Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 23, 1840, Image 4

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SYi er - S•AS a •
t.'" 8 , 4
trytue.Of fiuntly.}: Vencli Lion' F,iii,,
UP fp:l iniii.4leeeteil,, , tsiueil out of, the GOLIII..
tiurntriou Pleasof the' opuitty. of. Cuinbeehnui,
be - e - i4o4etl Sale, At the .Court:house . io
the borough ofCurlisl,e, On Sat : tail...4 tizi;
Jantralv, 1,840, pt.' o'ddelc., A. the follow
tleeribed i'enl'esiitte, to wit: ' ' • -
All the inter4st °flu:noel hti;hison in two 1...0ts
of Ground; (being the undi 011211 three , 4hs).Altni.te
.., in the 4'0,6 0 01 of bOutukhi by a tot oldie
• heiredritobetk Steel onthe., west, Coe-Ailey nu the
north enSt. szreut-oil
the south, coataint9g each ; to wet in..
12J feet in Ile )fli, harm , tliereot, . • - !
tone !louse; a - two. story Frame'House; ..retailer
boarded, a I:lad - louse !i'v a Yard and Hark.
atnit:othui• Sciiini a ntl• talit . ni in exe-,
_lre 'pertr of Sanitiel Daq:lioli. •
Also ' all die interest ef•WiliittM Davidson in' two'
Lots ofGreand;(lieildr, the nndi% Will one-filth) situ
ate in the hortat,4l% r t f Newri II e; Quaberiantl'e - oadty,
oiitainiagettelt'6o feet in . liroat4lt, , and 191 feet in
depthrolore or .less, ir;ving:thei•eon eructed a two'
story,Stnae'tionse, a two, st - ory Frathe douse, eran
Hdttso,•Tan 'Yard, and 'louse:iota' 'ether im
provententa, adjoining Ints_of dm heirs ,cf.itobert
Steel:on:111e west, trac e Ailey on •the'. itortii, Big
Spying, on tii . e eastond 'Alain street on the south. • ,•
Seized and taken in exedution as the property of
Davidson,.and to be sold by mfr,
•P AUL. "M. ItT IN, Sh.erg. •
Sheriff's Office, '?
Carlisle, 1810. '5
E('):i.... •Sol.lle.
•The two Story Stone Houge,meenpiud by the sub
scriber on East. street Carlisle, with' the Lot or
Ground 90 feet ,front on said street, and extending
'250 tent linab,,to the Letart sprint;.. There is n Etniie
Stable, a Carriage House, and It wider on
the i prenoses... The whole property is enelosed'hy
substantial sto'ne Forfurther particulars firmly
to , It 'C. HALL'.
Carlisle, 1840. .
r rs,
. .
Estate, of Jonas Bitch waltoe, Into i*V4ntrent,s-.
Eaif -
borough toivoship, eleecteruct, flity becu
granted to the siihsei•lben . rosiding in said tr,wnship:.
NOtiee is , *given to nll peratnis iiidelaed to
.esttite yonks.t it‘iniedln.te = pii
havingg claims itirainsi. sttkir usinte to i.erae.a
• properl;' taqieeettiettted
• _ . ISASO 21E, Atien . r. I
Dec. 1:4
fii• TAI.:-.1!. 'Coz 11
, .
'Cam6 to the ,
p1.:.2,tat10l ol the.m,lh : ? ,p, . : Z^ :1 •
natillei-, 1(51 111, NV . t?st Peiqtfilior9',A, , t ti ,e i v.. N ,
tsdrtihiii, :111 , 111 ti l'Vt! 11101'S Ilitrill. I.'l l ' ." o.
11:691-0f.C11.0 iSIe, 0 ILIIII: 1 . 1111 Wt., a . ...-e2'..i? .., ; . ..ti.. ,, ,-
.., . -
vim) tn be :4 cal era•
'rri, - 7107i1 , 7•"in - Teri tr - to tnine- - •
pelv, up.•perty, t:,1:.• her - , wlzy „pik
er I:Fw.
_ _
Dec: 9, 18 141
. •
• •-•"-•- • 11: . .t , 1.44;/,'‘•••••" , r L. l- ' , l •
• s.t: .
• • if ) Vt:. 4 X -- - • • 4 ,kw ., - • . • 17: 7 -i-,
- - •
.1 ;114
tin ••sailvirlb2r will rent that well known, large
- and. eouytinciit. house, for rminy yenr•s, oe4itpicil by
rgiamtly by others Asa
It 1 .17 FIE #•.F:I• 7 V . ;
"TIM home is remarkably well ••caleitiated for alitet ,
/htnun7_llo A 11.1./E It -tliet•e being thr,m stair-Ways,
pluses in moot of the room 3. The situation
• is very pleasant and 'desirable, being oil
west coritei• Of Hanover a n d Loather streets;-.while,
for conveniences, it ([eels any other lhorse lit their:),
rough or country: It.possesses the irtusinci advanta
ges of 12 rooms on the first floor, Id rooms on the
sueontl, and 4-rooms on the third foor: Two wells•
of water t. (one at the front door on I.ocither street,
with-a-pump- therein; the other in the yoril - at - the
kitchen-door;) a CiStern . made to contain eighty-tiva
hogsheads;' large and convenient • stabling, , wlth rat ,
tinge hOnse and sheds; large and cx•celleut garden
Mt:Wiled buildings; besides omny•,coov-erticii-.
ors not'specified, For•partien`ars enquire rf •
• ciritisTrAN - Iru:i.inicali-- -
Carlisle, Nov. 21,
: , .:1 . .0 'c,..r.(..':,1:1:.,
't% 113 . kliow the.nseires to he h.t'a Lied to
the subscribt,y, are Peituatfully rttitteEtell to eta' atAl
cettle their accounts between this tiate and the Ist
'of January 1841, tt it ix :tits-du:eV ascesFary that all
outstaittlirq-acequals•shnifAl hettletl by that time,
The I lardware Itt.siness is. in-rriett 'on ns tviital at thC
Ohl Stain'., whare the public are Terptestecl to
fqr any article in the subscribeio:s 1 itw.-ef busiz:CFF.
.t 2 .
many Prile.,..nd3 winval&
t$ .I'?otract. , (lltalont
,Ltrelitys tcf vrglutwilt,to cgmlnce: yrni -that :.11'
"'Lir it (.11; marl. saoncr or HI, r fenia thy: or-
is st Idris their pi meet re tuy
cnsil:r peeeHt - e troth the'rollowitw, svmptonts Rest
kieep3 hitt I,it ;lit. thrusts its fingers into it- Fututh ant
tittir,:tr relief, rre . rittratiS; at
tended with con;;11, oi . Lite:Along,' bowel.
complaint, inflammation or the twee, and s(3l.l'S be
hind the cars, convulsions, Sze. 'Phosit Wilt* have the
care orthese " little ones" should tteVcit , be v• idiom
"Dr. PorialCclehrated Arneelean Soothing Syrup,"
for Children Cuttintt.Teeth,ty,which thity ertie pre
vent nsady alarming symptcms which often prose 111-
Thousands orrnothers and ItUt set - ran testify to the
Imettetlimi.Tplreetit,or this invaluablC• Sy t tip, glen ap
plied to the Rums. If a child avatar; with pain in its
gums', the Syrup, when applied, Rives irometlime
Rase; by itopeiti fig the porch' and bealimit the gums,
. 'tints pro Venting convutsiona, Sze. to the htifiltitiesd
cad . ettillrrlent crthciv 1:111 , 1 , pr0tt.0 , :r5.
Itemernber, gentime = M - eilleine'expreents
this oirthe labelHonlv - plttee - iu Phiiadelphite where
tthis - Nruclitirrre - can - hr - o.'l;tai.ical,tritiC .- rri L' Cr
flee, No. 19 Nortlir / ightli :ttrect, and nth cl•tised A
gents 10 the country.
For si4c..liy'Dr. J..l.Ncers yt Co., Carlisle; and
Shippcnslung,Pii.- • • ^ '
Of the ejiicacy of Dr. Ilhrlich's CelebrcaCd
• • :Dear was afflicted with a bilious Mul tier.;
disease to a eery hlarpthig degree, with all the'
siiiirptems-which so t . requentl); cart 'a ielaxed.con.
• tfition, giddiness is 'the head, violent tremors,
• chilliness, witli a fixed_ pain in, the •right side, coin
plexion.bad, and costiNctwss; indeed I was in a most
miserable condition. had tried 1111111 V remedies,'
but found no permanent relief until I hail purchased
Dr. Meth:Ws Gompountl Strengthening and German
• _Aperient_Pill .s.3Kliich:from_thetr_superior_virtues,.l-
was eintipletely cured, and alp piarsue,my
ployixteuti free 'foam pain or disease. . • •
• (Signed) , OHN % HOLM
Dated, Xenta,Ohie; June 7, 1640: - :
Principal °Mee . foe the United Statd, No. 19
North Eightiviitreet,, , .Philailelphhi.
• Areici, 1617s:de-by J. J. I,llvers'&.—Co., - .Cirthilevand
' Peal, Shippeasbarg, Pa. [Dee. 2, 184.0.,1-3e,
DR. SWAY.NE'S • '" •
Pnnponnd Syrup - rf- Prunus .
,••• iCherm COVIS iIS; stittrias;fSpittiiig - 6f
-T— qlfoodiSOCCtiess of 't Cougli, soil.
' 1 :fill - Diseases indicative; of Consumption.
Tai Cxvs' Ant DKX6EIiOI.IB.So It Is' Witt% 0108 i who
neglect:their colds Mut cough: At first you complain
of hating a' yltich is . tieglected;' after:winch n
scieenesit is expertelleed in the 'Aironbhin.,.. ii•itly it .
disettse ujipt%
tliViuitgei'which the patient will, sivit pereekle
'svttstlitg n a . Way or die hndy; 'a ttehdril with
vacs and spitting up of florid' blhod Anil matter frem
itlceri3Ort the lungs y - n matron - if-v.:eight is siSogsp
rieliseil'st the affected purt - ,V tlr'!'lungtt• the fund;
trimsthcifit '.64hi)pav grow hod
• beeoutelP:dry,Ohe:eyesittic-deep-itittlielr-onilticsi:
at leMttit paticitt4nit's the'debt jtf, nature; when ,
ligrißatterintliimstdf die sPel±ily
• t.c.vls , ti those tli - itti%e'ssii:ig syrup
„ -OMR sic.ive' L.O tittw.hilprocitt•Vng , the above
Itlel medicine et' the •veyy 2conunenceinent Ot.sool , ';
;colds , andt coughs Whereby', your health may be se
: Mitred and
_time pad money
• For sale by Dr.-. 1. J.- Myer!) 84..-.Co.iCailisle; and.
Wits. Veal, Rhippensburgi-Pii [Dec, g,
L 0 0 it' JR R
t B Ait tt4
al '4 .4 t l r ~ ) .:
t 84'4 3.0.14e.r3 Tar . •
` 216a,1 , 707.,i7r)' Aist;alVts!9
oitL'abig'st: i iric Store lattc• a!iir moat
ojaun:d:is'sortment'oP ••.
• 1 7 all.• awl Wi n
Q:::_-3- 5 " • L'io) - -
thOy will - atOat.sholt priad.s. ns can not rail to
tdtit parchasd-rs, bethg..tioterini-nekl to twit elloMmt!
dew e.-11 fuuetl eit.em licre in, tilt: stale.
Monk oodig.rt.tiog in part of the follom ing ertieles, viz:
.21.!a Greon, (;rata,
.Caries mixed ,
lickt • • t
, .
Blach,liluo Lied, t,cl Beal) etiesitnizi_j_3lo..2.."
firee . n,b..Ol) Ste,and , I•4ilik.e4l' Pissinets;
Itliu Nlerino Sitasyls; 11:uktIlierchicrts, &o.
Also a lar.;-4,Ossart.,inent of , •
Queens are, Hardware, Groce
.Liquors, &c. &c. •
Viie would invite the public ,to call and esoniine
0Ut741..'W PI;(I cht.sp 'goods, and if good goods, low
prices and exertion to please will have tiny efiCut; we
feel confident that they will not, to away without
leaving with ns n little of the Ready Rino.
N. - B. , Co , znzry Produce ofitll Ivintip will be taken
excianige fir Goods, at inarket ..
P. 8. A rgirirt has been circulated that we not
intend to coutte here I:tnger than the ensuing
sprio,l7e.thel'er3l.:! would accilaiht the public tint
era have 11..eed die storc-laiusii, we now (wee - -
f r tite,tertn of . years.' . tiny-this chpcit'the
lAfteeiroil-s-toilgutt-of-tito4eTwlto-- teem- -to-desote-all
At.fisttil6,l Orphans" Coda I)c- .
„rat find .11eld.ou'I'laficluy the Dtli day tf..l;:ovetylbev,
3-10. at Opt:lisle 41 and for Coufherianil t:ottney, he
thel!ou. Samttei ,
Pres'aleitt, tot] John
- Scum t - a4Tcl -, Tolin - Leforre -2 .2kEstlehtte-JUtigeS-01 - 111ft
B„rae, ssai;oed asx. the fullo\tif.a proceedings ,were
lau to it:,
__Upon the. if Lont''nechcr,ndmin
tien't . l., "respectfully
represi.:llC.o..l-Xof your prtir:onett` won tivyni:ltetl
the - 4 , 1 the. gnlci !envy Lote,;nerk... -
cit - dee'.;.- / Thai he 11;,:n itled h.s
r , tint nul there. Is upon Ole a .11.1ertwto nt .stti(lnnetwel
n Dela. co overitniti *,tyt,t:Ltot..tnia There
It) Itads"lit:lalthia,^, o the. : estote execiit the re
: engttizonve et.trred it.ko. by .1 Ala Loop:reker, for
farm him" t l t the - N . :au:oh:to. Ife•thitrerotte
E . .g:rdr.t. Rti;e-nu-the heirs. -to
eVilp 'miry
,tlte-ntnost:-It ,'anniti.itotAnt
'cyrtlitecl oo the soh! reecstiztincy Ls of the let April,
.1840. .
he tzTvell on (Nose to the eloNty nod. notice -to be
give:l to tiv•tul nut or the'con.tty . ±)y
uow.sp;ipci•Ps• hi the. c nty • fol :tv6.l: S. I:ctkirpaillt•
;It • • _BY. 011! c.0110.._::
Curabevh:nd County, ill,.
e • . nf-dia
Cctit t iu and for sail( collide do liot' .
e•;•ti I' I f • ' • '
• I tIC J. Lg 0.1% ati ue C.tpy .or rep
(-ova: • ••
.IVitneF's ttee lainthadtted of amid court
" 11..C.arl4te, the . pt.s coy -01 Woe. 1840:
Nov. 25, I
Fir;i4t.Cost -
~ . .
rp, IA l'., FitiliSeriberit. intendin g to lea %Li Carlisle, of
.y., fer ttwit• 1•IN - U[1(E 's . roy.ic, CUMpliSillB lin ex
tent:lye variety of.everyfleseci pti on of • . .
DRY 6 O.OD 5. , -.
for•Frn.B7 l cos24_ , _ • -
• G.,,,,,,t, s x.1.......L.Ai,t5 1 1 thc. putlic g enerally , will
furl-itnteeids. - dly. - to - their -.4,,,,,,t, g i• iovall T eg:criville-,
and —as they cithnobil.i , taiti goods cher per in
the cite. .
. s. . . . .
Ca!!and see—call aild:pureluwo.
I), T er.Autoi, it, That gni:is:tee now r fll.r..ti to CVL ry
one who desires to IniCelittsie. ',
.HILVOLD 4 , (!O
--Carl:sle,Detohec :21 . , 1811X._ _.• .
' N. 11 ••-•-•Person , i-iinlebted acv requested to . call and
seal e'lll I'ol'o CU' first of .Inttory next.
3,, .7 IL' 7P1TY41,5> 173
'rho tilt! Stand
.of the subsoriller,nprsite Simon
Wonderlieb's tavern, is now crowded-with the larg
est and tarot. extensive new ',took of the cheapest
goods ever hro":1 1 '"o Ceelik3 ns the• public may
snii..fy themselves by calling and seeintr:
13c , tcee and olhe'e cloth's, .s' 2 .retdPscallis
per yards (:assi3neres ant! ttS inntstinlly low.
'A Intte assortment...l* 11•insli !.ttittes, front tj3 ;t.)
to CRI pmr tatttera. Stacks cf shawls i : l nch ns"br x citai
satin 71111:11V5- - , - s.,1in .
tdanntsk; ithrtkin 9.5 et; !ft $2O.
'2legatit plaid and other fancy cap and bonnet rib
freon: 6_ to 75 conts, witli linings to match.
Emb',l. twin and thibet read; and hentikerehtcfst.
-every vanity crladvs Irvd gl tres and hosiers'.
With'a variety of other valuable and.seasonahle
artialt a.
. rat Easesmats anzt-Filtect.4-tinve jitst _been. opened
and added to' the bethee'_ottensive smelt, among.
which t'o. Lndies and Misses 'One `cloth, )heed and
for gum, Morn4Q.; Kid; &e. Men's and nays Boots
and Sito,...s . ollovery .ieScription for the Fall and Wil.-
ter seas - us.
I . •A., general Stock ton, of. ;NIPION rand Boys
!,Cloth and : Seal with a • few Jibe.; fashionable
Far Hats, nll of which will be sollEcheaper.than reel.
t 'Car‘lisle, Nov. 4, 1E,40". •
A - L1
.C 4 A 2
son thc Tine?. Li)
.7 d
. . .
At their New Storo in Cei.treville, hare inst. re
cei veil dad are now ()penint; It VOI . V Invite and splendid
assnrtnierii. of ISILIT!SkIirIICNCII and DOSIES
E) IL' 'G
0 0 0 8,
vliich have beru selected with notch care in the ci.fies.
of NEW YORE and 11l II,ADELYI4IIA , and which
they respectfully invite the. citizens of Centreville.
I anti vicinity to call and examine, ar they will, he vint
Wed. to please; and sell decidedly-cheaper than any
other .establislanont. in the. county. They : mill be'
happy. at all times tl , see cuStouters who are desirous
of having. : , ;
- New-Citehp - travd - Good Goods. -
Amutig, their stock be —found 131de, 'Melt;
.I.lrdwn, G peen; Olive, Ca&t, Mulheriy, Dahl
i•on, Claret, 4ist Drab, matt viiFiety of low priced'
43 4)12210 •
'Snperiqrolstrlped- 'nal - plain-Landow:and' Buckskin
eassihiemoremiun't sulloW , pricekSatthtettat au-'
Perini: Silk, Satin, Velvet,-Valencia;"Corded,-Strip
,' ed,4l,Ttred'lttid.tPlain. Marseilles . and Cassinaere
Vestings.--A-generat aSsortoient of - all:tpalitica-anil.
.000111 PC"; " r
suitable' far Gentremeit's wear: Superior, Buick
Italian-Lntestrings, Gros De Naps, Po Swis,
Gros De Swiss, and-Seltshaw Silks, Challeysi-Chint
zes,,laceotiets, Catuhrics, Botthlpetts, Pbiititiahtl
gtired Swiss and. Book Muslins, Shawls, press
!Jail] kerph oro; Ssar(B,.x6il§,. 4itibdrre, 84. •
hags ',and. eiieellent itssorttitont of fine and. low
Priced Calicoes, Irish, Tah,T
/Paper, . cy # 6 tilAiray Tiekings,.. Checks, Cords,
13eaverteens,'e. A general assortioo r it, of Leghorn
and Stt•itiv Ilentits,,,Umk ni
rellas,rasots,bto; Also,
ittfekte4iiis siidi . titteur of • • •
rocerie.%p .4r4,Weoi s Nyare'
'el the iii6senppt;Ovedginilifies 'rho pnidic are re., 2 ;
Spectrally, .inOtellmrcilli,and roe,
they are &torn) t to sell'clielip for.rtiqi't)y,..Fnititry
it,rodace, TAVERN' KEEPILIISi - tiro respectl'ally
invited to call and. tteir stock ':of Liquors
before itureltasing. elsewhere... .
,• -
Centreville, Corn. Co., Ostober 14, 1440, ,r
ND . O T.1.1;':41.1.',9
- , “Wim-
Tt’éfi‘ifim'a»; ‘m I.
4%4 ' '" , if - '!" '" it' " 44 : 111 . --"` t
4.43 V 0 . M‘m'
'i - ,e ,:;,,,ir IL :: , ..10 4 ,, J ',a -.Li! I L ,. i,..4.1.i,:j:,:. ;-:' ~:.:• •'.
' • • 4. , , k..9-.EA 1' JIT . caPoortir •
1 .. _,---,- ••,-.
.s.;:: A
I ry ti D riinderstgiied•have forintitl it el:4liaritiit , flip'
i 4, tinder the firm_ of A l: MI at-{..'4- 4- W.. BROWN i.
f; , r (he purpose tOf transacting iiCeriehilUatittnissieni,
'''und r'orwartligg .13u5inct5.,„,,,,„,,,, .
1 We woultlVive nuticelhat WA barc , taken llic spa"!
I Clous 110 'Proof bilelviiNiehoitifi; eitiiite'd Oh' the
i.Outti'weateerner"Of. Bond and .:Vilarttreet4,‘Aer'e
i ".', are l!ve,ilored toxl e eive and .lOrward.Merchan
-1 dale. ar.d rCeciye..tina iall'all kinds of . eiiniitrY 'Phi;
idlitiY.'• '.': —., ' ''. '.. .' .-. .* .4.:. , ; ~- -•,
i .:s . pk.iltfrilly - lotheit - i : kintre - ef - thii - itthlic lin
1 i.onage., . • • i," - •,„. . !.' '.... - 7
1 , •. j. M. illi.ooT. Of PJ:aniOin . 0): ..
anti of the late.fiiin or Mu k ; Atictimve k Bt'nw a: •
• '
G. W. 8110 W N, of Hitriles PerrY; 'Va.
• . IaWIME,NCES. ,
.., Pitildtlelphia.—.l. Nlel...anttinto'lk. CO; Caleb . COtie:
I& Co; .1. - S: A. Wes'; Comic Handy k CO; C.
1110010 a & Ca. .' : . . , - •
; Lancaster Co.-,Dr. N. W. Sample; .Capt. Julio
fi4eele; S. Sptith Patterson; J. It; Fprrec. •
-- Ifarriebtli.k...—Thinnus Pula, henry Buehler: -
t'artbdri.Geo. A.,'Wra. Leonard. . . •
.,,,Wifl la ta Parr: .. ~,
~ - . : .
Frankin Co.—George'Cliamlieri; I)Cvij ;7'lllo.-
ton; James Campbell-; John . M 'Do .%-ell. . . ~ .
Pittsbuw.—Slurphy &Clinnihorluift.
11: - flehington • Co.---.. 1, S..,&.D.•.White. ' . •
I3rt/fdri7•Co.—.lanws Agnriv. '-..
lart! ,- erstown .:11d.—'Wra. M. Marshall. .
flarper's.rerry,Va.L.G. B. Wager; C. Lucas, 3 J'..
Oct '2'3, 18.10.--6 t
Copper,: Shea . caul 7fri' Ware
. .
—The.subseribeit.o.fiemf.irsale., Al 1.116 altop,in_Nortl
flaliovet• street Carlisle, iteNt door to - NVirl. Lcou
.nril's store, (ot , will iimoulitettitte at9flc alicirtest sip
tics) the follow ing to.tieles, to wit: ,
CV (L) 2 7T ' ' ' )-. 1/ 1 1 1- L ' i ' l l 4 l - 11" , ' 1 151 .
. 4 1 , -. . . •
. , .
. -' • . (I .
a11../Icscriptions, . ..• ‘ . •
of which he - lets - on hand a large assortment,
110. 1611 <FII Cadt. IFe aka of
anytifituttity of Store Pipe; ,
Sheellron Ti - arc, •
suet% as Wasll'Kettlep,l).:tt Kettles,'s Kettles
!balms, Ditippiug Pa k ,s;tipuscij.Spmiting, Si.; all of
witieklie}Killaell on better Heins titan usual.'
• Carlisle Sept. "23
Potrer. -
grZatt .eiicottraOnent. • ltevs , tofore received
tront tlw sale orris anachines,intlnces hint to of
the_publiettneWAd iinproNett'llarse
ohieli eau be 01' oil ari:car by keys,
and sli'rithe liand to git - e'it thin:rent revoluticiis.
And he lia.s no:hesitation in asstiri the Fai•nierstliiit
.he is now able isfitrailitliern - :w tti tot artiOZ , sii;•;
_perinr to thosii matuiravtueillitretoloo..; For speed
and elctio„llirushing and .ease to the homes, lie be
hoves his to he'll:tor:died,
Ilk price is St 10---tvver.ty In lie paid cash;
•ttiol the balance in tsix . ntoaths, for eJltieli a gate will
requ:reil with,interest. Any pai•saa purela,Ning a
tiptin n f.tir trial, act being pleased, can
roarii it. , tle will at till limes be reAY to ilinikb
them oil the sharlcst orders , train a tlistassee
will beinitictually attended to. lie will :tiro repair
the.:-.litirtv , t notice. -
• •
LfrllFl Subscriber having. purchased of the . oriel :mid
r i? I f 7 'I - 0 11 , Patentee the right of the above INrater Wheel
•• .. • c.. 4 'kJ • I for the state of Peimmisy Irammia; will dispose of individ
the-ti,lish. Paving Fond Society, eat s rights or :::.lunties on advantageous terms. TIOS
•V V will expire. in 15.13. Notice is hereby given, water whacl has I.,emm fully tustol and proved to be so
afire, ably . to the van:stir:tie:Land sof Penimsylva- ! for superior to an , kind in its power of, propelling
imia, that the stseldi.ddors or samid institution greater pece than any other
applying to the most Legislature of the Coln Flinn. WI ICVI4 iii propaition In the quantity ci water applied.
wealth for - a rent: wmtl - o frhartercchntml.-,t-i-f-mtanme-,- sty s -calculate:l to be. more mart I culatly_ti set tm lAt
mill title to "Cumberland Volley Ilat,lc," increase of. mills, haying fr mom two to' eight Alet head and fall,
Capital and genera) discommuting soil hanleing privi- amyl to giN4Atly obviate the inconveniences experienc-
Irges, all finder Each restrictions as the. Legislature ed frani back, water. It is considered by those hay
:nay direct. Time, above..institmition to be continued ing them in use ;isnot, ofthe most importantimprove
, mums Ilmaritas exer hem:introduced for.its
- ---
ty, strengtim...steadhiess.ormotion anti d'umbility,. It
is constructed alt4,ether iron-and not so expensive
to make amm, nmidershOt, and olmeratitig With ithout
half the water upil not liabittio be obstructeillmy ice
in (Ile - rime subscriber will deVo)e his mitten
lion to calls for' these...wheels at such places as may
lie vetiuired. •
ktig. 19;1S 10---fin)
--,_ ,
I/ a ri et.y-Store %L -- I
!Jo_ lie e :a
PSVIE siihstPilier, thankful for past fiicors, respoyt-
It fully inf?rins the public that tie still 'coniiiiiii-s,
to "hlid . Arth" in Church Alley., near. "Education '
ttifllV - icfnorcliTAnirrililr - oirliiiiitl - irliirgOßSonniza
002.7:inn5.: consittinf; in na'rt , of the fullou'it I g: ' ltrenil,
Cul: es Chees, Ilconn, I larns,• PI one,. Snap, Cider, 1
Sldees, Fritifq, Sweetinelits, and other' necessaries '
c drill:led fin• ibis anereiliati. . ' • • ' • ,
enittinnes to.kt.Cit. Eatinn-11onstt;
w h ere gentlemen I . l'llllW acennlmmitited ns.ltrt Trine, Feet, Pickled Oysters; ke.tit the shnetest tintiee.
• • • J.ACOLI — SIV.G. • .
Sept.,6, 1 84.3:,---1 „year
VrodutT Watited fiiifiletliatelv.
CASH . will. be . . Pm VI Timlos AND Imp
eels cif None; TEN THOL)SANDi bushels of.W.lient;
THOLTS'AND - : , Ry - e; TEIN
THOUSAND subscriber,
who can at all times be found ni on
the canal between and Stnte etreets. ,
OWLIN - Itt'e - kB P,
larrithurg, . ,
Dry .. Gobds, roecries Queen:. urre.
\% ILI, be sold by the idthseriber, :a very l•edueed'
prietq•for •Carb, iu . the reom - recently occupied by
Jacob cent and adjoining the store of Samuel 'R.
Myers e.? Co.
.4 The stock i is nee, and 'consists in paint of
braffeloths, easSioteies, cassidetts, blaOk
uslinps, : 6ljcbps,. tieltingS;'silks, Il • Otos;
tab!o covers,figured.'swiSs loos=
Uses,: insertiogs, :laces, 'silk and eitkitoii.
hafidkerehiers,riliands,lgloires-„-mid _stock
iiigs; bonnets; heit'yeiteenil;" &e . ,' do e :
Also, 9^.tiniell lot 'or.. - d14:0 AND
Having relinqiiiitieti.i:hisiOssli . ).,S'.hiWetis
berg , ancl rinioved that eolire'StOek 'to
tilace„l atn . clesiri)usorclo'sleg..tip.lhe coif-.
corp. s bOott as,
' thi-yot,t9
..; igt4GE_lirtioir;
''':V6:4lt4)4loll l (9 l :4 s vzcci.
; .T,h 4 'sulp-oyiber hereby informs,tlle citizens of pai.
and'the pittdin generally;_thatlie'lini 'taken the'
ltop,nearly opposite Mc Jailovlierelie Will li4*.Tire"-'
tfired to manutacture Worder o ion thetnest•reapnap c;
le terrni Of article. .in,ll4' I ine of - businees, suck as
- Ares .Pqcks
Fle N 411( also attend to * Steeling iuul Grinding Axes.
He iliare of ikublio patronage. •
i 'l9 . - Si l la l erSetoo ool ;. „ 'Biltk , l9
4qii,lnrugun, v,ustlf6,Afiictjlei.;
1 4 11 0:t4e;filue
HO, Muvititie tfq„SolitOon of Vie;
klicyce '4lll bel,soold tow for Nth; by, • [.
8, :It LL T00T. ..
mags}:;c§g:¢:-m»,fsz“zar‘ 3mg." [n 1 -...
.gi• orPreiolit ears
- •
• .. , • .' •
, •
'fittVD,r, ',- •• "
•• • '
11 ?Me l DIZCAElfiLt i a . 4 4. U 7ITP
into opbraticin',Wiiryisbuts," Sr.. Co-, , •
.7. „
aline oe - ;;
larly betWein Harrls‘btirit" rind Pliihidelphiti;by Wlneh
Goods and Produce of all desatiptiode - Will he forwar.;. -
ded. with. care :and despatch; at .the lowest v l O B . of
freight. •
Goods will ht reeetvect at /Rio Ware noun, of THOS.
J. MAXWELL, N. E. corner of Woad • and Vine
titroets 'forwarded ps' liarrisbntg,'
Cat lisle, Charnbersburg, and • interniediate. I„),lnegs)
by the sttliseriber. • • OYAT.I7- M'CAHE'.. •
Harrisburg, Feb. 3, lan. •'• • '
hand, (lash paid for almost all kinds.of'aguttul pro
duc'e. •
Agel latileSbUi - g
.• WIP.„- ±ll •
• 4:-17 S . "A:4 ? ;,.."
ailtveett, .114,chietiles6rii—
' ••[lll' R :kb ib . bh•d;fl✓\ , .:ll,] . •
firit-tE subscribers gfiatefui SorilaStjuvors,,
Isi%.t. leave to inform their friends:in:lole public
generally, that tin-v , Still .coptiputi .to ru a line of
lawthen Cars regularly between Alechaaiesburg and
PlC:lad:di:llia or Battimore, by which goods and pro
difififoTi+ fiti:t - te tl I - be - for war:led-Ay i t hreare
fiintylesp - stOrar dre - IrsiyCSfrratt;S - tieffi.iglif,
l'i:oduce will he.receivetl at their 'Ware: flowi•es
io llecipokicsburg, and to
Baltimore, according td, the ttireeticai of '
i he higitest price will he given ,foi.'Whcat
' Plater of Paris and Salt always kept on
hand,:11111 for , sale at t h e lowest prices.
July .t 27411 • • .
FoßwArt - D- .
. .
likye t•C•ninved to the vap.triotts\Vatreltotisi.. rceenth.
1). I.jedi& Ob iilthe north-west cortn;r
Ati'ttlivrirtnitrßro3o -- ittriTer;Thititttelphi:n:l - • • -
From the finnlitins hich iha 1004tritW and - intorind
arynngement of this qpot afford, 30 to 40 Borthen
-Gays can.' be•nrquinn.otintexl to:nottul_nntl_lnail.tit_the .
same ti WV With sollicient i'tiont to taore QO,OOO ho :nets.
Floid-, Hod Ado to Gyu too Af exclusi've or the:
font •trilin••••tleirtyttnent. •
. .„-
I.!rnalud.e.•tatz.e.ter_yJ.:lli.u,nrilttion he - . l7s.•ccitto
usual 'inl.efnsigntnents,:ind libcrnl inlvances made on
receipt (it t•egnifett) until ,nh•s itt•Li.
. .• elt.klo, rte.LLAs & Co. -
..N31•111-wcst ebt‘iter of Cherry& Broad st.
3111'0 I'm NT TO MIT:LEM;
J. :)1117:11S: •
. I
•IDor . r.]
this is o,eertiry,(wt I have put in one of nowd , ,p
P i i,ttent-Cnst Iron. ttirect •Action \Voter Wheels, in
11eWetion Wheel , butt the Direct Wheel
' (10614 not flood the tait t.are 'ns mnehby tree inches
reaction did; and that I.cim grind seVell
• els with the direct action yheel•nu hour, and driye
two run or stones, where I coultl'uot grind four bush-
Is iu same time-with the renctian'and del s - n one
.rtuvof stMies. u.E.Tint kAHNESTOOK.
Emdtrata, Lam co. Oct- 1838:
• •
• Alloway, May 5,1831
' This may certify; That I lime, been engaged input
ti m.; in S. 11. How ml's east h•cai direct action water
whet:l, both in the Suite of New York anii in Mielii
i-grinomd-,--enn-gire'it as:tay-deeided-opinion that with
- 8 red head - or tinder; rightly put in, it will do, Mere
-linsiness-with-the-same—water_than_any. 7 udiei•ejicater
- wheel which I havevet had 'am° experience ih,iind in
reference to hack water,le seeund hest to none the I
bite yet tried.. In reference to guarding against ice,
there ,ean be tmbetter.Occation, and it- is easy
to be kept in rephir.
. , . •, ,
• '• •• AlioWayi Sept.' S,' 1838.
'Chia may certify that I have lied nurny,Mill one of
14 1 .
, li f tw d's direct traterw keels for. the Niece of one
It is allyefect wheeL-niid I have had a're
acticcit the same itiaee---1 have 'ttlo had Wheeler's
Union Wheel, yet I think Mr. "[bird's will do :more
!tininess with less witter , thanuny etlicri have trictl-1
It (Ines Well In,
thinkhack: water. have ad frUfn
feet d& we could dd its much tVork with 1
Wt . the water fis we used tO do tt!itjethe • undrhoet
firficelOiltith-luts also_becniu_4o6ratkom . -lirroy-Mill.
.2) r . " ; i.
le e
_o •rati
- -4- .... ' .' ' • , •LYcint, Sept! 30)388:
This tinny eery tat arc'lave Used: doe 4f. S.
owd's.patent ..,Av nr,Witeels,tdoee.l)etkeaoher 1 1 00 y.
the 8it1i.,.:.0f •e-action „ivlieelond we , thialt: that
lloyil's •wi I 0 dodhle• the Wm ness ri I ill' tli'el same
water th&re-netlirt will do, or Nory 'clear: ....I?Ve
',teller ave hot three, ft!et brati, , :ated eau grind, wit!)
tliateig,ltl lloaltel_pert]tottr.L)re aye sekioet:tct b"o0C.:
,witter. This wheel will do as good iitteldess` untlei
;back-Wittelati the re=ttation, nad 'we,reettconiend'it to
the attention, atidpel4onagttof the
•'--',• '-• 'i • •
-'..,','' nubile.- - w •. ' 1
, -e "
.Sly' OX '
' l 4'i''' '', - `lkll,4E4]3:' - fLtVlfg : :
Ir - Sf. - .1V.'"13 tGSVitO SElt, _ill- "IR tt,!ls
agent for the oborti iiiiiintletted:' , water Wheel. an s the
:counties of llauphin b .Curaberland cio9iYot'ltitot4,will
!at all titner i be ready, to #ttic i fd to; : itt'etr,sale and erger
n tioo - : - tit 'the -shbitest . itOti 6, hf:±siddreasiiighlitii_at
Slieptiet . itlstriwti l Ptifiriberltt d.eounttMa; • 7 ' 'i cif'
Avril 8pt840..:•-t . -1 . ,:' ''.,„Fr'. ';•., . l' r , . ';..- ';I,,Y
~ ; •
' • • tyeittliS I, CY i
• • ~ zooall-EN
' 117-
i • A' — q , '' . 4.'s;,4itio'ciirii*ile;And $ . ,
, .Ics T V: t
f it li t T : v v e i v i I
p elt 31 ;., t 7 s eP i t i t 7 2 e l4 l l T 7 r f ie li l sil l e i;::: t ' ; ‘ , 3" ‘: „
.9uesling I,s
CO" R°l.°. " t° DAvni N.ll.mxprt. .
Car Hale, March 11; 1840,
• ';‘4l'
Craig,.l,..leL as - Co.-
. ..-- • • ' 11T.1.T.i1t. - C.NOP•Iii, . .
Vi.'. S.'cnbttatt,'Citshier: 1 , '- , .
I:t•tukt•stut & l'itrker, earhy.,... - t
1 leut...i; Illtuailtt; , , •
B;ittitiltu•s9ll Is: Bossertnatt, J • .
.1(•ttlIt Stl'oyet• Alturttille. -
.I).tvitl Nevitt,'Shippens:L urif. - . • .
J. I,*tui Stuitl . ,i- Esti: Ca tAi er ?. clunnbep
Evster, I lutz ',lx.' Co, 3 . __-
12.Awri. Pieming,, • .
Cndterwooll kcvslig,• . p h a„ de lph m . .
Will. It , . Thr , rtipoilt•-z.Co. • •
NN'llitall 4. I.3t•owu,
kIG StinSCtill3Eß respectfully ,terolera.
Ke4t4fOnialitivolUtlhlntiiits tbitie
very tiberail:hliarecifiiittronage• lie has , received , ilfir4
lag the past year, inn() wcaild still ca,,ntinue'tct:o.trer
them his . professienal services in their various bran-_
thalit' s reliffldnee;'t•ro:
cleanses, Anil:l46gs teethe nd inserts ineoriaiptible
Ifiri*mietaric artihaigl.teeth in, the :most , tippraVild
manner. Charges always nio:deral.e. .
J e. 6..
• Carlisle; March 23, ' '
, . •
liVaitiffiardttea .
.IgliftinT ropk.L•
subscriber; !tap : j pat. re from.
• the Cities of. New York, Philadelphia mid Bel
tin:Mre;und is' hOiV opening 'Vs store roorri'B: E. '
Corner .er markei• gquare nml ltlaie Streets (for.,
merly. occupied by ' Geo. , W. Hitner,) IgenCral
cit•tment of • , . • • ,
Ilardwaii; Slone, IVare, Cedar : ; Ware,
; Oita, Croatia,'
Paints,Vathishes, Glass, Brush-
Whips, Cones,. Lamps for •
'Canzphine Oil, .
- .
and great Caidety ardeles, - Useful and..neeesstn'y
fov. fundshing and keening a house. He hasalso, and
will ennstantli keei?' on hand.
• C•iinipleiliC Oil ,.
, . .
s'a cheap and elegant substitette for sperm oil, and
haVinq ittilionited the agent of Messrs - . Backers
and Hilither of-Neiltirle. N. J., for the Sale' f :cone's
Patent Lampiiit this county, he is prepifred to ftir,•;
nish Lamps and 9il,attt very reasonable mite to - all
whoinay Wish to nse—this new ai n eecilioniical
Having Selected his goods himself, and .made his
purcli4ses for ahle,, , and is determined 'to
pelt sotiv. . • , . . •
Those harinit the cash to ay out willfindinto their
• • .1
• " • •
advantage to give !dm a
rl 41e,
iff/pieWfaii i- YDfifel •
Pin .
Pint the growthipreservation_and restoration of the
hair. Thisis go, exeelle , nt article, and has, in nu
merous instattoes, protturial a' litte . growth of hair
• otitht:ltrads of intreans who had been bald fot
L.101E5 Arin clEarrt. - estr.P,---no you wish depot,
luxuriant arid beautiful hair? know you will answer
.yes. Hear, for one niomeut, the, cause of its loss, why
it turuszray, rusty-and course; tunt - impleitsan
in its appearance, and fitailly fidth off. Each hair has
a root in the. skin, and is aliollow-tuke, through
whieh - thereiS a constant circulatioill'erftiie 'dont).—
• BY:this circulation :the hair is nourished and.held
Jest, its - glossy colour . is given and preserved, anti it is
covered with the finest oil. Now.any thi fig which i
jures the slain of the head, or diverts or takes away.,
the it, »illlifevlcut or impede the circula
ti on through the tithes of Lk.) Ind y, stop it) growth . ,
iiiiiireaitiaTlit - TO - 11111 off orturn-grayir.r - bMil. - 1 , 4 !once
thafaurcausc'that obstruetcor weakens'ilas cir
culation of blood - through the skin, or that diverts the
-Idtiod to4.ther-larts-of.the_systattiovill,tako-awa
lively,.fresh and youthful appear:tutu of the hair,
rest'its growth, turn it gray stionor''or Inter; and in
thialsauda of Mstancelcause Juremature baldness.
... I of salmi by_'
S. P.LI:IOTT, and. •
Carlisle, Pit
. .
Ma'y 13; 1840.-7,4 y
. .
Ilidr - Toitic.-:-We call:the attention of those -af
flicted With pre:Mat:re_ baldness. to lite excellent flair
Tonic prept,rea by Dr. Jayne of this city. paving
_used it_ourselvesoxe cnnspeak of it s . virtues by expel
rience,and we unhesitatingly pronounce iturtinvaln
-able remedy tfi,prevent the falling ofrolthellair,and
to rostorelt from a dead; to a fine, healthy appear
ance. \\Venn also tipetik from personal knowledge
ONid- n eati4 of two or three friends "ho were ! w e al s ,
Missed to balancgsothb by the tisg of Joyce's I lat
ronie; have noW . hixttriant hair. We have nodispo
sitian to puff ; indiscriminately all kinds of remedies
for 'alliliseases Jvlach flesh is Itch; to, but when we'
yi,tue of on 'article, we arc free to say
Evepinj• Post:
Jamey's flair Tonic.—Welias - e, heretofore, num-
Awred-ourselVes among those who believed that-the'
i lalivTonicoirepared Dri-Jaynei-wa s-one-or-the
many qu'ack - nostrums whcise virtues are. never sera
beyand the fulsome pull's of their authors. We are'
willing, at length, to make public . acknose ledgment of
the error of our belief: Au iniiinate fried, some wo
or three months sinet-, all the top or ,oicise crnnnun
..,-vas as bald as a piece of polished marble, maugre all
our jesting and -ridicule of the idea'
. of attempting
to cultivate 'so and,
a spot purcluised- a bottle or
two of the I 'id r Toitic front Dr..lityne,and 'according
to hisdireCtions applied-it. - During the present week
the same friend uslitlreil himself into oue,presence,and
uncovering his-hitti - erto naked head, astonished us with
thin.thonhitlti . iiltriantgros , .th of hair; from one. to
two'inches its Ittngtlt—t-upt - Wtlie veyylpremiscswc bad
believed-as unsielding-toculfivatiou- asftlie-trackless
'sand.thiit skirts the Atlantic. ;This, is no pia, but is
relihdouslytClic;,Mato those ii - ho doubt,the gentleman
vitt - be .What itompre in favor or this
-"Tonic," the case here citOivas not one of tentporti- .
yy baldness;---tto sudden loss of-the hair—but was one.
:of years' standing, though 'the the wiitte - iff: is but
'forty-five years of age.—Pliihtdelphia Spirit the
AV A 4.. AVA,11.4 -WA einakers :h ave
declared hostilities against Our neighbor Dr. Jayne,
on account of hiS Hair 'Conic; which is knocking id I
theirkusiness into a "cocked hat?' .Ladies and hen
llemen7—phLandyoung are flecking to the Doctor's
standard. fleallS;long divested ,of CVell the first mai,
Wats of r, after u 'Hair tonic soon 'appear.
with new aril liowing locks, which Absaloarlmnsele
might' * have envied. Beardless 'hays' are seen with
'large and bushy v,.l.iskera; mud hidiei smile again
:,through their Own 'raven ringlets more beautifill - and
.beWitehing than ever.% Bald heads are iloffing their
Nviga And throwing them to the "molt s aud the hats,"
while the Wig',makerw . stand Aghast as .they itehOld
the'denolition of their business.
i; 'What wilt he the
s consequence of this war NVe know
not, as the -wiggies are outrogpous, and.the DOctorre,
'mums firm and deelnt 4 in that ''some things can be
- inid - o's well' soth'erei!: turd that...bald 'lhentla inny na
. wclai their ,owil - hairns artitWtfiel'l.;;;TWeek-'
ly Messenger. •
. . .
,J,ab mos flair ,Topic.— at , alttlost every
"Corner, whon.perandmdating,the,strcets; inen welding.
'long and 'glossy hair 'which they . seein 'td•'be proud
ol; aind 'others who 'lnlve' ht f1!.4 weeks, a erop
of block moustaches, thtitwouldidu witkt he gldssie4t
bruin that ever walked thr, forest. ~I t has puzzled us
to . knoir the secret of 101 tlfose Wontlisznis 'ceope of
:hair; but MeSsrs. SANDS; 79 and 160 Fulton street,
. i
got. , : thelrametly, [ruts »11l who pre‘ottrtpus n
snob matters, pul)frizartl Yaluablu,
lgild in 'Philadelphia' tit 20.,SouthVbirtl-Vt46 .
FlNlN(.4, l iitidi•Grni-MAN., A P,E1211iNT,..1. ) 11.48 are,
geed 4x all olasSes of people, in , preferenc i e to Other
bleriliciecg ,
•,• ' -
BECAUSE tiny tiro peepaVen froth a ptireextractl
of lierlisittilwhojesame tOe d mine,i )rti:brrei:atioli
and ,pleasant in ',i o ts effects—tile 101;d4. 'e'er iniu preserver
or health, safe , ti effectual care, of IIiVSPEPSIk
• or:071)IGESTI()N•,•imil .all ',Stomach. Couiplciiiits; a
Preserierran*POrafer • of the whole system.
- .they: soothe. .the itcri : . .tt of sensibility oA
tiiii:tiryylve•tiarVes• of motion, tmpartini to' th eir
1, subtle:fluid its *Naito tone thus giving:strength and
aleirnessmf-Mitid:';: • • •:• r :"; •
~ Because . they.. tbrpr - destroy, tlte ,ionts„of the sto
• tiAi k it atpllMWehk as fill, styling . purghtirMi do. : . '
llodattseieieric ataleiperiance teach. Us - that :no
mere't purgailye.'alonel will cure the ; di4le4 .of,the
ptriot # ori )o tid Nojtes;AWeakneskistlio,i)rtmary,Anu,se
Ofikhost, of 0,1 r,, ksesi and; opiitiatql - yritiorting:fo
YiS-TLC -twurgnilvtist:,yadinit'kOlthe diseliikrtauCh
'ridite o tilitifeadr,of better: ;;:,•+ ; •
Harli• i ch!o:MCAlleines .41 put up upon,,
tile.opuunon sqp‘e,prAnotple,..4delaanse and itrengtli
'orc," *filch s•Aht.' Only coarse to pursue 'Vithet
aurell'4.4stly • • . 4
BeCnusdthese medicines really,do- CURE - th‘i disj'
eases for_whicht.thet. are...reobtnrueritle4,.
..• - rniNelpAL ,Og.FICW-Ti Illintct‘States, No: !
o:".+The.PbovekliliTted:Jutidlolucs are for. spiv: a; this
Drug - Stare:,cif Cac4
Willi Peal, SidpPan Work
•• • •".itt l d' the rstore Of A. Reefer; flarrlsbUrgi•Besihef.
& 13umgirdner; YOrkt and Wm: Mathiot, Columbia;
Pa.. • . .. [January:B, 1840;
41 .
........-. 1
; 111; "isi",0 6
An viipavaliLleit remedy II: . (3°01111i6on .Col4lo, Coughs,
Aetlima, Influenza, Whooping C0u„, ,, 14 Bronchitis;
and sji diseases ot the lii•easc and - 1 0 4i, ',cu e
to corisumptio,i ; . composed. of the concentrated
'virtues of Hovehound, Boneset,,BloodApet,
tievCrid othon toketable't anbstanees:
Prepared only by J. M. • WIN§LOW, Rochester,
ilitteieenc'ennil• tiniveritally admitted pectoral
virtue4o tbe Ilerbe from, which the BALSAM,pii•
HtittEtiait.N. in . nude; :IV& too - generally Viiciwri`•
to-rleilinire-rcoommenduti6M_lO9 therefore only lie
bessary to _observe that this medocitic contains the
wifole of their medical properties, Ilighly•concenitilt
eil, and so happlly•CombitieCwllli.several other ve
getable substandes; to render it the most speedy,
mild and certain remedy; now iii itse,.for thc Corn
;plaints abOe mentioned.. „
• l'or Children, this Ilalsara is of inestimable - value. •
It is a speedy remedy for the Whooping Cough need
Civil"), and tiffirdEl certain' reliefin Povuel Complaino,
'it is pleas:tat.° the taste, nail
May be safely given to the tetiderestitifittif and should
be kept at alt times In every Homily, its it: is' miteli
better for. the cainplaintslactilent to Chihli - TM - Mali
Paregoric, Godfrey s, Cord; i ,91` the Cordials so com
monly, uSed; as Inuidreds in this Citi . haveestiri6d. ;
Read tpe frilloiailg,-1 hereby, certify
,that :early'
in the spring of 1838; I contracted severe COLD,
which settled npon thy lungs, itil r tlireatinicd,a hasty
Consumption. , I used several prescriptions, but oh
'tattled little Or, no. relief ;4 was •inuch a lamed:—
•IlAppening• to•be, in. Rochester, I was advised he my
to try a bottle of his Version
or , Hon.ammx.a: I r
tral so, and to my surprise
Mined reliant once—mid by the use of that single
bottle was perfectly restored to health. To • those
afflicted with pads or Coughs; at this incleincia
season, I say '‘'l
• • 'LEA NOE It CI [lfni AN.
• .liiitsford,Alanroo co., Nov. 9, 1833.
Mr. John 111.:Wriaaaiv, Druggist, •
Deter• Sirs d have been for a series afflict ,
ed with an affection of.the Lungs, and a hard cough,
and harci - many.timetr,aroSe• in the newning as coin-.
peey, eN mustet )y CNCC,,fiIIT coup; usig t uting tto
-night-as-n-person_would.lie , by.a hard dayslalmr.
!give tried Brost of the popular I:tom:dies of the day,
but never found relief until t met with yime Halsitm
of Horehound. All the other remedit:s or palatines,
that I have used . , leave the bowels iu n congtoted,
state, while yours leave's-thein-aoloblv alai free This t
lecinsider.u.,grentfflesideraium.:_,thttakiega_dm,e r od.
ufflen going to lied, I rest quietly thro'
,night, arid 'iv sleep is refreshing. I take great
pleasure iu recomifteiffling your Ibilialfn of ore
hound to all those afflicted with pulmonary emu,
plaints or any diseaSeappertaining to the lungs, and
I take. this opportunity to thnnk you for the great
liefnpl:beoefit) kperieneed throngli your iO
it.r , Yumentality.ours„with miteb respect. , • 1
• • . • W . 211. COGSWELL.
. For stile by
Also, by.l3rtiggislsgeocrally ilit:oughoot-tlist,coun
try. Pt•iee 50.e,eti6 per bottle. Is
's ." • •
ss rfflOaiCine• • 1-
- Tlie - suliscriber - lins - rearatlyrecetied -large-addi
tional sepplies of • . • • -
311e(liciiie% Coloi.s Dve-Nturi;
Linseed Oil, iilii.S,:.Firinattitte, Colila Varnisir,•Pilitt-.
nays' I.3rushes,'Vatatisli.ilr'ushes,llattil lirnslies, Sper ,,-
rnacati Oib , (very, fine) . Sinn ni Catulles,:Soitits
great variety, (Hass I soops,.Cap. noel-titter Paper,.
Ft Int, Spices, Perfttinery . ,,&c. S4,.e.rwhielt, lu will sell
to Physicians, M - Crcittints anti - others,
by RETAIL, h1,t.11 . C... lONTept Fait:8,11:1011g THlrtilMhed
lively for rush; he will offer-bargains to those' who
wish to pin-chase et ‘rholesale.• . • •
• •
The Indian -
,Are ptirgativd.medicine, so ;natural in the 110M011 .
constitution and, withal so mild, 0(1(1 pleasant in their
mieration,tat not the slightest &Cad of pain orsitEk
ness, need be apprehended from their ust. , , 05011 by
iheintost delicate,: at the same time, if used is such a
manner as to operate freely by thellowels ; those I
morbid .. ItutuorS, (which deposited upon' the i . ar,0114
parts of the body are tin; -cause of every ache or pain
we suffer) will Most assuredly be removed; Mill
only s‘ 11l 1111 . 111, 01 . distress ()revery descripti'm Ilri
vel;from the body, but disease in any form will beim:.
For;tlar..sarrie reason, telteiyfroisitlli sudikiiihag
es of atmoSphere,or any other cause, the perspiration
is 'checked, and those humors w ',Assaf by
the skin, 3111.(111 . 01VII inwardlv-, causing headache:mat-
scati, and sivitness, pains in timlioncs, watery and is=''
flamed ryes. sore thrtrit,ltoarsnettyantglts i consum
tion, rhettmttil: pains in variotis parts ol the hotly otail
many . otlwr sy mpioms ore:aching Clld, the 111111:III st;-
; etable Pills will invariably -give immediate relief
Three nr four pills, taken at night im
Lrepeatedit few times; will remove all the aldtve-utt-,
pleasant syrimtutits,and restore the body-:to even soari
der health thambefore.
The Indian Vegetable Pills, (Indisn Purgative) are
a natin:al,and•therefiire a certain mire for Costiveness:
- because they Oetunte the stomach a n d bowels of..those
bilious humours, whieli not only parOvzt ' weaken
the digestive organs, but are ale 'caus . e. of • headache,
nauscati and sickness, of. the heart, thing
pninsiti various parts of the Midy,' Ind many other
'disagreeable complaints. 'Clic same may be. scull of
difficulty of breathing, or asthma ; the Italian Vege_int
•ble Pills will lotisen and curry oft by the sumnich and.
bowels, those totiglt alyglimv humors which smp up.
Tillam cats a the lungs, antire thecaTiiTof G.: above
dreadfutcomplainf. . _
• In all disordered motions of the blood, Called inter
mitfeid. reanittOit, nervous, iiithmunatory and' plitrid
FIVERS, the Indian Vegetable Rills will be 'found
a certain remedy; because they clean§c the •stomach
and bowels of till.hilions matter,and fan* the blood
consequently,as they 'remove the cause or every kind
of disease, they arc absolutely certain to. cute every'
kind ofFever.
So also when inorbid humors are deposited' upon
the ittentbrane" and 'muscles, causing, those: loins,
tlatninatione sod swellings called Rheumatism, Gout,
Nc.; the Indian Vegetable Pills may be relied on us
alwayScertain to givelrelief,pud if persevered with,,
will moSt assuredly, and without Gil, make a perfect.
Cure "Of "tlit tylloye'p. inful maladies'. Frani three to'
six tittitiktlittnVeOtable. Isoitkeit every, 'light'
on go_ingto a short time, contilletely rid
the 'body of-all-morbid •antl --- borttipt - Itumnrst-and
disappear as if by magic.
• It should be remembered that the Indian Vegetable I
Pills are certain to remoyepain itt the side,"oppres- I
skin, netiusea and: sicktiess,loss. of 'appetite; costive:
ness,a yelloW tinge of the skin and eyes, aiitLevery
other • ..iiiptottrliorLiver Comple _ ainitt because the
Mit , gelAtifillWlieiry 7 these corrt . Mt and 'stagnant hu: -
mars xiltieltothen.dcposited upon the Lit er, are the
bat* of the above dangerous complaint. • They are
alio n certain preventive of apnlexy atiul sudden death;
Because they carry' off thoselot maims whieh, olistruc
ting, the circulatien, are the cause urn rush, Or deter
mination of blOtid to tbe , bead,--gititliness e§pecially
out turnhig suddenly round--blindaess:-Aroivsiness
l--=loss of mentors-rrinflamtriation of the tirahl-e-ht-'
atut ev6ry other disorder ofthe mind.
Those whet from habit oroccupatiomnre,keid much
,Within doors, should remember that they' feequently
breathe tat atmosebere, which iii-wholly unlit thr the'
. proper.extianiton of the lungs; and at the same time,
owing to-.waut of exercise,tlie:ho yids are notaufflcient
j,y eimanatetl . i , ',the blood .becomes *pure, and I N ,„( 1 ,:,
ache b i
ulinvstoa 'palpitation'of the heart, and' 1111;lilly ,
Relit 'cleatiSer.of ilie ., stolone:ll and boweliond a ill
rect purifietOPtite blood, !treileerlttia. :not goly to re,
- move, pain oy distreis of every kitalfrom the tliehoq,;.
hatif 'use'tf occiaibtally.; do as tio keelilhe body free
from those Ittumirs which are the cause of every male-
Aly under heaved, Alley will' most assuredli , prOtnote
such a:just 'Mid eqUit I. eireaTation!of the..lilond, that
these who : lead a ; sedentary .life, will be enabled' to
'enjoy Gonad health; find disease' of thiy be
1 - Ft F9l , sale by ;, „.
• .01.1AALIS , °GILD* . &gild
• , • :;_'__.-,--.. `
Offiee ifid Genera! Delm%-No.. 169,RaCe: street
. 1 may go,
-.:roifriloyellgese troublesome and dangerous
;•hdinbitaufs of. i the•tdbmneh and bowels;whinh so Often
•inieJayfiets Tonga Vermlfuge; a dertai it and sok pre"'
.piti!ation.for thiOt•einoyal Of,th: Nurions kinds orworms,.
; dyspepsia, sour storanoh l mink
.ofoOpetitoOnfanilfe •
rove': and agne;'and - dibilitrottlie'stomaoh!and'hosvi.. -
ele, and organs Ofldigestion. IVY bet had t.ASTo.r3!O,
South Third street Philadelphia.. • • •. :
Akio b — e — fitia' - of ,Simnel. Elliott and Stevenson"fic
t'arlisle, Pa,' , .• • • Duay 13 180
.7 . C v. u u‘}v.-‘£'»o .u ‘ .. ' " u" :I-‘c'.
5'3. :37 “L‘ 71‘3- §-‘ ‘.‘.‘:”.,‘h‘i.';f "‘~""T“¥"B"“‘"
74.1 1 / 4 CII27:ACMDIOUT:2S;
Preparetionly by,Dr: ILiapneeinvenior,
and sale proprietor; A r o South.:Thfid..
street, Philadelphia,- : and maybe bad of
S. ,E LIJOTT,,and also,af , NTEVEIV: ,
:DLlVKLEchruggiata, Car:.
lisle, Pa.
These inedicincsarerecOmMeniled and'extettsivir
ly used by the most intelligent persons in:the United
States, by numerous Professors and Presidents of '
Colleges, Physicians of the Army and Navy; and of
- Hospitals and, Almshouses, and by more than:•three'
itiunketl_kaergyinetisorviiriouti denominations:.
'rmy are expressly Prepared 'for' family use t and
have acqt . Sired-an niqwecedented popalstrity•through. , .
out the United States . ; and , as they ureao'admirdbly •
Calculated to preserve HEALTH AWLCIIIre.-PIS*ASEO
fitmily should ever he withtmtthem. The. proprie••••
'tor of theie valuable preparations received,' his - ediai;
•clition at one °film best Medical Colleges in the Unite ..
mil States; and Ims hail fifteen years experience in ea
extensive and di versified . practice, Ely which he has had
ample oppertunities of acquiring a practical krieral.
edge , ,Of diseases, and Of •tne-remedies - best catci lateill
'to . remove " • - • -
` These Preparetions consist or .
JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT,a valuable reiidify,
:fop - cough; , 'colds; consunption, asthma, spitting of
bloodornap,liMming cough, bronchitis,pleurisyandi
inflammation ofilieltingi or throat; diffieully brest-'.
thing and all diseases of pulmonary organs:—Pripe , .
ostr dollar: ••• • • -
• •AIsO.IAVNE'S HAIR •TONIC;(or the.preserva-
*tine, grinvui and beauty of the hair,'and which 11111
positively bring, in new hair bald heads.—Price
tab' and pleasktot remedy for woCias,.klispepsia,ikildg;
anal miktoi Other seases. , ,-Price 50 ct• u ts.
reriniik t'ure , frig b , lwt.l staiamee cnnfldaii.fs, Mae ,
klyseatary cholic i cramps, Ikeallache, Four
stomach, cholrra•mnrbns,a n d {•ill rteraagefiletits of the
stomach aial bowels, nerfoits affectioas,tobk--Prioa
.50 cesar.. . ,
Ais . v:isea.liivr 001110:tints: aosiit•eness;t'eat%rs,
mations. glantlulFir, olistruetioatt, tlistltsits oftbe Ain,
Ste. vind in all easeg•tvliere an alterative Or . puttative
metlieire is retittiretl.--Priee 25 cents a box. ... -
. May 18,1 ti.10.- 7 ,1y, .. -
. .
' .
CURE YOUR (MUG El - before it is tp .- 4 7 ,3 •
hits. Remewber dcl tv —tire do , ger et!
11:Ititls - ttnn int! ty.-fre m-thot -dreadful - disease
snmpti on, Which ;night hate been elleiled at the
.commeiteementand 'disappointed of its.)prey if proper
weans had been resorted to. The very, any } who -
have_ thoii. been. snatched from: . that fatal 'lmager,
tin timely use of Dr., Swilyilebt' Cuorpound kiyrup
Cherry, heap tvht iniony to this day. nintonneing •
the cures, Ilw wonderful Cures, performed bythe use
of this invaluable inedieine; •-
•..I* -- Far sale ONLY At NO. 10i-lOiltigitli k e.treet
Pliiliidelphia, and respeetiie agents. _ • • .
Pot- sale by - Alai.l: ..iflicrs ce Co., Carlisle! A.
- Keefer; florrislinegt — Dennet - St - Bomgordner, - Vorici -
and WM. athiott, Columbia, Pa:
.lalittary 8,1840.
in - E - 1, •A 17'E - DA N GEROUS: I -;,So
is it with those who neglect .their COLDS And ,
COUGH. _ kt first you complain of haying .
Which is neglected; after which .a soreness expc-'
ricnecil in the Bronahia, a id'• a backlog couph,and.
finidlythe diseaSe settles upon the Junrs, which this
patient will soon perceive by a wasting away 'of the
body, attended with •hectic fevers and Spitting np
florid blood and -matter from ulcers on the lungs; al,
pain and 'weight is also experienced at' the affected
port of the lungs; the functions of the animateo4ll°l4
grnw lane MO; die Lodi jtceonies_tiry4Ahe_cy - AS Sink
deep within their rarities; at length the patient pays
the debt of nature. when he is ilatteringhtinself with
the hopcp - of a speedy recovery.' Tc obviate all those
distressing symptoms. - "Spate no time" in procuring
' S wayne's ,Compound SvFup of Wild Cherry, at
the rely commencenient of your colds. and ciAtgliS,
%flier:by many nightsof sweet repose'will be procured
null tithe and money an veil, and above all your health
'secured.: Therelbre,Demember, Delays are Danger-
The , nbove.medieine can nlwnrs he obtnint , cl at the
Prineipul 01liee, NO. 19, North tighth street, Phila•
44.1063 anti respeeti ye agents throughout the United
States. .
Also Itt the Drtig Store of John J.,
Citylisle; at the store nt Keefer Horrisbory; Ren
net tt Itntivertliter, York; and Vin. Mlttloott,Co,
I'n. • Jttn.._ll,lB4o.
jr J:VER COM PLAINT.--This disease
often terminates in another of a more serious na
nny prop,•,i• remediesnpt resorted to in time.
tillln f wins of Oda dilettse, 1.).. I larlicli% Compound.
Sthengtheiong sod German Aperient Pills will per-.
form a p,:er, el Lame—first, by choinsing:the:stontaeh
and boWelS, thus mounting all diseases from.the Li
ver, by the use of the German Aperient
nhtthtlte,Cnnipnuud Strengthethng Pills are taken
to Os e strenoi athd tone to those tender organavihich
require suck treatmeht ONLY to effect a permanent
cum Theseyills ave.neatly put up in small pack
ages, with (till directions. For sale. at No..ll9,lsTorth
, Co . .ighth street. Ais , , by John J. Myers Ed o Car-
Ask-- nt the -store Harrisburg ; of-A, KeeferHarrisburg ; De'lipet --
& ll'omgarthier, York; - nod Wm, Matbiott,•Colum.
bin, P. , • Pin. 8, 1,4412)„,.
11) . . HA 12 H'S COMPOUND
KRIENT.-PILLS,:tre a safe awl efficient medicines
an 4 can be mken by the inostdclicate fenntle. They
seldom fail in curing Dyspepsia,. Liver CoMplaint,
in-in-tinrsille-nia'breatt;-& - elc-Headttaltei-Loss-of-
A pptitite,Fidpitatinit of the Hmiit:Nervous Trrniors„
Lowness-et-Spirits (which tob many armsubject to,)
Ilytioclumdriaelm,,llystetienl - Paintings, Vomiting,
B • 4 c. 116. e iiiese-Pilis:tleccortling to directions, titida.
perfget cure will be the result.. For sale at No. 19
North Eighth street, Philadellphdir -7 '
Also, at the Deng Store of 'JOHN .1. MYERS &
CO„ Carlisle; A. Keefer,, Harri%burg ,'Dettnet
borngardi er, York', and W. Madill:At, Columbia Pa-,
• . 'January 9,1E40. .
SPITTINC: 111.0 - 01).--rDr.''Pr9nre'S
• Compound Syrup of .11 7 ild Cherry Bark ie found •to
be the best article; for healing the ulcerated lungs,
night sweats, and relieving the cough; that
ever has been in us'. ' ThOeS who are affiieteilovould
do welrto procure this medicine, before it istrip late.
reetifieltes or inrin* . cures can be seen hv'amilvinz tit
, Street,Philadelplia, where
this medicine can always be* obtained. Price $t per
Motile, or six • bOttles
• -Tor tale at the Drug:Age of JOHN J. '..7{ltElirS
ill CO. Carlisle; also, by A. Keefer, Trarvisbnrg ; •
Pvnnet'lk•llninbgurdiier, York; . and MM. Matbiott l ,,.
cadutulibwii 3 a. • Jan. 8,1840.
EXPECTORANT. ----''his
- Medicine has already-Mcived itself to be all'that
kilos been recommended, liy those who havegiven
it a lidr test ill this country; and the demand for it in
creaseitlaily. 'Wei have just hearth of un linpartatit
cure ofAstlimit, which has been effected by the use of
it in a neigliboringtowthe'case was that of a ' . fe-
Male wholvad fir'a long time.been. under. the::carepf
11hySioinn,litit hail received no relief, and her cam.:
was'beginning 'to be consitlereilliotieless. Ai a last'
resort she purchased a , bottle of 1)e. Jayne's r.ipeeto... :
rantr,_'whi caused her to es peetfirate freely, gradual--
eased : ber cough. and rapidly restoring 'her ha
lyehave no liesitation,iti saying.this prreau
rationef Dr. JaYnelfor the eiire:of .coughi, tiolda, in--
iineiriii;A Winne; Crinsumption, , Pite. lathe most salutsr
blo medicine even offered to the AmeriCan
There i4'llo glinckeiT Biwa it=-De. jityhe is 'one 'to'
,the most skilful, practising_-physicians io
14; and wherever his preparations. hare keen 'lice---
iin4lily' tested; he islonited uon s-ben--
Joul'ilal._ . • ,
Fdr We - by ShinUel Elliott and ` Ste
CarlisleMa , •• ' 4 • :109 . 14 1840
.1186fliATITOPF, • •
• ls . lhe- , fradegt , erznze 'in fizqW...
NVo are not among that class of ;Editors 1910 fqr.
' faiv dollnra the' expense - 0 trath . and hOnes
tyy"Ciiiik Op" doartieleandbrin; iiimo raplteasaei •
,n,el flier ar? Nva tp'enrotiln s* tont, alter
ei ittilitv - of •
Kelenao or art. 7 Our; readors.tivlllivslollooiwiSl4old• .
tliera„wo.. w
were iwcll-Wit,h a snre , throsii. and vitiliat•
cold. soMe Weeks' ago.- Well; iiiiintinted ilm•
nnttles or iNvticsLoNr§,PAl4,4t4 l, or; *PRP
itou N I) and so sudden wits the Wit 'we
Those:rwher arititedi•sol l . Y •
tl9 at . upon Pur,'L'o°n'tn9.ll4'3•C)"'77c'enc
or , mak - •
, -r• - ;':,:"Af.' 4.N,-ORTH;l 4 lO45lleci
;Aisci,*;:pruggiataAart!rAttlyffi * Won: rouglirl .
. Price 60 cents per hottla.:-• •
Oat:. Re, 1,84.0. .r.