Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, January 06, 1841, Image 2

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Nr , vaits,mia uLtaaitrio—ao4 aa4
N:oA tz"e
. P ro. 'Ciiistables .
dxbd by an net of the General Assembly of Penn
bylvania, entitled' An act graduating the duties upon
wholesale dealers had retailers of merehandize, arid
prescribing the• mode of - issuing licences and, colleet-
Ing 'said tluties,'! it is made the duty of the' Consta
bles of the respective - townships within the County-of
CuMberland, and they are to make
but, on 'oath .or affirmation and deliver to the Clerk
bf the Court of cltiarter Sessions; a separate list of
all the svholesaleand retail dealers in goods, wares,
and merchaudize—wines or distilled spirits--drugs
lir medicines—Ott:era those that are the giirivth or
produce of the United States,'on or before Thursday
the 14th 'of. January 7811... Merchants, Dealers, and
others embraced in the said act, are also. notified,
that the Associate Judges and Commissioners of said
County, :will attend at the Conimissioners' office on
Friday the. 17th of January 1841, at ten O'clock in
the forenoon, for the purpose of hearing and classi
tying all *retailers' within said County,•agreeably to
thesabtact, Whereall such as think. proper may at-.
tend. : . . •
Carlisle, Dec. 23, 1840.--
For Rent,
The St . ore,..Poom, and Three Roma on the upper
floor; at present in the Ocenpanej , of Messrs. Huller
1 7, 4 Mulvanyoext door_ to Simon Wenderlich's• ETo
xhe Rooms hive noC .- ennui - ion with the Store:
• . Agent for Thomas Creigh.
• ,
All ' perm:ins lactated tp :the. subscriber, a re ee
questedto cnll.nud settle their accounts,-by the 15th
of January 1841
Dec. 23, 1840
- Estate-grarehibaki-Peak•deceased-.--
j. of Archibald Peck, late_ of thO borougli of Car
lisle, Cumberland county, deceased,. have been grant ,
id to the subiariber residing in the Wrong') ot. Can'-
lisle aforesaid: Notice is bereby.given to all persons
• indebted to the estate of said decedent to 'Make
mediate payment," and thosi having against
....said estate. to ...present them properly authentlCated
- for - Settlement.. •
pee. 28, 1840.---6 t .
Notice Au Creditors
Take notice. that Ultace applied-to-the ',lndies ;of.
the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland county;
for the benefit-of, the Insol'•ent Laws of thii-COM
monwenith, Mid they ,littiVe appointed:.TUetiday the
6th day orjanuary 1$41; for bearing , Inc ;ny`
creditortraithe Court House in - the'Borough of.Ciir
lisle, when and where you may 'attend if you think
Dec. 23; 1840
7'o all Cla4»ants and perspas_intilrPßlo4/
Notice is hereby giirt:ttturit'iCiit or Scire Facias
--.-ito-Jnituary Term-1841;i° tire - directed,lit - b - rerili=
sued out of the Courtof Common' Pleas of Cumber
land countY; on the following "Mechanics Lien,"
.. , enterettnitrecorded in the Court of Common -
- aforesaid, vm : • - . -
, John Leblei, Sr. vs. Earl& Nelson ? contractor,
'kind the . Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church
' in the borough of Carlisle, owners.
. Sci. Fa. sur. Mechanics Lien, No 16Nanuary,
Term, 1841
• Sheriff's Office,
Carlisle,,pee. 19; 1840.}
PAUL. MARTIN, Sheriff:.
The Stockholders of the "Carlisle Institute," are
hereby notified, thatnit election will be held, agree ,
ably to the terms of oe charter, on the first Satur
day (2d). of 'January /ilea, Gkween hours - of - 2
and 4 o'clock P. M. at the School room of-Mr: Rob.:
ert Cameron, in' this borough, for the purpose of
electing three Trustees to acetic for the ensuingthree
years. By order of the Board,
J. W. L•' 13Y, Secretary.
Carlisle, Dec. 16,1840,
.I,tesuivice. Pire
. • BIC TIC'
'North a -
merioalniairance Comp - any, -
• Philadeldhia;
. •
'CAPITAL $600;000. -
HE above company through their Agency in
Carlisle," still continues to insure all kinds of
property ,in this and the. adjoining. counties at the
loivest 'rates. —Tlie - ustiarrisk — oti 'Stone or brick
houses averages aholqs4,peraniturn ott.each
said insured, and a stock or merchandize consisting
of dry goods, groceriesoind the 'usual. assortment of
country store, will be insured at the "siune - rate:
Property holders, And merchants generally
throughout ,this and the Adjoining counties, will
pleaie, give the above notice attention. ••,Applicattot4 - made either by letter or in person to the sub
acrdier in,Carlisle. -
DeR-3,1,446:L '
Orphans Court
i rx 'pursuance Oriel order 6f Alleorpriane Court pf.
Jt'',Curnberhand county, will be eitposed, to public
salo,,on. Abe ,prernises, on Wed/teat/4 the 20th , of
.Japu4 6 .:y; 1841, at lit' o'cloelt % A. the 'following
'described real estate, late the property John Do
vidscio;pq.Aleee'ase,d, ' .
A . Tract • .of-Litri,estoo Land;.
in WesipennsbOeMigh tOwnship,abeut two miles east.
ollsiewville,boupded by landd of.Saninel 'McKeehan,.
Sites, Jacob' Lehman sod Johri-Myers, contain-.
mtore,,si:. • Abtiut forty acres are cleared, the rest!:
.414 , 6 - . -Virieirig ti dibcr,about :twenty: acres sown
fileNea:sced last-opringv There is tt .well on the
'premises, N.:ldol' tifford - a
mttnstantsapply - Of..4ater. The soil goad and pro:-
mluottitspusl: to:any in the neighborhitoil.:: • : • •
.o.olhs seine clay, ata o'clock, y.: M. on .the
:Premises,- , . , .
'4 Lot :Yl:Rtret . rate
tOptitinitifr4 , o 4 l44.fl‘..fuitess ,,, oo„t4...:l4oot.
liook-Spflogitilidod lands/'of
tokk:Sicmoel. odd. Rbbert h; aid thd kin Osiott
• - -
Thurodo!i the 21st qffaituary);;l4l4l - ; - nt I I .
of COI; W0i..4.1: iVoOtl.
-buist"iolqd4llll4 , wlll-bd ofFered itt iolept
.. "`Tot o k t .I %eittrow' Cron 'id
. . .
about three - f ourths Of it 'mile north-west of Newv ilk,
obOundeilli,filittiddinVWoottlittitti, %Volker, •ond 'the
Conuodogortiet , creek, ecoilititilog . 8 acres. and U 1
perches, well enelosed am' 'gthstl,giiiiitrland: •
- Persons wishing to i ‘ purplutte , : tiroi iiiyited 'Us Oen!.
tlte - uliotiefirepoity;,firevintle.t.ii . the-day, Of
Terms orsall,pretioligell Jhe'eourery,One 18T1'
thepurehhsi-inoney to 66,pai0 MrthAdosifi.rmlitinh . of
tliesalev:thilt teatime Id two - 464 'Srpkr_l.l , .'; pnY i rdeOtS;'
without IliterestAblin
vettp',-The Vale -40111 . 1e,Yriadeltudjimistotsitiii'clelli-l'
trpd•mktbetstAl.A.pyil,lB'4l:r 4l
, .
. .
: I'• :L ''' '..
r,' , "..- ,• ''t -,-,„. ~, ,-, .-- • .:, ~i;; ~, . ,:- ..../z,:. --" '- ' . - - • •
. ,
1-. .* : i ' - , ~;,,t: ,-,,-,.. ;;.,:::;; ~,'..:.', ,„.'
~_ : .• ~ ;-- .k.„. ••,,,,,,. 4•,, , .. , ..,_ !; , r. ~.; *a'
„........... ,
„ . .
... 1
.. x ,,,
li r---.
(.......__ . ..... ,
, •,. ••. .
, ... ,
Clerk to _Commissioners
Public Sale.
BY an order of the Orphans'Court of ,Currther
,land COunty, to me directed. I will expose to
public sale, on the premities, otiWellnesday the 20th
day'of January, 1841, at 11 o'clock•A'. M., •
- • • •
, . .
—•• •A. Large Double' two
.• e .
" I Story • Brick House
iJ. .
. AND LOT OF, GROUND, situate
in the, horotigh of .Meelianiesburg, CtUnberland
connty;, - on the Main street, - adjoining: the 'Union:
Church: Lot and a Lot of Valentine -Shook, being;
the late Mansion House of John Close, dee?d.• • Also,
one.other . • ,
. .
•Ileiuble two 'Story
and lot ofground in ihe same borough, situate on•
the Main street, bounded•by Isaac Kinsey and
liam Bigley. ,
santelf Lot
.oC Ground;'
. '
containing , abont 25 feet .front an the rail road, and
. 80 feet in depth, bounded liy the rail roa&-•-by the
first .described" lot and by Valentine Shock. - This ,
louwill be sold together' with the Mansion, House
property abovedescribed. " Both properties are very
advantageously situated for any _
• The-terms of-- sale are=—oneAtalf. the-purchase
. to be paid on the Ist of April 1841, when
posiession.will.-beLdelivered--_,Subject to the present
legscs , .--knd the residue iumie year, to be.seeured .
On the property_ -'
of John Close,-dec'd
December 15, 1840
E . 'Btaie
,pf John Ocddis,-decea,sed.
1 . 4 of :rohn 9eddii, late of Newville;-Cumberlaml.
County, deceased, blab*: issued to the subscribers
in due .form of. law,—NoTicn- is: hereby given to
thosb having .claiins against...the canto of said de
.present for settlement without delay— . -and '
to those indebted to make immediate . payment:
• '' -- 12ORDRT - L'AIRD,"7 - fir
- - • - • - Executors,:
December 16,-.1.8441—Gt-
-V, sident Judge of the Court of Common Pleas
in the 9th District; composed of the comities of Cum-,
,berland, Perry, mut 'Juniata r_and the Hon.' JO/nt
Stuart and Jahn Lefeyre,'Judges or the said Court of
Common Pleas of the comity of Cumberland; have
issued their•precept, •bearing date the 10th day of
Not ember, -1840, and-,10-me-direeted r foc•-holding- a
'Court of Oyer and l'ernaner anti Geadril Jail Ire . -
livery ' , and General. Quarter Sessions of the -Peace,,
t;l'cat.lisle, - oti the . •
. _'Mn ftsrmary, 1841,
(being. the 11th day) at ten o'clock in the forenoon:
.NOTICC is luiTeby given fo the'•Coroner, Justices of
the Pence, and Constables of the said county - of Corn, tliat.they, , be then,. and. there in their proper
persons, with them records, Inquisitions, examina
tions and other. remembrances, to do those things
witichio thdir, offices respectfully 'appertain. And
those who are bound by recognizance ,to prosecute
rat n oi L atrint i llgtßlti l teif Fik o d'e tt aki n Eu b illjP. t kr,
-prOseetue-agtinst - them - asshitil bejult. ‘-* •
Datcd at Carlisle; the 10th day, of December; 1840,
and the sixty-fifth year of American IndePendence..
elitry List.
• • 'GR'A'ND JURY,
For January Term, 1841.
.131/en-Andrew Chapman; John Coiner, Esq., Solo
mon IVIONIer, John Oldwine, Daniel Urich.
Dickinson---P eter' Camp, Edward Weakley, %Vil-
liatn Woods. '
"Edistregnisborough-- - :- - Benjamin Erb'. •
lloperiell—John Langlilin. • .• .
allechaitirsburg--John Aloover.
North Aftddieton.--Jolin Blesser.
Xeltrollte,:-.loliti Bricker; Joseph Hannan. t '
.Newton---Isafio Kuntz, Hugh McCune, William
Parks, jr. .*
SOuth Alidelleto'n—Jacoly Goodyear, Jr. Jacob Span . -
Southampton--Conrodblever, Abraham Mooney.
Slappensburg Cobanh. • -.
Shippensburg. B. —William B. Cochran, Adorn Co
• • bough. • •
Allen-- . -Jose . plt BrownliWell, Daniel Shelly.'
Carlisle--Jos. Hersliy, Lewis Harlan, Ross Lamtler
ton, William Leonard, Samuel Sipe. •
Dickinson—Jalm Coover : Jacob Hemminger, Hen- .
• ry Rupley;Samiiel Holmes.
East Peansborough--,Gi_.orge , o %vim nth Jacob Elle
berge, George • Gli me, - &mind, -George, Jacob.
Frankford---sumuel &nyder. ;
Hopewell—Adam A ught nbaugh. •
J/lonree--Martin Brandt, Joseph Brandt.
Jltechanicabur-WilliamHeney. •
. • •
..Worth atiddigton---Abtrer, Crain, Philip Ja
• .ttob llingwalt. . • .• • ...
Alriurillc -- -AlwAbi.P. l ..grk.AP.O.NßOb.,.... •
Xeivton,.-.IIIOq,O S KQIIev.
South slliddfeton 7 --Adam Lehman; Jaeob Raney,
PAtterSlothowta'.. —
Sangianspton 7 --lirbert Allen, John Bay; John H.
Cressler. • .• ,
Shiplielisburg Crisswell, David Deal.
Saver Spring- - --A,bralunn Bossier, John Eshelman,
• ' John Swartz.. John Saxtonr William Trimble - ,
John Clendenin,jr.
West. Pennsberon3l4......-)Villiana's Carcah4s, , James
DaVidsOn,AV,illtam:Davidsbn,James.Lintlaev, '
of a newntyle, . sale, nt thq New'Stsre in
ipensbun,.by .4Y;qc,OI,:AIP.
days Liniment.
Thisoftraord InOry, elioml cal composition, the
snit oficience and the invention of a celebrated med
ical man; the introduction 'of "WhiCh to thd pnhlio
iWastuvested with- the . sole:Unity:Ora' death`-bed be-
quest,'lma. since , gained• a reputation unparalleled;
fully sustaining,tlin.correctuess of ; ;the .14mented,
lest confes'aion,„,Mat.“ he , ,
'without giving tO''pOsterity the ben,'Of his knOwl-'
edge on subjects" and he Aheiefore bequeathed
to his friend andattendant ; Solomon Htiys,the secret
Of Ms discoseryl" •
It is.dow. in the. PriOcipal . hesPitaiS,:_sfid` thd
private pmeticeln, our country; first and most 'cer
minly' for the n eure bf,thd,P.ILES, andahsci extensisfe,
ly.and.effeetpnlly;ae to tisMe Srednlity r uniess where
its cfreets avdwitnessedi , -.lermtgy, - in- the
• - •
• Fov L/copsy7rprealing',ustvacallioary; abiorptiou
• Itheuita4sni4.—.-.A.cute. chroitid, wing iiuick.,
• 'Cleo Vhoo,iing 7 Coiigh 7 - Cough !nid
Omer Abe 004 ., , '4 9- '• h 4
' l ? rloB ° ° #' S Pr. 4 ! i lei 4 141 1 :9Ffis -- -ur4ojP.Are*.
' Soria iti` , .‘Uleetit•LlM'eliellier - fish y On s g • tit~iid-
• prpoeimion upgn, l it4tujip g ;
,',rlte.yrnaliri`swelkibipitind)oos . enitilg clughsuillt
mPrk.'l9 l :l ll 9 l gMho:44rtllwi:kt" . .i9
• • 0 , ..•'•
per 4 ii
who. itl b ite
• '
Edited:and Published for:the -P.rap rieto r 2 4 by' Gee*;oo . lo. (s;abb in' Carleile l lluniberla tad' County, a
. ,
the .Piles, end return:. the emptrbottle.without
eUred. These Are the positive orders of the proprie
tor to the agents; and out of many thousands sold, not.
one has been unsuccessful:
We might insert • certificates to any length,' but
prefer that - tliose :who sell the article, should ekhibit
the-original ,taorchasers.
Physicians and :Patients. _
• The Blind'.Piles, said to be' inturable by ekfernal
implications.---Solomon Hays warrants the contrary.
His Liniment will 'cure Blind Piles. Factsare more
stubborn thad theories; He Solicits all respectable
physicians to try it upon their patients. will , do.
them no harm, and it is known that eVery 'physician .
who has had the honesty to make the trial, has can-.
didly admitted that it has 'succeeded in- - every.ease
they have knoWn. Then why nob use it? It is the
recipe of one of theirinost respectable members, now
deceased. 'Why iefuse to Use it ? Because it is sold
as a proprietary medicine?- Is this a sufficient ex.;
cuse for suffering their honest patients to -linger. in
distress? We think not. Physicians shall be con
vinced that there Is no humbug or quaCkery about
this article.--W by then not alleviate human. stiffer
? Thep . , 'won't try it befo're,let 'theta' after all
other,prescriptions fail. - Physicians are respectfully
requested to do therriselvesenitpatients the justice to 1
'use - this article. 'ltalian be taken from the bottles,
and done up as their preScription if they desire.
_ .
--Soid-by Comstock- 11z7 Co. -- Wholesale - Druggistsi
Ner. - 2; - Fleteher street; New York. .1
For sale • also by STEVENSON, - 4t,
DINKLE, Carlisle, Pa, • "- - •
- :'Decembei• 29, 1.840.-iy. 4
DR. WP 0111.V*
There is not One case of Feyet in a thousand, but
may bti'effeetually broken _Up.-and-removed--by : the
use of this Elixir. - It'removesidl acidity indigestion,
bilious natter and constipation from the stomach
and bowels. It operates gently and eiTectuallyAn
the bowels, and•powerfullz on the kidneys and skin.
It removes all unpleasant feelings after a hearty meal,
and promoteiricgoOirappktifeT
to give perfect satisfaction.. It has becomea general
practiceylli_untny_l9 use this article in all eases of
colds, pains in the bones, or heavy disagreeatileieel:
ing; tenderbig to headache or Chilliness: For hoarse:
ness,lf taken through the *day, it icomplefely restores
the-voice- without . - producing . sickness. - 'Whopping
.coughs__9l cliblrenir_e_eured by it.—
The stomach is kept in perfect order by it, it is
quite impossibleAliat any disease should commence.
while a person is using this Syrup. • .
AZ" If taken dailyit produces rittlyilicaltity,and
young appearance, by driving off all; the humorTiif
the system. - Sold genuine at 2 Fletcher street, one
door below Pearl
.street, N. If. by Comstock &Co.,
and by-ill respectable Druggists. -
• .Figs,iile also'by STEVENSON* . DIN
KLE, Carlisle, Pa. 4 •
. DR. '
11. I I I T
',l_ l ll puffed into notice . for. diseases of the Lungs,
some of which has undoubtedly beentountrvery use
ful, but of all that have hitherto been i
known; t must
be Universally acknowledged there:is none that has
- ever proved` as - successfulits - the.'"TrALSOIVFOF.
- - -
Such indeed are the astonishing' restorative and
healing properties of this " Balsam;"that'even in the,
worst forms of Consumption, whim the patient hai
suffered with the most distressing cough,. Violent
pains in the ehest;diflicUlty of breath ing, night sweats;
bleeding of the lungs, &c. and when the most esteem
ed remedies of Pliarmacopias had failed to afford
any relief, and even when Botanic, Hoinomathic, and'
htrierous„ollier r,emedies,liad "been used for many
monthsin vain, this invaluable remedy ., has checked
every symptom, and been prOductiie . of the most as
tonishing relief. -In the ,early' stages .of the disease,
proceeding from neglected colds., termed Catarrhal
Consumption, it has--been used-with- undiwiatingsuc-
Vl5, and in many instances, when this disease
ed to hive marked its .vietim for
,an early grave, the
use of thia.medicine has arrested every, symptom, and
restored the lungs to a state of perfect health.
In that form of Conrsumptiogato prevalent amongst
delicate young_fenitiles, commonly termed debility, or
"going into a decline," a CompUibt with
lands are lingering, it has4ilso been'used:wltlisurpriT.
sing success, and not only possesses the power of
checking the progress of this nlarmiag disease,but
at the same time strengthens and invigorates the
whole system more effectually. .than any remedy we
have ever possessed.
ri• LIVER COMPLAINT. r ` diseases of the
Liver, particularly when attended with a cough, indi
gestion or wandering pains in the side, it Bits also pro
ved very nflicaciaus, antreured many' cases of than
kind after the most poWerful remediei had_failed. l
CKr EJ SIA.--4n this complaint - it hait'also been
used in numerous instances - withr,the'r , most- singular
success. It opens the chest, rendering. the breathing
perfectly free, arrests the- cough, and will Teldoin fail
to give,krnianent relief.: • : .
BRONCHITIS.—As a remedy in • all Proni
child affeetions of the.throat, attended with a hoarse-
WedS,'Cintkli or, sore in the throat, it willidso be found
a very effectual remedy; and will
. mostly afford im
mediate relief if used at • the - ociMineneement - of - ibi
attaels. , •
DP COUGHS & COLDS.---TO common coughs
and Colds, that Kelvin so extensively throughout the
it.will be found 'much more effectual.than any
remedy in use, and;When colds settle upon the lungs,
causing an inflammation with pains in the breast, dif
fleulty or shortness of breithing . ,'4 , C. At t e use, of this
Balsam Will suppress 'Such symptoms immediately,
and at the same time prevent the lungli•Trom bectim-'
ing , more seriously-- diseased. ; •
r e TiOtig AisTO I ffincorptcriCOUGlio.7—ln
these:cortiplaints.,:so.cinnnicitt Jo'yon 6 4 6 0 1
.$:00- 5
Hallam will be load 'Much superior to the Parego`-
ric Elixir • Syrup. : of:Squilli, and the various eough
mixttircein common use, as it is enkirOY free, from
avything the least injurious, and tpay
given' to cliililrenWith ! perfect safety, aMI with the cer
tainty of its affording them speedy relief. •
OZr ;A-:IeAMI LY .MEDICII4E for: many oth
er complaints,this,Balsam_w ill also I)er,fouo.di,partic
iilitrly useful. 'flUsitles liayuig:prosed , att,.invaluable
remedy in all Pultnonaiy . .tiffecticins it exeritin 'pow
erful influence over ,tunny: diseases:depending on a
depraved condit ion 'o ilac ti):l3t9moptitipse , whe,hav e .
suffered fionf,the indiscrinnintfe use .of Mercury, or
other ileleteribui Ain - 0; that- are_ oßeecoMpthinded
indifferent quack nostrums, will' find fiti: 7 'rettiedy,bf
'great value. p,osselsing ,th.e. ,, .PPW,P.r . of elrooltbentng
and intigersting the whole system,. moro 'effectually'
thalianyvtlier medicine ive postess.:' ;
icine has already acquired great, celtibbitY;:th'ere'lnay. some attempts to,lutd,,ileceive
the public with 'it' spurious yni t u re. to ; p revent:wiii ch
ptirelmeers'te Observe the follnWifje
marks oftlie genuine Balsam:3 ii,puvon le bottles
of -two, . sizes .cttelf. havin.•- tbe..sords WISTAR'S
IF,HIA; blown in the glass, and filth& oitiliefibia ,
'with the slettfore of • HENRY;;AVISTAR.,! - M., D.
•withOul o yhtell;fooe4!gemlinti,
Prepared . fcii propt letor, hr . ji r ILLIAM§,
Co44.,henateth;No . ..l.2 commerce ittreil,.Phirade
other', appointetl agents. iii all "the ' principal "towns
tip piktila-tienuiqos4Plfia.ol
: MR
• , , i l 4ll. A ;00,.:0Aggar;.;;'!'
walvataimaz amaanzuguite itAntvaraw piege - 4 /8/4
THE .MAN Wol,lr,
To be'read before going to bed.
" Immediately theie met: him, out of the tombs, a
man with an unelean split, Who had his dwelling
amoug . thelombs." . • • .
It was in
about the year-17—,
that I first .my studies in ana
' tomy; and at that . period,enthusiastic: in
''my temperament, .attd Sanguine
,in my ex
pectations, my friends had induced me to.
entertain hopes of ultimate success in the:
path Of the professidri they had chosen:fur
the,'l` Pursued. The knowledge of the de
velopment of `.the. complicated - rninutize of
the art, and the multiplied relifiOns . *hick
the various organs bear to.each other,' with;
a devotion and. industry - that, in a :short
_period,laid_the_foUndation. of a slow and
painful - diseaSe - ; — whiely --- has -- eioce` -- iieyet
upon ,my' frame, and rendered existence
not:only a negative, but, a positive , evll,—:
Night after - night; :the flickering - flame. fell
upon the abstruse - pages of Malpighi,
-vages, 'or :Haller, the latter of
whom, at the - time of which I am speaking,
wasjust_beginning_to render . his-name-im-
Mortal ; .and often-,. too Ofteh, the unwel
come beams; of the rising sun illumined the'
hills and the dales, ere the - god 'of sleep had
set hisladen seal upon my unwearied eyes;.
tad - Steeped my senses•in:- forgetfulness.
Nay, , even in sleep-when sleep, did visit
a foireretr - atid - distemrie'rid'boty - the - busiz --
ness .of life obtruded itself ',upon my mind;
and ',Saw again : bythc magic aid pfdreems;- -
in all -the vividness of reality, the nerves
and the vessels, the tissues,. and whatever •
Organ of the human machine - hail engaged.'
My - attention-and delighted my min - d.during_
the- wakeful.- period of • being7tilfile
imaglnatiOn.distresSed me .tvith:diffidalties
which no labor could remove, or flattered
Me-with discoieries which: no industry
could expect, till, starting:. from
. a restless ,
and unquiet couch, I stretched my armS,.l
and found it but a dream !
. _
Such unremitting application could not
fail in its ultimate object. I attained some
eminence among my companions, and a
vacancy occurring,J was chosen assistant less a man than diteri de Ha!lir,
igdrlgeTiti_ainNtiiiiAttingeh, who
of George II.; letters of nobility from the•
Erriperor. .It Was dtiritig this period of my
life, and previous 'to Haller's dep_arture_for.
13 - 6 - HiCV- that: -th - e - -• felfew ing- shocking—and .
mysterious circumstance occurred, which I
shall endeavor .to relate in ' the ensuing
pages, and which have never' . since•beert
1 absent from my mintlifor one npiment.
It was .my custom( to prepare 'my sub
jects for demonstratioi over night, as there
by I gained a brief hour, in the morning,
Set - apart-for -exercisei i which, - as - 1 have
before • mentioned,. a ! debilitated state of
body, from severe study,•and constitutional
weakness,. rendered . alsolutely necessary.
The room, or thentre,ln wiiirlf raiiigeefed,
was of considerable octenti lighted. by a
.common lamp,-such iti The poorer classes,
of.-people use : the - eble rays of 'Which:;
falling upon the wall; and ceilings, were
reflected - back in .doq:tful rays, rendering
the deep_ gloom atftleeper. - darkness, of
Ahis_r. hornet house ''m re_risible_and-appal-,
ling., Nor were the 'rniture•or hangings
..of . a ..-deieriptiou to is pel..deepetl..laritl
superstitious though - The walls were
hung with large engr ings of the muscles,'
bones, and :viscera o.the body; d rid from
Abe., ceiling„tleperli: Irom-pulleys-;:were- 1
skeletons,_and'_prepa d specimens or nieri_
and-women, two (WI om had-been hanged
for -murder; while, appropriate-- glass
cases around, morbi preparations, Cxpla=
natory or initiatory; the different diseases
-to I,' vhick humanity I subject,Avere.seigii
tificallY arranged. • ousters—biephalauti
and - acephaleus ,- .7-th; atiftirmations7distor
lions of the spine, Istr-i — ntinet t ow
-1 niu,;and in short ale available means to
acquire, ant impro the student,' in the
knowledge of anat.° and pathology were
I tbere in ab_undance.
My non-medical aders will probably
shudder at the ide l pf a lone man,:in a
16 apartment, en ed during the murky
hour of midnight; i assisting decay
qUickeningdismemrment, surrounded by
the - painful wreeicij his species;
. and the
Sad relics of what , re animated beings-4=
beings brine but now , dead, and
mutely rind rmotiOnl As the dread :grave
Itself! apt habit i aid to beopme nature,
and so-far fromill objects inspiring- dis-:
gust or fear
_in' tho who 'militia the study
oltheir'scienca - of-a omy the business and ,
Pletacure orilieft- l s, 'the' giVe birth in
'themind to vast; id ; and . Hot happesible
hopes, that by dig bora' and diligenee '6l-..
, anatemists, lite:tim iea incidennil to man
May, not , only be: a iated,. but' the :see&
'of 1 disease ' 7mitirel eradicated "front the
I Whole human:rape talbelphilintliroPist, ;
dwallink upon the s'litiefioiis'Oedicik,
'is tori:frequentlys' t &win witlethe - al: 7
Brost eig i tes ((eve tee, vitheir,hq`petii the
debrolifron&Tho kited' limp painftilly,
tinder: his windOW reads. ihr the folirtialso
cif,the-day; or ~the get of rfrifitite'rs'Whii
have.wandered* thotlbbe;:th'er firht:c
fulinsirstiveloftAlt 'Sync- er:opidin ti ta 'o'.
g d4it
ease.ll . .:have: nri. ' ,t 1 :, id :''Parti it e" the:'ihit
; left Le rots a era. _
;wept :vt'YE 1 1 91 1 01
:theiet# l lrt/frPill I
thciabl,ccor TO ,
Eiume upoo
1 ,1 0 0 8 *llolatteiiiled
xvw. re9ttirtid 'ti Irirge
drgeneralik!3peikhigi ,
,illOll-' cif "bottr' tittztitio; ,
tbti ves tigers
Of life-were •still,seen lingerint=like the'
light'of evening on the distanthills ; and
others, 'on'. whoge black and livid •features
the progress oleorruption - was.llii3cotiered;
in all the leathsoitisness of deCay I On a
memorable occasion, - however:froth some
unexplained cause, a deficiency of ,supply
was experienced, and notwithstanding the
efforts. of the- professor and 'myself, • but
three subjects could be proeured, viz:, two
females and'a Male: , The letter was the'
remains of a dark-haired, - remotar man - , of
almost giant mould, - and herculean proporz
tions; ,and in his fixed. and motionless eye
ball, there was.a wild expression of con
sciousness, and a .scowl of countenance, as
if the -departing spirit' of. a troubled mind
had stamped its last fearful passions on - his
- I had often Seen, often handled, often
dissected the dead; I had notoind -cannot
. supposed to have .had any superstitious
fears;• yet I could not look upon the iron ,
lined .features of this corpse, without ex
perieTeeiit thal peculiar sensation, as if the
blood had Ouddenly become - too -thick and
too cold fol. 'the body, which, in •iomMon:
languege, is designated -curd ine:- 'here
was something horrible-and its
'fixed and glazed eye-ball—a mixture and
titingletnenl of life w . atldeatli—z mockery
and a- reality of vitality end - torrtiption, that
unnerved and oppressed . me, with sensa
tions and apprehensions,- till which 'till
then I had been a stranger. -Lthrew . a
cloth • over the face, - and . , removed. as far
r from - the - sbody as the light of- - the -lamp
would allow.. -\ • • -- • •
With regard to thefemales, the first- was
-that of an
.aged _person; but - the second-was
--the-relies - -of-a-girl-of-abouti'seventeen-or
eighteen years .of age, the..lineaments of;
whose features, though steeped ln the wa
ters of death, had lost neither • their loveli
,nees_ noritemblence. to* - life. 'The • glow
- heath eheek - anJ
her coral lips genlly, as if in:priyer, seemed
quivering like the petals of -the early rose,
which - the Persian poet says move to the
melody. of the nightingale's song. - . Her
eyes were half closed. The serenity and
loveliness of this - benutiful but - forsaken
mould ofwoman,-wait a • striking* contrast
-to the livid - faceandlurid - expression, of the
ebon-haired remnant of huriranity, and from
.a widely different feeling,•l threw another
cloth also over this body. Contrary to
_rts_ual abito, I armee(' :-and-u n
anu meting - me- wort.; re
_tired to my own sleeping apartment. • Here,
endeavoring in vain to fall - asleep,.l took
down-a- volume - of - Kant - ;. - ata .his deep . and
mystic reasonings in -*some measure wiled
away the time, which •- -
, Jllilu rixrenti anatiosamfgllers noctem- -
would otherwise have passed tardily away,
• till about , three o'clock in the. •moriiing;
when I fancied I heard a roud noise, as4of
the falling of a heavy iron grating. I lis
-tened.for: a few Minutes t -but Thearing-noth - -
ing more, and feeling' dreWsy, I laid my
head upon my pillow; and soon enjoyed
the-sweets of slumber. ••• •
By seven. I was tip-again, and 'prepared
for my daily walk. My hat had-been left
. in the dissecting rooni, and I was therefore
Anecessiated - to gd far it, and my surprise
- 1 may vry well be conceived when, on pass
• ing , the table_ on which- the-• male. subject
had beenlel),l- found that it had been taken
a Way , _ a nd_Th - e"_ - _,Tabliii tad fi_O-Vin'tiiiiiiill-Citil
-1 broken! Ndreasonable explanation 'of the
f _nvanner id _which _ the _boily-ltat,Llteen--ex-: -
tractcd.:ocourred to me." The windoWs
were fast, and the .dotir had not been open
ed since I tonked it—the key had not been
- out-26f-- my-Tossessiotq r and -- altogether, the
1 circumstance
TrOwever, as - nothing.could th - en he done; 1
pursued my walk, during . which I came to
the concluSion, that some one:well Sequalint
ed With the entrance and exit'of the room ;
had Watched my hour of _retiring, and"ip
plying a master -key, had•suceeeded in re
-movinethe-h;ody-.--Thia view•of 'the -case
was strengthened - W - A - i - knoWledge,.that,
the porters .employed' knew -the. situation
of the_prentises as well as I did; aml,,dotibt:::
Jess owing to the' scarcity- Of subjects;
would liiiVe little, hesitation in ateathiovliat
they plicady.dispOsed, of, to.-vend - to othci
- anatomists,.at probably an advanced. price.-
As I had heard'of..such . proCeedings, I re
solved!to, *yen t- a, repetitiOwof the - theft,:
and . determined to :lie --eonenaled-: in: the
rooms that night:well armed. • Dining the
day the poilero underivent,a :: strict- exami-
-fiationilmt,nnOthing . -tending- to. , criminate
.was - elieiteth,iti,fact, so 'far from the
scrutiny tbrowim; light tiptin tide earcum
stoner, it. rath'prmatlerthe dilater more-mlye
Was at 'this era of the . seienee, - or mid
icine,ihat a very, leneral opinion rireifailed•
among the German -Illuminati in favor of
T.Rkrisrusiorw which is 'the art ot tikinsfer
'ring the blond of the youthful ;into the hotly
of an aged or-debilitated patient; trt.prhieh
new lifeqmd•vigor are' obtairied.'; Its' tioto...
Ties avowed' it lied: freqoehtly -euereeded
"when'. resorted tri in.easea of
. fxtreme Inxi:--
rnorrhage, and thelifitiakeritlY-defonet had
`recovered and'stirtirod theope thin 'dinky
years. Knowing th&preirtilltp4W it6h ,
Vpinions,'and perhaps not -altogether
front _the; in (I uetO ee thn*JitYself;'
l etted'Ahe 1 -traii...or.idetie4hietViheY
'lighted pp; 'and oh eluded, that it
:possible itt - inotit.'ir not
noi,ntily , life and enintitild*llie;.delia'
the :procetiprovided
depted and:performed . befirtiVOOMfinbif
loclea r nitailiration ;
led: to;:make: this ox eei,ii ni,•biit had
net been liither'to enabled to procure a sub
ject 'early , enough after-death, and before
decdnitiosition had 'taken place... An•op- .
poitunity now offered in the' female I have
alludedto, - and. on the evening Of my in
tended , watch, I ritopOied.carryinginy re
solution into effect.
.As' the blood: of ani
mals, said the Tranefusionists, answered
equally well as thatiff man, I procured-`a
' goat, and when tlie theatre . was Cleared or
students' fOr the day,l 'commenced my ex
periment, acisisted by a . young, man of e-C.•:,
centric charader, but of considerable tal
-1 ent, whoie name was Weimar. The blood
of the animal was drawn off byrneans of a
brass Syringe, and injected . into, the arms
-of the sUbjeet so carefully, 'that. scarcely.
one'drop fell 'upon 'the • ground. ~Having
'exhausted the vital fluid of 'the creature, it'
fell-dead at dui feet, and-we then continued
our labors, with the'addition of a galvanic
battery, the wires of .which were applied
to the regions of the - heart, linigi - and throat,'
.when fancied . certain, spasmodic -move-.
_nrents_of_the eyes
Encouraged by these symptonie of success,;
I nerseveredi_ and twitches. ofthe tritiscies:
_of .the_face--and--neek-wero-gory certuili!y
perceived. -Dar - hopes -Of success were,,hiimidver,sfor no other effects
were produced, and'at the expiration of an,
hour or more, I desisted. from firrthet:ex!.._
Perinient, and - as was
,firSt intention,
_coneealecimyeelf iri'the room behind min:if
the cases, while Weimar retired to bed.
But being,. unable to sleep, he songht- inn
in my chamber,. and ,net findinglite_Jhere;:
- and knowing my habits„lie returned to the
know not. ,why. .this experimck-so
strangely- agitatesrmer.---I-cann-or-slierc-or
iltinki - or - clo any thin - g withoutits7rceurring.
to my Mind—recurring did I say—the re ;
collection•lever: leaves me4° lurve at
'tempted' to read, but even the - pages of
Shenkins, strange and - Wonderful'as are the
subjects upon which IreAreats;liav-e-failed
to interest me. ',That girb - -I.should-rather
have said--the.-memory of the remains of
that . lovely form, .torments,, pursues, and_
prevents me-fromenjoying.sleep p or taking
'repose. Do' you .w", - lielilar„l should
like to renew • the . operation; I - feel an in
,expressible anxiety to arrive at the coticlu
'sion of an experiment, from the fortunate
commencement of which so much might
be augured.--What say you 9"
• Without making any reply, I.:weeded at
- once to his - pro - pima - 1 and advanced towards
the - al Olt yam° mo
meal deprived of speech ; by perceiting
tipon the table,-
Surprise,'Me, and joy, for the success
of the experiment, reklered me motionless;
' but 'I was recalled from this state of passive
existence, by Weimar's falling heavily on'
the floor.. His feelings had overwhelmed
his self-possession and he had, fainted...;-.K
jug, of water happened happily to'-be at
hand, IL had-dashed it in
his face. The shock aroused his dormant
faculties ; and .I recovered. thy presence of
mind, Which "'frankly ccinfess had deserted
'tile kir die tinae, onithe'arst vicW of a nude
tdmidei-whom Thad fortunately, or unfor
tunately, restored to life, presenting herself,
to mf astonished sense's, not as the falin
genesis of departed incarnation, but the real
and palpable resurrection of corporal ex
istenee.. This creature immediately be ,
came_the : -ohject of attention i -andleavin,
"eimar,ty tom Thad placed:ill - tone cliair,
his head reclining on his hand, ivhile his
arm rested:upon a table,-I walkdd up to it,
raisin .the lamp above my Imsl_to-examinel
the - fekures , :riore minutely, when -I was
13110( 361011 to-observe the
few_ sh.ort_hours_hod
wre - faiitletis - -featifres of
that rhepreponderatiug
expression of her countenance.. so different
from what it had been preview to the eX
periment, was that dealt--a deadly. hue
had overspread 'her (ace—the peach down
n lire hail .for .e.ver;'-to.fmakm.rootn.( or
the filthyTAraitei-of-tite.-itideons--wormi,—
" She was a divelter of the
tapoka, to
_her repeatedly, but received
no answer: li..She — Secnied unconscirms.of
Preattl and'tho horrible idea, for the
_first tjr4e4 broke - upon-my - utind,= - thatit - lv - av
possible 'that the - body .!1 . :0 refivered. func
tion-4.We; without the correspondent.con
sciousness of - existence; iir s) . ort an:animal
machine!' , The thought
,dazzled and ob
scured my, faculties'. for a moment; 'but re
'eticip,Coining on, .shook her by the arm,
anY.ostensible .'symptoms su
pervening :to give, 'indication of
Reflecting then Mptl'n the best
idakofs'onditet to be purswetT. under
circumstances, ,MY,first impulse was to
procure.__ some Sort
. of wart. , ,,,clothing. for
- 11.0;'011d, t iie.qorilioil:$1 - "lef(!iie . room for my.
ChaMber, Witkihe intention: of procuring
cloak Or blanket,_ tiek.ottly'tivottileif clothing
at 'that late . hoiti available, in. such :case
At the, sante tiine.fleil -- ',Weinier
and:Saw. hiniSafely-imt 'to bed; in hia.
Own_ iny.return ti . : whieh
havir,lfeeti..a 4u:titer, of an . , Itopr after June,
i4tkr tit:entre ? conceive my consternation . j
iy.o. - 0 - 6:looexiou'Oy,4l,OpOii,re4 as thaie
lOirei.flientiOPe:4l * (P W OP;rOPMS,
over-the hotly elthe.mmiiikillWli
placed in si-!
I,,lp i 'jilefia - orifie. I
ji - odf i tE ogoOri, 'don lit„:6o4neoltOenee . 'of
the ;f,tttiOd' labors ::no
0 1 .d.ap . Opplisi 4 tia.::Kv$0.4;•00ented. to.reel,
or ; tlio:A0 - 0# ! .yoliiyoNoo:06t
gAf•lT' .l 4WotvawfP;impeptP4 . 4o.. - btikabotit
tO - lei 4,- ileo ll iiidi - coieuer; --- Vd 6- ilin - dis--
tinctly,Tecolfeet' What .pasictl;'bitt I.llaVe.
63alititaliat e 71)agto
some faint reminiscence of ,the man - elarip
in'g'his.arms around•the- girl's ireole' end of
his advancing - iotkards the - with:4 glaieiyi•i
wild, : and wolfish•eye,' end that I it - relied - Ir.
mallet, used in the rooms for... Opening the -
•skull, to defend tuyself r ~•ruttherj knoW
not,. A few bonrs after I was fo und sense
less; lying on'. the •floorf,-- covered witif '.
blood. Both' thssubjects had diSappeared!
To_the,inq.uiries of the persons corineet , :: .
ed• with : the rooms,. who, of course, were
surprised . tb find me in that' situation; I re;
plied, as soon as My senses Were properly--
restored, that - Weimar 'tend mySelf being..
engaged. on the preceding evening in a set. : ':
ice of .experiments in ganous'ellemrstry. .
we had imprudently inhaled too large 'a
'quantity of a
_certain gas;-which bad .snd. •
denly prAduced, temporary- epilepsy, during
the convulsions of which I had wounded
'myself against the floor and the edges of ••
the table. As such experiments _ are - nor
unfrequent. among 'Students, and lovers •of .
•sclence , the-explatiation - • - was -,- reactily're.-. --
c eived' and .credited, though there. were one
• •
- or two to whom this statement did not car= -.
-, ry -.- `conviction: --- 1 -- itextr:impressed opera'
Weimar the great - necessity there was for •.
preserving • inviolable - 'secrecy'fe-i-frielinirC
the occurrence .of the preeeding•nightrre ,
. ,mincledirim-of-the-Serioiis- charges brought - 7
against the . professor - himself - .2 row - .years' .' -
' before, for dissecting boihes in Paris; which .•
had compelled'himito leans that - city - Pre.
: -eipliately i land - dim - It - would be perhaps
perilling- our llves , to.disclose-diesecre.t-to-:-
a single soul., lie
_admitted. the -reasons.
-bleness-of • my•.saution r _and the &atter. wad—
;never,bruited in Gottingen. When- alone, e
lrel'il't - We - 11 --quently .
reverted to the. -
• subject, and upon such occasions the wild.. •
ness,of eye, and' precipitancy of - manner,. • •
observable in_ him, - made ine-lear:-that -his - •
mind, tvas permanently .and _irretrievably
alienated. • Time, .at length, that brings the •
- fulfildient r- or - tlier - most- - -rernote-Jropes,-anik
develops the ipoit•irnprobablsevents, more -
enr, but still no satisfactory denouement was' -
Worded of the mysterious incidents I have
mentioned. But
_subjects • had been fie ,- • _
quently stolen; or removed from the rooms, - •
' without the slightest traces. of the maraud-
tee having been discovered, nay; even the:
' extremities: had ;disappeared, .and 414 all
was mystery and unsatisfactlny •iitipfiCii- •
lion, till a twelvemonth from_thifihne wheri
_the,ritenstei• disappeared,_hadi assed-over- --
eel heads, when, contrary • . invariable—
custonvoinitting td tutTik' in the,l4ek‘ ,t, p
-of thedissecting-roini do kW ine clue *as ••
lillorded - by which 1- unrayelle - ctetemy_Ste.*. ; .•
- my. --- On thie - pertieular evening I was el- -
tremely anxious to conclude the perusal of
a Volume ef• the professor's own writing, •
which, though printed, had not as yet been
published, but bad been fent-me . by the' ' .
bookseller, - on- the express understanding
that I was to return it.early the next morn- -
,Anxious, consequently,- not to' breakr
my-word, and fearful •of•oirending one'whe
Could and (lid Confer many fa'vors on me,
In the way of lending works too expensive • :
for the small slate of . My finances at..that. -
period of my life, I determined to sit up
the 'entire night. -, ..
I : might about two- or -thr ee
hours, when mrattention was 'attracted by -
a noise as of some one eating - near 'inc..; I .. •
turned my eyes to the place whence - IStip--
pesed the •iiiiise proceeded, and beheld the' •
subjeet - lhat - had - seLstrangeLy.:_ - disappearedl
From his herculean shoulders depended' •
the sanre
_cloth • lila& thrown upon him the - .
night of
. his disappearance, though much' •
I liatterelkatutin:_rags.---1-lis-metted-ratid- - --fil- - 7 ---.
thy hair hung in clotted lumPs .upon his. -
troulders - und - down - his - back - , - airatitg - thit^
..elf.lucks_of_wb jell-the-worms- of ths•buriel-• , ---•-:
I ground, wrinkling and twisting into groups ` ; .
-made the head appear one mass oranimalk
zed corruption. _ l'he fore part of the head •
was bald, and there was a long-cicatrice of ''•:,
a wound, -seemingly iiiflil;ted with a blunt ,
instrument. His eyes were wild, blood-
shot, and.: fiety,-and--froin'•the T sides of-his--
- head - the - eats - protrtided - sa - far upwaads and
forwards, as nearly to destroy all semblance ' - •
of the human face.' On his legs and arms •
_were_ innumerable
.nleers, •,that . distreSse(P '
and . almost suffocated ;me; even though ac= •
- cestrimd - t - o - dre - triveliill'Ttifiersplie re - or - se --
dissecting room. 'But even this hideous
and terrific apparition, -with the' sensations -
to 'which hiS presence gave rase, sell in- iv
,of horror, when, I discovered . 401 77- - - '
lie 'was hi 'the . act of , :devouring fine , putrilli
extremity. of an • .' ••' - ... , ••,••• ',, ••:
The:truth flished upon mei•'--4-1-was:' in' •,-•
the, presenee of a Lyearithrope , • - •-a deceased'-'
monomaniac, - 4 . 1 .• w Ito bad liis dWelling
"among the :tenths, " " and w hose -fond* , iirast•;: . •
the flesh' of the dead !••••••,EverY fibre ot'rrit•'
beily, Stretched as; It would -break;' , : end- mi.:,
imp:sting eyeballs gp.zita upon the • 7 '•
ed,,framet. of this. horrible pltuntorn:,•With.
ioOks, , scarcel:y:lcei:Wild,.thatehis.• : Froni•L' : •' :
the sOrcOssjoc 4. mass,,he '.tofe,tlie tott4ets•'
.01 tIISCIAsi . And_ .trie: parched( -- - erricked';• and
Withered lips seemed•eodled
. hythe:. putrid
gore that trickled , fiern,-,tlfetai . 11rien4 or ,
. •
.rather •.de*.tiiiretlt'lliii..:;,fiveiiititlit-;firciticiiis -
Ivoracity,,and, in Hhii eegerfiese iii - s• istit'liiV. , %..
eletchetl';lris;firgere„..soi;liglitlyi,,tdgetherl'i•':- •
that; his;; Werev . plirngedlidto•il l er:-7 ,- •
pahria;;lron!.*ltieb:lhe,irlOod,oriie4irtid'firtt ~--•,. •
upon the floor. As he hurried':,Over Oil- •;--
-inhuman, repast.,AeAdvirticlicl'..towside i4t '_ •
,- eliaiCin:wlriehLtrerviittinfe.,, , fillitditettitifr.. , ---: .
-h-colditoioP . l . 3.YlC4 I r i le*PgiliTlCoicquitlil:''-1:- •
te,iper,feneed* - ednitiatien ;Sri ‘of••shiltiking ~ .
h . Ai) i ..11* . „IinahS.••;• I• • pushed . nry:chilir'bnelt - ,
AS fil 4:ppiEole,r,=the beams of ;TheJame ' -
Coll., 00,4 ,'•bis !.;;004,41', Conti-telinike; tind;:r, -_ .:
'6l6ii, §.1 ,.. i 1 0111,;th - ti,ifimiti4iv;:siiiitifhly:9l;ickw -',. '
gl,( 1- 1)) 1 1 16 elf.;eikttihughOir TO'flttOrt4 kuie-',“: . '
keit! stood : 44 - end - j 4- birt --- he --- pipeeirdedvdr, further ;•; the light - attracted hii(:titteotii.4... -