Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, November 04, 1840, Image 1

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• • , •
,7 , DrIZ/418 ZSZI;LIIII4—/PrOla 614
ess TaltiO_Ale tract of LitnestOrke . Laild
TOR ;5'.111,18.
.. • - vv ILL, be sold at private sale, at any time be
tVieen'this and the' 15th of NO‘:ember next,
. . .
• , •. ... : . •. .
• '.' 16fullestone Plantalion,
' late the property of James Neal; Esq.. deceased,situ7'
Atte. in , Dickinson lownship,.. Cumberland county,
.. - itioundett by lands of Andrew Carothers;John Wood
-burn, Samuel Huston and others, containing
_ .
nne acres, more or less;atiout two thirds .of: yhich
are cleared land,ln.excellent cultivation and under
good fence—the remaining third is fine timber land.
The improvements area
large two r.
r . ... . . • .
Dwelling 4
...._ i . , .
• Housecthid IC itc - hot ...
. ---- - a lava • ok Barn, Wagon Shed, and
. other out buildings:; ir5i' , .„.1114,14. ?cal iiiater.
: ' There are alsol:MA . i i .,,7• . ..1,04.. .4ti! dpple orchard
and other fruit trees , , 110 - ii • %Iv • ,`, ,', lit" water tart
--•'-, -has-scarcely-evei;temilitpo'•!".. , 4; i,, ; , ,, .!_. .
.. : Persons wishing tiitiVw IF& , :sial • tant:aec the
• ' -611M9 by calling. on__3lfr. Pick'l'r: ,Vreiddetion the
premises ; and for the price; c6f; , pions of : sale, am,
by application, to William M. niddle,Eswipt Car
- lisle, 0n.t0,„1. - Samuel Boyd (ane . "'of• the. owners)
near ColUMbia, Lancaster cottnty; 4 Pa.' - • .
October.::::t9,lB4 —fits.
• - -
Valualple):Tan-Yard • PKaperty
FOll2 SOULE. - - -
. . , . _ •
• On 11ignilay.tbe 9th of November next,-af 10 o'-
elaeli, A. %willIM:told at public atife; -- omthe pre
anises, in . the borotigh of Carlisleictunberland comi
ty, thathirge and comniodiotts ' • . __
. .:.
, • Tan. Yai..d
w situate-on thenorth past corner of Lontber Rad East
streets, bounded on the--ea:st-by the Letart spring,
,_and_on .the north by lot of I'. C. Hall, Esti:, contain
:- ing two litintWed ittfrunt, and pnediun,
twenty in-depth, more '.on• rtglai_glpnking.
te the estate Dar .S. Forney, d ec'd4 having,
on erected a large - . . •
-,••• %,•„-tv`l TWO•STORY "STONE
. -
• Dwelhng • I4o usc
it Two "Sidi StoneFinishing-•§ltopt-a..large_Two
• ". Story Briek.l3eam Rouseva huge Frame Bark-and•
Mill:Hodie'; with a -Bark :AIM •in it. . There - are ,
-'--.7-.--fOrty-four-ley-atways.ainl one poOl'in the yartlLifve
handlers„threedintes and one bate in the beam house,
—and a good_well ofzater at. the kitchen door. There
• . also he sold at tlie same time and place, a timid:
- ' titrof .Chesnut and Black Oak bark, together with
'some Tanner's tools,Stc. The property is in good
order, and in a very desirous situation for a Tannery,
— iir a private dwelling. Terms of sale will be made
" known 'on the day of sale; • and • any information .will
-be given about" tlie-rronertrbefore the day of sale by
• GEO. W,: - SHEAFER,/r xec , trs,
Carlisle, Oct. 14, 1840.
PUBLIC : SA I.C. to Public Sale, on , the premises,
-in Westliennsborough tonmsbip,Cumberland county,
.on Wednesday the 1 lth (lay of November next, at
10, o'clock, — A. M.,- viz:
1.0 -
indLinfeitcMe Livid; on Which-is erected-a -
iii- i '; 111 ~
• , UV: Log Barn, &c.
T ;ere is also on said premises a first rate Orchar d
of prime fruit; also a first rate spring of never fading
water; adjoining lands of Nathan Woods,Bear, Sites
and others. Terms will be made known on day of
October 14, 1840
4 , Farin:of 147 dcres of Slate'
'arid Limestone Land,
`Situate in North Middleton township; Cumberland
co., two miles from Middlesex mills, and five from.
Carlisle. Thannprovententsarea good
.• 100' 1101TSM Br# •
under part stone withhfour afilliles - , WitlibackMulfront:
sheds, one of which is ti'M'anary with a cellar under]
ATI LX DJ . • t
• • ( O R CHARD
together with OtiteOritprovesnents: "Abort leto acres
cleared,. under good. fence and in a- gOod,state of
- cultivations• the, remstuder is covered irlthtood tim 4 -
' • - ber, a part ,of 'which is Locust; springs in nearly all
the fields. The Conodoguinet creel‘bouodethisfarni
'on one side ttsi3 perches, which will afford a location
. .•r for water. Works, Any' person wishing - to purchase,a
farm of.this description will do well to ciaMine it, as
I Itth determined' o sell: '
Application can /e made: to Valentine Sholly
• • the farm'Or tothecuhsoriber in Carlisle. - •,
:July 15,1840: ,k-tf
Ansicmeeship Account: . • •
'Whereas Jos. Whisler, Assignee of Joseph Alba!
ter, did on the Nth 'day of August; A. D. 1840, file
"• the Office of the ProthotiotarY of the Court of
`'lEorntnOn'Plefts of Ctimherland county, his account
as';#esignee of thesaid,,Joseidt . .Tosser: Notice Is
hereby glyea s lo all 'versonkintenested, that the'said
;Tennconk, have 4ppoitded:the.first - Motiday of 'November'
I.B4,o;(beh4lhe 9th ) for the confirmation of
•..said account: •••
• . DEO. SANDERSON, Proth'y.
• PhothonatarY's Office, • - " •
October 1;.1840 :'S '
• •
- ..,: . ,
, : .. • .
~, 7 ...
[....A.ssligneeship• Account. •',
' ,
__.‘ :Whereas 'David :11endwer, Ansignee , of. Joseph
- IFlciorei : , did On'thel9th'"day - oC August; A. 1). 'lB4O,
. . ; ...file, in the Office of the Prothonotary of the. Court of
. . ..'.. cciindion'Plens of Cniriberland county,,hiii uccountas
. . -,4tisiguee Of the said ' Joseph Lionvers • 'Notice is here.?
,„ . .., , ,..11sven to' nil interested, that the said court have,
--. -Appoloted the 'first Monday Novembeel'erritlfll4l,
„,,,___,..._l(l.4eing_t_ffplitylifor.the.cenfirntation of - said nocuitpti
"F", -.. . ',7' . '- , fl GI EIANDDRSON'iPkitiey.
.PiOthiutotafri Office;•:tra, . 1 ''; ' - i
• ''.PCFPAPlDetcitiet 1,'184 . . ' ' /
..:c..- - o tee. , - -- -, -;-
-, .crrict IS:hereby given that:l:et:tees of.ltdmin
.•.•,:,. :.-istration.on,,the estate of 4 acoh ,Goodheartjate
,-..1 : West Rennslxirol, township • deceased; havci..been
cl,'ltithell,to the Au)iscriber.:44ue firm of' law. ~ •
• .. 1 •••••14,11;persons baring accounts with said dee'd., are
,-. tertuestediii:present them to the subscribe P
;A authenticated for..settletarent,and those' intletqed to
',htialte, kiathediate4Synsentr,,,' '
- ' ' .• . • • '
-•- - ••:' . - ',. - '• • . .DA*ll) PALM, • .
::0ce1t6: 1 . 64 0:„. - ~ 4
• " ' 4 4 , Eti"jASitiA.TELY, -,
ti n eroui‘ :i;Jurneviiii*coppar,! liberal ,„itr lt i;.3y4n3
e)n1y..) 0 ,79" , f 1 . 1 . 1(1 ,
• m a n • 4 ' will Si given ,fef , ,nfiPeroltufi r
• : 1 1 4 1 la highest,. sir, an :iv • ,
and • ho9P-Polc s . • ••• R. St. J . AIIUES•
• t .
Carlisle Oct. 20 1 84(1. , .
.. ~ .
.11,' , -.'-. ..,' ‘; ' ' -,.., • .
. . .
. , .. .
, .
. .
. .
Executor of Mary McKean
• •
• - , FOR' &ILE. •
lkhplirsunnee Of, the last willi and testament of
James Graham, late of Allen township, Cumber
land Gouty, deed., I will sell at public sale, on the,
premises, on• Wednesday the, day of November
next; at 10 .o'clock; A..M., the TollOwink deseribed
valuable property; to wit• •
One Hundred ! . of Prime.
about one mile south of Mechanicsburg—about one
half cleared, under good fence, and in a high state of
cultivation—the residue covered with thriving young
timber.--There are no buildirks on the land..
A clear and undisputable title will be given,and
the terms made known on the day of sale. -
• Persons-wishing to view the premises previous to
the day of sale, can•call ntthe late residence of James ,
Graham, adjoining the same, or on•the subscriber.
•- • - ROBERT G. 'WONG 'Executbr.
October 7,1840."-Ads. - '
'WHEREAS, the lion:ttstirsi..HEPl&RN, ,
V-V Pre
sident Judge .of the,,Court of - Common Pleas
comp_osed of the counties 61 Cum-.
berland,. Perry and Junuitral and the — Hdii.7./iihir
•Stuart atilt John Lefevre, ndl-es of the said Court of
Common Pleas of the coi nti of Cumberlanth-have
issued their precept, bearing ,date 'the I.othr day . of
August, 1840, and to me :directed,. for -holding a
-Court of Oyer; and Termine and _General Jail De
livery, and - General: guarter Sessions of the -Peaee,-
, at Cat lisle; -onrthe — .
Second_lionday of November,l43 . 4o,
(being'llin 9th day) at ten o'clock. in -the forenobn
NOTICE is hereby given -to the Coronert Justices - of
the Peace, and Constables of the said county of Cum
berland, that they be then antbthere •in their proper
persons, with their- records, inquisitions, examino-•
Otitis and other remembrances, to do those things
which to their offices respectfully appertain. And
those who are bound by recognizance to . prosecut e
jirisoners,that are,' or then may he, in-the
Jail of Curoberland.e.tounty, to beAten-and there to
prosecute against them as shall be just. • •
- Dad - at_pirlisle,the'Vitit day , of 'October, 11.840,-
and the sixty . fourth year OfAineriiiaritndepenilence;
-• JOH N.• MYERS;'"Sheriff..
200. Dollars , ' Rewar 1 i
Ran away from the subscriber,:neer . Frederiek
own-Mil-. on, Saturiltioiglit, 10th October 1840, a
I oung (duck fellow, named .. , -
-1. •c - A 1 - 4 - E - gli BISSET ~ '
about 2.2 years of.age, s.feet 4::.0r,5 incites high, - well - ,- B.A.
made,. with l'Otlllti. fiice.and shbulders broad, speaki •
plainly and countenance . good. lie can aany - kJ - 1d .. •ci ,-- -
of worle.ou a farni or at carliiniter's ,Work.. ' He took i . • ' 'd
, onthemzer . 8( i Lin auero-,
with him a low crown hat, and a• pair mf Reaverteen [ •At their New Store in C'entreville, lewd' -:. :
p an woona. He a l so t o ok with him . y 09114 blood.. oeived and-are now opening a very largeAn , r: ' .2 ' !
ed Black horse; - 4 years old Nit 'Spring, with _'two assortment of BRITISH, FRENCH: an .0, , 1 , 1 :': -1 • , .
hind •feet White, and .white slip in the fore headi , TIC . -- , ..• .:. . , ~ . ..04,A4
racks, trots and gallops. ,He also took my saddle, I - 1 R - 1 11 G 0-0 ps, ' ...-:;
bridle-and MartiiigaleS; the saddle is about half worn ' - • ' - • -
marked with a label under the small. paid -sown 11 7 whieh ha re heca.a.c,k rtell with much care In theca.'"
of NEW-YORIkemtpHILADELPHIA, and which
Litre, Market itreeti Frederick city.''. __The bridle
they respectfully:At - tyke -the. citizens-of_ Ceetreville
is a' 'stiff bit with double reins—the martingale is old,
and vty to cillimiTeirmine, as they will be ena
with•oue ivory ring; the other -being broken and tied
:sided' to please, and sell' decidedly cheaperithan any
with a strap. • ' other establishment in the county. They will be
A reward of 150 dollars will be given it taken, in
. all times 'in see customers who are desirous
the State and seeared lit jail so that I get hitp . again.
Ten dolisrs'wlit be.glien forthe horse if he is sent .of lavin g . - . . •
to-Frederick; and all reasonoble charges paid. 1 Pliew Cheap and Good Gotids,
, ,Alllti'M GETZENDANNEIL I Among l their stock will be, (blind Blue,. Black,
Dauber 12,1a40.-4t • .. ' I Brown, Green,Olire, ftclet, Mulberry ' ', Dahlia,. Cit
ron, Claret, Mixt:Drab, and a variety of Idii-Prtted
XTWIT - SOOD 04 -- . - 1 -- - -0 43'0 Qua Pob .
••• 'Superior striped . and plain London and. Buckskin,
The .subscriber has jtist returned from the city c am lmeresipreminin and low priced Sattinetts; au
with a large supply of superior new styled,' .. • perior Silk, Satin, Velvet, Valencia, Corded; Strip
. ssirnere
FALL AND-WINTER. • . ed, Figured and Plain Marseilles and Ca
Vestiugs. A . gener4l assortment of all 4i:dailies and
. .
GOODB, • 2 , • . rm... of .. -. . ..- : ~..
consisting in part of—Wool dyed Black, Blue, Cla- , . ,
fail and • Winter Goods:
for...G tl ' •• - S rior ' Black
ret, Dahlia, Brown, invisible Greeti and Mulberry .!, !fall .
: i n ta i tian e Lutestrit a t i g i s el j i ir e lti l S s liZ ea : . Nape, n l i lo e Be S WAS,
' - • . alaoTl-15•.• Gros De, Pwiss, and Senshaw Sil4halleys; Chint
,. 2 ' Les, ,litcoonets, Cambric's, Hobbinetti,Plam and Fl
' Wool dyed Black, Blue, and. figured Cassimeres I.gured Swiss, and Book Muslins, Shawls, Dress •
Sattinetts of all descriptions; Cards and Beaverteens; littiiikerettiers, Sands, Veils, Ribbons; &C.
Ticks and Checks; tinported Stair 'and figured Car- A. e and ' excellent assortment; of fine and low
peeing; Saxony, Prince and Mouse de, Lames; tom- ' vpeer Calicoes, Irish; Table, Towelling and Table
'ames, Merinoes, blue black, black, Mantua, Pao/Ft, Wpm., Crash Muslin!, Tickings, Checks,Cords,
Brown, Figured'and Plain Silks; Figure?! and_' Beaverteens,
fie. A general assortment of ~.eghern
Plain Swiss and Jaconet ~Ifusllus; Green Baize and add Straw Bonnets, Umbrellas,Parasols, tic. Also,
Flannels of, different colours; Gloves and Hobey; !tin extensive' assortment of • ,,, ,•
Cloth and Fur Caps;,.Broslie and Merino ;Mazola ; , 1
. .
:Mackinaw,. -
aCkinaw, Rose and Point BlWikets; Leghorn and • Groce r ies and awns ware, .
Straw Bonnets;, together with an astiot tment . of
of the most approved Qualities The public are re
----.....-4,trocer, 47, ..kncensvitare. ! speCtfullv invited to call and judge for themselves as
~. ,
.. . ........____.
All of Ala. heap- -, ....5tr0r - cottntr -
will-eTsotiud-the-inost-reasiiiile—tirrare detelni " ed to- selt3lienW- -n ... . )
TAVERWREEPERS - itie -resneetfully
terrine:. Persaiiiireinvittp to call and examine for I*n dunn.
invited:to call: and examine their stock of Liquors
themselves-before...purchasing eliew,liere. '
I before' PM:lait%
. .elsewhere. , ' „ . _ _ _ .
ANp . ll,py -RICHARDS: .. .
• • . - • • . Centreville, Cum.. Co., October 14 1840. .
, , ,
• •
T» - 14 ,LIL N G . EP F•A T -. • - • • -,-,.
(0 1; a 4 a( 9 / 1 1 , 4 . ' • ' ,
. _ .
... ' • First,..Cat ! .- - • "Estate-of -Nary Zinn, decY..... :
.. , . .
TO • COUNTRY MERCHANTS-: tate of Mary Zinn; late of Westpennsborough•
.• ' d 2,10 OTHERS.- -'
:, - .. . ~. , , ,. • !etto the subseriberliving in the same township; No
111111111E1 Subscribers, intending to leave Carlisle, of- , 'tribe 15 hereby given to all those indebted to said
fee their ENTIftE STOCK, Comprising an ex.. tate to make Immediate payment , and all those lipv
tensive variety of ever:) , deseriptiooef ',' • • . ' in.. Claims against saidestate to present them, prop
. e ,
.• . PRA G:0 0D S . • e re } authenticated; foraettlement. . • ,
• 1 . •' . -.• GEORGE. ZINN, Adiu'r.
for sate at ST COST! - . - .• • • ~,0ct..7,1840.---61 . • ' , '. • ' •
-; - Cepntry Merchants, and the public , generally,will - -
Wu' it decidedly to their advantage to call, examine,
and purchase —its they cannot obtain goods cheaper in
the city. "
- .. . - • '
Call .and see--call ,and I) ur'cha se;:i
. Depend upon it, Itargainsare now offered to every
one who desires to purchase.
' • ' • RNOLD.:4- CO: :.
Carlisle, October 21, IMO.. - ' -• ' - - ' ,
N. B:--Persons indebted are requested to call and
settle.before the firseof Sanuary next. •
my 'Goods,. Gr . o'ceties4:, l 42itiiiiiiiiiike.
prices ur Cash,"ity the roomy reeentlY 'eeeettl.hy-
Jaerob Rhieni and adjoining soCEi
the: atototi Wels,ll.
''Thelltook is : n , new, and consists. 41'400031
etsomrinos, bombazines,liannels, veetiogt4;
-muslines,. calicoes,. , ugs ,
,covers, plain and , figured, ;swii4; - '.rittis.)
insurtings, - lacw - Isillcr:..eint - Tmottoty
-handkerchiefs', fibulas, • gloves and'.'stock
ings,llonnets; beaverteens,
:Also,, 11.. small t A.%41; , AN . ,t1
QUEENS. I N ARE, , and slew Gt,ROCEIIIEs. , .
Ileving , reliaquisbed - .bueinessinlShippeps- ,
burg, and l ,reruov.ed - that ,enfire. ,stogic to,;tl)is,
place,,l. am Aesiimus,:of closing.up thp.con
cern ~as soon-ae•Totnsible• _P9r9hPoirs.w ill
de; well ,to call: soon, as great, bargains will
tie given. •
Efrction .DirrOgrs•
~s9*kv i iillefie!Tereu 10 th e Stc"holgers4igi tine
INdituckoli 010 held at pleir . :l3R4.;
ins; tialtiefohAfieWidt Melfiditi?or 410embei next,.
tkeitig 16tft. day:cifahe'mensh) tfor ahirtepri.
,rtors„ o:serve: o,e'imindim ,
• ' 5. egitgAls7,;colhiet:.•
Edited and Publfshid for the ; , Proprietor, ; by George 11 1 ." Ciabb , in Carlisle, eansbeiland County, a•
5' Vatiitibte:P4oo
1. A. Farm of 165 acres. of first- 'rate
Limestone - land, situated in. North 'Middleton town
roes from Cat Tisle, adjoining , the Poor House
Farm, M.,Brenneman, and ethers. - About 115 acres
atte cleared, the residue- covered' v9ith „, , ..00d: thriving
timber., The improvements are a Double Litt Heine;
'a new Bank Barn, a young thriiirig orchard,a -well ,
40 feet of never-failing water.
Farm -containing 465 nom of Slate
land situated in said township, 1i miles from Carlisle,
adjoininglantls of George Wisp and others, of which
1201acrea are cleared, and the residue in thriving
timber. o -The improvements are a large Frame House
and Kitchen, Lug Barn,Tenant house, a good thriving
orchard, a-never failing well of waterat, the.door, and
'springs 14 every field: •
3. A Farm containing 224 ncred - of' first
rate Lithestone land,.a little mixed, with slate, situat
ed in said township 5 'miles frOrn . " Carlisle, and ','one
mile north east of 111iddlesex,Idjoining the Canodo
guinet creek i peter liettrick and others. -About 150
acres are cleared, and the residue in heaVy timber..
'The improvements are a Stone House and Kitchen,
_ft-Kood,Log Parn - ;StOneSpring-house, with a never
failing.spring rt.nninfilirough the - farm, Mid an Or r
chard: of choice fruit and other improvements.
-4. A Farm Of 235 acres Slate land nixed
With Limestone, adjoining the last mentioned - and .
bounded by the Catiodogumet -creek., 'l4O acreaare
cleared,nril the residue - covered with heavy timber;
about 50 acres is first rate meadow — BM& -rho - irr!. !
iiroyementa are: , a gecid ,LorHodie;;Log - Barn - , a.
Spring Hotriii-Vith-aAteverlailing-spring near-the
door, and an Orchard. This Farm will afford a lo-
Cation for water -worki....
- s:•,4 — Faren • of 226 acres Slate' - land,-
Limestone - , adjoining the last mentioned
• eractfaagainet creek. 150 acres are cleared and
the;ree in good timber, about SO acres of which
are first rate 'meadow: The_ iniprovements - are -a
• Double Log House and Log' 'Barn, mod a 'Spring
-House with a never failitigapring, orchard, of.
choice fruit trees. 'The last mentioned three' Farms
1 will be sold separately or together as-it may suit pur
; chasers. A good quantity .of, meadow can be yet.
Mad& of the.-woodlantl-tilongtfie_sitid_creek.' A'large
qinintity of locust i growingon the last ilireeratition'
Vd Farms. For further _particulars apply to the sub
scriber, one mile east of- Carlisle i near the C. V-.
4•:111 foe. th e olun e:qt.
N. ir Also n punibei• of first rate Limestone nn
Slate-Farms AndlAlill :Properties_ for sale . M: F.• •
To our Creditors.. •
_..!Take notice that , we'have applied to the Mpg of
the Court of Common Ileitis of Cumberland county,
for the benefit of the Inaolvent :Laws of this Common
wealth,Ml they have•appOinted Afaizday the 9th day .
of Navemser next,; for _the bearing of ue and our
creditors; atjhe Court House, in the borough i cif ,Car
lisle;:ykhen and' iliere you may littend,.ificht think
. . • • REUBEN' -HAINES! •
Chikciber 70801-31. • - -
•. .
13.4. TX NOTIOM. - .
ANT-IlEßEAS4lio!Carlisle Sevin% ,E'inid Society,
:V V - .',A4lleipirci Notice is lireby
agreeably to the constitution' and•laWs•of Penosylva ,
nm,"that the ;Wthholders:: of said •institution. Intend
a pplyi n gtA - 1 - :1:ii -- 'fieslt - 1.•*gialattire — of. - the - , - otrimon ;.-
wealth fora renewal of charter, change of narne, - ,.tityle
Sad titie ` to "Ceinberland• Valley .11ank, , ," • increase of
capital and ieneral discounting and• bankint-privi
leges:all under such restrictions as the Legislature
me. direct- The; alone, institution to be ,continued
I'll ••• -• • ': ' '
JQHN, a. 14YERS . .. •
Aug. - . • "..
• s
• kOyA THE BA.Lre 01P, '
Litr,ol,Wol/1:811'.;trOibfl. lOriottve:
• ''• " rills 4; • , • '
Are held by the folloWini agents in their - Teepee.;
eV& counties.' numerous, counterfeits •of these
pills are attempted to be.palmed uPon the. commupi.'
ty;the propriety of,purchasing only, fregullie
timed agents, will •apparent. • -• • '
Cumberhind County--:ce,orge NY: Hitnen.Carlislet 9
I A;Riegel, IMetheniephitrgiolloitiii.k.Veltinaey,
' B:lCulbeittioni•Shippedsburg; 4
Btennjtmark; New Cti,tierland
,IMao Porto.? ',Vol'
.barm td....G.l . llpp;£l,llKentli rit 1.
nstpy« . # l 9cel ' Acc4V:
Cluarehtpiv& -, P ' "'.' •' • ' , s•
• 1 , Pero7'..Cointyil.;;Alikandef , sfageeq,BlOOßilleldt`
4; 41eTt4.0415burt , ':1 ,, v
. i - ): 11:
MO, recesved a(!ntri qpicejit:pcwjer
_ .
' .,,, , ,,;, _,-.: , :' , 1.;:,:...":„..,,,...........,...,.,,,
n r..,...,
.. .
wamilarzawat atcowavres novaguitouna dee- aimux-
"FOR -.Saxv. , ".
Thesubseriberoffersibr'sale, at slop ; in'N'Orth
Hanover street "Carlisle, nttt:door- to Wm: 'Leon
ird's,store, (or will MAtilffictilre it the shortest no=
tice) the folloWing articles; to wk . : ,
aaUnnalii . cif t ettiao6l •
• .
STOOLS , :_ • • --
• . .o f daferipholy,.
whioh - he his - arrhand4largi - issortment, - which
he will sell-lower than ever, 'Cish.. 'l4e also of
fers for sale any quantity of Stove Pipe; •
• .
• - - -Cooking Stoves
foe wood and coal;: all' sorts of •• -
Tat, .COPper -and-Sheet-Iro itilt,ol--.- , 1-A-.~-
. Sueh - sks Wash Kettles, Dye. Kettles; Hatter'sKlttles,
Drums, - Dripping • Pttos,-fleusd.PpoOtini,
_l3.te.t all of
Which he will sell on better tertalithitn.usuit •
. • . -..98EL KEENED-_—
-- Carlisle, - Sept 29, 1840.-If. •
CAPITAL .160,000: •
• - Alexcindria •1144)Illtiryi, ..
Class B, for 1840..
nTo be, dray at :Alexandria;
B. C. on Saturday, 14th of November, 1840.
• • 's6o 00(k
t of 30,000,-1 Of 15,1100, i of moo,
1 of 7;000. 1 of 6,000, 1 of 5,00% _I of
1,012,500, V of - 2,311_, 4 prizes of 2,000,
- ' rof 1,740, 10 of 1,500, - 50 of touo
—50.0.500, txc. -
- - •
~__Tickets only $2O —lts:ves $lO-4Quaiters--$ 5
;Eighths $250: •-• •
:dcrtifitates'of Packagei - of 26-Whole Tickets $29 -
1 -- Do. ' " de,. 26 Half — do 430--
Do.-• • •'do'• - • .26 Quarter do -65
• do • g o tliglith, do 52 50
• •
titate 'Lottery,.
For Endowing. the Liexburg Academy and for
other_purposes. C1a58140..9 roir 1.840.—T0 be drawn
at Alexandria, Va. Satiiillay,Nirr. 214 1840.
.211 , 1111 " 0 """1 ( 0 00
'5,000---3,(Xn—o ,ca ) .:-i
13:3"100 Prizes of 1,000. '
Tickets only slo—Halves $5--Quarters $2 50
Certificates of Packages of . 25. W hole Tickets $l3O
• Do. • do • 25 Half - do .65 ""-
Do.. do . • 25 Quaker do 52 .50
For the benefit or the Monongalia Academy
Class No". 19 for.lB4o.—To be drawa at Alexandria
Va. on Saturday, Nov. QSth 1840.
5,000-",4,000.7'.13,500,- 4 ,03 5 - 3 . 000 .
- 40 Prizes - cf 11500 Dollnea .: • •
• 'rickets sto—Halves ss—Quarters $2 50.
Certificates of Packages of 25 \Vhole Ticltets $l9O
13tt« a • do. .25 Half .do 65.
Do. ' .ve 25 Quarter do S2 50'
. 'Cr)
Capital $60,000 !
'-.—...t.iteinlirawn--Ntirt bersio.each.pariage_of.26
_ - CrrilloP: Pi Z5B than 'Blanks-0
.. • -
. • ...-- . • . .
.- •
- • • Alesatt rut Lottery.
Class p, foe 1840; to'h e , drawn . at Alexandria,
D. C. on ' Saturday', 14 liN ovember, 1840.
r SCHEME! . .
. 4
.- _ . 60,00 . Dollars.
.' 4 .prize of s3o,ooo—tl of 15,000-1 . .T ' y t, 0i I ~ - -1 of
8,0001. of 7,000--11 of 6,000—51 . '; 00-1 of
, . 4,000.-1 of 2 3 50041. of 2,311-4 ' .40 sof
i 1,750--1 0 of 1,5004-p - 100 , Pri s es . (1000 .00 • '
I , 150 of ,500;"50 of 410, 100 of 590;00 of 250..
170 0(200, Ili, of 150, fitc.lito, Ike.
-:. Tickets only vg Halves slllr., -Quarters $5..:-
, . Ei bibs $2 50. '
certificates Of Packa sof 26 Whole Tickets $260
''' - ' , Do '
... •. do ' 26 lralrl -. ,do 130
: ;Do do 25 Quartee do .-- 'W
.- Do - - ' ; 'do. -26 Eighth .. do '52 .'
. . .
I. . ' s•------"••• .
igi' Orders for Thkets and ..'4hitres or.Certifitates
of Packages in the wre Lottery will be roinjltly
attented to and . theed aiag sent immediate ly after it
la pyer. Address,, l . . .
... ~.1,,.. • D. A. Oft,EGIAT, t.l, Co. o .7lfanitgers.
_ ~' .- '• , 'I , NV:ashinifon City D
Sept. P.
'' ---
£l4O 'l ' ' ' • -'-
ept. 23, 1 . . -.- • . - • . -
Ttit nobscriber,i
to "hold ford" in.
whetO be hal
. •Oftudion*.eonsintin
•Cnkesi • Cheesne
Fy,plegn, Fruit!,
Oticitiated fit - thin
NI 13.110. lino on'
whore 'gentlemen
Vivi Feat; riokind
- •
SlPt' 9,18414'.."
HE' BubBcri
4 . 1 1. %copies afSar
Alpe reaaltsol Pay
ociatiOa thriarth
1840.: 'Thi;abo
or the giP?r.oaciAn
tO"til thel*,'
Adept Slri,l
t01P9 . -L&C•:
ininkful for past favors, respect- • '
rAtublio that he...still enutinues
haroGAlley, near "Edueutiori
riow hernia largeg assortment
in 'llart,'uf the following: Bread;
• oni Harps, Flour; §o,ap,ciger,
• treats, anti , other necessaries
eredian. ' ' 1
tinues to keep:an Eating Honsei,
bo ecoornmodated with
stera;lite. at the itiortesi notice.
1;77- •
1 - ,
h'ave just reeeiVid aTeti
one held JR the tlitrerent t StAtee And g
t the Vetted 'Stites trona 18.i6 to
ifelt'erill' be foteidlreiirivosaliet.
irate mich 'to eornpioe,thet results
letttions,witMkoseAK4 l _ e, t i r e "
!,) 'B4,IKUTiVI4N 1 f , 7- •
t';•;;' ,;
'Vinegar kept
f i" 7,41
. .
. . '
. t . . .. . . - . . - . . • .
, .
t .
..., . .
.......... .... . . t . • • '
: „ 1 ,,.
. .. . t , .. . . ...
. • t ' . t•` . .t .•
... .
. 4.
,- . . ~ , , , ~ :: 2- , :
~: ..:',": • :
,::: :;;,'
4.0 1 10,,
~ 3 4. ... ,
~. , .; '
.. , ,
. . . . '1 •. * ,
'- . , . ' Ole ' - - '''i . -'
,'',,. .-;-:' ~ :1 -•- • ' ,' ..-',.:.; t ' ': .
~ • 1 . -- • - 2,... • , :-.?..'.,.; ,: ; ,;. /". : 7,' . •- ..:!„, , -; 7 ., - ; .:: 3. . „,.....
,: .• ;
,- ' ' - . - ': ; -
OgrArr ATTRAcroN's
Bargains, Bargains. '
Vt 1214 1 63 li t UaUo 4
in ,Shippensfrurg,
Respectfully inforinAh . e citizens of Shippenshurg and
vicinity; : that they-have_just receiied, - and are, now
opening at their, store, in Main street,_an, extensive
and well selected assortment of - '• •
• . - V 11.7 •000DS• • •
• -- • .
consisting of very fine English, French and demo
Cloths, Casaitneres,Sitinets, Ste. of; ev variety of
quality and - price. Also, a larWind hand.
Boole:assortment of English, and French • Merinoes,'•
Bombazines, - Merino Shawls. . and 'Handkerchiefs,
Challeys, Mouslin , de • tains, French' Chintz; plain .
and figured Silk's and Satins„of every coldrand quali
ty, silk and gauze dress liandkerchiekbobinet and
blond veils, fancy. Scarfs; gauze; ,Satiw,, and Minton - -
ribbtaids of every size and Color, Alio—Sfraw
Bonnet's• and• platted braid.. Also•--a large assort*
Intent of Domestic Goods:. consisting of :calicoes,
- cliiikif, -- m - iiSlits;•aluteterrother - artiele - Wh ich-canle'
mentioned belonging to t the Dry Goods business; to
gether with an extensive assortment of - ' -
, •
Queensware, Hardware, 'Groce
ries, Liquors, •&c. &c.: • • -
all of which will be sold cheaper. Wan ever before
offered'for sale. • ' ".
They would respectfully' invite; public to call •
-a nd-ciamine their stock and pricei,betng fUlly iiiiti‘;' —
fied that they can accommodate - them at- prices
. far
below what they are in the habit of paYing..: •
N. B. Country Produce of all kinds will be taken
in exchange for,Goods, at - marke't; price. '
Country Merchants are invited to call and examine
their - stock, being connected. with European Munn
factories, which will •enable them to sell' at prices
-less than can be purchased in.the Cities:OfWew Ycrk
I .
- •
Shippensburg, Oct. 7,1840. - •
rPHE'_great. , encouragem ent' _heretofore received
i " from the sale of lilt machines, induces him to of
fer to the, public a new-and-improved Horse_ Power,
which can be Shifted gear or out of gear by, keys,
and - shift•the band to give it five different revolutions:l
Ai - Alia:l4a no hesitation in assuring. the
• Fa rmers that
he is now able to furnish them withawarticle far
ierior'to those Manufactured heretofore. For tifeet"
and &cue threshing — and vaseAn the'horsesutie
'heves -h is machines-to:be-unequalled. • • .
His price iss.l4o—Oventy dollars to VCpin - ash;
and the lialance.iirsix months, for Which - a- note wilt
be required with interest. perstiri purchasing a
machine and upon a fair trial, not being pleased, can
return it. He will et all times be 'testily to furnish -
them on the sho'rtest notice; orders from a distance
will be punctually attended to. He warden . repair
machines on the shortest notice.- • ..
- -WILLIAM B 111HatilGAN.
Newvill . July 49, 1840.—tf.' -
. .
Fr6sh "IVlOdictries.
The subscriber has reoehtly received large Addi
tional supplies of. _ •
Medicines, Colops,
Liaseed . Oil; Spts,•Turpentitie, Copal Varnish, Pat_
ters' Brushes, Varnish IlrUshes,lland•Bruihes, ,Sp;
mac eti - - (very titre)-S per m_Candles;_ Sospirin
eat variety, Glass Lamps, Cap and Letter Paper,
Fruit", Spices, Perfumery, Which he will sell
to Physicians, Merchants and others,. WHOLESALE or
by ArsAm, attlfa lowest rates, having purchased en-
Imply for cash; he will offer bargains to those who
wish to purchase at wholesale. t • • • -
. .
August 5., I 84o:
QN-Ey—ofa fine conlity, for sale by (
lIIIE STUFFs.--Logw6o:l, Brazil!eta,
Ticarugtia; k ustic, Madder, Aloft', Cochineal,
• o Dye, Blue Vitriol, Copperas, Indigo,Oil of Vit.
riot; Nitric Acid, Mitriatic do., Solutiou of Tin ; the
above will be Bold low fiir Cad', by ,
' '• • S. ELLIOTT.
TO Dn. .SwAYNF,Xitilluielphir.—:lt is
with sincere pleasure I write you these lines.—
Having been reduced by'n long Spell of sickness in the
lower country to a very critical • state or health, and
.returning,t,o_this_climatej was attacked by-a most
tli stream ug—pulmonstl!_.c nipple) at .:* - .3lrqinyouts
were of the most alarming in'itir-weak7
state of health I thoUght I fOreSaw my
,carly dissolu
tlOn; - I - had a-constanteough, and a,sense• of pain on.
my chest which seemed , to be obstructed so that I.:
could stet breathe with ease. I got no rest at night,
and my constant - irritation produced 'a high fever : at
times. - 40-this alarming . state.l: looked for help, and
recollecting your advertisement, I sent to your agent
for two bottles of,Wild Cherry Syrup; and before
using tins second bottle, I fotind my cough had disap
peared, and with it &Otiose distressing symptoms.
You are at liberty to publish thie, awl I tnostearnest-.
ly recommend your Syrup of V. ild
,Cherry Bark
sufferers With diseases of the ttings, as an effectual
remedy. Respectfully L yours, . ;-. • • •
, .
. Pittsburg, Sept.V, 1839. '
Principal Office,No. 19 North Eighth'street,witere
this invaluable medicine can alwayirbe!obtalited'i,..--
likewise, the above Certificate may be seen, with the
signatare era highly respectable citizen of Pittslnirg,
the above to . be a certain fact., To be bad
the Drug Store of J. Carbide; Pa:
,Nov.-24,-18.59:, • : • • '• . , .
TVEWCOMIFiLAINT.-:-This disease is'discov
11_,/ ered by a fixed tdituse"pain • and :weight in 016'
right aidepunder the short ribs, attended , with ; heat,
uneasiness about the pit of the.ammacti
the right side also a distension; the pall entioses his
appetite and becomes sick and troubled WitiNomiting: .
The tongue' becomes rough and black, eduntenauce•
ehan,verto a -pale or citron color, or yellow; like those
sifilictectwith_ jaundiee—difficulty,of breathing,dis:-
turbid rest; attended : With - it - ditri enugh;:t - diftiOulty of
' laying. thd lest side--the body' becomes weak, and
finally. the' disease terminatesl into another of a l'OPre ,
- 8:L149,491i:10re - , arils eh -in all-Probability-is-Car-lidynnd
the esiweroftninan skill. =Dr,ffarlich's:Cnmpoimd f
Vain:Strengthening and. German -Aperient if the oommeneement of this dipetift.,wiirchtog
it; and by continuing the use Of 'the nietheine ftiw
weeks, a perfect cure will be performed. Theimandis
ean'testify to thist (net. _ 1!: . t,n:s
'Pertifigmtewof pany)lersonsiTiay daily ileaecti
Abe efficacy- of this applying
qt the' Medical - Office ~lconj-194‘ortli [4IIIO6:CITM%;
Also; for sale sit the Brui . iiitori'Cr .Inloo. - AlYers , lk
Co. Carlisle. , •:, • , ', • t•[Nov. 40t
lop louts NOT; HEALTH ..::-Those
It.; health; rand Certainly feel:, bleared they
compfire themselves tEi thrvie l sufferera that liave ;heel
afflicted for yrarn with va toustliieiaeaWhichthe'bu
man &Oily are allsifbleatttri be trembled'
wises present themailves iminficrivfoims mid frcinl •
,variouircirenmslenceef Ivbilb,tri the .commencernent.
nlity;l4l be-chnsked'hythe,ra of Pr,43:.P.Hik.i li cks
Cdnipoundll:Strengthenl4 ‘ s ,4pnritulit Aperient
the side . r4l4l4Plutl, ',Repaid Ateibiliv...Yernalg
eases, and all dtseises to rah*: Isimbt
jest,,where; thn'fifOrinfah aftee,CiWPDifititieni for
umotc.#ltiernitticirita aliisys . ***lsur 0104 These
fee..4 l 4eleA Pea 'ttebee wVki!. 6 oFit
mcigt, 4011000' Ver#so e,:its\AO, areoi(waTfl
ration' lidd theie caste ,
TiltiontitiOneh Ithtiate Utdt_td - lititcattln: lo :nni*
ath *of& rhuiti for t OtiAt VT4 , 844 43 n_f
3:l4lVertilk.ce• sg#.
--- . Foi--(lBe_lierald 4. Ex
I i'oppose,llr. C$ nn, you
that you have now nearly i -
Election', pro . hoc tempore ; ,
had a perplexing, time e' •
your readers are ger .
things_go as they m
yOur duty,-Jearles ,
thildt tint, if -
Ge- - ~- .
tOreceive the .s.t .
zen,s, after all. the •-: - • . .• •
•he has subjected I. • .
eventful life; it: will .. .
prove, that "Repoli'.
For the sake ' - of my cot( .
such'iiadiet may ever I)
,page of American history.
a' whileklorn our attentions tk
that. the excitement which has
..passim* may grailally sob - site., ---
-:• If . 0 , variety be 'the_ spice of lii
public mind . ight be in 'a_statf of long
--the Same / yound-44 • political oentli
veriy, week a er week;ltir several Mont'
was enough 'to wear out_ the patience -
even' the , mostioveterate iniliticat reade. -
it kept every speciessof-thariety-rOut---.:
view. - By Way" of introduction to a inis
tellaneoue department, let me ask your at
tention to' the..anitesr of ,A young lady,, a',
n qtieriet.Who wialled, to••knoW her Opinion ,
of one of the settiottand, ityori can fioa
room for±the following , wholesoMe moral
. adliice-: . -you Will not . onlylratify a. friend
by' iiving it ptiblici,,y{li stunblate others,'
probably; t 0.1.19 that , Whieh toy have to
-lerig'neglected:i:-.IA-CoNeTwr Reapon.'
Pay,' Your liebts?
,wish .
l'. If you to ' secure the reputatiet.
of.being,ais hOnest man, pay :your debts. .
' l '
, 2: . :11 you - would avoid Airitiging,disgrace'
ap9l).ibe.keligious,st you Pe1011,1631 Pie
your c debis. - - *-'"' ' .' - ,.. ,.. ~ : .
• ', :3:
,tf,Youare anxious to, gut,a gmid ,arti
cle, atid,,be chated a hi* pribe Ibr i ,
!ißds never delay - to pay debts -
, 4. , It, you witsh,m'ebtain sush A gredit as
,-060psii,igusiCfneyAe.qiiirg; ant - Would •re ,
Main - eh temp", a friendship with thole you
made with, your debts, '
15 . ., If you . would avoid embarrassing
others who are(depend 'embarrassin'g
Atpiukthe tietdel
rnent:(2tiour acebunclieg yptfr debts. .
.V.' , ll7,3resu 4101 w 'prevent mistakes;wad
litigation,_lte44_oiti accountS",vvell'adjuSt-
Ot 1 9 1 d PUY your debts-
47, .
1 , .II you:vish to a i d in the eirealation
ofyneeey, - liever let.;,eaisis sio at ii ',. by' you,
bf(t.Pail !IMO debif";!':.l',..` ,
: 8 ' - ir Ysillrli,iq do toters as'Oil wish
tile*. to i10 t t9...Y9u; X 47 4, jiught, iP,i*li your
lfigits;.. , . '-;` -•':-.'' • : -., .
• • . - ii: Af` 'Ycii'*iiol.... 0) . .,,iitand ,'elear or 44
OPTge'.o, l o4; 46 . 4' iitialt ii Pi rt l l4 6 4- a !° l
#lk,Vour Obi!. ; ' '., .;;,;, , ~ ..
-I*7":/r r YOu' 4"eßir, 0 , 0p4u1,. YOr'buqi:•
i.V ill / 2 Oelts* 9 . 1. ail 41Y i s oild# 4518 ' ,
,A l ; . , it,itY Pit.,:i* 10 o f 0 81 Stqj °9
_would like toIOiCY gtt, : i .iti l'o ilt: 6 4l*'
, ' I o'. :,00#100M6,0ii OW Berdtf:
izii iti`enad.l.4Tkril>ftikitnie.F)eiiiiiti 4',
,o , n ,, , 1 ,41. ,-',. 4 , , :`"- . .Q4"5 . ' 4 '4 c -''•, 4 ' ?"',"''''.'
. '4. ''' .4 , '' , - . ., - :::'-v-p - ::'..: ' ',..' , 4,..'
maw inanzwe wavi'
~,- ..~.
Awns. At Boon lorterMs. -
~ 11Tzi.A.V R 1. C I 4.
Ire carry:lke ti4itving • exceeiljp.gly in- .
teresti ad - atter from the London Atheneum
.of the I tth of April, relatingA l o the vets
of Ignaz Paitme, In , the .vicinity'o the '
White Nil*, 7 Ilia remarks .ectiti 7to
Kordofan aro exceedingly interesting..
Since his. return,. Palma lias received a
comthissiou_ltum the Royal AftleansOcie...
ty, and is again' to . undertake re mew ex
j ou rnilbTia - Tto — OW - through ----
Kordofan, Shahan,
_Runge, 80
Borga,.rna, ,
an d-throughMorzukvid -- the - F•vnans - heck -----
'to Tripoli. Ignaz ,Pallme is a native coil-
Bphemia, and seems destined to abed. a ray 1
-of light on the character•and mariners of a
PeoPle. and the geography, of a pottion of
*lrina. hitherto almost unktiewn to thein- - I
habitants of Europe.l- ' ' . - 4
Aletter'_froin_lgehz., palline,l l ofrklnds
at Trieste,:notaiuingli;totieCacenriti of -7.
. his Travels tn,Kprdofew 1:,-; ,, :r ,- , • ,q , .
: lierei sm. - again ins . : . Cairo... -,proem' -frotn'mY.-
first to Thebes ...1;011/nedf with ' • ',
the Prince Pnekler4lol4o4 iirorP .MY Pre', '
sent longer; moxe, - ,Ped19014 4 0 1 #13NYeelol •
oils:-journey,.Larrited•in the eompany . ,of ..;-,
the, future ; Sultan 1)0
of ,10 P , - - ,4l`Ml.ftier/s
here:had , iireedp.n'u mi!ergil 01e , ...0010mr. tttlkfs;,,
dead, and J. rad, recogoized ";by nOt 9 11 9..ffel
, II ow could:it be'mtlierviiie I.• -'.
4 ". il' 49 e-A___, , ,L o -1
boehy leard.litooleth , ,,,oiyi.Atiotlil*,4 o . l 4-mq
•ero,oltge,d,';olykir herk-beoliil*olosFW)
ro*,piin-,,and_li , iia 1100 in %ht;mistnAnakfaz.
only, almost '.sleobtfut ‘utfoOtloty:` 0104.44.0pW.7
.Ig4ikst‘ ..It.!)erf4o3( d.OO ff.<oool,oo'
- ;,=_'.',1 . : 1 4 , ,',,, , '! .