Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, February 24, 1841, Image 3

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. .
v.itt• xi e..'
wlanivisp,4 - 14 VilR 3.13.41.
The Committee of Arrangements : of Ate
Lettres Society, their s
to the.citizens Qr Oarlisle, furiheir,kitid
'ness in the loan : Of furniture on the ,eien
ing, of thp 22
On Saturday.list the' btidy• of
a inulatta . . man;;; named Nesbit ! -
. • • - •
Was found suspended to a. iree,in the woods
belonging -to Siman Wunderlich,
little•clistance east of the borough. Bill
for a nuMber of yeare past led a n . very
dissolute and . intemperate life, :and has
been 'an inmate of the ;Poor. Ilonee of
this county during, •the Preeent . winter.. : • It
.is ,ttiripoSeti that • his' not being abli;, to .06- ,
cure his beloved .beverage .Prompted hint
to commit the rash act._ 't
thellOble-hearted - Whigs7of 'Boston • have
pnxchased nadAiramaieiLto the e_ditor; of
. .
the .atlas of that cityia new and splendid,valued 4t.tioo thousand dot-
Jars! . This' is indeed a noble - gift,:attd one
-which no one deserved hatter than the able
editor of the Argus, , ,' Major --1 . 1-iiiiatrivt,
who, .durtng the recent struggle, battled.
inost,iataufully_in the cause of the, people.
The editor; in- allitdhig to the donation; re
turns-thanks to the donors in, the true Ori
ental style.
• IC:7"ThemshOrt patent sermonir Which
• • tiye appeared in the Now York
i{fercur.ii, over the signature: of- Diuit;ln.
are to lie published-in book :form. • They
_ ihes enior editor,•andare
described by competenrludgea; as equal in
.- • humor •and eriginality hest•writihge
• of Mi. Charles Dickens,•authOr of N . iehola§
• Nickleby. • •, • •
ENotTsm-A. fracas occurred at
Abinktoli near Philadelphia, a dew' days
ago, between T.luimas Dunn English, - the
editor of "Metcalf's Star and Democrat,"
and Mr.Vachette; - *'Druggist of Phila
delplia. Maeliette (111;pi:.p i s lid
wished to administer a . pill to the Doctor,
without putting him to the 'trouble of swal
lowing it; while the - Dr. defended himsel
-poker;—MachetteOloweveri-did -not
seem to like that mode .of playing:, poke,
and was bluffed off. .
Engitgli has ptibliaeda Card, ac
companied with a ce'rtincate, i shoWing that
Mr. •M. was the aggregsor.
SMALL NOTES.-It appears to be the,al
- universpl wish that the Legislature „
of this state would pasi.a: law permitting
the Banks to issue-anall notes for the' pur
'poses oichange. and
ver,are kept out of . eireulation,'We shall lie
flooded with small notes of. other • states,
many - oP.them:the issues -ol;irresponsible
institutions. What is- current with the.
merchant "to-day, trill' on to-morrthi , be
• pronounced worthless; and in many in-;
statmes the poor, wheie they do not lose
the whole, have tQtpay a heavy discount in
order to pass them. Let us, then, have
small-notee which Will be uniform in .value
- ,and Which will pass current in every iper
tie:lW the" Comnionwealth." • •
Inifie Shate.-- , -During the past week
tunicrous petitions from diff e --7- rent:parts of
- the - State for authority to. allow . the bankl
to suspend. for one year, and 'issue -ilia
,-were presented. A remonstrance
from several individnals of iticif.ean county
— B - 4. - a — insi the - appointment Of Nyni. Wil :
pox to fill. the
. office of Associate !udge, of
that 'cotnty,, was
. presented 'and referred to
the Judicary ...comittiM'e, Priday : Mr:
Pearson from the :COMMittee 'on, the 'Judi.;
was - tom m itted the' gotise.
.bill to: prohibit theinter-triSrriage of hlacks
• nd.'tv inadk - a - report adverse
.10 I,egii-
1 ' "the• s d (.1‘
_sting on au . fecommen
;that the negatived. pn the,' same
•„day• ttie...,quesfinn, was taken en the final
passage of Mr. Spackluans'' resolution, and
the , ..affirmative by,'"a'airiet party
1111 to 13, (Miller of Cumberland
abekt.) resolution. 'prev,ides..fOr
,suspension 'or the law -of last ;winter' for
'the space of forty, days: : - On : Satirday the
'bill.fer'Lliii -ereetion of an asyluily.,:fur - ;.the:
insane:oo94as •takbti :up.. Mr. Penrose
•P r° P* d . 1 0cnt0.
folio Howl. Monday Thelsll , for
.the , 00tiblishent of. tai insineasYluiti,.watt
- reicrii, third ed and 'iassect 71
6 naya::„., On WeditesttaY4tte'reitOltititin
the appointinent, tif joint-,,eprittnittett of
the - legillature, tOsettle kbe.apeamiteof ttie
disbursing :oiteera , 'tlte Huntingdon
bi:eicii,iNit4oo:4l:thitd ;time, 46 6 ) 8 *(4
45 to 3 Ott l'huraday'
-far. the'eleetifm Of! o',.e :1 ay Ofr, Papp4iiter
by the people; :and to fix. fiio , :,,iertn for
taking - e, [feet
October.nt CaeltleSii, - pasdecrthrosith coin
fired the tiny
,befoM; - On. - ihe State
Tieasnier for, information as. trillie:emount`
paid to , the State.' Geologist and Tor the
• ge
ogica surrey; , was , , ca • d„ ant opted
On Friday;-the bill - changing the: mode', of
the.MaY r; f tane
aster was finall
On Saturday, the . bill 'of . Mr.
Spackinan of, the.: Senates was '
taken up
"and , after -some • disruSsion, the • consiclera
non was postponed until the 2d. of March:.
The traublcs the' Harrison. p . arty..fre
commencing... - On Saturday last, the:Pen
rose and- Stevens. :faCtions had a trial of
strength in this borough, in the
,electiOn of
delegates to - Countyconyentloe.:.:..We
learn' that: considerable. exertiens, were*
made op Imth - tides, and' that no"little hitter
.feeling was engendered by
. the rival: fac
tions..,2The• Stevens Men, 'however, ear- ,
,ried the day;, they isiteceeeded in electing
their delegates( by a'• handsome majority,
and the Penrosians were fairly driven from
the field.— Volunteer of th . e..lBth blab' • • 1
This articleissio ridiculous; that .had
intended 'not to 'malice it, but having seen
it copied by 'seine Other - Loco fbco papers,
as aii evidences of disunion iwthe Harrison
are • party, we are • induced : to interpose flat
denial to the whole efitement. No . suCli
contespooli_place. .:The nameeof Messrs.-
Penrose and Steiens, : were not mentioned
in connexion with the 'delegate election;
and the ':exertion on both sides,” -- Inv be
estimated, when .we state', "that not" one
, . . ..
third of the Ilarlison votes of_the.borough
were pulled. It-is true there,Was 'an op
bosition candidate; and that hewas elected;
lint it was the result of a : misunderstanding
which be i3inc . e'beo b'y mutual
explanations. •We repeat again that eVery .
assertion..of the.. Volunteer, in reference. 6.
this matter, •is Mae and .absurd,'antl is
only anpther of thoie attempts which have
been made by the Locofoco press do foment
—what they fondly hoped would. have
the editor of the nlunieir to
_look aLthe
state or his own party. •- The signi of lire',
times indicate, that_ they . will find some_
trouble'about their own - "diggins,":.. before
the• Ides - of March" . 2.1 over.. • -
• As for the • Harrison - party—whether
Whigs - ar.Antiatasone—they are as firmly
united as / ever, against the common enemy,
'inci we give the, editor Of the °Volunteer.
notice_ that at•theiiex . t Governore.electiol
he will find - them all "in tawn," -- witli a
. .
pdcket full of rocks.".
JC:i7The editor of thedrnericari_Sen,
litzel;'! an able an influential--=Van Buren
journal, in .alluding to the auspension,isajs:
har,' always believed in the con-
stitutionality- and tiecessity of a Nationa
Bank.- have never - wavered in that
matter. Yhatever prominent men in the
democratic' party may have said or done,
welave.imen the friends of
. the U. States
.We were in- favor of the renewal
of its charter by Congress. We opposed
the removal of the Government Deposits
from its vaults. We' believed it was an
'slirering ..7.4dmirably— the— purposes—of—its
creation, and would continue .to do so if
unmolested. • And notwithstanding the'ac-.
knowledgetierrors in thimanagamentol the_
lteientinatitution, welelieVeit wouldhave
successfully retrieved its fortunes and its
credit, had it not been for the unwearied
vindictiveness which has pnshed it into a
third .suspension by means-which. would
have .crushed the . Bank Of England or all
14e lianks of... New , • .
There are thousands-of persons attached
to the Van Buren party who enjertainsi
milar sentitnents ; but, unlike tits fearless
editor of the Sentinel, they haVe not the
inden - endenee to avow them. 7. The strict
dificipline• of "the party" will not permit
- themrto:thi - nli•-tratt. •
The , Rarrisburg - Chronieli3ltas promised.
a . series of :portraits. of members of the
Senate. - The first of the . : series is iitat of
_ - PppOc e r 'Pe nroiM trbieh_ma; extract, :
from the Chroniele of the-20W
The Speak . ei*:
Mr. PE,Nnoss possesses a countenance
and. figure Which is not soon . forgqtton:
His nerson is tall, dignified• and manly;--
His ,fabe, is', what Jillystognomists term
square and handsome: , His features are ,
strongly Jriarked, his eyes grey. and keen,
his whole face:conveying a,p,rontlie of en.
orgy and vigor in any ..pursuit - which' he
may undertake.' There , is, - lioweVer,, 'not I
tp his countenance , when_lotepos9,..any of
hat severity of expression, Which, usually
,faces. of 'energetic, , ,Ointacter,
but by the: archlwinkle of his , eye, , and the .
eerve of Nis, nether' lip,, you will readily:
detect the rover of, a johe end the Premoter ,
of innocent hilarity. His grey curly hair.'
eembod back adds to the open-and cordial 1
expression of,: hie - filatures. ~410`.the'CiQUI1*
tenanee,trulY•ftespetrits,ilie man, „ a all who,
knov, : l,dirr2'Well . can testifi; • • ,' • ' ~.. ;, .ThOre 'Are . fe,W.Whe'eofild 'fill ' the peti,,ltt;
er' slhiir: liettir.- , His , perfect knon;,iedde
,otTa:di i,tepnthrt r ules-=enables hire - . to'de
eitie ',lir . IP liqyi - and the • Urbanity -.0r_.1.) le,
,manUers, K.:gents a ui peasan . ee toga tit
AlfeSei.o4 . llls(*hOSO 'optnien,he elay'lilve
!lie ir0814,4: - •,-,:', ~', :- . - ''..., ' -`, ,-- --..- ,,;-
- sto, ip*pja,tf.liii.,oiatoricaf 'PFZwere- 4.1 b
0 68 sslitY, t. 9 8 0._ as ~well; as. to , ;litmi. 11 ,46 ,
speak; and to”' sety :' hilit , IY,6o'''rotiso' `by;
sonething,sti ' ffiejeiittkio4lsP,:hiOn'Ai*St*ls ,
cal 6 : B 6d sObtlued;t6ue`,l4?:.l:::vrlitc*llo -hiep
habitunf9d,iiipisetf.:; '— ' - . ' '
DrdinarilphAAVde urgiPeaktttgo-elow,
~ .— p - a 661i, ‘ , 6 01(ve6r -hre
an , ere ev).lvltw.
iOnijn‘doolong,•;tiningli:O`na4kejt,; , biri4(ln
,Vial, he ',,woighink'pareftiitY We's(,,il,ltitPOts'
so:-101Lak - to
dearer.„cannot be ,- , - ,ealled, a fluent
speaker; but_no 'ehe-'.enu,,depy;thai he
liery‘imprcissive ! feW'll.4.l!ra
tive Or.prnaniental flouriSlieein'sfet. (Aphis_
oratory,-eontenting himself with bringing
hoine, to 'his', audience" , ,A4e ceitelusleins at
'whichrhe'Woultrarriveilit plain . , unadorned'
language, :antli•well, -suited, forcible illtts-•
trations.: -
His . ,.gestitres,, ere ftee, and ,netural, a nti
although, evidending:.:that'ke. - h* . neyir
'Made the artificial graced, Of . the orator his
prime study,
• Are appropriate and generally
graceful. , '•
His co'untenaltne speaks as• forcibly
his tongue,- unlike many other spealters,,
who, 'in the midst' of their deepest patties
or,their honest invective, contrive . only to
look•lnsipid in the one case, and angry in ,
the -other. Mr. PENTIOSE'S Countenance'
and manner f(*na,a study for the actor;”. his
features, his geStures,..and eveirmotion of
hisfratne, fully and accurately keeping.time
to his expressions, 'and almost enabling one
to anticipate his words. . ••
I have but once seen him put forth. all
his : poWer,and that was on the occasion,
lately„ of a bitter and very. uncourteous at
tack, on,his political character by Mi.:
who have _read.
the loco foe° papers, and heard the speech
makers of that party,-have :only; in order
to form a. full idea of Mr.- G's harangue,
to--tall memory .all 'the tiling aril! Touf
.language applied-by them to. p, The
- tnatter,."the:menner, and ' the , time
. 4)1 this
attack were equally inappropriate, and Mr.
PENROSE'S • fcplings were naturally :awak-
I shall. not attempt to give an outline of
his reply—that tftuld occupy too. large a
space jn .the columns. of -this- paPer.. II is
rooti; hos'yei'erovas astundinglyeffeetive,
and_the expressiveness'-of. his remerliablii.
features:was ealledinto-its;fullest
'lie variety %vas infinite.: When he pointed
Out the foibleS and ';inekinsisteneies._Of_llis
Opponents, the'expresSion was' irresistibly
comic --}when on :the' lash of s iure, ,
it tv'ailieen4ied pierelng as his
When he Wished to ..teueligently but ef
feetivelk the tender.spots of loco loco feel-
ing; it.was, playfully humorous - --41ten'lie
descanted on the evils wrought out by the.
arty . lately-iti-power,-it-wal iheen t
- tt -- • "74,-
. . .
however, - such - is - his-self.-
command,' his nice. precepiion of' wit - at - U
beeomingin the gentleman; and due to .0
representatitie body, that he uttered not one
word-for which he could be justly called to
.order. feelings. -though severely•
touched, did not get the - better of his sense
of decorum, and he returned not one hard
-Word for the Many ill-natured and ill-man
nered "expresSioris which had been used
, •
by his adversary.
Sineo4hat time , Mr.-G. has never veniiir
ed to put his hand into.the mouth.
tie did so then merely beeatise he 'knew
not hie adversary's power. - - No °Otero
Senator would have ventured :0 far as he
hai learned to be as witic ashis
• " •
I:: the Senate yesterday, -Mr.. Penrose
made an eloquent argument upon Ole pre
sent .eriSiS . of affairs in Pennsylvania, (a
sketch of which will appear to-morrow,)
and in the course of his remarks read •to
. .
the Senatethe following plan for•the relief
of the'Commonwoalth, the Baults, and the_
people, promising to submit it at an early
day for the action of the body. '
=l've-millions of dollarg-of:Stlite-Storz,-
. ,
bearing interest at live per cenlum, per
annum, arid redeemable in the - year lBfic.2,
shall be created. - '
The •Stock so .created shall be divided
to and among the banks of this Common
wealth respectively, in proportion to their
Each bank slat pass to the. credit - of
the Commodive . tilth , the amotoit 'of .
mitred to issue notes `
.. to the same
amount, which 'totes. shall be signed by
the properr,otficer;-Tol- such bank, and be
further, tauthenticated by - 14 liighatoi . of
the State ' Treasurer, or, n:clerlciti - his de
pdrtniciti tofbirlippuinteil. by him for the
purpose. •A
Such State S
,pjedged to.the' holtjers of Such notes-for
the'redetiiiition the:adme, and - s4all, not
be tv‘ausferrable excepoo redeon'the iamo,.
or' when. the "s;imd shall liave been rideeolf.
ed.: And ivhen ,eny . person shalt be — the'
holder of any sem Ot'..eaid' notes not Icei
Ithen one - bOridred:delhir§.„o.andeledir*aelit
the setro"to the, hank issued them,
and demend the traWer of - the. State Stock
in -rederelition:9l, the same,-.Ct .the-
duty of the bank .to transfer the stock a
its par value, and. redeetn said'. notes,' which
I notes shall be forthwith, endorsed-"reicein=
ed" sigml k)y.the holders; -awl, shall
be cancelled, and.' the Stock SoArintsferred
abaft then bSedineArunSferrable:- Said..nqtes
to, be deposited inAbe-State Treainry.',
In case any of. said: banks 81011 fedeein
any, of, saidnoteS . ,..4 . 4lul prurient the,seine , to
the State Treasurer to'be caneeled, the State
Treasnrer-Shall ,ieceive and cancel! the
sarne,',atill . giVit a certificate therefer to such
bank w hich :thereupon shall be ',permitted,
to, Selat - , its par value . 86-nUich of, the State
Stoel( beltL ItY ii,'provided G
. the, ontinon
wealth Shall ,baye, received froni"Said - bank
au' equivalent
NO' batik'ibalit'bo subjected tt) any pOn=
'aides'for thdnciii-jksytuent,in, specie -of Any
notes so,issued 'en -the faith:Atf such stock':
baidt; - 4,6;Whieb, , steekelfalt; be- 'SO
Petit ition wealth
when, 'required- by:,anyAef or Reis of 4he
4496/3t4l* the CoinineeWealtli
mount any nlifia, , tlie;iinne..Whieb may from,
oqisr. Ao)400,
titne i .Wheo,'oll4 : _paine .Paid to lhia , COnit
inoiw,ealtli?en'inuli' , sio'dk' 4 . 611 bea:rieteru I
,:The banks Of 'this Coronion"wealth. shall
be•permitted . to= issue nateS - Of dentUni
nation of 'One; tWo and
,•:,. No ' , . p -
.• IVI - ,p!(
9r; ; lep .: _ . p :,- c -;, 0 ,./ d ',. ,i. 0 f . ... i 2?0 c
~ .0 year,
s l ) . 4 l )e:,l9 ll lof4'o)ol:'lTlsnttg';jir ,,, ,thig
,p,iiiiofi6Ni!i'oltli.i . ';' , l4,lll . 6 . 'iiO6 - -Oilkiiie.iii .. .iiT
'...thii i '..iiiiie, ill ; specie . -'=://iii - //iii - er." . :-,'...':-;.:.::•-
711 - fer Vie il'e Pk' r ve.
We have,he,en, much pleased to ""oliseive,
that?he - indepertileq presses of this .and
•O'llier,Stales; ha'ye:•,edndeinned'in,th . e most
decided terms:the contfcrof'Gaii:'lidrter,
iit;interposing partizati•
-Mrs' from tiieligcor•of the laws Which- they
roffehded :sd }kis: E*Cerr
'lener'will'fintt that he ,'has i this_'Matter,
stretched.too far that: prerOgsoe
at best 64 a - rehinatit—L , ulthough : sometimes
a useful one4or Monarchy: • The Indiana.
Democrat; tr'paper.of the Governots
. (iwn
party; holds the- la owing manly and just,
language.. -Sutih an.editor is really a. de
`'‘lt in with deep settled.regret, , that, We
have Observed,- . the fearful_ extent to, which
beyower of paillonind convicted
been'snil i s being, carried, in'this'State,
We liirve. ever 'rigarded.thisAm t iion. :o (
ecutiVe7atitliprity as. entirely nieless,
yeeentabtiSes of it have convinced' us : that
it iS thingerous su.premacy, :
Of the Itity's.. We are. infornied by , tlm Harr
risburg.psimrs, that on .the trinl,of.the
tors'ofthejktogicittn, ately for, ori
Thad4ilS'Btevens;..the 'defendants pleaded
and prod ricedlitTiiirdoit, from .o.'o ye rn or Yoe-
tee,, or further proCeedings. _There,
Lis : somewhat : too-mnelt
,o 5 " . ,We. pre
among ihose whose admiration ; of,the char
licteli of I?;_POrter is ardent and.
care, dispbsed to ..give._ a warm
support tol i he principles and i'ractices..of
his.administration but-our . .friendship for
no party can.constrain to.remainsileni
-rind ,be . witnesses to .;Executive poiWer
screening , partizans from the stern
jinlginente of - justice and the . laW-i-especi,
ally, as this is not the only. recentinstance
of, the as.
Conga ionat.
. .
. - Coyreqpondoice te Boston ./211as - . ---
- otir - Washington„correspontlent'S latter
of Saturday, did not e - onie to-liand .yester
terday., We give the followipg'sketeli_ of
the proceedings of that il.9'y.
not 'lir, . •
• In' the House, Mr. Clifford of. Maine,
•rnoved to suspend the .rules, and take up
the bills to provide fdr the further explora- -
tiiiii - aild survey of the:Worth East Boon
dary, which divides the States of Maine
lettiti e Net:llaitrp_Siktre:_,lfrorn . the _British,'
- ,
- -
7.. li:debate ensued om.tlie_Upproririetion of
075,0011, reported iii the bill for this - ject
—but, without taking
.any question,' the
morning hour having expired, the commit
tee rose. ••
the , •cornafittem on
military affairE4 . an leave, Mode's:report' in
answer to • the correspondence, referreil .to
'that coinmhtee, between. Mr. Fox and Mr.
Forsyth, in relation to the case of McLeod.•
Judging from the tone of this report of,
the committee on Foidgn ,Relations, it
would seem as if "clouds, shadows and
darkness," .were ,gatherino. over our diplo
matic relations with England. - Mr. Fox
on - orre - videoufkl Mr. Piekeits on the Oilii4;
[seem. nave become quite heated in dis-,
1 cussing the merits of this controversy, anal
if • the destinies 9f both nations' rested in
their.hands,:it . is'.not;_improbible:_thatinat,
ters would be soon brought out crisis.!—
We• learn from the correspondent of the
New York American, that'a warm debate
arose ,on the motion to print the report,
, vlich occupied the whole day.. Mr.'
Granger; one of the Committee, opposed
the printing, and stated the fart, thilt it
passed the Committee' by a majority of on
ly one. considered the repert'as
- Shitable, as well as unpaeilie. Mr. Adams
spoke of its ominous character, of its dif7
fuseness, aiid want of pertinency—and' was
in -favor--61-recommittali-with - a itiv - to
' have, a report inore,io the' point.: He seem
ed also to think.thacit was charged with
mischief, as emanating from the legislative
branch - of the.Government„while the Ex=
ecutivo hau'itt charge this:delicate and dif-,
ficult question as
.2. subject of diploma Cy.
- Fur — these affil oilier reasons there• was =a
strong appoSition to the printing of the re
port:in such a shape, embodying so much._
irrelevant matter, and so belligerent in its
teMper. It was carried, qotwithitandillz
as, a fire fifend tossed under the • tables .or
the new-Cabinet, to be/managed•l)y theryt.
.Wa'ard.happy . to .ob'serve that the Coiii•
points Of, difficulty may be honorably •ar
'amicably adjusted," if teitli - GoVernmen
'pursue. "a liberal andSgenerotts policy.".
from': Harrikbur4 ti) the Knott - el - Oh:la Sprtit
inurican;". Wider aate of 'Tuesday, as ffilgif
of the tilziet' • ,
to .inform cot,, that am ong
the - pelittolle
. present:ed to-day, Were two
.1,1 . 1)&14144er counties, praying for the
tepee! oft. all ' lari's whtiehi , provide for''the
Observance. e(the'§abba,thi and of. the abok
iehtnent:ao,? - 011 , :petieltiesr
Met:e: • -•ll.ft petitioners represent liriar
their, ()Onion, each: and_" , eicrY, pereen . , lies
a.rightte - .breah the:Sabbath, or, be:4l 'ttrai
fane.a.i."lther pleatte.":: I ~.un‘scifi.k..l o - kids
lhat'Ahepetitioe ford . V -, ,rio county,. ta ,
,,..eonfo - .lpen: who; have been. heretofore lftet!eii:reepeetatlet,ameng4t 'the naniee'l
find; .-EdWirt - Collector' of , the
Pert F.'re.4lhe':' 1101'04.
late ~MeMber- , .61 piingress;
.iqr,':"Graliate," . ,
..frotieenting'Attorper,and Li irate E. Beebe;
: late editor of the Eite'Obs:4lVer,:‘: All the:ib .,
!terireiiirelocoteee4. "and
there. is ~pot the
name; of. aiaingle'.dethoe:r4 be„fotiffil
. tt""lepgthr debate , #ei , lia4 th`e".w hide.
aubiec,t,'petilienCaed tno(?p,tprefer, - were
tiiiettsei tronked
tecityl'Altipraved,on oorrtipt,,humori;,whiehiwitenevcr'
they:tattle, cacitifoiC (Vat laid' shouttl , tbese'
4yraptcom. T o:,
.1. 00 - tipet , tilly.rernoyed,tlie.whale fr pine
W11141690,4pp0n#7 , 19- nil. a V!P 411 *tutu' of tle.biiitr and
•' •
hr 4 taught ihatnirancireth's•rills re
ninveraltoorrupt humors from the body, in an easy
, .
sitfe.grul-'effiituar:mitiinert'pro,cluelnKo t o
.It:Q4l.ll4.:tiei l e q t . 661;111e/it:ion .
;of Alle. l [ llo- 64 - -an4.4heiOy,etleeilMtlisei(se,(vellateier
I : ; l . lol o,ii;ninr:bir').co:. l , l ('q,). 30. 0 ye I.) l 'rcet. health' to ,
the flow py,tilir![... ;• • .;
• liemenibei:,•DOuggists,'nve rinfrieililitteil to sell my
Pills-=it }ou,-liurcfinsq ;of, kliptavyou
••'; • •"..- , • Bk,kNnittir,l). - •'•
.... Kr FOP sale in Carle by IV. lIITNEtt;
eitthbpiqciiict cortiiy',6y , Agents yublislli:cl in
nnn.tlier'p!/!:t pt.llier:• • •. • . •
. . . .. .. .. _ ..
. . . ~ . . .
• ,:....-7?9 . .. Iticiiher . B . -4tYrilditii, .: TeOhing. '..•,,,
.....At this'perfOily,wo are,dWaretlaAt tliiike'littleopei,l;
wlelt are:neavond clear- to - . 9.p, anifei.,,yery Th6o: '-..1:
lherefore take thia'oppnrhinlty:ofiafoirtningillginib,
lie' of the. great hen'eht deriVed..,froni the Use of, Dr.,
Torist:Spothing -syinp'-f l ie , Childre n' Cutting Teeth..
This tnelliei iitf I found : to produee.t•elief 'as soon as
applied tO the Du ms; it'4o.pleasant and eßetual...:l
- feel reeornin'endhl it.tothe.piiblie, as I il nt
certain' it will' sn've 'many...nights of sweet 'repose to
.parents and nurseiibesidesprevenliai those dang,er-,
qui s taptoms which slai , ,tho'nlFinuls onnuality- .-
.. .. . .', IV s t r e et , intli•te above N't - Tillow. '..
- . For safe . by. Dr: J. .I..Slkei's'&--,Ce4 Carlisle; and
--Win. Peal, Skippensburg, p..,,;.. .:;.:,-"' ,',..
_": •
statif; - by thtt , ltev::P.Atiert
Rol of \Viir
wirlt,C aunty, riillicm a, to
I" . er,^us 6A, of 'Mifflin toivriStiip,c.C'ortibe.r
le'nd •. •
4'7on. the . 24th :of 1)1 , ..ce . m130, -by, Rev,. N.
.I,'§troh,'Mr - ., 'aim Rand' z , of,l,3o,asier.
botinty, 'to . Miss . - Eliza"bet4 Retz; of Ibis
~ . .
4r.0.,:0f q ...1.9 J 1,
rison Baternan.,.a Alien to - with . ip, to Miss
e On the 21st nit. by the . :a Me, Mr. John..
' '
Atillgr,:of Silver-Spring township.•
of On the same day; by,the - saine;"Mr:;i6la
Leidig, to' Miss Lydia Monett, With - - of
."On the same day, by the same ; Mr. Ja
cob' if.'alls; to Miss : Elbr,abeth Schitz, both
of Ciarroll township,' Y6rk..county.. •
Erford, to :MiSs.,././tirbara Spong;
botli:_e.qlaSt•Veniisboro' township- • • ; •
/The the 18th instant; by the Rev, John
Ulrich, - Mr; to - .Miss•S'arah
Spahr, Or:Monroe township.
, • , E 10, _
o<niCP.htir - day _the_ 11th of Pelutnaryi in
Allegheny city, Allegheny eminty; Penn.;
of coma:1)0i on, which lie hone with Chris
tian . :fortitude; WILLIAM
formerly of Varlislop' and;son of the
late_ Mr... Steplien Keepere, • in' the 30th,
sest!_pLitisage._ _ ,
'4./At.'her , repideneeLin TAilesipenn's . b4rdugh
township,- on - thel7tlyinet. - Mrs.:NAN.-CY
GRAB A M,.reliet of Isaiahgralfarn decd.
in the '69th year of her age. •
• Feb. 20,1841.
CATTLE.-4G__forjr . ,oolto $74."..0 per..100..114.10 - e
prime. cittolity... - -
PCOl.lli4- 7 54:574 1 to $4:50.
IVHE.kT-,00 cents per bushel. .. .
- CORN-45 to 46 cents pee (la., * .
ItYE.7-50 cents per do.
OATS- , - 33 to 31 cents per do. • _
--CLOVE - 11SEED -- -$5:00 to ss:l4.per do.
.PLAXSEED— Wozon price $t per , 10;
WHlSkES—Prices have been steady (luting the
vee.k at 24 cts. for 24.120 tor bhls, The
wagon price continues at 18 Cents" exclusive untie
FLOUR—S 4,923 a $4,75.
Will:AT-90 to 95 cents per bushel..
ityjfsboo t 053 cents per bushel.
, .
CORN-45 a5O els. 'do . • -
cArrt,t - -;50,5L1 t 5 $8 p,...190 lbs.
1idGp—55,50:16,50 per 103 lbs. •
. .
- virotic - to --- .lilritig - c - fiNitiiders.•
The COMI/liB.liollCl9 of Cumberland county will
receive propllails atAlie house of. John, COPIIIIi111),
lf:S . q,,inkeeper,iii the borough of Carlisle . 011 Thugs
- t4lEthe 16th-rt.-AIM' next," - betwevit - 9 atitt2- - orefoCk .
in tIT .. e . forenoon, top the.crection 'at a good nod sub
stantial IVoutlen Bridge, across the thonodognintat,t
creek, at klenjainin Eberly's fording in the township
of Eat t'l of the following; dimensions,
to ‘vit:-.--To contain iti length loin one abutment to
the other two hundred and twenty feet, and eighteen
feet wide In the clear, the abutments to -be about
iiIIII teen legit' thick each; there shall lic . two spans of
1 tti feet eateli, supported on good.,und substantial
stone itbuttifetits aunt pier, the said - :11111(11)1.9 to he'
built inn splaying.threction wiiii.ll regular - slope,
atidabout 14 feet Ingh.from dm bottom 'of the'creek,
loin - whence - tvoOdeirareltes .:ire to lie started,and
extended to the sa d pier iu the centi . e3Ps.iiircroek,
the arches to be sprung abOut 6 0r.7 Lot in the cen
tre; the floor to be doable floored - with two inch
' plank, the upper floor oak and the lower yellow Pke;
'the sidei and gable cuiL to be sufficiently high to ad. %
nlit ;covered mid hay waggons to pass through the
amp, say42.4.ct_iii-the-clear;-th-hc-tkisely-weather:
boarded and painted red, the whole to be well, roofed
with good whitepine shingles; the whole of the wood
work to be well secured with 4011 units, l'e:illy-Vt'CSI
&o. Freiii .. .the rbai.k - 'uf 'the 'abutments the 6iiin
'shall consist- of earth atitr.stenei amt. well supported
wlth,winc , wallsl3 feet high above the filling, extend;
'ing on eitZli.Sitle about ilt.) feet frum the bridge, and
as high•las_theifilling, Mita , thc filling mad nailing
-sh ni I ,in an. , t-4 Ii e- min! I-. wit!) fin-a se c nt - 11 n chi e see itt afot
exceeding. five degrees elevation frem the road to
shill bridge.; the Wood . work . to be built of .sound and
substantial timber; the'tiene. work of large good
stone, lime and sand mortar Weirpointed and a di-
Tection board lot' Cach ontl'oEsaid bridge. The"Pard giyesitch . security as the 'Comm*
sioners. may require Air the filitlithl perforinatiee of
fhe woiltananslmiand permtuieney of- said bridge.
• Proposals to be accompanied with u 'plant' , .Should,
nonepf: the proposals meet (the approbatitin of the
Commissionersithey -.lval on the,, saute day, betWeem
die liours of inind 3 o'clock iii - the''afternoosi; expose.
the;snid bridge - 4o piddle Sale, and.selFtlie same to
the lowest iind beSt bidder.• ' . ~- • ........
.1,,.. • ...: . .
JOIIN , :CO_IiNgAIST, .''.'‘ , • :- .'.
• , :..• .. A EEZT.,ItI. KERR,. ‘. ', t9irnicsioner,f
:MICAIIAL MISHI.E4,: - ._,ir ::-..
'Att6t7rAo.l-1x invirci:Pik,
`Cosistisiiiixras-Qri tru,?..
Carlisle, Vali., 161 . 16 , 1 i. 's`
11.• s. BANK 61 7. -
:AN' ill be receiveilly, the, sabseriber at jiar, fbr ell
:toy: stiiek l ,l - : , ylfl rei4tetid prices -• for
• •'• • • • I : . CHAS: CCILBY47',
hive just received. froth D.
spridg' , supply of G.ardeu
WaivantOd /47rqsh. ;,
. . .
Tnkcii at par 'sul.i'il.erifi'cre rdritier'cliaptliee c
ivhp prol.pllPT . off 1141:k. at. reducettpacea , to
close, .upittlyir „thisio - Osti. 134vgain . a,-, ipay,bo2, 11 ad., by
. alltng goon. : ; • • . •,• • .
TOnt . .l •
A gpuseimul, half Lat of
Main . street,' Carlisle,,Sdjo
s .
i 841'
PO r Rent.
•, • • .
That large And compfodiotis Stone
S'.tiousi:;.bow in tlie'oectipaney of Mrs.
• ?N‘M Forney, together,With nearly two lots'
Of ground, 16 Lomita...street, near the
§ pri r , ‘ i-111 ha: rented- for :one „year;
coy - wlll.
eall7oteeit4r.ol the.subacribersi.' -
SitOM ir 5 -I ' .ecut Pr a:
.• _ • •
. .
• Carlisle.. .Ifieght , •
Parntle for drill. at the Ai•mory, on. Monday the 22d
inst. ntlo o'clock, A. IV. winter: uniform (with
stri l its.).. By order,.. , . - • . ' ,
: • .J. R. KERNAN, Ist Serlet.
' Nr II: An ndjotirned court of niniCalsiill be 'held
On, - sahl du:y. • • •
•• Feb' 10 4841 .
• Sh.ery 'i/es.: , •
TpY ‘tiltie:oroloury._Nyots Exponris
L t 6 me directed,...issued out of. the Court of
Coninion:Pleas of the. county or Cumberland, will
be exPosed.tripublic ride, big Salurday .the 2.7 13 it t iy
1841; - iiir,t() O'clock A. M. of , saiirday,
at. - -the Court House in the borough of ' Carlisle, the , ,
following described Estate; viz: , •.:
, .
A 'Tract of• Lundsituate in :North . Mid.
Melon' : township,. Cumberland . cottitty,. - containing
-.Nitiety: , six acres, more'er less, hounded by lands of
Dtivid Coble..and others, having thereon erected a _ .
Jtir ' WO - .ATO RV STONE HOUSE, a largo
STONE and whet , ' out houses.--
Seized:and taken in• execution as the property of
. „
,„.Ailse,..,,A,lotof ground- situate- in .tlre- bcir.- --
tii 4 .l% of 'Carlisle . , brawled, hy . ll:lot_of.,facpb . Thiet
~ . *?l,t'sl(4,-1,- - .1.,7i -s i tt'ce,e i rom.;si,"6 V . o',.`g"c'oatiltlitt l i i ii2e
60, feet in 'breadth, and 240 , feet in depth, moire or
less. .Seized and-taken - in execution as the property'.
('of Robert I). Guthrie, 'deed. ..
. .
I A A•.
let A,let of gyound situate in Monroe,.
' 'township, Cumbet land , county, , Contnining one here: '
and forty perches, more or less, having thereon'
erected, a Tan House,
,Bark Shade, Blacksmith.
Shop;mritt other OM houses; there are 23 vats mid
S Jatches in slid Tan Yard. Seized and taken in
execiniott as the property of Thomas Williamson: -
Also, A- Lot of . Ground, situate in. The
.borough of. Carlisle, contaiuing:42 feet-hi breadth, •
and 240 feet in' depth, fume' cm less, ndjoildng a lot
of !lulus B. Shepley on the east, an alley ,on the
'north, elotmf Airs. Boyle on the west, and 'Anther'
sti:eet on the south, having thereon erected,; TWO'
STORY: LOGIIOUSR, and other out houses—Seizr
ed- and taken in execution as BM property of
• And ill to be soldAv me. •
• •• 1 PAUL AIAILTIN, 'Bl/eriir.
Slwrirs Office, ?
• ; ,
Feb. 19, 1841. S . •
.t.%8 I ate of Az* $14olco:;• .fleo. 1 11
• .• •
? .EtTORS'T.E . STANI.ENTAV.V.ion the'estate of
;A tuirey; Shower, latp•of West Pennsborough
township; deceased, having issued lri the - subscriber.
iu klue - form: - Notice is Iteretirgiven to all pencils
indebted to the estate of said decedent to make int
mediate paymencantl those having elatrna to present
thdrn-for settlement.
- Executor of Andrew Shower, doo'd,
Wgstpennhoro' tp.?
eb. S ,
Glazhi n n• - and Paper . Hangin g .
ik 'The subscriber' respectfully informs tire citizeitS
of Carlisle Lod the vicinity, that he his eororrienced
the above business in all its various branches. His
shop is in the square - immediately in rear of
--ill;mket-House,-two floors - east of A. 'Richards store.
He hopes by attention to busines and moderate
charges, to reeeire a 0101% Of 1):01 . nave. . •
I&b. 17, 1841.---tf.
- - - .
Wanted nt Gray's Soap and Candle gactory, for
\yhich the highest price will be paitl ,
-AN 1./Y
for sale which may answvr fOr early Spriorkwi9r,
a few bathels:of prime. Timothy seed.
Several casks of Wine and Cider Vinegar, strong
rind fine flavored, which will
,be .sold' wholesale ar.d
. . .
retail nt moderate prices.
50;006 Dollars.l 115,00.0 Dollars.
tiz i o(o Dollars.. 0.0111411 Dollar's.
Clnss No. 1, fcir 1841.—Tli be positively drawn
at Alexandria., I). C. on Snturclay, Nlarelt 6, 1841.
Z. 'S. GREGORY Managers.
1 prize of $50.000 Is $:70,000
. . .
1. -- 25,000 - 25,000 -
. 15,000. - 15,000
10,000 - .710,000'
9,000 - 0,000
- • 8,000 8,000
7,000 7,000
5,172 -
4,000 • are 5,090.
.„500.- 5,000
2,000* ,50p 00--
1,000. - 20poo
600 19,000 -
' 500 20,000 . •
230 ' - 12,500
200 -• 20,000
150 •- 15,000
100 - 12,800
80 .10,240
60 e 7,680
50 - 6.400
40 - 5,120
SO 151,60 _
'l5 .-423,360
2 priusor
. 20^
' 128
`54,442 • -
1)11011:3 - 1'icIcets 840—H:dyes . S.7 , 60=—;
' Quarters 8376 , —ElightIt.81 87
- Certi3e4te4t Packages of 20 NN'llole Tic:kets V2co .
'Do. ' ' do '26 11011, do 00
• Db. (lo • = 4 .6 gilarter do , 50
Do. do, - • P.d Eightli!i., do__
rare a elittned_is - Offered to therPuu
liens the abore Scheme presents;' thOse,'.
therefore; who devre^ to, 'avail themselves of the op- •
portunity of IdNeiduring in it ; will 1 .!9 Well to send
their 'orders'early..' . , •
.- • . 4 t. Orders for Tielset§ and Shares :Mil CertlfienteS
of. Packages will-4e prorowly . attended to, and ' 6efi
$OOll as the drawing is over an account of it will lie
, fOrwarded. 01111 with order froth. us , Address':
It S. .G 1 1 / 4 : .CO. Ninnas'ora, •
-*Washington City ; !VC. °
_,- 'PUBLIC, SAi.4lO; - • •
inkf ILIA° sold et public eel° on Friday . tiii
~ o r February init..' at. 2 o'clock, P. M. of
said day, on - the preinisea, .t.ltqiilloivie , „,r described
Real Estate; to 'wft ---Ali the interilt'ofJantes Me- .
.lieeheri; Tract of latid,e:finife,on the Mount: .
dock Spring, eotti.ty, lying part in ,
.WeerponiisborouLli und..pert in Dickinsen townehips„,
hylands of thOcii's at I,lr.,.,
peltiltoover,, the heirs of Wm. Ferguson,' and,
other's, aoutaiping about Tni'o thindred antl.Forty
Acres, lutv . ing - thitotureeted -I.'wo Story &Ono
Houwatul Loi:l3ar.u. •
The terms of sale in no
. be - atle,kwn tr.thc un r
dersignctl . .,cin' of sale. •
J EIN !tic - I
.iskiznees fgnif3 :
met- ce h an .
r4cularY 3; o