Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, February 17, 1841, Image 4

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    OCY° L p K E !
lija l Etaa "(Di ailaka
The-Subscribers niThr their, present
• Stoek of 11.1 or -•
chandize'itt reduced_ppicey, dial will continue Nt each
prices until all :is sold. • A Ilarge . portion. of: their
Stock-is offered at Cast.'
Carlisle, Dee. SO, 18 -
Back` - Via;ln-ut. Mar? la
THE Subscriber to, purCliase
_DM CK-11 7 ././ PL./4174;in any quan
tity that may he olYered; ,for which Forty Dollars
cash pei• thousaod feet plunk measure :will lt,e
Said Planl. to be of good quality; two inekes ;tad
one-eighth in thickness and fourteen feet to* inches
in length, . To be delivered at the Canal in.llarris
. burg, or at any point on the Cumberland Valley '1;t1i1
Road, and immediate information forwt;rded to the
..orZrAny other information relative to said, business.
can be had on apptieatitiii...o" Robert frightmn,
Carlisle; or by addressing the stvlM - Nr ("post field)
re siding in Philadelphia. .
- December j0;1.849. ---f)
04-W 04 - rm4. 1.-. 4 ,
- The" sitbscribrr initi just retiwned from the city
and is now opening pone very Benson:lWe
GOODS, , consistin g iil part of Inv6ihle Green,
Brown, Diamond, Beaver, Black Wool dyed,
Adilade, Cadet awl Olive
azi t•P
Wool dyetl Moot:, Blur, and , figured Cal.tifirreB ;
Sattinetts of descriptions. Cordstind Bea verteAst
TiCkg and Checits; imported'Stair_nnd fignrcil Car-
peting; Saxons, Prince and ;lEnnseale Lollies; B an
-Warne:3, Ntertrfor - s7tilTroTlilWir, 1. - t -- n`
Brown, Fignred and Plain Silks; Fiwired and
.1/us/im.; Grecol..l3,dy..r.atal
Flannels of diff-ront rolom:s; GloVes
Cloth' and Fin. Capq..lirasln: -and Nierina Sholo's ; .
:Ifackinaw, Rose :111( . 1 Point Blankets., I.,gh , rn'tillil
Straw Bonnets; together witli;Ttli assortment ,td . •
Ch*OCercie. . Q,ZICC2ISWaVe.
All of which diil br• sold on the most
terms. Person are invacil to call and examine
themselves before purchasing. vlceFliere.
Carlisle, Dec, ,C 3, 13-10. , • • ••,.
..Cl,/pap G96118'161. (ash,
The Suhqerihr..:•s, 11,;.ir
Mereliandrze, dilly it at reduced - priClt IJI
etitire.stoe! . ..of. .
Cassimeres, .S'atinettsr
• __ . .•nels; 4.c.• .:• •
sbl,lTi . 1,;tall Stich iel: - .4onn
as itre - desierig el eLtiniiin „r7tiaigniOswll iileast
pall cs.
nt the stern or - .
• tirrNT.N. I:I,VA NV.
1 .k . ; S 'I , II , 'CY, I - he •
sold a'hargain ony one wishing to eitpige in the
busines.4 ; iitiplication bp_tnade itemedintely. '
• Dee. 9, 1:4 I. -
:tom L 0 0 'IC AERIE
, Now nri 13 AR.GI .1 f 5,
nan7AT TI I
_tz — ,Slazope las.
ARNOLD & ABR:v.m.--_:1,
Aro aDw openiii:2; at their Store a - largo sold mo
splendid assortment or
Fall and if:int er n .
which they will self at such prides as cannot 611 to
snit purchasers, being determined to sell cheaper
tlinn•csn be Dlund (.I,C‘i hero in the state. 'their
- stock consis • ting,in part of the followhii;artieles,vit:
Black, Ohm, firown, Olive arep. Green..
Olidhervy, evict n-d.reel '
Broad. 0.7...0t1is
Black, Bl te, Strippd, and i)ral, rassipicrep; Blue
Green, Drab sad 'Stet-I-mixed C'ev , •inetc ; Prassiat
Blanket and Aferia9 Shawk, Ilandksrcliiefs, &a.
Alsci a lar ; le assa•tment
• .-Dornes.llll; vaacza.e4,
ue•ensware,, i ffarth'vare (3,i• act
&c. •
We would invite the public to call pad examine
ot4:new and- cluntp, go - U.IA, aud. -if-good goods,-low
in d ega a nd tov er ti on t o pl...a?e will have any effect, we
feel confident lied lh••v alit tat 'go away wiihout
leaving with us a little of the Read!) 1?ino.
• N. B. .Colotrq PPodite,. Mall kinds'will he taken
exchunge rar f; owls, at market price. .
P. S. A report has been circulated that we do not
• intend to continue here longer titan flie ensuing
'spring, we ther'efore would acquaint
,the public that
we have leasedlhe store-hoose, aldeli we now oecti
. py, for the term of four years. Alay this elteerthe
--slanderous tongue - of - those Who - seem to devoteall
—their attend on. to-such- base and-degraded octs,,
Dec. 9, 1840.
. son the,imer Lindauer
r c jost - - re
ceived nail are now opening n verj• large and splendlr
nanortment of BRITISH, FRENCH and DOMES'
Ti' . l4 0 0 OS,
which have been vlected with nmehearein the cities
. of NEW VORIti and PIIII,ADELt 11l A, and which
they respectfully invite the citizens of Centreiille
and vicinity to call mid examine, 11:They will be ena,
bled.`to 'please. and sell LI esidsully_eheatum_thau_auy
other• t•stablishm:•.nt hi the entihty. The will be
hippy nil times to see customers who are desirous
of having
New ei.:renz) and Good Goods.
. t
Among their Roc!: will be found • Blue,-Black
Brown, Green, Olive, Cadet, Mulberry, Dahia, Cit
ron, Claret, Mist Drab, and a variety ol,lowprieed
CO'iLlai o
Superior striped and plain Londoij and Buckskin
Cassiinerrs, premium and low pelted Sattinetts; su
perior Silk, Satin, Velvet , Valenida; Corded, Strip
ed,-Figured and Plain nki•scilles .mid . Ca'ssimere
Vesting's. A.general assartment of all qualities and
colors of ,
Fall and . 11°. 7 1di• Goods..
. •
suitable fir GetUleinen's wear.: Superior Dlaek
Italian Lutentrins, Gros De' Naps, Po De• Swag',
• Gros,Pe.Sw '
iss 1111d.SCR4imw 7 Silks, lialleys, Clint-
Jaeoonets,Carnbriest liebbirietts,Plain antl
gursaLSwiss, and Book Muslins, Shawl's, •Dress
, Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Veils, Ribbons ,&c.
A Irke - and excellent assortment of fine and low
prioed Calieors, Iriab o TabiN TOWelfbig and. Table
Diaper, Crnsh ;liislina,..T'ickinp., - _Cliectra ; Cords,
Beavertpens, &a. A, goneral assortment of Leghorn
, and StraW Bonnets; Umbrellat, Parasols, &c. Also,
sus bitten/are assortment of . • • .
G rOCerie 4 aftil CTIs mire,
• • ortheosunstapprosed The - publie call and judge for sa
i l / 2 :}( l etertninoil to sell eltenp,for 'cash or:conntry
4 producu, TAVERN KKEVERS are •reapeoifully
UMW to pol and examitic:thpir stock of Liiplors
Itefore.,PurZhasing .clanwitertt • ' •• -;
, • quntrsville, Cunt., Co., Oetnbej,
.•••••:, ." • Cheap., Shaugo.;- -
'The Suthsoelhars hare on !land a lam assortment
Thihet, Merino, Broeha;,Chenine and
ether or Shawls which they. Will sell at
rnall ai
olvtin4o frit , : Cad. • . • • • ' -
//I".M"Et? ULTrAyk,
- . .
A'jqplgisortmentpf.Par end .Cloth:cips wiitbe
spltt ehea ef the store of • ; - •
. • grvor4A.
There is not one case of Fever in a, thousand,but
may he etitnttlially brit - ken-up and removed by 'the
use_°flhis.l lisir. t It reinofes all acidity indigestion,
bilious matter 'and' constipation from, the„stutuach
and bowels. It operates 'gently, and ellertually on*
the bowebi, and powerfully on the kit t, and skin.
It reumYes all unpleasant leillings after n hearty meal,
and pr !motes - it good appetite. It needs only a trial
tp give perteut,satisfaction. It has liecome a general
practice witb,many to use this made in all cases or
colds, psitts•iii the bones, or heav)'ilisagteeable feel
ing, tendering to headnehe or chilliness. For hoarse
ness; in . :ditto through the da:tcit e:ompletelv•restores•
the voice without producing sickness.- Whooping
Cough, and all coughs of children are cured by it.-
-The stomach is kept in perfect order, by it, and it is
quite impossible that any disease should commence
while s 111'1'5011 is using this.Sy . ,
•w^ If taken dailY itpro . ducesu rudy,hcaltby;and
Writing appearance, by, driving MT all the humors of
the system. Sold genuine nt 2 Fletcher street, one
door below Pearl strect,..N . : t- be Comstock & Co.;
and by all rcapectable'Druggists.
Far snle•also by STEVENSON &
1i1.E., Carlisle, •P'i
• •
. .
The two Story Stone lionse, oecupied hi the sub
seriher On East street .Carlisle, with' the Lot of
Grow' - 90 feet front on said street, and extending
2,3(1 feet the Letart spring-. There is a Stone
'Stable, a Carriafte How, atel , :i well of water hn
the premises. The whole property is pnalosed by ti
subutantial Stone wall. For further particulars . applv
• •
-- Tbe-suliscriber hereby - jai - wins the eitizeirs of
the pliblie:gpierallr, that helms taken the
shop nearly opflosite the if:where 'he will lie pre
-ry:!Nd to nuthulartiire to ender, on the most reasona
ble terms, any article in his line or bushiest*, such at
lie will also attend to Steeling And Grinding
. .yxes
i-k solicits a share of public patr o n are.
• ...
7Vlll'..tlihseriber, thankful for ints't farots, restieet-
Lt fully informs the public het he stjll root:nines
to "11:141 APlh" in" Church Alley, 11111111 E mention
f wheee be has 110 W 011 110 . 1111 lorge assletrnent
orn.ltionß.eonsi . sting ill inri, or the folio wilegt - .Brent],
Gskes,- Cheese,-Bacon; linms; - Flour; - Snap, tiitlt r,
Spices, Sweettne:its, and other necessaries
eiletilated 1"31. *this nieredisin.
N. 11,11 e rdsr) eantinites . to i enp au F.atiiig_
w . fiere er,idFhteii en:i lir aeemn i ntul n Col %‘lth T r ; pc„
Pig, Feet, Pickled Oy tcrn, c. at the slorter4 no ti ce .
i?i!CA,Lice,.--Wanted-- - -Itill-pti-iaiely;
will he paid_Cnr rwrs Trio LTSAND bar.:
birsliels'olAVltek ;
TEN ..rtious.\ xi) bushels of Itp!, and TEN
TIIOUSANII hastels,uf_ Corti, by tJw saliscciber;
%1,119 can ak Th 1111(1
titnese F 0 at. his lil a rc-lion:ie tin
tlie canal bi:tween Walnut and SUIT(' °t1 . (:(19..•
I la rri shiny ; April 1, 1R1().--tf
kix - I), Fqw.ntary- ...I.IOCSELIN Di
' DE - oared for We
nrg . ,
. 1M
. r r,; , ; r-rsTAN 1r; r STMIVLS
-11 .1; fnr sale al din :\;;;•%v Store in
Shipßinnsiirg, - AIINOLI'&:ABRA.IIS. "
1717ardivare, Grocery,-*
gE subscriber has just returned from
the Cities of New Yorlt, Philadelphia and Bal ,
timnre, and ie !low opening at his 'store room
Corner of Nfarlcet Square and 3lain Streets (for
merly- nedpied by Geo. W. liitner,)'h 'general as
sortment of
Hardware, l - : Sinne- Illsrei-‘Cedar
.11 - arc, Groceries,, •
Tjarnishes,' Glass, Borth-
Ind" Canes; Lamps for •
burning Camphine Oil,
and a great variety of articles useful and necessary
for furnishing :did keeping a lionsti, lie hasalso, and
will constantly keep on hand •
a clwait - aMiTidelpmt—siiiiStittite=for — sperhrdiLliiid
haviriTheemapPointed the agent of Messrs. Dackers
and Brother of Necirk N. J., for the sale of ,tone's
Patent Lamps hi this - Fr - 31RM lie is prepared to titres
nish Lumps and Oil, at a. very reasonable valet() all'
OM May wigi tp use tliis new and 'economical light.
__Having selected his ..goods himself, and made "Ids
purchases for cash, lie is able,.iind is deterinined - to
sell l ow.
Those haring the cash to lay put will find it to trial'
advaotage to give him a call.
• Carlisle, July 3, .
I,KTIMILEAS-the Carlisle Saving Fund-Society,
will expire in 1543.---S . otieclis-hereby-given,
agreeably to the constitution and laws_ of _Peiiiisylna
•nia, that the stockholders of said inctitntion int And
applying to the next Legislature of the Common
wealth for a renewal ofeharter,nliang,e of name, style
and title to "Cumberland Valley Bank," :Mere:lse of
capital and general discounting and banking
17.e77,`Xthitidtrlitrelr - treAltitittdiftc-sstliirt
may direct. _The above institution to
n Carlisle, l'a
Aug. 19,1840--:Grn
. .
• Aliirge assortment of Thread LaCc and Edgings;
Cambric aad Swiss Edgings amrlnsertings, for. ;saleat redifeed Limes anhe store .61 . • -
- • -7TIT.TE.7t
ttIST:RECEIVED 31. the. New Store
in Sliiiipensintrg, English, Gerinanand French
:MEIN:OES, and ror sale by
/IL sale nt the New. Store in Shippcnshurg, by
JUST••REQEIVED and now offered for sale at
49 the New Store. in Shippensborg, a handsome;
and splendid assortment of Plain, White and Brad.
ered Merino Shawls. •
• is e .ba.sest—cv,me• in, man.
We are notanieng that dab of Editors who fOr a
few dollars Will, (at the expanse of truth and hones
ty) "crack up" an article and bring it into rapid sale;
nedber aro we willing to remain silent, after having
tasted the utility of on improvement or dis6inery in
scienceer art.. ',Our readers Will recollect we told
them - eve-were-unwell-witlra sare — ihrofit and vio ent
cold some few' Weeks ago. pui•cluiFed hvo
bottles of INSLOWS PALS Affil OF 1 - 101t1 4 .1
HOUND and sn Antigen. wag the cure, that-lye forgot
We,ever had it' e , 4 I: Those. who are , afficted, may ,
upon recommendationistown Tete;
.For sale by •
• *
•• • - S, ELLIOTT, Carlisle ,
' • '
Also, by Druggists generally throughout the oeUP- - ;
try. : Price 50 cents per baffle,-
'lou - HO . vm§! IYU . RiIIS u WORAISII!
. v r To remOvelliese'troulNi4euittlengerous
inhabitants of the stomach and;boa;efs,,Wlieli so - often
impair the.healtkantLdestroya.the children;
use .11,yne's'Ton ic Yrin
eiftsge,''a'aertal ß atitti o N p re ,
partition for the rernoial oftileviipii4kindeofFOrni,.
dyspepsia, sour' sternedi, Wati.o:ooVietite•, - infindile
fever and ague, and dibility,o4llo 7 siomach. and, bow. , '
earl organs . of digestlon;`' To be ' had at NQ. • 20
South Third street Philadelphia. • , • ' •
• Also to be had'of Samoa mid Stevenion "At
ninkle Carlisle , Pa, •
For Sale.
Carlisle, Nov. 4, 1 R.:3
aa's \EJ - 41).a coTvi CO' [171.'0
A - AIR 3 T'ic2.7l3, c.
Ciirlisli , ,Now. 5, 18{11
Val riletv_S to i': . 6,' &,c..,,
Sept. 9. 1 P..).(1:-1 rem
Camphine GO,
Jorix J.
Za66 Goods:
. ~ „
V: , .0-.: . 1r, -, Lit - - . :0 - :IT:'::.pft V):4:.4.Z . ' ( - A:ltsil,':' , ..::r ,lip'''l, l l -j- t:'010"
rwitiv. undersigned . have formed a. co-partnership
lt.--undertlie firm of J. M. & C.. W. BROWN,
for the purpose of transaCting - a General Commission
and Porwardins , .
We NV(111 id give indict: that we have taken the spit 7
cious Fire Proof brick Wqrelionse, situated on the
south west corner.ef Broad and'Vine streets, where
we lire prepared to.receiVe mul for Ward Merchan
ilize. and receive and' sell all kinds.of country -Pro-'
We l'especiftilly 'solicit n hbnrc of the public pat
• T. Vf. BROWN. of Franklin . Co. •
and of the late firm of:Agnew, Alamirdxs & Brown,
G. W.BROWN,of Harpers Ferry, Va
MeLamilian;St Co; Caleb Cope
St Co II A - i-Wray ; .Gebrge' Handy '64Co - re:
llouston Co.
Liinctuter Co.--Dr. N. W. Sample; Capt. John
Steele; S. Smith Patterson B. Ferree.
Ilarrisburhomas Omit; Henry Bitchier.
Car/iii/ i Ceo..A.'lLyon, Win. Leonard. •
Barn .
Franklin Co. George Chambers; David Fuller
ton; James Campbell; John NPDowell.. • • .
urphy -St Chamberlain.
- Washing/0U S. St D. White.
• Bedr,rd Co:—James Agnew. •
Iliiierstoten M. Marshall.
Ilaryer'a Ferry ; B. Wager; C. Lucas, Jr.
Opt 23,1840:L.-fit .•: ' .
17 - J8L0L1D5.41. 4 E47. -- -RETAIt •
Coppqr; glicet Iron, and Tin Ware
a pa;
The'subscCiber'offersforsak, at his shop, in North
`flnnover street' carlisk, nest thior- to - IVm.
aril's store, (or will manufacture at the shot:test no
tice) the fullowit4 articles, to wit : .
O c Dl - 27 ; paa E,3 , 4 kltailo o
of all di.scriptipas;.
or Ai Lich he has on hdnil a. large assortment, which
he 1-sel ewer t hen -erce;-frir • •Bhslr.- -lle al so•of=
revs for sale any gnantily of Since Pipe;
. •
st:041111t: fling SiWITS, .
fpr WOrld qoal ssrts
Coppe)—and-Sheet- Iron -
such . as Wash Mettles, 'Dye Keit les, flattex2a_Ketile,
Drilins Dripping Pans, Must-Sprinting, Sz.c.;.till of
%flail - die 11 1,11stnrifirliciti.rr - kaapti than
rEaVEr. -
Cirl6lc, Sept. 23, sio.---jr. _ •
VII°III2 improved
P'ittc:,2l ddOY•Se Itnecr.
:. .
THE great_cecoursc.etnetit heretofore
- thole the s.ile.6rtiiiimotim...4iiiohinttopc
fci• to the . public a new and improved iliirSe Po - Wer,
I Whiell can Ire shifted II) keel. or iiiit:6l - g - cat'hy keYs,"
and shift tilt' band to give tt five dilferent revolutions,
And lie hag no assuring the Partners that'
be is now-able to_turnish then' with an articleihr sti-,
.pet ior to those Manufactured heretofore. For Speed.
and clean threshing and case to- the horses, lie be
lieves his machines to be unequalled. ' ,
His price is sllo—screiity dollars to be paid cash,
and the balance in six months, for which it note wilt
lie required with interest. Any person purchasing a
machine and upon a fair trial, not being pleased, can
return it. lie will at 114 times he ready to furnish
them on-the shnrtest notice; orders' hem a distance ;
will be punctually attended In. lnc will nlsd repai r
- i
- machines' oil . theAirrilint notice. - '' • I
Newvilte„lnly Q 9, 1 3.11t:-- - -tt-----:-. --......- ~.....,_
Balm :•of • Colunibia.
'British Consul's
Tr NOW ALL PERSONS to whom these pies,.
eats shall come, that 1, CILIA lIT RoutursoN - ,
Esq,hisitritanie Majesty's ;Consul. for_the..City.of
Philadelphia, do hereby eertify ; 'fliat Robert NV bar . -
ton, Esq., who attests to the foregoing-Certificates; is
Mayor of -the City of Philadelphia; and that Mat
thew Randall, Esq., is, Prothonotary of the Court of
Common-Pleas for the-city-and- county of Philadel
phia, to both whose.signiturea,,with the Seals of their
respectiVe offices, full faiiii and credit iii due.
.1 further certify, that I am personallynequamted
with Joseph L. Inglig;one of the signers of the certi
ficates hereunto affixed, wihich expresses the efficacy
of the MOM of Columbia, and that he is a person of
great respectability, and worthy of full faith and cre
dit; and that 1 have heard hint express his unqualifi
ed approbation-of-the (Alt:l.s of the said Balm of Co-
Itimbia, in restoring.lAs hair.
Given under my habil and seal of office, at the city
of Philailelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania,, the
United States of America.
ROBERTIWIIARTON, Esil: late , Mayor of
the high character of thefollowing gentlemen --
-._ The undersigned do !leech): certify that, we, have,
used the Balm' of Columbia discovered by J; Old
ridge, and hUve found it highly serviceable not only
as a preveativeaphist the-falliag . off of !Mir, b uCalso
a certain restorative. • -
e continued
\VM THATCHER,,senior, • ' ••
• Methodist Minister in S. George charFe
- No . -83 North Fiftil-st
INGLIS,.33I_ Arch st.
JOHN D. THOMAS; M. D. 163 Race st.
HUGH McMillin', 443 Small .
• JOHN l'AleD,,jr., 143 Arch st. •
' The aged, and those who persist in wearing wigs,
may not always experience its restorattre quallties,
yet!it will certainly raise its virtues in the, estituation
of the public, when it is known that . three of the a
bove signers are more than 30 years of age, and the
others not less than 30.
[From the Mayor.) .
City of.Pliilitdelpliiit.
I, ROBERT WHARTON, Mayor of said city of
Philtulelpifiaolo berebeertify that I um well ac
quainted with Messrs.l7Pniilis, John Furey,
and Hugh McCurdy, whose names ore signed to the
above certificate, that they are gentlemen of charac
ler and respectability, and as such full credit should
be given to the saiticertificate. - 1 '
In witneiS Whereof, I havee - hereunto • set my hand,
[G. c o and caused the seal of the city:to be afilx:ed,
": 1
the, sixth day-of December, tte. - •
- commm - A - ro
ur THE: II AlR.—lts positivequalities are as fat;
- "
Id. For infant's keeping the head free - fivot scurf
'ttnd 'causing a luxuriant growth of hair.
2d. For ladiei after child-birth, restoring the skin
to its usual strength and firmnessiand preventingthe
s talling ont of the hair. - '
Scl• f o r any person recovering from, any debility,
the 'same effect isprodticed.
4th. , If Used' in infancy t 111 a good growth i started;
is may be preserved by the latest period,'
• •
1 , 9th.' It freei the hand lroni , dantirtiff; rititngtheini
the nsiallh4mparts health and *igoritithe circulation
find prevents the hair from changing colour or, get
-6111.' It .causes the !Mir to curl beautifully when in it'over mig ht..'
t' i'' •.- -. :!..' •
, 'Noladies'toile itld ever be made without it. ,
7th: Children who, hav by int means 'contracted
vehnin in the': hencl, are inimeiliately and perfectly
Ito )
cured , ofilietn bY Its tiad. 'lt iihifollible, ' 1 , . '
'PI* `ale eitibe drug stgre , Of tonistoek gt Co.:,'lii
Fletcher street near ; Par), and in Carlisle . . by Ste. I
tensoolk.Dttikle: " ' • . ineci.[l6, 1840,--4y . ,
Read, the following
Lateer:Frei...ld Ca •:s
. • &C)t,V •4' !c.. 4 ..TAA:it • "
IPLUDit all'iltrigtol2lMS.
THE subscriber,gratefulror past fovors,respectful7
ly ticAttaints his friends and the_publie, that Weliativat
into operation on the Haritsburg, Lancaster .& CO
••• litmbin
• .
n line hfnew DOUBLE CARS, which will run regu
tarly between Harrisburg and Philadelphia, by whicli
'Goods mat Produce drat descriptions will bbforwnr
• ded with care and despatch, at the lowest rides of
freight. . . .
received at the Vt'arenouse of THOS.
.1. MAXWELL, N.".E: corner' of Broad and Vine.
streets - Philndelpbia,- and forwarded to Harrisburg,
Carlisle, Chainliersburg; and, intermediate: places,
by the•suliscrilier. • ..01VEN
Harrisburg, Feb. 5, I R 39.: ' • • •
SALT' AND PLASTER, constantly on.
hand. Cash:paid for almost all kinds-of country pro
duce. ,
ilechaniesburg .- Line
ffet4 MAQ4' N . 7 2 -TIP T .Lf
ff. etemen alechallicsburg. , eritti
Philadelphia or Raffia:ore.
, • [BY RAU. RQ.ID
ril HE subscribers grateful for past'fitrursi
begileave-to- inform their friends and the public
generally, that thee continue' to run a line of
fiurthen Cai'n,iegularb , betiVeett - Mechanicsburg and
Philadelphia Or Baltimore, by whi cli-goods and pro-,
duce of all descriptions •will he forwarded with care
and. despatO at the lowest rates of freight. ,
will he received, at their Ware'. Houses
in Methaniedturg-, and forwarded to 'either Philii
delphin or Baltimore, according - to the direction . of
the owner. =
.r - J-The highest price will be given, for Wheat
and Flour. • •
N. B. :Plaster of. Paris and Salt always kept .on
hand, and for sale at the lowest prices. • •
July '29, I
Reitaii . 4° co:
17CG • DIER,CjiI A N TS,
(hive removed to the capacious - Warehouse recently
tit:Copied by - 1). Leecli.& Co. at the north-we'Steorner
of- Cherry-antl-Broatl_strect,_Philidelpliia.--
--From-the facilities which the location-and infe - rnal
arrangement of this depot afford, 30 . t0 Purthen
Cars can he accommodated to unload and load at• the
Saint; time' with:su Hie - km - room to siiitT '20,000 barrels
of ti GOO toil °lC:rain - exclusive yr - the'
forwarding.department.. ' ... • •
—.Prodnesrof - dveey -- deseriptitin*iirke - Fe - Ri - ved as
usual on consignintattsond liberal advances made oil
receipt (if required)-butil_sales_are:cfreeted...
-North 7 west corner of Cheyry & Broad st.-•
I cialerson 7 B.:Tarkttri
Henry} Rhoads, -
Saiiiiilerson . &•ltossermrai,
Jecol, S*oyer ' .11171c.vilie„
Daii4l Nevin, Sliippentbriry.
J.-Logan Smith, Esti. Ccrazier . ? mamberskag.
F.i.ster, Stutz & Co,
Robert Fleming,
Catlierwooil SI, Craig, phif i nfer ,. 47a.
IVm. - R. Thompson & Co.-
. .
. . . .
- Those who know themselves to. hi: 'indebted to
the subscriber, are respertlully requested Moan and
settle Oar accounts bet WeCII this- date mud_ the Ist
of - January 1841, is absolutely necessary-that all
ontstliWirifi accounts ;honkd be settled by that time'.
The I lardwareimsiness is carries! on Os dsuarat the
Ohl Stand, whero the public are requested to call
for any article its the subscriber's line of business.
Carlisle, Nov. 25, 18.49.-3 mo. • .
. The Didittif.regelable - Pills.
Are a purgative medicine, so natural-to the human
- constitution, and withal so mild, and pleasant in their
operatiotr, that not the slightest dread of Paie or sick
ness, need lie apprehended front their use, eyen by
the most delicate: at the same time, if used. in such a
naintier as tr, operate freely by the bowelS; those
morbid littinors,.( which deposited upon the various
parts of the-body are the cause of every ache or pain
we suffer) will most assuredly be removed; and not
..euly_Wilipaiii, dri
ven from the body, but disease in any.foem will be im- •
howdy: Impradati Water Wheel. For the same reason, it lien,from the - sudden chang
es of atmosphere, or any other &else, the perspiration
THE Subscriber having purchased of the original Is checked; andthose humors which shouldpassoff by
Patentee the _riglit_ol_the. a bove.Matee Wheel the skim.ireitthrewit inwatllly, causing headache,natt
• scan, and sickness,paies in the bonesovatery and in
for the state of Pentisylinnia, will dispose on talivid
flamed eyes, sore throat, hoarseness, couglis,consmnp- 1
ual rights or counties on Advantageous terms. This
tion, rheumatic pains in various parts of the body,noul-,
water wheel hits been fully tested and proved to be so
many other symptoms oft:etching cold,the Winn veg
far' superi or to any kind in its power of propelling ,
machipery, having a greater force then any other crook Pills will invariably givv i minediate' relief.—
wheels in pr,pportioum the quantity of water applied.. 9
•HtlY s L • 4 .
intnaent. Three or four pills, taken at night on going to betl-,and
, repeated a few times, will remove all the above un- calculated to be more particularly useful at • •• , •f-'
• pleasant symptoms,antli•estm•e the hotly mem) soun
mills, having from two to eight feet bead and fall, -, • ' • • ./V0 FICTION. , '
• • der health than before.
and to greatly obviate the inconveniences experiene- 1
ell from back water. It is considered by those hav- This extraordinary chemical composition; the re- , ,
Thelntliatt.:VegetablePilik (bailee PtirelotiVe)ere
i . salt of science arid the invention of a celebrated med- a natural, and therefore a certain cure for Costiveness:.,
inn them_ iu use As Tie_nrdwilnoqiinpni•nnit impr ove
ical-matr, the introduction
,of which. to the public because they cleanse the stoinacliand bowels of Mose
meats thatlam ever been ietroduced for its siinplici- i
iy, strength, steadiness of motion and durability. It , was investe&with the indemnity Of a death-bed be
-- I infest, has since gained a reputation. unparalleled, t h e t e
ous humours, which not onlY paralyze and weaken
gestive ot•gans, bat ave the cause- Of:headache,
is constructed altogether of iron and not so expensive f l atly sustrtitiing the correctness of the lamented Dr. nauseam and sickneis, palpitation of the heart, flying
to make as an undershotoed operating with about , Gri
1 dlley's last confession, that "lie dared not die pains in various parts of the , Lolly, - and many her
half the water And not liable to'- bit .obstructed by ice 1 without giving to posterity the benefit of ' his: knonl- disagreeable complaints. The same May be said of
1 iii t h e winter. The subscriber will devote his wee- I edge on this subject," and he therefore bequeathed difficulty of,breathinn, or asthma • the Liaise Vegeta
rmrt(reldis-f°r-iii‘:l4. " h e' el4 nt - ' 6 ' l !!*'l"'" -- ° . , " na y: r - fo ins friendliffiriAtZTifiiiiit;SOlomon lirtys, the secret 11,Fm s _ w ill,k, 04e , „„ ; „;_ e z' rey , e /f_t y .,_iiii - d_
.lie-requirciL-' •: : - - ofliirdfficovey . - ' bowels, those tongli pleglany humors ~ ,vltich stop up
• MICHAEL M'SI AIH, Harrisburg. . • , • . . ,
it is now.usett in the principal hospitals,-.and the allair cells of thelungsond are the ea Use of the above'
_ . c
private practice in our country, first and most cer- dreadftil complaint. - ~ •
lately for the cure of the PILES, and also exteosive-. ln all disorderettmotione.Of the blood, called inter
; lrattif effectuallt , as to be Me credulity, unless - where mittent,remittent,-nervous; inflammatory and , putrid
: its efibctsare wilnessed. Externally in The
. follow- FEVERS, the Indian Vegetable Pills will be found
in complaints: a Certain remedy; because they Octane the stomach
Fee Dropsy--Crenting extraordinary absorption and. bowels of all bilious matter,andpurify.the blood ;
-at-once: -, - - consequeetlyinsThey'remoye - the cause - of every kind'
__Swellirgsr., , 4leducing_them_ha.n.few_limirs. - • -
, , of disease;they - ore - mbiolutely - certahrto - cureWeey
Rheumatismz--Acute or chronic, giving quiets, ki n d of v ever . .
.. .
. t
ease. . ' So also when morbuthumors are deposited upon
Sore Throat--ffy cancers, uleers;:or colds. the membrane and mescles,:causing those pains, in
-, Croup and Whooping,Cow+----Externally and flanimatione amid swellings called Rheumatism,Gout,
„... , 0,
over the chest. • - , • gic.; the Indian Vegetable Pills' inaybe relied on as
All Bruises, 'Sprains, and Buries---Cured in a few I always certain to give relief, and if persevered :with,
'hours . willmost assuredly, and without fail, make a perfect
S 0 and Uleere—Whether fresh or long stand- cure of the aboYe painful maladies. From three to
in g, na fever sores. ' six of,said Indian Vegetable Pills, taken every 'tight
It operation-upon adults-and children in redUcing ee goingto bed, will ; in a short ' time, coMpletely rid,
rheumatic swellings, and loosening °toughened tight- 1
the, hotly, of all morbid nod corrupt humors; mei
ness of the•chest by relaxation of the parts, has been . Rh et t eet toste r Gout and pain of every description, Will
surprising beyond. ctineeption. The common :re-' ; disappear as if by Magic.
mark :of those whit have used) it in the Piles; is "It i It should be remenThered that-the linhan Vegetable
acts like a charm." •
t' - ..:• -. . , Pilleare certain to reinoveratin in the :sidy,oppres.
THE PILES..--The pried, St, is 'refunded to any „dee, nausea and sickeess, loss of appetite, costive.
--persed_w_lumill_use_a_bottle_ttrilay.4.o A inintent for ness,a4ellatiLtinge_of_the_akinlantLe_yes;_and evire,k_
the Piles, andfeturn the empty bottle without,
being other symptom of Liver- Complaint; because they',
cured. These are the positive °Hereof theproprie- Purge from the body these corrupt And stagnant flu
ter tO•the.ngents, and out of Many thousands sold, not - mors which, when deposited npoirThe Liver; arc the
one has been unsuccessful.' , 1 ' • ' ' cause (tithe ataire dangerous complaint. They nee
We might , insert certificates to any length, but also a certain preventive of aprilexy told Rh - nen death;
, prefer that Those-who sell. The -article; should exhibitßecause they carry off those htunotirs which, obstruc-
.the original to purchasers: „• .• „ ' ting the circulation, seethe cause era rush, or deter
' ' •To Plnisician s , and Patients. ~ .1 mutation . orblood to the head--;giilditiess especially
, The Blind Pike, said to be inctirsble"by e&rnai •on turning suddenly , round. , —.l3lindness---drowsiness
applications.--Solomon Hays warrants time contrary. I '"-*:losii - of memory-z:iinflaminatien of The brain . --in
-Ilis-Linimentwill-eurelllintlyPiletn-,Tacts are more- giv!ity,and . every,other disOrdee oldie:mind. . . ~
stubborn than theories. :He ,solicits all respectable I. ONE, WORD TO' THE -SEDENTARY. .
physicians td try it upon their patients: It will do 1 - '
'Thoseivitoft•om habliprneterp a tionorekept mach
them harm, and it is-known ; that eery physician ;within doors- '
should remember. that they -frequently
'who has had the holiest} to make the trial, has can- ' breathe rut at mosphere which ; is , wholly Unfit for the
didly admitted that it has succeeded in every, case :„ proper expansion of the lungs; Aloha the same time,
they have known-.% Then- why rani use,it ?....- It is The - owing to want of :exercise,tbe bolvels arenot,sufficient
recipe:of one Of Thejrniost respeeMble Members; noW ly • evateunted»-the blood becomes 'impure, and head:
;deceased: Why:refuse to use,it ..Because: it is sold ache, itidigestioh, palpitationrof, the; licertonthmany
as a proprienorymetlieine ?,. •Is this a sufficient ex- ',other disagreenblesymptents, are sure to follow: - J
Oise fitor stifferrit their hon est ; patiente qii , linger in I • THE INDIAN - VEGETABLE PILLS .. ~
distresi? .• We think not: , :Physniionr shhirite con' : Eleir%4 cleanser, of the stomach - and bowels,and a dr
vincedithat, there is. no humbug; or •quackery about t . e.ctpurifiet , :bfllte,blOON-Oie Certain, not only to re
'this articlee,-.AVIv then. not alleylatehuman , suffer-'-•move pailiortliiiteesseorefte•ykind front the the body,
Mg? ' If they;Writh trait before . , let
-them after all : but if useCpccasionally, so keep the body free
other PreticriptiOns fall ' Physietani arereepectfully I from thintelitittiOra Whichnic theentiseorevery male
reqUested,to do themselves and Patients the Justice to '.dy under - heaVen; they Will' Meat assuredly promote
ape This article. - It shall be , taken, from. thin bottles such a, just-and equal, eireulatioNrof the blood, that
and Thine Up, as their prescription if they:desire, ihtise wlt% lead a, sedentary. life, will be enableCto
- - . - - . '
,: ' . • sotomory gANS, enjoy Sound health, dad disease, of aey kind will We.„
Sold. by Conistock tt ;Co. 'Wholtisalo .Draggiets,...nbsolutely: inipossible• • : •--- ' .' • :', ''': .
•Noi , 2,Fletebefetreet, New: ork:. : ,-•-; .'~ - - • : . For sale by ; ~ -
.. ,
• Fot tato I also: by. ;STEVEN§ON , : , it .-. .. F,ll ;: -, CHARLEk . ,oo. ll3 4'ge!!_tt' L'
.DlNKLE,,Carlish,;..Pai .., : , ---- - - • - ' . '-• I -c7.,..s
~ - - airy , office and General Depot, ist 6469 ItsiiM Street
December 33;1840...4 y , : . '- 'Philadelphia:,
.... ' .!. , ...[Merf.?o, 1540..---*Y"•
. . ,
. --tCorT,I , .
-This is to certify, that -I have-put-in-one of floivd's
Patent Cast iron Direct Action
- Wheels; in
place of a Reaction Wheel; that th; i Direct Wheel
does not flood the tail race as mud"' 'r three inches
as-the-reaction did, awl-that-I-can grind --seven- bush
els'with the direct action wheel an hour, mad drive
two run of stones, where !could notgel - Mt four bush
els in the same time with the reaction and drive one
run of stones. , - iv.trEn. FAHNESTOCK.
Euphrata, Lam co.,Oet. 18.98'..,
Alloway r May 5,1888.
This may certify, that I have been engaged input
ting in S. Ti.liowd's cast iron direct nutidn water
wheel, botk in the State °Mew York and is Michi
gan, atid . ean give it as my decided opinion that with
8 feet bead or under, rightly put in, it wade more
business with the same water than any, other .water ,
wheel which I have yet had any experience in, and in
.reference to back water, s second best to none that I
have yet tried. 'ln referenceto gOarding against ide,
there can be no better operation, and it IB very. easy
kept in repair.
ST EI4PT AILF:S, .7111huright,
to be
Allowiiy!, - Sept. 3,1838.
This may certify that I have bight my Mill one of
Mr.llowd's direct water wheels for the apace of one
year. 'lt is elivefeet wheelomtl I. have hall a
hi the sanieplece-.71 have alscr had WheeleOri
Union Wheel,,yef I think Mr. Hetvd's will do , More
builinesi with less water than any other I have tried.,
It-does,well-in-backLwateri_JUMke had from 3,t0 6
(calmed. Ithink we could do as much wal
l half the waterns we tuiarto do with the, undershoot
I wheel, which has alio been in operation in my mill. 1
. , s Lyons, Sept.-3, 1838. -
• This mry certify; thati'me have - used one, of S.
Howl's, patent, water Wheels sinee,Deeember last,by
the Side of a re-action , wheel; and we -think; that
Ilowd'a:wilt de doable the business- with the same'
water that the reractionwill liO, or very near: 'We
never have but three feet.-beati, and eat grind, with.
that ',eight ltnaliel 'per ' We are subleet to back.
water. • This wheel Will do as good' Muntiearinidee
•liask.water as the re-actiOnt end we recommend ft 4 . 0 '
theitnention and patronage orate:fluidic: .. • ;
agent forth° abeve. mentioned water wheel in the
counties of llauphin,'Cumberiand and York,and
atalltitnes,heready,toattendto their sale tied eree.
don, ut-the 'shortest nOtite, addreiiiing -
Shephertlatown, Cumberland bounty; Pa.
April 8, 1840. • -1Y
NUMEROUS remedies IMO been offered .:and
puffed into notice for 7diSeasei of The Lungs,
scone of which has undoubtedly been found very use
ful, but ef all that haveltitherto beearknown; it must
be universally acknowledged there is
,none that has
ever proved as successful as the
WILD CHERRY.'.'.:,. ,
Such indeed are the 'astonishing , restorative and -
heal ingproperties Of this " Balsarm" that even in the
worst_ forMs of Consumption, when •the ,patient has
sulreited with the most 4istressing:•• bough, violent
pains iti - tliii'dieSt;diffiiiulty of breathitigought sweats,
'bleeding of the lungs, fre. and When the most estebm
'ed reined ie sl of our PlMminacopi as had failed to afford
any relief, and even when Botanic, Ifonicepathie, and
numerons•othertemedies, had•• been used for many.
monthsin vain, this ilivaluable• remedy has checked
every syploin, and been productive o . r the most as
relief. In the early •stages - of the disease;'
proceeding froth neglected colds, termed •Catarrhal .
Consumption, it has ,been used with mulcviating suc
cess, and in many instances, when this disease 'seem •
ed to have marked its victim for an early grave, the
.use of this medicine has arrested every symptomiand
restored the lungs to a state of perfect health. •
In that forth of Consumption, soprevalent amongst
delicate young (*tamales, commonly termed debilitb, or
"going, into n decline," a complaint with which tiro
sands are, lingering, ii has also been used with surpri
sing success, 'and not only possesses the power of
- checking the progress of this alarming disease, but
at the same time strengthens and invigorates the
whole system more effectnally,,, thou-ally remedy we
have ever possessed. , •
01- LIVER COMPLAINT.---In diseases of the
Lizier;particularly - wlieuattentled With - awn igh; itidi: -
gestion or_ wandering pains in the side, - it has also - pro-,
ved very efficacious; and 'cured many etptes of this
kind after the most powerful remedies Mil failed. •
ASTI' NIA: --In this complaint it leas also been
used in numerous instances with the most singular
sucress..__lt opens the chest, rendering the _breathing
perfectly free, arrests tho cough, and will seldom tail
to giVe permanent relief. .
BRONCHITIS:—Asa remedy in, all Broni
chial affections of the throat, attended with a hoarse
ness, cough or:sore lithe throat, it will also be found
a. very
.efrec(italymnedyond will AnostlY Mlbrd .hm-*
mediate rs:liplif used at the emumencothent.„ of its
attack. • .• .
CQUGIIS COL1?$:-...-411 common coughs
and Bolds, that pre:tail so extensively thrbughout
winter, it will be folind much more effectual than Any
remedy its use, stud wltc . n colds settle upon the Ipngs,
causing an inflammation with pain's in the breast,ilif
fiddly or xhortuess ofbreathing, &c„ the.use of tliis
suppress, such.. symptoms Irnmediately,
aUdot the same time prevent the longs from beeom- -
ing more seriously diseased,
co-.4-Atout , AND WHOOPING.EOUGH.—In
thesetomplaints, so comanonJoyMittglchildren,_this
BalsifFii - wilfice - founirnmeft_superuirt.o_tlie yarego,
'sic Elixir. Syriip of Squills, and the various cough
mixtures in common use, as . it is entirely free from
Latty.thing the least-injuriousond may at anilines be
7_o v:eff to"OiltIrko I.l.roasalt.d.Y;Mid4initlietettr,
Minty of its affording them speedy relief. (--•
(0•• AS 'A. rAmILY MEDICINE Tor many oth
'et , complaints, thisllalsam will also be fotind partic-.
ujarly useful. • Besides having proved an invaluable
remedy Mall Pulmonary affections, it exerts a- pow-•
erful influence over many diseases depending on a
depraveduciplition of the system;alnl thosewho have
suffered from the indiscriminate tise• of Mercury ; or
other deleterious drugs, that me dften compounded
insliat't•ent_uttattk_onstrtnnaill_find it a. remedy of
great y v a i l g u O e ra p i o g ss t e h a e s whole
system`' sore r
e e n ff g ec h t e u ti a V l n ly
than any onter medicine we possess.
icine has alreatly icqffired great celebrity. there, limy
• probably lie same attempts to Indent: It, and . deceive
the public with a spurious mixtuve, to prevent which
I would with all ptirellaserg to observe the following
marks of the genuine Balsam. It is put np.idliiittles
or two size's each,_having the...words wisTAws
blown in tllieglass;tind a label on the front'
with the signature 'of" HENRY WISTAII, M. D.
wilhoUt \flint!' none is genuine.
Prepared for the proprietor. I . )y - WILLIAMS ix
CO.;Chemists,No: Vi•COmmerce street, 'Mandel:.
phia, and sold by - the' meet respectahle•Brpggists and_
other appointed agents in till the principal towns
throughout the United States:
tcy° The Genuine Balsam sold in Car=
lisle, by SAMUEL ELLIOTT, appoint
ed Agent. .
Price 91:00 a bottle
December 16,18.1'0.-1y •
TrIAS returned to Carlisle, and Will, as heretofore.
- N . l attend to the prat:tied — of:l)etitisti7. nejnay
be .found at_ Colonel Ferree's. lintel— Persons re,
(Resting it, will be waited upolvat their residedee.
Refer (0 L
Di. D'Avin N. MATtaN. •
Carlisle, Mardi 1l„1540.
inslow 9 s- Balsam- of
An unpai' - libe - ktl remedy for common Colds,Cciughs,
Asthma, Infinciiitt; Whooping CoUgh,Bronclutis,
and - alt - tlisenes - otr tliellreast , llud - LungsOinullog
to Consumption ; composed. of the" concentrated
virtues of 1 - lorchound,lioneset, Blood Root; Liv
erwort muLseveral other vegetable substances.-- ,
Prejnu•ed only by. J. M. 'WINSLOW, Itochester,
universally admitted' pettoral
virtues, of the herbs froni, which the BALSAM OF
HOREHOUND is made; are too' generally knoWn
to require recormnendatiom . lt is therefore - only- ire
cessary,to.• observe that . thiS medecine contains the
whole of their medical properties highly concentrat
ed; and so' hatipily
, combilied with several other .
getable Substances; as to render it the most 'speedy,
mild and certain remedy, nowpuse 4 for the Corn—
rOr . Children, this Balsam is, of i nestimabl es val ue.
It is a speedy remedy for the It idooPing Cough and
Croup, and affords certain relief i u Bowel CoMplaints,
Chohc, Teething,,Ste.` it is pleasant to the taste, anti
May be 'safely given to the tenderest infant and should
he keiit nt all times in every family, as it - is •much
better for the complaints incident to Children, than
'Tirregoric,Godfrey.s Cordial, or the Cordials so dont
-manly used, as hundreds in this City have testified. -
Reath the following:—l - hereby certify that early
in-the-spring of 1838, I contracted a severe COLD,
which settled upon my lungs, and
.threatened hasty
Consumption.. I used several, prescriptions, but ob
tamed .little:or to relief; I was much alarmed.—
limipening to be in. Bochepter,l was a dvis e d by m y
friend; Mr. Winslow, to try a bottle of his 13AtsAil
or BonrmouND: I did so, and to My surprise ob
tained relief at once—and by. the use of ,that single
bottle' was perfectly restored to .health. To those
afflicted with' Colds oy, - Coughs,'-at-this inclement
season, I say "go, and do likewise."
Pittsford, Monroe cd.,;Sor. 9, 1838—
. Dear Sir: I have been. for a series of years afflict
ed With an aliection of the Lungs; and a hard cough,,
and have many times ityose in'the morning as com
pletely exhausted by excessive coughing during the
night asql person would .Im.liy_a_ hard days labor. I
have tried most of the pdpular reintlio . .of the day,
but never foniut relief, until I met with your Balsam
of 1101Tbm:dd. 411 the other remedies or palatives,
that I have used, leaVe the bowels in a congested
state, while yintreleavcs them soluble and free. 'rids
I consider a great desideratum. On taking a dose of
your liaison: whihi goiiig to bed, I rest•gmetly
the' dight; and my sleep is refreshing. • take great
pleasure in recommending. your Balsam dr trove
hound to all those afflicted with puhnonary •com
plaint s or any distrase appertaihing td the lungs, and
[take this Ihiportunity to thank you for the greitt,re
lief apt benefit-I have experienced through your ins
stratum:Wily., Yonrs, with much reSpect, ' ,
For sale b)
• S.ELLTOTT,envlisle. ' -
• • NORTH, Norville . .
Also, by Druggists generally throughontthe coon
try. , Price 50 cents per bottle,. - •
, Apr i 1.1•5, .1340:r-4 •
. .
' The subscribCr 7 'has recently recetvcd large
tional . . •
suppliespf .
Medicienes, , Coloi's avc-tiitutrs;
Linseed. 011. Slits. Turpentine, Copal Varnish, Pain
ters' Brushes, Varnish Brushes, Han'd Brui;lies, Sper
maceti Oil, (very ft ne)- Sperm Caltdle,s, Soaps in
great variety, Glass Lamps, Cap and' Letter Paper,
Fruit., Spices, Perfumery, &c. &c., which he will sell
toTV6.!eiiins; others, witomisAm: or
by RETAIL, at the lowest rates, having purchased en
tirely for each; he will offer bargains' to those who
wish to purchase at wholesale,
• • • • - • - • - e-f; -
SUBSCRIBER respectfully . tende;ft, , ,
grateraticknOwledgments to the put:11163011/e
very liberal share of patronage he has /received dur
ing the past year, aiawould continue- to offer
them hisprofessional services iiitheir' various 'bran
ches at his residence; No. 7,.Haper's Row. Hefiles,
.elettnegs, ;Ind plugs teetlt,elid inserts incorruptible
tarrer metal ie artificiatteeth in the, most approved'
manner.. Charges arivays moderate.
' J. C. NEFF, M.,D,:
Carliiile; March 25,1840.-..-tf '
Prepared only by Dr. D. ja:ynelnventOr;.
and . Sole proprietor', No. South Third
street,.Philadelphia, and may behad.of
S. B LI,IQTY', rind also.of SPA' VE.?Y
SON 4 , DI.NICLE, , Druggists, Car;
lisle, Pa. .
. .
These medicines are recommended and 'extensive
ly used by the most intelligent:persofis in the United
States, by numerous. Professors and - Presidents of,
.Colleges, Physicians. of the Army and wavy, and of
Hospitals .and Almshouses, and by more than three
hundred t)ergyrnen of various denominations.
They.are expressly prepared for family , use, and
have acquirtd an unprecedented popularity through
•out theUnitdd States; and as they are so admirably
calculated tq preserve •lIEALTII and cure tusnitsE, no
tinnily should ever be without,them.
,The proprie
tor ol these valuable preparhtions received his edu—
cation :It one of the best' Medical Colleges in the Uni=
ted States, and has had fifteen years experience in in
extensive and di versified practice; ay which lie has had
nrepleoppitunities of acynring a practical knowl
edge of disea . ses,,and of tne remedies belt calculated
to remove them.
These Preparetions consist of - • .
JAYNE'S EXPECTO.RANT, a valuable remedy
for.. cough.,.. e °lda, . consumption, asthma, spitting. Of.
blood,croup, 'moping :cough, bronchitis,pleurisy and
inflammation °film lints or throat, tlifliculty of brea ,-
thing, and all diseases of pulmonary' orkans.—Price
one ilollar.l • , ' . ' - - • '
.AIsoJAYNE'S HAIR TONIC, for the preserva-.
tion; growth and beauty of the hairomd which will
positively bring in .now hair on bald Beads.--Price
one dollar,
tain and pleasant rumcly for wormsolyspepsia,piles;
and maaLother scases.-:-Prree 50 cents. •
certnin cure for hoWel road summer complaints, liar=
Otte, dysentary .cholic i cramps, sick headache, sour
stomach, cholera morltu s, and all derangem . ei,tworthe
stomach and bowels, nervousaffectionsA.c.---Price
, -AIso . .I.AITNE'S . SANATIVP. PILLS, fOr Fenitt
disc liver complaints, costiveness, fevers; inflOrn=
nations, glandular, obstrOetiona, diseases oldie skin,
Sze. and•nt all cases where an alterative or. purgative .
medicine ig requirettPrice2s cents box.
-.-May 1.q;18-40:,----;:ly •..
-Jaqi?es Hair Tonic, .
For the growth, preservation' and restoration of the "
—lad is an article ; and-has; in n 0..-
. merdus instances, iiroduced a fine growth of hair
on theTheadiof persons who hairbeen bald foryears.
',ARIES • AlstD - GENTL 4E1!,;--DO you wish elegant,
luxuriant - and beautiful hair? I know you will answer
yes. -Hear, for one moment, (lie enuse of its loss, why
itturns•gron'rusty and-coarse riliund-unplonsmr
in its appearance, and flintily flails Eack hair has
a root in the skin, and is itself :1 hollow tube, through
which there is, constant circblation of line blood.—
lly this - eirculation—the-hair'-is- nourished and held
fast, its glossy colour is given and preserved, and it is
covered with the finest oil. Now.any thing which in
jures the skin of the 'bead, or diverts or Likes away
the blood &omit, will-prevent or impede the circula
imajhrbugh the of the hair; stop ita groivth
anal cause It to flail offamturm•grar, - Orlatitlii.:Hence
it is that nava cause that obstructs op _weakens the cir
culation of blood thrpuoa the-skin, or that dii•erts-the .
blood to otliekjaart's of tire systeM, will take away the
I ively,'fresh and N'outlifill appearance of the hair, ar
rest its growth, furn It gray soonor or tater, and in
thousands ofinstances cause Premature baldness. •
. For sale by
Se va,mori
Hair.Tonic.--\i call the attention of those af
flicted with .premat nee haldnesS. to the excellent Hair_
Toniti prepared by Dr. Jayne of this city. Having.
used it ourselves, lye 'can speak of its virpes by expe
rience, and we unhesitatingly pronounce it an invalu
able remedy to, prevent the falling off of the hairond
to restorelt from a dead, to a fine, healthy appear
ance: We can also speak"front personal knowledge
of the'casts of two or three friends who were predis
posed to baldness, who by the • use of Jayne slimy'
Tunic, have now luxuriant hair. We have, no dispo
sition to miff, indiscriminately all kinds of remedies
for all diseases which flesh is heil• to, but when 'we
'have tettt•it the - v rtne - o Cluitt Die le, - we ii fet'e:l9'
is_good.---Saturclay tllyning Post. .
Tit fine's flair he - retofore, num
bered ourselves among those who believed that the „..
ilair Topic - , prepared by 1)r. Jayne, Waq one of the
many quack rostrums whose virtues are never seen
beyond the fulsome pulls of. their -authors. 'We. are
willing, nt length., to make public acknowledgment of '
the error abut. belief. An intimate frierd;some two
or three months'since, all the top of whose cranium
Was as bald as a piece of polished Marble, maugre all
our jesting and ridicule - of We - idea -- of attempting
to cultivate so barrii a - s - pot purchased a bottlst or
two of the Hair Tonic from- Dr.dayne,and according
to his directions applied it.- During the present week— •
the same friend ushered itinmelf into our presenceAd
uncovering his hitherto naked head; astonished us witl
thin, though Iworiantzrowth of hair, from one / to •
two inches in length---upon, the very premises wp'had
believed as unyielding to cultivation as the traikless
sand that skirts the Atlantic. This is -no me, httt is
religiouslytrue,andto those Who doubt,the,gentleman
can he pointed out. What is more In
.0,•or of this ,
" .L.temppr4 l ,;
ry Siiitilento7si - OrTh4arr--but was one
,ot'yedrs' standing, though tbeihe / gentlemao is, but
forty-five years of nge.- 7 -Philadelphiii
.Spirit of the
Times, " : • /
- , -
WAR ! WAR ! WAIOL-The Wig makers have
declared liestilitieSagainst our neighbor Dr. Jayne, .
on account of his Hair / Tonic,which is knocking all
fiteir..b.llsiness into ayeackeilat.'2 Ladiei and gen. /
Alenten-,old_and_ykting_areilsicking,to_the_Docto' • .
standard.'• Headyleng divested of even the first ruili.; • .:
ments,nf hair atter using his Hair tonic soon appear
With new and)flowing locks, which Absalom lurnscl
might : have/envied. Beardless boys are seen Ivith ._.
large any Slushy whiskers; and hidios ami/e / a'gaith
thrtaigktheir own raven ringlets more beautiful midi -
bewitching than ever. Bald heads are do ing their, •
wigs;and throwing theni to the "molts an the bats;" ,
while the Wig makers stand aghast as they behold; -
,the demolition of their business. . .
Whatwill be the consequence Of this war wc.know
not, as the wiggles are outrageous/find the Doctor re-_ ----.,
mains firm, and. declares that , some things can he.
done as well as ethcro,"and tiint bald. heads may as ,
well welly their own bait as that of others.--[Week,,-.•
r . ''.
1 ly Messenger.. . • / ,/ .
. .
.• ,
. .
~ aryner'.77ali - Tone - wieurittalmtait - everr ---
corner,- when peradihnliiting the streets, men wearing. •
lOng and glossy }Or, which they seem to be proud
of, and otherit.wl o have raised, in a few Weeks v a crop
of black inonstacties, that would vie Witlythe•glossiest
bruin that everwalked the foxest. It has puzzled us.
to know" lie _secret of all tlffsl wptulliOus crops Of •
hair; but Messrs. SANDS, 70 and" 100 Fulton street;,, •. •
havegnt the remedy, where all - wba are curious in.' '
such matters may learn 'a valuable seereti-d-Neso
liirk Whig. '
Sold in ,Philadelphia at 20 South -Third Street: • ..
:WAYNE'S- EX PECTORANT... - : , This s
medicinelms already proved itself to be all that'
it has been tecoinnieriffeil, by those who - havegiven
fair test im this country, and the demand for it in.
creases daily. We have: just - heard of an important
cure of Astlitna t which has beeneffected by the usil'of
it in a neighboring town.—the case was that Of , a
inale Wholiad for a lo ng _ time been under the care of
physician, bat had ream veil•no relief, and her •case
-was beginning to be considered‘.. : As .tt hiSt
resort shepurchased a bottle:of Dranyne's Expeeto
rant, which caused her to esTectorate freely,goidogr,
ly eased her cough, inutie rapidly 'restoring her to
health: . • • We luive no hesitation in saying this pretni
rObn of Dr. Jayne, for the cure of coughs, colds; in
finenza i'ASthma; ConsintiptiOn;-1116: istheinost valua.
biomedicine.ever offered, tO•the;AMerlcan
'There is no quackery about it--Dr. Jayne is one O
the Mospskilful Tennsylia
n ; aad.w.herever. hi s preparations have been thor
,Oughly tested„ he islooked upon as a4reat public ben
efactor:.;-(Soncierset (Me.) Journal.'.. • • by Siniuel Elliott and Stevenson. & Din!.
kilt; Pa. : • • • :._ ..(May.l3 1840."":'.
S. ELLIOTT, and '
Carlisle, Pa
Atlty IS, 1840.--1 y