Ilqargains, - - Ch'enitr'oo4' - fur'eds/i. , - Theuliscribers, 'desirous' or redneing their'stoci ofr.:r it at reduced prices (Jr cash. T6eie eTTittice, stoelcof : 63118 AD. CLOTHS' atising , "res., Satinets, - Ille7inocii..FlOnw • -8,, i tc. . • • . . -. • will be sold n very'smaii advance. 'Such persobs' - •at ire desirous of:obteining gooll bargains will please call atthe store of- • . . • HaNER & 11/VINANY;',I•• . N. 13. The 'entire stock ofagere/pindize will be 'told„nidn'to any one. wishing to . the business,applicatton'be Made immediately. -Dee. 9,1840.. •, _ • kor-i;00X • HE'RE NOYgf. XY" - nammetuaua • • - • ARNOLD & AB R-, - Stc;re a larg.ano:l