. . . . - , . . . , .. . . ~ . .. . , . . , 1 ... . . ..; i.j . ; • ~ •l , - • • : 1 ! .. ' ~;,•, /• i- f',‘ --r, ..,, . 6 1 ..? ..•, ~ . . ..,;. ~.., , , ~., 1 • •&,,,_ .• tt :I` . .4.'.. • n -, • ,:),!.. . 4 . k. ), F . • • -.. ' .•• . .. . .. s . • , . -The-cohOrts of-the -:-National , and-Btate- 7 draweth-niiii:' - The - presses - of-this, used imion ' Administrations—the Office I-Inhlors and up faction of Robesperian levellers, have York, Northumbertaial Drill Pergeanis* of th'e • men in power 'at' not the honesty or the courage to inform • Greene, . - }' Somerset, virtue and zeal of the - People, have been have lost Maine, Maryland, and GeOrgia, • I 'Vestmorelaki, signally overthrowiiin Peinisylvania,nnd 'They •claim Maiue4 in OPpOsition •to . the Be 'a rk v.e s, rs - • that hitherto strotrg - fortressfif - Lotbfo - Coierif ele6reitThejr raised a Shout :--taken -by--storm-at- the_ lellot-boxes-.---Wc--; - ofTVictory.over. Baltimore ciiy, arid county`"'' beaten the ' B-nren-party-----,but-the3 Aid not talliffeTiTgialriendi .-* iri - Pennsylvania—that the cause of - llarri- :that Maryland'had given a Harrisod . tna:; Reform tritrphed most 'gloriously jority of 24500. They passed overlfttle • aa on the 13th Of October in . the:Old K Del eystone.' re in- -- silence--and to judge by - the - pup of their .coltirrnis, the tidkngs,of And why do we say - so'r Because the re- bill'ren sult'hai 'exceeded- Oar anticipations. Be 'Georgia'S loss has not. reached them, On . cause - We 'lmre - recleetned the Senate i ll . the .13th New Jersey Vindicated tha-brciatr seal by p majority ofabout 11 600,, and a Spite of-.the patronage and power of the. State anti Natictiial__Adidini.slrations,..emiiiirge - 7 '.lnpjority - in-the --Legislative: But ruptly, audaciously,' and tvratmieafly etn 7 , Alex will not acknowledge tylefeat Mcre- 7 ployed against us.. have - borne diii'vn *and when the news - froui - Ohio. -slEill-po-6r r._._inathwalked_ovettlie-434,04)(10-01liee Ol \ =' to l/p011.418, and , majority :for Cor - ,dera andworkmen in the , CmplOy of tho stare them iiiithicfaCeTifi6 7. 7%;i; - iirsittit, — . State - AdministratiOm Itift - have l haulked ryes anti refuse to see it, AN:lien thefiordes.alP.osfMasters i -OuStoM•lfeniSe .•they will-botacknowledge.. - their defeats-in:. "Officeis, . Deputy -Marshals - other States - , how can wp -- eXPeetr'-theM -- employed against us. We;.lnive carried ebnles that they are whipped in. Pennsyl- - ' . - the_ Chester District, Bucks -won't-do it until tin y shall and the,-York., and .Lancaster Districts, in be so-badly knocked down ..and tramped spite of James Vanieron and•all the ofion_as_to 'beeonie porfoo teripplos, help-. 111'3001TM-up votes thrown iiitothetn.'- - ;;.less and hopeless.. ; 'limy will LIE on, . This. result is, of itself, a glorious aeldeve 7 without,intermission until thht time--and ment--worthy, of celebration.--and fully We tell our , friends, wherever this extra May enough justifies the cry of VICTORY ! But find them--to place no cOnlidenee in Loco-. wello.not stop here.. The Douse of Re- :foco•Bulletinsr r issued between-this-and the, • - presentatives, wbichlast year was against Presidential election.. Timm will be.searee, us by a majority of 40, is now either-with •Iy - any truth in them. , Bely upon it, our pros us,or so nearly with us th.irthe power of _pects_ inpennsylvania _were_never-So• good„ . ' - the Locos, to do furtherevil against thecre- It is possible that even at the elect pn of nit and currency of the Commonwealth is the 13th, the popidar_vote was east in our paralyied. „*Niit is oven this all that •wo: favdr=.4ut even. if it shall pro‘'e to.b - C . :3001 have gained. In the figellCCongress the or . spqo Against us---the state .1.611":1/ Washington and Harrisburg, thanks to the their read Delegation from 'Pennsylvania . stands 11 theless be perfectry safe' fur I Ay.-h Whigs, 17 Lnenconn's ; in the pest Con; on Ihe 30th, if Our fricittla'•v ; ,once more gress, which comes into power after the rush in, a body to the s and deposit. 4th - of March next, we shall certainly have their ballots. If you tear • any. Locofoco 13, -and- probably 14 members-:4ialiiit say that l3erks cr my has given a Van gained 1 in Becks, lin Huntingdon, and Befell Majorit of 6000,,te1l him it is 1. in Washingtod counties, and lost but 1 not. True. member that our 'piny ran in Philadelphia county. But our Van 13u- no tick on the 13th, and . to come at the ren opponents. say they'. have . from 10 to ac t I majority - .we must subtract', about 15,000 majority of the popular vote._ That's _ • 500, from the_ vote polled._by_ the,- Loccis: garnnzon. They . have no such thing- -it • Mark-what we say, Berks will •nOt give . -----=itrbareiY'possibli---tlratiffey--have-'tty--ma-=--rVirit-Bnren-at-dte-.otitsitle-oVer-350DVe ; jority---and •certainly not over 000.— subjoin -returns- as far as . received----and . They make large claims st now for. ef- shall issue Extras everyday" or. two frotn. They den% min ieb7g when their {his to,the *ghoul, Any thing we pub.; pOlitieal.salvatipu j j _at_s ake r and . --depond--lish-maf-be , relied upon'as nearly correct-- hag upon he p,..iuction of a certaitrresult.: the7-votes marked ; _reported.,'!_ must of The bulle of the Harrisburg Keystone, course be received with some grains-of al- . Gazer , Reporter and Magician,- and of' lowance.-The official returns will be pub- VT • „,"...4merican o utLeer, are filled with lished as fast as received.. ' gross misrepresentations, and 'scattered far - • Van Buren, and.wideto deceiveAhe people. Even the PlVacielphia!eity, t Y . Locofoco State Central Committee—scared . B ec k s , ( e „ s' e ° `" „ a ,.„j i3) 2 46 • Chester at the lowering aspect of the political sky , 589 • Delaware, (on Senate 653) 560 —has 'taken the field and issued a budget Montgomery, • - Huntingdon,- . 1,363 of falsehoods to rally the broken and scat- • - toted ranks of the party once more to the(noenn 9 S te er.te..ll.7.l_Whig,) . 3 760 contest. Let our ff;hig brethren rejoice - at- tmbabon, - • 544 1 ' aup these • significant 'signs D of the sudden and Perry,hin, 522 signal downfall of , these Traitors: to Ho- ta i ta n , 77 - nestrand-enemies-of,the--Publieliberty,—Franklin;-- . Adams, . • .566 Whenever we see any faction resorting to .• Alleghenr, • 3,000 -3- base means, we may be sure that its bud 210 Bedford, . _Northampton, (reported) Ceirlisle Ileraldgam—Extra. SATURDAY:AFTERNOON, October 17, 1840. "We have met the enemy,,and they are ours." rs that w Itirrison. 2,505 pcti, 2,520 • ifirij; BSO 62 77 ~-- ---- 't) um la t . Cumberland,. .i.lix,erw.,, Mefter • -Sefitiyloll, Washington, . , . The above returns - exhibit a Whig ga over4he-vote of 1836.0 f nearly . 110''' Si . Thousami,..Dl -and render it aim( certain that even at this election we Will .abtel9 Show, a .114 - tiltiro mei mak rity tor Old Tip. - A gentleman w '_came direct - ,;fromHarrisburg in' the o o'clock . traini — as - suied- us . that our frien ithere...conlidatlyi.claimed *Hie the -lazisfren'ajOrity,, - ;.1 . 'fire". Vanitei beg to look blee;_and although,_in their Extri',... . theyf - pretenil ,tb.cl4im the • popular votes t . ': leaders-know veey:nrell that . they are der ~. coonsand that. Pennsylvania is for It - rison hy-10,000. The ' -news received, ''''- . the 1 o'clock eas_ tern mail iiinfers it - cern --,' that the :Whigs have •.• •,. X' ' ..' • 7 -H • - CA- It RI .1E .1110 - z - n , . Both brache of th E , Legishtthre. . .. The . SENAT ' ill stand,. Whigs I , i ., Locofoco's 14. _ -farrison majority_ 5... ..... The 11911 SE, Whigs 53, Lecofoeos .--: __ ......._ .=;-lf arrderi - maj - ority: 6: - ' . 2 1146rity on joint ballot 1 1. '; -•••• .4, • • .1.- • es + I ., pti-A IS C01111111i11111;; 01 GSM Make way - tbr Tip's State. A letter* received from a gentleman Pittsburgh fufnislies us with the follOwi results. -- Old - TIP'S atat - e is - going it I W=E • 1838 1846 • Loco. Whig. L0c0... W: Counties. Shannon,' Vance: - Shannon. -- Cor' Belmont 449 maj. • • 450 x - - -;. 100 ...kflerson 507 " . • 101 l'uscarawas 13 . 542 Columbiana .720: -Harrison • 151 - 22.9. - .4 Harrison gain in'eix, counties 30711 We have gained 1 .Congressman. in Belmont district and '1 in the 'Jailer' - district. --This-last is-Mr.BenatOr Tapps district. ThO result shows that 'the fa: era of Ohio don't,go in for the Van Bu, doctrine of 16 cents a bushel 'for wheat Pull off your. hate Whigs-and give ti 'clieers for Ohio-.she will give frOrn 21; 000 to 30,000 majority for Old.' on Friday week. Stick a pin Ahem. Kr" P. S. A. gentleman just from . :-gerstown, -rep' orts—thar „Ohid' heard from, TOM' CORWIN a majority of seven thOUoalld.. Harrisor. 1025 Y. Bur( 2,200 1,070 UM 80 196 870 . _ 180