Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, February 17, 1841, Image 3

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WEDNES . DAY, .1 7 .EaliVARY 4 l
7, 11341;
• •
Democratic Harrison
Agreeably to. the•call of the Standing
• Committee, the Delegates from the several
•• • boroughs and town,ships met - in
• 1 °: - - tiojir at the County Hall in Carliile, on
Tuesday the 16th-instant. - ' • •
The Convention-organized-by-appoint
• .
lug JOHN- McKEEHAN, Eel., of Wesi
• *Pennsbitiongli township; 'President, and
- JANEs KENNEDY, Esq., of Newville,' Sect
'After an interchange of opinions, t 16fol
lowing - resolutions; yere Vdtipleil --- : .
" Resolved, That JAMES It E NED Y.-
- and- LE VI . MERKEL be appdinted• dele t
'gates toyepresent this. coup,9 in the Con
. vention• to meet in Harri burg on the 10th
• •..:. - - •• of illarchoo - nominate - canditlateikr Go-'
, . : • vernor. - c•
- Resolved,. The John McKeehan and
/v /
• ' . Simoti Oyster Jac appointed Conferees _to
meet similar c.dnferees from the counties-of
--franklin-ai tr--Adams, trrappoipt tWo Sen . .
(•-••-• • atorial .D . egates to represent, this-districtr.
- . in sai convention,. with instructions to•
- -- - supp rt FREDERICIC WATTS, Esq.. of dar t
. lisj ;.as a Senatorial Delegate. • • , •
- --- /./iesolveg, That The Delegatei so.ap
pointed are -hereby . siippert
---:- - • the noMination of the Hon.. JOHN BANKS
• for - Governor. . • ..- •. •, , ---•-- -
• . Resolved, That the 'Delegates and Von t
• • ferees have power to fill 'ally vacancies that respective•bodies. - -:.••
--- -- Convention adjourned.* '
-JOHN' McKEEHAN, President:-. JAMkS..KENNEDV, Secretary
IrrWe are itulabted to the attentkowet
. 111e-lien'.' CirmilateTß:Db . Saiiiii — of rite Sae
---Senate;. and-the--Hon. CHARLES MCCLURE
Of the Hods& of ReOesenta.tfres-ai Wash
ington,• for -valuable public documents.:—
The Cabinet.
-'The Nationdl Intelligence,. itates, that
-in all probability the newcabinet will be
-compOsed-,of,..the-Tfollowing gentlemen
etary-of-Srate:—DANlEr WrnsTEn s
of Massachusetfa.
Secfetor . y of the Treasury.—TmordAs
01011i6. •
. _
Secretary of Fi'irr.--JoliN BELL, (If
tretary . cf the .Navy.—GEORGE E.
BADGER, of North Carolina.
Postmaster Gem-rd.—FRANCIS GRAN
GER, Of New York.
.11torney General.--J. J. CRITTENDEN,
.of Kentucky •
'Has been elected United States Senator, by
thej,egislature: of Mlelligan,,for.six years
frOm , the 4th of - March next, in -the place .
of John Norvcll. -
Our readers,, will . perceive in 'another
'-part of to-days paper, the message of Gov
• ern& Porter, giving his reasons . for vetoing
'the bill providing, for the election of Canal
+Commissioners. • They + . 611 doubtless re
• collect that this bill provided that the Senate
:should elect one Commissioner, the House
• another, and.the Governor appoint•the third.
;In this way the abuse.of do large a branch
:of - the 9xecutive atronaie would be pt.,-
Venial; and :the CWal Commissioners
all probability,-instead—of :spending :.their
own time, and that,of their • subordinates.
-and •the money appropriated by the . f.egis r
...lature,•in'electieneerilig for the Governor;
would nt~en~l to ilic r - dui &ph) it:
works, ineteSd.of bringing Ile state yearly diThkfoi: the payment, of the interest of
.4noney'expended in their conStrnetion, in
_a shorOune would" beeothe a source of rev
enue. &it Governor Porter Ms thought
'otherwise; he se6ms determined to keep as
great an amount of. patronage in his hands
as possible ; his case is, not that the stain
vi-'shall,basaved expanse, bin that hia.favor
. it6a shall be rewarded ; nor that the money
shall be'exp&uled upon .the-public..tvorks
in the 'best and most economical , Manner,
but that•it should be managed 'so as to Se:
• cure his re-election.
The blindest supporter of the present
.state administration cannot deny, that a
large, majority of the citizens of Pennsyl
vania are in favor of takingjrpm the Gov
erpor, the power of appointing Canal Corn
mitisioners- and giving it to their.represen
tatives and. they have declared their opin
ion on' this question, in meetings, and by
,petitions from - every quarter. Besides, the
-yeople, by,declaring in favor of the amend-
merits- to,•the Constitution, Wave -decreed
that the Executive should be stripped Of the
greater - part of his patronage ;am' this bill
,eas in fu11..-accordance with the spirit of
dhe .new • Constitution. The, governor,
'therefore, fig' an opportunity. of shoWing
soon - of - that - democracy which , he profess
es s loudly (and practices so seldom,) and
o obeying the voice of his constituents;
b t like others of his party, democracy is
a good thing to talk. about, but which they
never haye the idigl
in their own cases.
'ln conclusion, we would say the Gev9,re
.nor must certainly have beeo . half 11,104,
or something worse, when viriting'dOwn
his .objections to„ the bill on th , lscore of
unconstitutionality:-as he qnofedlrom the
old constitution instead - of . the new, which
differs. entirely in its °visions relative
z( ,,
to apPeintments; . a, / ny person can per
ceive by examining. He; however, was
informed of hi
. / istake (by Mr. Plumer it
is said) arid ..ent in a suppleMentary. mes
sage.aclifiowledging his ergor, but. hg for
got 'to gray whether or not his constitutional
obji,dlions were removed. We will not at
this time dwell upon-the frequent exercise.
of the veto power by Governor Porter.. A
few days since he Vetoed the bill for• the
payment . .61.-theloans-made-to . the state - to.
repair . ,the 'canal
. breach ,at Huntingdon in'
the summer of 1838.
The supplementary message is ,given
below that' the, yeaders..of. this. paper.. may.
see what in tntelligent Gity,expor we have,
how bright ye. mustbe,Wh6 .could make
such a mistake..
To the Senate and House of Represen-
Fatives of the
.Comnthnwealth of ~l'enn4l
In my objections in the bill entjtled "An
Act, .relating to , Canal Commihsioners"
communicated. by - a message to the.Legiila,.
ture;•on the 10th-inst. a manifest error has
occurred in-quoting from the- Constitution
itCcopying these words. •
I"'He shall appoint all officers - whose
arc --established by the Constitution-
Or shall be so
. - pstablished bylaw.' And
whose.appointments are not herein. othe'r
wise provided for."
. The- quotation intended-to be embodied,
was; and is the first clause of the Bth sec
fith anttiSjvthese.-Iwords - . ---
-- _"Alf "officers whose election.or appoint
,tne.nt_is.ziot provided for - in this Constitu
tion, shall-be elected or appointed-as shall
be "directed b late." " •
- Which error I have to request .may be
so corrected before printing. •
February - 10;4841.- - ,
rN- THE SENATE, 011 — Wanesday, Mr.
Emma's resointion, instructing the 'Com
mittee on Banks "to report to the Benin°
what action, itaity, is required by the Le
-gislature° at this .reference to the
'Banking Institutions of this Common
wealth;' was discussed at some length by
Messrs. Spacknian and Ewing in its favor,
and. Mr. Gibbons. in Oppasition j and Was
finally agreed 'to. On :Thursday, the re
port df. the State Geologist was read, and.,
fifteen hundred copies in English; and two
hundred and fifty in German ordered to be'
printed. •Mr. Spackman, from the Com
mittee on. Banks, reported a JesolutiOn
providing that so muah of_the-resolutionj
,of the 3d of, April, 1840 as makes a sus
pension of apecie payments a forfeiture of
Charter of aliank, be suspended for Arl y.
(lays. Its consideration was''.postponid.
On Friday, Mr. Strolcm offered a resolu
-tion directing the Speaker of the Senate to
issue -'printed * circular to the cashier or
president of each of the banks of this itatg,
reqUiring them to forward to the Senate'
without delay a statement of theoffairs of
their respective banks, as they stood on the
14th of January, and also of irie 14th of.
February.last. Mr.. Brown, offered an a- !
inendinent which' would make the resolu-,'
tio nLr 7 qii i re....inere-answera- - te-ttgreat-nutw f t
b - dt - oriiiiestions to in the circular;
after some discussion, the resolution
and - 'amendmentWere plistponed.: On Sat
urday, the bill to incorporate the York and
Cumberland Valley_Railroad.was negatived,
-.-byTa-voter_of _to7l2.7Messis.Tenrose
and Miller df Cumberland; and Mr. Coch
ran of York voting in the affirmative.
during the past week, great - numbers of
-petitions, on a variety of subjects, were'
presepted. On Friday, Mr. Wright moved
to print 2500 extra copies* of the Gover-•
nor's Mesiage veffilii — the bill providing
for the election of canal commissioners,
Which gave rise to ,a protracted 'debate; the
Motion to print w4sfinally lost by a vote
of 30 to 52. On • Saturday, '3500 Coplei
'of the State Geologist's- rePort f Were
dered to be printed. On the same day..the
bill providing for "the 'erection of an
yhtm for the-proteistifin and care of the in
sane poor of, this. commonwealth,," was
. talieri up on second "reading. After the
adoption of a faw amendments,, the bill
passed through spend reading,' and was
ordered to be tianscribed: -. '';
For the Nereid & Expositor.
The tiext Governor.. 7.:
Ma. Enyrott:*=—The names of many die
tinguished individelds of the Harrison par
ty have been presentdd, and 'put in nomi
nation for'the office of Governor of this
commonwealth--we therefoye; in , common
with many athereqask the libertyto,pre ?
sent, throne' your °cantons, the name of
ea of practicing
• $12,078,000
_:"!_Here;t l -says a Philadelphia paper,
an aggregate amount, exceeding 12' mil
lions of dollars, received from the'United
States . Bank, since November , • 1336, and
appropriated for. objects in which the peo
ple' are deeply and intimately interested.
Are these facts to be overlooked, at a crit
ical moment like :the present,. when the
attitude of that Bank, with regard to imthe
diate responsibilities, is-.of-necessitY-as
sumed by all the other banks;—when pal
pably the failure to continue' specie pay
ments would have occurred to any monied
institution or. any iombination of such in
stitutions, in the Union, if similarly bent
and prosecuted.!'
extract from the Baltimore
Patriot the following article •relative to the
consumption of Foreign Goods.
• " ARTICLES.. . " :
Of alt the scheineS tbat can possibly he
devised for the restoration of our currency,
'none. is so feasible—none so truly national
and patriotic, as the one intimated in Wed- .
- nesthlY.'o.oper,froutAP../Ath Ward-of ()Air
city, for the establishment of AssociatiOns,
pledged to'consnme, :. of wool,..cotton,Aron,
&c:,,, nothing 6ut * domestic manufactures.
It is really, in the' strait' in which we
pow are,-- a genciona' enterprizeand one
which mustinfallibly result in the reduc
tion of foreignetchangesin the colpfe
tency-of our banks to resume,perinanoilly,
specie Payments-z-and • generilly - in :a
healthy of all our monetary. concerns.
- Our 910 banks car{ never. be - restored to
a- full- public confidence. utitiLithil_ample
cense orThe . drain upon their specie is re
-moved, and that- can only be done by
ling into their coffers the large amounts
now hoarded—and by lessening the de
mand by foreign countries, in payment of
the balances 'due them. This can be ef
fected only by a reduction of our importa
tions,•and by the consequent - restoration of
confidelicein the banks, which will oeca
sion depesites, instead of exactions for
. specie. -,-And where is the haratiliiii . iktlie
proposed. plan ?. American inanufactures
are now equal in quality, and in, cheap
ness, to many of foreign ,production; and
if not, how . much more happy would our.
people be in the conscionsness,-that• the
very clothes they wear are to the nation's
honor and service,—than when, in• the
present. condition of thing_s t - _they 'must,
know that all their foreign finery irtirthe
ruin of both.'
Let 'Associations, then, be formed.thro%
out our landlet - the ladies, also, unite in
this holy and.patriotic pledge, at least for
a time—and, doubt knot, the administration
of General Harrison will havo far less dif
ficulties to contend with, and people of all
parties will soon experience their benign
Such Associations would. entirely re
move the necessity.foolie agitation of that
difficult_question respecting-high-tariffs.-t:
Sufficient would come in for alkpurpOses
of national expenditure—and, if not, it
would then'eoinpelgovernmentto husband
the national domain, and not - waste it upon.
foreigners inaspeculators, and, mere squat
,would then• be
wonld.thrive--,commerce would be healthy
—the currency would become -a mixed
One, of 'specie, and of good clean Oper—
and rags and vile imposing shinplasters
*mild wholly vanish. -Then - would-out
,..ppople,once-mor&-be'--hippy==our nation
independent, and the better prepared,• at
any time, to oppose effectually all foreign
aggreasion. , • .CORN PLANTER.
As this Lady is soon expectedto oe:;
cupy "the fiNiti House" at Washington,
any thing relating to her history will be
gratifying to the ptiblie.—New York Jour
nal of Commerce:
After the severe and desperate battle of
the Minn Lin 1794, General Wayne.'went,
to the Atlantio - Siatee, leaving ,Capt. Her
demi- in command of Port . Washington,
'it - Ow-Cincinnati.. The next, year Captain
Harrison married theldaughter of Judge
John Cleve. Symmes,—who was born at
Riverhead, .LOngisland, New •York, and
removal') enly life to NeW Jersey, where
he.married.the daughter of Governor Wit . -
ham Livingston, . ` and was .soiin after one
of the .Associete, , fudges of the Supreme of that State: In 1787 he became
the proprietor of "the' 1127,aini purchqse,".
of near a - •million of acres, and removed to
thateountry., . • .. . .• . .
Mrs. Harrison-Was educetecl. at East
Hampton, Long Island, and .when. young
tv,as'esteemed alady of great perm:in - eland
Mental acCompliihinerits.. 'A Writerfor the
National-Portrait Gallery fOr 1 : 1336; thus
speaks of her: " . She is distinguished for
herloenevolence' and piety ; and ill who
kribw her, view her with esteem.and *Wee;
tion.': iler . 4lOle' 'course through lifeilh
all. intrelations, .hacc.been Oharacterized :by
theee . nnalificatiens that' COMplete-the;blia^
ranter of an accomplished. intifroil:”
o.e 1.11,2ti1r 71i)iviraLti antr Ervegotiter•
Cumbqrland•cOun , - an individual who is
extensively . knoyin in both the Eastern and
'Western porticins of the state, who stands
before .the.p‘ople uncommitted, and whose
name wedid propably tend more to bar
monie" and, strengthen the, party at the
app — r, °aching election. campaignihan that
:ciyanrothekindividual who has yet been
•fiarced. MANY.
`The following sums of money - have
been paid by the Bank of the I t Tnited States
since 1836, when it received "its , charter as.
a State Institutiori:
Bonus for the charter,
Five annual payments to the
School Fund,
Subseriptions for..stnte im
provements,. under the
charter, -
Voluntary subscriptions for
the same,
Loans to the.state yet unli
- quidated,
.... .. .
We commend the following letter of our
respected friend Major Downing, to "croak
ers and pokers," and can only say, if any
aspect of things, he may seek and find a
leading cause in the "eternal poking" sys-..
tem . which seems to - have suited the policy .
of certain- cireles,-and• who have - found, a .
ready and, pliant press •to, rid them in their,
patriotic efforta._,We commend this.letter
espeeially to -"old 'Peensylvany," and if
she is Ivilling to have her fires 'poked out,•
,be it so—ehe.will not say fiat she. was not
timely. cautioned. '80,1% us not be dis
heartened, the coal is.unconsurreaa little,
kindling wood and a blower . will restore '
the steady . warmth,iand • then keeping the'
poker aloof, Or in skilful hands 'alone, we
may still enjoy the. comforts of a wide 'cir-.
cle arotind - a genial fire... • - . - • •
' PMILADELFY, inil • Feb., A. D..1641.!'
- To the " - Editors , ofTny old friend l)fr,•
Dwight's: pa er, that he used
. to take
the lead on a ipo4l - 0,;
... :' . -:. ~.:
GENTLEMEN . I suppose you' will be
considerable onderated to• - know' what on
arth led-me-from the track - to ' Wafting - ton
with the old, hereof the North Benit.Cah
in and brung me herewell I'll tell you.
1 and the Gineral was a drifting along
down from the west.end.howintand shak
ing of the everlasting crowd ' of- folks all
the - wayfrom - the -- 01no - i•tillwe sttickelOng
the edge of old . Pennsylvany, when, we
heard folks beginning to' talk about hard
_money, null) . aper_pnorzey, and resumption;
and suspension, and things • of that natter,
When says 1, "Gillen!, you may ,depend
there is trouble brewing some Wheres along
"here, and• if you say so," says - I, "I'll pat,
quit you for a spell'and take a turn slown
to. Philadelfy, mid look- into . the matter a
little and pre
_you W
at ashington-r—
-"WZll," says he " Major; seeing- as how
folks begin to thicken amazingly around us;
my calklatidn is you wont. be, much. mist,
but see that you git to Washington as soon
as_possible,.end'.in the mean-time let- me
know all you meet With wortithearing,".
and so I quit,.and as, the Ghteral- never
wants-to know"nothing more than the peo
ple know themselves,l-send you this let
ter to pritit,' - and you will please'senil a copy
on't to the Gineral, Wiliatlio,w-Ill . .know
aiiiitielCairellier folks do about it.• -'. . •
- I got liere :last eveningdia.t. rater lamp
lighting, and took . a run round. to Most all
the Banks to see if I could find any on eni
open, but- I found ein_all locked up and
bright lamps burnhig afore the doors, 'and
good strong .broa&shouldered • watchmen i
standing at their posts -with clubs and rat
tles jist for all the", world - as though the
Banks was as full of specie payments as
ever, and trot a mite of difference. _
--1: stopt and-hail a little=ialkAvith_one-ef
these..watchmen, and 'says I, "stranger, is
there no gitten in here to see folks?" "Not
to-night, says he, "all the Banks are shut,
up." "Hew you talk," sayi I, and so I.
streaked it round to Squire_ Biddle's pre-
raises, for I had a notion' if, I could only
git a fair talk with the Squire, I would
Tarn pritty much alkabout the Matter.. 1
I found the Squire'ln hum; and he was I I
amazin glad to see met and he -and I went
right -- n pinto - a - room alone, where I found 1
a good warm Lehigh coal ,fire" burning,
and a table kiveted with papers : 'and he I
took one chair and I another, and . we went
at it straight' off. "So," says I". Squire,
you are all suspended agin, 1 tarn."-_H
" Yes," "says fie,.. " - Major, the folks who I
wanted hard money have 'grit all the Banks.'
.to give them; and as the Banks • can't.,
coin - hard - meney -- rintredit - iinlygit it e tiom ,
the folks who owe them, it turns out that, ,
as-the Banks have not got the Same power
by - the - law - to make folks. pay them es fast I
as the other. folks want,it, the pond 'must
run dry for a spell." .. •
' "But,'! . says I, "Squire, how on arth is
it that things work so,tliat one set of folks
keep drawing out of the spiggot fasterthan
other folks potir into the bung-hole . ?—
Things *aril% so in Mr. Adams' lithe;"
says I: "Noiv, how is it?" This set . the
Squire scratching_his_head_and thinking,—
and to give him time to answer, .1 •took the
poker and began poking up his Lehigh
coal fire, to see if there was any blaze in
it; and to - rights says lie,, "Major; what
are you poking that fire 'for? Do you ex
take my advice," says he,•"you will lekit
alone.. Aint the room warm entif?':
" Yes," says l,_"it's-warm_enu-but a lit
tle poking wont do .any harm, will. it ?"
" Well," says he, ",you go on poking,
Ond_,youlivill_Lsee - " - mul-m!ro- f entif,-tli 6 -
- More - , l 4Okedr.the -t derker' - the - fireand - coat i
got; -and bitne-by-it ail went out. "Well,"
says • I, "Squire, thi'sla" it Plagy odd :kind '
of fire of- youen," says I.
." Yes,' says
lie, "it's Pennsylva ny coal; it wont stand
poking, Major"-if yQu let alone, - it 'will
burn slowly and surely, and give out com
fortable' heat,—but if, folks, go to poking
4t, it, it turns and them, and
give's theta a cold•shiver." . i
"Well," 'Says I,."S.quire, I want you to
answer and explain to;.mo now about this
'Batik ; mutter-. Hew is it,"-Says I, that all
your Banks have suspended 'specie , pay
ments—all broke , -;--all gone. to everlasting
and .eternal smash ?: Now, hoW' has , all
this.come about?" says I.
• " Well," says.lie, "Major,' I'll tell you,
In the first place, when .you first entered
this room, didn't you .find it, warm' and
cimifortable,•and a good fire burning ?-r
-didn't you take •up that poker and beght
to , poke with it 1 'didn't I.give you_ a_ civil
hint to let it alone ?.didn't you • Continue
poking and poking, till tit last the fire went
'out24-and aint till:Frown:now cold and
dark, COM pared to ' what it was ?
Come here,"--and.lie. took' a; candle' and
went up' to the fire-place; and says. hee- ! --
"There:le the COal .. yetit. Dint buknt up,
--the fire has only,gone out; I Dan put a
little kindling under .it; and clap en, the a little' while- you Will `seri
as bright and warm a fire 'as before,btit
whereirs the use of kindling up itgaini, un
less folks *ill ego
.dto folly, of 'poking Wit.
Itie just. uo:, inliunking otetters. : Foto&
it, and for
years , and oiveripand,:tie
penple:in creation.ever.:saw a warmer, and
better -fire • thin .I.lturpt up;, it ef#med, all
From the New York Express
Major Downing.
kind of folks; ton:. the Cirele.aromid it Was
'wide enuf to admit every living critter in
the country, and all equally Mit the _warmth
But their, began the
.poking system
tried every means to' preient - it, but it
no_use, and then I quit, and ,llr. — Dunlap
he tried '.at; but the pokers were still ready,
and no sooner kindling up, when at
it they went; poking and pbking,;•-•-and the
result you see; and, now the question is,
Shalt we have v new fire. kindled, and what
shall be the . fuel? Shall it be Lehigh, Cval,
or - English Coal? Old Pennsylveny has
a word to say in this matter, if she choos
es to epeak,—for there is just this differ
ence between her Coal and all other, kind.
cif Coal: •it wont . stand lioking, but if 'let
alone,' will burn. steadily and—surely - fa - the.'
last,---whilit'Other Coal may blaze ti,p with
poking, and the sootier go toashes: The
Coal is in the grate yet, Major," says he,
"though bypokingit has ceased burning."
"Yes," says j, "Squire, bin it ii.plagy
cold thmigh." "It is so, Major;" =says he;
"but that comes from poking,"—and with
that, says lie, ."Let's you. an d take-a. turd
Ground and see some folks, and hear what.
news is stirring,,and by the time' we get
baek, this fire will be kindled with the .
blower on, and*.will soon. give us a warm
rodni e rand we'll have 'a roast patatoe and •
aleetle• cider,.and can talk over:matters .
cheerfully:. and if you will only. let the_po
ker *alone, the evening will close brightly:"
And so it did; but I can't tell more about
it - till I' write you my nest lietter",--and all
for the .present I can' say is, put a black
cross on all , croakers, and especially the
-pokers. •
Your friend and feilow,citizen, _
J. • DOWNING, Major, kc
The folloWing exquisite specimen of de
,licacy and - modesty is, a genuine extrac
of a speech of thellon. Ben,
,ton, - -aetually delivered in - ihTSeiiitedf the
United-States.a few days agO, and publish
ed in the Globe o Saturday evening.--
Madisonian. -
•" Mr. President,lyou .ma . y_reeoliect the
part whichit fell tipoil ME to sustain, dur
ing the veto, the panic s and the expunging
sessionantl 'flow. I was accustomed to
ansWer on the spot ALL -the speakers-of the
Opposition, replying'. not only to their
speeches generally, bolo their arguments
.ed at - tho,Promptitude and fullness of these
_replies.__ They- 4 110e often..expressed , :nst,
ToNisniimisir at it: and now, sir, I can tell
you how it happened. I kept DIY eye upon
the gentleman! - 1 kept •it upon the bank
press, &e.&c.', I shall-still keep my eye
upon the Itigleman.. This is what I shall
do, - and what . I have already:. done, and
with good effecil!' • •
The honorable 'Senator has . found a
has lrialtzrziF
. .
- Cootr . Sittrcs.—l'he Whigs baring re
cently been termed the 'ebon Skin.Party'
by a LOcofpco member in the Ohio , Legis
lature, a M. Worthington, a Whig, made
answer that the coon skin was not an ern-
blem buts warning. In the early history
of Ohio, it was the currency of dill state.
The farmers thin exchanged it for the lux
sries_they. used: When the log- cabins
werewell decked with - coon skins,•they
could drink Rio Coffee, but when not, they
drank. Ity-4. 'The 'coon' was no favorite
with the log cabin boys. „They well knew
that in spite of all his winning ways, which
made him the 'sweetest little fellow in the
when fairly .tethered, he, was a tub
treasurer in principle at 4 practice...4n
_short, She would-atea4-anktherefore,•the
men of the West,, .had recently. nailed his
hide to the walls of their log cabins; as a
.warning lo__public_ plunderers -on a-large
scale, that a similar fate awaited them.—
No wonder that the coon skin was hateful
to their eyes. •
Murder of two of the. Officers by Cani
bals.—Lettere and papers from the Sand
wich,lslands to the 24th October have been
received at New York: The Exploring
- Expedition - had - arrived there.
The papers contain -- the particulars of
the murder on the 24th of July last of
Liaim.J:.' Underwood, and. Midshipman
Wilkes a nephew of Capt. Wilkes,
i " a m 9 .0 tEr gacht-4 1 1.1P—Menne.t..,byAlwea.r
MdFole, one of .the Fijii group.
These-- unfortunate --officeis• having gone'
ashore with but a few men, were attacked
and - kille& almoSt - inatinitly, lit, not until
they.: had 'shot four-Of..theirassailants,_wbo
were the Very men that but a few minutes.
- before - thek - had - emplOyed in titekiliebbati
- over the - reef. • The men with them were
wounded,-but escaped. -
The Squadrop!s boats
. being near, im
mediately. pulled in and commenced a well
directed fire upon the savages, under cover
of which,'Lietit. Alden landed and brought
off the bodies, which were-entirely stript.
Had not the natives been fully occupied in
carrying off their own dead, their bodies
would belie been taker. away and devoured.
Captain W. immediately made preparations
for attadking their .town -, and fort,•which
the savages considered impregnable. The
seamen were landed and a fire-was opened
upon it, but -without much effect; until a
rocket, or " Flying Spirit," as they called
it, set fire to their town, and created great
consternation. It was 'finally, carried by
assault. • The ifOtives fought' Well, and
even stood a .charge,of bayonet, .but were
finally beaten at all points; seventy or-more
were killed, the tO,I and town burnt, their
plannitiOns{ destroyed; and the ,island laid
waste. Wise islanders have always been
noted for ; ,their ferocity and treachery;and
canibaliern;characteristies',which it seems
they fidly'retain.
. . .
•.. A-letter to 'the Now.. York Commercial
says:—"LieuV Underwood. and , . Wilkes
Henry were killed as they were endeavor
ing to secure the. retreat', of the men; in
which they succeeded, lint-at tho -cost-of
their, oivn lives. They were buried on a'
smalli'-.9.ninhabited island
.of Underwood!ti
,Grottp t whibh was named Henry's Island,
in memory of that gallant and ill-fated
.young officer. The whole island on which.
the massacre took place was severely pu
fishedd two days afterwari pun
ls. T .when the brig
and schooner arrived.. Nothing was apar•
ed but the 'oiiomen and children, and these,
I am sorry to say, are by this time slaves
to some chief of the neighboring group."
• The letters state that the squadron would
not return beforelB42.
c► was captured and taken on board
the Vincennes, who seven years since kil
led ten of the crew of an. American vessel.
• The Pqrpoise visited one of the Pejee
islands to protect or take away as the oc
casion might require, a fam ily. of, Wesleyan
missionaries settled there, whose lives
were supposed to be - , endangered - by the
savages: . But they preferred remaining,
having been prinnised protection by the
old king.—Balt. Pat. '
. _ .
The - Liverpool correspondent'Of the N.
York Times thus describes a work by
which a railroad is carried over a town:
Last week was cowl leted - the greatest
work of the kind , over executed in this
Country; This ; is the Stockport:Viaduct.
The contractors being Liverpool men (John
Tom pkinson and Samuel and James Holme
. builders)---hundreds of pepple. from this
place went on Dec. " 21st to view its
pletion. • . , •
The Manchester and Birmingham direct
line of railway now edits over not through
•the town of .Stockport. The arches
ally stride over that large town. Standing
in a valley in Chesbire; . the town of Stock=
port is too low for the level of the railroad.
-IVIr.--Bucki. the engineer; had "the fiat atone
laid on the. 10th of :IYlarch,.lB39, and-the
last or capstone, on the 21st' December,
1840. . Thus in 21 months was
a viaduct, based on :the solid, rock, 0f,26
arches-22 . of 63 feet span, and . 4 0.20
feet span,-.- - Thelength is 1,728 'feet. It
stands. 111 feet above. the Mersey, which
flows beneath, and 'is thus 6 feet 'higher
.than, the e .Menai bridge.. The foundation
in the sandstone, is six reef deep, and nine
feet of stone* work'above ground. From•
thence to the.springing of thearches, the
piers are of br ick work, and'the hugh b'erido
of the same material. Brick was used, as
leas . likely when well ,made to
. chip, splin
ter, or decay.' The quantit y of . bricks
used amounted-to-11,000,000; there were
also used 400,000 cubic•feet of stone, and
the whole cost 'X70,006. The .utmost
Settling in the whole - work' after taking the.
Wooden supporters'froni - thearches - ,Zis"half
an inch: •
=rl great
saving_has 'been. effected, by
raising - this viaduct- - to' such 'a height,,as it
reduces the works on each side-of the tat:
,ley, and lessens. the expense 450,000: It
has 'been Made, 1788 feet long, because
they,had tii.apan all .the streets. 'lt is tits
first time that for . such a work, b r ick, has.
tieen - chiefly employed. • This great work
will hong be a matter of wonder to the
'— • •
• .
Cerannu on disease is produced
by carelessness in neglecting to avoid exposure: and
if not early attended to Oftentimes lays the foundation
for other complaints, which may in the end prove
highly dangerous. The usual symptoms of cold are a
dull heaviness of the head,soreness of the throac,atten
ded with occasional hot flushes.
This is a signal that Nature requires the assistance
of It purgative medicine to ease her of the nppre . ssive
burden, which she proves by the high fever and the.
Strong pulse is wanted tp be removed. fn other
words, the body calls fora vegetable cleansing. This
can be accomplished without. any- inconvenience by
the use of Dr. .grandreth'a Vegetable •Univer.ral . '
*Pate,because they assist nature, reinovei . bv purging)
those peccant humors from the body which produce
these affections before they have time to produce gran.
gren4, or any other fatal effect.
mr...For sale in Carlisle hy'GEO. W. HITIVER.,
an dA Cumberland Coyuy by Agents published in
11 - other part of this pal>e•.
To Mothers-L-Otild.rcit..Teenting.
At this period, We are aware that these 'little ones,'
which are near and dear to us, suffer very much. I
therefore take this opportunity of informing the pub
lic, of the great benefit derived from the use of Dr.
Paris' Soothing Syrup for Cutting Teeth.
This medicine I found to produce relief as soon as
applied to the Gums; it is pleasant and effectual. I
feel happy - in recommending it to the public, as lam
certain it will save many nights of sweet repose to
parents and nurses, besides preventing those danger
ous symptoms which slay thousands annually.
• • Ninth street; above Willow.
Porrsale by Dr..l. J. Myers Co., Carlisle; and
Wm.. Peal, Shippensburg, Pa.
-Baftimoie, Ftb.:l3; 1841.
CATTLE—S 6 for good to-$7;50 per 100 lbs. for
prime quality.
H WIkA - Ta:o - 6,enta per.buahol.
CORN-46 to 46 cents per do.
OATS—so to 31 cents per do.
.CLOVERSEEO —s4:6o to $5:123 per do. '
FLAXSEED-;-Wagon priCe-$1 per do.
------ WHlSKEYrrices have been ateady.during the
week at....201:cui-for-hhda-ard-224a2.3-for-bbla.---The
-wagon pries-continuet at - 18 - cents - ecelutive-ciftthe
barrel.—Balt. Pat. .
. . .
On the 9th instant, by the Rey. John
Ulrich, Mr. William •Wylce to Miss Han
nah: Heagy, both of Wesi.:PennOorough.
In this borough, on' Saturday nynting
the . 13th instant, after. n.Short but severe
illness", :Mu.' JACOB' NEIBLY, formerly
merchant,. in . tlux of his age. • .
' i ruesday night last, of consumption,
Alts. REBECCA ..SAILDWELD.„ wife of
Joseph Sahlkeld, and (laughter of Gen.
Edward Armor of this borough,figed about
24 years. - . •
. On Tuesday the - 9th instant. CHARLES
MeCIAIRE, infant eon: of Mr. Jaeob.Seig,
aged 19 months.
ersin this bnrougit; on Sunday' i ot. ANNA,
infant daughter
.of Mr. C. Inbar, Aged 4
On Tuesday morning the 16th itistani; - O
eeetistn4tion, Miss MARY. MAXWELL,
of this, bcirough, aged about' 26.xefirs.-
'this borough,. on Tuesday the. 16th
instant.' Mitt!CMARGARET' LEONARD;
daughteferihe late Mr. Christien . Leortaith:
aged ahnii 3 O.47. , ,
.....4.hie..reeittenee-. in .Shipp'eniiibill*::
Tuesday .the •
MACFAMANE,;ynged '45
WeSt Pentislinivegh,
Saturday 104'
tt - ife.ofil,lrA'h,emsti Giessen.,
• U. S. Elank ,- .7119tt5-. . .
Taken at par by the subscribers for Mekhandize,
.who are selling off their 'stink at reduied prices to
close up their business. Bargaiiis may be had by
calling soon. • . •
Sheriff's Sales . .
BY.:virtue of sundry . writs of Venditioni Eiponatt
to me direeted, issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of the• county. of Ctirnberland,.will
be exposed to public, sale, on Saturday the '27th day
.of March, 1841, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said' day,
at the Court House in the borough of-Carlisle . , the
following described Real. Estate, viz: .
A Traet-of-Latid situate - iii North. Mid
dleton 'township, Cumberland county, containing
Ninety-six acres, more or less, bounded by lands of
Abraham H4trick , William Bakrr
David Coble and, others, having t'herenn erected a
large TWO . STORY , STONE HOUSE, a large.
STONE BA,NE. BARN, and' other out houses.—.l
Seized and taken in execution as the propeity of
Peter Hetrick.
• -Also, A lot of, ground situpwlit the. bor..
ough of Carlisle, bounded by a4ot of Jacob Duey
on the , West, Richardson .the East, air Alley •
on the South, North streeton the North, containing
60 . feet in breadtb,.and 240 feet In depth, more or
'less. Seized and taken in execution as the'property
of Robert D. Guthrie, deed. - '
. .
Also, A. lot of #roupdmittiateln IVIOnTos ,
towaship,Cumberland counfy, contnining one.ncrer
and perches, more or less, having thereon
erected; a Tan }rouse, Bark Shade, Blacksmith
Shop, and other out houies; there are 23 tate mitt
'S. latches in said Tan Yallt. Seized and taken its
execution as the property of Thomas Williamson.—
. And all to be sold by me,
PAUL MARTIN, Sheriff. "
Sheriff's Office,
Carlisle, Feb. 13, 1841.5 St
Estate qf .12ndrew. Shower, deed.
Andrew Shower, late ,of. West Pennshorough
township, leveased. having issued An 'the subscriber
in due form: Notice is hereby given to all persons
indebted to the estate of said decedent, to makeim.
mediate payment, and those having claims to present
them for settlement..
noecutor of AndreW Shower, deed
_ , Webtliennstloro' tp- ?
Feb.:' 17, 1841.---Ct. 5
Glazing : and Paper Hanging,. .
- The ifilbseriber respectfully informs the citizens
of Carlisle
„.s.n d the vicinity, that be Lis coMMenced .
the above business in all its various braifelics.. His
shop is in the square; irnmediately in rear of this
Aliirket Houie, two'doors 619 t of A. Richards store.
He hopes by attention to business. and moderate
cluirges,to receive - a share of patr_onin.m..
• R.OTH.:'
. - Carlisle; Feb."l7; 11141.- - t( •
• - '-• . AStd - ES
Wanted at:Gray'a Soap and Candle Factory, for
which the hizbeit-price will be paid,
_ -
for snle which May answer for early, springlowing,
aTew bushels of prime Timodiv. seed. -
- • . ALSO, • -
Several casks of Wine and Cider Vinegar, strong:
and fine flavored, which• will be,sold wholesale ar.d
.retsil nt tnodernle prices.
50,000 / 000 D011ar 5. 25,000 Dollars.l I
- Mai No. 1, for lib .—To lie positively dralfir
at Alexandria, D: C. on Saturday, March 6, 1841.
P. ,S. GRPGQR-Y .11z Manages. •
• ' 1311ILLIAN T SCHEME • :
I prize of $50,000' is vox*
1 . • 25,000 25,000 •
15,000 - 15,000 -
• 10,000 - 10,000
, • 9,000 - • 9,tR10
8,000 - , B,ooo'
7,0110 - . 7,000 .
• 5,172 - 5,172
4,000 aro row ."
• • 2,500 - 5,000
2,000 - 40,000
1,000 - 20,000'
12,000-. -
500 ' 20,000
. . 250 - 12,500
200 - 20.000
150 - 15,000
100 - 12,800 •
80 - 10,240
, - 70. 8,260
, 60 • - 7,880 •
50 - 6 400 .1
• A . 3 ,120
- - istsso •
15 4.25,360'
2 prizes of
. 20.
54,412 mixes. • $912,912
• Whole Tie ° kets $l5--T1 Ives $7 50--
Quarters $3 75=—Eightlis $I 87
Certificates of Package s of 26 W h ol e 'li ek et r 1,200
Do. do 126 Half do 100
Do. ' . do- . 20 Quarter do 50
- Do. do . .25-Eighths do. 25
~ • •
It is
sel d o msmore...a.chance.ikeffered - tolhe•Pubz.="---7
licrusiTiCiaffe - migniticent Scheibe presents; those; -
therefore r who desire to avail themselves of Abe
portimitY of adventuring in it, will do well to send
their orders early. -•
."„ Orders for Tickets and Shares anti Certificates -
of Packages will be. promptly attended to, and as
- soon es the drawing. is over an account of it will be
forwarded wall who order front us• Address -
D. S. GREGORY &-Co. Managers,
• _Washington-City,.o.-C.----- '
For Rent.
That large . and commodious Stems
• ,
ryas a
now in the occupancy of Mrs.
• I.n. 1 ,1: - Forney, together with nearly -two lot/
1.`,; pf ground, in Lowlier street, near the.
spring, wilt bu rented. for one year
only; any person wishing to view the property will
call on either of the subscribers. . . .
. .FACO.I3 SHRU.II, j c•"Te °We"'
Carlisle. Feb..lo,
. °For &,k or Rent.
• A Mouse and half Lot of Ground sit
.14, 2 uated on Main street, Carlisle, adjoin
• itigJames Hamilton, Esq.; the prtirry
I 1 Mra. Camper. kor tenni - 4111$. 1;‘,1„,..
- 77----
. if:arlisre Light oft iiiieryi
Poade for drill at the. Armory on Monday the 4444
inst. at li.) &Cloak, A. M.• in wrnter culiform (with
btripus) - .fly order, ' ' -
R.,-d{ERI AN, ist Sitrg.N.
It An cijdwrnad court of appeal will Ws' Ludt]
an said day. •• • •
Feb. 10„,041.
„, ,
ilissointran of PartnerShipe:,:r ,
The partnership heretofore eilvtlng between Phil.
pp Arnold,„Ausel Arnold ad , Simon A'mold, under''”
lie firm of Arnold bt ,Co.oVas on the 49th ult., dl..
solved by mutual consent. Personamho know them.
selves indebted to did firm, will 'make payment to'
either of the undersigned.—
• i'lllLlP..AßNOLD,Chambersburg.
" ' • ANSEL, ARNOLD, Carlisle-. ' •-•
SLVION RNOLD, IVlechanicelaripP. 5 _ . N4,11. Tile llooke of mold fit. Co.. Carlisle, must ;
be settled ituMedl i atell , Its •the undersigned, Intend'
leaving this pluals*iilli l ten diTs.
" •' -' ANSEL. ARNOLD.•
p. s. TN, store im'lVieclianicaLurg will be condo.- •-•'
lied hutpe rdlogor this subscriber," vi here_ great bar.-
gains map tie ticptoted. SOION. MIATULEN-
• evrlisle; Feb. 3,-b1141.--3t • •., ' • " . • •'':