Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 21, 1840, Image 1

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vela ra - t/4 ziLtazta.;-au) ag
• .
• 1110sirisrrany.Citallois. — The bOdies eta) evented
being" aro perpeutally.tindergaltimaPecies of revo
lutionary change; iu la.thereforo eVinelititliet in order
,ro facilitate this peri odi Cal change,' the natural' outlets
tiC_thebodymustbe,kept in a proper condition.. for,
if,the,noxtour humors are allowed - to sojourn too long
in the body, they become eictssivelv sharp, and CON
odeastoning the most terribh; and total disorl..
dersi.which frequently entail years of suffering and
anguish:..When. this is the case," would conscie4-
. aously recommend to such the immediate' use of the
medecine which has attained its present
standard of usefulness, solely from its exeeeding rain ; these Pills, being ln .trOth nothing
More than an assistant .Of nature, causing' her to do
that which is:rcuffir - ed - toproduce - 10ealthy-contlition_.
of _the body...... Such being the case, it is evident that
• - they can be administered with 'safety to ndvsnced sr,
a>f.well'.,ae to. helpless infancy, end invariably. with
the same beneficial result's.
-- 7 -- - H--Iternember,_these. Pills arc 'not ..sold ,gent hr at
. tin' Drug Store, eitTieirlirthe - tity - orreonntry.------
- Purchasoliem in Clulisla of Grp.. W. Iltrsmn,
, . - --or-ofi-Agents-publisnedin, another part of thisdpaper.
Valuable tract Zif Limestone Laud
vi r ILL be sofa pt . private` sale, nt any time be
. tvreen this end; the 15th of November next,
Limestone -- Plia tat
. . .
trite the property' orJames Neal, Eeq. deceased, situ
ate in • Dickinson tow,iship, Cumber land county,
bOundeil by lands of Andrew Carothers,John Wood-,
• •liru,•Sainuel HuStOn and others, containing_.
, one acres, more or- Jess, itbout two - thirda of which
• are cleared landijn excellent . Cultivation and `-under
pott fencc+the remaiining third is fine timber land:
The improvements arc a
. • • v two Story Dwell ing
111 Irani e -and -kitchen
a largo Brick Barn, Wagon 811(11.41.nd
, other Out buildings withit well of good ,waiter.; : --
-There are also on the premises u,gooitapple - oPehard-1
and other fruit trees; also a large . pond of
. water
• has scarcely ever been knoWn to_go dry.
_• . Persons wishing to view the property can see thtt.
• • UM by calling on Mr. Fiektik; who resides - Mt-the.
premises; undfor the price, conditioni of sale, &e.,
by application to William rf - Bidille;i sq.,at ear.,
. Bde, or to Mr. Samuel Boyd (one of the owners)
• near Columbia, Lancaster county, Pa. •
— Octoberl9oB•lo*- - .4 : .
• 200 Dollars • Reward.
- • Rah .away from the subscriber, near Frederick;
[(Mtn Md. on Saturday . night...l.oth, October 15.10,3 i
young black fellowinamed - .
• limut 22 yeara,of age, 5 feet b or 5 inches high, well
with round face,.mid shoulders broad, speaks
Mut countenatice_good. lie can do any kind
• •
of work on a farm or at carpenter'ii — ciiii , k7'lcif - TVMk
with hint a row crown hat, mid pair of Beaverteen
pantaloons. .11e also took with him a yoting.bloolf,.
ed Black horse, A. years old last Spjing, with; two
-- , .----Ittinir..feet_white,kotnixlitte_slip in the fore head;
asks ft ot~ alol - gfitinlu. - • He also look. niy• sail AT,
-bridle mid .maribtgidea;lll4 - iiiiil3l,l,e, ia tdoottoltworn,
, marked• With-a sinall-tud f'+,.;
-• • -Lure, Market street, Frederick ThCabridl
is a stiff bit with double reini—the martingale is old,
• ory_liag, the other being broken and tied
with 11 strap.;
A reward of 150 dollars will be given .if, takers in
the State and seeured'in jail so that I get him again.
• Ten dollars will be given for the horse if he is sent'
to Frederick; and all reasonoble charges paid.
• October 12, 1840.-4 t
Newvillc Light Artillery.
Take notice t'tat a court of
.appeal will be' held at
Tie house'of W. H. Woodburnon iMenilaj the sth
daporNtiverober next, at 2 o'efork., P. M.
• Newville,-October 21; '
Three or four Jotn•neyinan Cooper', to. whom
'constant employment-Bnd liberal wages will be giv-
• The highest 'price will be given for cooper-stuff
find hoop-poles.
tifilisle, 064,20, 1:840
House for-Sale.
Thd imlnairilier -offers at -private, sale ; the large
-Three Story Brick .14n.;elling House, in Main street,.
Carlisle, in which he at presentresides. There is a
large back building attached to die house, in , which
are two, commodious Kitchens; also 'stalling and ,
carria_ge bowie, He will also sell it. half lot, running
from Locust alley towards Pomfret lareet, on which
loran Ice House and Kitchen Garden.. I'lm property
Will be sold together. • •
October 9:1,1840. .
_ - - -
TAIMIEREAS, the. Hon. SAMUEL. lirmnumv, Pre
•• 1r sident Judge of the Court of Cohunon Pleas'
in the 9W District, composed of the counties of Com
_ ._berlandi ..Per4;:antl__Jonlata t and the. Hon. Ahn
; 6 1 11/art and Tohn Lefaire, ?. .hidges of the ttaitrCeniti of
Common Pleas, of •the county of Cumberland; have
issued their - Precept, bearing date the 10th 'flay. of
\Auguet,;lll4l), and to me directed, for holding a
Court of Oyer' and Terminer and General Jail De
. -liveg; And General Quarter Sessions of the Peace,
et - Cindtal; oit - tint - _
Seeond . ...llohday of .Novetntier, 11340 1
(Wag the 9th day.) . at ten oltdoek in the foienoon's
Nunes is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of
• the Peace, and Constables of the said county of Cum- .
berland, that' theybe then and there in their pryer
perstins,valth their eel:sortie,' inqUisitions, examina
tions and other remembrances, to do those thingi
,which nitheir, offices respeatfully aplicrtain.,- And
those who are.' Wound by recognizance to prosecute
' *lost the prisoners that are, or then may be, in the
• Jail of Cumberland county, to be' then and there, to
• prosecute against:Mora as shall be jiisG
,Dated at Carlisle, the 11th day of October, 1840,
' • and the.siXty-retirthyear of Artlerican Indepenemio.
Electioil of lifrectois
:Oct. is, !SO.'
troilcs is hereby given tO•the Stockholders in thi s
Institution'that an election will be held at the Bark
hig House on the third iklornlarof November'llex 4
liming the 16th day of the mopth) for thirtCen ,D t
IntCtors to serve the &Mixing year.
• "'•• COBEAIt
. .
'• - , - ,.. -, , , i' , . - ," ZiaTIC IsTqlliril:44l-, ---„:,-•:—.
111r ' . AS tii . e:Carlisie Ela;ing , Fan , Sselety,
P i
- " :1 " f11.; st AfT • ':. '' b illv l, ll /O l the ir :st i t n s . t it it B u 4S tio ; e ll anT i ht ec w . i s s o l t r ts i e o e:trn i s g n y i te v lv e n a n d :
Ilq''' l .- ,-, , . •.a..-,- the•statklioiders of said lust u
: 1 . 0• +...pi .i 50".4' ',,,,, t h e ' next begislatui•e- of the Common--
.:;3 ;/. 4 lPP r a t -- .7 - --- so• - al of charter, Change - dimple, stY , le,.,
'ands, °l' r' '
I d Valley Bank,”•inereae,°'
1 6" "at n r ctounting aed..banklei r iv,.
- , an ` 4l l enera h ''• t letioett as the UII 0 tune
~, L.,4, ' ti er enr--;res r, • • to bil'oontineed
kini,,,,,,9r • ,'oVo o ,AitCi i ,: Institution .?
41 VA
''' - ' 7- ''Afli sT4 ' " r- V^' ' • inkt J MYErts: .
f•: ! -, _ „ • ,.. . - , ,, ..1•;,, , u• ,, :V.,1 4 ,, a ,. 49 , • , ,
~':k...•,•Acifitylito44l4*.g• ~: :, . •
• - -..... .. .. - - ' ' ' ' - '
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... • 1 „
a ...N .00n
- consistiiirdsTry-Glie-}lnglisli,ViriwilLotisl _
ncres,Satinets, &e. of every variety of
oolor, quality and- price.' .Alao, a largo end hand
some assortment of _Eliglislo . Wei 'French Merinoes
Bombazines,'-.Merino H liki
nizines,'-.Merino Shawls nil
Clialleys, Mobalin de. I.aiiis, - French Chintz, plain'
- and - fumed-Silk sbnir Safinsmtevery:_esilor and (waif-.
ty, silk and gauze dress handkerchiefs, bobinet and`
Bond veils, fancy' , 'scarfs; gauze; siitin.. and Mantua
----- ' 4 " - 7. wwrv - size-anti-colocltc...LA (so—Straw
Bonnets and
,platttl braid, Also---a large assor -
inent of - llsvacatic,. Goad 'consisting •of calicoes,
cheeks, Inuslins, and eery otlier.nrtiele which can be
mentioned belonging to the Dry Goode business;.to
gctlier with an extensive assortinencof -
. _
; -(iticens . wa' re, Hardware, .Grocc
rics, Liquor-§,..&c. &c. •
- alt of which - Will 'be sold cheaper than ever, before
offcTi'tql tbe sale; • -.,
They would respectfullyk inVite 'the public to cell
and examinelit:4. stack mid prices, being fully ' satis.
fled that they CalL , necoramptlate limn at "prices far
Itclotv m hat they are in the habit of paying.
Prihiirce oraltinds - will be taken ,
in exchange for Goods, at market price.
Cottotry.Merchust,tp are hivited to call and examine
their stock, hviwg connected .wlth : European Mutat..
factories, 'Whielt will enable them to - 'sell .at prices
lops than can be Purchased 'in the Cities of New York ,
-Philnaolphio. • . .
ifhippeusla.rg, „0et.117,4840' .
• .
Eor the licni fifiif tlinciwo - nf - Wrll3burg-elass:
9 for 1840. -- , ! To . be drawn, at ; Alexandria; Va..Sntur.
day, 7th Noremlwr, 1840.
I . lo:ize of. $lO,OOO, 1 of - 6;009, 1 of 4100, I.of 3 -
r : 77evocr, -- r - dr-2;5 - ou, of u 4,15 prizes 0112,0.00.
$5---Qunrfers 50;
Cciiiticotes of Pariagesof Wholo.Ti4kets.sl3o,_.
Do. - du 25 Half 'do = 65
Do. do - '-25 Quarter do 32 50
. ACAPinia $66,000t'
-Alciaiidija(ll 4 9llt!ery. •
Clan B, for 184,(1.'itratrit - nt Alexandria
D. C. on Saturday, 14th of November, 1849!
/-of-7,000. 1 Of 6,000,4 of 5,000 2 1 of 4,000
' ref
• 5 of 1,750, 10'0f1,500, 50,0 t 1,000
50 of 500, Sce, -
Eighths $2 50.
6.:Rifieites MT:lel:ages 61 . 25 Whale '1161:et8 $250
Do. - do • . 23.11101 . do 130 •.
du -- Qmarter 41(s.
Do. _. 26 Eighth, do -3250
.For Eadduing thy. Leeidnifg - .Xcadetur and for
other purvoses". plasallo.9 for 1840.— drawn .
at Alexandria, Vu. Saturday, Nov. ' 4 2.1.5t 1840.
5,000-3,000--2,500-4,017. '
Ce - • . 100 prizes of 1,000. •- '
Tickets only $ 0-7Halvesl.s—Quarteri $2.50
Ccrtilicnles of Packagaa of 2.s*Whole i'ielieta $(.50
D. - do 25 Half do •65 '
Do. •‘ 25'Quarter•do 3 : S . 30
For the benefit of the Mono*lia Aeaderay.
Class No, 10 for 1840.—T0 be - ifra Alexatitkat,
Va. on St.tueday,'Nov. 2801.1840. . ,'• '
' , 5,00U--4,000.--3,500.5,035: 7 -3.000._; 1,
. ' 40 ;Prizes of 1,500 Dollars.
Tickets $lO--lialies $5-4narters $2 . 50.' .. •,'
Certificates of Pack:if : pi of 25 Whole Tickets slsso ,
' • 2
Do.)10 , . 25 Half do . .1i5.: -
Do. • do ' 7 -- 25 quarter do ' - 52 50
-- Sia`teen Dra4n Numbers iu elicit Package of
Tickets. •
:f,w7lbre .Prizei than I.llanle.
_.,Class 13, for 11340.—T0 be drawn at Al:saadria„ .
- 13ALlin"Satarday,; - 14th ovesuberoB4o:—.
• C.R.IND SChti4 7 ,lttel • -
T' . . 60,000 Dollars..
;1 prize of $30,04--1 of 15,000-1 of 10,000-41 of
8,000-1 of .7000-1. of 6,000-r-1 of 5,000-=1 of
4,000-1 0f.2',500-1. Of 2,81.1.-4 of 2;000-5 of
1,750 7 -10 of 1;500-62•T 10VPI6zes of /00010
•-•, SQ - of 500, 50.9 f 400;100 of-800,106 of '250,
•• • 170 of 200, 124 of 14Q, 84e, &o. Eco.
Tickets only s2o:—llalves $lO--'44utO•tera
, klighthe $2
Certificates Of Pockem of 2.6 Whole Tickets $260
'Do ' . do Half do • fdd
Do "Alp% •25 Quarter .do„ .65
D o do. '26.r.itlatit' • d0,,,•32,
' 'SW Orderslot Tigite.ta and Shares Or'Certifietites
oTtsaekageti in the a6Ove Lottery will b Promptly
attented to and tholdrawitig sent iiiniedilftely after it
is over. Address!, "
piIEGORY, k Co.,..3lanagera.
Sept. 23.1840. '' •'" ' •
-fp HE_ Subscriber •,,, , ,_thatikful,tit the. Chit
Alk.'netts Cerliele.iii4loloity, for the very liberal
patronage.'whlch tlifr•blvrtheretolOio - bestowed apfin
begs.leinfititinform 3i em thathe bail removed
his establialiment froin.• .4hrivimkr'a s'Aciar,'•• to the
bowie • formerly ocaupled • by . Dr. ,TancithakJ ohnston,
In West Loother atreett firhere bell preptirid to •
Cloths, Silltajfinu•Sip., bit , tlio.timiletitt3t44o 104: at
the shorteet'notietOr4e . „,;-• • ' -••
He ;respectfully aolierta •alatiousimo• Ortatilto:
favor. - • , • • - • • 01114.V.DTD
Carlisle, October r "
EargainF.„ Bargains,
11120Vir i3t.nsl3lll
fit:; Shippeasintergy, Pa.
ItespeCtfully infnein the eitizgaia of Sitippensburg and
vicinity, dint tityy 'vivo jut receive.t4 and are now
opening, at•their gore; in Main ateeet x an extensive:
nntl . well(selecteil assortment of
MI 1
'Slate Loittejw.o
-30;000 :001.i.$',
of-ii0;000; I:qt 1„5,0%)„t.or:10,(00,_1Loc,0,000
Virginia State. !..olliery,
$35,295- $i OO 3
ital $60;000 !
Aklexandtia Lotterr.
SU= Lo bat,
.Pabitihed.,tor the - .ProprietoP, .by,
.4004mge 1 'Creak. in e artiste, 111,0 , inheland CoOnty s , Pa.
. . .
' Valuable I:an-Yard :Ptoperty
. .
141entlay the 9th pf NOveinber next, at 10 o'-
Clock;M.;•will 'be sold at public side, on the
mises; in'tliettoi•otigh•of,carlislei - Cutriberlaittl coun
ty, thatintze and cominodious • •
situate on the north casecorner,of Loother aad East
.Streets;hotinded. on the east by the :Extort siiring;
and on the north by lot of T. C. Esq., contain
ing two hundred and sixty tea in front, and one hun
dred and ' twenty:in 7deptli more-or, , less,belcinging-,
to the estate of David .9.Ferney, deed., having there
on erected afar;
• • 'TWO STORY STON. , 4
ow LA'''. - Dwelling . I • •
_alw.o Sto g y stone Finishing -Shop; a large Two
Story .13rielc._,Bertni - froliSeililargvilranie - Ilark-and
Mill Blum, withpn. Bark • Mill in it. There nre
rt four lay-sways and one pool in the'yardi five
and a good wellof svater nt - the kitchen door. •Tliere
'will-also be sold at the same time and .plate,,a titian
Jay of Chesnut and Black Oak.' bark, together with
some Tanner's tools, &e, , The property as in - good
Oiler, and in a very desirous situation for a Tannery,
or,a private dwelling. Terrtis:of be - made
knOvvm on the day of sals;" and any infoirnitdion
be given aboutthe property befdre the day of tale by
• • ' I GIPD. , W. BHRAFEIid
14, 1840. . '
- • .•
exposed to Potilif Saki on the premises,
in 'Westpentisbovough tOiViisldtKciimbbrland county;
On Wednesday the t ttlt da'y or November ziextott
10 o'clock, A. M., viz: • • •
nub Li!nestonc, Wig); on whiell.l% . trected, . •
• •
• •
;:tc c ;: ,"•, - LOG . 110 fig!?
Ghcre is
•; :"" • „
also on aftid preni es n lleacirdo — Orshard
f-prime-fruit;.also-a.firsizate_sprinr, OLueit:r
water; adjoilong lands of-Nathan Woods,tear; Sitds
aad others..Terms , will beinade known . ' Otn 021 of
009 bee 14,-1849,
e'es ivAccon n
Whereni.Jos; Whinier, Assignee of Joseph :11-1 - os.
_set., did on the 14th day of August, A. D. 1840, Ole
in the . :olfieeix.:thirProllidinitary"ol' the - Court 2f
Cominon Pleas of Cuniberland•county, his account
as %Assignee Of •the said. Joseph Afosser: Noticeis
hereby given to all persons interested," that the-pid
court have appointed. the first Alontlity of November
'fern 1849, (being the 9th) for:the confirmation of
'said account. -
Protbonotary's Office, • •
Carliiie,_Outnbt . • 0—
Assigrapeship Account:
, :Virlieeens David Kenower, •Assignee Of Joseph
HooVer, did on the 12th day of August, A. D. 18401
file in die Office of the Prothonotary of the Courrof
Common Pleas ocCumberland - comity;his account as
Assi,„Tdeo of the said Joseph Hoover: Notice is here
brgivear to all interestektliat- the."--said court-have
appointed the first 1111cinday,of Novi:ether - Fermi 1840,
(ken the My for the confirmation of said account
Prothonotary's Oliice,.
October 1 1840 5
.• - -
DYKE is hereby given that Letters of Admin
istration on the estate of Jacob Goodheart,late
at 'West Pennsbot , o' township deceased, have been
tinned to the sidistriber in due forin of . .
All persons having accounts with said deed., ore
'requested to present them to the,suhscriber properly
authenticated for settlement s attil those indebted to.
make itntnediate - lisyntent. • .
, Dickinson tp. ? •
• Oct. 16, 1840.--6 t 5 •
•:' Notice. •
The Members of the,Vn'ion Fire .Company of the
florou4h of Carlisle, together. with any others who
may wish to become membersore requested tei meet,
at tW - Tow'rr - Hall - hysaid - horpttgb; - on - Satimilai - the
Seth day of October lost .; td. 7 'o'clock P. M., on .bu'.
sines, °lmportance Importance - to said company.
. .
Carlisle, Oct. 13,40
. .
' •
'Estate of lifart.Zinn, deed. • •
tate of 'Mary 210 n,, Weiltpennshorongls
-toWnship; Cumberland county, dee'd,have been ism- .
edio the subieriber living in the same township; .No-
Ttea is hereby given to all t tlitTeeiliidebted:ttisaid - es. ,-
tate to make immediate 'paymentis. and all thnie bar-
Mg'Claims against said estate to present them, prrp
erly authenticated, for se t tlement .
act. 4.181-r
to ow' C'efdilQPB.
Take notice that . we have applied to the Jiidges of
the Court of Commtni,Pleas of Cumberland county,
for thesbenefit cd the fasolvent-Laws of this Common
wealth; aril they have appo inted Monday the 9th day.
of Nave:l4er next,; for the hearing of us and our
creditors, at the Court Rouse, in the borough' of Car
lisle, when and:wher6 you may, attend, if you think
proper.. .-` ". • -
• - _
Clustober 7,1844.- - -3 t
. .
0.). •
There will be exhibited in this b 0.,;
rough, about
this month,
teigollotej. a
w• rout, .clot - of fineMULES e iwhich will
beoireted ror ' •
0'ct,,! . 4, I e4o,
. ~ .. . -,
Dili .9E46 t ',(27r6 Ones , IV citietnsware.
,- 4ywaxtie-iold by;the 'subscriber, nt very reduced
prteeifor'Vash; in, tlie..rocm. recently occupied by
Jactib;Rlieetti and . 'utljoining,lbe store of Samuel tt.
'Myers & Co, .
.. ' . -:•.,, •, ' . ' ,
1 ' Tile stock is new and consists' in part of
broatrcloths, cassinietes, scasainetts, blank
ete; merinos, bombazinesillan'nels, vestings;
muslines, calicoes, tickings; silts; ylinens,
table,co'vers, plain and figured ' swiss mus-
„inseitings, Janes, -Silk and cotton
ItandkerOliefe,•ribands, gloves and eteek
itio; bonnets, battiferteensi - &c.4km--
',Also, 'a lot? Of -,:GLASS
QUEENS WARE,. autta GnocianiEs.
Having relimpiisheit,bnainesein'pliippens.
and, retnOv . eo thaVeredre atock' to this
pkace, I atri desirous _of-clotting' up the 'ecifi
cora as soon, "possible ! ..r.Purchisitra Will.
4,107 4 , elL to roll, goari,,ils, great bOrgainisAtill
PO' f iii'fhlPs't :.:I;::_COASOGltapit.'::.
5ept."720:1840. - , .
wmumwomaz-ziiyaninte. qscouctanatzta, atuto.
Tan Yard,
Executor of Mary -AleKOon
son.thi462er. ....tindauer , .•
114 their New Store .in .Centreville, have just;re
ceived and are"now opening a very large and splendid
"nsinsttnent ot.Virrisil , %FRENCH' and DOMES-
Ttc - -
DR:ll* Goons,-
which have been selected with much care in the cities
of NEW YORK and IMILADELPHIA, fin& which
they respectfully_ invite the citizens of Centreville
and vicinity to call and examine, as they will be ma
bled to please,andsell decidedlycliehperthh7 any
happy . at all times to see customers who are desirous
of having
Among their stock will be found . Blue 'Black;
Brow_n,,Green ' - Olive, Cadet, Mulberry , D ahlia, Cit
roO,Claret, Mixt.Drab, and a - variety ot ton:,:ppeed
Hatta V ik 21 k^r 4.
Superior stripeiriiiiil
Cassimeresoweinium and low priced &milieus; su-.
perior Silk; Satin, Veliet, Valencia, Corded ; Strip
' 1-frigure4l-arL2las and Cassimere
'Vestings. A general assortment ofiffiValities-ant
colors of
• • . .. 1
• ------ .Fall and Win/Mk 40 oods: ..
suitable for . :Gen'tlemen's' wear. 'Superior Black
Indian destriags; Gros Be• Nrips,Yo De Simai;
Gros D Siwiss, and Senshaw Siiks,-Chtilkys, Child
zes; Jaenets, Cambries, llobbinetts;plain and .0-.
gored S has, and Book Muslis, Shawls, Dress •
liiiifill . - r — c . hiefs, Scarfs,.e - & cT V, RibboimoSi
l it
A 7 fiiiie and excellent assortment of tine and low
wised - Calicoes,
- Calienes, irish,-Tabie,:fowellin and Table_
taper, Crash IV:tilins,..Tickinr,s,, • Cheeks;
_ eaverteens i --A- geiiitntUtrasortniant of Leghorn
and Straw 13pierts;thalwellatii - Parasols,*Also,
an extensive tssoretiketit of •: . , ' .
. .
(irOcericg.And Queensware
otthe Mi approccatlitalitic . p • The puldic are re z
itwited:to'enlitiind judge themielves
they are determined to' s(drilieliti judger
cash or'conntry
.p, dace.. TAVERN KEV.PERS 'are re spectfully
ittivitedto _ 14-L 10.'5
befoyerehasiag elsewhere.
CentriWille - Xum. Co October 14
Orlibans , . Court Sale-.
Th im
e dersigned: *ill . expose to
before the CoertlfoOel, tit the tiorou4ll - ef
41, tract of part Limestone and.,
' part Slate Land, •
situate in township:, Cumberland
county ; hounded 'by the • Connoilog,uinet creek, lands
of Ross Lamberion,, Abraham Lumberton, Zeigler's
heirs lind. others, containing
-Two ItOndredTiliiiityrnine----
Acres and twenty-seven Perches,
strict measure, basing tberemi .ereciell a. 0
Wen) lira?* Ba , It and Stable, 8 $ 'c.
There Ls a...never failing spring on the piemises,
and a-good well of water with a pump. About
eighty acres of this farm is covered with young
among -timber. • .
Olio half orthercittcliase - money to be paid-onthe
-nonfirmatiovi. of-the %ale, and the balance in three
equal annual-p s ayments r thereafter, to-be..seuared by_
recognizances the Orphans Court with approYed
_seenritv_. The grain growing on the premises at the
time ol t ,gale to-geyto tlie purchaser,except ilie_tenants
share thereof, which is expressly reserved to him.
Possession will be delivered on the Ist day of
April next, or, if the purcliasi.;r should'• prefer it, he
can taco possession=immediately- after- coniplying '
with the terms of sale, subject to the balance of the
present tenant, which will expire on the Ist of April
• JOSMI'II pIIRON,jr. Adm'e
October 7, 1840.-tds:
Public Sale.
'WILL be,solil,at public aitle, On the. prernesee,
on Wednesday the 28th day at October inst"
at It o'clock, A.M. the following real estate, viz:.
Tract of Prime Land,
Ituate about seven miles south of . Carlisle, in Dick
inson township; Cumberland county,. adjoining lands
of Philip_Spangler/David Sheaffer, Andrew G. Ego
and George Wolf, containing
of which about 1004 m-es are cleared; and the residue
covered with fine timber. The improvements are a
first rate two stOrY , •
• .^4`4l ,
STO.VE 110 USE 1..4‘ I
and - two'story =
with an excellent spring. of water in the cellar and
also in the yard; ao excellent Frame' Barn; with two
threshing.finers, wagon shed, tip% crib, an excellent
orichard of choice fruit, together with other-improve
ments. The Yellow Breeches creek runs-through
part of this property. The whole-is,und4-good
fence and in 'a high state of 'cultivation. ,Anyl'person
wishing to purchase a lima of this description will ,
do well by calling to sue. it, and him-
terms of sale will be made easy. - :ti
thim particulars apply to the subscriber residing in
in the borough of Carlisle, or to Mr. Beltzhoover on
the firm.
Dot. 7,
Sheriff's Sale;
- 13 Y virtue of tr writ of Venditiorii E.:spoons to me,
directed, issued out of the Court of. Common
tleaslif,Cilintieriallitbounty; will be.aposeit - twpubz.
iheaale.Zoli the folloWlng described premises, ow
Thursday the 29tiitlay of October inst., at 10 o'clock,
A. M.,to '
All the Estate, :right and title, of
John C. Sirna,"of and to a certain
,Iron Ore . Bonk, in
and upon the tract of Land of Christian Hurst, situate
in Cumbsiland county, now in•the,occupancyof Mar
tin Zimmerman, containing eighty. acrea o more or
Jess, attioining lands of— Markle; Johnlilack and
others.. Seized and taken.inexecution as the proper
ty ofJoltn C. Sims, nd sold by me, •
.1. JOHN MYERS, Sheriff: ,
SlieNft's °lnce, -
Carliale,,Cct.-3,1830. 5
~-Ratate of Tpl.Gautz . o dec'd.
upon the cetatd of Michael Gaiftz, deed. have
been issued(dein of law AtikFredetick Gautz,
of Monroe township, Cumberland laukuntirt All per
cent,. having anima against the eatath,-will present
them for aettlethent, and thcnie, the *ate
still make payment to the. subiirtber. .
Wont* township,?
`IMO. /8;1840.-61S
; Estate qf Gastsivis' Miller, deed.
.=, ,, N:Ton QM estate , et Goitavis Miller, late pC Shop
herd:down, Cumberland ,COunty, deed., !owe' been
issued to subsaritiei ; l•esidingin, Allen towsiship4
All peraons Indebted to, surd , estate are regimen/1 .to
'inalteVayment immediately, and.those haying elaima
to preamnttltem properly authenticated for settlement.
• HENRY . ZEARIN,C., Adiser.
Eirept,l6; 1 e4SX---6t.• •
• •
• . Iwo story . Log •
• 2 'tit • , ••
oule Log Barn and other dut buildings. There
is a small stream of excellent water running near' the .
-house,- and-al I;e.-a-good-sprm--
g. , Thore---is a first-rate
apple orchard on the prentisesond other Wait trees.
The terms of, sale.- are as follows: two hundred
dollars to be paid on the confirmation of the sale—!
one third the purchase money to remain in the land,
the laterest whereof is to he paid yearly and every
year to _the widow7dtribig her - life, Said interest to
commence let of April next; and the principal at her
death to andtmong the heirs _andrepresentatives of
the •said .If . fory'lmmerinitn.' The residue of the
purcharie . mobey - on the said) Ist.of April next, when
possession -will be. giveit; urnil which time •the
rent is reserved, Said' paymenteto be - secured
recognizances in the. Orphans Court.
Trustee, .;
LandLFor .Sale... ‘.
Y virtue of an order of the Orphens' Conk, will
JUIII be exposed to Public Sale, ori - the - voreises, on
Saturday , the 4 24th day of October next,. the - following
described real estate, with the appurtenances; vitt-,
A: Tract otLamid, - .
situate 'on the YelloW.breeches creek, in SOuth Mid
dleton townehip;Ctiniberland county, adjoining lands
formerly of Peter Lobach, David Eby, M.', conteining
96 Acres .&..127 ,Pereites P - '
. . .
inore'orieist. being pert , of it_ tract of land. 'which
Thomas Meheify died aiezed, and on which James
MoClune now'resn s.:' : ,:.
Terms -7,-one hal heiturchaeernoney,,te, be paid
On the gonfirthatio of the sale by the , Cburt4 the
other half in trio equal , annual instalments, without
interest: It, is supposed , the title: Ia - unexceptiewahle.
The lend is good, but the improveniiiitaareindifier
, ' . LEWIS HARIAN,::::::..
. ' , -', ' • • •.: .•-- ' - • Trustee, Ffe,
\ SePteniber 0, 1 8 , 10„ -:
~. • - ; • •• --
- underalgued *lobes to tempt- hie.,bosiness
of furoishing Gtre:.Stonee; of all deleri ptions,ekesp •
er and better than - eau:he bought in this,or any other
country,. for in. „tallowy 'producer' Thry- - *lll
be'execatedia dos 'neatest stile—of the Philadelphia
an d 'New England Marble.' - 'The Stone* will'ke
I'dated at,Otal'es if the rethaser thinks prOpereby
ieloiej the Fffice T andinactlption at illy kouse.tiont :the
Post '
.• , HATFIELD. Sept . .' 30, tlllO.-=.r9t
WILL be sold, at public tile on Monday the
Nth day of October inst., in Harrisburg, the
one undivided lielf of the Stereotype Plates of that
popular musical publication entitled, "Etungelical
Music," - comprising two entire and complete sets, i2ine
in round, and the other in Patent Notes , including
copy right, Ste. Each 'set comprizes • 512 pages.—
The - plates were onadeln Nero York, under the di
rection of Mr. Charles Hingley,the neatest and most
correct musical typographer in the country; aro but
little worn and are in excellent order; The book is
in very generause iii,Pennaylviinia, and to some ex
tent in Ohio and Indiana and in the hands of an en
terprising' publisher would become extensively in use.
The present pursuits of the owner of the one part of
these-plates_now_offered for sale, renders it
ble for .him ha superintend (in the mpst tameefiCifil
mannee) the publishing and sale of thisbook, and has
induced hiM to offer his entire interest to an uhre
sCrved sale. The other half of these.plates and_copy
right helongs to bir. W. o.. Hickok, .of Harrisburg,
book-binder byp -;
rofeSsion, and. a gentleman calcula
leaf to as FT
ry great -bargain may be expected.----Terms--six
months credit will be given, the
,purchaser giving
bond, bearing interest, with approved security.
' .- SgliTto --- and attendance
gisenby -
AO.ornty.atifict-of c c °. Finnin
getober 10,1840
• • FOR SaiGE.. • .*
IN-Pursuaiteeof_the last will and testament of
James Graham ,late. of AlleiTt7OW - iiiihiricetiinber=
land entity, deo'd„ I will sell at public sale, on :the
premises, on - Wednesday theLllth day .of_ November.
next, at 10 , o'clocle;.A.,lll., the Tenoning. described
Valuablthproperty,-to s wit: - _
One_Hundred_Keres of Plinio - •
.about'one Mild smith of Mechanicsburg—about mid
haft elearedomder good.cence, and in h high Awe of
Ultivaition—the residue - covered with thriving young
timber. There arc no buildings on the land. . •
• ' A'clear and- undisphtable title will be , given, and
ilieltrrharmlide I knowlr ow the day-of sale.— ~,,
Persons wishing to view the premises precious to
-the-thi-y-otsale, eon 'call at the late residence of James
Graham ) adjoining the same, or on OW - subscriber.
ROBERT G. YOUNG;Ekectitor.. - •
October 7 1.80.---tds. • -t • •
Public Sale.-
- Slitiirelay the 24th ,foctsgber,.l.g4o,
. .
Win' be sold by Public' Yeadue, on the premses;
in Pursuant 4 of ati f order of the Orphans' Court- of
York county, the folloaing described llearEstate,
late the property ofJohn•Picmg:ll, of Netiberry town=
ship, York- countyolecessed; viz„ . .••• •
• An. o.teelierai. Plantiti •
or Tract of Lend, ituate in'said Newberry township,
I York-county., aboutAliree miles ?west of Middletown,
I in Fishing. Creek Valley, adjoining lands of .john
Bear's heirs, Jacob Hear, Jacob Witt, John . Yinger,
' Jacob Metzger, Michael Meister, and John Fettro,
• 1.52 ✓lcrea of Land, • -
The improyeinentaare a TIIIIIEE-STORY BRICK
hy 35 feet, a large
the lower story stone and the upper &nine, Wagon
Shed and Corn - 0%16%a twb-story stone Spring lima:,
and - other out building's, a never-failing spring of
water Dear the house, and a thriving ORCHARD of
choice - ft:ldt' This propeatY - hrone - of the heitPltUitii - =
tiona in Fishing. Creek Valley,all under good. fences,
principally of Chesnut rails . , and in a high state.of
Also—abotit 40 acres of WOODLAND,
in the 'Same township, adjoining
lands 'of .Joseph
M'Crery, Esq. John Orth and Levi Bowen, which is
covered with thrlving young Chesnut. • .
SALE to commence at 10 o'clock in the forenoon
of said day, when due attendance will be given and
(cans of sale made known by
Sept. 23, 1840.--tda
• orplaausl .- Court Sale.
Th y virtue of an order-of the Orphans Court of
MI Cumberland County, the following real. estate,
late'the property of Henley Zimmerman, leceased,
will be bold, oil the premises, on Saturday the 31st
'day of October next, at 12 o'clock, noon of that day,
71X11 - 116 - 17earalif.
tract of land; situate in East Pennsborough township,
Cumberland county:, aforesaid,. bounded - -by landi of
John IJOltz, 'Moron Benninger, Isaac 1 4 ongnecker
and others; and 'containing.
• •
::=One=Hun tired 'and . Fifty. acres
more . or- less—About one..hundred acres' of which is,
cleared, land, and the residue -well timbered. The
impt:ovements are a ,
September% IB4o.—tds
Presidential Electian'
. •
Whereas in . find by en act of the General Assem
bly, passed the %d day of July, 1839, it is provided
that the electors of the several Colinties of the Com- -
monwealth, qualified to vote for members of the Gen
eral Assembly 'shall hold an' election at the. satne
places at:Which the said members sheik have been
voted for at the preceding electiOn; cn the fifth I.'ra.
day preceding the first Wednesday in December eve
ry thurth yeantltZreafter, being, the 30th day of Octo
ber,) for,the purpose of electing.electers of a Presi.
dent and Vice President of the United States.
Noat, therefore, I, John Myers;' High. Sheriff of
the. cotinty of Cumberland, in p9rsuance , of the duty.
enjoined on me by the.above recited act ; do issue this
my proclamation giving.notice to the freemen of said
county_qualifiedAtu_ote for members of the General
Assembly to meet at the several — CW.oT Viatica
rui follows, vitt . "
The election in the election district Composed of
the Borough-of •• Carlisle; and townships:of N. Mid.
dletoni South Middleton, Lower Diekinion, Lower
Prankford, and Lower West Pennsborough, will be
held - nt - the - Court-llonse-in-the—horough_e_Carlisle.
- The - Clection -in the - district composed of Silver
Spring township, will be held at,tlic , Public House
of Joseph Grier in lloguestown, in said township.
• ction in the district composed of East Penns.:
bOrough township, wi ,e ce t.a
of Andrew Kreitzer iu.said township. •
The election in the district composed of New Cum
berland and a part of Allen township,,will he held at '
the Public House of Jahn Sourbecic in New Cum.
I rberland. ' •
•The election in the district composed of Lisburn '
and a "part at:Allen township, will beheld at the Pub.;
li - c - House - of - Peter - MlCami r in-Lisburn.
The election in the. district compoSed of that part
uf;Allen township, not included in the New Cumber
land and Lisburn districts,-will
House 'of David.Sheaferon 'Sheplierdstown in said
..The electioniii - the , diStriet totilposed" of the bor-'. I
ough of Mechanicsburg, - will be held at the Puhlic,
Housb of John Hoover, in said b,cii•ough.
The election -in the district composed of Monrim
township, will be heldat the Public lfouse of Widow
Paul, in Churchtown, in said. tow.nship.-,
The - election in the district composed of Upper
Dickinson township,vv ill be held at Weal:ley Sehool-
IlintscOn'said-township.l.:- " • • "
• - The election in the. district composed of the' bor—
ough of Newville, mid townships .of Mifflin Upper
Erankford, Upper Westpennsborciiigh, and t hat part
'of- NeWton_tOwnship, 'not included in the Leesburg
electiOn ditifrief'hereinaftee -mentioned; will be held
at the Brick School House, in the.borougli - of New
: •
:The election in tke'dintrict - composed alike town
ship of Hopewell; will be held at the ,School House
-in Newhergiir,ariid township. •
The election in - the - district - composed of ' the bbr-'
ough of Shippensbnrg, Shippensburg township, and
that; part of Southampton -township, not included in•
the Leesburg -election distrieti will he held - a the
Council House, in the borough of Shippensburg.
_And in , and by an act Cif- the' General - Assecahly of
thiscommonwealth,paSsedthe.2d JulylB39, it i's-thus.
provided; "That the qualified ejectors of parts of
ewton and Southampton townships in the county of
Cumberland, bounded by - the follow ing lines and ills
blondes, viz: Beginning, at the 'Adams county line,.
- thence - along the line ,thviding-the townships of-Diek
inson add Newton to the turnpike rood, - thence alonT
said turnpike to Centre school-house, on said turn.
pike,-in Southampton township, thence to a imint on
the Walnut Bottom road nt Re) buck'soncluding
Reybuck's farm, thence a straight direction to the
saw-mill belonging . to the heirs of George Clever,
thence along Kr) shur's run to'.the Adams county fine,
thence along the line of Adams county ""to the lilace
of beginning, be and the same is hereby declared •a
near:m:l seperate election -distriet f tlie -general_elec-.
tion'to he held nt the Phblic house now. occupied by
Wm...l%fmoyell;in Leesbnrg, Southampton township.
At which time mill place;the-nualifiedeleCtorsins
aforesaid, will elect by ballot
for President and,Vice President of the . UOiied State!'
And tlayseveral judges, inspectors and - cloaca whb
shall attend at the preceding election for members of
Asseinbly, arc required to attend and.perform at the
said election, the like duties, and be subject to the
like penalties tor neglect or miscondutt, as they shall
be liable to at the election for members of Assembly.
And the return Judges of the several election dis
tricts of Cumberland county, are hereby required to
Meet at the Court House, in the borough of Carlisle,
on Mondarnext after the said election, at It o'clock
A. M., with certificates of the election in their dis.:
- tricts. .
Given under My hand at Carlisle, this• 24th day - of
September, A. IJ., 1840, and the sixty-fifth year of
Ainerican Independence.
. • - JOHN MYERS, Sheriff..
—SL--Vahiable .Parins •
lc. A. •Farin of 165 ~acres_ of first. rate
Limestone land, situated in North Middleton town
ship miles from Carlisle, adjoining the,roor House
Farm, M. Brenneman, and others. .Abourtl.s,..iteret,
are-cleared, the residue covered. with ..vend )Itriiing
timber. The improvements area Double Lok , HOnsei;-
a new Bank Barn, a young thriving •delattirir-,ii-ill
40 feet deep of never failing water.
2 A. Farm containing 1,65 acres. of Slate,
land Situated in said township I ,} miles
tqljoining lands of George Wise and others, of. which
I'2o acres are - cleared,'and the residue in thriving
timber. The improvements are a large Frame House.
and Kitchen, Lugl3nrn,Tenant house, a good thriving
orchard, a never failing well-of-water at-the door, and
springs - in - every - field. • . • • •
3. A Farmooldaining224'acres of firs t' rate Limestone land, a little n i xed with slate, situat
ed in.said township 5 ,miles from Carlisle, and one
'mile north east.of.Middlesex, adjoining the Canodo:
guinet creek, Peter-Hettrick and others. About 150
acres are cleared, and the residue in heavy timber.
The improvements are a Stone House and Kitchen,
a good Log Barn, Stone Spring-house, with a never
failing spring running through the farmond an Or
chard of choice limit and other , improvements.
4. A Farm of 28b acres State landi mixed
with Limestone; adjoining the last mentioned and
bounded by the Canodogumet creek. I'4o acres are
cleared, and the residue covered with heavy timber;
about 50 acres ia first rate iiiieadow land.- The im
provements are -a good Log House, Log Barn, a
Spring House with a never failing spring near- the
door, and an Orchard. This Farm will afford a lo
cation for water works. . .
5. Farm of 220 acres 'S late
relied with Limestone, adjoiningilio.last mentioned
andCanodoguinetereek: ISO acres 'are elleared and
the retidue,,agoad timber; about SO acres of-which
are first ride meadri*.. "The, improvements are
bold& i.ctlfouse'anil Log ;Barn, and a'lipid*
Rouse' With Cnevor failing springyand au orchard' of
choice fruit trees.: The last vacationed three' PitrM ,
'will be sold'seporately or together*sit niaysnitpur
cliasers.•:,_ A good quantity of meadow Can he yet
Made of the Nroodland..along the said creek. 'A large
quantity Of loodst is growingovolie lastt hree mention
ed Farms. Poriqrther particiilars, apply ter the sub
scriber,, one mire east of Carlisle, 'near , Nis C, ,V.
' .
• ago* for, the . b*Onetv•
N, Also a number of firstrate Pmesti4,and
slate'rarols tuA Properties for sale. M.
Sargent's-. Pojitical-ft4ritei., for ,
rrHE subscribers have jest received fete
eoplee cifSeriginVe Rekistecialtibiting,
the Ite lllftt of Bleeping) held in the differentiltittes and ,
Coialties througkout the United Statiefrotu 1.&46
1840; The above work will be found' sts,eonvenieof:
refirenee for_those,who wish to collipare the results
oftliciproskehing,electioniWiti) jhose t thatjake
Ceded them. Pelee 25 cents.' •
August i 28,1843.,
111mm as nngiiAN‘Y:
azaw . egaziameio 7duiva' 4s—mth 4ao
For the Heried Expositor'r.
' • .111.400g - Cabin• Song.
Ttlaillo the-thief-who-Our land will delivet
.The Log Cabin home be it
_honored and.hlest,
Long may the Buckeye that maces yon river
Flourish, the shelter and pride of the West.
Heaven send, it happy dew, •
-Earth lend it sap anew:,
Gaily to-blossom and biroadly to grow
While every, bill and plain
' Echo our shouti again--
ILtnitisoN, the patriot true, ho ! iroe !
Ours is no sapling, ,
chance sown by the fountain,
Ent high rears his-proud heatinever to fade, . •
'When the hickory is stripped .by, the wind of the
The more the L og Cabin exults in its shade.
strong arms are cast, '
- Proof to the :wtotry - blast,_
Eirmer_he.roots hiMilberuder it blow:
Ohio and Kentucky then,
' • Echo his praise again,. .
'llAnzusox, the-patriot-true, ho!...troe: : • -
O'er the fair:land of Pram: waves our,engle's bold
pinion,— - - • _
To our Log _Cabin about Indians replied,
Our banner floats free, o'er the Ancient Dominion,.
And the best of Maine's foemetr lie dead on her side.
Benton-and Buchanan too, •
• Mint drops - and low' ages rue,
And view the Log Cabin with fear mid 'Witii,NVO . ;
• - Johnson and Martin Van,
HARattioNillie patriot true, ho ! iroe ! • '•
. .
Shout, freemen , s hout, for the, pride of the Union,
-On the Wings of the morning, sweeps Harrlson's name,
vale apd mountain re-echo the True 'Otte, .
Unfading hi - s glory, undying his fame.
. Long shall Me • Cnbin stand,, • •
-Reared by. his hohest hand,
The home of the-stranger, they refuge of ivo'; '
.I‘tode ever left his door,
• Unhidden to paytake,his store, •
Mathison the geherous--noble and free.
•' Plea Tail. •
Who:lhito caused this great commotion, motion, mu-`
,tion, -
Our country through,
It is the ball a,rolltng on, -
rot Memnon and Tyler too—Tippecanoe and
Tyler too,
And .with them we'll beat little Van, Van, Van,
Van is a usdd up man, - -
And with'them we'll beatlittle Van. •
Like. theypisidng of miglity - waterei.Wntqrg,
On it will go,
And in its course will clear the way
• ' ; For.Tippetanoe,
See the loco standard tottering l iottering, tottering._
Down it must go,
And in its place we'll rear the flag
- . Of Tippecanoe, &o. •
. -
Don't you hear from everyquarteriquarter, quarter,-
. Good neNs and true,
„ThWt Eiwift: the ball is rolling on '
• For Tippecanoe, &c.,
The Buckeye boys turned out in thousands, thousands,
thousands, . "
. Not long ngo, - : . . . ,
. .. • . And at Columbus set their seals
For Tippecanoe, &c.
NOw you-hear the Vanjacks talking, talking, talking,
Things•hcgin to look blue, •
For all the world seems turning-round
. • •
. For Tippecanoe, &a.
. .
Let them talk about hard eider, cider, eider,
.And log cabins too,
Ti .ecanoe
The latchkttki z hangs outside the door, door, door,
liAnd is never,pulled through,
For it never was the custom of -
,014 Tippecanoe,
- •
le always has his table let; set, set,
, For all honest and truer' ;
off': Ynd invites them -in-to take a bite .4
. • ' With Tippecanoe, &e:.
Seethe -spoilstuen and leg treasurers,- treaSurers c
' . treasurers, , .
• • - All in a stew, •
' • And "inthe chair we'll place the good ,
- •»• ' Old Tippecanoe, Etc.
The Old Keystone State has spokel, spoken, spoken,
. And has bid Matty
She'llrii — ischeifote onl'ilday next,
• - _ rex Tippecanoe, &e.'
.1 Farm of ,147' Jere* oil Slate
and LititCBlo///e Land,
Situate in North Middleton township, Cumberland
co., two miles from 'Middlesex mills,
and five front
Carlisle. The unprovernentsarea good -
LO* E 07538 Ft
Double Dank Darn, -
ander ptirt stone with . four Wailes, with back and front
sheds, one'of which iii a granary with a cellar lindens
Zr,C.ELL /XVI" •
together with other improvements. About itle . aeree
are bleared, under good fence-and in• a foodstate of`
cultivatiotralie remainder iCcovered with good tim..-
terZa - partorwhich liLocust; springs in nearly alit
the fields. l'he Conodoguinetcreek bounds thisfartit
on one aide 253 perches, which will afforda location.
for Water works. - 'Any person, wishing ; to purchase w.
farm of this description will do well to examine ft, ast
I am determined to,sell. •
Application can be made to Valentineon.
he farm or to the subscriber -
• , Ross LAmosittow•
July 15 , • , ,
• :O.4I 4 I7EIGAIES Or AGENCY ..t'
nralifireths-..iiiretabie rudier.
, s al
Are held hi, the Sillowitig omits ip respec
tive •""nties• 1 1 ..Pmerteui counterfeits of these
Pills eke ettinipted to be paltned - upen the ecemuni
~ t beprcptiellr of. purchasing PelY -free the t
ntzed scents; .imporet':
' Cumberland : Coiu
A: Riego; m - eafailopfti'cginio o St, McKinney,
E. .011bertsetq' ShiPteeilditrt:•lloke &
firepnepsen, New CPsaberleid , Li s.
herel::M#A , i b!.PPi.Shlretettnatewei VeSellit Ce.
ChttjAhte*P - :. ' -
d'erty -, CotietyAlexander',Magee, 1116oreffehts
J.St S. A. Coyle, Lapdtsburr„, - - -
August.26,lB , lo . •
I " - .. -. '"l :. , •
. , .
• . .;IGN, E6- 7/17 - •
lIMIZEI .0_ Ar -4 *,
lima /mm
1 .... -
......" ' - Q
, mils