Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 09, 1840, Image 2

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    Telagr'aph (E x tra.)
rrOCCedilio gs t ot•' the • Efeetorn
C) Rlcgc.
' s Fho College of Electoi.s, met in the Se-
bate - Chamber at ..the Capitol at lO.' o'clock
.M. and , on-mOtion. of,• .
• TIiONAS M. of Wasii
. . ington, Orgatilged -• by the appointment,
• unanimously, of JOHN AN D R,E W
• - •SHU-LZE, of Lycoming, President, and
ALEXANDER RAMSEIr--= of Dauphin; Spero
. President was conducted..4o. the
' • 'Chair by Messrs. Ritner and Middlosivarth.
• On motion of Atr; M"Ke,nniin•,, the. Pro
climation of the Governor announcing the
names orthe . - EleCtOrs chosen, was read:-
• The . Dipety.'Seeretary of the (.)•otnnitoti;.
'wealth being introduced, presented a Me,s
. -sage from the' Governor; --'cm which a.-rno
don being made 'that tlie.same be read
• -- ---'lor.'llitnerlretnarked:thit he did•not op
'.: poee the reading .Of the Message , but he'
thought-, that . before - any connunication .
• • could be offictially'receiird from the ,
ecutive, it was necessary for the Electoral,
College to fill' any
. Vacancy that' rnight oc
and - oflieially inform tllo EitecutiVe ------
• their organization. .
. On motion of Mr. Ritner, the names of
._ - ____the_Electors -were - called:- pyer - , --- w hen --the
,- follotv,indansWered to theii names. - •
- • John Andrew , - Shulze, • doSeph Ritner,
Levis Passrnore, John Price - .Wetherill,
• Thomas P. Cope, Jonathan Gillinghain,
Amos Ellinaker, Abr'm..
K. Zeilin, Robert, Stinson, Win..S.
dric,* Jenkins_oss,. Peter Filbert; Wm:
Addams, John Harper,
, joint' Dickson_,: 'John 111 - 4 :JOhn
Reed, .Ashbel B. Wilson, Middles
wink, George . Walker,• 'Joseph
Justus G., Forflyce, M. 'V.
Harmar Denny., Joseph 13uflibgton,ilenry .
Black, John • ,
. ~ •
• - Bernard. Oonnelly, jr. or Somerset, not
-being. - present; Mr• .; Zeilin .of Delaware of
:tered the following preamble and resolution.'
Whe'reav; - Bernard - Connelly, jr. - eine of
- the eleetore-duly...chosen and *Claimed by
the. Governor of the. CominonWealth of
PennsYlianit, has from_SiplineSs -or-other .
•to attend at the seat of ger
ernnient at' the tirireTejffieiiitell;lTTlaw ;
therefore— - ;.
Bosolved. - That - the - elecioraiiresentjtra- -
ceed to fig the oaid vacancy' according to
314 : ceetion_of -the act _
provedluly.L.2o39. •
Which was - agreed In unanimously. .
1(11r. Cope"of
_Philadelphia notninated
Thomas - . H. Burrowes of--Lancaster, to fill
s ate .vacaney.oecasioned by the• absence of
which was agreed to
unanimously, the vote being taken - viba
voce. • . .
1111'.'lliirie . ? momd that the appnintnient
of Thomas 11:11urrowc - s to fill the vacancy
occasioned by the absence of Bernard Con
nelly; jr., be communicated to the Gover
nor. - .
On motion of Mr. Middleswarth, of Un
ion, a committee was anointed fa' that
Middleswarth, Wetherill; 'and
• Dick.
'-The committee-retirediand - onrtheir
turn notified the college that they had per
formed their duty, and that_ the governor
had • informed them that Mr. Barroives
should be notified of appointment um
utediately; ; •
Mr, Burrowes appeared, A and infiirmed
Zi the College that he had been initilleif of his
• appointment as Elector from the Executive,
• and itook his scat. • •
• '.• On minion of - Mr: McKeehawthe college
then proceeded to 'ballot for President,
Messrs. Middleswarth and Zeilin being
appointed Tellers. •
• The names being called,. each member
deposited his vote, which being., coated
by the Tellers, they reported that the vote
stood as follows ; •
• For - President of the United .Slates—
OHIO, had•3o votes; which was
artnOunced . by "the . President:
On mo,tiorCof Mr. Joseph Matikle,•the
College then .prOceeded to ballot for Vice
President in' the same order: , The Tellers
having counted their. votes, reported that
they stood as collow# :
• For Vice Preeident of the United States
SD rotes; which was' formally announced
by the President.
On rninlWWMicM'li.ennan, the Elec.
• tomproceeded to sigh.-the'pertificates—of
ralettion aS•requieed which was
agreed to.s -
On motion of Mr, Wetherill,-a-gommit-
tee on accounts to settle . the pry. of the
---- - thentbers-naf—the—euthie-Airas--eppointed,
_____eonskiting,pf Messrs. Wetherill, Rods, and
--Buffington. • . • •
•: •
•Mr. Bleek,•'inovetl the appoidtment of a
eozeuilittee to in co pare"the lists and returns,. :that every elctorhad• signed them
• all. . A.dcipted; and the folloyiing•nanaed as
7 — Messrs: Couantittee, - Malti: — Bliek, - Win - s — Me=
. Ilvaine,
'and Reed.
• Mclennan :moved the appointment
,of a special inessenieho--proceedloiWash
1,- 'ington With the_
returns, which NVas adop
Essolvedson moticin, that his Excellency
.Joseph firt• oek be Appointed to convey the
,returns of this College to the President, of
:The Naked States'Senate.
i t
.. . .
,lifs: - Diek offered a resolution that a co
- 4ilriittea' be appointed to' catteg the - like and
;certificates, to .be' enclosed with the propei
..nvelopes, and each packet idated add ill
r irected . acatraing 10 I,al#. ,
. Adqpted, and Metiers. Diek.Adderns; and
Behdrie astphiptoil: , ' •
t'. • , .111iddies drib, Toyed . that• when, this
..,....-Gelleite:athourn, it so to re-assemble,
'!.. • o M. to-morrow. •
" Mr; liencirie Of Blicks;: was, oh motion;
apimioteiLto•Oarry,e.ebp}r Ortho.retnrns:to.
• the District quite(' Steten:.Tintge.•.. •• •
` r • :, 4 0fitpotiori hf Zeijin,..tyo''.oeffege
ogTtt .7
. . , . .
..,..Ll. , _,- stealad.. pay. 4:-
. ltivteokt4edetiber 3, 1
840. '`',['die C llegWirit purs nant - to a jour n-
iiidit, at OA. - M. '' - '-' ' '' '• ''
l'hO. jmirnal:ofyeaterday niaa'reid, 'after
%%Itieb -1 '414 inner read an extract from a
leiter ieeei Yed from Bernard Connelly, yeral, State'eleetors..are opened : fiy:the Pre4,
which stated; that. dLsevere-pillmCinary titt.-;sident•Of presenceOf ail
tack. co - m - 14110E41d absence. inise;;.,
of „RefireientatlyeriThe 'votes
'On minion : of Mr, NPRennaii, - thiS• lei- beitig"Cotinteikthe resulttis iitictertitiriedand
ter Was placed on the, Journal as. received declared, Should • it,*happen, as it has
of yesterday. •-• . • • . twice happened .under the •ekisting• eonsti
essrs.: Black, Wetherilli.ait . d • Dick Ittiiod,,that- neither ,Cantlidate fun the Pre
chairmen of. he committees ppeiptelf yes- , : .sitLtney hae received; : •
a' triajority;:df, the
terdi:y, rePorted.their duties intended to: . I wholenuinbersof votes, the HotisC of Re
' It was then:ordered, on motion of Mr. ; .precr.ntativeEi- iminediately.proeeed - td bal-
Ferdyce, that the - PreSident draw his order lot,Tor 'a
, : President. •.•. The members' ' .vote
on tlie'S ate Treasurer for the sum of $5O; States-that is, the_ inajiirity Of the se
being the sum .
.alloWed by laW for the con-.yerah.delegation s determine. the •vote of
intent expens e s of the College. - their respective States.' And the - votes .of a
On.motion of Mr.. Hendrie,:it was; re- majority of •the Stalds is nedeisary-to
solved that Mr.,:llarper be seleeted. to take , T choicoof President. •• '.. • • --
Oargit of-one copy of the lists, returns; Ste. • 'The first instance of , a ballot, by the'
tiLd,,deposit them, addresSed to the Prosi- i House of Representatives wasthe,•themo
dent of the United SititetSeffeee,lit"the - ,.rable February,•_lBol,4entlered
Post Office of Harrisburg.' • -• • necessary, as the constitution then Stood
M esira. Rimer Jlendrie, and 'Harper,' - in this-partictilpri: by the tie between Jef- -
then'each reeeived - frern the .. bands of _the fersa , and laurri_both.being_on - the same
President a copy of the necessary papers, ticket—the first intended, but not' ex
to be delivered, respeciiyelY by themociipressed,.for President,. and the second ;for
the President:of ; the United' States . Senate Vice President. .•Thirty-sik.iseveral
in person, to. Hopkinson', and to the iotings ..were had 'by the Howie of Repre
-Post Office in; Harrisburg. — sentence's, on that, occasion, before the will
---On• motion of Messrs.-Markle and AV- of the - majoriy - was - carried - out - hy;the •e
-liennani an unanimous 'vote of thanks was lection of Jefferson. A subsequent amend
passe'd to Alexander Wallasey ESq. for the Mentor the constintiditatiiring-the-can- :
prompt---and,correct---manner - or - whielf•lie didateifoi President and' Vice President
had performed the dut.y of Secretary tOthe to be Severally designated by the.eleetnial
College. colleges, in giving their votes, has
Mr, Cope then rose, and stated that he ted..the recurrence of thiS difficulty. •
wished to offer. a resolu ion which he felt . The•second.histance of the choice of a
convinced tvOuld meet the seine unanimous President by.the House, was that Which
approval, which had been, manifwed
.occurred 'in .February, 1825—when * the
:the deliberations of the body; It that choice, lay bet Ween 'John Quincy Adams,
the tlitiolcs"of the College be returned to. William H. - Crawford, :Andrew lack
the Hon. John A. Sloilze;for the.dignified
'Votes of thirteert . States (a majority of their
guished hint as their 'presiding 'officer.— then number) -
on ihe first ,ballot. '.The
This was unanimously adoptdd. • electoral vote.. given this day to. Willidm
.It.haviog been snggested that- the Col- Henry'Harrison will far 'but number that
lege had - now closed all its duties, and i on- which has ever before been given _to a
,ly aitcd•for such anootnicement-from the , candidate for the - PresidenoY,-" since the
chair, the .Honorable and venerable Ex-: days of Washington."
Governor rose, and addressed the bOtly,in
substance, as, ollows :
7 Genleinen of the Electoral College:
AHOY me to detain - you, buf for a °few .
tridinThits, before our' final adjournment,.
- whilel'e4resi my..satisfaction at thee su
cessful close of 'the duties assigned to.-tts.
- The cause of our assemblage here,-kis• in
deed-calculated• to:wartrrthelleari - cirefery
- the - Cause:a - the - peoplethe
_of a-triumph 'over error, and
achieved these, who well.know how to'
appreciate- every success • obtained in
struggle-for liberty. -True it LS, that' at
nines weiluniter—the peojile are indttl-,
gent, atid.:•submit to evident Wrens, in
expectation of a change, Whieti'may•event
nate in the happiness of common coun
try.' But when protracted sufferings 'ar e
endured without.executive relief, the peo--
ale step foniard in their sovereignly, and
call for Reform. • Tina has recently been
exemplified in a manner, not to be mistak
en ; and every patriot must rejoice in the
success of a cause, so glorious to our coun
try, so fraught with national blessings. .
tionftir Mit r t.T7-IZ;iii 'tis oPinio'l L e:::- - naliT
worthy individuals entertain "sentimentson
pol inconsistent with our views.
But'we' feel assured, that. before 10 . 6 t, those
who opposed .our efforts, - Inow so_ happily
consummated by the action of 'this body, •
Will•find a cheering recompense for all their
disappointments,4 the return of our coun
try to that happy.ol4, which distinguish
ed the administrations of Thomas Jefferson
and I is immediate successor
-I shall only add, niy cordial and sincere
expressiotiof thank's for the indulgence and
respect, uniformly extended .to me, while
presiding over your important delibera ,
lions, and for 'your assistance to one un
accustomed to situations of similar respon
sibility, -and unfamilifir with Their rules.
Permit inb to wish each of - you, individu 7
ally, a safe and happy return ,to the cher
ished boson), of his family; May success
evor:Mtend lour - exertions in the glorious
cause f politicaTr~orm;at`]ic all tie acTiiated
by such high and patriotic views, that our
cotintry at large shall feel•their benignant
influences, and our. children and our chil
dren's, children•reay the blessed results. •
Oti'MotiOn of Mr . . figt:,•the College
adjourned aim die.
. .. .
... • •
5... ,
Kr. On account of the. substituti w iik of
Mr:.•Burrowas for. Mt.. Connelly, it was
necessary foethe State Department, op no
tification froethe . Prcsio4a the Col l 7i
to prepare another entire set of papers, of.
similar tenor tcithe first, which were sip--
ed dlid Set UT - eftled - NV ith _the other. . -
may . herc - iemark, that three copies
of the votes are made • one'is to be deliv-
erod by the special messenger to the Pre
sident of the Senate on or before 'the first
Wedifeeday •of January; the second is de
' Obsited with the District ludge„of the Uni
ted States,.and the third fUrwarded by mail
.to. the same destinniion as that sent by the
,special-rreesienger: The votes are all' o-'
'pened on the second Wednesdayof Febtu
ary, before. the Dottie of Representatives.
torsi Colleges of. the several States of the
Union; assembled, yesterday, at the seats
of goVernment of their respective States, to
vote for , President , and Vice President of
the United States. Having accomplished
,this duty, the college then makes out three
lists of the Notes .as given' by its members.
One of these lists is sent by a 806Cial Dies- I
~tcr.Wasbington, whose duty it is ,
made -to 'deliver said-list to the President'
, of the Senate, on,TOr- before the first Wed- I
nesday of January. Another of the hits
is required V law to , be forwarded imme
diately by mail, directed to that.o
And the third. is'deliverat to the Dis
trict judge 'Of - the , United •States,; . in
'District, where the "election,has becn held.
Should ;wither , of. the firsttaro lists -,
i reach
Washington, by tire' first . .Wedneiday in
,lanuary. 4 becomes the,d4a 04 3 10. Wa
tery Of" &ate, in. thit. caiie,,to despatch a
messenger'_,' rui t he Third: eqpY. : 41 7 :1_984.4,014._
a14t0. - .by thefileitiii4,enitegc. with; the
IZiptrict Judge. ,careful hi ; the jetV.
to avoid all probability,,ot. - nenident,rinjer,
gag to;.the votes of the•Sigtee. thi
sopild•- c ,WanenOnx • in: Peibrn.pir, _Congress'
being thin tara,cmetni,Aba votes'o. the, (re.,
, -
. .
Gcu. .111arrit4on _nt
IKeisitue*y. -
• .
A s friend has furnished its. with - the an
netted extract of . a letter:from a merehan
of 'Kentuelq - , 'dated • : • _ '
.: - -
• LEXINaTON, Nov. 26th, 1840...;
Old•T,iparrived in te‘Vri_ op' Mende
last; :and received by a detachment . of
- volunteers, hundreds-ol'citizens-on--horse
back,.on- foot, and in vehicles of every
deseriptioe,_wjtOhc most lively demon;
_poPular gardif was COrri-:
paratively .a :triumphal entry- into-the:liter
ary-M:IA icientiftc metropelis of KO - mucky. -
He dined yesterday at Ashland ; with_ Mr.
Clay, and a large company . of 'friends. , In
the ciening: a splendid' . ball -in
honor - :of - Mtn, at the DudleY Souse
Among,the many distinguished gncsts'pres. 7
ent were General Harrison, Henry Clay,
Gov. Lacher, Gen,' Leslie Combs,
'Todd,. Ex-Governor Wickliffe, Washing
ton Tyson, Esq. and Gen. Montgomery,
of your city, Gen. Shelby; Mr. Graves,
and many other gentlemen of political cc
truir,;'and therliat
morning. This is our mode of celebrating
the "deliverance .of.the.cOuntry." What
renders .. it .- •the more" interesting, - are the
bright eyes, smiles, and' lovely forms of
lientlicky's fair daughters. ,It takes us to
Set up apolitical festival." •
We have received from the 'New . York
Journal of Commerce an extra dated Sat
urnay night, 11 o'clock, containing- later
adviees . from Canton.•
By.the ship Ghbe, Captain Christopher,
we have Canton papers to the 4th.of July,
being nine days later than our previous ad
vices. •
The blockade which was announced for
28th of June, did not . take place till•the 2d
of July . ; In the mean 'time, viz.. on or
after.the..2Bth, two AmeriCan ships.entered
the port. Dr. Parker, American' Aliseion
thiscountry. • • .
•The first part - of - the annexed extract;
althongh . published . onfthe 4th, was written
prior. to the establishment of the blockade.
Commodore Sir J. G. Bremer arrived
here with 'a powerful naval force and 15
transporwowthe 21st of June—on the 22d
he issued.a- Ninice of Blitockatie to be_es
,tablished on and after the 28th of June of
,iiic river and port of Canton by all its en
trandes; the following day he'proceeded to
the northward with' a 'considerable portion
of the_force, leaving Capt.. Smith,Ahe
nior officer; here,with one large and one
small frigate, two sloops of war and an
the blockade was hailed generally as • a
long _desired ala i -Aso - M - 4 necessary
measure, and-as - a - sign that matters were
now-to - be conducted in earnest, although
the - fells no dbubt some More. decisive blow
was• expected, and had e'en fully determi
ned 'upon, but for. mime' motives of expedi
ency deferred` for the present.. Amongst
the Chinese authorities and people gen- 1
erally; bothin• Canton and here the alarm
and excitement were_verygreat. -Thegfith
areived,.and no blockading iquadron made
its appearance, tut remained in Cap-sin-1
40 iniles Vim; - and Out of
sight of, , the Bogue. forts, and nearly ten
miles from, and we believe nut of sight of;
the regular and indeed only channel for
ships proCeeding into port,, , and -there• it
remains, inactive
„still: . Meanwhile two
American ships, entered the port on or 'af
-1 ter the .2.8 th,, and Chincie salt and - grain
I junks are entering daily,' On •the
iug of, a sloop'of war a_ppeared. in'
Macao roads,, announcing the apprpach, of
Ad,miral, Elliot, and sailed , again to rejoin
him. The• Admiral's ship, with,the . otheis
companyvanchored in' MaCao 'roads a-.
boul 31 P;M.. of that day; and left again
early, on ,the rionticg of. tie' 00th , for the
northward' aupposed to , be:iChusan,"'ac-
c9mPanied by Copt:- C. .Secre:
tary, and Mr. Morrison:the 'Chinese
,Suly, r t,_,P,,-M.--SinCo 'Writing' the,
above, we have: received the gratitiiarin
teltigence Wit part of the Nockaditir soled; '
,ron•moved uii , yeeterdaylo the Liocca*, 'l'l-
coneiattag .of the Volage, ihe Hyo
eugh and (lopieeor 'Steamer, .ana a,
.Latfr From . China.
From• the-.Canton-Press
sult-junk hasbe already a)i dent
tri - the:C4f7l3:ing-moon. The 'great vuti : ,
tags of the Menthe/Alf; alrendy pro d;•eit
the junk would most probably Bade Oa
ged to escape,. h.iil_not_khe_been, O map
etuvrpd •!)y. the steamer.' , •
• - - From the Min Gazette. '
c r
. .......
,--W.,e . : .have•tieeti a -Gzetie of My .?,4;
which heweVerre'Ontints noiliitig• t inter
est, to'.-foreigners., Tie most i portant
.item of
. r.ews is the facif Alc 'e ndidatea
,for literary honore•having Oeit , ', scoVered
ivith opium on , their4erselP,. in the very
hall of learning. Thpy !Ave been expel
led from the'saered 'pelicta, -. deprived of
tl t
all Acquired rank,_ and felt in chains, the
issue of a judicial:•eniry. In an after
column ofAhe pap_er w e ird their sentence:
"Let them re:eel ,- ---a . 'Ji(red blows aitd be
transported- to. a distanr t 0f....2,600 le."—
'The vender of- , the.opitit) iii questierrlies
not yet; beendistiivered.l 'f he - officer ' su
_pc:lute-tiding Ihe repair' Of the • banks, of
. the Tpughu river has a4wed the work to
proceed in so slovenly ilmanner that
. his
criminal conduct has beet reported to, and
reprimanded severely hypte.Son of HeaV
en.____"Let him take-waring,--enil be-more .
careful in future." . tEliurld acquaintance
Tang has naffed_ the- . vang,chow4lee
ititd another officer 'of - a epting bribed.- 7
They, haire lieen,rotiseqt etly degraded.
- , PitOCLAM
,lON. • ,
'Rate rf Rewards. for d tio,yirig
.the En-
An offer.-of rewards, mhicti:veill truly be
,awarded, to any who (hall destroy the
Ist. Whether civil or l militaiy officers,
soldiers-or people - ,
.wlioeler shall be .. .able
to take an English man-e.. , war.carrying 80
great guns; deliveripithcsaniele the Man
darins, shall receive the riWard'of $20,000..
Forasmaller vesSol, cariying fewer guns,.
less will be given.. FOr levery great- gun
less, the reward be - diminished $lOO.
Whatever the great vessel contains besides
the great guns, wenpeiiibf war and.ppium,
be given up o the Mandarins,-
xcepted; such as clocks Watches, cloths;
or money--all" these Shall be
awarded to -the. takers of 'the vessel!--
°Again, to arty,WhO" shall : destroy 'a great
man-of-War of said foreigems, not leaving .
even a single plattit—stibstintial-'evidenee
-bet ug'prcidtrced - orthesanie..—glialrbYgitien -
Ae reward of $10,000: I Thr a smaller one
less, in prOportion.! ••
2. Whoever takes-an English mertiltant
vessel,- shall ltave .as are w ard hatsoe v
.the vessel contains—excepting the vessel,
-great gutis,-iMPlements otwor,--and T opium,
which must be given up to the Mandarins;
such - as goods and monev; In addition -to
which; fore large with
,three masts,
the takers shall -receive there w.ard. of $lO,
000 ; two and-a half '."masts, $5,000 ;,„Itwo
masts, $3.000. For taking - an English
large (sampan) 'or' passage . beat, $3,00 ; a
small one, $1,00: . .
Whether large or small, for the destroy
Ling or sinling of each English vessel—
substantial evidence I;eing produced of the
same—the proportion of one , third of the
3 Ems, taking alive a foreign Mandarin
or officer, oiv inquiry should it be asper
tain-cd' that he is- the said mati • -oi: , war's .
chief officer, the reward shall be (5,000)
five thousand dollars;,-for any other.officer;
More or less; according to his rank and of
fice—the'rule.of lessening—for every de
gree lower, the reward, shall be ditninibh
ed $500.! '
4. For-killing foreign, mandarbis, of of
ficer4'substantial evidence being produced
of the'sam'e, one-third of • the pruportional
reward for taking such alive Shall be re
warded ! •
5. For seizing alive Englishmen or
Parsees, whether soldiers m merchants; for
each one reward sha ll be- given of $100;
for each one killed, evidence. being pro
duced of the same, for taking
the black devils, it -Ought - ,to be treeided
whether they , arpsoldiers or slaves, and the
reward gisittcd:accordingl3. . .
6; For - taking - Han - rdsca/sOltinene
_Who - . supply the barbarians, , or deal in
opium, the same on trial being condemned,
decapllided; and their heads exposed; for
each of such' $lOO reward; besides these,
for those ofAess'crimertrless-reward-will
be !.. • Translated by I. J. 'IL
June - 24th, 1840. .
• Territory •ot lowa. . •
We commend the subjoined, taken from ;
' the Cincinnati 'Oazette, it; the attention Of
our readers. The condition of the Indians,
not only in lowa, but in: other portions of
Who are responsible for all these hard
ships, sufferings,. and murders? • Let those
caused the expenditure of ten's of millions'
of the •publii. money, more to secure" the
services. of the " spoilsmen". for political
aggrandizeMent than for any good to the
nation, prepare fOr the fearful reckoning
that awaits then): As they. have measured
to others it shall be Meted , to them. again. ,
"Through.the Burlington, Gazette of the
7th inst ,•ure•ltaie theAunnal Message , ,of
Gov ; Lucas, which was: delivered to the.
Territorial Legislature•on' the 4th; Flt is a,
00 - olinipiit. of — praisewortl4 length - , - thbugh
very badly concocted,. and eontaine some
milieus' statements touchinglbejedialt
.agericy. of-the territory. .
The Governor sPerks of '''unparalleled
•iniprOiretnents" 'in ^the past
year, and said 'that the' people.: at,their late
general election, expressed their preferened
fora Territorial . doverritrient; for the time'
being by alarge majority:
elteitemeitt . produced by, intritsions.
Lao- winter upon the rights of :the citizens
of lowa by the • authorities. of :141iisourii
: hai . ing subsided,. the pre'secuticii6iet'ximen• I
cod 'under the hwe.. or `the .territory r ;VOW
an..officer of the §titte,' had beimdismissed,.
'The state eppears • to' liave .backettout, - and
.thk.lerritory has 'therefore' laid down its;
,- _
Gev. Lucas tliinks • that lowe,was - in - lhe
right, in this - boundarjr dispute; 'and. - tratia
that -CongTetle- so'- declare _at its. ap
proaching Session. a
The atipear to lie gi'V
'ing some. tiouble Governiir. It
i;seerittr that the' Indian Agent has received
. thekti but withholds theari frotit •all parties;,
eitEer because one portioil of 'the Indians
;.. , . - :. , .'Ai i *p'..'...',11 7 2.*:# , J,t0)ti,:14 1 - : 4,r .. -:-'..,::
. .
, .
wish Them to he paid tOa - few ;chiefs, while,.
anotherjosista thatiheyaltall..he'distributed
to theheitis Of alt:thelpritteipa4_
or because, lie:caii,make tome Other tise.or
them which he esteems belt& According
toitheasifge; — the. , lndlana,_(the Sacs and
POxes) assembled, at, the Agency
28th Septeniber last for payment.':: The
two parties there arrayed themselvei3agailfst•
each other. Gov. Lucas was present, and,
addrened,thern.both, advising them to corn
promise the difference among, themselves,
informing them-that' - tinder an order of Au
'gust - .lBth,' from the. ;Indian Department,,
"the present years' annuities - must .be paid
to the same chiefs and braves who had^ re:,
ceived those of last year, and assuring them
that SQ soon bl 3 they should agree among
themselves thefnoney 'should be paid over.
_Upon, this the :council "adjourned, the In
dians ititendlifto — arrande,their-4iflicultics
by, the next', Btit by Soine "arrange
ment". made " : at , the Agency .410 ring the,
night," to Which KeoltttlewaS a party, the
council, to,'-have held: the. following
,morning was.frustrated, and. Majoe.Pileher
-left the Indian country _tvitlif.tbe money.
This money, it seems, was PAPER MONElr—
_.(yea;.!..viLt..ttikotis-nArtx-Rnue-in-the- hands
of a G.overnment Agent!)—and "when Ma- 7
jor Pilcher left
. the- Agency," says• Gove
rnor Lucas, - "he informed me thatthe - funds,
beingin -Paper, could be eiclianged . fot spe
ciei ant inig'ot be teiurned• for payment in
about 'three weeks-thereafter." . And there
the matter rests.
~ The Governor has issued'
his'"peremptOry order". for 'the paywent
of the annuity,. hitt when it will - be paid,
or where the Major haS gone with it, does
not . appear. Under these circumstances,
thc Indiaifs'are somewhat •Tractious; - and.
theh GoYernor isln fear that-fhb excitement
pradtked 'among them - "will burst beyond
the bounds. of restraint," and that the * frori- •
tierwill be involved in another Indian War!.
The Governor,- ; "in consideration of this
state of things," recommends `the. Legisla:.
five Assembly, to pass. a law 1 ..• authorizing
. the -organization of a number of vOlunteer
companies : of mounted riflemen, and pro
viding for calling them into., service _with
die militia of the
~TerritOry, "in case of
.Indian depOdations, or , threatened
_ •
Is• : notthis`ia--pretty--Pieee of businessr
At the commencement- of winter, in a cold, :
latitude,their - meani of-inaking-themSeives
comfortable, are withheld from the Indians,.
and if they Make any demonstrationS" of
anger,, - „nr --- " - threaten'inptsion,"i - mounted , -
- riflemen-are-to-be- organized -to hunt and.
shoot them-down like dogs Is . this — the
only_ remedy Governor Lucas .could think
of, for the delinquency of-a Government
Agent? Is there no other and more chris
tian way of righting the - Indian's Wrong,-
than by riddling him 'with riYle balls, or,
cutting him up with bowie knives? .
On thd afternoon of the 9th of August,
1818, • the -blockading squadron off New
frigate Pactotoe, bomb • ketch - . Terror,
brig Hest atch, all under the command of
Qommodore Sir Thomas Mi Hardy, weigh
ed' anchor and stood down. through Fish
er's Island Sound, and anchored near Sto
nington. This unusual movement of the
squadron -was watched from the shore with
much curiosity and
. solicitude, but none
. supposed that this 'dread array' was in mo
.tion for the purpose of - attac,king the .de
fenceless - and unimportant village of So
nington. At the period of" our stoily,
Stonington borough was little more thati a
fishing village---most Of-- its able boded
male - inhabitants were abroad; fighting the
enemy in public or' private armed • vessels
•-•;-or following their .peaceful pursuits in
defiance of blockading squadrons or hostile
fleets. Immediately' after the 13ritish fleet
had anchored, a flag was sent on shore to'
the.astonished inhabitants of Stonington;
Jtita -nOte, of which thk
6 0py:
- •
To the Magistrates of,Stonington:
Gentlemen : One hour is .allpwed. yam ,
from the receipt oLthis communication for•',
the removal of the unoWendilig .. inhabitants: I
• Tuoinis IVI—HARmr. •
.;Soon as this note-.had been read by the
magistrates, such of the • efficient inhabit
tairts of the place "ae were at home, 7epair._•',
ed to a small battery on the point, thrown i
'up to protect the . village from the British
barges and row giallies which infested the
sound at that tithe.. - 'Expresses . were
to• New London- suds-
-towns.---At eight-o'clock in_the_evertingan
attack was:, columned on •the,Villa'ke, in
discharges of shells, congreve rockets, &e.
rho — fire - w — ark - e - piVpvi - th — the . expels ti - tny
of short intervakatigl the, afternoon of
the 12th, when themy withdrew, hav
ing Suffered great loss. „ The little battery,.
which so long contended with this immense
force and finally' . beat- them off,- mounted
-two .eighteen pounders - and' a 4 pounder..
It was manned by slew gallant spirits from
Stoninecin t New London, Groton, and the
.adjecent towns, and from one of this gal
-1 lent . little. band - ive - '• have , the. following
touching incident: - • •:, • -'-_..••!_,_•, ... • .
• On the afternoon of the second day of
the attack, the.patriotie .defenders of the,
hattery . had expended all their ammunition,
and were waiting 'impatiently for a".gupplY.
from New London, to :which- place a iirfes : ,
.senger had been senl, when sortie' persone'
'dame down ' through , the village...and told
than that in one of the houses, 'exposed to
the - shot and shells 'of the enemy, - was the,
corpse ota woman who Rad died just be-•
fore the attack , and as the 'house' was Re-.
euliarly, exporifid - to' the fire .of the enemy,
;no - opportunity had yet offered forperforni- '
ing,. the .furrerallrites. The Spartan band,
immediately sioiclif therr.g ris;" and leaving
thev.'.liitteryi: - proceeded ' ,ty4the - house of
deathOinff . taking the s body, : -with'the'bed
on *Whit - bad , given . ' up ite'linniOrtat
apirit,..conveyeffit •:on; he' . shoulderi:Of a.'
pclition'of, them ' ioniii : the'ipitiet arid'-ie
eluded' burial: ( ground;of . theliiuto,: twit . -
1 - 146 • thein - theArnpleniente - lor,.diggilig -tt
'Rraire, ~ But ,before, they arrived • : at:. the
grove-yard,..rt bomb :fell intelterencloinre;'
and, .burying , itself ;before it : ;burst,threw '
,ti' large, body of earthand'prePtired a
grave ; 'peculiarly . , apprOpriate -, for.. such a
Initial,: 'taro this cavity the body - %/as
loivered; . while the Tear of
,the enemy'!l4
cannon : 61thost drowned the .VOice . :ef the
gentleman:whoiread . the.solerrin.burial..serr
vice of the'Epieeopal . church; as the. clods
which had : bean thus violently displaced
were reverently . .adjusted in'the rude and
- singular-graVe„.....„ After this solemn duty ,
,had, been performed; the little band Of he
"roes returned to the battery, and finding
supply of ammunition, they drilled the
vepts of their gin's, antl-reneyved_ that, de
fence ,whiclr makes so glortens a pogo in
the history of the lait .war.---JVew London
Sdvertiser. - •
.• The October number of the NorthAme
rican:Review contains an elaborate paper;
giving_ details in relation - to "a Variety .of
'American • - anticinities; .•Tho ruins of Pal 7
enque and the.4emple-of:Copain- -are-thus
noticed: By the way,• when is the ”Inoi
-dentii of Travel," of our, countryman , Ste-,
phens, to:make:its appearance-?
. principal . monument of-Palm - Nue is
Of a pyramidical
. form,'_ eon - Mating of three
different atructure, receding in succession •
and'rising upon each other. - The base . has
:Sidirebit - tif 1,080 reiet, and — an elevation - of
60 feet.... The portion ofjbe structure rest
ing on' the : . base is 250 feet king •by .140
Wide, and 26 feet in height; making the
entire.height-of 96 fast. The roofs - are of
flag stones; well joined, and: very: thick,.
and it is 'said •botnb proof. The edificels
composed' of blocks of stone of large - di
mensimisomd the entire
.edificer'is covered
with stucco, - Between the ciders, acid on
all the pillari; are encrusted eighty bas
'liefs in stucco; representing personages
feet in height; showing., that 'the arts had
made great, progress among the builders of
'these Works. The interior view ..corre.7-
Hp'ond§ magnificence with the . .Cxterior.
"immense hailhrnamented with bas reliefs
in granite, sculptural hieroglyphics, conks,
§ubterratiebus . pAssages, a round - tower,
with four stages--•--such is a sketch of. the
characterisfte which this temple
offers : 't`a temple heretofore•served by nu-
Imecous priests and crowded witltworship
i per's, but now: - covered with :briars - and
Icreepingtjitesiwhere nothing but birds ot ,.
- prey, its only' , inhabitants, breuks -
lUifeCririke - Sriihi6lirestSupon jt." This
is undoubtedly the most magnificdnt ruin
ofilte palaces of this_ region, Waldeck cut
down a,tree having -1,609 concentric lay
ers,- indicating -the thimber-of-years
have passed since the edifiee_Was ab-an-don
ed. • •
. The templeof Eopain is - said to, be 653
'fcet•in length-by-524-in-breadth; The in
terior contains sepulchral chambers, gigan
tic statues, stone tables and altars, ; pictures
and symbols, symmetrically arranged,
sculptured and painted. Among the doe
uments referred to in this-article, is - a let
teefrom Santa Anna, in which lie remarks
that "the temple and the monuments of
Palenque are worthy of a parKel with the
pyiamids of Egypt ; whether.
or eleiiitea'biThe - nr4irticence orprinces,
they would not have less celebrity than the
Egyptian-monuments, if history-had-trans
mitted to posterity their
,origin and the
names of their authors."
,INGULAR DIBeOVERY.---A short time
'since, whilst some workmen . were employ
ed in repairing that . fine Or Monastic edi
fice; ,RaMsey Abbey, in Hampshire, and
were - engaged in digging away seine of the
earth, in order to ascertain more easily the
precise state of the foundation ; they alight
ed upon a stone slab, Which for a long time
defied all their efforts to remove . it. By
dint of strenuous exertion, however, they
ultimately succeeded in - . fOrcitt it 'fip; but
here a heavier field of labor was thrown
open to them, for the - slab against Which
they had first struelcproved to: be lid
of a stone sarcophagus or coffin; vilich they_
managed -- eventually to disinter.,Jl . pon_tin z ,.
,- ;eOirering : thel-Same-,-theylndinfit-Acktontain
the remains of a female.
eoffin must have lain in the spot.where it
was found,. for - several centuries, yet - the
hair,.'which was, very long and of:a,reddish
color, and--the skM-were-still adlwingto
the skoll. Several trinkets and articles-of
jewellery were also found within . the co&
Toe remains were re-deposited in.
-the original spot Whence they were taken,
immediately after- the necessary repairs of
the- Abbey were completed.L— . .Eng/ish-
Paper. 1 •
. •
__LA_ - _Cfne - s - slink - Nl - 1 - mtolle --- i - 377117year.-.
of age, hat appears °fifteen years. younger;
'and his thick set, Short fOrm and bale look,
be will still be able, if . permitted; - to carry
on his forays' 'against the Russians; from
which it would appear that the, greater pert
of his substance has been derived. - He has
crossed'the Kuban, froot which he is dis
tant ' only twenty miles; annually mul--al
inost monthly . for -theala - st fifty years.—:
Lately he was one of thirty who captured
one hundred and eve Russian 'horse; and
I i311%V.' tvi,'o oraii svhich-le had lately.ta . ken
alone frolirfiveltussian peasants: - - Nor are
his exploits merely - predatory ; for he goes
to the , wars accompanied . by 'his five sons,
- (he - lost - another - late! y..itt - ,an ex li ed i dim- a- -
brosethe Rubart,)7the:,eltlest - tif,:whorti .he;
obliged the 'other , day ' - to - irt4n,* . himself
by . attacking aleno - two. but-poeted. Qos - -,
.sacks.... - The }Paling man slew one,andcarit
turd -the other: It-was only-lastyear that
Zesphlthe father) was, - engaged, in'ah , af-'
fait with the Aussians, tient .. .Alive, when
'Ali-bi:of.Ozerek was made prieoter,:entl
'Carriedz-off -,hy..a party 'of ‘ twenty.... Old
Zesph followed:them alone, and concealing
himself and Watching 'hie opportunity' till
three: of the party : with prisoner were
separated from the. 'r;st,'-ohe ,- rushed' upon
them: with .draWn. , sabre;
° and . ..Wounding
thOM. all, mounted Ali-bi . (who .bad.;teceiv
edseviv Wounds) behind•hint,,and gallop.
kiutitititji,or sm u gite pis
inn surrendered to, the Chinese- govern-
Meat in Mircti, 1839; by the English filer
chants at Canton, Wee 20;283 chests, rallied
at cost prices, at. abont$16,000,000: - This
— was all destroyed by'orders'.oithe ChinCsi
Conunissibuir, Lin. _Large ,as this QuailL
.tity is,„•it:ienot equal '! o the supply' of a
siugle year. -41 . 1839 34,000 chests were
introduced, all, - or;nearly all, the
of the British:pussessio'ns in India. Esti
elating each chest at 120 lbs. weight; the
quantity Contained iri34,000 - chests, would
be 4,080,000 lbs. 'Turkey produces opium, .
and it is-eultiVated
tricts, but both the_ Ttirkey' and Chinese
is .small quantity . apciinferior,ip,quality,. • •
compared with' the. Indian drug.. The
poppy is cultivated: in India, principallyin`
iVlalwa; Renares and • Behar.' • One half of .
the whale, qbantify of opium 4rotight to
market, is from . IVlalwa r and:as-this district /1
is beyond the atithority•of' the company,
the cultivation' and trade• in the article le
free. Benaresxand Behar, and through
but the territories of .the Eastiedia Coin- •
pany, the cultivation. of the poppy, the pre
paration.of-the drog,"and
,the tra ffi c - inity
are inider a stri ct monopoly.-- 7 .llaltimortr,
Fremit TEXAS...lmporiant: Movenient:,-,
The.steainship_Savannah, from Galveston,l'-
arrived at- New. Orleans on the 24th:ult. • •
There was no intelligence. of interest, save
the evertac Effil:•'] - the — TeXan - navy" against..
the commerce of Mexico, and
important item in the relationlhetween the -
new repubJic . and thernother country. Oh.
the morning of the
.18th ult; a, t qchooner, a: •
Mexican .merchantman,. fall laden with
- stele's-; . ..was brought into 'the port of Gal-• •
veston, having been captured by the Texian,
schoonerslin Antonio.. Ari-aggressiOn on""
the Tart of the Mexiban autheritiei at Tam—
was the cause Of this capture, and we.
infer froin the order of the commander of
the Texan navy, that it Will be followed
up.. The Texan agent at Mexitii - has-left - ..
the capital, having. abaiidotled all' hope • . of':
negotiating a treaty. ..• • •
ilongress is in session at Austin. The
principal bills brought' forward are—a bill
to establiSh a penitentiaiy, and a bill to
abOlish.die . offices
. of the Secretary of - The
Navy,.. Postmaster General;' Stock Coliy•
missioner and SeCond Auditor; to require .
the duties of Quarter Master General. and
. of Ordnance to be'''performed- by
clerks; and reducing The militarrestablish
menttu three_Companics.of.loo. men each,
and the naval f establishihent . to' the comple 7
perit.of officers id. to
. . .
, .
• 4n: "L'xfettordinary Woman.—A 14'0.•
man, Mimed > Maly . Sliellneck, (says - l.the
Journai - dn;Flendres,).die,d‘oriTlhe; dial - iii•
August; at Menin. She was a native :of
Ghent, atid in March,.l-792,:nntered the 2d
Belgian battalion as a male. volunteer. On - .
N,ovember 6th, in that, year,islie:
guished her Self at the battle of Jenappes,
and received, six wounds:\She afterwards
entered the 38th demi;brigade, (Batavian,-)
and made the campaigns-of Gerrnany.-- . -
She' was next removed to the Bth' Light
infantry, and displayed great brifery at
the battle of Austerlitz, in which she-re
.ceived a severe r esound, which led to, the
uiscovery ui pi., .„..... et:.,. 1.,,,,,pv.pr_ con
tinued to follow' the regiment, and at last
presented aetition with, her own halid to.
\ 1
Napoleon. 'he Emperor received her
marked t i'stinction, placad her , tenth
on.the list of lieutenants, and invested her
with his own - hands with a cross of the
•Legion•of Honor, which he himself had
worn. In 1807-she was granted a pension
of 673 frs, Her funeral, - which : was cele
brated ins the.ehurch of Meniti; was :atten- ,
ded by every member of: the Legion of
Honor, belo nging to • the garrison, and an
immense c oncourse of people. - - .. . .. ,
Ministers, - 4•c. of the United States in
. eizyntries.--The government of •
The United" . stlte , s--is—represented, at, the.
courts of Great Britain; France, Russia,.
Prussia, Austria and Meiico, by Ministers
_plenipotentiary ; .and at Portugal, Holland,
-Scicilies, Spain and Sardinia, by
Charges d'Affaires..
,Consuls -and Com-:
mereial,.Agents represent.this country in all
other ptraces; except Turkey and Central
-Ameiica,-with4hich"-we carry on - any , :imw:. -- , ----
. portrade. David Porter is - resident„''
'Minister at Constantinople, and. John L.
Stephens. at San Stdvador, — Central Amen- .
ca. -. The pay of Ministers . Plenipotentiary
is $9,000 per- annum, as "salary, and, $9,-
000 for outfit. , The : pay Of Chtirge d'Af
faires is .04,509, per .-annum. Secretaries
orLegation receive $2,000 per Unnum,
In alate number of the. Conitnnti School
- 3 - ournalris an excellent article-on the sub- ;I
ject of "management of disobedient chil
dren;" a Subject which few,pareets,or in—
structors appear to untlorstaa From this
article wc • copy the following interesting
anecdote: • •
• " At a Common School Convention in
Hampden bounty, we heard the Rev. Dr.
CrOoly relate an anecdote strikingly
trative of this principle. He said that,
many, years ago, a young man went into a '
district to teach schnolrandTheforeite-h"ad-.'-
bQen there a week, many persons came to
see him, and - kindly him that there
was one boy in the seltool whom i:twould :`
be necessary to whip everyday; leading
him to , .infer that such• Was the custom of „
-the Scltool, and that the- inference of ink's-,
lice towards the boy would be,drawn when"-
ever he could eseape, not' when he should
suffer., He treated the -boy.;with signal
kindaess,and attentions , ,"-At first thistovel
course seemed to bewilderfiim. He could'
not .define its meaning. But, when the •
persevering kindness of the : teacher begot
a kindied sentiment of kindness in thopu,
pil,. his :very nature seemed transformed.
Pld'impolbes• died. - A: new creation" of
motives,supplied' their'place. • ltlever was
there' a more. diligent, obedient, and suc-
andcnow, said the rovereint
gentleman to concludinghis,narrative;doit
b9fiirthe. ChikfL.lpitiee'rif,.a : AeiglibOring•- - ---
- Btate. • ~The(retator• of this . story, though'
he tOodesair kept back thC,'fact; was him.'
self the actor. If the Ronianti justly
stpwed a civie.eroWn up o n `a soldier, who
had Buie& the, of a fellOW-coldier lent- •
tle;What hitters are too greatfor the teach
'Cr:lol6,6as rescued .a child 4:om_ ruin ?"