Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 14, 1840, Image 3

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:',,.. BRALD'i&- EXPOSITOR .
bur banner floats pi;autlii- 7 .-corne rally around it;
or flinch from. the contest tillLiccirry's WOll j
',tilt we place- our country lvfiere Jackson ,firs
fonnd it;
. : „Ere nE and 'Vat; thinatc their, follies begUn
. Come rREEMPI! it yet that proudtinle ye.g.iwonld
' cherish; - - • : .
Nor bow down as ,eubjects on slavery's knee;
Come rally! come rullyliet 'those only • > -
Who Paten on aleatzt" 'Mal fear
to be free!
- • `.Eliction pnPrOay; OctoYer‘ 30; 1840.
The Electoral Ticket.
• - . rocr..As the dine for vriniineand distri
-I?uting The Electoral Ticket is near at hand,
hive deemed r - :duty again to-cati
'lion our friends in reference to said ticket;
,t114 . -thak_they niay
.noche deceived, we
lere.subjoin .the ticket - as correctetPby our
Joul..ArinnEw Snutie,-L
.. ' =
s l. L Ads Passmcire,
J lin Priee*Wetheril,
comae - P. Cope; -...' .
, .--... .- onatliaii Gillingham,-
•Al.. : ' mos Ellmaker, . . -,
- ..',"....
Abraham R. Igellvaiii,
-."John K:Zeilin,,_ .. •
..,_.___:.. 5.. Robert Stinsiiii,____:. '
6 William S. Hendrie,
. 7.,J. Jenkins Rosa,
— — B '.7let.T.Frkllitit; ,
, ' .9. William Addams,
- 10. John Harper, • '
• , 11: William Altellvain,. ..
• - . Our:friende,. ' evihj .
. .
j r careful and - see
- ptind with the "above.
.. .
• - •
Lhcofocos fled. • - printi
- Harrison Electoral tic
. names more on than .the law calls for—
"ltu o w rig that* . all such _ tick ets_wou ld_b e
. thrown oat of tlie• box! The 7 frietnis of
Harrison in this state should therefore not
only be careful from whom they get tick
ets,. but should also- take .Isufficient care- to
compare them with the one here published.
;Cumberland County Election!
• The 'Whigs of Cumberland county have .
e• tOvered themselv'es 'with glory. Many
counties have done nobly, -in this hotly
'contested election—but . none have done
better than Cumberland'. ,She has redeem
ed -her pledge to reduce the Locofoco ma
jority tf 1838—she has even gone beyond
and reducett l the Van Buren majority-be
, low what i w
t as. in 1836-,-Isbe• has gone
still further, and elected the. Whig Sheriff
by a Majority of 95.4, Three'weeks ago we
stated our opinion candidly that , we would
.tlie Volunteer assured its Loeofeco friends
abroad that Cutaberland was good for,
• us:- .We did_not deceiie - sour frienda—the
Volunteer Rut, sayi that ,vtrieious
!organ. ,were caught *napPing—we
were beaten by deception and treachery !"
.Such langnage - only adding - to the
deception which that 'organ practiced Ore
-1 Thatily to the .e!ection.," .Their majority
i wit; brought down by an! intruaiSd- Whig.
The -- changes-:against; them - --(whioh
the 'Volunteer. calls .treachery,) produced
the result.' But are men •to be - tetmed
traitOri because thole choose to leave.a
-party that has lost;; moral howdy and
,principles? That seems to he
-tarrying proscription too 'far. And how
'taw the Volunteer say :that they 'were
"'caught napping," whet t - the fief ientilb-
TiOni that in no preceding contest they used
half the, exertions they did the one just
terminated—and never but once .before (in
Ipso) polled as large a•vote. , At the polls
theY.never exhibited better organization or
evinced -pure zeal. They maintained -, to
the very.liet Minute the opinion that they
. 'would` carry the county by from 600 to 800
majority-4pr ..Mr. Ramsey 800 . - Was the
lowest'majority they think of.' They
acltnonledge .now that they were almost
• ..lrrhipped—they are oi„their .hacks as flat
neltituleis ‘ rbirt theLiell• their- frieods a
broad,:watt till -the'4lotlt, Well do better
'then-Van sprep is _ stronger than his'par.
We tell them now, and ..tivetell.our
:friendsand their friends ahrOad',,thet bus is`
At, Oie...vm Ale s *
,Ad.:feoently, give l'r•B*.:
• 1ii40*.V.0249.1?&17 . .0 FROM 200
O'Te r 40'64,
~'i': : ~~t... N
nd county.
12. John Dickson,
13. JohnMcKp . elnui,.. :
.- •
16. NCI. Milldleswarth,
17. George , Walker
118. BerpardConnelly i jr
119. Joseph Markle,
20. J.usnis G. Fordyce,
21. ,I.::' , Al:"T::,NlcKennan
22.•Iliirrriar Denny,.
23. Joseph Wufringtoni
'24. Henry. Black,
25. John Dick. , •
where.l should be
eir ticketi
1n - 'New Yorh:the
ing and distributing
kets with "oneor two
ta'he in if, if our Whig friends all go fo the
, . .
• r • • 1 ,
Whigs ot Cuiritierldno,.oneand dal wh at
say you7-shail we give a Harrison :rnsjor
ity on lhe6oth'of October t We ,need. not
say one word-to the Whigs of Carlisle Ix .
rough, Allen, Eas t PennsborOugh, Mon
roe, West. Penosborongh, ,North. Middle
ton, NeWton, Upper Frinkford, Hopew'elf,
Leesburg District, ShiPpensburg District,
and Upper Dickinsonr-theydidAheir whole
-duty, and will dolt again. Sduili• Middje
ton, too, did very. ..well—but slic,can and
she will db better 4 We, put it-to her pat
riotic sons—won't you? Make out: a Ina
jority for'. liarrson—Say 40--and don't
falPoite'Voie short. ;(Monroe can and will
do bellen—so will .'Carlisle Borough and
District. In Mechanicsburg, Silver Spring,
and Lower Frankford, our friends certainly
did not do their best—try it again : for the
sake of your suffering country—for the
sske of our glorious cause which is - tri-
Umphing everywhere--for the purpose_of
redeerning_thoroughly. and .effectually our
fair county, - we - call 'upon you; Whigs" of
./e.chatueSh - urg,, iver Spring, and Lower
Frankford " rally: once niore, and in a solid
phalanx,'for the-great battle to be fought on
• -
this day two weeks.. Rally inyourstrength
•voter' at home
come In - the polls' every man of you—
DAY'S OUR OWiNi." . • •
. .
j111: . -the biir6m4h - of out. Van
Buren friends'of from
and- Carlisle :District frorn
2,00 to 250.. The 'Whigs claimed from 20i
3te3o__iiirithe„Borptrgh and concidad-tei-Mir 7
opponentS frOni: -15 to 50 in the district.'
Who were right,? The result shows
average ' lig majority i
- -
35, not including the vote for Sheriff, an,
a Vail Buren 'majority. of about 20 in the
district,. Oiir opponents - talk a great deal
about TRUTH.. Tliey had better stick to it
alittle-closerhereafter - anil not talk aboit
if quite so much.
can't help saying that the Whigs
of E. Pennsborough, Allen, Monroe,,Kortli
Mitldleinti,•-and all the Upper Districts are
noble fellonre. •" One .fire more bO;ys,"
mind that. ' •
Old West Pcrrrtashor•oah
This staunch Whig township. behaved
nobly on the 13th ! They'rednemed every
promise made their brethren ; and it cer:-
tainly be called the - OLD. GUARD
of :this district. We believe, however, that
it caii and will incre4se its majority on the
30th. Steady, then, and let your motto
be, .”11.1!, GUARDS,. AND.AT THEM •
l;r MR. M'KINNEY; Locofoceo; is elected to the
Legislature in this a •- • majoritruf 641 - votes
over Dit. WEAVER, whig. We were cheated out of
votes encrugh to have defeated him..
S,•Dunlap Adair,
The ilcitep . olled,by this.gentleman in the
borough and county on Tuesdayldst, must
Certainly be gratifying to his feelings; and
shOws conchOively that The Whigs of Old
Mother Cumberland have the fullest colifi
deflect, in his'plents, zeal, and :hitegrity.- 7 ;
11.-s ‘ Mmintin'g him, the" convention had no
- i,ipe - of his success, their: objeet,beini mere
ly to reduce the Majority of his opponent as
mach as :possible atfd tht Locofocos, in
their arroganee, .6oasted . that" they would
1;e able to hat him from 2300' to 2590 !-
- iliirbliiilii"Ce -, l66r7reile — ene'clilieirpra - 4 ,
Let the; state . : of the .Polls anawer.
Instead of a majority of 2500 in the dititriet,
we have kept it-'below ; and in this
county—our turn' Democratic Cumberland
.--where they claimed ;KO, their 'highest
Majority, is 186 !„ This result is most node
tifying to Mr: •Ramsei and 'itie• friends, es
-their boasts and!, prdictionti have all been
falsified. .. To - secn re - a - majority - for - Mt:
Rainsey in the borough,' fraud and perjury
u'rere resorted to, Monek - equandered
liberal hend„and promises • and . threats al
ternately used to conciliate or • ititimidate,i
But. they, availed• them nothing:: Mr.,,Adair.
beat Pamsey in the
Although the 'Locos
,had the. Assessor and
the Ju dge, and : vvere. confident of : carrying
the borough by from.solo . we, have beat
them easily 'and handsomely; f .
.The Whigs of. the borough 'and county
hive acquitt9d the ousel ves*obly...lallantly!
They have &Ufa every thing they.proinised •
to do. To _them wo . say, falter.' . not ! re
pose- n ot-now -- uporryour—hard—earn ed he
nors: but on the adth, ewe, lip'tii - it . again
like men, and we are ce i rtain of carrying
Old Math'ir Cuniberland for Old Tip.
The Volunteer,,gives a feeble' shout
for Maineettout . which seen* to:stick
in its throat, howerr,er.:-.;•atitt asserts. r.
, that M
Fairfield has been rre-eleete'd, alihough; he
sayisohere lore two or ihree. 01411 tosvne
Yet to IPas, You say .
shout. Maine, ..neighbor,:,o4 better ; 'and ,
your ; friend. hf? active, end 6 1(4
herd i r '• l ,l*-*444 14 ** -44444}14 4)
shire. C4rfkd Maine; indeed! ir
.notdot illn minate'iOri tied '4:itiarterel.' We
Tharp !hailing ti!aa' liaire'bei4i done, ip
'c' . : , : . s.i.l:::z,,':' :iT.P;)::::.:*:.*:*‘..4:-0.:,::.:.:;:g.,5.-.0i'ii•,*.E*...0...*;••
cage. FOrfiebre re-election.: • comet f .let
the drums beat merrily and the caddies be
lighted up. : Surely you ire.'now " - out of
the 'kende," • ' •- '
1000 Guns for ie Old Sew
stone ;State:
We have detained our paper_ two -days
beyond the:_ usual Period for the purpose of
laying before our readers the Official Re
turns froth CUmberiand eatutty—and as
much' authentic information from' other
counties as ( posaii4. What we,' publish:
our friends and the: tnay rely upon
as nearly -correct. It is impossible y_eLte_
say; en Which !•side: - , thO pop - liar majority
will - be—;-but - we ~bdve. heard .enough to
make it Certain that we have itlicemedthe
State Senctie,:liaving'gained senator in.
Lancaster and- York, 2 in Chester, Dela
ware San d-. Montgomery, and ,1• 'in
This-secures the - Senate, giving Z - 9 Whig
to 14. Van, Buren thembOrs., the HOuse
-;Representatives yet .ablutely_
certain—but we have every reason to be
Heve that we have carried electing_ .54
'members. We' , lkave lost _one Congresi,
- man: - TORY -- 1 - NPEASDLL, as- Wit ex-
POP - tedrignig-elelec tfinelected DisTriCT
—hut have.Certaltily gained one Congress,
malt-in Bucks, which:balances the:
and report says we have carried the Hun--
tingilion and Union Districts, electing laving,
in the former and Minigni. •in the.latter.
ReCollect-we-have only report for this, ImV
we__beliey, besides
.expect to elect LAWRENCE &Cr Leelj
..ii•Mashington_cettinty.-- 7 -Frornievery-sec '!
lion_ the
.re.turns : show that • were not
.deceived in our. calculatiOnti;- except- in,
Philadelphia city and l . county, where - the
did certainly fall far short , of their
Auty. •
..We .ought at - least
4500 majority, and the Locos have beat
en. us 15 votes: If •ive los . e they, state OW
Whigs or:the city and county may take all
the credit to themselves. .One thing is re,
duced to a certainty. ']'he returns prove
conclusively that PENNSYLVANIA
oroug i o
30TH OF THIS NION'PH:— Let es - gitT
1000 cheers for the Old Keystone—she
deserves it. • • '
The following are all the returns receiv
ed that can - be relied-"on :
Philadelphia city,
1)o. county,
Bucks, (on Senate 613) ' 246
Chester, • . .589
Defa ware,(on Senate 653) 560
.1 .
Montgomery, 800
Huntingdon, - . ~,, . 1,81.7_... -- -.I •
Lehigh, • . 4 ,'' -d f--,P, -.... . ,
t. .
On Senate ,171 Whig;)
Lancaster, f„...."
' .3,760
Lebanon; • '-- - -,, 54 - 4-
Dauphin, 522 •
Juniata, ' • •. .
Mifflin, • •
... . ' 570. '
Adams,s66- ,
. ,---
Allegheny, , r - 2,740
Bedford, -; 150 .
Mart liamptothl ---
Huron, . • " . 870 '
York, <...
Northumberland, " ' - -
Creme ' '" •
Somerset, . "
liVestmoreland; ."
Glorious News from.the.West!•
- `'Extract ola letier from Pittsburg, dated,'
Wedneaday.,k.o'cloek, A. M.
"We' have . carried Allegheny for Ittwm,
Congress by 2766. The Legislative tick-.
et not heprd from, but it_runs nhead of ir
-Nvi tee-vote-1n - 0:1-the- districts - heard - fronr.-
The average majcirity for it will be about
3,00%-and•old-Ttp'sOn the 30th - 4,500;" -
• -
10" Returns have been received from
Jeffursort- county, Ohio, giving Comiin a
majority -of 77; in 1838 Shannon's majori
ty ‘Uaer,s94.' •
The People° eve where Triumphant:
:New Jersey. . .11C: G.
The following newa frpm NEW JERSEY slioive
that the state is certain forTipliud Tyler by a large
majority • .
' Esser, 1700 gain 800''may. - gain 253
Merter, . 425 maj.. gain
- Salem, • . 120 ; • •
' Cumberland,
GlTTMeester, - 595 Pitt 297-7:
Soinerset,' • " .1 . 24 t • '
-Monmouth (in part)
Passaio,: -
Middlose*, goo
Hudson.:, • 194
DEt4WARE, 'OWE FOR' ILtitits'ort...4he
elfin for Ilispeelora in the state of Dela
w n 'Ttiesdayi Aisulted in a great, tri;i
uiftlilt for 'the Whigit.'att, ,sitited yester
'day. Every county Was, severely contest.
ed. and the largest vote polled eVeti know#'
in. the , state};;, l'ha - ,'followine are' the coin.„ l
pieta returns from the. hree counties:, . ••••
, • , • , 1840 •,• 808
'Newil 4 o l .o 4l roP ll ,l:: sc V: EL miti•
Kent, • - ,assk;Whig dtx Be"
Whig majority
'Whig " 110 !111..' 'St
2,505 intij
Van Buren
9,520 maj
- 300
" 1,600
gain ,St
Baia►-100 ,
gain WO'
Whigs: ,whole. Union,
RYLANI), THE . 1 1V.111,4NCHE,
The rastilt ot The election in Maryland
*on Wednesday, the 7th'inst., shows that
the Counties in the State stand, thus on the
Presidential.. amnion b
Counties for Gen. Harrison:
Anne Artindef," •
Montgothery, '
Prince George's,
St. 'Mary'e;
Cecil, •
Queen Ann's,
"Wei.Coster, and Annapolis city.
ior. Pan Buren.
Talbot, _and _Baltimorei city by the
meagre 'majority of 192 votes, and this
only secured by a battalion of troops from
the. Yen Buren grand army,hrought in and
quartered amongst us. • •
We have far. underrated. itr It is • in‘
nitely more complete and -glorious- than-we
dared to hope.for or
.to describe . it, See
the returns froin -- - - Sonierset! See, h6w.
with a'single. majestic stride, she takes . her
ancient - place'',Wl the very . fihiffiiiik Of the
Whig line. -Listen to. the earthquake voice.
Of Old" Dofchister ! Hear • the tones ;of
-t h u n ich—Wo reester_proclnint s_the_
line& of Loco FoeoiStril John
district against the world ! Twelve hun
dred' majority in three counties! Fifteen
hundred__ majority on the. Eastern Shore!
:Thirteen hundred ..inajority,-at least in Je—,
nifer's -district: One-thcinsand ,majority
in Wm. Cost Johnson's. - -- 4t.deeided Whig
Majority inTraneis Thomas'. Three hun
l.dred -'Whig. - majority -irt . - the . district :bow
.by. Philip Francis .Thomas
overwhelmed except
•*. •
-7-'he-zoil 4. 3'uard z alene_eacup he ehrthguedce,'
the midst . , of _crumbling "states' and
dissolving dynasties, he 'has the:consolation - .
of - 1 nowing - that./tis constituents are still,
in softie degree,- faitlifpriiiil immovable..
Fortunate representative! Happy•consti
tuency ! Missouri . and Iral ti more coin) ty !
John T: Wo rthington and - - Thiubes
Ilart Benton I• •
_ .
Again we say—Whigs of the - whole
Union ! open to the right and left and make
wax_for old 'Maryland, the Ayulanehe'State'
. Maryland . Popular Vole.
The . follerving table exhibits the poi - I'3lllr
vote ofMaryland. the ree'enCeleotion.—
We havee - taken the highest vote on tbe
Delegate ticket Of each party, and we have
added the vote. on the
last year. •
• . - • Legkiture: 1840. CO , gr en, 1839.
• IV. L. F. W.L. F.
Allegany, 198 1109 931 • 99 .
Annapolis City; • - 170 148. 154 159
Anne Arundel Co, 1378 1327 1287 1254.
Saltimore•City,- 7108„___7295 6608.
Daltimore•Co. . 1673 2339 1019 , 1983
Calvert, • - •
.496 369 432 '357
Caroline, • . 683 591 583 '6o7
Carroll, - 1514 1607 '. 1234 1374
Cecil, 1391 1366 1144. 1333
Charles, 807 - 518 770 . 5Q')
Dorchester, 350 maj. 165 msj,
Frederick, • . 2935 2709 2429 2412
Hurford, • 1274 - 1292. 938 1236
Kent, 130 Maj. ' 615 , 475
'Montgomery, 1039 731 912 699
Prince George's,, . 727 402. 780 696
Queen .A.tine,,s, . • 773 ' 698 643 _ 716
Somerset, •• • 514 mal. 1024 963
St. Alary's, 500 maj. -102194.
Talbot;:_ ' 7_13_ 7 _.7_40 -,L65.9. 70(
Washington, 2349 2237 " 1927 2945 I
Worcester, , 313 mnj. 1063 854.1
28025-..... , 25478. , - 25 48--25960
-25474 25038
Whig majority now• - 2557
L. F. sr. livlt year 912
Whig gain 3,469
It wiliqie ' seen'by the above, that the
Whig majority is now 2,557 votes, which
ie equal_to 16,000, majority in. Pennsylva
nia. In November, - When we come to vote
directly on the Presidency. Maryland wilt
nearly double the presentmajority, making
it 5,000 for Harrison-and • •
Georgia is
rrnaturns from 64 ocittnilesin GeOrgia show a
'The: s reptainint , counties will not materiath• di.
minish this majority.. ThE Loca6coselaireed Geor
''gii a 3 eeitain thirVau.• Whit say they now? 14 2 4 1 , 3 ' s
Maryland and Georgia-32 Electoral cotes—all lost
toVAWsvithitifour weeki. Van, Van, Van! VAN'S
xtract of _a ester from
a gentlemann in this city :
"ASHLAND, 23d Sept. 1840. .
adhere the opinion
by me iisveral_ 'Months ago. that Mr. Vial
Buren will not obtain the Vote's of
f snore
thatt.six states, in the:Unkin. '„ Pvery thing
that' has, since occurred-=every election.that
hincithlec o - taken =pliee'i , tefilletto strengthen
atM Cfnifirm` OP thalii 6'W:tastes. Maine
afitr o
et"- dilunt: with confidence iiiii*".'-either 'of
them in Nt:weather. " ' ' •
m ,eon
era yOurcti
frpin tliterint,t4eio; will
4/%43,1011/ling '
With"iotiit.taritici; truly;
Froirithe Boston
The final issue of the-all-important ap
solntely, finally and definitely settled.—
There are bat three states from whichr - wer:
can learn any thinglartliet preVious to their
voteorfthe final Georgia, Petin - -_-,
sylania, and Ohio, In_New Jersey, it Is
true, Mere is to bean election for the choke
of a Legislature, but as in matiy•counties
there will b_e .no.contett,-no . sure test•of-the
strength of parties can' be deduced from ,it.
With these exceptions,:therefore; we have
-tested-our T-strength • in -every state where
. there was to bean election previous' to the
chi - 460:4)f Electors; We etur. , hiiiii,:-there-;-
fOre, - .look back over, the History of the elec.-
lions- that.have- - taken place since the nomi
nation. of-General - flarriami, and learn from.
them - IW - unerring 'foreshadowing - of :the
final' issue. W hat 'a cheering; what an en-.
enuraging • and invigorating view - -do they
present ?-. What a certainty do they . afford
of-the sure triumph of .correct -principles,
the substitution of the true , for the falsede
mOoracy, and the rescue of the conatrylrem
-the cruel thraldom under which • it has shi-.
-fered-for-thelast ±twelve--,yearol-1-We--can
perceive, let-the doubtful states vote as they
.may, that not only is General Het! rison
certain of all election„,hut by •it larger pro
portion of the Electoral College than any .
['resident. ever •reeeived..', If these States
vote for him, Van -,Buren can hardly:Tab
tain the vote of a single state.; 'Taking the'
_popular Vote of the states whereThere:have •
been eldeticiiis since March .last as a. test
of their vote in November, we have the I
following results, .setting dowd as doubtfu
slate where the vote could hot he definite ,
ly -ascertained.
Now Hampsitiro,.
Vermont, - 7
Conneetieut,:- 8
Delaware, Cl'.‘ 3
Maryland, 10
Virginia. 23
North Carolina, 15
Kentucky r _
•Missouri T...
.Of'ihe States , that remain to vote.befere .
November.,:there can be no doubt that Gen.
Harrison mill receive the vote of each one,
except . South, carylina, w high we : do: net
include. because therc is, no 'contest there.
.Maryland and Delaware have spoken clear=:
ly enough' Pennsylvania and New Jer
sey, while,..Georgia and 'Ohio . can speak
for•thentselves. • .
_ This leavos holy theYStatea of Massa
chusetts, New York, - Mississippi; Ten-tics
see, Michigan' and Arkansas. As to, our
owh State, no. one cam' crite'rtaiu a :sober
luta for a moment: for HarrP:
son by thousands. The Empire State has'
, not for ,three - yeang swerved for a moment
from the true Republican path. - and' is also
I seal - hien overwhelming majority. -2 Ten
nessee we regard as Safe for' usrbeyond a ;
doubt, and also Miehigan; in Witielf State
the I.meos have. left:the the ifndis.'
putad possession of HoUrardohe Whig
candidate for Congress.' Mississippi and
Arkansas;must both be regarded ,as
ful until after there .111iti been, an election to
• ord_soMe_test_ofAheLstretigtit;of-parties
there. 'Adding- ih, dierectirit; the &yeti
States :that remain; ihto the. table' above,. it
will stand: , ' • ' .
enry Clay to
I 13 - 8 tt,tes,
We* Jersey;
, 8
." - r=4; )
00$ ,
IL wilt be !keel) inns it / 3 4ma
keteivett the viite
-ifigtetiedctii'it - att , uottuttpi btitt , , bo g '
_ _
Returns of the 'Oeneral*Election Ctrnberland
o.cTontn 18 0 1840. •
BSI. Dunlap . diVair.
William S. 'Ramsey,
• ' • Assisinr.Y.
Jacob . FPiaver, •
A. Smith McKinney,
John Zimmerman,
- Gearge
fViiehael Mishler,
1 / 4 11,id 4111Z, ._ _,. _
Benjamin Peter,
Robert Lard, ° -
Samuel Williams,
- Jacob Bretz,
Charles Bell,:
Jaime Reed,
Whit ia!raidates
Nor. VB
5 „.. •
15 •
'Bar; V. B. - Doubtful.
. .
. .
. . .
r - . x. w - ri . 1 1‘ , .. = _.-
* 4 7 •a , ." hz • • cr •" ' = . N •..
= - . • . .. •
. - • . cr - . . • o
'• - -,' , al o = .
=,, • .
. ell
I •....
• '7BO
• 802
. 94
t 33
260 10 : 138
267, 85 '136
200 100
207 102 - 200
, .
788 360 95 267 83 140 71 219,
702 413'7 82: 205 103' 198'." 216 1-63
_7Bl- 361- 95 -266 83 - 135 67.
798 467 .
783 :365 04 . 265 'B4 134 68,, 218
791 460 82 207
_lOl 203 230 163 '
708 361 - (15 268 -83 136 64 220
• 798 466 'B2 204 10,1 203 230 163
787 ,4 1 362 96 - 324 114 148' 68 -512
7,74' 456 ' 81 145 ' 08 185 214'. - 159
defeated 135 i the imnienei.Majority:orAnore.
WO 'T*o livrlorttii in We efectoial College.
11-he does itot recekie theirvotes, rejec
. lion-will be *test unanimous on the .part
of the'States.. and . the - verdietLof popular.
condemnation will be the most crushing
-and-ignominions of. any on lecOrd in the
annals ql free governments.
, --k
. •
Esitt .oa.'_oll cases of Yuji: or,
Weakness, whether at be. chronic: or recent-- , wlaeth•
or 'it be deafness, or pain in. the side—Whether it
arise fromconstitutionsal,..or from some immediate
cause—whether-it fis.-.llmm. internal yof
jury, it will be cured by persevering in the use of
.lirandreth's Vegetable Universal- Pills—buenuie
.porginewith these Pills Those humors from the body,
is the true cure for all these complaints and 'every
other formof disease. This -is ':no mere assertion,
it 4'o stemons;rable truth.„:aual-eachdaE emend
-jog itself far, and widelt. as latv3oining . fitm - am fatid'
more and more -appreciated. •
• When constant exercise canpot be used, fiom an
cause, the occasional use.ofitopening mealeemes;gfila.
Itti one as-Brandreth'i Vegetable Univernal
absolutety . required: : , Tin k s the conaluits.of the Tkooo,
the fountam of-lifa.,arc.kept free from those impuri
ties which would prevent its steady vaarreal minister
ing to health. , Thus - morbid humors- are :Prevented
• from becoming, mixed with It is nature which is
thus assisted through:the means and millets which she
haiprovided for het:self.
Remember. these Pills are not sold genuine at any
Drug Starei either in the City'or country• -
Purchase them in CaMiale ,of Gso. W. lirrarn,
or of a enta üblished in anorbsr_part_ollthispaper_
• - - -
". 1. 111ARRIE124
On the Ist inst., by Friends' ceretriony,
-ativabella Furnaee:,--Chester
J. MILLER MCKIM, of Philadelphia, to
SAttmi A. Sn.:Mtuntioiattgitter_of_Micajah.:
SP9skman, of. Chester eopnty. • -
VOn the . 24th ult., by the Rev: D. P:
Rosen full ler,- Mr:- IlErinir
Miss ELIZADETII BLOSSER, both of this
leOn• Thursday last,-14 dhQ Re,. Henry,
AurUnd,-- r.-- HENRY - HERIU!).,N, 1.0 MISS
CATRARINE MEALS, all of Mains county.
• . DIED-,
. ,
. ,
j/In this borough, on Sunday evening last,
after a short but painful illness, in the 20th
ydar of his age,. Mr. JAMES AND E RSON, se
cond son of Mr. William Anders On.. • '
As‘jy,neeship Account.
Whereas Joe:•-•Whisler; Assignee of Joseph Mot -
"ser, did on the 12th day of "August, A. 13. 18.10_, - file
in --the_ Office of the I.!rathonotary_ of _the_Court-of
Common Pleas of Cumberland county; his act:cunt
as Assignee of the said Joseph llossert Notiet. is
hereby given to all' persons .inferested, that - the..141 id
court have appointed the first-Monday. of Noveml•er
Term 18 - 40, (being the 9th) for, the confirMation .of
said account. • .. •
Ppothonotary's.Office, • •
---- Ca4lOrr.9 4 4?tlCl• C. • •
.I.N . s6igri . c;' . oii) *count.
' Whereas Davidkenelver, A:sliignee of Jorpl-
Hoover, did on the liltlr day of August, A. D: 1840,
file in the Office the Prothonotary of ,the COtirt of
Common Plias of cumberlatitreeunty, luy accotiot as
Assignee of the said - Joseph Hoover:- -Notice is here
by given to all interested, that the said court have
appointed the first-Monday - of November Term 1840,
',being the 9th) for. the eonfirroation or said account.
• • --LGEO., • SAN_DEILSON,_Pti 3 Oth!y..__
Prothonotaryls,Officei • .
• elirlisleo:ktober 1840.'S • -
.N •
Thera wilhbe exhibited in - this h 0...
• o gli, - aboutthe . laet of thiti month; at
floose of C..• Atatifatlaoe; tt
4. 1 11 4 p lot of 6 4 0 .L.MUL ES. l c h i th
be offered for: tiiite..• • -„' ~
„• • • - 1.....61ACK.LANE.
Oct. ;14,1840.• •
. .
, • . ~ . .
.. , • , ..
11 h TbTICE 4 i s het;eli s yOr.en that Letrhra of Aclinhi.
IU - istration on the estate of jiteob.Goodheart, late
of-•Weit •Pennsborot . townshisi 'deceased - ; have been
issued to the.suhscrliter in due form of law. .. • - .•
. *. MI persons having accounts with'sald ..dee'd.,itre
r Uestedto_presensttens-ta-the-attbseribei--properkr.
'nut entioated.fik ietttssoent, and thnise ittdehted' to
!mike' iinirS'edlalt
eayntent,', - , • -, ..., ~ ', . ~.. t • - .
_ ,
DA14.0 ri.1.44;.:
••••• , .
O ct tp.' ~, : -•),,: .: •• '.
~ , , . ,
Oct 16, 1640:---61 • S .. -. , :.; , ','
Notice' -.. •
r ......." • .. •
The toembers or the 'Union Ste qoutpany of thb
rhirough of Carlisle, together with.iiiiy others who
may math to beaortio nienthero, are requested , to *tett
aCtiniTowo . said 'itorotrth, .Siituettaf- the
sClth day of Outoberloat4 at roil : look oktai
taifeeeofiritairtititee to said ootopaoyi ,
4 .4 .
rteit ion' or' Dia•toors
4 ''-ejtatostoc Here, 'Z -
- • • Oat' 13;1840. A .
atieulon'tl4nti election . will he held et thti 11nk.
'itokHgiteuiroe the titled Aianday of 3 Noveratike:eesti,.
(being the I6Ah day . of the month). Alytepli
reeteraltf:iteie '
AVIV. §,,.1;941,'4441:4-
sa 133
los • 2.02
- • H •
r 'N ..
117 62; 146-4446
7,5'.-67 132a.-2_62ff
. ,
fl 7 49 . 145—.2453
119 56 100=2485.
71 63• 114--2549 - 'b * --
78 69 139-2921 '
116 53, 156-2481
73' 64 113=2573
117 -.:53:.•14.6:44;453
116.. :54 147-2456
75 ''6s: 127-2594'
116 53
75 67 129-2610
115 • 48 145-2551' A
74 •72 132-2459 •
- Sontheimee .Br_ Lindauer;
—Altliiir - Nejk i sinre in - ketdrevige, have just , turl
cei‘eil and are opening n verffiargeand.Rderalid
-assartrtint-0L131113:L511,4711.8.WH and POMES;
gio R V a.B) Aiiii,4.',
whielt have been selected with muebteare in the cities
"or N-M1 YORK Laid ILADELVIII A, and-which . -
they respeettelly invite the citizens of, Centreville,
and vicinity' to call and exantitle;aitliey Will be
bled to please, and sell decidedly cheaper than any.,
other establishment iu the. enittity. 'll4 will be .
ltoppy . at. sce.custontormwhe are tlesirbuk
itvog, .
New Cheap uu9 Gotid'
Among their stock will :'be litund Elite, ,
Brawn, Green Olive, Cadet, Mulberry, bahlia.
Ton, Claret, Mist Dra), antritkeltriety of low priced'
• - ' (.O il l 21 Ct •-• -
Superior striped mac Plain Londt•in and Buckskin
Caminteres, premium and- low priced Sattinettm'su-'
Devine Silk - "SIAS ti, Velvet, VI! !curia; Ctirdetl,44;ri
ed, Figtirec. d and Cussitnern
Veal tigs. etteralltwrtntellt of all_ qualities and'
colors of ' - 0
, Fall. neat -Went cte_ Getts: - .•
oultaiile- (lir Gentlemen** wear. StMeitio r Brick,"
lialiun Ltitestriugs, Eros ])e " Na pe, To 1)e S wai t
.Gros 1):: Swiss, and Sclitliaw SUN Clialk'ys, Chita
x,eo, Jacennets;Catatnies, Bobliiiietts,,Plain and ..111=1
F urec ss and Book itluslins,Bliawls,,-Dresa ,
11 anti ke re iefs, Searfs,'Neils, Ribbons, IT:Lb:7
large and — civellidd assortinent ortne and-lo
priced Culicues, Irish, Table, Towelling and' * ruble
Diaper, 'Crash mu4ina, Tickings, 'Cheeks,
Beaverteens, &Y., A gelyernl assortment. of Leghorn
and Sfraw 13 otuirt*, UmWe.)las,
,un eitensfre ussOrttnefat'.of
• • "7"• - • •• '
(roceries - a nail qtteens ware.
of lice
tnost.apprnred Qualities. 'clie„-publjeTare re:
spectfully intned and ju.lge fo theinselres as
they are determined to sell cheap hr cash or eatio,trj•
produce... TAVERN KEEPERS tire k ; espccifulq ,
invited to Fall and examine 'their Stock. of -I,iquors
before purchasing elsewhere.
Centreville, Cunt. Co., October 14;f8TO,
WILL be exposed to Public Su le, on the premixes;
hr Nilestperitisbui•ougli tmiialiiii.eturtherlind 'County,
on Weilnesdatthe 11 qi .day Vol November Rezt,itt
.Itl o'clock, A-. AI., viz: •
• • •
and, Limestone Lund, on whichis 54'04:Led
1•0•641t0 UST, •
•: 4 ) , 1111:1? Lo g Barit
Tnere Itt3llba ttiirtn•elnii:ev fazit'iate Odctiai
of primefenit;:also a first - tAirinicof, never (lining
water; adjohnn; lands of Nathan Woods . ; Bear,S;ites
and others. -'reroiswill =6-sAnadi:_-kuoiYo_otilday"
ite: • , •
. .
. JO:ill NiuK MILO,'
• • •Eiecu tor of .;11tvt McKtan
October 1-1 - 180 -' -- :-.- -:.; *** •' ' .;........:_,_
___ _ ....., ......._......
Valuable, 'll7an7lrard . Pr9irelly : -.
• . PON 'SigniiiE., -. , -.• , • ..-.
_. .
. ~..
• 04:moniki_tti6.-._otirrzr November 'text; et .10-O '-
clock, 4. M., will be kid ut public sale; on the' ke t :
mises r in the borough of Carlisle,„Cumberland eoun
ty, UM large and commodious . . '- • • -
. Tan Ya-i'd
.itude Uri die norX eazt eornri. of TaMther a.sti 'East..
streets, bounded on Alte.east by' the t...etart - bitring,', 7 . ;
r and (Mille north by lot 'of T. C Ifrill . ;f: eq., Contalq-, ..
; 1 4 two 'Madrid and aitty feet - in' fiYint,aud one.baiii.'
de.ed and - twenty in depth, more or' less, beNngini:
to the estate of David S. Forney, dee'ib,having tl,llO-'" ,
- cm erected a large' ------'' -, - . .-. ...;,..' --- ;,7, - , -- •
„.—?___:--,%.......:....--...... , ,,W,.
1411. P,., ,
11. I
''' V 's AII I IN alit ;kg 'A 0 ii 4 Se - .
a .Tiv) . Siori...Sta22 .Vhdshing 'Shop; aAartitt Two - ,, : ,
,5i. 0 ,. - j,:',Lt r i e k Denim House; a large 1: rarne Dark. nod ?
• Mill Ifense,-wish. n. - Bark - ,Still,-fn it.-There -Ore -,
forty ' fottr . lay.4oays and one pool in IlieTardi Ave:
.handlers, tliree I i mes,and one bate in the beam Inmee,.. •
an :2 k(blti well °riveter lathe-kitchen door. • There :: •
- ii; I alto be sold at the same time and pl4oe,49uan.
.. ,
lit !of Chesnut. and Black Oak. bark;tiigetber .* *itlt l , •
some• Tanner's 'tools; Bce. The Pr operty - ia in,t;od . ,, ,
• orger L entlin a' esrytt esi mu& situation fol. a Tannery,,=„,
or a prtvide diiielling, -- , -- - Feeble of sale will, be "made:: •
' known ou the day'Di • salti• and any information 'will':
be given bout the rrnperty before the day of sale by -
.; . , , , 54r,0..w. stIe.AFER,2 4 ,,„.. ~,...,..- -
.•:,,. , •.. JACOB SllltO .1, . • S•. "" 77 ::. • ,
Car/i51e.11at..14,184 , 1_ - ... ~.. ..
. -
• ....
.6tir lydzto)w.. - •
TalteCnoti . e'e tritd"wCi . c6e tci ititikt* cie r
the COurt of COrrinion-Pleas- of- blumberlindtoinda.;-
for the benefit ol the insolvent Laws of thistlantallon-1,,,
wealth, and They
nee t,,.
appointed... Monday the 9/kt/di'.
qf ..Vavmtheenert„ for the hearing qUr
credliore:'ut the,Courttliiuse, in the borough of Car.'
title; wintii •
odd tthere may attend, d .You think
•E' .
liroPer• • , .
October 74140%;•;•3t
aCaea r (9/11%` ? :" •
/ f ail/417in
'lll - ,ETTERS Pr A alllNlSl'liATlO'N'tii+ifus
tite'nfqqAtTZiki i ; late'-orlittisipennehorditighra
tbwashij).pyinbirliod:'opp . 3o:;Afeih: have been
te',Ofe seissati,kilixam in ihectunu township
Tst s tieithy given td all those. intlebteil tn., said •
tq e se• make inMtediata'payraent(suid ,tho44lnt
tag claims against 441 estate to presentAFtstfpolls,:;(7;'..--,:,
eFkr authenticated for avtilauseet.,
F 4 OK!Pgjrlico 4 n erii 410
I lek - ' 4 t 4 tl ;
7.4 1%