Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, November 04, 1840, Image 4

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4 .;
160_ • r "AI
. .
P14144-dpilaitt or Da insore.
11.411 i RO.RD OR. .
041)59 - ribers grateful for pastfurors,
hegleave tojaform their friends and thepublic
geoerally, that they still continue to run ' a line of
burtlien Cars regularly between -.Mechanicsburg and,
- - Philadelphia or . Baltiinore, by_which goods and pro
duce of till descriptiond will be forwarded with care
• - and despatch at the lowest rates of freight. • . :
— l 4 toduceswill . be received at their Wiire .Houses
in Mechinicshurg, and forwarded to. either. Phila=l
dolltilfAi or Baltimore, according to*.tbe direction 9f
the owner.
c.. The highest price, will be gifen for Wheat
and Flotir.
DIiESB - ACH tr. 111ETLY.
N. IL • Plaster of 'aria and Salt, always kept
'hand, and fur sale at the lowest prises.
"July 29, 1840.---ty.
- .
11/11111113 TT.0.11:113:
THE subscriberber pet returned , from
'"" • the Cities;of New-York, Philadelphia and Hal
timcife, and is , now opening - at his S. E.
Corner, of Market Square and - Mlll . ll StreCtS • (for
' nicely occupied by Grit. - H ither,) a general as
....Hardzoar4. Stone Ware, Cedar ave;
;Groceries, Oils,.
Paints; Varnishes, Wass, Brush- -
• es, 'Whips; Canes, Lamps for ,
. .
•• • burningCamphine'. Oil,
and a
. great variety of articles us eful and necessary _
for favaisiiing and keeping a hotiee.'' He Impair), an:il
will 'constantly keep on hand • .r.
• Camphiiae Oil; • •
a cheap rind _elegant stihstipte for sperm oil; and
been aparnated the agent of Messrs. Backers
aatl Brother of Network N. J., for the sale of June's
Patent Lamps hi ,thiscaunty, he is prepared. .to fur
% nialt• latmlis and Oil. at a very reasonable rate to all
• who may wish to use this view and' economical light.
liayilig_sgketed-Itis goods hiroself,and made his
purchases sash„ lie is able, and determined to.
Those having tbr.casli to lay out will find it toilicir.,
n(Wailtage to give hint a ' "
f . ;-;-18 - 4):L.:_ t r„ • . •
• . This arprle is warranted to cure piles or Rheunite ,
I{l4lll in all cases,-or no jin y taken for it. "
G L.ll PING • 11.1? ,
AUL)] •
A nntorions counterfeiter has-dared to-make an at-'
tempt upun this acticle; end several have been iiearly
• ruined by trying it. Never Buy it, unless it has the
:written signature of coNisTOcts k CO. on the
Splendid wra-mer: That thin - have the:Only right•te
Make sail sell irfOrt:.2o - years; and all from than -is
__warranted pert - poly innocent and effecttiat in all cases.
----- . IV-;. 13 ---Alsvaya—tleicet:ithe Mae: by its not havitm„
• the above signature. The true
• -- -* CONISTOCKIbt
• Wholesalk Droggists,No. 2 Fletelterst;:Nitik-YOrk:
• SoLoxori nars,Dri.linat Proprietor.
- air The genuine is for sale by Stevenson & Dinkle
• . ettelisle,. Pa. - - • [Dee. 11 ;-•18ag
, ._ , ________
. . _ .
_ Dental Surgery.
ITE__-SUBSCRIBER. respeetruilk tender, his
Rrateful acknoWledginents to the ptiblialbr the
liberal share. of patronage -he has rccei,ved dui.-
ing.the_past_year, and would still continue to offer
them his professional services in their various bran
ches at his residence' i No. 7; Haiyeios Row. Ile files,
cleanses, and plugs teeth, and inserts incorruptible
tapper metalio artificial teeth in the most approved'
manner. Charges always moderate. .
J. C. NEFF, M. D. -1
Carlisle, March 25,1640.--ti•
. . Dentistry.
IIAS raw ned to Carlisle, a n d will, as heretcdbre i
attood to the practice of Dentistry. lle'inq
be nand ot Colonel Ferret's Hotel. Persons re
sitisstint; it, will be waited:upon at their , resiiledce.
• Cr 3. Refer to Do. DAVID N. Almiox..
Carlisle, Alai's!' 11,1840. ' •
Ilauid's Improved Water Wheel.
THE Subscriber having pu r chased of the origi IIRI
Patentee the right of the above Water Whoel
for the state of Pennsylvania, will dispose of indivld
. URI rights or counties on advantageous terms. This
:water wheel has been fiplytested and proved to he so
far superior to any kind in •of propelling
machinery, having a greater tore than ally other
wheels in proportiowto.the.quantity.Ol water applied.
_lt_ is' calculated to be more particularly-useful at
.and to greatly obviate the inconveniences experienc
ed from back water. It is considered by those !nix
ing them in use as one of the most hriportant/ inproVe
merits that has ever been- introduced for its simplici
ty, strength, steadiness of motioWand dtirability. • It
is constructed altogether of Iron and not so expensive
-- to make-as-an; undershot i and-operatifig T •with -about
half the water and not liable to . be obstructed by ice
_ in the winter. . The subscriber will devote his atten
tion to calls for — these wrieels nt such places as may*
be required. - •
(CoPY.] • ° •
This is to certify, that have put in one of ilaid's
Patent Cast Iron Direct Action Water Wheels, in
place of a Reaction Wheel ; that the Direct Whoel
does not flocllhe,tail race as much by :three inches
as the reaction did, and that I eon grind seven bush
. a s with the; direct action wheel all hour, and firire-!
two run of stones, wherbjeciUld - notlCind roily bush
ols the same date - with the• and (hive one 1
• run of stones. • PETER FAIINESTOCK.
• .Ifalphrata, Lan. co. Oct. 1838.
Allows'', May 5, 183R.'','
• This may certify, that I have been engaged in put
tin? in 8, H. Howd's cast iron direct:Action water
• wheel, both in the State of New York and in 'Odd
, •gasi;and - can give it - as my deCided opitsimrthat with
, 8 feet head or under, rightly put in, it Will 'do more
business with the same water than any other water
wheel which I have yet had auy4perience in,
reference to back water, is second best to' none that I
have: yet tried. In reference to guarding against ice,
there can
. be no better, operniion, and it is very easy
to She :keptn - repair. • ...... . • •
STEIIEN RILES , .7/Bihar/alt. •
• • Alloway, Sept. 9, 1839.
• This tuity certify that Ihavehatho my Mill-one - Of
Alr.-Ilowd's direct water-wheels tor' the space of one
is a_fivefeet.wheel, and—Lhave_had,a_re , .
- • action-le the-someplace-4 hove also had Wheeler's
Union. Wheel yet Mr. Ilowd's will do more
business wth less water tfmn any other Ihaie..tried.
It does well in back water. I have, had sto 6
_feet head. I think we,coldd do as much work with
half the water as we used to do' with the undershoot
'Wheel, which luis also been in operation in my mill..
•„. • •
•, ,
. Lyons, Sept. 9,1898. ._.
Tide iciay'aistifyotiat we lave' uied one of. S:.
Hawd'ii patentVniterWheelis alnce December
tha': aide •of re-action wheel . , and.,we.".think,. that
do doable'the bustnits, with' thin wane
water that the re-action will do I ',cir very near: We
:never,haile bat three feet bead,'siiid can grind with
that eight bushel 'Per hnuiti iirtit.arle subject to bask,
— 74lllter...;:Tillir.Wheet:will di; iiigoOd - basilica,- tinder
• ',Utelt-water jhere•nation, end
we reitottituend it; to
atd patronage offhtt patine. . •
LEACIi.. - -
_. ,
' ' ht ' 1
ft-ESSER . mill-wrl4 , 1
d aill
4 ' - *seat for the Ithevp ,
_ um,
yortom .
mentioned m the
', : rates or Dauphin, U ° :7 4 3 . i t ) • 'Ch. sale and tree..
~,,,,..' 43 0!„ ~ ea he ready 'matte.. ' •
—44- * 'a tn- --‘-- ' a tt ir e" liy." addressing bins ± l .t 1
---,....4atta_t.." lt u r L3, l ` li. aunt, Pe; - - -
II 0 ,
. .
- • --_,_
• . ..
Craig, Bellos Co.
. ,
• ° ING mpirtcHANTR.;.
'Rave_ D
reniored to the okm:tell:xis •Warelionse recently
occupied by ~ L eech nt the nneill-wpsfe7Orne . r
of Cherry and Broad street, Philadelphia. --
From the facititics which the loOtitioitniutiniernal•
srritnemert of this
,depot afford; 30 to 40 Burthen
Cars can-he'accommodated to unload and load at the
.same time with sufficient room to store 20,000bfurels
of Flour, int! 400 to 600-ton-of Grain-exclusive bf the_
edriFirMi I Wlevartmen • .
Produce of • every deicription will be received . as
tisuaton ennsignrientsond liberal advances Made on
receipt (if required) until. sales are e
• '.N,4lll 7 ircst corner of Cherry BE'Broad tt.
" Philadelphia.
.Cashier. . • • •
Hendetsnn SCPariter, carh i f ,.. • -
Henry Rhombi,'
- Siiiaitlersoifkittisserman, •,
Jecol,) Swnyrr, •
J. Logan Sraitli,Esq. Cashier? c ii,.. jber ., inek .
Eystey ' Ma's. . • S
Atobertneming, •.
• Illatliarwoml4,Q,Kaig, - • -
Wm. It. Tltarni!sen t&' Co .
,-Whitalt.fsc Brown , .- -
Pug Met Wanted . Immediately
CASIT will be 'dad for VIVE THOUSAND bhr
eels cif Flour. TEN THOUSAND,bustiels of Wheat;
TEN THo'usAND .bushcls. of nye, hod TEN
Tlloi-ISANI) bushels of Corn, by the- subscriber",
who • 6111 at all times be found at his• Ware-house
the chnol between Walnut and State' streets. - •
- 14rvisburk, A - pril.f.;llr4tr=tf ' .
` The kiennan
13 warranted staid or restored, nitd the - bead 'kept
fire from - iltieufr by the.
—Remember-the-genuirie mt.:described Lelose
This is certified "to
... by several Mnyors,llltnisters
or the Gospel, British Consul, Physiciansontel It grunt
number - or our most honorable citizens, to be seeu
where it issold. -
Tlils,a tide . hasbeenindtateil bij• a notorious eoiin
tivfeiter. .Let it never - be purchased or used-unless
it have the name of L. S. cOWTOCK, or the sig
nature-01.COMSTOCK & Ca:on a splendid wrap
per. This is. the only . ..external test that will secure
llic public, from deception.
Apply at thi .wholesale and retail Office, No. 2 .
Fletcher street,near Maiden Lane and Pearl st. -
genniziejii : for.,sale .bv:.Stevenson.Bs:Dio,
kle Carlisle., Pa. ' „t 7 7 ( - Dec. 11 1839.
ETTER ! rrcal—TETT ER L. ITCH !.7--Dr.
Lejdy's . celebrated, TV:TTER AND, ITCH
OINTMENT /sandy becoming more popular. Dai
ly do numerous individuals stop and inform the pro.
lirietor of its great success in removing and curing the
Fetter and Itch.
Numerous testimonials might be published of its el&
vac , but for the delicacy felt by Individuals having
their name's publishedin connection with so loathsome
and disagreeable affections. .
It may, he used with perfect safety by 'young_nntl
old,evqn upon infants, containing qoppereury Or oth
er mineral substances. Dr. N. - D.. Leidy pi-epares it
himself, and knowing its conmosition, most confident= -
recommends it as superiOr to any other remedy for
the Tetter and Itch.. Prepared and sold at Dr. Lei-
AY's health Emporiltm, (Sigti•of the Golden Eagle .
and Serpents,) No: PM Nurth Second street, below
Vine. Also sold hy'. . •
STEVE • NSON . 8z DlNKLE; , Druggist3, Cnt•ltelo
Prke 25 Cents a Box: .
July 29 1 1840
J OF CONSUMPTION.—This disease is very
much like a common - catarrh;it generally commences
like an ordinary cold, with' Lassitude , Chilljnest,
slight Cough and oppression . and tightness about the
breast. In mapy instances the disease seems at llyseof no
very - serioq - charactir.--Aarthe disease continues ihe
oppression. M . the breast increases, the; potintenance
becomes expressive of anxiety, the :reppiration be
comasmore-and more laboriousisometimes Wheeiing
or miffing; sound, as if the air was • forced through a
tlarroW aperture clogged with viscid fluid. .To ne,
glect this disease it :may be of serious- consequence,
but by a timely . , application to Dr. Sitia.tine!.9 Com
pound Syrup
_opt ihl Cherry, with a stritit attention
to the directions,allithese .unpleasant effect's- will be
removed: Rc carelltl; as it is sold nt no place. ex= l
eept at No. 19 NORTH EIGHTH Street, or at the
ressective agents:
- - 'For ,7 lli le at the Drug Store of Jtihn S. 1143:er &
- : [Nov. 40, 1839. .
IVGR COMPLAINT; ten years standing, - cured
, by the use of Dr,Liarlich'sComponnd Strength
ening and Gentian orient pills. 'Mrs. Sarah Boyer,
wife of William BoyerTfirfir Ir - 41r-atreet-aboyegid-,.
lowhill; Philadelphia . ; entirely cured of the above
dis t ressing, disease. Her •symptoms were, habitual.
Cottiveitess of thehowo s,totnt loss ofappetite; extru
elating pain in the side,stomaeharithback, depression
of.spirits,.Oxtreme debility, could .notlie On her left
side, without nnaggracatiorrof pain, with other symp=
toms indicating great derangement in the functions of
the liver. • Mrs.• Boyer as . attended -hy sereriit'o
the first physieinnsybutreceised.but little relief from
their medicine ' • at fait, a friend of hers procured a
packege,Of Dr; Harlichnf . Stretigthehing and Gerniati
Aperient Pills, which,by the ute of one package ; in ,
(limed. her to continue with the 'theilleine,, which re
sulted in, effecting a perinanetit.cdre, beyond: the_ex,
pectation of her friends. . • , .
.Principal Office for thlemedicine Is •tit. No. Ignorth
Bth 'street, Phila..' ' : • ". .
tider - The-above-Yaluable-medicine-may .Im , had- at
the Drug Siore:ofJohnl; Myers & Co, Carlisle Pa.
Nor. 20, •
ed by Dr; liairlicles - celebratedimeilicines."lllr:
Morrison, of ' Schuylkill' Sitth 'street, Philidelphia,
afflicted for several years with the; abvoe' distressing
disease—;Sicliness at thestoinicb,headtielie, palpita
tion of the heart, iinpulredappetite,acild eructations;
coldness and 'Weakness of the extremitiel,etindlation
and general debility, diiiiiwbed "rest, is
weight at the stomadtafter end fig ; oeve re flying pains
in - the chest, hid; and aides; costiveness, i(dislike for
society- or. :conversation; languor and lassitude upon
the least occasio n.. Mr: ..11forrisen, had applied to
the most eminentiihyolaians; who considered it be
plod the_p_o_weorNmilnitokilLto:_tdstore, bint'to
hidlibThowever, Os his • afflictions had - reduced him
to a deplorable condition ; having been induced by a'
friend of his to .tryDr; Harlitda, all the,'
being iiighlyVecombiended W.filtih" he pt ; oetired_
tio6 , pticluiges for 'it' trial f,beforelilliik - thei, - .**:44,
package,'bir'ibund b dielt greatly!rel feycd, 'O4 by
continuing use Abed-dm disease edirel.V.Als
uppittredhe Is atoit',fejoilnt. - 111 the bleating' of
perfect health, ' ; • • . •
Principal Chloe, 19 north IVA etteet,Philatlel
,ma.:. Also, far Ante at die Drag Store of John J.
--- -- - -- - .
. ---7, 7• 1 ',', - , --- -7 --- er - v - ,- 77 , ---- , ,, ,, ,:-1;'-__: ,- . 4 1, '._: . ' . .,;-,•15.. ', - 1i;. , ! 3; .:- tr,: P. . :.. -:. -,: itt .:.•- ,, :::-..1.--k ‘l. , i. - 4: - . 7, • '.-- '• . • ,:',,•..: p o ,-'..:: # , ' ,. •.1
0r ..'
, - .- - ----.
.. go i t l .
... • ...
. . . .
. .... . . . . . .. .
Jaime's Hair- Tonle,
For the growth, preservation and restoration of the
• hair: This, is an excellent 'article, and Its, in nu
herous instances,.. produced a fine growth of hair,
-.on the heads Of persona who had been baldfor yeara,
, „..
LA DIES. AND_ laterrtetiirr,--DO4ou
luxuriant and heatittful hair? 1 knew you will misiver - -
'yea:Hear, for one moment, the cause. of its Ipss, why,
it turiisgray,riistyand coarse, harsh and • unpleasa
in its NppetTancer'i and finally falls oil :• Each has
a root the skin, and iiitself a hollow tube, through
;which there is a constant ‘Fiteulation :of finc:lilood.-t*
ryty this cireulatiOni. the hair is ntinrished ,a_nd hehl
fast, itiglossy ilbleitir. is glt!en and preserifed; and ifie
- etiverecl witirthe finest - oil. - Now any thingwhich in
jurea the skin of the head, or diverts or 'takes away
the blood frOm it,,willAirevent or impede the circula
tion through the tubes of "the hair, stop its groWth,
And tolidEolTortUrn grayor both. ; hence
it,, is that an cause that obstructs or•weakens the sir-'
culation of fl ood through the skin, or that diverts the
blood to other parts of the system, will take away the
lively . ,fresh and yotilllful appearance of tine hair, or
rest its,growth, turn it gray sooner- or lateri.ood an
thuusanda of insuances cause premature baldness.
For sale by
—• 'S. ECILTOTT,and
May 14; 1840.-- , ly
• • -.
Hair :Tonici— T We rail the attention of thcSe of
'heed with peemature baldness. to the exCellentrlaie
49,Hlic prepared by Dr. Jayne of this pity. !laving
used it ourselves, we cnti speak of ita virtues by expe 7
vience, saulAye unhesitatingly pronounce it an'invalu
able remedy toprevent the 'ldling off of the bair,and
„ta_restore it trom.a -deadenfine, !healthy plipear
anab..--'We can also speak .feoru perscinnl 'knowledge
oldie cases of two or three frienda who were peedis
posed to baldness, who by the, Use o 1 Jaynes Hate
.:Tonic,have now luxueiint.haii... Wre have tfoilhipol
sition to ,puff, indiscriminately all kinds of remedies
for -alJdiseases which Ihnli is Itch. to, but when.we
-have testurthe _virtue of an 'article, we are free to say
~irir^gooth-sci4tax/ay Evening Post ,
_ Jaynes Milo Tonio.--We have, beretcrime, noire
berecl ourselves among — thoSe .AV ho' brat the
;lair Tonic, prepared by Dr. :Jayne,
„Was one of-the
maiiy quack nostrums-m . 4l°n -virtties-nre never seen
beyond the fulsome puffs of their authors: We are
willing, at-length, to make publieneknowledgment of
the error Of Our . An intimate friensroome two
or three mouths sluice, all the tOp of whose cranium
wasos bald asp piece.of . polished marble, =ogre all
our jesting_ and' ridicule of the- idea,. of attempting
to curtrvOte'isiO. baffen a spot - purchased . a bottle or
two.of the Hair Tonic from Dr..layuc,ittal according
to his directioaS applied it, DurbOgiltd - present Week'
the slime fl lend ushMtillarswelf IMO our presence,and
Urcoveringlsis hitherto slaked head, astonished us with
alltle,tlausgls loocuriant growth 'of lusir;llWin one to,
two incheam length-,upon the very preinises wehad
believed as'unyielding_to cultivation se-the .trackless"
satndibtAskiris Atlantic, Thiel sno puff, but, is
those Clio dotiht,the-gaidleMan
can be pointed out: What is more -in- favor of this
"Tonle,?' the case here-cited-was not one: of tenspora
baldnesi--,no sudden loss of the hair--bet was onis
of years' standing, thoogh_the the gentleman Is but
forty-fmc'years of age,---Philatlclpbio Spirit . of the
7.7111'.A12. :WAR. !,-,The-Wlg makers-have
I &dared hostilities against our. neighbor Dr.:Jayne
-On accounrolhis Elair_Tonicovbrielui 8 Ano4ln. all
411 . 070111311 - 1644, 4 cocked lint "_:J ndies and ben=
tlemen— , old and young are Clocking to the Doctor's inlitilaril:-:Headsviong-ilivesleil of even the first
, ments of after usinrhis Hair tonic soon ai pear:.
witirifew and flowing !milts' which Absalom himself
might' have- envied: •Beardless boys are seep:with
largeand - hushy_ whisk - e - rs and - ladies -- ifinile - again
- thrOugh their own-raven-ringlets more beautiful and
-bewitehing-than ever, Ilald-heads-fire-ilefling, their
wigs, and throwing them to the "'Molts and the hats,"
while the Wig Makerktitand aghast as they beholil,
:the dernolitionof their Ausiness. • - • -
-What will be the censequenee of this'iVer'WeknoVi•
not, as the wiggles arc outrageous, and the boetorre
mains and declares that "some - things,eim
done as-well-as others," and that bald heads may' as
well wear their own hair as that of otliers.-;-[Week
ly Messenger..
. .
Jaynes Hair Tonic.—We meet at almost every
corner, when perambulating the streets, men wearing
long and glossy hair, whielm they seem to be proud
ohund-gthers who have ralsell .19 a le w weeks, a crop
of black moustaches, that would vie with the glossiest
bruin that ever svalked the forest:- lt-has . puzzled us
to know the secret of all these wondrous crops of
hair; but Messrs. SANDS; 79 and 160 Fulton street,
have got' the remedy, where all - mm Imo ate curious in
such matters may learn a valuable aectet..-r-Neir
Yorl,? Whiz. • •
Sold in Philadelphia at 20 South Third .Street
. .
lIILY This can lie elleetually::•dor,e by Dr; Leidy's.
season, the 40110411e' of ydfir, when the gross ho
tnors of the system ought to be removed &Ain the
dy and the blood purified; - tinis - preventillt - the — sin=
guise and .unpleasant feeling cornmon to all, of
dizziness, drowsiness, pectifiat heaviness of the head,
and Other feelings, giving rise to what - is generally
called the Spring Fever.
Upwards of tirJ,UTJ of D.. - Leitly's 'Blood pills
have been sold during the past year, at retail alode.
Orders have been received from the South and West,
during the past month, for more than lOU gross ! thus
'showing the great demand for thent, and proving that
there must be some extraordinary cause to prothice
it. •It is easily explained; they are the mildest and
safest purgative, as. well as" the most effectuar in
principal causes of-disease ever discovered. They are
safe, they are warranted free-from minerals,
ilithinly be taken without diet, restraint from decupa.:
.tian or a fear °flaking, cold frona Weir use. They do
not ilebilitiite the system-gs do other Pills stalpurga- -
tives; their - operatiotria gentle; but always etleCtuaL
- They have elicited numerous testimonials -from- phyr,
.siciiins and others, which accompiiny. Abe directions,
and are confidently recommended iu Ilheumatie Af,
•fectioils, Scrofula, Erysipelas, - Jauntlice,•Heartburii,•
• Diseases of-the liver, skin, bones andslinis, Pain of
the-sides, along the back and spine over the ,regicin of
tine heart and stomsch;liiward fevers, bid taste in the
mouth, foul breath, flatulency, Indigestion, Want of
ApPetite, Sour Eructation and Acidities of the,Stoor
rich, Cicero!' s sores of the-nose, throat and body, Scaly .
Eruptions and blotched of
-the skin, Dry and watery
pimples and pustules of the face and body,Tetter and
ing_worrnsi,S wel lis lir and_ harilenim-, ef : the glands of
the neck, in the groins, breitet, &c,, Stomach Coughs,
Liver Complaint;Waterbraili, bee. And all the, whole ,
train of diseases', resulting from Immirity Of Blood, 1 /
Constitutional Diseases,.&e,ondy in Philadelphia, at
;Ir. Leidy's Health Emporium i ed below Vine st.
' Also-sold by. F.. Klett, Druggist gd and, Cal low hill
streets; J. Long & A. Fairer, Druggists, Lancaster;
Nter Pomp, Druggist, - Easton; W. H. Pomp, Tio c i g ,
• 'Also by STEVENSON & DINKLE, Druggists,
Carlisle ; ra.;. - . 18 . 40-3 m
• • Price 25, 'Code a Bottle.
Ciptepoiend Syrs!porifild Cherry Bark is found* to
be thia‘be c! t article for healing the ulcerated lunge,
stopping_nigic. sweats , and relieving the, coughNhat
ever has been use. 'Thoes who are afflicted, would
_do well to'procut:e`lbisineilicine.before it is toolato.
Certificates of many cures can be seen by applying at
19,7Vbrth Eighth. Stre4.,. Philadelphia, where
this medicine caitilways be obtained: Fribe $1 per
-Bottle, or-'eha.bidtlesfor-$5. , -----:71 , ..,
For sale at the Drug Store OfJOHN:...r, JUTBRS
eg co., Carlisle also, by A. Keeler, 1 - liwrisburg
-Bennet Ikßembgardneri'Ydrk ; and 'll4m. Nritidott;
Columbia, • • Jan. 8, 1830-:".",'.,
• ,_ .
v °NEU - 1111'T 10Ni, CONSUMPTION' ! - thn t
, fell
'deitroyer,:,‘hich 'AestrUps. its Thousands • and
2 mit 5,/ , Thbumids anceall.f . ..: pew :Shall. we. avert
its fatal ogress before it mazes upori , the k Vitale I
yeah! simmer at once: 'Take some suitahle medicine
to arrest (lie d isease '. at. the Very , tamomeneement:—
flow v c rY rrutny 'dtit , t , e dee; i the , wstiltl pee
cate frame, look'sear•cely ; able to suptiorteVen a Sheri
egisteriee-4-but r q r the timely 'care atid:lsro
'Per *earls they.vpakEuSO - or;oftintes fee outlive
the Moat athletic lad-s:004 vt4o, imgiCit such - timely:
-,MMeLatulpriper...ineatutilmtlre....yilacetr:-41thiti • tlitir
. I * o o4'whJeti Vould Muitiestionibly avert irjakeniti
*otter:oloe. At Att. reciedies, iced the
first In rank; ni:,.Swayne' t OmMioand EysitiO .
of ,qheriy; 'which; jf:adottnieteretl tinier-arid,
Plcn - tiVerilitt9 to the Praseribetii*leittitich
pony, the nine tittice:put of, ' tetyrelleck:
ate_ or,ogross;atl ihotoie the patient IMaith, , • •
Trial:Jß!) Office„ N0.;19 Mord! Eighth street; Phil=
vsh s ere,this invalualtle meilloloci can always
be obtained.' ,price st ' per bottle.'
For sale at •tbe Drug , Store of Jobb 3, lifyerEik •
• 901-tBllO.,
• ; CfrEgRIS
- - .
Pulniostary Preservativt;
For Coughs, Colds, Influenzaa, asthma*, Catarrhs,
Diseases of the Breast and Lungs,.and
- rest of approaching Consu'infition.
HIE hbove inedicine has proved. itself
one of the Most efficacious ever employed in the
above affectiOns:,: It is well ktioWn to - thousands; but
in order to make• it rnoregenerally known„the;sub
soribe4thinks it'.necessary to publish the following
proofs; ithich. constitute :but a mall
,purtion of 'the
testimony that might be adduced in ~ prethfiff itatelft-'
Thronghout , ,Germany it is, used. and eruplged,
'inure than any other
. preparation Ate., end.
is there so well known fol its effieMayithit , they call'
'it "T'llLife . pPotiei.ver.” •
Priffe 50 .gents a Bottle: . I,i • .
• •
From the United State 'Gazelle:.
HavinKseeit an:-radvertlsement in 'the Intpiirer of
this city - , of Dr. I:itchier's Pulmonary Pi eservative,
for Coughs, Coltle, Astlimas, wasindueed from
ireadingit, to Make's trial of. it Having, a family of
seven small shildren,there seldontliastien atlav
out having to give some one, 0f... them i,somethiug.for
the numerous offectiOns comiricni to Children. Of all.
(he'different Potent Medicines, I 'never found one so .
general efficacious, I not only found if serviceable lori
Coughs, Colds ; &c.,hut riled very, beneficial indeed
foo.Cldie Pains, Darrhtea and restlcainess,so
mon tOsinall children ; cin which accou n t l shall never
hi' without alcolthrofit. It hits relieved me Cif ntrou
blesome Cough,sitortness of breathing;and pain in my
side and breast, with which .1 Have' been. troubled
nearly.twelve Months; Two skilful physicians of this
'City attended me for it without effect. .), tieetirrlingly
dischitirgaFtlierkTind baring used tour. bottles of the
above inetlicine,--Waslentirely relieved. in-leas-ilhaii
three'Weeks. Very respectfully:
- • - ;Signed, E SULLIVAN.-
~ • •
November, I 6th,.1 837.
Dr. N. B.
LEIDY, Philadelphia.
Dear Sir,—l should consider it Ungrateful,' if I did
not inform you (Mid with my consent allow you to
publish this.) that after hinting tried by_the_recolbmen-
!Or coughs, colds, Etc., I never found relief until Late-,I
hy, having used Dr.. Becker's Pulmonary Preserva-
Et re; reconnuen - ded to me by your agent in this place,
and which cured me. of a violent cough, spitting of
brood, pain of breast, and shortness of breathotith all
of which I have been afflicted for tiro - years past. lam
now, however, enjoying -as - good-health as - ever, and
owe my recovery to the above valuable' medicine.
, . Signed, N. ATWOOD.'
. .
Translatcon from a cOnnounicution in German.:
• ' Pittsburg, June .7.6th -- 839 t
1113:: - LEIDY;iit , .
Respected Sir,-1-wits muchtdeased after my arri
countvy„to Hod thaf - Dr.'Bechter's vale:ll2le,
prepa r ratioKso long successfulls - nied in 'many - parts
of Germany, is now prepared.liy you:: -I have seen
many wonderful cures made. by it-in the Old country.
Man persons whose Rings Were suppOstia_to bent,
most entirely destroyed,. and pronounced incurable,
hate been yestored - to_good. health bf at. know
here (Hie ease was beyond the Hopes ofefetree - ov
tiring, and was for yearaheltiless; anti cbnfined to bed
without being aide to sit up, but was raised by the
wonderful eftectsbf Dr. Bechter's Pulmonary Preser
vative, and so far curet) as to be able to:ride and walk_
aboUt - A great many -instances We been cured in
the various.pultionary affections, and I, have myself
recCived'greatbenefit from-it, both 'here and in my
notice--1.-Itope it -mar be_successful-ip-this
country aslt has been io Germany:; 'When preperly
known-no familywill he,witliont it. '
ity:_this place of your agent
. Yours • - SibiIeirKSCHAIITIM-' - • •
DR. N: B. LEA)Y, t -- _
The • Didion..egetable
Are if Margative medicine ; sonatural to the human
_Constitution, and withal so mild, mitt pleasant in their
WO - 61561)Tc thartiot the slightest' dread - of - pain or sick
ness, need be apprehended from - their use, even by;
ibe.most delicate:-at thesame_time„if_ustal_in_auch_a.
matinee as" to operate freely by the bowels; those
.morbid hemors,.(Which deposited-upon. the
Partic Of the body are the cause of every ache or pain
wesuffer) will most assuredly be removed; and not
only will pain or distress ()revery description ue
ten fromtheliody, but disease in any form will be lin
' possible.
For the same reason, when, from the sudden chang
es of atmosphere, or any other cause, thi. perspiration
is checked, and those humors which should pass off by
the skid, are thrown inwardly, eausinglieadache, non-.
serm, and sickness, pains in the bones, watery and in
flamed eyes, sore throat, hoarseness, coug,lis, consular,-
ti on, rheumatic pains in various parts of the body,aad
many other symptoms of catchi lig culd,the Indian veg : ,
on i
Three or four pills, takenat night bingtotedai
repeated n few times, will remove all the above un
pleasant sy.mptorna,and resmre the body to even soun
derliefith than before. . ,
Theindian Vegetable Pills, (Indian Purgative)are
a natural, and therefore sicertain cure for Costiveness:
because they cleansethe•stomitch and bowels of those
biliaSue humours; which not only paralyze, and weaken
the digestive , organs, but are the cause of, headache,
natiseati and sickness, palpitation of the heart, flying
pains in various parts of the body, and many other
disagreeable 'complaints. . The same may be said of
difficulty of breathing, or asthma ; the Indian Vegeta=
ble Pills will loosen and carry oft' by the stomach and
boWels, those tough pleglimy humors which stop up
all air cells of the kings, and are the causeof the above
dreadful complaint .
lo all disordered Motions of the blood; called inter-;
mittent, remittent, nervous, inflammatory and putrid
FEVERS, the Indian Vegetable Pills will be found
a certain remedy; beeause they cleanse the stomach
and bowels of all bilious matter,and purify diebloodr
amsequently,as they remove the cause of every kind
otilisease,they are absolutely certain to cure every
killd of Fever. • - • - •
the membrane and muscles, causing those pains, in
flammations and' wellings calleditheumatism, Gout,
&c.; the Indian Vegetable Pills maybe relied on as
always certain to give relief, and if persevered with,
;ail) most assuredly, and without rap, make a perfect
cure- of the above. painful maladies. From three to
six Of said loilianVegetable Fills,taken every 'tight
en going-to bed, wilk siva Short completely rid
the licitly of all morbid_ and _corrupt humors; mid
A _
- . Rheumatism Gout and pain ofevery. description, will
•100_ Dollars Wilt- be Forfeited 1 .
disappear as if by magic: . • •• • . -
To any individual whe will produce a preparation ushould be remembered that the Indian Vegetahle
Pills are certain to remove pain . in the side, 'oppres
OF SARSAPARILLA is positively die strong, ness,a
neausea and sickness, loss of appetite, costive.
yellow tinge of the skin and eyes, and. every,
est - preparatiotv in esistenee.: , One bottle of it isequai other- symptom -or Livencomplaintt- because they
to ink pints of the strongest syrup that can be made, purge frond the body these corrupt and stagnant hu
mid numerous individuals prepare' from it • a !Trull more which, when deposited uptin the Liver, are the
-which they-putiii bottles of differentirses anti:shapes cause
of the above dangerous complaint The are
selling it as their , preparation, when realitylt also Certa,
. y
irt preventive of apolev and sadden death;
the preparation ofbr.'Leitly ;' the syrup being made 'Bemuse - they tarry tiff those hu Moore which, obstruc-
from his extrarb . a receipt for t sihieli accompanoni each ting the circulation , arethe - cause of a rush, or deter-
bottle' of Dr. Leuly's preparation,- whereby - if a
is wonted it can be made at. an eapense of two dollars .
syrup mutation of blood to the head , --giddiness especially
on turtling suddenly round—blindness—drowsiness
a gallon without paying for it 'MAIM 'rine • t_. s fl_to__ 7 _ 9 ___:,..4 oBs - o p-inem or y.,:..h i parn m atio n of the ibrain-.;-ift
cents a bottle or eight or ten dollars a go lonY .
• ' sanity, .andevery Ether disordeiat tie rain
- Extract-of Sarsa arilla
pleasant to the taste,inken either bY or hi a glass .
of water... It is iiseless,liere s t reak Of its titedical , 1 . 0 -se . _ _
elilld Who can reail TI lib frani habit or occupation,are kept much
'virtues, as every 'irlian'iiWotnatt an ; doors, should reme .. ruher'tha . t
i t i hey freq4enkly ,
knows of its efficacy; itsqualitles ? Having been and is breathe.
tiaily being.publiabetl sn'llUviekslaipers. • - • •
an atmo .
. spnere viimen-111 WM) y..pito l . or
time, proper expansion- of the lungs,' and. at the same time,
It is particularly adapted ttithOspring
-Seasons, beinx of it. , more . .purifytng nature thaosny • I evacuate-:--the blood becoines irepiire, and heitd
and 'slimmer: °wilier.° want of exeibise,the bowels are not sufficieot
pater medicine. ever • 'discovered, r.,• - fis Atarecter, and paHlpitatien'of - the heart, and;nuny
efficacy. is well known tlirth dighout the United States,- rewtom symptoms, are sure to follow: . .
• ,
it being in' general use mid Preferred toldl others . INDIAN.VEOETBLF,,i, PIL.L9 ,••
throughout the South soil West', upwards of
bottles haviiig been sold during. the past 12 motlitih's:"sr Being a cleanser of thefstoinich and fici at elsitind a - 44
rect purifier the blood, are - certain. not only to re.;
- _ l2 Umerons.certificateitirom;'Physicierie,and_otherl s -- move paiii•ordiStressof every kind from the the,boq;
115 well as full directions ac'eoni ponying each bottle. but if. used-Occasionally, so as to keePtheffitaly free
Extract of glettet frenrDr."l: I.E.Hioong; mobile ; from those 'Wooers whieh are the reuse Or every male;,
"Tour preparation.of Sarsaparilla ; ia the. most dyunder heavoii, they. will most , assuredlypromote
isicieus-ofaity-lbave ed ---- i — Mal - eircUlatlOU - Orthis --- tileod, - . that
more beneficial res ole, rrOm using g or 9 brittle§ of it, •Mnse who lead a., sedentary be enabled, to
than:has been effected, in similar , cases by, a dozen or
."eitjoy.sootiil health,' and disease of an y kind' w.i117h9
more of other eztractsoml syrnllB.9f Sarsaporille&';' absoluMli Impossible, -,. • • • • ,„,. .••••.
;Extract of a letter :from Mr . 'James C'...Alatsfortta •For by . . -; • .
" - Itighly,respetStable• Merchant in --- - „: --- 7 - z•- • • - CHAREES • ociuMAgentt had filequeet occasion - to ere Plot Preltara- ' _ „ , • : • • Crulieffe,
Pin adelphis- •• . • '.• - • (May StO, 184- 6 IY
Lions, of of Sarsaparilla in'pi.familY, durirg..thePast.ten Office and General Depot , Itle:l69Eace•atreet
years, L last year tried, y.ours,, and found, one bottle:
equal in efficacy terity,#.tif any ; other that I ever Used."
Extract - Pr a letter fromNr..Bolittrd of N. oitlmaPtOac
Espnet'Of , Saratipiu-Illa has performed won-, •
Iros'"'r ^ itilrldilsit TO FEMALES ---Dr. O.
dere with . me, fuming restored sue 'to •Perreet .heall4,, 4411ill'ttiGeO:
though'for sii,years afflicted at have deseribeit,l6 4 nhe reee ; o4
• you, and ~14iring ;Ojai time having tried stlmaiiiiire.:-diseases4hicli.k7ertieleirare poi be
afflicted secretions:
ry thing as.l4ll' Iniving 'received .skilfail 'medical ;
attendance, durioga great portion ollhetime__,,, waiek'Svhen retained, scow inducenumber Of inset
don" emiatiignictitlmilf , cOul'.!be:iitideds. trif: 9.! • ;.
sea and oftentimes render Females uohippy and
Numerous.. .fiecPPluellditiclls, l 4 extiltets rabic all theielives.... Thoseililla,use4 isecordinge
great expeaseatteviPeg•neampapei advertising, ,
and'retail - at am.., th e „biee i f ie e g o.1„ / " 1 „ .* ro o g n i , ea'llie 'tomtit!' avid
drieetious,immedlakelY Orgate* -.siew. and healthy
Sion 'dux - MOO - Ur 'the' -- aysteik! , y, ,purifyipg
Leidyta Health tielioriUm.
It le prepared arid sold 'wholesale
14 . c . 1 * •491;.$"th..See.9"ttlbsivielei;arthe same relievi n g the piqn iritheiside,
1 -Street; ll6 l 647 . ,•::AlS9.:ror intittOrsidn
Les iale
t Fred'kAlett,l)tuggist; corner Of Seeind.ood,
aiiteld functionsi antl
lowitillitrects; and J. LontBt, DruggiSia, i r e o toiose. • ••••••-• ' -•-•
'Lancaster I Peter 'Blunts "'ProUlotii Egit 6 n -.4'AsEforliii.iiiil4letil/4-0' 'Strel3ithill
Ponip, Bruges Milton:. : _ _ -
Also ".by STEIVEDISON:• - kIIDTILLE;•• ; Uiruggisle, I 19
Carlisle ,Pa. _ • ••••• 29•11840-Sm
Price 07wDjilifiritIlettle—..:.....-44-r
On your. recommendatibp',l Made use.of Dr: Beck
ter's Pulmointry Preservative, and altbOugh I had
tried- : all "other remedies for .my cough, I- neverfound
relief exceprowilie - above - medicine—l-haveAitea
much Iteneinted by it aOd have recominended it to
many_others .who -have_luffcred .
with pains jaiheir
breasts, coughing,i spittingtufty of brea
thing, colds, influenzas, &e. and nll harti been speedi
ly cured thereby.' - • •
•• With respect, yours, 81,c.
' - - ' I. HOPKINS.
" •
Trenton, N. J.9ct . .1‘.1, 1839.
Friend Leidy—Thee will be much surprised nt my
ommitniestion,when I inform thee of my perfect re-_
coverv, after having•nsed slit bottles of thy medicine.
Tlietjlericiwi how miseritble and distressed I was.—
•Pale nruf sickly, ivithotit appetite, full of pain, with
much cough v and oppression in, my chest, rattling in
my tkroat, &e. lam now enjoying good health, dud
though GO years - of age, feel young in spirits, and must'
attribute my good health to the good effects of thy
Pulmonary Preservative.. Thyftipstand-wellvisher:
7 - 7 " Signed, IL.EMLEN.,.Tanuary 4th, 1839.
. Sir 44 must inform Yon of recovery of my wife,
whose case I described to - you in the city of Philadel
phia. 'The holt:miens and soreness ()flier tliroat, with
'which she suffered many months, has entirely disap
peared, her cough is not so violent, neither has - she
any more pain in her breast, but is entirely cured.—
She• used only Dr. Bcehter's Pulmonary Preservative,
which ton so ktrongly recommended. I 'Tannin yours.
Signed, ~ 'JOHN TURNER.
The above medicine is prepared, only and for sale;
wholesale and retail at Dr. N. B. Leidy 'a Health Em-
poriorn No. 10 North Second street, below' Vine'st.
csignmethe Golden Eagle and Scrpents,) Philadel
phia.. Also for sale at '
F. Klett's Drug Store, 2nd and Callowhill street,.
J. Smith & Co's do. 2d it, next lied Lion Tavern,
.1. Long's & A. Faireeti do. Lancaster; Peter Pothp's
do. Easton; W. 11. Pomp's do.'Miltoo. ' •
• Also, STEVENSON. DINKLE, 'Druggists ) .
Carlisle, Pa. • _[July 29 1840-9 m
V'V To remove these troublesont~aiid
inhabitant sOf the stomach and, bowels, 'which so often
impair - thwitealth - and - desti•oys-thelives of - ehildreit;=
use Jayne's• Tonio Vermifuge, a Certain and safe-pre
parationfor the removal of th • varionski nds of worms;
dyspepsia, sour stomach, want of appetite, infantile
fever and agne,nnd duality , of the stomach and bow
els, and organs, of digestion. To be hail atN0..20
South-Third'stieet Philadulphia. .
--- -
•Also tube had of Samuel Elliott and Stevenson &
Dimtle Carlisle, Pa. imay 13`1840
• -
Prepared only by pr. DvTayne, Inventor
sole proprietor, 3sl6: , South Third
atreet,;Pltileidelphiai and nietybe-had of
S. ELLIQTT, and also o AST.E.VEN=.
SON .DINKLE, 'ffruirgistei'e
lisle, Pa.' . , • • '
These mediotneeare reconimeniled.and 'extensive
lY used by the most intelligent 'persons in the United
Stitteo, numerons 'Professors and Presidents of
Colleges; Physicians; of •the Army and Navy; and' cif
Hospitals and Almshouses, and by more than three.
litlndred Llerivmet.of ittrioria denoininationa. •
They , aye expresSly prepared for family use, and
have acquired an unprecedented , popularity through
, -
. out thelkited States; and as they wear' adinirably'
calculated to preserve rtestalt and cure . DISEASE, no
family should' ever by withciut them.' The; proprie
tor, of theskvaluitble preparations received his ettl
cation at one of the best-Medical Colleges in.the Uni
ted States, end h.ts had-fifteenveartiexperience in an
extensive and diversified practice, ey which hehashad
ample oppertunities of ecquirrng a practical knowl
edge of diseases, and 'of trte remedies best calculated
to remove them. .
these 'll 3 i6paretiOnieonalat of
• JAYNE'S EXPECTOIRANT,a valuable remedy'
-for., cough, colds,•cOnsumption, ostlimq",_ 'spitting of
blOod,crouti, !looping •cough, bronchitis, pleurisy and
inflammation of the lungs•ot• throat, difficulty of brea
thing, and all diseases of pulmonary organs.—Prick
one dollar. . .
- AIsoJAYNE'S HAIR- TONIC, for the preserva
tion, growth and beauty of the hair ; and which will
positively bring : in new hair
o - dollar.
tain and Omura rentediferiworms,iyispeism,piles;
'and many other diseases. 7 .7Price-50cents. -
certain'cure for boWel and summer complaints, liar
rho:; dysentary cholla; cramps, sick headache, 'soul
' stomacb s holera-morbu s, and all ilerangi:merits of the
storm-a titid - bowels, nervous affections,itcb.- ,, Priee
50 cents.
diseases; liver complaints; costiveness,fevers, inflam
mations, glandular, obstructions, 'diseases ofthe skin,
&c. and in all cases where an alterative or, purgative
mediCine is required.- 7 Price 25 cents a box.
• -May 13;1840.--ly -
medicine has alreadyproved itself to be - all that
ithas - been - recommendcd; by those - ,who - have given
'it a fair test in this coutitrx, and the demand for it in
creases We-have-Just heard-cf.:in-...important
cure of Asthma, which has been effected by the-Midi
neighboring town—the nage was- that of - a fe,
male who tau' far a long dine been Under the care_of,
a physician;but had recerfeTiiirrellef;:and her case,
was beginning to be considered hopeless. Asa last
resort she purchased a bottle of Dr. Jayne's ..:, ispecto=
rant; tylii ch causedlier to . expectniate freely; gradual=
ly eased her cough,, and is rapidly restoring her to
health. We have no Hesitation in saying-this-prepa--
ration of De. Jayne; for the cure of coughs, colds; in=
sthma, Consumption, Ste. is the most valqa
blo medicine ever'olferdd to the AintriCan
There. is quackery about it—Dr. Jayne is one.o
the most skilful practising physicians in- Pennsylva
old;antrwherevemhis.preparaions have beeMilir
testedf he is looked upon as a great putlie ben- ,
efactor.--(Somerset (Me.) . -Journal.,
FoCsalif by - Sainucf Elliott and 'Stevenson
kTe; Carlisle; Pais- . -- tmay 13 1840
than six
. .
- More than six millions of boxes of these celebrate.
-Pills have been-s Old in'the United States since Janu
ary 1835..
Hundreds and thousands bless'the day they became
acquaintedlvith Peters' Vegetable Tills, 1.11, in
consequence pf their extraordinary •goodnallf- have
attained a liopularity unprecedented in the history of
:When taken according to the directions stecompa
nyltig them; tb . isyare highly benefioinl in the preven
tion and cure of Bilious Fever,-Fever and Ague, Dys-_
pepsin; Liver Complaints, Sick Head-itcheolaundice,
Asthma; Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlargement of the
Spleen,. Piles,' Colic, Female Obstructions, Heart
burn, Furred Tongue, Nausea, Distension of the Sto
mach grid Bowels, Incipient 'Diarrhoea,. Flatulence,
Habitual!Costiveness, Loss of APpetite, Blotched or
Sallow CoMplexion, and in .nil cases of -Torpor of
the Bowels, whey,'' a 'cathartic or an, aperient in need-
ed. They are exceedingly mild in their operation,
producingneither nausea, griping, nor debility:
The efficacy of these pills is so well known, and
their 'use so general, that further comment is. consid-
ered unnecessary.._.
For further particulars, see Dr. Peters' pamphlet,
'which can be hadigratia; of any of the, Agents. -
The pills are neatly put up in tin boies, containing
20 and 45 pills ? price 25 and 50 cents per box: •
.N -v Oplemis, April 24; Mr.
Dear Sir—As an old 'classmate of yours in. Tale
College, I take the liberty of opening a correspon
dence. ' •
, •
. . .
--.1! learn thatyou -are flaking fortune-by-thesale
of your, pills' which trust is the case, as lem
aware that through them you "are conferring a gait
blessing on the public,. .
royeelfem among_those who have been peculiar
ly their use. • Since my arrival here, I
had been subject to severe bilious attacks.iwkiett had
- nearly brought me to the graVe; but; (and aclinow
ledge it.witlrgratitucle,ln few boxes ofyour pills
have restoredwouhr - add, that
their effect upon Sick - Head-ach& - ffird - Sour Stomach
is-almost Miraculous:
Extract pf a otter Jimm.Dr....Francii Bogart, of
- • Providence;' R. .1, Dec. 7, 1838. -
-Peters' PHIS nre an exerllent apeilient and cathar,
tic medicine, (those effects being produced by the
difference of the.gusintity taken,) dmi arc decidedly
superior to I .ecii;l3randretles, or Morrison's_Pills._
Extract of a lettcr.from ofPhiladelphia r
- - Zebruary 2,
are the mildest in their;operaiiims, - and
yet.most-powerful in their effects, of any that I have
ever met with in
.n practice of eight'and twenty years.
il - o
Their action the chyle; and thence on the. impuri
ilea - 66.1M blood, is eVidently Very surprising. • • • -
Extract -of a otter from -Dr. Scott, -
• ." 7
em in the daily habit Of prescribing them (Peters'
Tillsiyand-they in nearly all cases answered my pur
pose..l have discarded other Medicines, some of
them veil , , good ones, in their favor. ' ' •
. Pasyjuetank ,- ;Nov. 18, 1836: .-
.Sir---Be not surprised at receiving this-letter Crain
-an entire stranger. + YOur medicine is the mime and :
apUlOgy. I'nfrer your
Lice. -illavin7. - tuiperienced a-serious attack of Bilious
re , re.r_tlis EQI , lwasinducell., in_ednseottence of their
try.4our : pills ; aiiirso:_benefiCial
been the result, that I am i procure-tiliifgr
quaiiiitYOilliem_to"use mmy ilractice. Please writr
ME:wordls your lowest•priee to the facidty fni
two bundre oxes. Your earliest attention to tlii,.
will blitige; . _
Yours, gm.
. • R. IL 1?.11.118Er,
No. 25 'firoonie street; N. .1"4 - Afay-47- 1 ,1338.
.1 hereby certify, that myliver was in a very disea
sed state, atufluntiong baffled the. skill-of a highly
pOpUlar physician but that it has been rendered* per
litctly healthy by thelfse of Vegetable Pills.
They Were first recommended lome by Dr:gels — obi.
• I have Amid " ; pleaihre in witnessing . , to the truth_of
the above, as I lipow from experience that Dr. Pe
ters'Pill's arc an invaluable medicine. •
4GEXTS, • •
BROIPJV'E.4 KESEr, Chambersburg. •
S./.ML. IVILSON & Co.,Shippotioburg:
JVILLJA.4f IJ. RR , Newville. ~
• ,701L 7 Y - J: MYEILS 41? Co. 3- Cal.. . lisle ' .
And by all the Druggists of Philadelphia and Pal
imore. • •
Nov. 8, 1839.-1 year. "
The public are hereby directed to the medical ad.
vertisesnentsof Dr. !tartlets's Celebrated Compound
Strengthening Tonic, and German Aperient Pills,
which are a medicine of great value to the afflicted,
discovered by 0. P. 'Harllch, a
.celebrated physician
at Altdorfc . Gerinany, which has been used with un
paralleled. suceess throughout Germany. This' medi
eine consists of two kinds, viz : the German Aperi
ent;and the Compound Strengthening Tonic Pills.
They are each pistols inamall packs, and should both
be used to effect a permanent cure: Those who are
afflicted would do well to make a trial of this invalu
able • medicine; as they, never produce sickness or
nausea While using.. A safe arid effectual remedy, for
and all stomach complaints; pain in side, liver , com- 1
plaints, loss of appetite, flatulency, palpitation of the
rt, general debility, nervous irritability, ei ilk head
tism, adhering, consumption, Ike. The German Ape.:
Hem-Pills are-to cleanse the stomach and purify the.
The - Tonic or -- ,Strengthening Tins - are-to
strengthen and invigorate the nerves and digestiye or
gans and give tone to the stomach, as all diseases ari- -
giniite from impuritiesof the blood and disordered
stomach. This mode ot treatin . g-ffl sued_
ecases is pursu
by all 'practical Physicians ,- which eirperience has
taught them to be the only remedy to effects cure.
They are not only recommended and prescribed by
the most experienced PhySicians in their daily prac
tice, but also taken by those gentleraen themselves
whenever tkey feel the symptoms of those diseases, in
which they know them to be efficacious. This is the
caseisrall large cities In which they have en eaten
sive sale. It is not to be understood that these medi
cines will cure all diseases' merely by . purifying the
blood--this they will not do; •but they certainly will,
and linflicienA authority of daily proofs - asserting that
those 'medicines, taken as recommended by thia rec.
ticm which accompany them, will cure , a great undo-.
rity of diseases of the stomach; lungs, and liver, by
which' impurities of the blood are occasioned.. '
ti Ask for Dr. Harlich's,CompOund Strengthen
ing Tonic, and Gerinan Aperient Pale.
Principal office for thermic of this medicine, isat
N0.1.9Nc - Ttr li:Eighth-street;PhiJadelPhia.
Also—Per sale at the Drug Store'of John J. My-.
era . 13r, Co. Carlisle; and ',William Peal; Shippena
burg. , ' • • , • (N0v..20, DIM
APIHILDRf.N- 316thers and
Nerses. 7 -4ou are aware • that there
.are huti
dreds of el - use-little ones thnt You so dearly love,who
nre•dally Jut - tried into an untimelV ; grave, from that
distressing malady
,Convnlsions, which almost every
infant falls alimiy . to'at the time ot debtition ; there
fore, you who arelnothers, and have the care of those
little ones, should BRIJ TDr. rigs celebrated Sooth
ing Syrup frr Infantile' Teething, which has preserved
thousands, when thought past recovery, that (le
struiztiie rava ger .- 'This invaluablemtedicitie can al
ways be obtained at the Medic:lt-Office, No. 19 North
- BightltatreetT - oppoalte-Filbert=streethiladelPhia,-,
Where testimonials °fits efficacy can be seen. •
oar Tor sale at the Drug:Store of .lohn J. Myers &
Co. Carlisle. Pa." ' . • ' •
TEETII.-*Hiiii 'Many 'thciusandi those little
sufferers die annually from the effects of Protracted
dentition..7.k4-„Ficrie-Scothhi s f Syrupfor.Children
,Cuttiv.their Teeth.. This infallible remedy
past tireserved hundiedi - of Children When thought past
recovery from Convulsions. As !soon. as ,the Syrup .
is robed - on the' Om; the child will :rectiver7 - • - this
preparation so Innocenti so ellicabicits,ind so, plea;
sant, that no child will refuse to lekusberubhed
with it, Wren infanta are at an, age orfoOr Months,
thougitthere is no appearanceof teeth, one bottle of
Syrup sholthibetned_oluttegums i to'crpen the pores.
'Paitilnts plfo'
W Cltittlie7withoitt Syrup, hi'• the Inn.-
eelyNibere tl*re : ire loans. Children ferdf a child
ke in the: night, with pains hi the Onto, the By 4
rupimmediately . gtves ease,briniening,the porecand
healing' the gu ms; preventing
Fevers, &o. • , . •
For outleonliitt No. 19 North Eighthatreet,'Phila
delyhia: :; • • '2, ,
eri'or Bale at the Drug Store it • o '10; J. , J{TyEra Ed
Co., Cahlide ; at the store'of:A. Xiefer,` tirarr ebu rg
Dennet Bomgardnir; York ; and IVM. Mathiott,_
Columbia, Pa. • Jan. 8,1840.
trod, Phi!oder.
of J. J. Myers
Ns-. 20, 1859.•-
With sentiment• or estedo,
SIIE4E:RD, .111.. D
mportant Discovery.
used by all olasses of people in • preference to oth er
Medicines'. • . • • `
BCp's4.TSE they areprepared arara4ture extract
of her ;90 . 0tholesonikmddicin0; mild brit* Operation.
and pleatiatitifi certabite/e"er
,of health, a safe4ndelfectUal - cere - of rot MA.
dr INDIGESTION,Und all Stomach Compl!tino,s
preserver and puilflet of the-vvhole ayotem. • •
Because:they - seethethe nerves of sensibiligt and
forti6 , ' the nerves of motion, imparting to :their most
subtte'fluid its . pristioe tone, thus giving Strength and'
clearness of mind. • ' . • • • •' "
Because they never' destroy the coats of the Stegy
mach arid boWels _as all strong , purgatives do:
Because science and experience lia — Lhat, -- no ---
mere purgative alone will cure 'the diseases of the
Stomach and Nerves. Weaknea is the primary cause
.of a host of diseases, and, by continually resorting to'
DRASTIC purgatives, you make-the disease muclr
worse, instead of better. •
Because Dr. Harlich's Medicines are put up ution
the commonsense principle, "to cleanse and strength—
en," which is the only course, to pursue to effect is ,
cure. ' I.4slin
Because these medicines really do CURE the dis--
ases for which they are recommended.'• •
PRINCIPAL OFFICE for the United Statcs,
19, North Eighth stacet, Philadelphia. .
. oi.The above named medicines are for stile 'at the•.
Drug Store of JOHN J. MYERS CO:,
lisle, and William Peal; Shippensburg.
And at the store of A. Keefer, Harrisburg; Henn'
Bumgardner, York; and Wm. Mathiot,
Pa. [January 8,1840:
DELNYST — A7M .-- D - A . NGt ROUS.—=So
is it with thosewlio-negieet . their COLDS .aint
C ou:off, At. first you complain of having . a cold,
which - is neglected •fifter: wen eBB is expe- - •
rieneed in the - Bronshia; with a hacking cough,- and - -
finallY the disease Settles .upim 'the lungs, which the
patient will soon perceive by a wasting Away of the
body, attended With hectic fevers and spitting up of
florid blood and mit* &OM ulcers on the lungs; a
pain and - weight is also experienced at the affected
part of thel tinge; the functions of the:animal economy
grow languid; the body becomes , dry ; the eyes sink -
deep'within their Cavities; at length the.patientpt!ys
Almdebt of - nature, when be is flattering - himself with. -
the hopes' of a speedy recovery. To obviate all those
diitressing symptoms; "Spare no time" iii procuring
Dr. Swayne s Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, at
the very ,commencement of your colds and coughs,
Whereby-many nights of sweet repose willbe procured •
and timeand money saved, and above-allyour-health—
secured. -Therefore, Remember, Delays are - Danger
ous !. ' " -
The above medicine can always be obtained at the
Principal Of ice; 19, North Eighth street, Phi .
States. ...„
Stkii , e , of John . .f. alyirs FI Co„
Carlisle; at the store of A.'Keefer, Harrisburg; Den- -
net ft .llomgardner, York; and—Wm, , --11fathiott;Co---
, luinbia, Pa, - • 'Jan.
_ .
The ONLY sure and the 'hest course t.' 7. .1 .1 =10
in curing diseases, of whatever„nature e,
is, firs[.--to cleanse foul purifyilie Stomich an ,
.aperiesat c SeContll34-to:git
and tone. to those tendettorgittis' by the use of proper
topics: 'This mode of: treating diseases' is - pursued
bv..regular. physicians, whibh-thcy_wellkttow.-10,b0,
the only :cuursetto. :i ecvirA:t_n, to--effectit:-iipeedv-un&
pertinthent cure. ll1t:-11MILICH'S COMPOHND
APE' IHENTTPILLS - wre --- a -- suro medicine-to- effect,
this grand object. The Germim Pperient Pills tire to
leatitte.the Stortmeli and 'lntestines', itfMi_wldeli the
Compound Strengthening Tonic Pala are used to give
strength and tone to those organs Whick'rermire ten
der .treatraent:, , NearlY,,two, Olivia,. of diseases --
wltieh'we daily beltalit `lire diseases of the Nervous
system, and by continually using drastic miheral.pur; ,--
gatives, the stiffener will .soon fdid hiMself tvbeing_too
much refined to remain long In existence:. Full and
,explicit directions, both in English-and German, ac-
PRINCIPAL' OFFICE for the United States, No.
19 NOrttla EIGHTH street, Philadelphia.
ca•Por atile by John-J. Alpert, & Carlisle,.
and Qh3o at the store of - IS...Keefer, Harrisburg; lien- •
net & B umg - ard nee; York; - and - Wrn. - Mtolliot, Co.
ftHEUMATISM, entirely cured by the use of Dr
O. P.. Harlich's Compoun&Strengthening And
Germiliv_Aperientl mop. ;1,r.,* Solomon . Wilson, nf_
Chester co. l'a„aillicted, for two Lears with the above
distresslig disease, of which he hailisitiselds crutch.
es for . lB months, his symptoms. were excruciating
pain in all his.joints, esmially in his hip; shoulder,
and airicles pain increasing always towards evening
stiehded,w'ith heat., Mr. Wilson, was atone time not
able to move his Irfeitis onflocount of the pain being
so great, he being advised b it friend of • his to pro
cure De. Hari of which he sent to the Agent
in West Cheater and procured some; or using the
medialnethe third day thejmin disappeared and his
strength increasing fast, andln three weeks was. able
teittend to hi,S which he had not done for
18 months; for the benefit of others affiictig, he wish
es those lines Published that they may be relieved; •
and again enjoy the pleasure's of healthy life.
Principal Office, 19 north Bth street, Phita: Also
for Went the Drug Store of John J. Myers & Co.
Carlisle. • • • [Nov. 20,1839..
-11.1 MCINIALS of the EFFICACY,of Dr. Harlich's
Medicines. Mr. Jonas. Hartman,. of Bumneytown,.
Pa., entirely cured of the above disease, which lie was
afflicted with foisix years. His Symptoms were a
- senseofdistensiontudomession - afterrating;distre
sink pain in the pit of the stomach; nausea, loss of ap
petite, giddiness and dimness of sight, extreme debili- ,
ty,fiatulency, acrid eructations, -sometimes votnitiog t
and, pain in - the - right side; depression of spirits, dis- ----
turbed rest, faintness, and not able t 6 pursue his busi
-ness-withOut caTiagt,mmediateexhittellon -and wee- , .
rinses. - 'Mr. - Hartman IS Ha pp y to state to thejiubtic
and is willing to give any information to the afflicted,
respecting the wonderful benefit he received from the ':
see of Dr. Harlich 'p. Compound Strengthening and
iceman Aperient Pills. •
OnsEnVE—ThisMedicine can be. oblained-at No.
.19, - Nortt Eighth street, opposite Filbertstreet,Phil
:Wein-hitt. •
For sale at the Drug - Store - ofJetin J. Myers & Co.
Car4e,Pe. ••• t Nov. 20,1839. ,
IKAD • THIS !-- . --"Dr.; SIKIEN‘ EiS CO3l-
POU.ND JSTRUP OP PRUNUS or' Wild Cherry.—,-This is decidedly. •
one of the best remedies for Coughs and Colds now
in use-4t allays irritation of the. Lungs, loosen's the
Cough, causing the phlegm to raise free and easy; in
Asthma; Pulmonary Consumption Recent or Chr is ,
nic Coughs, 'Wheezing and chfficing of Phlegm
Hoarseness; Di ffi culty of Breatliing,Treup, Spitting
of. blood, Sm. This Syrup is warranted to effect a
peiitauent core, if taken according to directions
which accompany the bottles. For sale at No. 19 .
North Eighth StreetrPhiladelphia:
• let Fo r sale at theprug . Store of 3; J . 'Myers tr._
Co. uarlisle, Pa. .
MORE DROOFS , ofAfie,efficacy of Dr. Swayne's
Compound. Syrup ' . ot" Wild Cherry .Bark :
Et Drown ; corner. of Second. street and the forks • -
of Germantown road; effectually cured.
teniivere, general debility f attended with a constant
cough, pain in die side, breast; and back, - With other
symptoms indicative of pulmoniiry . disease,not essen
tial to . iptinuite; • 'After 'taking' the 'second bottle of •
peered, and 'tier strength increased fast, and - by - the--
dine she used:, two' bottles .mom•ihe found herself .
freed from all pain, and other unpleasant symptoms
which attended her (Haase.- She is. now enjoying .
perfect health, and willing 'to
respecting her cure: She likewise recommends this-
Syrup to all affliejed,With a cough,
orjdisease nithe
R . or salekt No.lit, North' Di , lth street,Phi,
IndelPhialandflitlbr:Sale'by J: 2 r
qii.llBl6, Pa. -;" ; - ' -- IXcry• 247 4 1189.
C YOUR 'COUGH. borom it too ;
1.- 1 - late. ;Rememher delays are Thou-
Sands die annuallyrfsom that Areadiut disease con
sumption, which might have „ been been checked .at tbi
commencement and disappointed of its prey if proper
means had - been' resorted to, •; • The very many. M .
have thus been Snatched 'froth 'that fatal royageerhy
the timely use of, Vri,:tilwarie's . CoMpound Sirup . of
Wild . Cherry , heir_testimpny to_ this day, anniplomen
the 'mires, the wonderful (litres; perlifirmed by ll.os use
of this medicine. ;
04 - Par sale ONLY!vit NO:l9,l 4 Tolith Eighthstreet
, Philadelphia, and respective agents... 7
~Por sale' byy. Jahn .1...711;yer8
Keefer, Hitirishurg 'Bennet . & BiMigardnei, York;
and Nivi. gaildets,,, _
January 8, l 840.:" • - . . _