GI • • • L 0 0 K 11 ER E! 01.-1.111- • The. Suhscribern ntY.:r theirjOiseni:SttWk . of \l,•r ehandize at rethiceil pricer, and will continue: at ;•nclr prices until All :is s, Id A lar6e' iloytion thele Stook is offered-at Cost. . • HITNER & .MULVANY. Dec,..30, 1840. • • ,tl7- 913 H E Stibseriliet wishes to purchase K IVA hiVUT:PLAXIC,in any (111211.- • „tity that may . be offl;i•ed; for 1' lick Forty Dollars cash per thousand feet plank: cowry will be given. • , Said Plank „to' be of goo quality; two. inches and " • odeeighth fu thickness nd, fouOcen 'feet fon cinches • inlength. To - be d vexed at the Canal in Flarriii•- • burg, or at:any it on the Cumberland Hail • ' . Road, and in edinte Information forwardt4l . to the subscriber . • • • • cal - • • y other• information relaiiveto said bnsiness e find on application to Mbert 1 rightniaii, ,arlisle; or by addressing the snbseriber (povi paid,) residing in Philadelphia. • •-/ DAVID• FREED; ;:it. . . beeelnber 30, tkio.---3 mo.* • " _ ...• , . • - - I . . , . ', „, ~,,,t,, , , ~ . . Elmv. c 5.... - 40 . ~... lartie cit. -'-- - --- - : The Subscriber has. just. l'aturtv.r , ciele• GrOm, • - andliTh - OW - c...oening-sornevery„.. ll 4 l ,WO9l OYPq, GOODS, 'collislillg in VP" .. • ..• . . Drown, Dianond, Pi1e1,.../- y,•,. pm , ... ” Blue, Adilarle,Cati '''..JW. XI ''l . 2 pl.-41NC, A nri.figlireci tasPierrß; . • eseriptions- Cords and Bearerterms; . . ... jp..„Ktrz . Wool t 'airs; unported Stair 'and figured Car • s at e .-ony, T'rinae and Mouse de Laines't Born .. . - •• , Merinoes, blue black . , blaelt, Nfantifa, Fawn, - ' wit, 'Fig-tired and Plain Si/k,9.; :Figured -and . . lain Swiss and Jaeonet .I.lttsfins; tirecii - llaize and _,,,, ~,_ Flannels of tlifilaait colones; Cleves and llos,iervt‘ -r - - Oloth and For 'Caps; Ifrciiiiii:..hnit Ircii:i ilo"Ma-;t;/;',: - Mackinaw, Rose, and - Point . 111atikcis; . Leglinrii and . . StraW - Bonne4; together 'with:in assortment of .• • Groceries - &••Qucenswar. • , All or which will he sold on the most reasonable • terms.. Person arc iiivited to call and examine for theinselves before finrehasin., ,, clsec here: • • ANDREW RICHARDS. Carlisle; Dec. 23, 1840.' • 230,rgain. Cheap .Goods for• -Cash. The Stibscribera,drairmis of rt•tltioiag tlwir Stack of Slarehandiie, oftlri'it aE reilticed priers 'lot! Cadi. Their entire stock of . . BEDhig GE071189 Cassimeres, - , nets, • will be sold At a very eniall,advance. S ucll ntre - tlesi rot, of obtailihtg-good-bargaiyi s-wi I t.plense. -oall.nt the store of. .. • • . • 13. The entirl stork 91: ,llerch:zivEz.l . will he - -solthrbargTtiirto - rany one — wishiog em*Ei..v; - if Irpplication•be niadtf 'looted:lately. • Dee. 9, 1849. art LOO.K aNOWAPOIL BARGAINS, AT T 111: fai:: - Alk i tiveatsbttrg . ., • - ARNOLID & ArtilANS; - opening, at their Store n Itirgy-_oml mos splendid assortment of - Fall and Winter C. 4; which they will sell at such prices as cannel fail to suit pueCluaers, being determined to sell cheaper —than can be 'found elsewhere 'in the state. Their stock consisting in part of the follow ii articles, viz: Black, Ithie,,Brown, Olive Green, Invisible Oreen, jo.luTherry, Priikt Broad cloths Black, Blue, Striped, and Drit.l?. CasthncreP; Bine ; Greep, Drab and Steel-mixed Ca.9:00.7; . Prussian Blanket and ,Illerino Shawls, thitulkorchicfs, 84c. Also a large assortment of EDG.lawsipc Goodg, queens-ware,: Hardware, Groce:- . • ries; Sr.c. • We would invife the public to eall'•and examine our new and cheap goods, and if good goods, low prises and . exertion please will have any; effect, we feel contident_that . they will not go_. awav_without leaving with us a little.of the Rcadll Rine • N. B. Country Produce . of all kinds wit he taken m in exchange for Goods, at arket price. P. S. A report'has been circulated that we do not intend to •contin4 here longer than. the ensuing spring, we therefore Would acquaint the public that we_have leased the store,honse, which we limy occu 7 py; foe the term of lour yi:ars. May this cheek the slanderous tongue of those who seem to devote, all their attention to such base.and degraded acts. . Dec. 1:1; 184.0. _ BARGAINS!. • Sontheinier; 8 Lindatter, .• At their New Store in oentreville, have : just re, ceived nod are now opening a very large-and splendid -- , ----7aseorttnent-of-f3 R tlj-RENCII-and=-I)9MES; - - - - TIC ''' • - - -- • 111-711 11- 6 1- 0 a , which have been selected with much care in the. cities Of NEW YORK and PI 11l DE' MI I 1 , sod which, they respectfully invite the citizens of Centreville and' vicinity Weal] and examine, as they will he ena• -.. bled - to please t and sell (leeitleillycli eapliTir er them n ity ----- citeSititi - liikiiielTiTiii - Ttli - e -7 1 - iiittiti: 77 l"TvilFbe I happrnt-all-times to - see - eitstomers - who - arcllesirous ' of having New Cheap and Good Goods. _Among..4kek_gock__will_ be found • Bite; Mork, Brown, Green, Olive, Cadet, Mulberry, Dahlia; Cit.; ron, Claret, Mist Drab, and a variety of low. priced • (OLVOUQOCt Superior striped and plain London and Buckskin , Cassimere4, premium and low priced Sattinetts; su perior Silk, Satin, Velveti•Valonek, Corded, Sirip eil, and — Plain Alarsefites atuf Unssimere Veatings. A general assortment of all rpntlitils and • • colors of . EAR . and Wittier Goods. Suitable for Gentlemen's wear. Superior Black Italian Lutestrings, Groi 1)e Naps, Po Dc Swag, Oros De Swiss, and Senahaw Silks, Chall. , y7, Clint tee. ;m ~ aias, Cambrics, Bolkinetts, Plain and Fi gure(l Swiss , and BoOk Mtislins; Shawls, Dress large Han ceyelliefs, Scarfs, Veils, Ribbons, Sze. Ala ' and excellent assortment of fine and low price Calicdes, IrishiTable, Towelling and Table Diaper, crash IVltalins,•Tickings, Chec.ks, Cords, Deaverteens, &c. A general assortment of Leghorn and Straisr tiennits, .Umbrellas, Parasol s, &a. Al so, an extOnsi`ye assortment ,of ~ ' .. • • • Groceries and Queensware, . of the most approved Qualities The . public , are re spectfully invited to 041 intl. - judge for 'themselves Is they are determined to sell cheap for cash or country prodttee. • TAYERN • KEIWERS are respectfully invited•to 'call and 'exarriine their sttrele, of Liquors ' • before purchasing -elsewhere:' . . . Centreville, Cum. Co., October 'l4; 1840. "•-. Cheap. . The Subscribers hayd'on hand a large assortment of Cashmere, Thibet, Merino, Brochai Chenille and . other kinds of Shawls, - Which they will sell at a. small advance foi• 'Cash. . • • HITNER'Eg .11,1ULV.11.M.Y. .Fttr. AI Cloth 'Caps. , A good assortment of Pur and Cloth Capl.will be sold'eheap at the .tore of ' - • - wx:ER JErTz.v.vVi. lIITNETt & NIISI,VANY . OWLS: 't , s' • --• • • • -HIGALTEI . Isx.o.:Etra• ..niv,„. iy nut o•w c