Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 07, 1840, Image 3

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    ,lA4kio.* ll # W6::Ci11iA0.09.40140r11
:T'- '7 ;:.HER • 4 I I , D -. :47EXPOSITO&
..%:••• . .,Q;Ax..vis . .Lig.;
• . .
our l ba . iMer floats prondly.;--cOme rally around it,
flinch from she contest .till Lan,r.wrv's woli
'Till 'we place our country where Jackson 'first
found it,
'Ere at and VAN emu* their 'follies begun!
Come rner•MEN ! 'yet tbat proud name you would
Nor bow down as iukecte on slavery's knee;
Come rellyle:priae rally.flet fin:l,6o6ly perish
. 1966 'fawn on a tram Ind fear 10, be free! • .
• • .•
, GVN: HA-11,1tISON,
MON:: 4011 br TYLER,
The ilinees Of the edibit - Will - a - ccount
for - any seeming lack of attention -to :the
Ara ld of this week ; next week he hopes
to'be able to resume his' duties as usual. -
Ther-attestionJsCPur,-,readersjit- --431.-
• rectedto the communication , in another part
,of our paper, signed "A 3roter." -•
00116R - SPIIRIOI3 I3
friends throughout
. the county and district
, are eautioneo to be _on Moloch out for spu 7
lidos tickets:' rhe Locofocos , will stop - at
nothing lo retain power, . They anticipate
a Maine defeat, and will resort to forgery
_ avid the. calamity. The Republican /nig
Tickets will be ready for clelive4 a this
4fce Pr. idaxnext.
"The I'leetink on Thraisday.,
Itlr. Daces Address. ,
The Whig meeting held in this' place on
Thursday_ last"was very numerously often-,
notwithstanding the inelemencY'of the
weather. : Abdul; o'clock, P. M. ihncinn-
, panyt assembled at the Rail Road Depot,
where the Blacksmith was waitingto ad
• areas them, and •gave him three hearty
cheers. After the organization of the meet
- ing, and :some introductory:iemarks
the 11011. - .CIIARLE II B. Pramosz, in. which
he took occasion to repel the base slanders
Which have ipeen . ,,,charied, upon this peran-'
- eiited' and extraordinary.,,man, ,111 r. BAER,
:• - appeared, anil-.Mide - hisbow to the midi
' 'enCe. In persOnaf appearance, the Black
smith is a Very linekeye; with an open;
manly, good humerisd countenance, which
of itself gives the lie to his traducers,'end
finds him friends wherever there arß i men.
Before he commenced his . address, he read
two or three anonymous letters, which' he
:received whilst in ShiPpensburg, and sup
: posed to have been written,by a .Petty of
. • • fice'holder in this place.• He then took up
a-late.number of the American Volunteer,.
read some extracts from it, and paid a well
merited, compliment to its editor, 'for his
- share of the "abuselthrled at him. The
Blacksmith thi3n tookllff his coat, and went
at it - in real western style, holding forth to
. .
, _...__ll_ , dalighted audience for nearly twohours;
Ahyingthe people the rottenness of
li to '
, -., the piesent corrupt, administration, and
~ . ..r. giving some terrible home thrusts to its
. , , partizans. , Mr. B's. fame as a popular pe.'
!ideal speaker biting priceded him, every,
- I one was anxious to hear hiuv, and he leas,
1 listine&to with great' attention
,: _being re
-'-'-.' .peatedly cheered during 'the :course of his
: remarks. We itere, nova little disappoint
• ' 'oil in the man; and those who heard him
.__..._. , ~.
- will readily admit that he is one of the best
*tamp . . ,
speakers it has been their:fortune to
.., ~..listen t 0..,. In ready humor, biting. sarcasm„
!pick repartee, and sound argumenterheis
...... unsurpassed by the most polished speakers;
- andihn-adlierenta.of : thes 2- National - Admin --
: iatr,ationfdt the force of the facti which he
spread before them, and winced under the
;. . deserved 'Otatig , ,itiOn :*kick be ktatewed
- ---upon their favorite walls measurea.f
~.. _
r:, -- ' -- e fiitiiiiititiafiheimii , inviivitiPalwho
interrupted the speaker Was.'the:postmas
, . .... ~__.
iervi the borough, Major AL.-- : lotUltitTON;
,--I:N4t,PIEPoon found, to hie 49* wpat he had
.." ''''''t.ctitight a .Tartar,' and suffered severely
. . gin. tie temerity. -Mr:Baer. 'is allniir,ably,
..calculated to
,silence any fellow who may
- :: -- avinfe the - hardihood - to interrupt him; and
. thO way, he hainntered", this , . specimen of
'41141-110asittl,metal -wile'
the laugh of the ,
.—:.--b.litadeis. The Major will tiotimioelol‘ I
/it “Ifte Blaclontilk." ' • ,
.•_--' ' There _mat alarge number Of. Indian on
...:_,.itbe beleeirioniediately above the speak
ttlo *sad* who. , repeatedly and ' etVthUsias- -
t ' ', '''Otft.sfie - A,lo*'o4i l 4A l6 'ool° of
-•''' '''iliik *markt: , , Thilitlim God bless : them!
'...! *.` , :gigitiA*4ll3(iiiiie, tii.f`sikftiCifilveir
'iattr;:t.. o 4:.?!#_. ol A 4 ',.o o4 . 4 k;lhe:Pide,
, 4;r4ruth, 4oneety; - . 0041,,, patriotism, . ft. T hat
'-• '114: 4 liiiii: ti'ilikiiii34o:niegliiia 4.o'witi
, -- - Tieek *OOO9O Oerjhfifiq o 4 . of: the
pr oti
j...'_.4l; , ;.4lg , ei;li:;iti iu4iny smiles of the:ladies:
..',, ' , ';:#4 . 4 o '.o,.that fir ; tbt)ii“.titteOliffil*.Pi the
' -Wih' `t' th lrir 'A r lt: : ler 46 '
..„ ,' ntlly.'g .‘.,„,!1 1 -04 t 1 ?n P
'.'ea4irev diap' leaflike 'or the YOllloteer man*
One ir:o,..:*ooo.iiipoto ,- ,#.04,
Harrison . founty Ticket.'
Beidainin Reynolds, (Shipp'borg)
DIM jaeob weaver; (14.gc4reburg)
• Director o44he
David 'Kula* (North Middleton.)
auditor, - • :
--Robert iiiiiiirdl.,(Frinkford.):
Expects every7Whigioterito_dOlis-tinty
• •
' Fellow Citliens this is the last Herald that .will reach= yoli`
before, the General Election.. . When'the tioicfnutobir ittiP:Ors,
it will be our task to announce a GLORIOUS VICTORY, or
a:HUMILIATING DEFEAT! . • Which *balk:it:be'? Shall-
Chniberland county burst the trammels of LOccifOcoisnii, and
- Stand forth among her_ sisters, redeemed and regenerated, ,pure
in her principles and unconquerable - in her liatnotiSiti--4eihall
she once more bow the knee to Baal or. throw, herself - beneath
the wheels of , a political Juggernaut that glories in the blood
of its- .worshippers_? Will her citizens, rising in the majesty of
their strength; burl the miscreants from power who 'have be
trayed the trust - cominitted to their charge, and invelved our
country in misery and distress, or will they set about the work
of reform to gather:in -due season the fruits Of . their toil ? We
have labored. to the best of our abilities in the cause- 7 we have
endeavored to prove, to you that the State,as well as_, the . Ge
neral Government' has got into the hands of 'incompetent- and_
.dishonest men, Who, have pronzised ,dvery_thing and performed
nothing; and it now. becomes your province . to , determine by
• `
votes; Whether ythiiiilltelect honest men to manage your
your vo • . -
affairs, or subthit stillionger to the domination of a corrupt and
tyrannical faction. - . •
You are convinced' that the leaders of the Locofoco party
haVe-tranpleil upOn law and juStite;. and violated every repub
lican principle—you are well aware that the patriotism of those
men is but a wrestle, for office,-and that from the . exp_erience
of the past, you can expect , itothinglrom them for the future,
but systematic robbery and fraud:.
•, • '
In every section of the country the peoplehave asseinbled
in _thousands, for the Orposeotexamininginto_existing„tVils,_,
and adopting a speedy remedy; and it gives . us pleasure to say
that the Whigs . of Cumberland have not been. behind their
brethren, in giring a public expression of their determinatiOti
to-resist further encroachinent on their civil and Politicatrights.
But fellow-citizens, meetings alone cannot alleviate your ;suf
fering it-ls-onelhing--to.--resalveL-td---do,-and-ancither-to-ac4
your only effectual remedy, is througll the ballot _ boxes, andAl
apply properly
You= must come to
• • . ,
'We appeal not to the •Office Holdeis - iir interested Mew" bUi-fire jo‘'
peal to thelhonest_peopte- , tti the yeoettanry of :the countryWi_ call
upon those, whom - the influence] of party,,shall Trot: make.forgetful .oft
they 'tights andliberties—:-We call upon those who:are 'aroused to the
degraded condition of Pennsylvania, and Who are in favor of a'restorti
dont& public confidence, and social prosperityWe Call 'upon tho'se
who would see-society relieved from a swarm of office. holders, who
-regard not the rightg of the people, so long as- they-can riot-on tine
offals of -- pleity - -We _call upon those who believe' thif e. - change of
me asuredy_be_effected-by - ft - change - of - 0 4 4 - ilPfeetit.' l o,
be not only their right, but their duty—unaPPalied:by• the thunders
political ptoscriptionr-to come'forward and assist in redeeming them-
selves from misery and ruin, and restoring:The 'charai.ter of thiN'irey.
'atOns to its fernier lustre, . - • . ' -
• - Come those whh are opposed Eh -the! 6 - dime Sub-trOasury Systeml
its tendend te reduce the wager of labor its doetrine cif 'gold for ,the.
Pike; Holder,. and rings for the people—Come thoie opposed 'to 'unit
ing the purse and the sword in the hands of theExecutive—t6i-tliand
ineArray of 200,000. men, and to direct taxation, to supply., the; ex,:
peeditures of governmeet—Cemelhose who deprecate the.eleetion'af
Martin:lrenikren—the,ree‘leseextravagance, of. his Administration,,
and- evontieuance of the evils which noweppries our beloited_coUntry.'
Comii,:theee in favor of protecting American 'Laborers, and`of a, return
to reforni and bettei,times,: by the eleciton 'of William Henry Harrison
Wings, of Cumberland County- Remember
Redeemed Maine and come to the,olk
Remem6erp, ,thst nothing , is impossible:-if yhuritlyte'tbi. reaCtiet , '
We exhort.yombyithe 'duties you owe to yourselves ettd'your,CW,
dree; , to cheie•tethe election on the 24 Tuesdayi.of Ortober, mut 4158114
in . othie ' ving,4. triumph, 'Alio esult 'Of •lioeorahleth lour,
patrietben, siitli . .beAeltte mill-le lasting to Sour -z
'" • - of aplto the pillsi_iiioo,utt work be-donee
eptine ., up iO, 70ii• strength AV o iirttii*tit'is is. won 4 .•
the WA* Avith 01 tippeennow
..... . , _ .
.. . .
..- • • '
. .
• .. . .
• .
40 •10;,„,‘• :: -, •, , ..,, m i t ~, ,, , l it- . .4.,•,::- : fig' :- ' - At' '.
q:cligr o , ' 4.1r,„',1 ;;;.. ' , ' , 4 01 , 4,;.1,* tt;k wif • ',. - "
~ ,, i i t, . 4_ , 1 _ , .. ..„
,„. „
_ ill .
...ii . _
~,. NV p... 4 0;. 'I . •
. 1 SArlit " : 41 - 4':
' ' ll ' . - ~.i ft;' It
. .
. ..
S. Dunlap AdsAir,p,
• Coroner; '
Jacalti Diretzl.(Carlige.)
Volunteer Cone Mote for Sherif.'
PaUl of Shippeusburg,
r.7,lo:3r9 o oofiqotiling 0fi4 1 9 iat Wet , IVO
were amused: onflieholdinit tvpiratical bind:
t4! 6 Ol°P,k°f. ' :oQ i iigti.sit ;it), doubt
the express poromni +creating's row with.
.-ItiMaaaterided from thahouse
of St' L 'hi'tFatof IVlajof itoaic
nt! .
itt,B44ol44;Pri-'o 2 ;f4c . kafeafglpmastoa -of 3aa
, Mtaggle aup&sel - Aolbe •gairig. , ambeiweek
Witethisi for the::"4s,oin:fiff the
tha.,MaM togiiff,*oarrthe.queerest matt
le # theiraost:hmghshie•mmto . that 'we have'
seen in a br ae ADO high
prises taf',l - #6M;;00;0400,,
riglit'4F4 I ',oloht,Prettil,i9wwthese
4 °•PgeMazilabgr'and high;priteet, Wye
Variously ifeabriihethei:tithtfi' kit thefi : i
have eaffi l id for . isiappat la
!):121•;. C s iONTIM;# aribPage'Ari)*
whom they worship.: The harmer vas
legiatidttitit . iiriThilitidalr , night !ha same'
gaily &Whirfii''‘i,hich gegi put
: : ,
~mniff.l - 19.91,n45pf&e9). !'F 4 IIPIP,P3PI"I/5
they-liifC l a . 4:4 l 4lt l / 9 + , P44Ct,91:-MaiPet and
re-elected G overnor'' Fairfield. Their pa- .
pera in that etateacitvever; admit that they
bave:tteen bad% beitenvto buallY en- .
defeat :•!4i 4 i l lirg:e4L:tiltr 3Y,big"'"ll4i
ate,is certainly efeetNit9Ov_entar t .by more
than_iwo Majority; -and -the !Oct* .
cror , tnerely for lhitiurpoan of iteepin*'nio
•ipiiitteiff their
~f ollowera
Penbay_lvinia _ and, : Maryland. -Nor -fel : -
lows they ,91em ift e ,Oet the defeat which
bwaity,thM. Cb r l i toeo,4c . if November the
- peopre:, ; (4:Sai4,tt*iral Ole voidiet givOn .
by.thein 'on theilmith Of -SeptemberJaat, -
•"-^-N4ir i1AMP81114,,,0c9 -Main# • has
done so nobly- fortlie good - cause of ; ,Re
form, we-are not. Without strong hopes: of
earryiiii even. 'this niranghold , of the
enemy:,. Our Trieitch; in that state nig unit
ea; 4tanguirie,,and the desiruc
five ditetrinesreeently
,propiOgated in that
' state - - by -the . - high priest nfJoeofoiniatit, -
ImiaC 'MU; are arousing the people Of Saw
1-Ireitahire'to . riknatjenee of their 'danger.
• ,
- POLE Rafsmos...4Tho : pole ; ratting ma
nia seenis:to.havo4shen complete pdases
sion-of our friendaeand they are running
up these - eniblems of liberty in every di
reetio-4 Wednesday ii - treinsiOn last,
they erected it_ handsomer black pait
feet high, at the residence of Mr. Robert
McCartney, in _the, southern _ . part of4she
toorough. t;Althointlf ititr:ObtiOe'lias 'short,
and 'the "weather onlittorable,between forty
and fifty of the , harpcsted HllarriSon boys
attended and ninit`ifirin liiiniagress style.
Attached• to the pole is ti" neat Log Cabin,
with a lantern, go fixed as to be-lighted
at night. 4 1 tlatr , kee x and :-a !miter are
it, 'the - Igttei n i shape' of
4. Tyler—the' Reart,of our countiy." •
On the sante eveaug,' thgyonnerippe
canoe Boys erected a handsome pole :irate'
Rail Road Bipt a yit's .an elegant banner,
Several : carmerB in the vicinity '
sown have also,,P,us,np - ..01e5; on . their :pre.
l'iriss is right.. :44 y oor
• .Ibrlie:Hetald'
1 - . ..: L', '
? &Wok: 1 41 - -that. ; some
or the' iiirdge'ftir esked the
tir - eopying 4hrt .--- liatiSkstiliit74.lo4
froinveoL , ,Which
he refused to trans, but proposed to give
copy hi,neel ,for .lA,`
the-Whigs 'wet:did, Oct day the
Col.-Dack4 inielidot . `fiitt . oeficlroPosal and
refilled' tOtforiiiitlka cOPYiliccordiA e givrol,
alledetti that . the" White "Were_ time
erce." eAct_in,,askitig4cii_a-6p
'who' not, rote 10 04.
iitlifftstiftkatAill'the into iit pla a rßie ,
was altered 1#64c1 off,lo ct
.4 - 10 - 4dtayiteetcatiit refieciB4olo every
yecti,' to s'ectiiii' .of votinx:
IfYiis• is not theq*;_ePA:Pf:eontack , l the
Colonel takes nothi . ng bflits:extrewo coin+ ,
gay td -, l#ll licitliborea ffillorkititamisi,
bl;teruiiiig AhAliAt,
-, INEttliitveatribe - attenfioi) of our friends
to the fact, that. if tligi,or. tniy, of them..
'hltytt. tieio state' ei;tetttY tek*AritPallawo
Ye4ftlii Which" 4143, 2 f1ee aseetiett•
least ten it4rb'efore • 'etatiori any
part of PeonsylvartfoOly,lioxoa right to
'roto.n" l wfieiheV:,iiteit'it ia . n l lB • 4 0. ear
ceititeioet 101'0 1 ,,f i greertift 4 4,, 414 11 Whay.e.
resided' 'ten day's-
. io'tne" district; town or
township)—and the oath ,of tbe:ying, to :
thillidibit took vii) . iii
dOOOO - . --- ,1 0 . 01. - thotAAVlTeffir Yea - 14000i
oad of the. ikat of4fivve • “No
person Chalk,* Ipettnlifed letitite ~any.
election ritriforeaaid;:ethkiho a 1,0 r te
freeman of the Are effiriehirt ne'''' c itare 'or
more, who shall bave - kesided in Able state
one 'Y-tW'vttndjsk She. elieh6thlheliervihtle
lie v olfewito ..v0t0,.: at lialdtfterr,:day.ipaue,
4iate)r.preCtiding so& elebtietifund
*NM/o'9W* atetetor counikiati
t kOi * dictiocu" . Llttie %inn - 1404
the se4l 4o e.*kttee'bieit*ole
absent'frOm eittteltined to . the Stet% aint,
those who yote, 511! 59 . 0OPOISsichi
rely t r,-.raP 8( 0.40 ,
! • Mik.
kniged r ;'Anitafiti
4dittibelistk•C'estAble lutoitAtipto furnished
4yAs„:ocou'atieiliorienshe eforeseld,tgnow
Quark:, the ,exceptione)': ollsizzetri . first; • He
produce , s, receipt...forrthe- payment, within,
two yeati, of a State - 1..9r leottoty , lax, inP; .
sensed.agreeablytcrAlie - constitatiou": (thin
is, not , tear ihatvoni flays; 'or one paid more
iharvg years,. before .the election) " and
give .•sittisfactory - eviderice,,either-rin , . MO
own oathvor offinitation, or the - oatli.or
affirmation 6of •unotheri'that' he • hair'' *net
Zuch_la tax, or .ott failure - tO prodUetlia - . - fez
rceipte :. Melt.; nmkeooth to the ;payment
' .thereofr Or second; '-fhe ciaini. a; right
to' vtite by hails. 'an 'elcitor between ,the
ages of twenty ; .one and•tWenty two *eais,
'he 4%11311' depots:nu OSth in , ' affirmation that
' , he halt relidadin'the State et least One year
neirtlefore his tpirlication, arid - make such
I vrocit of residence in the' district as is re-
quiied by thiti:Act" ac. - thii balance. Of the
act:referring-to the duty of the Ineliedter to
I insert the:Word " 41 . tax? or, '". age' ' - es the
cperalon , ,bilbring . to - iota may be' 'Claimed.
Section:66R% still`strotiget. - "lii atz. cases
Wheic the NAME of the person ;claiming to
'vote, iirizOTftund oil the li lt friinrshed by
the:. COinmissioners and assieSion 'or his
._to :VoM,.. whether. fonnd% thereon, or
'aux, Is objected to'by any qualified citizen,
it shell belhe ditty of the Inspectors to ex
, amine 'such person on oath - as to' his quell
*aliens, 'and if ;he dieinia to have - resided
within' the itaielor one year or more, his
Oatirshalthe - ittifia*llmcf - thericf;" - 4.c:
r Thehilandeof the section referring to proof
of kin days residence in the distnct. _ ,
The law, , therefore, as - it' etatide, only
excludes those Who l have not paid' a.state
or coonty„tax-within t_ivo years irereflino
lite - eleitioti.' WU :j ai - IV% our 'Wing %toren
then;. that - if their have-paidit State or clime
ty tit, in anypart of f ' "sylvaniiiivithin
two #iectifthey -are (Kidd to vats hi - the
'district - iii iii which Ahey`-re We ten days;
*hether' their-names appear on the list of
'the astiesibr,-:or arti.iunitted from :liticident
- Finn - the OlixietY 'end - inditstry of the
Lotofocosto,:,,gctv,their voters Vineneed, - a
suspicion:hie arisen, that - their :judges and
inspeatord - intend to reject the votes of all
iithotte nambleartinotonthe-Asiesicir'slisti
'•reniaot believe true: But if Oda a villein
iimi "couts&iii'' to bc iturstied, it ~viarrant .'of
arrest must isstielinmediately after the first
offene, against that judge who so decides,
under- ilia iovoq•sectiotni of the . foregoing
'act, - which is in these words: "If any
'inspector, judge or clerk, as aforesaid, shall
be convicted ofany wilful fraud in the' die. ,
eherge of
.hie duties is aforesaid, he:"shill
undergo eit_imp_risonmantlar.ank_term_not
iota - than - three; nor morn _than -twnlie
months, end be fined In. any Oat_ not , jciS
than 'one hundred dollars. nor • moreVthan
five hundred dollars and shall be for seven_
years- '
thereafter disabled from holdingjuly:
office of honor,-trun, or - profit in this cern
monwealth, an shall moreover 'he disabled
for' the term aforesaid, from 'giving his 'vote
at-any general - Or 'Special election 'within
this, cornmonvrealth. Section 103dt • "If
: .. • . ,
any inspector or judge of an election` tiling
knowingly receive- the vote of oily person
not qualified, or• conceal from hiss .fellow
officers - any fact on the knowledge of, which
such vote should by law be received-pi re
jected, eaeh of
. the persons se,• offending,
ohill, on ' cOnvieticin, be punished- .in, the
manner prescribed in the 107tH `section . of
thiis, act:'__ Alto-107th -section ,impdses a
fine of not.leas2than - fifty dollars, nor more
than , two' hundred dollars. .
I ant personally acquainted "With the Van
; Buren Inspects:if and Judge:Or the berough
of Carlisle, and • although 'they both. have:
417,09gMejutiiees in . favor Wei rparty,
I'llatre the strongest hopes that„they will.
come up to the perrorinandeef their duties,
partiality, Which their.
piejitdicea ivill:krreltP4o fair con
trirdibietif ' '"..iii!hout • fear, favcii,'
.. •
Fiynn Ahe.- -- Baskin Alas.
. .
Loco Foca. EN9Eirrsoit. '
,LoOo Foco papt , rear.s :still striving,
hy, means of, false returns ;add Unequivocal
falseboods L . to create the impression that
g ;MAIM .liErrr hae:isolteeti•theeen Gov.
enjoy by the ricople The obiect
.6 - CtlteitVdeception is: two-fold.: They - wish
AO • influence , the , elections' .that are ,tit, he
• held :to fill vacanoies' of reprasentativeti at
home.- . They also'desire to' do - away, as
much as they c an , with ihe• effect •witich
:the, less. of .'Mu lti;_ Must. have _`upon 'their
,friends 'abroad. • • ;
They. attempted precisely the same int
position inn 1839 wheif persiated in
dfxlaring-that..Kent wati not 'elecith,,and
among- other - methods of•siietriinyig " their
tleclarlitiorythey 'counted the' 'Vote' of the
Isle .of 'Haut twiee—ofi6e by, itieif, mid
alga itr the. th vote: of the iVhieli it ie
Attached., , -They nOt ii ntaYing the'eame
game of giving twice . 'tbe. of - islands
plantations Whidh" vote With :alithei
towns; and,whiCh irejnblided in
-turns. The declaration of tin:l'l'4oa' vote
exposed their - Trends' then, Kent
Alettedhy a Ardtt" not varying_ more - than
ix or, seven - front the-leonine published
tltisipaper. Official von) of 1,840 ,will
• itiaitt:wxpose their - iniqtiitiine:littemput to
deceive ~ the • people,. end again - .lllww. the
t election-of Kent, li'did'in.4oo7. •
e have' beenit-rionici tia bur compare
weintini,:tnivii foiviii To
ihn: ry
paper;,with" Alia:,itrue bitnine,'ind - fi nc h
I 'beyond all titstiut; 'the' establishment. of
ihi ''‘he -- 71, toy
Tote - beyond:4W teal
The }that it pre
tends telie . 6irat able: Or. eyerY
'!tv:hl,o totrr a te
lf lodOe'ittkiifirila , "'vi!itli Wier? 'eculeible
:effOrtjor' , Aiirediiiiiiii4 - iiid . yet dupl. own
Wilmette give, Ihtiiilrtald7ne tA s :That
niaketvAd:nnliWrootkNt far Fairfield*irrti'ffit
tithoififolerorik”u*:. l , iniae uP f t , (1 4 1 4,_
t ibriericti the: trierity. sotia 'Of' Des : Os,
It . ptifilitiit'emtf,ll4 4 ol44; ‘thii: , \ 4 s l3 fto.
1044111Mtritiint,wilie:tio*kir King l •
Intipit;'itet4atiified Whli" , grifig that vain
a 4h
idda•it in again•biiteelf; and ,thde 'making
the Tory vote of Franklin tounty , forger
bY tot;Eiztylharrit‘ pet* is,,by .Me
adorivaien of /hid .
' The'vote or.,e
theounties qt-York• and
dtimberlaird is, .a two' votes, the'
same in the :in 'The Wlfiig paperi,
In 'the Other-counties the reittrns Of the Age.
are fu i lafinaccuraCiert. IWLineolit 'coun
tyohe vote in. the island 'of. Monhegan,
stands 16 for Fairfield t 0.51. forlient,
is included twice- , oncs
,by iteelf;lind once
tn` the Vine of Bristol; With Willett it votes..
Thereis also error in thi3:votSs
.qf JeifelllQliind Le wi s ton -Ric!' rno n
,making the, Tory v.ote..too.large by 0 votes„
" :In the vote ef. Bannock - county., tipt of
Vipalhaven,Thihich belongs to Waldo; "but'
votes with Bannock - 4 Sr. Washington; iri.=•
eluded in .the Age, and'an error of &voles favor .of.; Fairfield._ :His vote in
that town je but 284, and not 261 as the
Age - has it. The Age ;alio iicluites
Hanceekeounty \ the vote of No. North
Divislon,:which stands-20 for , prdrfield to
This plantation .votes with.
Burlington; in Penobscot county,. Deduct
ing The - Vote Ofirenillinven, and correcting
the error of including die-vote of This pran
tatio,n.a secorid lime, , and in a county-to
which-it-doesaot-h'elong, the-Nate-in- the
Age will Ogres to a °unit with that flu the
Journal:' .' •
- In_ Washington county, the Age - includes ,
the vote - of Tolisfield; which - belongs Ito
Aroostook;and ,gtverth - e - vote -- of - Tres - cot
wrong, whiCh should , bp 5C for (ent to V
for . Fairfield; instead of 44 to 33 as the Age
hair it. ' • -
'The Age gives the Vote of Clinton Goro
twice--onee byjtfelf„ancralso_inifin_,vate_
,of the town with which it: is
making the Tory vote . in Kennebec too
large by 11. • - " -
.:_ ?
In Oxfoill county; the same - paper gives
the vote , in 'Hatolites Grant as 13 for Fair
field to .1 'for. Kent.; ~ It should be 5' for
Kent t 0,9, for Fairfield., - •., , .
_The_Age includes tWice,'in the Note of
"thimerset county, plantations ailkeent .to
Concord and Lexington, which 'stand 2:7
for Fairfield to 1 for Kent, which_ vote with
those towns; and - are consequently a repe
tition, making an error of 20 against Kent.
Ti Penotiscot:cemity, - the" vote - of 'the
plaqtations - north;a-Lincoln _is., reeerved,
making.; difference of -6 retie against: the
Whigs, and in the footing of Ake vale for
Kent, the Age adds tip- - ite ; owli . figures_
wrong: 'Thus it not only makes its own
figtiretrfie individually ._but also collectively.
'Wlidt reliance, tifeß re, can be placed -in
its statement,,, When it.
.nottven add up
correctly? The Age ' is bad
. _as the "
Journarof Commerce in this feipect, which,.
in the present inetenee, as a Matter of course,
swallows of : the Age, errors _and
Thn-vote-of---Abbottin-Pfseataquis; is
giVen in the Age _as - 85 for Fairfield; it.
• - sh - 416:110 - 0iedz-T68. - Ali Elliotville 5
yours are given' in' the' ' , Age for Fairfield,
but there ufektoon..e given in llif tpwn for'
him: leisig 4 . 1 , 1 . e,r,r0r of 3:l2iVies. •
-, - 4 - addin g tip`the amount of errors - we
have-thus exposed, we shciw a clear •Ma
jority for Kent Over every thing..
papert;_alsii keep . o clamor
about the plaqtations . the votes : of„ u?.hielt
have- not-'-been 2 reeeiVed, Ayhielt . 7, they Tre
tetitl will itiFeet.the result:, Some _ ,Of 'these
Mays held-no.olectiotp this - year, and ifihey
did, 'could' not affect_ - _the„vote.-EPery
.14ra,.#eco . :received, and THERE
forOF MMAINE , . the year ensuingil)y a dear
majority . of the votes 9,1 the
The itelitens Complete. • -
We havegone tlirolighinfrit - turns care
fully . again, and „after revising Ahem and
6'6ft - eating titem,-,give tile. - result complete
inll'th e towns. " • "
' • 1839: 1840.
• • ' • , Kent. Fairfield: Sc. Kent. rair4clil
York, • , 3607 • .4852 2 .'4527' 5423
Cumbe r tiand, 5064 6160 . 27 6679 6481'
WaldolBB9 4967 2632 4980
I Kenilek • 3596 339' 7 6809 3634
_4312, .I:_, - 00.2,8
2825 •: 2447 1 3618 2624
Piseataytql;. " . 1035 'll5l 1255 1162
FratOltlit t . 1410 1818 95 1807 _ 2042 .-
-Washirigtoa, 1540' -105. V". 9 -.2195 2053 ,.
1 1 ,.a90 00 %.-. 1588 .1871 ' 2842 - 2249
,Aroostoo 150 .. '
348 . . 279 489. -
Oiford,2 ' 2082 .4302.:, 62 2850 4645., ,
.Pettobscii, :. -'
. 3310. 420 t - Sii - 4255='°.44113'
Kent% majority, rz " • .
Scattering votes, as tar as liesdirens, IL •
The Augusta Age!tiApp,caLto Jew
Pi/colon, in- fixing figures - to suit own
taste, gives Mr. Fairfield ,17 majority in the hastily, examining . the returns
from two or three cotintiee , `as ptiblished In
that Jutper, Weft k ing._ a;-differ
etice of 124 votes againselle.slient.: In
the,fren Of Abbot, 27 more votes are given
"Mr; fairfield, than received, Vinal
havenqB; l o itmeus .12, .No. 4 ,
and Massardis Ripley 8; Weston 3,
Kilaaarnoclt. 8. Besidas, ..oumber, of
'plantations are put down which i gaie Fair - ,
field IA majority of-votes,, and at the same
time these votes are included id Masi of
adjoining towns. : . Now c 'by.. such a
jII'OCONI the Loco , Focos can fintl"..oo
putty electing .mc. Fairfield •byMliii)jr,
6 ,7 l l' o 9.Partildni, B l9ritY: 13 , 61 10
they can thoe,,,olutat. the people anti:bring
them into ksupport of:Alkeix, men and Mea
sureii?:Yf they do, they disap (Anted!,
tipiough,'Oh' Tueolliy_o!e - tfith
ult,;'by the. Rev._ . ‘yilliam,
of Angney & itttortion, to IVlOtirti4.,ciepott
daughter I . 4,oititt, Horion; EtA .
/On )alitimenirig,bytito tooo;ll.lly,ToArrh.
On'l'iitirelayy-the- 4th wit:; the)l,ey.
Henry, Annoid;;,Nr. Ilftetuit. KOortf,
' ll O litt# VT;
44z , N Milldieloa.. to
of Silver ridk. ::•:1 '
. . .
ltechtiei ei tiurgToin e rOA, lai.: : ,.hji•
JOHN HOWERo. in the 79th year , of hie age
. ....
—e'reipeetablelnd worthy ethitee. '' •
.54,750 , 41,109.204 05073 45,945
, , '45,345 •
j i
tooitia:i.,:,--ilipaii..lfricatrriafri4 - 4 . :-. 01-0-
dreihya - -: reketve i7aiyaraterfyilii.Si. ' signe4
great notomettby 'the. Adel 'they,.•:.blive • rforined,
unprincipled venders trf inedebilie; Rail* eii is a
great call.for them in ecniseqlenee, have lied the great
audacity to r oacin tlievnedeense. Now belt known
.to all men,that , pr: Braudreth'sr Genuine Vegetable
Universal 111 . 1. canbever, be obtained of any vender
- astnedecine, whether druggi . st of. doctor as neither
4ejallnweitto sell the' Genuine .Braudreth's Vege
tilble Pills, under any eirurnstanees. Whatever.--)3e .-
very earethl all ykthat winittli4O•uine,antrobserves
ever:mheFi ickiiptuviligse Oft lielhOeitised agents, that
lhey,The:Ageals, t ialve . 407.'Engrayed.,Ceitificate •of .
`40 1 . 11 :70 1 0 14- 04 , inpsviiinid , r 4 eitiit:
:.,.. : ....„......--- ,,-, .„..,118R A .N.Pri,k,171-1, M. D. •
: -, :•*itt - eineinber, tiii4:tlhi'llikitot = abhrgenuine at any
Drug Stone, - eitherin ihe'.ifity:OP , nountry • . : •
or of
lhem , ,tlf,iCailterri: 4 op: l l:4o. AV. 'liviliths •
.00g614 pylOisktl trt:lirliAiler , OFo9 l Pie• p a per'
~ . .. •'' '.
1:0: . ' 7 BARGAINgqtATWAINS•
.P . 9 . 'Gdoctri"''Grbeiriiii et. gegusware
wiLL be sold by stiii4ubiariber,st very reduced
pricesfor • Caskiu,llt6 avora.A.delitly oWdfied_b_y
&mob. Rheem and adjoining tlie, - 6f - Barenel,R,
Tilesteek is new and:ronsiite in part of
broad : cloths, cassimeres, cassinetts; blank- '
, . .. ,
, flannels, vesting'',
els, rnerinos,lombazines :
calicoes, tickings,, , eilks,, linens, '
table covers; plain and figured %swiss .mus
lines, inSertings, laces, silk and cotton
ings, bonnets ? , beaverteens, :dr-C..4c., - -
Also,: a srnall lot ;of 01.45 S AND
QU.EENSW ARE; and a few PROCErugs. -
. .
Having:relinquished business in Shiiii -- mb4-
place, I,,am desirous of cloemg. up die con
cern as•sonn es..poesible.. l'urchasers . will
do well• socn, as great bargains will
be given:, - - - -ell'AS . -1:3G11,g.Y -
Carlisle Sept. 20;1840." ~... ~ • -
. -.
Bargains, Bargains. .-,
- - . UMW' La LINNITI , ', 1 • •• • '
, .. __, •
•.2 ' in.:Sitilipeasbarg. ra • • -
. • . ..
. . , .
•• - ARNOLD •bz•ABRAJ6;
Respectfully inform the-citizens of Shippensbnrgand '
yieinity,- that-thoy- ha ve-just received and are- now w 7 - -:
-.°ollilfg.ilt_their_blOre,iii 'gain :Street, ,atr t ixtensive
and well - selected assortment.of .' . . . •
- - . • . ,•-• - _
...'l ' -.. . , IML IP.- ' 0 1 0 : 01)0f. - • _.
consisting-4.)f very fine English, French und.,Gerinan
Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, &c. of every.iiiriety of '
color, quality' and price; - Also, a ,large- and hand
some assortinent - of English anci_French .Merincies,..
'Tiorfiliazinee; - .Shawls - and - Ilandkerchn's,
Clialle3s, Mouslin de - Lains; French Chintz; 'plain . -
rand figured Silks and Satins of every color and quali.. 7— , - ,
-tr, sltk and gatize drei's handkerchiefs, bebinet.mitt.„..,..__
blond:veils ; limey „scarfs; gauze , satin, and • Mantua
ribbanda•of every' size and color, &c.. Altio t -:•Stniw. - -
Bonnets _and:__PlailetLbtnid,:.Also,..d_Jarge`. assert, , ..
merit of Danes:lc . Goode':.. consisting of calicoes. 7
checks, muslins, and m cry- other article whieh can be -
mentioned Wringing to tine-Dry Goods Business; to- --- -
getlicr. Iyith . ite - extenslve assortment of
..., - ...
.. .
..queens ii•ritr - e,- Hardware,; 'Grocer-:
. .
, . : . ' .ries Liquors,_ &t.-It.c.
. ,
-.woe which will be sold cheaper:-than ever before. -
Offered-for:sale. - •
~' . , : ' . • ' , '-,
They would .respectfully invite the public to call
and examine their stoCkiind pricea,beitig - fiilly'satis.
fled that they-can accommodate them., at prices far._
below what they are irklie•liabit pfßaying., .
N.' B. Country' Produce oral! kinds wqbe taken
in exchange for Goods, at market priee.•-4 , ..
ShippenstummtElet:'7,lB4o. -• . ...:: ',' • '
• ' ''Vt(O l a i ltdriito
Estate of Mary Zinn,dec'd,
.LETTEtts -Or ADNfINIS'I'ILLATION on the es•
.-fate of - of Westpennsborough•
biwnfildp, Cumberland calmly, deed. have been issu
ed to the sub%er*rliving in the samm.ownship; No:
Tice is hereby ,to all Unite ladehted•to -, said es
tate to make immediate imytnent,, and-all those her-.
iu ejahba'ataisiat aahl , --eistate io.ttresebt them, prop
erly authenticated, or settlement.' .
Oct. 7, II •-• . • . • .
L i k $)414
FIE :Sfibs r, tltg o 'to .tlie city
. •
AZeus of Carlisle and vieinitYfottlhe-verrlibeilif
patroilup lettiolt • they ; hove Ikeietblore bestowed opiut
Itim„legs teat a to iiifoeni thop Out he hats removed'
his' establishment' from „Rey, to ' the
house - theology occupied by'_fir: frintiOan Johnston,
itAV est Lout).er street w herc'4e to , '
cloths Silke e. ke. neatest mutey Bnd nt
thealioriest,notice. • : • •. •..
tie respectfully solicits a mitionance
form.. '3OHN-WINPER.
Cnilislo, October 7, 1840:-3t
IN pursillince 'the 'last will antl testament
Goiltant, late of Allen township, climber
land - cont.*, dee'd., I will sell•ut publio sale, ?:/ii the
preinlses, on Wednesday the , lltlC day,,of, Noel:tuber
Jtext,orlo o'idocki'A. M., the tbUtiuteo` . described
valWable property, Co wit.
'• •••
••• • .
Hundred', AcreOrrrime
About one mile Bond, of Mechanicsburg-about one
half cicared,,under good fence, And in a Ingltstate of
cultivation—the residue'cbvered with dirivinglinang
timber: .There. are4io buildings on thee-Mid:4
A *Arend -undisputable title *ink ;be given, and
AM terms tide known on the day. of lade..
~ P ersona wishinglcrview the- preinisei previous to
the thqokif sale, can call at the late residence of Ames
Graham, suljoining : the sam,e,pr on the subiteriber._
• ItedlYAT — GOlo4li6;EaTcClifor•
~ :"October 7,•1840.--tds. . '
be so ldat public :sale. Montag the
'`V 26th day of. October iliac . ; in
one undivided•lialf a the ,SteMotype ilateir or that
popular musical . - publi endow - emitted; "Evangelical
Music comprising two entire and complete sets, one
in iwri44. - and the other in Patent' Moo, including
copy right, Each set - comprixeit „Mit pages.--
:The plates *ere Made in :Wm .Yorkithiler'llie di- ..-
retielon of ,Mr. Charles Diegley,thir neatest and mosi
correct:MU/deb/ typographer . in the could:lf:are but.,
little worii add are in excellent.. order.' , 'The
vtrygeneral . use in Penntivlvania, and to sothe.ei
tritt ent-Ofilortaditaliatiif,iinit in-the hands of ait:ettz
terpYishiPuhlisher would beiome extensively in use..
The'preSent pursuits ofthe.Owner of the one part ot,
these platys now offered for ialeiYenders
Me for .him to superintend l m
in the - ost - sopetficial.,
manner) the piiblislitOg and sale of this book,
induced, him to offer his entire hieriest" to' en tinre.
rvell wile.. : :‘,The other half octliese plates atal .
'right belongs to Mr. W. O. iliekok, of. ; florrisbiirg,
I,ook-bintler by,profcssicin, and a gentler- t ofu calcula aittextensivelY in the sale or the
yy great bargain, Joey' be 'expected. •
'months credit be ,given; ,the purchaser.
:Loud, bearingiiiterest, with approved security.;
• Sale to. commeiniestt.lo o'clock, 'Mid flOdllittl*.
iiveithy.• . • ' .1 > •.• " a
' . . 1
- • - . H. „
Attorney in flier cf. GeO• rt.T4oll.'''
''! Ok: 7,1 s40::-+-ttia:.
, F , virtue oEtt weft of Viriditioiti%xidi st r pi*, 4 ;,
'• ` tlilfet•tell, issued out ' Or the cr.,no.7cti . . OP? ''''',.`l
, t dis of Cuttiberiaod'counfy, trill 'be Ogg', 'to• . ',.,
fic - sale on the Collowinidettoribetl peemibrii'oli; :•' , •'-t
I (lay fbe3otlt day , of
~Q'ctOber, i nst4 ct .110 01#107411:.D.,,
/ 41 •; 16.1 Ti tt ` ,' ~ - -.. • - , t , : ''`'''44ll: : '
- - Aiit tii4 .- Estaiei.i.ighand::oll**:
ib).„ . c..stro, cifaidi tt? a 'certain. Irnir.OrP:irilinnNiAlf;Y"
tind-tdAti'llic:ft l / 4 tOi ortinnti tECltriatian Ilittint t 'idinfitir'..&
in Cutrifieristal tout434-notv in th€ oteuitienifOrMltt`r;';':
tilt \Zintertertunit, conutining.eigld'. ,a9trl:fillatti .:,.. :
leatt4tljoining Ifindior".... :3 Mnr • r.l , 00, , mi k.. _
others. Seized and tolteit IRS : • A , .'t .1110 , . ,-. ..„..''..,
ty OE,Talut C. Sims t liOno a l ' tlr'''.'• '''' 'l2fri'
- 43 , 0 t14 4 f ... it,it
~._ ~,„...44
Sheriffs OM(
Carl' bit', Car. 3, 1 0 r. 5 .,1..,, , . , ,, ; ..::.,, ; ... 44 1 1.,
•..,,,,e.. ,
.. : , 5. , -.. , ~,- .1,4,.,,.,...i,