Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 30, 1840, Image 3

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    together treading the same path of patriot
. ism and duty-, in the support of the -Mimi
'nistration of President Harrison, 'and the
sure maintenance of their country's cause.
GEORGE' CR 1111313 i Edltoir•
• • AR IC ET S •
. • BOltiinore,'Dec. 26, 1840.
marECis poorly
•tonseqttenee priCeshare'adi.ariced nearly $1 per 100
Mi. We quote at $6:50t0 $7 from good to prime.
FtOUll.- 7 The.reccipt priep continues at $4:40.
WHEAT.—rPennsyb;ania wheat 95 . .t0 . 96 cents.
• '
. .
• transactions. • • . •
OATS.-33 to 35 cents. • • • -
CLOVERSEED.—S3 to $5:25. • .
WHISKEY.—'IO cents' t!XCIIISIC of barrels.
• The Philadelphia prices are somewhat better.
F/our.—s4:7s—tendency upward. . .
Wheat.—Firm at $1:00 to $1:03.
_ COl7l. —47-ofar 27., .
Beef Cattle $6 to 7:50.
. prjr-Tllp gnu. DANIEL WEnsTER of the
United States Sepate,Taid the Hou. Cius;
- MeCLunE, of the Rouse tit Representatives,_
will accept our thanks for for Warding us
importatitTnblie doeurnpols. . .
PLEANER filld A LOOKER-ON, Ore 011
file- - . . .
-The steam ship ,Acadia arrived at 13os
ton:on.-the-.2•id instant, Winging the fot-
lowing news !'fr,
.. -
The pacific policy of : the new French
Ministry has been sustained by the dram
St. ! Jean (PAcre was. taken . froMi, the
Egyptians the Allied—Powers -On the'
3d of N-ovettiber,, after _a...bombardment of
tieyeral hours. • The . pr4 . )habilby ooW
that_the_Eastern .gtiestion will-be settled.
by Mehemet Ali'decepting the akin - Mtn-m - -
0 the three powers, and hy.this means se
cure to.bitnself the hereditary Viceroyalty.
• Of Egypt• . • •
• William Frederick, Count of ,Nassau,
was inaugurated King of Holland on the
' 98th of November. . •
) • •
•On the 21st Of Noventber(Queen 'Victo
ria gave birth to.a Princess. Royal,
pcon:the : English people, both Lords anti
'Commons; made- greatfOols-of-tl;eniselves,
• It is mentioned 'in the_London papers as a
;,.,:pingular coincidence, that three-ladies mar
ried on the same day the Queen was, gave
_birth to daughters at precisely the sanic
time, The John Bulls wanted a Prince
of• Wates—hut haie put up with a
-Pxincessof.Wails. '
Whole_ Populltion
0) these tltere are-.
Intik JAW. White Females,
• 5 years of age, 2414 2297
• • • 5 iota under Ii), 1932 9890 -
10.." 15, .1979 11130
15 " 20, 1750 1922
20 - " 50, 2957 2954
• 30 " Aith
• •4 - 0 50, 11110 - -1151
• " 6u, 729. •. , 744
-.• . 60 " 70, 44:1 - ,- 394
70 ." ./1 i S••• - .166 •
80 " . r • 90, 50
- 90 " .190; 2 2 • ,
- • Col'rd• - Feniales,
. .
• • • • 11 ad. 10 yenrrOlage, 130 - 135
• 10 and under 24, 131 • 109 .
19 " 36, 114 112 .
6 - Jr • 55, '
81 -67
' ' " 100, 26 19
„ . 100 and upwards, 2 00
. Number of persons engaged in mining 18; fn ngri
. vulture 4133; tit commerce 194; in, manuftatures and_
• trades 2151; in navigation of the ocean 39; in learned
professions, and engineers 74.
• /Deaf unit dumb, blind and insai.e white persiins 52;
ileaf, (taint), blind and insane etilored_persons 6.-
'TfiliveFilties or - Colloges 1, - Students 1353,
• lilies Schiilorn 90; Oviimiry
-sod Common Sclinals 70; Scholars 3352; white per ,
^nos over 20 years of .age wha,caniwt read and write
tiro n --lki,;- ; _ her of Furnaces G, tons .of -it iron
rolhtig mills
'.produced 2830; bit;,2 l l l ericil% l ,;9 l 'Ses and
6 ; tons of bar iron prolitii. 1 850 tons of fuel con=
sented-16,000; men employed mining ope
' rations, 4139; invested $llO,OOO.
. produced $1750, men coVeye ,,4
. _ .
Granite, Marble mid other Stone-4-Value prbilitc
., eds2ooo, men employed 8, capital inyested $5OO.
Live •Stock-.--liorses and nutles•s737, neat cattle
24,224, sheep„ 23,850, swine 4:',228, estimated value
of poultry °tali kinds, $12,671.
Cereal Grains---Number or bushels of wheat 569,-
754, barley 11,104,•otits 634,877,41 e 248,759, buck"-
iheat 13,98 , 2, Indian corn 04;956. . •
Various Crops---N umber. of pounds of wool 57,-
c_,A,hopsMlL4s_t• x 597,,AM3lieta of potato_ca
-122,24,.;40s of hay 24,973, toint or lietUp and flax
1.8574, pottiols of silk coconuts cords otskvood sold
113,849, value of.products of. the dairy $96,413„ of the
orchard $18,792;...0f Mama 'mode or familygoods
424,626:- • .
• „ „ : 110; hi:Whim-Valet of produce of market
eners $4145, of wo.s.rics and florists ss , 4s,.tneti em
ployed 6,-capital invested $7,045.. • .
Commerce-Number of coMmissioa houses. 11,
capital $22,504. retail dry. {;pads, - groco•ry
and other stores 108. eitiMpl invented $291,346; luau
,' her yards and trade 13, capital invested $42,3 5 0, MCI ,
, employed 444:: "Internal 'l'rititskirtation4--Men ent.
ployed .16, capital; invested $17,775,
fl - mlticts 01' tlic,rocest--Vithic 'of ltimlicr produc
•edt. $ 1 g,7 6 9; •
. .". MaitufactuirZa,-Value of mic'tinery . 11111nuflietured
s7,Bo4oiiiiitmnplo)Cul 25t emall
,urma owlet 63, melt
. eroployed4..!Naricips le.tals---Value of maltufnc
• turetl42l',s4o, Men popLiycJl 50:
.Iteicks and Lillie ,
•^-.Value maiudidtured' $39,613, Men employed 'B4,
:IV4I- , .;-Nomber of fulling mi/la.l2,.iVooleii mann
factertes:;l4; value of I . h:l4(l6attired g0005 , 426,89u,'
Oericinitemplosed 52,,cuipltal.lnvested ",
of - pounds reeled,: thrown, or , iither.
, made 3', value 4)1 the saute $l3; mule's 69)10Yill
2; l entaletaud.liltildrelaintployed 3, capital invested
• ' -: :!rcilatiOz-Vilt4ertitikaufactured artioles42,4so,
,parsons employed 6; "cipitallevested , 4l;lso:' I
Hats;CapfrAßOnneti ' Value o'V hate Mid baps
manufactured $6,80V, persons employed 96, capital
invested $4,350.
Leather, Tanneries, Saddleries, fice.-,-Ntimber of
tanneries saki of sole leather tanned 19,970, sides
of upper leather. tanned 10,767, men employed 64;
• capital invested $90,175.. All ,other manufactories
of, leather ; saddleries. Sta. 66, vffitie of manufactured:
articles:43B;63s, capital invested $16,230.
-- Soap and' Candles;.;-iNuniber ;Olinda of soap
230,218, of tallow ca nnles : 4s,l6on • .
Distilled and- Fermented Liquors--NUmber of
Distilleries 28, gallons produced .252,305; of brew
eries-3,.gallons produced 12,000; men employed 43,
c • a qu e l o
l invested $45,400. '
•fliCillH I Drugs, Paints; Dyes, &o. $500;
T:irpentine and Tarnish, value produced, $3O; men.
employed 1, capital invested $309:
Glass, Earthenware, &0.---Number.of potteries 1,
valtie of manufaCtured articles s4olp, men employed
2, capital invested $201).
Paper---Nunilirr of Manufactories 1, value of-pro
'duce $4OOO. Value of all tither manufactures of pa
per, plane cards. Ike. $4OO, men ertiployed 8, capi-
Sal invested $.lOOO. • I
Printing and Ilinding---Number . of printing offices
4, of binderies 2, of weekly newspapera 5, of men
employed 13, capital invested '56,120.:
• Carriages and Wagons---Nalue of manufacture
$32,760; itiemempinyed 124, capital invested $20,370..
Mills--..,Number of flouring mills 54, barrels of
flour made 66.252; of grist mills 5. taw mills 63, oil
mtitSA..value of manufactures $58;826; men employ
ed 134, capital invested $140;525. . • .
of furniture manufactured:-22,-
850; inep employed 57. capital investeti $12,850. •
Htiuses---Nainher of brick and stoneilonses , bilitt
33. of wrincleti houses built 24 - of nen.employed. 207,
yalue of constructing or building. $59,410. --""
All _other manufactures not
.ennmerated, value
'ailmen, $40.465;: .eapital. invested $12,870. •
Total capital invested in mantifaetbres's4l6,s2s.- , -
--. • .
The Cincinnati Chronicle . furnishes'the
annexed statistical infoiinatioit iti relittiOn
to ttyo
.counties of Ohio,
"These counties are of nearly equal 'po
-pulation,-but in different , parts of
State. °
. The (,otinty of Highland is on the,sum
betweeO the Scioto - and the Little
Aianti; --- -14, is Probahly.,thelligliest county
in the State ; yet it is,:anostly ievelotinl
atliniraidy - mlapted to 'the prodnation of
-_tvholly - agricultural ; with the
eNeeption.cif the pleasant. village 'of Bills
' The:county Of — Po . rtage. is on the (livid
log ridge - heiween the waters.Of the - Cayan
hog a and. Muskingum.: Mit the '6116 - side
the water rolls.into the golf of St..t.Law
renee,• and on the ...Other, into. , the_ gulf, of
11 , 1 ex leo: 'is rift- the Weitern Reserve, ,
ant settled ort finally by - ConifeCtient peo
ple., •
Vonaty-ii - settled-artiully from
VirgiUid and Wentueky - , -pkobably-,a
lat•ge portion -from Pennsyllyania..
Populatipti of flighlan4 co._.
Portuge en. 23,103 but little difference; then,•in the
nu ither of inhabitants in, these countids.—
Let us compare their pri"Rlttetions:
.VegetoNe Product's..
373,:n4 bush. 164,237
824,129 -!` 446,326
253.525 " .753,5261
30,109 " - 150,124
19,330- " 34;144
147,816 Ihs. .288,802
IV heat;
Corn, _
II ay ,_
. Yl'he reader will see at once that in the
abnve : articles there is a vast preponderance
in grain in favor of „Highland. •
Portage however, raises five times as
niany.potatoes as Highland,' which is -re 7
m a rlin bly deficient in that article, alfil dire&
times as much hay, The reader, however,
wilt itote.the fact, that Highland raises 17
bnsbels of wheat and
. nearly 40 bushels of
corn to 'each living •sotil, adult or child,
vithindts_borders,_presenting -another in
stance of a county raising at least four
times ;enoughfor its consumption. But let
us proceed:— . •
.9ninuil Products.
„highland. . POrtage.
Neat Cattle,... • • 19.600 . 25,308
Horses and Mules,, 10,615”. 4,205
:Sheep, 44,613 " 37,24.0
Swine,— • 42,546 . 11,240
ifairies, $49,374 . $80,963
'From the eotnparison of the tabfes., the
reader might at once infer what we know'
- to be the - fact; that Portage 'excels in- the
t • . Man UPC/WT.9s
highland. Portage.
_Hume made goods, p6q,457:542,745'..
Potash - 118 tons.
Leather, tanned, . : 3,305 sides
—ln ulF+ftµin-to the above; #t Js be noted
that •Ilighlatidinali . ei *only 500 gallons of,
spirits, .and Portage - only 1900. in one
word, they have little to do with - the world's
Edu,catiolial Results.
highland. Portage,
88 1.44
Rri many ¢Sr linuls; -----
It appears then,.that in these prosperous
,eenntties, there are nearly one
out of four pf the whole population in the
the Common . Schools —a - ..proportion fully
equiil.;o that of :any part of the Milted
States. ' ' S'
I.' From the absence or distilleries, and the
presence of schools, in Wl* . in
dustry, thrift. nd prosperity prevail, ii may
he inferred, that-gnint, morali and sound
intelligence is fniorable to a state of high
'prosperity. . Thus..doArtutistics and the
pity sical progreas of ‘'n natioh:demouStrate
the 'great soma. ;tRUTFIS to which- -reason
lievelatiait.hALMnie arrive "
1' 'Surely this is a country.:not-only worth
!tying in and living for, but 'tine. Whoge
desanies way in the forethouglit of Ail all
wise Providence, be designed to' hatie an
aninirtant influence npon the' history and
happiness 4'oll the nations of the
With this view, therefore, snil.This high
iliteentivu before Us, hoW soledin and sacred.
the- diy-on the part of every.. Ainerican'
citizen, ,to •strive by 'every 'means to render
this republic,.bright, beautiful and power
.l?'•inorals and religion, as by
scierice r induStrynind euterpriseL
e*t.. GOWf.t4'll4ir.
Crabb , roe' bring , he.:
,f4e thepol)lie, as . n suitable 'eAttelitinte,,for
the lAthernato - riat ehniriti 1841,: General
./RB4-PH 4.14/1.R47E,'.0f 'Westnaer`ohintt
~ Many.
',have keen ` natnetlin•• other 'qiihrtere for the,
,but :nOne aore, diii . qiignitihe4 :
'rnore.;,deserving V I A ,itior,'..ientlietap
'whose noroination'tliave
ance, 5102
. 1-T4-. .!._ J r...!'4 - ! . 4.'.01. , :1e . "' - ' , TP ) l** r __#.4'..o:.:4..ft . 4::::'*v.:#'4lif-iol.toli:4 .
iiperie,nce• in publid : affairs. has beeh cou
siderable-74.iv.mind Ott
cation--and in addition; he served his
country, with distinguished bravery, under
that liriMortal .chieftain Whom" the people
have just -elevated to;the Chief Magistracy
of. the• nation„, In
. 4thort, :General Markle
is it 'scholar, a sta tesman; a aoldier, and,.
beyond all doubt, an honest man. . What
is more wanted by. THE 'PE9PLE?
'The Bonndaiittinestion.and
: ." the Brihish..—
. gastern p Still continue to fur= !
nish paragraphs in relatiOn to the Boundary
bite - Soon, and the . alleged. appearance ,of a
British Reginient. - The 'lolldwing from
the Woodstock 'N. B.) Times . is rather
confirmatory . of former reports,--- • •
"We' have just been informed by. a'gen
tleman from the .upper part of..the'conoty,
(as well as 'upon the authority, of a 'letter
Trom that quatterAd_aLgentlemadjuLthis_
plapeithat ,a short time.previous to his de
parture, a detachment of the 56th
. Regi 7
ment, consisting of 150 men; 1 daptain;
and - 2 subalterns, under the command of
dnl.*.EdeLa,2had arrived at the 'llladaiiiiika
settlement, and taken up quartere about - two .
_below the: river's r mooth, wherel
114 bre to be sta iioned for the present, no
doubt to watch,.the movements and ,check ,
the inroads our unruly neighbors have been
making•into that part of the province. It
is also stated that the detachment for some
or foot
of the lake, has been reinforcedirom 'the
same corps." - "
The Portland - Argus
John Harvey, we niiderstat has disolaim
ed to Governor Fairfiel laving:had. any
thing to . 00. with this.n atter, and stales that
in a letter to the Governor General of Carta
da, he, haradvised the withdrawal of the
troops, and_ thesubetitutioit of an - armed'
civil rja,ag ;—such. fife' Stale - of Mat ne
now employs , on the 4roostook territory
7 -as *tiffieient 'for all the •porposes 'for
Which the troops are intended.'.'. . .
The Saco Herald says . ,--" It is-Under
stood that ; upon the rereipt of Sir John
Harvey's letter, Gov.. Fairfield wrote
inediatelv,--to . Washington, ioferming' the
Piesident of this last infiiiigement of the.
rights of -Maine, and'of course demanilimr
that the- troopS he removed, either by ne
- , --- "Lient. - Governor flarveyinfornts Gof.
'Fairfield that the Goverifor General 'of •the
_Canadas has ordered a — filetachment, l ,(how
large a detschthent is not stated)- of her
Majesty's troops on the Madawaska terri
tbry, for. the (ostensible),, purpose of aiding
the civil magistrates in those. settlements
in the'eiecution of the faWit "of the Orov
inge and in piotecting the. rights of -her-
Majesty's subjects. Sir •J
having had anything to-do with the matter,
and states that, in a letter. to the Goverffor
General t ite-has advised the withdrawal of
tlitro - i - ps, and the substitution elan armed.
civil posse.,—such as-the State of Maine
now employs on the Aroostook territory,
—as amply sufficient for all the purposes
for whieh"the 'troops- are intemled." .
• The above paragraphs appear to embody
the whole story
The Executive Committee of this Su
dety, appointed on the. 25th instant, have
resolved to introduce themselvei to your
readers, by publishing the Report of the
Society made-fast Aogusti and which' has
not before' been given to the public. This
will' be followed in your next No., with
your approb,anort; by the Report made on
the 25th; and by the revisdLOonatitutionl
of the Society, list of Officers, you
may find room for.them.
R PO iit T
Of the Executive Committee of the. Cunt
_Coen Tempeyan_ec 6Society
, .iiiousT 14,1E40.
"The regular Annual - Nreeti4 of
Cumberland County Temperance Society
Was appointed at the German Reformed .
December last,••anicspe A kers.
securetl•for the occasion; but Was deferred,
subject to. the call of the Executii , e Com-
Mittee,in donsequence . of a violent Storm_
and, a heavy fall of snow.. The Report
then made out •is probably in the hands or
Professor Emory, by whom it was drafted.'
lie was chairman of the Executive Corn
inittee; and his • absence from the. borough
d-st of OW: ' Re
wring,most oh re time since the_ Report
_have been_presented,,has_prevented:
inittee which characterized their •efliirte
while their board was 'full.. It has been:
th - oug'at proper, nevertheless, that a short
sketch of the history of our societrshOuld
be, given, with a particular notice "of its
.operations since the last- Report of Decem
ber, 1838 , *''
”On . the 20th of •April, , lB3o, a Society
organized, entitled .'The Cumberland
,',lemperance . Society, auxiliary to
the' ; Americo • 'l.'emperanee Podiety,
'to abstain from' the
pledging its. memberg,
use ofspirits,. ext:7,74lt„ for
purposes; - .net to, allow the use or thorn in
their nimitio,3, O. piniiil4. them for the
.eittertaiurnent:of--their-fr-iends; , rrind-itt-gen- ,
di.itourage .the use of them , in the
community.' To this pleilge in:1880,4110re
‘'verts fttnnd but 31:.signattires, - and. save- ,
rid Of. ti hirt o cif persona 'who'harl; leflear
lisle: On the 25th tre 1835.-a
meeting was.held tit . the'llletil“ , !iSt EPisco
pal, C u reit, - fer the pit rpose
the leinperrince cause, when •there were
added signatures to•,the. abovefmentionetl
pledgeitn'the ouniber'rif.'o3.. Up to this
date, liitleshad , been.«me 'the cause of
temperanceln.this state;qp.any,otherip_rin-%
ciple than that .rkhrigniiethin , ;l4 - I,ratiir,: . nOviii
known - asthe-0/o,Piedge:••': -....
jn - ,•:1t943 . ;:a - e - eillrentinn;'Orlthe
frieiids of Omileriince - iv.oi lielil iii flarris : - . -
hurg,.wlien 'the. Total 46;9tho.nee-nrip . ci
pi#fo.TTO the lending`subieel'efiliscatislnn. -
'queition ies'. at firrk:liaihnred
hetitetion,',hut" received. ..• a- , ()kr
eussion stOirdriett„ - 4;•(he.
ttplegation from, "thjiititirriety, I ; The l 'ilja h ins
~:leconilnrceniioion to
610 - lifeitityikiance s abstain
• ,••
. .
. ..
from f e rmented es .welra's:diatilled liquors,
and to use their efforts, that sueieties which,
May 'be- hereafter :fornied; be formed .on
this prinCiple.exaluSiy . ely;,and,to le,troduee .
the principle, :as ei4t . ,. iff; it "could safely'
done, into: soeietietkalready organized. In
September. of' this year, - a convention„of
the frienda_of temperance ilia:fog - both Cum
berland County was called 'at Carlisle:l)y;
thdExecutive Oomtnittee of thispiety,
that a concert of action. might be •pro used 1
throe hour the county, in what the :/. now !
-- 1)
began' to :consider -,ri Vital....elemetit :in • the
. 1
.temperance reformation, . T his, meeting re- '
suited in'a, decided expression•hr favor•Of
The toll a bstinence- pledge.; which was
at once adopted by the Cumberland Coun
ty. l'emperance Society, es the - true basis
of. all efficient action in The: temperance
Cause. . . . .
" Within a short time, a meeting. of our
society •was held, at which 63 signatures f
•were -.obtained to The r0ta1...-dbstinence:,
pledge. On the 11th •of January, 1837,.j
this principle was introduced into our,con-
s,titutien, .by an • article -in the lolloiving
W;orde. - • • • , • -, I; .
- • 'WHEREAS, a very' respectable portion
or our association-are - fully - and - stronglY
impressed with the belief, that the use: of
fermqned-as , --well-as - distilledliquers'itfrili
a high degree danoerods to the beat: inter ,
ests of the- comni 4ity,--tha ; they are in-,
-jurious, in a greater or leas degree, to all;
and' are utterly unsafe, especially when
used by, the young end by Those_who_have.
once neg uired alaste for stronger drinks,—;
only:Serying• to-le,ad on, bydertain though
-perhaps---im percepti hie - degree - a - TY - itt
'perance and ruin:—The following pledge
shall .be adopted for such' as wish to sign
it, and Offered With•the old pledge
for signatures, viz:—:We do hereby. pledge
ourselves to abstain from the use of all
fermented as well as' distilled liquors, as
a - ---.. • . : .- •
"And in December,:lB3B, the.pledge of
the* ,dinerican Ternfierance Unialt--the
sane which has been cirenlated in the_ i
town. by your committee during: the last
yeer,. •abil more reseed' 'at the- Market
flonse, by. anotherwas ;adopted, as the ,
pledge' of your sock ty.*.j• 'Phis, then,' is,
the grotn,•trectipied by' the Ountherland•
Connty•Temperance Society, on the great
•temperaime question, and...which _ has- beet .
oecupied--by-them-foreimoat - four yeari: - •••••"
- " While,- however; the -total .ebstinence•
pledge has -been acted on
_by the. society '
for the ; last four years, the.lekl, pledge has
- also remained a - part-'of the constitution.
We have a pleasure, however, in:stating,
that the old principle has met with- little
laver; that : pledge r• Imving ,received but 32
signatures since the adoption of the new,
and several of- these having since been
transferred to the new pledge.: Frodi N.,n 7
vember. 18 36 to 'sloven:l,l)er, 1838-includ
ing., „
a perio d of two years--theSignatores
.to the toial abstinenCe pledge were 206;
and from • Hecernher fl, I 8:36, to 'the •pre
sent...time—itteltiding a period of one year
and eight months—the number of signa
tures obtained to the total ebstinence pledge
by, the efforts of the ExecOtive - Comreittee
of our Society;--ig '205 One or, the in
ferences to be drawn from these results is,
that the-temperance--catistrisniiThe-wliele J
still advancing in our town-;• and another
rs,,,thatw hileAlm:o_lil__.:le_toperance_Pledge
still remains a part of our. constitution,: it
exists but as a deild letter, and
,ought no
longer to remain there as a reproach to our
cause. And if this Report shall be ac
cepted; your committee will present a •re
solution to no longer recognized hy .
Mir tiociety.*: . ••
"Another. peculiarity ofour organization
is, that 'for the last four years •it
billed the influence of all the friends. of
-temperance - in - our pub•lic efforts to advance
- the-cause,—whatever priVaie organizations
have, existed In the town. ' Prior to 1837,
the temperance societies in the toWn•ncted
lisJentirely independent organizations,
:dins _often came_ into conflict : -with each
-oilteri- - .-appointing--meetings--nt , th e some
time in the different churches,..nud-thus
-intintentionvily exhibiting:the appearance
of 'opposition in their action. The union
. of the • several soaieties for, the purpose -of
concentrated-action, • was - the - result of • a'
very full .conviction of iti.Oecessity;- and
howeVer =telt your committee may no:-
_prove 'of individual effdtt; and 'however
cheetfully lend•theirlaid fur the promotion
of, the temperance cause in any way, yet
we are as ever satisfied, that the permanent
interests' of the pause in our town may be
best promoted hy •a union of all the strength
we can _ command. : WeJ fully.' recognize
-the-prineipierthatin-unionTliere is strength:,
lindtlieve — escectitiiied from an experience
of years, that we have none too many self- 1
sacrificing men in, our town devoted to the
cause of teMperance,:to carry on success
fully one •society. .
"'„ " Since the last report was:made to this
society ; several meetings bave.been held
under the direction of the.Exectitive Com
mittee, in different parts ,of the county,
witete*no independent temperance organi
zatiOns' are known to exist. • A course' nf
lectures ,br the Rev. Mr. Hunt was like-
Wise . s ecured during the summer of 1839;
whiehiesnltert in much good. ' Sometime.
last.•atitutrin a - meeting Was :held , in *ilia
Methodist Episcoppl .Chureli,, •itt Which
vention 'held ill - Harrishurg _J•ori,,
•16th and 17thofJenunty)ast. The liolq
ing of the' ;tonna! 'Meeting at the usual
- tiine, as before suggeSted, was . interrupted
hy,a...violent snow Morin; •end -the'absertee
ortite chairniati, of fthe::Executive Coin-''
mittee, since,that tinie his prevented,:•thatj
ronl'il oction-which might otherwise !MVO
9 c- • .. i . • , . . -
1 )6 ,6 !) 6 x •hib-it, 7 i,.J
_poll we, have .'to report,
.ainee the- P : res e t ij,'• E . t . drti!i3lo Committee
cants into. - oliice:an -accession 40 Ac...006j ,
ety' or. 029:rpetrite.iw hick nu tither . ;ip
harp • Signed ; theireW.Pledge, a0....013,j1, _
the:ola- : :r.r ''- -.- •-',-- J. ' : ; •••• ••: -- ••:,1 . ...-..mii4l44` : ::•tr,liifP.O.iti: .. .
N "We stibmirthis , raport . : with•-the giogie J•••• Tl4iititelerlher begs leeve M
-remark, that wee Wel. ahl.inere•nifing confi-: i
.ie hiss opened• a Night '5311001,, at: No.' ve, ' J!" AlO-'
deuce, thowthe entitle :t•if' tete per s 'in • .
,„, ,„,,,i, , ,„ -,attiterwtoiv," Pitt , f3treet; earl iste,' : .w,her he it*O.
leiVi'lithelitth.lio thik
~,,. •
~. r • ,
._ , „ 1 . , -
_;•• ,_, C.— '''' ''''..__ ''• ' ilfier : lem:11 , • tribe' end '...Nritheri'etie, , itii(l, , such
L ' ulni. Il .'9 11 "0 1 :04 1 1?AntigElP 1 9 tn.P • elluAe: - oilier Ifiqiiteltee4 ot':.titi - Efiglisli :xth*.ii) ! i- ai rnny;tie,
of G 011,7 : - -'; ,_ , : :,.,-.' -.:' :.. ' . „..,„ Aleeme(l useful. , A imayeternosiment-Itaii.alta twee ,
... , ~, ~[Signed] .
,:'' , '4; . . CAD I,l,i . itt•
~, eiliptgektetthieh'yeatlie4.' Butt r 5 iti,u41 1 ,0t,c . ..71 ! ,
_ An UGgo, .. . ' - .1., ... . ... , ~
/rnJbelsey of 'Hie' Ex; ram: 1 . riKimi r i"i i i:tify6i.v. re a unia me ilid.wpf•A e ,.,ipaq•
' : f Thesubjeet litra : .4 - 4feti7eil: 65, wits l i iiiit afi!i4:itic" a known atthei sidinel IViail4... ' Scholars *llll, 4, 44:60!
mere nutter otfoltfi 3 O:,:toe:next '.eimnat ,, mbetink, _eithWhy the month of lJwy • the - Itiart . 'ec.J, :, ? .
~ ~ •
when the Odil4Mil - ement!me4 of 'the , CM•rgt,itutipu , • • . '. • , , , ,-,.,,- ~ , : i •, .• - r ,
.- ' , E.: Dql LE..
NValii Utlnntlill6Uay 11(10061. :'' „ C. ','', ''
' -:
r' : . D ec.. 30,i'!840,--3t. ' • ' •
~ , . . •
Delegaiei to eke State Temperanci.con
The:fidlowing are ,the Delegates elected
by the. Cumberland County Temperance
~Society; to the convention which is 'to as ,
flarrisbtirg;. on Wednesday,
January 13th; 1841., • •
Rev. President__Dhybin . , 2 Gleorge Keller,
Re'.v.' John. Ulrich, • Jacoh . Fetter i L.-14.
Brandebury; Esq., 'Professor M. Cald well,
Rev. L. Scott; John Phillips, Esq., J. Sin
derSon; Rev. I. M. Hall, H. Duffield, J.
1 - la!bet% Rev. D. McKinley, S. -
•• . -• Per order.of the Ex,.Coin.•
. . .
.S. ELLlttr.r,---Secretary..
For Trial ,at _January • Term; 1841, coin
mewing the 11th day of. January; A. D.
. 1841.
-Bryson --
Cruse. _
Albert & Co. •• • vs Same '
Whiledll & . vs Same
Jinks •. . vs ' Same
Mains . • vs' Saine
Cum—V. R. R. Co. vs Piper
„terminus - . vs- - Duck ' • •
Church • • • vs. D. Collego et al
Leitlig vs Rupp
Junkini' adMin'r: • vs Junkins' Ex'r.
Montgomery ' vs Irvine.
Moore & Riddle vs . Laying -
Jellison et al .• vs .• Roberts.
Reigle — . • • vs Ala
,triibb et al;. vs
Schwardt.34d - in'r vs MeHoes
Ulerich -vs Bolinger •
Bank -v.s • • •Barber et al
Brady. & Co.• • vs
„Holtman .
Lannbertonl: vs.- , --Noble et al.._
.vs -
• GEO. SANDERSON,. Protll'Y.
POPULAR AEMI.MIESe.,:_,The._ moat
(Nei Of tile present day are. those which cleanse and
purify the blood,' anti which sic known to be innocent
In their qualities: remediei as Anti
molly, Zinc, and the recourse to Bleftdingin disease's;
are note out or fashion, and regeta4le Remedies are
the popular medicine no's VEO:EtA.
ate Usivausst. PitAs ore used and appreciated.- , -
They are known to act on every part. of the r boily;
being taken tip by chyle they in p ass. into the blood,
.which (hey purify; nail it should he remembered that
theyitinnoVe - onlyTtliitrse.. We- 7 6100 which
Ivere the cause of - Intimation. Nothing is equal to
ridding the vitiated- humors-with a vegetable utedi- -
eine. ot this kind, a hiCh eigNty=four years have prov
eil never to dalinjurv, hut-always good. - • C. •
' pT Far wile in .I:ortisk by GLO. W. RUINER,'
and in •CumLniand County by Agents published in
another part of this paper. - . ,
- Marty people are sO . very apt to , consider.
but a tri fl ing matter, .4411 d to thinle_that 7 -‘Lit will go
awayof itself is a day or two," that 1.110. give them
selves no trouble iMout it. • But 'to such we would
say, "be careful of your colds"do not tamper- with
your constitutions.. If yeti desire to live to "a good
old ltge,".De..eurefttlio taliciauch. remedies as will
effect au easy and -a speedy. cure. • Dr. Swnvtle'S
Compound Syruiffpf Pru n us Virginians or Wild
Cherry," has cured more colds dian any other medi
cine olftred for sale in this country. The certifi
cates of cures efrmed by this invaluable medicine,
which the proprietor is daily receiving, nre
Inoil gratifying character and tend to show Its sana
tive properties, and the high rank 'lt holds in public"
estimation. , - -
above medicine can be boa at- the l)rug Store
of.). J. Myers & Co. Collide; and of WICI. Peal
Shippetishurg,-P.a._ - - •
1 •
To Mot hers ! --Children Teetht»
Ott thi's peciod,Ave are aware that these
which are near and &arta us, suffer very much. I
therefore take this opportunity of informing. the pub
lic of die great benefit darived from the use of Dr.
Paris! Soothing Syrup for
.Children Cutting Teet h. This medicine ['found to produce relief us soon as
applied to the Gums; it is pleasant and effectual. I
leel,haPpy in recommending it to the public, as 1 am
certain 'twill save •many;mghts - of•sweet 'repose to
parents and nurses,•besides,preventing those danger. 4
ous symptoms whitat slay'' thousands an n ually.
' • • . JON' ES,
.• . Ninth street; above. Willow.
For ai s le by Dr. J. J. Myers4__Co,, Mid
Pa. •
Of the ejicacy of Dr. llarkelde Comfiound Strength
- • ening and Gerinan Aperient
<- 7, ALLEGUAI4Y, Jan. 8,1840. •.
Dr:Harlich's Agent—Sirt 1 •-wisli to state for
the.benetit of those who .may be that
- a ,
of whiehlbayelbeep afilitnetlfur manryeat.s. 1 used
both kinds, the Aperient and Strengthenifig,and lam'
constrait4 to say, that they arc a valuable discovery,
mid act•upon the syStein mildly, but,yery effectually.
I found.the Tonic Pills to
. quicken the circulation
and 01119 C
.11, weak'
to, the...sitrfacb; • and to
. the eak' stomach dad increase itqwwers.
TheAPerient Pills are the best cathartic I ever useil.
I am confident all Dvsp'eptics Would do well to - make
Inttnalate trial and - be relicred-L Any une eat call
at my house and be satisfied of the above at pleasure.
N. 13. The original certificatd may be seen at the
ollice of the "Sptrit (tithe Tinieti." . For sale at No.
19, North Eighth street.
Also - fm , sale by J. J. MYERS &, CO.; Carlisle;
and Wm. Peat, Shippensborg, Pa. [Dec. 23, 1840.
...11 . 1ARRiED, . • 1
-4 ht - the -I ftlr - inst - hrtheltevAlenry• - .MtVailt,lMT'
liorth.Nli/ftttetonlownshiP: - J
. o . e On'tlie '22(1 inst., by the Rev. Jon Ulrich, Mr.
DANIEL HANDSCUCT;SIS'IIIIB9 litTrY •Gt11.31 - AN; all 'Cif
Silver Spring township. , • . ~
/On the 24th, the same, Ntr. SAMUEL lityri,
• to Miss CATHARINE !BRENNEN, Olt Of South _MI addle
'ton township. ; • • .' • •
/On the saute day by the same, Mr. Yonzr. MCKOS
KY, of,Perry comity, ti,Mlss 'ISM:WLLA 13ONBAN, of
this place. ; " . . - -
same ./On the same day by the same, Mr. leitiNlT DONLY,
to is CATHUtINE - STIIOOII, all of Carlisle. I
D I • ,
0 - 3,1 thin borough on the 2.3.1 inst. itfAnirl.3nitNoo t
•in the' 64th 3ear of her • .
trestb - gotrapriirin contunialteir notion on
.Friday,and -.Saturday, - the and .cf
fanuciry, 11 . 141,,, •
vr li wi wili . J4pirered y riety of Dry.GOocl i stich AD
, r . • assmtits,
'Mai Linen, Tickings, .bleached-and 'an=
nets, .Calicoes, with .vitrioue otter
arneleB 'ad: Merchisqize;
, .
Salt to . :Oommt4tee•ettelt tiny at
,2'oiiktielt., P.
and to be continued duringg tba eveoing: • •
• • , HITNER" Et. 111 ULTANW.
11..:On Saturday alteration will be, Otrered at
A:!etioni nNaliogicit'iCelitre Table'ittld iMiuner'Set
o t§ to ... pitisiii;,the, property of capti'nix.:
l ‘ I '- "“‘l‘s7
“awry-ryflhwyng‘ ‘4 4 , ,7
vs . Cornly.
vs Myers
vs Given
t (Vr''
1t1C7" , 1 00 K HE RE !
01111.1141116 W 24
The Saliscrilieriroffer their.Presenl ',Stock of nor
chandize at reduced prices, and. will continue at sue
prices until all is sold. A large, portion of thei
Stock is offered Itt Cost. • '
80, 1840.' • . "
riVIE Estate of William:Diplom,. late of South
ampton towoship, deceascaLAll_persons_nre
hereby notified that the ,Onderaigneil,-. dre Auditors
app_ointed•by the Oiphanti'tourt - of Cumberland en.,
to settle and adjust the rates - and • proportions .of the
[meets of the estate of A'tim: Duncan, late of
ton township in stdd , county, deceasetl i -to and among
the respective'crediters of said estate, according to.
the order established by law, will meet for that pur
pose at the !tense of Robert. Cochran, Inn-keeper in
the borough ofsliippensburg, on Friday the 2'2d day
of.lanuary,lB4l;mt 10 o'cloek in the Morning, when
and where all persons having el:tiros - will please to
attend. • "
: JOSEPH 1 1 ;` ,. NEWhq;
• ____L-V.OBEILT—COCHII-A-N-,—}Aotlitors.
Dee. SO, 1840.---St
. .
'r-VOTIOM„ •
. .
All...persons' indebted to CCorge \V. Hitner, or to
Hitner 8t 'lll'utvanj ,, , are requested to make-payment,
on or-befcire the 15th . ofJaauary; 1841
To Let.
. ' The large . . and 'commodious House
• in the borough of Mechanicsburg,
'now, occupied by the Subscribers, for
!- ' 1
the term of one year, from the lot of
April next until the lst of A 011,1,842.
The dwelling will he rented, separate, or together
'with the Store Room and Warehouse; for. conditions
call on the subscribers. •
'AIiNQLD .37, CO.
N. 'B. , We-have leused 4nother property in -said
borough-for the t&rfirof - three - yettwfrortit o
April nextonid hadleased the Ist desOribed proper,
ty for the same, term, and said term ddei not expire
until the Ist of - April, 1.1142. _ .. ' :
Meelnudesburg,Dee. SO, 18 . 40: ' - .
Register's. Notice.
' •'s Ors
- CFliLisie, Dec `ltiiii,'lB , ip,
Notice is heaeby•given- to (all Legatees, - Crechtors
and other persons concerned, that the following ac
•cOunts have been filed in this office for•examination,
by-the accountants therein named and will be
sented to the Orphans'•Courtfof 'Cumberland' 'County,
for confirmation ntid alldirance Ttlesday the 2Gth
-day of January, A. D.- 1841, •
the supplemental and film! administration account
ofJoho Rupp, administrator of Samuel , linby; dee'd.
The administration account of James Armstrong;
administrator of Robert Armstrong, deed.
''dministration, account of John'''. „Weaver,
administrator of,Johir Flemingideceased.
lne administration pecouplor.l.leocg,elleikes, cx. - •
ittitfir - of CaroiGers
, ISAAC ANGNF.V, IrcVsler.
Black Walnut Plank:-
91 , 1411 _subscribe r wishes • to. purchase
BLACK' 11'4LNU7' PL.4.7VA”, hourly quan
tify that Inky be offeretlClbi" which Potty Dollars
etoh - per 'thousand feet plank meat - tire be•given.
Said Pima , to lie of good qindity; two •inehes and
oneeighth'in thickness . and fonrteell feet tour inettes
in - length. To he' delivered - at the Canal in Harris
burg, or at any point on the Cumberland Valley Rail
and.imniediate_information forwarded to the
• co"-Any other information relative to said business
can be had.-on appliention. 10 Robert frighimpti,
Carlisle; or by addressing the subscriber (post paid)
residing in Plidadelpltia.
DeCembei , SO, 1840.---6 sno." '
6121 1" Ti.1 1 4V110.11 .
An. adjourned Court of AppCal n ill he, - hdd On
Monday the 18th day ofJatiuttry next, at Allen's Flo
tel,.between thellours of ..ct sinl,6 P. M. r‘llCl•ft all
rtiterested are requested in attend.
IVM.. M. I'OIITER, Captain.
Dee. 50;1840.. •
_ . Stra.y - eCovri - - -------
, . .Caine to
. the premises 0 the Sub
tittietr.slo4, scriber, Allen - township;
, ii'i - ' , m , '. ; ' - : Cumberland county, nbinit '..t2 miles
• * ens't-of Merhomiesbiim, in September
-- last, n BROWN COW with a white
head and-back,- supposed to he about 3 years old.• -
-The-owner is requested to'come forward, - petive - pro: -
perty, pay charges alai take her away: . . .
• joHN siir.E,Lv. •
The. 30, I 640.--:-.3t . • ' ' . - - •
Ey R R F. °
Virginia Wellsburg . Lottery
CLASS A for' 1841 .—To be &arca at Alr Yentlria
Va. Saturday, Jan. 9th 1841. -.
SG,OOO, 5,000 3 .4,01)0, 2,500, 2,090, 11,746
25 Prizes of $1,600.
Tiukets only slo—Hal es ss—Quarters—s2,s6
Qom ificates or rOckiis 0f25 W,holeTi ekets $l3O •
do • 63
Do. •• do - 25 quarter do 32 50
Capital Prize' 530,060 Net.
And FIFTEEN MlMlaka%
Class No.II tbr 1341.—T0 be dciwu at Mrxau
4cin, D. C. cu Saturday . I Gth January;lB4l.
•. •
•• • .
$ 5- pxyrlpooi - & - ,ouu - , - eit:St)3:l - pdoTte ,- 5007
1,500, 1,40 u, 1,20 u, 1,250; 1,21)0.
r_.e' Prizes GC 4000,
...Tickets only $ 0-11:1111;:s $5---Quarters $2 50 '
Ceriilkates of Packages of 25 W e 'rickets $l3O
.D o; • do ' . ft.s
do 25 quarter do 32 50
CTmulidate4. Lottery
gr:3 - . 4 Prizes 'of $10.,000
• Class No. 2 fur 1841.—T0 - be slrawo 0 - .Baltiti4pre,
A.1.(1. - ta Satuvlity, Jun. LIS; ISA!.
• ). ' Four Prize Of
10 000 Donal's.
i UOO, 4 , ,4i8, S or 8,90 c, 5 of 2,500,45 or, $3O, Ste.
Thi LI Wet* deawn No.' $lO.
The tickets 6aviog.
..Tickets $lO-:-Didves SO. ' :
Cer:dlicldes OI l'uoluigoioe2,s3 Whole Tiilcots $lO9 , -
do. - Holt' do • So;
Do.. do gutirter do • , YS
• ,
I.g ifa 41 (is lb av r#,,
C.lass A 10r.4844. 7 - I To , 110ivn t",
.17a, tnu , 0:F:89 . 111. of•Ial. 1841, • •-:
anArroc..iiiiTALs. -
$36.,016--1,1Q;octo; '
" $ 3 , 1)00 ; s; ol zT,'2' - 00 , 1 , 0 17 i. • "
Cr"l - 100 .1111 z 43 °' of:1 1 000 ',i)ollars.. r D • •
• Tickeis '
certi;!.pates ul Piteksc
usor.e.sl4 , loiteTickett sl.3t) '
pp"' ' • tit) Half .05"
di) 25 .. 4950:
P Cli•tbirs
ittie,kag4s 40„1)rokortlT.,
nttelited litrifit)it',01110:;;i10"
,'": •
• '" D.- s: GIREIgoRY,;gr:
' • • • • yt'ililxi4toi!,Cit.y;ll). C.
To Constables 9 Relailers etc.'
In and liyati'actOf the Gerieral•AtieMbly of p.06, -
sylva:mia, entitled Anactsraduatraolie.dtities upon
wholesale dialers and retailers'of merchindize, and
prescribing the mode of issuing licences and Collect.
ing . said duties," it,is,inade the duty of the Consta
bles of the respective townships within the County of
Cuinberland, and they are hereby required to make
- outron oath - orriffirmation-osid- deliver - . to - the-Clerk
the Court of Qunrier S essions, a separatelist
. all the wholesale and retail dealers in goods, wares,
. and _merchand ize—w nes or': distilled - :spirits - --drugs
_or medieines--exceptlhose that are the growth or
produceoftlie . United States, on or before 'FliuradaY
the.‘ l, iilrefv.lanuary'lB4l..• Merchants, Dealers; and .
Others. embraced 1U the said lief, are: also notified,
that - theAssociate-Judges-sind Commissinnertrofiraid
County, will attend at the" Commissioners' office" on
Friday the 17th of JanuarYl at 'ten o'clock in
the forenoon, for the purpose of lienring'imd,
fyingall retailers within said.Cotnity ; agieeably fa'
thesaid ait, uliere.all such as think proper may. At
. .
. ,
' Altest—JOHN IRWIN,
' ' Werk-to C`oilvniesimgr.o
" CominiisiorinV L Oiltet. - ,F -- 7
Carlisle, Dec. 23, 1840. 5 .
. .... Fca. gent, • -; \-
'....._ •
' The 'Store Boorn,atid Three Rooms on the upper
floor, of iireseni in the. occupancy of Messrs. Hinter.'
2,:tMulrstnv,--next &iv to Simon Wontlerlich's. Ho-
tel. The R• 701119 110 e no'couneetion yi.itli!the Sore. •
. '
`.10H;4 eItETOH,
I,Tent-fot—Thotnaz - Clreigh:'
Ctirlisle, Dec. 23, 18.10.-.i-3t • • -"_ •• .•,
, All persons -indebted to 'the suhscriber, are re..
quested to call tind , settle theiraccou . nts by the 15th
of Ja s ousiry •
Ut4 l: ,,iir
Bet«te of ~archibald Peck, - dectirsetl.
E'IT RS TESTAMI•IN'i'IItY on the estate
ju of Archibahl Peck, late of th borough of Par-;
lisle, Cpulterland county, d e ceased; have been grant
ed to the Subscriber residing in - the Garotte' of Qar—
lisle-aforesaith 'Notice ;whereby given to all persona , -
indebted to the estate of said decedent to make iru- •
'median...Tay mem, : HMI thoserlialu.K.. Claims against
said estate to present them proiterly-ituthentleatad
for, settlement. .
Dee. 23, 1840..---Gt • •
'Tiike"tiotic e'tlini I have applied, to the Judges of
the Coureef Contindu li. is of . Cumberland county;
for the behefit.of the InsolveYt of this Com
inenwe%lth, and theyr•hiive appointed:rucsilay-thU . .
2fdli'day•-of January 1831, for 'hearing :.nie and .my
cre.ditors at the Court Rouse In the Berough of Car
lisle, when and wh'efe Indy attend if "y.taiti,thitik,
, . •
1).-9.3," : 100,
Tdall Clain tails and poisons inlereded:
Notice is hereby given that a writ hf Seire Fticiaa -
to January Term 1841, to me ilirected, has been irf. ; -
aned-out of the Court or Common Pleas of - Cumber,. -
!add 'county', on the following " Mechanics Lien," -
antered mid vecol•ded in the Court orConunon Pleks- -
iiibilisaid, viz :- - • - •
. • .
John Lehle, sr. vs. ))acid Ne am
and the t v l'USitieft oT the MetliOist.E.)4qapal -
In the borbugh 7 of Cailisie;baMers.
Sci. Fa. snr. Alec:batiks Lieu; No 16, January
1841. ". ' -
- • --- NIARTIfc„ Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, . •
Cat !isle, Die. 10, 1 - 84.0.5 • .
VMI VI • , aDLVD 0 c i
The subscriber Ims just returned from the. city'
and Is now op-Tin[; 'some very desirable sensoraddo
GOODS, consisting in„- part of Invisible Green,
Dhimoml, Pilot, Beaver, Black Wool dyed,
Blue, Adiliale Cadet Olive
C)'• T .
Wool dyed BlaCk, Blue, and figured Covilmeref
Sattinetts of all dem4loons. Cores and Beaverteerliv,
k_s .antl - Clreelts;,:mp teci'..fltai al-fig.tryer I-Car—
peting; Saxony ; Prince and Mouse de 'Lathes; Burn- •
lrzanes, merinotA, litt/6.blitek, black, Mantua, Fawn,.
Brown, Figured and Malt! Silks; Figured and
-Plain Swiss 'turd Jaeonvt . ..l/tteins; Creel' Baize and -
Flannels or dill'erent colaurs;• Gimes and Hosiery;
Cloth and For Caps; Brodie nod. Merino Shawls;.
„aird,:Point..l3lafikets;.l.egliora arra.
Siraw Bonnets; togedier,with un rorsurtnient
• GroctTies & queecossival‘e, _
All of which will •be s'old on the most reasonable
terms. Person are inched to call rand exatuilie for
themselves befere
Carlisle, Dec. 23;1840:
Having, added a largti assnrtraeld of goods to tny -
form. r stuck. I will sell off the same htgiyafly '
duced prtees for cash. ,
cheap CiottiNCnssi meres, Cassiactia, Flannels, -
i~icoes, Rumba.
tines, &e. will do well to coil, as lam dep.,
term inc.(' to sell'as Jam , if :not: lower, than any cstab
ii%linteia in the borotiol. • -• . • - -• -
the_saltL stitud opposite. SimonTyVonderlialt!l_,.._
. . r .
,NN:ater Proef Boots, holies and • .fGehtlemen's
Civerslyseu, Children's Gum nod Leather Shoes, end
every h rr description of Boots and Shoecfor ask '
low at the Ilat - and 'Shoe store opporite
Sirmni - wot,(4.l.llcit's Clad.
••. •
• . .
.Al.,•th• ..Inicriea • Insurancelnsurance • C .
. CAPITAL $600,00i := • •
above &unpany through their Agency
IL 'Carlyle " still contilities to ittsure all kitids of"
. in this and the adjoining counties at this
ton est rates. The usual risk At. strue: brick;
housei averages about .fet per annum on esarit'thoui.,
sand insured, and a stock of merchandize consisting
of dry goods, 'gvnet , ries, he usual assortment
cottnti7 store,, will be insured t:t the same mits: -
Property . ItolthTs, and nieridiatitil' gsttickll#'
throughout this and the adjoining- eonntits, will
pleuie give the above notice nitehtion.• Applientiou
can be made eitheeby iettLr kin person to the,. sub:
scriber in Qurtisie.
• • .11 , (r) . aa; •
The Stoekliblilers'af • the" Carlisle Thstlititi l kiirlty ,. . •
hereby no tified , that toi ele'ttion.wilthe
fl)ly -to -tile ternis of-the cha rteri Ott
Jay (2tl) of January' mxt, bet Ween the hairs of g , '" • -
lout 4cf clock P; M. at the School . loom-of M . 0.R0b4,„ •
ert Carlieenn, in this liormigli r for , the.: purpose of - • •
electing three Trustees to -scree forthe ensulog.tlOreisr,''
yesrs, 13y ordt.r of the • • - ' •• •
' Eayise,oe t ary ;
.6.01.1 e; neitcia;.lB46. : , 4 ,
. .
y,ort , rtze,s.mPokt .;. .::•
. ,
Ba•atettivihs 'lleV.retable . vtitrt •
held by the follbWinp; igenie in , IlteltZ •
tive comities. - %. .Its'itui . neren"§ . entintnife - its nr• '
pips are , otteinittetfiti be
ty; the propriet,rof.puivintsiti,l;6lll3..feeni
timed ngentsov di be It pinteent; ••I',;
. A . 4 It/ vie]; 11 leeltintiotbutx t 'A; ilt ge
nove ' -,
Newitlfer S. Cnibertlniti• Sltiwenoburg,t• '404
Ilknnetnnn New Ctiritittertnita‘ , :lentte
111 . , d 1 . 1 t!ipuiSitirqraatatra'sii Itietellkei s a
'1 ; , .1, '
reery , cowity—;.titetindei• • f . tite; • filodtilleitid
Coyl,e;Landisircir..• . • ''• !,
final 26 , 1.150 - -
,~.,, r
IT(E) 7 4DUCcrIto
Notice th, Creditors