anti have many times arose in the morning as corn-.
pletely'exlinusted by excessive coughing during-the
night as a person would lie by a hard days labor. I
have tried most of the-popular-remedies-of—the-day.,
but never found relief until I met with your. Balsam
of Horehound. All the ath6r remedies or palatines,
instil - have used, leave the bowels in a congested
state, while yours leaves them soluble and fi:ee. - This
I consider a great desideratum.. On taking . dose of
your Bahxim when going to bed, I rest quietly thro'
the night,and •my sleep is 'refreshing.. I.take great
Pleasure in recommending your Balsam of Hore
hound to • all those afflicted..with - pulmonary. com
plaints or any disease appertaining to the lungs„suil
take, this opportunity to thank you for the great re-'
INT and benefit I have experienced through your ia- -
stiiumentality. • Yours, with nineli respect. .
. . .
, •
A.. 1 NORTH, New,sille.
• Alstt, by Druggists generally throughout the .toun
hp.rPiiceMteepis per bottle. ' •
April 15, 11 . 810.---17` =--- - .
-Fresh_Viedicines. •
• The subscriber has recently received large addl.'
tional supplies of • . .
. .
ineditines, Colors, Dye 7 Sl
. ottn,
Lioseed Oil, Spts. Turpentine, Copal . Varnish, Pain;
tens' Brushes, Varnish Brushes, Bumf Brushes, Sper
maceti Oil, (vety fine) Spo m Candles, Soaps in
great variety, Glass Lamps, Cap,. and Letter Paper,
Fruit,Spices, Perfumery, &e. Sze., which he will sell
to Physicians, Merchants and, others, tvnoLisALE or
by RETAIL, at the lowest noes, having purchased en
tirely for cash; he will offer bargains to those who
wish to purchase'stwholesale„ , . •
Auguso, 1840.
Are n purgative medicine, so natural to the human
constitution, and withal so mild, andpleasant in their
operation, that not the slightest dread of pain or sick
ness, need be apprehended from their use, even by
the most delicate: at the same time, if used in such a
manner as In operate 'freely, liy the bowels; those
morbid humors, (which deposited upon the various
parts of the body are the cause of every 'ache or pain
we suffer) will most assuredly be removed; mid' not •
only I - pni now distrifes of every description mi - clt4- -
vett from the body, but disease in any form will be im
nissible. •
For the game reason, when, from the sudden chang
es of atmosphere, or any other cause, the perspiration
.is checked, and those humcirs d•hich should pass off hy
the skin, are thrown inwardly,CßUSl ng headache, non
seau, and sickness," ains in the hones, watery and in
flamed eyes, sore throat, hoarseness, cough s,constunp
tion, rheumatic phi nem various parts of the body,and
many other symptoms ofcatching cold, the Indian veg
etable Pills will invariably give immediate relief.—
Three cfr four pills, taken at nightciigoingto bediand_
ripeneedu-few-tiniec - will remove tilt the above un
pleasant symptoms, and restore the body to even sour-'
derheidth than before. ..:
'rife ImlilMt -VSgetable Pills. (Indian Purgative)are
a natural, and therefore a certain cure for Costiveness:
because they-cleanse the stomach and bowels of those
bilious humours, which not only . paralyze, and weaken
the digestive organs, but amtlic. cause f headache,
nauseau and sickness; palpitation of the heart, flying
painsin various parts of the body, •ind many other
dipagreeable complaints. The same may be said of
difficulty of breathing, or astliMa ; The 'Ohm Vegeta
ble Pills will loosen find carry off by the stomach and
bowels, those tough pleghtny humors which stop up
all air cells of the lungs, and are thecanse of the above
dreadful cbm
In all disordered motions ofthc blood, called inter
mittene.remittent, nervous, inflammatory and parld
; FEVERS, the Indian Vegetable Pills will be fotinil
a certain Temedy; because they clemise the 'stoniiiiin
tind'howetiftlfalltilioutimatterituid ptitify tlfebToOt ;
consequently the cause brevery kind
of disease, they two absolutely certain to cure every
. *nd-ofTever.. '
SO also When morbid humors are deposited upon
the membrane and muscles, causing those pains, hi
dominations and swellings called Illieumatisni,G out,
&c.; the Italian Vegetable Pills may be relietton'as
always certain to give relief, and if persevered with,
will most assuredly, and without fail, make a perfect
cure of the above painful maladies. From three to
six of said Indian Vegetable Pills, taken every night
on going to bed, will, in a short time, completely_rid
the body of , all morbid and corrupt..humorif end'
Itheumatism,cout mal_pain_ofevery_description, will.
disappear as if by magic.
~, •
It should be rethembered that the Indian ,- egetable.
Pills are certain to remove pain in the side, , oppres.
neausea and sickness, loss of. appetite,' costive.
nessia yellow tinge of , the„skia and. eyes, .antl: every
Other' symptom' of:Liver Complainti'becauSe they
f;pOrge from the body these corrupt and 'stagnant hu
, :more which, whet; deposited upon the Liver, are the
cause of the above dangerous complaint. They are
alto a certain preventivesf apolexy and sadden death;
Because they carry off those humours which, ohstrue
Sing the circulation, predict
: cause of a rush,. or dete r -.
initiation of blood to the head--giddiness especially
On.turning. suddenly 'round—blimlneaildroweiness
--loss of - memory—inflammation of the brain—in.'.
sanity, and every, other disorder of the mind.
Those who from' habi t occutudi on. are kiqd much
within doors, should remember diet-MO+, frequently
breathe aa Atmosphere which 113 wholly unfit for the
proper expansion di the lungs; and at the samo time',
ing to want of exercise,die bowels are not aulicient
ly evacuated—the blood ecomes impure, and head
ache ,•indigestion, palpitation of.the •licart, and many
otherdisagreenhic symptoins, are mule to follmi.
Being a cleanseraf the iderimel and bowels,and a di.).
- riot purifier of the blood; are certain not only to re
move pain ordistreesof every kind from the the body,
built used occasionally, so , as to keep.the bodyfretr
froth thoielnimors-ahichare the cause or every itialc?..l
dy, under teseen, they' m
ey will Most ibureilly promote
such just. add equal "circulation o 'lie blood, that
Bose 'velar lead , a sedentarsiife,.wtflbe enabled' to
enjoy eaund health, and disease of, any kind will , be
absolatekf Itapoulble. ' ' • • '
•For sale by.
CllOlll3 OGlLBT;Agintir
Wee and OcTAI Ni t 169 Rafe *get
WO' lo• 1 5 40 074, •
T H E -SUBSCRIBER, respeetfUllY . fender: Ma"
'grateful acknowledgments to the Online' for the'
very liberal share of patronage, lie has received dur r
ing the past year, and. 'would', still continue to offer
them his prefeasional•iervicei in their various bran
dies at his residence, No. 7, Harper's Row. He files,
cleanses, and-plus teeth, and inserts incorruptible
tarrer mantic artificial teeth in the most approved
manlier; Charges always - Moderate. — .
J. C. NEFF, M. D.
- Carlisle, March 25, • • •* • - -
7161C1117 - .MEDICINES.
Prepared only by Dr.. D. Jayne, Inventor,
and 89k proprietor', No. South Third
street, Philadelphia, , and may be had o f
S. ELLIO'TT, and alio of STEVEN-'
SON DINKLE, Druggists, Car
' lisle, Pa. .
. .
These medicines are -recommended and :Offensive.
ly used hy s the most intelligent persons in the United
States, by numerous Professors and Presidents or
Colleges, Physicians of the Army and Navy, and of
Hospitals and Almshouses,and by more than three.
hundred Clergymen of various denominations. -
They are'expressly prepared for family use, and.
have acquired an unprecedented popularity through
opt the United States; and 'tie they are's° ndmirably
calculated to preserVe HEALTH and Cure DiSiASE t no
family should ever be without them. The proprie- _
tor ot these valuable preparations received his -edu
catkin* one of the hest MediealColleges in the
led States,and lids had fifteen Nears experience .in An
extensive and diversified practicem which behashad
ample oppOtunities of Impairing a practical, knoWl
edgeOf diseases, and of tne remedies best calculated
to remove them.
These •PieParetions consist of • •
JAYNE'S EXPECTORAN T-,tt valuobl remedv-,-
for cough, colds,- consumptioni- aitlark,,spitting -
blooll,croup, henming cough; bronchitis,pleurigy and
inflammation of the lungs or throat, difficulty of brest. 7 . _
thing, and all diseases of pulmonary. organs.- 7 Price
one dollar.
• Also JAYNE'S HAIMITONIC, for the preserva
tion, growth and beauty.of the hair, and which will
InkiitiVely bring - iii - new.lutir on. balillteads.—=Price
cue dollar.
tain and pleasant-remedy for worms, dyspepsii,piles,
and many other diseases.--Price 60 cents. • - •
certain cure for bowel and summer complaints, dial , -
due, dt•sectary eholie, .cramps, sick headache, sour •
stomach, cholera morbus,and all derangements of the
stomach sdl bowels, mervotts affections,tkc.Price •
50 dents. _ .
. .
diseases, liver complitints ; nostiveness, fevers, inflam
mations. glandular, obstructioim, dispases of the skin,
&c: and Mall eases, where an alterative or purgative
rnedeine is re qu ired.---Price 25 ertds a
11Tay 13,1149.- 7 1 y .
:—• • •
e s ~Hain •. _Tome,
of the groivili f pre'SCMsitio - ii . and"restaratitin of. the
hair. This is au excellent article, and has, in nu
merous instances, produced a fine" growth of hair
clothe heads de persons who had been,bahl for year?:
' -- lADIES Aro Oesfiistmr,---Do - you wish elegant,
luxuriant and.betiuttlial hair? -I know you will answer
yes. Hear, for oovmoMent, the cause of its loss, why
- surns gray, rusty and coarse, hurrah an
inpopleas its appear Mee, and finally Mils off. Each hair hall
a root in the skin, and is itself a hollow tube, through
which therein a CCHIStUpt ,irellintiMi of fine blood.--
-By-this:circulation, the:hair is nourished and held
first ; its glossy colour is - g - iven and preserved, and it is
.covered witlrthe finest oil: - Now northing which in
jures the skin of the. lamd, or diverts or takes away
the blood from it, *ill prevent or impede the circula- -
tion 01.61th:the-tubes of the hair, stop ita .growth, -
nod cause It to fall offor turn grar, be both. • -Hence
it is that hoc cause that Obstructs or weakens the cir
culation-of brood through the skin, or that diverts the
Stood to other' parts of the system, will take 'away the
lively, fresh and youthful appearance of the hair, ar
rest its growth, turn it _gray soonor or later,la;d is
thousands of instances cause premature baldness.
For sa le by
Carlisle, Pa.
May 13, 1840.--ly,
hair Tonie.---We call the attention of those af
flietedwith_premature_bablness„ toThe eXcel tent Hair_
Tonic prepared by Dr. Jayne of - thiS - - Having
used it ourselves, we can speak of its virtues by expe
rience, and we unhesitatingly pecinounce„ it an invalu
able remedy toprevent the filling off oldie hair,and
to restore it limn a dead, to a fine, healthy appear
ance. We eau also speak from personal knowledge
of the cases of two or three friends who were predis
posed to baldness, who by the use of Jayne's Haar
Tonic, have now luxuriant hair. We have no dispo
sition to puff, indiscriminately. all kinds of. remedies
'for. altdiseases which flesh heir to; but NACJI we
have testk.dthe virtue of au article, we are free to say
it is good.—Soeurgay Everting AO. ' ' •
Jayne's Hair Tonic.---We have,heretofore, num
bered ourselves among those• who believed that the
Hair Tonic - , - prepared'hyDr: — Jaynei - was - one - of the
• many quack nostrums whose virtues are never seen
beyond the fulsome puffs of their authors. We are
willing, at length, to make public acknowledgment of
the error of our belief. , An intimate friVnd,some two
or three months since, all the top of whose cranium -
was as bald as a piece of polished mar*, mauve all
-ourjesting and - ridicule of - th6Ailei - of attempting
to cultivate so barren a spot purchased 'a bottle or
two of the Hair Tonic from Dr..laii:ieNnd accordinga . •
to his directions applied it. During the present week--
the same friend usheredliimsel f into our prescnce,and
unemerirg his hitherto - naked head, astonished its with
a thin, t hough luxurinid growth of hair; from one to - -
two inches an length--upon the very premises we had
believed miunytelding to cultivation as the trackless-.
sand that skirts the Atlantio. l This is mk;tottfr, but is
religiously true,and to those who doubt,the gentleman_
can be pointed out. Whnt is more in favor of this
"Tonic," the case here cited wait not one of tempora
ry baldness,-no sudden loss of die hair---but %%us one
of years' standing, though the the gentleman is but .
forty-five years of age.--/liiiade/phict Spirit of the.
Times. ,
WAR ! WAR! WAR',—The iVig makers bare-
.declared linstilitiesagnieist our neighbor Dr. Jayne ,
'on account of his Hair Tonlicothieldiancieking_ali__ :
_their_ business into a."corked hat." Ladies and{-en..,
tlemen—old and young are docking to the Doctor's
standard. Hcatls long . divested of even thefirst rudi.
rmetits - oftairiliftor - usinghis - Rair - tonic - soon - appear---=
with new and flowing locks, whin's Absalom himself ' .
might have envied. :Beardless boys are seen with
large and bushy- whiskers; and kitties smile ..again,
through' their own raven ringlets more beautiful and
bewitching than ever. Bald heads are doffing their . • -
wigs and throwing them to the "reeks and the bats.? •
whiletbis Wigmakers stand aghast'. as they behold'. .
the deinelition of their business.
What will be the consequence of this war we know:
not . ,:as the wigqies are outrageous, and the Dosterre-.
MUM - firm; and -- deallafa - thliVfibme things can be
done as well aiothcrs,"and that bald. , heads may att-:.
well wear their own hair aalhstt of others.--[Week.
ly Messenger. '
Jayne'. Mai! Yogis.—We IniOt—at t a.ll,n9st every
corner, wiled pelattdnilsktiiigibempets, trieh wearing
long and glossy hair, which they to be prouiV • •
ol,andLothers who have raised, in a few weeks, a crop'• •
offilack thatiOuldvieiv kit thg glossiest
brain.thgt ever walked tie forest. 'lt bat . Puzzlhdms . ,
to know the secret of all thos e 'wondrous crops , of. '
hair;', but Messrs. SANDS, 79 and 160 Fulton'atree4.'
have gut , ' the remedy, where all who are curious In
such matters may learn n 'Minable seiret.—.Alw .
York fl7siq.'
Sold in I'hiladelphia at 20 South third Street.
. .
medicinehasalready go red itseltso„ by all that":
it tuts been recommended,. by, those; w ho Imre giten•
it a'fair testip this conidry, anti the drinund for it in.
We 'bare just heard of - imperial - se:* • 1
curs'of Asthma, which has been effected by, the . se of;
it in a neighbering team-Wm case wit that Of a re;
male who .had fora long ti - Sfe been :tindertlie 'care of • t
a phisician ? but had required-no relief, and- her miser „
wasrbeginning to be considered hopelesi. A a a' lilt
resort she purchased a hod!" of.Sr...rayne's, g.upecto. •
'rant, Whi oh ca used her tetipeciorate freely, gradual
-I,y eased liercough, and, is rapidly, restoring'her to
bealth. i l Mirehave no heitiation in saying that preps.
rationed Dr.•Jaymi, lorthe Mule of coughs, colds, m:
flitittea A athma, Consent/Mon, &e. isthe most vales. ,
ble me dicine eier offered to the American
There is no inseltees about. it.,- 7 11r. ,Jayne oto , 0
the meat *Kul' Orietising+hisiclans in Pennsylva• :.•
nisti ind,whireteritis preparatfonit base'beier then:
onghly4ested, isloOked,upon ass greatimidiebee- .
efiktor , ;;,./Souierset (111 e.) Journal: • - • ." •
,'' •
erealely, Samuel Elliott und ti,keveis9wair"'
- riles tJ