Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, January 20, 1841, Image 1

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    7.Vlllttua athaaaa--ax•Q asa
Hiving added a large 'assortnietit .goods to lily
formrr stoek, I will sell off the same ht • greatly re
duced prides frir cash. , ' • '
eersons. wishing- to„ supply thetnielves with Very
,cheapp Cloth's, Cassimerei Cassinetti, Flannels,
Vest, figs,- Merinoes, BestreAeens, Calicoes, Bombe
- Etc. E.d'e..Bic. Will do well to tail, as I am • de- tarmacs! to.sel aslow;:if. notlowcr, than any establ,
%aliment in the borough. - .• - •
At.the. old stand, opposite Simon Wond_erlich's
Betel: .
Dec. 29; 1840
L 0 9 K 1-1 RE !
arliaakils.4 (03'411
. . . .
• The Subscribers pita; their,presetti Stock o f Nirr
clikndize at reduced prices; and will coittinue at stroll
prieeiluatil all is' sold. A large pardon of-,Their
Stook is offered at Cost.' - • ~ . . .
Carlisle, Dec. 30, 1 340.
- 7:XT):4W.'.004.),Wae
The subscriber fins •just returned -frovii 'the city
and is now ci[iening!some stria. desirable seasonable
GDODS, •consistiniz, it y-111111. DI Invisible Green,
Browb, Diamond, Pilot, kaver;Black Wool dyed,
Mile; Adi hide, Cadet and live :
'Wool..tlyed'Black;- Blue, and figured Cascrimeris;
SattinettS of itil - ilesceiptionsf - Cordsnlid - Beaverteclitif
• ricks and Checks; Imported Stair and figured Car
.petingi Sircnny, Prince and Mouse. de Laines; limns
baztites, Merinoes, blue black;klack; Mantua, Fawn,
. NI:Imo,. Figured and Plain Silks;. Figured and
Plain Swiss and Jaconet .Ifrtanst Green Baize and
Flannels of different colours; Gin - vcs and 1 - losii;6l .
Cloth and Fur Caps; Brushe and - 31eritiO 8';
Mackinaw, Wise and Point- Blankets: Leghorn and
Straw Bonnets; together with tin 7ssurtinelit of
Groceries &,•fititeemessvare:
All of which - will be sold on the nigst- reasonable,
""terms.. Person arc invited to call and — eitiinitie for
- -thernselveilliforo-purchasin'a.elsewlirre..
Caelit . le - ,- - Da.; - ‘23 - ,q84•0. • • '
- 1 - TETTERS• — rESTA - NIENI — ARY on the esinte •
1 : 4 of .fohn Newville, Ceinbe'risind
tounty; deet•osLid, bovine. issued to the - Silbserifiees
lit clue form. of law,r—Nci - ricr ishereby••4iyen .to-'
thine having "claims agninst the estate 'of r•sid dew
ceased to ,In•esenf.ror senlenient without delay—and.
to those indebted to inake immolitite
BRATToN. gew,ville;
---- • .11.91tElt r •LAllLD,Fratikfniql.
: E.recyttcrs.
December 16,
. .
. .
Estate . V. .4cchibald Peck. deceased.
T. ETTEltri . TESTANIENTAItiY on the estate
-'1 . 4 'of Akltibalil Kick; late of t4,t_lkiii•ougli of Clir 7t
lisle, Cumberland county. decinised, have been gruel
ed to the subscriber residing in the borough of Car
lisle aforesaid: .Nritice is hereby Os Mr to all . vernioris
indebted to the . r:state of sai I decedent to. make ini-
. _
Mediate those havin o ..
— said estate to' present diem properly authenticated
for.settlemetit. ' • ••.
•ADDS ONTExecutor.
Dec.'23;1.8 -
Disuratice against-114re
North America Insteraore
CAPITAL $600,000.
TM above company through their ' Agency . in
Carlisle," still continues to insure all kinds of
property in this mid the adj • g counties at the
lowest rates, The' usual risk ou 'swim or brick
houses averages about - $4 - per - annurcrowcaeh - thous4
sand insured,and a stock of mercliainlize - consisting
of dry goods, groceries, and the usual assortment of
country store, will be insured at the same rate..
Property.L holders, and merelituits generally
throughout this and the: eonvitict, — will -
please win the above notice attention. Application
can be made either by- letter or in person, to the sub
scriber in Carlisle . .. ' •
Dec. S, 1840.—Stn.t,
Wcitey Proof Dom I.ltilies nod Celitlemeit'b
Ovgrahnes, Chi hlito's - leu nrrowl Lentlttln , Shoes, owl
itTry. other (firsiajWitTn — tif . 13 - E.rits uud Shoes, foi saki
musually low nt the Hat end Shoe store °posit&
Simon Won erlicles Hotel
C. 23, 1840
rp.R 4. 4! ire R
ArillYl.Al 4 ll)
• lotteri%
• a%
fr44... Priif'S' of :$lO, - 0001
Glass NO for 1841.-1 o be iii.nwp nt Baltirriore,
Mdioct-Sattittd!ty-, Jan.
01,?4 , N . D. ,9CHE4I.EI
• 1.-(:k.000- ,- --- -
$ s)000, , 5471), 2 . 0 f 3,000, 5-o .1,500, 45 of`soo, ko.
T. itettickets $lO.
40. drawn No • • 3 Net.'
• ..Tiiiitatt - Sto - - ,- -Haircs-$5--gitorteio-42-5
Cerlificatei of t'steltow a of 22 Witcl . l e TiActs $lOO
3 do : 22-11:4111 ,5.0
do • . „ (14i:tor - do 25
• Virginia_Leesburg LplteVy., •
• e,litai A, for -184t.r;•:ro be ; drawn .ot 21.1exandriO i ,
otr.SotorlvlloAuift °flu).
. -
• 0313 OM-1410 000
VPP , ,V I7 ,*i •• • •
~-;..o:Noo, Pout , 0! . .-41,ti00 -,
(certifcatpe!of l'avloigysof 15 WholtiTiokutsc OM.
r..c7 041101 do , ' fSs
Do. , • do .345@
ocr orilerstor Tkekoouid 7ShitTelt or pertifitares
ofl'aetnieffie Lntte ry vial prom'ptli,
,Itteiited to, tile drit'iviog,,iptit!ortiediaiply after it
AID' ' • ':.••••".!'',•• •
• ,•D. S. G,licagOnis Co••;;lfa nii ~Vit4ltin top iieni•
1)406' , ", • " • •••
, Iritrooms.),"o , y)R4Vtlro:Ates'ff:
T r:
oremo‘a Jo i e . r*.q fie (Me 1 - 1 4
*-.lrdpeir . , or 01.. I'o.oo 'fleit!oyA:ol9.llvet ot,eidPirkli•
~ ,elywptiai,sopr.storopeb,letot Of, smiiilitcy igAmtige :
fever tint' signe;el4l4lildlity of inomatij. Ali 0, int*,
fijgnsl,ion- 070, 1 01)0 2 9'
stfeet •
-Altoto'be had of fitirooel Sod Ster4Oton 4 '
, Carlielc; Pa. • -stiney
Aml ." IIIIIIIIII ""gll•mon•nPgMonim
,•- . . ..,--, -.J -,i • ~... -,'. • •••,,,,•-• •. ' • •-•:. -• , ,'-'• • ::: - '',.''' •:. ' - " - .,..''f: '' ' '• • •';i; °-. ...,.., :•. --..,,,,•. • '; .--.,°•.---• '., -P. ' ,. - -••: -,,:-; '''; ';(..;.... '' , ..;.1 : - - --;`'•';'%-...... - f',.,_
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.. .
; Such indeed are the astonishing. • reStorative'and
healing prop.erties of tliis " - Balsam;" that even in the
worst forms of Consumption; when the patient Inns
snlrered with the most distressing Cetel, violent
paini in the elicit, difficulty of breathing,mght sweats;
bleeding of the lungs. &c: and when the most esteem
eiteernedies of our ph:. rninnpitis had pileiLto afford
any andeven,When Mitanic, Honiceptithic, and
numerous Other remedies, bad been used for many
j monthsia vaiii,..this'invaluable remedy has checked
everY,l),mptom, and heen - productiye pf the most as
tonishing a end. In the early -stages of the disease,
proceeding from neglected colds, termed Catarrhal
Consumption; it has been used with: undeviatingsue
(less; and in many instances, when this disease seem •_
et] to.hare marked its victim .for -an early grave, the
use of thiemedicine has arrested every symptom, and
restored the lunge to a state of perfect health. - •
,In that Porn of Consumption , so prevalent amongst
delicate females, commonly termed debility,or
"going-into-a-decline;'=a-complaintivith which-thou-
sands are lingering, it has also been Oct! With "surpri
sing.success, and -not onlv possesses the power of
checking the progress 'this alarming dieease, but
at the -same , time strengthens and invigorates-41;e
whole system more effectuallrthilitany
have ever. • •
-p LIVE(! diseases of the
Liver, pn rtieularly when attended with a cough, intli
or wandering pains in the side, it has also-pro
ved very efficacious, and cured many cases of this
kiinratler the most jipwerful remedies had failed.. -
0:1" AStHNiA.--in this complaint it 6as alio been
used iniiiimermis Matinees with the ; most singular
.success., •It opens the clitlid;rendering the-brysithing
puTectly fr ee, arrests the cough, and will ,seldom fail
to give pernianent
(Tr' lIIIONCIIItIS.4 , -Ao•ii remedy in all Broni
clan! AllOtiOni of the throatrattentled with a lionese
-nesvitottdrve-sot:e- t he - threat; ir alsoite found
vets effected eemcily, rind will mostly
mediate relief if. usettatNtlie commencement of. - its
attack.., • . . . _
. , .
0 ::y. COUGIIS & COLDS,. 7 4In common coughs
and colds, that IWO ailisto exiensicelC throughout the
Whiter, it will hest ain't] mulch more effectual than
remedy Molise, Mid when copse Settle upon the lungs,
causing are hills mmialiiiiiiiith pains in the breast, dik,
fieutiy-or shortness of breathing, - litc.;:the.use 411 ...this
Bals,,mi will supPreint 'sneh sy mptoms immediately.
mid at the same time prevent.theluags film) beeom.
Lig inoi-e seriously diseased; •. -•
these•Compliiiiits. so common to young
. chiliireii, this
Balsa will be found tatie fi superior to Inc Parego.:
i:ie Elixir. •Strup of Squills, and the,varions_ cough
mixtures in commonuse, as it is entirely free from
- any thing the. least injurious. mid may nt all times be
given m children with perfect safety„ . .tial with the cer.
taiiitv-o f itti sardine them - sueedv reliele- - ---
( 0 - . AS A PA :MIX MEDICINE lot mnier'oitr%
vr_Lomplaiiits, this Balsam will also lie fou id
uhirly iiselid; --- Ito ides hails% proved-air hts'alinilif - sr
remedy in sill l'utinonsiry_affections, it exelis a pow- I
erliil i nfluenceover main diseases depending on a
depraved conditioirof the sy stem, and those-who litive
suffered from the indiscriminate use of Mereuryi'or
other deleterious drugs, that fire (glen compounded
in different quack nostrums, will find it a remedy of
great %Tine, possessing the power. of stren4thening
and Invigorating the whole system more effectually
than any other medicine we posSess. . .
icine has already. acquired great celybrity..tEere may
probably bd some attempt; to imitate it, and deceive
the public with a spurionsvnisture, to prevent which
1-would-witill'ull - purchasers to - observe the following
marks orate genuine Balsam. It is put up in bottles.
of two sizes each, having the words 'WISTAR'S'
PHIA, hie Nit in, the glass, and ,a label on, the front
with - the - signature - or - HENRY IVISTAR,-
without which none is genuitle. •
Prepared for the proprietor by. WILLIAMS &
Co., Chemists, No. 22 Commerce street,- Philadel
phia, and soltlby the most respectable Prtiggi fit
sts yl
other appointed agents in all the principal:towns
throughont the Vatted States.. ' •
irrr The Geneine Baisatheold z in Car !
I iste;--1 SAMUELELLIOTE,_. eppOlt-I
ed Meet. •
°Atl hi s period; we are aware that these 'little ones i t
which are near And dear to us, suffer very mutli.i
therefore takti- this opportunity of informing- the
of the' great beOefit derived 'from the Use of Dr.
Syrt — fp - TorTChildreirCuttitig - Teith.
This medicine l found , i r riproduie relief us soon as
applied to the Gums; it .1s pleasant and ,effectual. I
.feel haptri f lo reerunmending it to the public, as I am
certain it ,will:save,many 'mghts sweet-repOse•to
parcata andmurses, besides-preventing those danger
ous s mptoms which ski" thousands ammally.
• . • - . JONK§,-; ,
• • :1 1 Ninth, street, Above Willow.: •
Yor sale.ll.l)r.. 3. J. 113 revs & Ca.; Carlisle% And
7Wirii". - Penr, - .Shipp'enalaorf;Pii. • .•
.• • • '
-.. • ••• : ' -111011 E 'PCSITIVE PROOFfi,' • ' • •
°fele cSintisl-Dr;ffarlich'e 'Compsund Strength-1
• - in fug and German. aperiept Pthe., f '
. . 4 ~.• . .... - ALLEGIpitIY;3B4. B,IBV.
To',Dr.: flarlieh's Agi.m.--Sir: I wish. to; State for
'the' benefit of those who' may be afflicted; s that' Dr;
IlarlieldaPills-linren'nerely cured me of Dyspepsia,
pc which I Aare been afflicted for many, years.. 'used
both kinds, the Aperient and'Strangth g,emtlitins
- cdustrainail - to - say,thartharaiessralisablediscoveryf
ams act upon themystem Mildly, betray" effvetently.
I found. ilie Tonic Pills to quicken. the ,oir.culation
and cause. a • determination ,to, the' . •surface r leid . to
atrengdienthe weak 'stomach-and inoreaseitsptiwers.
'The APeriant Pills are the best catlikilic I evernsed.
1 um confident 14,1•DispaPtica would do.well to make
'hunted:ate trial and he relieved. Aiiy,ene : can estl.
at illirliiniee•aedliniatisfied of thealutve.afpleimire.
. DA.yID .R. POPE. '•
' N'..D; e e lgina certifi pt. May be ,se wit the
.olliceeof the **triter. t ha Timee.".... For sale Atli°.
9, North Eighth street t i , - -' -,• ,- • ' '-'; . ~,.., , _. . .r• . ''>..; i
AlsolOr sale Ini•j. ..I."' . ll,lloEitS Et • CO''," Carlisle •
Mod Wm:.-Peal, sliiiirienttliitiPit:::', (Dec: es,i-,1840,
.I : OE.,PANEEITL, or XOCD 0131.,D9:: ''. • I
- - Mtin"papplemiro`s'o"rery - apt to cousader a- Gehl
butts trifling matter, .and so; think ; thatre,4,....kk'will O,
14 wfirliorff 8 eff in a day Or two," that. they,errethem-'
Salves no"trouble - aliout it.'."liiit:ta piieh we. Wind&
eaf,..‘ 4 lin careful' bryour 'collilsti'infit temper With
' qui. constitutions; '•:If yoni,desirvto.ll.l , o :to,"st:gond
old - sige," he mmrefi d . to,.take, Such. 'remedies, osw.iit,
effect an easy' 'lied, a: Speedy riiiiis:' - Dr: "SWaytt e 's'
ComPlifind Sirup of I ,. , ..Primuslriagintiiiii or }Wild,
Eharr","iiiisinirell InOremolds Skim ell lethor.inellP,
nine, oltbred•for 'sale.. liv•this. •oclun(tr, „The, mrifl
katiiis'Of'cilivii effected' by,..tliiirlikim ' Irale, the sine
iiilitchtliti hiMpidettir la •dailyiMMOirliiit;. iire..olAllor
„tiost gratifying Mho ineter.anti. *lel tkahclie-ittiOdut•-•
tire properties,. imit . the :hip rank it :holds lit ptihlie
he' idifivi rardhlintecittilifi hid iii,'titobitigilifive
prA.-"•; myors.k:Co.:Cti,illslep..ilintYtlVlll.-i'Vadi
Bl?ippeniltiorific;rap:•;• •••-•-- ; ..‘ .4' , • i'.. .:. ~.,: i' , 1,,
• , ,
E A iiiSf l -iiik'iof % q4ti.riiirftiiiillgAttll4 .
~ . -- - 1--
I . '
s klaltalT' 11 011 5f*ell Y 41:101,01: Ca' . .ttltt l 11,
ip.pcms., ::r. ,. ., .-.; - ...,...4, - , ,:---,?-
.. _ _. _.,: .____: . -,. . :.....„-A,R**lo . -:s. wiiiiiiist .. 2
A r_kipilr AfEWSPAi iE4s, : PtitS o. t Lift AiAN -. n . &C.
XrUMEROUS remedies have been .olTered and
puffed into . notir.e forAbienses of the Lungs,
'some of Which has undoubtedly been found sexy use
ful, but of qll that have hitherto been .kiniwn, it must
be tut Veria I ky4teknow I edged there 'none, that .ha el
succesiful• itilthe..".BALSOM
WILD - CHERRY." • ' _ .
Prttre $1:00 — a - bott
December 16, 1840.—1 y ,
Edited and -Arnb/idied for .oroPrietor bg ., iMeereCliff.-4:rao6 in Carlisle rumbeiland Canary Pa.
. .
yonder," Joho . • salt]; ;one
day,.to 'me, "that you have.6o, yet,pulany
question telte COheerning a•-riicturelovi , ards•
the eitremitrof the gallery, to the `right"-
• .."I''knott , "-whieh you rtiein;")LUnsivered;
interrupting , that •of
longer young=-but. whoie
countenance amply repays the absence
rof . yciUth; acid of strictly regular hpatitY.-:•+
Yet of this last there it!' a...substitute. that
may almOst be .considefed'atiperititlO that
which it supplies, namely,.the. expression
of a mind and heart equally the for
, Mee etreng,••plear . arid 661dt:tilted, end; die
latter rennin over witlf . the milk of liuMan
kindness." . •
elelainied St. John, wit along
aspiration,-,--"l,arknuw:still more surpris
ed that. you never apOke, on the subject of
this admirable woman; “
,for 'pit 'certainty
are' more closely right in your
.guesses of. her . character • than in any we,
have_yet ditioussed” •...*". • . , .
"-y readon is,•l have not been able to
makeout any outlitie; . eVen; of the stors .
and I' wanteilito.find. something that seem me plausible - Were I asked • you for
- 01 0-- tiuth.. -- . - .Let.A4,.go p_t_the_
I cure again—for-1 am 'as much at a loss as
'ever, mid I ihould likeio form some •geese."'
%I'd went up stairs.. Sir Edward chaticed
to be in the gallery, with one or two.iitherii.
4 ',Ali - ha !" . hg- when - he saw
Whieh' riortrait: We ' vent to_;--" is that
your inillorotinititiry Harry.,"
he: added, turniUg•-to
five kindred - to one that you dqn't gueis,
the. sobriquet, _w hitilLStAtilitt.has,givett-to
that lady,,upon whoM, you are gazingTiO.
intently. •
"Phase are such long odds," I answer
ed, "that:it lutist he quite. certain Oar any
malt Who holds them must . win.—Mhat is
it?" . • ; • -- '
'7.7,."Y0u are quitOight not tO bet said St..
John. ankyet did betting . become` my, cloth,
I might venture' , qtial odds that ycyu will
own the name to - be - geitM'Wrong - froirrthe
Mere intensity of its being right. I . call
her "the Second Rest."
"-That, most certainly - I shOuld - never
IMve guessed, hut how will-your last pare
dosieal statement he proved true?"
• " rinto - You .
ur ~j liunu adge l'tourselCi
putyop an 'mai', m
-which -elargeeollectioti - was-•gathered- by-a
lady of. the - same blood, but of a later
of existence, and. a . veridifferentYdriler Ofl
eliiiraett4.• yeti 1,, of all mer, - Migliti
not to sneer at the good humored, bustling,
fidgety gatherer of Meynell mantueriPta,H
for they have been of igmat use to ine; in
my similar researches, however little ;hey'
May resemblebers in origin amlepirit."
. St. John brought theletters in the even
ing.; they • were ,written,bY . different per
sons,: and -spread -Mrdugh itearly-twenty
years of time. -Xint:they,,Avere all with re=
ferenee to 111istreseEvelire Meynell;:es he
had selected!thein with that vie*. The
first - wa:s , from:
ladrwife. He was' with the army in . C4er.
niany.during the, seven' 'years" . war;' it Was'
- •
"1- fear, My • worthy -love, there but
distant protects• (if my being able to • re;
turn to You..: Would that 1,. had :left
army in_the last Tiimee!. ihpd. dots; enough'
that vshould pot iltiveTfeared having any , . ,
Ithing wrong- saul, , ot .me; and — l feel that :11"
_ . .
there is no - place for an, honest married man
but Itte : otyn dear Itome;. withlts fireside,
and the, wife- atid.,ehildren cif -his heart.
around it; ay. :plodding on in
our. marches in - thyseTdeep youth!, atiti:7be - -7
hold AIM Jamily•groupicrourding to their
-;,Att t
doors to ape Ais pass filielittle laces Of,
-iittry.onng,onearturried-up r io--4-expiata•
iionj)f. -their mothers, or tbeJad.climbing
up . to his_ father's,shoultlersjo have . hot.;
ter . .ylei , ;:tity heart las_ yearned for Arles
-cm,and.for-titose tv-are-there-gathered
together,. AMU have., scarcely; ltept .froM
weaping - Kr A Aittd-:yetj have no*r. And . :gleo;
reasons- fottlianks and,grathutle'sto fietiveri"„
"V ItOalan4: %happens net. tielkluM)ithO.Pcu.'
pie are plundered and pnt:lo - aufforittgsi.P,t.
Kidd; ...11 cannot and notA.Penk,3llY.:
-Nan has joy that: such. things,
do; not take' Our,
-,-, 11, - ,sh all. novae forget : the =' features (If 7dbi=i
imiel ei'iiliesteiday °WA's:Newel, a itien,,
Ilia iv ife.;',antriWo h tlau gh tare; about the lige
-of.'. otiriswn - , 'Ai ho'':wera -- biTthetritadelli - a;
gazing :oh .."awhiMse . ; - over..'w hien 4fie , fire had
gained full liinateiy and- which Tfouild *as
theirs::;-:1. - -excltaitgeil'41 fetif.tvoictit'.*itltttltei
fatheroindbis voiee ititi':that'of.,tine. whose
. soul - despair . paiiestiv al; :., ' Haltiaittlike ':,ii
- stotui—=the: *dills' 4e , splike toi'Mulvere 44; -
1 limit' tief i c.-it is icariezt fi 3 Oure!tti : isty;'ilitwtee
Might utter.: ' , l'-'aisked" - hi*. it lbst.'.wile 'ldi
-bokitio,t . :.. , Ibionlkitaid•"minel`tidae;' - thiner
He; lfeerit6l' pot tri .1)64: ti!e ist4iai';' befilit,
":and : ijoiy;lle*iiif ttitilty ruiiiiidoq't put some
Cgoltiitith 'iiiis - ltiand4it ;11wiviiiisitite:-. - lia;•
1 conscious of itZand , lM-lei it fall. - , 1 :.;:il ik Wife
had ;;slittlieri , ixhaulded ;44;ithi 'iliank';:atia
ihilliyo_ , iirlii.4i - veie '485 4iiiiteli'er., t-..' - ',i ',,:',.:::
,‘,.*igi:iiitiAia . I S 4 44 i iikkltiOiiiiiii l .:Pi
.iOtt:: di . ',P.i:etillei -1 01 4 .Vatr,tiad : '01 ,- ,lteSre
bliiseAl lii . ', : hi 0. 1 1 04'1 hit •E,'o:r_l?:' till tiOi Were.
fie fr ‘U i . #'`'';ieti'.' ','"' ;Ye t I fdr7eb,Oled!''', hie( iiiih t
'thacOlescht *,aa'iiilliided'aMffiii(ftri;"4lo`
'W . ;th r e . :.'inidiMß;•"!;* liA . . qt . •`-isflib
r k'l . .',iii i ii it i , : , :: up
,Wtiiiiii 7 giiiiki:ii . '*ilrOi'l*(ll4; t kiliii:Mio;
ioirivoiiiii , ".t4:74iioi)4l.o%iie-titiVoll..ii,,'V . ,4 4 ;
- 4 iiiiiiVlo ii :Oti.:4o ,i - l Aing' -' 4l:o'i lf iii o.l . - lielik
- *Obli . ng ibiii:o 'llll4.4enqoiiirge 14'1 )e.
N WARDnaIStUDAnr 4 1EQUAlUtea44EritallieZ tLikla
riteMentiOnd.CtieittWeli . tipatched.held of -or - Probabli it is' in n - the 'cbareeter . . they"
the,pieeecwltieh'tnrned the muzzle towa rd s differ; rather 'than in degree,. .. .
the afiblrinitielf; rindthe trhOeir;tansing.the , Let'me b ear from 'you; dear EVeline,.ste
dische`rge. - therball-Strecit him anif hes fell. tell •ine--that - you'-will•-add-, to-the happiness
L'' "I . elioultlnat:teir Yett.fooliill'Areams,. ,Of Mir hciine--;-till you leave • us - 'to Make an
were•it not 'thiltAliti.,serieri to - stroW 'ha* 'other honk. lees happy only because there
. ., , . „
much :yereatiliii . .itkirtYmind; and besides 'Wilt n o t be such it third, as at•Arlescot., '.
this dreeur . .SpOltilrnth of 'Ev . eline ; 2 - it is ':: 4 ' . flentiein'a 'Coti fi e le' sujetsurlequel. it
j est:ae. ish.o . l would,' have t apted,.? Voutrecrivait ; ji . me, 'Pal fait' m'aritior ea_
she is,',hed, yen-
. 14. en in: danger., Pray lettii. =7 tni - din .qu'il direit4iiii - , - horiiiiii"
Write Malang neeriniiii of., yearself'sind all les - louangei'exaggertri , dent it rn'aeaeble;
of' You; and'Obrive'.'all;:let tee, liciar:,licii, Je Vonepriedo.croire;:ma - dejeellere - scenr .
Eveline - geti!ten . .in'.4l. : ller.eitritatis:studieri. 'qu . Men -
le tiers,
- son - , dietr,:: (pie . r yous•
They Would haiebeen whiine,,andl'shantd fassi ez le tiers;de- - cet 'heriax' tio dont .ii
have , forbidden there le any one niaa'; but 'pale 'aVee tine tendresse; ei amiable et se
in her they,ao:ieal ind •eound; and' *ill 'vraie. '' ' - .. aim able
r . “4"de . V..'",., •
bring : fortb..griod2friiit', tere.tftei.'' - ' Henry .' I not; began •to see ' prett.yelearly the
writes to me Itionself constantly,' but for tense: id which'St..John had given to Eve
the others; I• Must trek t(i . I*: .. - Tel,l ine line' the ' ' title of the Second . Beet. . Her' -
Of 'Mary—tell -MO of Evelin&-tell:nrie of father Preferred only-the wife - of malty and
yourself,—and in the - order in which I have- -affectionate : years-Abe-hroilier. had . given
placed tflent,,leuch, More; meet.' To itto. "but butslight'superiority to' - the object -of hia
love, indeed,
- hut that for you, : can 'my•al-' - young' but perfect love:: The next letter
fectiOn Tor Eveline : beleCon&,- Blessetr-iW - however:spoke stronger still; ' It- . is from.
the man who hastmeh adirughteras she it,.,gthe•Yeting liadY - ,Meynell,,ehout's , year if-
When. her , .MOther is such . asyclni! . Only I ter- her 'marriage, to . ii 'young' la dy with
once. let me get back to rat, and • it - shall'
4 whom:site' bad formed en early intimacy.
. ,
:iot be my fault, if we are Over:thus-Opera- -I have. left the little , posteript, in the origi
- -'- :Hilt- ' 7 7 7 - • ' • .11t thisTetterie long enni4filikneeil
' - "..:-'l7lle . next.letter is rloted five or six years - Aranslation;, • •• • - fr om . ' •
later . and - is ,from Eiegsne' - brother; Sir I "So . you-haVe retarded ltal y' efter
-Henry, - who Was .the n at Paris; shortly - al- • your bridal tour of a yeir—and lo! you ex
ter the pease of 1703.
Poor Sir John had! prese4urprise, first .'at my being lnarried,
ifelier. egaiii seenflraff4rillY;fofirii his 'i t- secoddly atm - y - lia - Viniinatired - an English
love was so etrang.end - so.teader ;- he vAii ! maa;::.and all - eve-all at myllaiing-eonsented
killed* Minden: Sir' Henry,' then about to live in England. ~s for the first cause
one-andkwenty;bed been' on the continent ' c o( wonder, yeti forget - morello° that
a good tleal.shice, while tady:ll/leynell and, - adveners, 'and that •I was only - . a month
her daughters bad lived chiefly at.:Ailesecti. ! younger at the period : of - my marriage than.
The rernae'r, a
inds regetti: . that'date, therryon were - lrY - iiiiiii.' - WiiVregerd - to:7 - tny
letter iteelf Will speak: - "••:: -- - - , Marrying:ail Engliallinen- . -y on don'tliiiiiiv
. , . . .• ~ - - Pints; Jime,.:1764..• 'what an .Englislttnan Sir Henry is. -He
--- ' - Dzanzit. - EvELINE:; - - - -Th's - tone :of Tay 11fas_ell the •polii h last letters; will, I think to one so clear. -Parisians, without, any of their frivolity of
sighted; prevent; ony great sUrprise being . manner, or- frequent bitterness' afziniiid:',---
called forth .by this. You will. readily' His delicaity, of Manners , indeed,- arises*
guars that I allude -tormy atpproirelling - Mar- frotn . ,his - own iii nd; instead of, mincing of
'risge- - with Madimaisellede - Villebois. and,truth_prevents the word
hearty and 'fervent, I am confident, will - be deficacYrbeing applicable in Its strict sense;
-your wishes,-that-that marriage may be' to : Besides:hihas . a strength of character, and
Me - the touree , -otthe-degree di happiness . a reality-of purpose, Which the -difference
Which a happyniarriage alone can produce'.' of Position between an . English, gentleman '
''Of - course, the marriatre . ence. finally de -'an d one Olotir petits maitres de car, must.
terndned upon, inS- •firert turned to you;, ; . in the -mass of 'instances necessitate.. Put
anal, )OW, Evelitte,.l . must speak More at do not think I am folle - d'arleoar Otis to
large concerning yourself; than I . have 'yet,- speak; no, every month I:live with.iny
ever done t o yo urse lf—f or Farit certain, :.hdsband, my love forliim, if it cannot well
,you have read theirounds on which increase in mere degree, beComes mere in- .
1 --r t l° the trnrrm. , •!!L'ant'abriut to mike. tensely -as well as.• of
,a far nobler -
you - wil l. cram LI,- ". 4..lMV — eatra- - trctir .4. - Zw.,...V, 1 i iir... ' • ••••• -• . • ... ~ . .
-years between our eggiTyet - s - uch:lnitibeen ; As to myeti , iirt- lil zogossur,';i - i. - - - .. - 7,::•:-:.,-
Ibe . early devolopthent of ~ y our- n tind; 'suck consented at first from its being the country ,
t its natural pOwers.-and. such its pectilier Cif . thentle whoon,l . married beeause I lov
enhivinitinithatt-bred-os idle -- y - oune - . genk -- . - ed him. -- ,:ton AincilY - ii 6 t - t - ith : of-the yet'
•tlethen are, have for a long time looked ligion of-this country; indeed, Jr it.hhd-not
- Upon
.you . iis more then iny'ennal in, tire been for the difference of customs, which
moral advantages of years; lino% their nuin- , to some extent. distinguishes the Protestants
ber. What miry affection - hatbeen for yen, ot . Paris, Sir-Henry and Itiever could have
I feel that 'yours forme must tell you bet- knawn each oilier teforepur marriage suf.'
ter than I could. The loss of our, poor' •fleientlY for our. affection, to becOroe, 'what
mother was•donbly'ablew'to me; fr o m its' ,it,did. 1 It is true, then, I resigned my enan
leivingr-you'alenerlor -'the time- at-least.:in•-•:tt.-7 iPr,. my_husband. _My. .parepts. were
the - world: - : Mary's marriage had -- taken. - *4;40. they had not been so bing eneitglk
her abroad for a period'of sortie length.. I for, the - aunt, with whom I, lived, at all . to
'aka. was :abroad.-you were', left` •to 'SS mily their . place in ,rn y ,affections. lt
yourself, - L - raighf remain - 'therefore Cost .me but' little to•Yesign that,
ed t . for - our excellent old'Aunt;-•-wito so Paris, you all prize so mush, for. the saki'
, kindly left her dear whist tableit ' Bath 'le of :pee whom I both esteemed ant! loved
'give yon-,a chaperonage, fi tting,
.though, beyond the power of words to speak.; But
mot perhapritrictly necessary; Ar- new, I would not 'go back toYrance,•sare
lerWot, must before now have -loved 'both . rdr an 'occasional visit, on any account—
you andherself nearly to death. • MareoVer
except it were his wish--and of that there
kis quite I,lear she could not permanently is. liAta.taicar. • You - can . hav"o no idea of
live at Arleicot-,still less - could. you st Wiwi - 7a peentsoife ---- . ierin •England.
lath. , ~. .. , • . . . 'idelLL-.'dirtmitli--eornfert-leis-verre-ne=cen
.,, . .
. - Mthat -I wish, then, is, that us long as .' naissez, pa , s le tertne 7 v , eneirt.avr:z •pos th,
.yoirremarn at..
.I.e hell, you . should , m 44,.. mot pour le rewire-vowel que te comfort
ooe.of yber *dices family:: ;You`
iii•feit, a6sit hi vie iintinaliere avec one
Wall - that brother is more real attached to • '3- . ••• -••
einbritee,tians sen _meilleur_Setts , out -LcG.
~ .
.. , .
yOu than'is any one 'else .in the - world ; • - : ... • . - ... •
. .---,--,_forcel•de.
lie - liiiiiireyoil . briffeiT alidiliiirefere coliiiiit, , r• •: . :-„ .‘. - • ~ ~ ,• ' . •
' '' I am 'quite well `•tt gee' Of
be Otherwise.. -•,e•en.servie,
`resist , ;•,....,,,,
' • s l • ! : .(I could not leasing this. in ,the
all' that ifr Bait about the annoyance :; - and
Original for it„showito- an Englislunriehoir
fdanger Of=a-:-third-IterSon •-beittg'resideq in
thoronghlY LadY,,Meynell felt , What, ecini.
a . bOtlarbottSei ei!peeiallywbeo;;'thet :per- _
: fort-bigheat-its --yet
son is of , the bridegreem r aliinj•iii*tl, r:
-6, • • liciwi t utterly.l)er language ,i'((ri`s incaPable to
ihe_bride!e_4_..„.hat-this' . „true_ en i
I : e. 'i : jr ; es- expiesi what sbo:underatoOkSG well - )T`
ibiitlin'e'o have tile 'O l L.P e ;s - r sh ?" l4 , - ,,,,:'q u ' T ",'" s j.,“The'theriTOl:t, Ilifirileaffelit - i -
Which- hope "nu ''''. I ' B ' P" E.l `"' s ' : '''' .. .- r- 'eh'ateitl, .. dull:,
n,..a.dititatii , province in
goes* particular,. bitterness ;Of . :inintl';'.
an ' can" give, yeti, no ca nception : ,ef, hoW;We i live
the part of :oho' of the female 'ffternbers ,of i 4 - d i e.',. : , Here; iti:Aileset.
,trio-.ithat _ yours is I need- . net ;-tell :. 4 1 ., an , , ,
sdinirable', hendit;,of,:varioul:datei,
you,tvitee 4dalattlots'ia,lok - J,,t 1...0 ::
!illi: j illeArgk,all:Oldbuti nat.likt;"Yiniffeilier's
i r .c . .' ' •' - '—,,. • • 4, chateau ,in ' the.' chaMpagne ;.(Se., -- different
~;; I cii y ould. A pprjap
,youiindek(4 - •Jr,)IT. 'from hitt liitiseinthe,Vett4eig Ot.',Orirtnsio)
were,of .. tlte elqpni. to..
, •vi.... : , l 4 ol l .3iitli . 'dop:ra dot aliiiiting44..wiatiOtio.aOt
i'fiDtt:ptlitttl 9(51-9P.: 811 :e4Y7 -74 0:9 - 96 1 . 1 1 6- . - I ,OPening;.tte attnir„ntte can aiiiiTlKiiiii no
impatience shrt - ,..feets at not, being : able , toO t bie, fut. .i,if i lih:e Ai nuci pin . A 0:40; pla ced.
tor ? ,yotii,sit't ilni. :
passion • - Stroputuid r ferNent :oft 'S4.,fierd. eiii,*,tbini.le:e*eollenk-anttlei:o-
' ll 4. :foi:,4 - deia‘id:k ; i!i:,.7r'64944 - r;Ve Inxirriintetand.tlto,f tp eiettiir diNh4l7-
1:04 to peetonmea dvant4gewhichyatir. --
ler ice choose,i,strtitf• icfroni,"theelite of
PP•cier.lF,fiug.tie: to, her-; She is L !.• Y , F.F . .,otir peighhore and the rest iii formed goer
yottegerthan yoaratikbrilliatit as •Iter 0- c on il6b riietula::OniCoMirtioti , n - ftif:tteelti;
calp;ind , esnsil4o. - PlF•A'o:cenYinc.Pd!Pr - itagetiiii::` 1304714 e;fieirlyj'all lite:pun) iner
riqd)? illl l3 Po 9PiimPFe.PROIY. , !% I Pc'IA i • .-iiiioatii's we' l weres by choice , itliSpfi.. That
liiii.f B l l ,l•Aas, -P.ot:1 1 04 , ~21 _ 9W:, • OvAMM11-,1 0. r i, liiZ.iti were bb 'visitoisut our family
01:01'4 1 0. , 409:0i4•2/6fifile:44- 1 O9*?sonii( 1 - .
:, ciielti•is-.Cotopletett-•w a , aist,ei-pf -.Sir,Hen
:9 1 .4; 1 PFC.410-o, 4 ,•legecA. - ';' , *o 1,1 af!; , eticilY- ry's,'titnia ;lia'kew.prtivaitedr . live
that, chtipeter•4o4 l i4.;_Aidci!..,Pßfaf, from witti.'eti.;:,* -::' '-'...'" •'• ' • -1 i., -- ,,' _"',.„.. ''•
inijniOpci9uicaf , ioll IvßfuhilirFr ,At'it.4 ; 0 1 '''Oiit t dlarti.;:i4oll a , irtintatt'l toyer:4l;o
'ltpv:p.4o4l. l '. :Pr.. 000bsitin-ii,,#ioneyitt44l; '''.l4M'Cti,.tilittitalf ooiki l ot*igg44kh-it,
and . he grateful, Willi ait.-itt•gener9 ll ,,, , ,ACT - •,41iiiite .ineil.:4f4:lt' ii . ikat.:wt#ynkin4o
i.lerneaa,: for the boaafiteLii.vtill produce in .from " , ritelittetti Jeeling4net - :::tbe,';fletitiOns•
ker., , : , Telt. t .Pliti# 6 ,* bhtii.e;.woOY ever. ( if. iitthel'or.itio r .wdriai':at*mootilioiCtitok
beineyiettrilistilrand Tiltinit' that you - ness : or *o4o,4l:4 4 ktk::eyinreeih i iii'„iti.;
may be Anit'eAfaroi?tlikt tit*.ia.tia fearithlit '66 piiiattk . honrt:',;.: I,' tinv0:001. Otr°:l4
ny:t.liat'cii4iinyntiOnltic:iiriiieltlireeilf'l43r- t hwor,the linteiine . iikreeilk,9 t. ,#)th#hteh,
in.eiatiV7'''':'; . ..:„' .1 ',...P1 - -' 2 -,''.'"'•'.•'- - ':`• '''-'..`:'•' ,i - fiti,litiO4A - iiwit . ', !iin.i44; . 'o?•' , iitearriy"o,,-
IV.,tni:iiit'paiiii,anif linianliti4l:jal, - Oil . I .o l ' - q;41 1 ::' t tiniotlie'i!Viitifittoil , `. l iwt
:taint' t' 1 I iiiikllieiiiitjiiiiiiiima4iiiies 'n'ariffeia'a's 'tfieiiiiletdrilpilihi 'n(l36ienfllio
'tni'li'lsiatet v iliait:litAil l e)iiotiikeilliiv . pi Ar' TfifOrkikAkuoo:ofi,q(A,o o 4or!uo)?,VN.T%
itiktijfe. npeetliniiiilf.fttrlto;:l - Biiit'ithi - :iltiftieyii*‘4o . oettic),'. set' ±l l6l 4"TY.".fct,
. 1 : 16 4 /*) l o,44iiii: . ;4P ill ' . ' . - subject '' You *0104. - o(nOifif* , ,ooo.Afii4'o - 11;F i luq
ilii#-fitOivsoFiiti:i. , ',Y•eii' Ot,ipii'fiiio9 -tuut?1( 1, .4:4 6 _,5110' , -. ift....0,f0 41 '.01,! 1 ,Tii4 .
4,046.0110`01k*14:04.,,t.;h01Uii - 4 6-.. .Or:A.,lolyo . pAoyiv',.
,i10.k,13-xivivsyqt.,*i l l=
.i,liiie 0i5i.:...1.....0 1 :1041);-.:-.64.4o:ib•d.syo.;:_,,ity,,,o4rniii, .-7•4;ci!C.l?:*bat" I "Otd'see.
. .
I a 6, - con
,nd entthat ere are a thousand
delicate kintinesSes,which "never saw at
what . ;inakes•.mo - certain of this,
Isithatlliave ; •:as nny„knowledge".Of
land has increasell,:disenvered from time to
time same actions of:this invaluable char.:
acter,'of good nature, at Eveline's hands;
of which I :hail been preVibusly unaware._
Figtire , to.yourself,,Clara, .if you
which I exeeediugly-aloung-per
*on, not even now above one - -and-twenty,
wtth a faee of, extredie intellectual beauty
'physical regularity orfeature deserves the'
name Of - ,beauty , at all, and tibial] as in the
easel:of Eceline, can fully coinpensite for
that' far. lower,.qpality being incomplete.
Her features are certainly 'not regular--but
the combination du - bon seas et de Polite, I
.saw equally combined in any face,
before ; . and I had no conception of - what
that combinatio'n could ,produCe, till. now.
Her countenance, in repose; has a mixture
of Strong mind and placid :thought, with a
great benevolent meaning, and unbounded
goOdneis of heart. ;But - to see it, brighten
with the arousing her . intellect on some
subject _ in 'which she takes. warm interest,
---or -- ,lllndle -- Witli - intense: affection, oriof
ten,-with sweet 'tenderness, towards those :
on whom' her feelinge are - really fixed
—this, intimL . :must - must - .excite any, one with'
: tv - h - Q-lipa. Other-heath, or. heart
infficie.ot to deierve to be . Classed among
hnmop . beings.. - - Itelae.! rand it is I; who
am writing thiur! I,' whoin•yon recollect
so 'giddy a girl! Yes, but it is impossible
to live a
. year, with such persons as Henry,
and . his sisters;' without.higher
Thou - gifts, anit.strofiger - and amiable
Of him I need. not say
ilut,h could not ,have - believed' it possible
- - - thatrawone-could-replace during-the:
- few and short absences he liae_beim - coin- -
pelted .to make as she has .done. • I never
"meta woin:an, Who, had such -infOrmation
without havingthe - very slightest tinge of
a - precieuse:she never producrs any thing,
all.conies so nalurally,.so Much of course.
that it would-..seem almOst.ito - be. affected`.
thatito , wot4 . withhold it,
ings, when Heiiry and. 'I returned from
trandering_along the street gardens - togeilh
er, and pausing on the' batiks of he, stream,
and silently enjoying the More conscious
ness of being together._we Used to find
Evelitte just come in from so - me-errand of
.her charity in the villageand the hours
- have passed with such un exqUisite charm
till.hedAiint , ithatereii-lif-tiy.:lritial year,
true, indeed; 1.114 she tAte,f6 . 4lerinat Ssod•
shall often baaliiiie; this'is never done
as though it-were. contrived r hut seems-as-if
it naturally sprang from, her being engaged,
M . her ! own pursuits. I have. used' the
phrase her eltarity,-and Well I may !. it .is
indeed tin coinmon alins-giving. She knOws
the history of . he wants, the struggles, and
the merits of every family in .the
Oh!• how I bless her for havingshown me all, by direct,
preeept—what heavenly effects a damn, de
paroisse may, n t rodtice in this. country, if.
She knows
. - the proper means, and is' wil- !
ling, to exert Herself_ ever so little, I trust if!
tilf - e - s;! houlti" fornii - a conneition aiicli alone'
as she should farm--Sind I have my! doubts
from certain indications whether she ever!
will—that my' watching.
,studying her
admirable •cOndtict'.oti 'point: may in
some degree soften . h er loss to the peon,
• . •.
That it. will fullyzsupplyz ier 1.-never :can
liopc ,-- - - for - they - baver - known `hind-mistress;
'hay have seen her , goednesa from its
earliest bud of : promise to its, rreSent Tull
Bearing-of, admiration
and tette oftriy,bohle ! an .
band his . liieoinpata sisier,.arge the
.on , Joithis__warnith
helier letter 'tO,;have
lii;h'wriita.n by your! light-Hearted; giddy
gone - 4-htit thiti - ligloOleartednese - is not=--or
ritheicif-is raised to a•-sen:sation'of!haftpi
ness, of
. degree - Of delicalend exquisite
ni en tauch r as- - - n of, lam w--their
e . ;cistee. And ' this owe .6.160 i -ink hut ,
hand ..and sisterfor2 if 'my lore for
ltint'lio an affertinn'.far stiperior to any of
mAticki eoneeived eiiStenee 7 -SO
is m fiiendshif . ftir'her,2 which ranks'&
eon only 'flint ;'a such' as .I..had
intiftlea ,
'r.fitiisbeil :this
,'Oingolar letter==-this 'speak ewe or more
th — on one, 0ne...-jtereier-altirl7-brellAw
Petis,-4 not,,frin; the LiFctilturity, of her
namely; eertaifily in itS°
a+titdt times, Jitietoty, nor- ;Fisk : only;-bilt,
fO) , het- liveliness:, l' might
slOi'byilia wy. in stisie,ty.4:here is one, theft
strong anil
,feelinkii,, and Of
sound atilt , r r'iakt ! f`.'. ud merit . from her
On inn with a muii orseesti-;od of
and '4OIIK eptiiinuelf;intereentsti rith'och
a iiromaa 81,e,y001.
*eii , or this tfeigliteiiiptofelisrpilo,
liont4ti'neln'etrst r "64n6vett . :,,to those , }vho
have. undergone " tits In ': ",
datN sli hAti
.thip;;TAi::#BV°l4,o!ii!i‘l',Olf died ‘vi
ihis,,T,6l4 see s ': was' only,
()111 , Z
I'o , * - f iti t rAris - opOteiis
1 4 .**- - 000i0a -f h.f itio race' 'fin)l ,
ong ' < whom she" n,s "the _ s The^ loiter
ii'Alresite4 l l4
Arti ritiiiii i l liftf'‘i t( t - otida
Jrz, 1 ,
401r1MtOtR is 1 1 .11 1 ,R " S , W 1 0 1 .,
r tlied;`' , ' I
/4'ziF a i, Otia.coiii,i6:c
know. well that it „Miry' the strong : iirw. '
pulse of yotiriondneSifor me thet•canitiavei
led-y.ou to __ _l4
.this.fors:AO - , - 00.Y.9441tFr •
tide. sfet-do ,no morethan • hini4Or you, of
all. tlitt st,Seel that, neither . : as, to ' s
,retrospect, nor, prosneet.can V
ing. -
,loss of such,a father as mine
must leave painful sensations . of sorrow
longsafter the early, violence of - grief has .
passed away—and I feel it would beaffee
tation; and ..not delicaci, deny. that• t
hope of.being„Upited tit one-between. whom
and myself such attachmentexists. and has •
so long. existed, as. 'mire, Produces. to me
.full assnrapee'of a. life of happiness.: --•
„Hut the partiCular object of this letter,'
dearest - E'dward, is. to give you-all•theln-"
formation within - my' reColleetion,--4oth
personal,,,and of what! have heard.myli-
titer say, sometimes,. to; Me; and now and
then .to othere,4lten -my early 'age prix. • •
'vented his thickiog•of my presence,--rcert
corning, my aubt,Eveline.....Nething I have •
heardZitaid of that :belove.d' being.ever es'=.
caped• my Memory.' I could not apply 'al( •
of; the - words' have remained.:
ill my reritembrance,.and: their-meaning th
clear '
You say that of, course' - she will Como
and life with us, amid' that; therefore;:you
should like to knoW her character tharouehk,
ly. Ido not wonder that you. should desire
to be enlightened' on aortic= few points -of 1 .
•thatcharacter, notwithstanding your strong •
*admiration of the whole. If you had seen •
more of aunt Eveline than chance circum
stances have allowed you to do. you• would .
:need . no information at all; -.I have
Ortell - ' andlonged to speak to you abont '
her-4-as you now own you wished to do to •
Me.: Thus has fastidious nicety restrained,.
us 'both from conversing upon a subject ...
- we both desired to come to a
Iliormigh.':understanding. ;As it is,l
give titi know minder/ling her. • _
You first askilow it is that she. has•
ver her talents .and in
formation; and-with her peculiar but still.
admirable beauty, and af- .• .
fectionate character .of heart . ? I- think -I :
tnow- -- -41tr - I remember what7iny father
thought on the subject—and he was likely '•
to be. . ' • • •
I. .recollect itgaring him say, • thatho
her ide as. were pitched so high,,as
.tOwliat, men ought to be, that she had ne
ver seen one, who had-in the slightest de-.
gree touched her feelings; while. on the „
other 11a:4i...t0e-It men found ,out. in . any
duration of intercourse with:het...that she
einkrjiv end .
back, all Of them-in fear and many
in-irritation and-annokance, ' "Poor Eve-- ----
line!" I recollectifis adding '" how little •
-she believe she over irritated or an
noyed any body !
s how totally her conduct .-
has.ever been the reverse of 'what ought in •
justice to have done either!" this exclama
tion is' undoubtedly true ; and from - all I '
have. ever seen, I fully coincide with my •
•fsither.---I- heard -htm 'once -say--'I-do -be- -
liet ll e
that there, never Were but two men, '
whhitt Rveline thought worthy of being .
'loved; one still lives,-it is .Franklin-: ! --s-and
the f other was Milton.' I_ agree with:
that she might, have - become attached - 47
such a .man as Franklin-=-Milton 'strikes
me as, wanting 4h - ldness Of disposition--
but (yeti-will thitik me very fantastid; : deay
Edwartl,, legtfpo.l4o
to be most minute) I think, such a being as, "
it:Might he slipposedcotild he - coMpountleil
the. best' clean - ties, Franklin:: and
arsativottlil-be-nearer-i he-mark-I buti-oll'.
• :My . mothei died, as it.o ltnery, Whil6 l l •
was still quire young,— . —and all the riCeot,
'catkins of my mental . cnltivationlapply to 1 .
jolt' knoiv, : whett-Y.:lcoli nt her stores
porttmity of years to sonteMplate:S' . Blio
•evoitleil;, - indeed, -- Purposely; . mariy-of . alb
Strongr, and More'abstruse studies, Thr
which she -Lad - herself itnrstted. Still, (welt
in %Oita-she. did lead tne.lto, I, had - atiiplv . •
means of seeing tW qualities of elearaess, .
-- Mt ra iditv b whieft i
'her Mind, is 'distinguished ;:, yet,' all thesej
rthWers, 'and the acquisitions,' they; had
'gained for . lief, Where' WhollY'lintinged with -
the slightest petlantrk - or • • •
But what t.velne tar more than ell this, .
is the active - excellence' 'her'lint - 'and ;
•ailinirehle - heart. •1011't Edward, if .ever
you - Mid 'one Arace of sVmPathy% with set: ,
Tering, Or of desire to leave it, in me, yon • ,
AOII owe it all to that: invaluable Women;
will iint'sfieok Ofilid 'manner:ln - :it - VA - 114
•Itleveted-her , -whide-lifeLto , iiir tiarenti-Mitt ;„
,myself—or of the Jove she: bore thCM,'Ond • ..t
. 01114 thank' •henvetf,' henri . mitudp
now to her kindness, - active iiii,dYreol, to the -
'Oar.' 'Many and many is''' - the.hittei,ttai •
in. winter; that.' have known•tliti'inacteloir
„. ,
radtteal•• good' .„
thrOogh, •
snow, and go-to the cott4e - of 'ilOinii slat.: •
".tir 'suffering villager,„ *Ne'Wak - paer - :: - Theiis
:110e1':ieen her' administer' hoi
eoniifurt of Medielne,•
prayer, or hind.. grim cheerful .
conversation; as the'lieca'ainn regaited.' .
'Nothing could be';' More •hcrititi(liVrii : ' •
more. I'itoW;
itititi:tO ' heir • 'fink'
with - the' poor. ..*ho did
~not •,
she felt it, she listened to 01,4111161:Iiirdt..
inatiOn - she nee
'illid;;Wttit titninst, pa.
116tiee - :.''Sliii..4niatirpiei)' - iltint , ,Witli.;ite
iiCi.?ii;•lii4vittvind'ikintlqeisi'; Mingled efoti •
gacer'the n tier"advii ! eln ii manner that ' al- •.'
gitg •-.1 •
kikoi n olo-••:;•
t •
-•_ • . .