Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 27, 1840, Image 2

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Gnop.on.W. CkAl3ll9 Editora
The Electoral_Tieket.
.30Mir ANDAEW Suura.E., Lycoming county.
JOSEPH 41TNI.R, Ciunbei:land county. ,
' ncrittscrotA.TprE. .
12. John Dickson, .
13.- John Me4ceitan,..
14..J01ch Reed,
16.?. r. .Mkkllesniirth,~
17.. George Walker,
IL 'Bernard ConnellY,jr. -
19. Joseph Markle, .
20.• Justus G. Fordyce,
21: l'..m..T.meKennati,
22. Harmer Denny, •
23. Joseph. Buffington,
Levis Passmore,...
2,-Jahn ' Price - W'etherill,
Thomas P. Cope,
---3.- Jonathan Gillingham;
4. Amos Ellmaher,
Abraham It. Mellynin,
John . K.
5. Robert Stinson, •
6. William, S. Hendrie.,
9. ; William Addaths,
10. John-Harper, -• _ 24. Henry - Black,:
1E William Mellyain, John. Dick,. -
_•_• ' • .
ger! - Election' on - Fri the ,30th • • •
Up,Gotards)tand - at •thina
• -- •
2 - -Wings Of Cumberland, - the last :charge
upon the -ranks Ail:the, Fe,deial_Administra-.
-. .tioifia - teilie nia - de_ on 'Friday .. next - ;„'" - Tbat-
I charge must-decide the issue of- thecon test.
- Which we - liave so vigorously waged:for
' twelve month.S,past...-The battalions of the.
enerny'are in the field-4ifeken and Mat
tered it is true—but by the force of disci
pline rallied for another trial, and; like the
• Old Imperial Gird of Napoleon, on the
field of w i
..po, too. fOr4illo . 6lDlStill ic; be
_ deipised.- Their coniiiiinders - are the heroes
and_ victors of a thousand hard fought 'bat
. ties—skilled in all the tricks and stratagems
.of war, and every soldier that stands in
. their ranks is a veteran who knows liow
to wield his arms to the 'hest advantage:- -
masses, skilled and disciplined as_ they are,
and backed by all the power and patronage
of the Federal' . and State Oovernments, is
no light task. Fellow soldiers of the Whig;
Army; nothin,g, but numbers—full 6mPan
les, battalions,regimentsskill, gt diness,
Valor, zeal,land -diacipline_ on our Part, n
snatch the plume of victory from, such . a
_foe. Rally,lheii, in all your strength ! If
yeti love your countryif you prize..your
. liberty-+-ittyciu.,--respecFranil;elterisli='the
. principles and cause - in. which you are en
gagedif-you.fiesire an honest'administra
,of public affairs, and a change fOr the
better—L:E3VE . IVOP .4 WHIG- 0- .
"it II - .41 1 11010 ! : - Let this,last field
Which 'we are'te figh!, be .to the supporters
of Van Iluren afield of NVaterloOa defeat
so signal and 'destructive, that they may.
never be able to recover from its effects.—
Then and only . then - will this miserably
.. governed:countryAno.w._antLrejoice_in_ . _the_,
consequences of wise councils and patrio- '
~ tic measurei—Once..more,_Whigs oftinn, ,
Berland; once more, we call upon,you to-do
your'itiliike - duty as good eitizens . Of .the
- Republic. , . • : , -,..." 2- ••' -- - . .
"T_Tp,-Guards;and_ast them!"•
" One Fire more, and the day
_The news from: , Arkansas ilf;flattering.
RepOrti say :the whigs haveicarried - a ma
jority of the Legislature, ffir the first' time
sitme it became a state.,
727 1 he_whig,Altajority itt Georgia is
. over 4000, besides having both britneheit
of the Assembly— , the lower house by 'aa
overwhelming majority, ,
-, Tise . :tias!--Ridly.:
Whigs; Jackshrrien, Democrats of Old
Mother Cumberland, tire you prepared for,
the last rally on the.2oth 3.'are not,
be up and doing... Rememher Old Tip
hirriself is now in the field---he commands
the,battalions of the people in person, and
frOM his own lips the order has fssued,lo
.FederalOffice - Holders.''OheY that order—
rush to the charge--and drive the Van Bu
_ren legitinsr-to .the 'wall. Thrice is he
arifr — ied — Wh — Coliath — his` quarrel - per t--arid
. .
surely ours is so.• _
East Poizqboroygh made a noble stand
tark. Let the patriots of that - township
Swell the majority to 75„ and and Locofocoism.
will never•trouble them again.
allot is Whig all over.. But' she can
raise her majority to 100, and place her
self foremost in the Harrison ranks. • •
Silver Spring-has 'prolhised to turn out
her every vote=and she will cover herself
with llory,' Uy
s redtteitt the. Van Mired
majority below 130: _
fflithiiiiiesbtfrg will [rialto a stronginish
to bala - nce accounts
_the . locos. She
can if' she will.
. .
Monroe will not be content with less
than 50 *majority fai .
Push on the ball, boys.. 'You haie the
votes to give 70 if yOu buti7tarn them all
out.: • , •
--- 86 - ifirilliadierdilli - fifedje:irt - OTgi'V'e us
. . . _
30 " for Tippecanot:.and Tyler too," mid
she Will- not fall shor(Of her word. We that_in-that-spirited _township we
`gball - b - ent the'LOhieti , so. ..•
Carlisle will try and - do better. :She'
gave-35 on the 13th- on_ _3oth ale will
• • - -
try. and score 50. • -
11.1iadletoo_m 7 111 make .a - better
Whig-poll-than She ever did beforemind
that, boys. ,
Lower Trest . Penneborough Will score
within 5 of 100—and probably she will
-reach—tliat. number. `Try it, OLI:0 GUARD•
of cumberiutga—ilud go 'as much higher as
you can.- : " •
ower_Frankford enonoi do worse _ —and
wehope she will do much better. Our
friends promise it. ,
Lower. Dickinson will keep the enemy
busy to ' .30.,
. .
— Lipper - Dickinson :and- 4eesburgi-84 -
pensbuvg,. flopezvel, and the townships
voting at Newville, all did their - duty nobly
• • on the lath. At them again„koys—one
and all, up and at then. Let us never rest.
satisfied until. we redeem • Cumberland
county. "
°rm.—According - to the Albany Even
ing Journal of Thursday last,.Couivires
precise majority is whigs
have elected - 1 tribbihblrii — orCOngress,
'and the locos' 7. In the. State Senate it is
not yet exactly ascertained - which party-has
the majority. Eighteef , held over from
last year, of which seven ' were whigs and
eleven locofocos. , Eighteen were this year
chosen; as far as ascertained, of these 10
are. whigs, 7 locos; and one doupteul. If
the whige have the doubtful disttiet, there
will be a tie in the senate--if thelocofoeos
have it ° , then the senate will stand thud--
of-Representatives consists of seventy mem . -
berso)f - which - numb'er - the - whigs have - 50i
the locofecos 20. least 'year the locofecos
had a majority' in !loth' houses. po much
for Old Tip's state.. • . I
BERKO POUNTY.r4 falling ,o1:--Tlie
Pittsburgh Gazette'says !" We have the
official returns from Berke county, and find
that the only , office for which therci were
epposing'canditlates \vas , that of Coroner.
The result was as follows
William f§tahle,
.John Fes,
Majority for Stable, .594
' The highest' vote for any other candidate
was Samtielliebre, for. Assenthlyt
-'There is not a business , man in. the
whole - length - iiid'breadth - of - the-country, ;
who doeri notleel that times are bad, and
that change necessary. The Mer- .
chant, the Farmer', the Mechanic,' the MatiL
tfichirer; the Laborer, all feel, thmigh per
haps not equally, the pressbre,of the times.
Thousands . : : have alreadyfallen.victims,to
it—thousands are fallingantl tens of limn
•sands will fall, if relief .. de- not come, and
.that speedily:- Now w hat is the cause of
this suffering,-,and .. l/A.a. may it
_be, remov 7
the causes to be found:in"
the wicked and foolish-measures of Martin
Van Buren's Administration—and in - the
-head-and: leader, pointing - infallibly. and .617_
ways to change ! change ! change ! Mo
dern. Den4cracy will have nothing stable'
=she is restive and insatiate—her cry - is
"Give !. Give !'The"policy of Washing
ton, Jeliersort,
.:Madisen„Monroc, and the
.younger Adams, under which our country
went en. proSpering - and to : _prosper, does.
'not satitify'herire,stless spirit 6r 'accord to
het notions of reform. She 'must have
every=thing pace is so rapid
that it outstrips imagination—and every
thing she touches...crumbles to: destruetion.
'Her glory is not to Unita - iip,- 7 :pull'
down: ^-Slre'riots.amidat the ruin she cre
ates, arid Makes the' anguish of others :the .
'chief source of her own hapPiness. • There
wasYa Arne When the PEOPLE flourished
.rieulture,TkanUfaCturesi Cont . ?nerd, and
the Mechanic. .9ris, were fairly rewarded
and ra s pialy- , .extentling, iimproVihg,., arid
blessing the land. It Is-not so There
•is at present.noitliiift • but arnong . _.tlin r:
FIG'S lIOLDEIIS, whime salaries,. in
Gold •orßilver c or both, are secured to them.
by that very - policy therrediral Adaiin.
istration . , which' has • unsettled,' uprooted,
and' oveithrown every other interest. .It
tvas'left for this age and generation, tohear
and for Martin. Van Buren to discover and
promulgate a new principle in Governments
ethics—" that the ADMINISTRATION 7)2.ttSi I
take care of ITSELF—and the PEOPLE of
fIiEItIELVES." In other words,' that - thh
- Administration is-above the people ; -and not
bound l y any obligation, moral or political,
to.take care of their interests.' The SPE
4U.R Y✓ 9 CT were the'legitimate'offspring
of -tills .new-principle.- -In 'dose connection
—which will just as `certainly become a
iaw,.sliould Van Burerr: be re-elected,' as
did the Sub Treasury. These- three mea•
sores haVp the. same tendency: To op- ,
press and subjugate • the .People; at the
same time - that: they concentrate in the
hands of the Executive all . the power ne
cessary to constitute . d Despot, sup
posing him to have_ 44eady usurped—as
We aver he has 7 -Lthe Law-rriaking power.
What can we expOctsfrona' an Adminis
tration that. has thus spurned the people
and .tyrannized, over them- 7 , what hut - to'be
sunk lower andliiivery.oppressedinorO:and
more,- ank - hou s tid tighter and tighter, - until
we are finally driven from the proud emi
nence of freedoni and citizenship to the
miserable condition ends and servitude.
:Our currency is destroyed—our enter
prize crippled—our prospects darkened--
our hopes bligkied. Every thing that Van
Buren has dono, every thing_ that_ he-has
recommended,' has been adverse to•tke in
terests of the maple, and conducive to the
interests of his Ucial Satellites; and. yet
we are asked, in the name of,DenTeracg l
to support him. He h'ne.wated a cruel and
constant war against Ppnnsylvania Institu
lions, Pennsylvania Credit, atidPonnsyl
vania' Interests';'and'yet the offtee h6lders
hakei the impudence to call upon the Pzo
pie of. Pennsylvania to cast their suffrages
-in his favor. He is the advocate of a pure
metallic currency for the Government--and
of a miserablO, rag currency for , the , people.
eis woad t 6
is opposed to a protective tariff. He, has
recommended a Standing ArmY•of 200,000
men, in time of Ince. He has Waged -
-war for,nearly four years, with all the 'dis.
posableforee of thonation, against lour or
five 'handred Florida Indiansot an 'expense
of milliOns of
.dollars,-witheut . gaining:a
single advantage over them, or afferding . .
any general protection to the citizens, who ,
are butchered almost'-daily by the savage. -
foe.: And yet this man, vhose whole Pre=
sidential career - has. beer.- one Of oppression, .
wickedness, and folly, We. ere ;
re-elect in opposition'tci
intelligent, and long:tried public servant.
Shall we. obefthe. invocation,
zees, or shall. we disregard it ? Shall we'
_vote_for_tanfEtiren and-Orae- the nation
Tnith - lreavier calamities thart_hatle_yet._b_e
fallen her---or shall we vote for 1-IAR:RI--
SON, and thereby remove her burthens
and-restorerker prosperity? • • :
c.FelloVv-eitiZerii i you know---yoofeel•that
.this nation is suffering through the evil acts
of an evil ; Administration. To Temeve-the
evil: you must renioye the source .from
whence it comes; In short, produce
better-timeswe must_tureLout .Van_.Buren—'
and put in 1 He who votes •
for Van Buren with 'a full knowledge Of.
his acts,-votes-against his country; against
Liberty, against season, and-against _
De- •
mO era' I.y I for against'all these has that man
raised his hifiA. 'who'votes for HAR= • .
P./SON, votes for a Democrat and a Pa- ;
triot;--for.a tried - Soldier,ind Statesrpan
tie'rep.uidle---fo:i aman who
,is able and
anxious to restore and re-establish the Jost
liberty and paralyzed energies of the coml.-
THE LAST CARD.--The irmeofocott,have
forgedO Cincinnati Gazette; With Colunni
-Gen. -Harrison's death. ILW.a-. trust our
.Whig friends willbelieve_ne Such — reports
Stories of any Other kind_ calculated
to injure onr glorious • prospects. WO
were told, some time ago, that Van Buren
held a "last card" in his hand which lie
intended to play. - Look out, therefore for
all kinds of Locofoco lies on the ere of
the election. The, Cincinnati- Gazette .Of
the isth instant, represents Gen. Harri-
,to be in excellent health and spirits.,
He was among the people of Ohio, •ex
posing by his language and in his person,
the base slanders of; . the Locufoco press
and partisans. •
pi To cover and conceal their own vil
latifes, the Locofocos are now-circulating.
every sort of falsehoods against the whiga.. .
Among.olher lies whiCh they are-retailing •
is One. charging the present •Mayor. of Phi=
ladelphia and 'other prominent: Men of the . 'a
same... politics, with . sending on voters to.
New York. in 1838. We understand that.
.this_ ie has, been sworn to by some -
drel of the party—mbablyan office holder..
They havebeen detected in forging
lization papers and making false registries
in Philadelphia, and they wish now to
throw a little of the same sort of odiuth on.
our oahOuldeM, LINVAltey; K.
come it. Thtrifiiittlasottia,onre endeavor
ing to make the people believe that Gene-
ral)Harrison is dead, Friends, don't be
lieve them.
rA whig member of Congress has
been chOsen 'in the • Greenville '.Distriet,
South Carolina, in the place of Waddy
ThTnpoOn, who declined a se-nomination: - ,
The notoriel Johri Cataliri e Valhouri
resides iw this district. Verily' a prop)*
bath no, honor in his own country.
JA gentleman from the country in
formed us, on
,Saturday evening last; {hat
it was , reported in his neighborhood that the
late William & .Ramsey was shot ,by a
whig. The report is false. The deceased
committed self-marder by shooting abul
let into his bran through the eight eye.-
-- What.cause led to the., commission er the
rash act, we know not. '° Them is a diver
' of opinion
aity or opinion on thatpoint, which it, is,
neither our duty nor inclination to attempt,
to reclicile.