Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 14, 1840, Image 5

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    GEORGE W. .GR ABB, Editor.
- Compri& • • curronEtt.l3,l.B46. sitar 1838
. Adams § - . 2,119 /1,550 1,209
Armstrong, ' / 150. 1,120 -
-.---• •Alleglieny, -' __3 Xo
• - Beaver,, '2,730 • 1,640 500
Bedford, . , /2,614 .2,432 ' 274 .
- ' gar - _Berki,* •-• •• - 4 , 033 • 1
Bradford - . - . .. •
Buller, •, . - -2,012 1,617 348
Cambria; 5BB 732 , 62
. Centre, -I,l' 0. • 1,780 482 .
Chester; . . „ 683 ' ' • 239
Clarion,• . • .
' Clearfied, . - - 1 ___
. . • Clinton , • . ' 501 . 694
:Columbla,§ _ . 1;25T 2,370 - , - 415 --. '
Crawford,§ - 2,175 .• 2,640 • , , lig
. Cumberland,§ . 2,440 _ 2,026
...241 Y
_Dauphin,§ • • 2,730 2,112• • 232 •. ' '
Delaware,§ , ' 1,995 1,349 ' 178
' - Erie ' • '3 146 - 1 846 ' 118 . -
• Faye , . , tte,. - 2,52 T -4 2,894 - --- 437 • -; -
. Franklin, - 601 -• 856 -
' Greetie,§ - • :. .• - 696 45 • • '
•'. - - Huntingdon, -: .- 1- 2 359 ' !•433 _- . _.•
Indiana. ' • - 500 _ ' 39,
' JeffersOn,- - • . •
. ,
Juniata,, _ 925 . 942 .- 169 ,
___,8,389, 4,651 683
Lebanon, . ' 1,883 . 1,265-' - 141
Lehigh, - - 2,185 2,195 101 •
_ • Lucerne, -• • 2,252: 3,001- -24
Lyooming, . •
M'Kean, • - .
-- . - fillereer; - -- - - - - - 2;86T -, - - • - 2;297 .- .•, --- .- -- --40-
Monlgomeryy§ ' 3,812 4,453 169 -
Mifflin ; . 1,174 . 1,252 90 •
... NorthuMberland, ,1,174. . 1,842 312
Northampton, 1,581 2,4 t 151 •
'• - Philad. eity,§ " 7,136 • 4,632 • ;- 1,545 '
- ,do - eounty,§ , . 10 ; 049 12,621 • - - -777
Perry, ' • ',
• Pike, , : ' " 91 . '409 '' OS
Potter,'. - . - .
- . -
-.. . ',Susquehanna,: _ '.. - -
. ' Sehttylkill,§. , ,, 1,557 .1,86 7 453 *
.. ' -Somer,set,§ 2,070819' . 110
, Tioffs,i, .- - , -_, -
. "Union,§- , ,_ 2,312 1,443 ' 10.4
• .... , Venahgo,- _
- Westmoreland,§ 2,236 4,115' -
• - Wayne,- - - - - 500
24 _
Washington, . -* • 881 . 63
York,§- ,l
,• ,248- -,--3,-71-1- 76-
--,-- --
' ' - 89,438 85,677
to Becks the Whi!
above return shows the full
the average Whig voth in)) ,
and the Locofoco majority v
Official. ,
Fiederick FraleY,lletiff'S;SPi - ekiiian;
Nathaniel ;Brooke, Abraham Brower, 'John
T. Huddles m, Samuel A. Smith, Thomas
E. Cochran, John Strohm, William - Ries.
Uri. John Killinger, Robert P. Maclay,
James &tattlers, Charles B, Penroiie, Sam.
M. Barclay, John Ewing, Thomas S. Wil
liams, Charles C. Sullivan, Sohn J...Peor :
son, Joseph N. Sterrett--10 Whigs.
Michael pnyder, Charles Brown, Benj.
Crispin, Samuel Fegely, Samuel P. Head.
ley, John S. Gibbons, 'Ebenezer Kings
bury, jr. Robert P.
,Fleming;.Thomas, C.
Mhler, John C: Plume'r, William F. Cop-,
lan, Samuel flays, Finlay Patterson-13
- Elihu Casp--I--Lneutral. •
The-I!Allison_ party has elected menthe - re_
of the HOuse-lif Repres6ntatives in the fol
lowing scouniies , , ,
Adams, 2; Armstrong; 1; Allegheny, 4;
- Beaver, 2; Bedford,•2; Butler, 1; Bucks,,
1 f'* - 7ehester . , 4; Dauphin, 2; Delaware,.l;
- -Erie, 2; Franklin,. 24 Huntingdon, 94-In
dtana, 1; Juniata, Mifflin rnd Union, 3 ;
Lebanon,. I ;-
,Lancaster-; 'fi..;, ',yearning,
Clearfield; and 'clarion, 1; Mercer, 2; Phi
ladelphia city, 7; Somerset and . Cambria,
-2; Washinglouo.-52: _
• The Locofocos have_elected in .
Berko, 4; , Bratlford, 1; Bucks, 2; 'Centre,
1:4 LycOming, Clearfield, and - Clinton, 1;
Columbia, 1 ; Clinton and Vepango,
;--J Fayette, ..;
Greene, - Warren; - & - Mcliiin,
. _
• Lehigh, Luzerne, 2 ; Monroe and
dorthampton, 3;, Montgomery,B; North
umberland, 1; Perry, 1; Philadelphia co.
8; Pike & Wayne,.!; Potter & Tioga, 1;
' Schuylkill, 1; Susquehanna, 1; Westmore
-land,'2; Y0r143,--18. _
' _rrhete ate strong suspicions thit, elost
two members in Bucks by Vaud. ' ,r
Congressional Election.
let Disr.—Charles, Brown.
" • 4 6 / 6 61 'Sergeant, George W.
" • Charles J. Ingersoll. •
Jereniiah Brown, Francis
__James, John Edwards,
Ei 7 Joseph Forhatietit • -
fo Robert-Ramsey;
John Westlirook.
8 " - Peter Newhard.
9 " George M. Reim.
JO 44 llli ttm Simonton.
, 'sines Gerry'.
12 " Jaines Cooper..
T 3
_William S. Ramsey.
14 6 ,6 IMMO Evin.
-• 15. .'" - Benj. A. Bidlack.
10 " ' 2 361m Snyder.'
17 - " . Davit Diinock,
is, 64 „ tharlei
19 A. `G. XtrehiMdt , -
. :20 - " 'Eno@ npak . .
= 2 1 , .66 TosePts ,L4wringf?
• 22 :: 44
,W Irwin.
2S.?.`_ 66' William Jaak.
24 . •'" • John Henri/.
, . 1 //
d 0,, , / a
b;, ? 4 :;-, .tu ) ' • 'ti
it' 4'
.10,5121 4,208
a ran. no Ticket. The'
Locnfoco vote. Deduct
erks county—say 2,800
would be .1.298. •
_7 .
E are out of the woods
- regenetated—Me-real DemocrAcy .
triumph from the'-Alleghenies to the Delaware 4
Thirteen Members of CongresS—a majority of five in the State Seqate l -52-memberS-(a_majority_of_4)
in the House of Representatives, and a hanqsome .
Van Buren' Pedeialisni is prostrated—the Sub-Treasury defeated, and the infamous Standing Army Plan
vetoed by the People of Pennsylvania. • -
Honor to the Sons of Pennsylvania! Honor to the Whigs who,have been true to their ancient faith.—
Honor to the old Jackson Democrats, who forsook their party in this , contest, and went for their country.
Honor to the Farmers and Working men of the country, 'who have thus put the seal of their - reprobation
upon the Vartiltiren doctrine of 16 cents a bushel for wheat, and 12 1-2 cents a day for labor.
,Remertilier, Harrison men of Cumberland county, the Presidential Election will be held on
. n ‘ ,. . ...
".... _' .
r .
i 1 ...
~i ~
~.i..' • -: .
•. •_
.„:... 7.
I\ V
,`2 - - - .
; .
. -
Turn out every man—don't leao a vote at-home . Cumberland . must -be- regenerated—we-have said it,
and it must be so.---L-The State is safe—but CUmberland county Must - be — wheeled into the. Whig column.
We can dolt—turn out and, we WILL DO IT. Read your Electoral Tickets --* - bey sure. Hh
you .have the
Election•on Friday, October 30, 1840.
The Electoral Ticket.
10:7'As the -time for printing and distri
buting the Electeral Ticket is near at hand,
we have deemed it our .'linty again to .can
.friends in reference to said.tjcitet;
and t,hatlhey imiy not be deceived, - we
ifre subjoin the ticket i d s corrected by our
Slate• ?Committee :
, .
• " jen N At/mire , SuutzE, Lyeaming county:: ,
Cumherland,cnty- - : --. •
, . . •.
. •
I. Levitt•Paasmorig ,' .- 12. John Dickson,
S. John Pr'i'ce Wetherill, 13. Jahn McKeehan,
. •
• 'ninnes P.' Cope,. 14. John liked, •
3.. Jonatha n Gillingham, 15: Ashbel B. 'Wilson,
• 4.. Arno's Ellnaaker, :. • • 16. - Her. Middlesw,arth,
Abraham R. MeDrain, 11. GeOrge - Walker,-..
John 1r.. - .Zeilin, , • ":. 18.
: Bernard Connelly, jr
5.-11ohert, Etithion, - ' , .. 19. Joseph Markle, :- , •
' 6..Willialu 8, Hendtie, , 20. - Janina, Ci. Fordyce;
7., - .l.Jenkiiii.-Ross,-----1 - 21. V:MLT:McKenini,
~8. Peter Filbert,
_., : , 29, Hartner.Deimy, '. •
9. Williaria A dams, 23. Joieph-Butlington,.
10.'Johti Harper, • 24: , Henry 'Black, -%..,. ,'•
'lt. - William-Mollyitirt; '. 25: Jo hn Dick.
Op. !:olunteer. Extra, issued on
Tuesday+ claims a,lfrin Buren "majority in
Berkti county of - N. O l l l hY, th°
OJlcea Returns,,we find;that there were
but 40:143 votes;lN• Attie imiled,fOr'Con-
~ „ . ~..... . . ...____.
. .
. .
. . .
, . ,
. . .
~..., . . ~
_ .
. . .
. . ,
. .
. . ,
gress—and an average vote -of - I f - f r a c tio n Th e V o l u nt eer e_ -"
Extrsays :"We-suh- Jiave_gained-three-Congressmen-d-lost- Irlie_snioid_e-ot -a--,-11.1ember • of
over 4100. This is a s a d mistake in favor joinLe-statement-of-thesopular=F,Yete this
only One—and on a faiii•test have a majo-. - . Congress. , -'
- 41 . =Vin - Buren - of - 2717;''' -- -In - Columbia - year,. compiled froln the velee'polleirfof My of the popular vote. We regret to itate,'Says, the Baltimore
county, where - the Whigs nominated no the- Congre:ssional candidatei." We meet ' . A - merican of,yesterday, that the Hon, Wil
candidnfesijit Aisembly; the Volunteer this assertion by a positive and unequivo; RUFFIANS , ARRESTED.---Pinkeye
liam S. Ramsey, of Carlisle, Pennsylvailia *
put an end to his existence yesterday even
Extra takes the Assembly Ticket .as e cal denial—it is not true—it js false. The Warner, some of his asscaes.; •com
m oit ing at Barnum's Hotel, in this city, by
test,,and claims 18::0 Majority. The o,ffi- " statement" of the Volunteer is NOT prising the main bosiy, of. the Lancaster shooting himself in the tight eye. Mr,, H.
cial returns shows that their real majority "compiled, from the. voles polled for the Bullies headed by Jim Caun'eron, have been 'was a member of the present, and recently
is only 1113- r another mistake of 767 in Congressional candidates," except only arrested, and committed;'on nerielis charg- elected to the next Congress, from' ,the
Thirteenth,CougrssiOttal District of•Penn
idvor of Van Buren. •In :York, the Vol- in cases Where stieh vacs gave them •tho es growing out the riots inlering,Gar- sylvania. . , •
'unteer Extra claims 856 ; the. official re- highest
. reajoritiesand even where they den on the 13th. ' . ----- s . •The Baltimore Sun says;; -"'About • 5
turns shows thetrue majority to be 463-- . - do take . the CongresSienalinajorities they . • -- " . -;••=—...' ' ' • o'clock:on the afternoon of;yestertlayehe•
another error in favor of Van Buren_ of 400.`:magnifv• then' -from ten'to forty per cent FRAUDS ! FRAUDS tremen- appeared te be quite well, manifesting no
Our readers and - the public may take these beyond the truth. We feefeonfident that. dour Locofoco vote in philadelphia city unusual exeitemerft or dePression of mind,
, and making some inquiries at the bar re
as fair samples, and judge the whole Extra nothing short of the consciousness that they and county has been fully exploined and lativeto the boats and cars to Philadelphia
by them. It is made up t frem,...head to were utterlydefeated on the 13th, could' accounted for,by the discovery. of the most and in an hour afterwards, the report of a
• •..
,tail,. of . positive falsehooda, f deliberately induce - the Locofoco organ. to commit so atrocious frauds. ~.Men have been arrested; pistol was iii-hts room. The report
uttered, for the purpose Of deception.
,The many and monstrous mistakes. ' - .anil,an inVestigation, conduetedby fp .. R . : , attracted first a gentlemun.stopping at the
I use and some of the waiters when he
popular vote of Pennsylvania is dose : ;•• • . -- • •
' •- - - —. Reed,, Esq. - , Is now geingon-beibre J e d4 B '44P
, - • -
,but a true test will show it to be in , favor '- -T . Gs • , . King, Randall and Jonefr. Some of Tory ti re : a , pistol lyinkelose by his side: his
TI k d
HEY Give IT up.— ley ac nowie ge • • .
of the Harrison party. We
have' been in onewathatl • 1 • d :
y t ley are tv uppe , while ,-- ~- . . „ .
Inkersoll's constituents will, prohably-,be in right,,hand, except the fore , er., being
fing --
- I with - I ' 'I 'ch !rid flowed
4 covered, .blooi ,if ii ~. .
victorious, beyond our, expectations. We, the :- , the eastern Tenttentiary before" the _ pres.
They., try in - ther 'way, t figure. ' profusely? from . a Wound in the right eye,
have carried eveir thiug where every thing • - • another
- ° guL ' a ' dential•election., We hope tha,t the 'Hen
victory in the popular, vote. ' The.Volun, ,' ' ' - '
• .1... , H . where the ball had entered.. He was re
d bif 1 ; .'and h• 11•
VIJIEI 011 II we s a go into the ~ .. . °ruble_ Mendier himself, may- not be 1
- sent cognized. by the 'lion. 'Mr. 'Jenifer„ who
Geer admits that the Whi s ghave carrion the
"Presidential election an tlie 30th, with the ' '. " there by mistal4l. ,' '''' '•
• '''-' -seenentered the : ,.room, and• se it . forthe'
.... . ~, C O 9 ,.. I
• , • " Senate, and that the Rouse of Reprsenia- , ' - ' " *
utmosteonfidence of giving the Electoral ". , • Weil. .• ~ • • , 7 , ----'-- .•, ~ ;•: 'Hon. MeSers. , oWard , and Chitral. •An
• '•• . ...., . • -, , tyres is a tie. now; this, , of, itself, '' 411.11WIFIAL. - SUICIDE: "1 inquest ' Wait 'held b Seth Pollard 'g'
vote of Penbsytvania to itarnson. & ryler • . • . . , , • „.„,..., ~.. _,- ...., . „.., ~., „,,, ,., ,__,..„. , . ex aminat ion,'
. constitutes a' pretty.cOnstderable triumph. ' .}vtuutiftve •',,.: naivimr. xi - ,-: . ,coroner;;lrgerron ball
by a Majority of _ ,-
._ .. • -.. _ ~..1,',..- - -. ', •-.. • ,'' , , was found to have II arl came out at the
- .
_, ,c' T , . • ,
10 000 three in tl n et*: ' '
' ' - Senate a die il Helect'll.l * t
, le yin na. ouse o le next Congress, trent tmet.on
,.., .. J., of his neck. ~ rhe.v e rdiet of alto
as tttyit he carpe •liir death h • shooti ig
Buckle on
, yeur arnaors, friends of Re-' -7-andif, by the admission of the' Yawl ! . ete sa i oli al "District, (Ciiinberlatu4 Perry, himself with alpieta.; lie Was..glit , ictrts
forpi go to the polls diary niiin thatxizes teer' the whigs have this year carried the and 'Juniata)
. .eorinnittedAsuicideat-Barn- , ool' age end rumor attributes.the suicidal
the Welfare of his eenettrY;' and rely,upen former , and made A tie vote halhe,liittel;ne `urn'sHotel, Baltim4re, on §undayeveni ' act to :disappointed, affection; Bogie um ,
n letters found with Sint have been
it the. victory will he blue, and will; be , reasonable man can doubt thet,werluive Jost, by shaming himself, We Subjoin .611' .' c.- • d .AI .
. . ~• • , .. • • ~.,, ~,.... , ,
_, takenpossestnen of by his fried Mr. 5 C,
.: ~.. ' 6 v . . :'.,.-- - . , : ;chine right Well, But we lepeai if.4,-•we•lbe PallicPlo4 *Mon' lleve reaehed'ea t• ' Blair, ' - - 1
. ... , . .
- I - .
: . :71 • -
,; . 7
^ 1 • I )• 1.
• .t‘ti
4 I
- - 4',47i:::..:::,fi:i : 11:*-.- - ':..** - : =‘..o . i4"i_iii ---- , - --)'
• , .
at last; the Old keystone is , _: .
is triumphant—the Harrison Flag floats in
. .
. .
...... e • T __ _ ie .....
.•.h .0.4. ..
.. 5 , . ..
. ...
~.~~ ~ , .
'I. '7" .4.;.,.(.—.
J*éi".'l:§..>.\ .»
Old State is here
20,000 Th,joriily tor,Corwith
We have received the.'retUrbs by means
ot : glips . anct . extras from 87 of the 77. eoun
ties of 91110. They :show !hot the office
holders 'have met with the most - tiernend=
ous rebuke 'ever'given by a Suffering 'and
insulted The tx.ritie pine-are
omens .in.every county heard from. Thrk
Majority 'for Wont Corwin, the wagoner
hey., the IlaitiSon candidate for Vreverner,
is already 22,303, and the, Counties 'to crime
in cannot reduce -it to kris than, , • •
Thin majority, vlien - - Old - Tip takes the
field In'pCrson; will be increased to 35,960...
The members of Conress stand l.
6 Lecofocos,.' In 1838 tliey stood _
8 : Whigs . : to ,11 The Senate .
will be Whig, and the lionse the LOOS ! •
will scarcely muster a corporari guard.
Hanillton Coufity,
the home of Otnerat Ha.Ms'On, gives. Cot, _
win a majority of 162,
.In__lB - 36 Van flu!.
ren s majority was :3977 - in 1838,
on's (Loco Foco) majority. was 351.
.. . .
.i) R. D U,N C A. N . . ---
the Knight of the 'Whiske bottle, is:tiefeat-_
t er
ed, , and allowed to spe 'II the remainder of .
his life in eatehingfish in theihttio Mi4rmt.,
- *0 0 -- elleers --- fbi-tlie - I3tiekcyeft * -
Where is •Governtir Potter? - `i It is idle ,^
s.ys Governor, Porter, talitt, ul AO week
sinee - on ' 'his - . rettirn - finni 6114," for fiat
. Whigstotalk , nf carrying - Ohio. ShantroWs
, 'nutrity',.will
,1114,f450100.".54 - ',i" Intigh•fll4.
'his predictions!. Prok;ably 'he was mists=
i l lien, or fieriiips the (.4rvernOr's .ettrinp
Specifies - ha contributedve 145.4:hift...K5 . 14 ...'.- :,
-, *
The follOvving'sttes have held - elections
since the notninatioli .
ana ranged iherivelves thus • -
, • - •
IlllelllO4N, • •
L - 0V.15 , 1.+1Nri, - . •
tIVT - 171rAT,
FF,11..4110.477.' f •
L I .III.dIINB, •=• ,
1 - GEO - R - 6,-Lll. -
I DEL-4,1;12.RP, •
l' ma)? ••
_t_ENNArz,ra ta,
01(10, .• .•
• •` Pan
- 1500
• Whig inajprity, 7l 300
• ..
' the electoral voteA thus certain for Har
rison amounts to 1t32-148 being the titini
her :necessary to a choice./ Certain for
'Van Bniten, 5.9.! • ' •
• • .
:Aci...Americatt Sentinel, a Van Buren,
paper published in . Thiliidelpliiai and for
neatly ;or quite tterity years-the organ of
114 party, claims u, majority of but 80303
in the state. • •
'The Harrishntg ,Reporter, another' to , .
cotben paper, says they have the• . poptilar •
vete 'of the - stateby - about - 7009.
In both of these estimatesi.the i fult - eott
Strks county;; is counted as - a - snajority, -
and ;very liberal sp,rinklittyptipther cam- •..
ties,_ab_Owercti.into..the calculation;
But ihe itch wo.
have been told • is piltereq . ' i v,eAdarAcroet
that most_ being ot 'all lieing:'edi
Magician) 'gees to ;Twit
ness,• and:without a single
monstrosity of 'the falsehood, figures iiiit-i
-rnajerity 0c.11,156.:- . -Clairning as the Loco-.
foeo majority in Berk 4 2717 inote votes ,
than were polled in the•contity4.------ •
.: 13aoxry ' BANit.-'4Jeti't hike the
notes ollthe.flaiik of Milli:4ton; 6444- rirr—
ttior says it is broken—besides its credit-
waq.never good. . 1 4'lie'•eireulation - or the
notes in this'exetion, may be attrilintet) , to
one_Olibe small leaders of the
patty—A violent anti-Bank mart. . ,
'Right Rev. Dr. ONDELtboxrc,
Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church
in this State, adrniiii.ster theAPlrstolitr
,right of Confirmation, in Si. JOhn 4 s Churcft
iii tlits"Tortifghtl - SoNnAvitorumoinext -- -
at 11 o'clock. He will alio'OefCh in the
ovening 7 -serviee's to Cothuiente o'clock.,
,•7,4(:)if September 19th; the re v Arenee of
her r, one mile west:',Of ihis borouglt.-
RzfmccA R. DINKLE, in- the -7 11th.3rear -Of
her ate: '
SECLCiti oft AT'
Mit Cost I
. „ •
II SubsCribersjidentling to leaie C arlisle , of- ~. •
fer their ENTIRE STOCK,•eoraprising nn
tensile ;variety .of every description of
DftY:G 0 0 0 : :
for sale at 'FIRST 'Car • , ,
Cnuntry Merchants; and the plitiki
fail it decidedly to
atid.purchase they eintnot obtain gooditckletimi,K.,&.;.4.l
the city.' • ; ,
Coll an see=- - -e pur:clkage,, , lir
)lepeo4 upon its Afe noitreetiti,ln'effery
it ' ll: who &atm> to purchase.
qefitht r 2_l
N . ; II --liersoris imiebtOiota reqoetited to 04 . 1.44:
settle before thefrskipittedt‘ty;.oetc.,
500 b
- 2500 •
- tao
- 10.500
• .0;500
- 700
- BP. - 800
18 1 500