7,&, - r a 7MIB matgaz:6-17(.1)Q as 4 „•. .No t . . . . r i IHE Estate of \V./111am Duncan, late, of South ampton township, deceased; All• - perspas are • • hereby notified that the:'undersigned; the Auditors appointed bol.e•Orplians' Court of .Cumberlanl co., • -to settle and adjust the rates .and. proportions of the • assets of•the estate of Wm. Duncan, late of Soutliamp - .tontownship in said countbtleccased, to and among the' . respectivb creditors of, said estate; according to --- - the - order establishet'll la ;"will meet 'For that pur • pose at the house of Robert Coclihn, inn-keeper-in The borough Of Shippensburg, on Friday the.alld day ofJanuary,lB4l,,at- tO o'clock ill the morning, when arid 'where all personS having" claims will piease'to ' attend. • - • . ' • ••• . JOSEPH P INJEVIN;* - 1 • - • • s ROBERT COCIMANA-Autlitors:• • - GEORGE McGINNES,J •• Dec. 90, 18 , 10.---St • ' • - • •.• ' FIFTY.;SiX ACRES, • • - more or less. About foity acres are cleared, the resi due in thriving. timber—about twentpaiereS sown with clOyer : seed last spriiig. - There i aftelltnitlie premises, which 'with is little repair,: would tarok' - a constant supply of water.; The soil is good. and p' - duces equal to any in the neighborhood.' .1 ^ Also, on the some day at 3 o'clock, 1:" . .. M. on the preMiSes, • . „-.. -,-' - ../ 1--Lot- of First-rate— • .It VA - Ila ®W lII ' X 74113); . containing 5 Acre's and 132 perches, on •the Mount' Rock Spring., hounded by hands of -William David son, Samuel-and •Robert.M'KeehattouottlieMansion .., Farm or decca s'ed. • . . AlSo, oil ' 2l sursday . thc,2lst.T.Titnuary . ,lB4.l4ilt 11' o'clock, A. M., at the house of Col. Wm. It- Wood=' liurn, in . .N'ewville, will-be offered 'ac publi& sole, a • Lot of Meadow GToond,. . aboui three:lmirths el mil emorth-west of Newville; . „ • bounded by lands' of Woodburn, - Walker, and the, . • - • stray , att vw . . ... • - connodog,rha 'creek, containing 8 Mores aml. 121 perches, well. enclosed and good grass hind. , . ' ... ___s,•„ a ,, to _ k i i , pi . cm j• s ,„ „ rib ,. s „ b ~......fer.sthis, wrii.latig- to .porcha=o--Itru-illvitod - to - view war _- , .4., .riber, Jiving in Alien township, t the "b9 v c,l" . "Pei!LY'Pr . eviO"slo the ddY or 411 1, -.• ~/ .frk ,, mn ,•.•: -' c am b ei li mi l c a„„ (y, -abraft--2 .isles i T f .,....ps c w:r o le prescribed by the Court. On / e lialfl , .6't ~. . , , a ..' . . eitstiof; Mechimiklior,. ; • iii• sl l ,te m b&p-I .ll te plo'giirm:' money to De Pam mi the cntifirm:ittion of -. _ _-_-_ - .'2"-:1„ at, a iin . o , r colkv with a ~, bi te ; the Salo; he . ; . thle . glialice.in twb_equal yearly AflyrnetiO, head and back-, supposed lili be lllimil. 8 - tears 01 d.... j without interest, to be secured by a liciyon the pro- The owner is requestea•to-come forward; prove:lnv:l p'i'ty;-” The title will be mode and asgesSionlielislz - perty, parchargeslitiff nikelieilMway. 1 ereil on . 4161 st olApril, 18,11. . - . JOHN SHEELX. , . By order of the Orphans'. ;rink,- --' . 121.1fi l, ler LA llt D, - • VANIER. LECKEY t ' Administrators. ____ 1 rabbi T 6 -,• V& 1-§l,l4:dS---------- ii . caia.m. All persona; iiidebte(r . to Ceorge. or to Milner & Mulv.any, are requested to .brake linymetit; on or before thelsth bf 1841. • a CARLISLE .1117•11,7,ERY: An adjourned Court,.of Appeal "will be held on Monday , the 18th day' Of JabintrymeNt, at len-'B4-lO tel, between.the hours of 2 and I; P. M. where all interested are requested to attend. WM. M. PORTER; 36;1840 Dec. 30,.t assurfin'elit of goods to iuS' formi r stock.. d will sell oir the sank! it greatly re duceilAipeesfr cask:. - .Persons wisliing•to supply . themselves with :very chedfr Cloths, Cassintrres,, Cassinetts, • Flannels, Vestings,-Merinocsrßratie:rl;anis;-Calleries;-Honilni zines.fite. Es'e. &e. - will (lo welLto_ealLus—Lam,---dg-C -termined to sell as low, if riot lower, than anfestali 11511U-wilt in the'btfrongh. • . . • 'V' -At the old. stinul f 'opposite Sililoll Wonde9iell's Hotel.. • • f( Dec. 23 ; 1840 . L:0 0 K ILL. _ • taTa " Ua2/1 -- TfoLroa . The Siabscribers offer their present . Stock or .11er elinndize ttt reduotilitecy r and will Continue at 'Such prices until all ja r sold. A large xortiOn of their - Stock is ofTey—lit Cost. .11ULVANY. Carlisle; Dec. 30, IS4O. ri \ lM V W 7 k t_ ) ) 17ae The subscriber tias just. roturniva fvom the city and is non opening mine in desirable seasonable GOODoreonsisting• n part or i.v (green, reen, Brown, Diamond, Pilot, Beaver, Ilhick Wool dyed, Cadet and Olive . . t v4 i Fr 3 • ty- and' ' Wool' dyed Black, Blue, mid ti•mred Can imeres • - Sattinetts of all descriptions. ' Cords and_ Beaverteens; Ticks and Checks; imported Stair and figured Car . pain; Saxony, Prince and Mouse de Liunes; Bom bazines, Merinoes, blue black, black, Mantua, Fawn, Brown, Figured and, Plain Sake; Figured and Plain Swiss and Jaconet Muslim; Green Baize find - . Flannels of different colours; Gloves and Hosiery; Cloth - and Tur - ,Capstrßroshemid• Merino:TS/amok; Mackinaw, Bose and Point Blankets; Leghorn and Straw Bonnets; together with an Essortment of •• Grocekies &.--Queenslatare. All of which will he sold on the most reasonable terms. Person arc invited to call-avd ektditine for themselves before purchasing eisewhA. ANDREW P.F2IIARDS. Carlisle Dec. 23 ? 1840. • • •Spleratile?..Cal)ieras FO EtT_ effill_.l'Z',.' l l 21: • W ,;:,: ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY. CaPlital Eq'tUllt $30,00 . 0 Ne'. And 1 1 1:1T1T1'N Dr.vn - . _ Class No. 1 for 184-I.=-To. fit; draali at Alen -'so dria, DID. on Saturday Ifith..lnntiory;l • Bll. GRAND CAPITA-LS. • • " r r • $5,000, 4,900, 3,000,9. 3 500,2;250, , 2,000, 1,750, 1 ; 600, _ 1,500,14U0, 1,300, 1;250, 1;200. x-50 Prizes of 1,000, - - Tickets only $lO--Halses V 2 59 Certificates of Pockagestrf '25 Whole Tickets ~$l3O Do. •• . do - 25 !ELM . do 65 Do. - 'do' .: i 5 Quarter do 32-50 • . MARYLAND • CososOlitEaled.loilertv. - P.llll/ZEO. irr 4 kriziS: 0,6001.,ED2 '• Class No. 2 for 1341.—T0 be drau aat Baltimore, 1141. on Saturday, ado. 23, .1 . -841. • . GRAND . SCHEME: FoBl rwizes'lif • . , 10 000 9 .. - . 4 .5,000,4.478, 2 of -3,000,3. 0rv,500, 45 of 500,1v.e, • The fi eket4 having one'drawn 'No. SI.O. tlelcet;s,yit.gno drawn No.. , ' 3 he : b.p ' .2 . 4 IV I kol eketsl,lCO • - do . .22 Half 'do • .50 (1,0 .9.:2 Quarter , do :E.,41314ery, • M .., ~- „ss4l , 'for 18-1.1.---To be iirawn at 41.1Aanctriii, Na:oicSattirdayi..tlie'3,bl of ,lan.l 41. ' ' • 1 .,. , • GRAND C.11".T4L6. , 11, •• . , • -$3 . 0 000-t.pito oed .4,5p00, 5,00p 4 ,5c)(), 1,017 A., • ' , ca . 400 ,rrizcs of 1490 Dollivirg:7o2---- , ,-tickeis $10: 7 -11tilves.$5-Q.K•rtcrs 'Certificates, or.Pitekagescf 25 1V holt:Tickets $l3O Aki: 8o x 5 QuirteVilo ' • 9250 •.16ri 9pdet4.. lor.Tiettete awl . sllni•es dr Ceytifi . fitle bf'P knife e'boee •Lottery will , preletitty - tittentetr te atid.the.olllWitig sentltriyheillgt r el,s•':ntler it isaverk Waehingtee pec..2.9 . 1830. AtAir TILLAS of alloy sty e, u " st recerved st,t I!ipw .. • Sore Sh inslmtv, awl frr Iry. vt .IuNOLL) Bi. ABRAMS: f , • , , , N ... _____ , c IA 4 , i ......, ... , .... , _ _ _ _ __ _ • 14 ' , l• 6...‘•••= L A W , s, lEEE Oephans'.*Cotirt'; - Sale: pursitthice Clan order of theOrplians'CoUrt of . Dinnberliunl 'county; will be exposed to public I sale, on the premises,- on. Wednesday the 9.oth of .Tanyanw,l3ll, at 11 o'clock, A. M., the following deeribeil re:J.ostate, late the property of John Da vidson, Esq. .. • . A . Trace •of Limes one Land, -in-Westpentisborhugh township - ' about trio miles east of Newrille, bounded by Inntigrof Samuel McKeehan, Sited, Jacob Lehman anil John Myers,- contain- . :• . 3 -i,(l,)ii-- . S.lle ---- ---..------ • . 19 Y anzilirhir of the - Orphans' Court - of. Cumber : jillit . ; . ktol County, to * moilirpet.A.l_6ll,_expose'io: puldre sale, on the premises, on Wednesday the 20th ii4 L oi .-- Januarr,7lB:llTat - 1 - 1 -- cklo - dc Ariti,;; --------- . '-',r A. Ideuer-e, Dol'a)9o tlwo . ~.. 1. I P qtory 0.1c1; . ./ 1617,9e .E:: :1 27..1.i, , ,,t&-,„,- ; ;H 1 1 7 ./tN_D LOT 01 GROUND ;'.situate . . . in 'the borough, of -.Meeltanietiburg, Cumberland enmity, ott the ...Alain street, adjoining the littion. Chord: Lot and it L0t...0f Valentine Shock, being ilic - I:tOlaiiiiili - Mo'lig (~ - Of - JohirClose, de . ol. rttho, one other ' 1 " ;•• crAl.s.'op 'LIIY. , MINI e • • .r . Z .4, - Double Iwo oy ; _ oat. 0 -- . . • A li —ii - Brtck House :. ~.. ..,(I',- - „t.-- R t- g i.ound-if, tlie same bortiugit, w situate on the Main street, bounded by Isaac KiO atii vi sey limo Bigley.. Also, s . . snard: .f&or of Ground to+Adwin g ai)out. 25 feet front on the rail road, taid 80 feet. in depth, it•-antli by' l \ mentme-Shock-. This lot will he sold together with the Mansion .House property iihave.described, properties axesury. , advantageously-situated CMr any-kind-of business. The terms of sale lire—one half the purchase inoney . •tii- be pair on the Ist of April 1841.0v11e0 possession will be delivered—subject to the present leases---and the residue in one 'year, to be secured On the proper'ty December. 15, 18,10 Estate, of Dr. John-Geddis!, *Teased. T EtErts 11 , st:of:ENT - ARV on the esMte LA or Joint Gerldis, late or Newville, Cuntherhuid County, ismed to - 7 - the subscribers in due corm or low,—Nor k pE is hereby given to those again:it — the estate of said iie ceased to .present' for settlement without delay—mid to those indebted to tiol.e immediate payment: WILLIAM BR ATTON, Neiv le, December 16:1810.---6t • 13 . V.M(Vai - ' Estigc - of, - ;.firchibald - Peckleecased. IETTERS I'ESTANIENTARY on • the estate 4 of Arehiliald Peylc, late id' the bovoOgh of Car lisle, Cumberland county, deceased; have been grtnt ed to thegmhscriber Cestding in the b0r0.14.i0 - ftic, lisle,' a inr csai ?Ake is hereby given to a 11,persous indebi±ql to . the. estate of said decedent th make im mediate Linymerit, and (lose- having claims against said estate le preseq theifi prouvay autimitiented for settlement. CYRUS' RIC !IA 11.1)SON, Escottor. dr.pOireruce . • BY THE i ca---.lthatr an c e company, , Philadclahia: CAPITAL 0600,000 s • 11.16-' abmie-company-thyough-theiieney-it Carlisle," still continues to insure all-kinds of 'lroperty in ibis and the adjoining, counties at the lowest rates. The usual risk on . , ,cto u e. or brick htiuses averages about $ . l per annum on each Melia , sand insured, and a stock of , tnerchandize consisting. .of dry,goodi, groceries, and the usual asSOrtMent of couldry store, will he insur e d at the .saines rate. • • Property. holders,' and merchants .generally tht•om ; hout this pod the adjoining Counties, please give the nove notice attention.• Applieution can be tnade either by letter or - ill persoato the sub scriber in Carlisle. 1R•10.- - --9rn • • ' VI(E), 5 1 7 1 1 11(01 • ; All .Ir . 2rsoliH . j.ktlllteilUr — ttre - liiil.iscriber, tire' re ca I'and•sett.lit their - accounts br tht 15th ql' January 1841. - • . • ."' . . . D. 1 .10 —Watet: Prned7:-130eti; ladies and Cemlemen't. Ot : ertilmes,Cliiitiree's Gem and.Lelitho• Shoes, am!' ..e,‘'97. whet , : desitription :of 11000 nu IShbes ,. for „,d e Imesuolly tow-. lit the Het and :Mot:- storet :apposite Sititon-Woedlrlh..ll,s gold. =EMU "-CERTIFicA its pg : . ' , ,ron TuzlAkr.. on i•ei it dre(lit s At t , - , • re held; by the folloivlog.agent a in. theli,':rebpeO tivb ,000ntics. ..As.tninierbbs;ttoOnleifcits- these pills , iitteintteil to thipolinell ty;lhe pvopiletv of porchasing Only 6om Iteci4.-, owed agonto, apparent, • qurnberlaml.County,-.-,GeorgeW;ltifo'kr,Cutijalti Aiegel; IVll;cluitilesburg; Gilmoi.e & MeKinnoy, Shippensbokg; ..1381ca Et arannerono evi.•Ctimborlund Istuld liorton , M..d N .,linOp',;§lll,l:opanstowni.L.Alggei 4(14,, ci k tieciltmi4L: 4 l'errY 4; S, A. Coyle,lsanOizburg.;; .; • Afignst,`26,lB4o. •: - A FAMILY NEWSPAI'ER;-DEVOTEP TO NEWS, POLITICS, LITERA*OIIO, THE ARTS AND SCIENCES, AGRICELTURE, AMITSM .INENT, &C. &C. • _ . JOHN RUPP, ndoer. • of John Close, dee'd ROI? ERT LAIRD, Frankropd, /::,ceculors JOHN J: mynies - BriOTS AND SHOES. Edited. 0184 DR. WISTAR'S BRUM OF WILD-MERRY TIIE CELEBRATED REMEDY FOR _ DISEASES OF THE LUNGS, NUMEROUS rettiedies . have been . offered . and puffed into notice; for diseases of the Lungs, souse of which has,undoubteillY been found very use- . NI, but of all that have hitherto been known, it must" be universally acknowrialged there is nonethat has ever .pytived ., as - successful as the ,"BALSOM OF WILD .CIIERItt" Such indeed are' the _astonishing. reiterative and. healing properties of this -4 ‘lialsalm" that even in the worst forms of Consumption, when the patient has. suereil with the most distressing cough, violent pains-in the chest, difficulty oflireathing, night sweats, bleedingof the luiks,fsterrind when the most esteem-. ed remedies of our FharmacopiaS had failed t . t . a afford any:relief, and even when Botanic, liotrieeptitliM, and numerous otherremedies, lind beep - ziised for. many months in vain, this Invaluable remedy has checked every mimptibm,and been prothictive of the most Mi. tonis Illig In the early stages'. of -the disease, ,tiroceeding Mom neglected cola., termed Catarrhal Consumption; it has peen used with Mulevialing sue; . l coss, and hi many . lustanees, when this disease -seerii. ed to have miirlMtl itz victim Mr 71Wearly grave; the use atlas medicine has arrested every symptom ; and restored theAungs to a, Vae of perfecthealth, In that , ur n) Cnnsumptioh, so prevalent amongst .delicalt(young lenpalcs, commonly termed debllttb, or "going Into' decline," a complaint with which .V(-fifb greil.gedligjUntSql possesses Willi pri silig success, and not onV,liossesses the power of checking the-progress of - this, ahnuning ditedsq, but at the sa u ce time strengthens and .invigorates the whole systum more effectually than any remedy we have ever possessed. COA - diseases ofthe Liver, particularly when attended S6OlllOOllOl, indi gestion or Iva:idolMg painshi the tide, it has also -pro veil very einem:ions, - and cured Many cases of this kind after the most powerftil remedies had Tailed. • ;Ir., - AST i complaint iiinsjilto_beep ii Yl`ll lid 11iii1erot18 io‘tance6 lritlL the ip9st sU'igt!lc sUccess. 'opens 1.116 chest, rendering the Grp:filling perfectly . free, iu'et.Bl.4.the-COugh.., and:will-seldom fail. to give permanent relief, • • 010- BRONCIIITIS.:-As n.remedy innil ; -- ;/liiiialllictjons.of-tlie:tliroat i nttentietl witli:n-hoarso , ness, eatigh or 861 7 /./ in tht: !la'ant; it will also be foolar tr.sery - elleetuari 7 rmetly;4lllll - Wilf .molintiY relief' if- usetl at tiie.comincit,cenioeut its • o 3 COUGHS & COLUS.-- - -In"c011)111(111 coughs and colds, that peel ail. so extensively -throughout the it-will be found much more effectual than any remedy,in_llf,o, mid When colds settle upon the lungs; causing-nit ipflimmition with' pains in the breast,dif (lenity or : shortneSs ofbretithing,ltc., the use of. this .11alsam will suppress such sympuotds immediately, antfat the same time prevent the lungs from becom ing pore seriously diseased. CROUP AtND 'WHOOPING COUGH.—In these complaints, so common to Children, this Balsam will be found Math superior to the Parego ric Elixir Syrup of Squills, and the carious cough mixtures in common use, as it is entirely free from any thing the, least injurimisond may at all times he given to children with perfect safety,andwith the cer taintybf itS.slfordingsheni speedy relief LS A FAMILY :MEDICINE fOr many'oth ularly useful. tics - bat lug proietf an "thctitnatte remedy imull Pulmonary affections, it exerts n pow, mild influence avec-Many -di-wakes-depending- ott.n. AlepravedcontlitiomoNlie4Etemond those-who-Lase sulfertf'il front the imliscrintituttemse. of Mercury, or other deleterioliTdrugs, that ace .often c.ocapoundotl in different quack 110Strt11119, will it a remedy of great value, possessing the power of 'streugthening and int igorating the while system more effectually than any othermedicine we possess. CAUTION TO PURCHASERS.—As this med icine has 'already acquired great celebrity. there may probably be some attempts in imitate it, and deceive ibe,public,with a . spneints itljAwilo - pyerent hich rwutild - wislt all purchasertt - to - obserre marks of The - gtintune 'Balsam. It is put up in bemles of two sizes 'oath; haying'ilfe. words WISTAII'S. TIALSANI Oht WILD CllEltn, the - glass;md - whibel on' the front with the signature of lIENItY,WISTAII, without which none is genuine.. .• . Prep:wet fordhe, proprietor by WILLIAMS & CO., Chemists, No. '22 Commerce street; 1141.adid phin, and sold by . the Most remvectshleDrtiggists Mid other 'appointed agelts •in all the principal towns throughout the Ltidted States.• . . 891(1 in Clir lisle; by S'AMU.t , L ELLIOTT, appoint= cd,Agent. . , _ Prlce G'1:00 a bottle Deceit6er 0,1.8102-1 y T — Rething. - At this period, wo are aware that theSe 'little ones,' which tire near and dear to us, sup very much. I therefore lake lids opportunity of inforMing the pth lie of the great benefit derived - from the use of Dr_ l'aris'Soothitin-tfiyrap for Children Cutting 'fecal: This medicitiel. found to produce relief as sooniis applied to the Coots; it is pleasant and elk :Muni 1 feel happy;a recontlitentlim?;.it to blue public, as am egrtaiii it will save, tatiry piglits of sweet repose to parents and Mirses, 'besides prever.tiiiirtlicite-dairger ous symptoms which slily. thousands annually, . W-111. ~I.I)NES, N imh slrCet, abovelVillow. WnittPi.ul, 11=1 POSITIYM .PROOFS, Of the IS . iratw Martial:B Conywand • ening , and German Aperient Pills. - • • . •ALLECIIIANY, IL! 1840.. To 'llr. Agein , --Sie: I ivisll-46 state for the benefit of th6so lvllo'May tie afflicted,. that De. Elarlich's 1911 s have entirel y cured me of Dyspepsia, of which I have been afilicitAi for many Years. liaised 'both kinds, the. Aperient and Strengthening,andl ntn constrained to sq that thcvaye valtiable discovery, and act upon the system Mildly, but yery'eliectually. I found the Tonic Pills to Imikken the- circulation and cause n , determilition to the • surfaCe, and h.' strengthen the avei‘k stomach and increase itspaaiers.: The Aperient Pills not; the best eathaitic I, ever used. .1 am Confident all Dyspepiles .could-do to,,mnke iininediate trial and relieved..44ly, yr.c can call at my horse and to siltinfied of the ahove at pleasnre. DAVID It. POPE. N. B. The" orlgiiad veridleat; inay-he . seen at the (dile& of the !'Spirit e l he Tito( s." -Fo'r Bide iit...NlR. 19, North Eighth • • Also for sale hy :lad Peal, 9..3,'.1510 • DE' cAIIEFUL. OF YOUR ~innypeople so Ftry apt to eOnSitler l a cold but a trini!)7, matter, and to thimk ~thtit"it' Will go ttwft)• of its e lf iii 8 . (1:ty or tlo; ,, Div' them-. solces'udtroutto ' &Mut it. " • Ilk th 'Such we: would say, ". he careful plVoint. colds" 7 -do.uot tamper .Urith your constitutions. If y'ou desire to, live'to "tt good old,age," be earcfnl to take .sueh'-'yeMedit -, s 'as will efiVet tuveasv - : and. a spietly• mire. Dr. S Wavne's of f'Al'entis',Virginiann or • Wild Cherry,'",.has eureti . niot c,c olds than any other medt ti6e, ed . fOr 'sae' iii i this, s ecitatry.... :The yer till cotes :of euregeffeeted ,, hy:thja . wldelt the twbpriti.foli Alai lyirceilying;T are - the "Most gratify ing'clutrocltT: up Aeßa to ( Elko* it afp fg t . tiieprtiriitei.; Mid: the higll.tipik . It hold's -hi. piii4ir r ott . iTatko.k ' The above reeklio,ine' n, be bitil the ,l)rtig'SCOo or "1: 19'n1 , : of, Win.: Peal; 'Blll "• " ;01181,' ItATF. QU.ALITY grayEtt Ho t r t ttic S,turc in: livenatnirgOv .• . , . • A ii''lol.l)'` lisheit for the Proprietor, by' Georgglik____Owhh in___Caritsie,Allularberland-Coult,tTa wanumittoumr anmotaVea_aaavaltaz aeD azaac: A .cilak'Fß6 . i Pi2GSS - • Miss' GOVId):, , 'Twits for this they roared the Vine, Fostered every leaf and'shOot, = Loved to' see its tendrilslwine Alfa difOidied it from root!. . 'Twos for this, that from the blast •• • • ';' If wneScreen_ed and taught to run, • - That its fruit .might.ripen fast; , ..• 0, - O'er the trellis to the sun. • • • .. _ . .And' for this they rudely tore • • -.Every cluster from the Stein ;: ,• • 'Twas to crush us till we pour ' Out our very blood for thorn! Well though we are tortured am's, - ' ' Still one escenee shall endure,.. • Vengeance they-shall find, wit -us, May be slow, but will be sore. - • • ' • Anil the loakser we are pent !".` ;Froth the air and cheering light, Greater, when they give us vent, For on: , fest - sin:Who •And our spirits they shall see, • • can assume a thotisand shapes!' These Sic words of verity, , Uttered 'by the ' ing grapeal. - _ • Many statelyfortn - • . When our pow erjs felt within; .„ - Many widens]: tongue reveal ' . • I .-• , •Wliat the recent draught has been';' . Many of thoughtless, yielding youth, a ' With his promise all in bloom, Go from paths Of p(iace and truth „To,an early, shameful tomb. -, • • . We the purse Witl-eft unclasp,. A.ll itsgolden - teeastifes 4 `. • SO, the hushatut Irr our g; 4511 0 the-wife-with heart to' bfah', ,- - ' While her babes am - pinched with - cold ' bind Irirceto the bowl; • Till hiS features we behold • .. • 'Clowitte• like a living.coal._-- --- • We will bill the gown-man put' - I To.his lips a glass oetwo, Then well stab him in the loot) Till it Oversteps the shoe, I . And we'll swell the doctor's bill "None. Will you amputate it?" some : evidence that you are . otherwise . of sane mind, and -I will. titen .:ansWer , the qucstiod." "Mons, Thevenet," said the English- , Mart - somewhat - angered; "will - you comply with my wish or not?"-. : • , • "As. soon; sir,' as you givir me.any.goad reason for'so doing." • "I cannot tell you toy 'reasons pow,— .Imt perhaps,:io one year, from -this time. I ,may be able ,to do so. ikit bet, that you:-yourself will 'acknowledge 'after one 'year, that I'l - lave :the-very best - of- reasons for getting rid of my, • will not bet,'.' replied Thavenet,;"uh leSs.you give me your name, and -and-your-residenee.". ."All this you shrli learn' hereafter,"•said -the Englishman; "not--now, - . - Do - you take ni'e for a gentleman and a man-of. honor?" "A;_inan of- 'honor does not threaten. his -physician , with I_have duties -to perform; even 'towards you, strapper as y.icti are, which are paramount: I will not erip-, ale you without a cause. If you have a' xiesire to ;murder, an _iongetiniAnao, : _an‘La tatoer, then shoot, 6 __ r,i_Milk,e_no, = res,istl'j - . "Very tv,11,, Mov. Thevenet," said the Englislunan,"tint took up_the pistol. ."I shall not - shout -- you; bitti — will: force - you, -netwithstancling,--.Jo-Hatoputate - my leg: 7 --; What you will not yo as • a -favor to ' the ; whalneither- money nor threats could- in „Alum you to perform, you'shall yet under tali.!e 1 "Ilow . so, sir ? ” inquired Thevenet,. , -"I'll - lacerate this leg by a_single: antrthati too,- before. your • eyes - , virthis , very spot.','. r.' • - . The Englishman sealed himself; took S. SULLIVAN. 3, the. pistol and held the muzkle to . his leg Inquirer and, - Coulier, just above the knee. ..Thevenet 'endeavor ed to catch the pistol, and sprang forwM.d— "Don't stir, sir;" exclaimed the English 'man,, "or I'll pull the trigger. Answer l• me At_onee, will you cut of! . my leg, or ne - laceration?" "Sir, you are mid; Since . ; however, you seem deterniined, take it off:" t . EverOhint: w_as_unneillateV_pre:pariiff for thcoperation.- Just as the first incision --was •ahout be made,-the- Englishuvit, lighted . a cigar, and swore it should not go out during the operation. lle kept his The leg lay amputated on the floor, the Englishman continued' to smoke. • Thevenet 'completed the- business in masterry'manner._ _The_patienti.w.lk scion restored to' health by the skill of. his physician, paid- the surgeon well, • whom he prized more highly_ each day : thatikeditim with tears of joy for the loss of his Huth, and returned to England with his wooden crutch-leg. - _ . • • — rOiei,i:yrri.4•as in t - ndi4; e'Vv NVhen Ive've di-owned their•peaCe and health, Strength and hope %within •the bolcl r More \SC'II II SIC tllall Ile or - - Ye who fiqnn nut...blood 'are Take the echarge we-give-you now ye wait. - and•s • pe , If the„graices forget their yew. MIS - GELLAPEOU . S. ritpm THE 01:1131AN Or: ZSt:101:1r. ° 11l J. T. Tratieldte(l7dr the In the fall of 1782, Surgeon Louis 'Clic yenet received a written invitation, without signature, requesting- him-to-. visit on the following day; a count r , tr • ' . • • • ,1-IWWWlttitg.ablkot:StoP . s4liiiiiratus for alb putation: .• •-- Thevenet-4-as:..knawn at..that- time,. far an trhear, "to7bo - the inosyslcilful - tmitrin Ills prolessinpl . it was not an-ymsual thing td fetehAdm across the eltanuel England cot• purposes of consultation; Ile had served a long time in the army, and; al though:something rude in- his manner,•im was generally admired and beloved for his natural amiability. - • • . • , — Thevenet Was - .someWtiat liStoni - Slieil at this anonymous Both thud tied •place - were 'specified with the greatest mi. nu teness i -where ho-waS expected:--"Some wags would send me on a fool's errand," thought he to himself, and determined mit to' go. . (s. Three days after this, he received a si milar invitation, but more pressing, the addition that on the following m o r n in g _nt_One 'eloei carringemuld_be_at_lis door to bear him - to. the place of destination. At the hour appointed on the • following morning, appeared indeed aliandsome ha-, rOuche.. Thevenet hesitated no longer, but tool:ltis scat at •on.w. . _Alefore thesitTgata demanded iif the coachman,. "whither.aro. you driving me?" l'he coachman replied in English, "1 tiOn' " You are an . English Eco tin d rid re n s pon ad nth ven et.. • I. The carriage at •Jength stopped before the•deseribed house,".Who . sent for ? who lives here rwlio.is ill in the house ?'" again demanded Thevenet of the ( m a dman. bTfa - b — r he aliklifoil77ll ,- ni - the tinVer_return ed the.sathe sullen anSwer,and the surgeon thanked him in' the. samdmanner as(bctbre. . . • On the tiireshhold he was root by a hand some ynung map tweaiy-eight y'en - rs of age, who conducted him up stairs into, a spacious saloon, Ilia - language betrayed him; he was. an EngliOtmen. at once addressed him in Eiiglish: . "You sent lor•tner • • ‘,I did," , reSponded the stranger, anti apt Much indebted for die trouble you- !rave. t:alteit risiting me.. IV ill ; you sit 6We? There h.'. elmeoleteieuffee and wine, in cis° you *,should• require anything during the operatitim";•: ',•.: •••• • "Showincr. the. pati'ent,. &Ir. think first examine the injury, und•sec. - iiTininttation be .neeessary:" • , • • '• . . Thevi.:neth' seated. 'have every conficipied.in. ..Orilljfiliaten . to.me. for one . moment: , There is a. purse eanitiiilintr one 'hUrirtni.guineas. I. intend -itfid..yOu as sonie;reinutieratitin fur. -the operation liyon are about in under: take. ThiS" Shall not tie all,. if:yo.tt ..are successful. :jf; tho" cmitrary;:yonfrdq nut - sucdeetl,, pa.'„refusd .I:o...#iint my wish ; y944ce' this , pjatol; it is.loaded.Loyon arc in iny..:. , i).pmer, atid,l.will-slniot .feiir' ,- icitir pistil;'!: re, sp;lndeitt l hoviikit;:“but;first•tet iit6 knots': what on require of Inc,. What ',am I to • ,' . my right'leg',' re plied ilia. Euglislitnan:' ' 44 %_Vitli'atrny`' . lfeart,' si ' . lO'nll l -.. you r hood too, f.y 1.3 i; it I u i)t to taktikr;ito l ::lei . ocems n very .loort , lEEE . . one. ' You. mounted the stairs in advance OD. - ine lik . & . a. rope-dancer. What's the matter with the leg?" • , • - "Npthing,:Mons, Thovenet,..i_But .I..dc -is rest° get rid`of it." "Sir, you are a, fool." . ',. '— .. •.,, "That's nothing'to you, Motu. There . - net." •-•-• • . _ • . , , "'What crime has that fine' leg commit- . tear ' . . . . . 1 . About eighteen reeks after his de'par thre Therenet receivetLa letter from Log- eland, similar-In its eontentg to this: _ - • ` - '"vi'on will excePt_the enclosed draft - on Ale. Panchard of Puri's, fur two hundred find fifty guineas, as an earnest of my 'gra .. tittide. You„ 114 ye. tnpale me the hoppiest T uf,eartltlypytals„ljwstiluith;as_.:s.ou:.lt.a_ve_l 'removed a leg which was. the sale object .to my happiness. • : . ' . ''. • . .1 •'- llravirman,, you may, now learmtlm cause 1 T _of_rny. foylish whin]. .'-You nitiiittainett-at, the thine , of the .operationohat there could ,'exist no justifiable ground for mrstteritice; I prOposed.a bet ; you did well not to ac cept it., . . • !. After my second arrival from Ole East Indies,- 1. becamo ' acquainted witi . Miss 'Emily-liarle-yobu-most—FrltN4{;f•iter-sex.., 1 addressed her. Iler fortune, her family connexpms, both Made thelnatch desirable • among my .relations ;• herr beauty. her Ilea- Venly temper, made hso to me. Vbecante ' one amid the array .01 her admirers. Alt., i ddai„Thevenet,.and I, iits happy .enough to liectime the chosen one among . lay . ri , i vats: 'Sbe, , loved me ; .above till, men ; we ! , .SllO iliiinot. collard it' quid rejected ine . en that 'very account. In vain I implored ;in • L.Vaimtlid. her parents beLyandlier friends; she: r emained 'ieainetl eemeved; - , I For a lon'o. time I could not learn - the 'valise of her objecting to a marriage, which, she confessed, bertielf, kt .. ould have boon, the, eanSunitnation of her wishes. - One of , her i sisters., at length,.explained. the .:mystery. l Aliss..llarley was a wolfder.in 'beauty, but nature had been eruelin giving hot' Mit onp kir.li,She t'earetl bn account of , this' direr- 1 nifty, iii.lie r eciiite MY ,ti':ife; she, dreaded the f.possibility-of pi ) , regarthfor her being 'til -1 minielied: on'. this account:'. - 4. '' - l'ay :resolution ' was 'instabilY ialie ' 1 r,,-••- ' IleterriiiiMil tO .- :• ' riltike'ilYelf lier 7 egtial iii. this respect'. r :''rhilk4 to i:itiolciii The . ve-. iff. , t; I.did: : Sei; ',•';....'. .., '','....:'.•; : '".. :II came. to .1.n",10n. - 'i'vitti:•a. el'il,teh.:44;;;•-• ,MS' iii4v;iikijek"riyit'ii' tii.,oe4 :M i .*:: 0:4 vl y. .'Phey,:lititholo*. bere're.",li,enilo.l6,4,l„ipy- ' :self 1nit.141,1 Wen' 1 I e„Eitglan d . ,16 tthi.saine', ef feet; that a 'ilitllliim :a .horSe: . hait;Oritifile'd triii,'iiiid.th4t I ii . :iii"b6on'ob.liiatUt?C •, -: nn .k.f.-,j 'fliy)c ° Ttl', the .'s,ttrgeonlf _knife: ' , I 6) y fainted iWep, iti:fir4l',kofoit , pl:„ 1, '!ii:islicltiiiiit4gbiii.Olf,OAiig(ko,l644:4l - • fi rst 6itiCisteOlicrwithlho -see'ret cif' thy ; Ti'detir flee, to. which my love foi her had been the sole incentive.. She loved one the more tenderly for it.. Oh, Thevenet ! had Instill a-dozen legs to- , lose, I. would .yield : them, tVithout aMurmur:for: stieh d.prize. ~.So long , as tlive, "'shall lie.. griteful• to you. Uome to Londonbeeorne aegnaint ed with my glorious wifeceild then, say again -I am, a fool; • .• CHARLES TEMPLE." Thevenet imparted the anecdote-anti-the letter 16 - Ins friends', and always laughed immoderately when he told• it. re mains a fool after ell," he would often say. The following,. was his reply: 7 • • • . "Dear Sir„---4 thank youfor your val uable, present, for Ruth I must regard .it,' since it can im i ;longer be 'considered as ,a remuneration for the little trouble I had. •I wish you joy in your Marriage witlr the most loVely of English women. It is true„a• leg is a great deal to give .for ti beautiful, virtuous, and amiable woman, but not ton much, ii . in the end,, one is not - deceived in flick bargam. Atlanwve a rib fbr ,others have, also paid a fib for beauties,; and seine, even a head. But, I fear after two _year's you-will. yepent that your -leg was ampuNed above the knee. •You will think it wight as well have bean taken off. below the joint. At the lapse of three years, you Will be .con 'vinced that the loss of the-footelene-would have ,been sufficient. At the en'',, of_ four years you will maintain, that the sacrifice of the great toe, and•after,.five years, dist of the little toe would have answered. ln : ,!!ißycars::you • that-the: pairing of the .nails-would,have,lteen gaY witliout any,reflee•tion on your-fascinating wife: Women can-keep beauty and virtue- moreinaccessible;,thanH men can their opinions.' In •my youth I would - hive- sacrificed •my life daily; but 'never have yisitied a leg. 'rite former 'I should not ,have lainchted ivltile but had I pursued your course.amlfFsign ed My leg, I shotldisay.ff, myself to day, "Thevenet,.yoti were a fool!" Where with I have the how)... to be , . --- - --71.rotii4V4rierv't, • 4 TnEvEN-or." In the yea1.1793, - duriOg the rel.;OTittion ary times of horror, yherefiel, who had been suspected by the aristocracy of trea chery' through.thFilecusattus of some fled to London to save his In froni.tho guillotine. • n, .Either to kill tittle, or to renew, Sir'Charles. ',rem j)le. . lle waST - direeted to his residenctz,...,,i' annonnectd, mid receiVe . d. arm elm i with - a - gliiss-of:aOroing-porter - at - ht?" . side near the fire place,._surroundod-hy-a (loietinewspapers; sat a eorpulent . entle wan. lle ould not get up to'receive his .visiter. • • "t Ah, welcome :I‘lonS. - • Thevenet," ex claimed the lat . Sir Charles Temple, for in reality he was theman. "Don't,bc-piri:nd etl-nt - my -keeping- my- seat i - this cursed crutch-leg prevents me froth doing any You have probably come to see if you prophesied aright?"• •, • _ , ."No,"soid Thevelict "I rtmle as.a fu : ,hive, and to neck pretetion in your coon trv." • • YOU 117Z1 . Z.L With YOU are a wise man. You must comfort 'no. I sincerely httlii:ve had I not this cursed .crutch-leg in thy:way, I might have heen .this. time.— Here _I . sit and mid the •newspaperS, and get actually enrit6d, when I thin! that I must be inactive . in_ all these great strug lcs-___You_nnoit_cofethme,_Thexeifett.' "Your Wife : Dill be bettcrable to com fort you, th6n - L," i'eplicdThevenet. ' " StuIII" exclainatl .Tdm plc. " Ilcr daneing f -and NO she has given herself up to cards. There's no.getting,on \ytt w!, otheluite.she is tine• ivonuin," • . . ." Ah, ha! - Thin.l -- ivas right, my old frielltir! 9 10" Y es, entirely 6d But, 'neve net, we must he slick li.otl heel) this to oursalKyse--1-li:tvo---cotnnitivti--a-very-fool ish act. 111 had , ivy 'lea- back .. again, 1 would-not give the vatting of the nails!—. This .luttweeu ourselves. - 1. was a feel, but' keep Fly-secret !" : . A CANDID OPINION.OF . ROME l'Avriqe to volt before from .borne; hot 1 I.said notfiing about it, beC . ause, at that time, I had not taken even the moat cursory- view • of , What it contains tlint.w thatl have been pretty neaify over it. no is alwaysde- 1 Sirons to eolleet . as utility opinions as •ois can with respeet to a . great titan or a cele brated place, from those that, have _slut them ; and 1 shall, therefore, -explain to you, as;well aslotin, the.sort of impression that Home if n es'Aatie - upon . my mind. .10‘, the tirz,vplace, ram- hold enough to,ithii 1 and. rash , enough - . to: say," with ,tieferenee,. howc ver, to,lptter.jnAnente; : that'the nie-; rit- of . ..the anc i ent intiltlim,rs -here. has . been a :good:deal. ex:Toe:rite& ~.71Vo.;dcmht -They. deserve -a great de-il of• praise and - admira , Sion;:Attuyeyhatitreceived a tliiilbio share Of caeli7frOlo,- faney,'affectation, and . that blind- attacinaent to classical toitiquity:that swayed 'the!..minds-of artist's lip& scholars i.fol• some centuries-after 14,re;tval I - o llearoz - iog..,, ; :lheraare; two:WayS-Of ' consiOtiik tbesc.otr . 'lF-Tras' it 4ttl ' y: are i .e tat;: v'lv t they hate heen--' -N r W,theia are not shove . Tour or. live Of- the ,Stteicp) : nion inn ett M that , ii*stili,petfect ettOttgh',to give anyeff.:plea l -iitieei,e - xOO to. a v O tli:ontlinainitio eve - p-,-, Eiiii; •:unit '7,3litieli. fOrer. ony '-ibtam elaa: tames.om;:,l ) ,-Initite ttii,-7enatplo,o;,-beaatifol l /6 ( 'ilit of 'the l 'iinto va.go.‘ l ".V.: - FeOlti r Viiiik . 74 aii ide'sT 0 , 0, to.l*.been sa id i n its pitilse h omaLtazo vaati. 40.-v(D. 43. —though one's - pleasure in seeing it is, in part, to be attributed to the stisfaction.and . feels_surprise one tune tylik.4l has preserved it entire amidst the_w.reck..of almo.st-everrthing-else. sides, one is a good deal awed by Agrippa and the Augustan age. Still, I will fairly oar n, that, it: stood nt 'Farnham Green, anti 11;1(1 been finished yesterday by a Man from Dirmim,tham, it would, stillstrikep_ne„ as-a-noble.and - a beaUtiftil'iv — ork t . In size: however, which in architecture. is a very material point, it is (I need not tell you). not : by any means remarkable; It. is sup , passed by all the great medorip churches. Then comes:the:Coliseum; which, though sadly - ruined, it is- impossible' to lock at' without.heing' very much struchp'With enormous Mass: Then the triumphal . arches, Trajan'S pillar, and -the little tem ple of. Vesta. This is pretty nearly all that ,aettially pleases the ey_e... The obelisks, indeeil,•are ninnerous and perfect; but:they are curious rather than heatitithl. - _ .. . . What else remains of antiquity colisisis of: unsightly rnini. There are -- ; perhaps, some few exceptions which I ought.to hayo. ..-9erde - , -- but, -- trot '''''''''''''' ybi,... may find a grdal. - - many bits ' and . scrips, .but nothing else sufficiently. entire to be' admitted. as -a. wIMle. • I am sensible, hotvever,that the present 'beauty 'and. parlectnesS. Of these ; inonumentS ] is..not.themostinterestinksub ijectocconsideratoll. • The They-are to be look -led at as trace.s..in whieli, ky.thb help of history, we _may discover . the state of 1 ancient art,- wealth, and power., Andicer •• 1 .• • • tam 3, , in every part of Rothe there, are _ abint dlllt t llirtlnfS' - ofiTh — fra vilfg We etLiin ca. the iapital-of a great; rich, enlightened, , an„ kjetorions people. Yet," own,•that ..when_lieellected how-long and-how corn tiletely-s. the Romans iverd masters of the: world, how severely they governed it, how ii -- -nmerCifully - they plund&ed. it, and how: - much of_..l2;reatness - and authority was cotf- .. I centrated•in this- single city - ,A,am not...at all, SurprisA tht the extent or spleader of their public . worl,s. .A . Il• dna - they did; when. s eiiin pare 0.-___wi th.Alte .r.a. ,- . ;,tn e5.,c.f. : 4, b cji_LE in .,...... pire, is very much inferior, indeekto wliat was accomplished by the little, Republic, boils of Greece and its colonies. gut now comeelhe - drii - ivimek upon the_sphindid and interesting objects in Rome:and, which, I own,- diminishes their effect, .in my eyes :a least, to a wonderful degree.. It , is the extreme filth and shabbiness-of th< , ---"- . ....... coon. Regular_ 'YI!, ta\vlit i i ddyTy . Q.ll built libuses•ara not at all necessary in order to set ofr fine public building's.. Oxford. is a' suffiCient proof "of - 1. ,, A-wh e re - t. h ere _ia.T.lrardly7-'a ... , 1.; GI- - I =-4-- --. some' private - n0,,,,.., .._,..1...,.„ t. w h ere every , thing appegrs-to -the - hest - advanWge.-- -nut. cleanliness, neatness, space, and n tulera-' hle state; of repair are quite indispensable. In Rome von search in vain for any Otto ' of these acivantageS. There is net a single wide street, and but one handsome square, Piazza di - Savona. Toverty , and dirt pur site you -to the - gates - o'every monniiicitt; . ancient or modern, public,or private. You never saw any; place so .nasty nor so beg trarly;. nor•I, except one. Lisbon is a jit-- tle worse than Rome, and only-a little, and: it is :r disgrace to civilized man,. The de- , . s'e' rlPtitin 'of dirt is no very pleasant ,thing; :roil,. therefore, for your sake and my own, I will not make one.—l,erd Thatlcy'.rltt- Icr3. - . 147- - 70nrim: Clizoci+The li.nl always been ac . pistoined to drink their allowance of .brandy or ruin clear, till.Ad iral Vernon orde - i , (l thoee'under his ein-n -inad to iii-: it with • water. The innova tion gaye treat Offence - to :the sailors, abcf, Mr a amerrendered the conimander - very among timm. *The . adtniraLet that thno;:kvoje a grogam coat,lor «vhich reason they•tri,ek-name k i . bini "old Grog;" hence, by degrees, the mixed liquor he eon- strained °them to, oniversally'obtaiued a mong them-the name oibt,loo.. • , • • . Th:3ll:oscuscts, Tnii LATE WAIL-A visestefri-imper, M I 6 staff (Meer, in a jultintecr Corm called out by The patriotic/ proclatnatkin of Gen: Smith, gives an account of divers, causes,'Oth4 than the love of coutiry, the love of or the love of fight,. which hulked men' to leave their homes and their, friends for the field of battle and the chances of One of these heroes diseoursed to the fol lowing eireetvi , - , • "It . Hannah had no.t bcOn do snappish, and'made me du all the iiilkin and glwrnitt •tow, - I should ncyer hnve been heiv.. She' toldl_titc she guessed I'd he sorry I'd listed; but she druv me to distraction. I'd father. stand the bullets than !ter -etarnal clatter of tongue, knives, and forks- and ,tin If she is . a widder it's all her own 'roll.-- Illter I ..dcw : dream abuitt her tifid tlitl hnlkalate all things are foroortlainethmall'etarOty, audit' I die in fightiq, 1 Shunt • hav'e the ,eit•ponsei lu 'pay . off' 'a: long slit-11 . 6f. 'slektiesS. • - • Goed . by, Ephraim; y - han"t. got - no - moro 'tohiclof than will dew. ye htim, have ye?" , • '-• This and Oth e r Ming#. l _,?" 7 :l'..4e Spy in ashington says elate le*, t,e, the Now Yorii Courivr: Tlic4e.ais many wood joic.Wand plpasOnt betwoep . iodividuals !Of difroOnt, pOrtitis .doys Since, tzeildethoo .M . roodbury l , and tijgri:ed;that.'tliiq lied been ,:t sevsre • snow a typo replied I..liti-the- o;l4Ye . . , i:‘!`4:SliPPO!M t : ;11 d ;Ow .ge, tidemai! yemiit (Es ys4., Ww,gamthshirei.l "OlobiyrosSeil.;-=:."this' o(herYhin g: MI