111 SYi er - S•AS a • t.'" 8 , 4 trytue.Of fiuntly.}: Vencli Lion' F,iii,onW.ls, UP fp:l iniii.4leeeteil,, , tsiueil out of, the GOLIII.. tiurntriou Pleasof the' opuitty. of. Cuinbeehnui, be - e - i4o4etl Sale, At the .Court:house . io the borough ofCurlisl,e, On Sat : tail...4 tizi; Jantralv, 1,840, pt.' o'ddelc., A. the follow tleeribed i'enl'esiitte, to wit: ' ' • - All the inter4st °flu:noel hti;hison in two 1...0ts of Ground; (being the undi 011211 three , 4hs).Altni.te .., in the 4'0,6 0 01 of bOutukhi by a tot oldie • heiredritobetk Steel onthe., west, Coe-Ailey nu the north enSt. szreut-oil , the south, coataint9g each ; to wet in.. 12J feet in Ile )fli, harm , tliereot, . • - ! tone !louse; a - two. story Frame'House; ..retailer boarded, a I:lad - louse !i'v a Yard and Hark. atnit:othui• Sciiini a ntl• talit . ni in exe-, cutiOn:lo:tlie _lre 'pertr of Sanitiel Daq:lioli. • Also ' all die interest ef•WiliittM Davidson in' two' Lots ofGreand;(lieildr, the nndi% Will one-filth) situ ate in the hortat,4l% r t f Newri II e; Quaberiantl'e - oadty, oiitainiagettelt'6o feet in . liroat4lt, , and 191 feet in depthrolore or .less, ir;ving:thei•eon eructed a two' story,Stnae'tionse, a two, st - ory Frathe douse, eran Hdttso,•Tan 'Yard, and 'louse:iota' 'ether im provententa, adjoining Ints_of dm heirs ,cf.itobert Steel:on:111e west, trac e Ailey on •the'. itortii, Big Spying, on tii . e eastond 'Alain street on the south. • ,• Seized and taken in exedution as the property of Davidson,.and to be sold by mfr, •P AUL. "M. ItT IN, Sh.erg. • Sheriff's Office, '? Carlisle, 1810. '5 E('):i.... •Sol.lle. •The two Story Stone Houge,meenpiud by the sub scriber on East. street Carlisle, with' the Lot or Ground 90 feet ,front on said street, and extending '250 tent linab,,to the Letart sprint;.. There is n Etniie Stable, a Carriage House, and It wider on the i prenoses... The whole property is enelosed'hy substantial sto'ne Forfurther particulars firmly to , It 'C. HALL'. Carlisle, 1840. . r rs, . . LETTERS TESTAMENTARY'!4tI Estate, of Jonas Bitch waltoe, Into i*V4ntrent,s-. Eaif - borough toivoship, eleecteruct, flity becu granted to the siihsei•lben . rosiding in said tr,wnship:. NOtiee is Itei4.bs , *given to nll peratnis iiidelaed to .esttite yonks.t it‘iniedln.te = pii havingg claims itirainsi. sttkir usinte to i.erae.a • properl;' taqieeettiettted • _ . ISASO 21E, Atien . r. I Dec. 1:4 fii• TAI.:-.1 ..li!. 'Coz 11 , . 'Cam6 to the , p1.:.2,tat10l ol the.m,lh : ? ,p, . : Z^ :1 • natillei-, 1(51 111, NV . t?st Peiqtfilior9',A, , t ti ,e i v.. N , tsdrtihiii, :111 , 111 ti l'Vt! 11101'S Ilitrill. I.'l l ' ." o. 11:691-0f.C11.0 iSIe, 0 ILIIII: 1 . 1111 Wt., a . ...-e2'..i? .., ; . ..ti.. ,, ,- .., . - vim) tn be :4 cal era• 'rri, - 7107i1 , 7•"in - Teri tr - to tnine- - • pelv, up.•perty, t:,1:.• her - , wlzy „pik er I:Fw. _ _ Dec: 9, 18 141 . • • •-•"-•- • 11: . .t , 1.44;/,'‘•••••" , r L. l- ' , l • • s.t: . • • if ) Vt:. 4 X -- - • • 4 ,kw ., - • . • 17: 7 -i-, - - • .1 ;114 tin ••sailvirlb2r will rent that well known, large - and. eouytinciit. house, for rminy yenr•s, oe4itpicil by rgiamtly by others Asa It 1 .17 FIE #•.F:I• 7 V . ; "TIM home is remarkably well ••caleitiated for alitet , /htnun7_llo A 11.1./E It -tliet•e being thr,m stair-Ways, pluses in moot of the room 3. The situation • is very pleasant and 'desirable, being oil west coritei• Of Hanover a n d Loather streets;-.while, for conveniences, it ([eels any other lhorse lit their:), rough or country: It.possesses the irtusinci advanta ges of 12 rooms on the first floor, Id rooms on the sueontl, and 4-rooms on the third foor: Two wells• of water t. (one at the front door on I.ocither street, with-a-pump- therein; the other in the yoril - at - the kitchen-door;) a CiStern . made to contain eighty-tiva hogsheads;' large and convenient • stabling, , wlth rat , tinge hOnse and sheds; large and cx•celleut garden Mt:Wiled buildings; besides omny•,coov-erticii-. ors not'specified, For•partien`ars enquire rf • • ciritisTrAN - Iru:i.inicali-- - Carlisle, Nov. 21, : , .:1 . .0 'c,..r.(..':,1:1:., 't% 113 . kliow the.nseires to he h.t'a Lied to the subscribt,y, are Peituatfully rttitteEtell to eta' atAl cettle their accounts between this tiate and the Ist 'of January 1841, tt it ix :tits-du:eV ascesFary that all outstaittlirq-acequals•shnifAl hettletl by that time, The I lardware Itt.siness is. in-rriett 'on ns tviital at thC Ohl Stain'., whare the public are Terptestecl to fqr any article in the subscribeio:s 1 itw.-ef busiz:CFF. .t 2 . many Prile.,..nd3 winval& t$ .I'?otract. , (lltalont ,Ltrelitys tcf vrglutwilt,to cgmlnce: yrni -that :.11' "'Lir it (.11; marl. saoncr or HI, r fenia thy: or- is st Idris their I:lt.td pi meet re tuy cnsil:r peeeHt - e troth the'rollowitw, svmptonts Rest kieep3 hitt I,it ;lit. thrusts its fingers into it- Fututh ant tittir,:tr relief, rre . rittratiS; at tended with con;;11, oi . Lite:Along,' bowel. complaint, inflammation or the twee, and s(3l.l'S be hind the cars, convulsions, Sze. 'Phosit Wilt* have the care orthese " little ones" should tteVcit , be v• idiom "Dr. PorialCclehrated Arneelean Soothing Syrup," for Children Cuttintt.Teeth,ty,which thity ertie pre vent nsady alarming symptcms which often prose 111- •ta1...•• I• Thousands orrnothers and ItUt set - ran testify to the Imettetlimi.Tplreetit,or this invaluablC• Sy t tip, glen ap plied to the Rums. If a child avatar; with pain in its gums', the Syrup, when applied, Rives irometlime Rase; by itopeiti fig the porch' and bealimit the gums, . 'tints pro Venting convutsiona, Sze. to the htifiltitiesd cad . ettillrrlent crthciv 1:111 , 1 , pr0tt.0 , :r5. Itemernber, gentime = M - eilleine'expreents this oirthe labelHonlv - plttee - iu Phiiadelphite where tthis - Nruclitirrre - can - hr - o.'l;tai.ical,tritiC .- rri L' Cr flee, No. 19 Nortlir / ightli :ttrect, and nth cl•tised A gents 10 the country. For si4c..liy'Dr. J..l.Ncers yt Co., Carlisle; and Shippcnslung,Pii.- • • ^ ' .iONCLUSIVE PROOFS, Of the ejiicacy of Dr. Ilhrlich's CelebrcaCd ellS2 • • :Dear was afflicted with a bilious Mul tier.; disease to a eery hlarpthig degree, with all the' siiiirptems-which so t . requentl); cart 'a ielaxed.con. • tfition, giddiness is 'the head, violent tremors, • chilliness, witli a fixed_ pain in, the •right side, coin plexion.bad, and costiNctwss; indeed I was in a most miserable condition. had tried 1111111 V remedies,' but found no permanent relief until I hail purchased Dr. Meth:Ws Gompountl Strengthening and German • _Aperient_Pill .s.3Kliich:from_thetr_superior_virtues,.l- was eintipletely cured, and alp able.to piarsue,my ployixteuti free 'foam pain or disease. . • • • (Signed) , OHN % HOLM Dated, Xenta,Ohie; June 7, 1640: - : Principal °Mee . foe the United Statd, No. 19 North Eightiviitreet,, , .Philailelphhi. • Areici, 1617s:de-by J. J. I,llvers'&.—Co., - .Cirthilevand ' Peal, Shippeasbarg, Pa. [Dee. 2, 184.0.,1-3e, • DR. SWAY.NE'S • '" • Pnnponnd Syrup - rf- Prunus . mid ,••• iCherm COVIS iIS; stittrias;fSpittiiig - 6f -T— qlfoodiSOCCtiess of 't Cougli, soil. ' 1 :fill - Diseases indicative; of Consumption. Tai Cxvs' Ant DKX6EIiOI.IB.So It Is' Witt% 0108 i who neglect:their colds Mut cough: At first you complain of hating a' yltich is . tieglected;' after:winch n scieenesit is expertelleed in the 'Aironbhin.,.. ii•itly it . disettse ujipt% tliViuitgei'which the patient will, sivit pereekle 'svttstlitg n a . Way or die hndy; 'a ttehdril with vacs and spitting up of florid' blhod Anil matter frem itlceri3Ort the lungs y - n matron - if-v.:eight is siSogsp rieliseil'st the affected purt - ,V tlr'!'lungtt• the fund; trimsthcifit '.64hi)pav grow hod • beeoutelP:dry,Ohe:eyesittic-deep-itittlielr-onilticsi: at leMttit paticitt4nit's the'debt jtf, nature; when , ligrißatterintliimstdf die sPel±ily • t.c.vls , ti those tli - itti%e'ssii:ig syrup „ -OMR sic.ive' L.O tittw.hilprocitt•Vng , the above Itlel medicine et' the •veyy 2conunenceinent Ot.sool , '; ;colds , andt coughs Whereby', your health may be se : Mitred and _time pad money • For sale by Dr.-. 1. J.- Myer!) 84..-.Co.iCailisle; and. Wits. Veal, Rhippensburgi-Pii [Dec, g, EIMIIMEMI '2u\:' L 0 0 it' JR R NOV t B Ait tt4 al '4 .4 t l r ~ ) .: t 84'4 3.0.14e.r3 Tar . • ` 216a,1 , 707.,i7r)' Aist;alVts!9 oitL'abig'st: i iric Store lattc• a!iir moat ojaun:d:is'sortment'oP ••. • 1 7 all.• awl Wi n Q:::_-3- 5 " • L'io) - - . thOy will - atOat.sholt priad.s. ns can not rail to tdtit parchasd-rs, bethg..tioterini-nekl to twit elloMmt! dew e.-11 fuuetl eit.em licre in, tilt: stale. Monk oodig.rt.tiog in part of the follom ing ertieles, viz: .21.!a Greon, (;rata, .Caries mixed , lickt • • t , . Blach,liluo Lied, t,cl Beal) etiesitnizi_j_3lo..2.." firee . n,b..Ol) Ste,and , I•4ilik.e4l' Pissinets; _Pross7firt Itliu Nlerino Sitasyls; 11:uktIlierchicrts, &o. Also a lar.;-4,Ossart.,inent of , • • Goodg, Queens are, Hardware, Groce rin, .Liquors, &c. &c. • Viie would invite the public ,to call and esoniine 0Ut741..'W PI;(I cht.sp 'goods, and if good goods, low prices and exertion to please will have tiny efiCut; we feel confident that they will not, to away without leaving with ns n little of the Ready Rino. N. - B. , Co , znzry Produce ofitll Ivintip will be taken excianige fir Goods, at inarket .. P. 8. A rgirirt has been circulated that we not Thi intend to coutte here I:tnger than the ensuing sprio,l7e.thel'er3l.:! would accilaiht the public tint era have 11..eed die storc-laiusii, we now (wee - - f r tite,tertn of . years.' . tiny-this chpcit'the lAfteeiroil-s-toilgutt-of-tito4eTwlto-- teem- -to-desote-all ch-baae_:uul-ilcj , At.fisttil6,l Orphans" Coda I)c- . „rat find .11eld.ou'I'laficluy the Dtli day tf..l;:ovetylbev, 3-10. at Opt:lisle 41 and for Coufherianil t:ottney, he thel!ou. Samttei , Pres'aleitt, tot] John - Scum t - a4Tcl -, Tolin - Leforre -2 .2kEstlehtte-JUtigeS-01 - 111ft B„rae, ssai;oed asx. the fullo\tif.a proceedings ,were lau to it:, __Upon the. if Lont''nechcr,ndmin 7str::irr tien't . l., "respectfully represi.:llC.o..l-Xof your prtir:onett` won tivyni:ltetl the rr.to.h.:. - 4 , 1 the. gnlci !envy Lote,;nerk... - cit - dee'.;.- / Thai he 11;,:n itled h.s Mlinintstroti.no r , tint nul there. Is upon Ole a .11.1ertwto nt .stti(lnnetwel n Dela. co overitniti *,tyt,t:Ltot..tnia There It) Itads"lit:lalthia,^, o the. : estote execiit the re : engttizonve et.trred it.ko. by .1 Ala Loop:reker, for farm him" t l t the - N . :au:oh:to. Ife•thitrerotte E . .g:rdr.t. Rti;e-nu-the heirs. -to eVilp 'miry ,tlte-ntnost:-It , -ovettogitl.by-hious'anniti.itotAnt 'cyrtlitecl oo the soh! reecstiztincy Ls of the let April, .1840. . he tzTvell on (Nose to the eloNty nod. notice -to be give:l to tiv•tul nut or the'con.tty . ±)y uow.sp;ipci•Ps• hi the. c nty • fol :tv6.l: S. I:ctkirpaillt• ;It • • _BY. 011! c.0110.._:: • Curabevh:nd County, ill,. e • . nf-dia Cctit t iu and for sail( collide do liot' . ..by e•;•ti I' I f • ' • ' • I tIC J. Lg 0.1% ati ue C.tpy .or rep (-ova: • •• .IVitneF's ttee lainthadtted of amid court " 11..C.arl4te, the . pt.s coy -01 Woe. 1840: _....t1'. Nov. 25, I Fir;i4t.Cost - TO COUNTRY DIERCILINT; ~ . . rp, IA l'., FitiliSeriberit. intendin g to lea %Li Carlisle, of .y., fer ttwit• 1•IN - U[1(E 's . roy.ic, CUMpliSillB lin ex tent:lye variety of.everyfleseci pti on of • . . - DRY 6 O.OD 5. , -. for nale.at•Frn.B7 l cos24_ , _ • - • G.,,,,,,t, s x.1.......L.Ai,t5 1 1 thc. putlic g enerally , will furl-itnteeids. - dly. - to - their -.4,,,,,,t, g i• iovall T eg:criville-, and lincel.s.se —as they cithnobil.i , taiti goods cher per in . the cite. . . s. . . . . Ca!!and see—call aild:pureluwo. I), T er.Autoi, it, That gni:is:tee now r fll.r..ti to CVL ry one who desires to IniCelittsie. ', .HILVOLD 4 , (!O --Carl:sle,Detohec :21 . , 1811X._ _.• . ' N. 11 ••-•-•Person , i-iinlebted acv requested to . call and seal e'lll I'ol'o CU' first of .Inttory next. - 3,, .7 IL' 7P1TY41,5> 173 'rho tilt! Stand .of the subsoriller,nprsite Simon Wonderlieb's tavern, is now crowded-with the larg est and tarot. extensive new ',took of the cheapest goods ever hro":1 1 '"o Ceelik3 ns the• public may snii..fy themselves by calling and seeintr: 13c , tcee and olhe'e cloth's, .s' 2 .retdPscallis per yards (:assi3neres ant! ttS inntstinlly low. 'A Intte assortment...l* 11•insli !.ttittes, front tj3 ;t.) to CRI pmr tatttera. Stacks cf shawls i : l nch ns"br x citai satin 71111:11V5- - , - s.,1in . tdanntsk; ithrtkin 9.5 et; !ft $2O. '2legatit plaid and other fancy cap and bonnet rib freon: 6_ to 75 conts, witli linings to match. Emb',l. twin and thibet read; and hentikerehtcfst. -every vanity crladvs Irvd gl tres and hosiers'. With'a variety of other valuable and.seasonahle artialt a. . . rat Easesmats anzt-Filtect.4-tinve jitst _been. opened and added to' the bethee'_ottensive smelt, among. which t'o. Lndies and Misses 'One `cloth, )heed and for gum, Morn4Q.; Kid; &e. Men's and nays Boots and Sito,...s . ollovery .ieScription for the Fall and Wil.- ter seas - us. I . •A., general Stock ton, of. ;NIPION rand Boys !,Cloth and : Seal with a • few Jibe.; fashionable Far Hats, nll of which will be sollEcheaper.than reel. CLIAS.-0G1L131.-- t 'Car‘lisle, Nov. 4, 1E,40". • A - L1 .C 4 A 2 son thc Tine?. Li) .7 d . . . At their New Storo in Cei.treville, hare inst. re cei veil dad are now ()penint; It VOI . V Invite and splendid assnrtnierii. of ISILIT!SkIirIICNCII and DOSIES TIC E) IL' 'G 0 0 0 8, vliich have beru selected with notch care in the ci.fies. of NEW YORE and 11l II,ADELYI4IIA , and which they respectfully invite the. citizens of Centreville. I anti vicinity to call and examine, ar they will, he vint Wed. to please; and sell decidedly-cheaper than any other .establislanont. in the. county. They : mill be' happy. at all times tl , see cuStouters who are desirous of having. : , ; - New-Citehp - travd - Good Goods. - Amutig, their stock be —found 131de, 'Melt; .I.lrdwn, G peen; Olive, Ca&t, Mulheriy, Dahl i•on, Claret, 4ist Drab, matt viiFiety of low priced' 43 4)12210 • 'Snperiqrolstrlped- 'nal - plain-Landow:and' Buckskin eassihiemoremiun't sulloW , pricekSatthtettat au-' Perini: Silk, Satin, Velvet,-Valencia;"Corded,-Strip ,' ed,4l,Ttred'lttid.tPlain. Marseilles . and Cassinaere Vestings.--A-generat aSsortoient of - all:tpalitica-anil. .000111 PC"; " r 04ods. suitable' far Gentremeit's wear: Superior, Buick Italian-Lntestrings, Gros De Naps, Po Swis, Gros De Swiss, and-Seltshaw Silks, Challeysi-Chint zes,,laceotiets, Catuhrics, Botthlpetts, Pbiititiahtl gtired Swiss and. Book Muslins, Shawls, press • !Jail] kerph oro; Ssar(B,.x6il§,. 4itibdrre, 84. • :1..• hags ',and. eiieellent itssorttitont of fine and. low Priced Calicoes, Irish, Tah,T le,owelling,and. /Paper, . cy # 6 tilAiray Tiekings,.. Checks, Cords, 13eaverteens,'e. A general assortioo r it, of Leghorn and Stt•itiv Ilentits,,,Umk ni rellas,rasots,bto; Also, ittfekte4iiis siidi . titteur of • • • rocerie.%p .4r4,Weoi s Nyare' 'el the iii6senppt;Ovedginilifies 'rho pnidic are re., 2 ; Spectrally, .inOtellmrcilli,and roe, they are &torn) t to sell'clielip for.rtiqi't)y,..Fnititry it,rodace, TAVERN' KEEPILIISi - tiro respectl'ally , invited to call and. tteir stock ':of Liquors before itureltasing. elsewhere... . ,• - Centreville, Corn. Co., Ostober 14, 1440, ,r ND . O T.1.1;':41.1.',9 - , “Wim- Tt’éfi‘ifim'a»; ‘m I. . 4%4 ' '" , if - '!" '" it' " 44 : 111 . --"` t o.lr 4.43 V 0 . M‘m' 'i - ,e ,:;,,,ir IL :: , ..10 4 ,, J ',a -.Li! I L ,. i,..4.1.i,:j:,:. ;-:' ~:.:• •'. ' • • 4. , , k..9-.EA 1' JIT . caPoortir • 1 .. _,---,- ••,-. .s.;:: A I ry ti D riinderstgiied•have forintitl it el:4liaritiit , flip' i 4, tinder the firm_ of A l: MI at-{..'4- 4- W.. BROWN i. f; , r (he purpose tOf transacting iiCeriehilUatittnissieni, ~... '''und r'orwartligg .13u5inct5.,„,,,,„,,,, . ' 1 We woultlVive nuticelhat WA barc , taken llic spa"! I Clous 110 'Proof bilelviiNiehoitifi; eitiiite'd Oh' the i.Outti'weateerner"Of. Bond and .:Vilarttreet4,‘Aer'e i ".', are l!ve,ilored toxl e eive and .lOrward.Merchan -1 dale. ar.d rCeciye..tina iall'all kinds of . eiiniitrY 'Phi; idlitiY.'• '.': —., ' ''. '.. .' .-. .* .4.:. , ; ~- -•, i .:s . pk.iltfrilly - lotheit - i : kintre - ef - thii - itthlic lin 1 i.onage., . • • i," - •,„. . !.' '.... - 7 1 , •. j. M. illi.ooT. Of PJ:aniOin . 0): .. I anti of the late.fiiin or Mu k ; Atictimve k Bt'nw a: • • ' G. W. 8110 W N, of Hitriles PerrY; 'Va. . • . IaWIME,NCES. , .., Pitildtlelphia.—.l. Nlel...anttinto'lk. CO; Caleb . COtie: I& Co; .1. - S: A. Wes'; Comic Handy k CO; C. 1110010 a & Ca. .' : . . , - • ; Lancaster Co.-,Dr. N. W. Sample; .Capt. Julio fi4eele; S. Sptith Patterson; J. It; Fprrec. • -- Ifarriebtli.k...—Thinnus Pula, henry Buehler: - t'artbdri.Geo. A. I..you,'Wra. Leonard. . . • . ..Airt...id//e.,,,Wifl la ta Parr: .. ~, ~ - . : . Frankin Co.—George'Cliamlieri; I)Cvij ;7'lllo.- ton; James Campbell-; John . M 'Do .%-ell. . . ~ . Pittsbuw.—Slurphy &Clinnihorluift. 11: - flehington • Co.---.. 1, S..,&.D.•.White. ' . • I3rt/fdri7•Co.—.lanws Agnriv. '-.. lart! ,- erstown .:11d.—'Wra. M. Marshall. . flarper's.rerry,Va.L.G. B. Wager; C. Lucas, 3 J'.. Oct '2'3, 18.10.--6 t " i i.VIIOLESA RETAIL Copper,: Shea . caul 7fri' Ware ITPACY26:II7. _ . . —The.subseribeit.o.fiemf.irsale., Al 1.116 altop,in_Nortl flaliovet• street Carlisle, iteNt door to - NVirl. Lcou .nril's store, (ot , will iimoulitettitte at9flc alicirtest sip tics) the follow ing to.tieles, to wit: , CV (L) 2 7T ' ' ' )-. 1/ 1 1 1- L ' i ' l l 4 l - 11" , ' 1 151 . . 4 1 , -. . . • . , . . -' • . (I . a11../Icscriptions, . ..• ‘ . • _ of which he - lets - on hand a large assortment, 110. 1611