Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 03, 1841, Image 3

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Conferee Meetino•
, . At a meetineof the Democratic Harrison
Conferees from Adams, Cumberland and
'Franklin counties, held at the public house
gal Mr: Robert Cochran, in the borough .of
Shippensburg, on Thursday the 24th day
Of February,. the following persons pro
duced their credentials, and were duly ad
mitted, to wit:
adanis Countll—Colon'el M. C. Clark
son, George Little; and : H..l: Schreiner.
Cumberland County.—L-Siman ,Oyster,
Ida s athan Peal, and John Carey.
Frankliri County. Richard Buiden,
N. E::Kintzer, and Jacob Reigel.
MR. R. BURDEN, of Franklin county,
being calledao the chair, and Mi; SiDtox
'Oirsiza appointed Secretary,• on -motion,
t,he followink,proceeiiings were had, viz:
./iiio/ved, That JAMES ReNsunw, of A
dams county, and CHARLES WHAR'IoN, .0t
Franklin county; •be. appointed Senatorial
Delegates to repiesent this Senatorial Dis
trict in the 10th of Marclionvention, to
be held et Harrisburg for the nomination
of Governor •
Resolved, That the proceedings be-sign
ed by the officers and ,published in all the
democratic papers of the district. ,• -
SIMON OYSTER, Secretary.
The-55th • Anniversary of the . "
Letlres of. Dickinson:College,
was celebrated in the MetbediSt Episcopal
-Churcholthis•bormigh; on-Monday-even
'. ing. the:. gt[ultimc. A'he_ church, which
isJarge andcommodious, was filled tp oVer
'4lO-Wing- in:41111s - parts wi th - the beau ty and
-fashion of the place; and the.attention . with .
WhiCh - th — e numerodi -- atidlentelistened to
tlie respective speakers, evinced how deep--
ly they were interested in the-exercises - of
the evening. ...The -young gentlemen who
participated in - the - exercises acquitted them
iselves very creditably. The fit e.Band 'at
tached to Captain- SupmEn'S • ConmOtd, at'
the Carysle Barracks, under the - direction
.of Sergeant Aller, was in attendance, and
delighted .the - audience - With some choice
pieces. of most exquisite music.. 'The fol
lowing was . the Order of. Exercises ;
t..flnniv.ersary Address. • _
WILLIAM B. CARR, Loudon Co., Va
• .
• JAMES O'H. DENNY, PittsbUrgh, Pa
3. Reason and its Triumphs,
• GEORdE W. Knox; Carlisle; Pa
4. Respect for,the Dead.
JOHN F. CHAPLAIN, Talbot Co., Md
WM. R. WHITE, Georgetown,-D.-
6. Modern Stoieisin—t_. . _,-
BENJ—F—BuooKE,-Loudon Co. Va
7. Gullibility of the Sgt.;
JAMES LESLEY, Harrisburg, Pa
We are happy ip being able to add, that
Dickinson College js now' in a very pros
perous condition ,
. and may with justice be
ianied among the firstliterary institutions
in the Iltion. .
The Hon. JAMES t r. NOREHEAD has
been elected United States:Senatcir by the
Legislature ofKentuCkyto fill the vacan- -
.cv occasioned by the resignation of Mr.
Crittenden. •
VtttbiNta.- —The Locoloco • Senate O
Virginia has at length yielded, and -resolved
to go intoan election for United States
:_...Senatorin_the_plaee,of__Mr. Roane, ivhosi
term expires on the 4th of March.
2 ir - Torite Hon. P. P. BAnionn, of Vir
ginia;.' Associate Judge of the Supreme
Court Otthe United States, Wasfound dead
3n his bed At Washington, on Thursday .
morning lasi.• . •
it:r The Hon. RUFF ll£l . C:HoATE,has . boen
rth - el; - egistattire—of,-MassaCbii' 7
Otte to fill the vacancy in the United States
Seritte, o'Catiinited by the resignation of
Wriiet Webster. ----._--.
IcrJonar Y. BARCLAY, ESQ.; £,
,guisheil member of the Greensburg Bar,
iindilrother of Sentitorßar4Jay, was thrown
Irom'his horse. and almost tnstantly.
jrzr Tho Lobofoco Staie 'Convention
will =terrible at Hafrisbnrg on to-morrow,
March 4tli, tor the purpose 'of nominating.
a Gubernatorial Uandidab>, GUI; own' im
pression that DAvin Pollitlt will be
re-nbthinaiecNtilloot.inuelpiideti4; but
whether the'"Bfirn-bui s Uerri", eUdbe 104-
' •
pedinto.hissupport as easily ,
celltiricfs'frienilti imagine, remains yet to
tto'seeri. '" 2 • ' '
On Wednesday the March, the
Democratic Ilatrieint Convention willineet
in the eannit'place,,and
all we can le*n, w& incline.
to the opinion 'that the Hon. Jom.BANKS
or Reading 'will be the 'nominee of that
convention. Judge Banks is a strong man;
an unflinching Harrison Democrat, and
withal a gentleman and , scholar. With
such a candidate in the field in opposition
to the present incumbent, 'the result car.-
not be doubtful.
GOVERNOR POiTER.—His Excellency,
Governor Porter, has acquired ' for himself
an infamous notoriety of late. His pardon.
of 'Huller Citittine, before, trial, for a
gross libel on - certain citizens 'of Adams
county, to which we alluded a few weeks
lego, has been denounced
. in all parts of the
state as a wicked and dangerous use of the
pardoning power. But the censure of the
press of this state is Weak in comparison
with:that of the . press of other states. We
scarce open a paper, no matter from what
section of the Union,that we do not find this
Arbitrary. act 'commented upon 'in proper
terms, and his Excellency handled vilthout.
gloves. So great iias been.the excitement,
that the Pennsylvanian has condescended
to take up the cudgels in defence of the
Governor, and devotes a column of special
pleading in extenuation of IheArime. But
it will not do. The people can not and,
will not forgive this extraordinary use of
the Executive prerogative. .
Pen nsithainia L,eg Alature.
There Was no regular business transact
ed in either branch on. Monday the, 22d
ult. The two Houses met, together
. with
the Governor and Heads of Departments,
in the Hall of the House of-Representa
tives at twelve o'clock, when Washington's
Farewell Address_was:read, - •
In -the-Senate; - on - Friday; Tfitif
the election of eSfinl eoinmissioners (vetoed
so►ne time Since by the Governor) was_
lip ;-thcbill having been read, the
Speaker : propounded- the - Tquestion . "shall-
the bill passr: upon which - a long discus
siost. took place. On . Monday this bill
carne up again, - but was postponed for the
purpose-of-taking-up the - --bilt-for-the-eree
tion of an insane asylum, which was pass
ed , with amendments. On- Saturdiy the
vote was taken on the passage of the canal
commissioners bill, which:stood 18 . in the
affirmative and 12 in the negative._ ,There
not being two-thirds in its favor, of course
the bill was lost. •
In the House, as well as in the Senate.
great numbers of petitiOns wereTresented
during the week, for the legalization of
the suspension, and for authorizing the
Banks to issue small notes; there was also
oceasionally sa petition opposet to these
measures. On Thursday, the amendments
of the. Senate to the bill providing Tor the
erection of an insane asylum were concur
red in.'Mr. Binchman's bank bill, which
suspends the law of last -winter for forty
days,-was—made--the. order of the day for
lirairch - 3d. — OliFriday "the ha to secure,
to mechanics and laborers their wages, in
case of the insolvency of their employers,
after some discussion was referred to the
committee on: the judiciary. "This bill is
intended to secure to operatives, males or
females, the first claim on personal proper
ty ocan insolvent employer, for all , de-
Mands accruing six months before his fai:.
lure. The claimant to file in the office of
the F i rothonotary of• 66'court of 'ioirtmon
pleas, a Statementsof work done, and a
mount due in accordance with the 62d see
tion_of the act of June 16, 1836, withii
30 days after publip notice of insolvency ;
' -2nd-the-claim - tirreinairra lien - for •on e - year
frail] the lime of A spire facies .
shall issue within one year upon the per
eonsin' whGse possession the personal
ed - , -- ,the - plaintiff - shall'within- three months-
. .
ssue n fierifizqas, and sell the propert
editor of this popular' Journal will " trot
out" the first number of a new volume
this week. This paper—in addition to
repotis'i?f, races, general sporting intern
.gencei; and essa . raising arq improv
ing the •broed: oP stock . ,— , —cantains, choice
I ifeir - iffilieTe Ctio' t ng lis
zines: The''splenditl engravings 'aCcoin;
panying the work, are
. .elone. tvcifth. more
than ihti price of subscription, which is
Ono pr
We will take. pleasure hi fotwarding . the
names of zini:vito may ‘litsit to . commence
,with the new volume. .' • .
,The Unified Slates Bank and Othiti
Banks of this city.—Wo are exceedingly
glad to be able to announce to our 'readers
that information has reached us from Har
tieburg,.whOkleaves us* no' lo ger_lo- doubt
that'whatever action t h e Legislalure
takelii - regard to our - tanks, or: eih t ittevar
measure' 'ef: ?Are it May eiiten'tiNto them,
all Iranis vilithout distifietion will be treat
ed alike, and no invidious and, unjust dis
tinction made' tolhe 'eXclusieri:Of .the U.
"States_ Bank. :the Bank of tha..Uhited
States has - done mor e te, W
sustain' thelcredit'
`of State than'all the other oke in 'the'
'ci.ty.Put together. Why then stmuld
alone be excluded ftom any favors ex
tended 'by the .State Ifegislature to other
tre Q 4 LI' VII- Si' 7IP ittiatt °kr - go a
td:!Ytre :'extraCt, from the HarrisbUrg
IniciligenCe r, the following , notice of the
eppointnient•of the Hon. CHARLES B. PEN
ROSE;-ad Solicitnr of the Treasury of ihe
United states. Favorably known agile is
to the citizens of this county, it cannot but
be gratifying , to them to know that, his ex
ertions in the cause of reform have been
properly appreciated, and Abet ha-has been
called by General Harrison—among the
first- . --to take a high and important position
in that Adtninis,tration which 'hg , was so
efficient in assisting , into power.
For eight years has he served the peo
ple of this district, in the Senete of Penn
sylvania, with untiringozeal and unequalled
ability: and we feel confident theti to ichat ,
ever station he indY be•balled, he will carry
with him the gratitude and good wishes o
his constituents.
The numerous friends of this distinguish
ed ion Of Pennsylvania . , in other states as
well as-our olio; will share with us in the
gratification we experience in announcing
our poSitive. -knowledge, that the office -of
Solicitor of the Treasury of the U. States
has been tendered to him, and °has been
accepted. Without intending disparage
thent to any of 'the other gentlemen whose
names have been - mentioned in connection
with' prominent 'appointments - at - VV - ashing- -
ton, we feel warranted in - deolaring tlfat no
selection. could have. been made which
would have given more universal satinlae
Lion to thegßople of Pennsyl'ania.
The eminent talents and well tried in
tegrity otMr. Pettiose are well known. nd.
appreciated by the people.. They have too
long witnessed his:giant efforts io the cause
Of popular rights,:not to feel for him A high
respect and a Warm esteem. As one of the
steadfast friends . of General Harrison, he
accomplished as much as . any other man
to secure his nomination by_ the Nation 4
Cronvention, and . after that nomination, la-.
bored ideessantlyto . ..prQduce the grand re-
suit which ranked'Penns - ylvaniaamong . fim
-regenerated • Mau), and gave iO.: • the candi
date of the people the largest majority of
eleetors•arid - of The pomilar vote over cast
for.a.Presidentsd the, United States. ;..
- The office to- which - Iltf.-Penrose has
been voluntarily T called by the President,
is of the first importance. Will become
the--legal- adViser of:Ahe -Treasury:
mentin all mooted questions.
_ •
will soon take high rank at Washington
among the ablest men of the nation, none
who know him can for a moment doubt,
on we aro -highly gratified , in-Inawing
that the station which he will _assume -is .
.one- well Calculated to maki him as exten-
sively and,favorably known to the people
of the Union as he is now toile people of
sizrAt the County Convention held in
he city of LanCaster, to appoint delegates
o the 10111 of March Convention, the fol ,
lowing.. letter from- SOHN -STRonm i - Esq.
.was rod to.the convention:
karrisbui;g, Feb; 23,1541.
Dear Sir,—For some time past my name
has been, in some measure, connected with
the Gubernatorial question. • Hitherto, I
have a'scri'bed this to the excessive partia
lity or some Of my ardent friends, and so
longas it created_no,apprehension_of being
injurious to the party; Morbore to take any .
notice•ofAheireadom'-which l had been
ercised in thurttiaginemy nami ) liefera•
. •
the public.
But it has.been intimated to me that ail
effort . would be made at the county con
vention :on to-morrow, to - select delegates
to the state convention ,with a view to
• •
Apprehensive that such an atteiiipt won'd
produce, discord :1111°qt-those. who ought
to be friends, I entreat you to, state to the
convention, ilmy <game should be brotight
in question, that I hare no desire to be con-
sidefed a •candidate. Having nothing in
.view but the success . of the party,lor the.
well-being 'of the. 'community; I — cannot
suffer my name: to interpose the slightest
•obstacle_:te,:the=harmonicus -action-of-the
great Harrison party :_and, whilst I.thank
my friends for the kindness manifested
towards me; I' earnestly solicit them-cor
dially to•mitnin the support-of some one;
better_qualitiedLihilisLam,fer_that impor
tant office - ; will array the
whole- party-... tn_an_imbrakert_pitalanx_and
lead ms triumphantly to another glorious
victory.-. • •
Who the distinguished individual may
be, will of course be left'to the decision_ : of
the convention but were I- to.hazard an
opinion on the subject . , I should say,, that
the character of- the lion: John Banks
seOrps to combine ail the ietibisite'qualifi-
Arttioni,- and i'a.exeplpt from till reasonable
Objections, in a greater degree than that of
any Other: MO' m:ite.,.bbfOre•the public. '
knomrn - to be a high-minded, inde
nder.* 'idnrr y
pendent, fidnorahle, man, wbo cannot be
misled -- by the 'low- trickery of designing- 1
politicianp, nor s i lyirvid , from the,path - of
reetitudelb - y We i impudent assaults of reck
less 4eina#ogues.
flaring - accideinally - • learned th'at• yon
Were appoiMed one of the irelegates,. I have
taken 01e liberty to entrtit ,thisLto- your'
conddently expecting that you. will
coirldy with my request, if circumstances
"should render it . necessary.
Very. respentfully•your friend,
• ,
Jollpl- STROHM.)
Mr. A.
Mr. Editor:-The Com'aon_Stillools of
C,arlisle have artOed stia'high degree of
perfection underlhe superintendence of
'the 'present'lloarik pf Dirpters—it•itg there:
fore invortant to every citizen that nothing
should)* done Which might bY.
Operate injuriously, to the' system. ',The
spring election is approaching When two
directors , ' are to •be chosen, in - piece': of .
Mewing. Hertisav and',BLAlß t. ;term
then Thai.) geutlemeitclt
Raved, will serve another Wirt, if cleated:
hope,lhirefore r ttiey maybe`
That he
For the HeroldU krporitor.
without opposition. Last spring the elec
tioll of school directors was made a politi
affair--I trust it will not be so again.
By iiiaking it a party question we may
poshibly elect such men as will ncirbe able'
to giVe the necessary time and attention
required atthem as Directors, and thus in
jure the systera.: 'Such -will nottri - tlie case
with Messrs. Harlan and Blair—their
servides to the public for the last few years
in this capacity are too well knowri to all
not to ,be appreciated. Let all parties
therefore unite upon these individuals, and
thus continue the present able and efficient
Board in office another year. The inter
ests or the schools require it, and I hope
it will be done. Tout influence as con
ductor of a public paper is respectfully
asked in thus supporting the comnion
schools. A POOR MAN.
Temperance IlfepaitMeni.
.NOTM . E.:'• • - '
.The. Executive Committee of the :Cum
herland Colaity Temperance Society have
Meetings appointed as'follows:—
Tues. March, 9; (evening)-L-Mc.Allister's
• M. CALDWELL, Chairman.
March 2, 1841. -•-•
Par the herald Ei Expositor.
Mn. Enrron: = We present-the foll Owing Circular
Letter to your renders in general, for the interesting
intelligence it contains; and to the friends of tempe
ranee and to ouitAqiiliaries in particular, for .the
ptirpose;of saying, that if any of them are disposed'_
to join in this great. Temperance Juidlee, and will
communicate With as on the.siihject; we think some
members'of our society will unite with them: 'We
would like to see a- *legation going up ft;om old,
Cumberland with an appropriate - bantieriaii — d - Oti;-
gratulate our
. friends in the monumental city on the
triumphs of lemperance among them, though we as
yet find so little en - useof rejoicing home. • •
-STATES. * •'
FELLOW CITIZENS:—You have doubtless heard of
The great and , glorious Temperance revolution,
-which has been in. progress 'within - a' few months
past itrßallimore: Hiindreds 'of intemperate-men
have been reformed. Hundreds .of' families.mMe
wretehed and-miserable; have.been Made -- peaceful
and happy.—Firesides once the . seene's of woe and
distress,. now witness plenty and joy.---hundreds of
-habitual--drinkers -have been- persuaded - to - ahntidon'
the cup of inebriation entirely.—Hundreds of moile r
rate drinkers lttn become - '..Cold Water" men.-And
_the - forme'- friends of Temperance have had their
hands.held up, and their hea . rts cheered and nerved
anew. for redoubled'exertions in the cause.—Some :
ilarer Ater thousand persons havO'signedthe total
ahstinente pledge in Baltimore within about eight:
m041 . 44;41:: •. .
7ln -vieic of 'what has been. accomplished and is
stilt doing in this great cause, the friends of Temper- .
ance prOpose having a Grand Pro4lsion in Matti-
more on the 511 i of April next, which_day is_the first
anniversary of the Formation of the " Washington
'Temperance Society." In thin procession
.it is ex
pected all the societies of the city will join; and we
cordially invite • all -- the -- friends' of ITemperance .
flireughoutlhe Union, to:be present and Unite witli
us in the gladness and joyfidness of the thiy.
The procession will be formed bridle forenoon.
During the same day the Washington Temperance
Society contemplate laying the corner stone of a nem
ancl,sidendal Ball. This association, was formed
les;than a year since, and is composed only of grotvn
men: It 'limbers now about 1200 memb'ers;and
jks_several auxiliaries,. which- number- about 159
more. Besides these there are other societies re- 1
centlY fiwyned in' every section of the city; gyeWing
in strength and influence every week.
On the tAiE ht of the same day, it is pt 'nposed to
illuminate. the city'. We think the occasion aeserves
so brillitint an 'exhibition of joyfulneis in Baltimore,
not only on account of -the 'general merits of the
temperance cauie, but especially- because all are
'ready to admit that this moral revolution has It pied
with blessings to this city. •
. Friends Of Temperance! We say to you alt then
Come from every State and County in the United
States—lei' every / society send deleglteal—come by
tens,by hundreds and bs: thousands; and we promise
you wail" and glad hearts,llllll . ll cordial reception .
on the occasion,
It •appeara by-the proceedings of this .body just.
tblisheili that it was made up of a large number of
. fily-six Temperance Socie
ties, located in different, parts of the State; and that
it was fitadly_organized by the appointment of the
following officers:,
For President.
Hex. JOIN EWlNG,..otWashington_. county,
• Vice Presidents.'
llos F. Kitiosnunr o lit., of Wayne coo*,
CEO. H. Buntim, M. D.,.0f Philadelphia,
PROT. M. CALDWELL, of Carlisle.
HON. Jam C.'lluen.ta, of Harefittpieg.
SAMUEL ELLIOTT, of Carlisle,,r•
WM. C. Poutsorr, of Philadelphia.
Among. dig, most important Committees, we find
the followings` • •;
Committee td prepare Ausines f ifor the Convinifon ;
-Rev. Henry Slicer ' :Leonard Jewell , ' Thaddeus
Stevens, Esq ., Rev. A. 11.„Lochnatt,'J.. W. Weir,
Rev. J. H. A. BoMberger and Sly..Stecer.
Comniittee drat? an adkess,to the people; of the
'Commonwealth ;-4ftev. P. - esident.Hurbin, itev.• ,
McKinley, Jais. W. Weir, Prof. M. — Caldwell AIR
, -
Com''ititeear.eflitiSni E, King,sbury,
Rei; W. 'lt.' DeWitt, Rev. 1:1. Slicer, J. C. Copper .
l and J. 1). Steele. , '
The Petitions Presented liy the
,Litif named Com
' ,mittee• have already been extensively distributed
and signed; and the Address of the Convention, pit.-
pared by the Committee appointed for the purpose,
has likewise been published. •
Of the Resolutions passed,,we sekit the following,
- as among the most iinporthuh--.._,- „• -„
• Resolved,. That this (Jodrell:int) approve. ol the
puldication ofrTlie Age - , a temperance paper pub
,lislied in iLtiocaster eitY,"nntl 'that recommend
:the, friends of the tempeirnnee cause, in PennsAvania,
to patronite said publmatien, by ttaingsfforts bb7!.
mitt subscribers. • ' ' •
Redolved,.That we approve of dm lnd ding or Teni
-perance 4th of July Celebrations andthat welre.:,
cow-fiend to the - friends .ol.Temscrancre generally,
the formation -of -Juvenile TeMpertint f e'Assoidations
in Sabbath Schools, fsto. t' - • •
,Retolved, That thine friendly - tot OM . TcriMerance
cause wouhi lessen essentially the...facilities for, in.
lempexance,by,iteritly refusing to: lease stereo, tar:.
erns i pr.shops, designed to be occupied fort:faille in
intoxicating driiikra• - -to • -•
• .Reldlvedy That while thecianse of Temperance,
with its elevated principles and' tssochitions, ought
not to be connected with the 'strife tif'parly politics;
yet it is still regarded asatihfeirihtlutfpf the friends
of order and moritlity; . to 'eve preferenee '(other ,
things being equal) to candidateiy,Who ere not 'only
temperate themselves, but are kninin'
mica! toAthe Temperance Refoim;
Resolved, That this Convetitiqat, dant it duty
solemnly to ,reiterite 'the sentiments 'expressed =by
theAmerioan - Teruperanoe, Convention; of' I Ask and'
confirmed 'by all subseptent.obserratitin and 'refiec-
Charles—L. Isl. Monroe; T. B. Lemon.
EbenezerGeOrge G. Brooke: .
.- North Baltiniore District -IA. GurPrerit, P. E.
.Northßal_timare—D—Steele,. Thos—W-Sarge_at
---T, Sewell.
East Baltiinore,- 7 G.'Morgan,.- NV Prettyman; -
Seamen's Bethel-',Johb Smith: .
. .
Greaf • Falls-4ohn Bear, Basil Barry.,. -
Harfor&-Richard Brown, -.1 NV: Culluin.
Havre de - Grace—TliolowNiyers . : - -
Shrewsbury—Oliver Ege, Thompson Mitchell.
Yorlc.l.' C. - Lynn. .
Carlisle:Lnenry Slicer. . • '
Carlisle Circuit—Thomas McGee, 'r:Switier. 7
Gettysburg—Josiah Forrest, Wesley 'Howe.
Liberty—John - - - A.-Gere,- W.-/Cronin, A,
Morga - ri, sup.' - •
Frederick city—A,.A. Reese.
.Frederick G Dill, J. M Jone,s..
Montgomery-.-Isaac Collins, - J Fl• Brourn.
Codorus Miss.--W Monioe.-'
Potoinac - iNstriet - E P. E.
Alexandritif-Francia AfeCartney, J. W
Foundry—TX. Thotnt:c
Wesley Chapel—iohn D,
Georgetown—Wm 13. Ed .
Rock. creek—Geo. W. !sr
Fairfax—C. A: Davie, W
Leesburg—W. Wickes.
Lbudon—R. Cadden, S
Warrentown—L. F. Atorgan._
Stafford—N. Head/L. J. Hahaberger.
FrederiesburgL—Thos; C. Hayes.
Westmoreland-Al'. S. Harding, C. E. Browne
Lancaster—H Best, T:-Wheeler:
12ockin / gham DistrictS. Bmsert, P. E.
ndi x am—A. A. Eskridge, J. Stine.
Augusta—A. G. Chenowith, J. Guyer. •
Deerfield—J. Gamble.
6 I
Lesdittork:—W. H. Enos, Z. Jordan. '
Rigden,ll. H. Crever.
Monroe—T. H. Bony.
Covington—D. -tout, E.'l7 Jamieson. • -
Lewisburg—B. - 11. Nadal.
Lewisburg Circuit—J, S. Martin, W. H Renick
Huntersville—T. J: Dyerly.
Franklin—J. Clarke, F. A; Harden:. • •
Winchester. District-4. A. COLLINS, P. -E.
Winchester Station—Wm: Hamilton.
Winchester Circuitß. 'lll _W; 0
Jefferson—E. R. Veitch, M. G. Hamilton.
Harper's Ferry—N. J. B. Morgan.'
Sliepherdstown—S:S. Roszel.
Berkley-4, Hodges, W. F Mercer.
Hillsborough—S. G. Roszel, W Evans
Bath—E. P. Phelps, N. 1... Fish.
Springfield-,W.-G. - Eggleston.
South Branch—H Holland.
Moortield—J• Watts, .8 Smith. h. •
WardensvilleG W Deems. • - •
WoodstoCk & LurayS Hildebrand, 1.1 Hoffman
eranibersburg District—A SMITH,'P
Cifambersburg—Jared H
Waynesburg:-1 Tarring, M A Turner.
Hagerstown— Merriken. .-
Boonsborougli j
a—M Gobeen,
M - Mills, R Beers, S I. M Conser
Cumberland -E E Allen.
Bedford—l S Lee,
•.1. M Greeri J• 8 Morris, sup,
Lielcing Creek—S McMullin, 3 . Moorliesd.
Concord=- - -J Bards, F Dyson. •
Bloomfield—J Parker, 3,Maclay.
McKeehan. _.
Northumberland . District—G num.; P
Sunbury—J Ball, G H Day. • • p
Danville—•G Berkstresser, , GGuyer. .
BerWickz—.l.Ewipg, W:T D o.lernua.
Luzerpe.LE McCollum,,,,) A Ross.
Northbmberland—T Taneyhill J Miles,
_ _
Lycoming-42 T Nixon, J W Rough.'
Bollefonte—W Butler, F D Owen. ,
•Clearlield•T.Hildebrand, Sio . yensen.
Warriorsßlllntk-TSttevens, S Register.
Williamsburg—James Sanks, E Dutler.'
Hollidaysburg-4 Larkin: '
HuntingdOn.,—,T Munroe, W . It ,
Lewistolfn--;;D ThoirtilS . ..'' • • -
Lew.istown Circuit—J claulrer, - Z Bland.
Thomas'amgmnd,'Griarnmar ScitopiMickihsem
College. • • • - • - •
George G Coolcman and John Poisal, transferred
to New York' Conferenory „
Riphard Bond; transferred. tb, Missouri Gorey ,
oldVEagt . l.3AittriliKMreiti',l6, 184 1 1._ ..-',
- Pun vs. lltoupy%rritsp. -All Oarlii of the
-blood are, not , with equal, eargi•auppliedi.ivir. with .
equal, ease ditichlirged from , (lie, system ,:; The :former
• of these positions is illustrated t•hy comparing,
• the: eifik,ts of bloodletiing• %vitt .. theme of, puegatitea..
Wire reoOvet frona.the,eff'vts of many tinius.,t gtiau
Aity; iiiisaharged by the !alibi. means, 400 the ume
required : in the cum, of, bloodlettings by, the
one; it ohicfly .. the Watery juiyt of the Wind Iwhioh .
is drained' off;; by; the otheratorl:wrik•this,4h;,
snort eitaelitia 4189. , ; While ; purgatiOuleasetui
'the quantity of blooil,lit tealeiiivhat remains ilehOts,
Thus the oeasinienttins-loOseiilli hk irk-
• deeirihe. life' of' the #bloettlY,Ofa *ate art ;Of Hip '
blood being oblxfliat ishieh is 4ischliFted bt'pixf:rte;.'
dies. 'Thulli of thii , you whOse otinstitutionsi are
than, that the Making, selling or using initoxicatin
s a beverage, is morally wrong, and. shout(
be abandoned by' ll who fear God or regard the bes
interests of man. •
Resolved, That those Clergymen who have em
ployed the influence of their high office to promote
total abstinence ,frona the pse of intoxicating drinks
as a beverage, Merit the approbation 'and thanks of
- this - body, as , having performed a duty, sanctioned
aliko by the claiintrof their - countt7 and their God.
Resolved, Thltt all Clergymen in this Comecon ,
wealth be requested to primich on . the subject, of
Teniperapte on the lirstSunday - of March next, or
us soon thereafter:hi they.may.fal it convenient. - -
On motion the following geoilerrien were appoint
ed delegates to attend. the National Temperance
Convention„.io be held at Saratoga Springs, on the
last Tuesday in July next.
Hon: John H. Ewing, Hon. John C.
N. Burgin, M. D., Rev. G. A. Lyon, Itev....J. P.
Durliiii„Rev. H. Sillier, Rev: D. D.• Lnre, Rev.
Thomas P. Hunt, Rev. Bernard C. Wolff, Col. T.
.Robinson, Prof. M. Caldwell, Hon. George Darsie, •
Rev.7 . A. Atwood, Rev. T. Brainerd, Rev. D. Gil
lette, Rev. A Barnes, Rev. D. Colleen, Rev. J. H. A
Bomberger, Rev. John A. Boycliev. Ignatius Coop
er, Rev. Dr. Cathcart, lion: A. M'Calmont, lion,
W. Jessup, John C.ltryker, Hon: E. Kingsbury, Jr.,
John H. Gordon M. D., John L. L. Janewny,Rcv. •
A. H. Lechinan, Thomas Watson, Joseph M. Ster
rett. • ' • • • • • - '
. •
. . ,
By the Baltimore Annual Conference'of. the
Methodiet Episcopal Church—February 1841.
Baltimore District—N. WILSON, - P. E.
Baltimore City—Jqb Guest, J. A.. Henning, John
Rice; Robert Emory. •
Fayette Street—C. B Tippett.
West Baltimore—Tohnlliller, S. V Blake..
William Street—William Hank.
Sharp Street and Asbury—JoSeph White. •
Summer6eld Circuit l —Joseph Piotner. • :
Baltimore City?hilipßescorl.
Baltimore Circuit—::.l. L. Gibbons; B. N Rrown,
G. L. Browii, . _ - -
PatapscO Circuit—P. D. Lipscomb, G D.. Che
owtth, Crary ; sup..
Patapsco StatiOn:— T. H W: Monroe. -
'Severn—W.' H. Coffin,Tobias Riley.
Annapolis Henry Furlong. •
West River—S. Keppler, C. Parkison, P Doll.
Calvert—C. B. Young, L..,Waters.
St. Mary's—James Reiley,'Alberi.Balter.
Bladensburg--R. S. Vinton, W.: Rohr. S Ellis,
• •
To those who biing.up Childr e n.
Dit:'PEttrs-Dear Sir—l take this present oppor
tunity of inforMing you of the wonderful :effects of
your invaluable SOOTHINQ
Child was fii•stlaken with: fits of
screaming and crying; attended with ,a dreadful
bowel complaint. __l sent.foi a . plusician, he came
and - told me he could do nothing for it, but "to lance,
thegnms.", This'l would ,not•subMit to,beiben re
'commended. your- invaluable' sootlibig yrup"
whichl procured. at you - oftce, - .1%r0.. - 19 IsfOßl 11
EIGHTH STREET. As soon us I obtained the
medicine, I used it according to the directions. The
effect was astonishing; the child went ,to sleep and
rested :well' all night----The'_iiex.t_ i morning.Luseil
'again, and continued it for several days. The child
recovered immediately, - and is hearty to this day.
Happy would it be both for parents and. little ail
d-ren, Walley could haye.accesfito a small portion of
your medieme.--Lam-sure thatinatmetwould-be no
objectin comparison with human suffering.
. Sept: 9;1840. - -Spruce Street. -
N. IL. PrincipnLOlßCe - for - the kite of this invalti=
able medicine; is at No. 18 North Eighth street,
Also, For sale, by John J. Myers & Co., Carlisle;
and Wm. Peal, hippensburg,
NI Alt
n, sup,
Balliinore, Feb. 27, 1841:
General'ilemiirk.—Business in general is rather
dull, Mut must so continue - until 'Spring openti.-L-
When the Pennsylvania Canals : are opened, an ac
live trade isconfidently looked for.
CATTLE—S6:SO for good to $8 per 100 lbs. for
prime quality.
HOGS—ss,soto'6 per 100 lbs. •
FLOUR—S4:2S to $4:31 . .
WIIR4T-90 cents per bulk
CORN.-4 1 - to-45 - cents per - do.,
.OATS—SO to 31 cents per do. .
CLOVERSEEII4—S4:SO to $5:23 -- per - do,.
WHISKEY—Prices have been steady dfrringthi
week at 21 eta. for Wis. and 23 for bbls. - The wa
gon price is 18,1 cents oXclusive of the brrel.—
Balt. Pat. '
FLOUR--$4,50 a $4,44 per burrell. '
CORN MEAL—S2,SO Per bushel.
RYE FLOUR—S 3 do. do.
. WHEAT-40 cents do. do.
_ RIL-7-s,o_cents . .•do.
. WHISKEY-1u bids. is held ut el cents, and sales
of Wads. in Broad st. at 19 els. pergallon.--.lletrors
Star FI Democrat.
• 7iIARRIED; - •
0. On file 18th . ult. by the 'Rev.. Henry
Auriuul, Mr. Joseph-Uriek - to - M - iss - -
Grabill, all of Monroe township.
In Baltimore, on the 14th of February
last, M r rs. ilfOrwirel, wife nf.Mr..William
, -
-Armor, In-the-49th-year-of: her age.
';% . '" - Oh - 'the2:l(l - . 1111 - imo - , - liebeeca'c'rctuforik
. daughter of Mr. C. Foster, aged 2 years.
/in this borough, on 'Wednesday triserning the 17th.
ult.,at.tile residence of. tier father Gen. L. Armor,
Mn,. 111:13ECCA E. P. SALKEILD, wife of Mr.
i Joseph Salkeld, of Watertown. Conn., in the 24th
year alter age. . •
Scarcely has the bond of Aime been suffered to
'assuage tlielgrief. whick the Joss of a beloved and
duly dangliter had,entailed on n fond father, ere the
ravages of death. are rigida visible, and plunge him
into renewed sorrow by tearing fromJihn the alien.
-titillate wife of his bosom. lice health liadiMen
alining for some months ; -ccinsuinaption 'was proSe
-,enting-its-deadly-workrut,ltezl4ml f•iends-little
expected that death would so soon remove !ter from
',tinge midst: llut she appeared convinced that her
,sojourn upon •eavtli was to be very short, and her'
time was diligently dpent in making a. preparation
to meet her Gad. She became w cominumeinit of
*the Protevant
.Pedscopal Church- in the spring of
)1839, and suite that period she has - heel' ir sincere
and meek followee of her blessed Saviour. It
howevee;withie a few mom hi past:that her religious.
charactertias been more evitleniltdefeloped. Thu•
death of her. daughter (ivsevere and grevious etik - S.;
titement) served to strengthen the faith am! gllce in
:otroiased confidence .to her Innees l • while, bee, own.
personal afilietims were "working nut for , her a the
more exceellkiiipultl eternal weight of glory,'?
was her. constant companton—Jesiiii her emu,.
Ainual_tbenne. To her, death prescided no - terrors.
A- tlepartm•e- front thia.world_
-she partOok. of the ,higliest. girt which it is. in the
tower of the4hitrch te,offee- , •;the syinluils of the
4Oro ea body and sited blond orn..cruci tied ltediterier.
.She joined in the'generaf ceafeisien With a faint but
fervent,tode of Name; n'sid.wkiile by this last:net of
her life-BiteeOnsecrated horsrlr anew' to her blessed
Sasiouri - che reaped those, benefits which nii'sC. when,
tt with gt - ,,tine Penitent lieSittand ylvely faith ,wore.,
Oalve.that' holy ritioessitentl" Afteriihui she ctatitern t .
ed freely the
.enhP,4:ol4entli.,leel•.ei*At.e4 tbe;
great spiritual bi.jaytnetil She. hattAeriscd-tiec
reqeption , orthe*ContruentOti.`. tier hist. wordslo her;
r•linibssfl t'Mere,"l phone noleitliattite:lit Myself, itruet :
only iii,, titi.r - 'Bo""calrplY ; tititi,tsercitely,ditl the, awl" ;
of her . inelitil:iioitaiirts, set; flat iktipugh a rehathre
was in tiff itooni,iiiiirlieetlitilibantloitanding.hy , her:
bedelthi,llsllloo,o.94 - Ihat
hteTiorkni) ,iiOhtinesotne'niinntes aritie t liett happy'
teat Whit. boltsfAiot td joys eiwrltitttick Thus
she died hilhelanguage of the offices or the literal)
• inclined to plethora, and iu tilde purge with that
Most innocent of all purgatives , the far-famed
Brancfreeet P4etable Un i versal Pills. They are
known .to not on overy . pnrt of the body; being taken
up by chyle they palm Into tho blood, which they.pu
rifv; andit should Betemoinbered that they remove
only. those watery parts from the blood which 'were
the.cause of intlamatiOn.. 'Nothing is equal to rid:-
ding the vitiated.humors with a vegetable medicine
of this - kind,whiefireiglati-four yearadmve proved.
never to do injury, Mit always good. " in Ccirliele by .IGEO: .W. lIITNER,.
and in Crfnibeiland azmly by Agents published in
another part of thispaper. •
Froin Spirit of the Times.'. -
CostiturneAtioN.,...SEEK HEALTH ANI:i EN
-10-17LIVE7-=lf-yoir-ivisli-torretainitthe ilchest bles
sing, attend early to . yourrielf; whenever Thirfiliy
that your appetite becomes impaired, your bowels
costive or bile , on the stomach. Remember--Dr.
Procure them immediately i and use them according
to directions,.they will :immediately remove these
primary symptoms. from the system. But if :you
neglect yourself they will form n host Of maladies,
.such as dyipepsia, liver complaints, aandiee, pain
in the side, billions: - afflictions, fevers; &C. which
are more obstinate to cure, besides attended with
pains andmitch distress. "Dr: medicines"'
.will certainly cure all forms of the above mentioii
e'd diseases.. Thelattiani nnistlimiever not conceive
in the latter-stages tr'eure can be performed. in a
feiv days or a week. 'lf thernedicine lied been used
at the very first attack, the disease could
,haVe been
eradicated in. much 'shorter time . The.miedleine
must therefore be used strictly for A fortnight be
fore Much decided benefit will be realized.
• PillinClqi Olin. Sept. ad, 18.10.
Office, No. 19, North Eighth street,
' Philadelphia.
For sale by Dr. J. J. Niers Si CO., Carlisle; and
- Wm. Peal; Shi ppeiisburg, Pa.
We call the attention of thelinblic to OA! numer
ous certificates, which have been in circulation in
our paper and tome others of this city, highly re
commending Dr. Swaynel CoMpound Syrup of
NV.ild 'Cherry; we have seen illnipriginat certificates,
and !lave no doubt but they come tromJruly_great
ful hearts, expresiive of fife benefits which they have
received from that very valuable Compound. We ,
have acquaintances .who have .frequently used the
ahove'medieine, who can speak with confidence of
its virtues.--Sat. Chronicle. .
Prineipal'UlFiee, No. 19 NOM'. Eighth street,
Philadelphia. . .
For sale by. Joh n J. Slyers
Win. Peal, Shippenshurg, • •
"having the testitnony of a good consciencetAh- the
communion tit the Catholic Church; in the ctiOdence,
of a l ertain faith; in the comfort'of a reasonable, re.,
ligious, and holy hope; in favor with God, and 10'
perfect charity with all the world." "Blessed are
the dead who die in the Lord."
. Mrs. Salkeld was an enthusiastic admirer, of 4Nthi
ture. In all itsvaried forms of attraction, it was to
her the'object of fond contemplation and, study, anct
particularly as it exhibited the works and designs of
an Intelligent Author. She haigonh: • Bhe- , has
sed from our view into the full light of eternal glory.
But - the memory of her virtues, will ever abide in the
sanctuary of , that- home her. presence made. - joyful,-
arid of Mat heart her love rendered happy. - •
Estate of Ma r'y Rupp, d ec e ased : „.
"'" ~_
F,Rg TE_SAMPSTARY L on the estate
• of Mari, Alupp,Aiiire - isf - Mechaniesburg, 'de=
eeased,baving issnett.tb the subscriber in - dile* form:
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons indebted to
the estate of said deceased, to make immediate pay...
milt, and those having -deltas to present - them for
settlement. ". . . ' - •
• .Executor of Mary Rapp,,dco'4
March 3,1841.---6 t! ' ••
G — aideti
- F.
HAVE just received my usual supply of fresh •
Garden Seeds, which . may be had.either in pa
pers Orin bulk, at the agency store of
'Carlisle,Dlarcb 3,1841.-8 t •• • . •
C cr.,' °or' •
XroTlCE;lsliereby given, that any person„cniting
IA or carrying away timber-, hoop poles „rails, or •
any other thing, on or from the Mount 11 / olly Estate;
without my authority in' writing; shall / be prosecu
ted as a trespasper ; according to,lawvand all persons
are cautiotietlegainst paying rents,,Ocept tolnyself,
or to_ wry 4iritten order; as there-Is no agent author—
ized by me to act in these Mattera r nor do I intend •
to appoint attys. '
_Z-. 4 •• 1 . • .
• -
Attorney of the rOinevs tr. Mechanics Bank. .
^Harrisburg, Feb. 6,1841.«-6t .
Calf. at Kpfiledy's „Shop if you want
'I ° tl'
~~~~~1 ~~
t .
0 •
. .
• . ''
. . .:
.E..-h ) _ ? r ., 1 .. •' N ... ..
r 2 ,111.. - . l'A .
-..,. . 1 .. :9 7, -.q. 11 . 4 . 4 . .
....... f .,........< - - ": - .: - 77:Ip.:
~._....,.., _ -4:..3E-...,-.--.:4 - _. , ,. E -..• ie. ..... - -::.,+4_,, - ..:,..... - -x.a , 7.... " .....r.0 .
' -- ; , 7Z - 7 - - - -,.7 4 ,..i... - ... t.:71". i . ... - '. g.74:-" ,,, ;: . W. 7.7:-.::-.-',.
. ,
' t 4 • ' Jo , .' 4
-- . _C_lleapzCarriagcg:._-_.
T r HIR subscriber has tulle on band and is finishing,
-between-60-iind 60 Carriage's, of - different pri
ces and patterns; such as , .
• •• • COACE-it,E •
Falting Top Bin. °etches •
~. - •
Standing .top-Family•Carriages • Tilbretiea , •
and Buggies of evcry variety.
Both Carriages ruid_Tilhuries . will be seat! cheaper
than eirer - ollimed in this country before, prices $lOO
to $4OO for Cash or good Paper. Having . a very
heavy - stock - on - hand; - the subscriber will - heilladT
to sell very lor,and hope's
_persons :wishitut
purchase Carriages Will give him a call before going
Also, a large assortment of .•
Silrer,•Brass add Japanq
_ .
mid Single.
- The above 'fork is made -by fit ; srrate - Workmen;
and of tile. choicest niaterials. -
irr Repairing done ns usual at the subscriber'q•
Shops, situated on Put street, imnieditdely-in rear
of Site Methodist .Church, and near the Railroad
Carlisle, Naval 3, 1841.---Sm.
Splendid Eolleriee.:
D. 5, CAIEGORY Co. Managera.
30,00.0 Doll ars
40 of 115100 Doittre;
Virginia Wei IsbEt rg Lottery.
- CLASS C for 1841.—T0 be drawn at Alexandria,
, Va. on Saturday.the 13th Z. , rcli 1841:
$309060 - "410,000;
5 ; 000' Dollars 3,070 Dollars, •
• 3,500 Dollars 3,000 Dollars
• 41
2,0 Dollars
• 40 of. I,so9^Dollars &o.
Tickets only slo—halvesOL Quarters—s2,so
Certitiutesol Packages of 25 Whole Tickets $l3O
Do. do 25 Half do .65 •
Dd. do 25 Quarter do • 82 50
30,000 Dollarg!
AND 200 Prizes of 41;500.
Claes C for . 1841.—T1,. ,be ni—Alexandria
Va. on Saturday flip 201.11 Alarelii !SU. '
$ 30 ,000 - 1- - $1.0,000. • I
' $5,000---$3,000-421557---0,000.--$12906-
$1.8(1,6=-' ,700 - --41,600 —2 of $1,500
0 - 1;30 0^-» s'' $4i2.50---2130 - •
• of $5OO &t: • •
Tiaels $lO-.4lalves SS--Quarters $2,50.
Certificates of Padkagesof 25 Whole Tickets $1:0
Do. do '25 Half do 65
Do.' -do 25 Quarter . 32 50
--$40,000—515,00H0. .
clan Rito .1.041.—T07be drawn; at Aleianifi,lai
Va. on Saturday, the 271 h of :March, 1841. •„., ~
G/14.2VD..,.:540E110.:.! :
. • . $40,000 . "" t1414:10 ! ` ;' . .
1 . 0;000 . Dollars' ; 3,000 Dollart
6,000 Doffurs 2,320 . 1301raiii • -. •
5,000 Dollars . . , ' . •'- - •
. 30,Prizes,0 1,000 Dollars. , .
60 of $50050 of T 0.100129 of $.06, &O . :"
Tickets only $l - r-lailv,es $5.-46idtair48 - SD --- ' --
Certificates of Packages of 26 Whole Tickets $l4O
I' Do. ' •do -. 2t1.11911 do , 70,
Do. . do £6 Quirtei• do - S 5
• .
i.e.; Orders for Tickets and,Shares and Certificates
Of 'Packages . will be promptly attended and-as.,
soon as the drawing is over en recount of it' will be'
forwarded to'.all who order from ute • Address
• 1), S. CREGOIP . E
cp..3lfna g ees,.
Waibington City, D. C. ,
' TY-Te. vat or • • • -
cria'aitikr , eflaki m e --r etable_rTniver. -
' • sal. • '
••A re Id by the following agentli_ in their respect ; -•, -
tive..couuties. . As ouinerout eoondi-rfeits
pills are attempted to be palmed upon the ooroinonf:,
ty,the propriety of porehnning:oady from.tho reeve. .•
sized agent s, will. be atiptrolit t .:: i • ,
Qortiberiami COUtiis•-:"GebrKe:sl%llititetirtirlislt t • •
Aleehiudesberil - Gilmore- lk,-MisKinney,
; S. .Culbertsim, Shippenstiurgi Boke -,
vremii,ilion, New Climbed - Imill ,Isanis Bartow;
bin nF M . Shfrentanstowii; Riegells co.-
•• • • PerVy County--414xander Magee, BlooenEei
J.* B. A . Coyle, Liindisberft ' •
-':August 26,1840 • -
r• . 1144 aTitQUALIITY'6FARIAVM:II-;
otoriti . just, receiyedat (41 4 ew . BitiFe
ippenaburg t by • --; •-•!•• . . •
:• • •MiN.01.41)
B rT V STIWIrge-'4?)t,rd,' Brnzillktto„
inarugati f • stie,.lll - inidir; Intri;•tonliturtd, ,,
late Dye,•,fline Vitriol Coppesns i I ndigo. Oil of
tto:i8olielon Of Tin tt. e ;
nbov'e will be sold is Trlitir• Cask, . ,• ' ,"
. . .;