Ilqargains, - - Ch'enitr'oo4' - fur'eds/i. , - Theuliscribers, 'desirous' or redneing their'stoci ofr.:r it at reduced prices (Jr cash. T6eie eTTittice, stoelcof : 63118 AD. CLOTHS' atising , "res., Satinets, - Ille7inocii..FlOnw • -8,, i tc. . • • . . -. • will be sold n very'smaii advance. 'Such persobs' - •at ire desirous of:obteining gooll bargains will please call atthe store of- • . . • HaNER & 11/VINANY;',I•• . N. 13. The 'entire stock ofagere/pindize will be 'told„nidn'to any one. wishing to . the business,applicatton'be Made immediately. -Dee. 9,1840.. •, _ • kor-i;00X • HE'RE NOYgf. XY" - nammetuaua • • - • ARNOLD & AB R-, - Stc;re a larg.ano:l<ioat ' splendid assorttneat.of • - - . Wall and Winter . 04-,. • <tip ••.Qt) Mti • Which theiwill , sell at .such .prides as. to. . snit parehasersi being determined . sell Aeapei: I be found elsewhere in the state. Their -• stock .consisting in part of.the folldwing articles, viz: .plack, Blue, Brown, , Olitie Green, Invisible Green, Afulberry, &eel-mixed; & Cadet mixed Broad Cloths • •Biack, Blue, Striped, and Drab. Cassitneres; Blue Green,'.Dritlf - and - Steel-mixed . ectssinetc; ;Prussian Blanket and Merino Shawls, Dmitlkerchtera, Alsls a large assnritiaeut of • - • Domcs6 ac Goods ) : . queensware: Hardware, .Groce , • rigs, Liquors, 'Re. St.c. • We would invite the-.public to cull and , examine mit- - tie w ni;d - pitiTFLO - 1 - - go o tl:gp orl s; - low - prides and exertion to please afiv effect, we feel confident that they will not to tici s ay without leaving. with tin a little of the Ready Rine. • N. 13: Gip/airy - Produce - of:Ill will he taken in exeltang:e w.tinithlitit iniirkittlirice. • , ' Y. S. A I. :1) 1k fins het-it eiretalatett that we do not. intend to continue here loager than the -ensuing spring, We Th.:refire would acquaint , the public that _ we have leased the wire-house, which we now °con , pv, fir the - teini - of - 1 . 9 I r y t•A -Maythis iilteck..The_ slandernits tongue of tit tse.c 110'•sedin ,ta d e vote all • Mei" nit--rO•ri to sift:kb:is:: and degraded acts.. Dec. 9,1810. - ----, • , . . B ARGA .N. • SOII fh iner BCAII ttalePr , • • .1 • At their New Stoke in uentreville,have . just re coiled and are now opening very large inutsplendid istewtment of BRMSII,FRCNCII and -DOMES: TIC . - 11 1 17 IV G . MO 16 S *Mal bare been selected with mite% caitin'tite Cities of NEW.YORIi and.PHILADELPHIA, and which they respectfully invite the citizens of Centreville `and vicinity to call and examine,at-theywill be elm bled. to please, and sell decidedly. 'cheaper than any. other establishment in the county. They will' be happy . at,all Ines Le See customers who are desirous of.havlng - . _ Wow. Cheap and 'WoodGoOds,; -Among their *dock. will be found Blue, Brown, Green, Olive, Cadet, Mulberry, Dahlia. Cit ron, Claret,. Mixt Drab, and p a variety of low priced /fa at Cs Superior striped and plain London and ilt4sltin Cassimeres, premipm and low priced- Sattinettst sy perinr-Silk, Satin, Velvet, Valencia, Corded, Strip. xd, Figured.:antl_elain Marseilles and: Cassimere --:Vestings,----A -general assortment'of-allqualitimand colors of • . _ Fall a»ii Winter Goods. . _ cnitable for - Gentlemen's wear. Superior Dhck Italian Lntestrings, Gros Dc Naps, Po De Swas, Gros De Swiss, and Senehnw Silks Challeys, zes,lacconeta; Cambries. Bobbineffs, Plain and Pi • gored Swiss, and Bank MusliasTSlia wls,• Dress ' Handkerchiefs, Searfs;- - Veilt.. Ribbons, clic. A_larae. Ain} _ excellent. assortment of ie_tlnk inns' • • Priced Calicoes, Tnillt7t7TO - cFelllifg — ard - Table --Diaper, Crash. Mushily, Tickings, Checks. Cards, Bearerteenh. &c. A general assortment of Leghorn and Straw• Bonnets, Umbrehas,Parasols, an extenalCe assortrilent of • GrOceries and Ilneensware - ofthe most tii?prored Qualities iTho public 110 re ispectfidly invited to call and judge for' themselves 95 they are determined to sell elierip For cash or country . . produce. TAVERN KEEPERS, are respectfully • incited to call and examine their stock - of Liquors before purChasing elsewhere. •Centreville, C‘im. Co„ October 14,,1850. Cheap'Slurry's. • the Subscribers have' on hood a large assortment of Cashmere, Thibet, Merino; BrOblia, Cheaille•ond other kinds of:Shawls ' which they will sell - arfi small advance- for Caah. " •. • • ... .141TNER 4.0' .11ULV.1.211".,--:- 'Fur , Mat Araps.; gnoi assortment of Fur and Cloth Caps will be eolirelienp - er - the •stnt'e-of _. , JItTXEI el ..11T,LV.I.NT. Lace, Goods. A large nstslrtmzet of Thileart Cape Edgings;. Canthrie nail Swiss Plilgtngs and lesertings, for sale atsethteed prices'ot the litore of 11171N'ER alle/LVAYI". ('ST RECEIVE - () atthe New St re Ur Shippensburg, English, “erinimand:Frehti MERIN.OE' 4 and for sale by • ARNOW & AEIRANIS. A-LL giaLouits. or . cmos T , ( MAIN, foe A 'sale at the New Stove in Shippensburg% by - - ARNOLD tv., ABRAMS. . _.. T UST 1t.t..,..v.i VE:1) and.. n ow offered, for si:tWat tar tlie New Storu in,,SltipperikhOrg; a handsome and 5.,1%.,,,1id sas%rtmenV of Plain, White and Wend.; ePitl''..ferino Shawls, ette' STUFFS.—=-Loglroo:L Braz T AIum,COCI .. IIIICSII, ail !Dvo; Mud Vitriol, Copperan,Tiiiligii;oll:tirVitz . riol, isfitric Acid, %turbalc do.: Solution ofTin 1 the' above Will bp sold /ow for • Qash, by S. ELLIOTT. - • • IT 0 T ZaE. . , . TitoSer - who know 'tbeniselves tctiro indebted to su'Aieriberotre're.peetfully regitested to and - settle their-aceatiTili - befireeit thitlitteTatut;.the-tst or.leintetry-184t, ins it is absolutely neeessai7 - outstanding . aeenunta slued be..ettled by tlut time:. ' . Tiv'llat..lo::,tre-htshteds is curried on' as usual at the Oltr Stand; for any article in tliu subsi;til),&silue or. . busluess. ' - Jitbou SENER. • • • • Bovint fottik Am' sty. • W NotiCe Rs lieretil given, spl!Ciqtbi%"t.i! u -cinstituuott'siod ,filWB 1 Pentisylva? ---nt.4..th4:the. ; stpoklifilderi..of said' instittitionlnunid • applying -10 die hest Legisti4tirn Of die COiltirkkon-- wealth-for OfohartZr, change ofmune, le sndtitietn .. .V ... loleppank,"ncrense of t.,3:11 •efil'.. discounting, nnd binkin4 -pri . - such restrictions in, Legi s altdors kit ettOode Pa. • - , .• - .A uf . Alj; ARNOLD & ABRAMS OM =I • „, a twaStlry:- Sttinfe scOlpa., on Giowitl. Pr il. s,.aas),..e*aditig 4 93'0 reZet. bauk; t Lettirt Stobk Stable - , 'of ';',7v.iitri; 66' tl»re.miscs. The-.wlinlevroperty'lli eaclaso by a liu. st4l4l* •1t,r01i.4; 11340, • •••vaat , urai.3.T24 . . .• • , c., . • reit :that ,nren . • in° wni,large and convenieat- house for nruuty , , years; occupied by 'Christian tlonnich '4W :inure recently by others 'as a . . - • 7P4,1 1 14 7101 , 1(0 us , 4. •_ • - . , , ... , . .. , • ~..... ... .• . . ••, •. • . The! lionse la remarkably Well - calculated for enter tainink BOA:JiDEI{S; .there being .t.liree- stairw.4B, and:Fire. plaiesin:ntost_ofthe rootns. The 91;91itiOn i*verkpletiSant gene?' desirable; being - iiii - tlig(ilortli:. 4- west core r'of Hanover and Geuther streets; whire„ toe coo . vc,Oences, 'tenets tmY.lether ..Imitse hi the IM rough oteoentti7. ,It . possesses the unusuaTitriatiiii.; gei of .12 1 . 00a114 on tlkfliit 'floor, 12 remiss 'on'the secoinkand'4 rooms OilitheAltird floor:' TWO' Wells of water p (one at the front dOor • on Loather streer7, - with a pump:iliereim the. other, in the lard 'at the 'kitchen-door4):atisteritraaA Jo contain eighiy-Wve hogsheads; large and emirenient'atialtig, Willtar:` % al., Cage_house and sheds; large . and expellent* garden, att led i to.the,buildings; . beibles . manYconvenien th no sikee , lfied. - For partieu'ars enquire Ff. -. .- • .• . .• CHRISTIAN . 11UiViRICH, Cailisie; Nile, 25; 1 84%—tf... • . : :: , . . . • - EDirkE 'FOOL • zialaw2Alo - eorazto... ,The.subscriber.bereliy intbrinirilte'aitizena of.Car lisle, and are pttlilie. generally, that helms taken the slims nearly crop ) mite the where -be pre pared to manufacture to order, bailie moat' reaacom plc terms, any article •in hisline basiness,in'ekas Aces, MK &d. . • H e will also attend toSteeling and Grinding-Axes. tieeolifita,p share Of public patronage, • ." • - - 1140: ' ' , lrie S. .111111t0. subsern!er 4 thankful.for past_ favors, respect ' I fully informS the - public thht he ,still continues to "hold PIA?' in Church' Alley, near - "t!tlitcation • nail," where he inis now on hand' niiirge ssortinent of notions. consisting in plet, of the follow mgt.- Bread, _Clakett; Cheesd,„_lacot4ilams, Flour, 'Stinp L cider, Spices, Fenits, Sweetmests,.• and Other neeessariei o detilatert for lliiitheredian. • - N. 11.11 e als3 continues to ktep ing I louse. where gentlemen ealdie accommodated - whit - Tripe; Piga Feet, Pickled oysters, Ste:: at the sliortest notice. - - JACOB SLUG. • Sent. 0. I 84(4 - 7 -1. year, . VrothiCc:AViiiited- Inyrtiediatel • C - A.S.ff will he naulfor ti Vl9 TIKKTSAND bar.: rclsnf-Flour;TEN-THOUSAND bushels of Whent;: TEN THOUSAND linshels of Rye; and TEN TUOUSAND bushels - of Corn,•by the .subscriber, who .can at all timed he foundat h's Ware-house on the &mat betWeeu Walnut tintl Striteittri.ets. .• liarrisburg,4Ti! Vb LAIN ''AND PTUDIDEII MOUSDLIN DE I:lNS,Afferetl fur sale AItSOI:D & .ABILVEIS. - UAM - ASK BCFRF.NtaI ttLANKKT SHAWLS of a new style, foe 'tie at the New .Store Shipticnsburg, by -AR,Norli 8c ABRAMS. . Hays' Liniment. FICTION. This extniortlinary chemical composition-, thee —fe stilt of science and the invention °fa. celebrated ined kid menthe introduLtion of . whieh to the public WAR invested n ith the solemnity of a death-lied be quest, has .since-gained.; reputation _unparalleled, hilly sustaining the correctness of the lamented ,lle. Grfdlley's last Confession, that "ho dared not'die without givingto_postwity_the_benefit of hie edge on thissubject," and lie therefore bequeathed to Ida friend and attendant, Solomon Hays, the secret of his discovery,' - It is now used in the principal hospitals, and the private practice hi our country. first ma meat cer tainly for the cure of the PILES, and also extensive ly and effectually alto baffle crethility,iiiirres where , its effects are witnessed. Externally in the follow ing conoplaisitst- • - ••• -• For Drops— . -Crcating •extraordinary absorption sconce_-- Swellings- 7 .Redncing them in a lini.hour3. IthCumatiam---Acute or chronic, giving quick ease. - . . __SoreThrOaf!-?,By..eancers. ulcers, or . colds.' Croup and NVlknoidng-Cough--,Exteraully and over the chest. - - - All Bruises, Sprains r and Bums—Cured in a few hours. Sores mid Ulcers—Whether' freb . h or long stand ing., and fever sores. Its ope . ratiou npon adults and children in reducing rhetimanc, swellings, and loosening coughs and tight ness ofthe chest by rebantjon of the parts, has been surprising beyond epnception. The common re mark of those will have used it in the. Piles, is "It acts like it charm.", - TffE-4 1 1-LES:.-4.-Tbe_price;sl,lS. refunded to any person win will use n bottle of thys' Liniment for the Piles_, and' return Me empty bottle without being cured.." Thes e. are the positive orders of the pimprie tor to the agents, and out of matipthemiands sol d one has been tuistiecesiful. • ' ' ' •'• We might insert certificates to any length; hut. prefee that Mosconi() tell the article, Monti' exhibit the orlginal to_imechasers: " Physicians and Patients, The Blind. Piles, said to be incurable'hy external applications.SolottitiHaYs warrants the 'contrary. His Liniment will cure Blind riles.' Paoli tire more ~ktubhortf titan theories.' • solicits all respectable 1 physicians to try" it upon • their patients.- , It will' do them no harm, and it ; is 'known that every physician. who has had the honesty-to Make the trial, has cmi -didly admitted that-it -A has- sueCeedetlAirevery-case they hare known, Then why not Use it?'. It is the recipe of, oite - of tlieirmost respectable Members; now • deceased. AY Ity.refute to use it.? Because it is sold as a proprietaryMetlicine ? Is this a. sulTrtient ,ex cuse for tuff-ring their honest patients to linger-in , distresa? We think not. Phyticiaits Shall be con vinced that there Is. no humbug or quackery shout this article.- , -YV lir then notnlleviateltuman suffer-, ing ? If they won't try' it - before - , let them . after' all other prescriptions fail.— Physicians ate respectfully requested, to do themselves and patients thejtistice to tlSe this m ticle. 'lt 5118111,e ,taken from the bottles and dcine . iip as their prescription - if they desire. '• ' ;• SOLOMON' HAYS. SoId by - COm,stco. 'Se co: , Wholesale ,Druggists, 2, Fletcheritreet,'NOW' York.. ,F9,r __enle also t2y sy.EvtNsoDj : & DINK , • T. , • • . December 23,1840. 7 s -Iy' ' . , 0111114' 4 3 • —HEALTH' ,There is not ()accuse a:Fever. iti . it - thousand; but tutu- .be-effeetita brokbtr-Ait ; and removed lir the . -use--of this Elixir. It removes all aciditkindiseitits4 bilious matter and. constipation trate the stomach and bowels, operates gently and effectually' on . the' bowelsoind-pow.erfidly oil, the . kidney6.and li::renulyystull unpleasant feelings after a hearty meal, and yrometeeu port appetite.. -It steeds -only atrial to stirtf,perfeat isatisfactioo..-.11- has becomeirgenetal' petictice . with mane th e m in: all caseauf : colds, pan, i in.thi bones, or 'heart' disagreeable feel-- ing, tentierlettts headache, or rbUlinesc , . Forloarse nelskif 11*q:through she day,lkionipletelYrest6m4 Alm voice - without mincing flainetis. , :'llVhociping , om,gh, and nII , coughs - 41'04141{1,0 at* cured' by tt.. The, staMs!cliti ..kerpulik4itrei,Wintiltp, by It, and it i'a finite impossible tliatlinrillittlitsohoO r ld;:cornineficiP while s rei•son islisim;tllll . -Arcop.' • cy:lf taken thiily it.firollticAlt;riitly, healthy, and . younguppeartilioe;bycitiliitiipliff,ailltlie humors of the system geaulne's4 4. ,.}lleteher-.streit;.oite (160..bplotviPottt'sto4e4t; 14:•.X . 14 : ,Gotifstouk-',lst.poev - .:Tio , stoe'AirktiyATEVEl4l9oll:at `Parris ey.: • ;- . Mi1..,51W. , .•.) , V1C/IWAV '''- . • ... - .- T ....+ ... e ." ... - , O ' :'i ''' ' '• ''':•'. !' . ' ' . :::- i j ' . ''.:'lr:l: : . '"'....7.7: :.. ".' l . . ' '; ' I ''''''' .... :S'": . '''::•Z''''. '''..'"- "* . 't : ''"..' - . - V". :.' L ' .. `' • .. ..11r1 ', .. , vit . it ,„, ,t.... . lit) . „,,,„. • . - 4 ft, --- -.-: -- . . / .,,..,....,,..K .. - .- .4 :,.. 2- --p... 04., ,, ..,..,/,,,. :.., . , 1 4. I r , . .., a , . . . . - er 4 m r.:2'4z; WI? BROWN:9. tile'vOerise tit iiianectOits•G'4l,erit cel,moul aft and Foovivrili*-Bioluceo. EliVreoof"tielett.l'oofititifsiedttOded7On'' the' hteeettOihear :we soi . ..prpinfeed ex! reectiVe. Amt . :forward' -.Aler‘diV 4 , in , iod..eeeeliVOiiid sell 711 of 'eiinW,Peo-. rciiiieetfulli , soTiat a sldii.e - pf , he. pid.itio:•init4.• 1111GOIst 'or - end of tholntefirrn of - Agnew, I Ilene rown.. • • ' G. W.: 131tOWN: of Ilarplii , srerry.;-VM , -, EXIiItir.N.C:ES4 ~• 'COO) qoPP k WrLay thendy. : lst.'eci - 1.(41. ;lionsthn fc. • - . J,aticatger Smnpli;,-, par. John' ,Steel ei S. Spi,iol`.Piiitericii‘i J. fl. 47..erree. •-lfirrriibi . o.e.—Tlioinniffiant,l) - c ; neyfinehler: • : •Vell7Ville .717 W RIP 01 - 1:11AI+; , 1 747040;-Co.=-GBoie - ton; Tnrnes`Ctunl~dioil`; SI4JIt~ M' ?o • Pittib7l4, , ,, , Nlitiliitiy: gr;_Chemilerlstio.[l. • IY,a eldnylod S. St. • .11egersioloi• - .1/d.:Wm. M. Marshall. • flat per'e Ferry; Va.-,-G. NYtigCri B. Luent,3r 7: - 00, 2!) - ; 1 , - - NM Copper, !.' . Sheet and' Kure The subieriber e , sfiir sale ' at his shoy, in North Hanove;i'street Carlisle; door to`Wm: Leon.; ard's store, (or will' ttatiolliiiture nt.the shortest nod• tics) the artieles,to VOUP,"" ) , Ma 'OQIII -13 409 . • ri all i rip desctons, • . _ • • • hfiWhielt he has on lined -a large assortment, which he, Will sell lower thsiti ever, for .Cush: He also of fees for_safa it 44%40 ty_of Store I!_ipe;- - S. • . Tin, Co' pp . er:nnd such-as Wish Kettles, Dee . Kettles, Hatter's Kettles, 1114tins; - lleipliitig" - Paitsiliciase - SianitingiSce4.- which .he n. 11.1 sell on better terms than usual. •'' • . .ABEL KEEXEE.: Carlisle, Sept. 23, 1843.--tf. , ' • - • . • • TH [lE .111 411 NG ,ACHINES With = Alififikata 7 s • Disproved •, • • • Patent Horse. Pattie gre . .;tt inaturagement• • heretofore received - from thtuctic.'olltis Machine's . , induces him 'loaf.; fer to the public:4 netr and ifitproved Horse . roisitr, which can he shiftetlitt gear, or out of Tar by keys, and shift the hand togive iirt; different revolt:Aloha: And lie has no hesitation•in assurlngthe Fartnerithai he is now able to furnish . diem will; an article far su mannfaftured heretofore. For and clean threshing and . ease...tip - 11M Heves Ills machines to be' uiteqesilltid;•• •• ; . His price is sl4o'--seventy dollars to be palil cask, and the balance in six months, for . whicka note wilt he required With , interest. _Ally perkon purchasing - a Machinetutd upotia fair trial', not being plensett, can return it. He will at. all , .times be ready to furnish, them on the shortest notice; orders troth a distance will-be punctually attended_to.• He will also repair' machines on the shortest, notice. . W I LLI ANI B MILIAG AN. - :-Ncw.llllc,4l.dy OWEN, MT,ABE .1 0111stry. , , . - 1 1 ....,. , • , Jaynes Hair TOnit.--Weliive,here.tofore num-. . .• • R. I. ei Lo om 1 s - tiered ourselves among those vilio . believed th a t, the - . _ - 1 .- . iiiii Tonie r prePared by Dr. Jay nes was one of the yIrAS retained to Carlisle, and Will, as heretofore many quack nostrums whose. virtue s are "never r seen ra - 110ttenil - to the-practlie--OrDentistry.- 2 •Hip-may..liey.mulihefalseitielatifief - theieiiu - tlicirl.. - \'l'e ere mu -- - Jr - •' • „..... Liatnz• of . C o l umbia. questing it, will be waited upon at their residedee. • the error of our - belief. . lin intiltiatefilend,someprO • - • , Dif. - Gion.oilK - Plionitt; .or three months sinceoill the top of Whose cranium._ . . . fr -'' P Refer to . -Aide/ I -Consul's-0j re, -Hi 1 1 -4. " 1 - , , - On. DAVIIII'N; Meaux, • • was as bald ass, pitve of polished marble, Mangre'all ' . , - Philiidelpida. . .5 ' Carlisle, Mardi 11, 100. ' ' '. • . . our ;jesting and ritlittile id the idea of niteinpting . , yr NOW ALL PERSONS to whom these pros - 1 --- - • - - . • to cultivates() barrel a spot purchased a -bottle or IV' cots shall come; that I, GUM MIT lIC/HERTSON,: two of the Hair Tonic from Dr. Jayne;and according Esq. his Britailie, Majesty's. Consul for the City of to his directions applied it. During the present week Philadelphia, do hereby certify; That 'Oben Whar. I the same (dead u Acres! licmsel f till° oarpreSence; and on-.Eso;, - &clexattestsAttlfterfeinoing Certificateth r is....... ___... ..2' !. .--"_.. - . .• '. . Micovering•his hitherto naked head; astonished uawith :Slayor ot the City of - Philadelphia; iii7illifiar Miltilowdli:7-1-iii-prbi,ed'intor-Wheek-,-a triinithoughluxurrantgrowth,,from,one_to • • . two inches in length---upon the very premises wow thew Randall, EN:, is Prothonotary of the. Court of 'iree . s bs _ .. . it 111, . u criner paving purchased of the original believed es'iiiiyiehlinit to cultivation as the trackless Common Pleas for the city and county of Philadel- 'Patentee the r ight the above Water Wheel . phis, to both whose signitures„with the Seals of theirsavidthat skirls the Atlantic-This is no puff, but is for t mathreligiously title and to those who doubt,the gentleman I' • e - of PennsylVaniiii mill dispose of individ-': " ' respective offices, full faith and credit is due. .I rights or countie .on advents 'eons terms. ca_a , . pointe ant. . . .t is ; more, i : _ 1 further tertlfy . ,that I faith_ liersonally, acquainted . . water w heel has been WV tested anu proven to hero uTonio,o' the ease here cited was not one of temPora ua . counties .on .. 1 1, . . This ' ' tie - d 'What ' • "O• favOr of this wittriosepli L. Inglis,one of the signers of the cern.. 1 ., • fir sup e ri or to any kind in its ficates hereunto a ffi xed, which expresses the efficacy ' machinery; having , . a - grimter. three of any other ofyeare standing; though the the gentleman is but Pmver of Pi'olleitint ry baldnesi-=no sudden loss of the hair-;.-but•was one of the,Balm of Columbia, and that he is a perdol of' wheels in propel non to the quantity el waterapplied: forty-flie , yeare of age. --.;Philadelphia Spirit of the great respectability; and worthy of full' faith and ere- -• D . is calinilat.ed to lie. ,more particularly u s eful - at - . •n u t s . , ilit;• and that. I have heard lam express his unguent). - . . , mills; liavni.• tram two to eight feet head and fall, - • - , . . - • " eil approhation of the.effects of the said Balm of Co- . , 1 . . • , and to gt catty obviate the inconvenienCes experienc- . lunibia, in restating his ed fella back water it is chnsidered by those liay.• • WAR ! WAR ! WAIL. O -;-.The . Wig makers ha Given under ni) Intuit and seal of office, at the city •. -. , -', -A. , • • , - ... •= ' - , ':.deelared hostilities against - our netghbor Dr. .Jayn e_ of Philadelphia, iii the 'State of Pommy lvaida,. die i i; t n em ' n use " tu t e e !' t ne - InPst "P bi t iuut I m l brur e " On Recount of his Hair Tonic, which is knocking all _ United States of Amerien. ' : , melds that has ever been introduced for its iirriplici , --- - - - ' '. - .- Li.' strut Ili - s ado as of. motion anil their business into a "conke d MO tadiea mid ken 41LBERT ROBERTSON- , 6 ' t e - ' e - • tlemen-old and young are flocking, to therDecter's is.ctfitstructedaltagether of iron and riot so expensive .standard. Heads long divested of even the first rudi to make as an undershot, and operating with about . Monts of heir, after using his Male - soon appear' half the water and not liable to be obstriietabylice . With newed fl oviing locks,. which Absalom himself in-the winter. The subscriber will deviate liiiiiitten.. : Wld- have -envied. . B6irdless . bees are' seen- with tion to calls for these wheels at such places as . laai i lar g e and,,bushy_whiskers i- and . ladies emile agaik be required. ' , • - ...: - - • ' - . ' through-their own raven ringlets more beautiful and' • . MICHAEL. M7MATII, Harrisburg. ... . .. .., , .... .. . , ' bewitching . than ever. `,'Bald heath are doffing their .Wigi and throwing-Thera' to the "molts and the bats';' . .. ' : • . a P s'• - ] ' ''.• .--,'-''' '' ' ':- while the Wig-makers stand. aghast. aii they_behold.. This is to ecalfy,tf s; nit I have put inone of,Howa's the ileinolition of their business. . Ramat Castlrow-Dtrect Action' ater Wheels, in ' I What will-liethe consequence of this war we know place of a Reaction Wheel ;that the Direct Wheel 6°4as - the wlggies are outrageous', and the Doctorre does not flood the tail race . a s rauchlit three' inch . ei mains:firm, and declares, that "some things ,cairbe as the reaction did, mid that I can grind seven birth- ' done as well-as others," and that bald heads may as els witlrthe. direct action wheel an hour, and drive welhsear their oirn!liair as that Of others.--4 Week:. two run of strines;Wliere.ii.e.milil not grind four VOA- I ly Messenger.. f• , ', ••• ' 0 , 'els ;tithe Sometime with the reaetira arid drive one ; ~. ~- ,: . . ....,,,,,- --. .- : -,1 ';'.', -• , • 'ron,of-stones PETER_PARNESTOCK,4------:---- ---- . . '— ' . Rupltrrita, Lan. co. Oct. - 1 8 98. - - - ' , -Jayne s Hair 7bnie:k.--We Meet at alined eve ry corner, When perambulating the streets,inen wearing long and .glottsy hair,- which they seem to be, prou4 61, and. olltere Wile have raised-.lua feW aieeiiii; a crop • of black moustaches, that would vie with thetfolisietit briiiif that ever k walkeil:the . foecit, . It bat puzzled us to know,tito. Seeret; of all those 3WpildrOU4 . crepe of hair but Mesarc'SANDS,79 and 160 - Fiilten street, hare gote reittedrwhere all who irei.Curitins in such _niat*s may , earn 'a valuable. aecret....-New Sold iii Philadelphia at 26 South Third Sire-et . , ,Read the . RooronT WHARTON, Esq.,Ante Mayor of has certified, as - may be seen below, to the high Character of the following Fentlemen. ' The undersigned do hereby certify that-we hare used -the Balm of Columbia J. Old 'ridge, and bare found-it •wt;vieillble Kit only ass, jwerentireogainat theofalling off of hair; but also a certain reStorature. . JOHN P. INGLIS. 53141..:1i sr. • JOHN D.'"IIIOMAS; , M.D. 161 . 11acc et. ____JOHN S. FUREY; tat slivitce st. .',14:CU11DY;.2.43 'JOHN YARD, jr., 123 Aveli-pt„ . . . The ag,e(l„ auti, those who, persist in 'wearing wigs mny not always : . experiencejts restorative yet it will certainly. false itsvirtues in the estimation of the it ie kilown:thattlii;eo of the a bove-signers at:e iliati,so'years 6f.ate j vtql the' others not,tesi thatiAX • • •' • • , '' • • [Prom the Oralion:), „,•. • ROBERT WHARI'ON, Makor•of laitrcitY of Philadelphia, 'do hereby, certify that I urn well ac quainted with hicasia..l,--P. Inglis, John S. Purer, atul Hugh McCufdy. whose situate are signed to above certificate, that.they are: gentlemen•or teptetzet_ip_ectability .L and as such.full• credit should be given to the - Waif In ‘i/itneiii'Whereer.l have hereunto - set 'my - hantl, r attq, causedth seal of dip to , bUitlized, the math flay. or Dee.2raber.lcc.• • , ROBERT, WHARTON, Mayor. ... • • • . chLDRIDOES BALM 9k, COLUMBIA FOR kji=rlE -, pcisitiieitiiitlatiAreic fol.; .Ist. "di; lefiii4Wliefftpitig - :tlie 7 heitatOefetnOidlitt pnd'oaulin aluxeriilnt . growth if halr. .. • . ',Per ladies after restoring the skin' itaAcial strength and litiatiesswand O'reeenting the, filling'Oht 'of the hair,. 4' r , t dd. Por any portion eioniMr,ing front any debility . ; the same effect is'prodtieed. ' r. t • • '4. , 44flefilkill-WiMeY:Olingontlgrowtkisstaitt4 limey toe,. ke,eFT,edjiy ateti,tioll to the ,bitest period • 4 Bth. It feels The head from 'dandeult ittitigthee`i the roots, imparts health and vigor. to, the eircidatjon: and prevenla ,I,LaisfkotUehausinq,cohr4r or, •met ! ,, dux - • ' • - fithOlt. canes the. hale ;to'. Cael,-ottaiddittly , wheif done , up In at; peer night...' • - Or` No ladies' m 41,611004 ever ; be. .iyinotkykb . ont ; Cltildretc bfhdll'ave by any rheatia,'Onnieacted' vermin in the 'head, are'hiumediately and perfectly. °e'en; Illevlrtkg, store , of „ Centstctca l 'egit• . c;.* 'Flatolitettrie Itiisr*Vesirl;iied 0 . 0.16 by are,' 7 tDei‘ 16:1841:h"lY - 11:00kM; for wooifiitilcoal ollsm:ts of '••• WM. THATCHER, senior, • Methodist -Ministei in St. George charpe • • lin. 86-NortliTifdi at . . COMMOX3VkALTII OF PErfriSTlLVAritl,} City of PhiludelOki. . „_. • ~. ... . ......., . . .. . . . ... ~ . .--•' •;., : : ...- - • ~=..-• .. , -0 " •.,,,-,..- ..... , .--::: :, .: .-. , ..,,,,•• . • 4 4;.,..• •,,,,,. - . , . , ... .. , ~ . • '- - - • . ..,..- , i' 7 1 '---------!-..-• , .• ..zii... -'-'' 1 ~,••:,-*-;-;.:).-!•,-.--,- — •:. - i-0-•-•-- - :• - . - r!..:. • . ..• 0 , . - - - - s- ••• ,--...-... ..,.1.,....,-",,: 1% '''• '',:c . '... ~--; . - ' ,-- - - , - --gp.' - ';' -.---- ::. --. .4., „-r.--- ~.. - . .i...., ~........"....',... -, , a4 . . -- -.-'tT-• , .: --4 : , 7 - - - -.,.. -: --:' I : '''.f.--:.''';.,.;„.; - , - ...._, ''. s • ---.. ,-..... '• :', .. , . :' , .. - ,,-;'.. , - 4 .42', , '... 1 '1,43054114M0 1 10 1 13 10 ZU , • ; it-Eg - tabic•rii,er; g ra3efaireirpoit rovot r ii..'...,.' - .ur , :- lytieljustithilailfriendstiiid'the pablioithathehlaiialit into operation on the Harrisburg, 11aleciu! LL: lll sciA,;.?!.. -, 4 , . 4 41 ° 6 o 1 'le•l'v_llol(Fili.ilailiii, tiicii,`"iiill'l4 . t iieo-'. iiirly hetWeen'tlairislitiafand I'lailailelPhilvt..Y . Yineb 1 OsOodai 'Mid Prfiduie or alt descriptions will befdrwaE 1 de 4 V 4 liti'clire aild , despatch, at the lowest- rates. of 'freiltt. , , , • ',, -- ' , - ,-.,,. .. - ~., , . .., ' • Goods ill 'h e recerio at tiM'Warenoriseot THOS. '.l. MAXW.V.II. - a, N. E: earner' of fliorid 'anif.V Inc, 1 ,streeta, Philadelphia, andloirwartleti to klartisbur;, `Carlisle, _Chambersburg, 'nod intermediate ',Maces', day: tlfe ittbscriber, ' - ----- '-----_-. OVVEN_:',I%I'CABE: . _: -. . 1 ..11sirriadairifFeb:5; ta1.59,- ',":.- ~.-',.:. it . - --....-- . ----..:-,--,.: ' FISH, SALT..AND - PLAZTElfieiinstantlyo.a - I mnd.: -„Gas h paid for almost all kinds of coliotry pr 0,.., 4 .. ~ .....6, I =EI . 7 V116C - h4tikgbu - ii - g . ' , • ine i; Ile lingll2 ter pant or atifnuire: - ..,, '• [Br RAIL ROAD OR CANAL]' subscribers gtateful for past fai'orik ":.,beg leave to inform. theirfriends and the public genet nlly; that the 'still coatinue to ten n line" of dim tlieu Catlare.mhirly bet Ween -51(echanicsbOrg and' Philadelphia or'llaltimore,.by which goods and pro duce of all descriptions will beloirwnrded• with care. and despatch nt thelowest rates of freight. . Produce wilthe.rec;eired 'ne their '.Wliref 11034 in Miielianicshurg,-ned forwarded to either 'Chile. .delphia or • tlaliiinofe, atiOitlittg - . ta the directten of the isot•The highest price will be given for Wheat ond - Flour. , z . " " • - • - bIIESI3ACtI Si' MEALY., Plaster'of Paris and Salt alWays kept. on hand, and for satk'at the' lowest prices. - July 29.0640.- - --Iy. • - - ' Co. • geolLe.. A .; 4"1 4 M , - 4 11g 14"L fArA CO MISSiON - & - FORMAR - D ..- ING MERCHANTS.; H : at*.removial Capachias Warchooserecently occupied hi 1„). Leech fr, CO, at tbennrth-westinn*er Cherry and firoad.striief,Philittlelphid. • Peom ille‘faOilities - Whiolf inteinal arrangement of this depot: atforil,- 1 00 to 40 northen ,_catienq belare??Anmodatellto tudomfatal load at the same time wuh suffiidelidmidrnieitore - 20,000 hin•trelif of Flour, autl'4ooto 600-ton of Grain exclutiire:O.f.the forwartling departm.ent.• .. • • • Prodnee of every . .oescription will be received as usual on consignments, and' advances made on 'receipt (if required) until tailed afeeffeetelh -, - HELLAS & Co. North-West corner of Cherry* Ileoad at. • . • Philadelphia. r • . • REFF.IitNer.S.," . S.-Colman Cashier. ' • ietulersim• _ Ilenrv-lthands, Sannaerson & llosterman, .•. • Jacob. Swoyer, • . David Nevin, Shippenetnirg. • _ . T Sinatli,F.sq. Cashier/ EysterOruta 4 co, con ertvcri t ' 14obert . , Catherwond *Craig, • Philadelphia. ' - W mpson m. I. Thomp son lct CO. oroln, IMPORTANT TO MILLERS & MANUFACTI.TREpo. , ! t . ttlioiray, `Stay 5, 1038. This may.Certily, thave - been engaged in put= link in S. 13. Howd'a- case iron direct actioirwatek wheel; both inilfeiStatk'„of New York, and ,gan; and clot ghrolt asmy:decided o pinion that witli 8 feet bead or under, it' will do more business with th'esame water thin any. other water wheel *Mari have yet had any experience in, and in reference to back water, is meant! teat to none that I have yet tried. In reference to guahli4against fa; there On be no bettel , operatikat, and. it le'vert• easy to. he kept. in repair. • • • •t: - • , STESEN AZLE% • Airoway, dept 3,1831.. — This may teßiffilnitiliare Win mfhtltistieef , Mr. Hawd's direct water wheelie thr the Retie 'of , ane, "Year: Itli a fire feet wheel,.andl hive- hadpt re* action in he ratnoplace-1 have had'Wheitler's Tinian Wheel. yet I think Mr: How"d's Wilt do more himittess with lesiwaterthaft any ather I have *fed: 'lt-does well in- baok.tvider. - I have luulfronti to- 6 feet head. thhilita*.qauld. 00 as. antelt. t work with half the Waimea we used to do With -the Itniferdatai - 1V hi ti • -.-LAWRENPE 1111.,EY. • ' , Leona, lBStle This alayijertify,:that We. fame need one ot itewditi patent water Wheels since Deeeraber Isist t by :the aide of a re-actiort Wheel, and we . twak :that Howdra ; will „do doehle the bosom's,with the : setae water that:the fe:aettoa Will )10, ,Irry 'We never haae_but threirAttl`ffad.r:ond'oett ' grind that , eight bailed 'per hear.. AVE are aubleet to beach wale ilihilk. ol4 oi! ri ll 0 6 44 lleod ,b,ToPeke.t under !back Wetet asikre.saithat, an we 'recommend a atleil'aild . patritaahte of thpithlie: • 2 Bußrr, ••• _. ?- • , - Iym.,lv. ,, agRGTTR )01.10 1 Ati "la ,ageetTor.theltivive, Enentle4w4 'liter, wheel Jo tht' counties of pauPhin,•Camheilandirklitorklind will , 'atell titiektiereadylOatttead , tWthelesalttand' , eree4 Alo+ti ilogithOrtOsli tigtke'. Shepbertlitott . Cureoerlati4 'eountr; •-; • April *ft% ' ' lEM BONI ti 04 toc4 1:6111 .0t W 1 *fa 11 4 1 1 1 0 1 T ,61.00.aetthAr , r44Aus Tr: sTott,e,y - - —J 111111E;Obil4ribitibibl'ipst retuiried_,fnari. rhiladelliNfitand , Bala mow'epening• at' itAsteLt Pilarket-Squtirecitintl.Msin,StreetsAtor . . 'inCarloccßied - by,;Geo•N• liktuF" , ) - ?rt e r i iOrtlnen't ' { J silo: 4ra1 4 4- attar . ; wake; [' C , Giocariesic t Tqiniff..rfitriliskes; Ptatis,rßruph- , 11 , 11:ps, Calies; Lamps for - __burning C.amphiiie -0: or artieleirusefutanif fibeeimry TarTurmaliing and keeping a house. 1-le• hasalsb; and will 'constantly keeili , on hand • -C:imphirue 011,i; , ,a , el:eat:llnd elegant substitute foi: spein: oil. and 'having been appointed , the agettt of Alessi's. Ilack,ers 'and Brother' of Newark N.J., for the ruilupf Jones Patent Lamlitin thlit coup y;-1:e is iireMired to fur ' niah:Laimpaand Oil: at. a very'reasontible rate to all who may,wtsli to use this ,new aml economical light. ;Having sCleited liie goods hinisell, and maile.his phrehases for cash', e• :s ,ell low. i Tliosehaying the cash to !spout -will find it to their advantage to give him 'a • ' HENItY DUi''FfELD:' • 1.840.444,, Denial- Surgery. 'ArtltettirsiCk"nondedginents to, the pulitiii." for the 'trer.y liberal Wire iif riatrcinage he liiisrecedicif thepast year, and would .. still continue .tor offer. :them his professional services r in their - various:bran. thee) at his residence; ;(6..t, - Plaepor'a - gco4 - 1 - te,fileii, and` • plti s"te'etli and ',inserts' iiieorrninible tarrer militia artificial teeth this; Most ariirov,ed Manner: . Charges:aliway s, moderate; , *. - • ; - • J. C. • NiFF, 111. ,D. Mat;ch 25, 1840.--tf . . • Haili. Ton , • For.the growth, pteierration and:reptontiOn of the halt.; This i o an' excellent" ortiele, and hos; in'im otiOivoi histioices; pi•Othilied'a'fitoir Oo'vnli of 'onthe heads of pereookwholtnd been Wild for yetuw.- , . LADirs-ANTI yoti wish *Ott,' luxuriant and beautiful. hair ,Iknow you will answer' _vea:_llear, for one monieut, the_ Cause of i'tsiMs, Why_ lit,turits gray, rusty and CoUrse,.itaish unpleasan in its appear.nice, antLfinally tied s off Eaelr hair has A root ni the skin, and is itself a hollow tube, through wliioh there is a constant Jrindation of fine: Bythie eirculatititi, the Bair-is nourished and field -fast,-ita-glossvcolnur,i'sigiven and preserved, Anil it finest oil. :NoWnity Wing whick jures the !IMO of the head, Or diverts or takes 'away theldOodfrOm it, will prevent or impede the circida tiOh through the titbervof t h t hair, stop its growtlf,' and'catuto it to fall.offor torn ,graY,tor - both. Hence itlit that any_ causelliatobattuets or weakens, cUfatiOii tichlood thrdigli-the•ski it, or that dierts;the , blomito other partrtsf the sy,steniovill take away the -I irely; frealt and youthful- appeantned.of the hair, ar rest its groWth, turh , gray sootiO Or laterond in thonsands of instaities cause riretriattire baldness:, • _ For sale by - S. ELLIOTT, and , • STEVENSON St DIN:KEE, • • • I_ • May 13 • 184Ch.t—ly . hair Tonie.-r-We call 3 - the attentionof those 'af flicted with, premature laildnessAo theescellent Ilair Timie-tirt.paredby Dr. Jayne Having used used it ourselveri, we can spehkof its virtues by esker. Ocoee, and we unhesitatingly, pronounce:A - ail invaln, ahle rentedytO preyerit the falling offOdic hiiir,Und to 'restore it from' a dead, to a' fine, health appcsW; , .. :Mee. We can also' sPeak fitimliersrinaf knbwledgF of the'crises of two or three friends:who'were predis r , posed to baldness, who by the use of :.Jayne's• fiair. Toniti, bait. now litztiriant hair. .We lige noilispis:. SitfontO puff, all kWh of .reinciliei for all diseases which flesh is heir to, but when we have tests l the virtue of a% article, we are free to say it is good.--Saturday Evincing .Post. The Indiast Vegetable Pills: - Are is purgOtiye medicine, so natural to die human constitution, and Withel In mild, and ; plenstint in their opertition;that - nOttlie.slightest-dread of pain orsick neSs, need be ' apprehended, from their' use, even by the most delicate: at the same time, intactl in such a - imittter, as U. operate, freely by dm : bowels; those morbid humors, (which &posited, niam..the ittrions part:ea the body are the Coale of every ache or pain we suffer) will-most assuredly be removed; and not" only will pain, ordisiress of every description ne dri ven from the body; but disease' in any farm will be irn-. possible. • . . For the some reason, when, from the sudden Chan g- ea of atmoaphere, or any other cuuSe c tlie perspiration itt checked, and those humors which should pass off. by the skin, are thrown inwardly, causing' Iteadaidie,miu seati,and sickness; pains in .the.benes, watery and in- Iliindf °Yes", afire throat, hoarse; tess;cougliticonsump- - tionolieumatie pains in various parts of the body,and many other symptoms orcatchisig cold, the Indian veg etable Pills will invariably , give imMetlitito relief— Three or four pills, taken at night on going to bed,and tepeated a few times, will rorhove .011 the above un pleasint symptoms, and restore the body to even souni tler health than before. - " - The IndiatiNegetable Pills.( Ind inn l'urgative) are a natural. and therefore tt certain cure for Costiveness: 1 because they cleanse the-stomitch tont bowels of those I;4l°ns-humours, whichnot otily -paralyze, and weaken, l the digestive organi, but are the cause Of lieutlachei ' 1 nauseant and sickness, polpitation of the beirt;llitng 1 pains in various parts of the body, sod, immy other 1 distikreeable complaints. ,The same maybe. said of difficultv.of breathitig f or asthma; the Indian Vegeta ble ritii, will loosen mid, curry ar by die stomach and bowels; those tough 'pleglimy !minors whirl* stop up all air cella of the lungs, and ate the cause of the above. dreadful con p laint. . '. Id all disordered motions of the-blood,Cal called inter-, mittent,remittent, neryons, inflammatory sind putrid ! FEVERS,' the- Indimi 'Vegetable Pills will be .found, acertain remedy. '; because ,titcy;_creause the `stomach and bowels all bilious matter,and Puvit c ;Y,*ltrbirmdt" . i consequentiv,iithertn reove the Wise. o every kind of - disease, tfiey are absolutely Certain; to - cure every kind' of Fever: -.' •-• • . - -' ' So also :when - morbid huddles are deposited -upeir' the membrane and muscle - s -- , - cating - Those - tiiiliK - lii: - nominations and Swellings caned Rheumatism, Gent," &o.;. the Indian Vegetable Pills may; be, relied' sir air ' :away s Certain to give relief, end if pertieverett With,, will most assuredly; anti ivithmit . fait, make It' perfect , cure of die, abuse painful maladies. From three, to Al .- amid Indian :Vegetable . Pills, talteiieigi7 , eight I on going to Red, will, in a short time, Completely rid ; die body of all morbid and corrupt humars;• and'i Illteurriatisit, Gout mid:pulp °revery description; will.. -disappear as if by m,agic.,• - ,i.: ' •. it shOuld be rememberettinai the "Indian . Vegetable • - . Pills are certain to reit:Ova pain in the side, oppress e:; • . Sion, nausea and sickness, toss or appetiW, Costive. 110111/ilii CIPAL REA . SQ NS - WilY __PR... nessia yelloir tinge of, the akin and ei•ce,' mid 'every .4 k ...c H6II.LICIPS- ' C,OII , II , OUND • STRENGTH- ; other symptom of LiYer • Complaint i because they PON , tind GERMAN_. APERIENT , ' P 11.4.4 ate , purge from the body these corrupt and stagnant Itu.., used bi AI classes of people, in preferanie to other .more which, when deposited mien-the' Liver, are rho Medicines,"- .-.-: . , ". •••• ~ .::. -• . ' -• • - . - cause o f the, a b ove. danterantiAimpland.lThey are 11E„c4DSE they are prepared from la pore ea:trart ," Also a certainpreventiVe of atiolexY mid 'sadden' tleathir 'of terligiti, Whitlesome medicine ; Mild - in Its Because they, entry off those: huraitursibich,nbstruo- - and pleasant in its effects*the most certain preserver tiag the cmcitlation . ore the cause oftamnslt, „tar detdr: of health, a safe and effetitualr.aure of.IW§I'EPSIn. • ittlisdioir of blood ito the head--gthliiiestiesproially or INDIGEST4,IIIT;iiid .911' Moniach, Complapite ) st an turning _suddenly .round-Alinduetta,-- r tlrowsittesa r preierver . giud ; puctger,urilie-johole,aystem., . : , . `--loss of•iiiesiim7-- . ..iiiflammittioirtif 'the brain---itt- ' • , Because Ihey . spothe,tlio, Oerves Of.seesibllN and sanity; and eyery_otlier diatirder of the mind. f... t, '.!,-,.. fortifitith'nervesef Motion - iiitAiiirting . te Mem molt, -'. ONE mom) To . TUE SEDENTARY. , ~: Balabanid its . Priitlinitinielthiss giviniatreilig Mut •I • • Tfichie'vehofriinitiabit Or'opriipaticin.iirekelit nine 4. 9 eard - i — wilitin - und. ; ... : ..:.,.,.. .., , e ,: . ~. • :.. - -770,10, - doora, - , - I . lltould remember ,iliiii7ibTiy,' freattelitly . Bemuse 447.l:la y er, destroy' the - 90et9 of .the ito• breathe au :atmosphere' whiCh is' wholly unfit for the, frosyli and bowels as all do. • , ' •i' 1; prvgierespansion-of the lungs; and ~at theMinti time; lltecitiittiiiciiince 'oa r easpeneiice tench eta', that no.. owing to Stantoresercise,thelMwelsare not sitflicitint mere . purgative alone.twill Ore ..thel:diseigati:9l - die t '. ly aVacuateit...-the blood , becom - eir inipure; and head.; %emelt and ,*,erticti. ;Wealuittitstsgta,primaryiiMsti, AOC, indlgestipo,paltiitation or the ,heart,.toid . many .orAliost of diseases, Orid,byeiontinuallikliorquggn: odmillisagreeohle svmplciini, are sine to follow: • ,„ • DRXSTIC :purgativine, you ''!nalte',llltt diva* much_-. -- 1 - ', TII64NDIAIsr NEGETABLE -PILDS:' : " 1,- : , .worse; instead of better!, -., . .'• .:.::,;:: 4 :-. ,• ' - 7 '... .:.:-..., ';',. : - : eirig a cleanser of the stomach and bowelsoi9l. a ill. I . , .pecops. , ,pr..proich's.gettielmeo - ...Pui._4zPllerli mot purifier of the - b10t:41, - 14e - certain : ink outs to re.. iheu emu s e u sen i e p r i4iple,:lit/ Ocean arm eurengtn.- lnover , pain.nrdistreatiorereryfikitid from the tlieliody; e n :: w hi c h l og the , may oW t iree- tkilitiiiiii to effect a: Ivir used occasionally...lso, as .to keep the body free. . I cure. 'Las*, ..• r ''';''''..-..':'''''''. ''•-. ..' .' . .i';'freniiliali.lininerorliibjelierillve ein4oot '6 , •eitc.nuiltri. Because .these mid lidnea'peallyolo.CUßE tlm dia.: .41(ander heaven,..they,will ~roost; assuredly .promnte "esiselfor'irlilah thee are ireeinirimendett '':(''''' .'" -::' ' " "atialia" In - wend equal circulation or die - blond,ittni . ' . PRINCIPAVQrr/CElortlif!rnit'eltStide No. i thoie.whioAead a! aedentiry , 1114, will lie enl'lord to" 10; N or th Eighth street, Philadelphia; • ',. ~..,,,-, s i enjoy sound kralth, anti disease 'of,: an y . kind will .be ;•• 03,Tbeibovenanied;thedlelitraiit;ar life at die! absolutely " ..• -. ;•,-. ' .', ~, ." • - ': ', 11 , rtiefitere,or.1,0$,,y4.,,JRTERS ~(.,P„P0.,...-Gar‘l, : -.....p0rea1n by-4 •'-•• •• • ~ 44'.' e...: 4 ..-,- ~,;.::-*. " 4 1 .....,t 1111e.,114W11114in Peal; ShipP9:aslit4. •- ' : r :. , .*:. '...:i'l ...'.., - *.. ' CHARLES ' ociatit i A. : id: , • 1 1 'Anil *tide ittore'44lSiKeeferini 'rnlanktliectlPel i , 1= i - ' ..i'-. ; - - , ''' , .:-4 , ' ' , l . :'- . ---; '.• : A -, ~4 '::' ''.. l, ' raortai,kilii ,& Du rf or - d u ercyprki, and Win. Mathitit, c.O inbitt 'Oar Office and General Depot,O. 169 Raeeiareef ...ri....: . , . !-- ,- ,---.-----,.: ftlinuary,. fr,;181,0;', :- Philidelphie. -. '- . .• ' (May .211,11140,44y.:'..,.' An unparalleled reinedi Or:Cm - amen t;ciltla,VOughs, Aitilmir4ltiflitenlit,'WhOtiftingAlb4l;llroncliitl4: 01111141c.eastimiLLung1;teadjug, to Conituntition -.composed of the .eencentrated virtd ii of ;1116cat Hoot, Li v -irwort and several othervsgAp bl, substances.— : :PrePared 'only p - y M.'"WlNSll.;ollf;'Hopttin!er, 'The innocence and universally:admitted.pecteral. virtnessrtlie Herbs from,Which the BALSANI.,Ok HOIW.IIIiDUND madit;;are too tOnerfillY-lenco;wit to requirerefonmeinlationt, it, is therefore • ow Ile _ CitaitrytO observe iiiedeehte contains - Abe whale oftlfeit;Mediest PropektieS,liighlY.enlicemrak t I ettand'so Inipplly - conibitied With several other ve.i letehleicubstances i as to' render it the , 'lliost speedy; m ld and certain sremelly, now, use, forl'ilhe . Ccurn plaints,,,abOve mentioned: ' - . For Childeen, - thisßalsiturria:of ineatimable.Wilie; It is n - speedV reinetly_fnr. the. If/moping Cough anti -CrotiKatid ;Wards certain relief i n Bowel Compiainiß. Cfrotic;''Fieiiiinl, (n the utate,..and May be.sairelv.given to 'the tenderest infant and should. be kent ut all times in every family, as it' is much hetteitbr the complaints incident .tik . Children;cilian btregoric,Gmlfreys.Cortlini,.nr the Cordials an corn= Monty estifled: - Read fiillosviug.-=4. hereby certify that early in_the springtif_tilaikreontracted:tt severe COLT.), which a . ettled'Upein nig lung*: and threatetiett &hasty" Consum - ptiori, Used. several .preseriptions, but ob-. - torsi niucif - altterned:-;;..; 1-trashtlyiseti bt my friend; Mr. Window, ttiiry j bottle of his Hat at sr - ol 'llnitiitl/V soC I..ditl - aeotittaii,my'surpriseLow.; tained ecliefat , once—and byfhe use of that, single liTittle'w/italierfectlfrestorett_ to -health: - - 71 . 4 - ileum - taunted witty, Colds: or Coughii, at this inclethent season; I say "go and do likewise." _ CI-DOMAN: • • Pittsford, Monrcie Nov. 9, 1839'. Mr. Join, M. Winisinw; Druggist, . ... •• - Dear Sir: I have hecii fora series cif years afflict widtan affectimi of the` tongs, mid ninird • etnigh', and have Many times arose in the, nririiing as com pletely exhausted by excessive coughing' during the night as a person would be by a' bard days labor. 1 have tried most of the popular remedies of, the day, 'but never, foniid relief multi metwitltypiir, Balsam of litirchound. • Ail the other remedies or, paintires • thelioweli lin it 'congested state, while ymirS leaves theM soluble and fret. This I consider a,great desideratum. .Qii takings dose, of your Balsmi when' going to bed, Test quietly thro'- the night;niiirirriy sleep is refr . esiiiiig. .1 take great . 'denture in recommending vour Balsam' of Dore r hound to all. those afflicted' With, puhlionaVy plaints or any- disease amid:Milting_ °Jim_ lungsond I take this opportunity tn'tliank you for:the great re liefund 'be:liefit I have experienced throngh your in strumentality. ' Yourii, with flinch ;espeet. • J.-WM.-COGSWELL . For sale by S. ELLIOTT: A. 3 NOlClll:llew'silfe. Also, by: Druggists generailly throughout the_ coun try.' Mice 50 eras per bottle. _ .April - Fresh Diedioines. . The, subscriber has' recently, received large addl. • tidied stiMplieei of • • • •• • , I)ll . coldirs, hiaseed Oil, apts. Turpentine, Copa I llruslies,fland lirnihes,Sper-* rimeeti Oil, (very-Aine) apei us Candles; Soaps' in great varietyililass Lanips, Cap and Letter Paper, Fruit, apices, Peifetnery; &a &c., which 1* will sell' to Physicians; Nit:Misfits and others, wthiLEsstr or by RETAIL, at 1110 lowest rates, having purchased en tirely for cash; lie will offer bargains to those whir wish to purchase at wholesale August 5,1840, Mi_rLEFall . • . FreilatedOh: l Y bff"'....D.`l4a . eilaveator, and - 4,0, 44i*pfiiiiii.';' Stitit* Third "stri ' et;- „ s delphta, and,va y e had of . gP PI L 10 7 .7, and also of ' • DINKLE, Druggist s ; Car- Thl se Medielnien areiveioniniendeil and extensive ly used by theiniostlidelligent persons in - the United States, by -nuirneyrins, Pirofesiors - and Presidents of Collegesi-Physiemini' of -the Army and Navy, and of Romania and-Almishonses, end ' by. sabre , than three' hundred Llererneit of various denominations. . - They are expressit _prepared Tor use, and havettegui red - an minrecedentedlininilinityAlirough. out the United States; and , as .hey admirably calcillated totreserve nia - crit and care DISEASt o no family Shout( ever be without them. The Oroprie tor of these valuablelireparationtc received 'his edu- cation at one of the beat Medical Colleges in s tlie:lTM ted States; rind liittiliad fifteen ydhrs'experience r ai l eiteritive'arid diVersilied jiractice,ny 3414elibehaithfitk anipleotip rttinities of,ae iiumg . n liritetical knoWl edge of diisemiee, and of tne remedies best calculate& to reinoielliem. - ".. „ . TheseWep:irettous con si st , --- .; - JAYNE'S - EXPEICVORANT;a-vailtuhAe 16r: coiigh,. asthma, spittirig blootywoup, hoopim. c6ig . li,hro,ncilitis t ply.riffy ;incr . luligif or triiaillifFiculty.'l6t . iliipg;sut - alliiicists of pulmobary - oneoar;• AIsSJAYNE'S HAIR TONIC, for tho.presertr:i , tioti,srawth 'and . beauty of the hair, and which will • . JAYNE'S-TONIC VERMI-F.t3C,E77a-eer---- tifiti unit rOmedy for worme;ilyspdpaia',ititeil ntid nytirt , dither itiocatirß.--Prierl SO (wills- Also; .lAYNE'S CAIINICINITIVE IFIALSAM;st iititin cure 'inehn . w'etand.summer rhce, dysentery' cludie, cramps, sick ulsche; sour atomach,.cholera morbua, and all ilerahgetnents of thb atorancly and bowels; nervous affections,Eke.-- 7 Price 50-cents. Alan JAYNE'S SANATIVE MIAS, for FernB!2 (the:Wes, Hsi+ complainta. costicenorkfeTers. Tam. mations,;ginniltflar,.obstrnctiona,. diseases of the, skin, &c. ninl in all cases wliere' pnitative niediciueis required.---Price 25 cents a box. • • 1k1y . 1.3,1840.-z-li ' - CURE' YOUR • COUtiti before it is 'too. • Remember ileitiva are dor gerous.. Thou- . • sands' die annually from, that dresidtul disease coil simaption, which' might have. been eliecicell at the Cothineneeriient end disappointetrof its prey if piopet means I liad been resorted to. The. very many who • ha re: thus -been - frotri-tbatilititlnmager,hy - • - the timely use of Dr: Swaymea Campotind Syrup' of • ;Wail Chirry, betW tef.tiniony to this day. announcing.. the cures,' the wonderful cures, perfbritied.b.y,theuse. Of this invaluable medicine.,, Far tale ONLY at No. 19, North Eighitstreet • / Philactehilifir; s and respeetive'agents.. • For..aale by John Co., Carfisiet Keefer; litarrishurg Dennet Bomgardner, VOW; • and Win.••Matiliott, Columbia, j'a. JaitutiCy IV, 1R4(1.' ; • / C o -. LAYS- ARE DANGEROU .. is it with these who negle'cutheir CO and ' COLTO/L At. ; first v citt' compliii at' litlYng . a' eilrd , • •whieliiii r rimmed in the ilrotishia,vith it idekyig'conph; and finally the discatiesettlea•upoii I.h r eltu 4 irs,wliteli the • . patient. will Soon perceive by a 6' awayOf the - IMtly,,attentted with heater fevers/and spitting up of :florid blood mid Matter from niters' on ;the luags; : a • pain' and weight is alsO•eitpei)ieaced• at the affected ; part of the lungs; the futictiona of theiniimal'econordy languid; the hotly becdnies dry.; the eyes. sink deep within their cavitie (at tength,t:lie. patient pays. the debt of nature,.when is flattering himself with_ the hoped of a speedy r cowry. Tc thoie diatressidg avniptenas "Spare no tinie" in Procuring .Dr."Swaynels Ctim mid Svrup of Wild _Cherry ' at the veil' comment. meat of your colds and' coughs„ whereby, many nig its cif swe. , et repnie will beprecuted____ and time and Malley. saved, and above all your health tieaurett Therefore, Remember, Delay Imre banger- Jam •-• • e • The above , mediehie enial wnva be obtpinel l itt the • Prime , 19, North Eighth fteeet, Pbiln delpLln; aniresiieAireagettsthroughout_e U I ,State . _ . _ . Also at the Diug. Store of Johtt •J. :71.9.04 14 CO, Collate; nt the stare of A. Reefer.: lionabog;: Den net Botingardner, YOrts.; find Win. Mahlon, Co lumbia, Pa. - • , Jan. 1.1,11340.* S:ELLIOTT • • t LIVER OMPLAIDI'f.—Tiiis disease often .terminates 'ln another di MOe'serlaus tut -tore-if-proper remetlies-areLnot-resortett-tain_time._ In all thrifts cif thildisease, De. flarlieh's Compound Strengthe g and German Aperient PHIS will per form a perfect cure—firsti, by-cleansing the storm - kelt and bowels; Onts removing Al 'diseases from the Li vei;;h`v the use of the Gerrnan , Aperient,yills, alter witch the Compound StrengthemniPills are taken to give strength and tone to thottetetaler organs which require such treatment ONLY to effect a permaneotj,, cure. These pills'are neatly. put up iin small pack agesorith'fall directions. Forzale. at NO.49.,Plerth Eightli - itreit: — Alsir;br.fohn - -.f. - Myers .-- & - Co: Car- - lisle; nt the attire' of A. Keefer, Darrishurgi. Bennet IkDomgardner, , York; and. Wm. Mathiott, Colgm hia; Pa. • 'Pan. 8,1 klO. 11R. 11.kitLICH'S COM POU 4!-- STRENGTHENING -AND GERMAN AP... ERIENT PILLS are a - safe and efficient inedi'cines and ean be taken by the Most delicate fertialo. They seldom fail in curing .Hystiepsia,!Liver Complaint, pain inblie side - and breast. Sick Headardie, Loss-of- - Appetitejralpltation of the Heartlf.Nervotis Tycoon' Lowness of Spirits (which too - many. are subject to,) Ilypochntalrinci am, Hysterical Faintings: omiting, &c.. Use these pills acccording to directions, and a perfect cure will be the' result. For sale at No. 19 North Eighth street, Philadelphia. • • Also. at the Emig- Store of .10.1 IN J.- MYERS & CO.; Carlisle; A; Reefer. fiarriablirg , Deflect &' Homgarilrer, York , and W. Matlitott, Columbia Pa. 4rittimrs. 8:180: .„ • COUGHS. - CONSIBIPTIONS,• AND , • --SPITTING OF .SIVAY.ME'S Compomid Syrifp of Wild Cherry Bark is found to• .he thelest_artioleiorliraling the ulcerated' lungs, stopping night sweats, and •relieving the cough,That • ever-has Been in use.. Thoes who are tifilicted,would do well to procure this medicine before it is ton late. Certificates of many cures Can be men by applying at No, 11,9 .Zrotth Eighth Stmt., Philadelphia, where thili Metticinecan alwayi be obtained. • Price $1 per Rattle, or ilia bottles for $5. For sale at the Drug store of AWN' J. ..41TERS Kiefer,ilurrign!rg Denoct knombiprdn'erp orlt t., and Mtn. Matluott, • Columbia, Pa. Jan. 8; 1840. _ . .... _. _.— AY NE'S EX P•te TORAN.T.----Th is \ , fleir 'Medicine hiiirsilretiiif provetlitselfio be all tliat \ i it has beeft.reconrrnended, by those who, have given it a fair test in this country , and the demand for it in jcreases daily.: We have , just heard of un important ViirT,AtAillimorbiol has been effected by the useof it in a tieighbnringtownilre c — itstilriurtimt - Ui-Lsi . re tpare-who-had for a longtime been under theßiirp.oc.. ,a, igresician,bl4 hat) . received no relief, mid her • ale,. was beginning to be considered liopeleis; ./11 'a last. • r ol lorlthePurebased n bottle of Dr. 'hype's, Fotiteefo rawt,' expectorate lreely.gradua).: . ly estiett him cougli,• - and is - rapidly' iestorinclior to. health.. .We 'Aye no hesitation in saying, thia,pr!pa--. . tiatitinrDe;'Jayne, for the ciire.of coughs, colds, m-. A sthwia, Consumption, &c. is the Most vitliw, hiemedicineever offered to the. American public:— : There is no quackery nboutih—Dr. Jayne is one o, • the nioaskillut , .prectising physicians in..Pennsylvw, ,nhi i and wherever his preparations have heen:thor 7 . ' Onghly leafed; he ii lonked upon as a grcsetpublieben-. • efactor.*[Somerset (Me.) Journul. ... ~. • - -•_,-- •• *. For sale by Samuel Elliott and Stevenson s, Dir k .. k_l4' p0i 5 t e m 1 ......• ~t. : :. ,......., , Lmay:l3-11140 1 - INGICATITUDIE - Ike hasiOt crime -zn sireniit *erasing that Iflast of Editors who fotba few dollars will, (at the expense of truth and boaga ly)4.`traak up'.*anurtiele and bring it intoyardditiret, • .:- neltker - stiwpwet willingto result% solentotfterskaTiBl - of improverrient or discovery in acience or art. Our leaders will reriolfsict" Wa.ttild them we Were,unriell with ri. acre throat slut yiolcut told itime few weeks aim -118relt`WW purChased• two - bottleis of WINSLOW'S BALSAM .0R , 1101VE..... 'HOUND and so sudden %%Lille cure, that" we forgot we s ereihad a • cold. Those who are affiejed, may try it upon our reconamendatitutZt.F4. 4l "" if 7 • •-• or sale 'by EP.-ElLAJOlETiOtellilik, •-•- , NQRTH,Newsille. Draggiatio ibisaughaiiltb'eSsiuital ,try, race .50 cueqta per bottle. - Oct. 48, • MEDIGINES. UM El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers