Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 14, 1840, Image 4

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    ' TIM aSIZEIT4
- - -
The subscriber•will rent that well, known; large
ikn dolitenlent house, for Many -years., occupied by'
ChriStinn lltunrich, itiore recently 147_ others, ub tt
MBA" 1101414 - :
The house ie remeAtaldfliells calculated for enter
esinittg. 139Altlle.11S,;_there being three 'stair-ways,
(toil Fire places ininostolthe mores. The - situation
le very pleasant find 'desirable, being on the north 7
west corner of Hanover and Loather streets; while,
for conveniences, it excels any other house in the bo.
rough or eountry. It possesses the muisnal advanta
ges_of, 12 rooms on the first floor, 12 rooms on the
secoin I, and 4 rooms on the third• .floor. Two wells
istwater ; (one at the front door "on - Loin:her street,
with n pump therein; the other the . yard at ; the
itehen door;)_,a Cistern rinuleto contain eighty-Ave
hogsheads; large and otinvenient, , ,stabling; Ivith :car
riage house and sheds;, large and :excellent. garden
attached to the 'buildings; besides many convenien-
Cesnot'specified. For artioulsrs enquire of •
Carlisle, Sept. 210840.-4 E, ' :
• • •
. . .. __..
*The Nardmare,-Grocery, it
-... . - radirtlETt . . stow:. • ~
HE subsdribei:has just returned' fibm
the Cities of New York,' Philatl6lpitiaz and 8a1k....
k.... bee, and is_ I/CIAN Opelliflg - at 108 -BtOI . O O OOM SI B.
Amer of Market Square and Mahv'Strects ' (for
merly occupied by Geo. W. t ftdi;;lTl - general - us.
..sortment-af / .
ffardware, Slone • Ware, Cedar Ware,
1 :•'' . .Brilla»ia.- Ware f /Giocerics,- • Oil*, - ,
. ,
• Pazals, j -Farn . 4hes, Glass,.l3ruSk ,
- • es,- Inip . s., 'Canes; Lamps for ~
burniag Campliine . Oil, . .
mufti great variety or ankles useful and necessary
for furnishing and keeping a house. 11,;and
wilt constantly keep on_Lnitd ' . .
''. :; •... Ca mphine 4()31, . ' -
• •
• . .
a Cheap and eleginit substitute for. sPerin oil', and
hUving. been appointed the agent of MeSsrs. Ihiekers
and Brother of Newark N. J., for tlie*le 0! .tone's
Falba Lamps im this county, , lid is prepitred
_to / nu ,
LIMO mid_il s , at Vey_ e mate to -- all
wlioydtty wish to use trifiCiiirit and economical ! s ight.
Haring sele.eted his goods himself, mid' mad e his
purchases for. eash i
i lia s Mile; an& is determined .to
sell low. . . • • •
Thope liming the cash to It ourwill find it to their
aAroanttg , i to give kiln a call. •
• • ' • - • lIENRY I)LTFFIELD. •
Carlisle, July 8,. 1849.-4:
- • ' iliawN.Lhataanclit..
. .
• This 61.tieri, is warranted:td cure piles or Rlicuma ,
: T ibon_inallienscs,.on.no_pay takenfer it, • • ' •
. _ : •
tint oriolis enuoternd tor has dared to Inalie',an itt
--_teumtmtit this mi.isle„ tool several hole Lech nearly
ruinkl by,tryht it. NCrCe Boy it? obless tt ints'llie
pf.coNisyocii - ,•& 'Co. on tlt
siilentlirl writ-pre.: That firm, Lase tlie.Mily'r_ight to
make and sell, it Cu'r '2O yeCrs, and all from them is,
warraoted perfectly idnocenl'and of iiihil caws..
N.^l3.' Always 01.40.1. Oe . filse by its nut haling
theabove si , oilitureill'he true sold only-be
comsTocK CO.'
• Wholesaldfletiko . iitil,No. '2-Fletcher st...tico
6inoNotc Mitzi liar Proprietor.,
- FThe p u lling is for sale hy Sieve'asOn R I)inkfe
reatitale, Pa. IDee. it,
Dental :Snivery. •
T HE: SUBSCRIIIgIt resptictlialy teinlers
ach no wlt n n n i
ie . nts tc: L tl i t t c „, in e i c h e lLe e f , (r: i t t .: h r
int the past ' year, anti would still continue to offer
rhea at his residence, No. 7, ilarper's flow. lie tiles,
cleanses, and plugs teeth; and inserts incorruptible
tarrrr, niqtalic tullitchilieeth in the mobt.appV6ved
snanner. Charges alwaysnpaerate.
• . '_Nl7l 7 l. V.'
l‘f arch ft 5,1840.--tf
• •
Dentistry.: - •
1. C...
TrA r S'retut ned to Carlisle, aiill twill,* heretofore,
laittlend 616.p-In:tic° -of Dentistry. - Ile -nuir
"foundbe at Colonel Ferret's Ilidel. Person's -re
questink it, will be waited upon at their residedee.,
• Do. GEO:CGt: I'OULKI; -
Refer (0 Dn. DAVID N.
Carlisle, March 11,1840..
llowd s. Improved .Water Wheel.
Sub Scriber having purchased of the original
Patentee the right of the above Water Wheel
for the state of Pehntylvania, will dispose of intlivid
. nal rights or counties on advantageous terms. This
water wheel has been fully tested and proved to Les°
far-superior to any kind in itspitwer of propelling
machinery, Itaving a greater t orte than any other
itoft-to llieLynnutity 61.. water atml i ed..
calculated to be- moreparticularly - useturat
mills, having from two to eight diet heial atiff:tar,
...And to greatly Obviate the incoiiVeniiMces experieic
.edleom back water:, - .:ltis , consitlered-by - those liar-.
ing them in use as one of themost important improve
ments that has ever been introduced for its simplyi
- stkengt4,,steatlitieSB of:potion and durability:
is '-'lt
altogether oftircat and not,so expelisire ,
to make,tts . an .undershot; and 'operating,,w4lrithinit
half the water and not liable to be aiStrecteitbrice
-in the. minter. ,• The subscriber will devine his
- Von to calls Cm' these NVIICCIS at such places as may
be `required. - :
MICHAEL 11P.11.A.T11,,llarrisburg.
. •
this is to.certify; that I have pa in dne of Iloird'a
. I"4entiCastivon Direct, Action Water . Wheels, in
pla of tilleaction;Wheel , that-the. Direct I,Vheel
. doss notflood the tali race an much by three inches
its the r . eaution , ',no, and that I can grind, seven 'ull
- els With the.-iiireet action - wheel , - hour ' anditetve
- titici'von - .of stones,- whera.coultl hot.niaalfitr bush
'ls in the same time with the i eaction raid - Wive
. tun of stones. • : PerElt yAkINEgTOCK. - ,
' tuphratai Lan. co. Oct. 18,38., . .
Alloway, May 5,1838.
This may.certify, Chat I hive ,been engaged in pn't..l
ting . in 8: B. Howd's cast iron. direct. action water
Wher.l,.both iathriState 'of New York and in Paid&
'gam and, can give it as niy, decided
,opinion that with
8 feet bend or , under, rightly put in, it will do more
ilitisinerdWith.ihe sane water -than nny other. water
wheel Whiclithaveyet had any experience in, and h
reference Whack '
water is second best to.,none that' I
have yet `lii - -In:rererence to gainiding against ice;
there can be noletter operation, and it is very easy
to. b .kept in repair. -.•
- . • RILES, 21.Eltwaight:
• kiloWayy-SeIP-6,4 838
traY•wertify that 'have had inf iny Mill one of
Mr.lloW,4l's direct water w haelsifor . the space of one
,yeRP4I tie R five feet' wheel, and 1 have had
Atetionite the same place-1 have also had Wheeler's
• Valon Nithk•el, yet I think Mr. llOwd's Thom
besinefif With t esiviiitei•thqe any other.l have tried.
Ilvdoe: well' in, ler& water. • Ihas'e froths tic
feet heath thinkwe_ eattld . RA as met . weirik .with•
ilairtile'lwattertai we , iThecl - to - tle - Atli the 111)(106110bl
wheel, which has also teen ip operation-
L ldus, Sept. 3, 1898..
? • used one' of •S.
i ,;;,- '' - „ tffk, that .we 19 ` e - ber last,bY.
. ' "5 l-6 m il I T
' er aCer.Wheels.simie.llecena titiek.
4114'wI'll e" R o l f Yl a t: i 7 e-netion AV heel, and . we , ,
' ' ''s
'al o e' '4' 4 l will do doable the-business
ve -u ry i
. h ileiw
'''' ' ' 'lira ll .wd e
" ? that the re-action will,do ! 9r.
I r e but thfee feet head' id.
eight liiiigini lierheurC. '; W . n e e l e a t iiel n ib i le n c e d so ta ,
ü b e a o ck et7 : ,
..:'f*rtw r.g:.Thisl***
II 419
a a itfive j•eetuuntend!lt le,
: : :I,B ll l",
. R-n -- • d_ latr94lV-uul4l4,.fiv.nplt. - ,7:
'j -1116 :4*to i cul 4 " 1 .•1 , ,- SI NIO
..,..,...-1-.l' '--;,,. ,c, .' zi ', '..*. ".? • • -) E11 . , mitliwright.,,
' . ' ‘tatil ...
.., ,A 1-11glitiSTRES,'Ar ~b . e l sir , . the,
llPAl an ,'l:‘: ib ir. 'bn eutioned.-wnter w t
*WM' ' C-*.,--e'*- V'S';l4
' iibekland' aid Terkianti W.j/ 1
'''' - l 41 . 11 iiiiPh!" ,- C' 4l A to their sale and eree- 1
rtikutut ei! “!,....ilii4firo at.ten
_., d _ t n n i i. • 41) , Th sit,:
-oiii44l:°ll7‘alliiitto.irfr:ool44 by 7 - . 1;.... --
~.,........040 , T h-t o .
. 4 9esa.,),'y . -3y
ill.htlAe r4i " . "' - -....;.,-...:'..rt '• - • ' •
'"' • +# l4l';•l44ll. 4 l k -, ' r- • . -c - -
') ~ -•.:. L' ...
:• ' • t, : ' ,,-, '• --:: ‘.- .'. -...',: ...,-..,.... ....... i 1 ,..4,...._,_._____ . ___,. ~._. .-,„ .. .
.1)1:..q'4. - 4 - .' , .i,i.i'._o' . .b:4itg"'.: . . - '!..f. - 4(OH
• . I = . " • ~, ens' iv .
Pri'Ween aiid
7.. Philadelphia 'or naltimove.
1,1 I !MIL RAJ) C4.9.111:aL1 •
begleave to inform their friends and the•pubtie
genet ally, that they atilt contiiiiie to run a line of
-IntrtheirCitrs regultuily-b•etweeit?Mectilinicsburk and
YhiladclphiH .Pilitiniae, by thick giaiitis
told tiro
duce dull descriptions :Will be forwarited with care
and ile . spateli at the loWcai ratei - of freight.
Produce wilt•be receiVed at their Ware Houses
iu Mncltaniesburv„ and "forwarded to either Phila
delphia or Baltimore; according to the direction of
the owner.
highest price will be given for NVhcat
and Flour. • • • -
, • , INIMS.IIA Cll 8s .At MALY% ,
• N.sß.•i Plaster of Paris:Lod Salt ntwitys kept on
hand, ttind for Sale at-the loweit prices.
July 29; i 2.10.--:-Iy, • • • ; •
reight fsi •s,•
. • ••
- • •
.Y7l e•• . •
--: ,
.• - •
ValaTi-rn - acillintta o V - M a s t
• 1 4 11 E St thscriber, gkteful for - pa st flivori,respectful
ly acquaints his friends and the publio r that he has put
auto operation on the Harrisburg, Lancaster. Co
. lumbia • • • ' •
a lime of:new DOUBLE-.CARS,, which will run regm;
larly be eon Harrisburg undl Philadelphia, by winch
Goads a 4 Produce of all descriptions will half:lrwin--
fled with care and despatch, at the liiweit rates of
freight. v. •• • , .
floods will be received at the Warenouseot .THOS.
J. MAXWELL, N. E. corner .'of Broad and _Vine
streets -Phillidelpllim and 'forwarded to liarrislnirg,
Chaiultersburg, and intermediate places,
by the, OWEN ..I•PCAIIE. •
, Harrisburg, Feb. 5,1850. . '.•
'in'FlS I 1 , `, -- S AI IV ND PLASTER', consfantlyon
hataL _'Cash paid for almost all kinds of conntry•pro
duce. •
, . .
.. . _ •
. ,
-• Ci*.ain l -
lielitts . A' Co. -
. . ..,
-IlaveMeninved uithii- eapaeloils 'Warehouse recently 1).-I.ecCh - & CO. at the north-west corner
of Cherry and Ilrciad Strebt,. Philadelphia.. -
_.- Prouii tlke facilities which the location and internal
arrinisrdient:Or this depot oro,(r;:3oia;itaiiiritieii
Cars eau 'he acConamodnted to'uttload'and load - nt "the
sanie tinio'ivitlisufficient room to 8101.0 '20,000 barrels
of Plow:, and 400_0.600 toil of Grain pxOt . ;6le of the
ToVVariling ilepar ' .iment. .. - - -
, . . ... . .._ . .. . .
Produce of eery.".(lesciiptioit toil! be received no
usual nit colitignmetits,:atulliberiiTitdvances . m . atle on
receipt Of required) until sales are pfreetv(l., - •
,•• -r . ' ."... - -...: C11.A.1G,,..„131:1LLAS &C. .'
.. :• - :Furth ;vest corner of Cilicrry & Broad - a...-.
.1.. , • ' . .-. Philadelphia:
W. S. Cobenn ' •Cashier.
.I:etalerson' Sz.PatAer, • c 4 :4 B ii . .
Henry Rhoads, • ,
Saundersnor & Ilnsßermnn, • ,
Jecol) Snloyer, .Veurvil(e.
David-Nevin, . _
J. Lirfan Sn ith, Fsgr Cashier
Chambers& mg
Erster, Ihnz
— "Robert Fleming,
CatberwoOd & Caqg.,
' Wm. R. Tlininmon bt.Co
& Brown,
POdttee_W • alited Immediately.
CASII.will lie paid for•FIVIL THOUSAND bar
rels of Flour; TEN . :1110USAND`litishels of
-TmN -THOUSAND bushels -of-Rye, nod •TEN
THOUSAND..busheIs of- Corn; by_ the subscriber,
alio can at all times he fdimil at his 'Ware-house oo
the canal between Walnut - Mid State streets.
1: 111 1840
Flee linmati
14 warranted staid or restored, and the head kept
, free from dandruff hr , the genuine . ' OLIUDGE 4 S
Remember the genuine as described below. .
This, is certified to by secerril_ Mayors, Ministers
• oftlie Gospel, British Consul. Physicians, and a great
number of our most honorable citizens, to he sceu
where it is sold. •
. /)RING 1 . 1? UD .
Th Iciejl7lS ' imitated ,by a notorious coun-
hie articlehas been, a nom, _
terfeher. Let it never be purchased or used unless
it have the name S. comsTocK, or •the Sig
naiure of CONIWCOCK & CO: on a splendid wrap-
Per. s is the ouly ; external test that will secure
. the public from'ileception. • • • • • .
I •'Apply 'at the wholesale-and retail Office,-No. lt
tYletcher-Strect;mear-llaiden aitd-Pearl s at.
Address, - • COMSTOK Sr. CO-.
Wholesale Druggists. •
.DThe genuine islet. sale by Stevensowlk Din
kle -'•-•.[Dem-11-18.39.-
evETTER! H ITC !—TETTER !' !i-Dr.
s I Leidy's celebrated 'FEY l'Elt AND 11'CH.
OINTMENT is daily becoming more popular.- Wi
ly do numerous !individuals attip and inform the pro
prietor of its great success in removing and curing,the
Totterlind Itch. • -
Ntemeroustestimenials inight-be published of its edi
eticy, but foe. the delicacy felt by individuals' having
-their names published hi conueetion -with-so-loathsome
and disagreeable affections.. ••• ' • • ' •
•It may be used with; Perfect. safety by yoilyig and
old, eyen Ovum infantsi.containhig no mercury or oth
er niineral substances: ...Dr: N. 131 Leidy prepares it
himself, mid kiinwing Tioompositioili most confident
ly recommends it as superior to any'ollier remedy for
the - Totter - anti - Itch; - ' - Prepared - iiiidrseld; at -- .Dr. - Lei;'
tly's 'Health Emporiums', ( Sign of the Golden Engle
Ilitd:Serpents,) No. 191. - North- - Second - streetil-below
;Vine.Also sold by
STEVENSON DINKLE, Druigisls, Carlisle.
'Price 25 -Gents a Boas.- • •
:• 41y 29, 1840.--!3M-- -"
f OF CONSUMPTION.—This" disease itCsery
Much liken Oen - non:catarrh, it generally, commences
like an ordinary cold,-with Lassitude; -
slight Cough:and oppressiell and tightness sbotit the
breast'. In many instances the disease seeing at first of no
very serious chavntster. As the'digease continues the'
oppression in the breast Increases,the . countenance
becomes expressive of inxiety,:the respiration be.
comes niore.andeMorolaborious,sometimes wheezing
or ratting op it W, FIB if the ' -air • Was . iiirceir diking!, a
narrow aperture clogged. with viscid 'fluid: To ne
but by a timely-application to ''Dr. SwOne's Coin
poundSlirrip of Itild -Cherry, w kir a strict, attention
to tho4lirections,allthese Unpleasant effeets he ,
re`moved:-:-Be Careful ; as it is =Sold at rim placerex
cept 24'Neo, 19.P:1
.11,Tfl EIGHTH: Street, or, nt;tlie
„ •
ressectlye ngents.7 •, , .
For,: sake at - tho Drug:StoresotJohnT.'3llY,Olz
Co: Carlisle:, Pan • N' v: 20,1899..
IVER COMPLAINT, ten Yiiiets., stand; ng,
.Ik4 by the use of Dr. tlarlieb'el Compound Stren'gth
-en; tig and Gettnitn . A.peri,ent pills.-.Mrs.Batah Boyer,
• wife of William Boyer, north kit .4lreet above Cal,
lob hilts 3Philadelphia, , entire'' eured lir, the abuse
lietreasong:disease..: !ler toms' -symp Arere,. habitdah
costiveUesspftlie,heike:tritota,l loss ofapuetiteopxorii
ciating pain in thtsitle,allmmeh fintikeelc, depression
of spirilai , ;eatiemo debility, could not lie "on her let
side withont• an aggravation" . of paio,..Witkother syrup
tom ti itulleating great,derangementin-tho funetions.of
the liver... Alys,, ~Poyer. was.,4tended liy,fereral of
the,first phYsleirms,bnt-ieeel4edlitifiittle relief fhorn
- theirmedieme ; at: friend'Of hers procured a
-patkaga - or Dm - liarlieles.Otieugthening - and - Geririum
pen ens - Pill oh,by the .n . ge of oile.paeYage,./ri
w!..Ul .
effectiMra i iiirmapßet etire;beye s i4lbeLea , ,,
ti on 7, ;
Principal Offiee',.foitbiii",fiXtbebteie:RlNO.l.B' a urih t
Bth street, Philu;. : , -; •-•-
(r - r. The atove' valositle medielne mikY , be' had .at
t 6ilCtruir Store Zof John J: - .Myers Et cp. CArliste . Pa.•
Nov. 2134 '
tt't,'n . o -7 4'..."4:1;;#4 . * 4
- .
. - Jayn - e's Haig' 'Ponta . • - -
For the growth, preservation and restoration of the
.hair., This is en excellent • artiele;lllo has, in nui..!
; :; itieroncahistitheee,invhiectl it,fine, growth of hair
' 'on theli&ids oflieraeniii Who hail been bald for yeait.
LADIES AND GrENTLENENv.--DO lOU svislt elegant,.
luxuriant and beautiful hair? I know you will answer,
yes. Hear, formic moment, Oleo - me - of its loss,
t turns gray, rusty and coarse; liarskand unplenann
- in. its appearancerand Eneli,linir, hits'
;11 root' in the skin, Mill is, itselfa hollow tube, through ,
i.WhiclithiCre is a constant circulation of fine blood.--
this. circulatitin the: hail; is nourished and held
colour-is-givenmuLpreservesl, and it is
:,covered with the finest oil. Now any thing which in-,
4ures tire skip of the head, or diverts or takes -away,
the blood from it, Will prevent or impede the circula
tion through the tubes of the hair, stop its groWth,l
and cause it to fall ofror turn gray, - or both. Hence;
it is that nov cause that obstructs or weakt;ini
etilittion of blood through the skip, or that diverts the;
Moodie Ober porta Of tite.SysteM, will take away the;
fresh and yoUtlifitltippearinice.of the hair, or;
rest its growth, turn it- gray sooner -or later .i nnit in
thousands of instances mac prenrituiVbalibMai, •'
For sale by: • •
'' • •
S. ELLIOTT, anti
- 'Carlisle, Pa.
.May IS, • .
. . .
Hair Tostic..; , --We call. the attention .of those nf
flicted with premantee baldness. to the excellent flair
Tonie prepared by 1)1.. Jayne of this city. - Ilnciug
useditourselves, we can speak orlts virtues by milk.-
_rience,And we tuthesiuttingly.peonounce it nn insaln
able - remedy tO prevent-the-filling. off of
to _ resto .,._it_f..._a_dead,fiiii_fink,
_tient thy *pear l _
sone. cau also spOdk.froin personal,. knowledge
of the cases of two or three friends who were predis
,posettto baldness, who by the use of-Jaynes flair
Tonics liavd new. luxuriant hair/ 'We'llave•tio dispo
sition 16' puff, litdiserimionttlY all kinds of remedies
for . all disensei which flesh is heir to, but Whemwe
have testt,d,the virtue'of nit article, we arc free to say,
.it is good.—Saturday Et.eninj . Post:
ha 4, heretofore, num
bered-ourselves among those :who
. belieyed. that the
i lair Tonic,
prepared' by Dr..l4nc, ‘c . lis one 'Agile
-Many mek nostrums whose 'virtues are never secs
beyond the fulsome:puffs - of their -authors. We are
willing., at length, to make public:-acknowledgment of
the-error of our belief.. Au •nitiMidefriond,sometwo
or three months shine, all the top of whose cranium
waspsbtililasytideceof polished . Marble s nisingre
our jesting-and - ridicule Of; tlie idea 'of' attempting
to ,cultivate so barren a spot purchased a bottle or
twoof the Hair Tonic from :Dr, aecoitling
tai Lis ilirectioiis ajililied ilt. :• thititig the present week '
the same fi Mild ushered himself into our preseneemnd
uncovering , hiE! bith erm naked head, astonished - uti tyi th_
-a thin, though lusuidiud.growth . of- hair, from one to.
two inclisinlength---tipon the yery premises.we had
believed 'as unyielding to cultivation as the trackless
sand that skirts the Athlete. This is no puff, but' is
rcligiouylytrtt to those who doubt-Abe gentleinan
can bopouited out: -What—M A -pore—in favor' of this'
"Tonic;" the case here cited was not one oftempora=
rt-haiduess--'-otibillitiCll loss athdliniv—but-w-wolie
of years' • standing tho ugh the the :gentlemtiti is law
fiirly - -five years of age. ,
--.Philadc/phia Spirit of the ,
Muni. • .
WA 111 'MAR 1-IV-A It ig-thakerh,haye :
'declared hostilities against our neighbor' Dr. Jayne,
on account of his hair Tonic,
Which is: knocking all
their business into a "cocked hat." ladies and.6rm;
young are Rocking to the, Doctur's
_Deadsioug divested of men the first rudi
ments of hairoifter using his Hair tonic S001 . 111111)014,
with new and flowing' locks, which AhSatom himself
might have envied. Beal4BeSs'bnys are' seen whit
large and bushy wlSskers ; and Indies smile again
through their own raven ringlets ;Imre beautiful and
bewitching.thitn eveii. Bald heads ale Offing their,
wigs and throwing_thent to the "molts and the hats,"-
while the Wig makers :stand aghast as they .. beholdo
the-demolition or web...busin e ss. .
What wilnie the conscquetkre of this war welc9ow
ot r aB4 he-wlggiesareuttragemisoind-the-Dortorro ,
mins firm, and declares that "some things can be
done as Well as others,"attil gait bald heads may as
well 'weartheir own hair as that of otheri,---(Week-,
ly Messenger. -
Jayne's flair Tonic.—We meet at almost every
corner, when perambulating the streets, then wearing
long and 'glossy hair, , whiell-tlit•y-Seetti - -104e proud,
of, and others who:la:we raised. inn few weeks, a crop.
of bl a ck intitishiches, that would vie with - tbe-glossiest
bruin-that - ever ivalked - dinforest.7lt - has puzzledms
to know the , secret of all those wondrous crops of
link; but Messrs. SANDS, 79 and 160 Fulton street,
have got, the remedy, where all whn are curious in
such mailers muy learn' a valuable secret.---Xm.
-Fork-Whi r ,. . - •
• Sold in Philadelphia at '2O South Third.Strect .
. This can be ; efibetually-doite by Hr, Leidy's
season, the Spring time of year, when this gross hu
mors of the system ought to be removed from the bo
dy and' the Wood purified, thuS preventing the . sin
gular, and unpleasant feeling common 'to all, of ',a
. dizziness, drowsiness,yeeuliar heaviness of. the head,
and other feelings, Omit, rise to what is generally
called the Spring
.I. ever. '
Upwards of t 90,03,3 of Dr. Leidy's Blood' pills
have been sold, dprtlig the -past year, at_retail _ alone.
Orders have been received from the Southend West,
during the past•moittli,Tor more than•loo gross ! thus
showing the great demand for them, andrprOving that
there 'must be some extraordinary cause to • produce
Ilit. • It is.easily explained, they are, the .rniblest. and
idirsFpurOtive,; asrwell as. the inost tiffs
clennslngimd purifying the blbod, and of i*f Movingthe
principal causes of Al isease eier A i scovered. ; They are
safe, because they are warranted five from minerals,
- iiiiiffailybe takeit - withOut diet; rt;qralat. froaribeeulai 4 ;
lion or a fear of liking cold from their use. They do
not debilitate the system ninth) taller Rills.autLpUrga . -
dyes; their operation is gentle, but always effectual. '
They have elicited n116)6 7 044 testi nienia Is" froia
siciiiiicanti otlicriltivhich accompany the•directiona
!and 'are confidently recommended Inv Rheumatic Al-' fectithls, Scrofula, • Erysipelas, `Jaundice; Heartburn,
Diseases of the liver, skin, bones and glints; Pain of
the.sidus, alonghe back and spine over the region of
- - thelleartand stomach;lnweriLfevers; bad taste in the
' mouth, foul breath, Flatulency, indigestion, 'Want of
A`ppetite, Sour Eructat ion and Acidities of the Stein-
Mr, Ulcerouisares ;attic nose,•thront Mid bodycSeely -
Eruptions and blotched of the. skim Dry and -watery
pimples and pustules of the face and body;Fette'r and
Ringworms; Swelling and hardening of the gla n ds of
the neeß,ln the griiiiis; hrenst;fa.;Stomieli Coughs;
Liver Complaint, Wateihrash, &c.,Anitall the. Whale
'train - of diseases, respiting_trom:lmPardy , ofillood,
Coaslitiitinnid Disenewlim., only in -Philadelphia, at
Dr. LectlY's HealtlvEmporium;2il below. Vineat.
. Also sold by F.Klett,Druggist 2d iind CallOwhill
streets; A.. Fairer, Druggists, Lancaster 3-
Peter Pomp, Druggist; Easton; W. D. Pomp, Drug
... , •
gist. Milton. " . ; • .
~ . . - ~
.. Also .by STEVENSON & DINKLE ; • Druggists,
Carlisle,.Pa.. . . ~ . „ . % • ( J uly 29 1840-3 m .1 •
" . :Piice-2,5 Centsw
.. 0t1e.,• . . . •
. • , - • • ••• • • •
Conipoiniet Syrup'of Cheri-'y
be.;tltS.' hest 'article tor healing 'the Ulcerated-lungs,
stopping night patents, and rel te,ving . the congli;that.
ever has been to ysv. • Timis W ho are afflicted:would'
1 -tliSivelikto_pAieuth;_tbiarliediellie_tlefoie-it is too late-
Certificates of many cures Can he'Seen'l4!applying nt
No; 19,Worth !Eigitth'Sireet.; Philtidelplnts; where
'thls medicine, can, aTways be . obtainedc : : Fcice $1 per ,
.I)ottleior six ,liOttlestetls. • , -
I For
„Ode tlie Drug
,8 tore 0P.T0417
t ;also, by litterisbui•gl
Dennet Bt.BonAgarilner, York t and Mtn: lqathiett,
Coluinbia, Pa. • Jan. 8,1840.
• destroyer, '.which destroys its 'Thoukaltds aial
eni of Thousands annually.. hew shall, we 'avert
its rata progress before it inezes upon the ,vitals
would answer at.once: Talee'some suitable Medicine
to arrest the disease at the `very comfitenietnent.-:;-'
How very many do..We see in the world 'whose.delV.
Cate frames look scarcely able to supportevetta,Short.
reign , of existence:.• =but for.the'Mire and
per means they, make use of,'oftinles will 'far iintlife
the Most athletic and robust, who n:egiectsuch
• care anti proper Means-that 'are" placed their.
reachi which would unquestionably avert :ff
,talten iii s
'proper, tlnie.' " At the 4teittl'OT ail reinedieli;'entlthe'
- first - in - rarlk - , stands, Dr.. - ..Sirlyne's , ,• Corn poundiSYrreli ,
of Wild•DlierrX, Which; if administered in' time, end
talteri'agreeably toll* prescribed rules which accem
:riany thelmediphter,Will Muni times "ollt 1011ehOt
lititere tntraleal4 metiMue,cau.,al wti,);l3;
beobtained./' lerice'st p ei
'itale-;at 'the Drug Store Of, John J. Myers ,&
914 'ed4Jislot t ra. , • • ' issir
• 'l-PutinOitarg r W Aner
Por,boyslts, Colds; htfluenzas,:'Aethma.'9,,Gatarrhs;
.Ditieasea of thilit Mot andlittigai , and
THE above ..medicine flan p'fuvetl; it elf,
dile 'of the most efficacious eveeertipliayett in the'
)i i bti o v il e dc u r flt o make
ction a ,
l 9
is, \v .c ge
ellk o n e o ra W i l i i . to thousands; but
known, the
- scriber thinkelt :iiecnesin't.y, to . pub lish - the foClowing
prOON.whialLmonatititic _but • mind
.. PardEin
testimoity,thit 'might be adduCed ; proof or •itir,elfl
ThroUghouf - Gerinairy-it 'IS - mkt' • and eniployell
t . ire than an Wither myrmidon for . Colds, &c., and
•is there so well known -for its (penny that th - Ey ant
it "The Life preserver." '• " -
Price 50 Cent* a' Bottle. , ". •
From the United ~Ttatea 'Gazette.
Having seen ;a advertiseMent 'dm - Intl - slicer of
this city, of 1)r. Ilecliter's"Pulitionsti . y.
for Coughs, Colds. Asthinas, Ev,uslisducorl from
raiding make a trial of it. Ilai.ieg,,it,family of
seven small .childreir;thereseldomyissetrn Ilsv with-:
out braving to give sumo one of •dietri :Somethin.r for'
the numeral's aflections common to children; Of all
the different Patent Medicines,
never:, lotrailone so
general efficacious, I not only found it serviceable for
Coughs, Colds, &e., bid also; very bctiefitiuli indeed
-for Choliu Pains, Diarrhea and' restlessness, so com
mon. to small children; which Rccount neVer- -
be without a bottle of it. Illurs irelieVed mcof a lion
blesonic•cough,sliortness of breathing;und 'pain in my
side and breast, with Which I have-been troubled
nearly 'twelvemonths: 'nye skilfill physicians of this
cityriftendyl me for it within - it effect.• 'I 'accordingly
.discharged-them;and-liavingTrisesClour.bc - iftla - of.the
iniess than
three weeks: - Very respectfully.: '; •' • • .
Signed, Ei..SULLIVAN. •
• • •• • Enston,:November 16th, 1837. ;
Dr. 15P.:,.11: LEIDY, Philadelphia.
; ' Deiii.Sir,—l consider - 11 : ungrateful; if l did
not Inforin you -(and with my, consent ; anew - yon•tn
publish this,)•that after liming tried by.the recommen
datioirof my friends; almost every - kind of Medicine
for coughs, colds, &c., I never film' relief until bite.;
having used 1)1.. Ilecliter's Pulmonary Pi•eserva.:
tivc,ree; 1111 l nendeil tome by . your agent hi this place;
and'which cured me of a violent •songli, spitting of
blood, of breast', and shortness of breath, with all
of which I have been-afflicted for tWo . yeiii-S'.l.liin
now, however, enjoying' as• good -health 'as. ever, and
owe my recovery. ho the above valuable medicine.: •
Signed, N . . ATWOOD.° .
Translation leomSß-comnimiication-iii:Germatir=
,• ; • PittsbUrgdune 2004 - 1839;
LEfI)Y, at" Philadelphia,..
'Respected was much Pleaiied after' icy rErri t
- vnl iii this Country; toliiid that I)Kllevditer'avaliialde
aohong successfully used in manylaarts
rif - Giellitaoy, is OW . petlparetiJOßti..:. Lit:Aver seen
Many wonderfur cures made by it in ilierafil - E.Miltry.
Manyliersoris whose lungs went sumioted to behil,
most entirely destvoyed,' and pronounced incurable,
have-been restored to good twilit!' by ite know.
.where 'one ease Was beymid the linpes.iir 'ever-reeov,
eringoind Was for:years helpless; and confined to bed
•without being able.. to sit- up - ,- but-was-raiselihhy.the,
-wondetfulseffeets of•Dr.lleelireVaTtitinonarY:Prestas.
aioh to far enrol as to lie able to ride and walk
about. A gvele_many._ instances NEVE. been camtlin.
the intrious;ptilirionnry affections, and 1-have thyself
received _great bctiefit from. t, both_ liere mid . my,
native comary, --I hope-it may-be -successfuLbiSthis_
country as it has been ni Gernumv. When prOperly
known no ilimily will be without it.. • ' .•
. P.'S. I . get - it ii:this:phice•oryour-agent
_•_Yors, . . - .Signed; S. SCIIAR - RD."
OsitYdui:-reCeinmendation,t Made - use of Dr. Dech - -
ter's,PillitiOnary Preservative, and. altliMigh_ I- :had
tried, all - Other rem etlid for - my cough -- , - I -- tiever found
relief eilCept -on the above medicine. I balm been,
much benetitted it, and have recommended it to
ninny others, Who have sufferiiil Withipaini •in'their
breasts, coughing; spitting of blood; difficulky of brea
thing, colds, iiifluenzas, Stu. and all have . been speedi
ly cured, thereby. - - .
. With respect, yPurs, &c, - •
• Trenton,-N. J. Oct. P 2, 1939.
,The -Andn
ia . ..lregetable Pills.
Area - purgative medicinei . so natural tallier-human
constitution, and withal so mild, and,leasafit iitiltei
operaiiim; thatnot theslightest dread of pain or sick- .
ness, need be apprehended &Om their use, even by
the most delicate: at the same ti the, if used in such a
manner as to. Operate freely by the bowels ; . those
morbid humors, (which deposited upon tint variona
parts of the body are the cause of every ache - or pain
MO will pai ii,'cir di streak ()revery description tie dri
ven from thelxnly, butili seas(' iu any form. will be im
possible. .
For the samo reason, when, from the sudden chang
es of atmosphere; Ur any other muse, die perspiration
is andthose humors whi,ll should miss °Why
the skin, are thrown inwardly eau sii ig headache, mut
scan, and sickness, pains in th'e bones, watery and in
flamed eyes, sore-throat, hoarseness, couglis,consuinp,
Lion, rheumatic paiiiii in various parts of the body,mid
- many ether spa ptomsofeatehingeold; tl mlndian veg-_
'etable - Pills will Aiwa - Faddy give - imniediate - relief.-
Three or four'pills; taken at night on going to bedand
repeated a few times, will remove all the :Mire un
pleasant symptoms,and restore the body to even soun
der heal di than before. - • .' • ' .
The Indian Vegetable Pill s, (liidian Purgative) are
it !lateral, and therefore! certa in eure for:Costiveness:
because they cleanse the stomach add bowels of those'
bilious humours, which not only paralyze ' and weaken
the'digeitive organs, but are the caush of headache,
IMUSetIO and sickness, palpitation of the heart, flying
pains in various parts of the body; 'gm' Many other
disagreeable complaints. The slime may be said of
difficulty of breathing, or asthma ; the Indian Vegeta
ble Pills will loosen and carry off by the stomach and
bowels, those tough . pleghmy humors which stop up
all air cells of the lungs, and arc the cause of the above
dreadful complaint. . ' •
.. .. . . ..
In all disordered motions of the blood, called' inter:- I
mittent,remittent, nervous, inflammatorynand putrid
FEVERS, the Indian Vegetable Pills will be found'
a certain . remedy; because they cleanse the stomach
and bowels of all bilious niatter,and purify the-blood;
OR MS ! WORMS!!. WORMS!!! consequently, as they remove the can se • er. every kind
_ _Taremdvetliese troublesome amithingerons_ of disease, they are absolutely certain fo • cure every •
inhabitants of the - stoinaeli and. bowels, which so often. kiiia r a - FEigr• ."--- ....-''
. •
impair the health and destroys the liteti of children; . So also when morbid humors,are deposited
. upon
use .1 ayne's Tonic Vermifuge, a certain and safe pre,- the membrane- and muscles,- C4Mi ligiliose pains; in=
paratiou for die removal of th tarions ki tul sof IV °ries, I)aminationiand swellings called Rheumatism, Goot,
dyspepsia, souristomach, want . of appetite,. infantile &C.; the Indian 'Vegetable Pills , ma i be' relied on as
fever and ague, and dibility. of the stomach' and boW- always certain to give relief, and if persevered with,•
els, and organs of digestion. TO be 1iad..(4..15T0. 20 will most assuredly, and without fail, make perfect
South Third street Philadelphia. -- '' ~ ~ mire-of-the-above -pSinfulfilftlfillies. -From. three to:
- 1 . -Also to be had_iif_fittlatlel Elliott_and Stetenson & Six cif Said Italian Vegetable' Pills, taken 'every -night
Dilate Carl i sle; Pa; - "._,[may 13 18410- on going to lied, 'will, in a short time, completely rid
'. • ", - ' the. body of-all , - morbid mud corrupt humors; -and
". -- 7 " A . CHALLENGE.. ~ • itheunnitilim,Eout mulAniiii_ofeverydelealption;will
1 iv° DolhirsAillthe . Forfeited diaaPPC-Pr •aa if brrnagic• ' j- " ....•.- ' ', ' - .2 ,
, , ,i
'Co any individind who will preducealwepnration 2 ---1 1au1,41 , 071-clUeulhet7git-thialhe-lad l3ll --Veficli/- 41 -e-
equal to De. I..Elnrs , :kiyancATED ErritAct Pil4i are certain to remove, pain in the side., oppres-
OF. SARSAPARILLA It is positivelY-the'strong. sionomausea and sickneisjoss:or appetite, costive.
est preparatioh lit existence. One bottle o • j t. i 5. ,,, 501 . ness, a yellow tinge of, the skiii-and eyes, and, every
to, six plias of the strongest syrup that can. be made, other symptona o f Liver Complaint .!.I.lee.atuse they
.numerous individuals prepare from it ii Syrup purgb from the Lodi tierce corrupt and staglint liu-
Which they putlikbottles of_differentaizes_and ihapes. 1 mews which, when °posited. ippon the.; Liver, are' the
thetaselng it as their' Preparation, whenreality it iEv cal:se of the alf - ovejltargerous ; complaint. - . - They are
preptiration.of Dr._Lehly ; die syr , p b oh i ; mode !abaci a certaiii . Preventive of apOlexy and sudden-dei , ith;-
from his extract, a reteilirtbf::ifliieli aceor.npanies eiWili-'-neaaaaa-thaY4,0147-4Ar4bac'hum-oursWGich, ohatritC.
bottle of Dr. Leidy' at an expense of 'preparatron,`,.: whereby if a syrup ting the circulation; are the catise.ofsir rush; or deter- A
is wanted it can beina
two dollars urination of blood to the head--giddiness especially
a gallon without paying for it' t the - irate of, so to 75-".tiii turning suddenly round—blindness---drowsiness
cents a bottle or eight or ten dollats a gallon. " • , .;--leiss lir memory-.-itilitimmatioit of the brain—in-
Dr. Leidy's Extract of Sarsaparilla 'I.V.;
..nusuidly , Sanity, and every °diet:disorder of the. mind, ; .,,_ , ; : '
pleasant to the taste,taken either by, itself or in ',* . ' ONE WORD TO THE SEDENTARY.. ~..
of water. It is iniehiSs here' tO Speak of its Medical .:, Thosewherrovii habit or oicupation ' aro kept mucli
Virtues,os, woman and 'child whe.cati. read_ .wilbitkiloors; should remember that they frequently_
knows of its 'efficacy, its qualities. having been and is - breathe an atmosphere which is wholly Mitt for.the
daily being published in all neoisripera. - - • . -proper expansion of the lungs , and at the same time,
' It is particularly adapted tiktliehapring newspapers.--
summer OlNp%tri.winit cf Otereiseithe bowels are not Sufficient.
seasons, being Of a more, purifying nature than any, :ly evacuated-,-the blood becomes impure, and head=
Other Medicine ever discovered. Its. character, and ache,indigestion, palpitation' f the beart,-aniVniany
efficacy i s well known throughoiit' the United States, , otherdisagreeablesymptoms,.are sure t o follow, --
it being. in general use mid preferred to :all others , ' .TIIE INDIAN . VEGETABLE' FILLS;:if , :-
throughout the &ath and West . ; tiptvards of 11,000 " • .
.Being a cleanser of the 'stoma
beatles hating' been. sold during thepast.l2 Months. eh lind.bowelsond a di...
..:-.Ntimerotia Certificates Worn Physitians; and Mhers'
as wellis fulidireetiOns accompanying each hattle c!rectinwitiir Odle bl . aod; sire certain' not onlY . to re
', mine Ohl 'or di Sirens of everyind from the the body,
Extract of a letter 'from Dr. S. II: Hanliff 11code ''' but if, titled., Oceasionally,,so tia to keep the body,free
~. r: .. • .
-, - "Your preparation' of Sarstiparilla is the most effi- ‘ ,..ftom these limners .
Whichare the cause of eve male
under heaven; they will: most assuredly laminate
cacious ofony I lu;se ever • eipployell. -,- I haveknown :.
such,, just 'and 901 circidation ot`the.blood,' that
More benefienit results from bar e g 2 oe.Thottles Of it
those,.whe lead a sedentary,' life, wilt he enable(l,
than has been effected in'airailaases by a- dozen Or
than of other
. e. „ 4 , ficol !oil] syr- ups.sorap_orma. ,,,- . ._
.. enjoy !mead health, and disease, 0r .... soy : kind will le
absoliftely unpOssible. :: - .' L I .''
Extract aii letter , frinn ' AlK'darnes C. Malsforil a
--highly reSpeetal&%Merelitint in Baltimore . - • .r - "F9f.. #e, • . ~,, . ...,
..,.... • ,-.......
.., f qtaviiiiad. feI:4(MM occailtini tit employ prepiiiii.: . • , :
,: ]`:': ' -''
.c..1 . - . IARLES OGlLDY',"Aganti
tions or Snroffliffrllllt ift :01Y fitti4ly - dUring,thepastiee; •,' ' '.,..' ' ''' ''• '. -'L - ' ' : : 2- ' a ile, " -P4 '
years, I last year. ti-kit 4tinrs, : .,and found _one:bottle : •..uffice auil GonertifDeirifrNo.l69 Rabe street
equal in efficacy to five 'daily other that Lever ased.” T inia !!' e ll al la'' ° ''' '''-' :' ''''''.'' [Mai r . 11 P .40 •""'. . i k -.
Emilie( of iiJettee'frinn.Me:Stilfoetl of Narilitiraphitn 4 - ;-, ••••:, ''-',,, 0 ,, , --,.= -L , :‘ -,,,-- ' ~' -', , A- . -,• , , , i,.., .=:, :
• ' 4I rO P Ptlil"4lor:Sartinparilla, hap-performed wow, ~,-. '.. IrNIF,ORTANT TO Yril4/4..r,5.-!--ePr; , Q..P.1f0r,- -
4 0 1 4*.iih inedinying restored. any to-.perfect; health • •.'l. 7 lielea ' Call l .oinid,'SireOfitl?ealligTPaias alnli*Ti ,
thbugh`for Sityearit . afflicted as 'I Intie'dea t rihO i4 : t Mali Atlie*ti Pills Ttintie pilla'removeall douse:
yent;'artil' , 7iliiiiii ?tlititAi the: having tried' alitioat , ei4: , , ilistressingtllkeaseirwhichTemaleslirelliable te,'lte
ry,tbilit as yiell;44,thitsillir;ritecived.',slialfut medical Mel, ict94, ylt.i,h;-:::flioy,reirOoyetkottenitirbidsecretitia,
tittendance,tlurlng a great xiortion ohthe . , , tivne.',!,..., , ~,', .2 Witra4 WOO retkiilo#lolFkliAdUee, atium),er, of iliKea,
. linmercitur,reColoramiilationti 'Mal extracts filitri.',..i.':' sea mod tiftenliiiiiestmuler 1 2 'ellialetMariliaWy and-Mitt;.•
rionirearainOnitiationit::etild' be ' added , but for ' the arable all thOr'ilvea:‘lrhilliP pills titled itceitiAi tit fo;
, groA„, t:expeniciiittendot_Owsp4peelidvertieht . ' ti';*olreatiansihnine-diatOY'V'We :Ilecs!..andlketiltllac
r,LlstillpreparedmiltsOlfirikbalesalliaitd..retal litJk.L. icCtlirmitoora,,th9 _ 74910-- sy,oleffi..l4.l PROIPIik
' Lady's Iteittli - prqrirtuiri .:Nr4'loll - NoViti?•i' the ' rtilead,aitir . ,; ‘ * - 51,1 - e,,irenor . , to the,. atthrlitchwid:
Street; halolvi-Vhiel., , cAleirilir.lsale-by.! l ?:7!' . -, ' ,, ' ,1 •:; , : , ',,-. k'v.bowelsi o_,AllC,lMneVpifirilsilo,A.thetoin isithei.ili`,.
i 'retl'k Klt:.q, prtiggief, not.ner at seapi4l iiiid..iii ,- : 611 ..r e kL aliti m 1 9 iini ' g ivin g a PPAttke and ' I n v llrar s a i g gl a
lowhill.Streiets,,lindil,;,..! . . l enig tt .4. F 4 l l o,,•',Lko st ibit a , !'systeno awn to. AS . ..proper '4rtinititititta. ; and restoring.
Ltuioliiiter V.lletert.riimp;,,:Dragglif . -p4oo r riAlv v. , ., trlil repose. , - -%.1,,, -, ''. . ' • .
PanripMillikt.Sefailikiiii. .1.•,,n . , , .„}A, .i.,,,,y .. ;i7 . ',1i . , ‘ , ll,' , Ask fot,nr. HailielekeemTiound Strengthen.'
Also -liy 4 ,',,sTyy,N,soN , ic:TESTkit.,E, o r o gg i ds ..eitg,, , alio; find Germail'Aperient Pigs. ..,,, - _*.v-.-
tailisle, PM* -'.-,' , ,'• %:;:- -.I:: - ,il uly 20,1840-3 m - , •.' Principal Office;l9 north Eighth ' Street, i'hil,nl4 :
... Q
,fire e- ( "he • y),,11„, ,;.: . ()l ib_ ~,4 . , . pide Also fo'r-iinle at Bic-pros : Store Ord. J. tiers
:'I; .7 '''''..*. .7 7 n 77 , -,., : . 'l4 CeiCuitl4l.e, .-:,
._ • ... . (,N0v.20 ; 1889; '-`
• • - • . . . . -- - .
Friend 'Leidy—Thee still be much surprised at my
cOtienunication, when I inform thee of my perfect re-.
dovery; after having used qix hottlesef thy medicine.
Thee kimws liowmiiserabh - Tiludistressed I was.—
Pale and sickly, without appetite, full of intim - with
much cough, and oppression in mrcheit, rattling ill
iny_lhoat, am_now_enin)itixgood health,mud
though GU years °rage, feel youngon spirits, end must
_nttri bute. my good. I leall.h_to the gbp,l orew..of thy
_Pulmonary preservative. LT-10 4 mnd and_wellavisher..
Signed,' . . It. EMLEN.,
Am:easter, January
Sir—lmust inform ).Ou of the recovery of my wife,
'whose Case I described to you in the city of Philadel
phia. The Itcrirseness and soreness of her throat, with
which she-suflitred many months, has entirely disap
peared, her cough is. mot so violent, neithdr ha's 'she
eny more pain in her breast, but is entirely cured.—
Site usedonlyl/r.'llechter's-Pulttionary Preservative,
Which - ion so strongly recornmentled. I remain Tours.'
Signed, • JOHN. TURNER.
The abnve.medicifie is prepared only and for sale,
wholesale, and retail at 1)1.. N. B. Leidv's Health Em
porium, No. l 9 Norlh•Second street;helow Vine et.
(sign of'the (;olden Eagle and Serpents,) Philadel
plum Also for sale at r. • •
.P. KI ett's. Drug Store, 2nd and Cal I owhill street,
J. Smith Z.T. Co's do. 2d. at. next Bed Lion Tavetit,
J. Long's &A. Fairer7s do. Lancaster; Peter Pomp's
do: East* W. 11. Pomp's do. Milton.- ,
Also, STEVENSQN & HINKLE, Prugglits,
Carlisle, Pa. • [July 29 1940-91 u
• • - •-' 7
40 ft* tir Is* ri
':;tip.o.7.:..*.;pip* - g0.; , .•
Prepared only by:Dr.. I).:jayne, Inventor;
and sole proprietoi,,,No. 4S'oyila
Plailadelikia;,ancrmay:. ) . of had
S. ELLIOTT, and.also of STEVEN;
a r
;rliLl6ei tnedi,nittes are Aeceinitentle4 add extensive
ly used by intelliient:Tiertiolis in the U,Oiceil
,auti:,:Prettideiits of
colfegss t .KlJytilts,irititi;of;;the. l ArniY,anit 2 , 44, and of
flospitale:end V 043046,9 nailb itiere than Abs.&
iiWatireitirr prepareit'ree family? : use; and
liavotteenlied'An Unprecedented popultOtrithrough
out thb'Un i tell : S totes . and intilltopttifeloo, 'Admi
(4(16615t - ell to . presert'l:-It6AluittliAiVenre nxiaitslic no
flitniry - a - 461d ever be:without them..,. The proprie=
'tot. of these valuable ireparatioits received his' etlu.
cation At one of the best •Medical, Colleges in the Vail
tell States, and 11,ts had flit:eel) veers experience in an.
I , extensive and diversified prablice,ny.w Melt he has had
ample oppertunities of acquiring a practical. )(nowt ,
edge of diseases; and of tne remedies best Calculated
to remove them. • •
These PriparetiOns consisfof • • '
' JAYNE'S EXP.ECTOIIANTia valuable remedy
for—cough s , colds, consumption, astimig, spitting of
'blood icronp, ho ipiug cough, broncititipadeutisy and
inflammation of thelungk Or throat, diffictilty of bred-
t.iiing, , tinti all diseases of pulmonary organs.:---Price
Also JAYNE'S fiAIR TQNIC, for the preiervn-;
-'tiom-grimith.and:_beautyof_theintir,land wideb will_
-p o siti re] y - bring n :-new r-on- bald heads.—Price
tnln and piensent roMedy , for'worms;tlyspepsia, piles,
an ti other aseeses....-Price 50 cents.
certain cure for bowel and summer coMplaintsolint ,
dux!, dysentery cholic, cramps, sick headiche, sour
stomach, cholera morbus, awl all derangements Of the
' Stentitat add bowels, - nerrons 'tdfect ions,&c.-- Price
50 cents. ,
diicase . s, liier:complaints,costivelfess,fevers,lnflem- ,
mations, glandular, obstriictiond, disease.4' Of the . skin,
&c. end-in nll caSts_where an alterative' Cir 'purOtive
yeetlicine is required.--Price 25 •cents lion. •
- . ,
eff- - medicinedias already proved itself to be all-tied
it has been recommended, :by Wok,- who ,have given
it a fair test iti:this counti..y,pdtl the. demand far !Lin
' ereases daily. We have yiNbeard or an importnnt
cure ofAstlimaeilitchlias been effected by the - nse of
it ina town-411e case Was• that of ti"fe
male who liadTni iilonglinte - beemlifider the.-care - 0: f
a physician, but lia(l . o.ccived no relief,?apil,lier case
V• 113 considered liOpeless. • Asa last
resort Ole purchased a, bottle of Dr. Jayne's Ex pecto.,
rant, ivhi effused licrie expectorate freely,grathial-•
ly eased her cough,• find is. rapidly, restoring; her to
health. We have noliesitation in.saying this prepa-
I rationeflYe.,•: jitYnif,lng;tlA. , C... - cifrit - tn aiglkic" ... cOldScift:•;
.flite . tria, Asthma, Con Sum pti on; Etc. is the most iirdadl
bin medicine ever offered to the American
Tliin;e is no 7 glitickery ahciut il--Dr. Jayne is one - a --
the most skilful practising physicians in PellinsyNa
iiiii-,ii•iiiidlivTieF6Cit:lti!i preparations inive been , thor
oughly, tested, lie is lookeft upon as a great public ben-,
,elitetor.--[Sonicrset - (Me.) Journal.
. For sale by Samuel Elliott and !Stevenson & Din
kip, Carlisle, Pa: • • • • [may I 1 - 840 • -
-Moralitui othoxes of these celebrate '
Plls hat , e..been so ld 'in the United States since Jane:-
•firy 1835,
• , Hundreds and - thousneils bless the (lei , they became
acquainted vcith , Peters'. Vegetable.:Pills, whichOn
consetinence;or_ their: extraordinarY„gOoddess;_linve
attainetka,Populitrity.unprecplented in.ihe lilstory of
medicine. . . ' •
:Men tikken imeording tb the "Airecilorii r sier:Onipa:
;31 -icy, are highly beneficial in the' preven-.
troti - andrenre-cif-Biliotir 4 7 1-vernl Aeue,Dys.
pi pain ; Liver COmplaints; Sick Illeatl=khe,,latiaidice,
.Astlima,PropsyMbeunriatisin; Enlargement of ..the
Spleen, Feniale Obstritetions, Heart
burn, Furred:Yonne, Isinusea., , Distension the,Sto , -.
Medi and. Boyelii; Incipient. Yiiiirrlitca, Flatulence ;
Habitust Coitivciusk;Losk of Appetite;lllotiched or
Sallow . complexion, and in all cases of Torpor of
the Bonrels;•wliero.. a itithrikle'or sin aperient is need
ed. They.are exceedingly mild -in their Operation;
producing neither patiO . n,Fripi i sig,
The efficacy of these pills: is so , ivelrknown, rind
their use so general, that further comment is colloid,
eredinineeessiiry. ' • •
For further. particulars; see Dr.. Petere l painphlet,
which Can be lind,kralii, of any of the Agents.
The' pills are - neatly put up in tin - boxes; containing
20 and 45 pills; price 25:ntl - 50 . e.ents - per box;
. • .Ire-s Orleans, April 9.4, 1837.
Dear Sir-As an old classmate of yours . m Yale-
Coliegd, I take the liberty,of; opening a zorrespon,
.. • .
[learn that you :are making a fortune - by thesafe
- ofyourpillsTwhich - I - trust-ia:the-case--as-T am-fully
nwrire that through 'them 'you • are con ferring a great
blessing oi; the .
1 myselfarii amongthese who have been, peculiar , -
ly their use. Since my arrival here, I
had been•severebilioui attacks. which had
.nearly brought me to thC grave; but,'(atal I acknow
ledge, it wltb,gratitude,),a feCr- boxes of your 'pills
have completely restored'ir.e;" I would. add, that
'their'effccutrpon'Sick 'Head:ache mid Sour StomaCh
is-almost miraculous. ,
')Vith.sentimen6 , 4 esteem, ' •
Ei'traCt ofd etter.from'D):.. Fi;thicia
Providence, R. I.; llec. - 7; 1 BpB. ,
'Peters' Pills. are but excellent aperient and 'cathar t _
tic medicine, (those effecla,boing produCetl_Jiy, the
difference of t 4 winniit? taken,) anti-are decidedly
to Lee'S, - Bratidrethli, or-Morrison's Pill R. •
, • .
Extraci of a letter from Dr. Wand+ ofPliiladelphia,
'AG:7[m.y 2 1838. • ' •
Your pills are the Mildest in their . Opeintions ' •nnd
yet most powerful in their effects, of any that I have
-OverMet with in practiceMf eight and twenty 'years.
Their netion on the chyle, and hencemrthe impuri
tics atilt: blood, is evitleatly very snrpriaing.'• .
, of a eiter frotO Dr. Scoti,eol:Baltimoro,
• - --1)ec0mbi717,1836. '
um in:the dill): habit or preScribingtlicM (I'4ters 4
Pulls;)allnl_the) in nearly_all - eaappLanswrer_a_npim4_
discarded other, intalit:lncs;some_of.
them very goCkriiiies, in ilicliglitvor.
. ,
Pasrynetank• J,V0v,.113,J856.__
Sir--41e not surprised at receiving this letter from
amendro stronger, Your medicine' is„the,'sause and
.arlogf.Lollityfor,:obtruiling myself. upon yone-no,
rice. (Timing experienced . a - serious attack of Bilious
Fever this fall;l:was, induced, ih consequence of their
:popularity; to try . your pills; and so - benefioial has
been the result; that liint - desirous - to - immure alarge
quantity of them to use. in my practice. Please write
Ene word whatis yonr lowes‘.4»•ice to the cacialty for
•two hundred boxes; Your.' earliest attention .this
- •._ - .
Yours,-kg. •
•-• •. .. • _ R. IL I?..MISEI"
_ .
7; 1 . ,
..11 , 14 .25 Broothe Street, X - E,Afaj e 338 -
I hereby.certify, that my liver vas in a very.disea
sed state, long. baffled .the >tkilllcif a high.
IralialiieeliluS siciaii MirtliiiriChas been riiiideeed per
' fectly - healthy - by - the use - of 'Petefs' Wgretable PHIS.
They . Arere first recommended to me by 1 c. Nelson.
I have much pleasure in witnessing to the truth of
the above, as I .know front experience that Dr. Pe
ters' Pills are an invaluable
J.,101.ES ..1 .P../.80X,11: D.
'BROWN FJ Cha'ada;rsbui.g.
. • .
• JOILV J. MYEIa ‘'d Co.? .
And by all the Druggists of Philadelphia and Bal
(Imam • . • •
• Nov. 60839.-1 year.
Important' Iliscovf.ry.
The public are hereby directed to the medical ad
vertisementsof Dr. Flail Celebrated Compound
'Strengthening Tonic; German Aperient Pills,
-which are a medicine of great viilue-to • the afflicted,
discOvered by al P. Ilarlielt,W celebrated phYsician
at Muted, Germany; which has been used with un
paralleled success throughout Germany. This medi
cine consists of twO : the German Aperi
ent, and • the Compound Strengthening Tonic Pills,
They'are each Ilia up in small packs, and should both
be used to , effect aiiermanem • cure, -Thosewhosire
afflicted would do well to make n'trial - of this invale-=•:
able -they • never produce • sicknesS or.
nausea while using. A safe and effectual remedy for,
stomachmid all complaint's'; pain in side,iiver corn
_pleintijess or appetites fletnieney;palpitation of the
h ea rt, general: de btlity, nervous irratability, sick licmt
aChe,'Pernale diseases„spasinodienffections,rheuma-
flint, itstlimas, consumption, Bze. The German Ape
rient Pills are to cleanse the-stomach and purify the
blond:- The -Tonic or Strengthening. Pille are to
Strengthen and invigorate the nerves and digestive or
gr.ths and give tone to the atomachoirall disenscaori.-
ginate from-impurities-of-the-blocul'and -disordered
strnitfieh. This Mode of treating diseases is' urified
hy : an,practleal which,expellence has
taught theM to he the only remedy to effect a cures _Titq_ece_uotonlYrecornmended and - prescribed by
the.most perienced 'My iicteini in . thew daily prac
tice, Jutt also taken by those gentlemen.themselves
Whender alleyfeel - die symptoms of those disc s 3 ce ; in
which they know them to be efficacious. This is the
Case in all large cities in' Which they, have exten
sive. sale., Iris not to he understood that these medi
eines will cure all diseases.. merely by purifying the'
they will not dofib u t they certainly ,
and sufficient authority-of dbily proofs, asserting that
thateittedieinesAtikee - as - reeemm, by thetlit'eci.
tionewhich accompany them, will eure.tiTreat-majo•
city of diseases of the stomach, lungs, and •liier, by
Which imptirities Of the blood Ore occasioned. •
crAtilltfor Compound StCrengthett-
Tonie;lnd Ger Mari Aperient Pipit.
. • Principal ioffieefor the sale.of this mediCine, ;eat
N 0.19 North Eightb.street,Plilledelphia.
' • Alia—Tor sale at the Drug Store &John J. My
carlisle,,aml William Peal, Shippena;.;
NILVRtJN TE f F.THING.---To Mothers -and
urses.—You are kilitire • that there 'are hun
dreds Oftlimie liitle onesthat . you so ilearlylove,who
ere daily hurried. into an untimely grave, from that
distressing malady Convulsions,' . Which ahnost every
infant falls a-prey, to at the time of dentitionf there
fore,-you who are mothers, Mid have the_care of-those
little ones; should applyDr..Paria.'acelebrated Sooth
ing Teething, which has PreseiTed
thousands, when thought:past recovery, from that de
ritractive This invaluable medicine tim al
ways be 'Attained at the MedlearOffice,No. 19. gortli
!Eighth street, opposite Filber(atrect,Thilitilelphia,
:where testimonials of its efficacy can be•seen. '
AorrFor itilefat the Drug StOre of 'John JiMyeralr,
1 :CO:CarlielGra;. 7 • •
CIH I j:D TliEllt
TEETti:L--How ninny theurands - of those little
suffirrers die Annually riord - ilie" creels of. Protracted
dentition ' •APartt"A'ootiiiiAr_.isyropfor,ChiLdreit.,
,Cutting their Teeth. "This .infallifile re:tne4y• 114 -
. pregelvid hundreds of Children': When thottght'.psst
Tee°ke t Vrpto Convulsions... Ae. ‘ 50911 as tho,,Sy; up
on the gums ; the c hild'* 11);' reebveto.: This,
ivreparation la so Pumeetit;,6sl ernotteloUsotnilWpieni
sent, that uo'obild will, refuse to let its gumsberubbed
;with it :'. _i When infinits afWat'an agigbf Ilititconorftlis;
thougli't4ore iontkappearatme,cfc leetif i .one bottle
Syrup ShoUld lie Used on the pins, to cipeil 'the pbres,
rfarents' should suiver,'.he without Syrup in the nut'.
: . 8417'. whore tirtp are ; young
,ehildrer” if tt"ohild
..warat - Pl -- Sia - nigittrUutlit - :painkin -- thevinuc-the-Si=.-
1 / 4 1 WirON** 01',44?"8' - the.Pgreb and.
healing •the gutuo,'Sferehl: preventtng :Convulsions;
reiferaySie. , ; :
Skir sale .9;4 At 19 North Siglithfttuiet l Pio ita-,
r•frrS' ; the Drug.Storo of .11/4is 4. 7 60#1 1 1 est'
Co.; Carlisle; at the store of A. Sieerer.,llarri shurg ;
Dennet liorngardner, York;' and Win ! ' Matluott,
cOlfunbia; •. , • ,Jan; to, 1840,
ENING ',hilt! , GERIVAN APESIFNT 'Ell a:3 are
deed eluOies of people . ; inliiefeOneeto'ollier
I)ECA USE they are prepared from a pure
. rxtract
of hets,(l,wlicillesanta medicine, mild in Its operation
and pleasant in iiSeffects--:the most certain preserver'
of.bealth,'_a Safe and effectual cure of 17/YS PEPSIA •
Or IN DIfaISTION, and• la Stomach Complaints, a
preserver and purl.flet; of the whole system. •
flea ruse tbey,soolhe-he nerves ol sensibifilyand.
fortify the nerves'Of motion, imparting to thew most
subtle,fluiditayristine.totteitluts giimi strength and
clearness of mind.
Because they. - never destroy the Coats ..of the.stoa
mach and - bowels as alt strong purgatives do.
eca se •Amme - Mul'experimMeAeack-ui t' no
mere purgative alone" Will care '.llM::tliseases .of the'.
Stoinach and Nerves. •WeakneSs is the primary, Cause
of a hostoldiseases, and; by P eontinually reiorting td
DRASTIC. purge tip you make the disease muck
thine, instead of better. - ' '•
Beettase Dr. Harlicli's.Medlcines are pattp upon'
thecominon sense kincirde, "to cleanse and strength=
en;" Which. is the only cdurse to vursUelti effect it
' Because these medieines really do CURE the disc
eases for which the are recontmendell.
. PRINCIPAL OFFICE for the United States;isfo,-
ID, North Eighth street ;Philadeltili ia. •
a`j The abore named medicines are for sale at the'
Dr,* Store of .70.11.7 VJ: MYERS FJ , CO., crier
lisle, and William Peal; ShippensbUrg.
And at the store of A, Keefer, Harrisburg; Emmet'
tic Bumgardsier, York; -and Wm. Mathipt, Columbia,- •
Pa.. . , . : [January . 8;10 1 1 •
is it - with - those who_neglect _ their ._ CDLDlS.ond
COUGH. At first you•complairi of hivin g . a cold,
which is neglected ,;, after which a soreness' is expe
rienced in. the, .Bronslda, with a hacking cough, and
finally the' disc-nee:settles upon the-lungs, which; the
patient will soon perceive by a wasting away of the
boilb - attended with hectic:fevers:avid spitting up of
florid blood and matter from • ulcers on the lungs; a '
pain ,and weight is,-also ? experienced at- the, affected
part of the lungs; the functions of the animal economy
groW languid; the body becomes dry ;- tke ; eyessink
deep, within thin: cavities; , at length th 6 patient pays'
the debt of nature, when !leis flattering himself with
the hopes of;a speedy recovery.. TO obviate alttliose
distressing symptoms; • "Spare no time" in procuring,
Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, at
the'very .commepeement. of lyour:coids ASA :_i:oughs,_.
whereby many nights of sweet repose will be pro Cured
and thaw and money saved., and above all your health •
secured. Therefore, nen - lei - ober, l)elays are:Danger-
' The above medicine can always be obtained nt the
Principal Office; No. 19 , - North Eighth street, Phila
delphia ; nnu respective agents throughout the Milted
-Also at the -Drog-Sfoi•e-ofAhn. -.l...llyestEl Co.;
Carlisle; at the stomot A.' Keefer, I larrisburg; Den
net-Bz. Honigardner,-Yorb;.- and "Wm. Mathiott, Co
--et,r,E A NS E - A - NTrST7? ENG T
to - pm-Sue •
In curing diseases, of whatever nature they may be,
is -- ; first-•=4o cleanse and - purify the Stomach - at:Oil:1w- r.
eh by gentle aperients: .secemlly,.to give strength
acid tone . to•those - tender organs by the. use Of proper,
:told Cs: ilnitlerbrtreatiilglliSeasetrislittrsnetr
by.regular - pi:pi-clap3., Which they well, know to. be
the. only course-to:twoit - to; to effect a- speedy and •
permanent cure. • DR. HARLICI - PSTCOMPOUND" •
APERIENT- PILLS are a sure medicine lo effect
this grind object: The German Pperient-Pills ;troth
_eltunisc..-ThelStomocli:outLlntestines,afer which - the - ` , t
..[Compound Strengthening Tonic-Pills - are used to give
strength:Jut:lie:le to those organs which require ten
der -treatment: Nearly two thirds'of the diseases
which we daily behold .are diseaies of the Nervous .
system, and - by_eontintially using drastic mirieral pur
gatives, the stifferer will soon find himself a being too
inuch.refined-tovemain-long-in-existeben.—Full-and •
explicit directions, both in English and German;ac- •
company this medicine.. . •
PRINCIPAL OFFICE for the United States, No.
19 Nortt street, Philadelphia.
cCy•For sale by John,/ Alger* Co.,•Carlisle,•
and also at the store of A. Keetbr,llarrisbum; lien_
net & IldingOrdner, York; Wm. Mathiott, Co-
• - - 11P-OUND /I.4LSawl/__ OF
' • . D. ,
... go
Composed °Nile concentrated - virtues of the herbs
or if ewehduiid,, Boiwseit and several other vegetable
•safistancts. Warranted pure from any mineral what
ever: ' This invaluable medicine is daily effecting •
'some of dm-most astohishilig '. cures-that- have - ever
been known. All who have. used it for natlima,•
-coughs, spitting of bided, whooping' cough, Troop or _
hives,conSumption, chronic-pleurisy, hoaraeness,pain
"and sOiv'aess of the breast, difficulty of breathing, and -
every other disease of •the lungs and breast, can and
do fittest its uselithiesS. Bronchities; a disease wldch .
is sweeping thousands upon thousands to a, Immo. :
titre grave, under the mistaken name of Colisumption;
is 'always cured by it. . The Usual symptoms of this
disease, Bronchities, are Cough, soreness of the lungs •
or throat, hoarseness, difficulty of breathing, asthma,. '
_het:del:ever, a_spitting up of phlegm and matter, and
sometimes blood,' 'it, is au inflammatieni of_the tine - -
Skin which lines the inside of the whole of the wind
tubes or air vessels, which, run through evermuirt of
the Mugs. This Balsam immediately suppressatlia
'cough,. pain, inflammationi• fever -and difficulty of
breathing, Mid produces a free and:easy -eneetora
- tion - und - a - ciire - is - sooneflecteth7 . __ _ ..._
Bead the following letter:frotn- , . . ,
Pittsford;;Monroe co., N0v...0, 1898. - -
111iL Jelin M, Winslew, Druggist, • ' - '' -
;Bear Sir : 1 1 , have - heen for a 'series of years afflict
ed with an affitaionor the Lungs, and a hard cough,
and hive many times arose ' th , die 'Morning as coin- .
plciely exhitusted .Wexeessive-cougliing, during the -
filikt ns a person would -be by it' bard' days labor, - I
havelried most of the popular remedies - of The day,
but never found relief Until 1 met midi your Bataan/
Of Horehound. ' All the abet' remedies orlialatives,
that I have. usdd,-leave'. the bowels in a ' congested ,
slate, whilel'ou'rs leaves them soluble and tree. This
. ' enabler n-great desideratum. On taking a dose of
yo . r Balsam wben bed, I test quietly thro'
th • nighcand-iny-sleep-is-refreshing.--I- take- great
-14 asure•in..rebotrimending 'your. Balsam of li
p lore
ho and to till" those afflicted with pulmonary' corn
' inia. M. - any - disease' appertaining to the lungs;and
t it
' , tfakeilda_optiortunitylo_thaak,y,olkfor.the.grpre-_
lief and : benefit I have experienced through your In.
Istrumentality: - --Youtts r uth-much-rei - -
• , a 7 WM, C,
. ,
For by • • ' ' •
• .
S. ELLIOTT, - Ciiiiisle: •
-A. 3 NQRTH,
Alai) ' Ix Druggists generally throughout 'coun
try. Pace 50 cents per bottle. • • . . '
• Npril 1508.10.-Iy. -• . • : '
113.H.RUMATISM; entirely cured by the use of Dr
Cen - ,ipound Strengthening and
Gerinan •Aperient Mr. Solomon Wilson, of.
Chester eo..En..,:afflicted for two years with:the-above
distressing disease,pf which he had to use his crutch- • •
es for 18 months,' his, symptoms were exaruoiatiag, •
pain in; hialeints, espeinally in : his hip, shoulder;
aiid•ancles,. pain increasing always towards e'venine.
attended iv . nhheat, r•Mr:Milson '
was iit enolline not:
able td'inoye his limbs on. account of -the. pain beings
so eent ;- he.being'advited by'n friend: of his fd pro- -
aure:Dy. Harlich's . pills'of which he sent to the 'Agent.
in West Chester and procured seine ;: 1 on using the
medicine the thiritilay the pain disappeared and his
strength increasing fast, and in three weeks was able ••
to attend tibia tnisiness, vvhicli. he hid ':not dcine'fdry.'
.months;..lB for the benefit, f others aillictel;be wish- ,
esihose lines- tublished that . they may, be relieved,,
and - enjiiy:the pleasiks44 '
Trinotpalnorth . lth: street, Also
for Sale at,;the Drug'. tc.ire - 'of 'John -J.:Wers- ,Also
Carlisle. • • :'•,•••• ";[N9in 20i 1850,
-1110NIALAS 'orthe EFFICACY °IDA% .Ilarliell's
letlitines , llfr: Jonas 'Hartrean; of Stinatieytown,
Pl4,entirel cured of theitbove di seise, Svidelt lie wait
attlieted wi th,,r2r Six "years. -Hia, symptoms were-1,0
sear of ilistnston tunftiPprestinittfter esttinaisties.
',MI, plOn;nt the pit,of the stomach-, nattacaooo of RE
, petite, gid dine ss anti dimness cif algidieatreme detdil
"ty,flatulenoy; acrid erttotsttiOne,' _sometimes somililg,. .
and_ pain in the right side, depmisicat of spirits, ells- .
turbeilrist,ftiintneati;tind no able able pursuttide bust-
: _u rz e i la s t s v ,__ Ltlt A o i t r ilt i_ ot Ha n rk si n lr l ;pi zi r il i p ir y e 4 T 4i h t a n ust tc .t io ci rtj
l g re p ll -70 O ~ :1
ind-hissPliniten'ttliiiieVieformittleiflokthb.alialeteil, - ri;
g . ..elp osli ti g the' wonderful• benefit hereeelved Cram: tlin '''-' 7 V
and tif 'DK Ehrlich% 'CompoundStringtheilhag n aqd -,
,a.Crtnito A'peideitt .rills. c, ‘_'.-",, • ' `,..:. A ... -- -_ -: -;', .. A' ' „
• . ,clatTnval'hia, medicine. can he Aohtsdand at to.
Iti NO* Eighth street opposiCe Eilbektsti•eet Phil- .
adelphm.. , - , , 1 .
.cu.' sale at the'DruF Sthre of John .Ig. Ai l erii st, Co,
Cludiale, Pa, 5 , - ( Nay..2o, 13$1•A