lob LIT ILC Message Croat, the - ,Viovernor To the Senate and House; of liepresenta lives of The Connnonweidtis of Penn sylvania: , . . .GErstmEntsg Bill entitled- ".An Act relating to Canal Commissiotiefs"•bs . been to , me. for the. EXecutive 7 -- opprobition: As .I .cannot approve the Bill, I return it to the Senate, in_ which it originated, with my objections thereto, in --- order to such further action thereon . as is proidded by the constitutien.• • • - - _ The Bill:provides for the election and 'appointment of:three canal commissioners, to wit; the election .of one Commissioner by. the Semite and one by the House of. Representatives,'and the appointment--of a GoVei um. This toot s - of op - 'Ointment, as to-any__ofilters....of Govern, merit; is 'novel and -without precedent; and I.confess I can seem the System here pro ' poSed, nothing but 'discord and conflisitin,;.! ----hie an eventlif expected, that, djfferent iiertieS,intereSts :and co bi= nations hi each .House, and it maybe Witli . • • -the .Governor, will 'lead,to. frequent remo i-itls and - changes .of• the inetimbents, and thus oar *improvement system,-instead of ,Lbeing_conductetLasit-should_be,_with con : sistent steadiness,, will he constantly tinder, going the changes' and experiments mei dent -to our daily political' mutations.— Collisiolis will false'place in of . •Commissioners, embarrassments will . be,. thrown in the -way of-its action by the mi nority of its own members, and the public interest will be' sacrificed to promote the objects of private or' local-or political de .. signs: By thd appointment of the Board by eaeli. [louse, and , by . the Goverrior.,.. nearly the whole responsibility is destroy .. ed.. For wrong's .done., th e y he clone, it will 'be finite iMpossible 'to. - reach • all the .delinqnents at once. The adhe rence of the Governor or ,of either Mims -=--- -toltslavoillec place--ii M- heyontl---the - 'reach of .popular opinion; although his as._ soeiates, who are responsible, o an appoint power differently elscted; "May be . • proMytly , dismissetl. The Governor, the - Senators and_thc-merithers of the House, are. not all elected at once.imr by the-same. constittients; The members of each houSe . :are the immediate representatives of de .taoliedportions of the people, with pecu liar local-interests-to advance, all or_whieli --must•niole-or-less-confliet-with-thosemOhe stare at.large;. - Ohl although each house; in the orrgregate, no doubt, represents the 'Nook': of the whale state, it is throligh.thel medium or- thirty,three'ntembers in •one, l and "one_litttlred in. the Othe - r i :' bility. thus divided*, vanishes almost entire -Iy, and ceases to afford an adequate guar,' ..apted,to the public. - - • ..„ Should 'commissioners, thus- appointed, be4tiilty of °trivial- misconduct, holy- are they tci be punished.? The douse pedellea, and. the' Senate* - tries—but here the : l - louse- is inipeachitiein officer whom it has itself lust ;., - • - partially, tor misdemeapors to - office, the man whom it 'has but a few days before trusted and honored. What a spectacle of , absurdity would this exhibit? - . Would not ' combinations among -the friends of-eaCh• in the respective houses, 'defeat • the ends of justice,--and=-laugh - to scorn-all-efforts to in . flict" punishment?' • The history or all . represent-give governr `Monts shows, that although their legisla: tures, especially when numerous, are ad ' tnirobly adapted to the enactment of general promotion of the rights end liberties - ofthe people,-they are, from the very_nature,of-drvided -resporisibility..the most easily toinpered with,.h}''political its tirigiters inithlemagogues; in their appoint ment of Officers of any other branch of the . government; and in 'the ..selectioii of their officers; have been 'often made the dupes • of intrigue, of venality,- and of corruption. I beg you to einprstand me as spealtingjn . . the abstract, and IA in regard to any past or future legislation in Pennsylvania. I -cannot, however, consent to forego, alto , • . gether, the soltitary- lessons•of experience. We have no tight to•expeet - entire exeinp; lion frit m evils that other people have suf . .fered;. and-I-am determined. - solar as 1.6 - m • concerned, to shore none of the responsi= bility of introducina them, into'Pennsylva .lf.dene„by_oihers,-theirs-bii-the-ho-- . nor; I 'want ti not. fiat I Of li -7.---- tolbe - iPirit - oFonroolistittltion....nor-on-t - he. c,if'exp:cdienciy,,Cught the appoint mentitiiibeAleated iirthe'Legislature. The • Legislature have - the . power of enacting the laws malting, the appropriations to purposes •of_internaLimprovenien 4-and-the-spirit-of the constitution, as well' as the legislation •Of the commonwealth; has provided that the disbursement of the:moneys and settle - nient ofilte:sccountset the commonwealth should be 'in the hands of• . officers differ ently appointed, evidently to prevent cont.: , hination's 'or Collusion,, or the operation . of . the same influences in the appointment'of each.. which give to the branches. of govern . meet which appropriate the moneys, the appointment of the officers who are to dis burgle them, would, in my.judgmetit, tend to brepk,dpwP the safe-guards. provided by ~,ther!:•onetOqon in, .the disbursement of zim.olo ll6 .liqk • • bill be ore, me presents other diJ&• ealties' ) ; Theennetittitiee's'ettts the legisla. Ass,On,werm,,,the * General, Assembly -Execittiiiintier in a Governor, and der vieres the,dutietiof both. The leading duty of the former is to enact laws, -intl'orthe stake, care' that they be faithfully • Jez.ectttech l ,'• :To enable him toperfOrtrt that xtuty,Ate - constitution tleclares . " 41)211 - - appointill Officers,whose .Offiess are eats ; •Islithedl)y the constitution or shall be ea. tablitihml bylaw, , •and Whose. appointnierits are not herein otilertvise',prtiviiled plausible argument may be drami frOm -the bill before me,' that it establishes A Mode - appointment within the'latter,elnuse . aboTe zecited,:lnit When we',lciok andthar part oftherconatim doe, Which declares that I . ! ‘tiri- Member of they Senate or.of the 4ouse . ot __.lteprosentativeii Shall beippointed,.bY the Cleser,not to . itir 4 orkeit'dtirtng the' term. et which he shall have been elected," it man-, I GOVERNOR PORTER. AT HOME. ifestly shows that the people intended to, A Van ,Buren convention composed'. of confine the -Principal, duties:. of their Re r delegates' from the' different toWnshipa''bf presentatiVes tQ direct legislation. If this Milphirt county, was held at, , Harrisburg, bill becoiries :Claw, and the principle ex- a few, days since, and two delegates were tended, they might fill all, Cfßces••mn: of. appointed i to represent the' County in , the their respectie bodies, which would •dc- Van Buren State .Convention to be held in stroy their purity, and-destroy the•lncom- March next; for the -purpose of nominating patiblo 'ptinciple in the-constitution; which a candidate. or Governor.. : restrains the Governor : from making. ap-1 The following preamble - and resolutions, pointmeots from either house, during the' together with other resoltitions of a similar time for c which they shall have been elected..! character; were "unanimously adopted:" In point of expediency 'think The bill j "increas, we ,firmly believe that there. ought_uot_to_become alaw, and_this I think isis no possible hope of electing his Excel-. is manifest from our previous legislation on lency, David R. Porter, should he be re this subject. • ' ' '• • ~_•lntiminatedi and if' we • may • judge' of. the 'Under the acts of 27th March; 182 . 4. !future'by the past, it 'mask be Apparent to 1 rth April, 1825'; 10th April, - 18'20, and !every observer that, if 'his re-nomination 1611-461, 1827, the canal commissioners could be effected by the greatest possible, were appointed by the Exectitive:i .At first , seeming unanimity, his election would the Boanl c 1 • • : rre-triber-4 - ••• • - - it was then increased to five; and by the act of L ioth.~ipril, 1826; it was increased to nine; at which number it continued til 1,830. By: the AAA- of E6th •orApril,_ 18p0. Wino personsnii,ifi r ett m the law,•were a ppoin teit -canal OnminiSslonere, and autlio-: rity. was given: to, the Governor' to filhany vaeancies which might occur in the Board, from, deatlt, resignation ox otherwise • On the oth, day of April, 1830, in less Than a year after its passage, the Act of IGth - fif - April, - IM:Was.-repealed, and the Governor was authorited to .appoint three persons as-a board-of:Canal commissioners: • public-opinion- having deeidedly -pronounc ed against the appontment . by the Legisla ture.- %ay the Act of 28th _January.. 183 4 G., the timo . of appointing canal commissioners Was Changed front the Ist - Of : lune to'the Ist•of February, and by the prOvisions.of thiitlaw, the then existing hoard of canal -commisSionets.werelegislateil out of office Sour months before the expiration of their commissions, but no change as to the num , bcr cfthe commissioners, or their modeof - appointinent, was made: It will be Within thei.rceollection of all, that the lending..rea ..soos_ussigoed_for..the.passage.of-the-last--: mentioned act were, that-it - was-more-pro-- per ,that' the duties of thi: 'canal .comons sioners,phould he-exercised byliersons ap pointed by and having,-Ilte:confidence_of the Executive„-for-the-iiroci -being, - than to • have,the whole internal' improvemeni..s3, - rs; tern under the control and direction of per- sons who might not harmonize, with the EXeentivc •opinion, whil9 ho is, in a measure at least, lieid responsible air the administnition_o . flltotabieriime n - -THE, PRILADELPII IA -BANKS. Our worst apprehensions of consequen -ces from the forced .resurriPtiotiiir 'Specie pn:yrnents -by the.. Banks - of Philadelphia,_ before they were-in a state to justify the measure, have been realized. - 'Net z ,only - the - -Suites been obliged' again: to-suspend specie payments, but the other Banks of Philadelphia - have been _compelled - to follow- Suit: It can hardly be eXpented,. - -- linden - such circum stances, that the Banks of _Maryland. and Virginia will. be ,able to hold on; so that the suspension of sphie -payments in all Banks south of New York; it is. probable, will again becomegeneral." , • . .An effort (most laudable for its honesty, it must be acknowledged,)-bas been made, by the Philadelphia Banks to- egain and . maintain their footing on tbe sun a -good faith and stead fastness of • purpose which entitles.its mis fortune to respect. -• "It is the general sen timent," says the Pennsylvanian, a leading organ of the present Administration, "what ever differences of opinion may exist in . other resperts,Ahat.the Banks, in .the face: of an almost overwhelming partici, have made a manful and highly commendable effort to discharge their obligations to the public." In this opinion, it scent's to us, - there must be a general concurrence. • The effort, however, has been iii vain. Six .millions of dollars had the Bank of the United States, single-handed, counted out: in -satisfaction -ofthe,demands-aecuntulateff against it - from all, quarters ; and. still the ileinande-poured-it-upn-iti—W-e-are-not sulliciently acquainted with the- particulars of-the understanding existing, in'view of resumption, between the Banks of Phila delphia- and the Banks and Bankers of New York; Boston, &c.., to say how far hinny.'. have been observed, in good faith by • the-latter; but it looks, at -this-distance, as though the Philadelphia, Rantis • had been over-reached iii thy- affair,, - of resumption ; by which-we mean that they had been dueed ,to believe in_proinisee- of-aid -and --piiifeasins of forbearance which _hare not been kept, or, if kept to their - ear, :have , been broken to. their The Phila delphia Gazette of, Friday, - indeed, inti mates as much in announcing the stispen - co-opeifitive genrrosity-and indidgence.ol_the North and - East,T.fisays:: - 1116 - " Gazette; "so abundantly promised and spoken of incase of the resumption of the Philadelphia Banks, and especially of the UnipdStates Bank . of,this Commonwealth, having aiready_drawnl4yew_Yorkfibmi the latter institution between five and six millions of dollars in specie since thelsthl of last month, it, has been compelled to resist the constant and overwhelming tide [of demand, by a temporary suspension of Aped° outlays."-- , The New York Journal • of Commerce, a keen. adiersary of the Bank, almost admits the imputation sug .gesfed, by the Philadelphia Gazette,, in an nouncing the suspension, when it says,—.' "Bills of the United States Bank are bought. at 10 per centdiscount. There are.. but few of them here; the.resumption.having:l beeii(atitively tied in:,sendin g everkthing honie,- by -whielqtrew York and the Eas tern Cities have realized a very large sum As opinion, and execute their,purpose by ;in specie :and 'available funds." • Great come• other Executive agent ;." but if they activity, it appears, hasimen.Adisplayed, sib Think . otherwise--if they agree with Me— , the Journal quaintly expresses it, in "send - . if- they can see in • the proposed system ing every thing home," that :is, in collect, only Political scrambling for °Rico, discord . ing and placing in the hands of 'brokers and dissension, they lint; also pronounce leverydemand that could be raised in '"New that judgm e nt the, guidance of our fit-I' York and the Eastern cities" against the turn cnurse,`and - thus:' settle ~on a cer- Bank of-the • United-- Smiles.' The New taie,basis, the organization of the Board oflYork Times, not inimical to the Banki.cor ,canal.',,Comniiksioners, 'in s reference to . roborates the facts stated bv...the Journal Of Which- . we pow unfortunately -entertain Cotinnerce, saying, f! -- Upein the Banks of inelfconflieting Opinions: . - • •thieeity, and of-the , Worth and East • DAVID R. PORTER: ExacuTi.vx CHAMBER, nerally, this suspension will exercise little, ll • February 10,. 1841. if ney,,iefluence, as their funds have re cently, been iteailk all withdrawn from Philadelphia."' Of the perfect - right, Of the Nen , York and Eastern holders oftho -paper anfferedits of tbe Bank of the ,United States to 'send them: On ,to Philadelphia, .and demand payment, for. 4,heni we .make ep'iletibt. • The - question which:occurs :to Every Set of men hove the_rien, I sup pose, to=change their. opinions, ti;hen and ;Airy please ; but I confess find some: difficulty in keeping- pr,ce with somodf. the' charges of modefic . for what was then- right cannot now be con; sidered Wrong. "." • . . . :There is 'another,.apd toy . mind iii insuperable, objection i s o vesting the power inihe Legislature, as provided-in-this bill; and that la, the fact that from the manlier in which th 6 state is districted for Senators and Representatives by the Act of 16th of T...., 1 0.01.2..... ah,,, 4llii4Lv- 1 . -L------Z -t--i--!'- respond with that of 0 majority of- , the . :people of the state ; and it is impossible not to see that the' effect of the Bill in question, will be to give a political com plexion -to the board of canal- commission ers, different from that of a Majority_ of the people. .The whole Object.of the bill is: to remove from 'office ine'n . holding one set of political opinions, and `'to appoint poli tical oppcinents iii• • their stead. Any 'at• : ,. tempt to conceal it from the people. betrays a gross ignuranee..of Their understanding and intelligence. I conceive it to be a duty which I owe to.them to speak thus plainly - and .explicitly. on the - subject. --- -.... -- The'appointing power is the niast em barrassing, part of - the - Executive duties: - I, lidva'no destre to increase - its amount, nor even to retain that which is now vested in the. Governor, where it , can .be safely ex ercised elsewhere: If a change is deemed essential to the prosperity of the publiC works, and'that the power of appointment of canal catninisAtoners is--not , safe-in the ', hands of the I have no desire tiretain it. Let , it go directly to the, whole people, at their annual .elections: The Le gislature will.at all times find me r:eady.to_. j co - operate - willf - th - eiff, - iiiaabling, the peo pie to elect all officers, whose appointment is not specially proiidedfor in the consti-• tution; - but-I- never -: can'sandtion a law which takes away, not 'only the rights of Alre' - ExecutiveAut - ttie — pWle - , - - - aiid gives .powers tiii.the : Lemislature_not e.Ontempilatetl. `6y 7 111 . 6 -7 6 - 61istitution, and - which, in my judgment, would be a Usurpation of-power by the Legiilature, pregnant with evil:— However indisposed I may be to retain all , the pciwers -ei_the_txecutive,--it-is*,-myl sworn duty to protect the rights of the people from legislative encroachments, and -I intend to do it. . • ' rffNi Tho issue. is now. before the ,people of this commonwealth for decision; and' with'. that deciSiori,.whateverit may be, I shall be perfectly satisfied. Should a majority determine that 1 have . done wrong in re , fusing to eanetion this change in the mode of appointing canal - commisaionettothat. this contemplated. alteration is wise, pru dent and safe—and that -better selections would have been - made by . the two Houses. of the.. Legislature than. by - the people, or the. Executive, they can easily proclaim . • • "To reason with men where , their rte. slobs tire concerned, is like reasoning with. a &mil:aril in - his erms—the only answer. you will ietlioni him , is that, he ,is sehei and Yon aro drnnk..." • • • tbe extremely on t u ;Ten. ackson had-a majority of upwards of,poiqop,•at his first election, and Mills second something I over 20,000. Governor Wolf hid:2s;ooo land-upwards - when first7electeiL ivas re-nominated without any visible ,opposi tioni-yet-his-majorrty wae - but - P - fewvotes over 3000. Governor Porter, in 1838,. had between 0 and 7000 Of a majority.--. Then, if when the party was. united Gen., Jackson . lost•near 30,000 -,votes, 'and Gov. Wolf over '20_,000, cannot theinoPt. short pighted and selfish see that there is little or no !Eve of redeeming the .Keystone State in 1841,if David R. Porter is to. be the candidate -of-the- democratic -party:- There . fore ' .. Resolved, That -the political history of Pennsylvania furbishes evidetice . abOndent that the people' are, democratic,.and in fi vor of rotation in office, and one term for Governor, that . we as ,democrats' cannot view atiy other rule as .purely democratic. Resolved, That the delegates ,elected to represent the county Of Dauphin, in. the DeMocratic Convention to assemble in this borough on the 4th day of March next, nominate a candidate for Goverber;he bud; they-are-hereby-instriteted to-vets fort and - i rale all honorable means to --place—in-nomi nation a new man. - • . From the Nationalintelligenier. EEO .‘_, our mind is; .whetlei this great activity in extracting froiwthebask all itssPecie was entirely copformsbl e to the expectations which the Beni of-the United States was ted to en,tertaiMr an d upon which it was in-. duced to resume'apecie payments when it did ? Be that asit may, however, any individual engaged - ,in, business had,.under similar circumstances,'Made - such an effort and sacrifice- as Alic - Philadelphia- Banks have done to restMe payment' after being obliged once to suipend; he weidd, - iveal of being. followed trith the . yells Of vindic tive adversaries,asthe BankOf the United States now is,.have a ttracted, as.he would have deserveA, the general sympathy.. .Foi ourselves, apart from coniideratiorni connected with the' business and the cur rency rifthe country,.. which, however, are not to be . whell • g k. • 'e r . , emergency, me eannotbut feel for the ads i fortunes of .the inneitent - %.ittO - altheil4cbs:in_ these Banking Tnstitutions, Whose property is thus tneliing-,awhi-Under:the-influefiee of a - stories . ' of ‘disastrotis - circumstances, I every one of whidaireferrable for_ its ori, gin -:to trial‘adrritinOration in the General .Government. - HSOlie -Executive of the United States not.. - transgressed her rightful province in sundertaiting - to " manage. the •,. currency," nor aftermids set at defiance the effort of Congreectorregain_possesiion of .its constitutional authority in this re spect, these things would none of them !ever have happened, -• .. ' ..... - • . ....Ne. shall- look --with-a - good . tleaV of • in- . terest . to Harrisburg, where the Legislature : f - Pennsylvanii is now in session, to see I what course the State 'Government , Will 1 piirsue in reference_ to ' the. - Philadelphia IlankO. ,Those Banks - are, we undorkand, upon shore notice, linble•to a forfeiture. oft their banking privileges in- consequence of their suspension of specie payments.: A result so rnitions to -the interests of,the Commonwealth, as well as ofa-large class of its citizens, will hardly be permitted either hp Wiklom - or. by humanity,. espe ciull3%-when-it is-bortut.-in'rnind tit:Ai the - cf= - fort lately--made by the Philadelphia Banks -to sustain the credit-Of- T itle 'State. may have, contributed; in- no small degree, to the-ne cessity for.their . suspension. -(' 7 . .. - - . ' From the Plnits.ylvanicf.lntelligencer. Pennsylvania . • must •be -„ Sus tained ! - -Inoirrtiv - ii - last - nrticles - We endeavored-to show the necessity of the - iiiterpnsiiion of StOtCprideLand-,-Stato,--SoFereigiitylo-Save 'the interests end credi t of the stateof Penn sylvaiiia. .We .have-. - endeaVoretl to show that the late, meditated attempt of a sister state' to derange and .destroy our, credit, was but the last act, in a long series of at-. tempts to[degrade and impoveriSh us.- It is high time for the _patriotic -soils-et-the Commonwealth - -tb arouse 'themselves to action: It is high time for' Pennsylvania to shake off herloopr g y,—lay aside the , small eonsiderations . of - party,' and _declare independence of 'New York City .now and fOrever. With J., P t• reln, ;so wets - getra counter of the very-Bunk she now seeks to destroy, for the means to save her citi zens from-ruin. With a true Pennsylva- 1 nia generosity, - the vaults were opened to the necessities of the ingrates; _when an awful conflagration had 'rendered them ob jects of commisseration. She has been - permitted to - di - 1 , 614mm our Own metrepe !is' the products of our mines, by extend ing, canals and railroads into our borders. She has - succeeded, in part,--in .employing our capital', in making New York the port of entry- for the city of Philadelphia. -By some, legerdemain, in..the construction of the Tariff laws, she haS made the duties less_in. her_ own _port,-than-lionestY,-,cdulfl. make them in Philadelphiartliereby:thint ring . our commerce_antLinipaverishing-Our commonwealth: Not content with these successes, in her warfare 'upon our inter ests, she is to consummate her glory and our degradation by deatroying our institn, ticins, for the purpose of congregating th e 'capitatof the country into a'NATIONAL BANK,to_be located ivithinlier.borders.. Under such circumstances: the question is asked in all qiiarters, "What -shall we dos" The answer is a plain tine. Either let the_Banks be deStroyeil-- , let Neiv , York7 traniple . oier us, and as Speaker Hopkins once said, let "ruin extend froth the,centre to the circumfei•ence of the commonwealth" :—or sustain the.-Pethisyslvankßanks—le galize the suspension, aad give thein..au,. _the. Banks to employ-theiteapital - ritlioniw - and - make ThiladelphiS' Ilis only - ,port or entry for _Pennsylvania. , It the latter course is talten,-a-well-regulated-iiriftwill soon -restore our currency—make the ba lance of trade in' our favor; coyerlhurLca,- flats W ith tonna ge, and raise our common wealth to the ,standing among her Sister states, to:whielaer higlt'clestiny•has called her. • PENNSYLVANI ' A:.—'•OUr •plate has . _now , a - high and imperious duty.,to discharge.; a duty which she owes herself.: her credit, her character, her future well being.. She must make immediate and permanent pro vision to- meet the interest on.. her loans.— She cari expe4. no . further aid - from the Banks; her last demand upon :thein has, been-only a" - entire& - of mutual disaster.- 7 ' Sh'e' must now look 'to :other .sources,for relief. These are within her poWer z itilhe shape of a direct tax, and this tax/should he sufficiently ample to.,: i llrieg a imirond any possibility of failure the interest on- her loans.. This tax in' the "peesent crisis of .our affairs will be . .submittett -to without any, general murmur. Let it fall as far as' possible on interests thdtVan best, sustain objects that are -not the - essential elements of life. . f The, interest on' our State Leans hein; thus provided for, mid the credit of the State secured, then let the proceeds of our public' works and any surplus revenue that may accrue from the tax, be, converted to Purposes of keepinOese works. in re-' pair and eitending - them in those sections only where previous Outlays would be ren dered useless by a suspension, or where the continuation is imperiously reqUired by the, .obvious, undisputed. interests of' the stated ; But prosecute ( no Work Merely. be cause-it has been where the ad-, Vt(4 Mr. Reed, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom. was referred- the me morial of the, State Temperance Conven tion; made a report, which : was read as' follows, viz : That they have besthwad on the memo , rial committed, the consideration to •_which its-importancei-and the high respectability of the body from which it emanated,. enti- ' tled it.- . . The memorialists.pray, that.Com initte.es of both. Ho - uses of - the' Legislature,. may be authorized with power to send for persons•entr papers,•to institute a thorough. _inquiry into.the maliy•and various Crimes - prciduced - bythe - trse - oriiirotifeirtni:drink s . - It seemito the committee, to be inexpedien' - to 'accede to this suggestion. Were pify , -otlier--question than that as- toliQ hes't re medy for, a contessenAvil before tis;.euch an inquiry inilkht,be_Wrable:-74lut-as-it is, the frightfulsesults of the pie and abuse of spirituous liquors; do' iryneed the illus. , tration which legislative ( ' inquiry could af-j ford. They are the eulsjects of daily per sonal observation*orthe current observi-1 tion of every one-who walks the.streets of -our cities or ages, or who, tracing, in the' records o guilt, the close and 'easy re lationship crime, can see .the legitimate f/v i progeny f a. parent, whose likeness is / never . aced. No legislative investigation is ji eessary here. • ?The - memorial also represents the wish. ; , Of, the.COniention to be, that a law be pas sed authorizing a popular vote to, be taken in" the, different 'counties, on the question, ' whether lice:meal(); the sale . oC. spirituous liquors ought to.be tolerated.' This scheme of legislation, your committee ;think liable ' %to . objection. The appropriate object of ,the elective franchise is, the choice of' re . presentatives i in the piiblid councils, and agents for public trusts. The .theory ot 'our gevernment asits-trite foundation„cen-, fidenee on the - part of the constituent. "..It ~is the representative who is to determine On the remedy Which" an evil demands, or, in other words, it is 'through the 'represen- -tative.that. the people act in relation.to re medico. If .there .ho difficulties in, deter mining what remedy is .best, ; the. repreeen r tative ilitist,,ineet mid' overcomesthem,•as hest-imi.mayi.but it'wOuld , be worse, than .useless 'Weyer/ question of morals or aeon ,oiny,: whit!) arises to puzzle .a. legislator, were to be referred to popular, decjiion, end' Our elections,' instead of • being a 'choice among competent indiyiduals, be converted. •.• • 41 , 1V1 vantages are•in. anydegree remote or' pre carious.' Let all -pride and vain ambition; pompaue deelamation about greatness' • and glory, yield to the emergencies of the occasion and the: stern calculations of the l'rigid economist: • . • These Ineasures, vigorously prosecuted, will 'inevitably place the state where she ought to be.. The proceeds . of .:her public works will gradually become a sinking fund to-her debt and. relieve the . taxcwhich her present condition requires.- She,will.Cease tb be what she has been for some . years past—alternately the slavd and- despot of the Banks; one day-threatening their•very existence,-and the 'next a hUmblasup . pliant, at their doorg :'.charging then] with cor .ruption; I.lnd then :being bribed: herielfp acctising them of having forfeited their c inners a' d then offerin_ to legalize the', . . forfeiture on the condition of being 20:0111- _mOatedilirther. This is cond . = unwor thy-of Pennaylyania,:_aa :which -we hope Will not again dishonor the annals of 'her legislation.—Pliila.: North .dinerican; Netv Yo . rk Standard, raises - at the head of its editorial column•a' cock 'crowing*" Hurrah for, Jackson."-L Under this it plaCes the announcement of the'suspension of the United' States Bank. -Before. this--cock-of-the-Standard cro w s again we should advise 'the editor' to en quire . whether Nev'.i York- has. refunded the. five millions _which she borrowed of this • institution to'•W - distresses consequent upon'the great fire 01. '35. • If our figures are-right:more than a , million and a quarter or, this 'money' remains_ nn paid. Nor is this .the Worst of the case, it probably reinaiti.unpaid-for a long time, if ever paid ,at 'They who cry for help in. their distress,•should he the last to crow when misfortunes ,come upon their benefactor. •Auch -gratitude as this' becoMes - nothing ,bitt .loPoidcoism in its blibd idolatry of. GeneraVlackson. We are..no admirers of the United States Bank, or' of its financial follies, hut 'then there . is decency in things.--Phit North Amer. Temperalcelflepartiiient. PLEDGE,-OF THE- QUNIIIF,RLAND .COUN TY- TE'IPERANCE SOCIETY WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, D.O . AGREE,THAT WE WILL. NOT - USE INTOXICATING - LIQUORS NO TRAFFIC IN THEM. AS_ A DE yERAOE; THAT WE WILL NOT PRO - VIDE , THEM AS AN , ARTICLE EZ.ITIRTAINMENTi - OR - POiPER I SONS IN ° OUR EMPLOYMENT AND THAT, IN ALL SUITABLE WAYS, •WE WILL DISCOUNTE NANCE THEIR USE THROUGHOUT THE COM MUNITY:- NOTICE. The Exe&Wye Committee of •the Cum berland County_ Tempeilince Society hay! meetings appointed as follows : • • Pe4. "18, Evening,' SliippenSblirj. • : • 22, School House, • in Dickinson township. •• A ,544 . T.n rm r • OUR CIRCULAR, PLEDGES. It is presumed, that by Thursday even ing of this week, our Committees will have discharged tikoir duty of collecting these papers. If any, containing signa tures, shall not'be called for:p.rjor to _that time,-we hope it-will be - handed forthwith to our Secretary; Saml. Elliott. Any persons residing within the limits of our county, where societies are not or ganized, and wishing to become 'members of the Cum. Co. Temp. Society, by sign ing our pledge, can do so by calling.at the Drug Store of S. Elliott, Main street, Car lisle. • • CA DWELL, Ch'n. Feb. 15, 1841. REPORT. ON TEMPERANCE ME MORIALS, - 10,0 , into means of deciding . on mdre, measures of . government. Nor would it be.possible to separate such questions as the one pro posed to' be submitted from party or poli tical considerations. The same instinct of Party would seize on one side or the other of the "retail" question, and temperance would be made to - minister to at - least' one of the. many species of intern perance,which periodically agitate'the public 'mind. "Li cense;" and "no' lidense," Would be the watchword of party conflict, and the result would be not a 'conclusive - determination of the question submitted for decision, but the .boast of - some ctinning' partizan; . who, hat , ing - electioneered on temperance, would forget his obligations : even to the name, as, soon as he was elected. Let the Legisla titre, this Legislature, or that which is to follow it, do its duty, and submit no ques tions of legislation tO.the popular decision. ' '' The' prayer of the memorialists as to the - amendment- of the tavern'ilicense law, bit which publiC - .notice of all applications . for, licenses - shall . .be given, and .the names of those -who recommend a tavern stand i vpub 7 lished; meets with the approbation of the ComMittee: ., They .have accordingly .re ported a..8i1l to that effect, (No. 7 ':)... They do not doubt it will produce fav rable results. ; Suiih a publication can dOno harm, 'hifil - i - i - ,it - see Ins7to ilia Committee,equir ed fur the security .olneigliborhood ' Any rigorously penal enactMent on the s bjee.t of the sale of spirituous liquor, won't.' im- Ancitientibly - ilo - riiore - harm 'ficati.. gobd.— Public opinion, now stimulated to unusual activity., and directed , .-bp high moral, and religious influences,_can_do far, more good than the extreme vigor of penal statues.. .-73. --"An. Act - supplementary,jo the - vari ous Acts relating to tavern liceuses.."- -The-Third National Temperance Con= vention is appointed to . meet at Saratoga Springs, 'State or:NeP , I York:',„ on the last Tuesday_ of July.—The Delegates from Cumberland county appointed by the State .CDPAP r l i Allta r imi T ti a Trore r s'slii i .ULlgit 7 At - a Temperance meeting in Boston, Mass., in the mime of Some remarki, — a young Eon said,—" I had, eleven ,iidmpan , ions, alt healthy young men, all doing, well in our business. We Used to meet to drink, and to gamble; we .continued--.our course for some tinte,_and-now what is'the history of uslwelve. Six have died drunk ards—two have enlisted in state-shjps— oVo are in ihe Hbuse of Correction- 7 one is a drunkard still-4 I alone, have escap-' MI to tell you." " Who, who was it„' exclaimed this young than, "who have for these many years sold us. this rum ? *- Of THEM, in the sight of Gpf . l4ldemandthw Who - have gone - to the Drunkard's grave; or are-living the drunkur(l's -Wittr'sobbing_ana with-tears—fit-mourning over such remembered dead, he exclairndil .‘ Where, where are my conzpanionsg' I Mr ' Greig, a temperance lee rer, said I the objections of thousands ~..ainst teto talism were like those of . good lady to Dr. Fell: ' • ~ I do'not like you,9 . Fell, The reason whyAcannot - tell, do not like yOu, Dr. Fell. Shill a vim to her .antipathy to the learned doetpr(and millions of human be ings 3vorli/their Oivn destruction through their ah.rrenee to tetotalism. Thylikipgs and dislikingS ofAnch_beings. all -- sinter' tliernsilves;:tiley•ire eve . zrz, jtm - vtir'thetrieslvelf,7lffe — y4 are: a 'world to' themselves, and for the 'great family of mankind they have no' sympathy. They remind.one of an epitaph on an. old tomb stone, in St.' Peter;s churchyard. - • ___—Here.lies-Jack-Nathan-ancientaage,~ Who died of sickness and oh) age;. Hitt - years were more than ten times ten, 1 .And he more worthless than most men; And hind he lived until this hour, He never could exert his power, To snatch a soul from death or sin, - - He was too lazy to begin; • - . Therefore in silenCe let him rot, , • • Blamed every day, but never forgot. [Foreign Paper.] TEMPERANCE MAN..;--A Bon Of the Em erald ivho arrived in Ne* York the other day,"was asked by an acquaintance to take a glass Or grog; but declined, giv ing as a reason . for his refusal, that he had joined the temperance society in Cork be fore leaving Ireland. His friend replied that that Was no conseqUence,.as a pledge given in Ireland was .not binding hen): To this piece of . left-handed morality, Pot in dignantly retorted-47;"D0 you suppose when - I brought, me body to America, I'd be of thur laving my Bowl in Treland?" • - .- • WILL be sold at, public gale on Friday the 26th day of- Februart inst., at 2 o'clock, P.M. of said day, on the premises, the following described ~teahEstate, to wit:--4111 the interest of. James Mc- Keehan;jr. hi a Tract of Land, situate on the Mount, Rock Spring, in Cumberland county, lying part in Westpennaborough and part in Dicktivion townships, and bounded by lands of the heirs bf Br. Wm, Sharp, Beltzhoover, the heirs of Wm. Fergusonmul • (Acre, containing about, Two Hundred and Forty Acres, having thereon erected . a Two Story Stone House and Log Barn. The terms of Sale will be madeitnotly the un dersigned on the day of sale... , Tr•••- • • TOBIAS .34)f-E,RS, • • JOHN - 1 1 1cCLILLOUGEL • . .4seigneet of James: Afelfeeheut, Jr. Febriary 6, 11141-..”4t.• ' • ay. ti'`TEM PERANC.E SCRAPS. . . • If a man beginS to save 'ten cents n day ; when he is 21 yeaiS'olci,,and continues to (to so until he is, 70, he will then be worth $10,9.56-37: . . . • w The HANCELLOR 41.1VORTII says—_ time will come_when retlecting . men aio more think of 4cpAiigintoxicatirigii -quors,Thr Of creating or renting grogihOpS as a me - an of g'ainohan:they l would_now think of :poisoning the well front which their neighbor obtains water for his family, or of arming _a maniac to,destroy his , own life or the lives of others.". . . — lunar PAcioET Bays "Those wIM make or sell ardent spirits •for common use, afe as wicked - as those who make amtsell poi son for the 'swim purpose. The blood of murdered bodies arutsoule will be'reqUir ed at their hands." PUBLIC SALE. • • • • zactiteacowc.... • The_ Subscribers have formed a-Co-parfnership under the name of • . • • • Jacob. Sena. 'iti• Son, - and will, as usual, carry on the • '• HARDWARE BUSINESS, at the old stand in South Hanover : street,nest deur to the public !maim of Mr. John Common, where, • every article in their line may he had on the best • terms. They take this method of informing those indebted on the books of Jacob Benet.", that. an early, settlement of their accounts is necessary. • . • JACOB SEVER, ALFRED SEVER.. Carlisle, Feb. 3,, 1841.---4 t • • • • Triennial ssessment. is iiereby given that the Commissioners 111 of CunTherland county will hold the appeals for the year 18.41, in the different Boroughs and town ships of said county, "at the times and places as pub lished below, for the purposeof heaving .all persons who may apply for redress, and to grant such relief as to thein shall appear just and-reasonable, to wit: ' ..Fltartaroan and 'A/limns townships on . Thursday the 18th „February next, at the public !untie ofJames i Hoover in the bcircutgli of Newville.. '" • Nnw - vmr. and N EWTON, on Friday the 19th at the same place. • „„ 11orswitt., on Saturday -the .20tli at the public .house of:lames Sponslerjn NeWburg. SOUTHAMPTON and SHIPPENSDURG: townships, on Monday the .22(1 at the,public house.of Jacob. Engle - in the borough.of Sbippensluirg, --Borouglrof Siiiii - PENSDUROi on - Tueiday the 23d tlie same place. • :Mein NSON, on 'Wednesilay_the.24th at - the public house ofJosepli Mellinger in Centreville. • WEST PSNNSDOROUGH, on Thursday the 25th at the publicJionse -of George Sheaffer at Mount Rock. - Noirrit DDLETON t FrillSy the 2601 at the Cnimidisioners' officd-in the borpugh of Carlisle. SOUTH MIDDLETON, On Saturday the 27th at the same place. EAST PENNRDOROUOII , en. Tuesday the 2d of March next at the publiC house of Andrew Kreitzer. . . Borough of NEW CUM OERLAND; ADO Wdnesday the 311 at the public house-of Jacob ; Pipist in said bo rough. • A.U.P.,T, on Thursday` the 4th at the public house of DavidSheaffer Shephardstown.. 116 rough Of AftentmesnuttO, 6n Friday the - sth at • the public house of John Hoover in said borough. • Mosnot, on' Saturday the 6th at the publie house of ` Mrs. Paul in Cluirchtown. Borough Of CARLISLE; on.,Mollay. the Bth at. •CommiSsioners' Oka in said barough. ' - SILVER SPI3ING,OII Tuesday tlitt 9th at the iablic • house ofJoseph Grier in Ill•guestown. . -- : •prine4ll Assessors are also notified and re qiiired to :mead at the time and place fixed for the appeal, for their respective bot:oughs • and . townships.. By, order of the Commissioners. • • • 'JOHN IRWIN Clerk. • COMMISSIONERS' .6FFICti , WHOLESALE'& RETAIL Copper, Sheet Iron and .Tin Ware - : rn• • •••• 4%7 • 5... • • .y • • /;.. ijk ania THE SUBSC11:1BFIR, would inform the pill manufacture at his old stun Carlisle, opposite COMM: the line of his business, stn inch Kettles; Dye, K, It, . Iles, House Spouting, andevery Variety of. . . Tin- lirt,tre l ' • " ~i Drums, Stove Pipe, - f ... 1 0 , . Dripping Pans, .4-c. • 1:: ..- • AV He also ofTere,for sale . ...•. - •,.., -p, Cooking, Parlour, • ~:-.;fr ~,-, -: ,.. 4-.-.) :.Clunnber._ and,-Office' - q - - i ----- --- ---- : - - - --=: - -- . -- - stotitti. . or woo; ,or coal, uf every- variet r r -mat pattern--all of which he will dispose ,of on t ie,post reasonable terms. • • JACOB FRIDLEY.' N. B: Henlso has for sale the improved Rotary Cooking Stoles , which arc superior to any ever of fered in this place. J. F. Carlisle, Feb. 3,134.1.--3 m • • Virginia :11,cesbnrg Lottery. Class B for 1841.—T0 be drawn at Alexandria Va. on Saturday . the 20th of Yebruary,l.B4l. GRAND CAPITALS $30;000 - "410 000 • 6,000 Dollar§ 2,500 Dollars • 5,000 Dollars 2,195 Dollars. .• 3,000 Dollars Prizs of.. $4,000. &c. • Tickets $lO--Halves $5.--Quarters $ so. Ceraficatewof Pockagesof $l3O Do. - 25 Half • • - --65- -- Do: •- - -: do .25Qtiarter do' • 3250 1- 50 1, 000 'Dollars !: . • • .• Kr' 5 PriZ - CS - 0f $lllOO,Ol . And Fourteen DraWn Nos. out of Seveniy-fiie.' VIRGINIA MONONGALIA Class B for 1841.—T0 be drawn at 'Alexandria Vu. on Saturday; the 27th of February, 1841. • • ' : 'GR4II 7 I) SCHEME! .. • Five "prizes of $lO,OOO AMOUNTING TO 50,000 Dollars :1-2 prizes of 45 , 0 00-2,500-2,l2oi''' • 25 prizes of 41,000-720 of $5OO-720 of $4OO-30 of $3OO-40 of $25.0 1. &e. - • Tickets slo—Halves ss—Quarters $2 50. Certificates of Packages 025 Whole Ticket:4l2oA • " Do; do - 25 Half. do • - • Do. do '25 Quarter do Irr• Orders for Tickets and Shares or Certifioatea T of Packages in the above Lottery will be komptly , ittented to and the drawing sentlnunediately after it , is over. Address; • D..S. GREGORY, Co.ohlanagerr. • Washington C.. , CERTIFICATES OF : AGENCY • • FOE THE SALE OF , • 113randreths Pegetable Univeri. • • *al Ate held by the following agents in their. respee—' tive- counties. ~ /"As' numerous counterfeits of. these , pills arc attempted to be Palmed•upon the communi— ty, the proprie ty . of purchasing only from tlfe repot , - Mzed agents, will be apparent., Cumberland County—George W. Hitner,Carliidel! Riegel,,,Mechaniosburg ; Gilmore & Wanner, NeWville ;. S. Culbertson,' ShippeaSburg; Hoite.W. Rrenneman,.New Cumberland; IWO Barton-, Lie,' - burn;, M. G; Rupp; Shiremanstown; Hy Riegel &Co., - "Churchtown. Perry .County—Alexander Alfagie, u Woumfiel J. & S.A. Coyle,Landisb9rg'.,-.,' . August 26, ••• ; , • •". IItST RATR-QUALITficOMISVArrij, CieTtly .10t received atpieN ew tott ppens rg, • 411; NOLD ABRAM& I