ilargains Bargairis. 'Cherar qpng fp ?.. Cceoh. - The suliscribers, desirous of-reducing air stock ortferchandize, off:r it at reduced prices fol. 'Cask Their entire stock of ," ' • '' BROAD CLOTHS, ' Cassimeres, - Salinelts, .I . lferiooes; an . • k.els, 47c. will be sold at it yer dinvice: personi as are desirousof obtaining g ai.gains will please tall at the store of ..• : - ' }II it & MIANANIC: N. B. The entire ateck aferehantlize Will be sold a bargain to any one wishing to engage in the btisinessi if application be made intmediately. Deo. 9, 1840. ' ' • Cheap *Shut-els: 't he Subscribers have on hand n' large asiorttnent of Cashmere, Thibet, Merino, Brocha, Chenille and titheeliads of Shawls,. which '.they . 'will - sell at a small advance for Cash. firm-En &. fULVANT. .rtir • Cloth, Caps. A A good assortment of Fur and Cloth Caps.will he bold'eheap at- the store of • 111TNER O.I7ILGI.N.'h Lace Goods A large assortment of 'Thread Lace mid Edgings; Cambric nod gwiss Edgings and Ilisertings, for 'sale at rcdneetrptices at the store of • • - .11ULV4NT. jr(JT RECEIVED at the New Store "Er in Shipptaisburg, English - ,_German linsl French MERINOES, and for sale by ARNOW ; &_ABRAMS. ALL COLOURS' OE CARPET OHAIN, Poi sale at the New, Store in Shippeaalirg, by ARNOLD & ABRA:HS. UST- RECEI VED and .flow offered for sale at 01 the New Store in Shippenihurg, a handsome and splendid assortment of Plain, NV tiiteand Broid eriti Merino Shawls. • ' ARNOLD 84 ABRANIS„ PLAIN AND FIGURED NOUSEL4N 'DE I..A.l.NS;offerect for tAle. by . , • ARNOLD • • .1 Lot • For Sale. , . Bnl;scriber wishes to - sell - at Prlvate Sale, Lot oit - Grolood;. situate on the corner of North and Pitt streets, con --taining.-120-feet-eoplizityl - a-very-dcsirable Lot for building on ROSS LAMBERTON Corneae, Nov. 25, 184.0.---tf. _;.. IO.TI~. . - - Those --wiry-know--theinattives-to-be-inelebtell-to the aubseriber, are respeetrully re - quested to call and settle their accounts between this date mid the Ist • of January 1841, as it is absolutely necessary that all . outstanding accounts should-be settled by that• time. The Hardware , business is carried on as usual at the Old Stand;-where the piddle are requested to cull for any article ;tube subscriber's line of business.. -- . JACOB SENEf.• Carlisle, Nov.'2s, 1840.-3 mo. Balm - of Colum.ka. • ."-. British-Consul's Dike, Z , • Philadelphia. • • NOW ALL PERSONS to whom these pros . .69.11ifl_Bittania_M4jeaty's Consul_ for' the-City of Philadelphia, do , hereby certify, That Robert Whar ton, Esej.ovho attests - to the foregoing Certificates, is Mayor of the City of Philadelphia; afid that Mat:. thew Itamiall,Esq., is Prothonotary , of Alit .Couri of - 'Common Pleas for-the city-and_ county' of Philadel phia, to bath: whose signitures; with the Seals of their ___-_respective ofileescilill faith and eiWilit is due.' ._...__Lfurther._cettify,..thati—am....personidly...actplamied, I With JoseplLLAtialis,one of the signers of the ctrti theajes hereunto affixed, which expresses the efftilicy of the Balm of Columbia, mid that-lie is a person'of great - respectability, and worthy of full faith and ow dit; and that I have heard him express his unqualifi ed' approbation of the effects of the said thJnt of Co lumbia, in restoring his hair. . Given under my hand and.seal of office, at the city , of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, the --• -United States-of-Ameriea.- • •.;;ILBERT ROBERTSON.. Pead the following • ROBERT WHARTON, 'Esq., lute .Mayor of --- Philidelphiailms - certifierl,ms - marlte - seen - below;o= • the high character of the following gentlemen. ' The undersigned do hereby certify that we have ' used the Balm of Columbia discovered by J. Old ' ridge; and have found it highly serviceable not only „ as a preventive against the falling.oll: of hair, but also n certain restorative.„„. ' Y W.M. THATCHER, senior,• • • • 'Methodist Minister in St. George charge, • .. • - No; 96 North Fifth at. ,JOHN INGLIS,S3I: - Arch - st. • D. THOMAS, M. D. 163 Race st. JOHN-:'S. FUREY, 101 Spruce st. . HUGH McCURDY, 243 Sruth 7th st. ' JOHN .yARH,jr., 123 Arch st. -- Tliirrrieil; an nil st iri wen ri g.•?.tv -• may:not always Vairerience• its restoratii e qualities; -1 yetlit will certainly raise itsvirtues in the estimation of the public, when it is known that three of, the a .,_—..Jacixesignera— °Lege, and. the 'others nut less than 30. • ' [ &ens the ..Ifrivor.] . • o :77 C.OIOI9:NWZAZTX,I 0E.PePt:411.94111A,? • , City of philadelphia. S • I”, ROBERT - WHARTON, Mayor of said 'city Of Philadelphia, do hereby certify that I am well ac quainted with Messrs. - J. P. I n glis, John S. Purer, 'and Hugh McCurdy, whose names are signed to the . .•-• above mi — fir fircrilliirt - they are gentlerr ter and respectability, and as such full be given to the ',Mid certificate: • . In whimsy whereof, I have- hereuntri-liet my hand, rt. ind-caused the seal of the city to be affixed, - L , the sixth day of December, &c. '' Romtarr WHARTON, Mayor. . . tiDRIDGES BALM OF COLUMBIA FOR ,Nl-1111•• H AlR..ltkpositive qualities are as ful rowei • Ist: For infint's keeping ,the-head free from scurf, , • and 0,116114'a luxuriant grimy* of hair. For,ladies after chil&lnrth, restoring the-skin its Asual _strength and firmness, and preventing the • falling. out of the hair. •• ' . 3d. .For, any. rierson,re.covering front , any debility; tbe 'tome effect is produced. • ' • • 4th. If used itrinfaney till a good growth is started; it may be preSor_ved by: atientinn to, the latest period • .kth. It, frees the head ..from dandruff, .strengthens the•rocts, imparte,health 00'00' tntheeirculation . and preVentitheitaiiledln chaaging , 'colont'ait.fet thA-011ses the.. hair' to '.curl 'beautifully crone lb - Rorer •' • • coeKa should everle made trlthont-it , — 7th. Childeenzwho Merely ally means contracted vermin in Iktrhead, are itamediately and perfectly: curettOfthemby its use, infalitble.-• . roe'rUle - Itt - tRe - drug4tore- ofConisbukA-Coiiii Fletcher erect near Pearl, and in Garnish, by "Stn.. *ettgutils,Piidsle. ,cbrfcLustron pitoora,- ' ttf diebffslcy of Cekbritted fear Sir.-4 was afflicted A witlixhiliops and ner • "fous.tlisease,tlk,a.,:qq_Plmripg, degree, with all.,the Itt , 'Ptolon'wnich so 'frequenllX.effect`'F nelazed con ition, viz: , icidiness the:heridololent tremors, fixed _pain, in' the right side, cora in p lAgti 'btor,'"ited - coallvenete, rwas m i sorphlo'Oonditiori,. .1 hid tried' Many remaies„, Buffotiad.'no"pareilinent'relier,pntil I. bid lit:libel:id • De:llirlich's COmPolind i Strengtliephitim - dgeripio ', • ApptlOit Pills, which (ram stmertoriirtPes, was miMplctely e ettred;and 1111!..f.)ny cm.; - fil - OUnsat, i trec, roni pion prWcrtie: , " • (stii,eo) . N BOLES.? 11 ".94:?4 1 4or tot the totted Stalei,-ikt. 19 Alsb; ror,pple by - 3."3..blyeriAt. Co., 'lrrpc,N9),4l:ippensburg, Pa. Anee.10.64•0•--4( "ma 'l'. 8.--A repoV;t has been circulated that not intend to - contintie the—ensulnri spring, we therefore would acqiiaint the public that we have leased. the store-liotisc,.Which we now occti -pyi for-thc-tei:m•of- four--yeaer:,-.Ality-this , clieek-the slanderous-tongue Of those Who seem to devote all. their• attention to spell bliseMid degraded acts: Dec. 9, 1840. • A - RGA. INK! . • sonthp - inzer I;indatter, At their New Store in Centreville, have:just re ceived and are now opining a very large and splendid assortment of BRITISH, FRENCH and DOMES TIC • -- which have been Selected a ith mach care in the cities of NEW. YORK and PHILADELPHIA,und which they respectfully invite the citizens of COutreville and vicinity to call and examine, as they will be ena bled-to please, and sell decided ly cheaper than any other establishment ,in the county. They will be happy at all thneito see customers who are desirous of having New Cheap, and Good Goode: Among. their stock; wlll he found - Blue ; Black s llrown4lGreep; Olive,Cadet;3fulberry-i-Oahliat,cit ron,Llaret,3lixt.:Obhopd.R.-YlirjAy_ol low priced _ Superior striped and plain London nail Biickskin Cassimeres, premium and low priced Sattinetts; su perior Silk, Satin, Velyet, Valencia, Corded, Strip- . ed, Figured and Plain Miirseilles and Cassimere Vesting& A general assortment of all qualities and. colors. ql• „ • . • • A W nd- iO Go tti ods, suitable for Gentlemen's wbar. Superior Black Italian Lutesteings, Gros De Nnps, Po De Swns, Gros Do•Siviss, and Senshaw Silks, Chulleys, Chint zes, Jacconets, Canibrics, Bobbinetts,Plain wired Swiss, and Book Meant's, Shawls,. Dress liantikerehiefsi'seartsilrellS - , - ilib,bgns;"&c:. A large..and excellent assortment of fine find low Dpriced Calicoes, Trish, Table, Towelling and, Table iaper,. Crash Muslim, Tickings, Checks, Cords, Beriverteens, Eo'C., A general assortment stf Leghorn and Stritw' Bonnets, !Umbrellas, Parasols, &o. Also, an extensive assortment of • Groceries 4lid•Queensware • oro.e._mekst'apprcared Qualities The ptiblic_are spectftilly . invited to call and jttl,te far theinielies vs they are determined to sell cheap for cash or , conntry ERN KEEPERS are resP ectfully l i gite l S e . V to and examine their . stock of-Liquors before purchasing else Where, • . Centreville, Cym. Co., October. 14,1-840. Th - e subscriber that well kncali, huze and corrrenient house; Tor many years, eccupied by Christian- i llumrich, and more recently by otters, as a - - - IrefiVEAMPe! MO USE: . Tlfe -- Itonie - is - Ternifeketletl — calculated --- for - enter= I taining BOARDERS;. there-being-three . stair-ways, and Fire places iu,most of the rooms. The situation is vely.pleasent.tind desirable, being on the noith ,West corner of Hanover. and 'Lowlier streets; while, i for conveniences, it excelsony other house in thebo ' rbugh or codntry. - It possesses the unusual advents,' ges of 12 rooman the first - floor,12: rooms on the second, and 4 rooms on the,.third floor. . Tii , o-i , vells • .of water; (one at the front door 'on Louther street, 1 with a pump - therein; the:other in' the ,yard at the kitchen door;) ffCiatern made-to contain. eighty-five hogsheads; large and convenient stabling, with ciir: riage house and sheds; large and excellent : garden attached - to the buildings; besides many convenien -1 yes not specified. For particulars enquire of :. ^.' -, CHRISTIAN -HIMIRICH, ' Carlisle, Nov. 2.5, 1.439.,--tf‘, :. . ~. 11111C 1110Uld • WAYNE'S . comiimotd S'yruji: of Prunus Vireinianct,oF' - 'Oll4 .:::"'ChePry;fitt ,- (ltingliCeelthrAttlfintel;Stilltittref, • Blend, Soreness' pf Throat, .Whooping Cough, and . all thseases indicative Of consumption.;t: •-• DELAYS' AUE DANCIEROW."SO it , ls:with those who neglect their:colds and cough. At first you complain, of having.n cold, which is neglected; oftee,. which a, soreness experienced in, the, Bronhhia, with a hacking cough, and finally the. disease', settles upou. the lungs, which' the patient will.soott perceive by wasting away of the body, attended 'with hectic fe :sent and_ardttiogstpLofilsrid blood and mutter 'from ulcers On,thelungs ; kpitin'end weight - Is also expe: rienced,st the .affected part of:the-lungs; .the the fttec 7; tions of thennimeteconomy:grow languid; ,the body, becomes, dry;• the eyes sink deep : into , their cavities{,' at length Ihe patient pays the debt At( natty:p p , when' he is flattering himself with, the liopesi.,4:a Speedy: recovery., ,17,e's ehtriste itll Ahote,distreesinteretP7,, tome'spsre".no,time_lnTroeuring .the ebeve,itivalua: ble medicine 'at, the; ieri-,commenceMent: • ef ;Our. totfls,and coughs ; vherehy your health ' May t .lte-Ite; cured.a4time.entt money ' For sale by Dr, J.. 3. Ilyerirk; • .C4:';Caelleki. tied Peal, Slat ppensburg, 1:100„2; I gpw7,3k. ; 111170 1 sr 011111$ imp vy To ronuiie, thiscitemPlerma find ditilteiouti ,inhabitantp of the itorhaeh anditoweTii; WWI) so ofte n impair thhtietileb.ind destroya!tlifillyei of children, ,uselcyleia TOnieVeintifuge,ii eet airttindogle ,pre., paration cMheretnoVal of di ..-variouiikindiikriArnis,' ,dyapepsli, sour etornaah, want' - of . appetite ;•• _foyer and ague, and dibility tittle amnia and bow. ,els, and4organc of digestithil'citbehad at No. - 20 South Ithirelitreet hidadvlphia.: Mani° be had'of s3,antuetr l lliolt And StetitniOn 041 binkle ' • [mart e - • • "" ' iv - • • LE: rfrrg R S ism Ari A e .Esto' 4tittliwalter,late of•Weetpetimit borough tqwnship, deceased, have this day been granted to.theardiscribee , residing kn.sajil township .Notice is herby 4ivett tor all persons indebted to 'estate to 'Milt:. Immediate payment; and. thine having. riciiil7estate•toTpresent -them properly authenticated for settlement. • • • ISAAC LEFE ItE, Adiu'r. Den. 8 iO.--"Gt . • The two Story Slone I louse, occupied b'r the sub-: , sOrilier. on East street: Ctirlisle, with the Lot of Ground 90 feet front on said street, and extending 250 feet baCk, to the Letart spring. There is a Stone Stable, n 'Carriage House; and a well of the premises. The Whple, property is enehised by ti, substantial stone wall. For further .particulars'apply apply to . , It. C. HALL. Cat lisle, .1840. ' t c-p - L.O OK -HE NOW„ , FO R. BARGAI =I LINDMIU to- ,Slaippensbitrg, ARNOLD & ABRA MS, Are now nt their Store, a large and - moat splendid maim-um:fit of zfulc and .If 7 ;it ei. oi). which they Will sell at finch ,prices_ as cannot fail to sust..purchasers i being determined to sell cheaper thaniian.be_ found ,elsewhere in the state. Their stock - Consisting in part•of the folloisingarticles,di¢: Black, Irne, lii.tran, Olive Green, Invisible Green,. .4.lulberrvi Steel-,nixed, E? Cadet mixed • Broad ClOths •• • Black, Blue, Striped, a nd Drab Casfiniares; Blue' Green, , Dral) and• Stet.l-mixed Cassinets; Prussian Blanket and M erino -Shawls,:-I:landkerelliecs i .Sce. Also a large assoynnent of.• . . . . . Queeriiiwa:re, iiattlmaie; .Groce •• tics; TAquoi* &c: --- would invite the public to •cal „and examine "I:airbeoi tiheap goods, and if goof goods, low prices and exertion to please will have any eirect,7 we feel confident that they will not go away without leaving- oftlie-Ready-/?ino.—' - • . . N. - 8. 1 Con t Prorlrrct of'ail kinds will betke in 'exchange for Goods, at market 'price.. , G(rODS, Vt.b(DKIIMta,4 , AtiliffaCal • - - :k ' Ay lilM: ; : • ~ • VitKrARTNERSTIP. THE undersigned have formed a co-partnership under the firm of J. M. Bs G. W. BROWN, for the purpose of transacting a General Commission and Forwarding Business. We world give.notice, that we have taken the spa-. CIOU£I Fire Proof brick Wirehouse, situated on The smith .west corner of Broad and Vine streets,where we are prelim ed to receive find forward Merchati dize, and reecho and sell, all , kinds of country Pro duce. '-. We i•eipeetfolli solicit a Attire of the public . ronage; J.. M. .BROWN, of Franklin Co. • nntl of the late fit'tit of Agnew, Maettrilyak Bt•Owtt ' Blt OWlstiof Harpers Ferry, Va • ' .REFERICKES. • - . C o ; . 31cLanallault t Caleb Cope & Co; J. & A.'Wray ; •Georgo . Handy -& Co ; C. Houston & , Co: • • • ' . • • • - - - - - - . Lavader IC W. Sample; Capt.' John Steele; S. Sinith Patterson; J.. B. Ferree. flarrisburg.-ThanioE,s I Inut, Henry:"Buelder.,,. • - Varlige:—Geo:A.Lvon,lVm. teonard. ...Veroville.—Willtain Barr. r, • ' 'nankin: Co.--. George Chambers; 'David] Fuller ton; Jarnes Campbell; John IVI'Dowell: • Pite.ibierg.—Murphy'St Chamberlain. Washington C0.—.11, S. &D. White. ' Bedford co.-James Agnew. Bagerstoven -- liarpor'sFerry, Va.—:G. B. Wager; E. Lucas, Jr, pet 28, 1840.-6 t WHOLESALE St RETAIL coppei . ; Sheet. Iron, aitd, Tin Ware AtIrrir.LOTOP47. The subscriber effersfor sale, at his shop, in North flanover street Carlisle, next door to 'Wm, - Leon ard's. store, (or will manufacture at the shortest no, tice).the following articles, to wit:. - COUPIP/21111 OtPLtaklia ) STOVES of all descriptioits, • assortnieht; %Offal' he will sell lowei-Alinn ever;for Cash. 'lle alio'bf fera for sale any 9nantity.of Stove Pipe; _ • for wood and coal; rill - sorts of_ . Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron fra such s Wash cit . ! e les; Drum's, Dripping rims, llouse Spouting, /Ste.; all of which he will sell on better terms than usual. • • Carlisle,Bctpt. 13; 'TORE - 4 ING MACHINES With, alilligon 7 s 'improveil Patent horse Pro:aver: - "" • HE _great encouragement heretofore received ___:.froin_the'sale of his machines, induces him to of fer to the public a' Pew and improiad Horse Power, which can be shifted in gear or out of gear by keys, and shift the hand to give it five ditTerent revolutions. And he has no Iresitation in assuring the Farmers that he is now able to furnish them with an-article far su perior to those manufactured heretofore. .For speed and clean threshing and ease to the horses, he Be lieves hisir.achines to be unequalled; - His price is $l.lO--seventy dollars to be paid cash, and the balance in six months, for which-a ndte, will be'reqUired with interest: Any person purchasing ranchineand upon a faia trial, not. being pleased, can r_e_turn- :-He will at-all -timed - be:yeady_te - furnish them on the shortest notice; orders from tf-distanee will also repair machines on the shortest notice. . WILLIAM B MILLIGAN.. News-Pie, July 29, 1840.--tf. BANK NOTICE. . vv-[IEREAS the ,Carlisle Baiip 4 , , Fund Society, will expire in liff43. Notice is hereby given, _agreeably. to.the.constitution_and lawvoLrennsylva". ma, that the stockholders of said institution intend applying to the next Legislattirb ... of the Common-. wealth for a renewal of charter, change of name, style and title to "Cumberland Valley Bank," increase of capital and general discounting and banking privi leges, al Lunder - such - restrictions -ns-the -Legislature - may direct: The Above institution to .be continued in Carlisle, Pa. „ JOHN J. MYERS. . , Aug. 190.8 , 10-6 m. - . - - Va riety Store, &c. F r HE subscitibee, thankful for past favors, respect fulty 'informs the-public that he, still continues ' .td!'/told firth" in Church- Alley,-nearEducation Hall," where he has now on hand a large assortment Pnotionivconsisting hi part, or.thefollowmg: Bread, .Cakes,__Cheese, Bacon, Hams,,Flonr, Soap, Cider, Spices, Fruits; Sweetmeats, mid other necessaries c ilculated' for - this:meredfan.' RI-le also continues to ktep an Eating Iltuye,.. where . mtlenten can be a,caommodated. with Tripe,' attlieshorteif notice. - • • JACOB / 81EG. ' 7 - _ - SePt. - ,9, - 1 84(hr-71 year. . Produce Wanted Ini(m - ediately. will be paid for yIVE THOUSAND bar rels of Flour; TEN THOUSAND bushels of Wheat; TEN THOUSA.ND/Intsliels of Rye, and TEN THOUSAND bushels of Corn i , by the. subscriber, who can at all tithes be found - at his Ware -house on he cantalfetwe - eicWaltintimil StateiffieTs. ' • OWEN M'CABE Harristint, April 1, 111.10.-;-tf EDGE' TOOL • zazzreakaguivirro . The subscriber hereby informs the citizens of Car lisle, and the public generally, that he has tnken the shop nearly oppositelhelJail, Where.he will be pre pared to manufacture to: order, on the most reasona ble terins; any article in his line erbusiness, such as • Axes, NMI!, Picks.; &c. newill also attend to Steeling, and grinding Axes: He solicits a Aare of public patronage. ' JOHN HARRIS. Carlisle, Nov. 5, 1840. • • DR. PARIS' SOOTHING. SYRUP. „ , . llosp many'Mouaands - of Little Children4Wannuagy from thetfectelf-Profracted-Dentifibe.-------- ' It requires no argument• to, convince you that all ""Little, Children' suffer sooner or liter frdiri theef fecti of Teething, which 'their kind protectors nifty pemive trod, the , following symptoms. Rest lessness, sudden fits of crying, fretful, feverish, arid deeps but little, thrusts its fingers into itsMenth end bites, thereby, seeming to' obtam relief, frequently at tended With miugh; difficulty 'Elf breathing; ,bowel complalbt, Inflamniation of the eyes, and sores be hind the ears, convulsions; ibc. Those who have the are iethefee!.'little-AfifeliniliiititilTn-Oei-lie..itithout "Dr.ibarlei Celebrated American for Childree , Ctltting Teeth, hy, which' they can pre-, Vent many alarming symplomawfileknflen prove flt= • . Thousands ofmothers and mufti can lestify.tothe immediate effects of this invaluable qytup, when ay plied ,to the aqms, ;Jr Knbild OOP in. its gulets„. the, Syrup wheri , . applied', gives immediate iate eaeq by"oPening4kiperes' . andhealing the gums, thus, imeieatng.convalsion,.Bo..Jf happiness and pnoyenc ofthiy.Atil,proteetors: - ; Remem m er, alt, the ; oiionAelaielron!y,ph*ln,rh)lidelOiawiidre. Oh(ApppeineAwn obtsrieT4la 4,4140)61 tlfr 14!,North,Eititttt the "wintry. 4 ~. • .04 OJ. Mye r s Co. ,P,iliekl4 op,Ad ,W Peal; SOO -00 ... • gWPO..• Brazilletto D ',P 71411 0 7 %. ---146 earogua, age), adder • Aliim Lao inviii;alo vitoa. Coppers .p itolitOVludititeo l l n lo ig n7f il "3t th il above will be cold &iv h nt " Tin:l ..:.:; ME 1M BEL KEEXEY. August 5,1840. • • . --- The India,:Pegetable Pills. - Are a purgative medicine, so natural to the human, constitution, and withal so mild, and pleasant in their operation, that .not the slightest dread of pain or need be. apprehended from their use, e en by the most delicate: nt'the same time,-if used,s such a manner_ as to Operate freely by die. bowels ; those morbid Kuma r -a, (which deposited upon the variou s parts of the body are the cause of every ache or pain we suffer) will post assuredly be ,xemoveds and, mkt only will-pain, or distress of ever description be dri ven from the body, but disease,,M any form will be ire possible. / For the same reason, hen, from the sudden chang es of atmosphere,7l other cause, the perspiration is checked, and those tumors which should pass off by the akin, are thro inwardly, causing headache,nau lean, and sickn,pe, pains in the bones,•watery and in flamed eyes, sore throat, hoarseness, coughs,consump tion,rheumfitic pains in various parts of theliddy,and many other symptoms ofcatchingcold, the Indian veg- I et - tilde:4'llls will - inyiriablygive - immediate , relief Three or four pills, taken at night oti going to bed,aud rpeated a few times, will remove all the above un pleasant symptoms,and restore the body to even soup = der he alth than before. Thelndian V_egetable_Pills,(lndian Purgative) are Il natural ,iind therefore a certain-cure for Costiietiessi liecause they cleanse the stomach apd bowels of those bilious humours, which not _only paralkze,and weaken the digestiie organs, but are tbe.cause of headache,' nauseati and sickness,' palpitation of the heart, flying pains in - various parts of the - body, _und _many other disagree/04 complaints. Tile same may be said of difficulty of breathing,er.astlima ; the Indian Vegeta? ble Pills w ill-loosen and carry 'off by the stomach and bowels, those todgh pleglimy liumeA which stop tip all air cells of that - lungs, and are thedause of the above . . " Alloway, May 5, 1838. dreadful complaint. . ' • . . Thia'may certify, that I have been engaged in put- In all disordered motions of the blood, called inter .. ting in S. B. Ho.wd's -_east irop, direct action water, _mittent,remittent, nervous, inflammatory and putrid _Wheel,,both,in the State of New York and . in Miclii-1 JEEVERS,_theLlndian..VegetableTillswillLbe founttl gan, and can give it as my decided opinion that with a certain remedy; because they eleanse the stomach 8 feet head or under, rightly put in, it will do more l ' and bowels of all bilious matter,and purify theblood ; busitiess with the same water Otte . any, other water ' . consequeptly,as they remove (because of ever): kind wheerihich I havolet had any., experience in,And in of disease, they , are absolutely certain to cure every reference to back water, is second Lest to none that A,;;•• , kind of ever. . . have yet tried. In reference to guarding against ice; 7":"'"' - • . I Sophie' when morbid humors are deposited Upon., there cap be no better operation, and it is very easy. • 'be, kept in repair. _ - . , la.:One's flair Tohic.We meet •at :almost every; l lim i rnemlimrie and muscles, causing those pains,' in- to •••"' '' ' . corner, when perambulating the streets, men weal and swellings called Rheumatism, Gout, STEHEN AMES, • 11 , 1 / 1 1 'rtiltas t . long and glossy hair, which they seem , to be proud: &o.; the Indian Vegetable Pills may be relied, on as ot, and odiers-who have raised, in a few.weeks, a crop,. always certain to give relief, and if persevered with, ' . ' . Alloway, S. t 3 1888 'i of black moustaches,' that would vie with the glossiest , will most assuredly, and without fail, make a perfect ' • This may certify that I haye had in my Mill one of bruin that ever walked the forest. it has'puziled us cure of , the above painful maladies._ From three to Mr. Howes direct water wheels for the space of one I-of •Indian Vegetable Pills, ' " to know , 'he secret •Of all those wondrous crops of six said year. It is a five feel' wheekand I have had a- r : r hairf.but , blessra. SANDS, 79 d 160 Pulton,stre6t, on going to bed, llon a sort time, completely rid ~action in the sanieplae , e;--, , I have alio had Wheeler's nave . got the,remedy, where all l who,_ are , curious t in the body of all mOrbid and-Corrupt' humors; and Union 'Wheel, yet Ithink Mr.•Howd's will do morel luch Bleu adieu, Gout a 1 • fey d • tion will Mattera may. learn, ava uable aecre . . • ew . m .. . inc . pain o cry escrip , , , dpiappear as if by magic.. • ' business with lessyater than any other I -have tried. York Inikr- • It doetiwell-in -back water.' I have had from sto 6 Sold in philadelphia at 20 South Third Street I It shotild be remembered that the Indian Aregetatle• , feet head-. I think we could do as much work with - • . Pills are certain to remove Pain - in the, aide, 'oppres half the; water as we used to do with the undershoot • • Sion,neausea and sickness , tos appetite, costive.. 11DORINOIPAL • REASONS-WHY DR. ileasa.ellew tinge of the skid d eyei, and every n a Iteration...ln niv. mil Lie„Lie„ ' wheel 'i lvilieh-hall 1419"lee i2AW a lt E,Ncr, 411 7 ,1'y. , e. - — IIASLIEWS - t•COMPOUND--STRENGTH•-.L-other-symptim -of-Liver-Camp 7 i , .t..because...llter. ENING and GERMAN APERIENT PILLS are purge,from the body these corrupt and. stagnant !lu nged by all , classes of people i in preference to other more which, when deposited upon thq.,LiVeqnre the- Medicines. , s 1", cause,ef the above dangerous , coMplaiht, They are I BECAUSE they are prepared from a puresqtract . also a certain preventive offipnlexy and sudden death; '-ofherbs, a-wholesome medicine, mild in its operation Because they carry off those humours Which, obitriicv And pleasapt in its effetsts—the mosteertain preserVer ,ting thb circulation, ;teethe cause of a Atilt; 'ottletet4 ~ ,of health; ti2stife and effectual cure of DYSPEPSIA . mination of blood tol die head--giddiness especially or INDIGESTION, and,. all Stomach .ComplOttta, a . on Intaiiie suddenly round--blindness---drowsiness i preserver arid purifier of the whole system. ', --lose oh memory-- T hillamnation of the brain...7in .. • -Because they soothe the nerves of sensibility and „: sanity, and e.terfother disorder of the mind. • , fortify the nerves of motion, imparting to . :their moist ' ONE WORD TO; THE SEDENTARY. • subtle fluid its pristine tone, thutigiving strength oud ' ~ Those whitfrom habit oroccripation,iiiekept much clearpesit of mind. • - ~ .. , ' , , . , within doors, Adult! remember . that-they frequently • Because ,theY never destroy 'tiffe'Cosits of thi Edo- - breathe an atmosphere which is wholly • unfit for the mach and bowels as all strong purgatives, do. , , ..' prnper eXpapsion ol the lungs, and at the same titne,, '• .: Beeause)Mieeeehemlexpermnce-leach us that no , :owlogto.wafitefexereitse,the bowels erenOtsufficietit ; mere' p urgative alone will mire . the_ diseases. of ;the ' ly evacuated -- the blood becomes' impure, and head -1 Storintetand Nerves: 'Weakness lithe PriMarycater ache; iedigostion,,palpitaticin of the , heart, and road, Oft - host of dlieases,and, by continuallyresortinglW.,PtherdiSagreeable symptoms, are - sure to follow. 1 .. DRASTIC purgatives, you,ma lie thudiseasc much• : • --•, -• TIU,, INDIAN: VEGETABLE-.PILLS. --: worse, instead of better. '' • ' - . ' ... Being a cleanser - of the stomach and bowela,and A ',ai -1 ,Because Dr. ifarrseh's Medicines are put tip upon, rent purifier of the Mobil, are certain ; not only to ee:.' 'the commonlienseprinclplei!lo clause and strength- move Pain ordistiesiof eferykind froin the the body,' : ensrWhlali •1 1 •00-ohlireOuriartio parrs! toceffeof St bat if , sed'etseasionnllyiacuatelto)keep the body free cu r e; . buitiki ; ~ .I,'-.,4 ~,,,,,,..-. ir..12. . i• „, ; .. ,r: ..•,. frointlioselmmors ..Whichtde.„ the cause of every male-. ••-,, ;Bo ca * these medisdpetteerallido CUHE the : lk:: ,:0 7 unakr.h l imep; they will most assuredly promote eases for. filch they recommended. 4 :", -• ' ..','• rsualia'3Ust and equal" Mreulation otthe blood,'that ' PRINCIPAL' 01 7 1 4 10 E for theDnitedßtates;likle. , .those Who :lead a 'sedentary. - life, Will he enabled to 49;'Nalth'Ellthar street-4 1 ! Pck.lo ll .o 6 t"-•.;'•'i ' • •.•.- : „ chicly, sound health; and diseasa of any klnd,Fot - he .1. 4 ' • o:l o ,The above named me 'ea are for sale ifthe 'thsolutelliraposilble, ', / . ..-. • - •,, . - ,Drug, Store ' of,lo//./V" .f.''' . AS"4.# ;CO.;' Car-' • • For sale by ',`,.---- ~ . -- • . , "1. : •-, ,, f •••/,-- •••••;-• ~ lisle, and William Peal, Shlppeniburg.,!l•” • i:-::•.• ; ,•• •.:•• , -. ~" I::: -.•-• .' , ) - i.? 2. CHARLES: • Ifii , " - if•: • , Apdat the atom ef:Al. Keefer, nitirlibiltin:D Decoct ' - •,,. „, ~ ;^ ~t ; ,'..,' a : ... ',.,:, 7,E ‘ , f . ,..: , } .00., Jkikent 'Sc' Rimigardner,Yorkt, and Win.Mathiqt;Coiumbia; ' or' 011ce and:pCtieraiDettottitA: l 4 9lll - hiet . Pa.. - ,: ,„- -• • •-- ' • • .f,January 8, %MO. - t'hlfidelOda. • ''•:•i'-'''' -'• 't , • ate ihti; 44 ' ~' "': '' ' ' I ^' .' 1 • '.„ .—:.: : ;,,,';',''''!.'..,.; `'''. ',/ '`.' , ::4it 4fr:Y "..*•+'.f. -,:'?. ,',' , • joyons, Sept. 3,1838. Thfir niay eektifyi that' we have used one of S. Howd'e - patent water WheelsAince.December side=thG of-a re-aotion , : wheel, and we think that •Ilowd'i will do 'double the business. with' the same water that the re-action will do, or vary. near. We we,ver have but three feet hetid„ and can grind with that eight bushel "per hour: We ere isibleet to batik- Wheel will do atigood: Wiliness under biek-Water airthaetion weireciornmend it to the attehtion - and patrofiligt;:tifthiipublie.: , SIMON .BURT-T, .• • - • MILES,: S. LE/aCH. • , , W • WM • 44 W ii.l 1448TRESS1 1 1 .11 rYight - is agent for above mentioned . watei•!lo_ in the , eountieiltbf Datiphin;CAniberlatid - and ,- itericiandvilt at all times littrAady to atteind - to iheiriulle and eree:: tion itt. the shirtest notiee,Ay • aildiesidng . him At Sheidiettlidtitin;cntithArliind lsOttut7 I IN.' . April 8;1810. I)6 i n '4o9lll:3[Se , .48! toed to Coribtleinie I.lll,4ltekilotorer, Ip'.the:.itraotief:Att ouid Colonel Veried*Hottil. 'Persons queiAlog ft, will be waited uppn, at their rex ' iht. - GionateD;Foirt.ine, '• TALr: '!`'` ,erTt° ' • Bell Mu tlt • T •- • • cat:lLlne,ofrreight Cars, . • ' ' • • • : • . '• • • • • : . • • , 41124141 - 11164=40433/0 1 % . • ; lIIIIILAIEPVIAPIII4.4'I II IIILAIEPVIAPIII4. 4' • ~. .•:. .THEsubseriber,gratefulror past fOifors,reepeCtful ly,ticinahits his friends and the tiablio; that lie hits Ott' Into' op6iitioti otirthe Ha'rrisliurg, Latictiater" ••• X1.4411' ifous4l:l4.- -a line‘of new DOUBLE CABS,Wliith .will run regu lady. between Harrisburg and Philadelphia, by iamb -Goods and Produie"of all (leioriptionie will beret:mar,: ded with . .care . and desPatelt; at the lowest - rates of freight.. i, • Goods will be received at the, ,1 1 V arenouse of THOS. J. MAXWELL, N. E. coiner' Of Broad and-Vine streets;. Philadelphia, and forwarded: to Harrisburg; - Carlisie, - Chatubctisbut; - and - -- intermediate '-places; by the subscriber. - OWEN M ' C ABE. Harrisburg, Feb. 5,1839.- , . 0;:r-FISH, SALT AND PLASTER, constantly on hand'. Cash.phidfor :almost all kinds of country pro . ilite'ehanies . " • . . - Fo* I " 'l 4 fa r • . . , Beliveen Allechatrieoblirg ' Philadelphia or n'allimore. [BY RAIL ROAD`:OR C,LVAL] fill.HE subscriberU grateful for past favors, beg leave to inform their friends and' the public, generally, that they still continue to tun a line of burthert Cars regularly between - 11fechimiciburg and .PhilitilelPhin or - Baltimore, by which goodii.nod pro duceiTall descriptions be forwarded with' care. and despatch at:the lowest rates of freight. Produce will by receiVeirat their Ware Houses' in.lllMchaiiiesburgi and forwarded to either Philo- delphia Baltimore I according to the: direction of the owner. .(." The highest prie will lid given foe-wheat Mid Flour T-- • • , • , •DRESBA CH N. B. Plaster of Paris and Salt always. kept on hand, awl for sale at .the lowest prices.. • , . : ' • Cr,lig, ilellas, 15' , " CO. '•• .. . .... ~......_ . • COIIIIItISSION - A FORWARD' ' ' ~. ING MERCHANTS, . • • Have removed to the capacious Warehouse recently occupied liy, D:teciji tireo: - M - the - ririttli:w oitebrio :of Cherry mnil - Broad.strecti Phitidelphin.:--- - . -- Fro thefacilities_Which the location find internal_ arratigentetirofTilthrtleportiffork - 30 - ttr4o Dortheff .Cars can be ncedmitiodated to unload and load ht the - same time with iufficient room to store 20,000 barrels of Flour, and 400 - to 600 ton of Grain exclusive of the forwarding department -, - . •..-- .. .. - Produce. of every ' despri ptiorryY ill . be Reel - yeti as ,usual, ow consigpments, andliberatadvances made on 1 receipt (if required) until sales are effected. ... • - • - ' CRAIG, BELLAS . 8t Co. • • North . ..vest-cornet-of Cherry-Scelirond st.-- Philadelphia. ._ • ... •.. . • . , °. • ' REFERENCES: — . .', • • W. , -S: Cobean, Cashier. . ' • . . - , . . Henderson &' Parker, t'ar'ss e • t. Henry Rhoads, • . Satlialcrson & Iltisscrrnan, • ' i Jccob S woyer, Neurville. David.Neyin 2 Shippensburg. J. Logan Smith,Esq. Cashier 3 c .... i. . i &. EyAter, Hutz Co, manwersearrg. i • • ' Robeid Fuming; , 1 , , . Cntherwood &Craig, - ' Philadetp.Ata' Wm. IL Thompson & Co. Withal' Be Brown, _ ' . • . - _ • _ - :IMPORTANT-TO-MILLERS MANUFACTURERS. , _ . Jayne's 1144 ( Toqic.--We have, heretofore, num . • I bend ours es among those who believed that the • Ilowd's Improved Water Wheel-.l,lhirPropie, prepared-b by Dr. Jayne, was one of the , many muck nostrums whose virtues are never seen TUE Subscriber having purchased of tbe. original' beyond the fulsome puffs of. their atithors. , We are Patentee the right of the above Water Wheel; willing, at length, to make public acknowledgment of for the state OfVennsylvania, will dispose of individ- v tlie error of our belief. • An intimate frirnd, some two ual rights or counties on advantageous terms. ' T c l . " ~ or three months since, all the top of whine cranium water wheel has been fully tested and proved to b o : wasmtbald_as a piece.of . polished Marble, Maugre all, far superior to kind in - its - Tower of prop: --ino our - jesting and ridicule of the idea of attempting machinery,_ having a greater three than an other to cultivate so bdrrea a spot purchased a bottle or wheels in' proportion to the quantity of vvate applied. ' two of the Hair Tonic from Dr. Jayne,and according 1 o, lt is calculated to be more.. particularly . useful ,at ; to his directions applied it. During the present week rinills, having from two to eight fee -read and falli ' Me same friend ushered hititself into our_pregence,antl ...and-to greatly-obviate-the inconvenienoes-ex periedc— knicoveringlibiliitherto naked hea il, nstonisheirus with ed from back water. It is considered by those hay- ; a tliin,thougli luxuriant growth of hair, from. one to ing.them menaces one of the most important improve*: two inches inlength---upon the very premises we had ments that has ever been intrbduced for its simplici- i believed as unyielding to cultivation as the trackless ty,„strength, steadinestuotinotion and Aural:Oily. It i sand that skirts - file Atlantic.. This is no puff, but:is is constructed altagetli tof ironand not soexpensive religiousloree,and to those whO'doubt,the gentleman 1 to make or, an unde ot, and operating • with aboUt can be pointed out. What is more in favor of this half the water and of liable to be obstructed by-ice , "Tonic," the case here cited was not one of tempera- I in the winter. ' lie subscriber will devote his Olen- iry baldness—no sudden loss of the hair--but .was one 'tionto eallsth • these wheels at Inch places as may 7 olyeare - standing; though the the gentle - min is but 1 „ . be_requir 'a . , .. ; forty-five-years -o f- age.--Pldladelphia • Spirit of Me I • • . MICIIAtI. MSIATII, Har risburg.. 'I Th a n., - —. , [COrtr.] . /_Thisis to certify., that.l have-put in oneofllawdls 'Patent Cast Iron Direct Action Water Meets, in place of a Reaction Wheel - , that the. Direct Wheel does not flood the tail race-as much by three inches :'iis the-reaction Aid, and that I can grand seven bush els with the direct action wheel an hour, and drive ' IWo - run of stones, where leouldientgrind-fonrhush; els in theatime time with the R•eaction•and drive out run of 5t011C8., PETER FAHNSTOCK. 'Eutihrata, Lnii. co. Oct. 1898. . • --- 1 ..:. ' ,', ., -'!".' - i - i,,, .. ' 1 ~, Ell oe#lo,l. • • ails sOlooloori , ,grateful abknoWledintents'to-the; public for the dur ‘derpliberal share of patropage lie has rreceive d yast year . , 00 would • still continue AG:offer yfessmnal services in their various -brain- . ekes at hat4.esidetice; N.O'. 7; Hnrptr's Rew': lie files, :100 teeth; and inserts ,incorruptible i _tarker_metaliourtifiejalleethin_the...most appreved ;manner. Charges always moderate. . • • • H - " , • •• 'J: C: NEFF, Nl'. D. Carl isl e.; • . • 'Mew • Hardware, GroefTy,' .-11,111111 E Tr STOLtg FOE. subscriber Imo kist returned from the Cities of Neirrlrort.; Philadelphia' ttintßal timOrei and is'-now-opening his , store room'S. E. Corner of Nfarket.Square: and Main, Streets (for merly, ocenpled by, Geo. W. Ilitner,) a general as sortment of . ' ' , , ;HardyYZ,!e, Stone' • Ware,.. CedOt Ware ; , Brittania Wae, Gucci - h - s; Oils; . Paints, Varnishes,a,lase,,Brush- • • es; Whips; Cartes; Lamps for barning .Camphine. Oil, .aud a - great sariely . of articles useful and necessary' .for, furnishing and keeping ri•house. lie Wields°, and -otfluind' . :Campbine . Oil; ... 1 . 11 cheap and elegant. substitide for sperm oil; and having'beeriipponited .the•agent of Messrs. BackCri and Brother Of Newark N.. 1., far the sale oflone's Patent Lamps in this county, he is prepared, to fur nisli-Lampsand Oil, at a very• reasonable rate to all Who may tvish Pi use this new and ecortomicaßight. Having selected his goods himself, and made his purchases for cash, he is unq is determined to low the cas Carlisle, Jal3-1 Thrift! Win advantage to gi Ares !' air Tonic, For the growth, preservation ,atill" restnrntion'of.;the hair. excellent article, and has,.in nu merous instances, produced aline growth of hair -- Chiti - Ojidialibrpersons wlio hairbeettlialdfor years. ' ‘' - LADIE.S • ANn GE:rn.r.str.r;,--DO you wish elegtiet, luxuriant and beautiful hair I know you will answer yes. Hear, for one moment, th - e.cause - ef its loss, why it turns gray, rusty ankcoarse,liarsktind unpleasan in its•appearance, and Rally falls oft: Each hair has a root th the skin, and is itself a hollow •ttibe, through which there is a constant'circulation of fine blood.'-- .By.this. circulationr.theimir is. notuished_tuad held_ fast, its glossycolour is given and preserved, and it is covered with the finest oil. Nowanything which in jures the skin of the hall, orldiverts Whates away the blobil,from it',.wilkprevent or impede the eircula litrii-thirongtillit tubes of' the•liiiir;stOp its growth, antivautts it to full olior turn gray, or both: - Hence' it is that an cause that obstructs. or w6kens thercir -culation-of-blecul-threugh-the-skim-or-thattliverts- the ' blood to Other parts of the system, will take away the lively, fresh and youthful appearance of the hitir, ar- rest its growth, turn it gray soonor or later, and in. thotisands of instances cause preinature baldness. For sale by- . • S. and ' I • • . STEVIiNSON & DINIKLE, • . . -.Way 141 y • • Hair Tanic.--Wc colt the - attention_ of those of -flicted With premature baldness, to the'excellent flail Tonic - prepared by Dr. Jaye of this 'city.: linyiag used it ourselves, we can speak of its virtues by,,eXpe ,riePee, and we unhesitatingly pronounce it nyinvalu lable,rereetlyto_prevent the falling off of thellair,and to restore it from-a . dead, to a fi ne, 11411E11 appear-. t ance. • We can also,speak from persollnl knowledge, f of the cases of two or three friends/who were predis i posedio .baldness, who by the pie . of Jayne's Hair Tonic, have now luxuriant hail We have no dispo shion to puff,' indiseriinivately all kinds of remedies .for altiliseases Which fle,sh heir 'te, , fiut when we have tested the virtue '5 ' ~Pan article, we are free to say . etasgood:=-4-Satiiritilet.Eziemygßo . ... . . . / WAR ! WAR !. WAR I—The Wig makers Inife declared-hostilities against our neighbor Dr. Jayne; on account of his Hair. Tonic, which is knee fiig all their business into eqcoeked hat." Ladiesand &ell tlemen—old and 'young are flocking to, t a Doctor's standard. Heads load directed ofeven the rudi _Ments of liair;aff+ using his Hair .t6nic soon amear -with new and flowing-looks,-WhylitAbsalom himself might 'have envied. Beartliesa,bovs , ate , seen - with large and bushy whiskerl4 and ladies smile again through their own raven ringletsmore beautiful and bewitching than ever. /Bald heads are doffing their Wigs and throwing them to the "molts and the bats," 1 while the Wig cankers litimd..agbast as they behold the demolitionpftheir business. ~--, • . • — What will:be - the consequence of-thiswarwe-know notiaithe?wlggiesare-outrageousTand-the-Doctorre mains afro, and declares' that "some things can be dene,is well as othcrs,"and that bald heads may as well wear their oivnlair as that of others.—[Week 1 ly'NeipiOnger: ME casl,outwillfind it to their im a call. ' ' FIENRY DUFFIELD. 40.--if. IWitis'Miro Salaam of 11011EFIGUND.; •An unparalleled remedy for common Colds,Coushs, Asthmai - InfluMiii, , Whoopine'Cobgb, Bronchitis, and all diseases of the Breast and Lungs,leading to ConsumPtiOn composed of the concentrated " virtues of Horehound, Boneset, Blood Itoot,.Llt= erwort and , several other vegetable substanees.--- •Piepared only by J: M: WINSLOW; Bochester; . - • The innocence - and .universally admitted peetoral 'VirkieS; of the Herbs from which the'BALSA2II OF HORDHOUND Is made, are ; too. generally known to require recommendation; it. is therefore only Re-' cessary to observe that this medecine contains_.the whole of . their medical properties ; highly concentrat ed, and so liappily.cembined with several other Ve getable,substances; as torender it the most speedy, mild a nd certain remedy, now-in use, for the Cont.,. plsinti above mentioned.' • 'For. Children,tliatflalssinls Prinestiniable It is n speedy remedy for the Whociping Cough and Croup, dnd affords certain relief in Bowel Complaints, 'Mahe!, Teethia:6lSte. It is pleasant to the taste, and_ may-be - stifeligiven to the tenderest infant and should be kept at all tiines every . family, iris'much better: for. the complaints incident to Children, than Ira regori c, Gpd frey s Cordial, or the Cordials so com monly used, as hundreds in this City have testified. Read 'the following.—l 'hereby certify that early in the spring of 1838,.1 contracted a severe COLD, which settled upon, m y lungs,Mtil threatened n'hinty _ConsiimptioW:-..lused-severallireteriptions, but !oh.: Mined little or no relief; I was much alarmed.— Happening to be •ln 'Rochester, I was advised by my 'friend, Mr. Winslow, to try a bottle of his BALSAM or Honenotism : .I did so, :Ind to my " surprise oh-. tamed relief at once—and by the use of. that single honk- was 'perfectly restored to 'health. To those afflicted with Colds or Coughs, at this, inclement seastm; I say "go and do likewise." LEANPER CIJIPMAN. • " , Pittsford, Monroe c0., - Nov. 0, - 1835. Mr. John M. WitisloW, Druggist, • . Dear Sir: I have been for a series of years afflict etl with an affection of the Ltings, and a hard cough, and have many times arose .in the mor • g arcont pletely exhausted by excessive coughing during the I? it as a person would be by tv bard days labor. I In . e tried most of the popular remedies of the day, it neverfound relief until t met with your Balsam -of Horehound: 'All the otliPr remedies or palatives, :that I have used, leave the bowels_ in a congested state, whileyours leaves them soluble and free. This Teonsiikra greafilealderatum. 'taking a dose of your Balsam:when going to bed, I test quietly thrO' the night, and My sleep-is refreshing:lP take 'great pleasure in-recommending your. Balsam of Hore hound to all.-those afflicted with pfflinonary-com plainta or any disease appertaining to the lungs; and take this opportunity to thank you for the great r lief and benefit I have experienced through your,in sirtimentalitY.,,,lrours, with mach respect, / . WM, COGSWEbt: For-sale by_.' S. ELLIOTT, Carlisle. , A. - 3 NORTHNcwville. • Also, by-Druggists generally theoghout the ceini 7 try— cents_peritottle.../ ". April 15, :• Presh The subscriber ha's recently received large add tional supplies of. Illeglicines Colors, 'bye-Stuffs, , Linseed Oil; Spts. Turpentine, Copal Varnish, Pain ters' Brushes, Varnish Brushes,Hand Brahesi Sper maceti Oil, (very fine) Sperm. Candles,. Soaps in great variety, Glass Lamps, cap and Utter Paper, Pruit,S.pices; Perfumery, & c. &c., which he will sell to Physicians, Merchants and others, ivinnEsare or by DETAIL, at the lowest rates, having. purchased en lively fur eash ; he will eller bargains to . those who 'wish to purchase at wholesale,' rA141117 MEDIOINES. PreptiieeNtily-4 Dr, D ,- Jugneaiiuentdr, • ''arick•:B4*- - -'pi•opffetoii 'SoittV Philaflelpria, dad may b.e:hait S. E12107'7, and also of STEVEN; SON DINKLE, Druggists . , Car.: lisle, ___ medicines are recommended and extensive ly used by the moat intelligent persons in the United' 'States, by *generous Professors and Presidents of Colleges, Physicians of the Army, and Navy,'and of Hospitals , and Alrosheluses, and by'rnord than three !Mildred Clergymen of various denonninations. They are expressly .prepared for family use, and' hive acquired an unprecedentedpopularity through out the United States; arid as they arc so admirably. calculatedto preserve HEALTH and cure DISEASE, no family should Aver.lre _without theta._ . . The. propele• - tor of theae valuabfe preparations received his edtt.. 'cation at one of t he best Medical Colleges in the, pni-• • ted States, and has.had - fifteenVetirs experience M arr extensive and diversified practice,oy which hehashacr ampleoppeitunities_ otacqui edge of diseases, and of tee remedies best calculate& , to remove them. , The'so Preparetions conflict of ; ' JAYNE'S EXPECI'ORANT, a caluablc • remellf for. cough, cold's, consumption,' astlinri, spitting ' blood,croup, !looping cougicbronchitia,plenricy and inflammation - of the Icings' or throat, difficulty of bzta- - thirig, "diseioO - s'of 'poi nionary 'organ s.—Price one dollar. ' ' . • . _ . ", 'Also JAYNE'S HAIR-TONIC, for the preserrit- - thin, growth and beauty of the hair, and which positivelytwing in new hair on bald, heads.—Price' one dollar.. Also JAYNE'S TONIC VERMITUGE, a ccr tahrand pleasant remedy, for wormsolysperisia,piles, and many other diedaSes.---Price 50 cents. Also JAYNE'S QrARMINIV-VE/AI..SAIIL a certain cure for howelidlil - ithmer co plaints, diar rhce, tlysentary cramps, 9IC tenclithhe, sour stem:mat, cholera morbus, and ord rangements of the stomach and bowels,. nervons, ections,&c.---Price 50 cents. Also 'JAYNE'S SANATIVE PILLS, for Female diseases; liver complaints/Costiveness, fevers, inflam mtitiottazglandolar; obstructions,:diseases of the skin, &coital in ail eases Iv,lfere an alteratiVe or purgative me'dieine is requirgit—Price 2 cents a box. - • . .ilay 13,18412.-4'4y . , • U-RE OUR -00 U GET before - ivis - loci : Glate./Remember delays are dangerous. Thou= _ sands ilte annually from that - dreadful disease con sumptfon, "which 'might have been checked . at the cormeneement and disaPpointed of its prey.if proper,, cans had been unsorted to. 'TIM very Many Who lave thus r heen snatched from that fatal ravager, by the timely use of Or. Swaync's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry=, bea• testimony to this day, announcing the cures,Allie Wonderful cures, the'tfect of this invaluable inedicing... • kerii North gfiWatrcei--- Philadelphia, and respective agents. . For sale_ by John J: . .Akers' Ce Co., Carlisle! A. Keefer, Harrisburg; Dennet Sc_Potngardnpic,:Kokk.l_ and Wn . 4 . llfatbiett - ,?Cnluitibiii,p.7 . ____. • . ..January 110-840. • . F.LAX§—ARE-.--DA-N-G-ERG -- US.Sa-1- n Ai- , hit with those who .neglect 'their COLDS'ind - COUGH At first you complain of •having a ,cold," - which is negleeted; after which --- a aoreness is expe rienced in the Br - onshia, with a backing , convh, and' - finally the disease settles-upon - the lungs, winch the 7 , - patient Will soon perceive by a wasting away of the body; attended with hectic feverk,and pitting up 9 florid blood and matter from ulcers On the lungl; a pain% ind _w eigla. is , also_c xpc Viet iced-- at- tile-aft - CW(I ' part 'of thelungsrthe l'nctions of the aitimal