Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 27, 1840, Image 1

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traivable.traat of Limestone Land
• J^01; 1.11.14. E.
wILL be sold ni private sale, at any time be
tweetithis Mid the 1.5t1t.0f November next,
xifirst mate
. ,
Loesione: Plantation,
lite the prOperty of James Ncal, Esq. deceased, situ -
ateßirleipson • township, Camberlaird'. county,
, lrounded'iry lands of AndrewCarotherS;John'.Wood=:
SamueUltiston'nntl others, containing •
one acres, more or less, about two' thirds of m •hich
are cleared land, in excellent- cultivation and under
.good fence—the remaining third is fine timber land.
iintiroventeids are it •
./si-,2, 3 A, large two Story Dwelling
House and. Eitehe4i;._._l
• I• ' ie.
a large Brick Barb, Wagon Shed and
other out buildings with Ai well of good wittely--
. Tfiere.Pre 11/S0 nit the premises a good apple orchard
' and other fruit trees, also alarge pond of water that
;has scarcely' ever been,limown to go dry. .• • „
Perious wishing to view die. property' can see th e .
same by culling on Mr. Pickes; who resides on the
premises; and for rhe rice, conditions of sale, &c.,
. 'by 'application to William- M.-; Biddle, Esq., at Car
lisle, or to Mr.^Sailauel- Boyd (one of
.thu owners)
, Pa.
Weber 19,1840 —Ws. • ~ •
house S al e.l
• - The siihscribilLaffei.roat private• sale, the large'
Three Story'llrick House, in_Alain-street t
Carlisle, in' which he at present resides,' is ff
large back Wilding attacked to the-house, iii Which
-,..are "two commodious Kitchens; also stabling and, .11e - will also sell•a half Int,,ritaiiiiig
frons-Cocust alrey towards l'oiniret street, on which
vis louse and Kitchen Garden: TRe IfraPertY
at ill he_sold togothet:
'EDIVA - Rll - 3:STILES.
Octobci• et; EB4O
' 9 oo , t)ollars Reward
Itait,nsCay . froni the subscriber; near- Frederick-
Aowit Md. ea 'Saturday night, 10th . 000licr' 184(5, a
otilig black fellow; named , • _ -
•itbout2"._y e tairs. of age, .5 feet .4. ot;':i inches high, well
tniatle, w ith. round face7iiiid — bic7rtilitefa - brerallTspettka
!dainty and countenance good. He can do any kind
1)1 tat On a farm or at - carpenter's ylork. Ile took
ith hint a loaccrowii hat, and nintir of 13e.anTteco
: pantaloons. Oc.allso took -with - liiiin - Tryit - blooi
Black horse, 4 years old last Spring, with two
;hind feet white, and a white tiny in the fore head ;
racks, trots and gallops. Ile IlitiO took my saddle,
bridle and martingrileri the'saddle isilbuet half worn,
.marked with allal,el limier die small pad "Scholl 8t
Lure, !I:trket:strect;FretleMel: city." The 'bridle
is a stink with double reins—the martingale is old,
with one ivory ring, the other being broken and 'tied
'with Olsiinp.
A reward of 150 dollars will be given if taken in
ulic State and secured in jail so that I get lim„again.
Ten 'dollars will be given for the horse s if be is .sent
'eto Frederick; :tud all reas . otioble charges Odd.
- October 12,1840.--4 t -
TIFIREAS, the Hon. SAMUEL . 11r-rut:nu, Pre
. 11 sident Judge of the Court o f Common Pleas
in the 9th District, compopftl,u9te ,F„otty9po,9l; pn
and mid the Hon: - iglut
Stuart mat 'Alm Lefrore, - Jfidges i6cs:w Ci ii t tir
?combo. Nos of the county of Cnniberlimd; have
issued their precept, bearing date the 10th day of
August; 184 P, and to me directed, for holding a
Court of Oyer-41nd Terminer and General *fail De-
Iliveiw and GeneKul Quarter Sessions of the Peace,
at Carlisle,. on the.
.Yecond _llan day, of 2Vov_ember, 1840,
'-fheing the 9th illiy . yrit ten o'clock. in the forenoOn
:NOTICE is hereby given to tlfe Conner, Justices of
the Peace, and Constables of the said county of Culp ;
berland, thatthey be then and there_ in their proper
persiins r wit& their_records,illll4llsitioos, ritaminn
lions and taller reinendminces to do-those things',
- ,wllich to their - offices retpectfidly appertain. •- Anil '
'those who are 'Mond by 'recognizance to prosecute
Aig,ainst the-prisoners that arc, or theitmay be, in the
of Cumberland county , to .he then and Olen to
,prosreute against them as shall be just.
Dated at Carlisle, 016--1411 i day, or ()Chller; 1840,
:and the sixty-fourth year of American Independence.
JOE-IN MYERS,' Sberiti.
Three or four Journeyman Coopers, to whOt:
constant employnient and liberal wages will be giV
en.. .
The highest price will be given • for cooper-stuff
AO hoop-poles.
, R. St. J. MILES. '
Carlisle, Oct. 20, 1.84.0:'
Election-or Directors,
‘7l W
Oct. 13i 18413.` 71- -
Niirter. is hereby given to the'Stockholdersin-this
institutiontlint an. election, tvill be held at the Bank
ing House on' the third Mondny,of November. next,
(being the 16th day of the month) for thirteen Di
rectors to serve the ettiniag•year..
S; tRBEAN,. Ccalhitir.77
Sargent's politicAl, Register for
THE subieribers have just received a few
copies of Sargent's Political Itegister, exhibiting.
the results okEleettone held in the different States and
Counties through Out the United States from 18:6 to
1840. .:rhe above work will. be found a convenient
reference for those who wish to coMpare the results
• of the awbaching elections with those that have pre. ,
ceded them. Price 25 cents. ' •
Atigaid 4801.840,
. • First Cost
..I:2N/T - OTHERS. • •
rivin Subscribers,„iniciling to leicreCarlisle, of
1 fer their ENTIRK STOCK, comprising an ex
tensive variety descry ilescription of
D R G 0:0. _ _ _
. 7' • •
for sale at FIRST COST'! . .-.-.
--.- Country 111 erclipntt, and the -public:generalli f tilit
find it decidedly to — ilieiiTulvanttif;exaniiire7
and purchase —as they cannot obtain goods cheaper in
the city. .. --. . . . .
Call .and see--call and purchase.
Depend upon it, Dargainsare liONi offered to every .
One.who desires to purchase.
• .
.412.N0LD:.4- _CO.
Carlisle, October et, 1840.. .. .
. ,
N.ll —Persons indebted are requested to call and
settle before the first ofJanuary nest. ' - . .
For the benefit of the totra,of Walsburg. Class
9 fur 840.---10 be drawn at Alesatudria,
day, 7th November', .18p.
30,000 Dollars.
s t prize of $lO,OOO, 1 of 6,000, 1 of 5,000, 1 of
. • 000, 1 of 2,50 u, 1 of
.:1;165; 25' prizes 611.1,000.. -
Tickets $l - o='-41nlve . s i;5.---Quafters 12 51:4.
Certificates of: Packages of 25 Whole Ti <Acts $l3O
Do. 10 • .!?.5 Half • 'do . 65 • .
Do.. do. - 1.3 Quarter du • 32 50
, CAPITA IL $60,000 I
- . -- - i Alocantiria.,:Lot Wry..
Chesil . , for 1840. To he dravO'n at Alexandria;
1). C. on Satorday, J4tl; . of Noyeniliei, 1840. •
cit - A.: . s:p•Selli',NlE
$6O- ; 000
(7,' - 1 of - :96,0110, t of 1 gPit.TTI fits1(t;000;-.1-rof-44000 , ,-
~ . lor 7..CiP0. -- 1 - cir 0100 T - 1 -of 5,000;71. of 4poo
il4 2,500;1 !of 2;311;4 pa;izes o'l'2 OW . ' •
5 or 1,75000 of 1•,500, 50 off ,000
5D of Se, — ..
a..-'Tickets only -s2o—ljal yes $I0••--fluorte - rs—$5
- Eighths $2 50. • , '
Certificates of l'acliliges - U -T 2f ti "t - Viiai?facts 52G0
1)o. do _ Sti 1144 do 130
'Do. do 213 Quarter do- G 5
Do. do '25 Eighth do •52 50
.. Virginia State. Lottery, ,
rov• I:taloa:lag, the .Leesburg 'A Ortielny and for
other.purpuses. Class No.o roe 8-10.—To he draft):
at itlexaud6a, Va. Saturday, Nor:
. .
. . '5 . ,11011---3,000--2,500--1,017: ' '
'. • 'Cr 100 Prizes (3111000.
Tiitts•only $ 10—Halves $5. --•Quarters $2 50 -
Ceitificates of Packitges of 5 IV hole Tickets $l5O
• 1)0., do ' '2511;11f do -65
1)u. -- 'l . do :.t.) (Aflutter du 9B 50
For the benefit of the • Monongalla Acadenv.
Class No, II) for 840.—T0 be dra,wa at Alexandria,
Vw. on Saturtlay, Nov. '3Bth 1840. •
' GRAND .C.AinT.M.S..
• 0 -5,000 - ,,,,i4,000--4,5W---3,035-:3.000.
40-Prkzes of 1;500,
• Tickets $lO--Flidves $5,--Qnarters $? 50.
Certilidaleo of Paukagcs (025 Whole 'Vicki:As $l3O
Do. • .do 26 Half ' do fis
1)o. ,do • • 25 quat:fer . do ' 3 250
• • CaPital.:s6o,ooo
ALSO, •.
$31) 1 0111j"'''$15,000
- Sixteen Drawn Numbers in each Package of 2G
Tickets. • • • -
• - Frites 'than
Atexandeiii Lottery..
class 13, for 1840.—T0 be .th-61 wil itt • Alextthdria,
D. C. - oo Saturday; 14th N oveniber, 1840.. ,
.64 - 000--Dallar-S.:' •
--1-prizeofsso,ooo- 7 -1 0f_15,0_04-I_of tp,ocio-4 'of
8,00(1-1 of 7,000-1 of 6,000---1 of 5,000-1 of
4,000-1 02,500-1 of 2,311---4 of 2,000— , 5. of
1,750.-10 of 1,560-Hrr 11K) Prizes of 1000.4 At.
.50 of 500, 5U of 400; 100 of 500,100 of 250,
Tickets only $2O-4falves $lO-A,Quaiters
. . • _ Eighths.s2 50.
Certificates of Packages of 26. Whole Tickets $260
Do • do • 26 Half „do ,130
Do do 25 Quarter do 65 '
•do - ;26 Eightlr do 52'
Wb Orders for Tickets and Shares or Certikeatea
of Packages in the above Lottery •will be' romptly i
attented to and the drawing 'sent immediately after it
is over. Address,' - • - -
D. $. GIIEGOitY, & Co., Ofanitgers.
:Washington City, D. 0.
Sept. 113,1840.
OCTOBER 27, I§4o
L-Atumucti," . --Ail,artiele_under this head, - in # 7 - copied from the;New-
York. " New gra," a *To - rypa - pWis - the
most clumsy and stupid attempt toltnpose
hPon-the credulity oI the American reader,
that we have Seen during the , Yhole• of the
-Presidential Campaign:: It purports to VS'
a letter frota . an English manufacturer to
'lris agent iikNew York; ,, .giving him — the int r.
poetant information' that thOEnglish
tirei4 -- cleitreit'oTseU• 'Oen - eral — llarrison••
elevated to- the Presidential chair, _for the
reason. that-his - -electiOn would. conduce to
• , •
their iizterestel , extr e mely ridicu
lous !Pritiell'wisli to elect. Harrison
any}liefeatr:-Vatt-,Btirea..? _Notltliethey_
NIC It kit - WT - 111A life Preeiclot . a d hispar=
tizans are in . favor of throt:ving_open - the
American ports and'adMitting European
manufneinies European bread - slifffs . '
- _ - - - --
free of duty! a thing which, if accoMplish
ed, would have the effect of enriching
.tieb lordlings and at mien prostrAtellic
rican manufacturer,raechanic. and huiband
man. They know . ., too, that Harrison is
-in favor of protecting American industry
andenterprize, by establishing a judicious
Tariff,. and . excluding:from our pods, as
• mueb as possible, the merchandise and'
prodUcts of Europe,. The Whig'party is
emphatically il:t....,22nerican party, and the
Locofoco the 'British party! Mr. Van .
uren,`!whilstin England, was assidudas tdi .
please and gain' the good. opinion of the
British 4iiifberats;
manners resembled More a French dancing.:
master .than the representative 'of a plain
republican 'people. No Englishman likes
the name of Harrison. They can never
forget that it .'was Harrison who defeated
their , conntrymen,•humbled their pride; and
overrun -their territory, ` From._ hirn they
Mr. Van Buren and liis pards - niic ark - their
true friends! and arein tayor - of
them and impoverishing US, by throwing
„ open their our ports, and laying a direct
tax upon - MO . -people - to supply the ettrava-
Aante•atlte,Adininistrdtion: Tax. Payers,'
Toolt,i6 i . • .
TIM FLORIDA. WAR.-The wretched
manner in which this humiliating w . has
been ptosecuted will for ever resound to the
- dishonor of -the-present-imbecile-Adminis
tration, To.subdup;a-handful of half-stare.•
have boen-scluandered, manY-valualde-lives
l'ost, and the Indians still retain undisputed ,
possession of their / swamps and everglades.
Many, very, many, seriously believe that
the President and his advisers have no wish
to bring this servile and expensive warfare
to a termination. It affords good' pickings
to conamissariesi contractors; suttlev§, and
'a thbusand,other petty officers in the pay '
and, 'confidence of' government. Indeed,
we never hear the name of Florida men
tioned that we do not feel deeply indignant
at the course pureited by our rulers in the
prosecution of this war. If the peopld
wish to have it brought to an honorable .
terniination, let then . ' support the lido of
Tippecanoe. No man in the Union better
tinderstands the character of the Indians
than, he does; and the matt, who defeated
Tecumseh and the:Prophet, with their
thousands of Warriors, is= the-Mart AO
bring the Seminoles to terms.
Berrisit GoLp."—Tho Toiy Office
}Polders, their pattizans and hired writers, •
have again resorted to this stale device, and
attribute thole 'humiliating• defeat in Maine
to the'jnfluerice Of. "'British is
.custoinary to.f the office holders, when the
people have centlemned their acts, to'
suit and' revile thew.. - the - y will find; how.; •
that the-people el-these states are to
rich and too independent to - he'boughteith , , - "7
erhy the gold of the British or the gidd - cf--
the - oilice holders:
Fron . ithe Philitdelpfifti Aquifer.
The Figures"pf the
The Ne 4. York Evening. Post his Mich!
a labored attempt to figure Mr..Van.Burett - , - :
intd the next:Piesideney„The.ealculatiott •
is copied pnd endorsed by the Pennsy
.it,: in - . orderto-silo -the-L
grounds on Whielt 'our' oppOnents are en.;
deavorink to sustain their. shadoWy - pros
pacts. TheTfollciOiing itates-dre..,put..down •
for Mr. Van Ilurdirs •
, Virginia,
It will be . seen that even according td
ihiS'Caleulatioli; Mi. - Van Buren lulls short .
20 votes. • .-Of above.Statet, moreover;
Maine, Virginia, and 'renitbssee are certain .
for Harrison,. while in I s eimsylvania we
incline to the-opinion, that we shall also
give a victorous Whig return on the 30th
of the present month. The. truth is, the
_Van Burenites„can maize
which; when submitted to ' .
hthe pnldie, Will •
not do their cause more harm than good, •
- --AVe—anne-x-r-Entother—caleulatiort,—merel
:for the 'purpose of showing that we can .
elect Harrison, without Maine, New York; •
Pennsylvania; or Virginia. The Man must
be blind, indeed, to the signs of the times;
who doubts,that Old 'rip will not carry at
least three of the states last named. Fix •
,it any way you like, thefefore, it it: clear,
as 'the sun at midday, that the people of "
.this Ilnion aralLabout to sign the political,
th,w_ar ran
theTsesidentiatehair. •
- Harrison.: : - Pan Buren.• •
.IVlassSehusys; .14 Mnine, 'lO
Rhode 'Stand, — '''' .N. Hampshire, 7
Conneetie;ut, 8 New York, 4t
'Vermont, , .7 Pennsyliienia i 30
-Ndw , 8 Virginia, 23
Dela Ware, • 3, SotttirCafolina,
,Alabama - , -- - - ry
.. 4
•Louisiana, .„.. 5 Arkansas;
Georgia, . ? 1 , 4 4 Missouri, 4
Ohio, 21 Illittdis, .
tire JIM/6 ieturns from At the tount4li
in this state. b.ttt "eight. The result on the
IWO highest tickets - .stailds' thus,:
Harrison,. • • • $ 8,599 •
Van Br
~ en;'. • • 34;04
Majority; 4,557
The. remaining counties Will probably
reduco the- Harrison- majority about 8O
votes. Thd*Whigs have a larger,majority
in;both branchos`of.the-State Legislature.
15 -