Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, November 11, 1840, Image 4

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    Ittete.hOutcsb rg • 14 : 01c.
7k.a. ,1 " , 0" •
. .
„ .
lkdacteeti Aliilaaßetisbuft.aita
_Philadelphia sir-Rfillintore.'
. , Ept,, - .1toao: on --c.,2,N:41,3
T HE 4ubricriher' favors,
liiltrWin 'their friends and Ilitt
getira 4 alty;thiti:tlieSi•- eta - 16one min 'a line of
Jamaica tiara r6gtdarli hetvreeit'iqtadnodealtnrg" and
'cir'llidthnore, by ivitieh - goinla and pro
thfee'dhi l deseriMiens,,will be forwarded wide move
and - tteapatedaf the-lowest - rates of freight." received at • their Ware tlpnaes
in ' . lfechttittittsbtirg,' and forwarded to either- l'hilaL
delidita or Baltimore, dcetted ! ng Id the direction Of
the owners
pyl ! ;e. will be given for
. Wheat
and I'lotii. . . _
N. B.' Maker of Faris and Salt always kept - on
the lowest ;prices.
Jury 20, ,
Mew - 1 4 3rar ' vore, 4Nioce r y
. .
tivatitzler IS - TORT.
Tat'subiciiber has just returned from
,the CitiesOrNesnOrk, Philadelphia and Bat
tiniore,,and is 'now opening' at' Ida store robni;S:E.
Corner pf,,Market Square and Main -Streets '(for
merly occupied by Geo. W. Hitner,) a ; general as
sortment o f. • • \
Hafilwar . c, .Stone Ware, Cedar
• liritiania GroceiieS,.
• . Paints, Varniehi!s, Glass,.Brush= .
fqr. " •
• , burning ( l anyttine • Oil, • . •
and n great variety , of ,aetleles'useful and necessary
forfarni siting anti keeping It house. tie hasalsoi and
milLtltioattinoy-keep on band . ^ ' .
' , . Cainsphline. 00,, .
• . a cheap and elegant snhstitute • for sperm oil, and
having hen'appoutted the agent ofalessrs. Backers
and fir,other of Newark N. J., for the sale of „Tone'a ,
Patent Lampaht this county, he is pre - pared to Tor
, nish Lumps and Oil, at a very seasonable rate to all
who may wish to use this fiew eeonornierd
Having_ selected his goods himself, and - made Ida
foe caslpti is ails, and - hrtletermined - to
sell low. • ,
Those haring the cash to lay out will find it to their
advantage to give him a call.
_ ' I EN
,- ^•rlislc,.li+ly. =3ft&l~
. _
warm-lilted to cure pileAcir-Rttennin
tlam in ill e4Res, or no Ivy taken fin. it.
A notorious eonnierlCitee haMared to 7nftke„rin at
' • tenVt•uptin-this.prticle, and several liave.b,ct-n-nearly
=„..i:4-tutaatl by= n'yii , k - ILT:NeveiLllfiky._it;lftiless Ili&
written signatnre of CONIS7I'OCK . Sc. Co. on lilt
irplendld Wrapper. 'That Clem have the only right to
makq.ilr!(l sell it forir.o years, and all from them is
warranted perfectly innocent and effectual in' Map.%
• ways --(let eet, the-ftilSe•-14 is:not-having
- fhu above signature. tr.,no sold only by • .
• • •
•• • • lVfml6,sale'Drtiggists,lin. 2:flatcher st.NuwAorlc,
.=_Ssqp . soN - II A T 5, Proprietor,
. . genttinell CciCsale Ste'Arensmik Dhakle'
. Vas _[Dec. it 8i9.---Iy.-
HE SUfjgCRIRER• respcafully tenders his
n r l
grateful ackim'ivledgMenMto-the-public , --for
very liberal share of patronage' lie has received dor,
' ing that past year, . and would still continuo to offer
them h is professional services in. their various brawn
' chez at h is residence, NO. 7, Harper's Row..llofiles,
cleanses', and plugs teeth, and inserts incorruptible
-tarver_.metalie artificial teeth in the most approVed
ananner." Charges always moderate.
J. C. NRVT, M. D.
Carlisle, Mal•ch 25,1840.--tf. . -
- r - r.A.s raw in( to Carlisle, and will, ns heretofore,
.t - itattenil:to -the- pralitice of- Dentistry.___L Ile luny
he found at Colonel Ferree's Hotel. Persons re
questing it, will he waited upon at their resideetee:
(0" Refer to DR; IrAviD
Carlisle, ..larelt 11, lit-(n:
- ''.l7oul's Improved Water Wheel.
Tlig Subscriber having purchased of the pri.1!;11111i
Patentee the rightof the above Witt,er Wheel
for 'the state of Pennsylvania; will dispose afintlivid
, ual rights cuz coniqies on advantageous terms.: -This
water wheel has been fully tested and proved io be so
far superior to any kilnd in its power of propelling
• machinery, having -a enter recce than any other
wheels ita, peopot tt on to theaptantity et water !typtic&
It is calculated to be more particularly useful •at
• - mat ; having from two to eight feet head and fall,
• and, to greatly 4 Obviate, the inconveniences experienc
ed front back water: It-is ,considered by those hay
• - 7 medts-tliatints ever been-introducittl.forlts_simpliei r
ty, strength, steadiness of motion.and durability. .It
.' constructed altogether of ken and not so expensive
to make as an nodershot, and operating with altinat
'half the, water mid not liable to be obstructed by ice
• .in the:whiter. - : - :The-snbseriber'will devote his Welt
tiOn to.calls - foribitsiwhbeliat -suelpf - places7iis
tie required._ ;
- -
• • .;•(Cot9r.] • '
This is to certify, that have put in one of llowd'S
_Patent Cast Iron Direct Action iVater AVheels,. in
place of a Reaction Wheel,, that the• Direct Wheel
does not food the tail race as much by three inches
" as the reaction did, and that I can grind seven buslt;-
. els with the direct nation wheel nn hour, anil drive
_two tatn_o(stonesindier,e I could not gritnlfour bush
els in the smite time \vithkhe reaction :Mil drive one
„run or stritie. ' • PETER FAHNESTOCK.
Eppheatici co. Oct. 18.98.
, .• ' Alloway, May x,1838.
This may certify, that I have ,becu engaged in put
tint B. - Ilowd's east, iron direct:action:water
wheel, both in the State of New York and• in,Michi
gaitiand ean it as ray delided; opinion that with
8 feet head or untler;idghtly put in,'it VFW daaniore
busincismitlithe same water:than any other \Met'
wheallwitichl hive yetlind any experience in, and iii
reference tO'hack, water, is second best to none that I
have ; yet .tried. In reference to guarding, againatice,.
there,'canhallo. better ciperatioh, and it.ts Very easy
to , be kept in repair... -' .
. , .
"" — . AllowaySept. 3;1838.
This•May,iiiirtify einighilVe had in my. Mill one of
Mr,,,liewd'adireet waterwheels for The space- cif 'one
'' *, • year.*:-'''hilcrktive,feil,:zalipel, anti I, have had n' re-,
actiOn in the Saran place-r 1 have also bail ..Wheeler's
'Unitin'iNrtie:el;3'etlthlak*Mr. Ilaird'i.WOl 40 ,more.
,-business with lessmater *nit any other have tried,
It doeS:Weltin back` water. ' I have: hail 3 to '6
work with ill r YgtiPSlA, kiiiIIYPO6ONpIITAISM Cur
''',' • feet head. I - think - ye' ebuld 4.0
. 4i*ch
ed hi.DMlarlich's Celebrated medicines. Mr.
- . half the *lto no , . 6 tufo iciflsl,ok flie-7,iipderzlioot _
Merrisen,''"of Schuidkill , Sixth: street; Philadelphia',
wheel, which hasidS6 beeitiu ,imerAtiou'Aiumy mq L.
• •, ,--* ,LAW4ENCE: RILEY. ' afflicted Mr several With the alio& distressing
. , , .disease--%:Sicknessat thestariiiskliendailio;Valpinv!.
.•• - :it ,:.,:', -..i. ,-, •, _ ' - !-' **' •. ' bon oldie heart; inipairedimpetite,acrid eructationS,
' ... * ''.., • Lyons, Sept.or 3 ,1 831 h - , 'coldness and weakness of the extremities emaciation
' - This 're. l 4 . 4o4ifY, that WP; have used one of S. and general debility; disturbed' rest, a pressure- and
- llowd's patent
water Wheelcsince December h‘slic9 the stomach after eating, severe - flying pains
the : sidOseof, st. re,Action. wheel, apil*.tve.. think that in the chest, back and silks, costiveness; a dislike for
Illowd'S will do double the business With the. same society or conversation; languor :and lassitude 'Moo
vrtiter.thatthcce-action willAlo,, or very near. - We lbe least,
Mr.- _Morrison liiittiipplled;:to
mime hayehut three feet head, and con grind with the, most eminent* phySicians, 'who considered It:be,
that eight bushel 'pep hour. - Ware:sultiectto hack- Vona the *.powcm: , oldratuan skill tii: restorir hi'Wto.
Wathe,-....iifitis :wheel Will do as good' business under, health; lioWeier,silils*ifllictiiiiis laid , reamed:lllM.
back-Wate'r al; therptactioni unit we,reconimend lt 'to!, !tq'4 opl o i t thio co l iditioh ; ,-haying ; heeiti induced 6,y a.
gle- attention and rati*.'!39 ofthe rl i c . • ' ..
.- '„• •frignr.l.44a,titi, tiynk ,,, Harlich'e,M6dioSiiicknet:th e yi:
' •-, • •.. ',, ..,,,_ ;: r
..,, SIMO .I.IURTT', ",- -,'',
- bel's:g-hiflhb''rkc:onUnemletl;-,::by-'svbie:h----he:proc;pred
- : -', _ _: . .., • • M111.,y41 . S. fLEACJI!..;:-* two packages for:a trial 1 beford•'llittigithelicebritl:
11 4 M1=4. : ' , 4BEIR,OfirliKeSSEll,;'Milliglit*,`:' hi*
agent for tlie sheik mchtioned*.waterivhetif liffihe continuing thettio,pf,ot,en , •t,j49 ; Olsen:ie. ontirelY ills. -
sounties of paimbilyeumberrhand and.Yoik,andivill :appeareillie* N . ! new:enjoyhig. , air.tha'..mclisillg 4 , ..V .
'at : All tiines. be readytti:Sttditil to ' their iaile nail : cre.: l ; perfectlietilth:' ..--,.' ' '. - --,' - ,4 '.;=. ', '.-1 .' ' : , . - -:4- , -* , '
lion, at - IW , shortast noticei:hr 'addressing, him, "at i AhlitcipaClll.tOs*,l6.ihititit "elglith..'ktileptilshilittle6:-
ShelilierOtolt,it ,Ctuitbile4ni tiounty,,rst.',.;.",:', . , '.:tpkin. • 'Alio; for : sale at the Dril'ifl tore' of .I.ohd!‘
. .,:joijukle4oo.• : • :.,-*::• ", '..':, ••-•, - ' ' • .:! ':',''':: ..' - 'l, l t -Mtere 4 - Co:COrlitile;:* - '.' *, -- ',-. [N:011 . 20;111,69. - ‘: ' ';''
~::~Cy -~
,N,'"ete..ll,lne.jof Freyait-Cars
• -
- ,
-44 ,
KBUIY. MAlM.trAtilaaaaa
ibscriberi;vateful for past fovors,-respectful
y atom:dots his friends MO the !bathe has'rt.'
t ato Operation' on the .1-ltwrishurg, 'Lancaster,
. .
. ; • - •.• . • • •,
...line of iieWl/01jilLE CARS; whibh Witham ret,m
holy between I larrishummid Illibidelphia, by which
-Goods and Priaince of all descriptions Wilthe forwar—
ded with 'care, and despatch, at the lowest yatea of
freight. . -
Goods will be recemeit at the Warenonse of THOS,
J. MAXWELL, N. E. corner- of Ilroad Mal Vine
streets PhiladelphitiOind forwarded to' llarrisMirg,
Carlisle, Claunbcrshurg,.. ando•interniediate phiceS,
by the subscriber.- OWEN 11VCAllE.. - .,
flarrislant, Feb . . 5, 1539. •
FISH, SALT AND MASTER; constantly on
lewd: Cash paid for almost all kind's of country prt'P
Craig, .Eielit s .44*" Co;
• flaVe removed to : the - Tap:it:ions Warehouse recently
occupied by D. - LeeCh life north-westcorner
Of Cherry and Broad•street, . .'.• •
Prom the facilities . whieh the loctition and internal
arrangement of this depot afford; 30' to 40 ibirtheti
Cars,ttan be. acelmmohtted-to.mdloati and load at the
same time wills sufficient room to store 4 2 0,000 barrels
of flour, and 400 to 600 tun of Grain exclusive octbe
forwarding d'epartment. - " • •
Produce of every description will be received as
usual mccoltaignments, and liberal advances made on
receipt (ifregnirCd) until's:this are elfeetell.
.• North-west corner . of Cherry Sc Broad
• ,- • • Philadelphia
RtFER.l7.Nett. 4 . .
W. S. Colman Cailder.
--3-Ilentlersowz-k2Parker, atr i um .
Henry Itlionfl9,' , ' -
Jecol).Swoy et', Xeurvi Ile. : .-, .. • ' I
Ditvitl'Nevio, Sbippeitsburg. • . . • • . '•i
J: Kogan Smqh,y.s . q. Catiter? S
chambe i, B6 ,,.. ;
'Fly4er,. llotz & - Co, - : • . - ''.,,,, ;
._ ;1_ . _ . ; .. _
atheywoott . &Crai -- - - 7 1 ----q ui — --
"Wm. R. Thorripson
Whit:ill 2 , 4 Rrowtt,
Prodnee: Wanted -Immediately.-
CASI will:lie-paid for, TINT; Tllo,trS, AM)
rels of-Flour•-!MINT_TfIOUSAND hoslie,ht_orY 1 tenli
'ThINT..TIVAISAND — biisheIs :01—Itve,1 - and -ThIN
ifIIOI.ISA.NI) 'of Corn, by die subscriber,
who eau at :ill times be found id. hig NVie'e-house on
She canal bidwerit 'Willem and StafE.streets.
t:r.isbti).7„ April I , 3,,19.•,-t
-Tike Agaihtein*
i'i m'erl trimtbe-bea cl kr p t
fiesal dandruir b y 'the getatioe: oLminaf.-s
BiTAL op •• •, •
:!--.l(mnembet• the 'tleserihrsl below.
- thA : ekal - 111 - ay ors, Alifiio,err,
oft he, Civspel,lliiiisla Coosul, Playsicians,ml a great
mitaber of gor most honorabie_eitizens. - to 'be seen
-where-i4 •
:MR Up
-This article lots Lech Imitated by a notorious conn
te'rfeiter: Let it never be pOrehased c - ii 7 used unlesS
it have tliU:name.-of L, S. COMSTOCK, or the-sig
nature of COMSTOCK & CO. on- a splendid wrap' ,
per. -This is the only external test- that will sciutre
,the public front deception.
Apply. at, the_- wholesale and retail Office s No. 2
Fletcher street, near Maiden Lane and Pearl it.
Address, COMSTOK & CO.,
Wholesale Druggists.
..0)Tho genuine is for sale by• Stevenson F.: Din
kle'Carlisle, Pa. -Mee. 11 18.32. ty.
riiirrrEit! rum !—irrrri ! !-- 1)r.
--w -celebr A ted -1 1 1';111.1jt A NI) _ITCIII
61,NTml.INT is daily heionlim; more iiiipular. Dai
ly do numerous individuals stop and inform the pro.
victor of ils'great success in removing and miring the
fetter and heti.
Niinteroluitimiiinoniods might be:published of its..efil
cacy, bid for the delicacy felt by iudividnals having
their names published in connection with so loathsome
Toni disagreeable tlections.
It may be used with perfeerselety by -young and
obl,cven uprin iufuds , containing to mercury or oth
er Imineral substances. l)e. 'Prepares it
himself, and knowinx-itsromfifisition, most confident
ly-recommends it assuperier to any other remedy for
the Teller and Itch. Prepared,:ind sold at• Lei"'
dv's Health nmporiura, `Sign of the Golden I•;:igle
uul Serpents,) N. 191 North Second MOO, below
Altio ' solt! by•" •
STEVENSON 'Sr. Dniggist3, Carhsle.
Price 25,Cents a PDX. ' •
July 29,18.10 ---3 m • . •
CONSUMPTION.—'this diseastris very
muchliken - comittoircntarrh,it-genorally-commen • •.
like an-ordinary a:World' laOlutle,-
I slight Cough and oppression Mid tiglitifesa Idiom the
breast. In ninny instances the disease seems at first °filo
very seriOits character, As the distatie continneSthe
oppressior in the breast inereases,the conntehance
becomes. eXpitssive .auxiety, the respiration-be
or railing sound, hs if the air was , forced through a
narrow aperture clogged iloith—PPOme
glect this disease it may be of serious' consequence,
but by n tiniely application to Dr. &myth. , or Cam=
pound Syrup of Odd Cliemj,with strict:Mentio¢
to the directions, all these unpleasant effects will be
removed. Be carefithtis it is sold at no place ex
cept at No. 19 Noirru miff"' Street, or adthe
ressective agents. •
Tor sale at the. brugStore •of Sohn - J. Myer &
Co. Carlisle, Pa. • [Nov. 20,1939..
INtip. COMPLAINT, ten years standing, cured
.14 by the use of Dr.Harlich's Compound Strength
,wife of, William Boyer, north 4th street-above Cah
lowhilli:Philadelphia, entirely cnieirof the above
distressing diSeaSe. 'Her symptoms were, habitual
costiveness of the benie!li,tothl loss of appetiteiescru
.ciating pOin in the side; staunch' and'bnck, depression
of spirits, extreme'debility,Cohld not lie on her left
side without anliggraVation of pain,with other symp
toms indicating great derangement in the functions of
the liver. 'Mrs. Boyer was attended. by'several of
the first physiciansAut received but' ittle relief (rem
theirraellielno,:at lasty a *lend' of hers liroeureda.
pnckage •trengtheithis and German:
Aperient PiThi, whicli,liy the use of one package,
ducektier. to cotitinue with the ,medicine, which re,
sufted'irt effecting is perrthieent cure;beyond the'ex:L ,
pi:dation of her friends. -
Principal Office for this medicine is at No. 19 north
Bth street, Plain. •
(CrThe. above valuable medicine may. be had
the Drug Store of John J, .111yera & Co. Cif rlisle Pa
Nov. 20,1889. • •
0212 C - ;-'
;for the gi•iftvtli,ll:satiOn: and irestantlicin or;, tile,
Lain • ' 1 1.7,0's i so: PN 4aitilit'strtiiilo; rynctliae,
meroaidliattafeet3; : pi*liieed a faleArowili, af,.hair
th ic6d.z., of p0..13 9 0iN , i10,11144011 Laid fo yd4s.
.G . E.U•riatuEN,-- - -Doyon wish elegant,
luxuriant and itenutiltd hair ?knoU , ,youw ill answer
yes. Heal', ror one tnornent,,the cause of its loss, why
it turns gray, rusty and' cOitrse, harsh and Unpleasalt
hilts alipearanee; and finally falls off. Each hairhas
'a toot in the skin, and is itself a hollow tubC, through
which' thieve i s inconstant circulation of• fine
'By this, circulati6ti the hair,- is nourished and held
fast, its glossycoloutl ie giytat and -preserved,niapit is
covcraw R 1. - , h the fineitin 714 . 011 i, tiny thin' Whirdi in-.
jams the. skfiti of the . heard , Or , 'divert& or takeit away
tliehlood from itiwillprevent or impede the creula,
tion throughthe tubes of Ali o hair, stop ita., growtli i
'and cause tt ofror turn gray, or both. Hence
It ja stliat'a ay' ChUniellmit obstructs nr . .weakens
.cnlation - of blood throUgh the skin, thatdivtitts the
blood to other parts:of the systlln, vildtako :tiny thb
lively, fresh and youthful appearance of, the ar
rest its growth; grhy sobtiOr or-Liter; nd ili
thuhsanda of instances causepreinature baldn43s.
For side iiy , . . t •
• • . s: ELLIOTT, and
•', Carlide, Pa.
. •
.1.1113.13,1.840.---1 y • 1' . • •
- i
Hai' Tonic , ---We will the attention of isese ;11-
, ...
fliiiti:d . witli tireinalurp litildnesS: to tliejiiieellilut flair
Tonie'prepared by lir. :laylie ' 'of, this .'eity. .. ( living
used . it ourselves, we earn speaknf its virtueab (N11(2-
violet-, niiil we unhesitatingly pronounre it n o 7 main-
Ode reinedy tb - Prei;ent the- falling Off,of the lidr,and
to .restore it from a. dead,. to a• fine, itesiths ppe:ir-
Alice; We can also speak front jiersonal hi) wledge
of the eilses'oftwp or three friends who,wert predis
posed to baldness, who by'llie use - of Jay . nf's Hair
Tonie,liave now hisuriiiiit hair. We have roalisp%-
sition td puff, indiseriininStelv nti Winds of i
Iv niedieS
for .all diseasti's wilfeli flesh is lieur to, init lien w
have tested the virtue olan article We areare°to s•IV
it is good.—Satterday.Evening Post., •'
.. _ .
heredimirselves among thOSe who helievesilliat the
—1 Inir Toitie, prernised.hy_Dr.,hivno, Win; Me of the
many gnarl• nostrums whose; isirtues ,nve salv-er-irii
,...beyonti thelitisome riffs of their Istithors. ;We are
willing, sit length, to makeymblieneknowll'lfrlllkfit . of
the - error of our lustier. An intimate tlic'utl,sonse two
'-or tlMesrinontlis since, nil dm_ top of wiloKeyaililkot
was as bai 11 as II 'dere of polished marble, Oulu(' ill
our ; jesting and .ridicule of the - isleii — iii . .isreiliptin,v,- -
si - cc_BALvcoe'so barr,o aunt Inm:based - a lottle or
two 01 . '01(0 1 . 141' . I:6IaTI'OIII" . DI'77 . IIMt.I.VI :F - 6)11,141
'to his directions npplipst it. Ihmitsr, tile prima wyek
the same friend ushered himself iisto Mir pt;e once, and
uncovering hishithevto inskjd head, astonish d us with.
a thisi,though luxuriant growth's& hair, fro i one to
4AV,4):1 ft(4l-71i - aellgth.,:tri4.l.lllo4l2 ) l . l•llllS s we In d_ ,
hidieved wi unyielding ,to eoltivutioo :is the tratE.
said thutskirts the This It no intf, but is
-,r_ekigfolisly tvue,and to tisc . ilietwho tionbt,the.)tutlounts
-east Inkruntdd Out_ _What Ilt more in favor tirthis._,
"Tonie,"- the ease here cited wins not onc,o;fl,empota- 1
vyinsidness---no suchlen logs or thehair—,-but in :IS Olie
a staiiding-. T ilion!3ll:4ls'ellie_gemtleimilLialutt., l
forty-five years of n v .---Phitaddpuli,spidrof to
• ,
1yn,1: : :,..,,._ i r ... . .
W. 11.1!" WAlt! AVAIZ. Wig nutkers ba vc
dell . J1•01 110 , 411111 PS agniiist nit• neighbor Dr. Juytte,
dh neemmt NO14:11 IS k1101:1 . 111g...alL
111 . 6 . 11 . , 1111411W5S rIII . O ‘-sJOl•kril ha t."
) 011nt; :u c_llttrkiulrtn_lLcJtoct..m'
Standard. I ll'adti itliilZ:ll4 . l . ....Sit'd of even
mebui'or hair, allet•-usbg mule snot utmear
iten , utalltming.•:_lucks,Whidt ••Alis:thal‘ LiutstlC
might hove enviutt. itettolless Imp.; art: semi with
large Mid luistly . .whiskers; and lallks
throe h their o w l raven ringlet•iumc,benutifitl :old
pigs mad t:hi mcilig.:llicili to Ilk isi - nleszinil'ls:i=bats
%, bile the Wig nutkers stuii - t1 ugliast - ns • thev behold'
- tir.." - M• , :ifiblition.or their business. •
I— "Winil I.);. , :the constai lIICIRfe - n fit r we - kllO \ V
not,ln3 tlifTwi,sgies are ontragentis; and llta Doctor. re
mains Artn ' and declares that "soma things can he
done as well others;"and that Itittala r y
'well wear-their own hair as that of otherß.--Dlreek
ly epenger. . •
_ •
Jil9no's .fair Tonic.—Wo meet at alMost every
corner, when perambulating the aheets,nirn wptrieug
long.tool glossy hair, whi,el" they seem tO he proud
Mond otheri_who havtiraised, in a few weeks, ti crop
black tontistaches, that mould vie with the glossiest
bruin that ever walked the forest. It has puzzled us
to know the secret of all thosi, trimarans- crops of
hair; but Messrs. SANDS, 79 antl7l6o'Fultoo street,
have got th . e•remetly, where all Whci are curious itt
"sitill - tuatters may:learn---tt- valuable-secert.--.Thu.
York Mig.
' Soldiu Philadelphia at t2O South Third Street • •
SPITTING 01" S/1 - 3 KA'E'S
Cdnipound,Syrrip of 11MM'Iierry Bark is found to
be the best article 1131. healing the ulcerated lungs,
stopping night sweats, and relieving the cough, that
ever has been imuse. ,Thoes who are afflicted, would
do well to procure this Medicine before i,t is too late.
Certificates pf many cures can be seen by :Tidying at
No. iti, :Mirth Strret., Philadelplimovhere
this medicine can always be .obtained. • Price $l. per
Bottle, or six bottles for i.
Ver sale at the Drug Stare of JOHN, .1.
& CO. C . :Artiste ; We, by A. Keefer, Harrisburg;
Denurt , bt 118mbgartluer, York ; Mm. Alathiott,
, . ,
Coltirabia l Pa . . ; Jau. 8,1840.
aNs vMPTIoN' CONSUMPTION! dunt fell
J -destroyer, which destroys its non.sands and
Tn& of ranikands annually. ;Hew shall we .avert:
•tafahil_progres_Owhiee it siezes upon the vitals? I
would' answer at once: Take sonic so :fable
to arrest the - disease at tlrtri — i - erffKinnutfeimvent7,-- -- - -1
flow very many, :lb we-see in tlfe' - world Whose deli
cate frames link scare:AY - Mile to support even a short
reign of existence—:-Mit for the timely . care and -tiro:-
per means they make MSc of, on o ., will far outlive
- themost: athletic and ' , oh - 4st, wlio - neglect 'suelainiely
care 'aMI proper Means that - are - placed . within their
reach, which would unquestionably' avert if taken M.
Proper time._
: fit the head bf all remedies, mid the
first in rank, stands 1)r. Swaynes Compound Syrup
of Wild Cherry, which, it administered - in -time, and
taken agreeably to the preSerihetlrules which accom
pany the medicine, will nine times out of ten Chet:li
lts mogress,and restorelhe patient to health.
Principal Office, No. 1!) North Eighth street, Pldl
adelphia, where this invaluable medwine can aiwayd
be rhtiiined. Price $1 per bottle. • a
For side-at-the -Drug ,store'_of John J. Myers'
Ge, Carlisle, Pa. , 1539. ti
• • 0
01? -111S111.,
To remove these troublesome and dangerous
inhabitants of the stomach and bowels, which so often
impair.the health and destroys the lives of cbildreo,
use Jayne's TonieVerinifitgeot certain and safe .pre+
nitration for the removal of th, various k inda of worms,
dyspepsia, sour stomach, want of appetite, Militia°•
fever and ague, tuahlibility of the stomach awl boir- •
ele; and talmns of sligeation. To be had itt No. 20
South Third street Philadelphia. '
Also to he had of Samuel Elliott and Stevenson & 1 - 11akte earliste, Pa. •• • ' • [may 13 'lll4or
Mrs. A. qf Lancaster . co. Pa. entirel
cured -by the use of Dr.Bwnyneht-Byritp-01-IVil
Clierry--heraymptoms were donitiint Solighing;
in her and
. head, depraVed appetite, spi
ting of blocd; no:rest at night, gzc.-After using tN
vrup"of Peer
Wild.Clierry,site found herself relievi
and by thelime:she used ,the third "bottle, She foil
herself entirely anred "Ortlie.nilireanid disensd, wh
she litidlke t cy,aillieted with for. , three years.
are tinily.. drtifietites of carious. personti, wfiieli
sufficient testimony of the great elffeac,Y.ofthiil
Able medicine... For sale nt - the tMedical
uOrtly . .fitli street, Phil:Welt:ll4W; and: also, at the
Skive of. . .I'„Ayertirlt:cd.icarlisle, Pa..
, ' '
WET. COMPLAINT cured by the nee
.Coinpoilind Strengthening au
man Atierierit rills.. , Mr. Wm. Richard,. 1. 1 ,
Pa, elitirOy cured of. the above distressing.
Jos pympttnovers'; tlain and - weight in Ali:'
100 of appetile,VotAititig, acrid eructations,/
. 1 495( the" Rforaoh, ,:sicklie4a,e44,Jurrei
- cotititeUrniee chatiged , .to4. eitetitr
dieturlicti-rest - „' attended with e.g.
.aYteptu.riiti - ihdleatitig
rangetnetif of the llitictious oldie liver.
.had the tulvic6rof;aeveral Ithyaici nits but
relief; until tutitig Ur; l~~irlie6'slitedicijia
:minuted in cal:thug A, lieireet carp: -
10 north 'Btis;Strect;
Also for sale at the, Drug Store ef.Jolutj
' - `;'• WO'
. -
Tarc:s" Ham Tonic.- -Ife linve, heivtoficc num-
ZA,141-1117 . aflE
Peeptir eft only'lry:Di....). - . - Jarinel-Inentor,
and,;:s.ole pioprietorl . No. South i'7 1 111;:il
...11reef; Philadelphia, And may. of
S. ELLIOTT, and also of-...STA:VEN
SON (s.' gists, Cdr.:
• - ;
These tWediein'esl&e-reioinniendettalid . extensive , '
ly,used by the most intellisent:persons,hrthe United
States; nimiernuS Professors and Presidents Of
Colleges,,Physicians of the Artaiy and-liaryond•of
Hospitals and Almshouses, and by more than three
htindred Cietyrnen of various denominations...
They are expressly prepared for family-. tiseiend
14ve inapiired an Unprecedented popularity through
out the States; ape: as they, are so admirably •!
tola.;;'serre fit:AVM Mid CWT. -111SE . ASEVIO
fatnit; , 'slionld'ever he withdlit tliein:'• The 'proprie , -
Otrethese,yaluable'prepatations yeceiyo(ll his can
e:mini at one of i behest Medical College's in the CM
ted States; anti, hatiuld fifteen warsexperi ence extensive ‘ and lwactice,q . ..viii,e),
ample OpperttinitieS acquiring , a practical knowt.'
edge of diseases; and of . tne remedies best , calculated
to rein* thew. , •
.These Pleparetions consist of, -
. . ,
JAYNE'S EXPIICTOB.A . NT„n valunitle,reme)
for clough,, colds, consuMpthin, asthma, spittiO• . 1
blood,crottp; hoolArtfi,- cough, bronchitis,pleuris F, al
iiillammatimi of . .the lungs be throat, difficulty of et-i
-dling,' and all disenses of pulmonary organs. '; ,rice•
o ,
one dollar.. ..: -. , _ • _ . ._ . .
Also JAYNE'S lIAIR TONIC; for the Ocryji
groth and bounty of the ,hair, anal tell Will
pOsitively.bring in' new hair on bald liel#, --- Prici.i.
one dollar. - . • . ' 4 '
Also JAYNE'S • TONIC YEILN I 1,1 , j 43, F 1 ; -. 7 1 - co'
htin arid Pleasant remedy for worms, ilOclit;ia, Pilo,
and 'malty other •diseaSes.--Price 50. l'Is• . ' ••
Also JAYNE'S cmcNitNrriv lIALSANI; a
certain cure for bo - Wel anal summer mplainta„drar•
OM; dysentitry• Chitil'c; cramps; sir . ilcadlicht:t• sour
strimach - , -- cliolera,niorbus v at,pl all fr feangemeids of thin
start:telt and boWels, nervotts strclimis - ,&c ,2 ;Prie - c'
50. cents; . • . . • ,'' , .' : • .
• -Alit() JAYNE'S SANATII PULLS, ror Female
liver complaints, cost 4''' s l I nv i"f 11 ; . i Tann"'
- OCilitiolls;klhntinlari iihstrtietio"VN ls 4--ctlithy-Ai"-,•
&c. and in all raises wherii'aa ltitit ivc or purgative
mei] Mine i s regni retk,- - Price '25 ,t( tSEk box. -
• AlitY 11,144.1)----13- -_
j• • . .
. . . . .
AY Nt'S EX PEC TO Ili N T.----711 is
viol - m - edicitte - bas iilrtaidy-iirovediself.toilliall„that
it has been recommended, by Alio who have given
' itli- fai 1 test-ifethis - countryjrlll4l./ c hiniOld rO-1 Z 3 . ' ,l ' ll'',
CreUSCS,(I:III{ . . ' We have just !Kai of an important
tame of Astinnh,..which has bectifteted by the use of
it - in a'neighboringtma te•—ilie c, was that of -it -fe.
male:*ho land far il longtime bt under dto•care of
.a- iftv.siciatt„lol hadireceived no jet - , and her. case
was. mottling to be ciff.,i'di.4,Tfl - pcilvss. - - , - , •
resort she pmail at sett a bottle.of )-. - Jayne's Experto,
rant, \Oil oh caused her to impeevti , tl , edy,p,s•ailoill
ly vsseir ber rotigb, mid is rat y restoring her to
health. ,--- WilifilWelioliesitation saiying-tlits prepn,...
ration °file:Jayne, lot the - cur . coughs, colds, hie
.flueugt,'Astliuut, Conkutuktion d• la the most vidua
ble raetlicine.ever ofr t ,me - tr tictit - 111 , srican public,:-.
There ,is no -, qnackery, abmit i Dr. Jayne is one o
the most-skilful? ei4.9s it.! reimsylva-'
tila Cant( wherever his prepai sirs hartThairtlior: - Z --
• °uglily CC'sted, he is looked up s a great public ben
elhetor.- (Somerset (31e.) J tad.. .--
- For aide liy- Samuel- Elliott I Stevenson & Dine.
kle, Ciirlisle;Pi - - ----: -' --- ----s• imay-Ifi-1-84(1-,-;
The findiati:Ve idege frlag..
Are :1 pucgative medicine natural 'to the human
consiiintion,-Und witliaLco:n i-iind:plit-1 . 6, 1. .i1ieie
Mier:al:in, that- MA the sligh dread of pain or Sick
'less, need he apprehended u ml their -uae..i - iren by
, tic; most .delicate: at the s: time, if used in such a
ann Amer- -to-- ope:rate .- fre . 1 1_ Alke ..IAVAL liinAe
-Morbid--Immors;-( whiell 'irited "Inni-the various '
parts of Ric hody are the Jet every ache or pain"
Avesta:4unit_ moat:as:l lie rClnevedi and net.
only will pain, or distress rerfdeseription ne - dri.
veil front the body but di in any form - . TM he ini"
I - possible. •• - . - *' - - • • -
For the same reason, ii; from the sudden chang-
cause, the perspiration.
es ofntmosphere, or an
is checked, and those lit 'i Web, should passed by.
tlie . fikiii arc thrown incVfeausing headache, nau
scan, tina sickness pair tnellrmesi fliterr-"tilill In-
g aml , d eyes , s m.„ & mei arseness,coughs,consuMP-I
rums proof the - body,and
ti on, On:lunatic pain's'
mom • m i,,,,. y mid.= 4:Ling cold, the Indian'veg
etable Pills will inv: 1 y gi v e imiliedille relief.—
Three or four pills, latnight on going to bed,and
repeated a few tints
I remove all the above un
plea sa iit. sylliptoms,
es uv e th e body to even sour...,
der lieultlithan befo
- Tliellidiati - Veg ;Midi( hidiatr Purge live) arc-I
a natiwal, and (her a certuin cure for Costiveness: I
because they clean • stomach and bowels of those I
not onlV . paralyze and weaken I
bilious hitmours, \
the digestive orga t arc the Cause of headache-,
'palpitation of the heart, dying
nauseau and itiCki
pains i t , m o o " of the body, and many other
diFagreeahle •cm tits. .. Tlic same. ma y be said of
difliculty orbrea ,nr asthma . ; the Indian V.i.geta
ble pin s ‘ ,,in j„ nd carry oft' by the stomach and
bowels,: : 1 o i r 8 thoseer t t ig i t l" ti l fl Le li t t re , ° ea rs tis ' e vi o li f ul t i li s e t z o ih P o i r l e P
dreadful comp - ' • , .
In c li sor d, notions orate blood, called inter
iervous, Inliatninatory and putrid
mittent, remitt
FEVERS, th inn Vegetable Pills will be foam(
a eerm i„ rein because they cleanse the stomach
mi d b owe l s o , thous matter,andpurify the blood;
cy remove the cause of every kind
of di ger.130,1
consegnentl i f
-0 absolutely certain to cure every
kind i ot Few-. - • ,
s it . rdm . • orbid-liumors are di...1 - Jostled ,upon
d ie m e _i„l„.. MI .muscles, causing thosepains, in
swellings called Itheuinattism, Gout, 1
„& 04 , 7 d ie 4 Vemetable Pills may be relied on as
,I„.„ 3 . s.eui o
g i hcLre,lief,.nnilif , persevered iVRIC,7'
most" Ally, and*Wit viiiii- r tul, make a perfect will most
come ,of' fore painful maladies. From three to-I
A N, o f ~,:i i an V e ,, etithle Pills, takilli every night
c m, -o,ny, I, will, in a short titne, Coinpletply rid
' d ie bed ill, morbid-and- corrupt humorsv and
R b eim , Gout and-paiiiolovery-tleseription, will
disapp 0 4' single. '.i • . '.,' ' • r .• -
. . , . . • ..
It Sh erelitembercildiartlid'lndialiVeg,etable
Pills , tuiti,to remove-plihrin the shle,•oppres
,lo„, i a end, sickness, loss 'of appidite, - costive ,-
„,,,,, w, tinge ,of the skin, and , eyes, and every.,
other dom _of
,Livee - Complaint ; because_ thg
:put; the body these corrupt and stagnant Im
mo': 1, when deposited upon - the Liver, ale the.
, ii , c above dangerous complaint. They arc
l„ sin preventive of apnlemy and sudden death;,
e ley carry MY tlite;hittnours N ' V hi eh; obstruc
t, lreillitlON " fil!dille: ' &11160 ' Of II ,ru sli, or deter=
ti of blood to the head--giddiness especially
, ig suddenly 'reund-•-:.hltildness--drpwsines,
f_menunly,=MAlammatinn_of the brain—in
i , lid every other disorder of the mind.
„. .
e who from habit prOcciipati op, oreltep,t , Much
doims, AVOW remeMber that ,they frequently
amittmtivhere - which la wholl,k 'unfit for the
•esipansionpal the lungs, and at, the same time,
to want of 6:tei•ci se, the bowels are not sufficient.
nnittetV; 7 .• l the Wend beiomes!impure, and head-•
• indigestion, palpitation of the heart,- and - many
disagreeable symptiuris; tire sure to fondly. •
g ueleutiser Of the stomach andliowels,and tiAli-,
purifier of the bloOd, lire,k to re
e paimordistressof every,kind from the:the body',
if - mild - oceasionalfrogrAs; to keep the - body - free:
mttiolritunor'ilwhiclittre the cauSeofevery.Mide-,
'under fellvent_theyi *ill -most:assorgdly protnote:
/eh ti ? jag a»d e - Ittal• cireulatidn of thg hlood,that
yssti,vitna; lead` a sedentaryi,lifeTwill be enahla to
oy sound, hind th, a tol .tl i sea se , of A liy) kind wi/ / 'be.
olUtelyiinpossiblet•:! ',...- ' ,•••• •..L.:1,:l•:• ',, • • , • •
-For-sale by- -•"-- •
put.' t
ciiintt...ontait Agent, .
Carlfa e, . ' l / 4 •
Q:jlOftieervitnll4oernlpepol,,lfo. I.69linee streei
' ' ' [May 20, I.BW—;;lty
, .. - mpoivr: :AN.T,I!4i'iiNIA.LES.--4." I:Yr':&i , :ibir- -
ii_ t Bell's Couipoung Strengthening Tctnio, Wild Geri;
, man Aperiprif•Pillti , _These pillarremove• all tlibie
di 6 VeSslng„.(liscases )vhiCh', Females -.o;e•linble4, to Ihe
afflicted with;'' They 'reuitive iliose•n!qibitl seex•etiods
, wnickwheuxettlinct4,soon induce trintriiborld'llisest=
:; see and atlentitues render Pepales unhappy and, trds•j„
-,•.' erithle al l' tlieir lives. • ''l'llose-pilli lifted 110:Willi ihj,t to.
••., directions, immediately create ir-tiew 'lna healthk Ite
m,: Lic) •throughnut Alio •• AV klCilql 'system; . ,hy : :purifying ,
••el,!-the • bloodi and . ; gitintstrength:, to the, stornaelt hod,
eat,-..howels; at: ke sanietlindrelievink the . pa in Inthe:eitle,
ile... ivick i and:loins, givipt appetite otid., itivigoratin'g. the
aril.•siiriterti•agaln to its proper.:finietioos • Tut : resP:oflog
. tram Pill repose. • •. . 2
•••••• ..
ter... . c Aacro - nbr.:lfirlielee Connponnd Stilagthen
-11 ~.••• ••••: •iiig onieinnd•Gernian Aperient Pills.' .•' - '..:•c•T-• 1
,Iphla:' ' , PritteipalDllice', 19 north . Eighth. street, Philadel •:
Ira fic •hia. 'Alio - tor safe attlfe Drug
,Stpre CofJ.J.• Alyers
••••• -•••-
13?'-'; ',' & Co. Carlisle:: .-
- • • ' •• • •• .[N0V. , 20; , 1859. 4
fi.4' E &V.-47E 91 1 LE---Pl-,1 4 -1;6%, ,,
ivlore than tix mill ions of hoxes,of these celebrate- .
Pills the'thdied States slate Inifit;.
Ilurldredsund thouniirlaMl,l. the Slav they became
- acnUtkited iregetttblO Tills, '
tonstqUettce , of their, extraordinary. goodness, have
.att l aneti n i)opidarity'unprecedento in the'hittorY of
When taken according to the.direetions ,aceompa-.
nyingtheui;the'arehighly beneilciitt in, the prevem:
tion and 'Owe Of Bilious Fci'er, FevektulA.gue,DYs
pc•Psia, Xave,rt'dnipla hts, Sick
. I fead-kelte,lainalice,
A sthrangkapsy; Itheitmatiem, .Enlargement of the
Spleen IPiles, Colic, Female Ohstructiont, Beart
buin,ybri'ed.rOtigtie;l%trthgeti,ihstehsion'of theSte-'
mashnil .Bmiiels„lncipient , Diarrhma,Alttulenee,.
dOstivemits r Losa of Appetite, Blotched or
Sallitr.CorOplexion, and in all cases of Toepar of
tribweltoyher.-. n cathartic or e4l aperient is neeiT
e . • I'hey are Jeimeadi ngly i operation,
yrodticifig neithermmvsokgriping,mortlebility. ;
The efßel . M.Y'of •these.pills is so well known, and.
'their use to general, that Thither comment is consid
ered Unnedessary., • T. -
For further particulars, sed Br . . Peters' pamphlet,
ivhfch can he had, grathr, of any Of the Agents. . •.
The pills are neatly-put up in thi boxes, contaiping
20 45 pills,.price 2.5 and 50 cents per box. ,
: , • •• Or:/eaus; Aplriis4 , 15.37.
Bear Sit'---As tlll old classmate of yours in Yale,.
dollege,l take -the • liberty of opening w correspon-
• I lelirn that you are MIMI* a fortune by-the isale
Vfyoury,ills, which I trust is the case; as T am-fully
fiNVII.PC tharlbrough them you arc -conferring. atrcat
blessing on .tlvci public.• '
I . m”elf am among.those who have been, peculjar
li bebefitiA by their , use. Since my 'arrival -here, I
had hem severe bilious attacks. iVhich_lutd
nearly brought um to the g7aye; hut, (and - I acknow
kratilmic,) a few boxes 'of ..your pills
have ',compfetely - restoreil me. add, that
their effect upon Sick Hen ilinehe . and Sour Stomach
isalmost miraculous. .
With sentiment(' of esteem, • - •
01. -1577 E R
Extract of a eller from Francis :Bogart, of -
Proridenrc; R. L, Dec. 7, 18381 •
'Peters' Fillsare art excellent aperient:and cathar
tic medicine, - (those effects liciog produced by the
difference of the quantity taken,)-and- are decidedly
stipth.ior to Lee's; Itraiiiiretbstr, - or illori isbn's Pills.
' " Dr, lELtbmnfrhilatle/ .. p/iict,
'pill, to tie Mildest in ilia' operations, and
yet most powerful iit their effects, of any that I have
ever met with in a
,practice of eight and twenty years.
Their action oti the chyle, and hence on theimptui
- u,s_n_f the blood, is eVlglly 111i!thl . g.-
. a otter from .Dr. AS'cott, of Rattintorc,"
,7JJeWinber, 18:m. •
• 1 ntir'in the'ditily habit of prescribing them (Peters!
-Pills,) mut they.-Itt neorly-all-enses tins weredmy put.-
.1 have-discarded other Medicines,. ionic - Of
them i•ery good ones,&bell' , favor. -.
„Pasquetank C., A - ay. - IR, 1833.
Sir-L-11e not - surprised ot4i.,ceix.t ng this letter from
an-emirstranger..__Yourtutlicine -the.-eltllW antl,
apolop, , yl offerifor obtruding myself upon yimr
nem . , I laving experienced a serious attack Of Rii ions
Fever this fall, - 1 was induced, in consequence
;,folley yo ffis
"been.the result; that nw
hat I am ilesirtms to Koren e a.large
it,ilantity of them to u sit in my practice. Pleassi write
me word -what is youn lowest poke to the faculty for
(WO hitudred - boxes, Your earliest attention to this
_- •
. ,
• .11. IL ILL,IISEY, M. 1). ".
Wo. 73rofune4rtreet,-X, -1 7 ,afay-'27, 1338.
berebreertifvythat-my- liver was in-a iety.ttisen-:
sellyttate, ainthail long baffled' the skill- of a highly,
popu - lav_physiciatri.hutthaf_itha_beentlex e d_p e •-
feetly health 7 by the_uso ill Peters' Vegetable Pill%
They Were hest reeonntietaktiliiini:-I t y Dr..isrelson.
- 77/O.3MS 'SOX -
1. have much pleasure in witnessing to the truth of
the above, 1111' know from experience that Dr: Pe.
ters' Pi ils are an invaluable 'Medicine.
. ES N.E.',/,80.1V,;14: D.
. '
. ..
' • . dIC73,X"TS,
. .
11.17 OWN & JCRS EY, eliallibersburk.
' ° &MIL. 1111,8'0.1•• • £.s Co., Shipite . tibburg..
L 117 LL 14.31 - 112111 R , N envy:llle. •
,• . 5'../101 - 1.,. ,E1..1.1D1'7', •
.. - JO/LV .f. .711 TIER S 4'3 Co. • , •
• •Aiitl by all the Dt;uggiats of Vhilittl dlphia and Bal.
I more:'
. . .. . . .
_Nov. GO 8:10,.L. , -.1 year. - • , . ' .
lanportmat lAiscovery.
'rho ptiblie are hereby directed to the medical ad
vertisements t .; ,f; Dr.tilarliell's Celebrated Compound
Strengthening German Aperient fills,
which are zrniedieitte of grrat value, to the ailli e t e d,
disco:vet-tally 0. I'. flarlielt, a celebrated physician
nt Altdore, Germany, which has been used With nu-
I paralleled success throughout Germany. This medi
eine consists of two kinds, viz : •the German 'Awl
'ent, and the Compound Strengthening Tonic Pills.
They are each put up in sinall.packs, and should both
he used to effect a permanent cure.. Those who are
afflicted would do well' to make, a trial of OAS invalu
able medicine, as Alley never produce sieltneSs or
nausea while using. -A safe and effeetnid remedy for
and all stomach complaints; pain in side, liver eom
plaints, loss of appetite; flidulency,palpitation of the
heart, ginieral debility , nervous tability, sick head
ache, Female diseases, spasmodic affections, rhoima
astlimas, ecinsuMption, tic. TIM German Ape
rient Pills are to Cleanse the stomach and purify .the
hived. The Tonic or Strengthening. Pdls'are to
_strengthen amllnyigoraTe - flie nerves affirifig ytnc or
gnus and give tone,to tdiseases mi.
gun to from inipuritimof the blood and disordered
stoma - eh: This mode :14i treaqng disensrs is palmed
by sill practical Physicians, which experience has
'taught be the only remedy to effect:a cure.'
-They are 'not Only recommentled_lid. prescribethliy
the most expo:igen - mil prac
tice; lint also -tiiken gentlemiin themselves
whenever they. eel dm symptdinicottlfose diseases; in
which they_knowthem to he efficacious, -This is the
_apse in all large cities in which they .have au exten
sive. sale. It is not to be understood that these mull--
tines will ;cure all diseases merely by , yurifying_the
blood---this they will pot do; but they certainly will,
and sufficient authority of daily proofs asserting that
those medicines, taken as recommended by . tho direc
tions which accompany them, will cure a 'great majaL ,
, city o f diseases - tot - the - stomachOungs; and - liver-,,by
WWI . impurities of the blood are occasioned. •
.iell,sCompoond Stre;vtltenr
Apttient Pills.
. e of thrs inetheifieTiff
_ghtL street, Philadelphia. z --Per• sale at the Drug Store of John J. 'My
,;ers Co..Carlisle, atitl WAlllam -Peal, Shippers-
bur..• : '• (Nov. 20,1899.
- -
HILD.REN TEETHING.---To Mothers - : and
Nurses.—You are ~award that thtire are bun
ilreds of those . little Mies that you so dearly love,who
are daily hurried-into an untimely Once, from that
distressing.maladiconyuldions, which alinasts n eYery
infant falls ti prey to at the. 'time of dentition; there-.
fore, you Nrtlo: are motlfers,Und have the Care of those
little Onecshould apply , Dr. Paris's eelebritted 8060-
gyrnpfrrinfantils Teething; which bsßpreserved
thotitniulsoybeti-thouglikpast ; recovery,- from-that-de
sti•ueti ve ravager. :./71111810ttlyatkle medicine eau al
mays be obtained at the'lgedical Pfritle, No. 19 Mirth
Eighth street.,,uppOsitiFiltient lilieet;Tilillaelphia;
iiheretestitifonials - otitaufficaoy balybe seem-
'ale.Vorsale at the Dritg store of John J.llyeri
.TEEtII.-r-.11.0y. . many:thousands of those little
stiffUrora dip annually. from the effects of, Protracted'
dentition; Dr..Paria , ..SoothiUff S s yrupfor CM(dren
'Culling their Teel , thfallible remedy liar
preserved Itundreds , iikeltildrett• when thanght past
reecmerrAorn COn4l4 . sions: . - As- soon as .the 'Syrup
robed un - the'gmns; the • child will .reeover . .; trial
.Keparation is so -innocent, so , offieseibus,andst4plea , '
sant; that no child twill ietitse to ktits gittiti be rubbed
idthdt, , When infinite tire nt'an lige of foiM Menthe,
though them is no "stplicaranee , cif, teeth, one liottl - C.of
'Sfru p.• Should be used-on die gums; to open the porou
Parents withoutSy ru p, -in- the • nor:
Eery ivltore -there Ara' yOuttgi'eltildren ;.for,if a ehiktl.
wakes in the -the( pima, the'Sy
rup•ip-imediately gites ease,' hy"Opening . thq pores aud
healing , the-gums, thereby' pre•Mnting Convulsions,.
Fevers, - &..6.' • . ••••••,:' •.•'; ;... •. ,
For sale only-Lit No: North Eighth street; Philo
delrthia.. • •-, - • • - - •
'terFor tiAltiat tile 'Drug Store of .Tohn.7..olpers
Co., c'arli sle,.s.4at 41m store of A. Reefer, Ilartilsbui% I
Deontt Dotngardner; yo'kk ;quid AftittdOß, -
Columbia; Pa. J.
.- • .
11.tutucuus• COMPOUND. ,:STRENGTII
useiLbtall classes of People, in - preference to, other'
Medicines; ~' • ' ' ' : , -
- ! - 7 - nr,GAUSE theyare-prepared fromVure extract•
ofherhs, a wholesome medicine, mild in its operatrOn
and pleasant in its effecte,Lthemo st certain preserver
of health; it, safe and effectual, sure of .DYSPEPSIA
or INDIGESTION,And all Stomach Comilla - W . 44
preservernnd purifier of the whole systeni.
ttecinise they 4pollie the' nerves of , sensibility and
fortify, the' nerves of ruittibn,..impartinz to their most
stibtle, fluid pristine'ili' one; tl ti giving strength And
clearness of mind.. ; ..• ,'..• ,
Ilecause they never destroy; the:coats of the Sto
mach and bowels:as alLstrong purgatives'ilo„ ,
llecause science and experience teach us that no
mere "purgatfre alone Will cure iliSeiseS' tile•
tote:toll a tA l ; sl' the prirxiftry cause
()ea host.eldiseases, and, by coMinunlly'resorting to
DRASTlO:purgatives,_you_make the disease Inaeb
Worse, instead of better.
Because Dr. Har Medicines nre - put up ,upon:
'the commonsense prinriplo,"toelelinse and slrengtit,,
en," which _is the 'only. course . to,pursue to. effect it:.
Because theSe medicinevreally' do CUrtE the dis-•
eases For whildi they are recommended.
PRINCIPAL. MICE; 'fo r the United States, Yin.'
19, North Eighth street, Philadelphia: a
(rj-The above named medicines are for sale at the-.
Delig Store 'of JO/7.Ar J. .1117.7 es & CO., Car
lisle, and William Peal;Shippensburg.
And at the store of S. Keefer, Unrrisbttrg;. Remiett
Buingartiner;York; and Wm.'Mathiot,-Columbia,„
is it With those who :neglect 'their VOLDS andl
Comm. At: first-you 'corny/An Of having:a:Coldi,
,which isliegleeted ; after, which a 'soreness Ai eXVC., •
rieneed in the ;Briqulda, with,a backing. ca4h, and .
finally the disease:gettlef; upon the lungs; Which the
soonperceiveThy a wasting, away 'of the . •
body; attended With hectic,' fevers• and spitting up of °.
florid filon 7 d.and mattcrfrom:•nlcers on' the lungs;
pain and 'weight-is also experienCed at'dni affected
part of thelungs; the tunetionS of therniinnal economy ,
grow languid; the body-becomes dry - the: Oyes sink
deep within their cavities; agth It lenhe pauentpays
- die delft ofnatiire,
the hopes of a speedy recovery. • To obviate ill those •
distressing symptoms: "Spare nolime" in procuring
1)r Swayne s Compound Syrup nfrWild•therry, at
thevery comm6neement of your colds and coughs,
Whereby many nights of SWeet repose will be procured
and tinfeaud money safedrniiil - above - 41 your boon
screry - Therdore, Remember Delays are Danger 7 _
us . _
The ahrwe'medielne eon atways - he'obtained at dm
Principal Office, No. 19;,Nortli street, Piiila- ,
delphia ;, anti respective agents throughout the United
States. _ -
lan at the Dr
Carlisle; at the stori• of A. ICeefer,,Theriaburg; Lon
na ‘ 9 . , z - llanir,ardner, - York; nod - IVm.. - 11fatInott, - Co-
lumbia, Pa. •_ . _ . Jan. 8,1849.
Tht: ONLY sure and the -best , courSe .to-pursue
curing diseases, of whatever nature they maybe,
/9, first; --to CleatiSe and purify Me Stomach and Bow
els. hy. geutle-aperienist ,secondly, to. give. attengtit _
and tom: to those tendee organs by the use of proper
tonic's. - Thismode Of treating diseases is pursued
byytqcular physicians, width they.well know' to be
the only . course - to resort to . ;.tii ilfect a sneetly and"
permanent thire, DR. I rAltueirs co.MPOtIND -
APEIIIENT PILLS ate a, sure medicine to effect
4' _and Object. Tile Getman I'Verient
- efeanse the:Stombelf
Compound Strengthen i ngToni c.Pi II s aroused to give"
strength and tone to those or a. icquire
tler=tveatlnent.- Neatly two of tliSesses
w hich_w.e.Alaily_ltehold_ate_diseaseso the_Nervaus_ _
`sylitena; and' by- eontinualty using drastic ibineratpur- . .
!valves, the Saferer,will soon find himself a4:eing-too
imel: refined to remain lone. in exiiitence. Pull mail_
explicit direclions, , both in English and Gertimn, no-
company this medicine.
l'lt INCIPA OFFICE for_dlte Enited States, No.
Nortth EIGHTH street, - 2• < For sale by John j.,../1/:yet.y se.? Co., Carlisle,
find also at the sforo of A. Keefer, ilarrisbutx; Ben
net & Bumgardner, York; and Wm..:Hatlitott, Co-
. . ,
• • .
llEUMATrsm,entirely'cbred by the use of Dr
0. l'.•lfarlich's Compound Strengthening and
German Aperient Pills. Mr. Solomon .Wilson, of
Chester co. Pa.,Ufllleted for
.two years with the hboie
distressing disease, of which he had to use Itiserutell
es for 18 Months, his symptoms were excruciutii%
pain in all his joints, especially in his •hip, shoulder, ,
and ancleB, pain increasing ;brays towards evening
attended with - heat. ID% Wilson was at one time not
able to move his limbs on account of the pain being
an great; he being iuMscil by it friend of his to pro
cure 1)1.. llarlich's pills of which he sent to the Agent
in West Chester and procured some;
.tun using the
medicine the third4lay the pain disappeared and hiti
strength increasingflist, and in three weeks was-able
to attend to his businees, Which he had not done for •
18 months; for the benefit of otherialijictel,he wish.' •
es those lines published that they may be relieved,
and again enjoy the pleasures of a healthy life.
Principal 011iCe, 19 north Bth street, 'Mai. Also
for sale at the Drug Store of John J. . Myers .8t
Carlisle.• [Nos. 20, 1839.
Medicines. Mr. Jonas `llartman, of Sumneytown,
Pa., entirely cured of the above di sense, yelaieh 'hi was
afflicted with for six rears. Ills symptoms were
sense of' d i Ertension and . oppression after eating,distk l / 4 5.: .
ship pain in the pit of the stomach, IMUSCA, loss pf am.
petite, giddiness and dimness of sight, extreme debili. 7 ' •
.ty. , llidulency , .accitLerindatloni,Jannetimes_comiting,_
_and.. pain in the lightSille,,Alepree49ll.oCspints,•dis-i_
turbed rest; faintness, and not able , to . ipursue his WO-
ness without causing immediate exhaustion and we 11...
riness. Mr. I fart man is happy to state - to the Imbibe
and is willing tu - givo anc the afflicted,.
respeeting . t he wonderful .henefit-he received from the
Ilse (if De. , llarliclOsi.. - Compoutui: strengthening and - •
lerinan Aperi'ent Pills.
(JUSERVE—Thifi medicine can be obtained at No.
For sate'at the Dreg Store ofJohn J. Myers kieo.
Carlisle, Va.-• Noy. 20, 1889.
IEAD • 'l.'lllB ! Dr. ''r.,51f . ..4/WE'S COM
VX.I)IJI.'I or 71141 Clierrk:C4-This is:decidedly
One of the best mune - dies for':Ctitiglittutiid Colds 'now- -
in use---it itlints h , ritatichioflho Lungs, loosens the I
Coinrh e
,a 3p - free and easy; lit -
Asthma; st .Tteeent or Chee.
mo . Gong iikfaelif-Fhi _
lloarseneL sg s l l3roup, Spiitinr...- ,
of blood,,&o.• •s iu syrup is warranted to effect a.
permanent ,cire, 'if taken according to directions.
which nceompilny. the battles. For sajtili it Nti,l9.•
North.Eiglith street, Philadelphia. - ::I'. s':. -. :,
. .
For or sale at the pritg, §tore of J..... 1 ?: 114 . yere .4i2
Co. Carlislr, P.S. - - .• • • . • • --- •
'Air ORE PROOFS of the efficaCY of Dr. q,,% ' fif f l j e' ! :
Canpound•Syrup.l of Cherry
Airs, DroWn, corner of Second • street and "tie forks • •
of Germantown road,.effectnally,curcfii: Her symP- - ...k.
tame were, gentiral.debility, attended with a °Mullane
-cough;-pain in-the,sitle,lireastcand-bick:witlt-Other-------
symptoms indicative of : pulmops,irydliseaseinot essen-i
W I to intimate . • Atter • tilting !th . e . second bottle of,
thhijnimifitble-rMeilieine, her cough; entirely, dissps..
petired;turither strength increnked fast, and by the--
time the.used • tWti• - kotties••more," , she forind .herseiff
freed from all pain,mid ether unpleasant:sytoptomf.•
whiclf . attended her 4 diseaSe. She is now cru . oying t ,
perfect health, and ,willing to- - give . any information,
reaPecting her cure... She likewise.reconimends this.
Syrup to all afflicted'Withit cough, or,a ditiessemf the , •
lungs : For sale et 100. •19, North Eighth streetilfhb;. ; -
-ladelphia; and also for, r . 3ftle Myers &cp. ) ;
Carlisle, PR. [Nov; 2 0; 18304
rURE YOUR.'OCIIIGH before-lb - Is too,
V late. Remember delays are dangerous. ', l llana:
sands die annually from that tireadfuli,disease s imum
aumptilan; which, might' have been.' :abcatiod'iat taia •
'cOmmeneementaed disappointed of its 'key if Propor: •
ineans had been resorted M.' The very maby ho
shave thus been - snatched from
~.that fatiif tomer, by
the timely. use of Ur. Swivee's, , ,Composted y,,rep' of
NViiii..Cher'iy, bear testimony, to this tilay, announcing
the cures, the wondertuLcuresi'pet p rmedfiy the use
' Phis inveluable medicine., • , ' • .
fgrFar Bidet/NIX iit street
. _
Philedelphitiiendirelipectite a)rnts. , .
. .
For, sale by ja4l{ ./....11/crs ref Co,, Carlisiel 'A.
Keefer; Hartusburgi Rennet,: & llonigaidneri-Xerki'
and , liVtn.Afatlitott, Coltaubia, re.
;tore of Johd J, .711.yers & Co.,