Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, January 13, 1841, Image 4

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    Bark4itAs_t t
Clienp - Goods
, . .
The Subrsci•ihers,desirous of redueing their stock
' • of Mercluindize, oirzr it ut reduced juices for Oak..
.Tlreiv entire stock of . . • • . .
s, :.,.,,
G'assitne;c3, ilterinoes,
71C13 .
will be sold at e ver'y advan3e. Such pnvonr,
,as are'desirousof (»Lniling. good bargains will plcate
, call at the store of
rirr.NrEkt & mui.vm.v.. - .
. ,
N. 13. The etitiki stock-of aller . chwalize will_ be
tiolil a baigain to oily one wishing to' engage . in the
business, if application be made immediately.. .
Dem '9,is4o. . .
. . . .
. .
rcy.. -I; 0 0 E-11!-E
111207 tinitalla
in Shippensbarg, Pa.
Are now opening at their Store -a largo anti . most
rolendld assortment of • ' ' . '-"
1. - Full and 11 titter . •
ICY." C 6) '1;10 5
which they will sell at such Oricrs us. cannot fail to
suit purclEtsers, being determined to sell cheaper
than cian be 'found elstm here' -in' the state. Their
stock consisting in'part of the following articles,yiz
Blue, Brown, Olive Green, Ini , irdble.
'Aful.serry: - Sieel-ndxml, .Cadet mixed
.woad Vioths ' -
Black, Mae, Striped, and. Drab: riiissisteres; flue
.Green, Deal) 'and Steel-mixed Cascigets;.•
Blanket and Merino Shawls, I.landkereliivfs; tke.
• •
Also a:large asdsrtineut of
Boancslac Goods,
QuepnBwafe.,* Tratthtare;
Liquors, &c. Sze;
We Would - invite the call und
our uwr slat cheap goods, and if good good, low
' • prices and exeriion to please will have any (Area, wai
-feel ackidident - wiLimut
-. leaving With us h of I.l(....ftrady llian: • •
N. B. Co: Prodace-of all kinds ii ii
,l be taken
in Uxeliange fur Coots, at m: -lent price. .
- P. S. A repirt has been eirettlat - od that )ve, do not
intend - to,.continue Wye longer than the ensuing
: spying, sy,OhereTore wOlild.netpuu tit — tire parareitfirt
we, havelease.d the - St which wcilow - neru-.
py, rnr lice terns Of floi:Y,:mro. p,Vs - 0,N1. 1
'r slanderous tongue of - those ttho S4 - Ijlll to deVot6 al'
their Ntiellt . loll- t() bIICII base and degrai.:-21!
.• Dec. 9, 18-10.
k fig,c 4 v
• - • • • ~"
. •
• .At their_New...;it.ozd- Ckt.trevi . : I ttm t•
now opcnia.,.r V.,11 107 .... ... fold
tlSSOlqtnelat - Of . ER !xis I I, iitn;;;(..;;1.
TIC ' .
_Nu . widl ,
_ , •,
. EP t - 2. la G 0 010 I .:-
which)aare-beeit selected with 'ffitteli.c •
of NPAV YORK anti PI 111 ADEL ' -
they respectfully invite the eiti-z. i
tuille.viciiity to call and ex:tiily , i f ,
bled to-please. awl sell - ilecitle,,'
ether estahlishiocut in the C
lumpy itt all fillies to see cc .
of havink
~.. .
few. (l•'•E:112'.11p
Among - their stock c
lirown,Greem , Ofi t':'
rosy Claret, 3lix )
Saperior st'
'''..ssimere ;
..• !
J a Of
- Fall and 1 1 Pinter Gccds. •
citable for Gentlemen's wear. Superior Black
/ Italian Lutestrings tiros De Naps, Po De 'Sums,
Gros Pe Swiss, and Senshaw Silks, Cludleys, Chint
zes, Jacconets, Caminies, BObbinetts, Plain and Pi
/ Ktired S wiss, and Dank Aluslins, Shawls, Dress
.1 - landlierliiefs - , Searfs;l l " - ejlE; -. Ribbon; - &c
S.:- -A - large 'and excellent assortment of fine no d low
' priced Cali bocr., Irish, Table, Towelling mid ']'aide
Diaper, Crash 'Aluslins, 'Ticking', .Cll(..eliS, COIN'S.
._ __ 13eaverteptri, EA. A generalossernnent of Leghorn
and Straw Bonnets, Vinlivellas,P.:rt;-: - ..dst,:c. Also,
an extensive gssortrnimit of '.• '
• .
. . .
• Grocenes - and cliteens3vare
, • arum most approved Qualities.' '1 1,0 public are re
. speetftilly invited to call and judge for themselves Is
they are determined to sell cheap fqr ettsli or country
produce. TAVERN IiEDPEIIS. nee respectfully
invited to call and examine ilnir st;:el. of Liquors
before purchasing-elsewhere: • •
Centreville, Cum. Co., October 14,18 10..
~,t'ECI— C - r iCtid (A 0 Siabi.
(0 1
‘ ill be fow.ol ; libie. lilack,
6,', Cm:o, .!.. I ell'oein. v Dahlia, CU=
1..1h, and a Vav:viv et low pr. Ced
4_.4 (!) : 41 1 la : .. 1 4
/lied and plain Loud°a and Buckskin
,liwerninin and low pr:vcd
red and Alarseilks Cassunere
A general atr,Jrtment el a ll and
• Cassi m ere.
ed~ Fig
p • iTtiMVS
The Suhscrihers have on hand.a large assortment
of Cashmere, Thibet; Merino, It rNtha, Chenille and
other kinds. of Shaivls,_ which they Will BOA at_a
Small advance for. Cash.
• "
A goo 1 assortment of Pui• and Cloth Caps . will be
sold rheip at • tbe
Lace el.fmcV
. A large• of Thread Lace awl 1 7 ,,-fgi ow;
Cambric and Swiss Eilgirs and Itiserciai, for sale
at reducedat die slorr of •
:UST RECEIVED •61, the New Store
liar in Shiptionshurg, English, !iceman and French
MERINOES, and lbr sale by
sale at the Nett' Sitwe in Shippensbarg, by
. .
t • •
T uslatEcx, YERAtittl_tmL9lro:6thr_isatet_at..
011 the New Store in Shippen.barg, a, handsome
and splendid assortment of Plain, White and I.loici.:
cred Merino Shawls.
yIE SlaUFFS„j r •LogWoo:',, Bruzi
Nieueugun,,t owe, Aidder, Alain; Cochineal,.
o-Diye, Blue Vitriol, Coixtnalisi Intligo,Oil of Vit
. eiol, , Nitrie Acid, Mori:die do., Solution of Tin ;' the
above will be soldlozufor Ciph, by
- —•...
• ,
.•• • , Those who knew .theinselve's to : be indebted to
thelubieriber, itt:erespectibtly requested to call and
settle_their 'accounts between this date - atUil the, tst
ofJanuarrlB4l, as it is absolutely necessary that.all
.outstiniling accounls should be settled by that time.
• ••• Tho.Heirdware ht.siites,s tseterried on as usual at the-
Old Stand , where the public aro requested to cull
any,-4rtiele iir the zuluieri ber's tine nbbusitiess.
;;.,„ . • • •'
• carlisle,liov.2s, 1840. 7 -3 mo; •
• . ,
'will expire in V 43• .Nptice is lievcbygiven,
. Rgreettbly to the Constitution and JAtvs of Pennsylva , '
that the stoCkholdei.s , of said Institution intend
aPplying :to the next legislatnve of the Common
wealth 'for :k renewal of charter, change of name, style
to- " cun therland ;Valley Dank,' increase , of
capital and general .tli - sconnting : , and hankillg."pri vi
leg Y., zr?l-utltlei. 's hal : bit iiiron tt tlM:Legislature
'was - direct. The above institution to be eoutieuad
It Catittile;Pa. • • ' •
B:=Mi •
.....: asn'!:~d
eitirs .
I A, nud wiii , ll
is I,f,
ort7 ilwy vita
-A , ltt , y. - -v ill be
cll,rs who aro.
For Sale. ,
_ two SCov•:Swot!) notaipied hi. the' huh
scriliev on - Elibt bir. ; .et C::rlisle ? -with the Lot ' of
Grimm' 90 feet' front. tia said stret.t„aaii extending
feet back., to tlti Leto rt - slug [lg. - is -it Stone
Stable,. 'a Ca vidage Liriu n,apd,a Avell - cif - w:Ari—oa:
the premises. l'he whole io•operty is enclosed
idhstaiitiatstoiai wail. Put Smificalitrs:!pply
to It. C. •
•Nvt.) 1•04)0••“.1.00
. .
c , ...r
.cr O. •• - j4,7a1 J r w..,,
C iinfl
. 1 6
111 :;,':.,,--'..4-<4i.,
-4. . -,,,, rt
.4.,,i :I Ne D ir „....
.... . . ~ t ~.........:
.- ..rho sn!, , criher will rent that well know u, lerge
and cunveuieut. house, foe, many .yeat.. , , occupied: 1)v
Christi lluntrich, and aline re . .ently. by others;a.:l-
• .T.lil
The house is remarkably well caleislateil for Miter
titieina; 110.1.1IDERS; there being three. stair-ways,
anil'Fire places 0 most: of the rooms. The sitnation,
I. rcry plosant and 'desirable, bliing on the north
west corner Ilanover and Loather streets; while.,
for conveniences, it heel any other hotiso ill the bo
-I'ollol C , l' E.:01111I17, It 11311:;LISSC:3 1118 ilJtl4llal advanta-.
pis of 12 rirmil on-th,-2. first foor, 12 rooms on .the
and 4I mins.on.tini third TWO wells
of watei; (otici'at the front door 'litreel,
With n.pitmp therein; the the 'yard at the
kitchen (fowl) a , Cit•tern contaiii
hossheinist largo and onvenVent,iditllling-,-mltli,ear
emge house inli sheds; large nivi:.extaillmit garden
attached to di many convenien
ces not 1!6;• ;rirtiea'ari enquire of
, j',lfltiSTIAN ii.U.\llllCll,
Carl isle, Nov. 23;
. 11) ' 1 1•E) ID
(Jr "IVA', W•
Chu sul,mor.a.,,lterieby i'nforrne llirit,iti•Adnh of city.:
lisle, ;mil generutly, that fiches taken the
rlip9site the roil, Alippc; ha Will he Ipl-
t 1 nepittilieiutio to oril ye, oa
line. of bir.iness,s/cli as
/;', Ki s 'Nj. 'ca. 9/.
:01 . i:tut to iStii‘iilkig•
solicits n ohs. e of ptiblic.
. . 3 . 01 i„?;
5, tEia, " 7 : • / • • ',. •
. - 1 1 1t6 e 4 k) CP , Ik_ i
7 iHr, th!..hkf,,yr,:.: , pact a, pc•spyr.t
. 2 . funs infornevtlet pill lie tiiitt elitiiques
to `Vp/W fi,? . :?/0, eit ,A
lie its lii.t•ii;e ass-trtitieT - iti
nl'nntio:u•. Hirt, of thefillo?‘
F1C.11% .
eitleultiti•t! for is ineretiiiin. • •.• :
11..11 - 0 01.6 r.' 1 ,1 •Ir.ts'..•,
"'Vitra - tie gela'i.iiiiett eitit
Piet. Fci•l ti• • - t• •
• . . '• • 111tc:
Sep P. I !i..litti-41 yore. .
• - •
I' .c"lili.-e,' •:;V:itit6:l ItiOaleci.latd v.
C.15:..1...611_ I:p_pr,i!l•fr FEN'..:•I - *:?.71J . ..-.;ANt) bar
' rch.r.( i , brarz •I'!••::K TI 10T. ,. S A Nl)lll . qjielE lir A-Vl:vtif ,
TV.N A:1101;:•;.V.'-:11. Itiv•l..!^, a 1:.3 . e, and :ITN
Tlious.l.4.;:_) Im , .firn ,f .C ,-, 111, by t.;,•! : . .iilmeeiber;
,vlio san-Lt - "Ii , limo , h;- , f.,11:c.i.;:.1. - Ir s Vi'a , , , ,1.:11,-,1.v..c. 01
tho va:.:1.1!,:1. , ;i2c1c - Wttl:llit. - 1;;Illt.:1‘. 7. , ri.V.F. ... •
- . . ' • - 0w1. , ...x .r , c,:ur...
.11:wrisb,,,•- ;‘, , ,v!:, 1,a;).-.-li .
!-- '
--.------ ..
71Ta1.,1 IN .\.NI) .Vif; LT 11P.,;)_ 3.I'.)I7SELIN2'IW,
LE, [..\.;:cS, o:Y,rtgl F'.ll. !i...1..... by '
_ . . 4 . :Z.N01 . ...D. f......Ut1iA NIS.
111,ANIi:I':1' SU - A NV1.,8
ALI) of a !low fur sa!!! at it NeW Siore in
& Ann A.
9 g ;
Jt!•.;',, lr Ct.
\.O PI
this c•mrisordir....ry - eliemierd e-^.nroi , s:iion, the r 6 ,"
suit of illVel;e1011( , ra
ical insiole• the public
was investiNl aWI the sllemnity f death-bed he.
Red -'a rep t ati int it
1 sustaiiiing_the_corrirctness'of
Grbilley's kst cdi.fession, tlint:•.‘ lie dared not die
without gillog to posterily: the f his knowl
edge on this subject," and Jie bequeathed.
to his friend and Atteudittd-, Solornen•l lays, the Secret
of his'iliscovery: •
It is now used in the pri.:cipal hospitals, and the
private pilled cc in our country, first rind. most ccr
wilily for the core of the, PlLESonil'also extensive=
- ly and effectimlly.aieto battle credulity, unless where
its elfeetS are witnessed. Ex:ertially hi the follow
- -.-
• For Dropsy---Crelting ele.orption
tit once.
tiltni in &few !lours.
Riteitiviati:.rn,-- g rActite or chronic, giving quick.
'el - LSO: •
op,' 3'hr,nt-, en!ICCI.B. id CITA', nr coldrs. " •
i3l . oltil • :11,11 mut
civcr the chew 'AA'''. ;„„ , , •
AIL Bruises ;
Syt•esrvitl. Ulcrrs-•-\Vhethcr li•cth or' long-Mantl
ing, and fcrc.r sn•cs. •
.• liven adults ili - )171 - (11 . 1,40.1`eil in ream:llg
sivellings,atiil coughs anti tight
11111S oldie eliest,bv,reli,Natien of, lies heel
iitirprisiee• lieynnti erilieeption. The 'eceningii re
• e l ,kee
acts - a el.:tete."
prie;.., SI, is ref.ituled to oily
pt'rsou wi) will uso bottle of f lays' Liniment c.f.
the Piles, and return:the empty bode without being
cured. 'These - are the posit is orders of the proplier
- tor tO 'the'agel.ts; and out ofihniktlionsands soil not
-0-iwirtirber _,
Awt,... men iiiibueeesiiiii
We might insert certjtienfe toT6--tell, bat
the nri.l6lt 7 ; hh - 6iitt exhibit'
the original to purcleitei's. •
lysicicins and Patients.
o:The Blind .Pilei,snid to'be-,incural.le by eider/nil
anidirations.--Solomen Hays trnrrantsllte'nontrary.
I lis Litiimmit cure Blind Fncts are more
stubborn than theories. Ile scilicit's rrtjtectitbin
jilitsiiiians to ti-v it. upon their tiati,rds. It n 111 dit
i n
tit in 1 . 10" harm, and-it iak tonthat every physician
rho has' had the honesty, i ,
_.mole the. trial; has' can
, didly ailn,itted that it Jr a succeeded in every case
; they haVe
.knowM I. Then why hit use it?, It is the
icerpe of the of theirmost rctspectable Members, now
deceased-. Why refuse to tile it ? Because it is sold
419 a proprietary medicine? Is this is t nilicient ex
elite ror suffiiiim their honest patients to linger in
distress? We think not: Physicians shall be con-
vinced that there is no hutubu , or quackery about
this artiele.--Why then not alleviate human- suffer-'
ling ? If they. won't try , it belbre, let them after all
ra. iltethliteseilliti, LPhysielanistrexespect fully-- I I
rttqm sted to do themselvess stud patient slthe Justice - to
use this article. It shall be jiiken from the bottles 1
nattlone up as their prescription if they - desire: ' ', I
,- Sold-by Comstock . & Co. Wholesale Druggivisr
, No.'2, Pletcher. street, New York:. .
For sale also •by STEVENSON &
PINK LE, CarliFle, • • . •.•
Ikeeinber y •
-• $. - . II,?,O3IFILM'S:I
The.,e is not one ease , of a thotiviift, but
May be eftotually broken up and , removed by the
use of this Elixir. It l'elllores sit aeiclity indigestion;
bilious Matter and 'constipation ,from/the stomach
and bowels. It operates gently Mid ecTectuattly- on
the bOwels, and powerfully on the kidneys'and skin
It r io i es. ail unpleasant feelings after a beauty meal;
andpronsines a good appelitc; - It needs only Vitial
.to give perfect satisfactioit: — lt has become a general'.
practice with to use thii , airtichrin'all - eases of
colds, pains in, the bones; or heavy:disagreeableyeel
ng; tendering to,leaclacla or 'chilliness. For
fleas, if taken through . the day, it coropletely restores
the voice without
.produeing • sicknesti. I t,\Vliopping'
cough, amid all coughs of children are caired.bYtit.—
The stomach is kept in perfect order, by itond t it in
iptite impossible that any 'disease should-'commence
while a persain is using this , .
,1-• If taken daily , it produce's:., heallity,tabd_
,young appearance, driving off: all.,the It unlors of
the system. :lirchrgdatiline at g..=-Pletoltee: ,, stilvt,--nne
clOor belOw Pearl street; N:
tandhytall respectabletnruggists. 't
. _
For sale aide by_STEY.EKSON Sz_DlNk
KLE, Carlisle, pa , . • , .
, 4 47 - • Tg.
k'.lp.,oAitrr.l7'4 ST Or:
-. • . q 4-1-4-,
.. _J.,
era( E. tatuk . rsigned 'ltve: formed-It co=itrtnersltip
.'i1..... uinier.the firth of J - .M. , &•G: W.' BROWN,
ft - U 4 the purpose of teittistictlui, , ;u:OentralCciirtmitisiott
tualoFttrtrartlicg - B Liminess., . • ' .
- We'br give:nut - ice - that - we bliireltiken tliegpa.7 ,
dolts :'ire Proof' brick Wr . .trellottse, situated oti the
sand' west ecir,,er of 'Broad and Vhi . traits, wlwre
we tics I)Vei , tlil.ll to reedit C, and rot sari ,lerniinn-•
,dine, and t•cceiie and..sell ull itindspf country Pro:
duce. . . . ,
\We respectfully sylittit,tt share •cf. the public •Patt
• • .1. 111:111 ) .:01V N. cif Frat ikl in Co. '
and of the late !kin of Agnetv.,,Nlactirclys° Brcivvir, ',
G. W. B RO WN,Cf ilarpet . s Ferry, Va•
. .
• Phila,(l,i/pidit.-I.•Nlei.fitinliswil Sr, co; Caleb C e
2.4.. Ca ; , .. - A: \Array.; George 11nrly Sr, C , C.
[lout tga f•.:. On.. ~. .
.., -
- Larth'aster Co.--Div. N. WAninple ; . Cy. t. Join)
Steele; S."Sniith Pittfersnit; ...). 11. I?ert• •‘. • .
HarriOntrzr.—Thoias Mint, II eury itchier...
Carlisle.—aci , . A.,.Ly.nn, , Wln. Le dill.
• : ./VetpiVii:7-41•WillIfilll Barr.. . .. 1, ......,..
' nyzni,iin Co.—George Cirantlii rs; David i'olfer
tnnt Jame , ' .Cantpbel I ; .lith it MX/ well. •
• J'ittsburs;•.—Mtn•itity'f.c Cit,Yinbeilain.
. Wa'thingZA C0..-,1. S.. 1). White. ~, .
. ii'itrird Co.—.1i1111 , • .y, , ,Tit.‘v . ' ' • •
,llPp?rm.ritni ~11‘1.--LW.In. NI, Marshall. .
•.I.falper's Perry, fre ,= G. B. Wit ger; 'F.:fait:as, 4p.
'Oct tls, 0.-
184-6 •
"SVII - 0,1, q'S.l..far, sz: RETNI, ,
Copper, / Shat iron, wil Tin , Ware
e .. ... - ; -- f')
• . r•—•- •'''''''',/ 10 A e=iFy IV ..:-•-. 7 47; , ;ti1:
. , ..--,7 ,- . , . •:s• -...,,, 1 r . , ..,--...,_-:,- f.kk.....1.1.„
V 11.
„ 1 .._ --;,- .1,. - .,- .1. .ff -- -,-.5-0 t?--.>
As„.6, 'Up
' T11:1 wit:Eerily:l: cfrersf:9 sale, at Ilia lir.q), in'Nortl:
Flanncer ..trect. Carlit, la•xt door to, \Vv.:. I 4:on
arti's store, (or will. tlf anal;;C: atv 4:t tl:a. sliartest no
tice) the following articles, to wit:
... .
)Tr '-:- .",
'‘'._, -, Z. , s.:. ~ ..1 .1 , ii . '17 IT :, .....1.. ~.,..., ... * 1 ..1,.. ' • 0
... , ......
-- 070V ( .1.107:r9 •
cf al 1
. 0 .• io ,
bich helian Ort A largoU ll . ll4l
1;(' SOB I)wer 'hap ca,4. 01-
any.. 101411.0 tyLLGSIEIise• Pi 0.(11 •
• - • -04Dcrtlird'•.-;ll'3VeS - •
Atp! 5 , 1• r:;
Opp an, (IW/1i: r I tan. • T
melt :,-,11K,t11, , 5i Ih Kettie - , lati,cp.'s'Koll , s,
13:.;11:„ Il.•;;11;: ; •; Pans, I loa.',c tipmtctinf.•:, S.:x:l-811-ot
• - Egf:,\
"7"ED. r. fii,l 54ES -
EC . r ' ::; e a
• .
rH -71 1IE gt!...atcoet.ttra ,. e - ttent . recehted
--'- ll'otn Wi t t's machines:tit:hives him to.ol
- to tho.public titew :did improve;! - !torso P.lmer,
\VI ki ch-eart-bis-sbill(ql ,, iali ,gt v. .or.out _of_ getusltr,Reys,
and.sli'll ilic band to gitett Gtr dird . rcetrevolutions.
And he l!lit4S; 110 hesitation la assuring the Far 111014 P that
he is now . . able Lrftiroi . sit thrill with . On article fir so
pt:r;or to thot , e roansif:•ct . .tred ber;:tirt. -. : - For, speed
and elentLtAthreshing• :old eaLe tet the Itorscg, he t , be
lieves Ms r..ttlettitn - s to be nitegatilikl. i ,r
• llis.price is Stlo---m . sentv &it'll:int to lie paid cash,
:tad the balance in six tnoT.tfts, for which a note will
Itc,required with Litteretd. Any person purchasing a
netchine and npon It . l ' a.' trial, tot being, pleased, can
return it. Ile will at ati
,tittles Le ready to 11111161 i
theta on, the slortest'notive; orders from a 'distance
rwillolteltattottially tittetted.4l-to._-.lte--tlill..«. ls o_mpair.
I natteltinos-on:the_horlef-1 4-111111,1::
N ' ewville, July '29, 18.10 .-, -tf. ,
Balni' of Columbta.
British Consul?B,ol7ce,
KNOW ALI: PERSONS. to whom these pros : .
eats cuter, that I, 611.usn - r RPIMIITSOW;
1 . 11:3 Coniinl'for • the - City of -
Phi ladetphia, do liorchy Robert:Wit:ir
on, Esq., who atfestivto the foregolngCertificates, is
Mayor ail slim City , of 'Philadelphia ; and that.Mat
the NV- I .Prollipnotary:. of Conrtiof
Comition Pleas for the city add-cc:only of
-pliiit; to both whose siguitures, with' the Seals ot their
respective ellices, foil faith and credit• is due.
1 further certify, that I am personallyacquapited
.ivith Joseph L. Inglis,ont.i.Gf thelligners.of the certi
fieates lliir&unto alrixed, which' expresses the efficacy
of the 13altu of and that lie is a person of
great respectability; and worthy full faith and ere
tiettl-letve-Ircarti express.his
rd r'ohatioti of theeffc'ets of the said Balm of Co
lumbia, in i.e.:twin - A , his lair : . •
Given tinder In) hand and Geztl of ofiee,at lie city
of Philadelphia, iii`t
U.oilect Suttes of Arneriva.
1 = Rcarl
"t`ROlti.iYl`l~ 11 7—u - srF,--intff-mayor--0
~Philattelphim has certified, as may be seen below, to
untlitisitmed do hereby certify that see have
us eLthr• It dm of crifinnbil disc iv_maLby J. 0 -
ridge, and have foetid it hi g hly servierable not only
as a Rerentive against the tailing also
a eertain„yestorative.• • • - • .
• . 41•74. - :1.11ATC1 - 1FIll, senior,r . '
i‘ietltorlist Alittistelr'iti St. Genr7,o, charge
~.. ,
.No - . 116 North-Fifth !,t
f\T - I': — Mr=l - ,TS - , - 531 - 71, -
relistl — . ,
JOHN I). TIIONIAS, M. D. 163 Ilarest
JOHN S. FUREY, 101 Spruce st:
nuGn Nneu HUY, 143 SGUth 7th at.
JOHN YARD, jr., 123 Arch at: •
The aged, and - those who ,perM§t in I%CHLI uus wigs,
may not alwaYs experience its. restorative qualities,
yet it will-certainly raise its virtues in the estimation
of the.pnblie, when it is known iffirftliree of the it=
hove signers' are morethan 50 years of lige,.and the.!
otheranot less than 30. • .
Jl-`rom thd Afavorrl—
. City of Philadelphia. .
itooERT_wiLkICLON, 'Mayor of said city of
l'hiladelphia;do hereby certify thailmm well ae
-tvtutioted with Mes , rs..l. P. Inglis, John S.• Ftwev,.
and tigh.MeCurtly, whose names are signed to the
above certificate, that they are , chore-
teCtuid respectability, nail ;is such full credit : should
be given to the said eertitleate.
In WifnesP wixrreof, I have hereunto set my Nina,
rL, and caused the seal of the city to'be affixed,
L • and
sixth day, of Deemnber,, &sc. 4:4
ROBERT IV Ilit rixoN, Mayor.
Ut THE II AIR. - --4ts positive qualities ttrens foL.
Ist. For inCtrit's keeping the head free-fivtnseurf
and canning a itivariant growth of hair.
Fdr ladies alter child-hirth,Testoring the'skin
strength I4firropeSs, and , preventing the
'falling,ont Utile hair, . •
SO. For any person reeoyering'f•
. rout any , e ty,
the same effect isprodtteed. ; „ „
" 4th, lf,used in infancy till a good growth is started,
it may be preienied,by attention to the Weer periOd,
It frees thelteturfram - dandruff,. litrengtketii
the roots, i mparti health and vigor to the Circulation
and' ke,vents tne clianging 'colour or get-:
6th. It iatiseti Um hair' to curl'lrtautifully tvhen
done tmin it-over , ' •.•
No-latlicti'toilet should ever be Matte withtmt it,
.7th. Children Who littie any'meatat contracted
vermin in .tlid ;nend; at'e, intritetliatelf ancl perfeetly.
cured of thUm , by.,its
' For ; the drug store of Comstock .Bc. Co:;
Fletcher street' near rearl; and in - Carlis ,
le Ste
venson Ei Diitktc,. , [Dee. 10, 1810,---ty - '
1 ew -Line orreeig Cars' •
. „
Y • • '
—a . ,•• • • _ •• •
• it';W- , ,• L •
k • •••;;= , - 41, • •
• - 7'2:tea • . •
12.1"a1.M1-474411-Sattralg- 11:120
subso gratefulfo r past favors, respect ul-
IY acquaint: 115 friends 11l the public, that lie has put
oper ion on the Harrisburg, Lancaster
lumbia •
, •
• fe l - 14 a l ai ViaV •
' line of new IiOTHILECAUH, which :iviH run regu
larly bptweeti liarrisborg,and Philudelphia, by which
Goods anil Produce of all degcriptions will be forwar-,
dell with core, and despatch, at 'the lowest rates of.
Goods will Ip&received at the WarenOuse of TIIOS.
.T. MANWELI:;; N. coiner' of ilroakl anti Vine
-sticts Philadelphia:, and for Warded Ilarrishurg,
Garlisier-Chamberaburg, and intermediate Places,
by the subscriber. • . OW1?;.',!;
• IlitrightiVg;R•li. 5; 1.5:30; ' •
SA I AND PT, constantly on
- hall. Cash paid. for nlroosf all kiuds of country pro
n P . • . •
Lee nal' S ir °••• I;M eil
• , ezi-ff , i. ,c,53 - 6c.)- 5 71 11-
1 . 2.411‘,0ecii alechriPlicoi7rg - wati!
.11 1 "14iiiraraplaiie. 01 Egaitiozore ,
• [BY 11,411,1, 0..1 .1) „:0
l'Aibs.6ribers•gt :iterti for past favtirs;
• beg leave to innieni Abele friends andthe'iniblie
generally, that they 'still cotaintui to run- . it line. of
burilien'Cave re-tilarly between *.tleeliani'esburg and ,
or'llaltlnen•e, by wide!' goads and proJ
dace of fonvailled with care
and sli-spaeekait,the low.eid•ratc : s of.lrylgld. , '•:' •
" Produce will ltc yeexi ved id. \Vare 'houses
in Ale'clEmit•-liniv, and forwi.rded to -either ['lila
acn::_-ording:_to the dire:Ain:l'd
the °WIRT. • •
I\l3.ltesi. pvico 6iN eu for Wheat
and EDov
:11 - 1 - 117.5r.. - . r. -c 1 [ .:2--M-EILY:---
N :13. PlAsler of Pork awl :;ult. uhvnys keptutt
baud, uml fuci,: . .t,-.. :,t. Ilie lowL.O. iwicca.
July ‘2.:.y 81j.- 7 -1:r.
. - ---------
C03t3•1, T g:4 .!‘" 0:1 A: . tt'()F.?..IVAEZI).. -
._ 15 1 1 ' a
t1;1,7, t' rnivtvicr.,s Warettottse reeentiv
o Co..nt-th(narth-west curitjr
oft;11:!:•isy-:1W , 1
iFvont the 11161itiett a n d hitt:moll
irr 111;s !:4•pot..allortl, Sp to 10 gorliten
Ite..acrour,outlated-to ;It the
s;ltee "Pooni to I:torc - 00,000 bit reelti
.0.; Hew, anti 4 . 00 to GPO toil of Crain exclusive of the
CoiltN ardipg (11•131,1.111Ctit. - • • .
Produce of, every description %till - I:tieeit ell .114 on•consiguniculsoutd lihciot :01v0it64.3 nutiie
rectipt (itregOvetl)..uutil-sttlds
t ctelicrys - ltz - 14routlst;- 2
. • Plaits:It:1011a.
- AC. S., CaNkicr t --f.l.___._ .
Penth.:i•sqii f , t..' Parker, ' e a r t ort ..
-Item , : Rietiatta, __ '
Saiiiiaerson.b.. -- Ilosserwto, j .
-- .Yeeob S.woyer, ,retrivilic.
.. -- - - .
11. trill Nevin, shippensintr7. . - .
.1. !,: - )g.tut Smith, Et:q. Cyciziee c .. viarnbe.. ,,. ,Inov
- I. , ..piter, lint:: k Co, , . 3
Robert Fiefitinfr, T. .
Catlierwood St (4.1110:4 tijAihuraphra.
Win• 11. Thallipsott ' l„.t Co.
Wltitall fit t.rotilti i . ' ~
lI_F AS rata ned to ClaMiSle, and will, as heretofore
I attend to the practice of Dentistry. Ile may
be—fotiail at eqlonel rerree's Hotel. 'Persons re
questing it, will be waited tapoit al their residedee.
t 1 1 ) ) 1 , 1 , ..( - 1 ; ) F ,. .0 , ; ; G D T . D. l y A o , l.;L u i N tn,
' Carlisle,.:llarch 11, 1 E4O.
- • ' • I uncovering his hitherto naked head, stonished us with
ROMPS' ImprL'a O
— Water Wheel, on thin,thougli er
luxiantgrowth of hair, ITm one to
two inches in length---upon the very premises we had
TDB Sithscribcr havins - I"transed of the "r4tio'd --- believed-as unyielding to Cultivation-RS tho tracklesa
Piftentee the right et the above Water Wheel '•
sand that shirts, the Atlantic. • This is no puff; but is
for the state of PeallsYlvanill; will dispose'of individ- ' religiously teuciand to those who doubt,the gentleman
eel rights or counties on lidvaidageous CCM% ThiS , can be•pon t ted out. What-is, mote in favor of this
water wheel has been fully tested nail PCOCC4 to be so I ,‘ , Tonie," the case here cited was not one of tempora
rily `superior t o an y ki n d in itsoower of propelling 1:y baldness—no smitten lose of Mohair—but Was one
machinery, haying a greater f'orce than. any other . oryears"Stainupg, - .9. lough the the - gentleman is - but
wheels impropot tint to the quantity el water applied. forty-five yearS7Of nge.---114ilelphia Spirit of the
It is calculated to he more payticulaely useful at Times., " • .
71 - iillil li - ii iiiiivit - 14ir iii - Ciglirrii . Cflreartififlf . : ilt,l7 - ' .
„ .
and to greatly obviate the inconvenie
. ncesexperiene-'
\VA - il ! 'WAR ! WAR !.....-The Wi makers have
' edrrom back water. It is consichTed-by. those hay- :
declared hostilities against our neighbor Dr. :Jayne
- t r min u••re as acre of the most important improi•e-•;.. on „... fteeount _ or _ hismaii , conie+ , 4 , 4 4 l4s _k& alng 4
:bents that has ever been harm:need for its simplicitt•
theiY business into d"coeked hat." Ladies and ve
ty,, strength, steadiness of nimiotrand,durability., It - tien,en_ca and
o are flocking to 'dm Doct's
l' is construeted altogetherof 'rim:m(lmA so expensive ; '
, standard. •-lleads long diYested Of ceemhe t first rudi
-1 to make as all .alailledia,atai operatieg with about.
i meets of hair, after using his Ilaiy tonic soon appear
Ilittlf the \Cat,:r anti not liable to _be' obstructed iby cc i. with new mid flowing locks, which Absalom himself
'in the winter. The so:hsoiiher will devotehis elicit_
Might- have-covtk
ie---Beardlesa- buys are - sceirwith
lion to iall's foi iliCili - nliEOlilat sucli -- a t
.) aes c • es
n la y
large and bushy wl.iskei'B r..and ladies smile: again
be imtied. ' . • • . ..though_thele.enziastaeuxiniletsoreiteiellifill. ant
.. , be:witching' than evel.: Bald heads are doffing ilieir
: wigs and throwing themto the,"oriblt sand the bids,"
. --- [Cortc.] - , ; if • • ! whale theMig makers stand aghast as they behold
Thi:lls to certify, that - 1 have - put in one of flowd's tile d emo liti on of their business. •
Petent Cast Iron 'Direct 'Action Water Wheels, in , What will be the consequence of this war weknow
, •
lice of a Hearties Wheel , that the Dittect ; Wheel nit, as the wiggles are outrageous, and the Doctorre
...deek notllood the tail race as much by •three inches mains firm, und-deelares that "soiree things Call be
! as the reaetion did, and,that I can grind :seven hUsh- ' done as well as others,"and that bald beads may as
•-els-with-the-direet-netion_wheeLun_hour, and drive_welLweaelheir_ommhair'as that of others.--[Week
, two run or stones, a here I could not griMbronr bush- ly Messenger. -
els in the same time with the eenetkie and (hive one - ,
I run of stones. , VETEII FAIINESTOCK. I. -1 " - • ‘,._ •-‘: • • •
L'ephrida, Lan. co, Oct 1838. . !
. t . Jagritot hair Tonie.—Wc meet at silmoSt every
„ -
1 ..
. • . ,corner, when perambulating the streets, Men wearing
long'and, glossy hair, which they . seem to he proud
All°waY , May 5 , 1 • 555 . 01, and others -who have 4 , few Weeks; a'crop
This may certify, that I have been engaged in put
of black mouistaches, that would iie with the glossiest
t ing in-6,--11.--Ilowd2s-citsLirom_directaction_Atater7
sea et Lbruin-thaLeiu et
• %%Med thOferest.,__,lt has
_Puzzled us
wheel; both in the State of New York and in Michi
it as my decided apinien that with to know the et of all those.woni] - Fas - crops of
gan, and can give
hair; but Messrs..BANDS;79 and tat Fulton street,
-8 feel. liCluroy un&r, rightly Put in, it will do , Morehave got thexclhEily where all iv are!eurious "in
- business - with - the - mme - water - BinnMnrother -- water' - iii - Cli - nitiffeTrilliirynitifiri - Cvallififirtreilifilti..-‘=Xeiri
wheel which I have yet hat any experience in, and WII y - 0 ,1 0 Viii{',
wader, t reference to back wader, is second Leslto none that 4 Sold-iii 'Philadelphia at '2O South Third
. .
have yet tried., In rcfereneto guarding . , against ice, '
! there can be no better operation, and it is very easy
!to he kept- in repair ' . '' - :
- S'l bIIEN AMES; 3.67/Torislit,
• - "s - ept. 3,4838::
This may kertifythat I had in my Mill one of
Mr. Ho wd's direct water wheels-for the sPnee-Df One
year. It is a Jive feet wheel; and I have had .n re
action in the skmh.nlace—l have also had Wheeler's ,
Union Wheel, yet I think McAlowd's will do more
business With less water than any other I Inive.tried, 7
It does-well ln tbaek Water.' nave had fret - 0115A'
feet heed. -I think we-could de as much,' *AV
half the water as we-used to dolwith; the undershoot
wheel, which has alsobeen in, operation in my mill.
, • . • :Lyons, -Sept, 3, 1838. •
• . ,
This 'may certify, that We hose *teed one' 91
1-lewd's patent wave Wheels since Deeembeitlast,by
'the" side `of .a - rdrital ion Wheer;and we - think that
wilydo double the business', W ith; the seem
water that the re-action will door • very • neer: - ,WO
teverhave: bat/three feet head, and .ean " rind .with'
that , eight bushel per hone. We are ijub,leet to linel6;
w ateir; wheel .Will`do - as good businesS i'under
back-writer its therelletloa, and, w,e recommend it. to
the;attenticirtand pldro s ige of the patine: , .
• . pi • SIMON DURTT,
NM.% .W..''..13/?Atil8111 , E!S,
.agent foe the above . ; mentions Water' wheel , the .
eattntleflof,l3auplthi, (.lentheidaeil
stall times lie ready to'ettend to their sale and :eree4
thin, 'at .the'zaltortest , '"atitieei- by eddi'esabig
ShepterdstOwn'iCusalterlatitt,ceantY,Ta - • •
April ' B, tR10. . . ' •
Jt. - XJ....-o,'_.*-''.olt-OIA7-
RiET V ,5',0011,11f4
,• . . .
•, • ,
THE 'su,l.soriber : has just returned frimn
thetitici of .14eNi , ,Itork; Philadelphia and Bal
tithore; a'rfilis
.tow openinen( his" store room S. E.
Corner of',-NlTirket Stinare, and Alain -Streets (for-
melt- occupied by 'Geo..W. llitner . 4 a general as
sortment, of
Hardware, • Stone Ware, Cedar 'Ware; .
iirWaula Ware,' Groceries,Oils,: -
~...,:,. Paints; Varnishes, Glass,: rush- ...
'es, I:filhipe ; Canes, Lamps for . :.
burning - emplane Oil, .. .
~u(1;1' .grent variety of articles usc6l and necessary
for furnishing andUcepin,.,4 , a house. Ile ' hasalso, and
'krill constantly keep 'on hand . ' • '
,-• . .
Cll2llhPiirlifie Oil - ' :
a cheap and . elegant, substitute for sperm oil, and'
baying been appointed the agent of Messrs. Backers•
and Brother of Newark 'N. J., for the sale of June's
Patent Lampi;lif iliiii county, he is Prepared to fur.
nish Lamps and Oil, a.t . a very reasonable rate to all
who may wish to use this new and economical : light.
flaring selectyd his gogils" himself, and made his
POrehiSe for 'cash, IM IS aide; anti: is 'determined - to
sell low. , : . .•-• ' . .
Those having the cash to lay out will find it to their
ad rantage to give him a call. . • .
Carlisle, July.B, 1140.--tf. , • . •
enter . : Surgery.
sugSC K IIIEI2. respectfully 'tenders . 148
'grateful ticlu'iou the - public for the
-very liberal, share cif patromyie he has received dur
ing the past ycar, and would still 'continuo to offer
them his professional gervfees in their Carious:bran
ches at his residence; No. 7, I farCer's Row. Ile files,
clesnses, and pin g ', teeth, stud :inserts incorruptible
tarrer "nietalic artificial teeth in the' most approved
I.:tanner. Charges id way moderate. ,
J: C. NEFF, - M. D..
Carlisle, March 45,1&t•0. -41
• ,jaynOs onic,
_ . .
For thd pirenith; pi'esetwation - and restoration of cite
hair. l'his is 4''r - ellitht - nidicle,'aull has, in nu
ineraus idsttutetis, produced a fine growth of hair
°litho heads of pet sans Who hail-been bald fur yelirs.
, m .
LAinr..3 GE:erLfr.:4,--- I`n you isii,etegrint;
.lituriunt owl be - nittirul hair? Iknowyou irillanswer
'yt.s. I leer, roe one rutiihent, the cote cr its Liss, Tally
it . 111ruS gray; rusts and coarse, harsh mid unpletisnii
iu its nppearaaer, 'and falla Each hair has
--;rroct a lialloW tube, through
-which therein cr
Hy this 'circulation the hair' is nourished and ketd
rust, its colony is'f. c iven and pet7..oryrd, cud it is
reovertal with 111.2 Shiest oil. Now any thing wliicl In
jures the of the head, or takes :may;
the blood learn i '
t, will prevent or . :l.tilpetle lhe:,cil eula
liau tlunngh the.tulies of the hair, stop it.; growth,
ezittsl.f- t:terrall-off•or turn n;rny, or•lioth: -- -qu•nia , -
i: in tiutt any cause tliolisTialrts - luT.wPa'srns - tlie - eir --,
eulntion of blood thvynOr the skin, or that diverts' the
blond to other- partr7orthe iy stem, Will take LLW ny (lie
appearance of the hair ; 'fly
rest 'illg-routlt,tilen it gray soolor - :cir later; and -in ,
I .thottsankla iiiiiir,lapers cause prwilatrire.httlitnesl, •
1 6e qa1;:. by:
S: ELLIOTT, ;lint -
• L- • -ST , F,YENSON
- , Curliale,
1§ . 1,0.-:151
Aiith prowature balduesl, to the excellent !lair
Tonic prepared by`Dr. Jayne of this city. I h
11 , e(1 it ourselves,. We C:111 Trak of ifs virtues hy exec.
airWe'utilleSitatingly pronounce iran invalu
able remedy to prevent the falling off of the hairond
to I'ls3We it troll! nd6:111; to a flute, healthy appear
ance. We cast :also speak from personal knowlei ge.
of the eases of two or three friends who were predis
posed-to-baldness, who by the use of June's
Tonic,.have now luxue)ant hair.' We have no dispo
',hien to par, indiscriminately nil kinds of remedies
for nil diseases vt - hichalesh is Iteie to, but when we
have tostol the virtue of an article, we ate free to say
it is good.--;.S'atz:rdalt Evening Pa4l.
• • • •
Joymit'4 Wv.,havmher.e.Mfore,mt
I 'treed ourselves among tie se who believed that the
many quack nostrums whose virtues are never seen
beyond the fulsome hull's of their authors. We are
willing, at length, to make public:lel:nom ledgment of
the error of our belief. • An intimate friend,some two
or thret. Months since; all the: top of whose, cranium
was as bald as a piece of 'polished marble,, =nue all
our jesting and ridicule of the idea 'of attempting
M.. cultivate so barren a spot
. purchased a -bottle or
two of the hair; Conic from Dr. Jayne,and according .
to his directionanpplied it. During the present week
the same friend ushered himselfinto.ouepresenee,tinil
• .
used' by all , classes of people, iii preference to other
'Medicines. '
• BECAUSE they 'are prepared froth p rex
of herbs, a wholesome medicine, mild in its operation
and pleasant in its efFects l —the most certain preserve's
.of health; n safe and effeetnal cure Of DYSPEPSIA
~ o ONDIGESTION,.mieFaII 'Stomach' Cothyafints, a
preservoinnd'Verlfler oftlte.Whole - system:' ,. ' ' •
~Bectititie'illey- seethe-the nerves .of,sensibility - tind.
'fortify:OA nerves of motion, imparting AO their most
While flittid'ltt . pristine time, thus giving strengill Med
eleneficia °Freund. .;. : .
,` Becatise'thez nelfer destroyAhe coats of the 00 7 ,
Mach and bmiele 'fis all strong purgatives do. ' •
Because:sely.iice and experience jetfoil us that no
roere purgative alone will cure' the-diseases' of, the ,
Stomach tind Nerves. , :-Wesilknoss is the primaryeause
'era heat Of di tseaseti, and, brociptinually resorting. ed'
URASTlol l grKittivell , Yen enake - A4 diScsaii.niuch
worse; instend - ot better. ,
Because Di. linrliefi ' s Medicines are pinup upon!
'thticentrrion sense principle, "to viettnito and serength-
Ciu't 'Which . ; is the, only course to pursue tei'e,,ffeet:''a
'• , Beenitso these naellicluei.T,vally.detCUßEthe:dis--.
eases far which they are recteniniended. -- -_•• ~..:
PIIINCIPAE 'OFFICE for tlec,United popy,
18; Northllightliti(reee; . Plillakltilila:: 42 -4 , ' • "'7'" :- `
e)jt ,
-•Thei shove Memedlitetlicines are for Sale' at the
tirua. : .Stbre':of "JI4,YERS
and VilikOMßeall; B l , lPPP ls o l *. •
• r ti'fiumgnitlnerii r orkfrand - WrM'MathitiekCetlitmliiii;
' . ['January 8, t
*Sculsigihit of
An unparalleled remedy for calm - don Coldi,Couglii;
Asthma; Iniluenzn, Whooping Cough; Bronchitis,
;and' diSeased of the'Breast and' Lungs, lending
to Consumption ;• contosed',of :the concentrated
virtue's of horehound,oneset, Blood Itoot, Liv
ern;ort and .several other vegetable 'substances.-
- -Prepared ww4.o.w, Rochester;
N: Y.
• .
-.The innocence and 'universally admitted pectoral
virtrit, of tIM Herbs frOin -which the BALSAM, OF
•Hoilb . upui.a) is made, are tpd generally.kWowit
to require recinninemlation; it is therefore only ne
cessary to',Obterve that this -medecine contains the
whole of their inediqal properties, highly ctincentrat,
ed, and so happily combined with several other ve
getable substaneeS, MI to render, it, the most speedy,
mild and certain remedy, now in use, for the—Ctim
plaints abtrie:mentioned. • • • • . '
ror Children, this Balsam' is of inbstlinable Value.
It is a speedy remedy for the Whoop/rig Cough and
Crnitp,and affords certain rellefin Bowel VomplaintY,
Cliohc;7".ellill? . ..c - ,&.c. It is pleasant to the taste, and
May be safely•FpVeti to the 'dant atlshould:
he kept at all times' in every faMily„ its it is much
`better for the complaints incident to' Children, than
Paregoric;Godfreys Cordial, or the Cordials so com
monly used; ns hundredS in this City hard testified.-:
Read the )hereby certify that early.
in the spring of 18111,1 contacted is severe COLT),
Which settled Upon my.lungs, and threatened a hasty
Consumption. • I used several prescriptions, but ob
tained little or no' relief much alarmetl- , -
Happening to, lie in Rochester; E waS advised by my
friend; Mr. inslow, to try a 'bottle - id' his BALSAM'
- 134 . 11011glIOUI6 : l did, sd, :IMF to' my surprise ob
. Mined relief nt oncc. 7 -tinil by the use of that single
bottle was .perfectly restored Co health. Tn:thosc
- afflicted with Colds' or Coughs, at- this . loclement
C.113,3:1, I say "go and do likewise.'. -
• ''• • Pittsrord;Monroe co., Nov. 9, 1838.
Jobe M. Winsloy i _Drugg:lLL__
• War Sir: I havelteen for a series of years
ed with an affection of the li.,tmgv, and a.hant cough,
and have many times arose in . the morning as etim=
pletely exhausted by exceSsive coughing during the
night as a person would be by a lnar days !Act.. 'I
Int% e tried.most of ttre popular•remcdies of 'the day,
butt neVer Nund relief, until t met with jour
of I lorehowni. All the other 'remedieS or palati‘cs,
than ;have - uset4htave the bowels. in n_ congested
stafo, while liinrs leas eh them sololde • andfree. 'l' ids
consider a great desideratum. Qn taking a 'dose of
your-Ilaisam.when _going in bed „.I_._rest.tptietly.thrW.
the night, and my,sleep isTrefreit,hing. Make great
Ple:.sure in r2commonding ' , your Iltham a, I qro
hound to• ail - tiloslti afflicted witir pulmonary com
plaints or any . discaseappertaining to the longs, and
-I takt this opportunity to, thank you .1 . 01`.111, gu eat 1 . 1!..
lief and neneht have experienced throu.,;ll yoor ins
strutnetuality. - Vettrsorith emritl'eFir.rt,
• \\*,l. c o ELL.. -
Frt. c-.41e by
. .
.•::- -- - -.-.
__: -_ A. NOI•Cl'II. - N . -um:vine.
• Also, by• bru• ; •,. ; iLtf; zone'rally , ,lti).lll Ille (iotm
-0 t.:,-. Price 50 arms per bottle.. ... - •
i April 15, 18-10.---1 , .•„ -, -. . .
. • ..,-.._- -. .
. 1 ' ,:" ‘•*- - - - -..":..--- 474-:A ._:_. -.-- , ..t.' , t.: ----7---,:t: „k_ i . , ...--. N . ' • '..
I.z iiii ' ~ ..;'el - ..i
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--F7 . 5. " 3--- ;" ; 2 ': - - ro:4iii {Tr
. , r6 l ill, '
4.... '' .•
';,_ ; , , ;
I' eli t l i li-Pirl
F - • ::,:' k-. ;..--_
_,14 j
4,, cIPAOL-"
4WirA A4 , _,,,,
• Thu subscriber - Las recently receiyecLlerge addl.
ocm:ll.s:willies of - . - •
-_ -ic _
It edanes; -- Colorr, 14 - e-Sgiiil.i,- Oil, Spts: Ttirpentine,Copa I Varnibli;Pnin
tern' Brnslies, Varnish flruslies,l-land IlruOtes, Sper
maceti Oily (very ti cc) Spa in Candles, Fops in
great variety, Glass Lamps, Cap and Letter Papet,
z1. , 1 nit, §pices, Perfumery, &c. Sze. ? which he will sell .
to. Physicians, Merchants and others,' wltimrsAitt or
VRE.TAII., at the lowest rates, having purchased en
tirely Air ctil..h ; he w ill offer those n Ito
wish to mirchase at wholesale."
. '. S. ILL.moTT. .
--I'-'ile--.llndiatt-Vilretithie-li P ans- ---
. Are a purgative medicine, sci natural to the human
constitution, and withal so mild, and pleasant in their
operation ,that not the slightest dread of pain or sick-
IfCSS, need be apprehended from - their use, even -bv
the most deliaate: at the same time, if used in such 'a
manner as to operate freely by the bowels; those
morbid humbrs, (which deposited Upon 'tile various
parts of the hody•are the, cause of every ache or Pain
we soiree) will most assuredly be removed; and 'not
only will pain, ordistress of e very deseriptioa tie dri
rrom the ody,•but diteasein any form NV be im-•
For the same teased, a hen, fir' onitheSOden chang
es of atmosphere or any other chi iise, the perspirati o n
is. checked, andillosalutmors .whiclish6uld.passofthy.
the skin, are thrown inwardly', causing headache, mill
scan, nal sickness, pains in tile bones, watery and in
flamed eyes, sore throat, hoarseness,coughs,consump
tion,yhemnatic pains in various parts of the hody,and m /Amp °Nati:hilt cOld, the Indialiveg
etable Pills will - invariably give immediate relief.—
Three or fou pills, taken at night on going to bed,and
repeated a few times, will remove all the, above un
easant sympt oms, and rethtore ihe body- to even-801.1117,
der than before. . •
.The lialbui Vegetable Pills, (Indian. Purgative) are
a natural, and therefore . a certain cure for CostiVeneP•
becauseibey cleanse the stomantiiiiitttarmltsoff
bilious Immoiirs, which not only paralyze, and
the digestive organs, but arc Ilse cause of ilea
111111,S.Cam . and sickness, palpitation ol.the heart,
Pains in varions,:parts of the body, and many
difficulty of breathing, or asthma; the Indian V
isle Pills will looseh and Carry
,oir by the stomach
bow els;thetseliiiitgli-p !rah my -hu -- whi •stoi
all air cells of the lungs, and are the cause of flue
dreadful complaint.
In disordered motions oftlie.blood, called inter
niittent, remittent, nervous, inflammatory and putrid
FIiIVERS, the Italian Vegetable Pills will be found
a certain remedy; because they cleanse the stomach
and bowels of I bilious matter,andpurifytheldood;
consequently, as they-remove ilte.cauSe of every kind
ottliseaseolveyLareLubsolutely_s_erlainAo 'cure every
kind of Fever. - •
'Su also when Morbid' IMMors. ere lleposited upon.
the. membrane and tauteles, causing those pains, in
flammations and swellings called Rheumatism, Gout,
&o.; the Indian Vegetable Pills may. be reliedon as
always certain to give .ridief, and if e ersevered 'with,
will most assuredly, and Without fail, makepei'fcct
cure of the above painful Maladies. - From three to
--- airof - said-ludian-Vegetable.-Pills r taken_everyulgllf
on goingto bed; will, in a,sbort time, completely vid
the boar of- all 'morbid and corrupt humors; end
'disappear as if by magic. .
...Itshould be remembered that the Indian Vegetable
Pills are certain to remove - pain in the side, oppres
sion, neausen ciat'sickness, loss of appetite, costive:
ness, a yellow tinge Or_tli& skin and eyes, and every,
other symptom- of LiVer''Gamplaint because they
purge from did body, tkeSe;'earrupt and 'stagnant hu
mors which, Oen dekidtbil tiPOn tho,.Liver, ai•e the
cause of the•utove diutgeritus ugmpltpiitt. - They,,nre :
also a certain preventive-of apolesy and sudden' deich;:
, Eleeaustithey cam,' Off these•huWlQUlVSWhieft;okstrue-.:
ting the circulation, are the 'cause of ti rush, .or deter
mination of, blood to the'keid-'giddiness espeeially.
en turning' suddenly, roend•-•,blinduess-rrdrowsiness..
• -.--;'-lbass-olniemory---inllemMatiou'of the brain-4in-
sanity‘underery otht;r disorder of theinind.. , •
-Those•cChofrom habit Or.occtipat olyt rek opt-much
ithirt:deora, shottliEreraeinlier that .1 hey fregnentir
breatlittoe titniospliere. which'is wholly tinfit for the
' pioPerexpahsion , tit the lungs;and at the garde time,
. to
= want of exereise,thi.boWels one not Sallie' eat -
ly'eructinted;---Abe blondheceines and head
ache; indigegitin,-Ttalpitation of the heart; and` Many
otber 'disagreeable sym ptoirt ware sure to folloW,'; t •
Being a cleatisee"Ofthe Acituaeb'end;bowels;nnd a di
rectimrifier. of tlio certain not only. to re-!
`mpte:pititt` or.tlisu esanf every kind frop,tht rthe - body;
butir . as U.deti_itte . bd t rfiv - p'
theimile ef-every male
tly.untlee heaven,
.therwillinioSt:;assoredly promote.
such'a , just, twit equal ;circUlation Of:lll62.,blend,' that''.sedentaiy Ii enabled to
enjoisoutidfiettitli, and disease• - of anY' litid7W 11l .be
ttbeolutelyy`iintibsslbk. <i'
• CtiAItLE.S,,OGILBY, Agent,
si d• • ' •
v e . :`• ()nice Ittitkl:et . teralnepi)t,-N0.:1 . 69ita0
Pli,iln4clpliitt. • " Dray —r'o,
prepared only by Dr; D. Jayne'; - Interitor,
and. sole' proprietor, .1‘,74). South Third
street, Philadelphia, and may be:hail•of
EALIO T 2", and - also of STE
SON - lje DIN.X.L.E,' Druggists, Car-
....1i5.14 : ,..ra; , ': :'':'•• ; C: ''''. ' ' ''' :''''.''
• These.medicincii iit:e7incommended and' extensive
ly used by the most intelligent *soils in the-United
States, by numdrolis Professors and PreSidents of
CollegeSi Physicians of the Army and; Navy, and of '
Hospitals and Almshouses, and • - by more than-three
of:various denomiantions; . • .
They m 'expressly prepared. for-liiinily uie; and
have acquired an unprecedented popularity through
out the United States; and-as they are so admirably'
calculated to preserve •ntai.xx.t :Ind cure DISEASE, 150
ram& should eiii. be without them. ' The: proprie
tor dtheie valuable preparatiiins reSelved' his eflua•
cation at one Of the bat Medical Collegei iu the Uni
ted States,and lids bed fifteen years experience in an
extensive and diversified practice ,oy which hehashad
ariflile - oppertunities of acquiring a-practical knowl.•
edge'of diseasts, and of tne remedies best calculated .
to remove them. .• - ', .. • .
These PreparetiOns consist of • • • .
J AYNE'S EXPECTORANT,a valuable rettetly
.for cough, colds; consumption; astlinri, spitting .6r:
blood,crolip,-hOoping cough, bronchitis,plettrisy: anti
inflammation of the liings or throat, difficulty of - been- ,
thing, and all diseases of pultnonaryorgans.—Price
. .. ,
One dollar,- ••. . . ,
AIsOIAYNE'S •Il AM TONIC, for the:preservn-•
Lion, gro•vth and .beatity orthc hair,. and which - wilt
positively bring in new hair - on :bald heads.--Price
taie dollar. -,',. -., ' . .
Also JAYNII!B Tome .VllllAllltlbli, a cer
tain said pleasant remedy for worms i dyspepsia l piles,.
anti many other diseases.--Price 50 cents.
certaifiliure for bowel and summer complaints, dinr
rho!, dyseidary„ cramps, sick, headache,. sour
stomach, cholera morbus,and all derailgements of the
stomach and bowels, nervous allectionS,&e.7--Price
50 itehts. .•
diseases, liver complaints, costiveness, fevers, inborn
mations. gland ulau j oho ruction s, diseases of the sltin,
&e. and in ail-eases s here atrilterative or purgative
medicine is required.--;lblee eents.alm_x,_
May 13, 11;40.-1 y
UOUC=II I)efore it is tgo .
late. Iteilletither - delaYs arc(ht.agerous. - lmo- •
.5111111:4 d' o tumually-from--that -dreadful -diseitEct•'-cott , --,•
srmptiifi t whielt might hale been checked at the
comuseticaient and lies ppoitard of its prey ii proper
scans laid been retuned Co. *:llte verY malty who
batty thus .been st•atched from that fatal, by
the timely use of 1)1.: Stilt) re's Computind Sy'rup of
AVi ItlCherry t bear t( slit - y' arm to this stay, announcing
trio the wee6lllit eures,Terfennellirs_the use..____
of this ievehmbh• ;riediriee. • • •
• il - r.F.Fet• sale ONLI7 tit No. 1-9, Not th.Eightl.strect
Philatielpliin . , ft.'spect iye agents. -
%For by .T.,hn .1111.??.8 ,F? Co., Carlisle_l:4,---
livefer, I larri shurg • INtnityt• lipmgardner, 'Verb.;
and AVni....\lttilticm.,Ciiiunitiia, I'a.
January 8, 1840.- • • .
-nELAYS___Ali'l; DAN (413R0
is it witt;th ose who 'neglect theiiio- - ELIS - and ---
CO V . G fif•ij you complain of having 4 a cold,
fanegleetiid :alter ail ch a 'sore:ethic is .. .expe:
riot in the Br(miiiia, itica hacking i;=niiti
finally the dieciise settles upon the: lungs, which the 7 .
pallet:6l . M' soon perceive by, a wasting ;away, of the—
body;attended with Lactic fevers and spitting up ofo,
florid blood and matter freM 'livers on the lungsca
pain and 'Weight-is aigo eperleiiced - 'at the affected
part of the - lungs; .the-functions of Oa:animal economy
grow languid; Alm 'body becomeS•dryt - the
N't ithiti their' cavities; -at length the patient pay)(
the debt of nature, when he is flattering himself with
the hopes of a'speedy. recovery. , To Ohviateall those
distressing symptoms. •"Spatzno thne"inprocurilig
Dr. wayne s Compound - Syrup, of Wild Cherry, at -
the:very coMmencentent dl your colds and coughs,i •
whereby many nights of sweet repoSe will be procured
and tinleand money saved, and above all your health
secured.- Therefore,l2.emember,Delaysare - Danger- '
ous ! • . .
The above medicine enn tilWays be obinined nt the
Principal Office, No. 19, liTorth Eighth street, Phila
delphia ; anti t•espeetivc agents throughout the United
Stews. • '
Aiwa :tt-the Di•ng• Slut: or John J. .11yers 4 Co.,
Carlisle; at the stprirbliA , ..Keefer, lint•visbtn:g; Den
net 15t Bomsarthter, York_i_tuul...VV-mr-NtathiottiCo
Jan. 8,1840.
LIVER COM PLAINTi—This - discase
often terminates in another of a more serious na
ture, if 'proper remedies are not resorted to in time.
lit akforms of this disease, Dr. Harlich's Compound
Strengthening and German Aperient.Pillawill per
form a perfect cure---first, by cleansing the stomach
anti bowels, thus removing all diseases IVom the Li
ver, by the use of the German Aperient Pills, after
winch the Compound- StrengthciangPills. artiken
to give strength and tone to those tender organs which
reiluire . suelf treatinent. COMYto - effect a - permanent
cure. These pills are neatly put up in small pack
ages, with fill directions, Forsale, at No. 18,NortIr
Eighth street. Also, by John J...lfors Co. Car
the:_storit..OLA.lieeler, larri sburg;..Dm ine t.
limp - miner, York; and Win: Mathiott, Colum
'bin, Pa. . [Jan. 8, 101
ETIENT PILLS are a 'Fare and efficient medicines
and can be taken by the most dclicale female. They
Seldom fail in curing Dyspepsia ' Liver Complaint,
painin the side and breast, Sick Head:tulle, Loss of
Appetite,PalpifatiOn Of tlialreartTNervous - Trcmiars - , --
Lownessmt.Spirits (which_toil.many_Ore_subject to,)
lehondriavism, hysterical Paintings, Vomiting, .
-Flee , these-pills-ucceording-to-directions,-and,a--:
cure the result. For sale at NO: 19
a Eighth street, Philadelphia. '
;0, as the Drug Store of JOHN J. MVERS
Carlisle; A. Keefer, Harrisburg., Rennet - &
;waiter York.,-am.L.W...Alathtott,-Columbla-Pa,-
;miry 8,1810:
SPITTING OF .114,001).---Di.. 511:1Y✓l E'S
Compound Syruji of Wild Cherry Bark is fauna to
be the best article for healing'the ulcerated lungs,
stopping - night sweats, and relieving the cough, that
ever has been in Its?. .'Phoes who are afflicted,would
do well to procure this medicine before it is too late..
( Certlficates of many cures can be applying at
No: 19, -Worth . ..F.24l:th Street:, Philidelphia, where,
this medicißelettaiilways be obtained. Price $1 per
3lottle; six kitties loinss-. •
Tov„soe at the Drug Store of JOH' J. MYERS
CO. ' Carlisle; also, by A. 'Keefer, , Harrisburg
DennetS: Bombgardner, Yorlc ; and,Mm. Mathiott,
Columbia, Pa. ' Jan. 8,1840.
medicine has already proved itself to be.all that'
it has been recommended, by. those who, have given.
creases Maly. We Inive just heard of 'an important
eure-ofAsthmtri - whielrlumireemetfected - bythe - useof
it' in a neigkhornigtown---the case yeti' that of a fe
male who bird for a long time been under the care uf•:...
a physician, but had received he relief, end' her - ease •
was begirifil it to be'e,onsidereit hopeless. As a lasts .
resort she purchased a •bottleof Dr. Jayne's Expect°. -
rant, whiekeauscd hertO expectorate freely - , graduel.-
coo her cringh, and is ,repidl y reitoring!'
.health. Welnifel•Mhesitatrion in. saying this prefia
ratian of De:Jayne, kir the.clire of coM-hs,toltds;
&c.fluenzfr, Asthma, Consumption, s tgeinost value— •
ble metlicine'evee , offered to the American public.--
There 'iS no".quackery nhout Jayne is one o ,
the myMt skilful. Practising phYsicians in PbUnsylva-.,:
pin ,• and wherever his_preparations have,been.tbor,r_
ol,:,ddy - testrd , he i s ooked upon as n' grea , tpublieben--
efactor.--[Somerset °'
Tor sale by Simnel Elliott and'Stevenseri St
kie, . ' , tniityl3 IE4O
i.4' the basest r'eriinis in' tizatz.
We are. mit among that class br Editors who for a ,
few dollars iv 111,,:(at the' espense• of trinli Mid' tiones
ty.) ‘cernek 4 up ) ' an article and;bring.itinto rapid sale;
;wittier aro we willingto remain.mlent,,after..havjr.ig
tested the'utilitv of. an imprtivernent or disedierylini:
seienee.or:art. Our readers will •reeolk4t we tedd'
them we were unwell Sorotihrtnt'Odid.idolent
cold some few weeks ago. •We)l;•we.:poretuised two_
bottles ot , WINSLOW'S,IJIALSANI 1. - QF H.ORE-.•
.11.011 ND and sti; entitlein'was, tliii'Mir4 that , we forgot
weever frail
trYitupon nice recOlOrnOtdiatiOd.-47EegdsOpn Tele
yrapA; l .-
7A;;J.,NORTII,NoviN ; iIIC:,
geherally dironghouttik aoun
;try.l:-.Priee'SD'emits- per bottle.. • "
i 0
; 8. • • .