0 P;S g GSILW✓YTML ELEC7'IO. , V RETUI?.7VS OF I'ENNSYLVANIA, , • . • . . ' . 'OCTOI3E/1, •30 , 1840. . , . . .. . • .". IIb : . . . - 1 • • .- . • \ ' • 1 ' tzi 1 .• • , cOU TIES, .. COPULAR,_, Ad,mis . 2,453 • 1,628 Armstrong, • 1,260 1,744 Allegheny.; • 7,620 4,573' Beaver,, 9,143 1,710 Bedford, • • 2,910 : 2,446 •. Berks;•- .9,582 - 7,425 • Bradford, ' ~ • 1,631* 2,844 ''Bucks, • -4,705 4,488 ~. Butler„ . _ • 2,100 ' 1,004 • Canibria, -7- - .-811' - -- -NO -- Centre, . •. 1,447 ' -2,242 • Chester, • ••:• 5,643 • 4,882 ...' Clarion,- . ' 640 1,366 Clearfied, • • ' 499 . • 812- • Clinton, • • 637 649 • • Columbia, ' ' 1,325 .'9,829 Crawford, ' 2,469 -2,908 '- ° Cumberland, ' 2,791 2,695 • " Ibmplritt; . . ' • 3,1'2 - 4 2,187 Delaware, 2,031 .. 1,335 'Erie, , • •• 3,636 ' 2,061 Fayette, • - 2,755 3,035 . Franklin, 3,586. .2,892 Greene, • • ' 1,350 2,010• - Huntingdon, ' 3,826 - 2,266 --- ____lmlfanit, ... ____._ _.•_).,953" _ 1,9.09 • , Jefferson. ' 476 592 - auniatn,,• ..: 966 1,043 , Lancaster, - 9,678 , 5,472 . ' Lebanon, , • • 2,369 1,402 - Lehigh, . '. 2,405 • 2,451 ' , Lozerne, 2,774 4,119 •••• • • Lyric:ming, ":••-• - . '1,504 - •- 2,181 - ..; 2.ll'Kean, • '262 , .275 • - Arereer, , 0,249- 2,336- - _....alonroe;- . . • • _3lB , 1 ,44 47 - ..lAltmtgonfcry•,* - , 4,068 • 4,869 • ' Mililiii,• ' .. 1,226 • 1,269 • Northumberland, 1;351 2,187 . Northampton, • 2,846 ' 3,838 , Philad. city', I Q 1177 ,- '. - ' , 110. - -• county, 1 . 7 ty, 7 7.. ". - • '' Perry-,.. _ • 1,072 Pike, '. ' .', 135 •-•' pOttdr, , -180 - .. `_Susquehanna; .' . 1,560 . - ..7 ~-;----7Seli nyl kil 1,,------- -.-14:91-. _ '. Simerset, .-- -- - 2 , 501- Tiogn, -- - -,•, -, 895 . 'Union, . ' , ' • 2,423 Venango, . 855 1,2 i. - lVarktirr , •: - :--_- - • , -.827- • , 9291 „_ Westmoreland, 2,778 : A '-"• lVavne, -.- , - 675 . AVa . shington, ..'' • 4;147 York, •-• ' - 9,792 144,019 ',H . a_r_risan_niaj,..„.'.344= 11 4 alteable . Out Lolls "Safe. WILL-be:expo - sed to public safe, qu the prOil puifitialice Of an ; Order - of the Orphans' Cour Cumberland county, on Monday. the 14th day•of eember next, the -lollpwitig - described - out, lots, _the elate of Robert Armstrong, dee'd i• ~. No. 1. •adjoininglots of Win. M: Biddle Esq. and -L. Keller, Louther street continued and the Colltge lane, containing one and two thirds acres. . No. -2, Bounded on the north. and west by lands of James Noble 'S heirs, on the east by a lot at the heirs• of James Moore, deed., and on the south -by lots of James Armstrong and Mrs. Cooper, containing 3 acres. No. 3;-.Bounded by lands of Baughman's . heirs, Aitibk4 Blair, Patrick Phillips and others; being part of additional out lot No; 15, containing two acres _ _and. forty .peyellesz,.-all _situate within Abe Borough 1./ - 11 - rft). lisle. . The terms of sale nre--one half of the purchase money to be paid on theconfirmation of the sale,and the residue in one year thereafter without interest, to he secured - by - a) nods. Sale to conmencc at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, when nod, where due attendance will be given by , JAMES. ARMSTRONG , adm'Y. of R.Ailitstcong, caclisle, Nov. 11,18(0.---4t' For Sale. 'Elie subscriber offers for sale,. ar small tract of first rate • .• Limestone Land, • confirming 12 acres, 'situate' in North Middleton township, adjoining lands of Christian Rule, Robert Irvin and David Kutz. An t y person wishing to purchase can have any amount from 2 to 12 nem% • " . .JA COB,. G RUBIS. • _Noy. 4, 1840.--_-30 --- For — S The two Story Stone, House, occupied by-,11...p. "Hall, Esq. on East street 'Carliale, with tlia,. foal of Ground 90 feet front on said street, arid . extending .250 feet to the Letart spring. There is a Stone Stable; ti- c •House anti ti_well_efiwater _on " the, premises. a Wholelie, property iilenclosedby sulistantial stone wall. For further particulars apply to _EDWARD WATTS. Nov:•4, 1840. • Otrilaak),X Ta i aLalrlu CAME to the residence of the subscriber, in Franklin township; York county, (4 miles west ofnillsburg, and 6 miles east of PetersbUrg, Adams county) some . time in September, a about 141 bands high, eight years _old last .spring, with a small %Mite spot on the fOrelicad--two,bind -L----feet-white,-and-ring4sOned-hi-the-rfghr litniMirotT= ' The owner is requested . to proveproperty,l4 char-. ges and take her, away, or she will be 'disposed of according to law. • . PHILIP KUNTZ. . ' Franklin tp. Yell( co: ? • ' Nov. 4, 1840.-31 5 - 5 . • . . , . • ..L.•`\ . ‘, . •. N . Q ti - 1 , lITTERS OPADMINISTRATION have I;cen • Xi gratiled to the subscriber residing in F.ast:Pcnns. " - borough township, on the estate of jactib Maltz, late ' of EastPentistiorough township, CtuillMrland count, deceased: All pursues having claims against said estate, areyequested to present thein properly nu: •• thenticded for settlemcni, and - those tielebted will mike payment to •-- ~ . .. , JOHN mourz, A 4 40,.. -; Noveriiher ft, 10,0.—_(it . , . Wt.(11).,122_CU,a) 4 raTzug TESTAMENTARY upon.the'LaSt. Will of Sebastian Bower, late' of Westpenas borough township, dee'd., hare been . issued in 7 (WV foriia ot r a.rtly, to the subscribers; all persons haying claims against the Estate will' present Ahem - for settle- meat, and all persons 'indebted will make payment to• - EPHRAIM BAERI • DAVID BOWER, Exeekrs; • S A NM. BOWER., • - Oct. 6,1840.--6 t. • - EDGE TOOL avdairnOliainlaZz• . . . ! 1.18 subscriber hereby infinius the`eitizens ofCar lisle, and the public generally, that he ha's laken the' slitip nearly oppositethe Jail, where lie will be pre pared to =inductive to culler, on the inosfreasona r ble:terma, - any.artiele.in his line of buiiinees, such es .., , ~ • . : •lixes RIM ...ricks, &c: He will alsOttetttl to Steeling nod . Crintlist Axes He solicits a, share or ptiblic patrondge.. • , ,'..l7'.fOHN 11A1HlIS. Carlisle, Nov. 5, 1840. :,' ,' - , ,• . 111YJOSTUFS. .nrazilietto, - 1.1,-.Nicarngua;'t tistio, Idadifee, Alum, Coaldheal, Blue. Vitribl, Copperas, 'indigo, Oil 'or Vit.- riot, 'Nitric Acid, Miiiiatic do., Sillutinn of tin ;'the . 'Aare be sold low for each, by ISE 4 I I Lll =I 3047. 14'33 46 3813 213 718 313 le 1504 439 937 696 1575 RIM 1560 744 77. All perSonsitaving accounts with Said dec'd., are requested to present them to tke subscriber proporty authenticated fop settletneAt,:lrkl thoie itulebled to. make immediate payroent, 4206 967 46'- 1345 677 1102 801 43 836 992 . . The old Stand of he subscriber, opposite Simon AVonderlich's.brern; is now crowded with the larg est and. most extensive - new stock of, the cheapest . oods ever brought to Carlisle is tlie Anllic - ny m —,... ~.. saes y ILITILSCAVCS ay eatling - atal4eia6 Pilot; Beaver midi other doths,42—rind limy:adi per yard; Cassinieres *mid clissinetts unusually low. it — large a sifilltment of Wash trlle Larinth - , froto:s2,-,50- to SIU per pattern. - . - -Stacks of shawls, such-as-broth:l , inerinwrlglioniremb'd. silk-and - choosy, atin satin damask, blanket _and, cotton; from '25 ets. Lb $2O - .. Elegant plaid' and other lancy cap and bonnet rib: bons, from fi to 75 'cents, with linings to match. Einh'il..silk, satin and thibet scans and handkerchias, -evervimiety.ufladiesmulgi;i4s,.glovns and hosiery, &c.,with a variety of other valuable itairseiii6aillifii' articles.- , .... . • . - • . . . . . X 33 898 389 183 463 303 1,9713 524 ---- 565 - 2,0:125 _2,184 - . 765- 1,721 1 . ,5181 1,275 • -922 4,704 148 - ... 5,611 4,582 1 -- ,-- ,492'22,608 --'--------22r264- BE 420 10?, 1021, 6t.1 , •Cases-Boots and Shoes, have just been opened and added to the before extensive stock, among whieb arp Ladies and Misses 'pune cloth, lined am f flue gum, Morocco Kid, &e. Men's mid Bova Roots stud Shoes of every descriptio - a - for ih 1fl:aliil~l in= ter seasons. - • ' .- —• A generid stock too, of Men's. a11(1 Boys. Ftir, Cloth and Seal Caps, with a few fine, asbionable Furllats all of which will be sold cheaper than ever iii.- • - .- "; • MIAS: OGhLilYi',— MEI MS, i of De late IRE undersigned have formed a co-partnership under the firm. M. 1.140WN, for the purpose of transacting:V.Ceneral Commission and Forwarding Business. We' would give notice that we have taken the spa cious fird Proof brick Warehouse, situated on the south west corner of Broad and Vine, streets, where .we are pt•epnred to receive and Ibrward Mercian'. and receive and sell all kinds of country Pro duce. . • ' We t'esilectfully' solicit a share of theiitfiilic - pat mango J. BROWN, of Franklin Co. - • - and of the late firm of Alpe w, Alacurdys & Brown. • •G. W. BROWN,ofilarpers Ferry, Vu. REFERENCES, ' rarladelphia.—K MeLanahap & gyp, Caleb Ce &Co ; &A. Wray ; George • Hand y &Co; C. Houston & Co. _Lancaster C0.,--Dr. N. W. Sample ; Capt. John Steele; S. Smith. Pattersmi B. Ferree. Hariisbueg.--Thomas Hunt, Henry Buehler. • Carlisle.—Geo. A. Lyon, Wnt. Leonard. • ..Iretvville.—Willmom Barr. Pi anktin Co.—George Chambers; David Fullei.- une, James Campbell ;ohl: M'Dowell. • Pitta me Chamberlain. ' Wm/ling/on Cm-3,5. &D. White. ' • Bedford Co.—James. Agnew. Hagerstown OLL—Win. M. Marshall. Harper's Ferry, 9'a.—G. B. Wager; E. Lueus,J r. Oct 28, 1840.---6 t . \gai i. 3413 I LWo Farm of i 47 afereti ot Slate Situate in North Sibidliifon townsliiiiTtumberland co., two miles from Middlesex mills, and five from Carlisle. 'lliennprovementsarea good • LOC- IZOITOM 4?r, - Double- ltaisk Borti, haik - andfrobtl sheds, one of which is a granary with a cellar iiudeil la , •AY ENCELLDX2' • • en _ rne ORCHARD ' 7 together with other improvements. About 100 acrea are cleared, under good fence and in. a F,ood state ot. • cultivation, the remainder is covered with good tim ber, a part of which is Locust; springs in nearly all the fields. The •Conodoguinet creek hounds this farm oil one - side 252 perches, which will afforda location for water. works. Any person wishing - to puFeliase thrin of this description will do well to examine it, as • - co fo -711. - • • • am *rL ermmei Co Bet_ Miplication can be •made .to ;Valentin.° Sho the (arm or to the subscriber in 'ROSS LAMBERTON. July 1 141- 0 W 62(.00tQ*Ci - The subscriber 'has. just returned from the city with n large 'supply of-superior new styled - - ,-- FAL - VAND WINTER • •. • GOODS . • -- ' - . COIISI Alia in part' cif---Wool dyed Black, Blue, Chi -yet, .Brown„lnvisible Green and, Mulberry git Wool dred Black; Blue;_and figured cossinteres ; Sattinetts of all descriptions; Cords and Beaverteens; Ticks and Checks; imported Stair and figured Car inthia Saxony, Prince l and Mouse de Lames; Bora baZines, Merinoes, blue MAO; blacki Mantua, Fawn,. Brown, Figured and Plain Silks;. Figured and - Plain Swiss and Jaconet .711118/itis; Green Baize and, Flannels of different colours; GloVes and Hosiery; Cloth and Fur.. Caps; Broglie and Meeino Shawls; Mack,innw'; Rose and Point . Blanketia- , Ingliorn and Straw Bonnets; together with an assortment.of Groceries . dr. Queensware. MI- of which :will lie sold on the most reasonable terms . . Person arc iiivited,tm call -and, examine for themselves before pufthasing elseWbere. - • ANDRZWJZICHARDS.6 CERTIFICATES OF., AGENCY Fen TUE BALE OF -• lieraladdrelhs reg,etable • • • - sal Rills • • • Are held by tbotAlowing agents in, their resPec r tive - cow/tics. "AR In rountarfeita or, these, pills are attempted to he palmed upon the cornmuni- Ay, the propriety of. purchasing only frOta the recog nized agents, will bp apparent.' . - `'• Cut Berland County - -7GeorgeW:llitner;.Carlisl; INlechtMicslittrg; Gilmore 8 McKinney, S. Culbertson, Shippenslitirg; Boke At Brenneman, .I%lo•CtimbdrLitntl; Isaac Barton Rinip; SltiremanstouM; Co. Churehtown.• • ' • - .Perr - y CtortytAl6. -lc ander yffigeo,' Bloonifield; J. Bl . C°Yle, Lantlisbin, ,Atigmit.26,lB4o. ENE • • . .' • , ....,. . . . . • , • . , . . • . , . . . , . . . . , .. . k. . - ,- . • . . , '2,4.' = l . ~.-.. _ —•••• `-- - ••,,, : . . . ).• . . ' • skl li' f f " . WINIIMIE f oi'* ' . ' Y 4 -. ;.. r . t -' 4 4 ...• ;•, , 4t. al ~,.. .:'• _ g _i_ i _ : :.,_ ___... i,....,....tr____..... , , •,, ~,.,,, ' , • 4 •,...„ k ‘4..:, • 4 .„ ' . . . ,•• • . • T.....• 1 ... , ~-.. ' , • . • . - • • . . Vestmented . Spirits. Prepared and sold:wholesale and retail by Dr. W; Al'Pherson, west side Matrkit Slu These Spirits rir,c warranter to c superior other preparation of the . kind now in use,-foC. Rembving all kinds of. Grease, 7"( i•, Oil, Paint, Wax, 4.c. • from ladies and g entlemen's wearing apparel; car.- pets,"&c. without injnring them. It is also effectual In removing spots occasionchl by any kind of acid. . : It will-also he found a nscful article foe removing thindrulf from the head, ind loving the hair' in a rOiltliy.iiififyigorous condition. For sale in Carlisle at the Drug Stomp of 'Dr. -313:ers & Co. and Stevenson & ' W.. C., *PHERSON.- Harrisburg, :Nfov. 11, 1840.-3 t ' UCUULtVU2.4 .4 . LE FTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on the. estate of Jesse , Duck, NW of. tire borough et NewvilleXtnberland county, (M(l'o., have liven is sued to the subscribe larrisburg:„No, rice is hereby given; that the subscriber will attend at the house of Mrs. Elizabeth. Duck, in Newißle, on Wednesday and Thitesdaysthe •525tIvand . 9.6 th of November• host, when all thoSe that are . indebted to said estate will:pie:Me, make payment, and all those having claims hgainsi said estate will present them properly authentidated for settlement. • . . .:WM..DUCK, Executor. Nov. 4, 1810.-Lat Notice. A k T,OTICE is 'hereby given thnt Letten of Adnibt istrittiou on the-estate. of Jacob Coodheail:, late of-West-PeunsboroLtomighip_deceased, lave been issued to the subscriber in due fot‘iii, bf law. - . Dickinson tp. Oct. 16,1840.-'--Gt CllEtllP E R -BIM ff. Carl isla,:Nov..4, 1840 CO=PAKTNEIIISTIP 10'0- ffffM M SELL tiNG OFk_AT First Costlr - . -TO—COON-T4W-191-ERCII4A ' I - . d ND 017-1E115.4, nil IHE Subscribers,intending to. leave Carlsle, of ; ler their ENTIRE STOCK, comprising awes:- - lensive variety of every description of • : D BAT ,600DS for sale'al FIRST COST,?' Country Merchants, and die piddle:generally , will 'find it deculedli US their ailyant*C. to' cull, extimine,. and purchase`—Os —ns thcy cannot obinin goodn'clicaper in the city. . •- Call and see--call a nd purchase. Depend upon it, Bargains nre now oared to one who desires to purchase. -' ' - - . , .. - • . 410(0 LD 4.! CO. ' ~Carlisle, Octobrr.'2l, 18.10.-:.: , , • N. ILL—Persons indebted are requested. to cull and lettle before the first of January next. , . - ..WHOLESALE SI: RETAIL Popper, • Sheet Iron, ‘212(1 Tin Ware ICA 'hid subscriber offcrsfor sale, at his - shop, 10 North Ilituo-er street Carlisle, next door to Wiii. Leon fird's.store; will manittlictore; at the 'shortest no tice) the following articles, to wit : DAylll PALM, Qii , eia4l2alla ate a U. 3 El 0 STOVES - of. all descriptions, of tiLicL lie has pn hand a large nssoidnient, tioNdlrtell lowertlinir-ever,lnr7Caqh;---lic-aln . . . fees lor sale any quan roe Stoic 11pe; \ • • • • Cooking 'StOvep.4 • :• • for wood Mul 6811 all sorts of •77n;;Copper and. Sheat Iron 11 . o.re,. such AR Wash Kettles, Dve Kettles, I latter's yettles, Drums, Dripping Pans, * House -Spontiug, &e.; all ,01 Which he Will sell on better terms than - usual. ./// - I 540.-*--tr. BARGAINS,-.I ARG Dry Goods, Grocerics -- 4- Queensware WILL be sold by Ybe subscriber, at very i.editeed for Cash, in Thu room recently oneuipied_by Jaeob Itheena and ndioining the store of Snliniel IL -Myers _& Co. stocli, is new and eonSists.in part o ttroadtlOths, eassirocres„ . cassinetts,.blank 7 OS; bombUzines, tlann - 61 - s, vestifts, - niuslines; - calicoesOickings - ; sills, linens; table- Covers; and- figured swiss tritts.-; lines, . insertings, laces, silk and cotton handlte - rchiefs, ribands; gloves and stock iligs, bonnets, boaverteens, &c. &c._ ' • Also; sa small- lot . of GLASS -AND. QUEENSWARE, and a few .G:ROCEit . 1E9 . . Having relinquished business in Shippols burg, and removed that entire stock to this piadc, I am desirous of closing. up.the con cern as soon as •possible. Purchasers will do went) call soon, as Great bargains ss ill , be given. , • CHAS. OGILBY. Carlisle, Sept. 20, 1840. • WA - R - G AINS! Sotheimer . 8 e,Lindatter, • At their New Store in Centreville, have just ee ceived'find are nowmpening ii,verviiirge and splendid 'assortment of BRITISH; FRENC I L aid BOMBS- Tic • hich have been tielectrd_willonelusare in the cities of NEW YORK and.l4 lILADELPI II A, and whicli they respectfully invite the citizens of Centreville and vicinity to call 110(1 examine ss' they will be ena bled' to please; and sell decidedly cheaper Alum any other establishment in the county. They will be happy 14 otttlmes-to see customers who are desit , oUs of having ". *. • N ew Cheap a nd Good Goods Among their - stock will be found Blue 131Ack, Droim, Green, Olive, Cadet, :Mulberry, Da hlia, Cit ron,.Claret, Mixt Drab, and u variety et low, priced . , . c - s 1 (.0 'a 0 0 • Salmi jar - striped and plain London and Buckskin -CawsbneresTprerriilmrantl-lovr-prieed-Sktinetarsti perior Silk; Satin, Velvet, Valencia, corded, Strip ed, Figured and Plain Marseilles and Cassimere Testings. A general•assortment of all qualities and colors of • • Fall and• Whiter iiitulilc foie Gentleroen Soperior Mack Ltdestrin ' gs ,Gros De Naps, Po De. Swan, Gros Be Swiss, and Senshaw Silks, Challeys, Chint zes, 3aeronels Cambries, Bohldnetts, Plain and , I , l= gored Swiss, and Book Muslins i Shawls, Dress Handkerchiefs, Scarfi, '4 - elk. ; Ribbons, &c. large and excellent assortment of fine and .low priced Calicoes, Irish, Table, Towelling :Ind Table Diaper, Crash Marlins, Ticking's, Cheeks,Cords, Ileaverteens, &c. general assortment of eghorn tind Straw Bonnets, Utnbrellas,Paraspls, &c. Also, an extensive assortment of ' . • • ... Groceries and.queensware i - oftlie;most-appriwed-Qualjties-The-public-ture-rc.• epectfully invited to call and judge for themielresls they are determined to sell •rheap,for cash or country produce,, TAVERN KEEPERS:are -respectfully invited to call amid examine-Alm:4' Itoek of Ligtiors before purchasing pelsewhere. Centreville, Cum. Co., Clitober 14, 1840. ' GREAT ATTRACTION! Bargains, Bargains. in ,Shippensburg ARNOLD & ABRAMS, • Respectfully inform the citizens of Shippensburg and vicinity, that they. have just received, and are now opening atilMir store,-in bfain street, an extensive and 'well. selected assortment consisting of very fine English, French' and Germnu Cloths; Cassimeres, Satinets, &e. -of every variety of color, quality and price. Also,a large and hand 'seam assortment of English an French Merinoes ; Dombazines,. Merino Shawls and liandkerchhafs, Challeys, Mouslin _de Lains French Chintz, plain. and figured Silks and Satins •o'r every ; color and quail ty,silk and gauze dress handkerchiefs, bohinet and blondrveils, fancy scarfs; gauze, satin, and Mantua ribbands of every size - and color, &c. ,Also=—Straw Bonnets-and., platted braid. Also—a, large' assort•L merit of Domestic Goode: consisting of calicoes, Cheeks, mnslins, and every other article which pan be mentioned belonging to the Dry - Goods husinesS; to gether , with an' extensive assortment of , • - • gimensware; Hard ware;Croce-: • • ries,,.Liqtyqs„ Stc• • all of which will be sold cheaper 'than - ever before offered for sale. ,They would respectfully invite' the public to call and examine their.stock and Prices, being fully satis tied thatilmy Can accommodate them at prices far below what they are in the habit of paying. . N. B. Countr,v Produce of all kinds will be taken in exchange for Goods, atMarket price. Country Merchants arc invited to' call and examine their,stock, being' connected with - European, Mt.nu lactories, which will enable Th em - to ifelVid. 01000 less Than can be purchased In the cities otNeWT Vrk orThiladelphia. . a ' - Bhippensburg,Oct.• 7,1840, ME AOTOZ.7. ?811. K E.VEJ DR.YGOODS, 1 - 01 MW EU W 1411112 p . RY 0.00n5., ME Tait ES SI INR . .MACHINES WithhitprOved . PeetOtt:ifforse Power. rettt,cuecitUll •-from the saleofhis tnachines,induces" mu o of= fix to the public a new and improved 'Horse Powq, ntliich can be shifted iirgear or out of geaEby keys; and shifethe band togive It five different rifolutiiira; And he has no hesitation in fissuring. the.Farinersthat he is now, able to furnish diem with an article tilt su perior to ilm'se - fintnufactured heretofore; For speed and clean threshing and ease to the horses, he be lieves his machines to be unequalled. His price is .I;l4o l —seventy. dollars to pnid ensh, ' 'mid the balance in six months, for which a note wilt be required with ininrest. Any persompurchasing a imachine and upon a fair trial, not being pletised, can return it. lie will at all times be ready to furnish them ()lithe shortest notice; orders from it distance will lie punctually attended to.. Ile will also repair machines On the shortest notice: ;' „ VILLIAM B MILLIGAN. wwill expire in 15 1 3.:' \oliee~s hei eby given, agreenl4 to the Constitution :nal laws of Peititsylva nin„that.the„stockliciltlers of said institution intend tipplying M. the next legislnittre of theCiinitnott wealth for ri renewal 'of cluiCter, change of wile, style t and title to .. , pitniberland Valley Batik," hicrenne caPitnl - gold gencial divicannting and banking privi leges, nll tinder such restrictions as the Legislature may ilk eel. The above institution to be continued in Carlinle,Ba.: _ io - JOIIN. J. MYERS Aug.~l9,‘l-gi'o—.—om.; . Variety Store - , &e: I.IE- sub sepiber s .thankfulfor-pnat-favoro r rnspect: fully informs the public that he still continues to' “hohl forth" in Clinrch . Alley, near "Education tfaki,'..!..whtire he has now 9,11-lisind a large assortment of notiong; consisting iti part, of the following:' Bread, Cakes, Cheese, Bacon; !lams, Mom% Snap, Cider, .Spices, Fruits,' S weettneats, and other necessaries c-ileulatrAfor-this merequit. N. Wirealso contimi - estpfeinritiftatitin , noose . , where g:entfetneti c a n be accommodated wills Trine, Pigs Feet, Pickled Oysters„&e. at tilt: shortest notice. • . 'JACOB SIEC. bit iItSIOIV'S. BalSolll of .1110 ND; • Ail thiparallelett remedy for'ein'ontott Chllls,Conglts, Asthma, Inflytpiza,.Wltnapin•Cutti:, , h, Bronchitis, awl all tliseases ot the Bretta, and Longa", Iratlisii . .in Constimptino ; composed or the concentrated virtues of I loreltootal, 1101W...set,' Illood:Robt, , Liv erwort atal seviwal other veketalile 'stile tiiiici'•s. IVlNSLUlVcßrychester; The innocence anti '‘nliVersnily nthaitteil virtues, of the Ilerhs'from lvhieh the. BALSAM OF I101tl'AIOUNI) is luattirLlTire lnei I;.rnerrilly_kriowit to esquire it is dies tore only . Cr' -- C.,e . ssary to 'observe that this inedecine contains the *hole of their Meilical kopertics - ,highly contentrat ed, and so happily corabined:with'seliCrarother te getable substances, :is to render _it 'lle Most speedy, trld-a remedy; nd certain il-I-Ml!.01)1. the .Com— plaints above tdetitio lialSam is of Inestimable value. Ittis a speedy; remedy frt. the 11 ii'aping- Ceiti,9;h and 'Croup; and afibrds certti n .Rowet Conaptlitit.s, C'hohe, Teetifittg,&c, It is pleasant to the taste, arid_ may he - safely given to the tenderest infant-and should Ire kept at all times in every family, as it is cinch better tin. the eomplaiirts incident trl 'aregoric,thy COrdia I s'so Moldy' uSeil, as landdivils in thiktny hay& testified. Redd the frdlowing.--I hereby certify that early in the spring of 1338,1 contracted e 1 severe COL'S, , which settled upon my /rings, 101(1 tliveutencti a hash' Consumption. I used several pros-miptions, - hut ob t:aoed little or no reliefs I was mild' alarmed..— llappening to be in lioulteatet. LI. its advised.by.my friend, Mt. Winslow, to try it bottle of his il4Lsmkr or IlonuttouNo: 1 did so, :111(1 to my siwprise -ob tairiiell relief at onceand by the use of that • single bottle was perfectly restored trk:li;.•Jilth.__.To..lll,ml htllicted with Colds or Coughs, lit this- inclement sesson, 1 say "go and do liken ise." - . 'Pittsford, \IMMO. en., Nm. 9;1838. Mr. Jolol M. Winslow; DroggistilL: • Dear Sir: I have been for a s( of tears afflict ed with an affection of the Litg•s, and-n * l(mA cough, and have ninny times arose 'dale morn lig as cdm pletelY exhausted by excessive coughim, during the night as a - person - would-be-tw-a-laa , ll-do «-Inhor, I have tried most of the populir remedies . al' the (lay, Mat never found relief. until I. met with y.t or Balsam of Horehound. All the other remedies (v palatives, dint 1 have_ used, leave the bowels in. n congested stale, while yours leaves them soluble and frec.:Yhis I'consider as great desideratum.. On taking, a dose of .your Balsam when, going, to bed, I restquietiv thro' the night, and my sleep is refreshing n iti take great pleasure in recommending your Balsam of llorp iound to all those afflicted" with - pulmonary .coda- plaints or any disease appertaining to the lungs, and 1 fitke thii opportunity to thank you for the great re lief and benefit :I have experienced through •.:y,•our in strumentality. Yours, with much respect, *( -- 11911; - COGSWELLi-:. For sale by S. ELLtorr, Carlisle. A. J NOlLl.lkNeivville. Also, by Druggists generally ilirontAout the coun try. ; Price 50 centsper bottle. , ' - April 15,.1840.1y.; .INGICATITUDE • is the .basest 'crime We are not among that class of Edi t ors who for-a few dollars will, (at the expense of truth and hones ty) "crack up" an article and Nino it into rapid sale; neltter aro ,we willing to remain silent, after having tested the utility of an improvement or discovery in science or art. Our readers will recollect we told them we were unwell with a sire throat and violent cold some few weeks ago. Well, we purchased two bottles of WENSLOWS BALSAM- OF ROBE , lIOUND and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who are 'Mitered, may - try it upon our — recornmendationT- , - - - --, ./koehrohrfele= graph... • 'For sale by•_ • . . • • • .. S. ELLIOTT, Carlisle A. 3. NORTH; Also, by Druggists gyzierally throughout the coun try... Trice 50 cents per bottle. 0ct...28,.1840. .• • • rresh Medicines.. ,The: subieribcy has recently received large lions' supplies of • Ttledicinefo f -Colors ; Dye-Sitiffs,. Lie seed Oil, Sitti:Turi;entine, Copal Varnish,.Pain ters' Brushes, nrnishilreshes, Hand Brushes, Sper : mac.eti b'erf ihiciSpei In Candles, Soups in great variety, Glass Lamps; Cap and Letter Paper, Ft uit,Spices, Perfumery, &c. &e. „which he will sell to PhysiciansoNferelnints and. others, {VIIOLEALE or by ReTAii.Tut the lowest rates, having purchased en tirely for cash ;' tie will offer bargains to those_ who x'ibh to .purclise ut wholesale, August 5,1810, P l l O Dn. SWAYNE, Pluladelphi~.. --It is •••• with sincere pleasure I write you theiellines.-'— Having.been reduced by-a long spell of siekness in the lower runtryto a +MT critical state of health, and returning to this climate, I was attacked by a Most distressing,--pulmonary comp y laint. My symptoms were of the . most alarming lied, and in m weak state of health I thought I foresaw my early dissolu tion. I had a - constant cough, and a sense of .pain_ on . my chest whiCh seemed to be obstructed SO that , I could not breathe with ease. I got. no rest at night, and my constant irritation produced a high • fever at times. In this alarming statel !make!' for help, and recollecting yetiradvertisemelit, I sent to yourogent for two bottles . 9r Wild Cherry Syrup,' and' belore". using the second bottle; I found tny,eollighltad lisaP 7 peered; and with it all those distressing-symptoms. You are at liberty to-publish this, and I most earnest: ly recommend your Syrup'of V. ild Cherry Bark to sufferers with diseatiekof the-. Lunge, as an effectual renaedy. Respectfully Tours,. • Itt.UIIPS RICHARDSON. Pittsburg, Sept.' 27, 1839., ; Principal 011ice,No. 19 North Eighth street,Where this medicine, can always be obtained;- , -- tike.wiset - the above Certificate inay be seen, with the sign atureof a highlY reepectable citizen , kof Pittsburg, witnessing the above to-be a'certain facet, -'Po be had at the_Drog,Btore Myers & qui*, Pa. -N0v.400'839.. . . The public are hereby ditieeted to the Medicalad- Tertisements of- Dr. Iltudich's Ueletiratdd Compound. . Strengthening Tonic, and Ocrynan Aperient Pills, -whiclrare a meditinccofeat valtie to the afflicted, discovered, by_.o.-.E.llarlich i tt oda:rated physician at Alitiorf;Gorniatiyovhich lank - been used WI - paralleled success throughout-Germany. This consists of two kinds, viz: the German Aperi ent, and the Compound Strengthening; Tonle Tills. They are each put up in small packs; and should both be used to effect a permanent care. Those who arc afflicted would tin well.to Make a trial of this invalu able.. medicine, as they never:tn•aloco sickuess or lrausen - ,whi le itsing., -A safe ralli" dreallta s reiliCtly - fol : DYSPEPSIA. OR LYDI'LESTION and all stomach complaintt33 pals side, liver 'eons plaints, loss or appetite, Ilatfflenity, palpitation dale liart,general debility, nervousirritability,Siek head. ache, Female: diseases, spasmodic affltetionvrheuma tism, asthmas, consumption, tcc... •l•he German A pc-. rient l'ills arc t di:le:Lase the stosnath and purify the blood. The Tonic ot• Strengthening Pills are to .strengthen and invigMmte.tlie nerves and digestive or gans and give tone to the stomach, as all diseases-ori ginate from impurities of the blood and disordered _stomach. 'Pilo Mode- 01 treating diseases is pursued cut luiretofore received by all practical Phyrdeiiiia;"'WhielF - experienc - eAta-s-, taught tliem to be the only remedy to effect a cure.. They arc itot only reentropetoted nod prescribed by., the most expgiietteo in- their daily peat -tire;ltut tilsov take!' thorn-getitlemen: themselNes , whenever they find the symptoms or those diseases, jo which they know theta to be ellicacions. .1 . 1113 is the I case in all large chic's ip . Whir.ll.4lmi—have an exten sive sale. It-is not-to understood that these mi:111.: eines.will cure, all diseases. merely by purifying the I lilood---this they will lot do; lint they certainly wind and sufficient authority of daily proofs nsseirtim4 that , tliose medicines,taken as recommended by the direr- . lions which accompany them, Will Cure a great Mail)... €lise et thlFsfoliilatiOlnig3catitt lirer,by •• 11 hich imparted s of the blood tire occastoned. rr - • Ask for Dr. Ifarlich's Confpound Strengthen-, Principal - office for the sale of this medicine, is at ; No; 19 North Eighth street; Philadelphia. ; Also--iPm• bale at the Drug Stoic of Ny-,1 ors S.: CO. Carlisle, and William.. Pjal, Shippens (Nov. aO, 1839. . _ C1111 . .1)12EN TFIETIIIN,(:.--,To Mothers and Nores.—Yon are aware, that there are lion (Ire( olltlitiseliitle ones that you so dearly love.wlio ale daily into :in wiltimelv.irave, &ony that ilimtres,,ittg malady Coirvtilsiows, whiich - almost every rfofitiit falls-a-prey to.at-this thaw oLdenthien..)_there,. • • ,y_aii who are inothers,aiwl have !the care of those little cues ; should apply Di. Varts.sceliiirn-tvil-fipotli— iiiy. Syrwp frr.l ls Teething,.W I iic4.l ikttprestirtetl.. awn - molds, wlicw-thooglit past reywyety l p- rom that structive rdrager . . This itivalwablelbet ichie . cati al:. wiivs 1)e-10w:tined at the Medical 011ic6,No. 19 North arect, opp - osite Filbert street, - where teStimoiiials of its_cilleney can lie secti. •. ca•lfor'sale :it tfic I)ritg,store of Joho .1. Myers & Co. Carlisle. Pa. CO-//- PO UN N)71111' P:11.1.T.VUN177?•;:: G7X.1.1.:\ .1 or • Wild Cherry.---This is, clreidedly one of the hest remedies for -Coughs and Colds DOW .in UM , -- it allays irritation of (lie Lungs;loosrus the Cough, - etimang the - phlegm •to-raise -frre-atul-rasyritr AtAluna, - Pulmonary Consumption Iteitentßy Cotighs - , - ll'lwrzkoz and • .chok *tug - a . - Phlegm I Mar seuess; Difli'eulty of Breaffitig, Croup;SPitting of bfood, . This SNlllp is w:u•routc[{'ts drect ii whkli atatmupaity the bottlrs. For sale - at No. 19 North Eighth street, Plultult in - Tor sold at thelhars Store of.!. -J. Myerg. & Co: Carlisle, Pa. - _ _ _ 011 E PROOFS of the 'efficsier.of Swaynels Compiind Si i-up of Wild .Cherry Ilark : .Mrs; - .llrown, vainer of-Seemitritrect and the forks of Germantown NOT, cfreetnally cured._ nee' n inj)- Ohility, attended with a constant ,cough, pain in the side, breast, and back, with other svnyttouis hulicative of pulmonary disetiseodit essen tial to intimate. After taking the second- bottle of this inimitable medicine, her cough entirely di sap- , ;mired, and tier strength increased fast. , and by tin' time site used two bottles mere; she found herself freed fromUltpain, and other 6,4 d-fisted symptoms which attended her disease. .She is dew, enjoying- perfect health, and will ins; e to give any information respecting her cure.. She likewise reconundiols - this - Syrup to all afflicted with it coligh, nr a disease 'attic lungs. For sate'at No. 19, North Eighth street, Phi ladelphia 1, and also for si le by .1. Myers & Co., Carlisle, Pa. -- 4 - [Nov.oo, 1830. • ylk YSPEPSIA! DYS PEPSIA / MONIALS of the, EFFICACY of Dr.llarlich's Medicines. Aft. 301 as Hartman, of Simnel tom it, Pa., entirely cured °fate above disease, u bleb lie A 01.9 tlfilkittMl with for six Years. His symptoms were it sense of distension and oppression of eafing,distres -sinz-pain-in-the-pit-ofthextotoselioiausLa, loss of ail, petite, giddinessand dimness of sight, extreme &bilk ty,llattalency, acrid eructations, sometimes vomiting, pad pain in the right side, depression of spirits, dis- - turbot kest, faintness, and not able to pursue his busi ness without causing immediate exhaustion and welt.,, riness. - Mr. Hartimm is happy to state to the public and is Willing to give any information to the afflicted, , respecting the wonilerthl benefit he receked from the ase of Di-. Ilarlich's Compound Strengthening and lerm.an Aperient 'Pills. OBRERVE—This medicine can - be obtained at Na. 10,Nortk Eighth street, opposite Filbertstreet,Phil adelpbja. For sale at the Dram Store of dOllll J; 'Myers& Co. - Vied IsTeVrii. . , IRIIEUMATISM, entirely Cured by the ase-of Dr 0. -I-ker-Haiffleh's Con - mound StrengtheningTand German Ape:rient :Pills. - Mr. Solomon Wilson, of ChMter cdi Pa.,afflicted for two years with tlib aboVe distressing disease, of which lie had to use his crutch es for 11l months, life syntritoms were excruciating pain in all liisjoitits, especially' in his hip -shoulder,. mid uncles, pain- increasing always towar ds eve g attended with heat. Mr. Wilson, was at onetime not able to move 'his limbs on account of the pain being, so great; he being_advised by a friend of his to pie. rlic cure Dr. Ilah s pills of Width he sent to the Agent •in West Chester and procured some ;- on. using. the medicine the third day the pain disappeared and his strength increasingfflst, and in three weeks Was aide. to attend to his business, which he had not done for 18 months; foc the benefit of others afflictel,he wish es those lines published that they may be relieved,, and again cidny the pleasures , of a healthy life. _Paulin)Ahtlier, 19 ngt•th Bth street, Also for sale at the Drug Store of John J. Myers & Co " • [Nov. $O, 1839. NOT HEALTII.---Tlioe who enjoy health, must certainly feel Ides'Sed when they •compare themselves to those sufferers that have been afflicted for years with various diseases which die-hu man family are all subject to be troubled With. Die, eases present themselves itt gallons forms and from 'various circumstances, whielt in the commencement, may all be checked by the use of Dr. O.•P, lea lick's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pills,—Bich as dyspepsia, liver complaktm,pain in theaffle;r h entnatism, - general - debility,-Pernalc-dis--- kiases;,and all diseases to which human nature is sub-_ ject, where tlieatomadh is affected. Directions for ttiltig these med icines al waysaccompany them, These' medicines can be . taken with perfect. safety by the most delicate • Pemaleos they are mild in their ope ration and pleasant iwtheir effects. Principal Office for the Uhited States,No. lit north 'Bth street,.Phi la: ,Also for sale at the Drug Store-of J. J. Myers & Co. Carlisle. - [Nov. 20, 1839. S..ELLIOTT ir , 4 IVER. COMPLAINT.---This disease is diScof eyed by fixed obtuse intin And weightin the right side tinder the short ribs, attended' with beat, uneasiness about the pit of the stomach ; there Min the right side also a dirensioti the patient - loses his appetite and bectimes sick and treated with i.-orniting. he tongue becomes reuglimuil black, countenance changes to a pale or citron color or yellow,like those afflicted with jaundice—difficulty of breathing, dis mt•bed rest, attended with a Art. cough, difficulty of laying on the left sidetlie bo4,beconned weak, and finally the disease terminates into another of a more serious nature,which in all probability is far hey end the power of human skill. Dr..:llarlich's CoMpound Tonto Strengthening and German Aperient Rills, if taken at the commencement of this if isease,will check it, nndby continuinethe..uSe of the medicine's, few weeks, a perfect cure Will he performed. Thousands• can testify to this . . Certificates of maarpersonif 'suitY° daily be seen of the efficaey.,of this invaluable'inedittine, by applying , at the Medical Office, No. I 9,i)Orill Bth 'area, Phikt: Mao, for Sale:at:the Drug Stekof 3,lllyers* 'Co. Carlisle. ! • ' • 1839. • )Viii be, received.. at . this•,Ojice in psy- for, Subscription. • - oNgir . ,-or fine. quality,salea) MIME Importivit d _ immg E R T 7 .Li'iG ET ZB LW:2P lELS More Chan six inillions of boxoserthese celebrate Pills have cell so c np ttc I tutu :try 1835. • llMulreils and thousands lrlesAllinAty they - became acquaintet with -Peteks' Vegetable Pills,. which, consequence' of-their .extraordiuriry 'goodness, have ; popularity opularity unprecedented in the history of - When taken iiccording to the infections accompa nying them, they are liighly befiellcial - hrtliv -preven— tion and cure or Bilious Vevey, Fever and Ague,Dys pepsin, Liver Complaints, Sick I lead-ache,Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlargement of the Spjeen, Piles; Colic, Female Obstructions, Heart-- burn, Purred Toque, Nausea, Distettsion-uftlii -- Ato- ; mach mill Dowels, Incipient- DiffAten, Elattiletice, Ilabituul-Coitivenss of Appetite, Blotched or Sallow Complexinn; and in all eases of Torpor of the llowjls, when- a cathartic or au aPerient is need ed. They.are exceedingly mad in their operation,' Producing neithee natiketi, griping, nor debility. • - The efficacy of these -pills -is so:well known, and .their-use-sotgimeral,-that-further-coniment is ,consid_&. cited mmece - ssary. , ' • • . For further particulars, see Dr. Peters' . pamphlet, which can be had, gratis, of any of the Agents. • The pills are neatly put up in tin bokes,containing -20 and 45,pilli;RFar Niro Orleans, April 24, 1837.. .Dear Sir---As an old classmate of yours' in Yale College, I take the liberty of opening a correspon dence: ~ " learn that you are 'making :1.-Nilotic bY the sale ; of your pills, which I trust is the case, as I am, fully imwaretthar through them you are conferring a great. blessing on the public. I — myself - a - in among tho - se who have-beeti.peculiar ly benefitMl `Since my arriyal had Mien subject to severe bilious attacks. which had ineurlytroughttinuitolbmgrax-er but; (and -1-;;Mknow haiku it with gratitude,) a few boxes of luur pills rlitive. completely restored me. I would add, that illicir effect Upon Sick Head:ache and Sour Stomach: ,is almost miraculous. • With maim - crap Or.eSiCCITt, . . . • . . I!. -IL SIIEPERD, M. D. Exh•aci ofa rue,. fivin Dr. Francis Bogart, of . ' iirtreideidw,R: 1., Dec. 7, 1838: Peters' Pills are an excellentaperient and cathar tic medicine, (those ,ell'ect; being produced fly the difference of the qu,intity and. are decidedly I - int - ie .- rim. 0 - Me's; lfriffiiillretli's, 91: MorrisOn's Pills:"' -.Extract-ofalciter-fr-om rEiliume-Philodejaia • Pe . biltary 11 . 338. •-. • , Yon r pi/is are the miltlest.in'their - op'crationSi and: yerl 7 o.l - §7Cir : ny that. I lard ever met within a practice of eight and twenty years. Their action on the'cliyle, and' hence oWlhe import ties of the blood, is - e - VideMlY very surprising. ' B,a;irtfrt of a eller from .1)r: Srottiof . Baltiniore ' December, 17, 18,30. lam in the illy habitof prescribing them (Peters' PAN. ftnil z slwy in nearly all cases answered my Puy ; pose: I Inti,:e=tlisirtkid Ottilie.metlicliieGnoine them roes good ones, in-their,faxori -- • • Pilsquetank ___Sic..-_,lleaot_surprised_ot-receiving_this.letteacema art entire stranger. Pout• medicine•is the cause and. apology I offer for oldruding.:my,self upon -your no tice. 'loving - experienced a serious attack of Bilious Fever this fall, 1 was.hdluced, in consequence of their popularity, to .try your pills; Mid so beneficial lets taTiTitlarresnliTiliaU ant desirous - to - proeure alnrge (Main ity of them to use in My practice. Please write lac word ulialia your - lowest price to the faculty f'or• two !Mildred boxes,: Your, earliest . attentionl lo this. will oblige,. . • . . Solis, &c. _ _ • --- 31, D. . _ _ LIVER CO NIPLAINT.. • 'Mi. ^ls Broome street, X., .1":, - ..1fay ~ 2 7, 1338. - 1 hereby certify, that "my_ liver Was in a \ ory sed state, and Ina long baffled' the skill' of a highly fuiptifurphY''4,Eian, hut that ithas been rendered per fectly healtitfty the use of Ptlttirs7 Vegetable-Pills. They were first recommended to me hy-De. Nelson. • • T 110.11.18, AN S iliave snitch pleasure in witnessing to the truth of lie above, as I know from experience -that Dr. Pe ers',Pills are ap imalluildgmkedicine. NELSOX, M. D. . • • AGENTS, _ BR Off ; A:7 KESEY, Chatithersburg. , ^ , frILSOA% & Shippensburg. • IVILLIAI, BARR, New vale. SIML. E . 1.1,10,7".1", • , jol ty arrEß s & co. Carlisle. Autti,by all the Druggriitß of Philadelphia and . Ba li more:- „_ N0v;,60,539. iiliM D t ß . he very i'—liespected Friend :•1--Fro very beneficial effects which I have received treat the use of thy Compound - Syrup - of Wild - Che Bark, I tin fully willing to • tesofy to-the astonishing effect.: My attack was that of a common cold, which began to threaten something °fa More scrim* ot nature. Bet 9 recommended to use the above Syrup,l finally gave it a trial, anti am 'happy to say it gave me al most instant' relief: I have used it frequently, and always ,with flue same-beneficial effects. If idlers would use this Medecine at the °commencement of their Colds and Coughs,they would prevent a disease which would be more alarming, in its char:titer, and muci more obstinate in the cure. • ELWOOD L: PUSEY. N.W. corner of Ar'eh and fifth streets, Philad. 'igth_montho,23d,lB32.. _ The above Medicine is for sale at the Medical Office, 12 North Eigth Street, Philadelphia, and the respective agents. 001-For•sale also at the Drag Store ofrJ. Myers &CM Carlisle, Pa:; at the store of A Keefer, Har risburg; Dennet & Bumgardner, York, and Wm.• -Mathiott -Columbia, Pa: , . [Nov, 20,-183?. DYSPEPSIA AND DYPOCONDRIAISM cur ed by Dr. Harlich's celebrated medicines. Mr; :Harrison, of Schuylkill Sixth street; Philadelphia, afflicted tor several years with the abvoe distressing disease---Sickness at the stomach, headache, palpita tion of the heart, unpaired apPetite,nerid eructations, coldness and weakness of the extremities, emaciation and general debility, diSturbed rest, u pressure and weight at the stomach after eating, severe flying pains in the chest, back and sides, costiveness, a dislike - for society 'or conyersation, langtiorrind lassitude upon the least occasion. Mr. Morrison had applied td the most eminent, physicians, who considered it be -yorid-tho-power-orhumair-skill go---restore-hinrto health i c however, as his .afflictions had reduced him' to a deplorable condition; having been ind4ed by a friend of his to try Dr. •Harlielea medicines, as they being highly recommended; by which lie procured two packages for a trial • before using . the second package, he found himself greatly relieved', and by" continuing the - use of them the disease entirely dia -1 appeared—he is now enjoying all the blessings of perfect health. Prinifipal Office, l 9 no; th eighth streß;Philadel phia. LAlso, for sale tit the Drug Store of John J. Myeirs & Co. Carlisle. [Nov. 20, i 839, IiOUGHS, COLDS and CONSUMPTIONS.-. Mrs. A: Wilsbn, of LancasterPa,,entirely • cured by the use of: Dr. &waylayhi Syrup of Wild Cherry--her symptom's were bonstant soughing, pain in her side, hank. and head; depraved appetite, spit )ting.ofblond, no rest at night, &c. After using - two , bottlesof Dr. Swaynes Compound Syrup ,of Prunus Vitginia, or Wild Cherry, she found herself relieved, andlnfr the time she Used 'the third bottle, she found herself entirely cured of the aforesaid . diseaSe;•which she had been afflicted with 'for three years. There , are daily certificates of various Persons, . which add' infffilier testimony of the great efficacy of this invalu cabletl diciu;c. got sale at the-Medical O ffi ce, 19 'north - 4 I - street Philadea and :also titlheZDrug f ) •• Store of, .1. J. Myers & C0.,0 Nov. .0,1839. • • • • . • IVER COMPLAINT, ten years standing;oured by the use of-Dr. liarlich's Compound Strength enng and Geranui Aperient pills. Mrs.Sarali Boyer, I C A wife of William Boyer, north 4th i street above Cal lowhill, • Philadelphia,' entireli • cured of the above distressing; disease. Tier symptoms •Were habitual costiveness of the b.owe:s,total tins of appetite, excru elating pain in the-side, stomach and back, depression of spirits, extreme debility, could not lie on her left Side without an aggravation of pain, with other symp toms indicating great derangement in the functions of the liver. Mrs. Beyer was attended by several •of thee-first physicians; but received but tittle relief from their medicine 1 . 44 last; a friend of, hers. procured. a - package of Dr. Harlich's Stre.ngtlieninglind German Aperient Ping, wilich,by the Use of one package, in duced hor hyrootiNe with the medicine, which re"- stilted hit_ effeeting &permanent cure, beyond the e..- pectiition oilier &Meals. „Pri n Opal Offieelcie,thisidiiedieineis at 11000 north' Bth street;Thilit. - '. „ .. ',- . . . air The above ' , Minable medicine may. be had at the Dr . ukiStore ofJohu .1: Myers .& Co: Cailiale Pa, N0v. 7 20 1809.. -,:- • - - ' - 111:1321 '32:. . ‘ . , ::‘1:::“?J~x§, ‘~'l~L«'m3 r-rm'rm—fl . :" «:2". Militi=2 VAlPZlLZ..3.4mniailTns• Prepared only by br.ll. ItifineanUentor, and sole proprietor, :No. South Third sheet, - Philtatelphiti,reirid - niay be had of 11 1 -1;MO-T 2 -&tuid-tif ST-Blzß-N— -. MCMEEIII SON 4• DINKLE, Druggists, car- lisle, Pa . These medicines are reconimendedatid_extenslye,. ly used by the most intelligent persons in the-United tr" Stites, by: numerous Professors and Presidents of Colleges; Physicians of the Army and Navy, and of hospitals and Almshouses and by more than three hundred Clergymeil otvaritifilenommations: . They are expressly prepared for fitmily use, and have stequired an unprecedented popularity through onithe r United"Stiites ; and its they -are so adthirably calculated-to preserve ifeAutif and cure ntsensE, no fitmilXshould ever he:Without them: The proprie- •"' for of these valUablepreparatiOns _received his edu-' cation at . one of the best Medical-Wleges inihe Ifni. • ted States, and has had fifteen years experience in an extensive and- di versified . practice, oy which he hashad " ample oppertnnities of acquiring a practical knowl edge-of diseases, and Of tne remedies best calculated to remove them; • • • JAYNE'S EXPEETORANT,a valuable rerneity* for cough, colds, constarption, astlnwt, spitting of blood,rroup, hopping bpugh,broncliitis,plcurisyyand tnfhunmation'ofthe lungs or throat, difficulty of bre . a. thing, and alt di gFases of :pultnohary-organs.-Pricc ore dollar; Nlso JAYNE'S HAIR TONIC, for'the prescrva ' don, grtryth add beauty of ihe.bnir,.and 'which will positively brita , in new liair- on bald. heads.—Price one dollar, ~lso JAYNE'S TONIC ; yER.MIFUGE, a cer;- . lain and pleasant remedy Mr worms, dysikpaia,pilca, and many ()On+ iliseases.--biee 50 cad Also .IANE'S cAumixrrivE BALSAM, a certain care -for 4oweland summer coniiilaitits, dram rhte, dysentary Otolic, clamps, -ski . headache,. sour - stomaelccholdra mortuSiand-all derangements of.the stomach and bini:elS, nervous 'affections,btc:---Pricc "50 cents. kiIsoJANNE'S .S.A.NATIVE:PICALSJorYematIe diseases, liver complaints, costiveness, levers, intiruin mations, glanduldr, obstructionsoliseases of the skin, Ice. and in alreases were_ au Alterative •or purgative medicine's required.--Price 25 cents a box. May 13,1/340,--ly• • JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT.----This • medicine lets already proved itself to he all that •it has been recommended; by tlidse who have g - iverk • it a lair that in this country, and the demand for it-im f - i•ea-i..s daily. .\Ve-Lazo just brand_ ti an im mrtan: • - cure-of - A st hma; - whieli - ha nscot— it ameighboringtown--die ease was that of a fe male who hall for adang time been- under th 6 citre.of_ . a physician, hut bad i•ceeived no relief; and her ease ' was beginning- t9„be'eonsidtred hopeless. As - a last, resort she purchased a bottle of D. Jayne's Expecto rant; which caused her to expectorate freely, gradual ly eased her cough, and is rapidly restoring. her to health. We have no hesitation .in saying this prepa ration of. Dr. Jayne, for the cure of cough s, colds, in liffarca;Asthma,•Comattuption, mast valtif,•__ lde medicine ever offered. to the American puldie,--- There is no quackery about Jayne.is lite_n_ms(skilfuLmpli§hlgphYPlcismis uia ; and wherever his preparations hay been thor, oughly tested, We islooked upon us a great public belt efactor.---[ Sobit , rset-(Me.).Jouruil. - Vey sale 14:Samuel Elliott and Stevenson & Dirt•-•'• kle ; Carlisle, • [may 1.5 1840 WORMS MORA/SY TVORASW I•9reitiffve these troublesome and dangerous . Inhabitants of the stomach and-bowels, vvhielriaioftern: "impair the he: ldrand destroys the'liveatof„,:ehildrei, us - e Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge, a certain andsafe tire ,-paritt jail for the removal oftic sari cats ki ads of iv orms, dyspepsia, sour.stomach, want . orappctite, infantile fever and ague, and dibility.of the-stomach and boNV -618, and organs of digestion. rho be had-at No.' .f., 1 0 • South Third-street Also to be had of Samuel Elliott and Sttvenson-fst. Muffle Cailisle, Pa. [may 13 1840 Cl ONSUMPTION ! CONSUMPTION! that fe11 . „./ U destroyer, which . destroys its Thousatida and / Tens of Thousands annually. Ilcw shall we avert/ its:foal progress before it stews upon the vitals ?-/I . • would answer nt once: Take iome suitable medieine to arrest the disease at the very cominencement.— . ' How very many do we see in .the ;world whoac . deli cate frames look scarcely able to suppOrteien a Shari reign of existence--but for the timely e,dre Illad pro per means they make use 'of, oftimes / Will far outlive , the most athletic.and robust, who nyglect such timely - .care and proper means that are placed within their . reach, whichvvould unquestionably avert if taken in _proper.time, , At thelFead ;Of all_remediesiand the ; first in rank,Stands Dr. Swarnets Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, which if aamiidstered in time, and , taken agreeably to tliqrescribed rules which accom :any the medicineyWal • times out of ten cheek . Principal Office, No. 19 North flight!' street, Phil- adelphia, whei•e this invaluable medicine,can s'way's be obtained. • Price $1 per bottle. 'For sale* at the Drug Store of John .I.'Myers 4,:e. Carlisle, PA. • poley.-20, 183!1. mpoliTmiT_To FEMALES.--Dr. 0. P.Har lich's Compound Strengthening TOttic, and Ger man Aperient Pills. Those pills remove Al those distressing diseases which Females 4 ar4 liable to be . afflicted with. 'They remove those morbid Secretions whieh\when retained , soon induce a number of disea ses and oftentimes render - Females unhappy and mis -erableall theirlives. Those pills used according to directions, immediately create a new and heiTthy ac tion throughout the whole system by puritying,, the -blood, and giving strength to' the stomach - andl• bowels, at the sometime relieving the pain itithe back, and loins; giving appetite and invigorating the system again to its. proper functions and restoring • - . tranquil repose. (se Ask for Dr. Ilarlich's Compound Strengthen- ing Tonic, and German Aperient Pills. . Prineial Office, 19 north Eighth street, Philadel 7 phia. A l so for sale at the Drug Store of .1. J. Myeis & [Nov. 20, 1839. . LEVER COMPLAINT cured by the tiSe of Dr. Darlieh's Compound Strengthening and Ger man Aperient Pills. Mr:Wm. Richard, Pittsburg, Pa. entirely cured of the 'above distressing. diseases .his'symptorns were, pain. and weight in the left side, loss of appetiie; vomithsocriul eructations, a disten tion of the stomilli,‘ sick headache, furred tongue, countenance changed to citron color, difficulty of -hreathingillirsturbed-restotteudeil-witiraeoughigreat debility; with whet' symptoms indicating great de raitgemonf of the (unctions of theliver. Mr. Richard had the advice of several :physicians, but - received,u6 relief; until -using Dr. Harlich'smedieine, which ter minated in effecting wperfect cure. Principal Office, 19 north Bth stye* Philadelphia. Also for sale at the Drug Store of JOhn J. Myers' & C L o. .• , [Nov. 0,1339 A CUTE • Blioxplwris; A FORERUNNER A OF CONSUMPTION.—This disease is very' , " mach like acommoucatarrk f itgencrally-comMences.. like an ordinary cold, with Lassittide, slight Cough and oppression and tightness about the. breast. In many instances the disease seems at first and very serious character. Asthe disease continues the, - oppression in the breast ; increascs,the countenance becomes oppression of anxiety, tbe respiration . be; comes more and more laborious, sometimeswheezing or ratling sound, as if the air was forced through a narrow aperture clogged with viscid fluid... giect this diseaXeit may be of 'serious- eanseamence, but by a timely application to Dr. Szei3Ole Com pound Syri?,p of Wild Cherry, with 'aidrnit attention to The directione; all these unpleasant effects will be . removed. Be careful, - as it is sold at rio plaCe cept at No, I 9 NORTH EIGHTH Street, or at the •resseetice- agents... . Tor sale at' the Drug Store of John J. Myer Bf.„ • Co...Carlisle, Pa. 1N0v..420, • • H. lI,HR RN . ITTr.r I N G THEIR 'kJ TEETH.—blow many thousands of thoselittle sufferers die annually from the effects of. Protracted • ••' dentition. //i 4 . Parrs SoothipirSyrupfor.Childreftl• ' ,euttins their Teeth: This -Infallible remedy has, preserved hundreds of Children When thought poet. '2l - , recovery from Convulsions. As soon us the. SVruji:-. .is robed on the mynas, the childiv ill recovertbpi,'Yt. - e... preparation's so innocent, so eMetteiousoind so sant, that no child will refuse•to let its gumsbertibbed with it. When infants are at urn age of four Taoidli4`.?.'-'; though there is no appearantAof teeth, one Alottle . of'z - Syrup should be used on the arms, to open the Pores,: Parents should never be without syrup the liurz;: , '* - .„!..":1 eery where there are,young children ; -fur if a wakes in the 'night; with - pains inthe.gtims . i 'the'•,Sy.=;;: l ],..: . rup irninediately gives ease, by opening the . 'poiei healing the gums, thereby . preventing ; ; Convulsion'; Fevers, &A. • •' • - = ' ; For sale only at No. 19 North . Piglithatiee*-19bilii=15: delphia: - OCcrFor•SaAe at the Drug 'store o - fitaittZ co.,.Carlisle t iat 1E the store of A. eeNt'ilierA ~„ Dent2et Bomtwliacci , Gal bia Put.. , • • '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers