Loi for • .„ The subseribet. wishes to sell' lit l'ehate Sale, • 1A Lot of .tki•O•111101 eitua . tedik the earner or North and Pitt 4veets, con- Jailaino2o feel:each way ; it is a very desirable I.ot Ot. bedding cin AQss LAMBERTON Carlisle Nov. 25 1840.—tf: Meru a es. ~.roir, v hAtie of sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas —.lol.jto":4lM-dirceted, issued . out -of _the_Court. of itiomnion Pleas of the couritrof cifurib'erland; will Is:expoaed to:Public:Sale, at:the Court-house in —the borough of Carl isle, on Saturdity the 2Sday of ' 'January; 1840, at 10 o'clock, A. the following described real estate, to wit: - All the interest of Samuel Davidson in. two Lots Ground, (beititthe undivided three-fifths) satiate In the borough of - Newville, bounded by a lot of the heirs of Robert Steel on the west, Cave Alleyon-the north, Big Spring on the, east, and Main street on - the south, containing . each ,60 • feet in" `breadth, and 120 feet in depth, having thereon erected a two story Stone ll.Ouse, - a two story Frame Clouse, weather , boarded; n Tan lfouse 'ran Yard and Bark House, and' outer improvements.' Seized mid taken, in exe -critiai—nallfe:prnperty—of Davidaeb: Also, all the interest id-William Davidson"in two Lots of Ground, (being the undivided ene-liftli)situ-: • ate in the borough-of Newville, Cninberland county, containing each 60 feet in breadth, ,and- lrld fret-in depth, more or less; having thereon erected a two . story Stone House, a' two story Frame Douse, a Thn - and-Bark HoUse . rut - other provements, adjoining lots of the- heirs of Robert Steel' on the west, Cave Alley on the north; Big • Spring on the east, and Main street on thelsontn. . Seized and taken in execution ea the property of William Davidson, and to be sold by me, • • . PAUL mAirrusr, • Slieriff's Office, • . Carlisle, Dec. 1, 1840. S • For Sale. The two Story Stone House, oceupied.be the sub -scriber'-on East street Carlisle, With the Lot 81 Ground-00 feet front-on--said street; and extending 250 feet back, to the Letart spring. There is a Stone Stable; a Carriage House,,and a well of I . vater . on the premises. The whole propeity is enclosed by a substantial stone wall.. Forliirther particulars apply to IL C. .HALL.. ...Carlisle, Nov. 4,1840. ' N - 11 LE'rTERS-TESTAM-EN - TARY on the Estate orJonas Buchwal ter,litte or Weittpenns borough township, deceased; have •this day been granted to tke'sabscrilier residing in Said township t Notice is herchy given to all persons indebted to said estate to poke immediiite ptlyment, slid those haying chants - steinst said ,estate to present them properly tiuthenticnted for 8 , 2 Wei - neut. • „ ISAAC LEFEVRE, Adm'r. 1840,40 .- - • e* • ' . - • - 3 • . Those who know themselves to be h . :di:bled to subscriber,the re respeA.fully requested to call and . settle their accounts,betweeriLthisAtate and- the Ist ofJanuarYll4l, as it is absolutely necessary that all • outstanding accounts should be settled by that time. The Hardware bt.siness is carried on as usual at the TOldrStand, where the public aresreqMested call for any - article in, the subscriber's line Of business. - ' ' JACOB SENER. . 01011 . 61 e, N0v.,25; 11340.-3 - mo: • . . • Bab& of - Colithabta . • • _.. iiritish* Consul's 0.14 ., 0; • Philidelp)tia. . NOW 'ALL- PERSONS to whom these press cots shall come, that I, GIER FUT ROBERTSON, ISIB . BSty'S Consul for 111(3-City of Philadelphia, do hereby certify, That Robert Whar ton, Escp. s who attests to the foregoing Certificates, is Mayor of the City of Philadelphia; and dud Mat thew Randall, Esq.,is Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas for the city anti county of Philadel . phia, to both u hose shvitures, with the ScalS of their respective offices ' . full Midi and.credp is due.. . . 1 farther eertily, that tan personally acqunpaed with ose p h LAnglis,one of the sigpt , rs of the certi - fieatCSlßTOUlit.o adlisetl,Whichtexpresst the efficacy. -- of - the Balm_toreplamliia,-and-- that-he is a- pCBSOIIq_ great respectability; and Worthy of full fnith and ere : . (lit; and tha• f have heard him express his unqualili -ed approbation of the effects of the said 11..1m of Co restaring-his - Piven under 01 . 3 hand and seal of office; at the city of Ploltiditiphia, Et the State of Pennsylvania, the United States of America. . ---RaLIEIrrSON. Read: the.fidlinoin ROBERT WiIARIVON, Esq , late. Mayor of 'Philadelphia, has certified, as may be seen below, to the high character of the following gentlemen: - The undersigned do hereby certify that we have _used.the.lialneol. Columbin..tliscovtra. by .J....01d-. ridge, nail have foiniii it highly_ }4; ryi t.ble _not only As a preventive again st the tilling off ahair,but also a certain restorative. THATCH Ell;Seni or, .Methodist Minister in St. George charge • No. 86 North Fifth at, JOHN, P. INGLIS 331 Ardi st, JOHN D. THOMAS; M. D. 163 llacd st JOHN S. FUREY, 101 S;n•noe st. • JOHN YARD, jr., P 23 Arch. Lt, • : Thenged, andAhose %Kilo persist in wearing wigs, may not always experience its restorative qualities, yetlirwill - e - erviiiily7ralseitarirtueslirthe estimation _of_ the publir,,,:when it is_kiiown that three of the a bove signers are more than 50 years of age, atitl the 'others not less than .301. . • [From the .Ifayer.] I., tOiIIiIO.7SWEALTII OF PI:NNSYLVANI A, Ckty l'hiladelphia: • ROBERT WHARTON, Mayor of said city Of Philitdellihia;do hereby, certify that I am well ac quainted with Messrs. J. P. Inglis, John B. Furey, and Hugh Mccurdy, Whoso-names are signed to the above certificate, that they itre• gentlemen of, charac ter and respectability, and ns.such full credit should. be-given to the said Certificate; .• - In witness whereof, I" have - hereunto7set. my hand; [Ls] and causedthe seal ed' the eiU to be liffixeil, the sixth day of Dec...mber, &e. • . ROBERT IV HA RTON, Mayor. ArILDRIDGES BALM OF .COLUMBIA FOR 11J1/ THE 'HAIR.—Its positive:qualities are as fol r lowa . , 'lst. Fon hifant's keeping the head free' from scurf and Causing a luxuriant growth of hair. • - .e.d.For ladies after child-birth, restoring the skin ito.its usual strength and firmness, and preventing the falling out of the hair. . 3d. For any person recovering from any debility, 'the, same effect is produced. , If used in infancy till a good growth-is started, it inay.he preserved, by attention to the latest period' freeS the head from dandruff, strengthens' the roots, imparts health and vigor to the circulation and prevents the hair from changing colour or get-' 6th. It causes thilitur .to curl beautifully when . done•up in it over night. No Wins' toilet should ever be made without it.. 71.1 i: Children who have, by any, means . cnotracted vermin in the leadoire immediately and perfectly , oured , o(theterby its use. -It is infallible. r'ltrraleatthe3lrpg,store of „CoinStfick & Co: t Fletcher street near -Pearliand in Carlisle by .vensonlc'Dinkle.. [Me fp, t 'CONCLUSIVE PROOFS, Of 14,e ejilacy of .1)1. Barth:lt's Celebrated Dear Sir. 4-4 was aifnoted with a bilious and ner oclui disease to a very alarming degree, with all the, tcymplionta yltich so frequently effect A a relaxed con= dition, vitaliddiness in the „head; violent tremors, with a fixed•pain in the right side, oom pleglowbad; and costiveness; lindeed was in a most misertdde condition. had tried maw: , opmedies, but found no permanent relief until I had purchased Dr, flailiOhlo Comp o und Strenidheningond German Ap_erient Pills, which from their inverter virtues, 1 wacoompletely oured,codom able to pursue em ploymiu from tifree fropain or disease. • ‘ .7 "'c l i t e l ed • ) ' BOLES. Dated San a • Ohio June 7 1840. • • Principat:offica for' the United States, No. 19. North•Eiglttli street, Philadelphia.' • • Also';for Myers* Co., Carlisle; and Wm. Peal, Shippensburg,„Pa. [Dee. 2,1041.-41 I, 00 K 1. E, R E iiow poi?. 13AiritrAti+if$, • 'AT VII: itt Aliiiititetts6astir, Are now opening nt. their Store • n large 'O'ntt splendid assortment of • • Fair and. _Winter , r 4 1 ' 1 1 (ti t ) V? Which they will sell nestleh, prices as cannot' fail to' salt • pureleisers; being detertnined to sell cheaper then Can be -found - elsewhere in the state. • Their ctack consisting in pert of the folpwingarticlesi viz: Black, Blue, Bynum, Olive Green Invisible Green, Olidierry, Steel-mixed, ce dude mixed - • • ..` .Broad GlOths .. Black, Blue, Striped, aUd Drab cassimeree; i3ln& Green, Drab and , Steel-mixed . Casainets;•Prussian Blanket and Alee ;- - li ibo, Shawlsantlkerchiefsti - &e:7 -- • . Also a large assortment:of ...- . • Domest ac Goo(19) „ . Queensware, :1-lardwpre, '- . Groce -ries, Liquors, ,&c:, &c: • We Nv o I the• Mildic to' call and examine our new awl cheap gbods,.and. if good goods; low prices and exertion to please will have any cfrect, we feel confident they williThet gb away without leaving with tts a little of the Ready Rine. _ . • N. B.. Country ProduciVlill kinds will be taken in exchange for Goods, at market price. P. S. A reptn't has , been cireulated that we do not intend ..to continue here longer than the ensuing spring, we therefore would acquaint the public that .we have leased the.tittoiii-14Sif, which we now occu py; fur the teem of four 'yeah. May this check the slanderous tongue of those wleVticient to devote all their attention to such basel'and degraded acts. • . . At a statetl Ctitirt,be gnn and held onMonday the 9th daror, Nitvember, fere the lion. Samuel Hepburn President, an John ,Stuart and John Lefecre Associate Judi.n4uor. the .saine,assigned-&e.•41:e•-following-proccetlinga.weise : had•to wit: • . • • -Thm - the Petition ofJohn K...ll:nngstecker, admin 7 istrator of Henry Longueeker dectclt," respectfully repyesenti iv; Mat ,your petitioner _was ttppoirileiVad rainistratm'-of the estilte of the' said HenryLongneck • er dCetd._ _That he bas - filed Ins- administration ac count and there is upon the settlement of said account a balance overpaid ,by accountant $2118.911. There -arc--no funds btilon.ing -to-Alte-estateexcept- the-4+- „ _ cognizance entered into byJolin 14. Longnecker i for farm taken by him of the valuation. lie therefore prays the 'Court to grant a Wok oti the lieirs. to show cause-why the amount melpaid by him should not credited ee theG.a.htreftitzailmag... o 4ltelst April, 1840. • . • - • _ . .10th Note. 18.40,_1241e_grantedpersonal notice .to be served on those in the county arid notice . ..tor be given to those out of the.enunty by publication in two newspapers in the enmity for Six - weeks, returnable -Mille Januitry Court 1841. . By the Court. • ititilberind Cbunty, ss. • . ' •** - . 1.0. .0 , •l,WplisFoulk,Clerk of-the Orpbnat's Court in lid for suit! county, do hereby' V. ti . 4 1? • , certify the foregoiog.altrite copy of .t•e t ''*A.4": cord. *-- 4.-- Witne - ssinylutiolattil settf - ofsaid court f fe '* • 4 * . 1 " -at Carlisle, the tfith day of .N0r..1 810- - • • - _ - -\V:FOULK, •''.. . , . . Cl'k: 0..C1: No, 2, i845. -at B A RG N S . —Sontheimer Lindauer, At their 'New Store in . (73entreville, have just re eeived 111111 fire now ouening_a very large and splentlic assortment of Bittrisll, FRENCIL and DOMES TIC _ _ lanrp.pons, which have been selected with much care in the cities ,or NEIN YORK and PIULAnELPHIA, and which tkey,,respectfully. invite dui claiena of - Centiv - ville and vicinity toriall and examine, ns they will be can= bled to please, and sell decidedly cheaper than any other establishment in thC4ounty. They will he . happy at all times to see cuslomers'who are desirous or haviri g Sew. Cheap and Good . _ Goods. Among' their . stock will be rotted, Blue,Black, Brown, Green,Olive, Cadet, Mulberry, Dahlia, Cit ron, Claret, INifit Bratty and.tivariety of low priced. Superior striped and pla,,in London and Buckskin Cassimeres, preminiu and km priced Sattinetts; su perior Silk, Satin, Velvet, Valeneia, Corded, Strip ed, Figured •sind Plain Marseilles and Cassimere - A-general-assortment of- alliptalitieg and colors • of 'Fall and lit'Vnter Gbods. suitable -for Gentlemen's wear. Superior Black Italian Lutesteings, Gros Do Naps, Po-De Swas, Gros De Swif, ' and SAnshaw Silks, Cludleys, Chint zes, Jacconets,Cambrics; Bobbinetts, Plain and Fi gured Swiss, and Book Muslins, Shawls, *Dresa 41andkonthicfs,-Scarfs,...Veils,l3llThons,&,c A is rge and excellent assortment of fine and low priced Calicoes,_lrish,-Table ToWelling and Table Diaper, , Crash Muslins, Tickings, 'Cheeks, Cords, iierivortpeai, &a. general assortment of Leghorn iind StrikW - Bolairts, Urnbrella - S,parlisols, 1 , ...,43.. 'Also, an'cxtcusivb assortment ,of Groceries and Queenswaret orate mast approved Qualities .The public nre re speetfnlly invited to call and judge for themselveals they are determined to sell 'cheap for - caskor - country produce. TAVERN KEEPERS are e i espectftilly invited to call, and examine their 'stock f Liquors before purchasing elsewhere. • Centreville, Cufn. Co., October 14, 18 . acoa ltiaralN • • _LT_lteubscriber_tvill_rentthat_yell known, rs Mlarge and convenient house,. for many yei,.eccued_by Christian Hurnrich, :tnd more recently by others, as a TaPIRRX 1110 USE. The house is remarkably well calculated .for enter taining 13QARDERSj:there being three stair-ways, and Fireplaces inmost of the rooms.. The situation is very pleasant and desirable, being on the north west corner. of Hanover and Loather streetti; while, for conveniences, itexcels any other house in the bo r , rouglt - or Country. It possesses the unusual rolvanta gas of 12 rooms on the first floor, 12. rooms on• the second, and 4 rooms on the third floor. Two wells, of water; (one at the front door 'on' Loather street, with a pump therein; the other in the Yard at , the kitchen,door;) a Cistern made to contain eighty-five ho7sheathr. la :e and convenient Smbling; wit.h_car, rine muse an a rasillsrge and excellent :garden attached to the • buildings; besideitrnianliionventen. cos not spCcified. - Far parilcularivnquire of, • CHRISTIAN. H.UMIUOFI, . ••• . DR. SWAYNE'S • , . . 'Compound Syrup of Prnnus •Viigiideina or tri/d, •-• Cherry, for Coughs, Colds,' A stlunas, Spitting of Mond, Soreness of Throat, 'Whooping Cough, and ' all Diseases indiehtive of Consumption, DELA.TS ,Attetiallotritrus.-r-So it is with those Whp` neglect their Colds and COugh. 'At first yau Complain, of having a' eold, whicli is . neglected; idler which a: soreness, is' eliperienced An the Bionbbia with a hacking coug,ll, and finally the' dischie seam 'open tlte.lungs, whidithe patient will soon Perceive by a wasting away Of.the: body; attended With hectic fe .vera'and spitting upcif florid blood and twee ,from ulcers on'the paiti,and Weight is Also.expe iiepbed at the: affected, .part ;the , lungs; the func. thins ot the anima eisimothigrowitinguid; the body ' becomes dry; the, eyes deep. into their cavities; at length time patiagt pays debt:the: f ; nature, when he nattering himself with: "the' hopes of .a ,iipeedy . recovery. To obylate till ~ those3distressing toms:spare no time ;n piecuideg :the aboye 'Crain*, ble .inetlielne, at the: inky commencement of f,yeni . colds tied coughs. whereby 'your henikmay be Se- mired and time and money saved. ' • For Cale ItYlby.. o.lyeri bt, Co', Carlisle; and Win% Peal; ShiPpensburg Pa. • [Dec. -7 r .',,,_lkt - .-::.A„,r,:**',.'kq' - 'r...:7:‘L4j**', - - -, ;i . ::4:j! . :' . ..;"_:::'#: - il: . - ttj:y*.io_ . - oo:: - 4:. - * - ',o:'t' -- t ------.---._ . - ' (5"4-:...' 411417-,.., . a".;,;-• ,_ ,r,,,,-..,--....-_, -- .i..v.k0n , .. • s u---- '- - • . "'Ma''''". -13.3.7 ^ Z..Z.V" '•. - -' i . „. . . FIE: undersigned have itirtned it co-partnership T - - - - under ihe.firm of J. I. 11: tz. G.-1V: BROWN, . . . . ..... . . for the purpose of transacting a General Commission and Forwarding Ilustness." i ' . -_ We would give notice that weluive taken the spa cious Fire.P_roof -brick-Wqrchouse,lsititatedow:_t le •south'ivest•coi•Oct• of 'Broad and Vine streiits;wher we are prepared to receive dad lbeward,-.lllereluin dize, and receive and 'sell all kinds of country Pro.: We rOhleaqii!lrsolioLaithare_olflie_publie_pat , 111;41:110WNvolFrnoldio - Co. and of the late firm w„Mocurdys sr. prowl). • G.W. BROW N,of Ihigees I , ,erry , Va. MM= MeLanahan E.; Co; Cateh Cope & Co; J. &.A. Wray; George Handy . b. - . Co; C. Houston Lancaster Co.--lle. N. W. Sample; Capt. John Steele; S. Smith Patterson; J. B. Ferree. Harrisburg.Thomasilanti Henry Buehler:. i'ar/iN/c.—Geu. Win,'Leonard. . )11-eoille.—Willinmßarr. *.. . • . _.. --- .l"Firoikii — t Co - - . .. George ChaMbers; David Fuller ton; James Campbell; John M'llowell. Pitisburg.--Murphy , Se Cliamberla in. Washingtoli Co.—J. S. & 1). White. . . Bedford Co:—.lhines Agnew. ' : • flagerstownOld-Wm. M. Marsha. .. Baler's Ferry, Va. 7 -G, B. Wager; E. Lucas,Jr. - - Oet 28, 18 , 10,-.-6t . , .... WAIOLESA ILE & RETAIL Copper; Sheet. .and , Tin Ware --1/I.A.V-11 - IPACTOR.7; The subicriherofFers for sale, at his hhop, in North II an gver. street - rl i sle r next-dom=--to -Wm.-Leon nr(l's store, (or will. manufacture at the shortest,no tice) the following artireleS, wit: _ ...STONES. • . . , rf dc.cripiions, • •-• of mideh lie has on hand a large assortment, which he-will seillower-than--everi-for-C441 , 11e -also of fers for stile any quantity of Stove • ' ' ... . lc - oohing Stoves . 1 ' . for wood an , l.coal ; all sorts of • : .F ii Tio. - ; - a - p - Fe't - .Fiii - TriliW -- such as Wnsh.kettles, Dye..lickika L lisingt.lA Kettles, Drums, Dripping Mild,' House SpOuthig;Wc.l fill'ot which lie -will-sell on better terms thanAtsuaL -- '.. rIBEL Kl''' .. - Carlisle, Sept. '23, f8.10.-7!tf. S iNG 'AJLAOHINES . . With- impro yea Pal en/ Ifforse'.4".eave'r. ITE-great-encouragement=-herettifore-ree . eived • - fromdthe !adj. - M . los Machines; induces•him4ceof ler to:the public a new and improved Horse- Power ; which can he shifted in gear or out of gear by keys, ;Ind shift Motu:And to give it five different revolutions. And he has no hesitation in assuring the Farmersthat he is now able to furnish them with Ali article fide su periorr to those 'manufactured heretofore. For speed and clean threshing and _case to the 'lonics, he be lieves his machines lA-be unequalled. Ills price is $l40 --seventy dollars to Ile paid cash, and the balance in six mopths, for ,which a note wilt ho required with interest. Any person purchasing 41 machine and upon a trial, not being pleased, can return it. :Ile will at , all times be reedy to fiwnish them on the, shortest notice; orders . Irom . :i d distance will be punctually attended to. Ile will also repair machines on the shortest notice. • n Isreit - ville;;Tfiry 29; I Fgo.-4.4. • BANK ITOTIOL 4171 - FEREAS the-CarlisSle-Saving- Fund -Society,- iJill expire" in - 1843. :-Notice is- hereby given, agreeably to the constitution and laws Of Pennsylva nia, that the stockholders of said institution intend applying to the mesa Legislature of the Common wealth for a renewal of charter, change of name, style and title to "Cumberland Valley Bank," , increase of vitsitishwisrgesteral - tliseountinr - ant.Fbanking - pri leges,all under such restrictions as the Legislature may direct.• The above institulion to .he' co:affirmed its Carlisle, Ps. ' Aug; 19,1940---Gm Variety Store, &e. 41HE subscribet., - thankful fur -past favors, respect -1 fully informs the public that. he still continues to "hold forlo in Church Allev r near "Education Hall," where he has now op hand a large nssortment notions, consisting in part, of the following: , Bread, Cakes, Cheese, Bncon,qlams, Flour, Soap, Cider; - Spide - ii;Fi'iiit - 97 - Sivet - tmentic - und - other - netcssaries . dilculated for this meredian. • N. BB& also continues to kTepTtorEating - Houso; where gentlenten.can be accommodated with Tripe, Pigs Feet, Pickled Oystdrs,Stc-nithe shortest notice. • JACOB. SIEG. • Sept. 9, 1840:-1 year. • "roduce ,Watited'lmmediately CASH Will-be-paid for FIVE THOUSAND bar rels,of Flour; TEN THOUSAND bushels of Wheat; TEN'' THOUSAND—bushels of Rye, and TEN THOUSAND bushels of Corn, by the subscriber; who pan at all times be found at his Ware=house on the canal betweenWalnu(and Stnte streets. • , OWEN IVICTABE. Ilarrisbarg, AOM 1; 18.16.••• - tf - • , _ - -- • EDGE TOOL • -•••- • -ausialitalasuicoazi' • The subscriber hereby informs the citizens of Car ancrthe public generally, that he has taken the .shOp nearly oppo site the Jail, where die will be-pre= pared to maul dare to order,.on the moicreasona ble terms, anysa \ ticle in his line of business, such as . • Aies,\•(tlill Picks, &c. He will alio attend \ to Steeling and Giinding Axes. He solicits a share of public patronage. • ' •JOHN HARRIS. Carlisle, Nov. 5, 1840.= DR. PARIS' SOOTHING' SYRUP. HOS many thousands of Little Children die. annually from the ejects of. Pron.. acted Dentition. It requires - no argument to convince you that all "Little Children" itlifer, sooner or later from the ef fects of Teething, wide!) their kind.protectorsinay easily_rr.eive_from-the-follow ing-symptoma,Rest— lessness, sudden fits of cryinfretftil, feverish, and. Sleeps but-little, thrust:Lite fingera into ICS inonth and bites, thereby seemtg to obtain relief, frequently at tended with cough,ediffieulty of breathing; bowel comploint, inflammation of the eves; and sores be hind the ears, convulsions, kis.: Those who have the carti!of these." tittle once" shoifid never -be '.Witlioitt "Dr. Parie.Celebrated American Soothing Syrup," for Children Cutting Teeth, by which ;they catipit= vent many alarming itymptommthjob Often prove fa.: ". Thousands Of mothers' and nut Sea can testify to the immediate efrects, of this invaluable Syrup, when RP'. pliedlo Cite gums. ieu child wakes with pain in its gums, ,the 'Syuii. ~when. applied, gives immediate ease, oopemng,the pores't and healing ,the gunis, thus Keventing.bonveisions, Br.o. to , the happiness and enjoyment. of their kintl p - rotcetors. ;Remember; alLtbegenuine Medicine; expresses this on Philadelphia where this Medicine-On:be obtained, is tit the.llledical Of lice, '10.19 Iklbrth Eight4„atreet, and advertised A gents the'Cotintry. , • .1, • For sale by:De. 5t .. 004 C 800 4 1 6 ,0 Shiplientiburg, Pa., ,‘ , . xp - sT n u ~- t-,.q.d,i. , Orazil lettii A iciari f tAl,il3alderstra;Coebineal'; Copperas,he'i t e;llli n'l7'''''Yt iiori' itridActdOtkiat‘e o:sltti9lorrie'l the ' abote wil.be sold tooT ' Cas h;b -- - „ . ' ~ - - S.• ELLICiri:, 11 J .Ive - iv Luie.of rrei-0 4 - 1 et-g!'s; 40/Buk,.. 'PEW subscriber, grateful for past forors,respeetful ly acquaints his Mends nhd the 'While, that helms pput into operation on the•llarrishurg, j.anraster-St. .Co , Itnnbia • . A 74117-. • a line of new7DOUBLE.CARS, which will rtin regu larly hetWeen Harrisburg and ,Philadelphia, by which ; .Goods and Produce of all descriptions will holorwar ded with care and 'despatch, at -the loweit rates of freight: 7 . Goods will be received at the Warenouse of -THOS. J. MAXWELL, N. E. corner of Broad and Ville streets 'Philadelphia, and forwarded to Harrisburg, Carlisle, Chambersburg, and intermediate places, by the subscriber OWEN AVCABE. 11 MIA Minty; Feb. 5, I SW: • - • OtrFISII; SALT Alq.) PLASTER, constantly on hand. Cash paid for almost all - kinds of cotintry pro duce. • • . _ • Meehantesbneg • Line 7 0 :4 . Betweeit alleelataic.slatrg atal • Philatielphik or- Baltimore.. [BY BAIL lefilD OW CRAWL] %nit subscribers grateful for past favors, .-u-• beg-leave to inform their friends and the public generally,:that they still ,continue to run a line of btirthen Cars regularly between Mechanicsborg and Philadelphia Or Baltimore, by which•good4and pro duce of all descriptions will be forwarded ,willt:care and despatch at the lowestratee of freight._ -Produce will be-received , at.' their - Ware Houses in Afechaidesburgi and forwarded to - either Odin- , dolphin or Baltimore, according to the Aireetion of the owner. and Flour. DRESTIACII & .311ETLY: N:11. — Plasiertif Paris aiiirSalf always - kept on band, and for sale at the lowest prices. • ' July 29, 1840.---ly. • - . . LADIES AND- GENTLEMEN,--DO 3-`ou wish elegant, luxuriant and beautiful hair? I know-you wildanswer 1 _ yes. hear, for one moment , the cause Of its loss, why . - • . . • it turns gray, rusty and coarse, luirsh Haul -unpleasan _.. i . Craig ) ; Belips of Co. • . in its appearance, and finally fulls off Eat:lC - hair has .- '. . a root in the skin, and is itself ahollow tube, through r ."1:S. klW . e s . ija -, . , i , ~ i _ sah tit tlict • e s a constant circulation: of fine blood.— . i .-.r. ..*..1:4_-. ia- /IT , Bythis.eirculation the hair is nourished and held . , .---, '. • fatt its glossy colour is 'given and preserved and it is _ . uOMMISSION•& FORWARD-. • coYe ! 'red - with the fi nest-oil-,--Now-any thing -whichin-. - ING.MERCHANTS, ' • • jures thitWin Of the head, or - diverts or takes away _Have yemovekto the capacious Warehouse recently the blood from it, will prevent or impede the.eircula occitlfred by 1): Leeeli & Co. at the north-westoorner thin through the tubes of the hair, stop- ita growth ) , of Cjicrry and Proad street;Pdladelpbip,: _______ "atLulpittsc _it to falioffurtaritgray,.orbuth,_llcnee r- From the Meilities which the lot and internal it is that any cause that obstructs or WCakels the tir-' arrangement of, this 'depot afford,_3o to 40 Iliirtlia ctilatiori of blooirthrough the skid, of tlial diverts the - Cars calidae accommodated to unload and-loathat-the___bhiodtccotheeipartslfrthe_systent, will take away the ,saine time with sufficient room to store 20,000 barrels lively, fresh and youthful appearance of. the hair ' 'ar of Flow, and 400 to WO. ton Of Grain.exelUsive or the rest its Growth; - turn it gray sot:mot-or later;`suid - in forwarding' department. - - 1 thousandoafinstances cause premature4lldness. ' Produee of every, descriptioti will be -received as I • .-- Forsale by • - - •. • -- - • - usual on consignments, and liberal advances made - OH I . - ' ' S. ELLIOTT I ond . -reeeipt - (if required) until-Sides are effected: - • ' • .STF4VF;N_SGS 84 - PINK LE-, _ CRAIG, lIELLAS & Co. -a. - . ,Corliileipa. , • - • -'North-west corner ofClimy 8,: - . Broad at. • ' lihibillelphia, 4BEL KE EAT Y., IMPORTANT TO MILLERS & • MANUFACTURERS. -- • - • 110 - tod's niproed -- Water TIE Subscriber having, purchased of the original Patentee the right ot the abose Water Wheel for the-stateof retinsyl vaninrwithlispose-of-indiriid nal rights or counties on advantageous terms. This. water wheel has been fully tested and-proved.to be so far superior to any kind in its rover of propelling machinery, having A greater force than any other wheels iit proportion - to the quantity et water applied. It is calculated to be more particularly useful at .mills,havinefrom - two - to - eight, -feet. head-and-fall, , and to greatly obviate the inconveniences experienc ed from back water. It is considered by those hav ing Wein in use as one Of the moat important improve ments thathas ever been introduced for its simplici •ty-,-strength; steadiness'olinotion and - durability:: It is constructed altogether of iron and not so expen s ive to make as an undershot, and operating with about half the water and not liable to be" obstructed by ice in the winter. The subicriber will devote his atten tion to calls for these wheels at such places as may be required. MICHAEL M'MATH, Harrisburg. JOHN J. MYERS. [Cory.] Patent Cast Iron Direct Action Water Wheels, in place - Of a Irenc - acTa - Wheel , - that - the Direet Wheel does not flood the tail race ns much by three inches as the-reaction-did f and that I can grind seven bush eta wit-the- direct- , notion-wheel- an-boUr i -and- drive two tun of stones, where I could not grind four Ukiah era in the same time, with the reaction and drive one run of stones. PETER FAHNESTOCK. Oct. 1898 lowa'', May 5, 1858. - This may certify-, lima have been engaged ,in put 7 ling in S. B. Howd'd cast iron direct 'action water wheel, both in the State, of New York and in Michi gan, and can give it as my decided, opinion that with 8 feet bead or under, rightly put hi, it will do more business with The same water than any other water - wheanlich I have4et had any experience in, and iu reference to bacKviater, is second-Lest t - o none mat hive' yet tried. lii reference to guarding against ice, „there can be no better operatioo, and it is very easy to. be kept in repair. STEHEN AILES, Afithuttitt. Alloway, Sept. 9, 1839. i • This may certify that I have had nmy Mill one of Mr. Honsrs direct water wheels for the space of one year. It afiy,efeet wheel, - nod have had a re .action itilhe same plac . e—l haiellso had Wheeler's Mick : Wheel, yet I thmk Mr. Howd's will do more husineiNith less water - than any other J hive tried. It does well in heck water. I hate had from s'to ' 6 .feet head.' I think we. could do as much .work with half the water as we used to do with -the undershoot wheel, which has also been in operation in rhY'nvill. LAWRFINCE Lyons; Sept. 3,1858. -- Tliiii - WeeTtiff,llfifitiie — hrie — uTed" one ofTS'. nosid's patent water Wheels since I)etember last,by the side of a k r -a c t ion . wheel, end we think that Howd's will do double the business with the same water, that the re-action will do, or very Kent.: We never have but three feet head,' and can grind with that-.eight bushel per. hour . „..._. We are sullied to back water. This wheel will do as good business under baek-water as the re-netionond -we recommendit; to the attation and patronage of the nnblie. • sirrioN.Bußtr, . - . MILES S. 14Agti. WM. W. BERGSTRESSER, ie agent for the above mentioned water .Wheel in the counties of Dauphin,tumberland and York, and will at al Lti ines - be ready to attend. to their sale and eree tion, at the shortest • notice, by . :addressing him at Shephordstowii, Cturiberland• County; Pa. • • • April 8, 1840, 17 - Dentistry. DR.: C. LOOMIS . ...t InI AS ratux nod heretofore, attend to the. preetic. of Dentistxv. may be.ound At- Colopei Forreofx HOtel. • Persons re ;4uesting it, will be waited lipon at their relidedce. .4:O.Refer , nireu • • REFERENCES. Cobeln ' Ca.thien • . , entlerson Parker, Carlnitc. Henry Rhoads, Saumlorson Sc Boaserman, Jecob Swover, Xeurville. • Das Nevin, Shiepensburg. J. Logim Smith, hsq.- Chshier2 chamberarng Eyster, Hut,z Sr. Co; 5 Robert Fleming, Catherwood - St Craig, iskr„d o rph ia. \Vm. R. Thompson at Co. Whitait & Brown, . . . . „, . , -- entat 1 : . : • - • - Surge ry THE, SUBSCRIBER". respectfully tenders -.his grateful acknowledgments to the. public, ferthe very liberal shard of patronage he has received dile, - ing thepastyear, and would still continue to offer. them his professional services M. their various braar ekes at his residence, No. 7, HarPer'a Row. :He files, cleanses, and ,plugs teeth, and inserts incorruptible : tarOr rrictralio artificial teeth in the 'most approved manner. Charges al ways moderate. . . ' -,.• • - . • I. tr." - NEF.I7M - D. Carlisle, March V.5,180. - tf. • _. . Atm- Hardware, Grocery, A' niumET-F.78-7117-Rjr,' -•.. . , . EIE subscriber has just returned from -A- the Chile's of New York; Philadelphia and Bal timore, and is , now-opening at his .store room S. E. Corner of Market Square and Maim - Streets (for merly Occupied' by ,Geo. \V. Hitner,)' a . general as sortment of . ' - . . _ . Hariiware, Slone Warp, . cedar . Ware, Arillanici Ware, . .Groceries,' Oils, ' painli,l'arnishes,-lassi-Brush- - :-- • es, Whips, Canes . ,' Lamps for . .: :- • burning . Camphine Oil, . - . and great variety of articles useful and necessary for furnishing and keeping a house. lie - litisalso,mid will constantly keep. on hand • . • • •.• • amphme Oil, . a cheap and - elegant substitute for sperm oil, and having.been appointed the agent oF Messrs. Backers and Brother of Newid.k. N. J., for the sale of Jone's Patent Lamps in, this county, lie is prepared to fur bish Lamps and Oil, at a ,Very ;reasonable rate to-all who may wish to use this new and economical light. Having selected his goods himself, and made his purchaies for cash, he is able, and' is determined to sell low. Those having the cash to lily out will fitalt to their advantage to give him a call: HENR.WDUFFIELD. Carlisle, July 8,1840.---tf. , 1 , 1 • - jaynee"Hair -Tonic, - - _ For the-growth, preservation and restoration of the . hair. This is an excellent article, and has, in, tin- I--'-'merouslnstanem - prod heed a-finc growth- of-hair. 1 on the heads of persons who hat] been bald for re 4111.1. 3fh)C13084p,7-ly . .ofde: === W'e - rall - the attention , of-those-af flicted-with prernature baldness. to the excellent flair Tonie prepared by Dr. Jayne of this city:. --Moving used it ourseffin,.we can speak of its by . expe rience, and we unhesitatingly pronounce it an 'oyster , • able remedy to prevent the falling offof the hair,and to restore it from a dead, to n fine, healthy appear ance. • We can also speak from personal knowledge .of the cases of two or three friends who were predis posedio baldness, who by the use of JaYne's Hair Tonic, have now luxuriant hair. ,We have no dispo sition to puff, indiscriminately all kinds of remedies for all diseases which flesh is . heir to, but when we have tested the virtue of an article, we are free to say it is 'good,---Saturday Evening Post. . .jayite's Hair Tonie.--;-We have, heretofore, num -bered ourselyesomo4those Who_ believed _that the. 'lair-Tonic, prepared by was noe_of the. many quack nostrums whose virtues are TlCVesecil beyond the fulsome puffs of their authOrs. We are willing, at length, to make publie acknoWledgment of the error of-our belief. l ---An intimate friend,some two Or three months since, all the top of whosecranium Wits as bald* as a piece of polished Marble, maitgrii all our jesting and ridicule-of the idea of attempting to cultivate so barren a spot. purchased a bottle or two of the Hair Tonic from Dr. 3ayne,and 'according to his directions applied it. During thepresent week the same friend ushered himself inttiour uesence,and . uncovering his hitherto naked head, astonished us with a thin,though luxuriant growth of hair, from one to two inches in engthupou the very premises we had believed as unyielding to cultivation as the trackless sanittliiit skirts the Atlantic: ThiS is'no - puff, but. is religiOnslytrue,and to those who doubt,thegentleman can tie potted , out. What is more in favor of this • "Tonic," the case here cited was not one of tempOra ry baldness—no sudden loss of the hair--hut was one of years' standing, though the the gentleman is &tit forty-five years of age.---P/d/ade/p/da - Spirit of the Timm . . WAR WAR ! 'WAR F- , -The Wig makers have on Recount of his Hair Tonic, which is knocking all their business into a "cocked hat" Ladies and, gen tlehien--old and young are flocking to the Doctor's standard. Heads long divested of even the first rudi "ments-of hair, aftnr-using his Hninionic 130011' apßear With. new andfloiving locks; which Absalom himself might have chyle& Beardless boys are seen with large'and - bushy''wt.iskersq and hidies smile again through their own raven ringlets more beautiful and bewitching than dvee. - - Xiald.hcads are dolling their wigs and thraving them to the "molts and the bats," While the Wig makers - stand aghast as they behold the demolition of their business... _ . . 'What will be the consequence °fills war We know not; aathe wiggtestre outrageous, and the l)oetorie- Manis - fiTniTiiiiii - itie - ehaiirtlitic"Kome things can be done as ivell'its others;'''an4 that bald heads mny as well-wear,their-.own,baii7lta thatofothers.-..,Dileek-; -Iy-Messenger.. Jayne'o Hair Tonic; -- - -We meet at almost every corner, when perambblating the streets, men wearing long and glossy hair, which they seem to• be "proud di, and othere who have raised: n a few weeks, a crop *id black moustaches, that wotildviewith the glossiest liNin that ever walked the forest. It has puzzled us tdknow the secret of all those wondrous crops of hair;' but Mews. SANDS, 79 and 160. Fulton greet, have got the•remedy, where all who ft're curious in such' matters may learn a valuable secret.--4.7%-th York Frhig. • • Sold in Philadelphia at 20'Scintlt Third Street • I pRIN'OIPAIi, REASONS WHY. DR. '•• HARLICEPS COMPOUND STRENGTH ENING and GERMAN APERIENT PILLS are used blr all classes of people, in preference Itiother • • A , • BECAUSE they are prepared from a puri c.rertiet of herbs, a wholesomeinedmine, mild in its operation arid 'pleasant in its effects--the most certain preserver. of health, a. safe and effectdal cure of DYSPEPSIA or INDIGESTION; amLall ' Stomach Complaints, a preserver and purifier of the whole system: Because they abothe the nerves of sensibility and fortify the nerves of rootion,imparting to - their most etibtle - fluird itspiistine tone, thus giving strength and olearnees of mind. . • Because -they never destroy the,coats 'of the sto inach.anll bowels as all strong•purgat)ves do. • Because science and experience teack.ue that , no mere purgative alone will'eure the diseases of the Stomach and Nerves. "Weakness lathe primary cause of a host-of diseases, and, by continually resorting to DRASTIIID : pirgatives,,you snake the-disease much worse, instead of better. , -• • • Because Dr. Harlicles Medicines are put up upon the common sense principle', 44 to clause ant; strength. , " en,"' which hi the only course to pursue to„ effect a • BecOuse these nieilkinea really do CURE :the dis. , eases for which they are reopmmended. 'I 3 ,RWCIPAL OFFIDD for the United 119;wortkDightbk street, , Phlladelphia.' •• • • ! ctr'he above hamed,reedicities are ferlaale at the •Drugt . Store' of. JOAN 4... MYERS Dar. liiile;and.Williird Peak, St4io. 6 ' o7o uTS• ,A nd at the skive of Keefer;HarrusbilegfDentiet: be BUingardtier, Yarliv Wm.MattitotiCohimbia, „ Viumary DPW 2' . ~,. , • 111E.Iiasioit 9 s . ' Dalsain. ,of . . . 111011,EROUND. An unparalleled rereediforiOmmon Coldti,,CMos ; Asthma, Infllienatt, Whooping .Cough, Bronchitis, and all diseasee of the Breast 'and Lungs, leading to Consumption; composed of 'the concentrated virtues of Horehound, Boneset; Blood Root, Liv erwort,,and several other . vegetable substnnees.— ' Prepred only by J. N. 3 1 11,15 T O:V . V, Rochester, • • The innocence anduniVersa y,a int et pee o ••1 -1 Virtues of the Herbs from which' he BALSAM OF HOREHOUND is Made, art too generally known' to require recommendation; it is therefore only tie tesaary to observe that this medecine 'contains. the • w iffle - Oftheirnriedical_propertiesi highly concentrat— ed, and so happily 't ombined iiilliTh - eVeral - other-Ve-- •getable substances; to-render it the most .speedy, -mild find certain.remedy, now in use,for the Com plaints above mentioned. • For Children, this Balsam is of inestimable ;lane. It is•a, speedy velum)) , for the IV/looping Cough and Croup, and affords certain relief i n Bounmplairita, ChOlic,Teething,Sce. It is pleasant to, the taste;aiiii maybe safely given to the tenderest infMit and should . hookeffl , at - ull Bows in_every.family r as--it -is- much - better for the complaint's incident to Children, than ' Pilf•egorie,,Godfreys Cordial, or the Cordifflaso com monly used, as hundreds in this City•havelestified. Read the following.-1. hereby certify that early in tiMapring of 1838,1 contracted severe COLD, which settled ono& my-lungs, and threatened ti• hasty • ConsuMption. used. several prescriptions, but ob- Aained - luthriairrioTrelieTirivas , much alarmed. = Happeping to be, in Rochester, - I was advised br my friend, Mr. Winslow, to try a bottle of his BAISAM or ilnammuato : 1 (141.0, and to my surprise ob- Mined relief ai once—and by the use of .that single bottle was perfectly restored to health. To those afflicted with •,Celds or Coughs; at this inclement season, I say "go and do likewise." _ LEANDER CHIPMAN. , • . Pittsford, Monroe co., N ov. 9, 1838. 11111 r: JOlin•Al. Winslow, Druggist, Dear Sir: 1 have been fora series of years afflict ed with an affection of the Lungs, and 4 hard cough, and ilitYC many times arose in the. Turning as com pletely exhausted by excessive coughing dUring the night as a person would be by a hard dayi labor. .1 have tried most of, the popular remedies of thednY, but never found relief until I met with your Balsam of Horehound. All the other remedies or palatines, .that_Lhavd-used,leave - Abe,bilwels_in. ri_cangtaited: state, while yours leaves them soluble and free. This leonsider a,great-desideratunir.-On taking . a' dose.-of yourßalsa'm when going . to bed, I 'rest quietly thro 2 the night, and my 'sleep as refreshing.' I take great pleasure in recommending your Balsam of . Hore hound to all those a ffl icted with pulmonal•y- (min plaints or any.disease appertaining to the lungs, and I take this opportunityto thank you rot the great re fflid "lienefit - T have experienced through your in strumentality: Yours, with milqb respect„ - • \ t M. COGS-WELL. For saleliy . - • • • •—• • -.."-•••••. FLUOTT., - Carl . • A. 4 ,1 Nowm, ' Also; by Druggists generally throughout the coun try. Price 50 cents perbottle• • 7 '— • _ - rresh Viedicines.. - • --The ; subscriber-bas=re . cently received-large-addi tional supplies of Medicines, Colors, Ryc-s - ntirs, Linseed Oil, Spts. Turpentine, COO Varnish, Pain ters' Brushes, Varnish Brushes, laud Brushes; Sper maceti Oil, (very fine) Sptirna'•candles, Soups iii great varietyo3lass Lamps, tap 'and Letter Paper,'. Print, Spines, Perfumery, &c: &e;, - Which lie yiltselt to Physicians, Merchants and others, wiliot.r.sncr. or by-nErnit.,.at_the_lowest rates r having...purchustal_en, tirely for cash ; he will offer bargains to those Who wish to purchase at wholesale. •-• S.-ELLIOTT: •-•,, August 5, I 840. . . • The Indian Vegetable - Pills. • . Are a purgative medicine, so natural to the - human constitution, and withal so mild,.atid pleasant'in their operation, that not the slightest dread of pain &sick ness;need be apprehended ‘ from their: • use, even by the most delicate: rit th e mine time, if used in such a manner as t 6 operate freely. by the bowels; those morbid humors, (which deposited upon the various parts of the body are the cause of every ache or pain we suffer). will most assuredly be removed; find. not only will pain, ordistress of every description' ue.dri, veil from the body, but disease in any form will be ine possible:: • ' • For the same reason, when, from the sudden chang es oiatmospliere, or any other cause, the'berspiration is checked, and those humors which should passoff by, the skin; art . !thrown inivardlv,eansing headache, nau ,sean, and sickness, pains in the bones, watery and in flamed eyes, sore throat, hoarseness, cough s,,eensump tion, rheumatic pains.in various parts or the body,and many other symptoms ofeatehing cold, the Indian veg etable Pills will invariably - give immediate relief.— Three or four pills ‘ f.aken at night.on going to bed,and YelWated few..ti,mes, mill remove all- the • abo'Ve.un pleasant symptoms;and rest re the to even soun derhealth than before. The Indian 'Vegetable Pills, (Indian Purgative) are a natural, and . therefore a certain cure for Costiveness: • because they cleanse the stomachitnd bowels of those Bilious humours, which not Only paralyie ' and weaken the digestive organs, but are•the cause of headache, nauseau and sickness, palpitation of the heart, flying pains in various parts of the body, and many other disagreeable complaints. The same may be said of difficulty: of breathing, or asthma; the Indian Vegeta , 61e Pillswill loosen and carry off by the Stomach and bowels, those tough pleghmy humors which stop up all air cells of the lungs, and are the cause of the above dreadful cOmplaint. • - - lwall - distordered - matiovetiFthe - blood - , -- ealled - inter, mittent,remittent, nervous, inflammatory and putrid FEVERS, the Indian Vegetable Pills will be found a certain remedy;. because they cleanse the stomach and bowels of all bilious matter,and purify the blood; consequently, as they_remove the cause of every kind of disease, - 11 - ey - are - absolutely-certain-to oure-every kind of Fever. - . So also when . morbid huniora - are'-depOsited upon he membrane Mid muscles, causing those pains, in flammations and awelliiigs called Rheumatism, Gout, &c.; the Indian Vegetable Pills maybe relied on as always certain to give relief, and if persevered with, will most assuredly, and without fail, make a. perfect cure of ,the above painful maladies, From three to -six of said Indira' Vegkabld Pills, taken every night on going to bed, will, a short time, completely rid the- body of all - morbid and -corrupt liumorsymul Rheumatism, Gout and pain of every description, will, disappear as if by magic. . ,,- , . .-- - • It should be remembered that the Indian Vegetable . Pills are certain to remove pain in the side, oppres sion, neausea and sickness, loss of. appetite, costiver ness,a yellow tinge of the sitin.and eyes, and every other symptom of- Liver Complaint; because they, purge from the-body these corrupt and stagnant hu mors which, when deposited upon the Liver, are the cause of the above dangerous complaint.' They are also a certain preventive of apolexy and sudden death; Because they carry off thoseliumours which, obstruc ting the circulation, are the cause of a rush, or deter mination of blood to the hend—giddinesS 'especially ., on.turning suddenly roundl--blindness--drowsiness ---loss of memory--inflammation of the brain--in ' sanity, and every. other disorder of-the mind. .. I ; - ONE, AYQRD TO THE SEDENTARY. - Those whofrom habit or occupation,arc keptxnuch - 'within doors, should reinemberzthartWfrequently breatlie_ati-atmospreie which is wholly unfit' for the -- tire Per expansion of the lungs, and atthe sametime, owing to. want of exeroise,the bowels are not sufficient I . ly evacuated—the blood .becotnes impure, and head ache, indigestion, palpitation of the heart, and many otherdisagrecable symptonis, are sure to follow. - -• : 'THE INDIAN'VEGETABLE PILLS, . • Being a cleanser of the stomach and bowels,and a 'di ' rebt purider'of the. blood, are certain ,not only' to re move piiin ordistress of every kind from the the body, but if used occasionally; so as to *cep the'boilly free fromthoieliumors wlachare the cause of every male.; ! dy under heaven, they will most, assuredly promote such a ,just- and eqUal Circulation of the,. blood, that those who, lend a sedentary life, will,be'enabled' to enjoy:sound bealtb, and .disease of any li.ind Will be , absolutely impossible. , ' For sale by.. . -' ' .. . • '. 'CHARLES .OGILBY , Agent, CC? Office and Llen'eralLtelikfri : Nmit3 C 9 fu lta l la ' tre Pa dt . Philadelphia. . .. . - . . play 20, 1840...ty . , WORMS! WORMS!! WOR•AMI!!. •v _Tdierntive.thesetroublesoine and dangerous inhalsitants of the stomach and bowels, which so often itppairttlwheplth and destroys the lives.of children; useJqnebt,Toblelrermifilge, a certain and safe , pre paratiot fortlierente*4l oftit?•vprioudkindsofworans, ,dpipelistaisiuntr sbonsathoisint of appetite, infantile Geyer and, ague, aeft dibihty o(the,latoroaelvand bow tOttottift organs ditton. To be blittel, 4. 4 , 20 . idelphia, •% • ' ' L,, .'. Abatis bet hatter S tiel Elliott ind,StUknion Obikle earltsle • ' Eninr' lB 1040' • , . AM Xl.l - :11=3:ZIXTES • Prepared . only pi/ Dr. D. Jayne, ,41:1000.r, and sol proprietor; No.. Jay ne, ,41:10 Third - street, - and vr i : l '4' b e ladof • S. ELLIOTT,. and also of ST.grellt SON 4 1 : 'Druggists ; • -car lisle, Pa: ' • ..• • These medichies are recommended And extensive ly used by the most intelligent persons in the United a es, by numernui — Professors-add—P-residents of Colleges, Physicians of the Army and Navy, and of Hospitals and Almshauses,Und by more than three. hundred Clergymen Of various denominations. They are expressly prepared ..for family use, and -have acquired-an- unprecedented-popularity-through- - -put-the-United.States ;And as they arc so advnirablfy calculated'to preserie.llEALTH and — curenisnasFoo , family should' ver be withotit them. • The 'proprie— tor of these valuable preparations received his edtr- Cation at one of thebest Medical Colleges in the Uni— ted States, and has had fifteen years experience in are extensive and di versified practice, oy A MCI he bashful) ample oppertunities of acquiring a practical knowl f edge of diseases, and of tne reinedies best calculated( to them.. _ . These Preparetions consist of, . JAYNE'S EX PECTORANT,'ssaluable remedy for cough, colds, consumption, asthmtl, spitting ir blood , croup, !moping cough, bronchi t i is; pleuri By an' inflammation of the lungs or throat, difficulty of brea-• thing, and all discitses of pulmonary Morgans.—Price , pne,d9llar. • Also JAYNE'S HAIR TONIC, for.tlie preserca; , tion, growth, and heauty of the hair, and which will positively bring in new hair on bald - heads.—Price one dollar. - • . . " Also JAYNE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE, a rel.,: tain and pleasant remedy. for wormadyspepsiapiles; -and .many other diseases.--Price' 59 cents. Also JAYNE'S CARMINITIVE BALSAM, a certain cure for bowel and summer complaints, diar rha elytentary chalk, cramps, Rick headache, 'sour stomach; cholera rnorbus, and all derangententbof die stomach_ and bowels,.nervotts affections &c.-,-Priee 59 cents. ' . . Al so JAYN:E'S SANATIVE PILLS, for Female diseases, liver complaints, costiveness,fevers; inflam mations, glandular, obstructions, diseases oldie skin, Stc.'and in all. cases where 40 alterative or purgative medicine is required.---Price 25 seats a bbx, . May 13;1840.---1y URE—YOUP-COUti EL be foie-it-is -too. "`•-•' late. Reinember.delays are dangerottsL „Thou- AnnuallY from that dreadful disease con sumption, which Might have been checked' at. the -commencement and disappoliited of its prey if proper means had been; resorted to The very many who have thus been snatched from that fatal i:avager', by 'the timely use of Dr. Swaynefs. Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, bear testimony To this day, announcing the cures, the wonderful cures, performed by the use of thiii invaluable medicine, :1;* - Far sale ONLY at No. 19, North Eighthstrect Philadelphia,and respective agenti. For sale 1y - fol!n :1:43-fgeeB E. CO., Carlisle! A; Keefer, Harrisburg; ..Denuet &TlOnigardner, York; and Wni. Mathiotl, Columbia, Pa. • - ' , ...;lanuary.S.;.l94o; - • TtELAYS ARE DAN GEROUS.—So ,!!--"" is it'With ihnte with neglect Their COLDS and 't 0 LIV/L - At first you - complain - of having -a - cold,' .whichis neglected ; .after.which •eoretzesa Is expe. ;deuced in the ,Bronshia; with 'a hacking . cough, and finally,lhe disease settles upon the longs, which the patient will SQOII perceiye.hy a Yeasting away of the body, attended with hectic fevers and spitting up of florid blood and matter from nlcertron the lungs; a pain and._ weight it also experienced at die affected part of 0101111 gs; ,the functions of the animal economy grow languid; .the hotly liecomes dry ; the eyes' sink deep-within - their - cavities; -at-length-the-patient-pays tic debt of nature; when lie is flattering himself with' the hopes of. a speedy recovery. To obviate all those distressing spilvt onus. "Spare no time" in procuring 'Swayne s Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, at' the very commencement of your colds and coughs; whereby, many nights of sweet repose will be procured and time and money saved, and above 'all your health secured. Thqreforq,Remember,Doays are Danger ous! - The above medicine can al Wily s be obtained at the Principal Office, No. 19, North Eighth street, Phila delphia ; anu respective agents throughout the United . States. Also at the Drug Store of John J . .' jliyers co:, Carlisle; at thestore of A. Keefer,'Harrisburg; Den net & Botrtgardner, York; and Wm. 11Iathiott, Co-- Innibla,„Pa.• • * .Jan. 8,1g40.. LIVER - CON' PrAlNT:=Thiidisease - often terminates in another of a more serious na ture •if proper remedies tire not resorted to in time. In all-forms bf this disease, Dr. ifarlich's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient,Pills will per form a perfect cure first, by cleansing the stomach and bowels, thus removing all diseases from the Li ver; bv.the use of the Gentian Aperient Pills, - after • which - the CoMpound Strengthening Pills are taken to give-strength and tone to those tender organs-w hieh - require such treatment ONLY to effeeia permanent cure. These pills are neatly put up in small pack aqui; with full directions. For sale - , at No. 19,North Eighth street. Also, by John J. Myers CI Co..Car lisle; at the store of A. Keefer, Harrisburg; Dennet lomgardner, Yciii44 and Wiri. Mathiott, Waif- - bin, Pa.' . [Jan. 8, 1840.' ' . !DR. HARLICH'S COMPOUND STRENGTHENING, AND GERMAN AP ERIENT PILLS are a Safe and. efficient medicines - and can be taken by themostileßcate female. They seldom fail in curing Dyspepsia Liver Complaint, pain in the side and breast, Sick Ileattaahe, Loss of A ppeti te,Palpi tiition of the Heart. Nervous Tremors, _Lowness ot r apiritylwhich too mall_ are subject toy, Hypochondriacisin,llysteileal Faintings,:Vonuiing;,. &c. Use these pills acccording to directions ' and' a perfect cure will be the result. For sale at No. 19 North Eighth street; Philadelphia. Alswat - the Drug Store of -MYERS & .CO., Carlisle; A. Keefer; Harrisburg, Dennet '4 1 4- 13omgiirdner, York , and W. Alatlitott, Col9mbia.Pa. .latiunry 8,1840. VOUG US, CONSUNIPTIONS; AND. SPITTING OF- BLOOD.---1)r. SIV.R.Y.NWS Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry Bark is found to be the. best' article for healing the ulcerated lungs, stopping night sweats, and relieving. the cough, that ever has-been in us". Thoes who are afflicted,,would do well to procure this medicine before it is too late. Certificates_ofmany cures can be seen by applying at No.. 1-9, North - Eighth Street.; Philadelphia, where -this-medicine - can always be obtained. Price $1 per Doitle, or six bottles for-$5.- ' For 'sale at the Drug Store of JOHN' J. ..7111 ERS CO.; Carlisle; also, by A. Keefer; Harrisburg ; Deaner& Bombgar4ner, York ; , and Alm. Mathiott, ColUmbia, . Jan. 8;1840. _JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT,'..-This Ur medicine has already proved itself to be all that it has been by those who havegiven it a fair test in this country, and the demand for it in creases daily. We have just heard of an importantt cure of Asthrna, which has been effected by the use 911 it in a neighboring:town—the case was that of a fe- male who had for ifliing . tintie_been under the care off a physician . , but had reamed no relief, and her case• was beginning to be considered hogeless: As, a last resortshe purchased a. bottle p 1 Dr. Jayne's Expeclo rant,'Whi oh caused her to exPectorate gradual ly ly eased her cough, and is rapidly' restoring her to. health. We have no hesitation In saying this prepa ration of Dr. Jayne, for the cure of eoughti, colds, fluenza,,Asthma, Consumption, &c. lathe mostvaltut-- ble medicine ever offered to the American There is no quackery about it - a -Dr: , Jaynels one d, the mostekilful practising physicians in 'Pennsylva.- nip and'wherever his preparations have been thor;- oughly tested, he islooked upon as a great public tien-. efactor.-1-[Sornerset (Me.) . Journal. • ' ' • Fdr sale by_ Samuil Elliott and StevenSon.k-Din, Carli sle, Pa. - (flay la 1940 INGRATITIJOE is the basest crime in man. We are not among that class of Editors who for a few dollars will, (at theexpense of truth-anal ItUnes ty) "Crack up" an article and bring it into rapid We; neitlper tiro we willing tfternain silent, after haying tested the utility of an iroprelikment or - diacioverY in science or art. Our , readers ,reeol hat. we .ttild them we were unwell with a sore'.threat and irieight cold somefew. weeks agO. .Well, Puvehl""r° bottles' of wrNsLows eALsiot;or tiORE.;' HOUND and so sudden-was the curet,' that we'fciitot we exey,litid a .Uold. Those .w4O , are ailletedi may, try it upon:put.retionutiendation.Levofalfiyor2klo! orAiare ME ELLIOW: t Carlide • .1. NORTI-I,NwrifieN _•'.4.1111*;14 Drugelits grerillyAhrottglioUt the CtiOnl try. •-•,Price 5Q "cents R, - Oat - 0404' • 118110 • :.,,i,:t4;44YF,11.1 Mill