Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, February 17, 1841, Image 1

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700/17MIO maaaack--.-actvc, a
----(4 l)phe-Receipts,and-Expeochture,s-or:Cumberland-connty„by_the_einnwissioners ofsatdpouq
ty; -- frokri the Ist of January to the - 31st of December, 1840-inclusive,
• 7
, .
' ' TO balance in-bands of Treasurer at fast settlement, _
" - ,rila'nee=orl'axes.:outstanding_• - bmtstlamtaiz - _,184.17 - '''' - '- -- 77 - '..'", -,
Amount of county 'faxes-assessed few 1840, ...
A-Mount of note received of Abraham-Erb, due 15tli Felirua-
. ' . ry, 1840,16,1n/1, . ' -" - • "
. .__:..Thts-sum received-ofJamesElliott„Esq-lor_slrkiy-s4CP, ____.:
.. --- Zearing, Esq. - for do.: do.
. .
. JilC - cib Smiler, Esq. tor do: cow; ".
. • Peter Lehn, collector, error in bill of de
- ficiences. •
A. Blumenthal for old seal of Quarter
..• , •,, •..
• Sessions,
' -.. Moses Wetzel foi• lot of, ground sold
• . 4 . • him by Commissioners,
R. Snodgrass, Esq. forolil paper ease,
• '- ' -- AL-Dawson in part of - costs due by .Ja
-; „ . ' cob Krider, ... - •.• .
_.„ . • , 11. Sibley on 'account • of costs
• , l‘PriVatellJoncs,_ ...
Lieut. Thayer on :account of cost's due
_ • by "Privates . " Jones and Ptilsom,
• . A. S.-AlcKinney,.Esq. Itis_pay_as .mem- .
' ber_ofilouscof_ll4Me - Sentatises dur
'• ' —' ing the"temporarradjourninent-of the
• • Le..,• 4 islature, . • .
' Ahrahatu•Waggoner, Esq. on account of
.- Wagg,otier's Bridge, .
':- - --•---- : Sundry._ persons. for_ taxes_on„unseated .
. lands, , •
---. on - mnsentetlancli,_soldAth June last -13p,
• Commissioners' warrant. - tr
Collector Schutt not assessed in his du
plicate,4 -
' - , , J.. 11. Graham, Esq. dep_uty attorney, ge
• - neva l verdict fees, , ' • • 7 -- - ---
:John Alyei•s, Esq.-late Sherni; for fines ,
— iii — diiilrtiiißiiiirter S6ssi on, Evzi.., . .
- .1. listSbaw for his bond, in full, (on ac
count of bridgCat'Brandt's fording,)
Pees , due county by delinquent 'collectors,
Ofd outstanding Taxes, due County per
..return 'of Treasurer 31st Pecenther,
1840, subject to exoneratiotis, §T.e. with
. the:_amount.aisessed fur 'lB4O, viz:
„ • , Am' C Lupin A minna
To7ollBllipS, F 9 c. - 'Col l ecto r s, l;enr elites foi.' I tl4O ,0 ti Uto ndi )1
Carlisle, . • P.
,Overdeert 1839; . : ".264; 14i
Allen , '.- Jno ltdateer,elB4ol 1,836 05. *•
310 05
- 'Carlisle . , ,Jiro Wetzel; sr 1' • 1,469 Go?, '
Dickinson _. - Geo Marti pt.- t- .7 . ” .1,837 801 *
_325 49.1
n. reumm„,.... .r...-, --.•-. . !
. Frankfort! S M'Dow'ell' , 520 57i- - 111 29i
. 'Hopewell ' W S Renshaw 416 241 .. • • *
- Mifflin - HDDeflhonsen . 429 16
Monroe ' John 'loused% r
,;,..1,389 - 01 427 74
Mechanicsburg Lewis Selma. I 2431 58
Newton - Joseph lrwiu i , ..' 975 38
N. Middleton David Wolf , 1 ;496 741 i
Newville . - John Vance . l6s' 65
, S• 'Middleton Jae Goodyear} 1,861 55 . 4434 55
Southampton James Kel se 1,105 72 . 205 72
, Silver Spring John Trimbla' .• .... 1,860 29 - 950 29
----Shippensburg-D Johnevismtelr 359 22.1,. 48 22i,
do . 'T Danl Kenowerlf . 778 76 1 108 76
W. Peimsboro' Isaac-Lefever 1 1,450 70-; • • • '
k.- . . I --- ---1
To hainneg in hands of TreasUrer,
Since paid in full
~ince paid on account-=—Peter Overdecr;
:lobo !looser,
• Daniel lienoweri
. John Trimble,
. Jacob Goodyear,
. .
it ,
I . 3 .W ve c, n t o li d t.
statement of
C ', T., 1: 1 ,.. lie fi ccipts and Eticiiilittircs of the county fur the term above stat
'4 / f 1(' -.4.1k. cd, as also of the several Tales ass. , sseil for the county during the
o 'h_ i i;• - aforesaid year, with the amount of fees and, extmerations allowed'
"iriri during said year, and the balance of oolstanding Taxes (11.1.4 by the
severateollectors, as above stated, according. to the best of our knowledge and
judgment.. . . . • •
.:::-Witness_ourlandS and the Seal of ofilee-nt Carlisle, the' 4th-day-of January,
Attest, . •
Carlisle, Feb. 3,1,
IVater Proof Boots, Ladies. and Gentlemen's
CiliershOes, Children's Gum and Leathei• Shoes, and
every other deioription L of Boots &nil Shoes, for sole
unusually the Hat and Shoe store opposite
SimonWontlerlich's Betel.
Dec. 23,
„ .
Why Dr. HARLICIPS Compotind Strengthening
yind9erman Aperient Pills are Used by all classes of
. :pent!le, itsprefereneto otherMedicines,because . they
:are peepared from a p ure *
extt of herba,.:Ly
some medicine, mild its opeiatiorrand pleasant in
its.effectl,the most certain preserver 'of health; n safe
And effected Cure of Dyspepsia, or • Indigestion ; and
all Stomach Complaints, a preserver and purifier of
tthe wisiffe system.
''-neCtiuse they soethe'nerves 'of sensibility and : for?
Aify the nerves of motion, imparting to their most sub
- Aile.fluidits pristine toile, thus giving strength and
.clearness of mind.',
• Beiatule'they'neier destrorthe coats of the stomach
And titint' els, as all strong' purgatives do`. •
Because science and experience teach us (bat no
mere purgative alone will cure the disease of theSto,
mach and Nerves. Weaknest is the: primary cause of
a bolt of diseases And , - by contitiuly r esorti ng to Dri,is—
tic piligdiVes, you make .the diseases much worse,.
instead of better. •
liarlich'sMedicines art put tip upon the.
beortinion seuseprinci tile, to "cleanse and sts , engthen,',!
which is the only course to purple to effect - cure:- ,
• . • ,
Because these Medicinet really do cure the disease
ifelt4hiab they are recommended. Prindipal Office fon,
Abel/lilted States, at No: 19 North Eighth, street, Phil
-,ddelphia.'ta i s
150, for ide by J. J. Mvers,St Carlisle; and
'Win. POOL' Shippensburg, Pan. 1841,1n-fft,
- - - .
TEl2utplg---. ' r -Logw
o6: o l,'Arazilletto,lJar(aaieovatder, Min,Coeliieal
um Pyeißlue Yiplol, pcipperafT,lmpgo;oill qf Vit. : ,
.iirl . 6l,qvitrle It'aild,l{lurjutie da., Solut,ton,of Tin ; . te
ItliciTeivill be sold Eel fcir:Cath, by .
- - , , ~ - . ' , , ' S. 1:1,110TT.'
. . - •
. . ,
' . . '
, .
• .
* , • „ . . .
. „
. „
OBEUT—SNOD GRA-SS-,—)Csqfir-Imeasure
$3,121 55
p 1 ',406
-$.913 '29
$ 35 00
255 00
56 00
.V 3 00
• linpuraike,..lia - iiist — lFire
Nortiz : losurance -Compaitu,•
Philadeldhiar •
CAPITAL $600,000. •
MINE above company through their - r. Agency in
Carlisle,? still continues to insure alt kinds of
property in this and.the adjoining counties at the
lowest rides. The
.usual riolt on .stene or brick
hodies ai , erages algid $4.-pbt•einnuM'citi each thous.
sand insured,andn stock,of inercliandize consisting
of dry gOcls, groceries, and the usual-assortment-of
.cOnntiTstere, will be insured at the same rate. -
PropertY7li6lllll4,", auttamerchaiits,--genbreVN
throughout: :this, and the Adjoining counties, will,
please give the above notice attention.- Application
can be made either by letter-or" in person to , the sub_ .
scriber in Carlisle.
JOliN J.. Mtn: .
Dec. 3, 1840:-.3tri.-
- - -
It is made known to us front the 'bills of mortality;'
that tWo:thirds of the huMlin finnily die annually from
(hat fatal destroyer"Consumntion Wmild patients
pay, mere, regard to their health, and procure proper
-remedies at the firkattack s mauy_valuableli sea would
be wired to the enjoyment oftheir dearest frientliiiiiif
relatives.. It is a well knownlact that''.llr, Swaytio's
CrornPoutitl Syrup of Wild Cherry." will arrest the
dangerous - disease. This Medicine ',line oVed. its.
efficacy in thousands of Cities.. The very many cer
tifiCates-received,_rinalathersemniniulatiotni. from
country agents, who sell this medicine thion - glE•ait - the
Tidied Slatea,is truly astonishing;: l o4;speak from
miler, prowl; witnessing.the cures-tti their own vicin
ity; : This certainly_ is sufficient convince
to Convince the Most skeptical of the wonderful , effi- -
caey of this invaluable medicine. Will patients any .
' , Mire be duped-by- inexperienced compounds ; re
commended by ignorant, pretenders' an! oure-ulls,"
Which they Well know is
. both ,ruinous to the health
and constitution,
Principal Offiee, for the' ,United States, No. 19
North i t • • •
For sale , bfFKJ:,-.4.-MYera lk. Co..,,Carlislr; and
Wm Peal, Shippcnsburg,-pa:. 1.,840-.;;9t
.. . -
By. nniount paid out on:oiders t §ze. Re follows, to wit
A itnesses fees in COirinionwealth suits
19;ibt4 . .fi
Justices - • do
D,on6tbles • do
-rand and Traverse Jujori pay;
Public Printing;
• .Auditors pay for 1859,
County *Jail:and Penitentiary, sundries furnished priio
Repairs and .IncidentaLexpefise9 of public buildings,
• Lever seal press, repairs, &e. for Prothonotary's office,
-Furnishing and repairing DoCkets.fer do do-.____
• Paper 'case and cellar steS for Reister's office, •
_ .41ex..t0 xendne papers for do do
Two seals and repairs for Qr. Sess. and Weenier's office,
.Furnishing and repairing Dockets for •do -do
COtistables - returns to court of Qr. Sess.,
Inquisitioni on dead bodies, - 2 2 00
James 11. Gralttn, - Dsq. Dep'ty Att'y Gen: fees ht Qr. Sess.,- '5O 50
General, Presidential, specinl and township election, pi- •
--pensesSor_.lB4o,.: . 1,465' 213
Assessors pay. fon .1840, • . • l7l 50
Taxes - refunded, • . • 29' 53'
. -
Eastern State Penitenti a ry---support of.convicts, _ ' 432 90
D. Coble and J. -Rupp, Eqrs..., State 'Road Commission-
50 00
1 26
5 24}
9 00
15 00 '
14 00
79. 00
505 00
28 93
.. 74 04
,:- 2 25
8 00
. ~
, -
ers pay,. - 78. 00
panpges awarded on roads, .
Directors of the poor---for support of paupers for 1.840 -- - - . --- 5,000.00
Michael Snell in full foririaildiug Waggoner's bridge; . l. AO 00 —
• do for services in repairing Diller's bridge, . .
228 09
500 00
Al 25
. .
.. Jacob Zeigler for repairing Newville"bridge; • • ' 50 00
losephr LaiShaw• -- ici -- fon- for-building-bridge - at , Brancitls...=—_,. L.::-.- - _ - ___
fording, , . 1,450 09 -
`"Jolin Murtiorfl or repatring,WaggiMer's bridge, . • . 82' 27 ' •
:.' James II: Graham, Esq. Commissioners' Attorney, • 50 00
Joseph.Lobachi Esq. ke`eper of Penitentiary, . ''' • 2OO 00 •
Willis Foulke, Esq. fees in' Qr. Sess..:6ce... :' -: . . 43 37
_ Robert C - .'Sferrett, Esq. pay .as Commissioner in full, - - .03 50
John Cornman, Esq.' do • db - for 1840, : 169 50 .
- Alexander M. Kerr, Esq. .do -do • dO ' 148 50
:. • Michael Mishler, Esq. Flo • . do from Sd Nov. ' ..''' - -
. ...
. ' till 31st Dec. 1840, inclusive; ..
:34 50
• hill} Illv,ilq , §94;ioX!l ll ll4.ittnral,elerk...... , . - goo 00
Samuel Eckles , Esq. -.• do • •do __do - 5 O 5O 00
' Abr'm Waggoner, Esq. do - . do •- do •' 30 00
George Beetem, Esq. late Sheriff, fees in Qr. Sess.; Sze. 38 41
Jelin Myers, Esq. late •. do support of prisoners, &c. 814 10
George SandersOii, Esq..Frothonotary'sfees, - 18 69
Orders for killing foxes, • -''' 10" 40
Viewers of 'Roads and Bridges, .- 229 87
Whole amount paid out,
Commission allowcd - Treasure,_____
- 7 .-
Exonecations'ali r owed Collectors,' _____
Fee's . -do * do , •
Balance of taxes due by .Collectors of 1838, and 1840
\ - •
$25,173 3i
'Balance in hands of Treasurer,
We, the Auditors of Cumberland county, haying: examined
the. several. neeouks and vouchers of Hobert
.Snodgrass, Esq . .
Treasurer of-said county; from the Ist of ilanuary tolhe at sTof
DeceMber, A. D. •1840 ; inclusive,•do repOrt and -certify that we
find a balance due said county, by said Trpastirer, of three thou
sand eight Jiundred and thirty-seven dollars and forty-five and
three-fourths emits, - as abovo.stated. •
Given Under our. handS at Carlisle, the 20t1vof hmudry, A.
-11-15 - ±rj: • , • ------ -
fo - r the ProjirietO 5 in Carliste s , Camberland-Count;y s . Pa:
THOS. 11. 13 ItitrrON,
Having added a 14,rge•-itstiorttnent of goods to my
fornn.r stuck, bff the same - at, graatly re
(limed ktees for cash: . . •
Persons whihing to supply themselves with very
cheap • Cloths, Cassimeres; • Caisinetts, Plannels,
Vesttngs ) 31(16 noes, 13eaverteens, Cal icoes,..flortiba
,z,ines; &c. &c. &c. will do well to eallots I tun de
termined to sell R 9 loW, if not lOWer, than any estab
lishmentin the borough. -
At. the old ,stand, opposite Simon Wooderlichts
.flotelo „ , . ,
pee: 23, tB4O
DR. vvitts , sooTRING, sYrtur n
• -_ •
the from eff ects o • rotracted
Itrequires no argument to conyMee 'you that all
"Little Children" suffer Ifootier ot: later. frent the of.;
.fiets•Of Teething; kind PrOtectera may
easily perceive from the following symptoms. Rest
lessness, sudden fits of crying, fretfid,feveritkand
sleeps but little, tbrustsitti fingers into, its mouth and
'bites, thereby seeming to obtain relief, frequentlY at
tended with cough, difficulty of breathing, bowel•
complaint, inflammation of the eyes, and sores • be=
hindthe.eara, uotrvulslonS, &c... '1 hose who have the
.eare of these'" little ones" should - niiift;r be Without
'A/r..Paris , Celebrated American Soothing Syrup,"
Or Children Cutting T - eeth i by which :they'ean pro:
vent many alarming symptoms Oich , pften prove far
,Thousands of mothers and MirSeican.testinito the
immediate effects of this invalnable Byrup, when ap
plied to the.guras, lie child wakes with,rin in its
.gilniS;_the,SYrUp when' stiplied, gives immediate
ease, by "opening the pores' , andlefiling the gttns,
thus preventing 'O4O/Widens, Ece. to the happiness,
and enyiyMent of their,l4ind protectorsp
Remember, nll the gthutine . Medic:the expresses
thison tlielabel=only junco where
thig ; Arqdicine can be °bud neel,:is;inf i the.Mcdfi e uil Of
icc.Wo. IQ NAM' Eighth. street, iitlcl acheertieed
'Olits to the country. . ,
.-Irot4.llnle)y.Dr. J. J. Myers &r., Carlislef and
.PeaLSl4l;PenlkUrg, Pn•
MANTILLAS °fa' new stvloatist-reeeiveitat tlie
New Fitorejn Sliippenihueßtokod for sple by
watommomaz ummizrams. ahuQue,autt afh aaa.
45 53
2,287 75
----229-28 i
29 12}
40 75
SO 00
' 60 14
• 65 81
75 94
$18,128 98
• 1,117 092
3,421' 55
$21,335 971
3,857 4754.
.gii~ilot~s. - •
Proof the New York 4pwrican... •
Forelirn Raetibles -
- v .Entruninou,pctober, 1840.
We have jitst returng from a delightful
rtue—c—Rosum-CA ST --` -Pile excellent
friend ' whose hosp italities we are enjoying,
employs, for the pArstose an
resell, one of the - fooms in, the -old,struc
ture,--where__we had a pic-nic dinner tO-day.
$l4l 64
The Castle is nboift, - ..seveti wiles from _
inburgh, on the ,baa of the Esk,—a mos,t
Itinkaritie — spot; redoknt-of-legendary assn-.
cations and , naturaliheauty. .. l Are left bur
carriage at a little inft in the village of Ro
slin.:,:farneus_for,a,AisitAurlts paid to it
after a Weary troll over the Pentland
on which.oceasion, titer enjoying the am
ple eheerof the hoitessi.he;.seribbled the
following testimonial on-one - lof her:ll6l'ler
Plates :
29.3 00
61 50
"My.,hlessing on ye, honett-w4f .
lne'ar was hero before:
• •
Ye'i;e Widen' gear for spoon and knife,
--lfeart,eoulinnt✓wish for foorp.
- • leavenkCep ye c!eali o' start and strife,
Till far nyont fourcitore,
And, by:the Lord o' death and fife,
I'll 'n'c'er gne 6ye your dobr."
-..--Puoillurnsl-sad reflection that he-should
.'so- - often have prostituted • his -muse, to the
praise of 'lap-rooms and Scorch Whiskey,
and finally drowned his fowering - genius . in
the intoxicating bowl! - • -'
We - - - sperit aii hourin - surveying thornins
611?oslin Chapel, founded in. 14.46,-a most,
singular relic :of antiquity, which .is thus
spoken of by 111r.-.Britton, the celebrated
Architect: ."This I believe,,inay
it will beloniiillentiouS . elabOrate acid sin`=
gulaiinteresting. The Chapels of King's
College, St. George,' and Henry VII., are
all conformable the styles of the
ages :when they. were erected,' anil
these styles Misplay a gradual advancement
in lightness and profusion of ornament ;-
but the Cliapc.l at
,Itoslin combines the
solidity ot 'the Norman with the minute
decoration of the lateit species of the Tu—
dor age. It is impoSsible to designate the
or himiimpluf this building by any given
tricity of its rnro!',7•:=..m.i4e.tsr• .eccon.,
words of coinmon acceptatiOn. I ask-some
of our obstinate antiquaries how they, would
apply eithei the term Roman, Saxon, Nor
man, Gothic, Saracenic, English or Gre
cian, to this building?" So far, the learned
Mr. Britton. As tq, my unlearned, self, I
can only say, that it was one of the stran
gest and - most curious specimens of archi=
tecture I ever saw; and worth a day's jour-,
ney to f look at. The guide, who gels a liv
ing by showing this rare lion, seemed pom
pously aware of the iminensity,.of his sta
tion. Ile flourished about with a long pole,
and recited' at least a dozen orations, con
cerning different portions or the edifice,
barbarous Gaelic, to the great, amusement
The lords' of Roslin lie buried .beneath'
the pavement of
,the, Chapel. The guide
pointed to a figure on one ..of the stones,
representing an effigy Of a warrior with a
greyhmind crouching to his, feet, and
lated to us the following story (as,translated
to us by our host.) This is the monument
of Sir William de St. Clair,.baron'of Rol
lin. He was one day hunting with King
Robert Bruce, when a (leer was started on
Roslin Moor. St. Clair •wagered his
head tliat hii 'hounds, Help-and-Hold,:
would overtake the deer and kill it. ere it.
crossed the burn of March.. Vie animal
bounded nijnbly forward towards the burn.
and just,When it:was about to leap across
the little stream—the dogs elose:upon, his
=Heels—the-bartmArcrubledioi_his:fate; - :_titt:
ttere - (1 ---- lifiy - e - r - ant,l'a=- - VOVIataA1 1 9t4 irg
Mary;_: add Sating - his - agony
cried to his foremostheund;
Rap, hand, an'„ye play,
Or Roslin will lose his head this day !
_Help,_beinvinspired by the virgin-or
ses (it is a, disputed point which) flew
through the air and cau.ght the deer before
it touched the Opposite shore, .and down
they.caMO in the-brook. The baron „was
so terrified, that ho Jest his reason - for,the
moment, and seizing the faithful Help,
killed NM on' the spot.
So said,atleast,our 'mountain guide,
Tho''decji, perchance, the villain lied
,Scme two
, centurieri ago, a superstition
prevailed among the people living; ii the
neigliblitliniffd - of. --- Roslinoliat—when „, any4of
the lords ,were. about to die - ,•.the chapel aii=
peered as ifyi fire. Express yOur doubts
of,this to the:guide, and he will shake his
head and roll np, the whites of his-eyes, as
if .to,eaf, ‘!Mon, , ye :are . no better than ye
should, ; • Sir AN alter •Scott'alludes :te
this: legend :in - tbe:Lay of the Kalif
Seem'd all on fire that chapel prutid,
NVlkeiv Boalin'i3 chiefs uncoliirMlie, H - 1
Ench Baron; for a sable shroud
,1 ' 'sficalhed . ,in his iron panoply; •
• Seemed all on fire witiiiii:proniid, • ,
, • 'beep filickisttrind nlter's'ide4
' Shone •ev'er . } , pintir ' •''
And glimmei'd nil ifie•dead, •
‘ siolting„. to
. .deekir,„7.4
Some a the`marvolons.penple' it(tbe 1444
. tlOt preseot lord .dces,not
rtteep. the,'„rnin in 00,4, order 1 . .jo,iv,eyer,
found very., comfortable apprtinent
'milli, And table spread Most
Stith: viarids, .to .virhieh, our appe,
tiles, .sharpenoct. y a long ramble, did
complimentary justice.' .This pleasing task
completed, - we wandered' an : hour'
the valley of thit'Esk, over whose deep,
wild -glen,.tlie.castle, bangs; We strolled
down.the picturesquestream towards Haw;-the-spot.7w-heii---Drummondi-tire
Scotch poet of Ben -,Johnson's.aiid:Shaks
peare's time; lived. He' erected the pre
sent house, Which ; on this: account, is
visited yearly by thousands of the admi
rers of :his genius.. •The location is, our
-passingly -beautiful--the.yerriap-ol- ru- :
ral felicity.. Here. the poet caught those
,first,glimpses of the winding Esk, and the
lofty Pentland Hills; - which ffe - 6fre - rwar • :
immortalized' by the effusions of his pen.
11fr.' Chambers; of Edinburgh, relates-the
:fellewing anecdote. of 'Drummond. • In
1019, Ben* Johnson . walked all the way
from.Landori _on foot, . tO Ace .I).rumitiOro at
this his paternal residence. Regarding this
Visit, tradition records' a' circumstance so
characteristic and so probable, that I . can
not brit lielieve truth. - -Drummond;,it
is said, on -seeing Johnson approach Ilk .
house ; _: wont out, like a . good landlord, 'to
the.outside of his gate,iir order to bid him.
Welcome;, 'according to form, - under :she
sha_de of his - trees: As he shook the dra
matiitby the han - d, le exclaimed in Mock
heroic style, • -
" Welcom, welcom, royiil Ben !"
`l'o which
Johilsian_ answertd
In - auctrway' as to -malce up. a- ll acibrastig
doll • -
, • • ":I'llunk•yei thank ye, Haw thorndeti
The poets enjoyed the pleastic of each
other7s,sodiety for a considerable di - net-and
te• stranger will scarcely visit, without
ernotion,lhe -place - where, in._the - words of
Collins, - -
--"Jolinsoa sat In Driimmondl's classic sliade."
After .a limy glance at Ilawthernan„ we
returried=to--tlii:-CUO-tre-,-i:Cfre-shed ourselves,-
repaired to the inn, and taking our carriage.,
"drove tlfrougli - a Scotch evening mist- to
Edinburgh, where I_-am now seated, in a
quiet parlor, before, a cheerful-fire.
- Yours, -
DUEL. •_
Ariother milooked for . iermination to
intended tragedy occurred some yetifii ago
at .Ports Mouth. - Captain Adamson was
constantly . complaining
.that - his-:subaltern
Cut fhb more - nee
for his' heing accosted with the- deference
due to his age and superior rank, the more
waggiehly familiar would 11 id ley 'a language
.and manner become. •
Adamson; for a considerable pertion of
his life had held some post at an isolated
coiner of One of our West India Islands,.
and being the 'head , Utickra,' while there,
acquired an. idea of his own importance,
with which, on his revisiting Britain, lie
was reluctant to part. Ile was, in the .
main, however, a kindly disposed person,
but very illiterate, and not over-blest • with
natural sagacity; yet despite the constant
freedom of Ridley, the Captain was never
so lippy--as,when-inllissub's. society.
---- 0 n - o - day, - me venirel ows - a the—superior
opined 'that his lieutenant had carried the
joke toe far. The head:,and front of hips, ;
offending was that-of having called Adatt--
son 'Jimmy,' in the presence of some la
dies, at whose house the Captain flattered
himself 'that he was a welcome guest, not
only from' his amusing convemtion, but
from his rank in the-army,
`l(ever.yon presume to call me-so tau
I shall take serious notice of it," he sput
tered;--`James-would be,quite_bad_enon'gh,_
.young-sir;but Jimmy--.-it is net•to be borne
show-you that-I , could; if I Bk . -
ed, bring .you - to a court martial"for using
language to your-superior, unbecoming the
characters of an omcer and a-gentleman.'
--- 1 -CoUrt maVtial_indeed replied_ Ridle ';'
ry. iny_ olk boa Why YOtflaelr tno w n
by-thenicame,olAiturny,_thidli*gliFe7 ,
but I believe you were christened Jimmy.'
'I shalknot bear this insolence; you shall
hear front roc.'
A friend of the Captain's waited on Rid. ,
le-y,lnfortninOtim that . his
.presence was
expected on South Sea Common, at the
hourof eight on the fellowing morning.' •
Defore• the 'clock struck; Ad'amson„
'second, and , a surgeon, to, show that the
bold' challenger was determined to, bring
matters to a sanguinary issue, were- soon
on the' ground. The mornin g - was raw
and Cold, a heavy- . sea•lniSt came rolling
over the 'flat„,tnueh to thediscomfituro of
'offe"whp was so long. in the, tropics, .The
trio remained at their, post for an hour,:,)iet
'Ridley came noti'then
unnecessary trouble, -took
. leeve2-m - them
end-Made 1) . 6• i5. , 4•,-,0; the - liniracitS . , breaths
-jog votes 'of_ rengefince egaitMt . thW'men
Whose conduct had forced hini . : to seek ;the
only Meani . left of securing future, respect,
titit•wh6'hail.dhinuk' from giving hint any
satiSfeetiOn; 'instead:of the:nir and
EiXeiTisi had given' him, 4:,leFoi(iii§:"We;-
'tite,' his :inWerd men, betOlten - fty Ce.4Siti
granblinge, that 'he. regitires liis morniiii
rnenl With posOhle.
hat' is the reagon - of this n
glect,eirr -demanded he of 'the 'serynot..: •
came—nnireeid hew ivnen't to get
bretikfait'iend - ,Y, but When Cittile'froM
your Walkl., - viati'to.'giveyou
Adieriielin ,• glanced it: the note -presented
it tit as'iti' Ridlev'ct: hand ' Shine 'new
suit; doubtless; he' dared net - openit;
even, hia.„'seil4iiit Was
Desiring' the- Me'n''M' i
broke - OM sent,'.ind
. . 4 - 1,/t/ Dear r Mad you
think that I should bp such ,a fool as to
leave my warm bed to go out in_the clamp
ditfor the purpose of _shooting nt you
Lord lOile your dear stupid head Did I
establish iffy. - cliaradterirlirspaiiffer - moth. ,
Ask-,any-man-in:the-se mice--whe titer-
I can't afford_to•refuse fighting with .my_
James. . I•hOpe the sea breezes hive
ed your fever-and "made you hungry. .1
have breakfast ready for tea,
coffee, h0t,.,r0115,. broiled ham, eggs, and
-w-haLI-knoW- 7 -you=doat:- . 9 7 tOtStri,
stuffed witli.;bird's eye pepiiera - ,: Mine
along at ,once, or by ihb god of . war, I shall
vait for-you-half- as long_as__you were.
fool. enough to cool your heels expecting ;
tain? my dear friend, Jimmy. Inipossible!
' , Yours, as ever, FRED. RIDLEY.
_you „don't make I9ste your.
West India faVorite will be overdone.' .
Perfectly astonished 'at - this 'epistle, half
dying : with emptiness, and - iiiiiiiiiiiiiii a
ift - rolig regard - for the, offender, Adamson
did not think ,it necessary to-deliberate,
but went direct to., his subaltern's'. roam,
the savory steam of the - vianAs• urging hiS
steps; ho tapped at the door. '
'Mr. Ridley,' attempte - d Adaiifson„ l this
IS - 7 - very - e;traordinary-=-,
••OEVarm yourself; -
• really ought to be offettded,,,litit—'.
• _ I .Eat,) lin •
You •are - jOlt - e; that
'Drink, Jimmy.'
interrupted the Captain's_ ever}
speech by plying him with good- things;
and-When he saw that" . the gravings of ,na
.ture Were- satisfied, slid' to him in a tone .
of mock gravity---;... - •
..'qNew my dear - Jimrny, take my adviee,
'keep thiselittie
,piece Of folly entirely to
- youisclf, of you will be _laughed atmore
The butt did not taliclitia.
was to his- unwisely detailing -the particu
lars that the garrison owed the diversion
occasioned' by the story •of this defeated
duel. , •
Aratießekrient.—A late numbor.of the
London Foreign Quarterly Review= makes
known for the first time to English readers
some of the particulars'of the Russian Ex
plorin,g,expeditionjoilyt-&-11--- - --•'
Ocean. "" , and dogs,
ovor-vne me, - aritronen a considerable dis
tance from the . shore, under the charge of
Lieut. Van Wranzel,- and occupied nearly
five years, amidst the severest hardships.
The sufferings of the party-from cold, even
in the. mild season, were very distressing..
Asa sign of the severity of the cold, it is.
stated that in- one _of- their night encamp
ments, mutiled up and protected by warm
clothing and furs,_ice-waslormed between
their stockings on their feet from the - vapor
thrown off by the. shin; chronometers were•
useless; the .drop ()flail within the works
could not bb kept fluid by. any precaution.
in a temperature often forty degrees, tielow
the . .....iero of
_Resumer—equid to . fifty.-eight
degrees below_the_zero_elliahreii4 , it.
. The result of the : expedition ,may be
generally. having traced the boon
-dories of Asia in - their highest northern
latitude, and, connecting with the English
discoveries and examination, - as demonetra
ting.a.continuous sea or expanse of water
of indefinite extent bounding the conti
nents on the north anri entirely roimil. the
World. TIM 'problem remaining to be
'solved. is,,whether there be in still higher
northern latitudes, beyond' the belt of ice
Whieli7Skirtilhis coast, a - popular continent
or large bOdy of land. It has been found
in all latitudes; that beyond a comparative
ly small distance from the coast, the-polar
sea' sLaliroys - open and free of• ice. This
distance rarely exceeds •sixteen English=
- ortilesi-and-theLeoneurrent - -2-reports.:_of4hel
atives-ofthese-frozett-regions,oLdi trere
tribes la the liigli `SiGe~tait==as tsclf as `in
the American latitudes, lead to the:impres
sion that there is- land, and ,inhabited land,
not many miles across this water; and
'around the poles of the earth.
One of the riatural - Curioaities-whieh-this
region has presented to. every traveller is'
particularly noticed in the 'account of Van
Wianzel! It is the prodigious
quantity oflthe
_bones of the mammoth
which are foutid. 'The farther north the
greater is the quAntityi_and sortie of the'
Asiatic Arctic islands' are found to he com
posed of little more than a mass of mam
motli'bones, For eighty. years, Siberian
traders have been.earrylug them away by.
ship - loads, and they are still apparently
.undiminished. ~ The like phenottenon of
tclime of
imtuensu unthitudes of these %e - rticiefons'
WarrrOdocided animate' aPteurs- along the
'whole northern coast of Asia and . Americia
and affords seo.po for..a great deal cif. seien
iific..speculation upon knuntrak:his . tciry of•
the eartiCiiid the ,most curiouS.brinich,ei of
geology.... • - • ,
C4vpQN:-=-liever.; gozn . ny-disianeo.trom
home these times, to eollert•money, how
evey leige the dues. tO.yeit, without 'taking
along °novel .t.) defray - yeur expenses- A
fri,eutte.ouys:;negleeto this attd•bud to:bor
row enough to bring.itheziwki----,,..L.' • '•
. Itis a- gen.l plan to pu earthen ware
into cold,. worn', an i f ibt,
until it Voils=then4g4n:
eitrthen'wtre, 'in
.eur,netlid!, may
.fie tquj;h^
ened . in:,lthief
Mteat •hraii„
preserve thethat it \i•ill-iiot:be
IIaCY? capaiamo. APO o 49--zaa.
‘ ThoNe who matte candles will find it a
great.i mptovement to steep the %vac ts in
`lime - water--and--saltpetre. and dry, them.
not "rim."
Do not wrap knives and forks in ' wool
ens. ,Wrap them in strong paper. Steel
is injured la: lying in woolen.
ollener7eaipefi - arlitha„ken, - th(rfeic.:
ger ilieyfl"l - v6ar;' the dirt - that collects
under them wears out the threads. • •
. .
• . I.4rittania *Ware: el - could be first. rubbed
gently with a .wdolen cloth and s.wet.::
- antribenSli - ed in warm suds; aiid - ru!ibed
with soft leather and whiting. Thus it
will retain its beauty .to the Jut.- - • . :
A little. girl iibierving 'goose tivrtli a
yoke on, exclaimed, "why, ma, there's a
-goose got corsets on. It looks like-sister-
Sally! .
for one term," as the fellow- •said.
when the - . judge sentenced the state
prison for life. •
-- If you wish to prederve fine teeth, al
.iva3S clean theiii . --tliorouglily- after your
last meal aknight. . ,
. .
• Gen.' Harrison unquestionably belongs
to.the,elass . .or w.orkingAnen,,justilow,rras
he is , .engaged in the' Cabinet making bu-
. .
I ° N& - AO)late_,S d es . Millei says—Put it drop
of spirits of turpentine.on the spot where ,
theilole is to be mints, and in tire middle.
of this drop a small piece of cairlphot,—.
The hzle, l ,then can be made' without. diffi
cult by means of a well tenepered:berer,
"cfritiatfgular.file. Solialurpentine - answers
,Intipathies.-r—Tljere is; perhaps,-some.
thing more,.of-serious fact than poetry in
the-following rhymes: • •
1 hate long stories, and short. ears of coriv, •
A cOstly_lionAouse-inul a shabby barn ;
More curs than, pigs, no books, but 'tunny guns, •
Corned toes, tight boots, old -debts, and Gaper dunes
1 hate tight lacing-and Dose conversation,
AbUndant gj . iboind ; _ -
TiniGOl - Whiisings in bed,'-iiiitr snores in meeting,
Who laughs while talking and-who talks while eating.
MARINO tiurrun.---I...very noiner • win,
makes his own butter, will be glad to learn
how to make the most from milk, and at
the same time- produce an article of - good
quality. Putting. a 'pint of cold water-dur
ing the summer •months into each pan .of
milk when „strained from. the cow, will
materially ailf desirable objects. The
milk- will not sour as quick,. and the cream
will rise more perfectly.
This may do - •sery. well for butter, but
Some of these who sell milk; use quite
much-wider now, as is necessary.
POUTINCIROONIB-:-J- The - late:-Pro--
sident John Adams in.hia correspondence
with-1I r-. Gunßingham,- gives -the-fidlowing.:__
—a thing that might possibly be found use- .
ful and:slilutary in ninny dwellings. , •
•"What, is a Boudoir? It is a Pooling :
Room . And what is a Pooling' RooMl
In many gcnilemen'ef houses in France
there is an apartment of an octagonal forth.
twelve or fifteen feet aeross,.aad - thirty r six
-forty-five feet- round, and all the eight-_
sides, 'as welt as :the ceiling .above, are all
of the most polished glass mirrors; so that
moil stands in the centre of a room .
he sees himself in every-ditection, multi
.plied into a row of-sells;-asAr . es the eye
e an•extend. The lttinthr, of leis that when
she is angry or .when ski weeps - Without a
cDAL K,, she may be lucked up in this chan - T-7
herto pout, and sec in every direction :116F .
beautifill is;"
these days, when
boarding schools fur young ladies are tle
voted to the fashionable olu ie§ of the day,
—suck as cotichology, ornithology, ictity
-ology, zoolugy„and_socklikeov_e_propose_
an aditiQual seienee, as'a finishing tonalt
to young
: ladies' .education, viz: .V)inolo
gy. Our grandmOilters'of, olden 'time.
tine made good,.Nvives for patriotic Men
that aollieved our independent: knew hoiv
to spin. They iver6 r too, e ert ai weave
()logy; mid as to cook-oltigy, - none of the
learned ancients could go ahe,Aid of them.'
As a •Conseque - thefe,lijoyed
gOcid..heaith and seen titings . as - dYspepela
anti consiimptiokiibro seldom known.-
But in modern times.'those. Sciences do
Minrirable. to the ma irons of the .;Re'volo.
huh, hi a ve - gunr - out-of-datev-4-lameAabla:
dcgetie'racy, tkod:tuoroUtes
Tollooled; :Then the cpuittry:liad.wonieri. -
,4pvii Females._ 11100; *,IL
. •
.. . . . . .
If our fashionable schools carnet be. in
41iceil: je establish deft:is:noon - 01 In. epinekt•
gy, 'wen 't•ealogy, and the ;like, nre:.:woltld
suggest" ;that; some worthS7.Suutrons, 7 —if . "Ni
iiumb,er,'coalified fOir the business can: be
iIS.O 90,.., 7 ,-should go-into oufeitiesetid-townik
anil set np:spintlitilksehoolit ie . teaclisy . oung
ladies—,not '.,liow . to spin s,ireet ,yuritt.i tb is
at e t they. have ..generally . iciiievpr: Slr.astlirt •
.but - : 'gootl . substantial wpol:en&linee r .ini:ti'
i.iiork,w o oMantike, mannet., ~, , This,!elkoulti
t!olieepitOtory to 'alliglt Selninqoi:tettalet
. 0g the 401" 10f.kOpyip444,ctit ef. , weletr,
iiig; -.00 when, t.l4eVi?'oV.r: become , Ilro&'
,; , c.19 i
*,414 4.c,41 Oh : it. 094' 'i kilt:Al:o4p .-.0,t, mki
' ;091 r, ) 31) oit tit , spit Ott9 ~ ikettlA(kik-4Milat
1 Alf (milt; :With' ' the honorary' - deste;n:.•ol. F.
•W'.—Fit for IV i res,,-.2,41a ine: tt`tiitir.otor.