Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 02, 1840, Image 4

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    nave - you a Coag
jj,. .
Tho not neglect it! - ThOttati fh
iiiliire met n .pre
mature,death for the urantot'a‘ little attention
. • o a common etiht , ' •
Have you r a '.suinghl—Rei, • Dr. • Bartholomew's
B!.pectorant yrup; a safe medical prescription, con
tatetingtio pottonous drugs; and used in ao extensive
practitie for seferal yearsovill most positively afford
relief, and :Save you froth that awlul disease put;
monary consumption, whitla.usitally sweeps into the
. grave, hundreds of The young; the $
old the fair, the
lovely and the-gay! , ; •
Have.' oma i—Be persuaded to marelittise a
bottle us
vow may be tocclate.
• ' -' , •11.a4e you a eoughl—Bartholemew's ExPectorthil
-Syrup is the only remedy you should fake to cure''
• . you. . • ...
Box this.plain rmason - ?.—That. - an, no one of the
thousand cases whet:o4hp been used, has it-failed
to relieve.. -
cira ale at the drug store-of Comstock
.& Ste-:
• . .ftstmental Spirits..
Prepared and sold :wholesale and retail by Dr. W.
C. MlPherkon,west side Market Squnre,llarrislan
These Spirits are warranted to be Superior to any.
----other. preparation of the kind now in use, fut.
Removing a;7 kinds of Grease,. Tar;
. . • Oil, Paint, Wax, tke.
" — from ladies and gentlemen's wearing'apparekear
--_pets, bcc..without itijnring them. It is. also effectual
in removing spota - nein - stoned - hy - any kind of -acid,
• ' It will also he-found a useful' article for removing
,dandruff - from the head, and leaving the hair in
healthy and vigorous condition: -
•- ror sale in - Carlisle at the Drug Stores of Dr
Myers &..Cn. and_Steveoson
• • \V. .C. M'PHERSON.
Harrisburg, Noy. It, 1844.—5 t
The subscriber hereby informs the citizens Of Car
lisle, and, the public generally, that he has taken the
shop nearly opposite the Jail; where he will be pre-.
paretlAn manulacturetci 7 Order, on the inest-reasona
ble terms, any article in his line of business, suchtts
. ..
Ares, Mild Picks,. Are,.
He will also attend to Steelbt and Grinding_ Axes
He solicits a Share of public patronage.
Carlisle, Nov. 5,1840.
:EtTERS oi.ADmiNt'sTßATlo;st have been
. 11 -fa granted to the subscriber residing in East Penns
liorough tourushipi oirthe - estate ofJacidi late
of Eastpermsborough , township, Cumberland
deceased: Ail . persons kaving - claims against said
estate; re requested to presentaltent properly ai
thentieuted fur settlenient;and those indebted. svi
make payment to
JOHN 310LTZ, Adm'e
November'll, 1840.-6 t
. .
• .. .
• •.. igte4llo
- OF • Aumn4isTßATtow .on the
1 . 4 estate of Jesse - Duck„iate of the bdriMgli of
.Newville, Cumberland county, tlec'd., have beemis-.
sued to the subscriber residing in IhirriSbUrg: No-
Tier. is hereby given, that the subscriber wilLittend
at the icouse - of Mrs: Elizabeth-Duck,in
on Wednesday and Thursday the - 25th and 26th of
-Novernber inst., when all those that_are indebted to
Said. estate will please make ' pay ment r and all those
having claims against said estate-will present them
properly authenticated for settlement..
WM. DUCE,Executor.-.
Nov. 4,1840.-6 t
aco sil.w%
EA Will of Sebastian Bower, Into of WestpCons
linrough M 1 ,1416141, have been -issued - an dile
-form of Law to the subscribers; all persOns. having
claims against the Estate will present them for aettle
ment, and all persons 'linemen well matte payment
to • • EPIIRAINI 11.A.ER.,} •
DAVID BOWER, Exec'trs.
Oct. 28, 18403.-6 e _
• •
NT, OTICE is Hereby giventhat Letters of Admin..'
istration on.the estate of Jacob Goo(Mean,' late
of West Pennsboro' township dm:eased, have been
issued to the subscriber in tine form of law.
•All perrsonsimving• SICCOUIIIS with said dee'd., are
requ.ested to present them to the subieriber properly
aathentientutt for `settlement, , aud those indebted to
make immediate payment.
Dickinson tp:
Oct. 16; 1840.-6 t
First Cost!
.6NI). OTHERS. . • • •
HE Subscribers, intending to leave Carlisle, of-
ter their ENTIRE • STOCK, comprising an ex
tensive variety of every description .of
• Country Merchants, and the. public generallyiaill
find it decidedly to their advantage to call,eitimine,
. and pnrcbase —as they cannot obtain goods cheaper in
1 1VcitY
Call and. ..see -r.-call :and
_pur .chaiM
~ Depend upon it, Bargaintiare now offercitto every
one who desires to purchase.
- R NaL.ll_4- _ CO._
CHrliale, Oetober 41,1840. •
B.—,.Persohsiudebted are requested to - eall arid
settle before the first of January next. - , -
• .
The.Old-Stand:of-the subscriber, opposite
Wonderlich% tavern, is, now crowded with the larg
est - audintost - eitensive riew - stock , l'oe:the- cheapest
goods ever 'brought to Carlislef as the public may
satisfy theMselves by calling and seeing. • •
Pilrit,llitaver and nil chnili- $2 and np...
per, yard; Cassimeres and eassioetts unusually low.
A large asiortment of Moludin Del.aines,from $2,50
to $lO per pattern.. StaCks of shawls,such as broths,
Merino, taglioni; emb'd. silk and satin chenay, satin
"damask, blanket 'and cotton, from • 25' cts. to. $2O.
Elegant * plaid and other' fancy cap arid bonnet rib
bons, from 6 to 75 cents, with linings to match:
Emb'd. silk, satin and thibet searfsand handkerchiefs;
every variety of ladies and gents gloves:sod hosiery;
&c:,; with a variety of other valuable and seasonable
- 50 cases Boots and Shoes, have just been opened
and _added -to the before extensive stock . , among
which' are Ladies and Aliases gum 'cloth, Lined and
fur gum, Morocco,Ritl, Ste.' Melee and Hoye Boots
and Shoes of M. 0. ), description for the Fall and Win.
ter seasons.
A: general stock too,; of .111ett's • and Boys Pity,
Cloth and Seal C203;1;401 a few' tine, fashionable-
Fur Hatiiiall of whiehttaillbe soldeltettptithan ever
by .. '... • - .2. :CHAS. OGILLIV.,'.
Carlisla 1540 - . , . --• '
~ :::.' - 6iitellialr SZDAULIito- - ' -
0 c
• Amp to the rettidence of -the , siitaCsribei;' in.
Franklin'-township, York county, (4.roiles we s t
• MATO& and 6 miles OUR of Petersburg; A.dams
2 , - eaunty) ectue_thne in_ Septernberoi.:.2 • _ ._ •
•. . -
' .-
•- - ' Isar .itz4RE-
.iiiiont 14 liande high, eight Yearn- AI , huk.epringi
-.:with a stnitt:iiiiite spot. 01l the forehead—two -hind:
feet white, and ring -honed in the Tight hinil4ient.:-.:
The'owuer'ii requeined to prove'prOperty, pay chain:
gee and take" her 'away, '
or ,ariii-*iil - bodispo t ied - of
according to, ha,. - -_ •-.- . • , -' _
,'•', • - ;• -' . .• , --: ilitLIP I{WITZ "s
Franklin tp. York eO6l - - '• • • - ' -...',,,,:
. • Nov:4', !liio.-.3t* - S : `. r :l -7. ~` o:.:
:..TIVE 110[Ftisi...= ..okw 60
4,1 ra etto,
• ~111-, CoOlkineal,
.140. - Ate, LINO Vitriol - , Ciiiiiiersoitothgo,Oil of Vit
., tiot,l . Ntolo Aohli Ainnotio do., Solution of, Tin I. the
tor: PIA
:;;; .lEtAtAtirr.
', 6 :;014r - iceivecrixtpag :
p• ••
team - .
irgiro . g of i o f .Witceeff.:4l.ol4e,
iiiiit,„.4ll4e4ioiketiiiiitlZ. - '!
Situate in., North' 'filldilleton
Co., tWo!milea• from llidilleadvtnilla, and hive:loM
Carlisle, The imprevernentsnrp,a good
rte •• '
under imr partiit with forte stables,ivitlx 'back anti
noo(' whielr is a'gituiatirAvith:a
. togetherwith oilier About lull acres
are tleareil;imiler 'good fence and in-a good Litate:ol
coltiwition, the rentsinder is covered • with goeillira;; -
her, a Part of Vlach is ',most; skrings- in nearly ell
the fields. The Conodoguinet creek bounds this ferm
nit one side 252 in:relies, which will afford a location
for water Works.- Any person wishing to purchase a
him of this description will do will to examine" it, et
I am determined to sell.
ein,be madti to' Valentine Sholly on
the Ginn ortothe ' •
[Nor e5,1840,.-;-3t:
. .
Palatable Out JraolarFor - Wal .
• •
- WILL, be exposed to publie:sale, on the premises,
n jeursuanceml an order Of., the • Or'pleans' Coeirt 'of
* Cumberland county, on Monday the 14th day of De- .
&ember next , the following ileieribed out, tote, iete
the: estate of Robert Armstrong, &Ode • ,
lota oLWm: M. Biddle Esq. and
L. Keller, handier street continued and the College
lane, s containing•one and two thirds mires:- • •'
No. 2, litemided on the noith'and' weed by lands of
JaineiNold e's• heirs; on the east bY•a lot of the'heira
of-James Moore, tlete!el. ' and on: dee south by lots if )
lames Armstrong and Mrs. Cooper; containing 3.1
' No. - Si Bohn,led hy lands .of Ilattihnrittes . heirs,
Andreiv Blair; Patna: Phillips anti othera,'heing
'pia of additional out let Ntt. 15i containing two acres,
and fortk perehes—all situate within the Borough
of Carlisle. ' • -
The termsof sale are- - --one halt of tl.e purchase
money ttrbeyald'on the confirmation of th^b askie,antl
,the residue an one: year thereafter' without interest,
to he secured by judgment bonds. Sale to commence
14 10 o'clock in the forention-of said day, when and
where flue attendance will be .giten Ity
• ocim'r. of R. Armstrong, dec'd
Carlisle, Nov. 11,1840.-4 t , •
. . .
• ~_ Sale.
. .
„. . For S' -...- •
.. . . _ .. ....„
The two StorylStoneilouse, ocenPicit br It. C r .
Itlall,.E.mpon. East' street-,Carlisle, with the: Lot of
Ground 90 feet front on said street, and eitending
250 . feet the Letart sprinir- There is a Stone
Stable, a .CarrinFe 'Molise, and tr - well - of:water.On
the prendses:. '1 he whole property i s.enelosed , by a
substantial stone wall. For thriller liartieulars apply,
to - . . EIAVARD WATTS: :
Carlisle, Now. 4', 1840. ' . • . . .
- Ware
the snli . seriber offetsfor sale, at his shop, in North
Hanover. street Carlisle, next door to \Via. Leon
ard's store, (or will manufacture at -the shortest no
tice) ;the following articles, to wit r - -
CWI ' I)IE:KUM. tate EtailaSikt
rf all deiieriptiona,
_ • -
of which he-has on hand os large.aisortment, which
he will sell lower than ever, fin- Cash. He also of
lei a for ale any quantity of Stove Pipe;
, •
. for wood awl coal ; all :torts of
77n Copper and SAeet Avg Ware,
such as Wash fettles, Dve Kettles, Hatter's Ketil,es,
Drums, Dripping Pat's, - Muse Spouting, litc.; all-of
which he will sell on better terms than usual.
Carlisle, Sept, 23, 1840..---tl'. .
D'ry Goods, Groceries •4- Queensware.
• WILL be cold by the subscriber, at very reduced
Jrice* for Cash, in the Tooth recently , ,occupied by
acob Illteent and adjoining the store of Samuel R.
Myers EMo. • .
The sinek is new and consists - in part o
broad cliiths, eassimeres, cassinetts,-blank
ets, rncrinns, bombazines, flannele,itestings,
muslines,- calicoes, tickings, silks,- linens,
table covers,; plain and figured. swiss mus
fides;ljusettings, Janes, silk and cotton
handkerchiefs, ribands, gloves and stock
ings, bonnets, beaverteens, c. Sre.• ,
Ais' &c: o„,-a_stiall_lot of GLASS AND
QUEENSWARE, and a few Gnomufs7
Haviiirrelingthalted business in Shippens ;
burg, and removed that entire stock to this'
place, I am , desirous of closing up, the con
cern ms - soon as postsible.,,,yurchasers will
dci Well to salt soon, as greaebergains will
be given. CHAS. OGILBY.
Carlisle,, Sept. 20, 1840.•
- 111ARGAIN - Kl7-----
Sirinthi , PmeP 8( .. ."
At their New : Store in 6entrevitte; have just re
:rued prd 'Penny npinin&t _! ry large and plendid
assortment of BRITISH,
. Jr/ It "I• GOODS ,
which have been selected with Much care in the cities
of NEW YORK and PHILADELPHIA; and 'which
they respectfully invite the Oidientrot - Centreville
anti vicinity to call and examine, as they will be ena-..
bled to •please, and sell decidedly ch=eaper than any
other establislimeitt in the "county. 7 They will be
!la r va all times : to see customers who are desirous
ving '
New_ Cheap. and Good *Goods.
Among their - ,S;stock - will found - Blue , Black, _
Brewii,Green, Olive,Cadet, Mulberry; Dahlia, Cit
ron, czaeis o - hlizt•prab. and avaricty ellen , priced ,'
h Ottl s 3s Waft I
• t
Supe . ilor 'Striped and plain 'Leedom and..-Ile4Atitt
Casturaeres • premium aid low priced Sattinetti;
Oilier' Velyet,.Valentia, Corded,:Strip',:
ed, FigtuOd . and - Plain . - Marseilles' - ind . - Cassimere
Vestings. A general assortment of all qualitiett tied
colors oI
rail and . A , inter .61aatitt.
. .
suitable for ;Gentlemen's wear.,--.l3t h iAdoi,Black
Italian - Lutestrings, - Gres -- De -Naps -ric..De" g wa.
Gros De,Swiu,_and Semite* Silk4-Challeyl;Chint.
sell; Jace.onetsiCiMbrica,llobbieettli, Plain tut& Pl..
mad SWISS, and
,000 k Shavibro 'Mtn
'ffiflll4lOhiee; Elcalfev
'A latge and excellent assortment or fine ilia .4nr
priced Calicoes, Irlith;;Table,.Towelling ind Table
iCrish:.Mitslins, - Tiakings, - Cheeks,'Cords,
Besverteens.tfe.7- •A 7 generatl'aiablitnetit L* ore Strait BointrA,UsubrellasipOrmol%'llict. ; Also.
1 !! ) f it en s ivismoktmint - of
o. l e.Old 6 rieftiOd ;giieeiisware~ .; -
orthe meld atiproved.claiditieS . :The piddle grit
'IP 4I OI II ,IY tocnlF and jOge for .themtelves - vii
they are - determined ti)nellehespfor
.Mileur,eburitry '
produce: -;-TAVERN-iKEEPERS-Mo--!respeetfullr
invited's° calf and.. expnaine, tkeie. inecir.::46f ; Liiiteors.
befbre _
,CentrevilleiCuWCOV • 011tobil4:1V184&,,
. .
imicEy-41' fine , Anality, for ula.b
.4 : 7 r' ',Si:Z/44112Frr..
f '-' , .. E" T 4,,,,, trtAr , i'Zl , * °, 7 l T , ZM•Tt .2 ' 7 • , '' 4 i " ,.. 4 ''',..:" .= ").' 1 4T'11..'H '- ':,7'' , ,- I : , 7Z " . '4 S' ' ' ' ± . : tl 7 -. 'Z,' ° ' . .'''' - ..7: - `'. l '''',7T. t -s: . .':‘ 64 Zr , - 7 , 7 -;'-::- * -i-=',7,:..' ; ':'''' '''.--' ''''''r - '''-'•:- 7— "-,- , '..;=, - ": 7 - - t -- -'- - '''*- -- ' - ' --- - - '' 77, ' ' --);,---
,-, ... ...„,.,....-:460. 4 - U ,-- -
tt v, ..'; l 6 04 to , i r
s , ,-_,,y, 2 1, ~ir...t . ,! . ; f ~,,,,, y-, );t ;.;e,, , , ~: V ft, ~,,.. p• •• -',. .''''.,.-4 1, ',4, ,';', 4 ; , ,Ah'' , ._. , , r.':',." - " ,4'."`'- f , t'; q, .t. , , ~,,, •.: „. , , ..; E,- , ,--,-? • ..
,$. ,
• , •
• ••-•' • • '; I.7, , prit: • '"
. • •
VIE tunici4tig4ietfliiii.e , fOriried - it - eoiPin4deraldir
• ' louter the firiti' of dt - M. - Sr.7G4 W. nriaiwx;
.. . .
for tlit purpose of tratisacting.a•fientral Cditiouston
ink, enr*imlintl•Etisineas. k .i.t - - ~.. • • :,,..,.. 2 ..- ..!.. ,
1,..; We would give indice4rat lie lrre-takee tliOapar,
'cioni• fire Pilfer bridle .arelindrie 'aitiniteitdis tile'
..sinitit' west corner of 'Bruild;atid :Arnie streetuortime
Ur &arc,: prepdritti to ; receive ; and ,forward , -Mein
dir.e;and.rreeAve, and ael,l ; alliclialti of entintry,,r,, , ...
We'iilipectfullytiolicit;•li share; Or ilic - ;publlepat. - -i
~ • . -- J. M. BROWN. of , Frinklitt.Co",' .•
;and of the late firth ofAgne ii,•Maiurdyn Sr; nt'oral..•
- • - •,; G. NIT IlltOW.Noif Harpera li*y Vila.;
,•• . . •
: . _ , : • 111 F.ERPTCCS,T ,• 4 "' • '''' • •' l _l ,
Philacklphia.—.l.: Alict,anahan St Cu; ,Galeb Cape
-St Co ;,'J: A. Wray ;', GeOrge. lia . ndt : lt '..fjo i'.C•
Uneaten - Sr. Co,' , • • '; • ,-~ ..F. .• •i ' ~- . - .. ',.
' Lcincaater 'Co ...--T.Y. N. W.Sample;;;COpt• Job''
Steele; S. Smiths.Pimerson; ..J. B:, Ferrer..__,, ~ _
... .Ifrirritiburshomisillitnt, Henry.Buehler., "
Ltir/bre•—:Geo. A. Lyon,'"Wni, Leonard,:
,'' '.- •
m 1.1 ; 1
•A OW.
relaril,—illni„ . arr..: . ; ; ••••,..• ~ ..- ~
Franklin :Ca - ,-- , Geo. ,Chamberti; David,Futler .
r :
OriFrinineiCampbell'; . Ohti AI 'Oda , eI I. ? • . .
Pitlialusrgt - •*-lUurpliy StiCbamberlain, • ' . •• .
War/di:Von ',Cn....4.. S. Stip; White... ;, . .
_____ _
.~.~-lietlfrret.:Co.--Jameg . .Agnety. - - -
... Ilizgeratovin'ald.=-,Wril. 'AL Marshall....
Ilarpiir'e- Ferry; Irci:—G. B. Wager; t:Liica!,./r.'
. Oct 28, 1840.-4 t. - ..., .; • , • •
The .suliseriber offers for: sale, a small tract .of
. .
containing, 12 acres 'situate • in' North "Iliddletcin.
township, adjoining , l'ands or Christian mule; Robert
Irvin and David Kutz; Any person wishing. to,
purchase can lutve.any_amount from f 2 to 12 acres.
Nov. 4,1$10:--9t"'
• r
( 7 1 :f I. °) C 4140 4,- •
'The his - just retinae& frai4 the
with a large 'supply:of superior new styled
.461 . 00115 , .: •
7 I .
consisting in part.'of-Woril'dyed Black;
yet; ...Dahlia, Balm!, lifivieibie.Creia and Mulberry
Wool 'dyed Black; '. Biue, and figured Caesinzeies
- Ssittititits of - All deseriptionta-Cords and'Beaverteensi
Ticke and.Cheelis; insported.Stair and figured Car-.
_wing; .S a xony, Prince and Minim de Laines;
Invzine4 Merinoes,'blue black, black; Mantua; Fawn;
Brown, '..Fignred -nod Plnin_o6:f; Figured and
Plain Swiss and &menet itu.stititu Green Baize and
.Flannels'of, different &lours; Gloves and Hosiery!
Cloth and Fur CapsOiroshe and Within .
Mackinaw, Rose and :Point BlanitetsC,Leghnrn and-
Straw-qotinOs; together within assortment of.
-- - -:Grocirries-Air—Stocenswa
A 1 1 ,4 which. will bre sold ors tlminw;st._tpasonable
terms._ Person are invitedlo- MA' examine. for
themsehres before pnrehasink qlse*bere: , •
. 2 ANDREW ,
Bargains, Ea,rgains.
• 17M4r• III)/1131:1 7 '.7 -
"iss" Pa,.
Respectfully inform the citizens of Shippensburgapd
vicinity, that, they have just received; and are now
opening at their store, im Main 'street, an extensive
and well selected assortment of ' •
. , • 1,11. 1 1 , -00 01)5
. .. . .
consisting of ierytine r.Mgitsh-, Vrenett and German.
Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, &c.. or,,, vat Icty or.
color, quality and price. Also, a large and hand; ',
some assortment of English and French
Bombazines,- 'Merino Shawls and Handkerchizis,
-Clialleys,-Menslin de-Lainsi French Chintz, plain • • .
and figured Silks and Satins of every color and quali- 't
Ilowd s Improved Water Wheel.
ty, silk and gauze dress hainikerchiefs; bobinet and TH E Subscriber having purchased of the original
blond veils, fancy scarfs; gauze, Satin, and Mantua
ribbands of every size and colon, licc. Also—Straw IPatentee the rightzt the above, Water' Wheel
for the state of Permayliania, will dispose of iiidiviii.
Bonnets and platted braid. Also---a- lar t ge assort- .
~,pk 7 usi rights or counties on advantageous terms. This
went of Domestic Goods: c
water wheel has been fully lested.and proved to be so
checks, rmislins i and e% cry othil r ' i n si r s t t i i c n l g e'vv ° hic c h a ca lie n -- be' r
t.c ,... t e ar superior to any kind in its power of propelling
mentioned belonging to the Dry Goods btisinessi
, machine ry, having a greater force than any other
gether with an extensive assortment of - :
) w h ee l s i n proportion to the quantity of water applied.
queetisware, -Hardware, -Groce-. .
- - I It- is calculated to be snore particularly useful at
. .. . . , mills, having from two to .eight feet hixtilmndfall,
' ' •
— r -. —C. ' , and to greatly obviate the.inconvenienceli experienc
• , . ries, LigOors, kr'. gi
• - ' , . . ••f ed front back water. ft is considered by those hay
all of which will be solil.clicaper than ever, before , ing them-in use asone of the Most important improve
offered for Sale.: --- ' -..-. - • •
. dents that has ever been introduced-for its 114[111110i.
• They would re'spectfully'invite the public to call. fy, strengtb,"steadinesi of motion and
and examine their stock and prices, - being felly.satis.. is constructed of - iron and not so expensive
fled that they can accommodate them at pric es ' fa r to.makemi• in unde r s h ot, and operating with about
below-what they arein the habit of paying. 1- half thewater and nottable'to be - . obstameteil hy leo '
N. B. Country Produce of All kinds will lie taken-, i,,, t h e winter. The subscriber will devote his atten.,
in exchange for Goods, at market price., .. r. -' • .i‘tion to calls for these Wheels at such places as ,may
Country Merchants are invited to call andexamine be required.:
their stockileing connected with European - Munn- 1 . •
.. MliC •
HAEL 11 , 1kMA,TH, Harrisburg.. I
• . . . - .
.. • -- • , 1
factories, Which Will, enable theM to sell at Pricies - • .. .
.. ,
lesi trunk can Iniparchased In:the:Cities of New Yet* .. . ,
-••- . . • (C ory.] : -.. •
or PbillticleiP!lia. ' ' ' '''
' ~.L. ' :
__,±ilitti 5 0 peritfY,ilitit I have . putin one of HOwd's
-lii V entb .Mq c ":4 l4 C );- 77 7 ---7
- Pafent citiit iron - DIROTAZiIiin IViiteirlVhVelicie
place ota teaction Wheel i that the DireetWlicel '
does not flood the tail, race atimuch.hy tlnne • b l ow s
as the reaction ilid;and that I can.grind iseveti-bitsh- 1
els with 'the direct - action wheel enamour, and driVe;
two run of stones,Where I could hot grind four bush-
'ea in the same timelanith. .a
tun of stones. " ' ,PETER.FAUTVESTPCK. •.1
Eupltiata; Lan ; eo.'Oat; 1853: .- • , ~ .. i.
With. improied
Patent Horse "'Owe”
treatencoutngeraent- - heretofore-received
fiom the ialitif his machineti, of
fer to the public a new and improved Morse Power,
-which-can-he shiftediugear_or_out _ol:.gear by _Ws,
and 8101.01.3 band to five_different rave - 1110one.
Anne has nohesitation in assuring the Farmerstbat
he is now able to' furnish them withlat article far au=
perinr to thohe manufactured, heretofore. - For, speed
and Olean . threahing and ;Case to: the horses, he be..
' v aluis machines to be unequalled. • "
Hi prioe is ifdialtartt - toterpaid , cash,
and tgb.balanee
he required whit interest. Any. person purchasing'''. I
machine and -upon a fair trial, not being pleased, can
retain it. He will at all time/ he ready tit' tarnish
them on t e shortest nottarOrdera - tront - tt-distan
will be panctuallytttended to. • He will also repair
machinetton the shortest fintice.
NewvilleiJuly , ; , ,
iorrupßEA§ tqe Carlisle Sash*. Fund Society, .
' v , will exptrOtn 1Rt13. ; Notice,m,herehy gtvep,
(*Ovid'''. to the constitutiOn and laws of Penssylva
,•ma,lhat the itocliholders of 'said institution Intend
1 1(ppliing to the .nett Legislature .of:the Common.
:wealth icir - are tof charteNnhange 'of eta Mei sty)."
and titte - to 4 "'Cumberland:Bank,"' increase of
.capital, and general ()isn't:Milting 'ainl 'banking 'pi's).
I,oges,all under such restrictions'-as. the Legislature
The: abovO institution to
. he cntinue4
in Carlisle, Pa:
' ' ;Itium mitpus.; . '
Aug: 19,1840-6ni. t• • ' • ,• •• ' '•-
'VarietY Store
ill'initiserlbet,;thitiltfal tor pest' feworsa t icißeof-,'
.. - fully.!inflirms the pithlle that - bd. toittinues
to Photdeforth” in - ,Churall'Allby;l*6o7 4l Eduilittioti
where he has now, on band lave assortmont
ofrist„tatut,aoliilstiii gin nert.of thefollowingt Bre a d
Cakee; , Cheese , '•llltebn o,Hams, float.; So ap, .
Spices,-Fruit.; l e ruitsiSweettnests,-; . ..!na r e!ber-iteeenatitts .
eltleulatedlbrAitkineietliett. •,, ', 7, - •
B.He also eontinuesto - kaleP,Mo Eating 40499'
wherogentlemen can be aceonnitoditod'with Tripp,
Pit 3 l l7 eftstiCl444 - 041(ekii;ficlit e. tbealhiiiteitlinice.
• • I:Ac9iLliqgp•:l
Sept. 9, tB4O -1 year
' •.‘ nt ;-
,-; ..anted.. , ln!me latf,ly»
Produce, -....,;,,,.".-,---.!,...,.•,:-,_:-,,,,,,
, 6iiff*ill, , i4piii.iiiiiiiidtrti t tliiii6. 7 ;."
iiel a o fVkiiiiiVENTßOtlOArbilikt.4.f.'Whititi
T ENO . NUOUSANWPWINakirdIiie;' , : . vitiITEN
TupTiftmw, , bio,tof. - or:voll'..Arithe 10444eilber;.,
who , *iir at MI piiell belciiiiiil it;)`114;W,011.1014101.0h
,the OuiiiLkeolf#lV4llo4"and 13 tiiiiiie: pi; /.!..,"''',,,-:"':,
- i-
..-.-.--, -....-,-.... r. : ::-: ,;:::, - i'..1:;.-7, ii... ...,:;,01,Vikpf.-,,m11,-Amp,4]) 1.
-;*i.i.tatir...-hiok ti:Al!49fifitec'4.,i... :'''',-,.,.,'. - . , ;;.: 7) . •
~.. ..
_For Sale.
Liffieidtmel- Land,,
0.1a.'0,..T:1; 5,
. .
31.—ecii au le - 4buir . g 'Line
e 430,
• r
• 2; Zr7 ; ` .
-- Areftfeeit-''.l?/ptlitittiOblii",g , and
VHE subscribeis grateful.. for , paSt faYfnliv
• beg leave to, inform• their friends and the public
generitlfy; thtit they' still continue' to line' of
burtheri Cars regularly between Mechanicsburg-nand
- PhilatleThltiwor33altimorei-by-Whicit-gotxls and - -pro,
'ocent: all descriptions will be forwarded. with care
and tlespateket tip' lowest rates of freight.
Praduce:will lie'recePetl :at 'their We're Houses
;in 'Mechanicsburg; and- forwerded "to; either Philti
_delphiaor,..Baltimoreoccordirg in the direction of
iho owner.
tlll4(Firrhe - .highest' price will' be*.given for Wheat
and_flour. • • • ' * • • -
• tf. B. Plaster of 'Paris and Salt always kept on
lined, and for sale at the 'lowest prices. • •
- ;July 29, • 1840 . .,-ly. • • ' - - . •••
LADIES - AND fx.ENTLESIEN, 6 .4/o•yotrwisli elegant,
luxuriant anti 'beautiful hair? I know you will answer
Tell. Near, for one IDOMeDrth€eause•of its loss,why
it turns graymisty, and Coarse; harsh and unpleaSan
in its appearance, and finally filth op Each hair half ,
a root an the skin; and itritself a hollew tube, through .
which there is a constant circulation of-fine blood.:—;.
, - _t
• : 13 his circulation L the_halris raWished and 'held •
COMMISSION ifir..-FORWARD-,- fast, its glossy colefir iagiv'en atal , preserv'edontilt. is
, covered with thiNnest od. Now any.thing which hi.:
... 'INOWERCHANTSI . ' ' ' • ;lures the sWittprthe head, or. diverts or takes iway_
Hive removed- to the capadious 'Warehouse recently : the blood from it, will prevent orlinpedethelcircula.4
occupied by D. Leeoh & Co. at the north-wcstcorner tion through the-tubea of • the-hair,-- stop -ita- growth,-
of Cherry_ and.Droad_street,PhiladelPhia,
... • ' • . I and, swiss it to falhafforturn gray, or both. Hence
Prom the facilities which the location and internal it is that' any cause that obstrUcts or weakens the sir=
l'lc a angement Of - this , dePot afford,. 30 to 40 Burthen, - culatiod of blood through the9skin,•or that diverts' the
C.s can be accommodated to unload-and load at. the_blOod to other parts of.thomstem; wilLtake away, the
same time with sufficient, room to store 20,000 barrels lively, fresh and youthful'appearance of the hair, at ,
ofFlour, antr4oo 7 to'ooo - ton'of Grain'eschisive of tho, l mit.; its growth, tut .n if gray sotmor 7 later, and in
forwarding. epartment. .'• •::- ;' - -, tho usands Ofinifiiiicereause prernature baldness f•
Produce of every . description will 'lle received as I :• 'For sale by,T. , -.• •
usual on consiguntente, and liberal advances made on .. 1 -S. ELLIOTT, and - -.- ,
ceipt(ifiZirtured) until sales are effected. • - • • STEVENSON StEVENSON & PINK tx,
. _
CRAIG; BELLAS & Co: , ....
~ • • • Carlisle, Pa,
- • • • . Nurth-west Corner of Cherry
. Bcßroad •at.,_--
•-, • - - - - - • iPhiladelphisk.
~ . . ._ •
Itellas, 4° Co..
- ' .-.•-
W. S. Colman ° Cashier'. - .._
.. , .
Vendersok. & Parker, `: Carhstc.
Miley Mesabi,.
Saonderson lk tiossermsar,. •••• _, J ,
Jacob ,Swover,d)rowieVe. ,
Daiiil.Neslo, ShiePefigburt • `-'
J. Logan' Stnitl,,Lari. Cat
...el Chaathers4ttrg.
Eyster, Rutz ,RE ' Co, .
Robert Remit, • -
• -.. ' • -
Catherwood k 'raig• ' 'phitadeymsa.
Win. IL Tlionipson.ik Co. ._ , - .
withal' & Brown ---. ' -
. • '"- Allotray, May 5, 1858. 7
This may. certify,-that4-have -been engaged in put
ting in 8. B. •1-lowdbi - __castirpli direct action . water
*heel; bothin'ilieState of New York and in liticht:
gab; and - can give it its my decided opinion that with
feet head or usideraightly.pntin, it Will do - more
wheel which t, have yet bad any . experience ini-and in
reference to back Water, second bent° 'none that•lt
luive yet tried. •In reference to guardin4 against ice,
there: can be no bitter operntion,.and alio:very , easy,
Itl.lla,m evle,
an repair.
STEHPN Jttelt!vrig.y
'AlioWay, Sept. 8,1838. •
'Eh ia'rnay eertifythat Ilutvehad irr roy•Mtll' one of
Mr-Howtila direct water wheeler flit the:armee of one
year. It le five feet- wheel. wki
. have. had A.M . "
action•in - the:spriteoll'have adio'had Wheeler's
Union Wheel, yet think Ilifelloldd'a do- more'
btisineas with leas water than ainy other 'Aare trled.'•
•It'does well in , back water.: • I lorre had front 5 to. 6
feet' head. I, think rye edidd do as epoch *GM
hal ithe Water as ire used•io do
wheel, which has also been-inAration
- • • • Lyo.o!, VgM•• 3 s: 1838 . .`
Ibis that Alai* used
tioAQ's Patent water Wheel* since geoei*bee. last,by
the eid9„-*f wheel, !Ink*, ',0 11 1,44'.,AM,
- d6*6)o the' bfie;hi'esi with: 'fliovi!sl , o:
wafer that 'the' re;itotto**lll4:l6,4iit!iiiii2 .
never hiTe;tiut threbfiletsz4adi.anCeivr . grind - ; with'
thit eight l,wehel pkTihitur.%ri , WO ave_sitm,449,loki;;
This whf.ol.llldo as go o d -under
tha attention tnd patronage cabs public. ,:
. 13E1tbiSTIWS§b#, iiilll4right;l*
• 4prit
*puntiest:of.thinohhii . ,Cti.ibeiltoldillriork,aiistwill
At *pip he'peoidy,attii*4
:thin Ott sh4!•*st.Aiitiap, by'
. I lig'PliiiiiiSto.wit;c44ketilino,•44*friv,,A:rit , •
. . „ ~
_, . , . .. • -' • .• • • . ...
.0i::',. , .. - .;::H•:,:.;'''t , .. , ,, , ,• . . , :),,. -
1 ,- :- , :: ,, i , ‘DßAG ,. .s.:43.i•Jitit:O.tiiiti,l6 ,, Y , rl ,- - ,, ,i , , ,, ,
HAS , iitiiiiiiA tiibiAlittfiVittlit ` l O/0 1 4;tlekiaibiii;
'•:: . ilaiikitatiliqlitiitc' dil*oltlikintistiye .*ol.*ir
be; 9und:FitC6l/90;rporek*,.ffptel,i- , :: P!prionre
~.., '. 4 .-.,,,....,...-,....
~.,: .17:,37rz!°,;,.,'Diil'AiTi.d!414,4•100:4',;,:fGS.';''',,,
7 ' b.l .( o i l ; l4 .lkr*, l l - kiti:A . 4 .4.?; , i•• , ' , ...;',..-• - .zi, - , , ,, ,, ,••: , •... , ,.:.-i...:,
, - ... • . . -. . .
Pentof surgery.
l 'gratettitnekiicoiledginints &GPO Ow the
'very litieral, share-of pitronake' , he hairre'deived
iint,thepait year, and' wciuld..stil4 eiintinne• offer
them his profeisionalsefvices iu their, yariona bran
, _ehels at his residence; r;llatiter 7 S
denim, ',limp, teeth, and; , inserts, IneorFuntiblll'
'thirer arofieiar teeth in 'the Jimiit'approVed
mottle:" - .CtiarkelalwayEtitoderat6.
Mira 25, 1840.'"74.4ft '
THE , :subdcriber .has .
•roturpied• from
tjin Oities'otiplew,l(cirl o ;Philinte)phia and Bal
eunnie;itittieuilouv:drpeilihk. at his store 'raoiTi S. B.
Oorngti lor..,ga.titfit SWAM MAin
,ine,4"Ocaupied • by: nitner,) general as
sortment' " • , •.. •
,gardware, , 'Vone: Cedar:,*
Canc!,,LOmpo for
bierntrig Carnhine Oil;
walla groat trat , ietyl of artiCles useful and .necessary'
'foe fursushing.atidiceoping house.' H@ bas also and
vrilkennstantly.ltierr on luta ' "
. .
• Camphiise- . 011 •
a cheap 'and elegant' substitute , 'for ' sperm oil,,and
having been appointed , nted the agent of Mesars:,llilek6rs
ried,prother of Newark- J.,.(or.thr of Jone'e
ratent LAinpsin, this °Minty - E lie ia:prepared'tci
YAW Laniplatid - ,.c011; at*, v,ery,reisonatile;,
Who may wilikto-use,this new and economical' light.
faviag selected - his
. gothbr.himself, and Made his
pnichasea.cor.raali,lte ; is able r ,is, determined to
- ititiby: • - • • -
,Those having.theeash to layout :finctit to their
advantage to give him a .eal • •
" • • . . H ENRY DUFFIECD.
..Tayris . e' ' Hair ,Tthiic; ...
For the growth, keservnthin
,antll restoratioq, of the
--hai*—..Thit is-an _excellent atiiele, and has, hint!,
met , oui hsettnieup; priAlueed a"fine growth of hair
on the !tends of persons who hid hien tialdfor kenis.
11,1i7 18, 1840.7-1 y
Hair Tonic.7--AVe4 The fitterition-of those=af
_flicteil_with!prernatitre baldness. to theettcellentllair•
Tonic prepared hy,Dr. Jayne cif - this citp: axing
used - it Ourselves; we can speak of its virtues by exp.e+
riente, and we unhesitatingly, pronounce it an itivalu
sible-retnedy to-present the :falling off of the hair,and
to-restore it from a, dead, to a_ fine, healthy aptiear
since. jWe can also speak 'from personal knowledge
of the cases of two or-three friends who were precis-
posed to baldness, who, by the use of Jayne'e Hair
Tonic have now luxuriant hair. We have dispo
sition to puff; indiscriminately all kinds of remedies
for elf,discases which heir-to, but when we
have testid the virtu': of on article we are free ttr say
kis good. , r
--Saturday Evening Post. .
land n: ifi'egetable ._ -
"Are a purgatite Medicine; so natural to the humans
Constitinion, and withal so mild; midpleasant in their
operation, that not the slightest dread of pain or sick=
cress, need be apprehended from their useecien by
the most delicate: at the same time, if used in such a
manner 'as to operate freely by the bowels; thole.-
mOrbid • humors, (which deposited-upon the various
Parts of the body are the cause of every ache or pain
we suffer) will most assuredly be removed; and not
only will pain, or distress of every description sic dri
ven froin the body, but disease in any form will he itll
- -
For, the same reason, when, from the sudden chang
es of atiitospliere., or any othercause, the perspiration
iithecked, and those humors which should pass off by'
the skin ' are thrown inwardly, causing headache, tutu
scan, and sickness, pains in the bones, watery and in
eyei, sore throat, boarseness,Coughs,consumpl.
tion, rheumatic &MO: various parts of die bedy,and
many other symptoms ofeatchi lig cold, the Indian veg
etable Pills will invariably give immediate relief—
Three or four pills; taken at night on going to becl,and
' repeateda few times, will remove all the above %a
pleasant symptoms, and restore the hotly. to Omit tona
-1 der health than before. , • ~
The Indian Vegetable Pills,(lndian Purgative) are
a natural, and' therefore a certain cure for Costiveness:
because they cleanse the stomaelt and bowels of those
bilious humours, which not only paralyze - '
and weaken
the digestive organs, but are the cause of headache,
imuseau and sickness, palpitation of the hearti.ilYing
Pains in various parts of the body, Many Miter
disagreeable, complaints. The same may be said tif
,difficulty of breathing, or asthma; the Indian Vegeta=
ble Pills will loosen and carry et' by the stomach_and.
bowels, those tough pleglimY humors Whiblii stop up
fill hir cell's of the lungs, and aretheratise of the above
dreadful complaint. •
In all disordered motions of the blood, called inter
mittentyrera ittentounwous,_inflator_oatery_OKlngtiit,
FEVERS, the 'lndian Vegetable Pills will be tinfoil
entertain remedy"; because "they-cleanse the.. stnmath
and bowels of all bilious niatter,aud purify the blood;
con - setmentlY,its.they retrieve the cause of every kind
of disease, they are • absolutely certain 'to cure every
kiiitled• Fever. t
- Str'also - when morbid humors are- deposited. up . on
the membrane and, muscleS, causing those Pains, In
flanimatintis Mid swellings called Rhetimati sin, Gout,
Reil tile Indian Vegetable Pills may be - relied oh as
alvfays certain, to give relief,'and' if persevered with,
Will most a ssuredly;lmil - without fail; make- n:- perfect
cure of the above painful inaladies. From threeno
six of said Indian Vegetable Pills, taken every night
on going to her, will, in a short time, completely rid
'the, body of all morbid and corrupt humors; and.,
'Rheumatism, Gout and palitefeyery desaribtion, will
disappear fte.i("by . . -
• „ , It shoidd be remembered that the' ,Indian Vegetable ,
• • • Pills are, certain to - remove pain in the side, oppres- -
Jayne'a Nair: ?boric. -We meet at almost et ry sion, ttentaiea : and• sickness; lois Of appetite, costive. ,
t utraeri - lr • ihegigarititibulittingthe'Strectainen-wen tog,--nestoryellthi•-tinge-of-ther,sltiti-tiMh-eyest-and-every-'
long and' which dies seem , to. be;-proud o th er
~ symptom..of Liver Cemplat4t because , t h ey ,,
and ethers who have raised a few weeks, a crop .'purge from the body these corrupt and sntgnint he
-of blaeletndusiicheit;tbitCwiadd vie with the gloisiest — .moreaildiVilffititieliffeitiffilpht t rtlie - Liver;ii — e,the
- bruin that ever , Walked the "cause
forest.' , It has pnzitedcusi ofthe above-dangerous complaint. They are
tti IMO*: the,'secret of . all, thiise wondrous crops of also t(certein - Preientive of apotay i ind Sudden death;
hair; but MetoitsFPAT'lnflaS and 160 FlOton•lslter-ls _Because tbef carry-off thosobumours which, otistruc-
hive' mallet's th m
ay '
learn.retill.,Wo tiixtheeirchlationoretite causecif or
rattuttion iff bleed t o the - •hesid:;-..giildiness espeeially
•. 1 ;- ' -"" ' • ' oh turning Suddenly round-T•blindoess—dnowsitiess
••SOld Itilatlelph4 at 20 Smith , Third ; Street •: 0, -;.-loss memory--iii fl aterriatiOn of the . brain—Lin-1
• • „
minty, and everyotheC disorder of the mind..
. ,
7-- Thosewhofrorithablt - orniumputims,
- are - kept rouelv ,
• '
,GERMAp APERI E NT. PILLS within doorn, Should remember that . hey :frequently.'
used b all ` ' breathe an atmosphere_ 'Melt - it thifit for' the
` 4183611 '9! people; PrefFM l c4 °Fly. proPerexPinsion•nt the limp; and 'at this saineftitne,
, 1 11,1Iedichtei- - • • awk ng 4, 0 want of cacrole,the b.owelsarenot suffi ntih ci
e ent-1
.• • I/GICATISE..4Ic, Arn:p.!Opmill . froul , Mood beim;
Of hit4a, ,Wlthlesontemeldwoneinftio 100 P-erittitin ptdpiestion- of the •heart, And:
oltd 'preen:CAM iti eftehts---theitiolltin:&eserVer '',6to en p lo i rre ,.• symntorni. , iiio iaro'toTollow. .
,or health, a safe and effectual cure •of .DYSPEPSIA i. • , Tay --- NDIA,N-NEGorApizi
bi• INDIGESTION, and _ill - _,lteMocts Comptairaii, a! Being a cleanser of the at9mil9 h.ji n di x ,,,,o,i o , o
.preserver • and,ptiOder of the Whole - itrgtellße 3. ref putifier.of the' bkiiia, - artS net MAY; tO
BecauselheYo9. 6ol6 -t l O 3 lieriel ^of diensibi* and *owe in boiv,
flirti k the ° e l . "' '9 4*** 4 " 3 PO li ne t ° - ' 1110 t 1 " st , tint 7sia'ctiorpro;uk;;;;'tliZ;7thtlePatly frsfe
iii4tkalliFtilfitril l 9p, -- I9nfit;#o,ol,l! . lc,lr ong P l l d ".''Rein - ino — iieliaiiiwsittlistiiireAhe - eitttie of a:oy male - 4
n4eitineet tittnintL2' , . - - ttp.mtwdim tulaYen;:thei • most assuredly promote
Botha', ; they , kaki.' deitroyllte = tiOstldfllha'iltor' - '; bb a' Just Mid equal Circulation of the ' that
. ,
IttronsiliotOttnnatlP;,-- "Rig..leattiLiedentary life, will-be enabled to
•tliLotal - g rientte, and ettnericums- teach. us; ttmentt•• "unit and • d i mie of: an k41•14 will'
- 1)* ttvold6a , 'N4tt cure 'tfie'dlteasilto the' itbsoloteiy ImpOsilblen ;' ' -• •
.Sterifiehand - Neenia.:•WOßlniiiilithe printiryisinsO ' ?Pons*,
ot_pboat OSPBOrttes;aud; bY . lsclutintlitaf( oo 9o4o 6 ,-; - . ,
D4AST-ftl .P.9 1 15 1 914i i,t • jf a .
itionie;iotkad s - in - ngtter,,,„;- - • 66 , 0 0 1iiind:Oetiiial Depot, NO: 160 Rto1: 1 -treet•I
8 0 456 U0 Weakly* Inaltelorw . - 1412 3 • 4,
Mol3olo,l4l****UOirl*!3p.s4esuoratffliiotreligth,N. „
,eni,„stlAcnisAtkottly, mt,rorp . V i lnuls!e tO,l'etl§ot • VIVORM ':` , T011.2114 1 1t, , 'W0R.116711:
itirce! - :tismy. ' , • •I' V.-. Totem* diest,tcaublestinielandtiatipertma
Pfle`sisittlia thealifeiltidam;teall CURE Of the stomach and boWels;;Whhih'so often',
; , -;, - ,•-,•:••si.iltnitair Olt health and destrayi,tliO b'Siattichildrint; - ,
PFUNCIF44.•:GrEACEIifrOthe Unfte4StatepNo. „,damltyne*TiotioVerniffuge,,atiertsdn ned safe pre . , ...,
1 9 ;Niirth-Llgffat;''iitrintiPlinittle_rph!#. 4 zi,:qiirituin'for the eeniovot oft - V varionaltindief Wornak,.
-- 4 -a:TThettbcitif - hantill hiedleltioriiirOWlall4ithi' , olo o tspePallry;Outetomack,*ant appetite; :intitntile .:
Drug Sttirel•arJOANSTA/IfFEßSitt,ref-K; Car- : fever aild (lie atoniaih Miff hOW , '-
n_To" be2liadat c NO, ..214
if It: IteofehlffirroititirpfiDennet , SontltThird Street -•,' -•
111 0400 61 011 41 41 1 0 1111211 TVADATethiP4Pilumbliti I• t A 150.65 'haittit Elliott 014 Steienson . &
Arch; .!I)lt,dilc -0,
'Jayne's flair , tonic‘.--rWehase,lberetofore, num
bered ourselves amonoltose who believed_ that: the
;lair Tonic, prepared by Dr. Jayne, was one of the
many quack nostrums whose ilrtues are never seen
beyond the fulsome puffs of their authorse— , We are
willing; at length, to makeppblieacknowledgment 'of
• the errqr of oar belief. An Intimate friend,some two
or three months since, all the top of Whose' Crania m
was as bald' as st piece of. polished marble, toangre all
our jesting and ridicule Of the idea of attempting
to cultivate so barren a sPot purchased a bottle or
two of the Hair Tonic &Om' Dr..layne,sulaccording
to his directionsapplied it. During the,Preseid week
the same friend ushered himself into our presenee,and
uncoverieg naked head, sktom shed us with.
a thin,though luxuriant growth of hair, from one to
two inches iolengtll---upon-the very. Premises We had
believed as utiyieltling to cultivation. as the trackless
sand that skirts the Atlantic. This is no pia, hut is
religimislytrue,and to those who doubt„the gentleman
can be painted out. Whitt' is tpore 'in • favor or this '
"Tonic," the case here cited was not one cif tempora
ryhaldess-,no spddon less of thelutirbtit was one
offeari' standing,, though the the gentleman Is but
.forty.ilve years of spi.sAltiktdelphia Spirit of the,
WAR.! WAR ! WAR makers have
declared hostilities against our neighbor. 1)r. Jayne,
.on accoun o
'their business into a "cocked Ladies and t,en- ,
tlemen—olti and Young are hocking to the Ddetoeir
standard.' - Heads Imig divested of even the first rudi
ments of hair ' alter using. his Hair tonic soon, appear
with newandflowinglecks, which Absalom himself
.might have envied; .Beardless boys are. seen. ith
-large, and' bushy whlikersi - Waif
through their own raven ringlets more beautiful , and
bewitching than ever. ...Bald heads are doffing their
ivigs-cind-throwing-thetii ; to the "molts and Ahe bats,"
While the Wig makers' Stand aghast as theilekold,
the demolition of their tiusioess. •
What will be the consequence of.this war we knior
not, as the wiggle's are outrageous, and the Dectorre
owns Aria, -and declares that "some things can be
ene_as,well as othcra,'`and that bald heads may as
well:wear their own halt'as that of others.--4Week
essenger. _
, tlWfi
An antiartillefeirie edyfor,eommon Colt
-..-4-sthrisarlathtena t 'Wlionpinip COuglit'Prouchips;
ijn4,..44 41 , /Pat'ef q!:,theAknast:sl..l(l,,LAlllgf):l,eAdlnt
a, •;(titsutattioe; , eensposd,ot the . concentrated
virtuiatif-11 rehoutid;Rotitict, lodd Riltit,
erwOrt) and oseirerid !otlieriveg•enible' antiataneee:--41
I 1 Pr q. 4 r e l l quiYAVA r. K. NINSLIOWIAgrAeater,
.I"teliin4picener r ,and .nniversa,ll3 , adtnitted Pectoral
virtiieC'Of toclitlie - RALSAM•b?
HOREHOUND: is Made, are`.too generally known
"to 'require recommendation; it _is, therefore only'ne-'
cessary to''OtiseriO;that thltOnedeCiiid Contains then
'4l4oe,of!4ejrniedic4propeOtes,*ghly,concentrat. 7 .
,edt and so hapPilycmintiiiied with Several other
getable Substances', as to 'tender it the. most speedy;
mild and certain remedy,tioly in useifor:the . Com
plaints' ilbelYe m
entioned,.. ' -
"BM sam'itf of inestimable
It is spaetly,:rpmetty, for, the lfloopiq Cou g h and
Croup . ,,and a ttbrd s s certain reliefin .Bouiet.Cortyltaints,
Cholsc, &C.': It Is'Plinsant to the taste; and
n?aY be sathlygsveit tcklie tentlereet infant andabould
be kept at albtiMes in every family; as: .it is much
hetterjor„ the conylainta incident Children, than
Piretori O;CrYdri'ay a Coi dial , or die COrilialti'sd Cairo,'
manly died;"as lituaretla inqiiisCtitYlhotiiestified:
herebvcertify; that' early.
in the
F pyitT , of 38a8,1 contracted a Sev,ere
rorbieli upon my; luags, imil threatened a hasty
Conintriptioir. , '-rtis'ed several pilescritithitistlynt ob
ittiped little or ,no. relief t l• was muelt!tilarined:, - --
Hiippenin r ,w to be, in Rochester, I •was.advised my
(mend, `l4lr, Winslow, to try a' bottle. of brs I3Atomix
or. Hotiazicitmo i 1 iliil so, and to niy surprise' ob.;
tabled relleCite, cinee4-antl. by the use• or that' single
.botkle• was perfectly,restored to health ;- To:those
afflicted C9l!la -or Ceuglo, at this. inelemeat
libation, I say."qo'and de likewise.". •
• . .t • •" L'a#oll)F,R, 'CIIIPMAN.
'Pittsford, Monroe Co.;
Mr. John M. WinslOW,Tlrtiggbit; ' -'•• - .
Dear Sid: I have been:for a series of yetis afflict
.ed with atkafrection of theilsungs, and aPhard;cough,
andlia - Ve =lly - 6 — mei arose itithe merning.`ttactim ,
pletely'eshansted"liy , exeeasiyo cougliing'duribg the
night as a pertain would he by a; hard days labor. I
have tried most oldie popular remedies of, the day,
but never found relief until I met with 'your' Balsam
of llorelintind..- - All-the other remedies or: palatives,
that I hifve used; ldave the bowels' in -a congested
'state, while yours leaves them soluble and-free. -This
l'emisider a great desideratum:- -On takiljg a dose of
your Balsam when going . to bed; I 'rest quietly t i r o'
the night, and my sleep, te'refreshing. I falfe , great
pleasure in• recommeluling 'yoto; Balsam" of Bore
heund to all those afflicted with pulmonary _com
plaints op any disease appertaining to the lang-S r and
[Jake this iiiiportunity to thank you .for the great re
lief and. benefit-I have experienced through your in,
strumentallty, Yours, with-mite!' respect,
For sule•by.
S: FLLIOTT,-Ourlisle -
• . •A...L.NORTH,
• Atsp, by Drunisls generally' thro_i_u_thout the .eoum
'try. - Priee3o tents per - birUle• .
• April 1,5, 1840.1.--ly..
- ..
Fresh tledi'ainets.-.
The'faibaerilter lii - reeentlireUemetl. forge Fultli
tional supplies of. •
Linseed 'Oil,'SMs.. , Turpentine, Cavil-Varnish, Pain-.
tors' Bruslies r Variiish Bruslies,fiaml Brushes, Sper
mace:B.' Oil, (very. fine) Spei - in.
great variety, Glass Lamps, Cap and Letter Paper;
Fruit,Spices, Perfinnery, Ste.,wliieli - he will sell
to Physicians, iNerchants. and others, WHOLESALE :or
hy lIIETAIL i at the lowest rates, having purchased
tirely (or cash;_ lie will offer bargains to.those Who
wish to purchase it
Augustr I 840.
;Erippre(konty lig b' Jayne, ntreiitor4
:"- No.'. - so.o4 . Thiid'
•." •
.'.itreet,PlithidelfilliO; and mak ''' had .
LLIOTA ondidio of STEPPE S-:'
. C a rd;
Sa* , .(gr IIiNXLE,':- . 11t4y
These meilicinti are• trecoptinendid and .extensitcr--
ly used by theritost intelligent' persons in the United'`''
States, by-:riinierots., , Professors and , Presidents 'or
Colieges,rhysiciatta of '. - theAtirny and Waloitid'of .('-
ilospittils'.,and,Alinshionset;and,VidureAhtui three'.
hundied Llergyriteti tilvarions/enontinations.
'TIIO - are)eapressly.prepstred - oftii Wilily Use, and.
have atagaired'un unprecedented 'popularity thrimgh-'
out the, United States t, • and, as dterarttsolidtidtubly
calculated to preierve xr rirti,and*rectitiOtek suer
famili shodd ever be without them... The., proprie.....
tor of ftlese.valuable preparations:received. his edu
cidionasoneoffifie best Medical Colleges - ib the. -
•ted States, and Ihts had fifteen years experience . in am
extensive atid'diyeysiried practice,oy which banished'
atnple oppertunities of acquiring a practical knotru - , -
edge of diseases, dike& tne remedies best' eahutlatedi
to remove. them. • - • -
These PreParetionaconsistof - • -
JAYN E'S EX PECTORANT,a vaittablereme4r
for cough, celdi; • constimyition; listhtirt,. spitting olf
.blood;croup,.hoUpiug cong,h,bionchitis,plettrisy andl
inflanimation draw: WITS or throat; difficulik'of brew-.
thiemand all diseases of pulmonary organs.—Price
one • '
. AlSo JAYNE'S HAIR' TONIC; for' he pretierva-i•
fjonigrowiliand beniity Of the hair, and wlkich WAY ,
positivel,j , ,brlog% in ntw haiv on bald heads,z—li!rlie,
one dollar. .; • • •
tain and 'pleasant romedy for wormsolyspepsiaipiles, ,
and-many otlier_diseases..-_-..Trice 5l) cents., .• • •
AIsQ-,,TAXNE'B-GlAlLAllNlcivfs~Acs~M, ;
certain Clare for bowel ind summer cortjp . laitite, ' ,
dice, dVsentary . cholie, cr amps, sick headachei.llolllC
stomnek,choiera titorbus, and all dcrangemenprof the
stomach.. and bowels, nervous affections,l46.--P.rice
AlitojAYNE'S SANATIVE PILLS, fcir Female
diseases, liver conifda mts, - costiveness; fevers, , •
mationS; glandular, obstructions, diseases Of the skin,
&c. and in all cases where an' alterative or puigitive •
mediaineiiiiiiii;red.--Price 25 cents a box. • •
I . Vlay . 1840.--13 , • .
CURE. YOUR. MIMI before it is too
late. Remember delays are dangerous. Thou
sands die annually frond that :dreadful diseatie - com;:
sumption ; which might have been checked at the
commencement and• disappointed of its prey if proper
means bad been resorted to. The very many-who
have 011ie been snatched from that-fatal raiager, by
the timely utie — OrDr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of,
Wild Cherry, heat testimonyto this day, announcing
the cures the wonderful cures, performed hy : theusei.
of this:invalhable medicine.• • !•••
re-Par sal e.ONLY_ a North,Eiglithstreet
Philadelphia, and respective agents.- - •
For sale - by 'John J.../If.yera:& Co.; Cirlisle A.
Kadin Harrisburg -Dennetr & Bomgardner, York;
-and - Wm. lVathiott,Colutiabia;Pa;-- -
January 8;1840 : .
-is it With those who neglect their . COLDS and ."
COUGH' , 'At first you complain of haiiiig . a cold, ,
whichissieglecteil; after which . A 80701C88 exp 6-.
rimiced in the Bronshift,.with a .hacking coup,and
OAS- die: ditieitielatler
patient will soon perceiceby a wasting away of the
up of
- florul.blOod and mutter ['rem -*era on the lungs; a
pain and Weight - 1a also expeilented at the rife teti "-
park ofTheltin_gin therfunetionsof-theanittialeconomy-s- '
grow languid; the bodnbecomes -thji ;Atte :eyes sin
deep within their cavities; at length" the,patientyitiys
the debt of nature, when he is flattering himself '
fife hopes ofa=e~lecdy recovery.. To obviate:all these
tlistressing symptoms. "Stiarenotime" in procuring
pr. Swayne'a Compound Syrup of Wild'Cherry, at
fhevery commencement of your colds anti coughs,
whereby Many nights of sweet repose will be procured
and time and money saved, and above all youritealth -
secured. Therefore, Remember, Daly s are Danger.
ous ! , ,
The ohmic medicine' can always ' be Obtained at thin
Principiat-Oflke, No. 19, North Eighth street, Phila.
anarespeetice agentithrougliontilie United
Statei." . •
. .
Also at the Drug Store of John .1: - .4!yers Le.
Carlisle; at the store ot-A. Reefer, Harrisburg; Den
net.B4 Homg,arthier, York; and 'Wm: Mdthicut, Cu
lumbia; -.t • ' - -Jan. 8,11140.
L J.VER. .COM PLAlN i r.—This .disease .
ollten'terminatesm another of a more serious na
ture, if proper remedies are not resorted to in time.
In all [Twins of this disease, U. Ehrlich's Compound
Strengthening and Gertrian Aperient Pills will per
form a-perfect cure--first, by cleansing the stomach'
and bowels, thul'renioving all diseases from the Li-
Ver, by the use of the German Aperient Pills, after
Which . the Compound Strengthening Pills 'are taken
to. give grength. and tone to those tender organs which
require such•treatment ONLY, to effect a pernianent
cure. These pills are neatly put up in small' pack
ages, with full "directions. For sale,
at No. 19,North
Eliglith'street. Alio, by John J. air sera :El co. Car
lisle; at the store of A. Keefer, Harrisburg; Dennet
Er..l3omgarditer,, York; and Wm. Mathiott, Colum
bia, Pa. . [Jan. 8;184.0.
ERIENT PILLS are a safe and effetentinediciner
and can 'betaken t!y-the most delicate female. They
'seldom fail in •curing Dyspepsia, 'Liter Complaint,. , the side 'and breast, Sick Headaahe , Losi or
A ppetitO,Palpitation of thelleartNerrous Trlmors,
Lowness of Spirits (which too many are subject to,) •
Hyptrhondriacism, Hysterical Painting's, Vomiting,,
Tact core will be tlie result:
_" For sale at No 'l9
North Eighth street, Plitladelphte.
Also, at the Drug Store of JOHN 3. MYERS
CO., Carlisle ; A. Keefer, Harrisburg , !Deimet .1k
BomgardnCr, York , and W. Mathtott , ColuMbia Pa.
January CI - M. •
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry Bark is found to
Ate- the -best-orticle for,.hraling. the ulceretel lungs,
stopping 'night 6vveats, and relieving the eough, that • .
ever has been in uie. Times who are afflicted . , would
do well to prOcure.this meiliiiine before it is too late,
Certificates of ninny foreseen be seen by applyinglit
No. 19, - .North • Eighth Street., Philadelphia, where
this medicine can ilwaYS be' obtained. Price $t per
Bottle, or sis. bOttlesfor - ss.'
rut The Drug Store efJOll.lO.l MYERS
El CO., Carlisle; niso, by. A. Keefer, Barrisburit
-^* ltiTh . ±Mbgardner t lroirk; and".lllnl..Mathiotti
, Jan. 8, 1840
Colaiikbia,. Pa. ,
3 .- 1. -- Alt - NtElf -L . EXPECTORMI - T -
ex medicine has alreadyproved heart() be ell that
it has been recoirtmended, by those who have given' .
1 it ti fair test in. this Country, anti the demand for, n ilk;
Creaks daily' ; _ We have l ,Fist heard of an , important
Mire of Asthnt4hichltiew been effected by the useef-. •
it hi a neitboringtown+-the case was_thot...Pt 11.-174- --_______,-_--tt
'male Vie h ad fora longliiwbeelitilifFilir ..--
a phyantian, but had recetved tto relief, and her case ,
was liegitening to be considered hopeless. -As a last. -
resert she : purchased-a -battle ef-Dr-lope!li Peg•-'---.---
rentOyhitheautoed her tekexpectoratc tely, ckt.i.g .
I,y eased , hero °ugh; and lit rapidly , veitoring •er to , , :.
health: We have nabilitation in saying this prekut-,
ratiortof Dr. 'Jayne, for the..cure,of wtoughs,.cohila, JA-...
.fluenza;Aithma;Cciriimmfition, &c. isthe'inos(valua,
biomedicine ever-offered to the Ameriettei puldith,.einto
There., is no quackery about it—Dr: Jayne is one o ,
thentost skilful pr,actishig physicians in Pennsylva- - .
r ide i and 'wherever his peeparatimat, have,heen *qr.!-
, oughlytested; he isidelked upon as a great publlellen-•
•efactor.-7[Somersit (AV,) Jaiwillti.:,... 't :.t, lc zw '' -;'. i 2 '
__' ,For sale by, Sarouel Elliott awid_Stevetuten n-:-..
,114;Cliiitliele; Pc -, • • :":", t; • ? --, ,,0-;‘' -t ra iy ig 1,140 . ,
is the; basest crime tn 'Mans
We ere tst , ardang that class o Ed/ torsv a.
rev dellars,aill, (at the expense of troth and •hones
ty) k ellmsk in." Ito Elide add bring it Into rapid tale;
neither attiveisill instil, rens& h'4ol-witgatier,,lartiog
tested' he atilitrof, an Improvement. or, discovery tn
Bahia:war art. t 43ei readeell We told
theta, ate i tiera*twell with threaOtad
cold setae-raw treelts ago. Well,^wanarehased two
Wes at' ItIINEILCIWtS $6,14.41C0R:11111tE,
WAWA and:ea sudden *ree.the ewe that sae forgot
We 'e'er had it cold. These who-"ara all Toted• mar
try' it.uPoe ottk" 'ettolallteadatinn• - •4Yrris lo Mti
• - -
Alpi; by ' ' 2110.4111 f,
Dr gfe ei* g e t 44llll , 4lo4o /0 91 .theec 46.
try. = ,, Wee.L.O cents Per.,taAtle.