Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 27, 1840, Image 3

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    r:Pßeinemlier the 30th Harrison 0 . - .
tern of every district, be at the rills early,
and stay until they , are closed. Examine ,
your Wiekete.' , ..The 'Harrison l'ickets hive
at the head .of the electors the names "of
SEPH :.triTNER. Each Ticket contains
TxitiTy names, and dare not contain more.
Let ()Very voter . count • the names and See
that his ticket is O.
110.° The annexed fable of the popular
vote of Pennsyfianiaat the recent election,
was_ prepared by a friend with much care,
and principally from the official returns.'
'rhe Congress voteTlibes not in all cases
indicate the strength of partiei, and hence,
where this _appeared to be' the case, the
vote for Senatbrs or REvresentatives was
~ adopted. - In 8erk5,..404,,the only op
ner, anirlds - tTjoaty - .was helow-600—so
,that, we think,-our friend has been rather
liberal ihno,Otherwise,inal owing 2000 -
majinqty in that county. • • ..•
Popular :tote id Perniklrania.
Harrison: Van - Buren.
.2119 •• _ - -1550 '
6973 4341 •
2736 1640
maj.. 2000
159. V) •
. 259
. 868 • _
744 .
. Adams, . -
Beayer, ,
^ Bedford,
. Butler s •
Cambria, 4
. •
• Chester, 4763 -
Columbia, . .--- 2370
' , Clarion, t ' : maj. • 700 ' -
- Chiffon, t. -- • - maj. -148
• Cumberland, .. _,..,'„ 2440 2620
- -Dauphin, ' .... , 2714 . ' - 2107
.- - Delaware, , .: • , 1995-
Erie,- • ' . ' 3146 .'- 1846
- Payette, , 2543 . 2875
3383 2783,
Greene, . 1159' . :1861 -
Iluntingdon, t 1379 maj.
~ . -
Indiana, t .'
631 mi. '
',...' Jefferson, t ... . inaj. 53' '
- Juniata, - _,,'-, 99.5 _ _ 4342_
Lancaster, . - 8389 • 4651
. Lebanon, , 1874 ' ' 1334 .-
Lehigh, . . 2187' 2193 - -
Lycoming, :1511 .1775
Luzerne, t , maj. 749
McKean, t inaj. . 65 .
Mercer, , ' 2860 - 2289
- -Monfo,e, 'lBl -- I 870
Montgomery, 3781 4366
Mifflin,. - 1174 1252
Northumberland, . .1136 1914
'Northampton, 2145 3016
Phila. City, 7136 4632
Phila.-county, 10949 _12621- _
• Perry, • - ' 831 1658
• Pike, - • 83 409
Potter, t ' . •maj. 113
•.. Susqueltannah, • maj. 327
Schuylkill, - 1557 1567
Somerset, 2070 - . 819
. 'riogn, - 8 . 22. 1526
Union, ' , 2312 • 1443
lrenango, t . --. maj. 363
Warren, , •.. 835 925
- 11 3 1e - situ — iiiiel and , _ 2236 • ' 4115. .
" ayne o •
4045 ;
- Total,
Har. maj. 1,458
t Reported niajorities—all -the others
_The reported majorities are in
most instances taken from Locofoco papers
and of: course are , more favorable_ to the
-- Van Buren . side than
.if. the official vote
was given. •
The whole vote - polled in Berke- was
4033, the Whigs having run no ticket.=
that polled by the - Locos. Had the Harri
son party , supporta a,Uoket - Ortlieir - own
- no doubt would have been beaten less
than 2000. Besides, competent judges de
clare that , the Van Buren majority in Berks
county; owing - to -ihe -numerous. _ehanges,_
cannot possibly exceed_2ooo. We have
therefore estimated it as above.
By the above table, it will be perceived
that the Whig majority, though small, is
' decided.. When it is recollected that in
1886, at ,thet c .speraLelectionsAlak whige
were beaten in 'lllo3tate on - th - e - Tiongre:-
, eionalmate by ab0ut..16,000, majority, and
on the Mutably vote by about 20,000
majority, and but three weeka after. with-
117.587 110,129 --
110,129 . •
out any Oigeniiitiotiand, without any hopes
of carrying their o.iiidate, they reduced
this imriienseinnjo firdoim to the ,nomi-.'
`nal one of - 4000,,it•will he - clear to the.
mind of every ref' Cling man of either par
ty, that Old Tip must walk over the course
with .10,000 majority.
returns from Maine,
contained in the Bost2 i n Atlas of Saturday
last. make the m ajority 237. What
will the Lokies say now ?
MIAMA TaWNSHIP, Hamilton county, 0.
in which General Harrison resides, gave a
majority of 63 for the whig ticket on the
lath. __ . Last sprink the Whig majority was
gnly 18--and befdre the nomination of . Old
Tip, it always gave a strong locofoco
jority; -- This - single fact speaks volume 3
-against-the-slaUderers,of the . gallart .old
•Hoiitnva.-A living Hiernbv.itres exhi
bited in,the court House on Monday eve
ning,-in'the 'person o f-'Mr.-Pearce, the. Lo,
cofoco Cooper. He said he drove the
Buckeye Blacksmith out of Lancaster eoun
ty—and the shouldn't wonder if he did, as
he drove nearly-e Very sensible person out
olihe_Court_House_befoie_ he_hadippls.en_
, fifteen minutes. _
Tice Yerl4. 7 ,`.`The ,people expect too
nitich of the government, ! 1 !-- said Mr. Van
" the government expects -tog
much of the .people," is the . emphatic re
ply of the democracy - through -the-hallo- .
boxes. . , ,
"Rusk • my Babes, lie- still and _slum" .
ber:"—The - Ohio thunder:raised :a ierribe
squall in Amos Kendall'i,
poor little children have'heoh , : erying 'ever
since- the fir S t. - -'of • Corwin!s- yictory
reached -: . -Washington.-I'lle toar_of.s.Nthig
'artillery - is worse than sliced onions to
their -infant eyes. _
- -
Before the word•• Democracy had-been
ttiisted, Loco_ 'oco Dem..
agogues, it was understood as simply im
plying that form-of government in .vhich
the will of the people ruled. 'What is now.
the will of the people? IS it with those
who rule and who arrogate, to themselves
exclusive democracy ? 'Can the minorij
bohe Democracy ?' No—it is a contra
diction in , terms. - - And yer we - still -bear,
-this beaten, baffled, and falling faction - 80,
ing itself the demeerany ! The Democracy
never can be beaten Let us hear no • tnore
of this' preposterous claim to democracy
from the lips.of those whom-the 'people
have rejected. They are in.•a minority to
-the-Union , - , -they—are - in a minority in the
States ' ".
• lI:UNE,
- t TD
• VIRGIN:a, -
• G.007? - 0 - D,
INDId4N4 •
".LAST CARD."—Since Ohio has
.come out in - the majesty of her strength,
and'set at nought the desperate efforts.of
the spoilers, in the way she has dmie, it is
now supposed that the "last card"-of Van
Durenism-which - was - vaunted - by - Mr:Afr
torney Butler, will be' the falsification cif
Fthe - Darrison - Electoral l rickeeiby a . -ehange
of a name in some cases, but more effec
tually by adding a name somewhere in
ihe body of the tick* Where the elec
toral ticket comprises so'many names. as in
New. York, Pennsylvaiiii, -- Oliiii - and some
other of the.larger states,such a trick.rnight
be practised with but too much facility.—
i.-The addition of an extra
.name in this way
would vitiate the whole ticket.- And in
an -hundred or an hundred and fifty thou
sand-Harrison eletteral - tickets;the spoilers'
Might hope - to intiiidifeefew thousand' of
these spttrions tickets—possiblyenough, if
not vigilantly,,, guarded against, to destroy
the whig majority in one or more states ! •
Let the friends of Harrison and Reform
be wide awake is regard to this matter,-I
.anti to every.olher sinister attempt at counr
tervailing 'the free and •fair expression of
the popular will.' As the Van Ihiren ad-.
ministration can no longer hope to main
tain itielf in lioWer by fair means, let the
friends of the country and of good govern
ment see to it, that it shall not do so by foul
means. Let the friends of Harrison and
Reform, from this day forth,nntil the Pre,,.
sidential election, give. themselves up to
the-work, and neglect nothing in a good
cause, that human vigilance and energy
may accomplish, to detect, expoSe,. and
neutralize all such despiraie.,trickli, and
'last cards," of their • opponents, ai shall,
tend•-to mystify -the ballot-hoxes, and pre
vent the public judgment, which is • about
to bp'entered of record against them. As
things now stands let the frientls — of - Harri. -
son and 'Reform guard• effectually against
trick and -- deceptionsand the' result-is-ter--
tain. With such vigilance,,which is at all
the election of William•Henty -Harrison
to the. Presidency of the United States, and
of.Jolin Tyler as Vice President, is as cer
tain as any event, depending mortal
-agency, which is yet to happen.—Balti
more Patriot. • .
Naturalization ..Frauds.- 7 --Under this.
head it is stated in the'Philadelphia
rer thae-r-Vin.
1 yesterday - " appliedMo the Judg‘s of the
Supreme Court, and icibtained_a rule on
Patrick• Prain; Hugh - Brennan, John B.
.Kern,.Martin - Malit,"l4nes McNamee,
. . _
and-Nicholas White; to 'show cause -why
their. naturalization : papers, recently ob
tained from this court, should not be vaeat--
ed on
. the ground of fraud practised . in
granting theth. Mr,- Read read the Stfula--
-vit-tdOliver„Ettank, one_oUtlisinspectors:
of South Waril„ , in which it .is stated that
sixty pages have. heen -fraiidulajlly-inter
polated in the. book containing the decla
ration of the intentions - _of foreigners to be
come citizeris Of the United States, kept by
the elerk,of the court of • Quarter Session
and that among-these false-records-are:4o l
neva& of the abotie persons." • - ,
• • More of the Frauds in .
_no_ azdoniaftWincrease of_vbteSin
adelphia. city 'and -county - , particularly; in
M r : Ingersoll's district, is likely - to be ac
counted; fur which tfittet Vitiate
that person:a election. The following is
from the Philadelphia North American of '
yesterday : •
• Courts—Monday, October
,19th.- 7 ln
the Court of General Sessions, the trial of
'Eldridge for forgery is still pending. The
day was, occupied in. hearing further teriti
.mony on the part of the commonwealth ;
the defence has. not yet. heen_opened..,_:.._..
To-darfurthei developments of frauds in
the naturalization of foreigners have beeh
made. On examination in •the office of
the courts of General Sessions, Judge Bar
ton has found a large number of forgeries
•of his . own signature: and in consequence
of diScovery, hai taken possession of
all the books and papers relating to natura
lizations, with a view to further investi-_
gations, and to prevent , the destruction of
the evidences of guilt. So far . as we. have
been. able to learn, no clue to the perpetra
torsof this outrage has yei been found.. _
From the Philadelphia Inquirer.
r • ir hturaliZation
• • The alleged frauds committed by certain
individuals as yet unknown, in relation to
obtaining - Naturalization papers, continue
to excite much attention. We have already
statedlihat these frauds ctinsist'in a large
number of person's haViUg obtained certi
ficates of Naturalization on fraudulent Dec
laration papers. It is known that by the
laws of the Union and of Pennsylvania,
foreigners by birth must, in order to become
'entitled to vote, have resided in the
United States for , five years, and have
declared ,thiii. — lnt — entions formally and
under • oath or affirmation, to become
citizens of the United States, at least two
years prior to the time which they seek
to-übtain- their final 'or naturalization-
pers. Thus, declaration papers; dated two
years- bad! : are in_all_cases indispensable,
and thelfaud alleged, consists in the for
gery of a large number of these papers.=
It . has been usual for many' years, in- the
offices connected with our county courts 3
-to-have-large books or_recordicicantaining
frp'm 500 to 1000 'printed certificates of
declaration: with planes for the names, the
dates of birth s the time of arrival in "the
United Stites,' the country of nativity, ke.
in blank. 'The oath affirmation has been
taken - bv - the - officetof the coutti-andisigned
in the gook:above described, by the 'person
declaring his intent:On to become a citizen.
A, Certificate is then,given tolls deolamit
—but, should lie loSe such ceriificitei htl
can always - obtain-a duplicate, tiiireference
to the'book abOve alluded tii
• • The allegation is,. that: upwatds,.of 69'
sheets of declarations have been fraudulent.;
ly introduced into one Declaration Book
that Naturalization papers have been fraud; • ,
ulently. obtained on such declarations,
that individuals have voted -On such false
•- • ,
papers ! . • khe Clerk of the Court inwhich •
the false papers have been discovered, M. •
Eneu, Jr. has retained counsel, and is mit.
deavoring to' discover the authors of this- iii
famous fraud. The Amerieild Sentinel ,
'states that the book containing declarations
was freely loaned to both political corn=
mittees, and tlius; the •gentleirien compris=
ing those committees, will also feel bound
to exert* themselves to the utmost to ferret
out the true Sourcee of this iniquity.
be observed that in additiOn to the Ora(
frainlOhose who voted on such "Niers
committed perjury, as everyone naturaliv
'ed-under-such -citonmstances f elnust hav e= -
taken oath that lie had declared his inten '
_tions._t_tio___years before, v.vhile a citizen must •
also under oath; have vouched foillie resl4 .
donee of the others or five years. in the U.
States. It is clear, ''therefore, that there
has been gross fraud . and wilful perjury...
somewhere, and on a wholesale scale: .
Properly followed - up, the real offenders ~
will no doubt be detected—for the records. • •
of the office will not only show the names
of those who are naturalized, but the names
_otthose_w_holmnehedforthem, -The
ter ishe more important; inasmuch" act. •
some of the candidates •on
_the city. - and
county tickets, have. beenelected.. by •very
small majorities. It.bartninch higher_and '
graver importance, however, on general; •-•-
moral, and political grounds.:. If inigiiitie~
of this kind are tolerated, the right of suf
frage must soon become a.mere-farce. The ,
'vote of the oldest and most respectable citi-.
zen woad be neutralized, boy the ,frpoci_Of
villain, vithilst the highest offices in the na
be - lost - or - von - , -- thrinigh - • .
fluence .of such fraud. In the Court of -
Quarter Sessions on the 20th, -on motion
of fl'illiam B: Peed, FA., is rule to show" * -
cause as granted-why the_papers ••purport
be_the the. declarations 'of -in tenticms Qt -
sixty individuals' natheil,interPolated in the ;
Op,"cords ofthis_ceurti be not cancelled.
And also, the further-rule to show' cause
why- the Tnatiiralization n papers _ of
Clarke and John
. Quinn -be net vacated, re
turnable on - Saturday. next, October. 24. •
- 1,340;-at 10 o'clock, A. Mb
The' matter came up for hearing'yestera
- day - mornitiv_before the Judges - 'of_ the '-
Vend of General. Sessions. Judge. Barton :
[ stated that he discovered - his name forged
to 18 petitions, and 'that thus fir_the au
thors had not 'been detected. Be urged
upon the grand jury to proceed vigilantly •
and rigidly with the investigation, and,then •.
I-continued:Wei : We:which had. he,envantedi
'until Saturday 'morning; next, at 10 o'clnditx
clap° 15th inst., by the adv. HeittiyAmnd ; Nfr.
WILLIAM HAYS, to YESLEY, all of West;
pennshorough township. •
(1) 1 cl
Will of Sebastian Bower, late of Westpenns
borough township, dec'd., haie 'been hailed al due
form of Law to the subscribers; all pertants having
claims against the Estate will present them for settle.;
meat, and all persons:indebted will make payment
to • • EPHRAIM BAER,} •
. li
DAVID gtirElt, Execqrs:
Oct. 28, 1840. 1 .4 t _
F the property offered at private Sale h the sub
1.141/ . 1.191MNR11•1...1 , . ++ . • vember
October 27 1840
To---all-etaimantrl persons fnterested—
Notice is hereby given'that a writ of Ecire Facia!
to November Term. 1:840,,,to; me 'directed, issued
out of the Court of .Common Pleas of Cumberland
county, on. the following Mechanic's Lien; entered
and - recorded in the Court. of Cora - min Pleai afore 4
said, viz :
James Kennedy vs. David Nelson, Contractor,' and.
the Trustees-of the Methodist Episcopal Church
in the borough of Carlisle, owner's:
Sci. Fa. sur...lllectianid's Lien 'No. 40, November
Term 1840.
Sherift'a Office: '
f.:strlPsle, Oct. 2'2, 1844
Pcir — RenT,
And. WELLING .in_North Hanover street,
Carlisle, nearly opposite the Carlisle Dank, nett% oc-.
cupied by ARNOLD & Co. The entire . property.ia -
in complete - miler. .Possession *ill be given, on _the
Ist of April; 1841, at the present occupants intehd:
_removing to Philadelphia at that time.
For furtheit.Partiettlara iniptire of. • " _
Carlisle, Oct. 27 1 1840.—tf •
, _ _•
Sel!lug Oft' ateost - •
..That eitnslye_ gook of pry Goods ond-Groceiks
in the Afore fdriiserly occupied by Jacols.Elseeni, •
and adjo i ning 3ait%l, A. Myers & Co. 2 1 1 - •
- • Belng . iletertulitell - to close up tifit - concern -- lts - two ---
weeks, purtlutsers • - by awn elfin' get great .
• Carlisle, Oct. 180'