Valu.ftble, an-Yard Property ;FOR Afijildny , the r9th of November .neiti nf:10: clock, sold tit public sale, on the pre mises, ito.lteliovour+ of Carlisle, Cumbet laild•coutt ty, quit:bite; and coriimodious • Tats Yard, iituale on the nortlyeast corner of 'Anther nad East .streets v hounded n the east by the . Letart sprung, and .on the- north,bY lot of t'. C. Hall, Esq.; dontain ing two hundred and sixty fret in - front,und'one bun tiventv 'iu' depth, more or less, belonging to.the estate of batid S.Torney,dec'd..,having there 'on erected alarge • TWO STORY STONE • hotise, 'rwa: Story. Stone kirkishing . -Shop; a large Two Story Brick , Bearn -House; a large I. rame Bark and Mill House, with a 'Bark Mill in ito There are .:forly Tone InY-a ways and- one ,pool - inrille yard; five handlers; three Hines and one bate iii the team home; and a good well-of water atthe kitchemdorir. 'There I _,willidso_be sold at V - c same tiine• and phice; a quail . - tity of Chesnut and Black Oaktogether with -some-Tanner's tools,f,te. The property is in good • order, and in a very desirous situati - ca of i rdniTr., or a private•dwellin.. ' . Terms of sale will be made known on the (lay of sale; and any information will, ;be given about the property before the day of sale by • • CE.O. W. SIir,,AFER,?_• - r ,:„, trs • ' • JACOB SIIRO3I, - • S • : Carlisle, Oct. 14, 1840. ' - ' • PUBLIC SALE. : WILL be exposed to Public S;le, nn the premises, in Westpennsorough town hip,Cumberlatidcounty, on Wednesdav,thie .11th day .-of November next, at 10 o'clock, A. IIL, . • . 10 ACRES DV PARIII,, SLATE' .:and Limestone Land, om;whirli is treeteif a - -- •. • ;,, , rri:s , k4... - "'. ' ...ILO 4 9 Id 0-U4-"Ft- r T-- -- ' Min ii r ____ . . • • . Liog Barn ~S ze 9 . • • ---.. .....,:-•;-,, ...../ hem is also on said premisesla first rate Orelinr 4 ,of prime fruit ; also A firsi rate filt i lug of never falling uoterrintjoiliing Nods - of - NlittotlVoort§Orear; Sites . _ , sid others. Terms will be made khowii.on .day of sale.'. _ . J Ticecutot• McKean 9p.t91nr., 1 4,11.49 Okiphamas? COurt - Sale. order•-ot--the Orphans Corot-Q1 - Ctfinterland County, the, following- reaf.egatei ate - tie prolieriy - of I lent,. • Zimmerman; deeensek sOld;_ost Alie,..prentises,eit Saturdnv the 31st .day of October next, at 12 ci'eleek, noon that day, .to•wit: • • All . that 'certain 'pl . antatiotir'6l tract of lana,,skunte_in_Enstfefinsborough tow nsbytii ecinnty, aforesaid, - bounded by intitiff John • Holtz, Martin Benninger, lsane lAngneeber and othersOnuf tooth.' g - ' One-ili - mdrad and-fifty -deres; - r lorc or lesm—alintit one hundred- noire of .which is 'cleared land, and the residue well thribereil: The improvements urett - • x 9 u Two Story Log • ry fi P 4 •t ' House ti It double ling Born and other out buildings. '.There is.ti small stream of excellent water running near the house; ,and also a good spring. _.There is a first rate .apple orchard on the premises, and other 'fruit trees. 'The terms of sale arc follows: two hundred dollars to be paid on the confirmation of the, eale— one third the phrcluise money to remain in the !and,. the interest whereof is to be paid yearly and every year to the widow during her life, said interest to commence Ist of April :text; and the principal other death to and among the heirs and representatives, 6f the said Henry The residue of 'The purchase, money on the said Ist of April next, when pos.iession will be given, and until whieli time the rent is reserved. Said payMents to be secured by re6ognizances in the Orphans Court. ANTHONY 'GREINER, 'Trustee. September 2, 1840.—tds • Sheriff's Sale. N virtue of a writ 6f Venditioni Extionnd to me .ifeetedrititMil-Imtof-r-tim-Gouvt-oIL-Commou tens of Curriberldifd county, will he exposed to pub _Jß 4nle .unlliu follownig_Aleacribud premises, on Thursdny the 29t1Cday. of ctober iust., at , 1 o'eloals:' . -- i.- NI., to wit: — - ---- .: • All the. Estate . riollt - and Jolin C. Sims, of and to a certain Iron Ore Think, ill end upon thit tract of Lend of Claiistian Hurst, situate. in Cumberland coctty,-now in the occupancy of Mar tin Zimmernitm,.contaitting eighty . itcres. more .or less, adjoining lends of— Markle, John Black and otheis..,, Seized andtaken - inthreention as the-prepor ty ofJohn C.,Sims, and to be sold by me, - , - • , JOHN MYERS, Sheriff:, • -.- Sheriffs -Office, ' Carlisle, Cct. - 3, 1830; • 5 • '(.0 1 3 041400 Paritt.ort42Aliires of_ Slate and Litttest(me' Situate ih North Middleton township, CuMberland co., two miles from. Middlesex and five from Carlisle; Tile improveinetds area good: ECATOVerd Double Bank Darla, "YAW'! . ' , ; t . .. Smiler - part stone with four stables, wi th lnick and front Ahab, one-of Which is a granary with a cellar under; • . , • EXTELL ANT • ' • • ORCHARD: - 0 . together with' other mnprovernents, About 100 acres are cleared, under good fence and in a flood state of cultivation; the'remainder - frc`mered .wititgood tjm;. -- ber, n part of which is Locust; s . irings in tientirtill the fields. Vile Conodoguine creekbmmdsdiisttlrm bounds on one elite 252 per Ches, which will afford a location for water works, Any person Wishing' to . purchase a Tarm of till& dm:Option wilttle-well-to examine it, a 8 am deter Mined to 'sell. -.- Application . catibe made to Valentine StMlly on Oie'Wtai• or to t 4 subaeilierin ' • • • • •.#OSS - :Li111111P..13,T0N... Julyls, 184,?...4 • . 5 Valuable Farms FOR Sall,E. • 1. kfarm of 165. acres . of first rate Limestone land; 'situated in 'North Middleton town:. ship 13 miles fromCarlisle, adjoining the Poor House Harm, M. Brenneman, and others.- Aboutills. acres are cleared, the residue covered ,With Amid:thriving timber. 'Theilaprovements APC a Double Log:House, A new Bank Harnot yOunr,-thriving orchardot well 40 feet deep, of never failiagiwater. -- 2. A:Farm containing -195 acres of - Slate land iituated in said tbwmhip,l3 miles from Carlisle, adjoining lands,of George Wise and .others, of which - 120 acres. are -cleared,-and: the residue in thri‘ing thither. The improrements are a Imii!Trame House and Kiicheii; Logllarn,Tenant houseo good ten ivlag nrchardot never tailing well of water at the dmir, and. •springs iMevery Odd. - S • 3. AT'arm containing 224 acres of fir rate Limestone land, a little mixed with slate, situat ed in said township 5 miles froM Carlisle, and -One mile,north east of Middlesex, adjoining the Canodo guinet creek, ecter Hettrick and others. About 150 acres are cleared, and, the,residuelli heavy- timber. TIM - iiiiproventents - are Ilona° and Kitchen, a good. Log Bitrn; Stone Spring-house, with-a never failing spring tinning through the farm;lind an Or -of ilibleTfrairiWirother - improvements. '. 4: A Farm of 265 acres:Slate land mixed with Limestone,: atjonmtg - thelact mentitmed'and bounded ry the Canodogninet creek. 140 acres are cleared, and the residue covered with heavy timber; aboat ;10 acres 4131.4 ,rate Meadow' land. The Movements nee h good: Log House, tog Barn, a Spring House witli a never - failing' spring near the door, anti au Orchard.' This Farm will , affOrd a lo cation for water works. . • • • 5; A Farm .Of 226 -acres Slate nu - c&licitliTtincs :idlintong - the litsrmegthineA - . and Ca Oodogninet creck. 150 acres are cleared and the residue in good-timber, shout 30 acres of are-first :rate-meadow.- -The:improvements are .n_ .Double ling House. and- -Log :Earn; House with tt never.failinispring, and an orchard of choice fruit trees. The last mentioned three Farms will be sold separately_ or togetherati'it may,suit itr.- ' chasers. A; good -quantity. ,of Anesdow-caebe yet. made of the , woodlaild along the said creek. A large tittautity of locust is groWing nn the last three rrieution ed Farms. • For further particulars apply to the sub scriber, one mile east of Carlisle; near the C. V. Bail oad..- •• • . • _ 311CJIA1,1, .dgern't far the OTVIIiTS .At 5, 1840. _ N:11.- .- Also.n.netnlier of first rate Ermeatone and Slnte.Farms mill. Mill Propeales for sale M. F. .. . A • --- • ssigneeship Aecpunt.- Whereas Jos. Whisler A . ssii; . ace of JoSeph _serolid7c AA:1840; - file. Itk.the Office Of the - PrOthanOtary thO - .Court — of - Commie eleas of Cumberland county; his recount as ..tissiTvec of the said Joseph NEOHSc!r: '4lpseby given to nil persons iaterestetq ilu the mid !Viitlrt have -appointed the first Mendarof Nerembei .term 1840, kheing the oth) for the confirmation of said account. . - . . • • • • . . S kNDERSON; Prodey, , C-VO • • ProthonotaryVOlntei -- - Z.—. . • " , 'Carlisle, October 1;1840. . - ' • -.. Auignecs.hip Account: - - - '''-' Whereas David Kenower, Assignee of Joseph Ittmit. - • ' dla V.. thc Maass tiny' or Alsguret, 11... D. 1540, file in the Office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland connty, his aecountas Assignee of the said Joseph Hoover: Notice is here by gtVen to all interested, that, the said 'court have appninted the first Monday of November Term 1840, (being the 901) for the confirmat ion .or said account. . ._ CEO. SANDERSON,ProtIty.,. , P ' rothonotary% Office, ' ? . . Carlisle; October' 0840, 5 ' . ' . __ _•- • - Notice: .. . • • . • NOTIC E islereV Riven that Letters of Admin j istration on the - A/state of.laeoh . Goodlieart, late of West renusborof township deceased;havt„ been issued to the subscril)er in due form of law. All persons hat* , accounts with said deed., re requested to present them to the subscriber-proper authenticated for settlementolud those indebted t . make immediate. payment. . ' . DAVIDVALM, • Dickinson tp. ?' • . .. Oct. 16, 1840.--6 t 5 Notice. The members of the Union Fire Company of the Borough of Carlisle, together with any others oda!) may wish to become members,arereinested to meet at dui Town Hall in said borough, on Saturday the • t st_4l42L e tnime 'el ock.-11:1114-on siness py importance to said company: ' • '_MANX, iiflisle Oct. 14_ 1810 • • . -, . • r'UVZ - 1.01,114 . --- Estate of 411-aill Zinn ; deed. • 44. LETTERS OF AD3IINISTRA'fIONoon the es tate of .Nlary Zinn, late of Westpennsborough township, Cumberland county, - deetkliave been issu ed to the subsrr•ib'er living iii the same lwnship; No , TICE is hereby given to all i those hale tell to said es tate to make immediate payinent,'int all- those hay ing_claims agninst said estaa . to.pres . l. them, prop ,.k erly authenticated, for seftlemenu ~ .. . ,A., - GEORGE. Z , N, Allot'''. Oct. 7,1 84P.-.-- o l * . . . ' ' .••• . . . . 70 ,our erchto s. ---- -.- _Take notice that-we gave applied tO the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Cuinlierland county, for the benefit of the Insolvent LaWs ofithis Common wealth, and they have appointed ../Hsyilny the 9th day ofNavernsct. 11CSI„ for the hearing hf us,-and our crediters;at the Court House, in thehorongof Car lisle, when and Where you may titten , if you think proper: • ~, :.. . . , . -*I . ~ .. JACOI3IKr, lITHARD.*,'".. ' :GEOIigH P PIXY. ;*;',.. • - .t..„,..... ELUBLX AILNES.• - .... , , . Octoberlv_ . 11340:-3t - • , . ... . . tnaIAMI4 ?SHE „Subscriber', tharikfullto the, • As .ieri of Carlisle aml vicinity. for 01 Patronage which they have heretofore hi him, begs - leace - tolefifir - 611fein — thiirlki his eataliThiliirceut from Illexatuler'ri house formerly occupied .by',Dr. Amithan iolinstoq, in West Louther street; where he is; aved to SCOUR CLEANSE, or COLOR . Cloths, Silks; the-neatestiluinner and at the - shortest tultice: • . • , --- • He " reSpectfully solicits Contintitinee: o public favor.. . JOHN YONDER:, Carlisle, Ostolrer" 7,1840.-;—at "VALUABLE: PROPERTY , • . .. - • TOR '5.11.114K. N Pursuance' of the. will •and ,testament of •Gmli Janietam, late of Allen.taw nsip;cumber. and sooty, dec'd., I will sell at publie , sale, on the premises, on Wednesday the 11th day cif Novumber next, at 10 o'clock,A; 14.,• the following, - described valuable property, to wit: • . One Hundred - Acres of Prime . • ' LIMESTONE LAND, : ' ' about one mile south of ~.I%leclianiesburg—about one half cleared, Under geantrencei ,awlin a high. state.Of cultivation—the residUe covered with thriving young timber: There sire no buildings on (he land. •'''. A clear and utitlisputable title-will be given, and the terms-made known-millie llfly of sale. . • PersonsAvishing to view the:premises.previons to the day of sale; can call atthe late residence of James. Graliam,:adjoiniiig the same,' or on. the' subscriber:. • • . ROBERT', G. YOUNG,Executor. October 7,1840.-40. ' . . . . . BARGA-IkNS! , . • SonthehnOr 8" Lindazter,. ,'-- • Attheir New Store . ,in Centroville, have just 're ceived lind'are now opening a very large anWspletulitl 1 assortment-ef-BRUFISH,TRMICIL.,andiIIQMFSf • • IPRL-11-!—. 6-0 .41) . .S. - which bare been selected with much care in foe cities of NEW YORK and PIDLADBEJPHIA, and which they respectfully int ite .the citizens of Centreville and vicinity to call and examine, as they will be enn bltid to:please, and sell decidedly cheaper. than' any ' other •establishment in the county. - 'they will be happy at all times to see Customers who are desirous of having . • ' I . ' ew — Ch ea p a tra grtkojiirli4rods; Among their 'stock will be found Illtie; Black, ,Brown, Green ; Olive, Cidet, Mulberry, Dilhlia, Cit ron, Clatler,llixt:Drith; dud a variety oflow priced :- . .0 LVEAKILMte .• * ' - - Superior' striped .and, plain-London and . . Bucleiklri• Cassimeres, premium and low-priced -Sattinettr, su perior Silk; Satin, Velvet, Valencia; Corded; Strip ed, Figured and Plain Marseilles and Cassinserti Art:stings: A general assortment of all qualities , and colors 'of ' .. . ,-•• -I- •F‘fii-0/14--ligNiirer--.64/oil 7 B - - -,: 2 .- -1 suitable for . Gentlemen's wear. - .Silperior• Black Italian Lutestrihgs, Gros De Naps, Po De Swas, GrowDe Swiss, and Sensha w Silks, Challeys, Chint zes, ,Iticemiets, Camlwies, Bobbinetts, Plain and Fi ,gured,Swiis; and Book Mitslitt, Shawls, Dress . , Handjimilleis,-Searfp,—V-eik „Ribbons d!. A 'large and excellent atssortritent:6l.fine and loiv priced Calicoes;- Irish; Table, Towelling and-Table _Diaper;:Cliash:-:Muslins, Tickii4Y,L'ClTecks,--__Cord s &c.' -A:general assortment,'of Leghorn and Strait: Bonnets, Umbrellas, Parasols, Sze. Also, nit extensive assortment of -. . -_ • . - - • - , . . . . _ ...'....Groceries mid Queenstware t of the Mgt It/Troll - IA Qualities The while' awl re -spectrally incited 'fl-tiill and-judge for:themselves as they are &teeth - loci! to a - ell-cheat, for casli,or county produce. TATERN;IcEEPERB Are_ vespectfolly incited to call and . exatnine their stock of Liquors •before-purcliasing Ose where. —. _ Centreville; 01111. CO:, October . ,l4, WO. • BARGAINS, BARGAIN& I Good s, ' GrocMes Queensware. WILL be salty — diesubsTribeF,Thl. vciy reduced prices tbr CaB/1, - in the room recently occupied by Jacob Illicem.and adjoining the :§tore of Samuel .•:-Vhe stock new.and consists.iMpart of broad cloths, oassimeres,,cassiOmfs, blank ets, merinos, bornbazincS, flannels, vestings,: muslines, calicoes, tickings, silks, linetis, table covers; lain atOrfigored swiss- =s hines, hisertingS; laces, . silk and cotton handkerchiefs, ribaiols, gloves and stock ings, bonnets, beaverjeens, &C. Ste.: . Also, a small,l6t of GLASS • AND QUEENSWARE, awl a few. GROCE . RIES. 'Having reljiiitOritie& Shippens 7 and'removed that entire stock to this place,.l am desirou.4'of closing up the con cern ,as soon as possible. Purchasers will do well to"call soon, as ivies be given. CHAS. OGILBY.: Carlisle, Sept. 20, 1840. ,~~~ - t i . There will be exhibited in thii bro • rougliaGiiiii the last this month, at - - - -1.1)e-Publie 7 llatise of C.'Nfne fi ttione, •lot orfine IVIRIL ••• • be,offered.for - • Oct. , 14, 1840 BANK ITOTIOM. WHEREAS the.Carlitle-Satiog -rund,Societyi will expire in 1841 'Notice Is hereby given, agreeably to the constitution-and laws of Pennsyl - nt, that the stockholders of said institution intend applying to the next Legislature of the Common wealth for a renewal of charter, change of name; style_ and title to "Cumberland Valley Bank," increase of general disepunting_and banking privi.. legesialitinder such restrictions as die -Legislitni'e may direct. The above institution to be condoned in Carlisle, Pi. Aug:19;1840, - •CERTil•ltki ES OF-AGENCY • ron 711 E SALE OP .. • ‘Brandrelhs‘Pepirciabie.Univer. • .• ' 'sal Pills, • • Are held by -the following agents in their respecr Live counties. As numerous counterfeits of these •pilliTifelitterapled - thimpalmed - upon - the - rommtmi6 ty, the propriety of purchasing only from the recog- Aimed agents, will be 'apparent. Cumberland County—George W. Hither; Carlisle; A. lliege4'Meclinnicshurgi- Gilmore & McKinney, Sewvilie; S. CUlberISM!, -Brenneman—New-Cumlerlaliarlsaki-Barton , Lis' burn; M. G. Rupp, Shiremanstown; L. Riegel &Co. ChurclitOwn. • • Perry County—Aleminder• Magee, T. Br. S.A. Coyle,Landlsburg. . . • • .4.4.116126,184 Q - . WOOD Will be:received fkitri9 OJice far Sub. rt lion p' - :c;1 - 6'..t.i4L.zt,'4'tt,'0,:v. . . , Whereas in andby an act of the Genital 4iSSCRI. lily, passed theatlllay of 'My,' tB39,lt:ii ,Prosidetl that the electors of, the several - counties of the COT- monweatth, qualified to vote for tnemberiofthe Geri= eral . Assemly shah hold - an 'election at .the same . places at which the" Mid.mertibera 'shall have . been voted for Bettie preceding eleistionon the:fifth - Yrs= • clay preceding the first Wednesday in December eve ry fourth Yeariliereafter; heinethe 30th dity-Of Octo- . . bee,) for the purpose of electing etcetera of a Preai dent and Vice,President of the United Shaul. • • Now, therefore, I, John Myers, 'High Sheriff of .. • 'the county of Cumberland, in pursuance of .the duty .enjoined on me by the above recited act, do issitethis . • my prOclalnation giving notice to the freemen of Said 'county qualified for members of the (lepers} - Assembly to meet at, the several election district:). therein, as follows; viz: • •• The electien in. the eleFtoi district 'composed of 'hie Borough -of.Carlisle, and townships oLN. Mid-. • dleton, South Middleton, Lewer Dickinsori,:.Lower Fraokford; and Lower West Pennsborotigli, will be held at the Court House in the-horough, Of . The election in - the district composed of Silver • .Sprinetownillip, will be held at the Public Reuse in of Joseph Grier Hoguestown,,in said township.. The el ecti o the,distric t composed of East Peon s- `lcovougli'mwrisliip,illfbelield - at-the-Public-House---- ef 'Andrew Kreitzer in. said. township. ' •- - Theelectionirithedistrict 2 cciMposed of New Cm- - - berland and a pnyt:4 Allen township, will be held at'. Alte.Public House of John Sotirbeck; in New Cum berland. . The election in the , district 'comprised. of Lisburn and a part Of Allen lo*hsliip, will beheld at the Pub. lie tionae of-Peterliliatin, in Lisburn. .• • The election in the district composed of that 'part • of Allen township, not included itt the New. Cumber (louse •of David?Sheafec,m .Sheplierdstown - in-taill township.. • •-• • The election in- the district composed of the bor• ough of me - clinniesburg t ivill be - held :lit the Ptilitic • House-ofJohn-llciover, in said borough: • - The•eleetion in-the district composed of Monroe township, will lie heldat theiPublic Houie,orWidow Patili•in - Dburchtown, in said township,, • The election in the district composed of "Upper Dickinson township,will be held at IVeakley's Scliool - .110tisevin said township. • Tile election in-the district composed of Abe hbr-I oagl o: Nemille,rand townships . of' . 1 1•11filinAam . Cr , ..... _Frankfort], Ulmer - Westpetinsborongliiandhat part of Newton...towitship, not _included inctfur Leesburg -- election district bereinafter mentioned, - will be-held i at the Brick : School Douse, its the bormigh of ye • The election in the district composed of the town- • . ship of flopeweltovill be held at the _School Mouse in Newberg' insaid toWnship,_:___, - • . election . compostatof-dte bor • glv_of, Shippensburg,Sbippenshntai - townslrip„,autl- „ that ,part of Southampton township, not the Leesburg election diStriet, will lhe .held. at . the Council House, in the borough of Shippenshum, And in and try sitrant of - the 'Gentili! Assembly of • this commonwealth, passed the Julrt t139 - ilia thus provided, "That the electors of parts, of and Southampton townshilni in the county of Cinnberland, bon:Med - by the followniglinea and (HS- Lances, viz: . IlegiCinhv at the Adams county thence along,the line dividing the townslaio °Mick ibSon and Newton to the turnpike road; thence said - - Centre - school-house, on "Said turn- • pike, in Southamptootownship, thence to, a . point ou the Walnut Bottom ,road,at lleybuck's; Iteybock's farm, tbetice a straight direction to the saw-mill belonging to the heirs of George Clever, thence along Kryslitr!s run to the Adams county line, thence along,,the line of Adams-county to the place • of beginning, he and the same is hereby declared tt new and aeperate eleition district; the .general elec tion to he held at the public house now occupied by Leesbnrg, Startluitimbintowitship: At which time multplace, the mollified electors, As aforesaid, will'elect by ballot— ' ' . THIRTY ELLTTORS • for President nald Vice President oldie United States ' And the seveladjudges, inspeCtors nod clerks x hn shall attend nt the.preceding election for members of Assembly, are required to attend and perform at the said electiod, the like duties, and be subject to the likti penalties for neglect or,miscomlnet, as they shall be liable to at the election for members of Assembly. And the return Judges of the several election dis tricts of CUMberland 'county, are lierehy required to meet at the Court I louse, in the borough of Carliale, on Monday neat after the said election, at ll' o'clock A. M., with certificates of the election in their (Ps:. triets. Given under Inv hand nt Carlisle, this 24th day of ..--September, A. D., 1840, and the eixty4lll 'par of Atherican Independence. JOl-114 MYERS, Sheriff'. C. MACFARGANr. . " . . . ARNOLP_Sr..AIIIOIVIS t . , Repectfully . inform thecitizens of Shippeusburgand ,* vicinity,-that they have just ,receired,..und ate POW __.: _ OliiMilig at their store, in - Main street, an extensive ..;. .and well selected assortment of . ' ' .'" . " . : 00.0,DS consisting-of-very fine-English; - rreneh and German Cloths, f.,assimeres,Satinets,"&e.every yariety ' color,' quality and price. Also; n' • large. and hand some assortment of English and Aer enc ), Bombazines ' Merino ShaWls .and Handkerchiefs, Monslin de Leine, French, ,•;Chintz, plain and figured Silks And Satins of every : color and quali• . • ' ty; silk, and , gauze tWess bandkerniners, , bobinet and .lalondlnils,funer_ scarfs; gauze, satin, sad...Mantua ribbands xe of ery size' antleolor,lke. • Alsti--Straw Bonnits and ...platted ' large assort mentiol IDomestic Goods:: acinsisting 'or:ealieoes, ,checks; mnslina, and mery:othcr article which can be • mentioned vo ci n g tin g tollte.Dry Goods businessi td gether •vitlt-an'eitensi've aiprtment Eiroce; . . es,. tiquors,:,4c, Seca • all'of which sold elleapei than •ever oWereil for sale .1 . : ""• - ••: - Theywonitl , respectfully, ulvito,,,the ..publiwto call and eximinn,thelr - stook and - prlies, Akin fulli 'Bads- . • fled that.they.ean .aecntimodate therm ` at-prioea tar below what tbersuOtribe habit; ' • Ountry Produce pr. 141 taken in'exehange for Gatls; nt'niarkelprice. • Country Merchants are; Invited to callatileiirnite theiratopk;being.conueeted. r wltb.,Europenktimup.„ lactories,,whiall will 'enable., t hem "to . sell ~ at prices .letia‘thatt can be rirolliteed in bf 11e* Yelk - or, Philadelphia.: . 1 • : - filhippen*ArgrOct.-71-IA4O. . • . JOHN JI-MYERS Eleett(iiss' GREAT ATTRACTION! - itarg Yith 7 47 ova= - fa - Shippensbia4,7 Pa.