Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, January 20, 1841, Image 3
lIMI agRAI,D- tk'FICP.OOII,OII.. a,rooRGE W. piifil,Billtoi.- ' . X. r: 1a 0 10 51 !" 1. .t OA R.L.1..5.4-IA4 IVEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 183 L OF THE "HE UA :TO THE P .„ - L', conneetion..with ihe HERALD ceases. Two reasons have-principally operated in induc ing mei to wi thdra tv;--. want. of-funds-arid distaste for the business. I have no doubt that under the Aireetion Of . sume other . per ion the.,•pubiication,of the Herald shortly 'resumed, band rendermore.eitio: . tive - snpportlthanit-has . --dOneAle";efOfore, 1" Those who have paid inadvenee: wily be served by my successor for -the full: term • of their pSymenis. , ' ' Standing Cointnittee: The Ilattisou_ Standing. ConiOttee of Curnberlant.l - county.; arerequesled to► meet at the public house or C. IViriefarlaitc, Car - lisle, on Saturday the_ 30th inst., to take --- .. -- the - necessary - measnren - for callirig:a.Coun ! - . .ty Convention to appoint. delegates to. the • State Convention; which is to assemble at Hairisbing - , - on -- " - Wednesday the-- lOtb--,of - -March:next, for the Gu: Lbernatorial,Candidate, • • . • GYM. M.-PQM:ER,_ • JOHN: J. MYERS. . , . . The following• gentlemen compose the Standing c'orninittee;— •: Plieholan. Dr. Larne. liew; . Win.:_li_o l __orter, br..joh.n J, Myers, Carlisle ; Jamen.Weakley; W ni. Gilleland, • Dieliiiisoin.4-Siiiiiiii7,o;ister, :Rupp, E; Petinti..uniagl ; •,Daid. - Leckey, -- .David _ Blozity, „Frankibrd ; Win. W Boyd, Jacob. •Helllehower, ; Sand. 4.. Alter, John,:arantlt;_Bl,oproe r: Sanil..-J. • Metior •pock, jiieob' Waggoner, ; Robert Wilson; Geiirge Singizet, jr:-.MeChairic:i -hurg-; Henry _Brenneman, Lewis Young, N:. Cu:Oberland ; . John •lliifeti, Joseph MeDarmonti,.NeWlille ; Tins.. D. _Urie, Jacob ltershey,•_Nor_th r Middleto, -- Issas • Koontz, Charles 13re N e • '401)4 Rtrint - Stitart, - pens hurg borough ; John Rano), Elias Hough. Shippensburg tp. ; Robt. S; McCune , Mi- Zeigler,:Southampton ; Peter'.lyle:. •Laughliii, Isaac Caurtnan, S. Middleton ;. Christian. Coffman, John Martin, Silver Spring ; Lewis EL . Is' G. • , Da -vidsou,,\VaVeritiabOroUgh: , • . . - - •CoxvicrioN . :—N-' man--nanied-Jobr ley. whir hae made himself quite noto toUS • of: latti by .the. novelty and dangeidus ten-; (Jenny of the doctriireS whiciche preaches nd'practices, was, on Thividay last, con victed in the Court of . 90firter Sessions of this 'County Of the critife of Adultery, and seWtelMed by . - -bis z t-fonor: 4tidge HEPBURN, year's iMprisonmsnt, to pay a' fine Of one hundred and thirty dollars, with costs --- &c. -- A I- , the, same time; a womurf named illusste/Mort, - 'his paramour and dupe, was convicted of the same 01. 7 _dance, and sethenceti to six mouth's hit prisonment and fined one hundred dollars-. RILEY .11as, -been for - some years an - erant preacher, and has been attached: to several denominathms of 'Christians, , He hgen abbiTi by. every whitd 66(6110,1 - .601 he":•lnis at length adopted IliWiiionstrous opinions.of Theophilus - 11:- • crates, of Pliiinclelphis,. and has begn• -:gaged for the last six months or sit, preich tipihe :doctrine iirtWristians Bolding id.l-41049 lit - cent mon? even' to a Priniacti'; • ous intercourse: of . ..the -sexes. Strange tI it may - . 40); Riley — sow;succeeded, even , this county, in obtaining followers, some . of, Wham 'were reSpeetable and iu good cirroin.OwncigiAle has aliend done. mtreit, . - mischief, by , ,proptiga - ting -- his ,pestilential and itg'• he"' arrog cgs tO f - 'Something of ,the eliaricter and sanetity:of a 1 ropfiet, attd..believes Wins - elf hie..lft r Om: the 'Wttaeles of -mate, the igWorant ' antrliretlulintS, ever ready to e•mbrace any' i - ea ' sity deceived :by4l-40, .ahallotv . ptetender. The strong-arm of the 'kw hag,. how_pver, interfered, and prevent' ' deeeiiter :from -tiOipg further barfly.; •,'-. WOur readers _win observe in this Ent. the . fireeOetiteffe'ef o tncetincof the con-, tributors to_ ~the, 'Aipr'e r ntiqes" , Library by_ which: they ; have transferred Alle books and Other property ^ of illo the ichool. E.;' dirsctors. fur the use :of -tlic otliniott scluiols .31151 - apprentices :id this borough. 3'lle bp.o4 :iir'!illti4OFt. l l**iie l etited thCiinili -41:f1u., Under the. hit pression . :tinti, , it ,, tvill ` be voinki o,l4,i;')ic kiiiirli, 00'4 'ili B.•iii - aliiiie:y OP'kiFiretypi)Oite : titinitig# l .o.4 7 illosyilr .6,,,Witp)7o:eis..,44•Natiianiel zil.-Antilim, s staunch , Whig, was, . on• Monday ..,eifi r iiiit, inst OticktAVA:iquitithei : . of thi) 27th Con -4* ** o - K0;00 1 /I ktiiigres#ional-Ois iiii, 41 Nassatititiieus;- ''' MK Otiracif ho . tlfsi clear ISINENE GEO. W. CRABB. majority : , of Weveral::hondreg' llianis.*Ctoc4the '''preseni hieniribent, and all the scattering The vote stood For Borden, •+ . •For Williams; kl2= Borden's , maj. over 'Williams The Massachusetti Delegation will thus stand, Whigi 11, Loco 1. 'rhisAr: Wil liams; whom the people have spurned.'is the same .gentleman who contended that laborers could subsist without meat. • PENNSYLVANIA CONTESTED 'ELECTION. - • On:Fridey_last, the_right.of,Mr..Ne.y_lo,F to the'neat'whiCh he 'oecupies as a-140e sentative: from the Third Congressional 'District of this State, was deeided.:. After along 'discussion, in which, the: claints both - . Parties ',were. : fully urged . upon' the: house,.the renolution submitted by the cont mittee on 'eleetions'ivad adopted by a 'viite '6l-I'l7 in the affirmative - nega-• five.' The resolution was -as follows "Resolved, that Chance Naylor was duly elected a member . of".the House of RePre sentatiies for the .213th Congress from the ThirdCongreisional District of Pennsyl vania.". •This i•e'sult'intist-be the more gratifying .to Mr. Naylor,as there .is,astle.; . tided majority of :the - Members opposed to • . him in politics: The. folloWinradminis tration men voted iathe affirmative:-Messrs Carroll: of Banks of 'a. Hill, and Shepard of N.'C.; Butler,Campt ., hell, Rhi3tt, and Stint pter of Soil; Johnson of Tenn.; 'Butler of - Ky.; Cerr; Carey of' Ill.; and Hastings -- be-perceived that-not--a single Northern men had the independence to vote on:reason and justice-would dictate. Net . One:Whig .. voted . .in the negative:— Thus, is - this4cing - disputetl qbetiPon nettled, Mr: Ingersoll has consumed; the tittle- and interrupted the ,business of the'houte,7aild . together with his witnesses; pocketed large Imins:ormoney as pay and mileage, when as a reesonable . men he must-have knoWn that he- had not-the - slightest ground'. for pontestingMr.'NaYlor's ] .seat.7' In spitelof all the blustering_of. the, Federalistsi'unt a single illegal . vote was proved'againsi Mr: Naylor. -.How it 'willbe wben"Mr.:,lftge,r-, 'a'setit. in--the nest Congresd is epinined into, remains:to •be, seem It .is.well'hnown that the records of the Phil adelphia cotiris shortly- befor& the erection were filled with' hundreds of false and fraudulent' naturalization entries by some one 'lto had. free • access to the books. — It in; also we . 'll..knoWit that in several parts of , the third district / the polls were blocked up _.by_ltiretl-hullien,-antillie-Teaeeable:citizens ' wet:6 - right 'of suffrage. • • Pentnylvassia Legishiture. IN SNATF,... • During the past week, petitions for the election-of- the-- Canal-J7ommissitiners-bY the people, by the. Legislature, or by - the Governor aitd ,Legislature jointly; -- Were , presented. Also, petitions in'fii;or of re pealing • Ake• law prohibiting the,. issue of notes of less denominations than five, dol. lars; - and some: opptiSbigl_tite -repeal of this law, and -many for 'the erection of an AS ylum for: the 'lnsane Poor: Mr. Strohm; from.the committee on hitt:mai improve-' ments, reported 'a bill to provide for the eetio.n_d_canaLcoMmissiotterst-althati act to incarporate 'the . York:and - Cuntber •iand 'rail nits company. -On Saturday: the_' loth, nomination of Anson Parsons as President Judge of the .District was unanimously confirmed. The resolutions . relative to the sale aril ilii;tribu- tien of the .publielinds were taken up,••and after a. good deal of discutision, passed .by a vote of 21 09. Nays, Messrs. Brown, ctispiNjegely,_Gibbons,•.HaYs,- Patteritim, Pluntei, Sityder (all Loios,) Miller,•(Cumberlatid) voting in , the affir. motive. The•effect. of .thess resolutions is to instruct our Penattirs-,and request our Representatives' t 0,,•. vote in -fai , tir Of a' :law dattributing: the proce,eds. .of - •the -- public lands • , arnong, tbe,stateS, and .againg any • pre.Mnption thro,witig .open'the public .disUaitt4o all - who Yilay.::chnose .to settle thereon: J 4 1: - As •in the Senate petitions yvere':delly resented for the election of Conet•Coni- 'tinitinitnera, for, and . against the issuing of ernall notes, for the'erection of 'an asylum . for the ineanc, poor, &c. Messrs. Barr and' Juliiii'oit suiimitleil`respiu of iin favor of the distribution of the:proCeeds of the ptib liclands,.vtoongst the states. . Fenn 'and w;ere, elected, printers of; journal. ..toseph , Eltrenfried ,of the Gernin.JOurrull, afid - Venry-Mantgentery of 'the bills. • gouteby a s.,ote 9f 47 to 46, agreed tO . o4;ameedntifitt to the.bilt,',proildlogfOr theqpiyinent of the interest 'of ;:the Stale ,debt,. which, plovides i that instead ltng pSt o f 111 e, !inie 5ti)04 . 14 shall orio wt. WillAQ(1!) at sitto:,orlinterest cent. , „'ptlabi ' er=====m (~ .4 - 7- ...,_ To -, Since very little- Omit lives of g‘eiiit iin - priipirietiliiiwbied trans acted, Numerous Oetitione 'lnOWbeeil lit tered; and setae we deep oi ))ttla yroporto ocolo' went.", fee. - the itth' 4820 '0730 - in thellottee offiepretentativos,'Sr4t ot Berke county, itibitiitted"-the . which t" , i,ae laid on she table, and. ordered to be Orinted ' 202 -,...- 590 , •Wherea; it is contemplatediy Congrees, to take such disposition of, the, public do main of the United gitates, - fis wilLbe equi table and just to dui , • several states com posing'. the. Union, and believing that an expression of opinion by• 'the ` people of PennsylVania, through their.repredentatives in the State, Legislature, on this all iinpor tent subject, marnot be without,ti 'salutary influence in the councils of the Nation ; Therefore, -/ Resolved, by the Senatend Heim of 'Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; in General' Assembly met, that the public dornairo i f the United States is - the property :in com - mot - OVthe several states, and that tltis sate cannot, under any eireumeldnees, convent 'to surrender `her claim - to - a just and'equitable - propottion — Of the proceeds,, which may arise from the sale or other disposition thereof: • ' . Resolved, That -the: , menibera of -the House of Representatives in the ,Congreas of the United States; from this state, be re 'queeted,, and. our Senators bre hpreby . in structed, to adVodate - the,passage of a law, for the sale or such other diaposltion of the public domain,: as .will give 'the several Oates, the immediate advantage of receiv ing and enjoying a just•and.equitable pro portion of the proceeds arising from such. sale or disposition:- • • . • ReaOlVed,- That , the .Governor. be re quested' to transmit copies orthe foregoing resolution, to each of our Senators and Re, . preteritativeiliii Cogress. - • Mr.' Johnston submitted. the following Preamble and .Resolutioni . which. was' laid on:the table- an - d - otderectto7, be printed, to wit: .• • • ^ . Whereat,' A crisis has- occurred in the financial policy of this - :CoinenoniVealth, which demands the anxious and 'deliberate consideration of its citizens to prevent `the deplorable, result of a proitration of our .National aith : And whereas, 'our ex hausted Tinosury. cannot".be repleiiislied by additional . Loans at a moderate rate of iii terest: And whereas; the . people kioubt the policy of increasing the State Pa — it already swelled to an enormous amount-by making loans upon loans for the payment of inter-_ est and extension of- improvements : whereas,- two _otter modes of . raising the necessary Meins to replenish the Treasury % pay the laborers on our-,public works, pre serve inviolate • the faith of the State by ptinctually paying the interest and forming. .a sinking' hind- for -thk ,ultithate_liquiilatipn of the public debt, remain, to wit: Taxa=' lion or a division of the proceeds of the Sales,,of the Public Lands - among the seve ral Slates and . ..whereas, 'Taxation in the present depressed condition Of prices has been endured suirteiently, so much so, as nearly to paralyze.-the-business of .thetipun try, and prostrate the Ag . rieultural.and Aje 7 chanidal , branches:gr .: Mir hbine.. industry, and , -it—is---to-- be •-feared that any addition thereto would, impoverish and ruin our 'Ci tizens— .' , • "And Whereas, The National' domain purchased by the toils of a common•arkes = try, belongs equally to the whole people; And whereasohe 'proportion of the; salei 'of the Public Lands. bekinging_to_Peursyl-, vania, would entirelyirelitive•rthe, COminon wealth from her present - enibarrassMent, preserve her faith to the public, creditors, lessen the taxes heaped, limn- the_people.- eomPlete bar public wcrks, and that With= out detriMent.or embarrassment to the Ge neral :Government, if the, -National Legis lature would (as- this r ,Legislature -believes it ought to .do,) . regulate the:Tariff of Duties on Imports, a5 . ...t0 make the same adequate to•-the wants of the Nationel Gov ernment. Therefore,- . "Aeseried, That our Senators be in* :structed and our - Repregentativei in :•Con greae respectfully. requested-. to introduce immediately into the • National councils, a :project,- , if—the -same -bee - not already fieen.' providing,f6r the trarnifer of, the-pro= needs - of the sales of the Public Lands of the . United 'States to the several - States, in eqnal.'and . ,justAriportion, to their t.esper.; dye ~ : repreeentatton under ,the. Census ..of 1840, and lim b er that 'they usel.their bc tive.:exertiOns proeure;, the. passage .-ef the same Wei Law. " Andrbe it - further - ; :Resolved,That our Senators; be furtber instructed and our Re presentation, re,qttested:to vote for ouch a nioditieaiion or adjostinent of the as may increase the revenue deriVen,frem:hn= ports, equal, to the wants of the National Government, so that at ntr,time hereafter. s titider - any' pretext, Whatever,. steal ,Any 'mo ney arising .from' -the, bales of Landsi . be toed by..the. General Giivertr anent:" Kr We ,clip the followineboinpliment to the talents and etiergy , of frontthe Printeion '(Now Jersey) 'We -need het say. "that the-compliinent'is. .eserven: — ru:alti*,l3. gives ult.preasurs to state that this distinguished ,gentleman and , efteient been 44ff Pennsylvania-an h OnoralAe (poet, and - one frartv'vhilili the )Lens the plenitude their , fro' recently hiulekl, an active and' onerg,etip kegislator,,mva nifiedpresttlidg - off ! ", - and as,a.geritlenten iaivery„senie sense.; iforif 'tier hither 41( member of that , holy more' ;en titled to the iniportitli station Jie "has "liiat beeno.46iiOintdilJo." is tatt§t SP*S"Pitel,M THE EX; P EXPEDITION:,•. lettOni*ilSaivad , hya - correanon join, and *tilted ti-'an vilieer• 311E1 EMI • ~ • , • - , ,• , • ,• - ," • -•"- a!) X a ltlf-u• • MX - 4).0 4114"4 , .. •. , • '''=-2sA , e 4 o4lodAgsiw*g-SIFI kS:ConetitutiOn:' . • , ',Auguati2th 1840."" • eara stie)mw. entertained that the Ply , ing Pish, enOthai of the explerera; has been lost. Mimeos - tor - fimin • been:i n ]circulatiaa,4l iltititvell - fiMittled-o,r not, I 4° ?. - !'"q". 11 4 -1 0 1 Oe . rs ;wire' oh - hO,P - 7; Or 'mare thin '' two itolveiee' - 7 : - ' Under date of the 518th •Auguat c wei:hod the' followinz . " News his been received, thatthe,Poi 'palse,l4'ilinggcdtl;jathaughttaltave been' lost -Cant! 'the Vincennes - pnd Peaeock' have ~both put in at tame of the islindeccoM pieta weeks. If such news be true,-the.latter end-Of this important expedition will b e worse than the first ; and that was bad enough. Still it may not' be so bad as re= resented, and we, l hopa not, but .ore very fearful._ The Si, Louis._ we_ hear,,sailed friim Mazablan on theAirsl of July,_ and is daily-expected here." . Stilt later—i‘Callao,. 10th,Sept.'1840." We leave today fur. Gpayaquil and Panama.. The% have beellmo farther ding's from ,the exPlorersLbut we feeti for the Porpoise and PYiOli el‘ifth•!'N . WHITE *hite , rnals • . was' recentty"Sti . lit . tinder. the vagrant act, and:Cpuichascd - by , the .keeper of livery stable! ; -.Missouri •,is ttie "ban ner sidle" of Lodefocoismi: If the-Locos have 'etctirs urspare!' 'they had . fiettei "prep pare to shed them • RESUMPTION IN PHILADELPHIA. Ml the Banks of the city art . d•Connty of Philadelphia resumed. specie .payments yesterday'. • The affair passed • with little or no - excitement whatever;--and the . de thle. „aggregate. was...exceedingly limited. Before • the doors of the United. States !lank-were-threwn 'open, a few per! sons were-assembled-in the-neigliburhood i most of them attracted thither however, by mere curiosity.: The: nunikers decreased as the- day advanced; and-a-stranger- on passing:the Institution would not have been reminded- ; that the 'iong : talked - plf . resump lion, was in progreas. Probably.several hundred_persons ,in the-course or the day, - obtainedmiecie for - small sums; but all was good hinnor, nothing like alarm was appa rent, and we learn that in several instances, specie -that had .been obtainetilrotwoneiiit , stttotton,-wasjound rather-inconvenient, and was' deposited, in.. some:o th er.. .The other - banks also paid freely, all demands . that wore /presented—but instead 4ff there tieing-any - thing like a rush, it was remarked that The entranceiLand.exitainppeared to be. exceedingly limited. The Girard- is • lo cated-immediately before. our office, *KO there was-no demand whatever upon diai Institution. They also cx-. ception of the Commercial,' paid oat their own - notes,. and several of them have, we obserVe; obtained during the suspension, new. and beautiful plates—so that their pa per,i6;.at.least more valuable than formerly; ,Ea point 'of appearance. --There way soma slight demand to-day for small sums in specie; and theft every thing will grow .perfectly calm once more. - We congrat ulate oor•citizens'orl the.manner in which thiS business of resumption has been con- ainitittatialOntd ble to our community, that the affair his passed off satisfactorily. &tittle longer, andzwe-trust that busirfesso-etnfidence, and - prosperity will rovive.--,l'hitrt. inquirer. - • Froin the Miltunion.: . 2r4e - .A-ixt Gate,-lior), • ..-The tisines ofiso many worthy-, mertliav- • -ing been offered by thei r . friends to , the consideration of , the. Whig. party, out Of whom to chooie a :suitable candidate for. Alte - governor's oflice at the next: dee - thin; it seems surprising that that of Henry M; Watts, Esq. of Philadelphia; should have been overlooked. Others- net nearly-so well qualified ,for office. by, talents, public services, attainments, .or character; obtru sively occupy the forefront, ready for • any post. of . distinction and 'not untrequently. claim it as their riglif. — , - Not so-however, `with him . ',Re seeks not:station:not-office, but 'like . a - good citizen stands at all .times prepared . to : answer ,-the„stmonons tic the _republic. . " • - It is not, My intention. tii.detrapt from the merits of those indiVidduls already -- tienti trated for that:high - 46am: -- . - Most - Mem .1 know •to be od ;men atul - true ; ','--but availing' myself of a: privilege" emotion) and free to allcl shall Offer a few remarks rela tive to Mr, Watts, in order to chew that in him.-is cotnbined_ as:Many quidifieations to ensure-success:as -bolo - lig .40-anyoltlte-oth-. er - iioniinees.i - 4 - ' -•-• • 7 ' If they', Were instrumental lif,proMotifig the ivlng.catise,.he has not been one whit 'behind !tent.' lit W 6 western par(of sylvania where thelitileipark - Ed . {titre ivAig principles, thoilgh stliotheffdt son akhei of . I.O'corofestiemc was sp-carefully hoarded," there itisi hit a sistaeg :the 'almost - expiring.eirtbere; until,dter kindled irratliatett not:only' the horizon: of ,his- native bu tblit of,.t entire union. , ; .'l7wiee. daring that. - critical period he was sent to the legislature !from Alleglietty vounty;not 'as ejeward for. Lis eminent services ju'the cause; hut b.eceuse I►is''jicipul;rity.'h s ' Wentz. and : zeatt.*9olo Contributete'pronote-it.Altint--ably--hesen , 4OittO:liitaselfot that trust, bitty he resi3i- ed.time dictation 'itd,enerOvidinient. of. - the. federal,ixecutive ; rind,upheld,:the dignityrOf itite:_'fights n how - 41*'Sdy-ticafed:,Shezcause biterliat.iliiprlive,mo4 , ; and ,education,. •and::theP nutnerods --other wholtsome pro jects - .by-by , therwhig party fur.-the good ihe 'eciefintOrpettli,. will yo . • recta lecied.:, o f ail 0.0,F#W91 that 7 'L ' Were - , 147 - Opfiietilt ilr . being what is that. - merit 'Lift'a, , pooisia,at:hilifittheett!tleath;f he 0111w4 •w4y to of ItiClearaw - -- , Totrpeak: of Isis liunorable depertnient inihat:ProfessiOn. his liberality and' "eat'iae , ..0,4 1 10 1 01, FAO 1 6 - e ll .qikrAte thennutY , ,Virtnouenott , ezeeltent traite.::ho h. ''liiit.*lptte,:,zentir,prorosioniudiiiisoki .* t otild he 60t 'Or`place on this .oiciiilili. ; also ' therm rd. Ale:remit five; revolutionaryangstqrsOlien is •that merit his,e - ' 12 4 1 1..•:061317. ti a= ternal,, , granil-father t -was ' a . distinguished oineer•of the , revolution`and shared income . of :the bloodiest=-conflices-01-that Ille-AsHafterwar rchtr - 1 -- unember of the con *cutler] whieh 'termed the fret constitution. of Teorarylvrnia,. With- ,Gen. :,Frederick . Watts; revolutiOnaryofficer.- Apart from' these considerations the' fol lowinemay serve to indicate Mr. Watts a - more_ available candidate than At majority of those alreadY'betore - the public, He is O native , of, Cumberlaccl county where-lie spent his youth and 'has a numerous circle of acquaintance and friends.. • From•thence . , he emigrated to Allegheny county where he proseceted hie 'profession and has many 'ardent fricitchkbY where he.was twice elect ed to the legislature.---Subsequently-he4e movel—p) Philadelphia where' he 'is exten sively and -favOrablykrt6vra arid - where hy . 'his zeal and efficiency, in the late presider]= tirl controversy he has rendered himself extremely : popular amoni_the Whigs. itl the western part of the state there fore, in the middle , and in the4ast, 'he is .personally well knpwn and has a bolsi of friends, Ore 110 highly 'estimate him; that they r would-Ammediately- respbmi - to — his ilomination, and he prepared to take the field in his favor. . • • - 't e ywS h Congress. • -- SECOND SESSION WmOnii9pn:;;lin. 14th, £B4l. SENATE. • • Petitions were 94.1sentnd thisi• . niorning by Messrs. 'Allen,' of Ohio', White, of In diana' Clay, of Kentucky; and 'Wriglit, of New York-.• :14, Wright, and` Mr.. Clay, presented petitionsin favor of a , Bankrupt law: • .• • • PROTE.OTIVE TARIFF. • Mr.. Clay, of Alebatiria,- laid before the Senatecertain resolutions received by last 'night's mail, in .answer to resolutions - ad opted by the Legislatine.or Connecticut, in favor of. a Protectivei_Tariff Gene 'ral Assembly say that a milli' fe unjust and unconstitutional, • and has a tendency to divsolre - : the. ederal Compact. The re . Solutions were , laid Upon- the table, and Cr -tiered. to be . printed:, Mr. Clay, of Kentucky, . presented .a Memorial from 'the American Peace So ciety, . special committee in :or both houses of CongriSs, to consider . the subject. : ' ` 'Mr.. Wright b •of New York,. prelented a memorial- . frOiti - - Citizene--ef--.Seheneetady, praying for the sanie'objecr.. Both of then) were laid upon the.table,. • • • Ruggles presented . a -memorial of numerous citizens Of: Bucksport, reuw4. strafing against the repeal of giviiig bouw . ties. The-petition Was read. Mr..Benton.gave notice that-he should, in a very few days, bring in his billabo lishing those .bounties.- He made some remarks opposing these bounties, us uncon stitutional—and us dulling for the issuing or Treasury notes. . . Mr. Ruggles gave noticelliat he. should in a few Oaysi.bring in a bill repealing the . duty on lead. • Linn,. fronv- the Select -committee,- bieught in:a bill -providing - for the exten , sion. of the jurisdiction of the. United -States oyer•the territory of Oregon. . CBE S.OPERA'E 4- OHIO. . . ' 'The Joint Resolution surrendering: Go. Vernment stook_ to the state of Maryland, was called up by :Mr. Merrick, who 'de, fended'ilia motility in — some - brief, able and pungent remarks, which were likened to with attention. • • • . 'Mr. Mangum,. of North Carolina, w s opposed to :this speedy action for' the yea.' son that •he wished to be better informed as to the merits of the case. . / . _Mr. Merritt:: - concluded . that Nit/Mail- - gum Was opposed to the bill, and therefore again: pressed its consideratioaa all int, portant to Maryland.. - . • ... -, . • • ~. ... Mr. M i alker,.%of -,Miss, aided Mr. Mer /i rickilhitilie-Whlrititid hour expired during the ponsideratihhhf the subject. - • Adjourned. • ••: . ., . ' ' 4. ~ „.., , .. .. . f tuna: -OF ' 12:1i,RES,ENTATIVES. Mr. ithettiof South ,Caruliui, appeared and tooklia, aim:o4llly/ .27-7 buti" ON SILK GOODS. The. motion of ltir.:-/Ailalns Made yester day and undeeldect. Or want of it quorum_ Of members, to 'ltalie the 'Nil. entitled, bill to increase the duties oil im Ported -man ufactures of special order on and Mr. Naylor cum:lad:4 at one quzirter past three o'clock. . - • . Greene roSe . atictasked leave to of fer.a resolution instructiog the Committee of-%Vays and Means ;to hiNuire iuto to: the expediency . Of laying - such 400, fur the'. purpose of creating,- a reveve, - on Wines, &c..; s,niight - bq necestiary: Mr. Cave Johnsokinove'a that the house adjourn,:on'w Melt Alui:yeas and nays. - .tvere :ordered. however; withdrevi..hja nWtloth.: . • - .• .• 3 • Greene - Toyed that. rides he euesientled to colisider the re'tohution—inine cogyereadon on the ielohnien wue held 6y.:: Mesers. Pickeni v WiLee;jonee.---Adan 41i - erilliiimialion watt tal . tfn:,by yeas and. NaYit;'atid decided in 4 thenegative—yeas 80; nays 88. - - CPNTESTEIi.ErtiOriOrG - MN r. - aYlor reeumed yAteitlki defence, of his' ight to si seat in' the Hoittie ' ;!tePrell4iiive B ;•l7nni giesiional District ot Pennsylianiewhich by Mr. Ingersoll: ' \' • aelious iwociociltione.,eneoeettol with ttii - Lneet Syeteni weierialled raid Mr; ;Se,v o f 41.10oviati, .epatem ogth in , fa; eetoohe: ' • ‘: eiflOdieeei itetemerieell , A YAM apilf;l l no. a v4,ry;,pree two' speec uNin `the whole larkl qtift.Aqii ifiefopsilie,adjistyn.r .Thej • ottit; retiAtition - befaiaTicloOsiaz that, taidlt,) frgark • lir isuch.Vit 44414'06'th 1111MXIMEIMEI , . ko. the Conatitution;nf.the.United States as. Would debar the-President from re election, "haeFrisketT tioth.lionses by a large majori-. ty. ft Wait, oriptited in'the 'brooch on the ground-that any attempt ; at 'farther a m end meetotthatsacted-iostru ment-would khrOw opeOhe 'door for - alteration!? so wide as in time to destroy fen.' kures. Itt favor of- khe . resolution t ii -Wag contended Oita the, pro Posed amendment was iroperiotisly demanded, " iti order to ',reserve inviolate , the ',blessings and..liene= fits' conferred by that 'instrument, by pre venting the patrcinagelif the Government from . cOming into conflict 4 7 ith Ate freedom of eleetiona.-%-Afactisoition, • , SOUND' . Ina tippech. defirered,'lrfeiv..days ago, by:Nlri Cie*, in the 'ffiiiietl.:StattieSenete, on the pre-emption.bill, thatiantlemen .cidentally_ rernarked:.... 4 1 date to.say,:Gen.- •.} - larriann,l'when;: - he ,cornea,, Wilrlqil: those . whoth he finds 'in. office; and, if finds thnt.they are honest and eepable and faitliful;*.tbat thpy;liaite not been homy and fonraid.pnliticiens, nor' imiiight their of-, , ficial influence. ih.conflict with the_ freedom of elections,, if 'ariy such there be,.l swill` et-theitbstainkl4thetigh-Ffear-Ahere will be but few) as monuments :Or the li berality bf.e :Whig. Adininistration;netieg oil' patriotic principles. But if gentlemen 'expect that General Harrison; because they choose-to rush on and make.attpuipont4its, with a 'view. to thwart hiri administration, Will, when he - eo.llliB here, fear] to do ..t' . bi duty, either they or mistaken the man. ...General. garrietin means. to be the President on the 4th of March next, which his fellow citizens - hare elected. him to lie." .Sentinel. . " APPRENTICES LIBRARY •• ASSO- . . • . ._,At_a.,publiestneeting_of.:the officers,,.con, tributors, and friends of -- the Institution; held at the Town •ilall" on Saturday even ing the'l6th inst; Abraham kende! Est:. was elected chairman, an& Vein. S., Roland Sieretary: • ,- • The-object - of the ineefang haying been stated in the- call, on motion of Writ. M. Porter, Esq.the followieg resolutions were then imaniininfily adopted Resolved—That_the—preient board of Trustees cif - thOTAp_p_rsittices_LibrarY Ciatioriof Carlisle, be and they_are hereby instructed to tiansfecto the Boar d of School DirCutprs.of - thi borough of Curlisle,-all the books and property" or ~6aid./Association, Provided; however, that they Apprentices of this. Borough shall be,pri,ileged have the use of, the same free m/charge, bus un der such rtileti und.regtilatiens. as will seem* their preservation, • ./ • • . Reselved. , --That thegyustees of the Ap preptices Library, Asseeintioti,•are hereby instructed :to_ enter.tOse. proceedings - upon their minor gild . 011 . 86 a copy . tif the.same to be trans die SOMA . : Board, and that tipim ptalice of the transfer herein pri oy said 'DireCtors, _the Apprentices ' Association be linallY Conant A, Cur bodies are teit.tinualty decomposing / al.- lizing their constituent pity ticks; thd decompose.. particles are carried oft by • - the - blood and discliargeilthreittilli - ther Skin els. That which passes" through' die skin- is termed perspiration or Nweat. A o;toppage of this perspira tion is called (latching cold, .hi which case the de comm*ed particles that should lerive the. hody.thro". the skiii are retained in the blood or thrown hack up. on the stomach and bowe's, causing heidaeb, living pain's, coughs, Suckbeing the. cause and a:et of plaids, it must be. apparent to every one, that at skit a'time large evacuations by the bowels are tie .cessary,in- order to ,ueliei*-tlie - alimentry-canat of ihirliceninuliitiiikof Winters, as 'wellas s.imulrie tape blood tceopen agniiithe,pores of the skin. • - 11randrith's Vc edible Universal Pills bring an. effectual Assistant et Nature, will, he found ,tingular ly effective in accomplishing t h is. dealt:dile purpoe because they purge from the stomach and hoWels those humors which are the cause : of disease, &lien' the blood from' all impurities, rernoic eieey cause cf pain or weakness, and restore the emistitution toper feet health :Ind • . Chemists Mill Deuzglsts never : have the g?mitine medicine for sale. Fm sale in Carlisle by fIEIO. W.' Ii niatin Crpnberkpu/ County by Jl..gento publibbetbin anuther part of this j•aper. . . .CONSUMPTIGN , AND .11". FATAL: , CONSEQUENCES -. • It ismaile known to us from the `bills of motility,' that twd-thivilsof the human littuily die Mutually from that fatal dmtroyer 'Consumption . 1 .". Would'patients pay more regard to their , health, and procure :wailer remedies:it the•first - attaCkmaity valuabtelives wound be save,d to the eiovm tient of their tk.arest friendsand that "Pr. *wayne , . Compound Syrup of Wild , -(3liiirry'?tv mita the:: dangerous, disease. This Nletlichie. !IRS 'Ol/Veli its efficacy in thousands of cases.' The very manycer• tificutcs receivedouid the .recommendations front couhtev agents, who sal this medicine thronghout the Tititc.d &Ales, is truly nstonishingf-ithey speak frion ocular_ proof, itnessing, the cares in their otVii viciti *ty,_L Thia-certainly_ is sufficientevidence to convince to_conviricethe most skeptictirof the:vvonder.ful effi eney or this invaluable-medicine, Will patients all,. longer be duped: by inexperienced .tor. Pounds; ru ignorant pretenders as l whi c h 'bey well knun , ,ls both tuitions to the heath!' - I and nunsutuiimi, • Peihuipal offioe• for the. United Statcs, So. 19 7!rovili Eighth street, Philadelphia. . • - -..Ton stile hy Or. J. L - INlvers 84 Co.; Carlisle; mid Pesc Shippglisbu rg; Pa" pith. 3 • 1341),..7t brair nitre!, Malamute of Liftle Children die omnigißA fronfildeTeal of Prottreteil Driitition. It requires no argumbat to crtionnee you, that all "Little Children' suffer 50011C1` twister : llmM the 4- tects - of Teething, whia their kind protectos_g.a! ,ektkily;pertMlial).tiiii the followingitymptedii. leest lessness his of—cryiitg,itretful t reVt•riali ant) . itlectiittiertbrusts Its ft ngers lure us tnbuttli oral lilies, ltereby seenung to oittain i•A id', frequently ett entleel ilk' elmlOi - tlifticidty_ of treathing,—treVel complaint, ieflantruatiow of , .thb. - eves,Viiit'seres hc hind the ears, chbvulsroiii, Ike!: have the tare of these" little ones" should neier be u;iihnut "Dr. Pais' Celchratiul Atmeric.itt 'fur. Children:tutting l'eeth,lo valid!. they_ can pre- Tout,.maity - alaratieg •yreittomlrivitich;often: prove fa: • •Thinsands'nftenthelwand.ntuseitsnoeitlft. lathe immediate effeetti• cubit in Byin p,*hen plied '•to the gams: • It a child viii;es with paw in Os gurus.- the Syrup when, applied, gives -travandlute eilee,isy "opening the potpalland healing 11. e tuna, thus preyentinir,,eonvulsiona, 6te. to the luippititar and•ostrs Atm, eftheit:` WWI protietofs:' ;.•`-.••••• • - , • „rtimeitberiulf:sheienninellediolooeniretiet this on.the alicllmonlyphice in Philadelphia wliert• ti t ;jorudinimenntlie olktained, ii at thtiXedial fiße; No, 1.9 , Noravraghtli , str ? t.t, and - ntlye ! •tisad A-' gents lathe Inualm. ••• • • • ;•, 11 , 13r1a14•hyLL/r, nyins • lie, cc Niro. TlO.Slllpptinsturrirc , #I I II OI CIP.kti , RRAttYgS;... ,, --- ' ,• • • Di. T1A141,1101-oS . C(Oppltnd SfreWiihenlaf Poillierillatn'Apriant Pinot are used by 6,ll:44Asses,of people, in preferend other Minlielnas f lietaiistith'ey• a re Karr fram'AaP* ,- 4 1 1, 100 it*.r4fil4 I, lP4e' itelilem lane; niit ope*lop l end plassant-tin, jt eirent lusste:Ttsiu'revilvvret betath;v4kife: CIATION." DR. PARIS' SOOTHING SYRUP El - - - and effeettud ent.e Of Vispeppiti or Indigesilof tad• . allStbttlavh Colirpitrismr;preserpurliet the whole 4stetn. • • ; Dges use they soothe nerves of sensibility. afrl y for:t tify ;the nervEs of MOtiON impnrting to their rnoSI stda= file fluid its pristine' tone, - thns:giv;ng of mind. ' ' " Ida --- Because - they - never 4 lestroy-thi , emttsoftheittotuttels - ----- .and bowels - 015 purgatives do: . . Becausie -treirnee pied .experience' no • Mere' puriati ve a time' will etre' tile disraseuf tlit! gto. • ,msehtimi -Nerves. Weakur,as is "ritelprilnsry esuse.Of;'‘.. a InisColdisedsus;and,hv enntilmly rev a‘ling to tic •purgqivess, yotrjrudre . the..elidesses nitudi,Vott6, kites& of bktter.: • `• • • ; - ••, • . . 7n - eiltitioS, Dr. liarlieles'Afedieinciare put up upon the. - common sense frinei pip, to clean seand strengthen,"., which therm y,coUrSe to pursue to effect a curet-- .11es:strife these dediefnes do cure Aid disease.. • foe whielitliej•are.rtegrurnerled.:Pijloipttl Office for,; the United States, id No.lo North F:hditll' street, Phil. A tio t for is lilvers Sr.; Co., Carlisle; tirtf _l/241.--St . . . . . •• • ' .• the 30ih.ult. r by the' Ret . .....l::Ulyitift,Mr. lonty WOLF. to. Miss'AßEta SCIILEGIAFX#O.I4 /On tlieftli• inst., by the•sorne, Mr. ELIAS 13nttrxr.• • MAN, of Sind!' Middleton township, to. Alias -AI Atilt HenTztEit;of Notth*Mithileton township. lorthrthe shine clay, by the smile; Mr. Wtitinar JA.; , conk to Mias , SAnAit ANXt liootrEn; sill of ' No, ih niddleton township,' •• " • •• • • • ••• Ori the.l4tirlwst.,*tfit''siiiite, tINBAUdIi, Lu Ml99.eittlAltl2it. AS N. piddleton township— . On die . IM inst., by the Tee.i.. Itenry Att6titt, Mu , . CrF.OfIgE RAKERito AIiSS F.I..IIZABE!/1 GIiOVE; a11 . 0t.• .South Middleton townshili. . D.ll E 1), • . i4)1) the .27tIcof ti , lerstown, Adams -county, Ra„ ,ary, tonsti lition,:Dit-:--4-9fiY , in the .44th year of his age. • ' .1 3 67:7:10n . formerlrre.sided,in this' Tough, where his. charity, aritiable.deport'=,„ ment; and•kiritlnes of heart endeared hiny • .to all who knew hint:.. He , ils universal= typiteerned a gooilina”... , ~ • . Vin this borongh; - on Monday morning lasi, iIIre..,:EI.IZA StIEAFEtt, wife iir--. Mr,, debrge IV. Sheafei, arid illitigh k _of 7 . 1i4 . late .BiirneVAugliiiiliaugh; Triennial. itissesinvar, Niter'eby given that the C7mmksionere - -- of Ciimberland county will It Id the appeal; f i nr;• the year 1841. - , in the diflirent - 13 - renughe- and ships of said -enmity, at the times nod places as pub-, - lished helOw, for thin iturpose of Iteariilg . aft' pet sons u•lteMarnpply frir redress, and to, groat Slli - relief • as to them shall appear just and ronsoiinble. to Wit: • FP.ANXFOND Will :MIFFLIN fO.WleAtiliS 011TIelt,8INY: ' the 18th Februniy next, at' the, pillate, house of:Jannis - Hoover in the. borottgif of Nett ilTh ---NEWV1.1..1.11 - 1111(1-1 , 14WTON,.!On Fel ility. Elie-19th-At the some place. • . . — llorowtoo, on Saturday the 20th hit thepublic; house of-James Spotislei' tit :Newburg. - SOUTHAMPTON aril SHIPPENSDUUG townships, on Monday the 2211 et (hie pubiiti house of - Jacob Etg.ltr in the borough of Shippeusburg. . . .I.lorough of StitrPENSIII:It% on Tuesday the- 2.911 at t,lie tame_ nleee.. Ithcfctelsott r on Wednesday, the 24th at the public Itotise of ,Theeith Mellinger in Centeville. ItY.T.ST PENNSBOUOUGH, on Thursday the 25th afther l, - 01,1 W -hous e -of George Slieuffet., at Mount Reek - . • ' Nunn! MIDDLETON', ou . ,Friday the 20th at thse - Counnissioners,.. ofPeo' thehor - ough of Carlisle. Miont.vroll, on Saturday _the 27th ut the' same playe. EAsr l'Exxenonoitert, on*Tilestlat• the next at the public honey of Andrei , Keel zee. . Borough of. NEW CUM lIENLAND, t)11 Wetioredar the Sil at the public house of Jacob Foist in raid be-: • roti9t. Atom% on Thursday the 4:h at the public house of Sheaffey.iii Sliepliardstowit. Borough - of MEcereettosttmo, on Pritrav the sth at' the, public hOttee of John Hoover in said borough, ' Moxece, on Saturday the 6th utthe public house or: Mre. , Paul ityClinreldown. . . . . .• Bert:nigh of anitast.E, on. lifnittiny..the gill at , tiro' Cemrnissintiersl otlfe-irrratti linronelr. ' SILVA Sruntn, on Tuesday flee gth, at the piiiiiio. hotn•t ofJosepli Crier in Iloguectewit. - • Ail principal Aitscssnes, mw As.) notifiell • Mid irr....:. quii•ell trw an end at the time ated . plaee .1 1 N; ell fct p, the„ appeal, for their renpective liorntighs .and - towitsitift(;' • Br order of tiq Comminnineert • .101 IN 112WINi Clerk.- . COMM VISIONEILS`' OFFiCts .i. • . • Carlisle, Jilt). '2O, lE4l.»tin 5 • Poi A t " On the Ture.pilto between Morin Tle . el artlC:nrlimle;i n iteeket4mok.. rontaibiog twenty a ullnrs' on the Fir. .inersl-Bnok -I,mnent•tt O, ten tiON:iT rn the - 1186qm.. burg I•lnnk. and raw do/how hi small notes. • The owner. eau lutve • his property 1)3 telling on the syb., scriber, Csk nrcm.. y. -31ALLERY;. Ntotmt•lto.:V, 200 641. T.S`i.' • Takq Notice and. save All persoir; wito know thernstltes 'vett-tett to 0.1 be note or honk account, will please cal! at•t! '4l".'oti-lii•- before the tts, day of.iFebrrary 1 cxf, - ;Jr thiir notes and abcoticis 'wilt be plated iii the hands of a Native (tithe l'er,ce for. . • , --•-•-: ..ARNOLD St CO.' Cal :isle, Jan. C.:1,1f.'41.-.:-fit .TO LET. I'oe the ocettp:mey orm 4,7.4 itk4l rural- A.l, A 1y o,ly, the peat. eon voient dg DM. 1 . 4 •4):. 4,1 l 131,1' Liz\ G r 4, ~jo'n.ii,tt the Cl e tt 11.01 e riPt • er now rewde.t, to whom applieuttuu ib to be made. - J. v. F.. THORICt. Carlible,Jan. 13, 1:41. • . tiirgy Cott?. . . Strayed Etna - of titilnit)terib4- ep, in South' Xii.:l(lieton tosynslii , ,y, about: the -14th :or. Noccruto• hist, 'A SI ht• • • Red Cow, of mhtlte. Any person rcturtiing said Cow, will t:o liberally tetvintlecl bv., mArt lIE\V IN100itt: Jannury.l3, 184.1: • • . • • • Riti(rister'g • .- REGIB Orircu, ", • • " - • CAR - 19LE, Dec. 4Gth, t k4n. 5. . „N . via:24s heJeby giveteto • all Legnteen,-Crttlitorw . and atlicutcrlowt_taucermslojtikt flit`' following ne.?,r counts !save. beeli filed it: this °Mel; fOr7iitiiirtlitittrm - zi•-• 14:the siecOuotants theatilli !awned anti 'will be pre , •,, • senteirtlibti.Otphatis i (tonrt of cuinbeattul _ for ociriffeinition nod all:ware pitT4st!toy- thy ottir tiny of.lvatlivz A. D. "(1/41 - , 02: 110 afJ ilUpp, SIMIIIO Ruby, deed. The adminisitation. account of:Attics Arrropflogs idmirdstrutor of Robert AftwOrmig, deC'4l. .I,ll'e_tiflinjiljetration • f4.-'dotiitt'. of 411 p H. I.V'egivpr a cleokkserLL, sidmiiiit.tratlott aviottly, of [;corgi ITelkee , exi• ethrtoi Carollers, c't-01; • ISAAC tteglater. • ,Aro tee.- • • .'sideaf .418ttla idi4ibefto n,dec+ * (l, • LE'I'TERS TETA,AIEN TA the ISTorth • ' beetiltaljtod Str.Abil:l4 l 6 if % Is, 0011 S 'Aliddlitels,, igtAT Itoss'l-saibert N?rx. hs•rebr 610,1 to stirsiktirlisliglleNO'tii the kstsite ormid acceilent: to make tiviikitiato tiayMOidiaralthoselmttnzOaltair to pritibat &tat ef , r.tik • - • . :110S§LI_L4N113KIITON. • , itiectliefe ort:rof:it ";,tali. 6; So • • t- ,• • &SANT/ L Sof a, new etyle,jtht lyttl4,l6xii.Sto's: Ahtpeothm uaintfot sale bt • & worao ,gatmise,.