Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, January 27, 1841, Image 3

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. • Sta.nfling CoMmittee.
'fhe Harrison Standing. Committee of
Cum beiland_county,_are_reqiiested_lo_mee_t_
. at theliOblic - Itotist - of C. Macfarlane, Car
. . lisle, on Siturday.:the 30th. init., at 2 o'clock
'• • 1 3 ,: M.,:to.taketlie necessary measures for a
a County Convention to appeintdel
legates to the State Convention,. which is
to assemble at •Harrisburg on - Wediiesday
the 10th of March next, for the nomination
of a Gubernatorial Candidate. •
The• follow ing - .lMitlemen --compose -The
Standing Committee,—
Nicholas -Urich. Dr. Larae Leiner, Al
len; Wm. M. Porter, Dr. John J. Myers,
Carlisle; ..James Weakley, Wm. Gilleland,'
Dickinson; Simon. Oyster, Jacob - Rupp,
E. Pennsborougtl; Danl. Leckey, David.
Blozer, Frankfort] ; 'Win. W..Boyil, Jacob_
Hefllehower, Hopewell; Sarni. 'J. Miller,
John Brandt, Monroe; Semi. J. McCor
mick, Jacob Waggoner, M ; Robert
Wilson,-George-Singiier,:jr.-- Mechanics,
burg; Heniy Bieniteman, Lewis .Young,
N.. Cumberland-; John • Dunfee, .Joseph
Newville ; Thos...D. Urie,
Jacob - Hershey, 'North—Middleton ; Isaac
Koontz, Charles' Brewster, Newton ;
vid Mahon, sen; Rolm.' Stuart, Shippen
—burg-borough ; John Raum, Elias Hough;
Shippensbur a a sp.• Robt. S. .MePune; M
chael- Zeigler, Southampton:: Peter Mc-
Laughlin, Isaac Isaac: Caufman, S. Middleton ;
•Christian Cullman; John Martin, Silver
.Spring; Lewis 11. - V.Villi.rams; W. G. Da-
Pennsborough.- • •.1
.• 1
TO - ViNSIIII. - MEETIsas. -- T lie—FreeMnli'i3-
Advocate is. in error iii . stating that . the .
township meetings to elect delegates .to the
_ County Convention, wilrbe - in. this
,• colmty on the 23d_, initani.' The . Standing
mittee, .whose_duty_ it . Is to call tolvn 7 .
ship , meetings, have not yet convened, and
-. of ..course there is :no , fixed for the
township meetings. By reference to. the
call in the Herald, our friend of the Advo
cate will perceive that the Standing Com
mittee will have a meeting on the 30th, at
o'clock in the afternoon, and their action
will'determine the day •for electing town
ship delegates, and the time when those
delegates shall meet in 'convention.
STATE TREASUREE.—john Gilmore, of
Butler. county, was elected State Treasiner
on Tuesday the 19thinstant. At 4 o'clock
•P. M., the Senate and house met con
jointly and decided the election on the first
ballot as follows:—John Gilmore had 73
votes ; Samnel 1,-,Carpenter 16 ; John
Miller,23; 'scattering - 17.
perceive by the proceedings of 'onr- State
!Legislature, that the. project of founding an
Institution for the 'accommodation of the
--Insatie-Poor-of -this-ComMonwealth, has
been agitated in that body. Numerous pe- .
tiCions, from - different sections of the state,
have been presented - and' were. favorably
received. Such en Institution .is much
• needed, and it's establishment would -- glad
the heart of every philahthropist and-ehriS
. tian. Several of our sister states have. at-
. .
ready established asylums of this kind,iand
they have .beee found to lie highly . ben6-
ficial in 'tneliorating the sufferiegs.of the
insane poor.
BESUDIP.TION.—:ErOnV'eVery section of
the Commonwealth we have the pleasing
i Vteliigeoce that the .Beniis of this St to 1
have. in accordance with law, and the well
. known , wishes of thepeople;resumedistle-
cke- payments. The 'resumption was at
- y- AeMled with no exciternent—'-the note hold
1140317,beinggenerally wilting : tn_giyA Shp
" tanks'a fair chalice. We : sincerely hope
hat,itie : present resumption will, be perma
nent, as , the cgizene of this state halie al
ready, Suffered, too zilch from the Arcola
tiotl of the wretched Issues of foreign shin
•. piaster : manufactories. The' people have
borne with and sustained tho'Banksduriag,
two lope suspensions; hereafter, heWever,
Ibey may IRK be irrtentent.' • '
. "Nhirrito4 Wcou.n."—The above lathe
titlU4 a• very neat Whig pper, recently
• ''• , stetablialied in Warsaw, Illinois, tinder, the
editarial management of our old-townsman,.
• Mr,,, Taiovis C.- ''Mr: Sharp is ,
grailtiate of tiickiiteop ti' clever
writer,llMd a getitfeMaitio every way qua-
Mad to do.honor to the "corps editorial."
he may be More succeeaful in hie
new !liminess in NI western:world, .than
the. generality of Ountry editors in The
. ,•
iits_Perry Cinatly-Pemo!
ceal, uniter thetitia-tr.6o'eso---risht;tiner
paraded a platoOn of delinquent subscri
bers. It seems nothing is left for the edi
tor now. but to charge them. .
Preserve Your °militarization!
We suggest to
. the different " Harrison
Clubs", throughout the county the proprie
ty of preseiving their organization. It was
an, early and efficient organization that en
abled us to triumph so gloriously in this
ounty at the last Presidential glection ;
a by 'nothing less than a thorough and
co fete organization can we hope to pre
serve our ascendancy in the county.. Here
tofore we have been beaten, not through a
want of numbers on our part, but by the
-activityAnd - untiring.zeal of our opponents.
They were always well - drilled; - atikready
to take the field at a moments's warning,
whilst apathy and disunion reigned in our
ranks."' .Although the forces of the office
holders have been vanquished and beaten,
they are not dispersed. They have re
treated in good order, and are -even now
ready and panting for another contest. We
cannot now, nny, we DARE not, repose upon
our arms, and be content with the laurels
,we have already gained. We must remem
ber that " the price of freedom".is " eter
nal vigilance.;" and that next 'fall another,
and an-important, battle is to be lought. It
Matters little to us whom 'the caticlidate of
our party for Governor- shall be ; we are
fully persuaded that he will be a " good
than and true,"---one who will preserve
the integrity of the state. inviolate, and as
sert the-supremacy of the laws.. Let Us
therefore imitate the example of our
and prepare for the onset. One
more victory, and the 'Commonwealth will
be Whig in allits,:parts.
_Whilatitime of
our weaker brethren are fighting for ihe
"SPOILS," let us, faithful to the'constitu
tion, rally-around our noble standard,t and
be ready for the fight. Again we say, Or
ganizels Organize
rtr The magic . wand of the foul mon-
y ieelps•Ab_i
sand Pieces, and-a new Sun, vivifying and
refreshing in its influeoces, is begining to
dart its -warm beams upon us. The credit
system will berestored—and=ilustained- by
all parties and - a sound currency introduc
ed,"under-the -fUstering care of 'the-general
and local governments: The complaints
of a•suflering people will - be listened to
.sympathy. Our' public lands, the
common pro, •rt of all, will 'not be taken
from' us without an equivalent. ,
,Tie reso
lution to instruct our Senators to vote` for
the law, havinkfor its object an equal dis-
tribution of the proceeds arising from the
sale of those lands, passed the Senate, by
eleven majority, and what is 'equally flat=
tering e lt was not , made altogether a party,
question, and we believe it will pass the
House: of Representatives,' in the same
That it has the sanction of the Go -s
•vernor, is but an inference, drawn, howev
er from the fact, hat the Keystone, the or
gan_of:_the_.adminititration,_advocates .01,1
measure. .This is as it should be, and
. shows that our public men begin to feel
fiennsylvanians_ and. not as :11teLabject
slaves of a - witheiing, power, located be;
yond her liinits and opposed to her best in
The next wholesome step will be, to in.!
struct our Senators to vote for a repeal'of
the. Sub Treasury, an expensive and_self-,
WI measure, odious to 'the:feelings of
free born Amdricans, and known only to
Governments purely despotic, and through,.
out aristocratic in form and bearing.. , The
repeal of the Sub Treasury would lead to
-a-union-between -theLGovern moot -and-the
people—a blending of mutual interests,
which ought never to have been separated.
It would be a just rebuke - on Mr. Van Bu
ren's as sumption,.that Governments were
not created to take care of those who live
_ _
under- -their-protection-I-Mit- th - ey- have
enough to do to take care of themselves!
The next salutary measure would be,
kir the `Banks to hive ••authority to issue
smalknotes—ones, twos and threes—for a
limited period. It is one founded 'on the
principle of self-defence; it would, in our
tasking with other states, and enable the
banks to do a fair' lnisiness 'on a specie ba
sis. •
1 " 1 Such a course of policy—the passage of
Mr. Clay's land bill, at one time strongly
, recommended by' Gen. Jackson—the le
; peal ef t tliti_Sub .Treasury, and l i the privi
lege tia issue notes of a . less denominatiOn
than five•more, to restore
confidence; impart vigor to and revive
trade,'chcrish mannfactnres and aubserve
the interests of the mechanics, and jay la
13ores.'than all the 'quack medicine, that
has ever been manufaetured, hi the tient°.
nian laboratory.
BATES, of Northampton, has .been elected
by the Jaegislature of Massachtm-,,a,Sett
ator in Congress to fill the vacancy occa
sioneXby the' resignatioh of `..lionest Jowl
D*vrs," and also for thet i r of six YeUrs
from - the 4th of March tie t Judge Bates
is'an ardent:Whig, and is - spoken of as a
Man of very shpbrior
C - 1). - v . ; _ tA. ik•Tl io 11it : . , . 7,);-2 . )„ , 1017V . :#4 - tt .: . : - . '_(4 . ,5: - /,...,:*** 1ii.10 - 2ci t$ L 4 'v:4
Monday-18th inst. the Legisla
ture of Virginia elected the Hon. William
C. Rives.. Senatoi, in. Congress for i'flx
years from the .4th of Mika, 1836. The
vote stood, for Rives 84—for JohnlL' Ma
son 40--for James, 4eDowell 80—scatter- .
ing 2. This result cannotbut be gratifying
to the numerous friends of Mr. Rives
in and out of Virginia, whilst to the Loco
focos it is gall and wormwood. Upon'this
result, the Richmond Whig remarks
".Mr. Rives was on Monday elected ,a
Senator of the United States, (to'fill his
own vacancy) for four years, from the' 4th
of March next. Believing this result bene
ficial `to the state'we — siu - ce - rely — tongratu ,-
late the-public upon-it. • To LocofocOisna
it is a pill of inexpressible bitterness. The
Locos struggled desperately. to avoid .the
dose; but the Whig doctors were inexora
ble. There were no two ways, they said,'
about it."
" Netmeas of Caupt 1"---Under this
caption' the Washington Globe-has a long
and angry article, in which it attributes the
numerous frauds, robberies, murders, sui
cides,.liga ' oat:accidents, 4c.&c.; to the
means made se of. by the rascally Whigs
during th recent campaign, to elect their
candidate to the Presidency—to their pipe
layers and .stump orators. The true rea
son of the - increase of crime- is no. doubt
owing to the example of-men high in of
fica--:the Swartwouts, .the Prices, and the
Boyds. When these men defrauded, the
Government if millions, the Globe ex
pressed no virtuous indignation, and they
were suffered. to escape. unpunished; but
if a poor devil of a loafer, imitating the , ex
ample of his betters. r,o be a hen:ionst, the
Globe - heralds it-fort h to - the - world-as an --
evidence of the " increase of crime," and
of the depravity of the Whig party. The
Glolie is, however, in its dotage.
1 11:177The oVrashington . Reporter," one
of the most- faithful: and 'efficient Whig
iresses,innlluding to the elevation .of
ollowing language
. -'' Speaker Penrose._
No recent event has given us more uri.
Mintled - plaiiure, than:;the re-electibn of
this talented and accomplished gentleman
_to preside in the Pennsylvania Senate, .*r:'
Penrose is emphatically a Pennsylvariian,
-heart and soul a Pennsylvanian—and in
the legislative halls of this, his native state,
has won bright laurels in defence of what
he, with all her enlightened, right-seeinz
- -•
and astute politiciians and statesmen, have
always esteemed' her highest interest and
true 'policy. He his moreover won the.
admiration of intelligent men, both at hotite
and abroad,•forn manly and faithful devo
tion to Pennsylvania when hideous faction
reared its head in her .councils—preache_d
talincited "a demoniacal mob of
. to acts
outrage 'against the constitution and the
laws, and spurned Under their - unhallowed_
feet the legitimate authority of the Com
monwealth. -Yes, faithful to the Constitu
tion and Laws he has .ever been,—with
fervor, and zeal and untiring devotion be
has __constantly, on all, occasions,
places, before all men, upheld and main
tained their supremacy.. .We award no
more than 'a justly merited tribute to his .
talents. and-his - worthy when - we' assign--to
Mr. P. the lofty pre-eminence in'-Pennsyl
vania of being,. What . Mr. Webster is by
common consent allowetrto. be in the
Uttion„the Expounder of the Constitution
and-Laws-and—their - elnquent- and-fearless
Its must have been peculiarly gratifying
to Mr. p.' to be restored to the honorable
station freak which he had been; ejected in
obedience to the behests of a rabid faction,
who were perMitted for . brief 'season to
hold discordant rule in, the Senate.
____4o=Alio_rork_Republican ! _a_Ap -
Whig paperoin speaking of the re-eleiitiou
'of Mr. Penrose to the chair of the SetWe, -
pays him the following elegant coMpli
metal thus a ff ording 'additional evidence
that the succesiful efforts of this gentleman
inTthtLeaus.e_bilinTrisoniand_Reform_ are
properly appreciated by the people:
" The position of Charles 13. Penrose
is now most enviable. The man whose
nomination be' probably did more than any
other individual to secure—whose cause
be advocated with a power of popular elo-,
quence and untiring industry nearly un
e nailed—in no 'case excelled, and whose
character and qualificationa tic •tritimphant
ly vindicated before the voters of Pennsyl
vania, has received, the suffrages of a de
cided majority in a poll entirely unexampled
in'her annals.. It was well done then by
a majority Or, the,_Senate to select as-the
officer to preside - ovcilhe 'deliberations of
that body the Atlas of tlarrisonism in the
Commonwealth, and by such a manifesta
,their coadence,•tovour contempt
upon the sla'nders of his'enemies,'"and to
uphold him as the trusted, honorable, and
able vindicator of their cause:"
The Nationaantelligeneer of Mon
day has the following , „
To -the Editors of - the National Intel&
CINaINNATI, Jan. 17, 1841.
— "Veneratilarrison .left,this city last eve-
Meg for North Bend. He has. accepted
the kind offer of Messrs. Strader &Gor,
mmt"Tollroeeecl to Itaburgiiiiii . Aeir new
and beautiful steamboat, the Benjamin
Franklin. The General will depart , from
Cineinnatti foir"Washington; on hood the
Franklin on Tuesday, With January. Pre
.bablY 'l**ill'reach 'Washington shoat Ytie
7tkor Bth of Febr uary."
General ilarrienn•ia film* health; ,and
has not had more vigor for the last twenty
Years. , • . . -
_ Mrs. Harrisonlj
asegatned "her health,
but will not to m sa,the mountains
with the General. , , -
The Spiro 10 4 . 4tnada.• .
'several 'of the,Canitia .papers hold very
violent languade in relation to the CaiOline
affair_ and the arrest, of McLeod.
Toronto Colonist says •
".We conclude for the..pres - ent with. ,
elcpression of a confident hope, that at
whatever .cost, our, govesiament will , of
suffer one hair of. Mr. McLeod's head io.
be injured. ' There -are i perjured
enough on the . otherside• ready, to swear
any thing.to_procure his - conviction, who
would that moment desire and assist in.
putting - him — to Ileath, - and'ar the - sheriff's
interests may be closely identified with
those of this desperate mob, there would
be little chance of his conniving at Mc-
Leod's escape, as has been done, in the
cases - atoll the border,Prowlers who have
been tried in_ the Ualteti §tates, and' con
victed, but afterwards. set at liherty."
The MontreaUlferidd'it3.lB.tiil more. vio
lent, thus i
. •
. "As nothing i s n0W,106, hieerfor the of
ficers of the rebublic 01121160 mi, we should
not be . surprised to hear of P,ritisli 'officers,
whe were engaged in the war of 1812, he !
ing.seized and put on trial- for clainage done
to the Citizens -ef• the 'separate 'States,' by
orders . of .gotiernment. The principle of,
Mr: Forsyth Maids good in all.cases, of a
dimilar 'nature." And the British
nientis . so much -respected by . the AM-4i
eine, that it is powerless to save its ser
vants for obeying. its-lawful. orders, This
state of feeling cannot last. The cup of
iniqUitY - is fast filling . upiand we:Should:like
to se'e, that country left itself". ••Those
persons who firmly believele Piovidence
overruling the affairs of , the
. World, cannot
but be impressed with the.c onviction, that
a gOvernment which- does not acknengedge
a God, and aels as trthere wereito
must ultimately be brought to desolation."
drul_aur_ Relations. with' rGreat. _Britain._
- It is every day becoming more apparent,
that much liberal and enlightened, diploma
tic negotiation will be necessary to:bring
-abouta-satisfactory_adjustinent of_the_points_
of dispute between the .United
,States rand
Great. BOA*. ~ We de not desire tp attach
unnecessary T importance,to the- apprelien
sions• that exist upon the subject. 'We
- have - reason - to - know;linWever . , --- Thartievew
rel. of the•most distinguished men of this
eoutitry=gentlemen,.teci; Who possess the
betit opportunities ef-obtaining-'correct- hi--
formation, entertain the' opinion-.that al
though the matter may be postponed-for
some time', that a aonfliet: will,in theend,
be avoided with much difficulty. It is be
lieved that. Great - Britain will-justify
defend the attack on the Caroline, and that
such, justification and defence - of that out
rage will cotistittitti . a tore serious and .ex
citing cause of offence tp the great. major-,
ity of the American people then even any
difference of opinion between the two Go
-veriurients; that may' grow out of the N.
E. Boapdar y tatiesiten. apparent,
moreover, from the alleged instructions
some-time' since alluded to by Sir Jelin
Harvey,,and the less equivocal declarations
embodied in the letters of Mr. Foi„that
the. British • Government has expressed
some private and confidential view of this
business to -her agents irf this country, in
►Canada; "and . in . Nevy - 13runsvitek. AISo;J
that she sometime sincelit least, determin
etfution a very decided stand. Indeed,
the _.";!!_as already- no-,
ticed in our columns,liitimates that Lord
ahrierston long since sent a letter to Mr.
Stevenson, vindicating and assuming the
'xesponaibility . of the Caroline• affair , ;-but
that the letter was withdrawn for the time._
These indications, in - Crinneiitiri with -the
fact that Great Britain ,has now, and *has'
had for 'many months, upwards of 60,000
regular troops ,in - Canada - and the other
Provinces, have certainly any-other than a
Paiiffeltspect4 and ',it therefore behooves
our . Government to aeffiecordingly. Pos.
sibly,.nay probably, the . -difficulty may be
adjusted,' and in a satisfactory 'manner. but
remly_stated;. sorne_JaLour i _l*.t
informed citizens entertain apprehensions
upon the subjeet,,and assuredly the facts
we have mentioned, are not much calculat
ed to allay Su i Ch apprehensions. The Na
tional Intelligencer of 'll`. late, date has the
following article; which embodies . some
til l,
fiblif:iiilliiliistory_ ol ...le ca - st:_.:_triosi - esii
interest, as. indeed every thing lculatett
to elucidate thelelatiniiS betweerl the two
countries, does at the present moment
' The Washington . Correspondent of the
Nei York Courier arid Enquirer, under
'date of the Bth instatilt 'alluding to the
course of the NairoAalifin between the Go
vernments iii”be7lioitet i l !States end Great .
_l3tiltele on the Bounder .S_
to the fact.of Mr, Chrighphei; llifglieiliiii
ing-beet4rit : nerninsted to the Senate by
PresidentAdems, at the :session of Con
gress in 1 1828-9,. to JAI
to the
Hagne, - (with'i'NieW•to.the arbitration be
fore the King, of.the - N,Oherlands,) and the
rejection of that.noniinatiOn upon the same
party ground ,upon, Which' the most impor
tant nominations titee made by Mr-Adorns
. were rejected,-for the .purpose of reserving
all such appointmentSeinlcConcelitrating the
greatest, .posSildo aniennt, of patronage to.
the hapls'of General jaCkson, who was to
comeinto office on Vire 4th . of March fel- .
lowing; the' consequence: of which tejec
tion ',wee, that, in .dne 'time, the •.mission
"was-.bestowed .on. Mi.. rreble.- The ~ ,c o?-'
respondent, of - . gm, Cijoritir adds'to thie-re.; . ,
• nuniseence' the folloiving, whisk . corres,-
- ponds with the imprOsrorywhicies/men'
.made upon (itlerriliftr.:oll : ll,ie" Snote'eobjeet. ,
, .• "It,is . the '000E144 t persona r the best
. competent:to-judge, : and. from
hilve,liaid,l ConfidentlY.beliove:tht, it Mr,.
'Hughes - had reeeiiiinttltat appointment; his
influence at the Hague, amt. his means -of
access .to, and,; interconise mith,..jiot:the'
blitch Nliriistai:iTiliMii e li kb q,the'Xiiig.t . hini
self, W.ould'haie eiteriletlii to -Satisfy the
arbiter of the, jitiltke:of . tlo4i.y.Oeiisiotis, of
... the AinitediSeates; ;mid-Would . tfavti.. buitight
about a decision of the North Eastein
Boundary Question in ourfavor."
,-.Thus, 'the first error committed in re
gard to the Boundary negotiation was in
the choice of an , agent on the part of the
United States to attendlo. the arbitration.
A. second error, we believe, was corn
mittedln-the rejection of the award of the
King tot" the'Netherlands under the Treaty
of Ghent, after was made. Upon that
head there is, we know, some differenee
of opinion among patriotic citizens of bOth
our great political parties. For our part,
we wish , that it could have:been accepted.
A third error Was committed, we appro.
heng l .by the present Executive, in declin
ing ni,carry into effect the wishes of Con
gress, as indicated, two
, years ago, by the
making an appropriatio n lor-the,outfit, and
salary of a Strial Ministei.' to
.Great Bri
tain. Whatever doubt might have exiated
in'the mind of the President, as to,the ex
pediencyy, of ouch a special mission, might
well have yielded to this expression of
opinion 'by Congiess on the subject.—Pa.
Inquirer{' - • '.
Canal,ommissioners' 'Report.-:-The
Canal OmilmissiOners' report made to the
legislature (if this state a . few days ago, has
been' ordereA to. be printed. 'l.!he report
contains a "commendation of the following
appropriations' -
Erie" Extension,
North Efrineh,
Wisconisco, Canal;
'es: v c,
Completion of 2d track olCo
lumbia Railroad,
Completion of north track- of
Columbia Railroad,
French Creek feeder,
New work - on finished lines,
Motive power on. All
Portage Railroad, - . 25,000
To pay debts due on Sinnema
honing extension,
• - llfr.'Robert Stockton. the great stage
proprietor it the West, is now building, at_
splendid horse carriage:,
,to be - used - ex;
pressly to earry.oll.Tipirom North .Berid
to Washington; during this-morith
horses, and hewill - sclectsix — orilyisl
and very best for thjs carriage.
:Preciihor Arrested. Rev. Mr:
wa - slately - arrested - ai - Baton - ROugn, -- cbart- -.
edwith having used language-in a discourse
preached by him at . a . Methodist Camp
Meeting, an thf!-Sth of INovember in that
Parish, having a tendency_of produce dip- -
satisfaction among the free colored pupt 7
latiotiond insubordination among the slaves.
-- a:Roily-bail Pare, in this country;ls - noto
y.iously . too high. The fact has elicited an
address from Mr. DeGrand, otßostoo . , on
the subject of low prices and freights' u.poti
railroads. The writer asserts that, as a
matter of revenue, low are perferable . to
high prices, and he has collected - a series
of tables, with, great, dare, foundedtLthe
experience of foreign .o
countries as well as
our own, which sustain his position Sully.
This should be borne in mind by those in
tereSted.—Buff. •" •
INCIDENT IN FLORID . A.--Chaliiip, the
chief of thOse 'who destroyed Indian Key,
.was the_2d.Hra-.
goons. The chief Was:engagedrin cutting
wood, when the soldiers landed, and on .
finding himself discovered, ran fur the
grass. Several startedin purshit - ,•but they
all gave out except''Hall, who followed
until he-had almost overtaken 'him, When
C.haltika and,ektended_hishantl.,—
Hall.levelled his rifle, and the ball sinking
deepin.,the_brain_o_f_the chief, Ite_felLtlead
In the water, but short distance from t h e
island Which was the depot of his plunder.
Rptumption in Georgia.--The .C; ovot
nor of Georgia hns issued his, proclamation,
in necoiditnee mith the law;of the .'recent
session of the Legislaturn, i,rbiziuiring the
Banks to,, itstimn_specielniyments_on:Ttlie
first day 'of February next.--Ctiniberianii
Ci . , -
The Philadelphia North American of
Monday 'says, 'we learn that the States
Rank has, receive&anthority to, draw on
London for a further stun of .five hundred
housatu - pounds — sterli tiv, - - - for- pro=
obtained.• As about four and a half mil
lions of dollars have thus been added to
the available assess of thiei institution, even
the - most sceptical, be convinced
of .the . permanency of the resumption of
specie payments. •
The 'determination of' the French .Cabi
, i 44
1-net - 16 -- maintainpuit,artiteels_saitLtti ,
give great,effence to Great. Britain, Austria,
and Prussia.. The London Morning .
ald says; representations of a.decided-cha
racter on this subject are being made, and
utiless France lowers her tune,. the settle
ment of the Egyptian" question .will not
produce the benefit: al effect in. Europe that
was expected. • I • - -
There is a family in Montreal, the father
of 116 Pren eh rrinn,, ,thartt Other a lei
eldestin . hild a Maltese, The second
a Sicilian, the third a. Spaniard; and ; . the
fourth a Canadian...
NO THE Wnobe l'Autior or MAN.—We feel both
pleasure and satisfaction in recommending to all our
readers Brandreth's Vegetable Vniversal
as ,the most eetlain most safe and iteralualtle midi
isitin.estant: 'and - apekient pills, we
are perfectly convinced that they.stand -far shove all
others; as 'a certain cure inttgpases of worins„,seur
el, pitortutio himors, and'all affections of
the sTein.,4rop_sy, its:lima, stone and gravel ; piles and
humbago, they will be found invaluable to remove'
these' peccant humors before they hive time to pro
duce gangrene or tiny other fatal effects. „
• • tr- Ftwltale-in Ofiliee by CEO . W. IIiTNER,
and in Cumbooteptii Cartnty - by
, - ..itgenta publisheifin
another,part of this paper.
'lt: is irig(iOlimpwitto usfroiri MOO
that tro-thif•fin of the lionlo fum rilk amnia". from
that fatal destroyer "Coniumi,tion !" Would patients
pay more regard to their health, and procure groper
remedies:it the first altack,maufvalualdellies wouhl
be.stived to the enjoyment of their dearest friends and
relatives. it is a well known filet that".l)r. Swayne's
.Ctleripoinid Syrup` of Wild .Cherry" will arrest die
dangerous disease. This' godieine. has pieced its
efficacy in . thousands of cases. ,The very:tinny cer-.
.received, and • the recommendations froth
country agents, who Sell this medicine throughout the-
Tnited States: fs.trifly astonishing--they speak from,
ocular. proof; Witnessing the cures in their own Vicin
ity,: 'This certainly itieufficieidevidence to convince
to convince the most skeptical of the wonderful Off ;
cacy °tads invaluable medicine: , -. 'Will patients sits
longer be duped, by inexperienced coinponids, re
commended by ignorant pretenders as "cure-ails,"
which they well know is both .ritinous, the health
and constitution. • .
Principal office for the 'United .States N 0.19
North Eighth street, Philadelphia.
For sale by Dr. J. J. Myers 8t- Carlisle; and
'Wm. Peal, Sitippenstiurg, Pa. (Jan . 3 - , 1840—St
, •
!row many thee:land: of Little Children die annually
from the effects of ProtPticted Dentition.
It requires , no argument to coplinc - e* you that all
"Little Children! suffer sooner or later from' the'ef
feet!' of Teething, which their Vinci, protectors may
easily l perceive from the following. Sympteins;
lessness, sudden fits *Crying, firetrul n leverish, anti
'deeps but little, thrifsti its fingers into its mouth and
bites, thereby seeming to obtain relief, frequently at
tended with sough, difficulty of breathing, bowel
complaintiinflarnmation of the eves; and sores be
hind the;.ears, convulsions, &c.• Those who have the
care of these" little . ones"- should never be without
"Dr. -Paris' Celebrated American Soothing Syrup,"
for Children Cutting Teekby which they can pre
vent many alarming symptoms which often Prove
• t . ' -
Thousands of mothers and nut lies dm testify to the
immediate,effects of this invaluable Syrnp, .
plied to the gums. If a child waltei hi its
gunsi, .the Syrup when applied, gives immediate
ease, by "'opening the pores" andlienling, the glum,
thus preyenting convulsions, Sec. -to the riaPPI"F"
and enjoyment oftheir kind protectots:
Remember, all the genuine Meilleine expresses
this on the label--only„plare in Philadelphia where
this Medichiu can be obtaine,is at the Medici:Ll Of
fice, No. 19 North Eighth street, sad stiVertiSed A
gents in the country. - - •
For sale by Dr..J. J. Myers St Co., CHLitilel'and
Wm. Pe3l,Shippensburg,pd.
J 1,000,000
. 00,000
Wbytr, lIARLICIPS Compound Strengthening .
and German Aperient are used by alWasies of
people, in preteretie to other Medicines, because they
are prepared from a fittre extract of herbs, a whole
some medicine, mild 111 operation and plenum in
its effect—A•themost certainpres.Trer oChealtli,Ar safe..
anTheireettial cure , of- Dyspepsia - or Indigestion; and
all Stomach Complaints, a preserver and .puritier of
the whole system. .
Becnun they soothe 'nerves of sensibility And for
tify. the n e rves of motion, itnpArtinF tit their most sub
tile fluid its pristine tone; thus 'giving stren;th and
ulearness of tritud. • . • •
Heenuse they never destroy the contsof the stotunch
antrboviels, avail strong purgatives (16:--
• Because science and experience tench us
mene'purgiative alone will cure Vie disease of the Sto-
Mitch and Nerves._ NVe.ikness is the pritnitry.cause of
liost Oftliseisesolud,lleuntinulYyesorting Bros-.
. _ _
lie-purgativesT-youLtua e-the-diseases-muc h -worse
instead. of bkter. •
Beeline thirli ell's Medicines nre put up upon the
common sense principle, tci "cleanse and strengthen,"
whieltis theonly course to pursue to `effect a curt
Ifectutse these 'Aftitlicines-renllv do iitie the di nse
for which - they are raommentled. Principal 011iet
the United Statea, at No..l9',Nortit'Eiglidi street,
_ _
Also, for sale by J. J.-My ers & Co., Carl; sleland
Wm.- Peal, Shippeosburg, 'Pa. Pan: 13, 1541.--31
: of Springfield, Erie county, Pa.., (fortnerl)
.of Carlisle)io LYDIA L:, youngest ilaugli
ter of'John- Reynolds, Esq., of Meadville
- - . • DIEp, v . ,
In louisville,.(K).„).on_the.:2llthii_No,
vember Tast,. Capt. syBIVART
(formerly of Shippensburg, Cumberland
county, Pa.,) after a protracted: illness—
!lconsumption,---,whiCh he bore,with manly
fortitude and firmness: Patient in all - his
suffering; he evinced, while consumption
was wasting away .his'energice, that calm,
undisturbed and.comppsed manner dtat Utto
a par,t..of his character. Ile was followed
to the grave by the Independent Order of
Odd FelloWs, to which he was at
tached, and-who-bear-honorable-testimony
to his excellenci.—Lotilsville Gazette.
.TrieMilat Arssessatenl.
xrarien is hereby given that the Coinrohsionert
-111 ottlumberland county will Mild tlie appeals for
ififTerMit -- .13t - iißiiighs ••sin town
ships of said ceuntr, at the, times 1111t1,plmees an' pub
lished below, for die purpose ocheariug all- persons
who may atiply' foFiTtiress, and
,giant such relief -
as to them shall appear lswt and reasonable, to nit:
FRASKFOIID and itherialv towenliips on Thimidai
the ISth February fuld, nr the pablie house olJainca
Isloovets hormr t h of.Neu ‘llle. • • .
NEWVILLE awl :sfesstfoly,' on Fidday_tlie I.9th o f
the same place.
._llorturzr.r... on Saturday the TOO) at the puLlie
house of Jarr:ts Spoosler in NewhoT s .
_Sou.triestra`mt_ttuti_Sitt rr ttasautto—d.y.vtedd-psv-on
Monday the ‘2‘2llthe public. house of Jacob Engle
in the hot augh or Sitipinao-burg.
Borough' of Sturesssettrt3, on TuesdaLktie„..2otlat
the some place. • - - -
DlCKlNsotg r o”-Woinvsi l atv - the '24th at the public
house,of Joseph 1111elling.-r iu Centreville..
. WEST I)tiNtttinonovott, on Thursday the "sth At the
publiq house-of George-Sheaffer i -tit-netnull-nde: ---
- Nuarn - Miettkroat, on Friday t h e at the
Commrsainners' office in thelmrough-a1.:n0iT,,,,---•-,
Sowni Minnirroil, on Saturday the Vtll at the
same phire.
flawr Pih...;Aeurtaunxt. on . Tneday fru , of •,% ravel)
nest at the publiehouse ef Andrew K.reitler.
Borough of N't:wl , Cu.sinEitcain, on sV g ,lne.scli 3 ,
the 3.4 at-the public hOuse of Jacob Polhill) said bo
At.t,s;s:, nn That-Oar the 4:-.ll"aftlie house of
David Sheaffer in Sheidtardston n.,
Borough of:Alectimcicsauan, on Fridus dtr sth at
the pnblio house of John Hoover" borough.
• lkfiittos:; on S'aturdav the 6th at tileTiublichous.eid
Borough of CAat.tetr, on notiday Bth at the
Conimissinners' office in said borough. ••
-Szevrn ..9rat TO, on Tuesday the 9111 at the public
house of •Ini : eph . Gricr in Ileguestown.
All principal Assessors are ON:, notified itubd
quired to attend kt.the tine tun] place fiscal kir -Ole
apiral, fn . '• their retpertine I)Orftligils and
Br order of the CUMII,I6. • crs.. ' ' •
JOHN 10Stpi;Clerk. ,
Colitsitssrovin.s' Orricr;
:'c), •
.1 7 ,-o , lllld- •
On the 'resrtlrike between noitot Reek nut] CarliFlei
contaitiive iwetitn dui:am-on the Far-
Thit t tr. tt
1.4ea..t , r; tenon the flarris
burg Ifu.tik . 41,110, t feir, , 44,414 in small—riotes. Thr,
aiiner ran hive tlroperty 1)3 cnilii g. the auti
scriber.. •
ItRICK • -V. 11TA L.I.F. RI%
• ltoltnt Rock, .1an.1.0,1941. 7 ,4t,
t 777
Notice.' -•
x Bfato o f (,isqa
tlie estate of Lumberton, late 'of . North
JTiddletpii township, qecent ettitaring , ,‘ Aeon grantett
to Abraltarit Lumberton et 'North At hldlettm, and,
ltoss_Lambertmt of Carlisle:, Narer g iven
'to all peranotsjndebtedtO the'estate sof sailds,ttieettent
to" tnaktlitimidhltt?
tei prollenfllieta - far.pevnient.!r" , ' '
. A
• , ROSS _Liklij3EnToN-. ' -••
ExeetdUra orCrzala Lanlbertonoli;eq,
. ,
for 114 e reisr , of our Lord
1841. • " '
f: - 1 1
I,_ - .l'lil - i I
_ __.
3 4 5 6
1,0 11 12 13
J 7 .18 19 . 20 .
24 25 26 27
8 9, 10
,1 - 5 16 - .11
:21 • '22':'.23 .24
8 9 10"
14 19' 10 '
21 22: 23 24
28 29 30 '3l.
5, 6 7
12, 13 14
49 20. 21,
.26 RI 28.
3 4
10 11
17 18
24 25
1 a
14 15
21 22
28. £9
I 3
il ULY,
1 4.
19 20
_2 . 0 27
'9 10
10 11
-23 21
30 31
U 7
13_ 14
-20 -21
27 - 28
4 5
11 12
it I'9
-23- , -213 19._.30 - :
1 - V, -8 4 6 e
7 8 9 117 - 11, 12- 18
I 4 15 16 17. 18 19 20
-- 21 22 23 24 25 26.27
28 29 30
• .1 a. 4
-,7 8 9 10
12 .13 14 15 16 17' 113.
19 20 2T 22= 23 24:20'
. splendid capaucts
0. R ti a' It Iry
I:lass A for 1841.—T0 be 'drawn at Alexindrli,
Va. en Saturd.y, Feb. 6th 1841.
S4O,QOQ-a-$15,000► • ,
5,000_1)ol I arl. l 2.,.500. Dolreri .
:1,000 Dollars t 2,297 Doilari .
• rrst) Prizes of, $1 1 . 0 . 60,
50 0(.8300-90 of °?.200. &c: ,
Tickets only $ I 0-1114,1 .'res $5---Quarters $2 SO
Ci•t•iificates - of Packages 0f26 Whole:Rickets SISO
Do. • do 26 Hide do 6S
1) o. . : "26 Quarter do' 3* Si)
35,e05 Dollars.
10 of a.;500 Poliars.
tVensbitrg Lottery.
C/ ASS B for 1841.—T0 be drown nt Alexandria.
VA. on rt 13th I t br..ntry, iS4I.
6HANii -- CAOlrEts.,
$315,295-Pr , ..01.9,060, .
.-5;000 Dollarsi
_3;500 - Dollars
4,000 Dollars l 3;035 Dollars .
-----13 i 000—AO - Prizes - tif - 1 - ,500 dollars:
00 of 89,00 &c
. Tickets only
Certi firates Pit a tic - vs of 23 NY lio 1t;t71.1 ckets sl'3o
Do. • . • '6l' l ;Si do •
• ikt, tit?. 34 SD
0 310,009::Dollarst
ws' raiz,' of 2,000 Dollars.
I' i ii , P„ . i al i a ff. ‘ • sbci rg• Lottery.
Mai - 111ov I 841. l'e he c! ra ere at Alexandria;
Va. tI Saturday th 20th of Fchrteity, 1841. . .
. GRAND CAPITALS. ' ' ', .
Dollars 2,los'DOiriri
.• 3,000 - I)9lNrs i. .
la Prizes: ot • 62,000..-&c.
Tickets slo—Ditlvei $5---9A.Rimpso.
Certitirat es of Packagt'sor 25 11 . huh:Tickets $l3ll
.Do. do S5 l3a7F do .• 65
Do._ ' du 25 C,El6l•ter do, .5830
' 50;0 . 00. 1)011.ii,§1 , •
-... , - ..
Pilia'S 00 -
. $1969,40141:1*
And rat;;•teen Drawn No out*lfifit*-fivi.
Chi;ii 11 for 18•11..—To be tirawn•at,4llB3Bl4lria.
ya: Sainrclo,-, the "2791 of , FAliipary, 1841.
.O.R.EXD :Sari/
,of 000 Dothittl . '
_ .
2 priies 0f:55',000 7 -2,1500-'- 3 2A20 -
'25 prizes of $l.OOO-4 r o of $5OO-20 :of
* 1 - 500-30 of s3oo=-40 41.41250i'
ticket3slp--Hatrea's3—Qanrtais $2 3A,
Certificates of Package 25 Whole TiAeteeS , Cf
;e10„ , '25 An' ' , ASCI
DU. , :•.3givitter'46' •
• or oi4lere for Tiartsonti Sliar/r nr . tertl oitif
of Paokatica in the abort:lLottery will be promptly
mooted to, and Eike arlitimmotliattly.thor It
is over. ~Aglilrers --
N • • WitOtiogtop-eity,l).-C.. •
Jan. 6, I n4I.
Take Notice. and save Oastsw
"114 111' ‘
iersona io now ewe, "1 1 1. JP,
triot.te , :or bpeti,cpivuot,
oir, on or before the itst*
tbrir tiote,tam xecounti - will plaool ,fhiliintle.
of a JustleO ethe readp iOC oollectiolu
carlisle $ l4:-.,41. , • ' 4
=, 4
E -q
7 8
21 22
28 -29
11 . 12"
18 19
20 . 26
4 . 5
11 12
25 -26
1 2
8 9
lb 16
22 23
29 30
13. 14
20 21
27 28
g 4
. 9 id -11
16. 17 18
23 24 .25
1. 6 •9 . - La
14; .15. 16
21 - 22 23-;14 •
28' 20 . 00 31
4 5 6 7.
11 12. 13 14
18 19 20' 21'
12 3 4
8 9 10 11
15 16 17 .18
29. 30 -
1 2
a. V.
13 .14. 15 16
20 22 23