Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, November 25, 1840, Image 3

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W EDNESDAY, -- NOVE.MpER 25, 1840
s far as heard from the different states
ave cast their Electoral votes• as follows ' :
'node blind,
iew York, , •
)elaware, °-
-• North Carolina,' •
Kentucky; . ,
- Michigan;
-" - 234 - '101,371
Forelf*fttft - liitortioN.
• - Elec. votes majority
New Hampshire, 7 :. 6,436
Virginia, 23 - 1,000
___NfiesQu-rj 4 •
• * . 34 _ • 14;436
1_ It eand...fro m, Arkanads,
South Carolina, Alabama • -
of - puperiwproper—time - , -- no — paper - ivatris - - -
-sued from this office last-week. -We
up for it as much as possible this week, by
giving an extra quantityof reading matter:
Hereafter the paper shall be 'regularly is--
sued and, mailed on Wednesday of each
.week. The Mei Sages of the Vational and
State Executives,will be 'issued on an ex
tra sheet, in time to reach all. our subscri
bers the same week they . ge delivered.
-Our paper, bet Ween this and next
- March - will - probably contain - very - little - of
a political nature, except *so far as the pro:
ceedings of Congress and the State Legis
lature may partake of that character. For
the ensuing three , month 4 we intend to de
vote our columns -principally to, light lite
rary reading, remarks on Agriculture, and
,foreign and domestic news. Those who
feel tired of politics....and are_ anxious to
procure the means Of putting in the long
cwinter evenings comfortably and. - profitably,
'had better send in their names for the He
rald without los's of time. •. -
Trip. POST .OFFICE.—We have heard
sOmq— i ,Carlisle
'applicants,. for the arlisle
---Post-Olficer—Go-aliead i -gentlemed; there-'
-snothing like l'iaking time b'y -the forelock"
- —but it really don't look deCent to see so
great a crowd scrambling already for office s
_.For ourywnpart; Wejshall_stand upon's:Mr
dignity, and take nothing short of Minister
triFranceor M . one of - the De
-partments.; The last mentioned situation,
we think, would suit some..of the appli
cants for the Post Office much better than
.:the one . they are seeking.
g`',l":•4'rienil• has handed us the following
tntilsni x as ; tfie -official return, of votes
:po e,w iifftalliirul Spe
,ciaLElectioncialElection held on Friday last, tfErfilf the
*neancy in .the
. 26th, Congresa, occasioned
by th . edeath of William S. Ramsey. There
wino organized opposition to Colonel
—Charles McChire, the Locofoco candidate,
who is : of course elected. This is the only
wietory.the.Vaq Buren men hat's ga;ned
for. a Wre . 110 - ,. with—and. hey only gainb. d
it becaUse wor:thosri to let -them. Their'
• vote is.Wialtort of the number they, polled
on the :3X4b; ; M:mvitlistanding they made
treat.exertions_ !xi:get :their': voters' to the
pols..Thetaces arel losing strength daily
hi this - countyvie have no. doubt of our
ability to beef them ttcmi- 800.t0'500 next
, MiClure,' ' / Ycattering.
Carlisle . • 19
-SkiPP e l o3lr g; -- • 4 19
,Dickinson, • I", 120,, f,
Ilupeweil, I fer 4
,Illechanicsburg,, 00,
liumf,Cumberlaner, ,•,31
,Shepperdstown, ,31i
Lisburn, - 39
Hogtiestown„ 189,
- ,Cliurclitown, • ".. 84
Kreitiers, ;• 7(1.
,• •
•• • ' - rift 141;
.' COO - el m'aptiity over Mr.
Scattering is 1040-,
Elec. votes' - majority
7 - 14,000
14 20,000
4 - 2,008
8 6,382
42 14,000
8 2,294
3 . 0 344
3 1,194
10 4,681
1 - 5 "19„000r
-11 • 7,000
5 3,700 •
21 23,368
15 , 27,000; ,
9 10,000
15 10,000
• 4 1,500
ic7•lt is amusing to look over Locefocci
papers an d see the-grave :attempts of their
editors to account , for_ the overwhelming
defeat of Martin Van Bare:), on the" , ground
of Whig 'frimds
,the This;
ground. is assumeci byltetillall and Blair
of 'the 'GlObe—than'lvtiomil there exist no
`greater political ~ k n4l- i tiia
and by,most of their eatellitea. : These men'
are unwilling to belieim that icetrerea't of
their Master was' the Atomic judgment of
the', peoPle, ItOrieStly.and righteous,'
,upon .their n vile:ecoin;
4 13 4 1'"
Irhe .Thiridburg ,Ttlegraph 'will
!e'l )4 blifilled 04, °Ole h' 3 a oM a c h il i g
adaaisaCOr tegjqatara' at liartieWri,
'for mi weekly ii3r% itit:Rn
dujialiing shotiki teti
rill, awl hopeotireitlionsWo:4li• miot
thiag totVarda: OPnl°o l3 i. 47' ,. : 05 ,r 141 ,i .6wti,
' ~' .7!.-4 '..'':'-.'.:::_:;,..
ozpVire should bee r pleased to continue
pending the Herald-4. A'apoeitor .to those
who,subscribed tor the three nionths pre
ceding the v eleetjon. What say you, gen
tleman--fes or no? ' 4
The next Goternor.
The Erie' Gazette - nominates' the Hon.
Thomas 1 . 11., T. McKennait, of Washing
ton county;as a proper person'to be run
by the Whig party for Governor next fall.
The Lebanon Courier suggests•the names.
of John S'trohni of Laitcaster county, and
the - Hod. - John:Banks-,of4lerks -cop n
The gentlemen named•are all “boneet and
capable"—either of thorn; we are satisfied,
could be elected—but is it not bad policy
to-bring forward too many names ? We
throw out this suggestion , to, our editorial
brethieit, anddthinft that._upon repection,
they will see the propriety of holding 'back
a little in this respect. The Locos are.
united--thoroughly united—upon David
R. Porier. Let mot-the-Whigs create dis='
sension in their ranks by bringing forward
a multitude or candidates. We areper
fectly sWified flit the nominations shall
new close; arid the selection be made 'by
the State Convenlion ,from the
kree gentlemen 'above-named. But we go
n for our candidate taking the stump. .
P. S. Since . the- aboire was written, we
have seen : he. emus.. .severiAToth&
Alemen announced, among them; Harmer
bonny, of Pittsburgh, George W. 'Poland
and Charles Naklui„a.Philadelphia,
Ogle, of Somerset, Amos Ellmaker, of
Lancaster,. - Ner Middles\Verth, of Union;
Nathaniel P. - lobtirt of MontgomerY, and
Joseph :Lawrenne a of WaShington... As
*nomination's ,seem to be jhe Order of 'the
d a y, we beg leave, - very respectfully, to
-- 4 - # G rAlt LE S
PENTi:OSE f . Culil
, •omeren k tt;
• gentleman
who will not 'suffer by comparison tvitii
any of :those •named. We_elkOtild„..hav-e-
preferred-the suggestion of very few names,
but as the other *course Seats to 'have; been
- adoOted - : - vit - m . liiill46e. every honorable .
'means to- Secure- the7'nominatioris• or. the
distinguished-- kidividuid—whom--weAlave
brought - forward; pro . yiVeil - lie .— sivot;7l4 not
decline=failing wilt, him; our lOvorite can
didates tivould he Thos. M. T.,McKetinan,
John. Strohm, and N. P.
--The Philadelphia Inquirer - of 'the Ittli;
pays a merited . compliment to our' distin
guished and respected fellow-townsman,
C. B. Penrose. "The part he took," (s y" s
the Inquirei)ln the recent contest, craidei
him to the thanks of every friey' of Har
rison in the Union.
, -. 40
of our .ablest tacticians, bdt he has much
experience in public)ire, and his abilities
are of the. highest yfiler."' In addition to
the above, we my be permitted to remark,
that the exe4otts of - Mr. Penrose Were
mainly justruthentdl in effecting the nomi
n ation . .of General Harrison. But for the
decided stand taken by him in the eltatn 7 .
.Convention, and his 'subsequent
exertions at , Harrisburg, General H. would
not have been- nominated, and Mr. Van
Buren would have been re-elected.
prfrSome of our very 'cute politicians
are waking a• Cabinet for, Gen.., HARRISON
on pallet. . Save yourselves,.the',trouble,
gentlemed, ,own
He has fought the real copiaii .
skinned Indiads before.• to-day, add can't
be caught•napping by the
: political Indians
Of this " day -and generation.” A:lgreEit
inany people Will
._be disappointed by the
course of thePreSident. elect,' who might
save . themselves the mortification, : if they
would but take a common :sense, honest
'view of matters as they atand. They t iniss
Ilin-cilculatink that the liifluences4Which
have heretofore been brOught to bear upon
'Presidential incumbenti l ; equally
potentiaFhereifter. 'That's .a'paista e.—
The'reign, of the demagogues is at an end
—and the reign of patriots and statesmen
about - to - commence. Old Tip was elected
, ,
upon the one -term- principle, and to ad
minister the goyeininent honeStly. In the
diicharge i; - )rihiti - duty ~ ke will iielecf.cotn.
pelent, conacier*Os 'viten; `without regard
to tito ad,vi9e of . cliguep iinalactiOne. , •
v.,o:* '::,'• _O ,- **Tuti.:*l: ; .i.._ './6'.:'-'**:'.-o.4*.',::4iii,
part, .we would'not he - without"daily newa,
, Harrieburg during the ensuing Legis
lative session; if it should cost us ten dot-,
Tars instead of three. There will probably
besome sharp shooting: between the' Ex-,
ecutive and Legialative;brauchea, : which no
body would miss, reading for the price of
the Telegraph..
The Grind
j: returns j are 'not full 'fintri 'all the
states—but we think enough • is , known, to
justify the belief that T vv.E 'N T Y
STATES, eaating .239 - Electoral Totes,
have gone for HARRISON. 'and TYLER
-FIVE ea sti ng j 4141 „ Electoral
VoteS, , ,have gone for VAN , BUliEN—and
ONE , STATE,-(Sotith-Cerollna) j doubt 7
ftd-.—though•ile r prebability is she will add
her I 1. votes to the, 44 given to Mr; Van
Huren, and thus swell his'vote to 55.• Was'
ever victory more complete—was ever de
feat more overwhelming:: The , People
have' condertined. hiinieai3uree of
the present adminietration in thunder -tones.
Thank Heaven! 'we Shall once. more have
an honest administration; capable and anx
ious to correct. the blunders and reform
the abuses of the corrupt rulers whotn,we
have. supplanted.. • •
..114:7."The Locofoio prints, are- r busily en 7
xaged..speculating opon__theLehaTacter of
,the_measures-whieh- . the-newthninistration.
Will probably pursie. They .are .
to waste 7 theii tinie in Such an idle ''syay--
'since it must. be-well-:known _to. every- one
who has paid the least alteetion. - to...recent
eXpressione . .Of the 'popular will, that Gen.
Hairrion- was chosen for- the express:Pur
pose_of exploding all
_the quack experi-,
men ta of . the present bastard ' a dmiiiistra
lion=, drul ptitittififin all resPfctsi . iiiiiiiii•eti.:
directly - the-reverse. Thus we rriay.exPeot
!Ind, shoitly after his inauguration, a re -
~e al o f tho..j7:teie_cireular.4-,a-voto--upon-.the
- principle 'of - piunderiq'
... -
!lie , Treasury, by .
every Agent anffsuli7agen(of_Gu:Cr . !lrn!,9
and as soon as the next Congress 'Alai.
senible, a - repeal 'of the odious Subdcrea
sury- Fill, and the 'establish 9:t.k 4 a No:
tiohril — Ranic, upon. prini les iihich can
- encoutiter no constitulional ribjeb - tbirtsfrem
any enlightened rnA. -The currency of the
country Will, in/this mariner, be r restored
to a sound ' edition-domestic exchanges to a mere noaoinal- difference
T ‘—
Corce, Agriculture, Manufactures, and
all descriptions of productive industry foe
term]. and promoted—and that happy con
ditioti of-peacei-comfortoandieneral:pros
perity in which General Jackson found the
nation when 'he - took the: reins of _govern
metit; restored, as we hope and believe,
permanently. General Harrison has no in
terests to subserve but the interests °Oho
country,he is pledged to .no course that
will not promote her credit and:honor,he
wisely refused to bind himself by pledges•
to "-follow in the footsteps", of any man.
He has been elected not as the .President
of; a - Party—but. 'as the . Presiderit of the
People, to servoobut one term, 'to execute
their- laws and promote their interests. He
is bound to put a stop to the interference
of Federal. Office Holders with the sacred
right of suffrage, and to introduce a spirit
of .wise and salutary reform into..every-de-
•partinent of government undcrlis control.
' •e,lecok for-fill these things - from General
Harrison*-we expect thetp—and we :do
not permit ourselves to doubt that - they, as
ivell'as - thOusatids - a - istrier_reforming ince
sures, will_be carried. oUt-thoroughly,-attd
the country. purged, purified, and redeemed
from the foul curse Of Radical Locolocoistri..
The Philadelphia Ledger hopes that Mr.
Jesse Hoyt, Collector of the Port of NOw
York, may be permitted , to .serve out the.
term-of' his appointment. This itc kind,.
very kind, of , the Ledger- 7 1V. we, hope'so
too —prom e , an there, lies the difficul 7
ty)lgr. Jesse Hoyt can — satitifacAntily,esi;
tablisli the fact; hat he has not,lroin time'
to tinier 'neglecd the - duties, of his office,
to officiate it Trivate and public -meetings
of the Locofocos, as a lending .and brawlipg
politician. Interfererlce of Federal Office
Holders in electionNwas held by Jefferien
Ito bb . good greatid for removal..,, Harrison ,
14s'a Repuhliean of the same stain and' '
therefore', Mr. Jpese WA: Mr. Benjamin.
F. Butler„and various other patent Ledo.'
foch matches, holding lucrative, situations
in :anff - about :New York; will • bait,
"walk Spanish," as 80(71 aa . may be'.itfter
the fourth-of March, :If sundry in.'
sinuationscagainst 4 tOmmodure Renshaw;
front 'time td_tinte thre*i opt by the — ptiN.
iic jeurnals,.sliallinr'ti'Mat hi be , wc l l4om4,
edi.we hope to hear of a Court Of. Inquiry
bring, ordered, tilst-Tti the bvent of the facts
being .elearly t inediate
trpin the s e r v ice. 'rile
hould ,not be disgraced byjan QOM. titick.
tag enOugh"pullOortO the ,lbageappetifes:
fi Eefirriipeiufetii the esee of
,R4M'SPY, ii.,POLO!:jII he Naii;
04e - .a:ice!:
past'has been spent hrrthis - peighborlmni,
imihe imire4 sereideltiOhitteeking, tvo hope
to ebe3' ;'ettrititibryitletica'4OPO.
'Om citizens. a 041140 'ibi - iiot greatly
sire his perminant. resitikce ainung.tlicm
but it is due to'the Navy, as well as . to
n'sound republicah principle,%y him Most
.grossly and audaciously violated, that he
ihouid•be expelled the : Service, - His case
shall • go before General Harrison.....andle
I s i . ad perhaps as" well look . put for some
business 'congenial M r his tastes and habits,
Prophecy in course of Fulfilment--
In our paper of November 4, we said in
reference .to the' individuals. concerned
. in
- prostrating the Harrison
. pole in
.this town
on - The — preceding , night, that — they would
probably yet be made familiar with the in
side of a penitentiary or •expiate 'their
worthless lives upon a gallows. This
prophecy is already in• part fulfilled—one
of The parties having been convicted of lar
ceny last week - in - our ()curt, and sentenced
to three months imprisonment: The zithers
willdoubtless very 'shortly "fallow in the,
footsteps of their illustrious predecessor."
h people of" Tennessee seem- , t`.
entertain, opinions . somewhat' different from
those of General Jackson in relation to
General Harrison anil Martin Van Buren.
The icier of the Old Lion , of the Hermi-_
tage t -vos_4oeriPirt., favor of his pet•candi r
date from the Opening - to' the close of the'
campaign—he attended barbecues, wrote
letterefand made speecliesiill intended - to
.ush little Van* alon ! . - 11(3 - 64n went.. -so
far•ae to denounce General Harrison ns a
, Federalistiesid - to - assure, the people that Ire
never •thought• him much of a soldier.L 7
- • ~ •
:What `respense have,the:People
appe .of,'ennes
see made to these t lmpudent als and
_denunciations ? 'ln the Het r Piesge District;
just tinder-the eye an ' noseeTthe - Old
Lion ( ?Lie-on) Gen ral Harrison received
:104 -votes,__V..:ll6 / _H 6 2
uren, 9 votes, -in
General Jac .en's-county (Davidson)lisit - - --
rison's jerity is 0125 —and in the State
of-Tennessee, Old Tip has-walked - rough- -
I' OredeVe - F - .1 ac k aim - , -- Gitiinly - , --- PollCairdira - sl .
Buren cnsubined.,•_:Weeincerety hope - Ali:it
, ,!•lte Old =Regret W ill - nowgi v &everritiseen- -- : '
tempti:Li.e attempts at dictation, putt- pre 7
Fwo. . hikosei t to ot i-c . --,stke days , elhiecarth 7
7y "career: and p - ei;;;04 -- • --- Ii -i8-- th'
- be - deeply regretted' that' the LiOn gf - (ii=
!cans slialiriVeatiVebeen made the dupe
and pander of tlie , Foi of_Kintlerhaokbut
the fact is( as we have written it, .and al
though partizan admirers-may refuse- : it
credence, the impartial historian will be
compelled to record it on what would other
wise be among the brightest pages of Amd
rican-history. -- _______
The 'Next Cottgress
"TEleetiana have now BeenbelitAti - 14 StaWirfOr
metnbcrs of the next Congress, and the result is as
follows: .
Next Congress. Present Congress.
.AV.. L. P.', • W.' L. P.
Louisiana 2 1, 3
Missouri • • 2
Vermont 5 • , , •-- - 3 .2'
Maine 4 2 - '2 6,
Georgia 9- - • 6 .3
Pennsylvania 13. 14 • 11 17 •
Ohio • • 12 7 • . 8 it _:'
New York 19 21 . 21 19
New'Jersoy —• 6' 1 • 5
South Carolina' - 1 8 • . t 8
Delaware • • 1 -. • • ' 1
Michigan " ' ' • 1
Massachnselts 10 1 lO . 2
Arkansas ''l - 11
83 57
Being n -- net wh!gigain - ot Irtnembers.--equal_to
votes. q'liere is one vacancy in PeToylvanta, one
in .Mitssitclaisetts,:and two in
. 111ainc i which, are to
be fillialTor the nekt 'Congreas.
The present House of Itepresentatives comprises
118 'Whigs and 124 Van Buren -men. The states
ahtme.mentioned hitie elected 83 Whigs; and l s7 Van.
Buren men the itext_Ccengress;_a9cLi4the , rem n--
log-St4es at:airmen of the: sane politics as heftily,
the House will comprise' Whigs, and 107 •- Van
Buren men; leaving the Wltigs.4 majorit4 of 28 in
the House. The chance4e,tlM(Aelealillrltave a lar
ger majority than this, mther . 94tot,straVer.
• '
The IllacklAist.
The foll Swing members of congress
who .. voted fer the Sub-Treasury Bill, an
to dishonor the Broad'Seal of:Ne w Jersey,
ha*received their taalkipg paper's from
ai. indi.nant'peeple.. • . • -
A1170)4 1 14,, ,
saac eet,
Philonian Pieksrscni;
Danierl3. Ryan.,
'Joseph ,
Aleanrier Duncan,.
Isaac Parrish,
John - lipa r tings,
Virgil Partqa,. •
Isaa6.Fiechat,. .'.Haw • .
, ,
. of Indiana.
I ho, higs havnioactrnanab;nyin - Penn- ,
isiaria; •Nry
-. • .
tANATi:COMMISSittNEIIS,—Notr tbnt • both
branohes;of the L'oegislatureare thoroughly detnairet.
(Cent of, the duties the . people ,expeirht em .
tteplortti;ls islie the
,atipolutreent 'Or
MO Coin.
ttusslOtierit Truitt the Governbr, and give it - to the tice4
vie,- This js an. important reform,"whlrli . .totiar! h e
carried It o t oiherwisectite, Pahl it, Itoproveme o io of
the Statit tlllireae te.bett,ctitiriinitend of ,tooe t e.,
ling:- must he self-eVident,te.every, person that
. so long out! at - Public Improvemetts are, pro t roh li ki4.
to, such base.purposes as have ,clairoctLrited• tfiat
ht•ouoh of the State Poveinnientfor the laYlefew A ycart,
the Stitte4ill - neter receive: one. ildtlate Of - revenue
th 4 statite? end_ the' Peel , W•must be taied:l6
make thc ,sitms thus stputnticred by the reckless
Inattegeet tlolititions; who 'stantritlea
ironnantrvho are; retinuttible 10:,1(
tiaitii4ll,l4 . tncritoc (01: their '9111 , 310 actervinewei
• - 1 1 1 7 e.w-l r ilirk . --Congress-Tielieto- .
-It appears, by the official returns for this city; that
the diflerence between Roosevelt, the highest on the
Tammany, and Grinnell, the highest on the Whig
ticket, is 100.4.. Roosevelt has 2,000 votes—being
252 more.than McKeon, and 262 more than Wood,
who runs only. 1Q below McKeon. The differedee
between Grinnell and- Wood, is only 742, so that a
change of 372 votes would have, elected one of our
candidates. Grinnell runs 141 ahead of the next
highest. on the Whig ticket: Tne members elect,
according to their votes, stand us follows :
• Roosevelt, • . 22,000
Ferris, • 21,975
'McKeon; • 21,7441 . •
. Wood, - -
So •it appears, after all their shouts of triumph,
that 'the agrarians have only succeeded by the skin
of their teeth. The result, as we have once bef6re
remarked is 6 . • Whig victotT. One thing More. -It
farther appears that the Knickerbockers We, been
true to their own .blood.--X. Qom.. • '.
6G 78
• LT: S. SENATE.--l'he Whig triumph in llichi
g ensitres us a WiiigTU:S. Senotur - iii7place of
. Von. J Ulm Nowell, WilOge, term of - Service will ex
pire on:the 4tli of 'March riOxt; •
• The next Senate of the U. S. will stand as follows:
llarrison; • • :29 •
' Foco
• . •
23 •
The.steamship Caledonia. arrived at BeS 7
ten•frotti Liverpool en Thinsday, last.. She
brings .news, that -the Queen Regent' of
Spain has:abdicated, the French Ministry
fat the head , ef•whont was 4. •Tiiiers)*has•
resigned, Mitre new one of o more paeifia
ehdraeter foitined%L•iitat the people of Syria
had revoked against the' 'Government of
Mehemet . 'short that - die" woe • bet
jro peace and — floe speedy. sell erner4:() t.
Eastern- Question WeS New',
--EtielickelfigAojtili Antrica was fired into
in the Engliali - Cltaitne ;.as upltined-by--a—
revenne vessel. • The , outrage is spoken of
in .severe 'terms' by the British:Press: • •We
Shall give the tie vain detail' next week ,- --:.
in.the'rnetairtitne'-lierels'the de* Fiend )
of Obit . .. •'
of renn§ylvania.
of',Ney;T Jersey.
Notation tOult,-Piesitlein-or the 'Coilu
anil , Niniater of War': ' •
I M. Ouiziit lqiniiter•tor Foreign
-M. Marini (durN,ord,) Munster, of Jos-
Ate and Of, Public Worship-. ,
Admiral Dopere,Minii!ter-of Marine-Slid
of : the , Colonies.
Of Alamo
M. Dubhatel, Minister of
Mor (ittuilf Griilainei Minister of
[tierce - and Agriculture.
M: (Pperof Prance) Miniiter
of Public Instruetion':: - ' ; . „
of, VormOtit.
• - mAlumanri-,•(Pner . of Franca) Minister
of Finance. ' • ' '•
Tstenttottratn.—The thermintctet.. ftiiv ;days'
a'd'o' TittllTY-THREE OGEtEES IY, TWENTY•rOpft 1101)pti,
11E11 in u. da or two iiterWRO§LIKKI , TWJFINiV-
I'Otilt IIDtInftFORTY-aoun DEOREEE and in' the .next
ngnio fell Rot) ream . 5.4„, , Duty 'consiticr. trio: SiiEcr
the,hu velem perspiratioh
strytttaink tmxi 'Att. cioszt4'
The ( perspiriitilin,,,hong:sci otithlenly thrown
protioOes.derangenent - titthe' elect:lAA .
nod , botiteitip re diet; thitf itTaritmalry io ttrethr
eictrtsit dr, ros itiozo—
. heelth!leo
,they `tO:"l"ed,', are awoke'witri -the, ' mo st, miserably
le n eignerthit IsrAiinttitgilires
th e ;assist:Oleo of- kitt tlye'reefloileelo email' Mr : of
the eptiressilmtiertiitnipiii:velfl434e4igh
icier mid tittrtigp,ulsl4lll'w,ite)totro 4p r,ekilijvccll:
viodn'oue.cigAls - s- I
VSG.'r This catcbi' tteecnniitishecbvitliciut any, '
vc,nkvnceibyit!le ':iiraiviee th •A,Vpsstable •
. • •
tg.l:: , lE)',e.'#-JOiii:.:*i .. o: . :i
CONciinT.:4-*e'learn that the Band at
tached to the United; ,
atet Barracks, near
this place, purpose giving a Grand Concert
of instrumental Music, at - Education Hall +
on MondaY evening tbe_7th of December
neat:,:;',T4 9 Programme, which they in
tend furnishing, will contain a rich and
varied treat.of choiCeselections (rem the
meseeelebrated Eurepean 'toasters, which
thpy' have been practising for the last , two
months,. Our citizens will 'bear in mind
that, the Band entertained and delighted
theni, , gratuilously, on several evenings
during the past summer, and we feel pretty . '
confident that 'they will avail themselves of
the opportunity thus 'afforded them of pa . -
tfonizing the
•We are indebted to valued friend . for .
the following stateenent. It is believe dto
be the correet.resullof Itie_election in De
laware on the 10th instant..: The, ofHeial
returns mair - varririn — sciiiiilitiridretlsi but
no material change can occur by which a
difference of fifty-votes will be made in the
general result.
• Counties.
Kent, '-'
.slewa - aitte;
Har. maj. in the State,. 1104
• -Not a single. Lou! Foco - is' elected - in
the State. ,The Union is. challenged for a
para --Hi:there 'a:state can - Tp_l= - '
.Legislatttre will stand - thus: - - ---- -
H. V. B.
House Of Reprgsentaritres2.---
Whig. maj...on joint ballot, • 22. •
1-00 Gusis-gor
. .
The Statesman Is d o i n g out its evideneel
pc•ndous•frauds," itself being the grcatesefraud that
was ever yet trusted by a party.' The apparent
jeat defeat. but on coup . -
ling a remark in the (11blie id - the2lst Oit-,-Witlroce
in the Statesman of the 30th, something more may,
be -made out'of - the'toiniitlence • . The
be says — ' • • .
'people submit to such . un -- eke:don?
.Suppose-it-should-be -provedllutt- enough-of- the- el ec6 --
tonal votes were controlled by_frand to defeat .the
'assemble in their •tvespective States and - decltire !he'
el, coon fratalulely acid void .2" • -
- . Thathatesman echoes Oda_ proposition for Revo
lution. It says:...
" Our boasted_freedom ;9 aburlestpie,land,:thei
sooner the people are found with arms in- their hands
:runlet the perjured usurpers,
.0 0 ;vpirators die - hard. They forget•tllat they
lack t h e s tal id; aArmrof 200,000 It would
- and Sam Nledary
be 6 pretty_ sight,;
calling on honest men-So take 1:;) :wins anti follow
them! Rogues ore.alwayi cowards, i::ereforn . there
is no dormr —Ohio Vlore Jour ,
,Majority for Thoina4 Corwin, Oct. 1.30i 3 1840. 0,601
' Majority for Gen. I tarriaon, October Stith,
1840.- '
llnirlson miljority,
anoOr ta nt /io n s ii•ciik.
„ .
Universal Pala, wieltare l itnown, by the' experience
of thottsands, to perfectly,c eons° the blood' from all
. frinesa, remove . every morbid ideation, and renovate
'weak and. enfeebled' constitutions to 'perfect health
and vigor. ' ' :
• •
[Prom theßaltiniore'PatriOl.] • ;
haltiinore,' Nov. 21 'lB4O
eATTLE.--The„ A up f qy oC, , Beefan the.hoof con
ileums Very good, and the sins of the week 'compelse
about.6oo head.of all qualified... A small numbee of
inferior ()utility were sold as low as $4, and some 'of
superior quality, were Sold at-0,50 per 100,
The largest portion of the sales; however, at about
$5,75 tor_cattle of good quality. The market has
been well supplied with Lite flogs during the week,
and the sales have been hirgoand readily made, gen,2sa6,3 4for. superior_lots.:—Soine - par- -
cels of inferior have been taken -nt-,56 to $6,126,
Several large droves are expected to reach the mar
ket during the' ensuing week. Pork is- sel
ling at $ll to $6,12} per 100 lbs for prime ()entity.
--FLOUI4,--Tlic-receipt price ismesettled--vary—
lug feilth - $4,7'5 M. 4,81.
• CORN.—OId Pennsylvania Yellow 47 to4tipeitts,
-13 vt . l.—Renusylcani.9.l3,yo=sB-7061.
OATS:-25. to 29 cents. • ' • ,
. . .
WHEAT.—There has .been unusuallr large
supplyin Market-,the sales in the last three 'days .
amounting to'ncarly 90,000 bushels, of which 50,000
Were from, Pennsybranat. Considering the im - pply,
prices.lmve reMainedfirm• We.quote primePenn
syoania Wheat at $1... to $1.,,01 per.buebel: To corn,ol.the wheat must beentirely free of smut.
WHISKEY—We quote at 22 tts in barrels,. ex
oluSive efthe_barrel. .
• - MARRIED, ; •
4 4:/ / :ithe - sth inst., by the Rev . . - . 1. Ulrich Mr..WIL
LIAdi FA MEE of W. Pentlsbpro.7 township, to_Miss•
jOIiARINE RISE, of Friinkibt'd township.
n the 12th inst., hi the AMC, Mr..14,c0n CRESS- .
LEE, td Milts Euzipept FISHER, all of. South Mid-.
V - On the same day, by the same, Nomt HEn-
DAN; to Miss 131iltUARA A.' STorrErt, all- of North
Middleton township. ,
Thursday the iftli-itist.;by the:Rev. C. P. Cum
r.A*,,.ll" . l.T:uvEtElt,Tall - oflreiT3
the .12thiltist., by the • Rev.-J.. Ulrieb.-Mr:
MATSHAS HAst::, of West Pennsborough township,
tol,Mitii - M.tatv.Ai.MMerlN;Of NEWtod township.
Ott the 14th hist., by the ev. Henry Auratel, Mr.
ARGAii.ET Z EIGLER, all of
North Middleton township.::—:. •
- 1 "•:kt Hendr c sbt ,Ohio; on. the 6th—inst.
Mr. JOSEPF aged abq.ut 29
years, son of - Mi.. Joseph Rays, sen.,. of
_this place: ' - .
1 , 14 . ) , e.T1aw c , -
'! --, T , lte-anottal-electionfor?ltinaers of the nanoi , et:
Alut.carliale_Turatpike.ltoatiComptiff,Thvill7be - held
at theltotise of Mr. Jollies Ilurley.on Tuesday the
Btll of Decent next, to elect two tnatutgers for the
ensuing-year : , 'Fite Commissioners of Combed:Old
- atilt - AdatttS - eountietori . llFe!'e.tutlitt rie — tiiird - wittl
place,-to 'elect - three hianagers! c ou the part of the
SAlili. Trens'r: -
t,ISioV 25;1890.
7o - my
Take, notice_ that I have applied to the Judges. of
th . o.Cciuvt - Of Cothipon Pleto of ; Cumberland county,
for the benefit olthe Insolvent-Laws of this C°Tirni" .
urealtli,and they luL;ic stETP - unted Titesdgil the tsth day
of December next„ for the hearing of me and my
creditors, at the Court Houso,,in the 'borough of Car
lisle, when and where you may nttend, if you think
proper. -
co r a*, Xov. 25;1816.--3t.
Nov. 14111,1840.
Notice is hereby given to. all 'Legateeß, credittiii
acd other Porsocc'eenOrned, that. thc,
COunts have bee u: filed in ihlkollice for exam:maw:it,
by the :ticeountants therein named, and will he pre
tented to the OrphanslCourt of Cumberland County,
for confirmAtion.and allowance. on Titezday the 15th
(lay of December, A. D. 1840, viz:
• ~
The supplemental and final account ofJolitinoltz
administrator of Jacob Rife, deceased.
The • account of John Johnson, administrator of
James Spotswood, deceased.
The account of Alexander Scroggs, administrator
Of Moses Scruggs, ileceased.
The Recount of Philip-Swordt; iidministrator of
Jacob Loclimon, ilceeasech'
'rim account of Samuel Clark acting Executor of
Andrew Mateer,l7sq., deceased. .
The s account of John Zeigler, one of the Execs=
tors - of-Philip Zei.;ler, deceased.
• . The account of ,Samuel Zeigler, one of the Ex
ecutors-of Philip Zeigler, deceased. . • ..
The account of Philip Zeigler, jr., one of the Ex
.echtors of Philip Zeigler, deceased. ,
Thetiebount of Jacob• Sheafilir, 'administrator of
4fiesrer, deceased. '
'The account - of - il ohn — llouser; - Executor of - Johli
The account Of Heim; 'Myers, Executor of Cor .
ritd'Emminneri deceased, filed tn. David A/Vert, Ex
ecntor'of said Ilenry'AW;rs. „
The account of Georgeliosh, Executor of George
Nickey, deceased. ,
The of Alexandtr P:Kelsoindministrater
-of- William:DOncanideceasek- • •
The account of &mot, Hinter; administrator of
Searight Ramsey, deceased.
The account of - Abraham Hersh and GlirisOati
Hersh, administrators of Abraham Hersh, deceased.
....The-account of 'John'Cornman, Esq. i admunstra - -
tor of Henry. L. Spicer, deceased.
The account of iolin , Harper, jr.,' Executor of
Thomas Wallace, deceased.. • • '
The account of John Harper, jr.., Executor• of
:Mary Wallace, deceased.'
Thu account of David Erornioger, , and Samuel
Senseman, Execu t ors •of Andrew Einrainger,
The accoimt. of Snmucl Bear, adniiaistrator of
Arthur NuU, deemed,. _
. The Guardianship.' account (..f Crenier,
gear iiiirisflotcdfili eilwet; - (trolirah - Aidutidtf.)
... The Guardianship count of Jacob Shelley,
tilarilian •
of Paul Wier, (now deceased.)` ,
• - The,G uardia ash p aceonntrifiames Dunlap, guar-
Jaoof the urinorldrildlTii of 3 oho R. ,Carod-ro, de-,
• lilief,,:uwediani,.l . .p ;e 'n v cave!,
guardian of Ouessunus D.- \Wafer. • . ,
0 .. T . 1•0 :13 a•H ".' •
" :Those' who. know itheniselree to he' indebted to
the subscriher, are respectfully requestedid cull and
settle their accounts hetwecn this date and Ist
ofJannary 1844..; na it LtabsohAely: neOssat'y that
otitstantling 'Redoubts tdieldd be settled by t hat - time.
The Dardlyerb ht.Siness,ts carried on as usual ut the
-Old Stand, wheretho public are requested. to ,call
for any . noiclo irl the subspriher'e line nibusiness.
rao, .; •
~61 La FM' Sale.
c..Tlic - bubser:ber ivishes . to sell-at Ptivat9 Sale,
A'lLot.. of Giviived • '
situate cm tire.corper.of ,North and Pltt,st.reets,...con
tniidng 120 feet each' way 3 it is a very_deanalde,Lot
For buildfrig , • . • . • '
„... ,
oirfr, O.
• - • • •
‘..teciuttaieciiii4i - Pareitt• of •S'qfely.
g,attaek'otthe "Pitak" y_ s be posi lively pre-
IV, voided' •hy.uaing,(arhen die premonitory Top- ,
inma'are felt) hcle
Thew' a e'im ihan,one 'hundred, 'people 401 • this
ahry;and,idrthelJiMMl-)Siates-111111-..kintlatigte; EVITOVri
' sutrerad beiOndetulumiSse by this . d.resdftili
earaPlairik,oder keep' themaelrea - who* free Prom'
' attack' by Rtrp),Ortg thili'LiiiilllClkwhetrtfteg led any
s Y m P t°l 7 ,6l-118 i'PPrOa*'9CAis.. there tillte,most
jlevrtpt proa:
MA!! Coksioori
Cis4-sviaitteti'ort a
sotil 'at,Nc. - rii;ifio'r4;ttreo,, ant! -By
YCliistVtt • ,
• 18,101.-7,3d.
Last S Notice.
- Persons indebted to the estate of David.S.FortieY;
deed., by book account. or otherwise, are hereby. re. ,
.quested to come and settle' the same on or . before thd
29t1 of December next, as nofterther indulgence will
he given; the books will then he idneed in the hand's
of a Justice of . the Puce for collection.
!G. 'W. SHE APFV.B,Z E xec s l ....
JACOB 'SI-11tOrij, 5 • .
Co rii : 4lc, Nov. 25;1840.--
Taal tEICI
• . M,.;:i
. . .
• The subscriber will rent that -ell known, large
and convenient' !Muse,- for many, yearsoncupied by
- Christiturllunirieli, and more ileirentleby others, a tit .
_ .
The • house Is remarlMbly well caleelated for enthr. , '
ldinin POARDERS; there being i three stair-ways, „.
and - Fire .141meg - in:most Oldie' retires: - The - aim:diem , —
is'very pleasant and desirable, being on the north
west corner of-ilanover and ',ember streets ; - While, - While, •
tor - t ..___,.
rough or country. It possesses the unusual advantao•
ges of 12 rooms on the first. floor,
I'2 rootns-on the
second„tid 4 rooms on the third floor. Two wells '
'of water; (one at -the-front door on - Louther - street, — :
with a'pump therein; the other in the lard at-the
kitchen . door;) a . Cfs.tern made to contain eigliti-frve
hogsheads; - large and convenient stabling, with car
rilfge house-and sheds; large and 'excellent garde •
.to the buildings; besides many eidarenien
ces not specified. :For particulars enquire of' • '
. •
Nov.Cai lisle,
The Lanefaster Foulk's relent+, (Fermin pa
per insert 5 times, and , send bill to-this-office-for
, collet:How! , • •
• . •
At , a. stated Orphans' Court be-•
gam and held on Monday the 9th day of Noventher, -
1840, at Carlisle in and for Cumherland enunty;he- -
fore the Hon. Samuel flepttlim Presldent,atal - Rifut.
-Stuart, and . Joint Lelevre Assoehtte Judges of thin
.same, nisigned Z.r.e. the - following, pnoceeclings were
had to wit t •
• -.- •
Upon the Petition of,loliii K:i.ongneeker,
istrator of Henry-Lofigneeker iiee'tt,"respeetfultr -
representing that your , tietitioner was appointe'd
na inistrator of the et.tate of the said Henry Lotigneqt--
er- deed. 'Fitat he lt - a'a 'filed his 'adminittratt on ac
canal and there is upon thesettletnent of said neat - mat
a'Lalanee overpaid t,y acco u ntant $211P.01/, 'There 4
fire no funds lielonging tirthe, estate' except:the re- •
eggnizanee entered itdo by . .lohn K,Longneelter, for t
farm taken hint at the I.:dilation., lie therefore
prays the-court to .oant. trilule . on,the heirs: to-shoo
cause why the anuand overpaid by hint should not he
credited on the said recognizance as oldie Ist hprilr
- 10tlr$ot•. "Rule granted personal notice to
be - aerved on those - in the county and notice to be
given to-diose nut of the county by publication in twn.
newspapers in the county for siN weeks, returnable
tti . the Jangttry_Court.lB
- • • "
- •• '
Cumberland Con
.k • - I, Willii-nnilk,tlerk of the Orpltans. , _
4 ,1 Court in niTil for said county, do Leridiy •
..ont cord.
T hcer„V --- , , -;Witness-my - hand mid seal of - mid - court- .
r r! - .it Carlisle, the 1611i,day — of .Nto,.
- • ' - • '• FOULK, -
C 2 t. •
-Nov. t 2 5,18 4 0 . t
Splendid .Dertnabcat
Virginia State Lottery'. .
For the benefit n6lie town of Welltibtirg., Ching
So liaor d,&40.-To' be draivn at AleX:ltldtin,TVlL
on Scttnrdny, the 50i of Dec. 1840:'
$5,000, 3,500..3,000, 2,500, 1,995, - 1,500.
30 Prizes 811,000'
50 of $250 - ---75 of 3200..
78 fl - timlicr L'ottery-=-14 Draion Eallotsc .
. - Tickets ilo'---Dli!—Quarte4/9 '50.. .
Certificates of PiteKsges of SIG NV hole Tickets $l3O '
Do. do • • slGllalf. •-do G 5
Do. c 25 quarter do S 2 50
co• 5 Prizes of 10,000 Dollars. 0}
41two Nod. out of 75
For, enilowin r , the I,ce!•burg Academe and for'
otltur •purposes, ClitAß - No. It) for .1846.—T0 bu
drpivn nt Alexmotria, VII. on Stltordny,Abo. 12t1f .of_
December, 134.0. ••••••••....• • • . ,
. (Cf . ' 5 Prizes or slo,ooo'.
2' prizes $5,002, I of 2,5 . 00,1 0,,2,12d:
Prizos of 1,000 poollaiA:
,25 of $5OO-20 of .x3lOO, &c.
Tickets poly SIO-11aires 4 14:‘,Quariers $2
C-N•tifientes-of-I'Vekages of .25-Wlioler icketsil
db . f. do• 60'
Do.. do t 25.4tiarCer do.
3 Prizes' of es,6oiiil-z-
Aii•s:aalt in - , Lottery-,
, 'ClamC . ; f0r'1840...--to 1 ..) drawn 'at Alevandritf•
D •
C. on Saturday, rOth Eieton'Ser' VB4O.
.$.1.0,600-45;000-- 6 42;417.,=.'
50 Prizes of . $l,OOO-50 of $300.--;so'of
, . , 13,Dram n Nus. out, of 78.
• Tickejb• es $5-o.,onters 56.
Certificntes•ol Paelpgesol 26 Whole Tiacts• $140:
26 - tlnif --- do --- — 7O -
Do. do .26Q11avter - do'
Par the t;enefit of Ow N!, ! ,c:—:l li —At a li c ,„ y, •
It 4
'Vn. Sutui•dny Dec. 26th 18413.
30 1 000-10,00 Q
6,0J0, 3,140, 3,000, 2,500,.2,000'
ei"so Prizes of 1,000,
20 of 500--2.0 of 300, &o.
Tickets only slo—Halves ss—Quarters--$9,30 ,
CertifiCates of Packages of 25 Whole Tickets $l9O
DO, • (l6 - 65
, • D 0.% 'do' 2ti Qttartet; de) • 39 SOt
te: Ortlers for Tickets and Shares:or Certificate*
of Pnekages in the above Lottery will be 'promptly
atfinded to atitrthe drawing. sent immedidely after it
mover. , Address', ' ' I
.I.). S. GREGORY, & Co. . 7 1fant(g•ers.
Washington City., IX C . .
NOV. 1849
'glare you cc hl:
.Coug - • ,
ho not iieglert it ! Thotaaantla'have met: it pre- •
'nature deidlt foy_the want 01. Jiti1e1..*4',1400,..
to a cern:non cold: '.• - •• •
• fluvo' yin*. *High ?*--ni4.. Pr• -'rrOeilitiainteii••
Fetpeetarat*Fyrap; a 'safe medic :If pretnniptioketsit44.
*among tio•potsenoui drugs, and.tiaed in I,lil exterisiva•••• • J •
prlietimAir Da:nava: Pst tio!ki,tiVelY
vt etitt save yow from that witial"dhteaselittf=
untinUry ptinsuilptiou whit h ukually• au-gyp:AA.' .Ifici
trave;hundratis of. the young. the old, the...fair,lhe. • • •
loVely and the'pAy r •, , • .
-Rave yoc a••er • riVr-.-Ilit to'petOltite*
bottitt orthib:Ex epterant Syiitp tet'dayl-!--vre:;racir
i•Ow way be too ate.. '„ , • -
Have you a cough I ! —trarthe l entetv's fXpeitoranti-
Sylitp it the citify, rameity - youi should take
• Vol; plain reason e- , . ,, That'ltt the , • '
thetnined easesal:4're it has, been. tttit. hit' it trizitco,
to relieve. • • • • •, • :•' • '‘-": -
• • Fot"tt,lifisiat , the ding :store'
Pkt4,err.atrevt. twry.'l ) :44.l, and Cikisit;; by- '''
roman' U., 1411111 e.,;. -* , .• -" - •
'Schaaf eq.-
-r -- 1