Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 03, 1841, Image 1

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~ ~ ~ :y~ ~ ~' i 1 :~
S,Bairk .18 oies
Taken at par by the subscribers fOrlieretizindiZe;
whO are selling off :their stook .at reduced prices to
-dose up their business.. 13argains may be -had by
calling soon
-.s.lElopper, Sheet , Iron *aattl - Tha
Ware . • • • •
--- Anuforiarly
Mlle - SUBSCRIBER; thankful for past: faiori - ;
A would inform-the public, that lie continues to •
'manufacture at his old stand in North Hanover street,
•Cirlisle, opposite . Corcoran's hotel, every article in
- the line of Ins business, Such as -- . .. .
-- - - _. l loolPlPailli- VitiMilkfaa -
WisakKettleit,, Dye. Kettles, Hatters' Keg.
• lles, House T . - Spouting, and every variety of
•-, • Titt-Nrare l ` . •: • - . -.
Drums; ! S'tou . e . Pipe, ' 1 .
1 ;
Dripping _Pans,- 4Pc: *T11 .. .? ...'"' 14 1
-He also offer& (or Ofil • br s .:' , J , `
Cooking,--Parlour, : : 1,;:, , ..N.::: • ' ' :- . '... , 1 1 :6 4 —,
Chambsr and
.Office .- .;'. : '''''. '-' 4 ' .4.- ' 1
, - • : - 0 ,
- . eStetWit, ' -..
.---.---------÷-- --- -: 7 ;- --- : - - =
forwooil or coal; clf cvery.variete arfr.p 3 lll'lli-.I I I Of
whitill lie will (limpon of.iiii - tile. itiosi. Vensoliablv
terms. - . ,
. ..
• ...
JAB 11:114,EY. •
.•. - ,
N;1: MI He also has for sale the itoprortal ti.otta.,
'Cpoking Stoves, which are 8 - ulterior to nny e‘ Cl' ot
tlerect_iit this , pineo, — • J. F.
• Water Proof .11ootS, Ladies and Gentlemen's
Overshoes, Children's Ginn and Leather Shoes, and
every other• description of Boots and Slices, for sale
unusually low at. the .Ihit.ii - nd. Shoe store -Opposite-
Simon Wonderlich's Hotel.
Dec. 23, 184.0
insurance 4:whist — Fire
Ble THE' • • .
North America . hseurenice Company,,,
. Philadeldhia: -
E above tonsinmf through their mAgeney la
Carlisle," stilt continues to insure all - kinds of
property iu this and the adjoining counties at the
lowest rates. The usual risk on stone or brick
houses averages about $4-per annum on each thous
sand insured, and a Stock of •inercliandizt; consisting
of dry goods, groceries, and the usual assortment of
country store,_will he insured'at-tlie - same rote.
- • Property nwrchants generally
throughout this and' the •ailjoining cdtinties, will
please give the above notice attention. A ppliimion
can be spade either by letter or in percomto the sub
scriber iu Carlisle.•
— LL~ec, 3, 1 R~iO: —Sm
!laving added a large assortment of goods to my
former stock, I will sell orthe Same at greatly
duced jrtccs for cash. • • ,• •
gersons , wishitigsto - supply thciiiiiiVes with !very
cheap Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassinetts,
Merinoes, Ben verteeN i coes i Bomba
. zines, &c. Etc. &c. will do well 1. cail,as lam ie
lerminekto sell its low, e if liot lower, thim'atiy estal•
" lishrnent in the borough.
• At the old Stud, opposite - Simoh WonderliclOs
Hotel. .
Deo. 9.3, 1810
.+50,000 'Dollars. I . 115 1 000. Dollars.
ez,ooo •Dollars410.,0611)-. Dollars.
Cliss No-I,lhr 184 E—To. lie •pnsitively drawn
it Alexandria, I). C. on Saturday., March fi, 1841,
• S: GREGORY & CO., Managers. •
• .
$5(c1.)00 19 $50,1)00
125,000 - 23,1)00
- .
- prizes
2006 - • 40,000:
'l,OOO .- 20,000
V • 'GOO 12,000 ,
500- - 20,000 '
200 . .. .20.000 ,
' 150' 15,000
100 .- :12,800
80 10,240 1 :\
.. 7,680
.80 , / •.B 400 c.
4 • 40 - 3,1201
. .181,680, .
• b IS
.„ -12.1.1160 •
.314112 prize,. ' - • , $912,912 '
WholiTibliets4olls . -Halvetis7
• ~QUaiieisll33ls—=, E ightlis $1 87
Do. • t - Atr - 7 - '26 Half ' do . 100
Do. • do 26 Quotter do' 50
Do, 26 Dightlis do* ' ', l
20 ,
50 ,
100 •/'
.190': • •
lift 4 , •
- 148
Ilia • -,
Anlia,": •
It is :s'e • ldent s rare a clianee'is offered fo tliePub
lie as the-above agnificeiat Scheitie tiresents; thoge;
therefore; who d sire to' avail thenisdret of thii oV
portutilty of itel ittfiring in it, will 'do. well l to seed
their ordiSiii 6iriy. 7 l". • „
e t, Orders Ibr Tickets and Shares and Ci.i:tifleatett
'-prOtnptlylattended Ao,.nitd as
's on as tli,e4lrawing. is oiler an ateotint of it will be
'forwarded to all who.`order Irma' as•• Addrcss •
;•1). S. GREGORY ,& CO. Managers,
Wasliington D.7C.
. . .
. . - - To. gochera — ;, T -rOii - ,‘,Teefhilik: : '- -
; - Atfliiii"Period; we iim aware that these 'little ones',"
- 'which are near and dear to qs, sujk-e very much. I
'therefore take this opportUnfityo49nforming-lhe pub
`. lie of the : great,henefit,'defived froinAlia.use of , Dr.
- Pails' Soothingi.SYr.ul). for Children Cutting , Teed! . !
• This medicine It found to produce ,relief, nt-soon as
. alpplied to the Cumin it is pleasant and: effeidual. I
b*PpY In recommending, it to thOpUbliei as I am
weitain It will eirirgs4nl.4ll,iii, Of ;siweat, roose to
~... . liareattand!wraos,bisilospresonting-iliOsercknef-'
•cusite'Plilaik'•o#44i,alaithousandiannusr.- - 4 . -; , -•
• . :' . n::': , i.. i. :'-',.,:,- :,..' ; ' :1 7 .1tri1....10 ES, ', -'
. , ,- . • • •-• ninth street, above illow.
• " ; •For-sallitttßee - L Jr Myers k Co., Cariislo s and
'', ' Wm. Piar, ShiPp!ndiiWw, Ps, ' - - ; :.'.• . --- -'
, • . . ,
. .. .
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_ _ i9JIti._J..:MYEnS
10,0110 -
, 8,00 0
8 ,000-
5 ,000
• 8,000 -
•- 7,0t0
- 5,172 •-,
4,000 are,,
2,500 •
• •
- - - A FAVORITE sorra. • N. '
- - The peace of the valley is fled;
• The calm of ifs once !soppy hours
Disturb'd by the rude soldiers' tread ;-
Whiltethe.gore of the brave stains its flowers. .
'f heloung heart which - heat but to love:.
Is blighted, forsaken--and dead ; -
The song of the shepherd is hushed in the grove,
_•• The peace of theyalley is fled l -
_ 7 _7 . .
• - , The , rine round the cottage door strays,
' Its ivildtoughs negleeted, andotern
....,,,,_lrronalbe.thatgon.Wllltrwild* fang daze, -
Vor the form thag Can never return!
'•Hr sleeps far away. 'mid the slain, "
nit brollen shield pillows his head
.The smiles of his children await him an.vain—
yhe peace of the valley ss tied!
The following letter was received by the
Columbia. Though a long. time 'in 'reach ,
ing its destinatior4 - ir is none the leis 111 7
wresting. = : Its accomplished author: will be
. easily recognized as a professional person .
of celebrity.--New York Signal.
A Lettcr trout Scotland.'
Burns' Highland Mary—Her Grape--.-
The Birth place of Barne—Alloway
Kirk•-Burns' Monument—The Breg
o' Doon. • ,
GREENOCK, Bth NoveMber, 184 Q.
Iv classic
kit)iiii(l , --t4e land of Burns. .1 kpow from
your admiration of , tlmgreat poet of Na ,
tore, that you Will be pleased to l'ookeiren
thrOugh my dim eyes, upon . . the
where first lie saw the light-of, this world;
upon the monument that'has - been raieed.
by his admirerS to his genius; upon the
two. Brigs of Ayr; upon AlloivaY Kirk,'of
TamO'Shanter notoriety; upon the Banks
a nil
_B rn bonny, P-omt, ,'St itd_A rs
you ...rememher.,,my4nentiOning,- in -one of
my. Lectures on Sbottiih Song, that Burns'
Highland Mary had died in Greenock,, on•
her return from a . visit to. her friends-pre
vious to.„her marriage with the pOet,.antL
'that her remains., her mortal remains, had
been laid-in an obsiure,Maok in the Greenock
churchyard—yes, you,.do, and also my
repeating the, exquisite lines ".To Mary
in Heaven" Which a 'few of your coon-.
trymen, wholie' praise was no meakcom
pliment, professed themselvei not displeas
ed With--I might add,.your countrywomen
too: at least two of them. •
Wall.l yesterday paid a visit to the
grate of Highland Mary, in. company with ,
the Misses .Smith, whom. I have _before
Mentioned to ytModeces - of the doWager
countess of Essex, and whom I hope, you
will haVe
,thepleasnie of 'seeing in New,
D ote some occasion ivhen . dayS pre
brighter than they have been, •The. grave
was pointed"out to us by. the old araKe-.,
digger, a curious looking • old fish, who
looked as black as if he had just bceitspont7.
eilfOrth from the nether regions- 7 he had
a right eye, and an apology for 41 3 left one ;
but that is not saying Much for all that is
left •of it—and_rather',..4..homorous! expres,
iieranlifs - COuntenance. There is no stone
to tell Mary's' story, as one would natural.:
ty expect there-might be—but - there is -a
generM one. of herfamily. pointing out the
"bit of ground" where' her father's bairns
are . laid.. I asked old Vulcan if he was
certain tltd. was the spot.
"Ay," said he, " this is it I'm standing
on—she lies . just under this—there's her
head. and. there's her feet—l buried her
mysel." • ,-, . -...
• I haVe no doubt as to its being the graVe,
but I Ahink he must be mistakenas to his
having-iiiiried her,:fiii he cannot have been
a digger Of graves since Mary was buried.
Ile said, '"They did not use to think any
more tiNier than ither folk till about-twen
:Ay years ago,.when they began. to. niak an
-tmewwarlraboer-her-=-;and=therre - speifk:'
f her) — piftlit . .up a mentnnent fill her the
noo.",;. ~
I could not help'redallinglo.meMory the
l•sorrowful parting till Mary ancli3urns, when ,
' they. were doomed . neier fo meet agaiir.-- 7
..L.isaw. _thy m ,before..._ my-.eyes,-swearing
eternal faith to 'each other, orfeacir side of
the gurgling stream-1,-saW hitif give . her
the- Bibles--I saw them, part-- 7 I repeated
the exquisite. lines—"llhOu lingering stare'
--,a tear trickled down Ins cheek—a tribute
to such sad sweet memories: "We timied . .
and left Me . spot," antkwended our way.
Among" theilittle hillocks; each containing
iti,iiis 4 Ati.r fame—the heaVy gate closed,
and we t ere once snore in the busy streets,
Where one — would •sup Pose 'death never
Walks. ! ' . _
91b NOv...—Yesterday -I arrived . in Ayr,
which Burnegays "ilk ither .town surpis atidjkonny lasses," and
'to day I and-the test,of the party Went •to
view • those • places ; In the. neteibinteetl
which have been • rendered:A:Old the ,
inaiie pen. Of Itobervilturns. Our first
sit was to the. cottage aboutlwo.iniles. and
Irilf • from • Aytthe; eta& clay, biggin;
where :the
' poet .birateaw .the light: . It. is
.kept by. en honest 'old' Couple, joha.Gotv.
die and his' wife,
,Wito-littVei been in. it for
ills hies thirty-nine years; previous to whiCh
they kept.a.small public house iti.'Doonsi
.tletlale,. in the: vicinity; John being , the
ler Of.Dooikside, and a crony :of the poetie;
Ile - told me it 'was in this - hose last saw
Burns—he met
,ltim, lie 'said; atjsaine die-.
Lance from the'.inill, and -the 'poet returned
with him to his : owfl :.Itense,' where they
drank three 'gills 'n'Whislity lie' Other;
but "tie were a geiid 'while about it, amaist
twa lours„ and folk Catilit
liket, at little e s xpelike ,
I asked him if° Biornit'iifietir got fou.
"No," he said never - 80W bimlltti*Opsis
Of_ drink-4e was. 'oleo' rand 'of *Oh**
few Adottle and hoeing si:,criick;*t.he.did.
not dritili%Mtieb-;--hs-used to sit rather dull,
Edited anti Pah'felted for the .Proprli foi; in Carlisle, Cumberland. County, Pa.
. .
. .
.with. his hands upon his knees. till some
thing excited him, and then he would speak
away like i pen-guri." John said, if Burns
`were alive, he wad just ,be twa years . auld-,
er than himself... I. asked' the gudewifelf
sheliad , ever seen Burn's Bonne Jean. .
"Deed4ir,''-she said, "
—'pll no tell you
a• lee—i never sawhe r-she cam to . the
:Cottage one day ,w, - the post; and I'm sor
ry to say . I - was in rthetcmn, that day, and
miss'd seeing her—but, ' she said, as if to:
make her not having seemlier of as little
consequence as_ possible, "fbelieve she
was mr very bonny, fora' that—she had a
mice-leg and ankle,and:a:fine-pair-LmNack
e'en, and a very grade figure, but the fbl k
tould me she was na very bonny. •
--Inone of- thciepartnients-Of -the cottage
is the:farrious portrait by-Nasinyth, which
John assured me was very like the poet—
there. are also two tables-, as completely
covered over - with''nametr.and initials of
. .1 ersons from all .qUarters -Of tke globe, as
if they were speciniens of carved work,—
We tad a very long chat with John and
'his wife--the latter much excelled her hui
band in volubility of tongue,- but John. ex
celled us all in, the relish with which he
swallowed glass after glass of his own
Cambellton whiskey with which 'we regal
ed him.- His good dame said;"Puir body,.
lie couldna -live - witheet it.'..... - Nire partook
of some Scotch cake made from oats - raised
by themselves -on-the • farm that was - once
Burns" father's; and with the adieus. and,
good wishes of - John and Ilia. wiferinging
in our. care, we hied .us on to see the moo =
Ument. I 'must not forget to - .tell you;
that as we were .within hearing of
the gushing of the Door!, the Misses Smith
ivarbled ferth "Ye banks and braes' olionny
rDunn;''-'wand -I -gaVe -" Of- a"-tlieairts the '
whi'ciiii::blaK''" with tihich :the -old• con-,
ple seemed not a little,pleased.. . : •
. On our way to the.Monenrient,we stop 7
pail at AlloWay Kirk, of which nothing now
remains . , but the hare . walls, which -are in
- tolerable preiervation : at the eastend the
old bell still hangs , with npiece of chain
attached' tckit, by which, in days of .ol s d it
was_ tolled. - I was Stirprised . _ to -find -the
Kirk 'so . small, and could not: help - fancying
- that Auld Clootie, sitting inthe " winnock
Wittier in the east," and the witches about
him, had but little room for their midnight
revelries. Its style of architecture• is that
usually yclept barn, being nothing but
four plain bare walls. ' Burns, however,
has rendered it more famous by his genius
than the most s plendid architectural design
could, have done. Its little churchyard is
studded with- tombstones,_amongwhich is
one over the rentiiiils of 'Burn's father Wil
-liam Burns, and containing the tribute to
his memory which is, found in the works
of the bard.. At the distance of a very fow l
yards, we entered—upon the g r ounds - stn.-
Tomah* - the Monument, which are • most .
tastefully laid out. The Monument is very
elegant, and beautifully situated, and com
- from - its - Lsummira:mesrOxteosive:,
view, embracing many of' the spots render-''
ed classic by the. poet. I need not attempt'
to describe it tot you, as I think you have
seen it your-own house ik.some 'of your
book's of views.- 'ln the inonutnent there 1
is a.copy of Nastnyth's* picture of the poet,
and in a - grotto close by are'the two statues
—bX.the self-taught sculptor Thom, now
ia.America---of Tam o' Shanter and Seiner
I went on a lisle farther- to the aitld brig
o' Doon; where, Tam .0' Simmers - guile
grey mare Meg was deprived of her tail by
CuttySark, and possessed
,myself with
some difficulty of a stone from the famous
,brig„and I now have it among other - curi
osities: The situation is -romantic and
beautiful d'eriving of •..course - additions
romance. and beauty from its connect V%
with Burns; for it is impossible ,to T ten
tnithe Meanderings- of the bonny•Doon, as
it gurgles. on;, without fancying to one's
sell that , there 'Burns wandered ip propria .
persona,:and'ealletlinto - existence some of
hisineA - exquisite - lyrics;: and when stantl= -
ing on the Auld Brig o' Donn, it does not
,require a great streteli of imagination to. ,
see Tani spurring on his-mare, and lobking
over his
. shoular, at the witch, as, she
dlicketk, the tail of poor Meg. There is,
;now anew brig over. the Donn, some- hun
dred' yards . below. the old One, and - at the
end of -which, next the Monument, an ex
cellent tiro has been erected, having a view
from its windoWlyof all the noted places--
the cottage where he was born—Alloway
Kirk—the Monument 7 -the Auld brig o'
Doon—the auld house at Doonside, where
he need to Meet 'his cronies - soinetiMeS
•the trec-z-the last of a cluster 'where was • -
The cairn
Where hunters found the murdered bairn,
and 'also.,tlie•Well,'. Which trickle doint
,and gushes,into the door; where, it is said
in Tam o'Shanter, "Mono's 'nether hang-.
ed • herself,'." , . - „ •
The publie ire indebted for thittaintil'and
for tho !beauty, with 'which the grounds
arothYd . the inn and Monument are laid out,
to the enthusiasm and enterprise, of Mr.
David .who first' encouraged .Thein
to,-entrt melee . Itie.'swell:kniiiin - itatttea, and
supplied hiin With the means tnfinislithen).
He ,hasp erected el:hinge-for .lAIIIII6II, - on
tlM,banke of the • Don e , just, opposite,,the
river, WhiChAslaiii 'nut with great taste:
hatring•lMatitiful and romantic walks on the
rigor's. aisle. • _ An old quarry4iole - he, halt.
transmogrified into elegant.-pnfid;`OVer. r
shadovreilliybirkti and pines, ainttenantett
ey 47iniir of, fine, niajestic4OrikingSnrana,i
by danki;, - 8 . te., - . iand, at the .one .entl. - tif ,it
there'ls a - magni fi cent grotto, - .cnierttl with
shells • Ot.stl , descriptions, Tory , stmersilly
- .The 'Midis inside - are also coy-.
'ered 4ith irate she seats and.
to add to its beauty, there are mirrors in
every,corner.' .4t is the place"of,all . otliers t
where, on a summer's day, one might puff
nry time with Harm or Principe segers,
with a mint julep, or a sherry 'cobbler to'
give them a ,zest, and good friend like talk-of the careCcanliera, you ! .
bles s turmoils; ploieures. tin - d pains of the
busy world without..
- The day., was remarkably ~f ine, and 'al- .
thong!i the trees Were reit of their summer
clothing, which -was scattered around
myriads 'of withered leaves., yet the sky
wateilear, , inti the sun
,shone brightly, the
air-was_balmy i -and-as-pleasantus- a-dayin:
November could well be in this northern
region--;-every thing, in fact, .tended to'
,make our first--visit-to the -land of -Burns',
one . f . N utiqualified deligl . • .
• We returned to Ayr 'n. great spirits, full
of Burns, Of,Whose e ntftil life every par
ticular epoch ‘seemed to.start up before mei
with peculiar :freshness. We ended the
day at the festive beard of Dr.-11 1 1emes,gie I
Rector .of the'Academy , ,O , Ayr, a first rate
scholar and gentleman, anntliusiastic ad
mirer of Burns, and -the husband of the II
sister of one of my. eldest thurris.
• -,• . • W.
l]Deasy Of Illic Illagpiticent.
On frosty wings the &MIMI - fled,
Howling as o'er the walls he sped • .
.Anotheriear 1)23 gone '
• . • The ruined spire- , -the crumbling tower,.
Notltling,oWyed. his aw•fal pOwer,
, As Time flew swiftly on.
- " "• . . Suites( o.suonte.
. Impartial fate has inscribed irAutability'
iti-litters of , Ii v ht=oo all'earithly.foW;
. The reast visible, particle of matter to
.the most gorgeous orbrof the universe,- the
modest pebble up - through the teeming la
boratories of 'Nature, discourse to the-. Heart.
the unstability of human greatness, and the
vanity of immortality upon earth.. Since
the commencement of this world, the
crushing foolof time ('as entombed myri-z
ads of the_humansacein the-long undream
ing stillness of an 'endless night. Like the
troubled bed of the -mighty deep_, where.
wave following wave in quick succession;
each destined in its turn to beeotneQhe
grave of that which succeeds, so one gen
eration springs into Oeingi 'flits for a mo
ment on the breast of tinie, then deicends
to.. the silent tomb. The proudest whyrior
that ever.' relit the dazzling pinnaelee..of
starry thrones, and burst the mighty-basis
of some rock-built city, has soon fallen, and
his memory - life onlyin - the mysterious
legend of other days. Nations scornful
of decaY, whose thunderbolts of power,
and whose fame has echoed and re-echoed
from side to side of the azure arched vault .
of heaven, • have heaved a sigh -over the.
tomb of fallen grandeur. The sculptured
marble and, crumbling obelisk, •by their
fragmentsi:alleshorrEbrun ti m y tletarof '
their ancient splendor. Man's institutions
manifest that decay .whiclt.cliaracterize his
, own ' strange, fitful existence.: True, he
can mount the blazoned era of Fame, and
inscribe there the letters of his immortality
—he can'fire the torch bf his renown which.
beams for ages, a beacon .light 'to,the
verse; but " the storied • urn: or animated
bust, cannot back to its .'mansi4-rall the
fleeting breath." Bid hunianity unroll her
pachmem and read this melancholy truth.
Antiquity boasts her Carthage and Palmy
ra, but the blighting storm of adveree for
tune has poured its long sullen.howl through
their ivied towers and battered walls, speak r
ing in loud and mournful accent's, that they
have fallen to rise no mere: Thebes;.too.
"tile city hundred-gates
of hrass i her thousand armed chariots, pod
her millions of warriorsr— • •
. "Alai there iu destivetion cold
• The desert serpent dwells alone,
Where the - grass o'er grows each mouldering
Andstoocs therosciceS - lb ruin grow,
Are gray and death-like old." ' Babylon, once rolled in
all the 'Splendor of an pastern bride; but
she s ndsa.s unberitig chaos—her glary
has de a like the early dery on the
banks of the Ganges ; and the mournful
cypress embowers the spot, when memory
strays to weep.. Let. Egypt point to her
countless cities,- her temples. of ,the
and berthallotveillount4o; there the sun
nocv Shines - on . - a .dreary Waste, the xeice
• of the'oracle has been hushed for..ages,•and
the tall weed lies long waved bed of
its fooniainl. - Let Macedatt_.-produce • tr.°,
phies, and recite the brilliant achieveinents
of her conquering . _ son.. Let Persia show
the diamond of Cyrus and the spear
. of
Cambyses ;. they are enveloped by the ob
livens pall, and the mournfej voice 'of his
tory tells only that they- have. been.—
Gretce, ill-fated. Greece, presents a melarf-!
CholyokaMple of human glory. . Human-'
ity weeps .and science deplores, the. un;
timely fate of beloved. Greece.' • Het war-
dere start no more. MA1)6 . 56'6'14,061.'0
the shrill clarion, pr, hail with.joyOus
.ans the longed for victory. No more does
the . sacred'fire and. the bright torch of
berry daZzle
She was the immortal land of. genius .and
of letters. She beamed athwart.the gloom
of'GOthib night, the'4loominerays of im
mortal 'splendor-41M morning. star that
ibse . .upon a eiHtt o(cl:witness, and tottered : ,
in the 'rising). glories:of ithelOrb of Seiktiteeil
:upon ':the.• ninnurnente Of , her • . fallen-:pride; l
mid Pla ef deet it less - Marathon,' the
pasaingetranker.will eieriotie tit:Muse:in
reverential avre,.and .as be .dtVellti....on tae
frail memorial of dm_ paa;,;,feof.tlitithe
treads on hallowed soil, and quail at the
sound of his steps, fearing lest:some too
incautious,. movement.. might peichance a
rouse the slumbering spirits of the mighty.
dead. • Thus has Weyer proved to man and
the works of man, born of doubt and dan
ger, the spectre of uncertainty. haunts his
eradledtiluniber; and bends, Over .the .evett7.
big of hiidecline, - He moves in the proud
force 'of his majesty, the image of God,
and the prinial lord of creaticni. park'
is the stormy- deep—hiti'tread is on the
'lofty mountain ;he stands on h i s. proud
Lordorthe lion port and eagle eye.
- kaiti — s - tePihe - falloive with his bosom, bare,
Nor heeds the stet - il - Olin howls along die sky--!
Look again and wberels he ?
- •
The mysterions fire- of his existence is
qU'enched 7 -the gorged worm banquets- . on
that brow, where once sparkled genius - mid
beauty and the. grave clad shroud_ wraps
that form; where once glowed the star of
donor and.the purple of dominion! :it
has ever been—the' rock of power,.that
adamant of genius has crumbled; the finger
of cold oblivion has traced the deep, lasting
Characters of its'scorn over palace, 'temple,
and cottage. .The steam of pestilence and
the miasma of luxury have ledgned for de
strpction.• The storied . obelisk, the tri
umphal--arch; -the - . 'swelling dome 'Alan
crumble into: dust, and the names they :
lionld - preserv.e from oblivioniShall vanish
befu`re their own duration is accomplished.
• \
~ . grasped a.hero's antique
I tic marble eruiubled into dust,
Andlunk beneath. ti k e shade.
• ... .
•. ' THE .1;117 PHAYEI?.. ' • •
• One. afternoon in •18.;--;,several earriaes
wereHieen J . gill) e riti g ',twee!' d - an -- 'ele - ffetir
mansion in the town of \ P-----. A ;let.-
gymatt and-several physicians were assem
bled. in 'a darkened
.cliamber, around - the
. accomplished Mrs. L--. The. anxious
countenances, the light tread, Ilh.t half-sup
pressed breathing' of the attepdents, the.
solemn stilhiets that -pervaded the\ . whole
gtouft, told - too plainly the fearful app_re
'tension that the disease, of Mrs. L. w !Ad
baffle all human - skill, and prove fatal to
the sufferer. _ She had
-been suddenly
,a -j
rested in the vigor of womanhood and th
full - flow of bealth,,by a' disease that lied
locked up all her senses in a leth argic stu-•
por, from which the skill of faithfurphysi
cians, tifid•the assiduous.efforts of symPaT
thizing friends could not arouse her. The
legs_of such a-friend under any eircumsian 7
ces could not brit be .severely felt; but the
affliCtion would - seem greatly increased;'
were she to pass hito•the •wotld of spirits,
withbut any communication with those
who might.still litter behind. For Seve
ral years she hid been an Ornament to the
church; and her_Oends earnestly desired.
to know whethOr her - religion, proved an
unfailing support, when passing through
the valley of the shadow of death; and
'when in the courie-of his prayer, the Cler
gyman entreated the Lord that het con
seibusness.and powrr of *peech•-tnight,--if- -
consistent 'with the divine will, be restored,
most earnestly did every heart join in the
request:. . .
When till - the means which alfection and
professional sagacity ! could suggest . had
been tried in vain, her little son, who had
just learned to articulate a. few. words, li'aS
accidentally brought into thc.rbom.
m i ng l e d fe a r and wonder he gazed upon
his mother, and upon the attendants. watch
ing in silence . the issue of the disease.—
"Mamma, mamma," exclaidied • the.•little
prattler . after a few• moments - Silenee.- 7 -•
Those. words effected, 'aS,if by some mys , -.1
terious poWer, What - other appliances -had'
failed-to-a:cop) plishi-the-Mother--opened
her 'eyes; and'•itloWly Stretching but her
hand, beckoned - for - tierson. . 'Be was
placed in her arms ; in a low, voice she
commended her. Offspring to God, -and
&eyed that he might meet her .in heaven.
That was her last - prayer; in a few .hours
thut - sorrwasToOtherless. .
The scene now changes: We pass over
an interval of twenty years, and find 'that
son in,College., The noble and command
ing form of Wm. L., his urbanity of man
ners,'. and. diligence in . study, soon won
him the esteem of both faculty and stitch:tits.
During the firs; year he held a high. rank
in his class, and gave preinise=ef Maineitt
usefulness. But Collegelife.pitte a yp,thi,g
man's, prineiplet to the , test 7 —it is a state
of exposure and trial in which Ino youth
is safe without devoted piety, security
„which William 1.. did not . , pot Os. -40
formed unfortunate .connoxtpus .with sever
IA idle students, the effects , of Which were
so'on apparent in his 'recitaiions. , :. 1-Wivps
minion is lied of . his danger., hut,Seenrki.jA
if spell-bound by Some faicinatiOnjimi
which he could not escape. It..hakiestly
been said, that idleniss is the Pitietit of
many Vices se it proved, in. the-present
instance—idleness' led - on - to ditiSiOtton ;
and after• repeated admonition and fruitless
efforts to .reclitint: him, William L. ,vasr
oipelled4retit College as drunkard !--
BMall indeed; did . the prebabiliiY seem' that
his mother's' last liraYer'woutd be answer
ed. '
.'llli to 7 hitt • bottle. The
report of . his'expufsion from College,:and.
'the cause of it, blasted the' high raised ex-'
pectationi-of his, friends; and sounded in.
their ears like the knell 'of all his prospects
and hopes. Still they. endeavored to, throtV?
around - such
lions as Aronld retiinre his Self-resPect;:,Muf ;
the 'eloqUenco.pnre
they besought hinn . .tonlihnd'ort , atiknOtoildi
forever the-intoxietitititf hoivl. 7 2.;.,Ttiorilar!
bait' entreititiel::.'led'.'hiM: to' .M ederate, in ,
degree, hip - . ecfsitet... hut' piodnad
. .
po radical, reformation; •and .
liis friendi,
Wearied . with %unavailing • efforts, 'were be
ginning to conclude that they Must give up
his case as hopeless. -.;
• ,One dark and cloudy, evening, William
was sitting aloriein his' chamber,-musing
upon. the, great. Ckauges. that had
..Withiu a
few years come over 'his prospects, when
•his uncle entered the room,, and proposed
a walk. '„ William pifttin his hat and ae
.,companied 'him.; Whether by
,actitleilt or
,they walked' in.the .direction 'of - a
grasT-yard, and soon found theMselves by
the grave of Mrs,.__L_Titev_white_,finnht•.
stones armind, - seareely Visible - in, theLd i atk;
tics, read a 'silent but -impreSsive lesson,
on 'the frailty, of man. • As: they were lean
ing on--the-graverstone-ol Mrs. 1.4 - the un
cle give William a description of her char
acter, and. of. the circuthstances attending
her death, particularly her dying- prayer,
. he might meet her in heaven ; " and
i now," said he,. taking . , "William' by_the_
hand,'" will you - Meet her -in .- heaven, or
I - will you die a drunkard?' William burst
into tears, and sank down ,upon his meth-
l er's grave, overwhelmed with . - emotiou.' 7 '—''
IThe darkness without was but aTaint-'ent , :
I bleat of - . .the - darkness,and; horror withit . i::
I GUilf, - reniorse, shame, Stung him to an
I 'intensity of -anguish such -as .he' had never
; knOwn before. ' His life passed in' rapid
`review': Agents wasted--time misspent.—
reptitation blastedhopes crushed—Me,
' hearts of friends, bleeding over WS degre
tation=a it Other'i last fond . desire . un
iteeued•-•;--her last; firayer . - u nan s weredH
these and kindred affections_came crowd
' in e • upon
~his thoughts, and- death , itself
seemed preferable to his.preSent=degrada- .
11 - Oii — and wretchedness. He retired t his
themberi—and-'t4 Sieepit;SS--liiirtiC=TiTe 7
next. morning when the fatnily ,gthit . ered
- around the breakfas(tablc, they foudd on
it a temperance-pledge', drawn up in the
strictest fora; Mid signed . 6y - William I,—_
from that- iime may be dated ' net -only a
reformation - of external character, biit illso„
as is believed, an internal and
.spiritual re
novation of the'heart. . • :: . . - . '
He now resolved to resume his studies,
and prepare Ter sonic useful statiob; but
before he could put his purpose in exticu
lion, lie was suddculy. seized with a fever,
Whicli'leftiio hopes of his recovery. • Ile
bore his protracted illness without a mur
our, and seemed desirous of recovery only
t tat he might counteract in some degree.
tl e evil he had, already done. On one de
e sion, when his father told him the' physi-
Cian had recommended a little wine,he'said,
- t‘rather,_if you insist upon it', I wilt take
the wine, though I ,thittild greatly prefer
not to do it.- 1 must (lie, and let Me die
without being polluted by what has well
nigh brought my ruin:" Elis request was
granted. -A few days after, a long and si
lent procession was seen moving to the
church yard preceded by• the mortal re--
mains of William Ilis'body slumbers
by the of 'his *tinted' ninth - Or—bet
where is the spirit? We.believe the. moth
.er.siast_prayer_was.answered,_and thatler
soh has 'gone to meet her in heaven.
Cabinet. -- •
At this time the clothing of the army at
large, but the Highland brigade in particn-
Jar: was in. a very tattered state. The
clothing of the 91st Regiment had been two
years in wear; the men were thus under
the necessity of repairing their old 'gar
ments in the best manner they could; some
had the elbows of•their-coats mended with
gray cloth, others had the one-half of the
sleeve. of adifferent color from the hotly;
aliallfeir trousers WEr - i - in equallY as hall a
condition as their coots., fThe....4241,-w Inch
was the only corps in the brigatle,that wore
the kilt, was beginn ing,to lose it by degrees;
men; falling sick and left in the rear fre
quently got the kilt" made into tronsers - i.anit
o; joining the regiMent again no plod could
be furnished to supply the loss; thus a great :
want of uniforniity prevailed, but this was
of minor importance compared to, the want
of shoes. 'As'our march continued daily,
no., time was to be found to repair them,
until completely worn out; this left a I.:tub
ber to .march - with bare feet, • or, as we
ter t nt i ed - ii; to pad the hoof. These men
tehig occasionally permitted to straggle out
of the ranks to select•the'Sofe parts of the
roads or fields' adjoining, others Who ' had:
not the sanie minion to ()MT for this indul
gence, followed the example, Until each.
regiment marched regardlesS of keeping in
rank, and
.sometimes Mixed, with ,- other
corps in -front and. rear. To put a stop to .
this irregularity,the men without shoes
were formed-by themselves, and . marched
"under the Command of officers and non
commissioned officers, in tear, of the 'bri- .
gad er :; , Itis im possible. to desCri lie t he- pai n
furstate.that'-some of these shoeless'men
-were in crippling, along the Way, their feet
cut or: torn ; by stones or brambles.
'to remedy die - want .of'shoes,'the-Jawl
hides of the newly,slaughtered bullo,ciFt, ; ,
:were given-to cut up oir piarrioae to form a
sort of ,huckskins • for-the barefooted-sot=
dim. .This aerved. as : a - „sobstinate fouriit
shees, and . enabled, the' wearers to march"
in the ranks of their respective.tomPanies:l
Onr.knapsacks were also * by this titne,'.lie t
ginning to diseley, front th it tern -ends, f
ilicir,Aintrthless cothetiesYirin r.asionr 'Heel
4 1.1 40 1 - was in: nn opposite' direct*, from
.our expected;atipplieK our 'exteriornkie - a 6 .
'renCe WaS daily liiiiirg worse;'.'het.the real
. spirit of the soldier was improving, and - . 1 ,
. make little denim hut :ivis -- would: have, fol-. 1;
: Ovail, our.littadfte ro. the extremity of Eu-1
-repta;*ithotit 'grumbling.. .. We wer . e . getting
berdier' end stronger. ever in person
WII3IIIIIZo NYbalci do- - nao age
the 'more we suffered, the more confidence
we felt in our strength;' all . iti 'health aril
sickness.. The man,in patched clothes,
and a piece of Untanned hide about his Teet,
when he looked around' him, saw others,
in some respects as ill 7 appointed - iiiThim-'
self., and. he - almost. fella pride in despising
atiy newcomer, with dangling plumes,
plaited - or crimped frilli, white gloves, atl•
handsome shoesall good for nothing:frip•
pert' to. the hardy,. toil,worn' soldifir,'• the
Man of flint; powder ;mil °steel, as he tlioug4t
himself.. His was the , gloveless . hand, MC
Lshoeless-loot-thk-brated . alike the Cold and
! the - .heat; the 'foil of the field, and ilte 'fa
ague, of the march;.. nothing came wrong
to him; he-started in the morning - from-his
hard Pillotti and .his 'hard bed; required no .
time to- bleeken'his-shois i .but braced, up
his knapsack, regardless - of fiat state of the
road or weather; and was 'ready to march
Off.--I - Anzes elation's Retrospect of a' Xi-
CA ill PEAC 'the Yucatan
schooner. Airtividn,Truin Sisal, we have re
ceived..filee of the "El Siglo el Me
rjda,.to the 22d- ultimo. The• title ofdid
glizette• ia•
..Nineteeoth Centuilp and
really, the.speeimen. ItefOre.tis.of the'first
17 numbers, published, as the editor states,
"in the free State . of Yucatan,"-show=-that
the work, in its matter acid manner,
is wor
tliv:of -this enlightened age. Mr. Eipino 7
. 74 'will, please- except our-thanks for -his.
kind' attention on the occasion. - . •
lly-a new ,law, the Statea of Yucatan:-is
divided into five departments, the capital
of each of which is indicated; viz: 'Merida,
of the first, (and is also the . capital*eilTOT
thel3eptiklicsi):.Catopeaehy r -of.- the,-.2d;-
:Valladoliil,Vf - ther. 3dt . TeilaS, - ::Of - "thiritilf;
and Ivarnal, of the sth. • The whole pupa
laden is nearly „-
The judiciary-of-Yucatan is arranged-as
follows i two _jtidoS7 Merida, two in
_Campeachy, and two -in each oe the other.
departments—one to, try'ciiil, and the oth
crimintd ,cases: ' _ _
D.en Sebastian Lopez flergo, his heel
appointed Inspector General or the. Militia
.of the republic.
We see. it announced that a Mont
Magazine is to.._be issued, devoted to litera ,
lure and the sciences; and the assurance is
given that party politics shall be 'entirely
. A reading room is abbot to be establish-
Mot 11Ierida, to be Supplied-with-varieur—
domeiitic and foreign. periodicals.
, It is reported in the " Sigh)," that the •
!-Government of Yucatan intend to appeal to
the British Parliament for redress, on ac
of the outrage committed by-the
' British shipCOmusJ-
It is remarked in this talented journal, -
that - in all the governmenoi of the world, . •
of every variety of form, it has been deem-
right and proper to prohibit preachers
of,the gospel front meddling in party,,poli
tics. And in accorda nce with this princi
ple, two Presbyterian clergymen, • from
Jamaica,- wit‘i isked -permissiiin- to-preach
and to take up contributions to enable them
to convert•the unbelievers on the batiks of ' ••
the Amazon, were denied the privilege.-
It was apparent, froni what they confessed, •
that their object was to convince the natives
that their govergment was wrong, and
should be chrogett
A poet-office department has been estab •
lished, on a plan somewhat similar to that
of the United States.
• The cultivation of sugar, it is thought
might be Tarried on in Yucatan advan'.
tageously as in the island,of Cuba, and a
joint 'stock company- was forming fur the
purpose of opening a large. plantation to
try- , the
tin, Feb. 4th.
Coal Trade of Pennsylva»ies.-6'earee
three centuries have elapsed since the va—
,•lttelicoal was first . discovered,_and it
„is_ _
noto L
;.generause_in_. both:-Engiand and—
, Atnerita, and applied to many highly,use-•
ful and valuable purposes. It is ericleet•
that although the United. S:atcs pOssess,ca .•
almost boundless forests 'of tinitier,yet that
in certain portions of the• country, and in
the ithmetliate Vicinity,. of the large sm- •
board cities there must necessarily be' a
,considerable.deficiency of ik,e-gperienced,
and indeed now, !although the demand fol.
woad has been much le . ssetted by the ex-;
.• tensive Use_ of coal, 'SoMe.,„owners:of for•
eats contiguous to' the navigable streams on . '
the Atlantic 'coasts,, have actually, refused ".
to fell ,their trees unless timber" pur-• '
poses and „at •an • increased recompense,
they colt - Offering. them entirely tocyvitlne4
ble to be fulled for the mere purpOse of
fuel, and litok forniard to the,.day, as not
being far distant ty hen'• their : value wi I-in
crease four-fold. , ' 'When the timber: of.a
countryused fur fuel, there soon •tiec ince
a scarcity of it, and especially where it - is ,1,
the intergst,of,the„land;holder to clear his
grounll, for, the ,
„purpose, of - sggiculture,
Iwhich' ii the *ease •thraughotit "the. inland j• . '
states, In• England' and Ireland, turf. soil,_
peat had' been used front ;thin,. immemorial ' '
before the • introduction 'of coal; ; and, its -
valu e - .• little:. knows - -fot-4 16 41'-.40,1 1 .: ,
" centuries after its' discovery, that •it,'statt.„,
ibelymsetl:by the poor in the 'alaSetteerAlif':•,
other :feel. • The. coal trade of England „iii:' i - • • . •
•ttow .seid to' be 21,000,000t0n5 , ,-enti- given
I ern ploYment• to . 150,00col t liers.. • ••
.. • ~.•,..:••,:.,
H , The inconveniences • autteiptiteit4roni**, a , .-... • '
scarcity of •ftiel, occasioned by the'repid : •
ecreastrof wOodhuad in,the vicinity-of:o6r'
city, Intro been *dispelled , by the • coal; disc'-,.c overieg in thelleurt of the- state; ,'Whielt,*
will doubtless tinpnly-till our Ivor:de - hi Mai'
linefor.Centdriia to" comr.-•-•flesides. theit ;•
it.ttliktt , in',; : the Manner - jittf - neinid;"they inW ,