13a0gairisi .Cheap cThistde fug' Cash. • The Subscribers, desircnis of reducing tindr stork' Of Nterehandize,oll'er it at reduced privAl:s for ell Yi n. . Their entire stock of 132. OLOTITS Cassiitidres,_.Satinett,s, Merinoes, Flaw_ . • ! - ?lets; li.c. 4 4 c.‘ ' loin ke sold•at siveiw opyili . advance. Such persons as are 'desirOtis of obtaining good bargains will please gall at the More of • . . . , N. B.. The• entire dock 'of aterchantlize Ivill be sold a-bargain to any one wishlix to engage in'tlie busineti,ifutd!eation be.made immediately. HE E 7 ,N.OW„FAI _J•4RG_ILNS, 631.W.11M . . ~Shippemlwrg, • P.a. ARNOLD & ABRAMS, , Are 1110,W opening at their Store .large,and. most aldendid assortment of - and - IVinter • -•• .04 . ; • Qiz) op E ffi ) . 4 . which they will sell at such prices is. 'cannot fail to suit purchasers, being determined to sell . cheaper than, can be found elsewhere in the state. Their stook consisting in part of the following articles, viz: _ illetek;Blne, Avant, Olive Gree7;, Xnvisible Green, Mulberry,- Steel-mixed, eg Cadet mixed : Broad Cloths • 1 „Black, Blue, Striped,-and Drab Cassimeren; Mae Green, Drab arid' Steel-mixed Canines.; Prussia! Blanket and Merino Shawls, - 11andkerehiefs,'&e. - -- Also a large assortment of • • r • - Domestie GoOds,_ : tio . e.ensware, Hardware,' G roce : • ries, Liquors, . . We'would inVi - -thepublio - to - call - mid 'examine I kt, oUrnew and rhea oods, and_ - if gOod.gontls, low • prices and exertion t please witthave rinyeffeet, we feel confident that they will .not 'go, away without - leaving with us a little of the Ready Riau. . N. B. Cowitry Prothice of all kinds will be taken in exchange for . Goods, at market price. . ' .. P.S. A report has heen - circulated that we do not' intend' to continue; : here longer than the ensuing spring, we therefore:votild-acquaint the public that ------. --we have lensed the store-house, which We now occu py, t r the term of four y.xtra, May this cheek th e slap e mut tongue of...those who seem to devote all' . - their.attention to such base and' degraded acts. Dec. 9 . ; IMO:- .... . ~,, ... . . . . - - - • A R.G A . 4N- ‘N , . ---- - Yr — pitheitp• iv - - 8( .ti7idateek; . . At their New-Store-in- Centreville; Dave -jest--re eeiredtmlare_naw_sipening.tt_verv_largeLnischaplentlif 'assortment' or-BRITISH, FRENCH and DOMES - TIC - - R-1" 0 - 01) S; which lists e been selected with muCheire in die cities of NEW' YPIIRK and PIIILADgLPHIA, rind which - they restiebtfulltitirlte:tho — citizens:of - Centreville , and vicinity to call and examine, beena. bled to please • and sell' decidedly 'cheaper than any establialiment in the colinty. They will be •—happy . at all tinies to see custmners who arc desirous of haring ' - - Nevr , Cheap. avid: Good Goods. AmUng their stock will be found Bine Black, Brown, Green,-Olivo, Cadet, Mulberry Calaia.• Cit ron, Claret, Miat Drab, and a variet y } of low priced • .• altZleate) Superior striped' and plain London and Buckskin Cassimerea, premium and low priced Sattinats; su perior Silk, Satin, Velvet, VAtiencia, Corded; Strip ed,,Figured' and Plain MaVaellles and Cassimere Vestinga. 'A general assortment of all qualities and colons of . Fall and Winter Goods.-,/: suitable for Gentlemen's wear. Superiorri3laek. Italian I..utestrings, Gros De Naps, Po„ S wus, Gros De Swiss, and Senebaw Silks; antler; Chint zes, Jacaonets, Cambrios, BobbinettL MEILY. B. Plaster of Paris and Salt always-kept - on' hand; and for salent the "lowest prices', --•-• --- July '29, 1844.--7ty.' . . Craig:6,lBclias dtr, Co. • ".§l-e- • !" / Mre" CMIIIIRSSIONWTORIVARD=. - • ING MERCHANTS, HirVe removed to the capacious Warehouse recentlJ , Occupied by I). Leech & Co. at the nartli-west corner of Cherry and Broad street, Philadelphia. theloCatuni itmlibternlil arrangeinent orthi a- depot 'tiffOrd, 30 lo~tll3urpicii -Cars can be accommodated to unload and load at the same time with sufficient room to store 20,000 barrels of Flour, and 400 to 600 . ton of Grain exclubire °film forwarding department. • • : • . Produce . of every:description will be received as. usual on consignments, and liberal advances made on receipt (if required) until sales are effected. " . - CRAIG, - HELLAS - lc Co. • North-west corner of Cherry & Broad st. • • • Philadelphia. . - REFERENCES. ' W. S. s. Cobenn, Cashier. . Henderson & Parker, • H p„" • Henry Rhoads, Samiderson & Bosserman,- - --- • 'JcCob Swoyer, .Ire-ovine. ' 4 • David Nevin, ShiPpensburg. J. Logan Smith,Esq. Cathi.er i Cha m erseurs". }lyater, Hutz tr. Co, Robert Flemirr,_ ---CatherwoOd &Craig,' PhilarkiPhia. R. Thompson fat Co. , Whiwll & Brown, ‘, ITOTIOE. Those who. know themselves to be indebted to the subscriber, are respectfully requested to call and settle their accounts between this date and the Ist ofJanuary 1841, as it is absolutely necessau that ill outstanding accounts shouM be..!ettled by that.time. The Hardware bt,siness is carried on as usual at the Old Stand, where the public are requested to call for any article in the subscriber's - line of business. JACOB SENER. ...Carlisle, Nov. L's, 1840.-3 mo. • • IMPORTANT TO. MILLERS & MANUFACTURERS. .119wd'is InaprovOd"Water Wheel. THE Subscriberhaving purchased of the original J". Patentee the right of the above Water Wheel for the state of Pennsylvania, mill dispose of individ ual rights or counties on advantageous terms. This water wheel has been fully tested end proved to be so far superior to any kind in its power of _propelling' machinery, having a greater force than any other wheels in proportion to The quantity of 'Water applied. It is calculated to be more particularly useful at mills,having from two to eight feet head and fall, and to greatly obviate the inconveniences experienc ed from back water. It is considered by those hay-. iegthem in use as one °like most importan t reprove-, ments thidhas ever been introduced for its simplici ty, strength, steadiness of motion and durability. It is constructed altogether of iron and not so expensive to make as an .undershot, and operating-with 'about half the water and not.liable to be - .obStructedWee. in the winter. The subscriber will devote hie atten tion tos.alls for these wheels at such places .as.may. be required. " • ' • MICHAEL 111'111.ATH-,'Harrisfitirg. • • [Corr.] This is to certify, that I have put in one of Dow(Ps Patent Cast Iron Direct Action Water Wheels, in place of a- Reaction Wheel, that the Direct Wheel does not flood the tail race as mucltby three inches as the reaction did;and that I can grind seven bush; els with the direct action wheel an hour, and drive wo_run_of_atonea,vvliereleoulttnotgrimefouelnish— els in the same time with the reaction and drive one run of-stones. ' -PETER -PARNESTOCK. -EqphraZ,l.4lll. co. Oct. 1848,7 Al!away, May 5,1898. This may certify, that I have been engaged in pia ling in S. 13. Howd's,cast &rain direct ite,Son water wheel, both in the Stut6oElieis , York and- in Michi gan, and can give it as nsfil6cided ifiiinlon that with 8 feet head or under, rlihtly putia, it will do more business with the same water than any other water wheel which I lutve yet had any experience in, and in referenie to back water; is second best to none that I have yet-tried, In reference to gmartlinq against ice; there_,can boato,belter_operationiand it is very-easy to-he Xept. in - • - • • - - - L - - • STEIH_IRLAILUS, • • . Alloway . , Sept. .1;18.98. This may certify that I have hail in my Malone of Mr. Howd's direct wpter wheels for the space of tune year. It is a five ket wheel; end I have. had a ire- artimiln the *mephitic—l have oleo had Wheeler's Union Wheel, yeti think Mr. liowd's will do more business withless water thsurany,otherliquiVe tried. It does well in back water. - I have had from 5 to 6 feet head. I think we could do as much work with half the water its we Used to do with the undershoot wheel; which has also been in operation in my mill. " • LAWRENCE ItIIAY. , Lyons, Sept: 3, 1838. This may certify, thar,svc have used one - or-s: Howd's patent water Wheels Sioce December last,by. the side of a re-action wheel, and we think; that Howd's Will 'do double the business With 'the slime' water that the reaction will do, or 'very. near.. 'We never have but three feet head, and , can grind . ;With that. eight bushel per hoer. %. We are subject to bank water. This Wheel will do eigood "business Under intok-wnteras the end we recommend it,,to the attention and patronago ofthep9bile. 7 . SIMON 'BURTT,. W...'BERGSTHESSEIi: teill-verWit; agent for the Above .mentioned. Water wheel - the counties 9f Dauphin, Cumberland and yorls,and at all times be reedy to attend to peirsaleand ere& - tion,-at-the -shortest -uoticer by, addressing' him at. pi Sheterdetown; Cumberland , oounty, April 8,1840. • . -13 i CM 444.1 1000114, -pßii- - ipmr4pPs7 .-11LS1111'0FIEINURRY. _DISEASES OF THE LUNGS, tOLUIIMS pmEnoup remedies have been offered ',and N puffed into; notice . . for diseasei of the Limp, -some of which has undoubtedly' been fount! very use -fulj'but that have-.hither tcitieen-knowilcit-must be universally acknowledged there is none that has. Over prottal as successful' the . '" BALSOM OF WILl) OFIERRY4 - "- - Buell indeed are the . a stonishing restorative add' healing properties of this " Balsomi" that even in the worst forms of .Consumption, when the patient has suffered' with - the Most distressing cough, violent pain in the chest,difficulty oflirembing,night sweats, bleeding oftlielungs, &o. and wherithe most esteem .ed:reined ies ofoiir Vim mimeo& as had failed to afford tiny rellefoind even when Botanic, Hoincepatbic; and numerous other remedies, had been used • for ninny months in vaiii; this invaluable remedy , has checked .eveg_fpnlitom,antliteen_prioluctive of the Most as tonishing relief. In the early stagesof Aitietirte; proceeding Irons neglected colds, termed Catarrhal Consumption, it has been tied,with undcvlatingSue eras, end in many -instances, when this disease seem • edto have marked its victim for On-early- grave, the tise - of this - medicineliar - arrested every symptom,nnd, restored the lungs to a .state of perfect health.. In that form Of Consumption, soprevalentsmoogst delicate young females, commonly termed de6i/ity,or "going into a decline," a complaint with which thou sands are lingering, it has idtio been used with Surpri sing success; and not only possesses the power of checking the progress of this alarming disease,but 'at the same time strengthens and Invigorates the system more ,effectually than tiny remedlwe have ever possessed. , Fitt COMPLAINT.--In, diseOses of the Liver, particularly , when attended yitli a cough; indi gestion or wandering pains in the-side, it has also pro ved very elfieacious,i and aorta many cases of this kind after the Most powerful remedieslituf killed:— ASTFINIA.-4lniltis complaint it has also been used in numerous - instances with the most singular success. itppens.the chest,Vendering the breathing . , perfectlylite, arrests the cough, and will seldom fall to gi permanent relief. BIIONCHITISAS a renteilY in all Brohi, 'chill affections - of the throat, attended iiith a hoarse ness, cough or sore in the throat, it will also befourid very"effectual remedy, and will Mostly. aflbrd im mediate relief -if used at. the 'coinmencement of its Atha, " (Cf COUGIIS & COLDS.---lo common coughs and colds, that prevail so extensively throughout the winter, it will be foundl — flitch more effectual than any ' remedy in use, and When Colds settle ninio the rungs, - Farding - ao - inflamthat ion with pains lu the breast, thf fieulty or shortness of breathing, &c., the use al this _BalsantLwill_sulipress suchSvorti-doins immediately,_ and at the same time prevent' - the lungs from becom ing more seriously 'diseased. . I ' c 0"" CROUP AND WHOOPING COUGIIen these comji!aints, so common • to young children,-this Balsam will be found much superior to the Parego rie:. Elixir Syrup_ of_Squills, and the: various_cough: mixtures in common use, as it is entirely free from any thing the least injurious, and may at all times be given td children with perfect safcty,and with the cer, .tautly of its affording them speedy relief.' CO AS A PA MI LY. -MEDICINE ftir many Oth ei complaints this Balsam-will also - be foind - partic , .` ularly useful. Besides haring,proved ;ay:doable _rerneily in all Pulmonary affections, erfnl'influence over many depraved condition of the system, ann , suffered froin the indiscriminate use-of Mercury, or other, deleterious drugs, that arc often compounded in different quack nostrums, will find it a remedy . of 'great value, poshes Sing the power of Strengthening and invigorating the whole system more effectually than_any other medicine we possess.. CAUTION TO :PURCHASERS.—As this me& . icine basalready acquired great celebrity. there may' probably be some attempts to imitate it, and deceive -the public with a spurious mixture, to prevent which I would wish all purchasers to observe the following marks of the genuine Balsam...lt is put up in bottles of two sizes each, having the words WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, PHILADEL PHIA, blown in the gliss, and a label on the front with the signature of - HENRY WISTAR, • M.: D. without which none iS genuine. Preluiredfor the proprietor by WILLIAMS & CO., Chemists, No. 22 Commerce street, Philadel phia,and sold by the most respectable Druggists and other appointed agents in all the principal towns throughout the-United States.- zr.' The Genuine Balsam sold in Car lisle, by SAMUEL' ELLIOTT; appoint ed Agent. Price $1:00 a bottle. Debember 16, 1840.--ly Dentistry. DR.- I. C. - TTAS returned to Carlisle, and will, as heretofore • II attend to the litactiei of Dentistry. He inay be . found at Colonelrglyee's Hotel. Persons re questing it, will be waited - upon at their residedce. GEORGIE 1). FOULKE, . „ ---1 1-..r --A ‘ ener " °- DR:DAVID N. MAtiox; ----- 6Carliele, March 11, 1840. Kaye Liniment. NO FICTION. This extraordinary chemical composition, the re sult of science and the inveutioit of a celebrated med ical_niani-the-introduction..-of—which- toLthe .publio was invested with -the solemnity of- a death-bed be quest, has since gained a reputation -upparalleled, fully sustaining the correctness of the limeade& Dr. Gridlley's laist confession, that "he dared not' die -without giving to posterity the benefit of hilt knowl edge on this subject," and he therefore bequeathed -to his friend-and-attendant,-Solomon Hays, the secret of his discoyery., . • • . };tip now used in the principal hospitals, and the private prailticelisour Colifi;firararid most cer. ' tainly for,the cure of the PIL ES, and also extensive- ly and effectually as to Satlie-credulity,milesev:here its effects are witnessed. Externally in the follow. ing complaints: _ . • • For, Dropsy—Creating extraordinary absorption at once. . Swellings—ltetiuehts them in a few hours. -- Ithiumatisni—leafs—or—ohronio,giving_quiek_ ease. Sore . ThroaV- - ; - 41y cancers. ulcers, or colds: , .Croup and . Whooping-Coulh 7 .--Externally and over the cheat. . All Bruises, Sprains, and Burns—Cured in a few hours., • " 'Sores avid .I.llcers—Whetber fresh or long stand ing, and fever_pres. _, . • , • Its operation upon adults and children in reducing rheuMatic swellingx,ind loosening coughs and tikh-t -'less of the chest by relaxation of the parts, has been surprising beyond conception. . The common re.. mark of those who have used it in the Piles is "It acts like a charm." • THP MM.—The:Kiw i -St, is-refunded ttran !_pemott' who will use a - houle of .Hays' Linirnent , for the These ate the positive order's of the proprie ter to the spate, and out °fumy thousands sold, not one has been unsuccessful. I We might bisect certificates to. any , lerigth, but prefer that those who Sell the article, should exhibit the originarto Pirchasers. To Physiciana'cind Patient*. . - The, Blind ,Piles, said to be incurable by external applications.--Solomon Hays warrants the contrary. .His Liniment will cure Blind Piles. Pacts are more stubborn than theories.. He solicits all-respectable -1 Physicians to try it upon Itheir patients. It will- dos them no harm, and ibis known that every physician I who has had the honesty to make the trial, has can. didly admitted that it lum succeeded in every,csse,, they have known. Then why not use It ?, It is thn., recipe of one' of theirinest respectable Members,how Accessed. Why, refuse.to use it tHerritise it is sold as a p roprietary _ Medicine ? Is Shia a ,suflicient ex; ruse for wiffering their honest .ppdents. to linger in I distress ? Witthink. pot., , Physicians ihall"be cow. rinsed that there: is .no - battling,. or' quaikery about this article...... Why then not alleriate'human 'stiffer- ! boa , : Ifthetwon't try it. before,lct them afteii all other lirescriptiOnifall. --- "hysicians"are-revectfully: requested to' o themselves and'patienti thejustice to Use this article. It shall be 'taken from-the-bottles, •and done up 4a. their preiieription if the3i'desire; SOLOMON-HAYS. Sold by Cemelook' Ei• 'WlickB l o D ruHi/ 1 4 , ;No. A, Pletcher street;New York; 4 " ' sale - eloo kg, STEVENSON dr, • December 23, 1840.---ly THE CELEBRATED REMEDY-FOR • An unparalleled remedy fcjiebtrimOn Cola; Coughs,, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis; and all diseases. of the Breast' and/Lungs, leading to' Comatamtioti I composed :of the concentrated_ of -Horehound, Boneset, Blood 'Rant; Liv—, ..._erwort and several other vegetable substances. PrerretTelitiThTS:WWlNSLOW;laifiester, • The innocence and universallv.adniitted Pectoral virtues, afthe Herbs froin which the BALSAM OP 'HOREHOUND - is - made; area too generallykiid*ri to require recommendation.' it,is therefore only ne cessary to Obaerve that th is medecine Contains"the whole of their medical properties, highly concentrat ed, and so happily combined with several other Ve getable substances, as to renderit the most speedy; mild Ind certain remedy, now in use, for the, Com plaints above ~mentioned. • _ . . For Chikiren;this Balsam is of inestimable value. It is.a speedy remedy for the Whooping Cough and Croup, and sifford cella n relief in lined Complainti, Mahe, Teethin9,Bto. It is pleasant to the taste, and' may be safely given to the tenderest infanfand should be kept at all times in every 'family; as it is much _betterfor_tlitsoinplaints incident to Children,-than Paregoric, Godfrey& com monly used, as'hundreds in this City havelestified. Read the following.—l hereby certify' that early in the spring of 1898,11 contro . oed a s.:severe COLD, 'which settled upon my lungarand threatened a hasty Consumption.. _I used_several:prescriptions, but ob tained little or no relief; I Was much Happening to be I vas advised by 'my friend, Mr. Winslow, to try a bottle of his IFiatssst or IlOttawatiNO, I did so, and to my surprise oh tained-Mief at once—and by the use of that single bottle was perfectly.restored to health. ..1•43 those -afflicted with Colds or Coughiy nt this inclement season, I say "go and do likewise.". - • • . LEANDER CHIPMAN. • Pittsford, Monroe co.; Nov. 9,188$: Mr.lolin M. Winslow, Druggist Dear Sir: I have been for a series of yearsafilict; ed with an affection of 'the Lungs, and a hard con h, and many times arose in-the-morning-RS CO pletely exhausted by excessive coughing during the night as a person would be by a bard days labor. -I have tried-most of the popular remedies of the day"; but never found relief until met with your Balsam ofklorehound.. All the othersremedbo or.:palatives, tlmt I have used, leave the bowels- in'n congested state, while yours leaves them soluble and free. This I consider a great desideratum. • On taking . 11 dose. of your Balsam plieo_going to bed, I rest quietly thro' the .night, and my sleep is, refreshing.. I take great pleasure, in reCoMmending_ yottr_. Balsiun_of IHore hound- to all those - afflicted - ,with pulmonary com plaints Or any disease appertaining to the lungs, and .I take this opportunity to thank you for the great re lief and benefit I have 'experienced through your in strumentality. 'Yours, withMutif respect. "-- .WM. COGSWELL •• For sale by.. s.ELuoTy, Ctulisle _ A. NORTH, Newville. ' Also, by Druggists generally throtighout the. eon try. rri!;c . 50 cents per bottle• • - - - • April 1 5 ,1840.---I'y. • ' • --- • Fresh Medicines. The subscriber has recently received - laize "addl.; tional supplies of llediaines,,Colorts L•nseed Oil , p i s. Turpentine, Copal Varniehi Pain ters' Brushes, Varnish _Brushes, Bandßrushes, Sper maceti Oil, (very . fine) Sper Candles, Soaps..in great variety, Glass Lamps, Cap and Letter Paper, Fruit, Spices, Perfumery, &o. &c., which he Will sell to Physicians, Merchants and others, wirotzsatz or by RETAIL, at the lowest rates,having purchased en tirely for cash;- he will offer -bargains to those who wish to purchase at'wholesble. August 5,1840. The, Indian: Vegetable Fills. . Are a purgative medicine, 6 natural to the human - constitution, and withal so mild, - andpleasant - in - their operuti on, that not the slightest dread.of pain or sick ness, need be apprehended from their"use, even by the most delicate: at the same time, if used in such a manner as to_ operate freely_ by the bowels ; ' those morbid . humors, (which deposited upon the various parte of the body arc the cause of every ache or pain we suffer) will most assuredly be removed; and not only will pain rdi stress of every description he dri ven from the dy, but disease many form will be kn.; possible. - - Tor the same reasomwheni from the sudden clialig.• es of atmosphere or any other cause, the perspiration is checked, and those humors which should passoff by the skin; are thrown inwardly,causingheadache''nau seau, and sioknesa;paiiiii in the bones, watery , arid in-; flamed eyes, sore throat, hoarseness, coughs,consump- i don, rheumatic pains in variouspartsof the bedy;Eilid' many other sym ptoms of cafchi ng cold; the Indian veg 7 etable Pills will invariably give immediate relief: 7 - Three or four pills, taken at night dh golng to bed,ifrid. repeated a few times, will remove all the above un pleasant symptoms,and rest Are the body to even soun der health than before. The Indian Vegetable Pills, (Indian Purgative) are a natural, and therefore a certain cure for Costivenessf because they bowels of those bilious humour!, which not only paralyze i and weaken the digestive organs, but are the cause of headache, oatmeal' and sickness, palpitation of the heart, flying pains in various parts of the body, cud many other. disagreeable complaints. The same may be said of difficulty of breathing, asthma; the Indian Vegeta 'ble Pills will loosen and carry Of by the stomach and bowels, those tough pleghmy humors which stop up ..alLaieellastf.theluogs,anitarethecanaiortheabo.ve. 'dreadful complaint. . In all Ilisordered motions of the blood, called inter mittent, remittent, 'nervous, inftaMmatory and - putrid 'FEVERS; the -Indian Vegetable Pills will be found a certain remedyf because they cleanse 'the - istoinach and bowels of all bilious matter,aud purify the blood ; consequently, as they remove the cause of every.kind of disease, they are.absolutely, certain to cure every kind-of-Fever:- So also_when morbid humors_are_deposited_upon the membrane and muscles, musing those pains_, in flammations and swellings called Rhmintitism, Coat, !Ste.; the Indian Vegetable Pills may be relied on as always certain to give relief,and if persevered with, will mostassuredly, and without fail, make a perfect ,• cure of tho above painful maladies. From three to six of said Indian Vegetable Tills, taken every filed on going to bed, will, in a short. time, completely rid' the holly of all morbid and corrupt humors; and , Rheumatism, Gout and pain ofevery deacriptipn,will disappear as if by magic. It should be remembered that the Indian Vegetable Pill are certain to remove painintlie_side,_oppres. nausea and sickness, loss of appetite, costive. ness,a yellow tinge of the skin and eyes, and every other symptom of Liver Complaint; because,' they purge from the body these corrupt: and stagnant hu roors whieh,when deposited upon ,the Liver, are' the eause of the above'dangerous complaint. • They are , also a certain preventive of apolexy add sudden death; Because, they finny off those humours whick.obstruc ting the - circulation ' arethe cause of a rush, or deter mination of blood to the head---giddiness especially on turning suddenly round.rblindness--drowajness tnemory-»inflanitnatieh of the brain—iii sanity, and every other disorder of the mind. • • ' . ONE 'WORD TO THE SEDENTARY.. . , " Those who from habit or riceupatian, are kept much I within, doers, should yernember that they frequently breathe ah, atmosphere which wholly inifit f'oF the prcmerexpanalon of thelungs, and at the "erne time, owing to - want of eiereise,theboiPels are not sufficient ly evacuated,-the blood beoinnes impure, and head; ache, indigestion, palpitation of the heart, and , many . ' otherdisagremble symptoms, are sure to follow. t THE INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS,' Being It idealiser. ofthe donnish and howelp,and a ill.; red purifier of the . blood, are certain not only to re move pain ordistressof everykind from thethe body,' but it mud UuCileionallyoo, A.e,keep the , body, free,' froM thosehunsori - which are themuse Of every male-I d9Uluter.heilivens , theY *ill,' most' assuredly promote suchil•juste arid eqUarcirculation of the" blood, that thossWho:' lead a -sedentary, life, will be 'enabled .te' enjoy sound health, and, disease of, stay be absolutely - , f • F.or sale by 4,, . ; • • CHARLES OGILBY, Agent, .' „, • • - • CirrNalf , ; a. 47 (Ace and Ceueral Deliot, , No. 169 Sam street Pluiadelphia, ' May 20, SUBSCRIBER respectfully • ' tenders his acknowledgments to the • public for the very.liberal share of.patronage •Itc_hari received dur ing the past year , . and would still. continuo to offer _thent.hiqrofeestonalackiicesin_their_various.-brin.' ches at his residence, No:•7;•Hat:pees Row. He files; olestise,s and plugs teeth , and inserts , incorruptible • approyeif manner. Charges always moderate. • - • - . • J.' C.'NEFF, M. D. Carlisle; March 25,1840.--tf - • FAMILY MEDIOIMra. Prepared only by ht.: Inventor' and sole proprietor;,NO: South Third , street, Philadel tea; and maybe . had ,of S. ELLIOT' , and 'also of STEVEN. SON-4 INKLE, •• • • Theik medicineasere recommended and extensive ly-need by the rnortetelligent persons in the United 'States, numerous • Professors and • Presidents of: Colleges, Pliysiciani ,of. the Army,and Navy, and of Hoapitalr - ind4lroshouses i and. nio'rel.than three _ hundred Llergymen of various,denotninations. • . They are expressly prepared for family use, and have acquired an unprecedented popularity through- • out the United States; and as they are so admirably calculated to preserve HEALTH and cure umiak, no faiiiily - shoultever be-withattrthetn7=-Thegiroptic;r tor of these valuable preparations received , his edu- . •• cation atone of the best 'Medical Colleges . in the Uni ted States, and has had' fifteen years experience in an extensive and diversified practice,ny which hebashn& ample oppertunitiei of 'acq u iring a. practical knowl n. edge of diseases . ; and of tile remedies best. calculate d byreniove them; • ' . , These Preparations consist of JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT,a valuable remedy for cough, colds ; consumption, asthm, spitting, of blood, croup, hOoping , cough, bronchitis,plemisy inflammation oldie lungs or throat, difficulty of brea thing, and all diseases of pulmonary .organs.—Price one dollar. ' • - - AIsoJAYNE'S HAIR TONIC, for the preservi tion, growth and beauty of the hair, and which will positively bring in .new hnir'on haltilleads.—Price one' dollar. _ Also JAYNE'S TONIC VERMIF.C.GE, st„cee- , thin and prensant remedy forworrosolyspepsia,pile4, and many other disesses.--Priee '5O cents. Also JAYNE'S CAIIMINITIVE certain cure for bowel and summer complaints, dutt , rhos, dysentery cholla, 'cramps, sick headache, sour .stomach, choleramOrbolotniall deinstementS of the stomach'and ,howels, '5O cents. : Al so JAYNE'S SANATIVE PILLS, for Female diseases, li ver_com plaints, costiveness, fevers, ;Orlin mations, glandular, obstructions, diseases of the skin, &e. and in all eases where•an alterative or purgative medicine iarequired..--Price - cents a box._._ May_l3,ll_4(bn-A _ •• Jayne's Hair Tonic. • For the growth, preservation • and .restoration of the hair.t lasi', an-excellent article, and has, in nu- • morons instances, produced it - fine groWth :of haiir 'onthe heads of persons had been bald for years: . • . . , . , . • LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,-DO you 'Wish elegant, luxuriant and beautiful hair? I know you will answer 7 ell. ,Hear, for one moment, the cause of its loss, why it: turns gray, rusty 'awl coarse, harsh and unpleasan . i wits.appeartutee,_and finally foils Mt Each hair haS a" root in theskin, and is itself a hollow tube, through -which-thereistttonstauteirenlition—of-fint-bloot..Y-;.---*--- Hypis circulation_ the, hair is nourished . , and held. its glossy colour is given and preserv ed, ii it is. covered with the finest oil. Now any thing Which in— jures the skin of the lead; or diverts or takes. away the blood from It, will or impede the circnla-- tiOwthrough the tube. of the hair, stop it.; &MAI, and cause it to fall offor.turm-gray, or both. Hence itit(thbfanyeause that obstructs'erweakens the cir- - mutation of blood through the skin, or that diverts the blood to other parts of the system, will take away the lively, fresh and youthful appearance of the hair ar rest its growth, turn it .gray sooner or later,. and in thousands ,of instances cause premature baldness. , Forsale bq. . S. ELLTOTT, and STEVENSON. HINKLE, Carlisle, Pa. May 13,1840.!—1y Hair Tonic.—We call the attention of those af-- Meted with premature baldness. to the excellent Hair Tonic prepared by Dr. Jayne of this city. Having . used it ourselves, we can speak outs virtues by . expe rience, and we unhe'sitatingly pronounce it an able - rentedy to prevent the falling off of the bair,and to 'restore it (corn a dead, to a • fine, healthy appear ance. We can also speak from personal knowledge of the cases of two or three friends who were predis posed to baldness, Who by the use of Jayne's Hair Tonic. have now luxuriant hair, We have no dispo sition to puff, indiscriminately all kinds of remedies for all diseases which flesh is heir to, but when we have tested the virtue of an article, we are free to say it is good.—Saturday Evening ost. S,ELLIOTT Jayne's - Bair - Tonic.-We have, - heretofore; num; - - --- bered-ourselves among those who believed that the Hair Tonic, prepared by Dr. Jayne, was one of the Many quack nostrums whose virtues are never seen beyond the fulsome pull's of their authors. - We - are willing, at length, to make public acknowledgment of e e thrror of Ourkelief. - An intimate frieinl,some two 'toe three months since, all the top of whose cranium was as bald ass piece of polished marble, mangre all our jesting and ridicule of the idea of attempting - to cultivUte so barren a spot. purchased a bottle or two of the Hair Topic from-Dr. Jayne,and according to his directions applied it. During the present week the same friendushered himself into our presenee,and uncovering Ithrlilthertonziked•head, astonished us with .a thiii;thinigh hittithintrowth — cithair,--frain onertii . two inches in length—upon the very premises we had believed as unyielding to cultivation as the trackless sand that skirts the Atlantic. This is no piiff, but is religioualytrue,and to those who doubt,the gentleman can be pointed - out. What is-more in favor of this • "Tonic," the case here cited was not one of tempora ry-baldness--no sudden loss of the hair--but was one of years' standing, though the the gentleman is but fortyrfive_years_nf,sege..--_,.-_Phi4ideiphia_giititAf_th • Tftnee. • WAR! WAR! WAR! -The Wig makers have declared hostilities against our. neighbor Dr. Jayne, on account of Itis'Hair_Tonie which is knocking all their business into a "cocked ' Vat. " Ladies and gen tlemen—;•old and young are flocking to the Doctor's standard. Heads long divested of even the first rudi .,-ents—vfhaiiTsdter-indngiahrHair-toniersoortutipea -with new-and-flowing -locks,-which-Absalom himself might' have envied. Beardless boys are seen with large and bushy wLiskers; and lidies smile again through their own raven ringlets more beautiful and bewitching than ever.. - Bald heads are dolling their wigs and throwing them to the "molts and the bats ' ''. while the Wig makers stand aghast •as they behold the demolitionof their business. be. the consequence of this war we know not, as theowiggici are outrageous, and the Doctorre mama firm, and declares that "some things can be done as well as othcrs,"aud that bald heads may air well wear their own hair as that of others,--iWeek- , ly-hlessenger. , . . . Haii , ;2lmic.—,We meet at almost .gyerr", corner, when perambulating the streets, men wearing long and .glossy hair, which they seem to be proud of, and others who have raised. in a few weeks, a crop' of black moustaches, that would vie with theglossiest '- bruin that ever walked the forest It has punted us_ to know the secret of all those wondrous ..crops of hair; but Messrs. SANDS, 79 and 160 Fulton street, - have got the remedy, where all who are ourions such matter& may learn a valuable secret..-40m: York Wh.(q. . 'Sold in Philadelphia at 29 South Third Street _WAYNE'S EXPECTORANT.--4,_his'-. el. medicine has already proved itselfto be all, that it has been recommenledity those who, hicregivetv it a fair test in this country:, and the demand' forit in. , °Ceases - daily. We hive Just-heard "of an' important ' cure of Astlimii which has been effected-by-the dient!. it in a neighboring town—the case was that ota fe male who Ind fora long time been. tinder ttid r> of a•physician, but bad received no relief, itod-ber--0 1 10, ° Was beginning. to be considered hopeless. - As itlas;tl- resort she purAasell ii bottle of Dr. Jayee'slr l xpetsto4 rant, Which caused her to expectorate iWely;gradual-,-,• . ly eased her cough, and is iwisidly4estoring'ker td. health: We have no 116411100 w Prepti., .• ration of Dr.'Jayne, tor the'cure of dooglaccoldi,iti...‘' itenta,'AsthntaXonsumption k lieiistbninostwa , biomedicine ever offered to the Atnerilian There lino quacket7' about it—Dr. jayne is 'ciitie4' themost skilful praetising physicians in Pennsylia-7 tilal end wherever his preparations hive been , thorn - ' onglily,tetted, helsloelted upon ass great pulgie be*" efaotor.-4Sinnerset (Me.) Journal., . r, • Fore:tic tiunnel.Elliott and Stevensont:& , o4 6- '. kle„ Carlisle ra, . • - [sissy 131840' 1