The'Sttbsorilters olThr their present Stock'or - chantlife rechicedpricesTantl will sttcii prioes witil all is'sold. ,A large pot'tiou of their Stook is offered at deist. ' " ~• ilt-ItItTLVADIYA • Carlisle t Deo. 3Ut 1840. ' II . . - • ,331.Ack , IiirailinutiViarricv .. Stiliscribet wishes ,''to putohas OK WO. I U - tity,•tbitt may ‘ , , be -offeredf , tor (melt per thonsanil io of good 00141, t*Oltielies.'ited , • °he-eighth iii thickness andioettccit-feei:lb nohes in Canatia;tlarris • f but*, or at;any paint'oe this nil Nano , Rail'. Itoad,r 4 andmtne .idiate: infoemittion , forwacdcd• tol the' aulAscribeii,'; • ' OilluyrAny'othee information eelativete saidlitisi ': • can • be'. had 'on .11 pplication - . to':',/tabert., ll Vtetan., Carlisle; or by 'aildresßar, the subscriber (post paid) .L residin- in Philadelphia. • ••••: •••• -'" • ' 'DAVID FitEEV Deceiriber 50,.1340.--r6 mo.t. • al 5 17 ( 003) 'The subscriber, has just ' viturned &mil the . ..oily, and is no.ol'opening some. Very desirable seasonable, G00D,9, „consisting' in putt of Invisible Brown,- 'N10011(1; eilot, Adilade;Caddt. and Olive', ' • . • • . . . Wool Black). Blue,. and.GguretV,Caitinteea . SattinetWor All .riadri'ptiorrs:, - , COrda and,Beaverteens; Tick's and Cheeks; imported Stair figitreil:Car7: petiag; .Saionyi Priicou and Mouse cle , ,Laiites; liotn hazinesNerinoeas blue black, black; Mantua . , Fawn, Brown, I Figured and Plain • Mali; . Fig,nreCtnitl Plain ,SWltis and Jawinet .3fastinsi:lfreen Baize quid: Flinnels Of - :different O - OTours; Glovecatultliosiery; Cloth an& Fur Capi—Broshe and •:Sferino 'Shanks .; lkfaeklinaw, Rose:, and Point . BlanketstA.egloorn Mid Straw Bonnet. 4; together with . an assortMent.of • _ . • ~_ Geoceries , 5r..41 - ste; . eo6vr - a - re; --- . All of whibh will be 'sold on'the most, reasonable terms.. .._-Person are : invited .to : call eininine for themselves before purchasint - cdsewherei --- . . • Carlisle, Dec. 23, 1810.; - , • • Bargains, Bargains. Cheap Goods for cash. 'The Stitrieribers, desirous•of reducing tfieir'stock of Mereliandize . , offer it at yeibeed prices for Cash. -Tlieirentire stock Of .3 - 11 : 011: GLOTA SD - Casqpneres, Satingqs, Flan will he: sold at a 'on sine ,adtuncr. Such Neal:lns ll•rave decleous Of ;bid' nillg' good hargniupwitl pleuce call at the N. 13. The stock - 41..lierclutnrlizt! mi,lll .bc sold trbarn-abi to Any-one wishibk to'bi the — baiiniiii", - CritTitilleatiuii-bc-raittleinlruellligclv. • • • • Deo". 9,1 - 84 N •- • .- • .1; 0 0 K ;-1.1-E R-E NOW FOR,= BARGAINS; .; 53•TZW_ - ou • Shippensbeirg • • . .ARNOLD , I & ABRAMS, . • —Are now openiw , ~~_ tlss:ir SSOL'c_ p_lasge acid moat op!endiii a!siPtet of - • • • - • which ,thek. will sell at such price's ascaanot fail to edit poychasers, being determined to sell, cheaper than can be (bend •elsmi . here in the state. Their stock consisting IT part oldie following . artieles,vizt 'Rack, Blue,.Brown, Olive Green, Invisible Green, Steal-mixed, Cadet mixed Broad Cloths • Black'; Blue s s Steiped', and Drab Calsimeret; Blite . Green, Drab . an dPressler,- . Blanket and Merino 'Shawl% Handkerchiefs, Also a large assortmentof - ' • Domestic Gooits Gliteensw4re, Hardware, Groce ries,. Liquors, &c. &c.- • . We would invite the piddle to.e.all' and examine our new and cheap. goods; and it- good goods,. low —=prices-and-exertion to please wiil have env aced', we feel confident that they will ties eo :ii' icy without leaving with us adittle of the ReAdy Rico. .N B. Conn ry Produce ofall kinds will be taken in exchange foe Geoilsolumarket price. P. S. A report hats been circulated that we, do not intend to continue , her lunger Ihau the ensuing spring, we o'l2l'i:fort: would nyilliniid.dlie public th a t. we have leased the store4intiiie, which we nmv occu py, for the term of four years. May this"cheek-the. slanderous tongue of tlinso who seem to devote all their attention to such bast: and degraded acts. ' -- Bac. 9, tifl().' It- G I ( A N. SI s j : sonthei,ze• r Lintliiicei;.. At tlieir New Stot•e' (.7.:elit.reitle, ltaib juk-re eeived nod nre.tiow opening n very L•ugi; niel soleotlit Hssortment of BRITISH, FRENCH, and DOMES TIC vvic i of .11FAV YORK•lintl pr.ll.'l-11',C. ; and whieli ...:_tliek-respeetrully_invite - Centrevi Ile ancLviclidtp to rill Sind e.vitrnineiav ilkey.will be (ant., • bled to please, and sell •deeidedly clieaper dlian rally other' establishment county. Tlnly will bc. happy at all: dines to, see oviStinners who arc dealyptis of having • New Cheap , and %flood Goo(ls., 'Among their stock will found .11ltie:.131ack, Brown, Green, Olive, Cadet, ,Mulberry, DathittoCit ron., Claret, Mist Drab; and a variety Orlow Indeed • • Zik.o) 4 /1 1 210 Superior striped and plain Louden and 'Buekskin Cassinierea; premium and loW.priced Sattitietts; stt parlor Silk, Satin, VeNet, Yaletteitt;Corded; Strip ed, Figured and Hain' - Marseilles and ;Gtisairaere • Vestings. senerataasortmesd.of all, qualities ant' colors of ' ' • • Tall - l . tind . 11*Isiter'Ooods. suitable for Gentlemen's. wear. &merlin' Black —___ltallazij a utc_stringt, Gros De Naps; -Ptr , DeAwas, . Gros De Swiss, and .sc" - Tilas • .zes o lnoectnets,-Cambries, llObbinetts, Plain and Pi., • , gurod Swiss, and' Altisliks, Shawls, Dress • , . Hatitlkerehlefu,*arli3, VOils; -" Altar& and eicellent iiSsortinent Go and. low - pireed - Citl Voce, Iriih ',, 'Table. Towelling and- Table, ' , Diaper, Crash Igtslins, Tickings,' - Chccks, Cords, . Beaverteetts, Kgeneral assortnicnt Of Leghorn s t ud Straw Donnets,Drabrellis,Paraielli i ate. Also, an eltegisivral assortm e nt of- . :- • . , . • , v. ., • Gikeries•and queengtvait of the - Most approved s ''flM'Ptiblia are re:- -speetfullv invited-to call and judge for themselves-at they areAuterati Tied to sell tikettilahrfattShln‘ country produce. TAVERN . KEEPEItSare - respectfully' Invited to call and examine their Stock ` of Liquors • before - Purcliising elsewhere.: -• • •, ' Centreville,Cuoi."CO, October - 14', 1134:Cl. • Clitiap,'S owls. • The Subscriber's taw a large assortment of Cashmere;Thibei, Merin6;Broclon,'Clienille atl. other*kbuls .of :Shawls,' which. they *ill sell at a allvance,for;Cath. ' , . • 44,0 Cfotit- . l!aps: . . - A. good asaortment or Par. and Olotd,f Cilia ad 11 be told chomp at thO'store of • • • •• ' IiZTAT4, XT.I. VANY. . . . . iTNE , my A MEM HEWER 'As? rIIUI;VAXE ', • '' ' . ' 1 ',...: ' y' ' -‘, -'.. '" '- '1 ' . -'' '.: - 3 - ,:t ~ - ,''' , ~... ' . :=4l ink IV( - 13. • ' t.', . .'-'.;,.... _,1.. /t . '• ~,,,,;., ; 4- 4 ~,.„„,,- - .c f.. ..— . - , - h - rdsgmi, .-.: :,-,, --, . -, atlik-11 - & - 4 - 4. 4'; , • , „.,, . , ,;„„„,,,di;io: I s .., -;,-: , 'e ac:FO'S•i'll t,' A "" "' r h ° fit& t :lilit 13 1 : y o l-ili f ee‘ t r I e titt fruse ro uli litt tli t °1 1 1 7 ::Lb r v ti lc• i n . O i v a li e P t i t i l' t i t I n il d i r r o %iti l i t i . le u , arl ! s f ' o t.Y- r OS . 9 i I i ii , : bilicIlI I INI:Ottel . and-clue 4,,,titly to„l'Acfectoll Yttiw.•• •rut btivieli‘` It - o r e x' r e in,',l„„ tii c kidnoB mitt eac theli ' W. 443, lold' P r n r a l t toortogatflter4o l .o l :tlr xr . l i d,' It rtl t o"i'glil "P e d s o4otito: - IC tteedi`conlY e n n i e r r a Illl'allighilltF"''sfY,Attwor.--6:114° beC g ne l l i fuses _of Co ive-Pel'il l " mil to te• this, , prtlqe ,: tai few.. PPlttcistlejttivi„ist in the 13011 , - b_r: ist lrtl eti v ir vie n ial r e ; ....h q. „ ; ,.., le° ''. t •' to Itentlau V_ .. • haeht-reatores (,iii,,, tcru'qing tt It lltb illtytitenniP VVll7Opfng 4 1 I Ba ss, if tllict'n•til:olit g-3: oduttittg - s icknes f. •-- ; 1 t; . it::—. • the MOie° wt-t ci t ni - 1,50r-oltililt • en ttrp . gill.e , t 3 ' . , k t lit . .4g 4l 11J1,,./H...._....1:9,..,_ ,eal,, .• I .it and - The lit, itch as: Kepi -1.7 • houl Corn Til cnn - ' blo tha Any iltherre 6 .., .- - , -:, "liite 111"" • 91-- ISTISiaglilii S:YrIT.- - - li6itiiy and whikP I l'el son' ' 't . otlttdtis „ rally; ~ or (r y 1 •takett daily- I W. . • - ti...)1 t h, bottom ' ' ..ti it 160;1/Y OM W g ' ° '. i ttect, one youtig • llPP--- r g i id volu m e “t 2:4le,tettal.. • 3 t. , c o._ tile. RYst i nl y . P;11 (3 r1 -7 strettt, N. :Y. bY Ccun"" ,s ." 2• . ', '11").. 46." '1 - t ble htlatzgisfo.... .; tv Aot DI N KM, Carlislgi - Pa- 7 d F b ln• a ti ll , n . , l l. 7 e t:l e s: o a by . ST EYE , N, S° :'', —l. • '• torte liouse,u'ecupieti: 'east :street ::-.C10 , 1 I sle; witly ,thet CoV,ef Grautul - DO:feet - front-tin : said * , ,treet, and ;eifenaieg; .2.o'feet baekita liriStene, Staltie,'o, Carriage llouse, ik Ipf ,the prerniies. properti , ia;:eaclesied by a: substantialstone'wall. For further, particulars apply C. HALL. Carlislc; Nov. 4, , 18 , 10. - • - ' . . •. _ &UV/PA ail l .trlAZ9 I Ili The-subscriber hereby htforins the citizens of CAE -J[lll6;4od tlie luttln. shop nearly opposite the .1:ill, where.he trill . lie pared to manutactnre, to . ; order, on the raastJeeasopa- I ble.terms, any article ia n his line, b !,est, such Wises, Min ricks; &e He will'also attend to-. Steeling and Grinding •A xes.. I lie solitiits a share of public patronage: • JOAN. HARRIS. - - • „ . &e. . -Irl HE,subseriber,thaniaill for. past furors, resitect-, fully informa the imblie'that ,he _still continues to foriP in. Church , Alley,-near .!,Etincati on, Hall,” where he has how. on hand n' large a asortmeitt of notions, consisting inimrt, of the . Ilrend; Cakes,: elteese,- Bacon; clams, Flottr;' Soap, Cider, Sniees, FritiNSweetmeate, antl other neeessaries .tftlettlated - for 13.11 e alsoleentinneitO•kiep an Eating . nettle,' -whet•e-gentlentew,cati lie.raccommodatetly Ilk TO hips Feet; Pickled Oystcre. at the shortest. nritice. JACOB. 0..,1 'Prodfice_ W:alited m i atebro7 : . - - -•- • 6Asli will ie paltlfor 'FIVE THOUgAislliar-. Ms of Flour; TEN THOUSAND.butibels of Wbeatt TEN TlIOUS.1111): bushels of .• Rye, Red TEN' TIIOIISAND lueliels_ot.Corni by the ,tiebsthilieri le ho eau et all times be fou n d at sMaie-liouse on tlie . denal betwethilValtint and Stitte_vtreetti. , . . -11eitAiStiii-Alifil LAIN ' , FIGURED NousELIN DE IF, !J.\ INS, offered for sale by • t •AILNOLDIt. rikviAsb: 4 FRENCFI BLANKET SHAWLS' .',of anew style, fo'r sale at the :New Store in ghippznsbur gr hy: . AIiNOLD.4 ..ABRAMS. • Grateo - y, , 1 P.l.lllE7eir siron,t3., ril II E subsriber. has just returned froth thd.Cities of Ncw York, Philadelphia and 'Hal , tknore, opening at his store mein Corner- of. Market Square and Main Streets -(for merly occupied , by Geo. W. Ilitner,) a general as. sortment of . ' •-• . Hardware, Stone Ware,. cedar Ware, ' Brillania Ware, Groceries, Oils; Paints, Varnishes, Glass, Brush- . es Whips Canes. Lamps for • ' • • ' . burnino• ?Ohba ' • atid.a great taricty . .of artieles . tiseful and necessary for . famishing and, keeping a hmise: Ile hastilso,aitil vrill:constautly.keep _ottliand • - Cr:tumbles e Oil, a cheap and elegant substitute for sperm oil, and having been appointed the agent id' . Messrs. Hitchers and Brother of , Newark 14.3,, for the sale nflotse'S Patent Litmilis in this county, lie is prepared torfue-, tash Lamps and Oil, at a'xery:reasonable Tate to all iato may wish to use this new and econoinivil light. Racing selected his goods and made his - pnrelisseiforfeasit, lie is able, and is determined to Thosettaving the . ere,ll to lay out will flail it to ih - eir." m1%1,11144;1: to give hint a ca 11... • - . . HENRY DUFFIELD. • Carlisle,Jilly 8, 18,10.—.11. ...• BANK NOTTOM., ifittri . IP.REAS the parlihle Saving Fund SoCiety, V epire ' Noti ' ceip'ren, ag• the c•mstitntion mul !Semi of Penitsylea ma, that the' stOckholders of said inttittition intend applying tn.:the next-Legialature• of the. Conimon wealth for ti renewal of charter, change of name, style and titletn' "Cumberland Talley Bank," iocrease,of. capital and' gellePal - discomding mid ll provi -leges.. al I under such restrictions as AlAe.k.egislatttre may direct. The above'institution to. 'c continued in Carlisle, Pa.. • Aug. 19,1810-41 m Lam--Goodg.: • A large. assortment of Theend -Lace,- -and, Edgiugst• SinlY.lblitt And - Stviss Ed s ings 1111 - ItiSertillgli!;7l . ol .- Sale- Ilt redu'oefl Alt the store of, = . , 11171YER' 31U4VAN".17. "--1 . -1;S1: RECEIVED ' at, - .the I . .Ne'ut Store . i '3 Itipimusblirg,•Engli di; AtaßlN.Q.E.Sowil.rov_sale ' • ~." " AfiNOL.D & ABRAMS., I I COLOURS 60-6 kfiri ;, T I sale at the New Store hl . Shijipt;nsbut*,lay.' AILNOLD & ABRAMS:. • ..UST -RECEiVEI) and now offered fat- sAle qt .10 the New Store in .ShippeeSbett, - a .littedsOtne and sidendidassertmentolPhlle, White.sLed liroid. ered , , - • ' • ARNOLD gr.:ABRANTS.'' : • ..•••' INGrit A.TITODE :. is the baseet,,:erilne . in ~‘nin., - W-trare-not ainotid.thatelliss ot Elditoils.who for ,a: few dollars willjat the expiate! of Wiwi unit poi s. ty)"arack:up" a/I article and twins:it into ritliid sale; neither two we willing to remain , silent, -having' tested the' utility of an improvement or discovery soloo o o or oft, Our: readers:Will:recollect" we told. them..we were unwell witli'a sore tlwoat and Violent cold some ftwweellts.ko. Well, we Polthilted t•% . " ) betties W DAIS - OP..11Olt4? IjOIONO pro sudden wan the eureitleat-i*forght we'everitad a' cold. ...;Thosts: Itho are:dilated; may. try it upon our recticantendation.-Zeiiiistaum ;Tele. r.. ~ - Emilyer, • • ..1C NORTH, lifsivville, 4146., Orqggi_bto generallipropgbotitthe Ally. • Plice, 0 centiker kottle.- • ; 10V:0121111g !, WOR . iv IRMS7.q . To rerilove these troublescimito . " 11, 2 4.00 " lidnibitiints Of the stomach and bowels, which so often, impair Om health and destroys. the lives , of children; Tonle Vermipigeot certain and safe pre'-' psratial forlberttlio'val of the various kindsof worms, tlyspopila4our,stomaeli, want, oluppetite, Infantile fever pad ague, mid of tha.stomaoh ;and liovi.t els, and organs of diitestiou. Triliel . tad at Ne. 20 South Third street Phillidulthli.'4 ". Alio fo be had of Sanittat Slott and Steienson'ti (may' IS IPSO"- ' • ,„ 1 / 4 'r - • 1 .. foi• theliviritesiic of tilliitactint a ConeraftVitircfill 4 .9o end t:'ta.vartliiis . l3iiilitoes. - • -- •• rVttwould getemotie that we inive'talten the spto , ' elauk Vire V.,robf •bi•ielc iVit , ehotnie, al tanked .O n; south w'earechltici'of -.l3trond mid Vine,:,ttreetiimhere e 'are , itreimfe'd receive and - fotrai•ti- Afereftsta, dize. and'reeeire atirlsell , ttll kinds of , emintrY "dtter., •• • • „ ,„ . • 1 We'reipeetftilif 011eit dome of the pat-. ,1 11ROWN: erFra. mid, of tite ofA.gnew,, Alamurny aft t i n 0 , I - '- - G. W. BitO,W,'N-pfkini.pers WiTy;Va, ' •' & • e t k , 'ff . ../eb Cope -co ; .1: Sr: ic. I NVaY .9e o ige i'lAndY ..CO , 'Lancaster Ottpt. Jo 4 Steele S. Smith - l'ittterion ; Ferree: ; ' , •!•lfarrißimt7.L-'-Thonutit }flint, flunky Decider. •.„ t'artide.--Geo. A, Loa; Leonarli. , . • 71__ r6yille.+~lYillesinl ) • . , •••• p r ankan ,Cd:—Oeiirge-Clintlibers%Dilfl& Full ei ; - Pittstottrg,Mprphy: viVaMiiiktoie E.'Sc D.' Whitot • Bedford Akrie!N". : : • • LliP watm "'" (l ' — "W m " E Mareligll.• • I twits Jr. Ifarpoo Perry 8.. WagF9 •• , • • Oct " ••-• ‘;" . iir.OO,LP 4 A.E4E Sr. - RETAIL - Shet Iron, and Tin---fl Ore The suhscril,er offersftir salG, at his shop, in North Hanover street* Cftrlitit door to. \V m. Leon-. ard's store; (or - Will; inanufheture at the shortest no 'dee) the following articles, to Wit: . * • • • • :(04)01?114111-0224ittigo • of all :d6cripti4s, • of villiehlie has . 04 hhnd •a large , nssortment,'which Ite'tsill , sell lower than ' dyer,. for Cash : Also of fCrS-for-laln-anylquinntitylof . • Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Trare,l.• suchlas - Wash Kettles, Dye Kettles; Datter'S Kettles," Drums, Dripping 'Pans; House Spouting, Sm.; all of which he'will sell on . better terind than . •..: • _ ABEL . KEEN EY. Carlisle, S4it, . • . " o.„nlfilf.titp-ro!f ,2--„,,er oiver. patent dioi THE great encouragernent . .berttofore received' . from the Sale of his machinesfinduces him to of- See to the publics new and improveellorse. Power, which 'can lie Shifted in gear or out of getirby and Shift. the hand to give it five tlifferentrevohitions. Aid he Iniano hesitation in assuring the Farmerstbat now able, to furnish, them -with an- article far-su; perior to those manufactured heretofore. For speed. sad threshimputtl-ease-to-the-liorsearlie--be Heves his machines to be unequalled. His price is sl4o.—Seventy dollars to be paid, each, Mid theltaltince in six .mondut,for whiCh a note wilt he required with-interest: .-Any person 'welshing machine and upon a fair trial, not being pleased, can return it. He will at all, times be ready . tolnenish them on the shortest notice; orders Iron a distance will he punctnally attended to. lie will also repair , - machines on the te shortest notice. • WILLIAM 'll . Newville, July LT, ' . . . Balm .of Colunibia. • . - KNOW-' ALL PERSONS to whom these.pres- - ~cuts shall come, that I, GILBERT ROBERTSON, Kn. his Britllliio Majesty's Conga for, the City of Philadelphia, do hereby certifs . , That Robert Whar ton, Esq., who attests to the foregoing Certificates, is Mayor of ; the City of Philadelphia i and that Mat thew leandull,ESii., is Prothonotary of , the Court of Comnion - Pleas for the city and county of Philatiel phiu,tsi both whose signituregovith the Seals of their respective offices, full faith and credit is due. , - 1 further certify, that I urn Personally acquainted with Jesepli...L.Joalis,one ol j the_sigiiers of the certi ! ; .fieates hereunto a ff ixed, which expresiee Jim efficacy 60.1'68:dm of Colernhia, and: that per:maa great respectability, and . worthy of full filth and ere.; dit; and that I have heard him express his enqualifi.; ed approbation of the effects of the said Balm of Co- Itimbni, in restoring - ilia hair. , : - - . Given under my hand and seal efidfice, at city of Philadelphia, in the State of..Peonsylvaidri; the United States of America. -"ALBERT ROBERTSON. . , . , 'M . . ' • ROBERT ' lat Mayor of Philadelphia, hag eertified, as luny bp seen ,helow;to . the high character Of the following plittemen, • The undersigned do _berchyeertify that we have used the Bain of - Columbia- discovered by J. 'Old-* ridge,"and have Amin' it highly serviceable not only as a . preventiveiutaintttliefalling Off of hair, but also assrtajp restorative. • ' . • : - •. - Methodist - Mittister in St. - . Georg - charFe - _ . --N-04-86-Nortlk-Ftftli s ,J . O4N J.imyEßs The.ngtuhand those who :persist In 'lV6llllllg. Wigs tiny: nor alwitya experience restora ti ve yet.; t will certriitily raise its virtues intie 'estiniqtion .or. the public, when is known that three of .the it- . horat'signeri . are more a4e, and the others not leis than ' r , ' . . . • , . [From !lie . - 01fayor,] • . , • • COM3IO . NWEAITIII ,or TatiNsivvAttga,} -City of Pltifiatetithia".:- ;I. ROBERT WHART9l,brgity st itia# City of pfkia, tiOeby eerorytfi nom' quaioted "With J Ftietty,, awl ItteGartly. whose"nantei to trio abdie certificate; that they aii: .. geatleotkst;of 'chose ter.tind,e4peetability, gual.atkattehrOk..cietlit:ltiptild •be Wen to the said certificate. . 1 .:-'111, 1 tno.'"Avliet eorA. have'bereulat&- set my limit); tL. so. and - raitialditie".aeallit lltecity'to'beatthea; -- • -4 . tllll3 111Xth day of Ilee.:tialier,:itto... ROBERT WHARTON CILDRIDGF.S' 04tAr oF : comitmA: FOR ~11 fi THE: HAIR.-14 positive qualities ore • -lat. For infant's keopipg the head fron t Mid causingit Itisuriant growth of hair. " • 211. For tulles after 'child-With, restoring tire Skin to its usual strength and firoineis;anitOr.vetitingthti falling out of the hair; . _ • -". Stl. For any potion recovering from, an, the same effect produced :" , . • - -• • 4th: if 'mid ii. Infancy till a good groiath sliiitEd, it Max he.preservc4 braltFD ll oq:i. o Oki:Lite it period of . , . ••3 -. 1? . ;• • ":••, • - it - frees Vitt; bead .from datidrilff,•StrehgthenS the roots, imparts healit nnityigor to the ofictilitio ,n andrpreseots the hair s from 'altapsing-.6610ur Or/got- ling gray. r: • • -'6(b. lt !lair 'to' ailrY*4l l f4 lll i:when iiloae, up in it over ' No lollies' toilet - slioulileitei bo nods yitbitai'li. üb. ,Childs en s:hotaie by,any , oaeatall'eontriated veraibi‘b) the : are'ilintoediatelr, perfectly cured oftlheta by its use. ;10it infaihbte,- 'For ale at tbe4rug 'store of..thilitlitook: Fletcher street 'near Pearl; tied in :: Carlleie' ; by Ste. lee k (Poo , 16;1840,""Ir-, MIL 17:711,01'02C2".‘ _Stoweg, te, for wood awl cool; all tiorts of THREqI MG- MACHINES_ Read the. fallowing.; JOHN JOHN D. - TIIONI S, M. 13..16.3.1Race'5i ' JOHN S. FUREY,,tOI Spiltoe at.: •SicCURDT, !A3 South 7th it: .301P7•YARD,jr..;1 : 0 - Arch st..- • •...-:!:::.',':- ..:- ,•...y.:,;-.......;,, ....,. , ..',.-,.. , w, , ,....i.: ...,..:,---, .i..- ~ . 1 4: ;:,1 , -A,:i.iiiAtki: - ., - irif ,1 4 i' 41 iht V:arii •-. ;;y~ > ~~ . ,tC.i • .7 t , - 11101), fosafait'd3Pc.ctl) 4 •• ly ktptaints hilt.PtOnitie tilid,th&pidille;that lie lea pill, into operation onlhe • ' • ' . (•''.. Xisl-'llo3lla l a nineofn6; rtui reku •larltr.beiween hp Which `oods.aniLPrbauee iiluecriptimis be fprwar (led itli ."eai•U; et-d-raLittels,‘ •.:rts Goods Wilt luit'eeeivedjit the twennu se of :FILO% J MAXWELL; N' r,,, Uoriler...or....Ornatt and Vine stivets, Philiidelphia; and forwarded' tol-larrisburg, Cheiriberebuig, nod plae,ep, by the aubseribe'r: - ' . owyal . itarrisburg, Feb. 5,1839:. • • • • '• - D:ZrFISH,. SALT AND PLA.StEir, nunstautly on hand. Cash Raid fok . almost 'tilt kinds' iif_couiltry".pro. • . . _ • L.:, . • • „ , d'lrGiladeip :Why eels: '.irtictlianiesbitetsr , and . . • hia_ 'Bilitinsoiv. [BY , RAIL ' D 0 .1i ,„ . RE sub.Scrlbers grateful fo'r past' ttivors, beg leas:itb inform thdir Ii iench and the public generally f .thal c they 'still: continue to !Hie of burlhelt-CarsegularlY,4lNeen Meclatttlealture. md, philatlelphie or 'Baltimore; by 'Nybioi:gocbi duce of nil Aeseriptions. Will be for Warded with . care and.tlesi)atch at the lowest ratvi.of. freight. 'Proditee liCreeeived - tetite . in Meohaniesbnrg;,and forwarded to either; Phila delphia ore-Baltiroore,accoriling toTtlte directitna of the owner. parr The highest, price' will be given for, Wheat and Ploue:.± . ;. • .DRE§tACII 'IIEILV: N.13.' Plaster of Paris and Salt - always kept --on hand; and for sale at' the Icrwest.prices. ,„ :„, - , , .. . •,.._ . • i_ .ovti a' , - .lteli fiii.:...V.,_.: to. . -,. . . ...,,;....-: . ;,,,. :,; (At- .-- at - . - ..-ts. i..---, - uu , — A i -g-.-•,-.- • - ._ •- COMMISSION 14k- FORWARI) - _. - • - ~ ING:MERCIIANTS,t'L": I lave removed to the CaPitcions Warehouserei;e - ntlvr occupied by11.,-Leech & Co. ni,tilti north-westcernir of Cherry - and Ilroad street, Philadelphia..._ From - the facilitiei Wilda' the loCation and:internal arrangement of this : depot afford, '3O to 40 .Burthen Cars ten be accommodated to unload end load i)t the ...saine..titne Niitlf sufficient room to store 20,000 barrels of Flour, and 400.t0 600 - iiiroTUriiiii - efeloisiverot'llit fdkjullinktlepartment. ..• ' , Produce of _every ilescripticiti -tvill-be 'received as usual on .consigOmeotsraml.liberallif6mices made on reccipt(if required) until-sales are'effecited..• '. . - ' --. _ CII.AIG,IIELLAS Sr. Co.. • ---.*-- ~:-....,...,,:c0rtmr.0f Cherry:SE lirond,st - . --- -- ' I 'fr . ' - Pliiladcliiltia: .., • . , . - - • . ~. -...- • - . . . REFERENCES. IV.• S.- Cobean, Cashier,: • • „-," -If euderson ' & Parker, _ - 1- - - riiri • - -'. --; 1 - e item". -Rhoad., - _.. •:._. .. - -_._ __-:_(!r ... • SanntlersOri Si Hosserman; . • • ' 'JccobSwoyer, Aseuruille. ~. . ' • - 7DiirviirNevitl Sltippentburg, _, --, • •, . • . .1. Logan Smith, Esq. Cashier — hamo ..' - , rr t; ertbu - `- -- Egirte,lltuz• Co - i - • , •, - ------------,,!---• Robert Fleming, - . . Cathcrwood Sr:Craig, . , Philatfelp ' hta - - . .Wril.R. Thompson Sr. Co. • - Whitafl &'. Brown • - -- • ________ • - •-•• IT 0 Those who - know J.lkeitseliti; to be .indebted to , fitiatthseriber, ard,r6sDectfully requested to call and settle their accounts betttecn this date and the Ist olJanuary 1841, as it is absolutely necessary that all outstanding accnonl should be nettled by that time. The Hardware bLsiness is carried oti as usual at the Old Stand, where the, publju are_requestell to call for any article in,thc subscribdr's line of business. •JACOB SEVER too. . IMPORTANT TO MILICERS MANUFACTURERS. • • Impl'ovett. Water Wheel. TIIE having purcluised of theorigitial Pidentee the rightot the above IVater Wheel for the state of Pennsylvania, will dispoie of individ ual rights or counties on. advantageous terms. This .water wheel. has.beettfully testedmul provettio_befirt far Superior to any kind in its , power of propelling Mitehinery; 'having - "a greater' force - than' ally other wheels in proportion to the quantity of water applied. •It is calculated to be more particularly Useful at :mills, having from two to. eight, feet heat, and fall,. and to greatly obviate the inconveniences experienc ed from,back It is Consider - al by those lay. ing them as one qtlid most important improve ments that ltas,ever been introduced for its Simplioi ty, strength, steadiness of motion'inid durability.. It is constructed altogether of iron and not so expensive to make as an Miderstotinnd operating with about half the water and not liable to be obstructed by ice .in the" winter. , The subscriber will, devote his atten - Hon tro calls for these wheels Wench places as may be IMCHAEI. O *MATH, Harrisburg. Tids is to certify; tliat I.havepnt in one or Howd's Patent Cast Iron. Direct Action Water 'Wheels ,iri does not-flood the tail -much by three inches is-thw-reactitin_didouid_thal grind' seveiLbll4 .eis ‘ilitt(the. direct -action wheel an _hour ' and drive two run of stones, where e:mildnot grind four bUsll nlaiii the' sable time-with the reaction and 4Cive one Tun of stones. • VgTER,..:EARNESTOCAL Euplirsdn; Lnii:IdOZIO: 1868: . • _ •- 8;1838: . .This may certify; that I hare_bccn engaged in rut tin„ • Illowtra.:On4 'iron direet 'action' water wheel,) oth in the State: of New York and juk.MiChi.: gnu, and can give it as iny decided opinion that with 8 feet head or under, rightly put in, It will do more business with tii - e,snrine.Water...thne any. water: wheel.. Which I havd . yethattnny experken C ii 'did in reference to : back.waterOß 640Coliti'lltet to tionei that .1 haze - yet *tried...." in refeeence to: ivardin4..ngsiiitst ice, llicee :can' be no better`cifieration, aUd it is _4cry easy to .Ire: kept in • . STEATEN. 'AIMS • •., • A lowtiy, Sept. 5,1838. 4 rbismajt•Cortif3r that thilveltadid roy'Mill ono of Jiic t uoviy - dirsct waterwheels forlheap r a . Ce of .one ' Is five,reitliliTefilibir Mare. loid - . - 14 .-- re4 action, in thii-linneplidi=4.hated.alio had Wheeler's Unioii-W.heiti;yet 1 thinklilt; lioinlN Will *do ,mole Intsinci! with less water think any othei.ll. have tried.!, it does well in back Water. ..-I•have . had from Sto -.8 Ted Ilea& 1 think,wecotild dd as mtiat,*(irk :with half the', water as we, used , tti do. With Abe; .imtlershoin wheel, which has also !men in opeintioit, lniny mill., • . LA witz*,cr, ES ~.::' L yons, Sept.., 038:- k'jtits . oiay_iertifir„, that tie hare ,aleti one , HR,,,pititeote,vaterw4qa..l4n9i,.o,4oo,r_bi.t,by the aide of a t.e..aetion wheel, .wp , tbink,Alint 'doilblif thin business *llll.thei anrnef '*.aten that the; regictian.Wlll.oo, orvery..near.;.- - W.. 0 .',neyer have hal : three aasl 'can • , gtind • With that eight bnithell . netthaui:s .- Wate subj ect haok4.. This wh e el „ gbol L bnelnesti; Under haelawittet as thit 'tett9mmen44('-*P' fhb attentioo and, patronage ekttlieVi - r ;110ACIlki 14: 1- -13ER;tSTIVF4§ER,:'*,itti.iiifighe t 'pont for the abcive,acqtiono;iviktW* l o4;',l* ogltntlifKof I.4trphiti •Clupb*liumt.toutYo4s4triVill all times , tion, .tire: :elfortost- noting, bY 'Wm Of SheOletOistosin, Cluit'ker, l oo 'Fiotintfirfigs , co -.- -,-=- 7 -31/cutE - DRA:r.B 01SEASES OF THE lINGS ECM tße 1 . .111t1100§ reineilfealitivO been :offereCnnd puffed intii.initick for,:d ;senses" Of Ate sorne'of.Whiek heti undoubtedly:been found .yery, nee 'fa; hilt - of all diet have' lieen known it,inttif Iteimiyet.Sally'aCknotiledged - .thet‘e nonethitl;hitS ever proved: as* suciessfal as ~the- v ! t:DALSI2IM. OF' WILD ClIF.1111 1 1•.": - ,• - • , ; , L ' Such indeed - are the. ,restoratlicitnd :healing properties Of Ads'," Baliame, that:even in the. Worst-forms' of Consumption,„when: - tfie' Patient - has . - ;iriffered ' , whir - the Meld 4 istretOok ; catiei. - Niolent. nlri , Slii - theelinte,diffieultilifhi c entlitugought sweats,; Ie di*of4lte4itity:lim arid ivhenAlte inest.esteern eil remedies Of out. Fitarmacoidas any relief; and even when Demme, -1-lorncepathlei and, tillITICI•oup other remedielf, bad:: been; used • for many• montltain vail,.this Invaluable. rettiedfitai Checked,' ,eyortsynaytoniamd - beet; productive of the inost,its-, - tonisitift rdicf In - die early . stagesi the disease, Proceeding tram, neglectedld cos; .termed Ontarritsl Pensuintitioniithes been used witinualcViating suc.: cess:.and iii mahy.jestaincell,'when this disc, seem • ' eil to .have maritedlts .viCtim, for rin early grave ; the Ante Ofthis - medfcinti liatiarrested-eivey on symptemal restored the lungs ter' state .crperfct health: . In that form of Consumption, sopreVelent stipongsf 'delicate' young fernales,.cominonly.termed , er '`f gbh* nt6 n decline," n critnplaint.with sands are linger; ng, it tnis else been used with Surpri sing sticcess, and; not Only. possesses - the power of `checking the progress 'Of _thiS alarming disease,but at the 'mine tithe strengthens - anti invigorates, the whole system more effectually . titan 'any yernody ,have eyer poesessed, • : . , • , . ' CONIPLAINT.---fit diseases - tif the Liver;liirticalmly \Oen attended w hit a cough, iiuli .gestionor,,,wanllcrlingpitiilitt 1110. also pro ..v.eli_..vtii,:effibachims, and cured many . cases of this' - kind after the. most powerful reniediee . . _ . . r ASTHINIA.T=In this complaint it has also !teen used innumerous instruiees with the most singular success. at,nliens tlic — ithrest., - rinOering - tlie - breathing perfectly free, OrrrEts the cough, and will seldornfail to•giv . e permanent relief. ,' . -. • , • . alner'll.P.ONClllTlS. — As remedy in Broni ehial affections of threint, attended with a:hoarse,- etss; Cott ttlt or loetrin tlie . .throat; - irwit - Fplito he found a.very effectual remety, and:will mostly afford '.irm; mediate: relief if used itt the Commencement - of itt 'Q COUGII4 & COLDS.---In common coughs übd Colds; that Prevail so' extensively throughout the Winter,. it will bp found Much more effectual than any reMedy'in nse,and,WheneOldiseitle MUM the lungs, causing an inflummatitin with pains in the breast;dif foully or shortness of breathing, lite., the use 01. this' Balsam will suppress 'suck symptoms immediately, and at the same time prevent-the lungs from' becom ing,nfore...! serictualy_diseaseA,:i_ , • • - r.:I2OUP AND WHOOPING COUGH.—In these coniplaints, so common' to young, children, this Balsam :w ill be found much superior,to the Forego ' Elixir Syrup Of 'Squills, and the Various cough mixtures in :common use, as. it is entirely free. froM .anyAlting the least injariousond mayat all, times be gmenio_ehildren With p_erfect sidety,and with the cer tainty of its affordingthem speedy repel • 7—* ')[ AS-.:ILF A MBA. MEDICINE, formanyOtG; ei complaints, this Balsam willalso be found partic. ularlv Useful. Besides-having - provedm •invaluable rentedv in all Puhnonary affections, it exerts a pow erful iiJluence over: many= diseases'depending , on_ -depraved emidition.of the -system,andthose who.have sliffeired froni the indiscriminate use of Mercer:V. or other deleterious-drugs, that are often" compomu'ied i different quack nostrums, will find it a-remedy of great wine, possessing thel-pOtver of strengthening and invigorating the whole' system more effectually .than ally other medicine we possess. • CAUTION TO PURCHASERS..--As this med-. icine has already acquired great celebrity. there may I probably be -some attempts , to imitate it, and deceive ! the . paldiewith spurious inixttire,to prevent:which I Woulid - Wisititil purchasers toaliServe the lolloWing marks of the genu MC Bat tat m. It is put up - inhintles of two sizes ' having the words \ VTSTAR'S BALSAM OP - IYI1:D CHERRY, punLADEL -1,111-ATtarovnin'tlie-,gliiss;, the - fitint with the siguattire of J.I.E'N4Y—WISTAR, M. D: I . :without which none.lsigenurne: • - Prepared forAlte - liroprietor'; by 'WILLIAMS 'Si CO.', Chemisti, No: 9:2' Comnierce street; Philadel phia, and sold by the respectable Druggists and other appointed agents in all the principal_ towns throughout the United States. . Oc7s. The . Genuine Balsann . Eiold in Oar= lisle, by SAMUEL ELLiorr, appoint ed . . • Price4l;ol6 - a. bottle: '., December 16, I y. , • • - • ,• .- -.- Dentist ry. . . • . . DR. I. C. LOGIVIIS, ,•_•• HAS'retut nett to'Carlisleiand will, RS heretofore attend to the practice ' of Dentistry. 'He may be found at Colonel Ferrees Hotel. MrSCIRS re questing it,will be waited upon at their reshletlee. ..,..9,er to D • n. GEORGE I). FOVLWE, " • 0:7 " e 'Dn. Worth N. Mittiorr.. Carlisle, Mardi 11, WO. Hays' Lz . nimeizt. NO PIC TIO.NI .. .. . . ••• This extraordinary chemical composition , the•re suit of Science and the inVentionbt a celebrated med= iCal man; the introductien ' of, which to' the public was invested With the solemnity of ti denth•hed, be quest, has "since gained . 6. reputation unparalleled, fully sustaining the correetrirsx of the lamented Dr. Pridlley 3 s last confession, , that "he dared riot . die without giving to posterity the benefit of his knowl edge oti this.subject,r and,he therefore bequeathed to kis friend and attendant, Solomon lint's; the secret of his discovery.: ' - . . . - It is now used in the principal . ' hospitals, and the private Practice - hi our country, first- and most -cer••• taiuly for-the cure, of the PILE'S, and also eitensiye ly, and effectually as to baffle credulity, unless xvltere its pffeks.are_w itnesspd::.,Eiternafly iTlg'complaints: • , .- Foe .11ropsy 7 Creating. extraorllinary absorption • • Swellings,-Redueing- them in a few hours. nheumatisna;4-Acute or ; chronic, giving quick _ , 'Sole -Throat---By cancers. ulcers,'Or gni tl s.• Cr p and' 'Whoopyng-coper.,--Externallyz and over the chest. ' : .. • All Ilruises,'SPraiiis,aid - 13urns—Cmced in a rev, Sores and ‘Ulcers....Whetber fresh - or long stood.: itig,and,fever sores. , • - . • = _ its operation upon,adults and children ln.reduelng, rheumatic strellings, anilloesening coughs and tight mess of the•chest by relAxation 'of the parts, hits been mess beyond conception; "common 'romon re- ' mirk of those who have needle in The :Mei; is "It " Rots like a' charm., - • , • • THE PILES:,—The price, $i • ierefunded-lit afiy Orkin whit w illlo a bole of TriyirLittirnent: for thePilmi,apd return, iheztittity-bottle without being • cured. • -These are.the nsitive orderi ofthe proprie t .. "(Arlo the 'agentiotpl out of imapy.thousands sold, not 'one lois,' been unsuccessfill. , '• • - ' - Might Insert certidcalie any. lengthy hint ', Prefer that thOpollte sell 14 Article, should_exhibit the original to .purehgi ps.., Ti•PhtistclarAtt pod Pa te);ts_:, The Blind''Pabs; said AO be incurable by external applieationSolornoti 114 is vinitiolts the ebittriiry. Bit; I.titimeni•will mire Blind - Piles ! z,'Bieto.are more' stubborn than theos, ,jje.. s olitiits .physicians to, try iliupon, their . .. Patients:: IF do, themno'hArm, and' it itilintortij - Abet every - physician 'who, has had th tu e hanesty,toa*the' admitted that sit "ha's suecepiled in 'they tinge' m own:;: Ther(whi not use it?. It is the, 'reelpdbfrono'nf theirtriostreApeciableAneirbrri; no . * AticeaSeif. - , - ' Why refits', to mkt it 1; Because, itli.loltl as kiro - pridary,. 'ls. this a'. sufficient .ex- ones suffering,their honest,: patients" to linger in: distresil"'We think nOt::',iPhysioin - ni • Shall be Den: iinoed that diere'i Joi .bnnibur. 'or mbielteryithOut this' Artirle.-4:lVltr then'not Alleviate Multptp . ' Ageism. Avon!C tri beqtrevlet.,Aliert.olt - dr'on' oOier, preicriptiolis'Cail::::PhYar9 ll "4 4 WiesPe-CtrOY requested' to, ibitheiluielreg and pntienta tbejuldoe to us a4iele. : - ICI4 I J be" taken betties. find'tlopitttiatitbeht",preiteriPtlonliitbity , deoizi. - :SOLQMOIC . HANS:%, .Note letcnett.littsetsNewYorlu ',.;.<' , r, f' s lig i fi t iri ! . • 4116 . ;11: , VEV.VEDISO,i i t „ .114010:00,4,19a11001 .,-- Of. • - Wh; iffli!tisictitMMlL'CUl its,C f'--Okmi_9Bol7!Or:llW.iioocentratea:r.:: • Hoeellotiiid;j3tAieoeil3lciott• Root, I:in-4 7t, ei • XiitLievaral:'-in,tharilekatablii..juhntitneen.-- • •-, HOltElioUl'D';is.atifle,ate too generally ,• - • • known •.' to require 'teetmktiettdatlont . l tAtt.therefoae.ontr tte. ceinriryAin, : uhnetvoAlint3 l 4 eeede . etee'. contains, the '• whole of fflair-,rtiedieallOtteities;l4lity conceiltent..- -"ed, - ?litipiiilfeii,MbiOd*itknet7ertit , gther, , ve .; ' - : - gelable:nabstancan,-.410-I.oooeti % t • flies mos t .speedy, Mild.and certain une,•fut'•,,tlia Idainta.nbOva'..inentlinnettT' : Fi*: : ChitifrejOhaliDalatitifin- Of it If is a gsricefllkefoOledy fch , - -the IF/ acertniii-yetiefi may be_nafelginaa to - ilie tender • ite,ke . pt. at all' times in'eieis'family;'surn , :•. hettea, fot. incident i.,,Chilikett, than PareGgrio, GodfCoadial ; br, the Cordial e so'eotri: monly ed3en.lmodredt in thin City have Redd .‘hefollowing.- . .4 . ller4bicertif3i 'that - early in the spring ..18 11„1 _contracted tt n.,,evere COLD', .whiclusettled upon; y lungs, unit a balky Consiimptkon,--1 used teverstlAwencrititions,-bwolni 'mined , little or":relief alaritied , Happening , ' to be .initochester,,l3ihs•adnised by my faiend;to.lyy a:bottle Of . his '11)1Ln:ill' oitl:Doltattoimtrt.l4id - zso, and`Tto - -- - my=stiaprise7 - oa:i , laitiMl4. elk( at .once—atal .14 . the use of that tined: bottle - wan perfectly r ,restored to '.health. - , To'• those' afflicted 'with' 'Colds or . ..path n, at • thin,hialerrient lanson; Sarto and _do' likewise:" LEANOAR CHIP*IAN.; • • . Pittsford, Nfontioe OV' 92 4 8 3 .8; - Mr. John M, Winslow, DruggiSt, ; Dear Sir IniVe been fer.staertes of years'nfflict ed with an affection Of-the-Longa, and allard iinflnive tom., pletely exhansted.,by - exeessive coughing during - the night as a persoiilvould be by a hard days labor. I have tried most of the-pomilar remedies .of,the day,. bat-never found relief until t, met with your Balsam of Horchountl..• All the - other remedies or palatines, that I have used, leave the bowels in a congested state, while yours leavei them soluble nialicee.7This. I consider alreat desideratum; On taking, a doge of .your, Balsam, when goiiig to bed; If reit - quietlY thrO' the night, and my sleep is refreslting, I take great 'pleasure in -recommending your Balsam of }lore hound to fill thoSe afflicted. with pulmonary cont.; plaintaor any disease appertaining to tile lungs, and I take this opportunity to . thank you for thu:greatie lief putt benefit! have experienced tithing!' your in strumentality. - Itonrs, with - Minch 'respect,' - • • ,w WM. COGSWELL,. • :•. • • s.ELpcirr, Carlisle. A. 3 NORTH, Newville. • Also, yy Druggists generally throughout the soup ry :Pried:SO"telitaper bottle - : " • April 15;1840.---1y. . Presh- Medicines. , Dye-Sin Linseed Oil, Spts. Turpentine; Copal . Varttish;Paiti-. tars' Brushes, Varnish Brlishes,Hand Brtishes, Sper- Inaceti.:OiL. (very fine) Spec - in Candlbi, Soaps hi - great Variety., Glass -Lamps, Cap ,and Letter Paper, Fruit,Spices, Perfumery, Ezcl; &e., which he will sell to,Physicians, Merchants and others, WHOLESALE or -by-nr..intt,, at the-lowest rates, having purchaseden tarely for cash; he will (Hier bargains to those who wish to purchase at.wholesale: u5t5,1840 -Tile IndianW ' egetab le Pills. Are a purgative medicine,•so natural to the human constitution, and withal so mild!, and pleasant in their operation, that not the slightest dread oPpain or sick; ness, need be apprehended from their use, even by • the most delicate: at the-same time, if used hysneli`a• manner. as 1.6 operate freely. by the bowefit those • 'inorbidliumorsifwhielr'depositethpon• - thesitrious -- ; parts of the.body are the 'cause of eveg. , ifehet pain we suffer) will most assuredly be velalived; andviot------4 • only will pain, or ilistress'of every description be ven from the body, but disease in anyform IF.f)1! 111 (!...s aro g re a sou oulien, from the sudden chang;.---. ea of atmosphere, or any other cause, the perspiration is checked, and those humors which should pass off by • the skin, art: throw ni nwardly, elms; ng headache mut seau, and sickness, pains in the bones, watery and in flamed eyes, sore throat; hoarseness, conghs,consu rhettmatic pains in mint's parts of the' body,and • 'tunny nthersympfeinStaitilittigeold;the_lntlian veg °table Pills will invariablyigive Immediate relief.- 7 _ Three or fottr taken at nigh o n going to bed,anti repented,ii. few tittles; wl - 11 - Verribi all. the above un pleasant symptoms,and rest9re the body to even sone derhmlth than before: ' • . • ' - - - • • Thelndian Vegetable Pill*, (IOW) Purgative) are a . aturtd, and therefore n certain cure for Costiveness: beeause they- cleanee the storrincli and bnwels of those bilipusturnours, which not only paralyze, and weaken the digestive organs, burare the cause .of beadache„ . _ nausea,' and sicknessivalpitation of the heart, 414 f • 'pains in various 'parts of the bOdy, .stid 'many other. 4liangreetible complaints., The. sameinaj-he- said of difficulty.of breathing, or asthma; thebtlian Vegeta ble Pills will loosen and clietry off by the- stomach, and bowels, those tough pleghmy humors which stopup all air cells of the lungs, mature the cause oft he above dreadful complaint. • — .ln all diacirderedmotions of tbe blood, called inter- • • mittent,temittent, nervous, intlamMatory and' putrid FEY the Indian Vegetable Pink will _ found certaltrTemedyibecaustrthercleanse - Ahe stomaclr— a bewelaof all bilious matto,andpurify.thebloods _ _ -conseue mar, as they_remate_thesau_se,aLessal - Lkind_ _ of disease, they sire absolutely certain to cure every' kind off eVer. •.. - So also when monlildiMmors arc deposited upon .1 'the membrane and 'muscles, cinising those pains; in, nominations and swellings called Rheumatism., Guilt, &c.; the Inillow.Vegemble Pills may he relied_on as al wayscertain: to give relief, atitl if persevered with, ; will most assuredly, and without ,fail, make. a , perfect cure Of the above painful maladies. ,, ,P,iom .threc to .. 'six Of mid Indbin Vegetable Pills; nikeu every night en 'going to bed, - will, in a short time, completely rid; the. body Of.all morbid a nd: corrupt humors; and: likeuniatism,Goutand.pain ()revery •descriPtion, will' disappear as if bY magic. • , st: -, - - -- . lt should be remembered that the Indian Vegetable - Pillstre certain; to'remove pulp in,the 'side, oppresr . Bien, neausea and sicknees, loss of appetite, costive.' iiessoi yellOw tinge of the skin, Mut eyes, sad every other symptom Of Live! , CoMplimit ; "because they ,purge from the body:these:Corrupt an&stsgriant hu- mm.s which; when deposited upon the: Liver, are the eanse of the above dangerous complaint. They. are • also a certain preventive of aPolexy and sudden death; : *cause .they carry nff them hunlours which,olistruc-• tivit theeiriulatiori, aretlic.eauSei of it rush, , :or geter- - __ impation of,bltiod to!the,licail...giddlness especially tin turtilrig`inddenlY 'tiniiultiliiiihicsil—drowsiness • ......loss.otipenior-Ibilittfitinition.ortit'wtiisin—in- - -stiuq,aadeveryotherilliooeofthe•mintl..,• ,:.•'-- ' O'NEJ,NVOIIII TO' TIIE SElliSigTAllt • ' -' Thosifwhe from) titbit ornintOtion,are kept much Ivithin.dpors,ishould i•emember that they . frequently bi:Mithe'an:iittniiiiriliere which is wholly unfit for the gir9p§roconsion 011 he lUngs; and at the Same time; ' awing to want of exercise,thehowelatti!etiet,sufficient. ly evaeoatedtlip blocill .beicimei impure, and head. • ache, indigestkon, Paipitation' ef _the' heart; and-many tithriliiiitgreilkblesylmiitexite; follow. .. . ; :Tap., itsrpurvvpwrApix , PIL LS, 'tieing a cleanser: of stomach bowelioind a di- • refit p .. 9rifir :Of the'ltidet),Air,teertain_tiot only to re- move liaiti itl'Aisti*lareverl,,kied fronithetbehedy, *it iiintl;c :00161101y; ie. al :toii, 6 6 kel)o6r - free * "'fro* *best liutuoik U th icllare ihe istise - of ifiery male. tlyiarilleilieiiiiii:etiiey iivilf . -.iiiiiii. assiireilik prliiinitn: •- stiall'Olnitit'un'il'en - iiiit circulation of iljti, blond, that those - ivltis leaft a'iledgntAil - life;*ilCile enabled to ' enjopniiiii'd'hitaltil;indlrinlpur of :19 , !1 , (!nd will be i„, 'absolutely impossible..' :•:;••'::-,'"'''.:'-; •-,' ;•'-....''' " - 'Fiit,a,* .by 2, J--::, - : ;;t. .. ': ~.:.i ''' . • , ..: - . L _ ,_. • :.,-. •,‘ ' .. . .• ' ,=.;', --. ...' ,. :•ICITA LES' 'OGILIIViAtati - ,1 .. - ..: . ~ - ;:••••; , :)....J. •'.., , ..:.• -- '...;:".;.kt-' 4 5..... ' • CCP& 'MI tar OTtiiiied 00tiejitt-ci:ppok.Nb:Aqa Rao street, Phtladtifpl4: , ;',..`:''-''";';''':"'.'lj • '.';'tl‘bk,i l .o‘,llll.4 4 -; S::ELLIOTT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers