Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, January 06, 1841, Image 3

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and absorlJed all lus thought—if thought
could bc h:thituilutt Li 13 uch
a creature---till gettiug !nisei!, latudiat ‘vit4
it,•he put' his Inind_
out to clutch thc dame.
It produced the effect 1, 'inust..deSire'd—he
drew 'tack—looked aroontl— , -thrust .. forth
his hatid again thwartis the. dame—again
drew 4nich--his eyes' looked
around him„ half in terror, half auger—
trembled, sobbed; and growling; or*.railitr.
uttering a hoarse. dull harki-like.thatof to
eirthayed.w.olf, hastily. fled" the 'roofs,.
I felt—great . god.!—lfelt as if a..monn ,
- taiiihad been taken . eff, My.chest Stu
poroind that awful sense*of sinking, which
all know who have orperienced,great
fortunes, or escaped imminent peril,!
pervene immediately after all fear of peril
'or danger .has"been removed 77 -Prevented
me eien. from rising, melt less from
- .
• lowing him: - as Was my first intention, .and
----I—continuedlitrwstate7ol 7 4nentelantljlodily
Weakness, .verging:.on inanition until-morn-
1 mentioned, the particulars . just •relaied
• to none but Weimar, who: concurred tyitli
-me in thinking that-the apparition which
'., 'had seen was. really' a Lycanthrope, and
th'at there could be. little doubt but that he
• was acquainted_ With some subterraneous
passage which 'communicated from a neigh
. boring. - chttrelt-yard with • the dissector's
. room; and had been formerly open, but was
. • now not generally known; and certainly
never trieif. -- IV - 6 searched the rooms; how
ever, patiently and. carefully,' - withont dis.%;
, _covering__any out -let t jnit - us.:Atie - menster
had , disappeared,' anil through. the •reems;
we' satisfied. our minds that there Was still
- some secret, scime,•• • ranknoWn;' and ; coast.-
- quently some.cunningly devised 'apertOre;
panel, or trap door: in the building ;
• Theuoli hitherto escaping - our:strietest
_ search, and we p
,to-'sit up the next night,_in hopes that he
. • woulll again re-appea:, then -to. follow him
cautiously, : observe.the Outlet, and wait.for
the:: m orn ng to, - 610 "further— Steps:: TVA's - .
carried our plan into execration, but the
Lycatithropo did not . appear, nor for..otio
fortnight, and' Weimar~ almost began. to
• doubt thati had in reality seen any. thing,
• • but that it was the vision or dream of a dis
orded— The:fift.
frfilicl - when - ,:on-the'fiftienth-night,-
4 - iVe were `keeping .ciiitimeturital - yigil;•:r
sound orfotitstept wad - heard - -; and directing
my. eyes _ towards . the-tipper •encl
.of 'the .
room, .1 .saw_ tha - LyeaiithrOpe, Cautiously
'push aside- a panel iti the wall, over which
ondof thc-Albinns'S plates' of the. blood'
ves;elS.was suspended, and pretraded hint':
-- self leisurely into...the .r_ooin,;fiill6wecl by.
tire identical - femalci • ' whom our '. unhal
lowed experiments had lireitg litbMcfro-in
the confines of the grave to the precincts.
--.of life. I pulled- Weimar' by the sleeve,
and - pointed to the figures, .• The 'effect
was appalling. . Ile elniddered-Ltitrned
deadly pale-quivered in every. limb-then •
- - fixing liiS'• eyed upon the spectral figures
before him,- fainted. at my feet. This a
roused the. attention of • the ' maniac - , and
darting forward willa.ille velocity of light- .
- ithig; he plunged filreagle. - -like talons into'.
Weimar's face, and' applied hid' weoltish
teeth-to his bare • throat.' The net'invigor
:ated the fallen Weimar ; he forcibly, at
ternpted tothrotrittOjilietiaritiocubus - frem
his chest, and struggling with him with all.
the preterfil - itifral - strengtht , which. the fear
of : immediate loss of life - ever , engenders,
showed-me he was not dis.posedio sell his
life too cheap. At this instant-for all I'
have attempted to narrate was but-the work
' 'of a moment-I fired, and the Lyeanthrope
uttered a hideous nil fearful howl,. qeitted •
his -prey,, and darted . upon me with the
-force and fiereenss of dtiger,.__l felt - his
horny nails Ariven into my threat;\and his
' - giant weight crushing me IA the - ground;
. chair and all, as if-I had been tut a read. I
. abandoned myself to deSpair; -yet with an
• intermediate presence of ininitivhich might.
• rather be called instinct,l 'Out my remain
ing pistol to his breast-und fired. ..A gush
of blood from his mouth upon my face and
chest , told me all was over. I Shook • the
—•-loathsome-Oartnee-frontAnyrAidtly i usorezanti-•
breisect as 4 was, and. got upon 'my legs,
• thOugh with Considerable difficulty, owing,
to the strains my spioe'had received during
-- ib e - fiill. - .74`116 - tiepoil - briirb'aiiiilliiiiii - glit - ,
--the-twojenitors or porters,•who slept - in - an
outer rt - :ii•l:in, to our aid, one. of Whom'-re
moved -Weimar,. -while-the- other,
. - directions, secured :the wretched -female, .. . From a late" London Paper. -
who, terrified and. alarmed, had shrunk iii=
• • siim. SCOTT
- to_a_corner_withouttlteCpo_wer_to•stir or. . - - _____ ,
move - . Silence and secrecy were strictly ~ • . . : DIVPt.'
enjoined, 'and every medical'-and surgical This extraordinary man en Monday al ,
- airkbeatiiived. upou th„e remaining tycan , ternoon gave n.fiying.leap.front the, topmast
_ - _ -- 7thiviellitirlitutta - iiity•suggested. - 0Y klionli: , - yard - of the coal brig Wakefield, of •Illyth,
:ledge 'could supply; • The pri - )feiSor willyin - g - etff Ateulterhithe;-hrthe-presence-of
forthwith inforiited •of tiro- particulars--of ,an immense .coneorirse of spectators, who
. - the case,: and he•Yeecignised• in the • Man a,l lined the shores on both sides of the Thames.
; ... porteil-mach addieted• to liueor,--who had. He -astonished the'spectatord for upwards
...--1...:-.F been frirmerly employed as a resurrection;. of - an hour on the' topgallant yard by his
__,,lst.' It was further his 0 - pinion that the `]'eats, although it Was hloWincr a gale at the
man had 'bderi - toliVfrylils - com - paiticuris-timet---:;-42M-mourititig , -aloft-he-7h 1:0d-himself
when under the influence of spirits or.lau-on the topgallantreast head,' - and With his
danum, and that recovering • from his tern- ,
Ifeet kicking'in the air, and•his head prrthe„
pbtary death, and finding himself upon the ; top of the neat, remained in that poSitini,
• ' table of an anatomidt;liadjost - the few re-J, for some time... Ile then . descendell to, the.
'. mains of intellect; intijirtfieratice -and a life 1 Yard which was braced taut; and,,altheugh
of profligacy had .lift :hirri. ' Instigated, ! the "ship'wai anything 'but steady ran frOm
perhaps,:by, the- instinct of- firmer habits,i - one end :of the yard - A° the other, without
- • he had entered into' the subterranean con-! holding, on,by any rope, occasionally har- .
duit tv hieh led to ' the- charnel-house; •and • ongoing:the people,. ' liein'adp a slipnolise,,
there-gratified the: 'crriiinge 'Of en' hide:the-1 . which', he idapett round' his neek,fatid threw'
Me appetite with the morilderin - g. remains; himself oft the yard. • Ile remaineiti.sns
. • -of : his fellow` creatures. - .The girl; It was 1 pended (pi a few 'seconds. with the' rope,
conjectured, had , been in a:swoon • but•Wasi. - Under ; his -• chin, and raised himself
_. with
- -- - -•: '
awakened from her trance •by the' experi- • great : dekterity on ' to ' thri, yard when. lie
. transfusion; *high we had itieught-1 exclaiiimil, `!Come to4iigirow and you will
--,----- fetidly made, had ' als6'`.•l4e , her : dented - onlede me ha 4 rayself again." lie then hung
• lor4ileciderice• front tho:46l4oei and hehig.; to the yard by ens I'oo, :With 'his 'heed',
eiteintntered; by the',Lyearithrope; liaitt , heen , dowriivards ' and 'exhibited many, other ad- -
'. 4ed 'or :enticed .awayliy•him.:.'• , ..• .• • -•', ''•-"• I tics.•.. 'Alt Olio- Out& thine with the, greatest',
. ' - These . Opinions nre,•ceirroberated 'by . the; apperent7indiffererier',•'ai if he , were,. the'
'.• fact,: 'that -- this diseake;.lyerinikropy, • • or: ntoist.,;uncrinserned• person preseitt. .' He
- .V
-.. wolf-mania, •id • pectiliar •toernurity, and ''.stated that: 'We had jumped off a- place' -
_Was formerly, admay - he.seenliy- rit'Mark; ilie•falltrof:Niegara. a ' height of 'rib, to,
a prevalent disease itilidv.tibisitt -JeritiMlern. front -s he's-water Av
the , ate4 anid'antotigst,hiii.Otkei•-41
, . BuC to Mir tale. ••••., ''' :-:: ':'•:'' , '-- '' ' ''. •" piqt§i- •he %-hnil leaped' fr,Pitt . :a ,elit ''tit ':Pert
• AS: - soon after ihtif;'oemirreriattiili our Italia tri g ;(: ornWall; , ' 847 TOO , ingli' inlet' the
. ; lealth.,perinitted,:Weirnar:and;inYeelfiex4- ill
- sea - :sea-hridge;'•.tlM-h l igheit'.:l4:
from-• , plorettlhe en htettenearrimptage;: a 0004 . :- Oreat•Britain; '2lo' feet •lilgN Mid:repeated-1
tha t;e, ,•dteeent- - of louiteelf4tepii . :fin'' :::41 . 1trili 1;y: . front: , t !id iopgalliiiii,:itigati- el; Erglii . ili'
. ~.• w'all., : ,rif , ,tlie. - dissectinkroom .loil.';1;_: ~ .igfii - l ien d'A.meriean•linerir tigAti3.Biiiiiii;',...:::4 t y liiiii:'
it) q 0,•w; uneven alley erint. 4 •*.etiCiifft V „ "Mid , i•he 'prepared .for .hiti' . litip;•fitillrifiikirig':ldef
A ,
.•.,,„„.,,..„ttirinitiating---.7oo4l::itictit Votheil eat •I'a . : linntiiiOraj tofirAh nil his 'liiidd;catid•decilii.:
.churelii'amidst-:the t e4etuii* intily4-inif•-' i link ode"ofltiOnititii'witii 7 O - :itqei:ioiiiinfi Ife
'.. poilS4 - it.i)l,: - grcif . o - s - d --- oalfts,;:: , ::.lolGitintirot.. , j - WitttotknbOoilitrtiofitir anti fingers 'Atter'
tlceitving-rofiles, wlpu-eaten 'skulls, and
mo~ildaiiilg biiucs, o 1 "which, thedanipitees
of Ow placehtidi;pfludedto,groW.innutnera
, fungi, We Wretched I')Y bit n t fro Pea:
fixed their _Wen:mead abride;• here;, under
.God!s- sauctuaryi'.had they Aterpiltrated
their enormities, a n d here. it woultt'eceio,
et'eti iii this ace. of death..alia
the everAivinwprinciPle of nature had de;
monatrated itsontipotericyhad.trium ph
oVer Obstacleshad perforthed almost
a miracle, as if in derision, in- the very
j- palace of death itself; for it .was plain, in
• his very phantom-hi:Mee amidst the
_wreek . of_disease - , - iihd the relics of mortal
' itY., in despite Want - of wholesome
food,4enation of mind—madneSs! mad
'less,: the most terrible that can attack -an
bewail being, 'in opposition to probability,
id defiance of cold, - hungar, and the clink
ing fog dant p mansion of corruption,.
-wherellissohttiortsatlegnanto MI-the-earth-
Worm 'ministered to his, will—the female
had given birth infant!--had 'brought
a seCond principle of life into being—had
actually. verified the prophecy, " Out 'of
death shall cuing life!"
- Thdre was little doubt but that this ofr
spring' of melancholy and madness had
'been devoured by its parents,...for the-thigh
bone, which he tore with livid. jaws the
first night of his re-appearance, was -that
child, and the•sexton declared that the'
vault, which. Was . only Used for the weal-
thy,. had-not beciailien'etrforma iiiii months.
Satisfied . witli ouiexploration, we returned,
and the. f e male, at Weirpar's particular re
quest, was;contided . toltiicare: She never'.
spoke . ; however, and though her geed
lobs, nay; eyen , her beauty, maybe said
to 'have returned,,still she seemed nncon
rscious.Of existence,_and 'the only sign of
active life she.gave, was'Unbnunded adroj-L.
mar's mind, and' even his actions; began
to eiltibit a way tinniness and inconsistency
that itylartned and distreSied ine, and it fre
dy on en riel-tO:rn b. t' - the dr wilful
ineidents of this tale had unattiled*his in
was it long' 'ere he exhibited
Unequivocal symptoms of-conGtmed mono
mania.:. Upon ail other matters, but lite
.passien Which had been slowly bunting in
t h e=--14 ea n duly e„he was
"Ceffeeri - alt d h fl - 111 . 9 - 11; ay rhut
it had now acquired tin . ascendancy that
threoened the . ruin
_af_ his peace of ntinili - I
as well as his_ prospect in life. for_e_ViTr...__L
In' vain did I eemonlitrate. • assured
tme she had been sent to him. from heaven
for i wife; that amiable;'lovely,
obedient; that to attempt, to dissuade him .
.from his inter ion of uniting himself to
her was-tuatlacsa-[madnessLfrom.: him?]
and that Marry her he . 7.w0ub1,.....N0t to
lengthen-n:narrative which. has already ear.;
ried me. further ;Mtn •I intended, the - day.
was fixed for. , his wedding..._o4_,lny six
months from the : emerging of the Lycan
threpe from the
dungeon of
death-:=and - he 'insisted, nay, forced me to
be present at the ceremony of thc'nuptials.
A suborned :priest- 7 a pour_wretch, who
had_ - scafeely wherewithal tojteep soul and
body together—shuffled through the holy,
r4c,,sind they...Wm ntarric,(o.",.„.
I took My leaire ,
iirimeiliately after; oircr
whelmed a thonsana. conflicting erno,'
tions: About twelve ,next da..,y, a servant
of Weimar's, wiih fear . .andliftior in his
countenance, , came to me, and breathlessly,
and in hurried and disjointed syllablbs, told
me his .master. Wtlp murdered,' and. half
eaten by his wife - !.. A , horrible . idea shot
through 'my brain—the truth. dame upon
-Mo—intuifively.:. accompanierLthe_ma.n,
and my sensations may be imagined, when
arrived at the, house, to find Weimar
really dead,•.and a.'great portion of the
shoulder and face gnawed or torn ofr.-- 7 ,
There was no (races of the Lycanthrope to
be discovered, thmigh a strict search was
made for her; and it was not till some
days after, that the dead body of a female
was found by some shepherds at the .bot
tom of a.deep ravine, which; upon .cxami-,
nation, proved 16: be the irMiiac.
----_~---,._ s ue*_.- ~-#-_
Very shortly after, Haller left Gottingen
for Berne; and haring nothing to.detain me
where, it is superfluous-to atl4l hat:titterer
aid° any further experiments. :in Trta , ;cs- .
restart .; • • • " . •
. t ; ..
;77 ---
cli -777-777 npg.thts':ho - heldup arm, and, exelaup±;
ed, ' I (inly use one hand; 'thelither is tied ' '
.He then told
the People 'thnt his head hard--as
ken, - and to,conVineethem,:thati:it: Was so,
he rattled it
.agaiirt the topmast tine he
actually made' the lower,, mast shake. - fie
then made hisiast.address previous.:tn .
'leap; by_acipiainting the people that it was
erroneous. to suppose ,tfist , a matt's: , - breath
was taken' away
. by falling 'frotnAfireat.
height,. roe:While. .lte Was „deSeetiding, he
:would speak something, which
. Itel hoped,
would not be _forgotten, then: . pulled
off, held. them up.abave his head,
and-. exelaiming,2".Now, here goc.,". he
made; u Ilying . Jeaplrom ,the elitLof the'
yard . into the water, eallino-out as - he 4es !
celided, "Good bye, .don't forget me, is 'l'
come ashore.7' When he fell into-the-ma
ter the spray rose above him to the, height'
of-1-2.-nui-4-feet,-and-in_an_instatit_hi • •
and arms appeared abtive - the stirface.of the
water waving the silk handlierehief i which
he had fastened about ,his head .while on
the yard. Loud cheers greeted him from •
all luariersi- T am'. he-swam -ashore,- tho;peo,
'rile as lie-lauded rewarded- him With mo
ney,-whick_he deposited . in his__shoes,.and.
in a box earried - byu man : on erutehes, for
his benctit.•
. 11 VAMILY.—LThe•Neir York Gotirier
and Enquirer -or Thursday, thus speaks, of
a Faihily noW• resident in Gxoton, New
tontion.conntyXonnecticut :
Daniel. ~Vhippie, a.._yonn,g• •man of 42
years:of - agn, had••a family of .16-children„
and Noah Whipple,- 40. years - of atje, had..
a. familr.oLitchildren.__DanieLand•Nuah
-were cousins and had Married sisters. •In
the•vishatious of PrOidence, Daniel died
nd wife. • The widow -had
-1.6 Child re pTo prod fiiir; kid ho nes N - oa tr
on.;/ 14 dear-little, creatures.
The mothers and fatherfil_who quail at
the idea of supporting a small' family of 8
history, and learn a lesson •of - valor;.forti
tude, and resignation., Both families were
.. entirely destitute, lependant on the labor
of their hands for supp!irt. •
Noah was ,a - stone- mason,- • and daily
-weni-to-his...work_With an honest heart and
1 - eorAeit - TaTiiilid ; -at id --- tvlrerrfie - 7 - ret - trrnedf
home •arrtight, - 14 etildroi flocked
. around
liiii — L — tia ilieNl9or,to_receive-a-fathees store
and eareSses - Mother They had nope;• and
their fatherdeie‘rtnitied that they' should I
have another to prbteet. them du - 6pr thel
day, When:ho, wati,:iliSetzt, and administer
to - Theif - waitsa - nrigirl---- . • •
As an evidenee of the ptnity of . the re
ligion-of his people,'Lhe did net Study alone'
Jo:makcitimself happy in the sele?tion he
ivas about to makci he - ifid . not Mini: N g - 41e
•of-hie-childien,,but he thought of Deniers,
moreover he ;thought of 'Daniel's
Snd - beCatne the father of Daniel's
children and their mothetAhe mother„-of
his, making an united . family of WI, two
bider - and thirty youngei : Whipples... All
you-fathers -and mothers,-who-dre:perplexed
atirdisaatisfled in pi -wilding, for a small
family of-ten or twelve child on, Con
itecneut, amt see n:small-ftevon,
overflowing like a - bee.hive;--with .content
fininuand- pleasure - impressed - on - the -Coon- -
tenanees of all ; and you will return home'
instructed and contented.
The following is 'the report of Colonel
Jordan of the battle 'vhich took place, on
The 23d of Oeteber;ln - the neighborhood
Of Saltillo, about 40.0,•stiles` rest of the Rio
On- the- 23(1-ofOetolier--wo- arrived'. in.
fron't of Saltillu, and there found the enemy.
under Gen. Montaya, consisting 'of four
hundred infantry and the same number of,
cavalry, supported by two, pieces of
ry,- drawn,up in order for action. Our
whole force.- consisted of 231 men, 11l
were Americans, four of whom; however,
were sick, thus reducing my cemrrisnd to
I - 37 men,, rank and' file. -- ' — Wni - dVice was. -
to Cominente the attack immediately., but
Malan° and Loivz
. judged it to be
. best to
ing:him terms - ofcapitulation - ; - the - answer
`returned-was, that General Montaya Would
confer with Molatio,. who immediately left
us and passed over to :the enemy'., I now.
pereniptorify insisted on making the attack;
and.CoLtopez, who still professed fidelity,
to: the catie,, consented. 'The plan was to,
attack the enetily.'s right with the Mexican
.while .tIW Americans as; infantry
Were eleft, aecovtlft.
sition, -immediately shouted' ‘.‘ Death to
Texas, and live Mexico, follow me, sol
diers; ..and save yourselves,r and. dashed
.over to the enemy's ranks. •
. The federal cavaliy, to its honor be .it
,etatetirmaiued_firn,imany having fired
4 I ns he nn—
at Lopez as he passed. The centrar•Cati
airy immediately attacked them ; but 'de
prived of their leader, in whom they had
put implicit confidence; they. offered but a
feeble resistance, and in a few minutes re
tired to.the mountains ; the .enemy know
ing from"our position that Amy could not
unite with'me, did not pursUe them. but
concentrating his whole. force, consisting,
as I bifOre•stated, of 800 men, cheered on
"by, 500 Peladoes, (loafer,) advancedio the
Charge, iqfuriated •by liquor and confident
in. their .numbers, _ they thought, to purchase
a cheap and easy.victOry; but neither num-.
bers . nr treachery Could tiiiimplik over the
Teximi rifles; and after as severe and closq
ly contested, .fight, they ;suddenly broke
aud:fied in every directibleavingtpwards
pf 1300,.dead and, wounded on ihe - -field.-
13eingdepritiet/ of cavalry, tcould not par
sue.thern; hid 1 had 50horsemen,, th e
ticral forces would have entered
tn; conquerors.... , Immediately:oh%
The retrent:,.of,rtlis, enemy, their artillery ,
commenced a .seVere. fire withgrape".and
canister;;"PighT , '. l ll: o PreachingE and ',seeing
thai. : they,,,wero rollylngand surrounding
in eyery,directieeo ordered, my 'met
• to,'
,lii.(Tl,l 14 their 1 11 ,Ta`a9 roireSto la . the , kil
mu" At:!hi s it:?lie-jue4pO*llo4saY,.that 46-
4414 6 'olt l l ,o *ouiiging 6m U mmun qP' .
'the.,yAetett pith Aggir.lgo?;4lo,;.(l6ltheintiort...
t : 1 17.41);:10 - 94(leir, ix_2• nunthet;:•.iiral i e
, bough t: offi ; 4 - nct plop tbo aild)
" N." 4111.11...a1 t b - 161rpoiti
:tions.of; tlitenetni?e7..dend.•
inen we're kit de r ail 'tifillielreld:y"siri r 4
dine after : ibirlc:netny7s enviirry;.eUri
parted by •Sortib.. infantry; , again ..made a
'Aesperate_eliarge,_bitt..after. reeeiving;a,hot
and. gallingsfire, agninAed,icaving..ifS to .
retire unmolested: Howmany fell.;tbis l
;Are am :unable to . state, , but; 'there "must..
'have been considerable—iimongyhomiWas
'their commander. .on , the-'2,6th 0 1 .formed
a junction, at -Candela:with Col.. Gonzales,
andtf-ini - the 31it .we crossed the - Rio Gran
•de atutarkii , ed st.this,.place . (Laredo.) . • Our.
loss is as; follows : .
• Killed-Lieut.. Jamis Gallagfieri
Stulit,- private W(indrpf.r..'
. .
Woutitletl-4.lapt.. Allen; spierely; Capt.
Shill, private 4ratt, mortally ; Wiggins,
severely, and_ left
_Beekhan - 4.slightly,
ISergt. BlOod,private ~ Blanerlieset,
- died at Lardo.
—4/1-y-rotit, Alubtrolttt i —Kelsenger44 listen),
Ish. • .
The Executive Committee of the Cum
berland County Tcnipet,ance. Society, beg•
leave to inform the friends of temperance
througliont.tho county, that from the 'hest
information we lia%:e.beeti ^able to *obtain,
the time Of . -holding the 'intended" temper
ance convention, ailirst announced in the
papers, Was incorrect. It is to meet-at
11arr6burg, on Wednesday, the 13th of
Jantary,inst.;:.Mid not on'the 12th. - :The
hour of meeting, - it•is-"presumed, - is Api A. -
M. - , as heretofore.; • --
--- - SOCIETY,.
• .
'DECEMBER '25t11, 18 1.0. .- •
. . .
It is but abopt four :months since .your
committee came into office. About the
1 --same--time . ;--e'nevr-temPerance-organizati - o - w
took place in the borough; whose 'public
operations rendered it expedient -for es to
Tenter-upon some new - system of"aCtion; if
we would avoid vielating n principle, which
.the society 'established ' some - years since,
and ivhich was them thought to
- be dictated
ll)yr_ztheresults,.of,ex.perience,in.__our. to m pct_
iranee operations. I . lliepriticiple is, as set_
forth by a conitnittee Of the. society; ' it:
January, 1831', " Thaflwo or more tempe-
ranee societies cannot exist -in ourbor'ough,
as entirely-lntlependeni.organiations,tvith- .
- out the darig - etVou.llie - one liaritl; - Of hecOrit- ,
•-ing-ineflicient-in4teir---action, for . want-of,
_strength properly -to install] them all, °roll.
the other;.or.exhihiting oi - 6 - appearance, at
Icast . , - of, opposition
. t - 14 - ? - eit . ch other, by if con-•fliet in the times of holding theii meetings,
- or of 'some 'of- their other public move-
--Tents." The
- Plan, adopted_at that time 1
IN' , ig" a union of ironies-and Of influence,
for he't purpose of . producing' concert of
.action in altour public efforts ;" while the
private organizatioks,Still existed, " for the
_purpose of- adva ‘ neingi-ip - their - owin -- ffeti - - -
liar-way, the getmal - eause." • In view of
.th! s ' arrai t4F o n dfi n4 toilii - fily‘ 'and Chic; Your
committee judged it expedient, to - enter on
'no syStem of public meetings, and to adopt
no public measures, which &rub], even by
the enemies of the cause, be.constMed into
opposition ; since norreal cause or‘oposl
tion existed. '. . .. : . ~
In this state of thiegs, your committ tk,
p .,‘N
did not suppose it necessary to be'idle; but
at once cast about them, . fox: some new
means of aiding in this great and good
' work: --- Th ey- immediately - made --spplica- I
,to the editors-of the political)papers of,
our Borough, selieithg . them to devote . a
.o.heetioveeltly to..the Tern-
perance cause ;-,-thuippening a new field
of labor'for - ourSelvel and at thesame time
furnishing useful intelligence to the,public,
and - exerting a healful influence on Ate
morals and-happinett . ' title eommunity':-- ! ,
I : re
This suggestion was ceivediby both edi
tors in a spirit which heered tut in our-,new'
labors; and the arra errient 'was put off
'Tenly - tillTaiTt -- .1 -, the -- ele inns,- iiih-b-h:the-prei-i
-of±political ntatter mould subside. It has
now gone. into e ff ect and thii we have, to
- commend-to - the - so ty, -- and - to• - nur - sue ,- :
cessors as - Aemandin their influence and
their care, lest the T eraiice Depariment
of our papers shall dec e itrinterest,beeorne
useless; Or parhaps N me' than. useless, and ,
then be dripped.' I prevent: such a re
suit, it seems to us t essary only to' bear
in mind, how great.ll number we are thus
enabled weekly to ad ' es' ,—many of whom'
.cap, never bo addres,iton this subject in',
any other way, FrpMrin_tercourse . .withl.
r i
-theedi ters,--w-e-fu II- ' ' lieve-thet-Ahe---re--,
sponsibility .of a-failit 1t thiedepartment,
in either paper,...will • ' upon the profes
sed friends of tempera/1 .
Your committee hit labored also, in
another way to mak emselveS useful;
as yet we fear 'lli i ut much effect.---
- - Dur-society=hait,here isre-beetudocalr-or
nearly'sel in its, action t having had: rea4
son to believe, Math se of temperance :
'is at a low ebb in arts or our mint
ty; -we.,hrive.'by pers correspondence,:
and . through' the age of • our excellent
friend - , - the - Rev. - D. inley, continua
cated with all the prie al points .iii . .the
county, and have expr d our willingness'
'to 'Visit theni; and. tci:as tliemin anyway
I ti
.id our , power, to teor e 'their seattered
forces,and .to *come up; into a succegs
. fUI conflict'. with lice, de dation' and. ruin,
- rind - to - the Sid - Or vittne, Ppiness and - AO*,
theatie.peace. -We mig ave: appointid
meetings ,onrselves,:Su hue' . have - gone
abroad to the more reli parts of our en-
larged field of labor,
it beat, to, act but a-se
virile we mighkmake,
mired, on , leaving, the
who will'talte care of
. may sow.: Air spon an
havA,evicl,l,llqt, that the
ars,":faiiit : ,,awakri in any
-- leco'Mmeriirio them, t
-# 9l i,'ivt!icil;w,,e,linYo ,
ticliliir , ..illid tO , fillfil , ,th
-, 4)Wing, , to' this •;intlir
...tiotii . ,i yerobvio,usethek,
able totiocrease our , Ur
latcr'iridepeltletty move .
the opening, , of ihis,lteor
,Otoug ~may'of our members
ed the :pledd4:hefore'stispeetitigibit a new i
. ar.d a few .;
perhaps; since:. Among' these were some
~.of our - own ofricerF.--'They-howeverithciu g l i T,
acting wit i•us, hate not, with perhaps one ,
)elteeptitin, Witlidraw,n,. their name ) ! frOnci,tho,
1164' Society, nor have any of 'those Who .
-ie:signed the pledge, removed their names ;
from our list' of signatures. . --One appeipt-.,,
`ol6Office in the revi society was, at the
'tithe, and still is, a worthy officer in ours.
From these things,4e infer, 'that mu-,
tualtr,agreeil, that there is, no incongruity
being members§ Of: both tocieties.Our
ntln'd then, though, not ;Increased, '.are
materially diminished ; : and if the' 'time
Should never coine, -- Whert We sliallhave•toi
renew our public' efforts in Carlisle, it will
be with ps.rather i - nintter.of rejoicing, than
of regret, as,,it will leave us Treelti•prose - -- - ;
- cute - schemes of usefulness, less imposing, .•
dud consequently more liahle,to be neglect—.
Your.conimitteo'hOWbvei hilly adopt
the.sentiment of the last Report," That 'in ;
little* would be foti:id our greatest strength' s ,
: , and efliciency':" - To - ourlotal7abstinence: l
pledge, we have received - ,'"within the' last
four years-471 signatures, of • which
s ;
ber 218 were obtained during theJ a ist year ;
-of our regular Operations. We believe our
members are very 'generally holding; fast
then' integrity. • • • '• •
The subscription.' year of, the "Journal
of the American Temperance Union" Ita
ing expired,. yOnr committee, aided, by
some other friends of the cause, have con- f
siderably increased Abe -subScription—for
tion by excluding the.old pledge, will come
up for your consideration. :In supp_ort of
this.amendment, your coMmittee need on
ly reiterate .the argument orthe las`t Re
,port;—' That . ilto- old -pledge, having ex.; 'constitution for the last four
years only as.a dead. letter, ought no -lon- .
geeto - remain there as a reproach to our
eatse" This subject tria laid over to the
present meeting only as a .rriere matter of
. • With the fullest confitlenCe in the....finaf
triumph—of the
. principles on which : the
temperance reformation has thus tar- Pro;
gresSed; -- 2 7 - -thialnyeportfirrzesTiettful
milted:•• • . .
° - •R; LAM t#ER'FON;
. • .
.J.' ULRIC FL •-
. E xecutive Coiiimitige.
No:rel—The amended. Constitution, and.
theliet of officers for 1841, 'hereafter.
What is a. pledger. nature ofteh
mistaken. : Than to which an individual
As bound himself-by a pledge, is often spo
ken of as an ashinzed, obligation, which
Would not have existed but-for the- pledge,
and nthe - ,keeping - of which - consequently in
volves no exercise - of virtue. The Te
:his own safety, or, in . accordance with the
scripture sentiment, that his example
.may .
'Mot cause a brother to offend ? The obli
gation then, does not arise from the pledge;
but the.pledge is.a record, which the man . ,
deliberately and with the'facts before him,
has made of his sense of.obligation. • And
the obligation would exist equally in stich
a r c se. were , the pledge Withdrawn.
Int Again kis said;—what a man is un, he show cl --per
font' tivithoue pledge; . and that the pledge,
if given ; annulk or at least detracts from.
the virtue of the,,perfermance. , On . the
contrary we assere,Nond . .without fear of
contradiction, that lteNwho has made up
his mind to a point of duty cannot, withont
hazzardind Ins best interesleOlegleet to
avail himself of every moral aid' to its per
formance; and the more efficient the aids
I presented, the greater Will be the guilt \ of
Lneglecting to employ them, andthegreater
flie r- vituTe 7 ifilititied - in - their - use. -- liet him
controvert this 'principle, Who 'can, .
.Again, a principle the exact opposite of
Ali is-is- introduced; - and - we - arertoldetiraten:
fiiretialfullingor even detraming'froni
the moral character olim action, the pledge
_but readers it the,more difficult to . perform, ,
by creating:a disposition to do the opposite.
Thus it is said, whend- man pledges : him
self not to dri,alt what. can 'intoxicate, hia
thirit for liqudhitrintreatied; If this is. a
general Principle, the man whd signs a - note
of hand, but:diminishes the' probability of
p_ayment.;_the_man ; _w_ho„lat the_alter r vows,
'eherieh her Who stands by his side, by this
act only renders it ) the less probable, that
his . conjugal-duties will be perfornied; and
our. legislators • and judges and jurors are
of by the pledge which ire re
-quire of them, that they will perform their
_several duties.. There must, then, be some
mistaltd ahour this water. The principle
seems to Apply - Only to the drinker of ardent
spirits. And is it supposed, that if we
.M 46 even such •to pledge -them
selves—to drink of their-favorite .beverage
dailf, - iiiid'as often as they
.are wont to use
• that we should thereby -create 'a
clination to drink? • So I nnderstand . the
Wit has- ever any-One'-beett-'re
claimed frdin inteaaperance i sin thiS- way ?
It seeini,.theni thin this principle is • not.,'its nation Ao the drinker of
:Spirits - , tint is
~ one of ibosellde.ei Mal work
only•one.way.: : see - ,therefor6,-that.'We
have a .- right to distrust the correctness or
thls - WhOle objection: 'Andthefaet is; bin
:Editor, there . is . : . no stick . principle -in , the
human' constitution . tut .that recognized in
this objeCtiOn. • And here again .I say, let•
hitri'crintrOVert WhO::dan.l3ut more
on..thie Polrithereafter. •
4 have , thought
sty part. ini any
7 :cve:moy - bo as,
e itoutin 'those
seed tvitigh we
' ds,of oureaitie
PO. %Iv:ft strongly
out,the Tor.-
tbdi in' this ' , par:
idges,iyitich .540.
'.' ' , ' l'• ' ''..- . :;!.,
, .
otle; , cif , tiperia ,
kvii- norbeeti
8: ~ - I'Viteti 'the
i_efgred'io - 'n
ein In elided .irt •
.1):4. - 50. 440.-
' For. the Herold if Exposiidr.
, •
X 1;46 th6,editoi' Mid Atro 'clo . )la*
cineloae4jit'adieriee for the-Herald itt Ex
t and iiho'ultr• be eurtirieed at
the subscription front ¥#sp4 i!is! l
te toy
*44200d le owing J o
. 44
the' getttroue, and manly ieterqst the - Mer:.
ald has - taken ie 'tfwdausetirreinveranOrt;
- _
For the Herald 4-
~' ;,~irI,tSANER.
.was attracted to tlie.,maiter by
I q4leineti'!, who anbildribed for.,:'.Yoor• paper
and. PaidliradVance for the same _reason I
' now sobscribe: . • L hope you Wig. publish
my:tots notei-as.-1-witili- to induce,.if - - Lean
`all the friends of Temperance in the coun
ty, who - can possiblg bear, the expense, to
"subscribe for your paper as Gleaner and I
have doneOhat YOU may receive seine re
' numeration 'for your labor in the first great
'mail of hunianity in our county-4 .1 shall
olao sent! Two Dollara to the Volunteer,
becanac he has taken the same course, with.
yourself, . You•and hellraW . swords about.
' politics, and, this is right.; but you put them
_u p in . referencer-to the Tern peratiee cause; -
and '1 se - e - i Herald and . VolUnteer side
by side with cutlasses drawn; and, I hope,
scabbitid thrown - aWay,niabing .common
' war on the common • foe .of humanity. • I
- have - •no..fear. that your. warfare 'will' be'
L apvage; no : it -will be high-minded and
gentlemanly—but it will be constant .and
j effective.
.The •good..,will .pray for,.y . oue
! , success ; the Widow-and the..orphan will
sigh and wish you had begun earlier, and
;4hus, -, perchance;bava-sayed . the. one from
lonely :widowhood and the other -from
Wretched orphanage:, the' true patriot, will
•haityou with , joy - and-cheer you on in your
course ; but the active friend 'cif Tempe
ranee must aid - you by subscriptions paid
f in advance.: Friends of Temperance every
whcre.throughout the county, support the
Herald - and Volunteer in -their generous of
fer Of . ;support to pint:- good cause. Sub
scribe and pay your subscriptions in ad
vance. -- - -Through their columns the :com
munity. may, be reached moreeirectually
than in any other way._
Allow me earnestly to recommend the
friends of 'Temperance througlingt -the
county, to collect all the information they.
'can` touch hig - the - mutfutaettircatitselej - of
`ardent spirits, and of every thing else which
may illustrate 'the interesting subject. :
•wish_to submit two queries : .
I.._Which will field thelarmer the most
motley, to 'sell 'his grain to the distiller, Or
to .feed it to stock, and- sell .the stock ?-
1 7 :Tfmers examine this question, •
2. Can any body pOint to a single man
in the county, Or who • hits ever lived in
.the who has made. money bY dis
time preserved , his 'family from all intent
_p.erance, and. left _Chem_ in
~ peaceable. pea-.
session of property? CCo.such a case be
found in the history of Cumberland coun
ty 1 - Let ns have .an answer. can
a single' case found where: permanent
property has ever been made by the ma:ni
-facture pr, sale. of liquor? •
For the flerald E.?
• This has been one of the noblest Insti
tutions in the county. It was founded in
1817, and has been in existence 23 years.
Its records show-that-the best, wisest and
most - respectable - of - all-the Christian deno
minations of our county, and especially of
UCCI/ menus, patrons,
and contributors.. Many of these good men
have gone to their great reward, otherit are
- scattercd - toditierent - parts ; of the country,
and only a few of the original founders are
new in the county. 'Their children, and
friends shotild take a pride -in sustaining
and extending this neble . society.' It is
the common groundon - which• all Chris
tians have met-and can meet, and join their
hands together in the -works of mercy:—
Tkii:they_h'ave.done, :And _prosperetl here
tofore. All the Reverend men who were
its 'earliest and fastest friends, have depart
ed from amongst us: not one remains. But
will. their - successorein the work of - the
ministry fail to foster.the excellent society
they founded and handed down to us? It
is to - be hoped not. We ought to be grate
ful tct God- for the good it haa, done, , and
respect the memories of those who were
the instruments of doing it: Botta not
the inhabitants of Carlisle, and C.umberland
ofte Bible. The Society has 'already
raisell,and expended about Three, Thou
sand Dollars, (; . _,3,000) two-thirds of which
propriated tO this county,
Twice has th county been explored and
supplied: once t 4828, and again in -1835.
.The Sabbath Schools.-have been - once - sup. ,
plied, and between seven-hundred and One
thousand dollars -have - been placed under
the direction of the Parent Society at New
York to aid in translating and diffusing the
Bible abroad. Few people imagine to what
a greatextent the Bible is diffused., Nine=
tenth73 - orthe - iihaliliants ef• The eattli_tnight
'reed the word of God, in their own' lan
guage. With such wonderful effects have
the - efforts of the Bible Societies and •of
individuals been crowned.. -In this great
work, Cumberland county has heretofore
taken an honorable part. Will the inhabi
tants grow - weary well doing ? • Surely
come. The Pennsylvania Bible Society
has resolved on, a supply•Of \ the state. The;
resolution is, to'fied-out the destitute fami'
lies, and give each. a copy of the Holy
Scriptures, if they purchatie; - also
tegive.a copy of• the Nei , Testament, -to.
each Sabbath-school scholar in the statei'
who has not one. This noble •resolutiqn
is to carried out by each county society
accomplishing the,work •within• their own
Cuinberiand county .has iwiee
clone - it;. she will - do=.if again.- The move-
Meld has. begun:- every denomination. has
entered into-the- work; , a re-organization of
Alietracie4 took • p)ace-at a public:nieeVg.,
Called in the First Presbyterian churl on
thellltlef 'December last. The meeting
We:a : eel - led at the instance of the Rev. Mr. -
ClAtit„.-.. The had become enfeebled.
and ittaemuchht debt,lbetweert t7OO and
'4K100) tee• Parent Society at• New York.
This noble inatitutien, upon .-learning our,
.embat . reaphiant.....: ; . gettereualk,..forgaie, the'
debt upon condition' that we' would reor-'
gaufze addAutporite `Ofieient.
pOsetyku fttneaslyi.,cottripleted. :The plan
ts; to have : 2l managers,, many of it . .tvirmit
;shall teside•in• •the 'country ; also .r. (tom:
atittee:V'et:o4.,*each ; township ; to vial
tlieir,.titweshipitirid, learn the • , nuMber - of
iliblea - watite4 to`olliet - 'donatioititicili; the.
PUTP.PPA.O.fOrOclirintOCillt_qk - 4'
tritintkliben:lts aon, • prover-ed;•• Th.e
officersandmatragers•have been appointed, -
and•their.,names will be seen below.. A The •
committees •for,..the townships -are.tfitAng-.
appointed as fast es... the board eawlearn '
who probably- :Tire with elfaciena . Y. •
Good• men and true are.. Rented in this •
glorious Work: - : • The' Managers, or any •.
friends of the cause; Will confeta great fa-- •
vor by.addressing letters to the Correspen-,.
ding,,Selpetary, Mr. Re G. ' HALL,:Carlisle, •
•mentiomng such, persons in the several
townships- as frill be good nietribirs'OT the
Township CoMmittees. These:.-commit- • .
tees will rejiort to'the hoard of Managers; .
and return their funds to them, and, froni:,
them receive . the Bibles .and Testaments
for distribution: ' - 1i 7 16. 1- rery:desirable that •
theywould fah, an exact account' f the'
number of Simday achoolscholars 'in their
loynihips severally. ,
In order to_ prevent 'the , contracting A .
debt again to . , embarrasi the society. a re.-
solution was
.passed binding the managera
not tWpuichase at any time more than 9:0•
per cent. on credit, :paying cashfor *Alm
remainder. 'This will effectually prevent.
a 'debt: . "The constitution. is a very. 946 7 •
plc one, and makes the society auxiliary.
to - the Pennsylvania. Society: ' The object
is, first, to supply the destitute families
and all the Sunday schools in the county, -
and:tlien, if there be a, surplus, place it at
the disposal of the parent society for 'gene- .
Ant - use. Will not every citizen take a
sultable;part in this blessed work?. Will,-
' norevery citizen. 'become a member-of the
soeiety? . Make up yoUr.minds,-anditre
your names to .the....eationittees 'of your
townships respectivel y when they
The - terms - of — rnembership — biThne - 44311ar-a
year—or ten dollars a Member for life.— •
The Ileciard will be - faithfully kept in Car
lisle, ••by W. D..Sr.vitouw, .Record••...
ing Secretary. The names- will be '
rolled .by townships. The Society-looks
with confidence to .the clerg_y'rWen. in -the
county and the cminnittee .in each town
foe generous support. The. enter
prize will cost time,. trouble arid. money,
but the fruits will - beglorious.-: The names •
or the members of. the towpship
teess Pnblished•as soowas possible: -
lei-The - officers and managers, _ (a list ,
of whom - wilt ;be found . belifW) - will - meet . _
at the linuse. D..Seympur, 'Esq.,
at - 7 o'clock - in - the - evening : -- a, - general at.:
tendanee is veryimportant. - • .
. - •
'By order of the Society,
Ji P. DURBIN, -President:.
January 2;1841.
• Rev. ProSident DURBIN, Pieeident. _
"7 - A. T. McGu.,L,- •
", •P. H. GREENLEAF, V. Freels.
Me,.. R. C. HALL, Correspodding
Me,..W. D. SEYIROUR, Recording Sec's:
Mr. Ross LAMBERTON, Treasurer. .
. RBI?. HENRY AURAND, Carlisle,
• Mr. R. ANONEY,
- .T.lTAmnr„ter4T.Eiq,
" ,DR. CUMMINGS, Dickinson,.
"- M. MACKEY, • Shippensburg,
MR. STROH, • Meehanics'bg.
MR. MORRIS, Hoguestown,
Mr. JOSEPH M. MEANS, Newberg,
MT. JACOB SENER, 'Carlisle,
Mr. ROBERT CLARK, - N. Middleton.
. .
I[X7 ILL be sold nt Auction, by the sub.
V scribers nt their Store Room, in North Han
kreraat-er.:', entlitle,=optitssitic-Vre=Cifill Te ifilkT
their entirfStock of
consisting of _Mire, Bitick,. o.'isTe, Invisible. Or* .
and Brown.. •
.1311,0A1D O.LOTES
Calsinetts and'Cissimeres of all'col ours tr. qualities; ,
Flannels, Blankets, Merinoes, Mouseline de Laines. ,
Challeys, Silks, Calicoes, Tickiiigs Checks, bleach-: .
cd and unbleached' •
. -
Silk and Cothin Handkerchiefs,Brochi, Blanket and •
Chenille Shawls, Stockings, Gloves, Stocks, Collars,
and Shirt Bosoms, gm. &c.
Bargains may be ,expected, as all goods will be
sold without, reserve to the highest bidder, being,.
determinedlo'dispeie of titi!Kitock as Rennes possible..
Sale to commence On Monday the 11th 'day ofJan
uary; 1841, at&lifeleek, A. M. (beingthe 'first day' f:
Court) /lc •tonoptinue from day to day until all is sold j „,
ARNOLD - le Cm
Carlisle, Dec. 16,1840.;—ts
• •
To• Constables; Beta_lic s rs,itcci_.
. .
• - In ald a by an act of the,General,Assembly of Penn- ; --
sylvanl4 entitled ' Anactgraduating'
duties upon.
-whole e dealers and retaileri of nierchandise i sind4
prescribing the mode of issuing licences and collect
ing said duties," it is made the duty of .the Consta.,..
• aof the respective townships within the County of t - .
Cumberland, and they are hereby required to, make.'
out, on oath or affirmation s and.deliver to the Clerk
of the Court. of Quarter CBSiOIIIW, a separate' ist
all the wholesale and retail dealers in goods,
and tneriliandize--wines or distilled,spirits-tdroga,
or medicines—except those that_ are the mintli or.,
produce of the United States, on or before ThUrsdaiy
the 11th of January 1841. Merchants, Dealers, and,
others embraced 'in the sidiFactrisre Aso
that the Associate Judges and Comipisiliibers of odd(
County; Will attend at the Commissioners' tifileci:on.
Fridaii the' 14th• of January A 841;,, a;: ten: (Meek in- ,
the forenoon, for - the:purpose of bearing . tind 440.14%-
4 ing retailers' within said County. agrepably to
thesailaut, where - all 'such: aalhink prove:grisly at. ! , '
• - • • Attest. JOHNIRWIN. •
, Clerk to Commiestature:
Commissioners' Office • - • •
_Carlisle, Pea: 23,.L54 0., - • • ;
Neater' , Proof Boots' Ladies. and. .GeollerootOo_
Bien:hoes, dunt'and Leather, Shoosoindf-
Orr?, other; description of Boots and-Shoe*,..lbr,Aalte
unuenally, low at .the. Bat , and .Bbeo store oppotato„ , , , ,
Sioion , Wonelerlichee HMO,, "., • -
• ' • • .• ;94AS. :01,0443y, •
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