Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, February 24, 1841, Image 2
of .i6ei,ieee:ilii-Alie4iie-elie.'o4:le.. -A,Rle.•;.'eel`e4i;(.C-- _1a 0.4'..:6_,.0,4,,,'!:.rk41W.,',;'#:.ii.fF..k*--i.s!';',-,ll'ialth,.!i'i,','-,lii-e.ii.i.,'i.4.-.'-':,‘l',l4t,i''':;!'eli.e t 'r,:.--''9.'fi4liii.4- e..014:',nttd,.-:',•0t,1e,i9.," 6t:ii'AiiirAtijO,'AiTwookg.l6.:oo4.„:ol.tniiis":.,,y;jlk,:Wilh,e9.P.4"ciiPii.`l,4f(o,'o,r,:lteti.e.yit'4o-'drOrAiille.‘4,4;4SPO:.eirget ~i_iii:eik.'#ls.ogief::-.oet, . . , .., ~,,,,',''qii;',i'itiiit'.,s;•,qlll6,ltiiitc•';;;::',',:.'"Z.;,'-.1,•;•.-.,'-..;,;:.;-;j::',•••",N,hey'Jiiy,t;.;,lfe.ltgli.,e.ii.hitiltjOr.tet4...,efft,,ky•41feilecititfjg,,Ofil'tf,,01.e,-.,:siiyi:;:(iigernt.-#.411•.,' ~.-.:-: ~.._,--.•; •2.• •'•,;: :• ~,..,••••-• -,.^',;, !-,-• .' ,- ',..:'-f.; ; ,: - !',,,;' , ;-2,•,: - ,..: ,. ..i 'l".:'4r, hwc,"iittoi.ootitiiiiiiin.;Vii'Olyq-iiiifi:ti,;.'4iO4q.;','::.‘vtlAdidifr;lio.-80-14r4'016-'llj-i.ii,olll-;il.4,Y•e'":o-f•:-4:-i)40/.:1?'Y:r'•44'''N4WIYOR:040 • ..• ail k a ik '..t ' t . '" le '4)11.`1e9;-'l”`77. "4r;crdfiiiiiiii'ekdra'Sdifiri44idieiiiiiiti bettito,iiiiisikl;ee'OM4'-'l•the:Objeetti'kwhofea,:attif.itio:iiifiiiiiiijliqiitile,-in'illeirlioititiV;ioAie, ii6 . ' - ' •-• --'''' 4'6 t hi; ,iaiiitte,.aiiil liiitii**, - ;l4,lV6..eiiig ;:tqM, , , , . .'9 ~, ~,,,-, ~•,- -,.„m?.59: , ...A!,, , ,1,... ,P, .,. ~,...„ 1, ~ g.. 1 . ; , 2 ,_ ,_,,.. ~..,.. , . 1 '.9 - ,• ..„,.-.......„ . • . - . .: ....,.., ..., ~ .: . . . -' - •• • • • i ~ cuon i nio n cea p h,:.•o f pc tki i.-: itate;•tds-an.'aineinti ,elieeeding,:tiv'elire..raill.',.-,-P.Cft:f.-bn'a:;,b,e-Oe•l:;tinpaireif."4" Jor*eirettlateil-allsnits;44-:,:liiifebliciflif;eal •-- - - • • ' - Cr. '--•' ' • - ' ••• -' ' •-- ---"." - '''' ''' "'' ' 11 - rs --,-, en - dn't7neurty.• a , run ion .sacri to .t : )y ; oreed,ea esr..upon,a prostrate - :•tinmiesagainst her,-ant t rew :ev.ery co ai : - • „ • • •- 1 • 1 . ,- -,,, .- - ---- --:•'' - • • '',. --' • •'-'',-*, ••• 'more - n-1' WcirkS' , ol. -. publie"ennielrit,' - .Mitttlu-r-- marketat , the - - mandate :-- of, the law•:::: one- they:could !front:: her .yoults; that,-. , ive..10 - st .-•-- ~0:":0.e,..,•-•'.• •.!...',----..!'•,:-.,-..i-•:,;.:',:-,,,:,,,,,,-,:-J...,'':eititi--to''Alie'-fireilifkif.:!-diTp,tatow:9rka..,-.and'',,(11roupt-thenetflexible--egenet 6 ,::: : .rtiSteei! , -tlie - ' -. Y.eleYeits!•-:,millione: . ",l l i ii)e ii Of : and l:speoiel •• • or the ' Uniteu 9tattis „... ! ,-- 7 ,-.:,..,,..,.,,,, ~. .... 2, ' '•,;',, - 2 , ' th e:;,ol,,•.;';:ik' - ori, - I.4eiti x elits,; ; ; ; '. r' - '" ? . : - . --. ..;!; - ' - zr,',:: -. 1 - 4 , - Or•TLiqeidaters' . .?,l,7 , Can ther,-Piebl sier gaip - 2 . ;..444liaftsi',.oOdeci. r th'....iir !AC - , Inquirer Of .. - 'l'nee 7 :-- '-' -'••- ' RE S l'Ebtf, V I ..fir-ntt,' . : 4 . r.I S, PqY . 7: ' ''''l,l lin - i .- l'i 1 . 1 C's' e'' liii'plieetiniiii' - !iir the'jeapital ;1 1411 -- -:lTl:':'stfeli-.tiMes!ai.l these'', i• thet, : eany.;'Cleiliiit..•:•,"' i. ','L,•,....!,..-. , ••:.!•: ; •.!:?".. t - •';•, - !-., -...'i,• .',....,,,' -,-,, -; --,' •_______;„__. 'ha ' t-iit.-nbeilience-M• T iti r e":i:ecii;leliiki ; ei:, n- h . ,e'e ! - , - i)iel. , ed •., - e,.. ••;eoie!* he kleti - "':oiiii.):,,. • i,,1t0...,;"1.1n a ei11i.454td.i , . iii*:. to. :,:gle, , -„,.pliiblici ni - 1iti41:• , .: . 00r• , -'ooitiiMes:: : 'a d istri be n g :.ei tY ; (to-. -tainedin'AißeinhithinsAthe'.Leghlatnie -hatik"'aitil-beth--direetlY,---aii-VildirOOly,':Oli.•'.diVideioe746'''lSWeilii4,:::o(9 lOp:'...or:itoikq - , , : , .:getliel i , - WW the . PereeetitiOna o f f: e 'e;iryue . ,,ef .of Pennsylaiania -,, pii - Sieti..the,,.ldltlar,Ol, - A-. obitaele:to'the succeSS:ef;:the'r'effort'Whieh:ilebta.:etfirleda-:fot:-pereitOtOry ,-- eale -.. iii :a: conspirators" May be ;referred te'esltlie.yeal. , ... • . --,. • pril,: - 1 840,, the,',,Banle Of: the UnitedrStatei,-:liaejtiet":failed;"doeii-;:init-atitnit!ferreaSetia',./lif;44t:alreallY4Mi'deled,'Witli,:morani*•ther.aisperteldif.:::-:NOorie'pretenile:, J '.. did, - .On. the. fi ((Ninth day.-of.TantiarY, •1844:: •• ble.doebt-:. --, :,,, the-'state - -..,e0i -„,'4,.::,,?.,,, -- S'Yolitr,••ine.nterialistS , ,,,,tct- - -;-allege';,thet'.. the ieoiri inntilty. 77 ther, is ;to i . ,'• pay, i, don't lie d 'ell :the - Mutes, hills; dePe..• largli'lointe; : - Whicli: have- hei et,' , :been itegd7;';.ll'ullibl-Y-',0.11b-itiiftliat!hilt Dice'Al:OY:er;•;Say,...,tlie : •:peOple'of, Philidelphi a; nr,',Penn 7 • - sits - and. other I iebilities :of the , Institution. 'labia .by , the•-bank; - eXcept ,its'-aceuritiesqo;•giyeli --te..l.l,lc4:.enititiries.-:li•is.,:.theitrne',,eylvaitia; •aeConiplisheul . that-dieaSter, ~ Par: ' •in gold and silver coin, and did,,..frein - ancl i borrow money, mud .t4en-;otily:.;tiponvesti- , -, interest , Of• - thelniblie, .as itle , •alio. th e . ,tlie.'!:frinir it•!'•::The•.fact "that•tlk'Biek,' the ~. ; .. . after that day', continue.en , pay,th&saine" in) inates...imicji . ;,beloW.the, Price:y:ad: , ofitt.".4 tate !if - Merey'end: h inn ankh' that Alie steck- '•• Upited,' , Statea 'lrall'•in:herNchare: a t ,the Lilco: manlier, _until :rho Toorth • 'day of the ! the 'CkPerise of ' '-heav, charges :tif interest i ! I,ol . .aters ; 'ol9,ttiq' . be.': - „a'ssistO to•-, in:14.6.'6e t qiclaw'nt : pf . ,:tispefiki . cn,. the .depositS'ol•Our. present month, wfujikit. beeaine •neeessary . •prei:nitim, and - eOrniniiiions,,may 'he stated, : ;_inost, - . of their 'concern in• the ..13ait1( for •.ciliensto the extene of ' . a ..millienof. ilol=',. , ..' to discontinue sueli p;ts ,- N ments : . •• : ... ,-.-: witl , (all:co' ii,beaVy litieulen - ini- ', themselves:al.:Well al 'for their .creditore, ' lars,is con upon thiS•poirit . . b . 1 . ~• . .., .. , The efforts of Oct .I,3ank ',to inake - -pt-ovi, posed tilidn:;•. - the-: iesiitittien:,' More ' than:and thuit: - .they shoUld.ncit' he crippled by ' The-•'Repoftei will' therefore • perce ive the sion, for:her „part'Of rho' duty; whiell - the i. 51,506,0.00, 'of • these loanci,'' , haYe' .'.been i penal -reslrictions;.-porr hunted •-• doive -,, , itrue state of ••the case; :mid as-the editor is latir required all ,the.' incOrporui toil -Banks' 6 fitakcixt.tirititiktliPAaet:tiko_- yearii:a„.period ' persecatinn ; arid • if,' the,. - ..'penalties_are_;.en,_ a„. - ,BenneylVenien .hy: blith,,and.:_in.- Spirit,. the 'COmmoriwealth - to perform on the day•litliiniikainpled.dilliettlty in the' negmeietiniflfordetl,' these are the ' only eltaracterS•',Whicb i t . we : have, a righeto. etpect from him any first, -named,: and •to confirms 46 ' pertefin ; erniceley,'•and no'•part of , them taif•be Said ' the 'eefuu'eement of , th ein,wtinld-have,.. :- I.other . ;c ourse than One of healthy to the thereafter, were, from die"-tiine - of , the 'mi. - to :have been - token- . With •thefree Will c.fl ''''•Bet a more special: tiblic_quesled•Will.• interests - and honer , of th e ,'State. . . . . . actnient •of that law, nituje.- ip , a spirit • of ; - th e-,MstitUtion; or - evert with a.regard tor her , neVeseepe : the regarci.onf the Legislature, 1... Ileyonil• New. - York . - city, we a re - also -in .....peifect obeclichce :to 41171 iyill of the.Legie- ! own . .benefit, except as the directors pen- ' To.thty exteet of mord . ' Ethan eight miilionsi debted, because of our positioti; and of the, --' 'attire, and with •a hearty 'desire-to eollect.! cmyid-Ilia interests Of. the.:Staie and .efilielthe li'anle•js- the .owner.of the:public .debt immense - ameunt.that ie.anneallperclias4 from'her rosonices,- the coin' and equivalent' Instituticni to binlosetf comieeted.' • - '': ol th is State, - Which. has been pledged for' ed bY our .merchants and storekeepers rif; . etTeets that,:would be 'necessary to comply I '• Your tneitiorialists.htimblYsubinit" that lthh:repey'lnent ,of...'thoney borrowetl..• the New - England:Manufacturers'. .'For -- • . • With:ite'doinmantls.. . : ---,,, • .• : t• - -- ;contribution's like these, do not constittlet WhOteVer ; ihreWathe 'Beek intOliithidation i ! ekaimPle,• we! - arii - ...jafoiftied: that. immenee .• De, nircetors of the Banic..did not per-. l a gronnd - efdiseriminatien:nefavorable _tol leaveS: th eseloans.of the - state:al the nlerey I iiikentilies:ofieethei.matittfectured in -this mit themselves to falter . im.their.exeriions, r the-Bunik; as • would seem to, bethe . se : Mi.:l:O(lMS° to , whom , ' , they are • picilgeil,';enti-1 State, are • - :parjhase . d: by: the East, made" . either in consequence •of the •general de- :mehte of - those who would, deny . her the blee•them •to 'throw into the ''market , iiito shoes;and-then resoldto . Philadeffillia , .rangement of credit in the United States,-leeminen relief thatlahow solicited at the opon the' default..of the Bunk, to iiepress . .l dealers, ' The when of' cotton . . . es_pccially in ,the. • South - Western • - ... - States, --rh an d s of the Legislature for all other banks.,.'them_in:priee,.andlo - loiecimetheltorrelias , - 1...--...••••-tchere ...--...••••-tchere large - portions:of - - tire .-- ciitiiterwer'et : - By subecriptions voluntarily - :made' to era ot.them 14.'an.. - infeneese 'sacrifice.' , In invested, nor in consequenee..of an' • othli; . inota public works , of like -nature, and the face.of this' Cohtingenci; . what ii tii lie . tienal, liability of. nearly. two millions of . to extend the use :and. profit of . the State the - mark - et price of - the'. public :debt of • ,- dollars, whiCh,. in relief of the state ' of, werks', , the BMA has paid nine hundred- Pennsylvania,. held to' a great extent by her' Pennsylvania and for the prosecution of and seventy . ..eight thousand seven hundred dwit eitizens?:. .What is to be the ability. '. . • her public improvements,- the. Direetors and fifty'ninedollers. ~. .- . • • - . of the stete tti complete •and to bring into -.• assumed' in June, 1840, bi.loaning_that. _lt is - not - howe,ver - upon the ground -of profitable operation her public %%arks"— Arnotint to the st4te. • They, did not for_ a • service to the 'state by the 'institution that What reto•be - the - conseqUent effectsupon . _ inhment forget their duty to their creditors,_!_the•Direeters -present this inernerial, Tiler .all._property-iti,-the.:public-debt-or•repen-', :: --- --- es - the - state had -.required . - them to perform re 'resent ,Sreat , interestS; the sacrifice ell *dant upon it ? - •- - - • - •., . , . Your •memerialists,deem 'it 'necessary rower - it,:nerthe'tntereste of , the • elate as- ab °r . --I,Ariliell- r -will be extensively prejudice' to. . 'rower for public purpdses, notwithstanding I both _public 'Aid' private welfare, and• it is enty - to suggest theseconsiderationa to the the severe conflict there was between them. On behalf of these interests; that they ask wisdom of the Legislature. •They hold it • Their faithful and unremitting efforts was ' for relief by the Legislature • They do to be clear ; beyond - doubt, ..tht while the • value - .of this or any other charter for bank - .. to -doWhat- . the state .ccOnmanded, ttheut !itot- ask to be relieved from the,nbligations refusing - to; come to her succor, to aft ex- timposed-by in nov'front' the ing,has:.beeome greatly' itnp - alied,'so that ,-- . - `tent which greatly increased the hurdenf' P-Ilegal and Moral, liability of all debtors to the. - privatelnterests:of:stockholders in the. - _ the, command -; a: refusal, moreover, in -pat? .their debtsi:lnit they - confidently aet • general:y . Bll6f this powbf ii note . of irieon ., which, if she:had:made it, she•wetild not , ito be. exempted.from penalties', which- the sidetable niagbitlitle, at the;,same time the value of the - charter- is - giving - • have stood alone: . . -. i Legislature - iiiii•li:ned, -- find - w Welt - the - Legis= , • . - Under-any-hut -the txtrartedinary-circutir - - T - the - delyte of the - Bonk - until-paid-its: value . " stances • in - :Which the Bank was placed, the in turning all the assets of •the Bank to the means'Collected would have removed from best 'account for' all parties, and :its value • the Directors every doulit,'-that,•the effort in tali] rag _the • price -of-state-debt, :and ; to 'continue specie payinents indefinitely, in furthering he nancial_cm.erationsof-the --, 1-••,would-p_r_o_Ve___stictissful.--L-,--tiodernnylyitt- state, -- was - .teeter higher than at .th is mo . '. • - Such cireumstancea, it could not have fail meet. . '--- - .. , . et] to prove so, But againsla combientionl <Thet- therefore respectfully pray. the •:of - hostile interests, or what, without `per, LegiAlature - , : Ao d ......continue_to - the Bank,.the sonal combination, trioy_have_ heen_equally , relief by the Resumption Resolit \ __Theffectiv . e, a 2 pervatling distrust,. stimulated tions... 'Whatever provisions the Legisla : into activity by a' part cif the public press tare shall sec -fit to imiiiisti upon. th e Bank - in another state, it has been shown that no of the United`. fates in common with other • - . . • . • - . -efforts-of the Bank could have triumphed,. Banks, to give s cray to theicoperations, except such asweuld have enabled her to and to bring them at \ the earliest day prac... ',• -.- face - every dollar of her debts with a dollar ticable, to that state 'which is alone consis of coined silver. In the' short space of tent with the public welfare, this Bank will . __eighteen banking ,tlays,..uliwards .of sii receiveivith the deference No to tiwwis4- .----- . millions of dollars in specie, and in fund s ilom of the Representatives the People,' equivalent to specie, were demanded and and faithfully endeavor to Obse ve. . - received at the Bank of the . United Seate --- i: - By order and on behalf otthe Board. ; and still the - demand continued - In - such ::•• J. DU-NLAP,.Pres't. • • . force, as to make ~it Perfectly certain that Attest: ''. A. LARDNElii.eilSiliCr. \ ' it would be, fruitless to persevere in the Bank 'of the United State ?.. r_____ si t , • '., \ - effort . . ,The Directors deemed_it iedispen- Fehriiary .1, 1841. -- ---- "•stible; therefore - , -- al the close of -the, fourth • day q& the, present month, -to diScontinue •, paymlg - nts in specie. . . •.. Y-our memorialists do not deem it no- CesSary to advert to the cases and course of the other incorporated Bank's of the city . and county, which, they believe to have ..11 • suffered in like_manper Mid 'from _like ... causes, but- the particulars• tiP which will come with more certainty, „from their. -re ., ; _sp.ectivebnards.• r-• ' - - In this state of thin g s, the Presidentand. -•'• Pirectors of the Bankcf the United States , present themselves to the Legislature' in the humble -trust, that • after exertions thus faithfully but fruitlessly made, your hono rable bodies will so far consider the inter ' ests of honest creditors tyliose demands,, n yet remain to lie satisfied, of stockholders who depend uppii the. restoration.:_of-the •• - Bank for-their support and comfort,, and of the pililio at large, including under that description the Commonwealth of Penn.: svlvaaia„as not to make bet Ween her and , the' others-hanks-_of-thet,commonwealtli, . *that partial distinction which some pe'rSohs have tbought_ftt_to,shggcst,--but: to-renew-, - to - tbe institution die, -benefit of--those- pro ' visions which the Resiimption Resolutions extended to all the Banks, and, as it now . appears, for too short a. period. . It'is not in a.spiril of boasting, but,to brieg the fotta_more-distinctly-before-ther • -Legislature, that - yeur - memorialists - bog permission to state some particulars of the 'application of the Bank capital . to thin pur poses of the state and to objects of:public concern which have been promoted by the State. ' - V.:o7Ankttitvi.:l - 4 i ... . OM • . 'For the...boons to the state, including five annual payments of $10.0,000 , each to „the School„Fundi the Bank has; already- paid the sum of • three millionr,: twenty...two thousand, six hundred and — shi yt.two jars,- • • ( By Subscriptions-tO the Railroad , :Navi gation.: and Turnpike" 'V.Om panics's, ar re • • .quireillky the charter, the :Bank",has, paid four himtlred]and ' fifteen , thousand dollars:. ' - The flank has loaned to the - State at (lir fCrent times Once November;'lB3k . the . of. eighytinlirolie six • henditid—and .twenty thousand 'dollars,: of which three millions three, hundred, thousand . dollars . loaned, on th b , 23 d : oflanuary;' , 1840; the ilthlune,, le1,40;-and the 20th Joni .ary, 184 1 -.the le st loin of $400,000 .be - ing pert or a loanof 0800,000, • WhiCh, was taken within a few..days subsequent to• the rescmiptiOn of specie paynients; Maid the - discharge ofthe,- acernink :interest '.on . the statedebt. The , was flf',courset,' 'a ..di rect charge upeo.her in the very .Moemthat.the payments iriepecie began; . and. it was Moreover the..fOrtune „of:jbel Bank tq provide fora still larger jortion MWEEE=I lure can lawfulty'repeal or suspend; an, they, ask itiveause tlie . .ipfliction of These penalties willinevitablyielard thepayinoht - of the - del4,'.einl.iill ._proiluca .wasteful. sacrifice of - capital, a - A increase,OtThopre, Vallilg T- eTibarrassment and,discredit, and - a loss of credit to the' commontvealtli. On. each of - these tendebeies they ask leave to make oneor .two, suggestions: The' suf 'ficiency of the'assets of the Bank to meet all her engagements to creditors, is, in the opinion of your memorialista,aS - innelt, a matter' of inefal certainty as or the as sets of any Bank in this State orelsewhere are sufficientfor a lace purpose. If through Measures - of madness, all personal securities shall be aiiiiihilated„;and real•es tate_be_made dead-in the liands_of_those- - who own it, the calamity will not be• con . fined_inits_elfects_to . the 13atik.of.the United_ States: _and unless they are ,so annihilated, . 1 , the sufficiency of the Bank, assets is mo rally certain.. The first qtiestion then for the solemn consideption of the Legisla-, tare, and - it aught tO receive the eonsidera lion of all persons' before they express an . opinion upon it ; is whether the bills and. From the Philadelphia .Inquirer.. 'liabilities of this Bank, ought to he.struck The - Suspension and its CauSes, down at once as an available resource to Pennsylvania. .r the creditors , by the destruction of 'the . of B anks, the als of lnterests, and the boun . ' charter, and the consequent delays and dif- . .Alluc , ..,, S p - ling .to the ' us elision and -the fieulties . f winding up the concern iiian; atherlo m. - IS it not a medsure titmore "Banks, the- Reporter says: , iris . C" and justice also,-to those,,cors,_ ~., "The - deinocratic• members, ever in the ji •to:let - these liabilities take theli true_posi, right,-refuse- to enter upon any measuree tion iii - the community, according to their of indulgence to the..banks, until they are estimated value, - assisted" ai the liabilities_ satisfied by a rigid inquiry into their con-, of other Banks are by the. facilities .which. duct, and a candid disclosure-oil their part,: a charter gives to make provision for them? that their delinquency is not premeditated, Is it of. advantage - to any man or body of or the result of a wanton maladministra inen;.whci4npursuits in business' are pro- tion. ' Information is .sought, the basis fitable to the. commonwealth, that this, pa. of enlightened council, and wise action for,' per shall become a thing to wager upon at the. future. .The' past is whistory of evils,' the Exchange; blown upZ one . day - 1./...h0p0, bodies thecommonwealthand the business dui — milt down.. by fear, and at all of the community are affected, times the subject of contrivancesto bring "A memorial from the U. S. Bank has about the gain of one by the lass of ago- been Presented to both. houses, and was. ther? With the certainty of a - distant 11. , quidation, are the, holiatide holders . of it: 't 1 . ordered 'to be' printed ' for 'circulatien.— ,Vhetner the statement. it, contains be true ',likely to obtain its 'true value in..auch_a:or-falise, Will be - tested, we pres_nineand 'state of artificiai_agitation ? -h ope -,-- by - ttlegiiiitiiTe — investigation.. • It is Iblic or individuals, 'pursuing pursaing a,- useful. 'probable the other .-. banks in Philadelphia calling;:-be beitefi tied iby at, once putting an will also make their: memorials; but as to end to the active commercial value of, more them also, an investigation will be inatitu than two millions of - .dollars, of this paper, led we should think, before 'the legislature now. believed to beprincipallyin the halide anters,',upane consideration of the import of tifb inhabitinittoOf this state?. Jt is _ ne Llnt - questionsinvolved, With a View_td_final. - nt,preserit a qitestion whether_the Bank-of -actio n ."-: , .-- . • , . The th States is at mice. toliecOme a Bank, The 'Banks enerally, We have reason fore. :of extensive circulation end deposit,as be- i to believe, will not object to suitable inyes fore. Upon thil point ..this Bank must otimation.., 'They -are, .with one or: two .ex-' stand; like others, upon .ber own strength I eeptions; in as-gond dendition Is the. nib-' and - The confidence.of the cointhimity , l ' •• • - .40 ..' • : inetary,instuution . s ofany plate in thp Un-. Ont. thiv.,4uestion is''whether.J,be her re- lien 'And, .we . x.e. tercet' .to r ,atispendAspe 'Cie , tourceSlifilit they may, her creditors are . . . I ppyrneftts on the last ~occasion;from the , . , . . to be` , 'cleprived Of theaitsistapee.which the. 'position 'of Philidelphiaas. distribidin '. charter will give by the infliction of ,peticitv :•and because. of nett ndebtedi' sa g ] .allies which..ere 'withdrawn -- from all'other - 1-• - '- f '' •• - .. -, N, - , j r., '. ~, .• . - , growing.out o said position, to New • arki Banksl! ..:: , ;f.'.;4'-- . . . ••• / and:the . East,. The, cute' is . ti , Plain. one: ', - :lt.,,timit„be • obvious : to your Honorablei New York is the. 'great , i.feonitiaercial Eni4l lenljes-rtlitiTlirdestroying the.:charter, 'not rpOrium . .." '. The bulk of' po r t; hots into iiin,ly, wilithe,property of creditors ; be sac 7, th i s m;:" arrive ne.that and pre :rifieed, but That „same is more 'eittenWeaneigned to , merchant's . reeiding. therti.,• sively true in regard, to the capital:4llM iPhiludelphians are .purehasers.ta"...theax'•,. Stockholders.... ; .•'' --,.„.,, ....;...,.., . ' ".., I tent of many .millions . per. annum, - -•:and , IWltatithe Stockholders have.done to fall' give ' their .notes. at .different-perioda' for itittler, the edgoef 'public. resentment, it is ;panent. =. We are - oiits-censtently in debt difficult: : to ~ pereeive: . .If : there bag been our neighbors, and . in times' offs,,paltie,- error, Or •Mismanagernent in the.:Bankc it :end:When . so dispOSed,.they, ..demand . has 'not been :Theirs. , .' If Money_ has been . their thiee in.ipecie ; exalienge, being against too liberally loaned to The e state of; Penn-,,us for 'the reason above alluded to, The ,syliania,„te : improvement `companies and: business ,; of- many 'of,. the *here. of ' this .to.' individuals ; the .stoalthelders .haie not . eity,:i,et9 Sell exchiinge , _on - New .yoik i ,.. ! : 1 m a de the Joel's: . The, law•prevents,them_`,Mie.nierelituital'and IntsinesS:Men,,bßitig the' -keno-acting', pert enallY. in •suelt:titattere; and :'itrehosers,with ..the.objeek Of Paying their' ICoinpeltr there o, act bY'OPr e senttiiiveli.. , --.!4.ehts , fliet - liTli ns , thenrWhen t... T.o "many' : therm : them- 'the . law .• denies ' !-t h e,!:er S‘lk'eiObangs,Alilenyett-thst -.they .canca i right of selecting'their -representatives:',.loP4'.6'o'.l.l4-.eitOr4one,-'pet;:: ceritf;.bY `They are '-Widewsi; orphan .'..cliiidren, per- ‘ ; draiving,spepie from .Thei.Bankiii., 'eons retired frind.btsineja . tinill'neilife life, lag it' to - Neiv;YOrk to draw drafts against, and not capitalists only and 'all: . of them 'they do soWithout the sliglisest.healtnti on - . - . • . . - . _ . Iffnirg Ei,MNM WMitiIMMWiME Although for -several days prior to the opening of the road the wetillier was dark mid lowering, end had covered the earth with accumulated snows, the sun cast aside big veil.on the 'morning of the 3d and play ed with vernal mildness - on the. countenan ces of the delighted crowd that came, to, \partake iu the'eek!.Yation. 'rite arrival of (4 n. Harrison, at Hagerstown; increased the ttraction; and gentlemen of all parties,, togs her • with . ,the ladies, who are :lever g wantiri in sentiments of fine gallantly, , , embrace the occasion to pay the tribute .of.their mgard,to-re ' r •• A tine train of Passenger - Cars, graced by the preset* and enlivened by the mar tial music - of theTrafiklin County Infantry, left-Chambersburgivith'a full complement of passengers; . at 9 o'clock-. in' the Morning, and were, eobreyed . fo .Hageriteivn with all the speed of the tapestrySerithy two powerfril and finely constructed loComo tives,' .The .cars soon after returned with 'a like burden froth 'Hagerstown; escorted in - ; the same lively style by The military' - corps - of . Washington, County, and after a delay of some hours,- tl.ial 'were dedicated to the training and evolutionS of .the edin". panies t again departed and arrived between the Same points to the:.greet gratification of all who 'were drawn;to . the' scene. '.-. • : f‘ - .. . i 1.11 eA.woJollaivjag-days-Tivere--;e4uniir *smut and'distinguisheil bkthe continua tion of Abe:B*e stirring and joyous exhi bition. During the fete some 1500 or 2000 persons must have passed over this beau tiful roadr'-the one 4lialf—a-whoni...wpre hitherto as strangej_dLthe_nther-aa-the--ret) _iideifs.of. 7 different-States;but , .likely-lere,.- : after to - be more ,closely united I:),*,the ties. .of social - and commercial intercourse.. ...; .. The. stability or the road was fully tested by the experiment; .and- we; denture the assertion that no: similar line '- of improve ment bolds .Out stronger - alltirethentle the ,traveller-:.than the..Franklin':ltail.ltiitid.-7 RtinningLthriinglr a ."fertili . valleY,i'with a 'richly cultilated landscape ever exposed to:the eye; theitraveller may be 'constantly regaled by - a = varied. and laihkf.,idoroect sceperyi While 'the celerity of • hie .... Move ment is, equal to the most urgent demands lof business.- •. „ ' • ‘.:-- : :,:.--. .. . . . .. . . ... . Ihe'eompletion of this laSt linlan. the Franklin'taikrWay perfects the entire 'Chain Of 'ecirinectidn 'between:: PhiladelPhiir'arid: .11agerstOwn; and bringe:tho- Wealthy .conn 7 try- of - , Washington,' with' iteAlouriehirig.; fottriie, iri.the:heart or Maryland,:i:Within a twelie hours - ride Of 1 he.atlat'oUeriitiin erCe ill :P ti c h ey l Y.Oiri.,' ., 'The,,wheliiiiet : ppsi‘, through theibeirt.'lMpriived::: : lrf4 bath: of Marylaritt antr Penne) I vanPi`j ritidsatrie:, Of. ,theithendpariteet and•mosrthritdrigtOWns ~-:The.Cere'riiitl;itginek used UpOc':tlir . e., - rdw'.arfi-:Of ~ the, i tioat-=moat ,-aoa-the Engineere:fictl..COMlriiiierSipEeisk t a bli a l ie d,' e li a r eeter*iiibriety2;a64'ekiV.: :T.1 1 . 9h OP: .W 1 : 1 . 6 14-v?,:ti strongly teoiiimplijio' iiiii, n(!v,ltOilicia.crtiA:ipt3 eatteet.eiteetkifit, e t ' i, e )l, Wh ei ire .,,, iitedieue: . eithey,.ot,4lleaseye, or:- exPedition,An 'trayelling../iiiiinoCrk' htirg , 27l9Oillor;,y . ., '.....;...,. : -I - . .1; , ; '• . -.'.'.'-'-' ' ' . .. . . !•i ', ' - :'. *,-, ,1.::','. 1. , ' • a -gin a -pure inset --- in - New -- Eii, -- gliitill'it, and brought into: Philadelphia, Must.hp very • large. ~ So With hardware, and .many other articles. %Our indelitedneas is Anis created —exchange,is.. turned against us—and the consequence frequently is ; Un - eiciritordinary. demand for specie. ;,11tince.the :suspension. Can it be. possible, - that. Under-. these 'cir-, etirtistatiges,. the enlightened press of Perrn 7 sy.liania will ., turn - :upon:the-Stinki r and - in - crippling or'deitroyingthem, strike'at the business' ceminunity—nay, at -the- bosom of the Commonwealth 'itself? It.caitnot be„_ Siteh presses as, the._ Reporter, occu- .. pying ;•a ..position of Influence, and respec tability, seeing'the truth,. inuf 'inmate& by the spirit of patriotism, and fidelity i i i p the ..Keystone State, .Will inculcate manly-and. Magnanimous .views;- and in - this Matter, at'' least, rise above the prejudices of ignorance - and bigots as well,as - the-theatrand wretch.; ed objects - oliArdzan - ifiews - and *warfare. '- OPENING?F THE•KRANght . 6 AILROAD: , By the vigorous efforts of the CoMpany, the Maryland Branch,of the Franklin Rail Road was completed and opened for tratia.- portation and-travel, on the ad inst.. The with..which the' improvement has-been forwarded,. amidst numerous ob staeles, which . the . ..severity of the season onlyservcd tingmenr attests the 'active zeal of those having charge'of its eoncerna, and affords -to.the.traveller no small secu rity against the ordinary' accidents and de lays-that spring, from negligent and tinskil ful trmagement. • • MiIME ":.peoierittnient:,- • ;iat )6 ioy . : 4 6 B ' , OttiiiiiiiteALititqfWrit 40/1' NOR - TRAFF;c ill ~ Tlrelt. AEI 4'l2iiV{4pife, .. AS N. OUR pI.9OOI:INtE7 tiANce, THROUGHOUT.. THE Otint rnittei of the: o.;uln-,, Berland, eounty:l . etuperance.ociety have meetings -appointed as Feb.- 27, Schnol -House' • in Dickinson township. .' - _ M. CA.T.D WELL, .Chairman, Feb. 22, 1841. Of the 1;x. Om. to the Members of the (Jamb. -co. T'em. -- Society; in ,_Ca'rlide and vicinity. ' • . . ~ . . . . Wci Make this;uddresi particularly _to ' those who have by the recent. signature of our pledge rnatle ... a. reCOrd..of their 'Willingness to Co-operate with us in Carrying forward , the-temperance reform; and we - . ... no clonal.; ano .9mssatdsca Jo !antis daj Moo* Nelms this occasion; did we not say;that our courage and our.:zeal have been greatly increased 'l? . y :fi Mil ng , our cause so well sustaiited: .'Our pledges have been re, turned to us, With let Ween four, and five hundred Signatures r =anti names'too of Stich a. character that , I.e' Cannot but be cheered by the countenanee 'thus. -aive.fitP 9ur..141 11 9r5,_ ...:._: ...._, .......___LL____:_ . ..:L_:_ .1_ - Among the signers to our pledge, cve- 4 111111 .the and, the yqung; -the most respectable andthe .. most obscure; 'the man:nThose. 'character' has never sufter 7 ell dblereisli, and the man who kpows by n painful' 'experience the truth of the-- doctrines we teach..- _ Among them we find .the'lMme of- the widow; made such by intemperance:. and of her, whose tleepest 7 7- . whose only woes arise from the came source: among them we find the sitinteaot 'many -Young:men, and of Mani a Intsband in the Prisne..ef his' ; life; with, his, WWII base pledged themselves_ together, to save themselves mid their children from the desolation . Which intern:sera - nee" is still werkirsg in the soeiety . 1 -around And we feel a pec6liar pleasnre,in saying tlisdamong our list of members. are many -children, Who* under the healthful influence exorcis lit by,therexumple, awl the Instruction of their pa nnxtously sought the privilege of having• their names recorded with those of their natural teachers' and guides. These Children, a few years , hence', instead - of being druiskards,and the-wives of drunkards, will be Occupying . . the plies which we now fill; and will be guarding the smne interests .to Cleortsare now directed.: : To all wliciliirie - united with us.: in thisluteresting. and generous work of 'saving ourselves and out , fel lows, we say, . Bret.--Ile consistent with your pledge. - The reason.yhy we pledge , ourselves drink what can intoxicate, is (hitt INCbell6:e,fiilWdrilit -nroulti injure 'Ourselves and others: Why then should 'we, r utfEr any Circumstances, fora momind Wisit•toLget rid of the•obligiitcmis of our ph'idge? Nor do the. usages of society at thepreientday require any per son to violate his pledge.' et us then be consistent in all our movements i tind crinsclentionslyadliere to the spirit of the 'obliptions we,have assumed.- In so doing you will save yourselves nueotters. ' -- :: --- Reestir 1 / 1 - -- - 4fitliimportant that Our 51)0 ely.slaould exist at all, it is important that it should embrace - M an y - na - possible.--Each-member-cf-the-soeiety y male or female ; young or old, may exert an influence on some around you,.who are not members. Some of them may be temperate iirinkers, some :of,thern may bq , intemperate, and -others may'not dritik at all, but may never have signed the pledge. lfamong those, any one can be found willing to align, we sn2 - gest to ratio Citron some member of our commit tee, or (mom. Secretary, and get a pledgel and then . • . return it . with his signature. Each 'individual may do much; and ii %-c will all do that we can, before the .end. or the yearlB.ll,_we_will rescue manynioung . mail in our to , ,zn y or in our county, from the jaws of intemieranc e , a n d parb.aps Some drunkard from the .grave. --Who Thai has-signed-our - pledge will not heti) us lo,this_work. ;Finally \ 4Allow us to advise you to read weekly thelkihfieAzitcPepirtyment of our lion:Mall papers. lt is furnished. Wit h -the best matter which the Editors; with our aid,,ean procure. - - ireqd dt, and - point opt ' to your neighbors such portions of it as yorktin mayintyhem go,pd::::•;..To a friend of temperance,the existence of such'a department in a .taper ought to , farnisiv - n.strong•indoceMent to its patronage... The work whiCh We intend . to effect is great, bht we shall be aided in it by- tbe prayers 'of the pious, and by the bl4ssing of . N. LDWEI,,L, Chin.' • From ,the "York Co . The. TrusteeS ottlie English. Presbyterian Congregation in: the borough Of. York, Idr - tTerlitalMstao, p, Small, Samuel: Small,: Jacob Eminiti, 'John Evans,Wevit Morrie. , a This action 'Was :tried. at. the last See. signs of 'the :Court : of:: Common Pleas of this enmity. '' . ll6tf 7 A. S. Hays presided. • The' plaititi ed , a deed' from - John Penn ' and John Penn, jr., for the premis es in-question tb‘George !nein, Win. Scott and Archibald - Wklane, in. trust for the English' Presbyttn:bffa4t near the town of York, , and other successors, and for no othe'y uSo. or purpose ivhatsoaver; dated Sept. 17tifroi: They 'also sho'wed the ChOrter of . incorporation obiOned in 1813. They, then piaved.,posseSsion of these, pre wises for 55 years by the' English' Presby 7 terians, They. also proved that in 1732 theicongregstion then was connected with and under tlmcate:ef the Denegall Presbyte- Ty', that this Presbytiffivac'eftsiwirds mer ged in theCaelisle Presbytery, and that it has , • been , Oonnecte:d with 'that body' ever ; ,' 'the' - yeail7B3.-2Thift since the year 1732 had been the 'Pastor and 'fe presented , the ( congregation • in the. Carliale Presbytery and.:§ypod of Philadelphia for' Ailfe. than defendants-ihen.:slinived .tho . ,pro. ceediogs :or • the. Congregational' .rit,eelPle .whlch (*feted 'l-he.-presool.fliasibi: Wallace. -His.dismiStial froiktbe ,014:: ' burg: Preibytiary of Kentucky td J 141 ann the Carlisle Presbytery. , The, proCeednis a Congregational' meeting , refusinr to 'ac- 19.. c - 0'! ,l .4 lei rg VIE • SUBSCItIIIER, thankful for • past favors, would inform the publie,_thht.he continues to manufacture at las old stand in North Hanover street, Carlisle, opposite. Corninau'i hotel,.evcry article in the line of his business, such ns , • I AS.I(Da"Lt/ti 10_1) •• 41 fash — KettlCs , .Dye,Kettles,..Ilatters'. Ket- -- I . every variety of .-; 7 Pinwlrare l Drums, Stove- Pipe, Dripping Pans, ikc. • .; lip_.also_affermforsaie.----- Okiking, Parlour, • 'Chamber and Office . • • . . for wciird or coal, of 'every variey and patternall of a l whishlre will .dispose of on the most*.reasonable terms. JACOB FftitialY. N. IL He also has for sale tbe - inaprovedMotsrst CorlanifStoves,.whiel i are superior to any ever oft. feretl in this place. J. F,, Carlisle, Feb. 3 ' 1341.--.3na • • nty•Free Press Ejectment foie a burial. Ground, Parstutagg,_ and !lurch, • CER'IIOICAI ES. OF AGENCY • . aralitfavl4 rec,:etable,Univer. • • ..• sal Pults, - -• , Aire by the folloling!?gents in'theitt respec !Ave • connties.-i numei•ous conritiirreits these Pills nru, attemptertto be intlined upon the coinniuni. ty, the propriety- of.puiehasing unly frtri, the recap. liner) agents, tall be apparent. , • ,Cunberland Cornity—Geerrge W. Hitrier, I H e gel , " .- Meehaniesburg;"•(;ilrnore'br • 117jcRiiintt. ; S. Culbertson, Shippensbrirgl` BAC & .Brenneman , ' New, Cumberland ; Barton, burn; M. d. yrriip; Shire.irianstown; tired. ChUrehtcrivn. t . ' - • Perry ' CoUnty—Al.eitinder l3lit ttf lel J.ISc S. krtoyle,tandisbitrg, ' ' "-Aurnist 5.6 - 1 . 840 - 1(11ST RATfi iCLOTQUALITY' ,OP fr • vvyn - fli JW# ree*ed st4°e !or PIIPPPSP4rg*tY r IXOL' StrABRBIIB.—: • DFaro up, ustie d Afadder, • 4 4 / I .l4m r roebieells 0,413Jue. VitOojvCopperes, In. inga_ . i i 0 ,... 1 Vr Yit"' KoS, bliblo,Nei di Metietio.tro l Sol u tion a! n t i ts Above will be iold '' • • , g , ,A , A 4 . - ;'.'',"•''' aidylatigethp ar ytey., Phe , Cougregation- of . IlielbiiiTresby, of , P,liiledelphia a lie'w ichOoti.hegdY,; a , baiq ue dy,their,- aw l s the - SYnodr°l:' r,ePPsYlvania; and, the s.iiarrisbu rs. Presbyter) both New §li°°l.3', The plaintia then resnrited. and showed their connectien the, - Carliale Preaby- tery:44 :titer : present ting,,the; conne,etion o that;boily-vrith the delphia'pynod,, an Self o 4 ,- ,bellY,'ied -- ‘ISO 'the Old' "Schoid.' general assembly ,in,` that they might ) y a show, that. thero the'Only; English, Prea byterian congregation `in and,near the town of York, and had 'not' lasttheir-Aistinctive character , bybeing irausferred, from the, old andleriginal'body:' - hia . .quitstion involved, was, who -were the'successors of the English Preebyteri 'ans in' and: near th'e town, of York, the plaintiffs or Defendants.' The charge of the jury was very Ying, and 'eMitained a positive instruction to the jury to find for the defendants, on the ground that there was no deed from the personal° . wheal the'Penns , had' conveyed in trust to the cerp.orations tinder the charters. - .The plaintiff's contended that hailing been n pcssesstop . ss years, and ilia estate ing in trust,' the - coprt ought to have - structedthe jury to.presunie a .cenveyence. This would'hayeleft'undecidedthe'queri:. tiara 'as to who aie:the stieeesscWs of the .English Presbyterians in antinearthe,town of :Kg:ult. ; illkt. the, judge deeideti .that the majority by their resolution .entlitig roost, fiom the Carlisle •Preshytery cut . alio the minority. - , -- -:-...-1 - Ve-learri--that-the-- plaintiffs - ha ••-Wien a wn of — ofFOTWitiri Supieme.poi cur" thO•tniddle - district, where the Law of the matter will be tested in May next. i1V211(9/16 .. • 'I lia - Sub'seriliers . lifive fotined . 11 Co . -partnership 'under the name of ' • —- • • - Jacob $1 , , 4 per .Son, and wilknB4lsastii-earry • - ILARDWAR'E 113 - ININESS,. , at the Old'stand in South Hanover street, next 'door to theitublic house •of My. John Carmen, where every article, in their line may be hair Vii the best • EOM& • - Thef.take WS'method of "infbriqii - g - AicitieT -- indebted on the hooks of Jacnli Sene'r,that an 'early - settlement of their accounts is necessary. - • • jACOW_SENE'R, . , - •- • • • ALFRED SENER. . Carlisb!, Feb. " ' Triennial - aSSCSSlifent 11T - 0110 E is hereby given that the Commissioners of Cumberland county will hOld the appeals for ' the-year-1841, , in-the different Boroughs and 'town ships of said countvTatthe - timercithd . plite - es ay. istil . . iished below, for the pnrpose ofltearm,, ,, all persons Who may apply for redress, and to grant such relief its:to . thein shall.appear justAndeasonable,-to wit: • EAST PENNSPOROUGII, on Tuesday the 2(1 of March next at the house of Andrew Kreitzer. • , • Borough .nf New . CUMDERLAiID,' on Wednesday the 3d at the public house of- Jacob Poist in said ho- rougl!. . . ALLEN, on Thursday the d ill at the publicliouse of David Sheaffer in Sliepliardstown . . Borough 'of Affbitt.Nicssuno, on Friday the sth at the public - house - ollolin - floover-in said borough — ' Mositon, on Saturday the 6th at the public house of• Mrs. Paul in Churclitowto of CARLISLE, on Monday the fitli tit the Ciunmissioners' al& in said borough. Sity.rn Sraisio, on Tuesday tlia - lYtTili"the public house ofJosepli Grier in lleguestown. _ All principal Assessors are _alsti.notified_ and re— quired to attenil-at „ the time and' place fixed for: the appeal, for their respective boroughs and townships. By order of the borninissiatiers. • JOHN IRWIN, Clerk. COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE, Carlisle, Jan. 20, 1841.--tin • WHOLESALE Si RETAIL • Copper, Sheet Iron and Arin • are__: - • _ 41110 .. ' ((!°lll. • . . .. . • ANTILLAS'orti tiett`stirleiJutt,rectlivedat the: Nevi Store, in.Shippenstihrg and for oak bjr • - • e'ArtNi.)CD'ht ABRAMS.. El • , EN 1 INEM NM