Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 30, 1840, Image 2

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T In 1 c 4)-qt .11; s.
COTTC!3[IO4 . IIOII . C.O of the Math-Dore Patelot
WASIIAITOX„ MoNtlitv, Dec. 21, 1840
SE NATE . . ,
. .
Mr. Clay, of Alabama, front :the
`,lnittep, Ttitilie Tana,. reported, without
amendtrient; the. bill introduced' , by Mr.
Denton for ..establishing a perritanant,pre ,
- emption system,—'whieh that person des-.
•ignated as his Loo CAi3IN BILL:. It was
• read', "ordered to be printed, and •matle_the.
special - order for 'Monday nest.
Mr. Wright presented - a, petition, trout
numerous ettizefia of New York, praying
for the passage 'of atOmiform law of bank ! .
rtiptey. Referred to the Commiitee on the
judieiary • • • . • . •
. , •
BILL. . •The Clerk of the House; H.-A. Garland,
GRADUATIONL - '' Made another report to 'the House this
. . .
Mr - Wright; - frotti-Lthe T •ComMittee on Mornitig,_respeeting, the Ingersoll fees
. of
Finanqe;Teported.:a bill for the reduction $ . ...0;160, according to,an order adopted ycs-i
and graduation of the price'ef Public Lauds, rorder by the House:,
..-.;- _
:and an amendment; ..whieh, with the - bill, . . A debate:ensued-as to the-disprisitirmAf'
•-was ordered to be printed.* • -•; • • -,•.. the.. report. 'Mr. Floyd of N.N. moved
• •Mr. Calhoun ..gave mitiee that he would . its reference to the committee on accounts.
,10 , inorrow introduce a billiaroeiding for t : - Mr. Smith - of - COnn, oppOsed-thisrefer,_;
tessiOns/ . f_the•Pehlic•Lands of the Unitetl; once, upon the ground that . a
States,. for certain purposes and under cer- , had already decided 'as to the propriety of;
tam contlitiOnS therein - mentioned.. ' • !the expenditure •for fees. . He wished,
lalr.Tap - pqn moved araik - c'up - the - bill - ti e on;thift - srun - e - othei.euminittee might
for , ";cantint m . i
ung the dorate existence of decide upon the paiMent. It•wiisi.ilivious , i
,thelianks of the. District Of Columbia - ly. improper to allow the committee tO-re
which. was agreed to. . The .Senator froMl'.:consider .the.subject. .111 r, Floyd insisted
Ohio offered , some; ainendments which'- on hist:lotion and the • question was dis
*Were'be printed.;, • •posed of by a reference to the committee.
-. On motion. of Mr. Tipp:in—a joint re . -'o n accounts, with instructiowsio report the i
solution'to limit the term of-service Of the TaCIS...
Judges Of the'Supreine•and Circuit Courts 1 d
lof the United:states was madelhe order of;
._. .
. (*Or the first Holiday in January. -
...... . • . • ' •• . Mr. Riveii-of-V:+: chafrinati of the corn
. • ' , mi . ttee•on Elections,-Moved that the report
.., ___:_____ _,:.._. -_ T __HOUSE.. ._;_ ____lof.the committee on elections in. referenee
UNIFORM 'NATURALIZATION LAW. .'! to the case Of - Megird:lngersoll and Nay
' - - :Mr.--Davis,-of- I mliim i, rose to move a -- iiir te.mede the - sPerial - order - of'the - day
reconsideration of the • vote lly which the , for the first . Tuesday in ' January:: After
.Bill,. introduced by- Mr. Hand, °of New, words the .order errs agreed to.
' 'Steck di
; for. establishing an uniform systef . 11
a,ANK 'ruts DISTRICT. •. ,--- -
; of 'Naturaliz akin, and repealing .1111 la Ws - • 7
. 111r ;., •Johnson; as - eiiairinan - iit the Dis ,--
:.:... s poUrl'ilt_eitiollic , "-io relation thereto,' had ,
leanreferred - to7tlvaAudieiary__Coronitiee. -7t T, "`,-mtt"el-d u rin gHtl le -der. reported
Mr. Davis alluded to the m
rearks - OrMr. -- f a- " " n-1-4 " r of reviling the; Banking
:- t.atily a few - ilays - sin ei - otrthe disposition
power in the' District of ColoMbia. The
'; Bill Wes - read. end referredt o-die-Cotianiit
- '' . of e . ertairr-perSOllS , IO tee .
.; - ePthe - whoir on - the-itate of-the
--,question-7-and- said -h -no-deeire,l-____ -, - • - • - • - ••-
But the•Judieiary committee'had the-sub-• -
. _. •
rjeet-beforitthatn-at the last session, and yet ts" . - BEN AT.E
- .failed
. to_ do any thing_in 'referenee to 11.--; -- -: , • AV taiNESDAr; Dec. ..‘";i3
• Mr. D: called, the. Previiins'QiieStion_;on his Mr. Benton gat; notiee of his'intention
motion toreeonsider- , Which was sustained. to- brilig in a bill to tax .paper circulating
_,....,Mr-Stanly_moved.a,call. (Cop_ jionse, Las' Money_imilte-District or Columbia.
' . for the purpose of
,getting a decisive cotel• -Mr. Williams of Maine, clii - dr - mai of the
on the queStion.
• - ' conmaittee on. Naval ;Affairs; called-up the
- The Spdakesaitl it Was now too late. ••1 bill ' proposing the regulationa.-pay and
• .
.. The question was then Pet on the . ine - i emoluments of Pursers in' the Navy, .
tion to reconsider; and decided in the' ne- After 'en animated discussion,',lhe bill
gative.• • -• • • • -- • • • - was laid on the table. :
So the House
. refused to reconsider.q. . . ..
Mr. NY illiams then called -up a - bill hi
'EATING Tut; .WITNESSES OF Mn.'lNormsott. reference to Naval' Pensions. This was'
IN 'TUE CASE' or Titit PENNSYLVANIA CON-also l important, and, called. forth remarks
TE.TED ELECTION. • • . , ~4frourlVlesstra; - Wright, Calhoun anteWil
. .
:• The consideration of. this ettraordinary hams of Maine. . . .
- k 'caseiTwitielt - presents an otitrageous_exatu- ._l+;-was p4irIOUCCI till Ale lITSIAVO4OCS ,
" • pie of the transgression of law, in some day in January.
quarter, ;was resumed to-day,-;•-- - - • ; •• ;Several hills- upon Tilie:•-ealentler-were.
.The. Clerk, accorditig te the order' of the then . 'ordered to - • be engrossed.. One for;
• Deese ; made :i report. at he paid .the fees punishing certain crimes. against the United
•• of the witnesses of Mr. Ingersoll, in coo- States: one for extending the time for com
pliance with the directions of the Commit- pleting . the census, and another•-to punish
tee of Accounts..__ _ • , _ for,the counterfeiting of American coin.—
• ,
Mr. Botts, of Virginia, then offered the ; Others-of leis ithportance wire - pattied. -
• following resolution—" That the Commit.
' tee of -Accounts be instructed to-report. by
`what authority they autherized 'the - Clerk
orthis;House to pay the sum of - $2160;50
• to Charles S. Ingersoll - and others, fortak
ink testimony, and for other expenses in
eorred in the contested , election between
Chalice S. Ingersoll and -Charles Naylor."
• . Mr. Medikeubmitted a resolution mak
ing the inquiry rather more - octensite, re
ferring to the witnesses:on th - fside of
Naylor (who, however, he well knew. had,
probeeded to. ask a number of questions as
• ter - the - latter,;gentleman's conduct :-in-the
. premises which were imperfectly heard
, but which . went the length d insinuating
.1110 his conahict had-bc•cti tin a par with
that of-Ingersoll. ' •- • •
• ..Mr Naylor.repelled..with prePer indig- ;
7 - iration the charge, that he had connived at
• the payment of the•commissioner or door
keeper employed when the testimony of
his witnesses was taken; and referred' to
his known course, and to the testimony of
in'apy Members. of the -House, to prove
-- 7 -thataione-of.--the-insinuetionsof the meni,
-her frent• Ohio ':were----Warranted..- 7 1-le-re--
- 14:11? - d — the - starentetti a ldch has =already
been plibliOesi, and .duly limited, that he
had pant his witnesses out of his own pock %
et : and iiffered to pay the etinititissiiiifer
and doer-kee - fier ; but they •refused—be 4
cause - therieuked-upon-Congress_as. their
pays taster; and refused to take hi.4_ ; t l .llr: -
N's) money:.
some dismission in which Messrs.,
Briggs, Wise,:thiclerwood, Cushing and
Butts engaged, the question was tritetrand
the. resolution of Mr. Mitts Was agreed to.
Mr. Muntne s . of N. York; asked arid
olitaideileare to introduce
imprisonment ror 'debt; which'mos .
reao-twice and referred to:the Committee
of the on the Stnto ot-the Union.
Mr. Davis introduced a Bilk -to: reiiitatis
the. Compensation of . Dhitrici . Attorneys,
ind'.id , Marshali and other officers of the
LLB...Courts. Read twice and• - eonnnitted:
. • ' Buitisaso OF THE CAEO.ONE:,
iescitation:.wati adepit-o;,.ealling 'en the
„ftesideei,for information
..pe_.te,' what step
I..het.l'.heee 'taken to pocign Siitigadtien for
• the burniett . ef the Caroline.,____ , _
Oorreepondtnce of the„Baltiinore .Imerscepu_,
,;11nESDkir, Dec. 22, 1810.
presented a'me- 7
Thil;mern'orial was
so othi:r, tifotitoviSis f liut none of
. publicin.
EME2=ii= MI
. .
'• 11r.(Nlhoitii, •-as-• realised.. yesterday,'
i resented . this bill, which. was read twice
and referred, to the Coir t atitteeb (qv Public
Lands. • • .•
. , . . . .
'Mr. Norvell,af - Mich., presented A bill
propaiing'ini.,anacndnent to the - charter of
the city of Washington: The Bill is - de-
Signed to:extend the .rights - of suffrage:to
the people of tills district.
, It was referred to the District Commit--
tee.. • "••• • . •
, .. .
•-: A• resolution proposing lo reinove the,
chandelier in the:elute Qltativber'Waii - then
brought up, debated,•andlaid on the lablet
when the Setiatei adjontned. • ' .
Mr. Attaml,•of Mass., presentec i ta reSo.,
Lotion calling upon the Post Mailer Gene
ral-for information in reference to. all the
-Postmasters rermwedsince_:lB:2o, the..caus,
es of their,removal, information. as to the
fact whether or not the removed Postmas
ters, an opportunity to testify as
to te accusations againgt -them. The 're
solution lied over fur one day.-
. .
• Mr: Everett Oitf. one of the,committee
on FiTri.W.-.--1411iFir s —olle red —a—refalutiOn
calling for all correspondence not illeClll
- with public interest relating- to the
affairs of China. • . •• • . •
. „
A resolution was adopted inqiiiring, of
the Clerk as to the falling of the elian4elier .
—whose fault IL wag—and whetlier , the
manufacturer had bob paid;
, i TUAnns es,,,TnE REVENUE. '
Mr. A•dams'of Mass. after the• presqnta
tion of-various bills froth the committee on
claims, asked leave, to - refer the bill before
Congress at the hit ,pession to the commit
tee on manufactures. TIWISiII caused - some
feeling in The, House. •The motion of Mr,
Adams was not in 'order,. but
. on leave, the
whole tuhject was discussed for an hour
by - NI r. Ad a ins Wise, •
Mr. CtiAltingriffirinhers. • .
-A — Motion followed to - suspend the rules!
of the House for the purpose of submitting
motion first made by Mr. Adams, to re-,
fpr the bill under consideration . to, she, com
mittee on manufactures,
. .
The yeas' aidnays were ordered, and
the motien • wiled. by the. triumphant, vote
A _question arere as toth - e — rrolsier - tornl
mittee of reference. • •
. Attarus
,InOveti that , the committee
HSimanufactures shotild have charge of it.'
Mr. Wi'm anti Mr. Pickens claimed its'
reference COMMittee of Ways .and
The Previous - Qcestion'brought
Mr. Adams' Motion in, order, and reference
to his committee ;vras 'ordered, 109 tb 60:
The House'soon,adjourned...:l.... • •
, - TnottepAr, Dee. 24, 1840.
_ 'SENATE. .
11Etits or FryTON,
• Mr. S turgeon ..;presented: ,memorial,memorial
strongly' upon.(longees the_settle.
meat of ttie claims; tit Pti4oti T alteire.,
_ The';bill,to a t tend the' act forthe pre
vention and punislinaent,of_ . certain c rimes
against the United States, 'was Tema,
TAxXii „
r....fleti ten, on' leaye,, infroduced.,
to impose ta3F .on- bank mites, ,
and other
paper designed ae a eireelation.
lets purpoke,was,'(he, said) to; revive ; the
tax an preulatioe'whieh in' 1813,
*-0:-,•11.4 . 0:0.ii'.1,.4.!.*,,
and to:impose:.ll tax on all batik notes over,
$2O of the seine amount as. weitiAhen imppi
ed, and .on totes heldw. s2o*ltigher rate:of the„revenue .prieciple"
that tequirei a higher:payment
• that
which most profitable to the, poss'esso'r,
tm , d most injurious to the country..', This'
wotild'compel men. engaged iu the banking
business cpetribtite sinnethieg.: to-the
support Ofthe burdens of 'the. country.
Anotherpurilosp of, hishilt.yes• to aim
at the . imppression'ef all -notes.under 92.0.
Be_wenld gladly suppress all under 61,00.
But-the - country was not yet ripe for such
.a. measure-;—perhap3, • ept for suppressing
notes Under,s2o. HQ, onfituld stand ‘.‘so/i.;
. and alone" Mulotibtedly on the $lOO
principle:. He would put a heavy and
heaVier tax on. small notes, iii proportion
to the lower denomination of those notes,
and he would stcailily and regularly increase:
, the tax; until. it.shoultireach 12 per cent.
! lie imd•some doubt whether the; project
, cif raising revenue- fro . ni, bank nOyes ~and
other. circulation,
_would be'. regarall. as
constitutional by some gentlemen. He
' thouglit, the liower within the limits of the.
constitution. • • .
This Bill; he said, was not original with
y.r<ar's ago 'Mr. Gallafin.wrote,
ct great length, on this. subject, and in sup
j)urt of, this very propositibu notv add - deed
by• him, (Mr. B.) and of-the exercise of the'
Revenue Power Mr this purpose. He here
read some •extracts frdiu wbrk.
'Thad he.gone ati he would. have found That
Mr; Gallatin proceeds to - recommend the
eStablishmeni of a National Bank,.—Sp that
his authority is good• on one.. point, it
May be regarded is'equally entitled to con
sideration Ojlthe other. Ji4there Mr. B.
stopped; and after sourre-charUcterlitic . de
clamation against Banks and Banking, pre
sented the Bill, which was •
Mt. Huntingdon itinnetliately ; rose;,and
objected. to grantingleave for. the , introduc-;
tio i easure_Lwa s not
cognizable by_ the_Senate in .any_shape.—;-
-It proposed to•-raise Ta—revenue,. not alone'
in this DiStrict or 'in the Territories, but
threughutit the whole United -- States, and
put The-receipts in-the - National Treasury-.
is the purpose!-'.'
Ist it
„right then
allow such a measure to he introduced at
all? Ile would not go ,itito . the, merits of
the question. Ile •liad no right- to do so,
Ihe Aro ul —Win i __improPerAo :disclass,
-consider, or entertain-it ; in- the .-slightest
-degree; and he thereibro_calleil Also,Ayes
and Nays on the quqtiori_Of reception.
• The- - -Ciniti - bere ought by-rule to - have
alte — the genie s,f the Senate on ordering
the Ayes and 'lslay--and hiST6ifiligiOn to
do so caused great difficulty afterwards.
- Ditr. Benton admitted that tite ojijectiod
of Mr; Ilunti4don was a fair one.. 'But
lie had seen* this objection .departed from
piece of sacred legislation; the Corn
promise Act of 1832. That bill was in
trodueed -atiti . ,perfected Itere,f •• . •
gr. We . lAter and odiers—"No!
Mr. Benum repeated that
. tho • bill w s
introduced, Oerfectedi and carried *through
all the forms ofd legislation. It was, in
deed. not finally passed. Iv wail,: taken up
ill' the Howse, and passed there as -an
ametidmeni to . a.llause Bill. 11e—misked
this- presen - tmeasure_.:ol his-to -take :the
I.eame course.
'Mr. - Webster saki he' hoped - the Senate
would not entertain the. measure fora sin
gle Moment. There never .Was a clearer
case ilian the introduction of such a .Bill
was prohibited distinctly by the, constitu
tion. This is a bill 19 lay .taxest , and , the
constitution says suclt•a bill must originate
iirthe [louse. . • -
ThercOmpron'iise tice.Wa quite - a differ ,
ent measure. It was not to -wise revennr,
but to _reduce taxes. He confessed. his
surpride that atty . gesitlemaif Should.aSk - foir
leave .to bring in such a proposition here.
. Mr. Hubbard moved to lay on' the table
the cpiestioo p of reception.
Mr. Webgtert `a hope riot?' .
Mr. Huntingdon said his • objection was
-iained at all. It had been. read. SeT
rootkonld - be -- mistakenras - to - its - character.
'lie thought the question of reception ought
to be disposed'of at once. • •
said he:. believed .the
rectly conflicted. with the constitution. He
thought it should not be entertained at all;
and even if
,it should come from the. House
wouid oppose its principles.
Mr. Pierce'remonstrateti against the re
fusal to grant leavk, as extraordinary„ He
hoped the Bill would be printed at least.
• • I Mr. Sevier said if the object was tootle
be. still courteous to
-allow it to bekiiiiell. •
Welist - CfreplitufthatAßFaimed not
at defeating the ineasure. — His purpoie
-wai to rig - certain whether the Senate would
tcally consider a proposition prohibited 'in
I such clear terms by the constitution.. The
I Bill was tiriongly here. It ought 'not to
have been brought here.• TheSenate . ought
not to take a single inceptive slop in the
matter or even leave room, foi 'a' doubt' as
tb - their course.
The toeition was then pot on the trib,
don to lay on the table the question of rc
• • •
'So the Senate refused to"lay it 'on the
table. • • • '
:Mi. 'Benton then, said he • had-iiccOm
plished his. object; that supPitse.Ate
had made hid speech, and Ate. Would with
! Mr. _Webster: '" The SenatOr cannot
do so." . • • • •
Mr. CaMimi) said it was entirely out of
order to withdraW a proposition • that had
been acted on. •
Mr. King said there was no question of
order. • ,
Mr.. Webster i I: wish 'to % hear ,the
pion of the'Chair.• • . •'"
. .
..,,Mr.,Hußtiugdon - .lisked:
pink , hlid decified ; . the
_question aS'Aci l " - the
7iglit,ef.'thi:.Senstor :to . y,itbdrawititi
tion for
,Mr; Benton (from his seat, in a high
tone,) 4 4t.,•iiimy right, sir!=,it is iny -pre
rogative, 'sir."
The Vice . President • 4iSoided 'that
-SenatoEliad the right to ' wlthdiaw , his itio=
00;144 leaved :% : .
*r;;Prfestoillaid he would , itil;tylit ttioet
readily. to4he deision of the Clinir—hut
lie, held this a matter of principle;anil he
`must ask an appeal ' from ; ilia' decision ,
The-Vice President said . hi - would he
happy. to, hear'the. suggestioOs of, the.gen
tind ;to get .the judgment 'of the
Mr.' Websier called the attention of the
chairiid.the senate 'to the rule, whia di
rectly denied .the'right 'of the mover ~of a
propnsition'.lo withdraw, even after it
had -been: secinitledni• — afteritite - dlicen
read. - .
the -diieussioti was continued; on the
point-alit : dep. late hour; when;. at
last; Mr.:Benton rose; and he would
waive: his. right to withdraw his.irotion.
would.askleave to do-so,
Of cpurse this, as, a• matter of courtesy,
was. grattleti.mem.catt—anti then the Sem.
ate tuljoutned until Monday .next.
• The, Spfaker presented several:. Execu
tive cntninunications. ,-A few petitinUs were
received and referred. • '
The Speaker announced ae_the business
- Itext'in -- io - rder, - . - -the'tne . mOrial'ifrorn the Log.;
-islattlrS of Illinois, presented. yesterday, by
Reynolds, remonstrating against the
mode of disposing and price of the public
lands lying within,the . States •recently ad-
Mined into the Union, whieh . he • moved
should be recciretrto the committee on the
Public Landsii - with 'the following instruc
tions : • • •.• • •
':‘•",r(i. 'report a bill to grant prospective
pre-emptions to settlers on the public
acid to , reduce the price to• settlers. aceord T
jug to the value.ef said lands,"
Mr. Reynolds spoke .at length on ; lhi6
motioi ; and • was followe d - hy...Mr: Wm.
Coat Johnson in a masterly *speech.' • •
Mr. Hubbard,- of N. Elam. .then obtain
ntritin- floor, and. on his ..amtion the Mouse,
ahlourued.. • •
Piiim the Bosto
TA RIFE' ON Timm corroNAND
„WOOLLEN .N 1 AN UFA CTURES - nports.ncf Clftl l-0 1PRioJI,Ptlhe - GPr.„,
man—Suites- for---the—purpoSef—commerce
has bedn gradually "increasing, and 'low
has produced so great a . ehange in their re :
latipns• With other parts or Europe, that-all
nations are interested either_for their sue:.
cess or t tetr allure, loss which has:,
resulted froni 'this .confederation to the
British manufacturers makes it a sore sub- 1
feet to them, since they are obliged .
abroad - for new markets:or to-force the sake
of tlieir goods,-at lotr prices, either. in this-i
country or Tit . We in t im they
will soon_find this country at bad a drain
-- for their -unsaleable cotton and woollen
fabrics as • Prussia and- the confederate
States, if the experience of the'last three
years'has not almost already,continced
them of it, and they will be 'obligato un
load .themselves in• Chinit or some - other
ot i t try;
...where there, isitO danger,_
•-• • -•:•';
What the Zoll Verein has been to the
States that compose it-, our tariff has been
and will be, to us, and on this account tie
cannot but•be interested in its success. We
cannot be jealous of the advancement of - a
country . - Which, like ourselves, is making
an effort to do for herielf what the habits
ofthe people .-peculiarly'fit them for, in
stead of being dependent-on-the foreigner:
• The commercial union commenced in,
1824 with ••Bavariand three small states,
—it. now includes 'Prussia and the states
-which-have-come :to au- agreement . ;vith
her—Bavaria, Saxony, Wurtemburg,
den, Hesse, the Thbringian States, Nassau,
and Frankfort, with a Fopulation'of twenty
The principle of- this union is common
such. a nlanner as to encourage home pro-
Vtiction,r the. trade light — Tree between the
states,•us with ' us.. This principle has al
ready begun to • change the sentiment of
Gentian nationality from fancy to facte,.and
as it is decidedly a popular. measure, it may
be the means not only of maintaining
peace among themsehies," but of spreading .
their: friendly relations abroad. But the
most:striking features of improfreMent are
seen,in the growth of the -towns, the 'im
pro'vement of the roads and building ei• rail
roads,-the increase of wealth and comfort in
every part , of iho .states, and the gradual
decrease of -importation-of -'many-kinde--of
This • regulation of the . 41ttties,.,has .not
been•made with such•care that it should not
exceed a certain percent., as duroWn, for;
being levied on,„the quantity and• not 'the
value, they sontetimes'mount up'•
80 per.cent: on coarse. - -fabrics, when the
rate' is only 5 or 10 on•fine. ' Yet so strong
was the inclination and genius of the peo•
pie . for manacturier, that by importations
Of modeletifmachiner,y,landby encourage;•
(99t to first rate foreign machinists :and
me - Ch ic_soltezp.rice oLcoltAnAtutiwpolltut_
goods • has noon . - any time, been much
iti - glretth - torwherr-therwere-i m ported-from-
England; and now both are manufactured
for the same, and, in some inStenees,'even
.at less expense. . •
Passing over all the articles whiclinre
comprised in the tariff;-except- cotton and
woollen. we will give a few facts in rela
tion to'tbese which will . shim the advan
tage of protection for the rest, and by what
rapid strides itripiovement advances under
a wise, system; : even in the old ' , Countries.
very body in New . Eriglind . batt felt the
stlyantages . of the 'tariff, individnally,"nnd
in the growth of , the
,patiousl 'wealth.' in
mi,llo7naeds beive•l 4 Or eeveral Years
codmatitlita the haute inaritetit, and_onr
competition with England';abr,Osd,s s bee_ be . ;
come no considerable' 'mile cattite4itietlit
tiest - to - her tirannfieturers. :Oar woollen
intereit, though 'at :times .mare profitable ,
thOu"thO tiottna; bee been`subject tO.violeiti .
fluetuations; front' one of Whicti - it pi just
recoiering, and 'Whiehi'it supposed
not 14.'teatid'wheit the Tednetion,:Of. the
tatitTopeni our ieciiket foreigli•WooLer'
in case thiir 'doe's 1n:4 16 U:010e *4'6 64
prOdOclion,,shall,imv,e increased .to.
make lower:and mor e; regula r ;prices.. *,
inerease,;Of the imp orts_ of cdtten
into . therstates'or - thele4gue'during five
'years, from 1832 : to - 11337 4 1 which is the
last published aecount,; was.from 117,911.
cwt. to 187 1 ,858 oWt. or an, increase of .40 .
per,cent: The l imPerts IfOrelitilg.
during eight years increased 150 per*.cent. l
and inithe Prussian States alone ,the
port rose from .38,566. cwt,10..240,315, au
increase Of more than 600 per. cent. 1 The',
-cotton-yarn-imported 'into the states 'of the
'league rose from 172,110 cwt. to 321,940'
in,s - years, or 54 , per' cent., and has been
growing, as rapidly. since. .121 twisted . .cot . -1
ton yarnthe. - - imports increased. during the
same time 31 . per cent,. The locreaee of
machinery was in. the same proPortiond
and the-decrease of importation ; 1 -so. that ,
the whole of the league now import-towerl
cotton goods then Prussia alonell id in 1832.
- The excess of the cotton manufactures!
.exported over the amount imported isl
'equally--remarkable. While , in 1830 RI
,was only, 6272 eWt.,' it had regularly
creased till 4t nn
. aounted, years, to i
70;776 cwt- The .duty on cotton_go_
,50 rix dollars .pei cWt,, the raw con - 67671s
.free, • .
W o ol - is also free. 'The. dtityriit yarn
is 8 rixilollars per cwt., and'op•eloths 30
,111. The importation:Of wool into the
Prussian states -- is phiefly of the coarse
qualities' employed in Posen 'and Sitecia-,
and is Supposed - to - b - e --- abTint - 12 -- Kr7ceilt:
of the home" growth. The average impor;
tatirm. is 45,008 cwt., , arid during .the bit
6 yeiirs tbe•incrense-of that brought-into
the States of the Leagu e hrs,been 50 - per
cent, 'But this being for particular
To'ses, - 'it must not be suppristid that, the
liotne growth is not enough; on the cop-,
trary, it has increased, and the exportation
in 1938 was'24. percent. More than . it was
0 years before, or -122,072 ,cwt., and the
.productiottimay., - .bo_
'-tnillion - pounds, - . - -The . ,yearli: - con . SPAI mien
for each person is. about 1. 1 b., or a little
more than a quarter,' according to MeCul
!cid', of the individual consumption in En
gland, which he supposes A lbs. '-- *
- - --Iflie-, progress is shown most surely. in,
the _exportations,_ _ Which 'have ; increased
'within 6 years. 34 •per ct., aiiirthis , *yitUir
will be aticait 75,008 cwt. or morTilliiiii
-4 times the amount imported. - ._
___ - _,llIl . --- rimmilaaturecbas ill pi.kd va n tap! pf.
Its lied growth-of , wool; which- hi
sures a-Supply, and , though -inforior,to- the
Britiiiho.lie German ';cloths, like-our own,
riarticularly 'those made iti_Lbwall, are,
equal to them iti - the Spinning, weaving, and
earlier prodesses, us well as in most of'the
eaters, though somewhatinferiorin finish.
But the machinery now growing into use
will remedy this, and render the Germans
suceessful competitors with.. the • English
- mid French. 1
We gave, a few dirk§ ago, some facts in
regard to the operatiofis of the Zoll Vercin
or ; pci wan 717aritT Aissoeinti ~,,, and
vorecktc; show that the prosperity of all the
nations.eompris.e.d. huthe .Leagneitplmeri
greatly promoted by - that-Avrit
national wealth has increased,, that public
improvements have been projected and
completed, on a scale heretofore unknown
in those countries ; that
. from its growing
advantages and the increased comfort:in
living which is found to result from its ope,
rations, the leagire is• pipular with all
classes,-and . wilt probably be rendered still
miire powetfurb - rfike • •necessinn cif - other
. .
• We do ndt mean to enter into any dis
cussion froni these' data, in regard to the
minci pies 131 - ourown - Tariff -- ns it as.
it will be, though we think that the time
will come, when all that is known will-be
put in requieition,. ,
to : ascertain the,,hiert,
policy 'to he pursued' in regard•to itoloefn.
New England alone, but for the whole.
- ._Stirne,more_particulars-inrelation-to-the_
German' . Tariff may not be unintereitieg,:
as 'hey apply to the_ woollen
which we. considered partially the other
day, -a - manufacture which is at -this time
exciting more than ordinary interest,-from
its late depression in comparison with its.
former.success, and limn the prospect.there
is of a speedy.roviv . al of its fernier impor
tance. . ' .
'That. we shOuld groiv our own wool and
manufacture our own woollens in'tbis bleak
climate, is as, natural as that we ish`ould
make our own fires; •arid no one•who.looks
wn have in Water powen—r
the cheapebt pfnll movers, in our immense
tracts of pasturage land for sheep, in our
machinery, now brought,hy 'a few enter
prising individuals, to the same perfection
which it has reached in Europe. in the
genius of the people, equally quick to copy
and to invent;; no one who considers these
advantages and the success which has so
often accompanied , them, and 'who knows
how strong the feeling is through the coup
tiy to protect and encourage the growth of
wool and the consumption of,it, will doubt
its-steady-advancement. .
In the , year 1810. - ,the great bulk of the
- woollens—eonsumed-An-Pruesiairwern—iin=_
ported from England. Thi3 only mann•
factures were those established in families,
the females 'of tyhich;' with their 'single
loom, produced enough durini their leisure
houre in winter,-for their- use, tduring-the
year... What was not taken up in this way
was exported,•to be manufactured abroad,
and returned, with' the additional price of
the manufacture,, and the
. profits,charged
by'the English or French, capitalist. At
this time the number , of, sheep in Prussia
was 8,000,000; but atm' the-adoptiOn of
the Tariff the ;number r05ei0,,12,600•000i.
in.'lB2B, and at.present , falls little 'short of
17,00e,000, the increase . being . abietly`ef
the sheep -which produce the fine wool, .; ,It
is estimated that 10 sheep produce 42
Prussian alis..which is" s 28- 3.5 lbs. of our
weight, -- -Making,the , .total amount 40 mil
lion lbs... Witiart of
,this'is 'eXpor.leo. and ,
.the, quantity used in theeonetry ; ,is sup
yosedie be
,oliont lbs.
This 'inc r ease in lin ihorra tinie.lin in,
old country;_tvere changes are * Madeonly
greet•eare, and with :' a' certaioty, of
sueeess,,is„very remarkable.. It• Was in *sin
1 that the•neter the English parliament,pro
hihiting'PMexpOrt of::inachiriery,
foriced-- - -it was: impossible; as - , they have
been taught also from this `sideof the wa
ter;lto prevent the exportodowelthe head 9
cfruilianas which.; made it., a The simple
and beautiful Machinery of the Cotton mills
at itew ell,_ and _theinuch_inorstezoMplicated
works.olthe Middlesek woollen mills, like
'Abe triills•of:Prfissia and. the woollen - facto
j-ries of the Plattendorfs', how' frtiit
len is a ,narrow legislation to'preventtheir
• establishment; and the improvements which
are so often making, (we can speak fqr Our
own) display the . meelianieorgenius-oFthe
peOple" Who haVe adopted then.
In fact, the - English ACt.which,prohibit
ed the export of machinery, was. only an
encouragement •to the establishment' of
"machine shops"' else Where, and. we be
lieve that at the prestFtit moment, the En
gliSh mfichinery,ie neither cheaper than the
Prussian not:Ai - inter than our own:
-.V Saxony eame_into_•the...league_ini 833.
Beferelhis time up to 1800, ManufactureS
had - Made little pragress there; during this
41.ear_the-43.erlin--Decrea-made-a-den)and . for-,
leods - which-coultknot-be -l impplletLiind 4
the result of the battle of Leipsic was al
however, - AVllK4'grew -up under this mo
nopoly saf,trade, could not coMpete, after;
the peace; with the supplies which poured •
in upon' their from England and France.
- Since - she - hat - joined the• league, her. pro
has been rapid and regular. In 1830
there were p 0 cotton. spinning 'establish-1
ments;. having_36l,ooo spindles, and em
ploying 54po,adults and 2400 children.—
In. 1834 there were 91 Mills, with 370,000 1
spindlee,and,at the close of 1837,. when
the last enquirics - weve - madeidiere were
124, with' 400,000 spindles, an inereasepf
30 per cent., in 4 'years. • . -
• The advance of the woollen manufacture
has. been ectitaily_ . remarkable. In 1831
there-were-58 -establiShments, - with 45;0001
spindles-: M 1834 there -were 117, with
77,0009 -spindles, the increase
. being in an-'!
ticipation the joining of the league;- and: l
in - ,1837.4here.. were, 144, with 102;000
spindles, an increase - or 127 Per cent., in
manufacturetlntirisheie - equally•.
- yell; end the-Makin°. of
.machinery; which'.
was ommieneed befilre 1834; and pursned.
tvithniii SticeesS is now* prospereus Under •
the, directiOn-of the-ac,hine (IJompany,-11
Btistoit..4iles. - •
We. take the .itniii , xed,artiele&fr_cun.,the
Tliirishurgintelligeneer. heart 4 concur?
ing in the sentiments they express. r. • •
Neu' -
• While we, agree in the main with the
; democratic -press .generally,An. the views
taken _of idle. indelicacy, if not absolute im 7 .
proltriely, of dictating: tai _the President
elect, who should. be hiS official advisers,-
Ave can also, we thin, perceive contingen-.
cies' upon which the diieussiorief the com
parative merits ofsuggested appointees may .
become . not only proper, but an incumbent
(toy. it is nut, hoWeiTer:, our prelientpur-
.to .enter upon . a discussion of„ the
olijectissJo interpose ottr - dis._
-sent-to. the. error dl'
_a:vdry - few-of our' co
temporaries, who prolesS au tfidiepitSitionT
to express any opinion us to the persons
who .should be 'appointed le the Cabinet,
but undertake what we -consider far more
objectionableoo say_who should notbein
it. They would in this way exclude 'two
of • the most able and popular; statesmen
of our eqoptiy : we mean, • of course,
tin •11( agree v jo the propriety - of the argu
ment, lint-4 : we perceive the force of the
reasttni4.„en4Ryee •
,Iris - a ffi rmed - tkatiMr: — CLAY - had deter,
Mined not te.ask •or accept office. under
I President Harrison. • But we cannot per
eeise justice or- propriety of,Making
Mr. Clay's alleged determination a rea
son for excluding Mr. Webster from any.'
post to iiliiish the --
=may eeem-to.c.ill_him. __We- do- not -ob
ject id this new • species of pplitiffaro .
cism,- on grounds perSonal.,to Mr. Web
ster. We can of course, know nothing of
his individual- desires tir wishes.. : --But
we look at the 9ustinii in a much more int
.portant aspect. Offices are created (Or
the benefit of the intople, who are deeply
I concerned in having them well filled.
this account and in this view, we feel it to
he our duty to speak. .Shall the nation he
denied the right to command the services
of Mr. Webster, by a process of 4easonimr
which would elevate him above the ebb
--; atio which ever citizen is-under, to
. serve . his wheii that country re
quires his services ? We think, .nay we
.know,thatthe people cannot and tvill nut
understml such reasoning. :They . have
been. aceustomed .tu regard his pre-emi
nent abilities;
.his Jong services in the
councils of the nation, and his great 'ex—
perience and prudence in ptihlic affairs,
his plain and accessible - manners
.and de
portniedt, not only, with admiration and.
affection; but as.a fund for the Govern
ment of thecnuniry,npon which they might
-- drawTwith -- the --- eortfidence - Alfit‘ . h e — lted
too much patriotism fer firittest the draft,
nation - has .a riiht to
the services . of Mr. :Webster, and we cony
ceive that 'at'.no . period - in the hister;y of
. the
cOnntry, have : auchliervices. as
der, been .more imperatively -required.--Our
-distingtiished,-nble, and virtuotio-Preeitledt
elect;.tvill receive the Government from hie
pretlecesser'deranged iii all its parts. • We,
need 'not ehltirge on this Tlie . pen-
Ple:lieve, !died for a chauge----a . radical
change,. and they expect one. To repair
tdeeviltrof Which they So pally. carailain,
will reqpird'gretit ability as wellas; virtue.
Therhad regard:: to- this when they , -:geve
their suffragee to Generall - terrison.— It
however, more theiriwill that Ate shnuld
be elevatedio.the first office iWthek.kift;
than that be Perin i tied
- Itis „aid in the: administration: the-loilerv
.mny . be ., reqpiiett for i
that great iind• iniliorta tit yrFfric. They rititti
that the President w ,'
.arduous and
011611 i*,.antl'Alicsy.e*pect.thav Oar
triotism, the 'ability' aid the' eXpe~ience of
beat aitiiioolote nation,
Besides. this, it 'will readily occur to .
eyerylcone; that in alovernment like ours,
siiihere so much depends uponiniblie opi->/
nion, it is no,t only important that the, • -
vernment should be - well conducted, bait it
is also important that it should _have the — 7'
confidence of the-people. Irtother words.
it should - he:pnpulsi as well" To,
'make it so, a proper-regtnd must-he had - to
the:different seetions'of 'Whieltour country •
is composed. Sontl,, the - Nerth i the
Middle and the. Western .States,.must be
equally cenealted: Hence, a Cabinet to be ,
P9ldar, Must be climposed'of eitizena,frein - .
these different sections of.thG country: If .•
ilfis -, he -- conceded, (and - no man acquainted
ivitlithe"genius ofour governMent and thie
character ofour people, Will question 'it.) •
it fellows that in constituting a cabinet, the
!President will look ,to the -Northern and. • •
Eastern StateS for a member. As the oh ,.
• ject of this is to give, a prepei popularity--
`l.o tikadminisiration, he will of courSe itt
making his selection, chimp the man - Most
acceptable to. the,citiZens of • the-seetion----
I -from WhiCh 'he is chosen. ' • • •
"Then ask the citizens olisiew England,':
-whom they wilt pwsentfor a seat in..the
CaliincL.of,z:Gencral _Harrison. 'and they -
'will answer with a shout of enthusiasm:
Websret! Ill' every point of. view; .
therefor*, we Would consider,the exclusion
of Mr. Webster froM a seat in the cabinet,
as unjust to himself, and, injurious to the:
best interests of the enentiy,: . We feel as
sureti.i that an adininistration, with the pa-
triot and statesmim, General Harrison,
its Bead, and -Daniel Webster in the Ca..
billet, will command. the confidence of the,
nation, and 'confer blessings and benefits
upon the people.
IT. S. SeriErit s
or troln.Georgja.
t are pleased to learn that JOHN Mc
PHERSON BERrIEN has beeweleetetlhy the:
Legislature orGeorgil, a Senator in -Pon
til,xt: The Dernocretie party . of Georgie •
could not 'have Made a - better selection.;'
Mr. Berrien is . a . gentleinan long_known. to
. Atnerican - people as . • poSsessed .
.order, and an integrity which • -
cannot be•shaken. • in. Georgia
edly: exercises' a t=reat - ipfluenee:: - • As - a;
proof of this_ we roay"mentien the fact, that' _
.it was principally owing to his ',exertions .
that the vote of _Georgia - Was cast firr liar. .
orison - _anti __Ty 1er..., 7 •W hen .the:,nom instien_ _
- was - trade — at - this- , phice — i it TDecemberiast, ---
the Democrats o 4 Georgia determined; how
.unwisely it is not. necessati,for ti 'to say,
to stand aloof: andlake ito.part in tli• Pre-
sid rutial-Vontest --13-tt-t—Mti•-•l3errietv-threw- :
himself,itito • the"breach, and by his 'idti4'
exertions turning•the current
--of public sentiment ; and- when - the May " -
conventionmetin Baltimere. Geergra.ap
peared there_ in - the person 0r her represen 7
tatives, announcing her determination to
fair - " Tippecanoe
The result is rectirded in .letters of light;
and Georgia .:has covered herself all over._
with glory. For mtielt of,this glory,how
ever, she and the nation are indebted to
Mr. Berrien. •
~.The_rtgular.corrp4p. p ncleo!.,44,he.,New
York Courier, writing -from Washington
'under . date of the 7t1,1 i4t: - lies — the
• " Mr. CLAY, it, is understood, will not
accept of any appointment [under the ad
min is tra ti on -- o f - ae neral - FI arrisonThatt ome
oi abroad. On this point he i's - said to be
inflexible. He will remain, I believe,in
the senate.- of- the,- United-States-until-the
new Administration shall be launched and
fairly afloat, giving - to the. policy, of the
President, such a support as may be'
consistent _wit Wide own patriotic :Views and
that (lane which he •has so -noblyand so
gallantly won.
." Whether Mr., WEBSTE R
, will or will
not be offered the Department of State, for
which he is - pre-eminently qualified, it is
opinion -which 'some of-General Harrison's
personal-friendal-entertain_and - reXprese.— :
Plitiy say thatif Mr. Webster will accept
the offlce of Secretary of State, or a For
eign Mission, - he ought not to be neglected.
- The same hi - nonage is - held - by - some - of the
most distinguished' friends of Mr. : clay.—
That gentlenum±have : not seen since my
arrival. in Washington; He 'has been in
Baltimore, but I learn has returned this day
to. the. city.' 'From these '.signs. of the
times,' I have nit doubt Ajp.,WebsterAiiay'
fill either of the .above statism" if. he
pleases." -• • •
T e Cab .
.Eictract of a !otter: from Ohio to the Noir
• York Commercial.
General _Harrison has passed on hie •
, journerthrough this place. He has_otateir"
that to Daniel Websterhe — sWiriTtre,r any,
.place in his'. cabinet, or any place in the •
service of his 'administration, which Mr. .
' Webster may - -think . ..propk.,(6l accept.
Moreover, when.. General Harrison, tri , a
conversation with M r.' Cloy, expressed - his
neet,hist, place, in his cabinet, Mr. Clay' de
Oared that each -U.-. course was Atte r tO
posinW , liiifil7b7y.W , V - eboteritt'iinst - es- .
teent. and eonfitience ;Of the ., bat ion and' that.;
.(Mr.. Clay) had been- elected Presi—
(lent; it would have been his first ohject
avail binotellof the trsifseerident - islents-ot.'"
, Danitl'Webster. Mr. tray has expressed .
an intention to remain. in the. Senate,-.bsv:..
ing once held the office: "of Secretary of St rte.
. • Now, no Matter ,What. von , see irt*the,
riewsp'Spers; what I helm written
find. to he trhe',.. end-. all who Ottersolßie.!:l - ; . ,
Harrison 'Menne '
to; fly., so r, tae4lo, l *.
himself to the : shots of . these who ustia.fir.
siM'et small game...will - find thentselfo:*:-..
.mistaken ; . and. „.affaiiii",:.:.titeloi wise •
Seere.witohave feretold..the...disatrgemtint
• •
4Mr.4-.Wehiters,Hhd , gr, the fu ! .
lure,pitioe)itillriVE**Onro isit,"thetohit
ellllol44iltiinevititityllreve 'fake, prophiito.',,
Ther Sre ! tinited; l '.ilorAild;'and„ mutually . :
criendlyi•resolved thatell'"etql: ni1611611
tate,themi shall no other reward for
theirihibur,.theh'isi sea them handla hand