Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 30, 1840, Image 4

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    I '
• „-
nt' i-1101711"
• ..91111E inbriiri be r. ust tOtia frion
titnOye;.ondik now 0.pCII,11:1E. ot. 81.9,ie'roontS,
Monier Nfaiket" Squalfe: and -11(nin .Sti:;setS (fOr 7 ;
tAerly 4:1
• Fo
'manumit '0 •:
Hardware, one TI are# Cedar - Ware,
• '•Waie;::,Droceried,'''
• ,Paiats,..*Varnishei, GlaSs, Brush , .
• es,!'ilfhlpi,.VlMes; Lamps-for
. • • - -
burning Camphine 011
• and algteat.variety,:prarticles aid •ner.eisail ,
for.furnislring and keeping a house. Ile hasalso;and .
.wild,coastantly kecj mrhand.. " •
• • ,
', a ;oheati and elegant sithstituttvf.fOr•• sperm' " oil, aiid
baying , been apf,loniteit the. agent. of Messrs. Backers.
' .and Brother cfi;Neivark,' , lsn'd.,,cor the:sale:al &Jim's
Patent Lamps in this county, ,he is ,prepared to fur
. nish Lamps and -Mott a very.reasonable rate to
who may Wish to use this now and economical light;
Having selected his
. goods • himself, and made ;his
. purchases for cash; he is able j and' is determined`, to
- Those having the cash to lay outs ill find it to their
advantage to give him a call. , . ; •
" • • . • • • HENRY DUPPIELD.
• :- " •
._ . .
--- - 1:o 11 - ioge wllo.lik — e,Hto i•idc.. CAW
• i - . SAMUEL E 6 N SMINC.;ER,
' - ''RESPECT.FULLX infornis his•friendspid -lie
üblic hi general, that - he has purchased ,the`
Patent Itiglit of Robert Wilson, The Cumberland ea;
for constructing a new ilfili ill - 1111'0%A
. . ..
. • ,S ;A. 2) I) la 171 . • - —.---•-. •,,\...„.'
. D
and that lie itcnow prepared to receive orders fnklie
- same. The hoproyeinents claimed. Ari-npplicalle to
. tiny of tit! saddles now iii use, and colisist er sprie : , , s
—etn•peemliet,•,eoestettetiee hi the seat:, wiirranteil td bit
• •gootl;ilural.G•aleTsiiperiofTiiiiirrover Tet•-iiii,...ded:-
• •• Persplis.desirbus of examining the since iiiiiiied
.-. satitlle, are -ronitested to tint! 'and judge. for tlici,ist:lVes,
• ~ at hit well knoWn'estahlishinent in Illi,li actiet, near
. :ly opposite the Post etlice, where
- --- - iioulmo.dated with any-article in the line of iS',.it.o , ,
.• iimmesi; Vic. on the,Most t•eastualde wrins. •.. ••
. . The sadillers • ef the.tiounty-are most ri:J.:peettlill?
' invited to' edit and see this excellent, litipeoverneiit iii
. • Saildreit.H - 7 , . • . . . . . .
• Reference, as-t. the ease and sttperiority of this
••, improved spring, may be•••-lisillo• tile 1.01 , ), i, ~ 7 flaw
ed gentleinen : 7 -.lloa. Siiiiiticl4 repinien,. Salim( I Al
.. 403, M.G. Ege,:losepli Ege, Tliotnati C.-rt.:oon., lion
- - ry Shiblis, Henry Puttorlf,.l U. Vence; J.- Stevenson,
and m . ..jamb . ' Petfer,,ir, ' • - •:,
-"•••• •••• - 3tinti - 12 , 1, - ; - (f340. • -- 3 iiii , ' •
_ . . .
. .
.. • . . .
_ _...-•_.:n. .entat St u.wierq. - --
"T' 1...) . 850n - tront respectfully t•otticrs his
grateful ticAtiowledginents to the .pnblic for the.
- veil'. liberal 'share - Of patestnagti- he has received ,tint!...,
ing the past cosh,- and would ,still. continue to °Kt
',them his praessilifitir services in.-lite:lr various lean
- 'dies at his residence, No. 7, Harper's lrow. Ile tiles,
elesitses i asittr_plugs.,(ecth, mid :hvier(s
- thrrer, metallic artificial teeth in, the mast aporOviid
1 ..,
- ' .maitner. Charges. al was: s - rn9d4rate. -
- - ."F '
- • Carlisle,:llarch
_r . 4,3, 1840. - 7 -tr
- '
Dentistry.. .•
DR. C. _LO
TiAs yew' tied fo,Carliale, and will, as heatotore,
tit attend to the practice of Dentistry.. Ile _luny
- be tound at Colonel Ferree'sHotel. •I'crsbnsrc
gyrating itp will he waited upon at their residedee.
, 1)n. GEORGE 1)..F0,1.1;KE,
• Rd" lht. Meta N. Al.itio.s.
.Carlisla, March 11, IS-10.
- Bawd s b,proved- WEiler Wheel.
THE Subitcriber having purchased of the original
Patentee the right of the above WatecANLlfeel
for the state of Pennsylvania, will dispose of individ
ual rights or counties on advantamus terms. This
water wheethas been fully tested MI prOved to be so.
far. tuperion to any a kindia its power of propelling
machinery, having a greater force than any other
, wheels in proportion to the'quantity of water applied.
It - is' calculated to be more mirth:A:My metal, at
mills, having froth. two to 'eight feet head and fall,
and to greatly obviate the isiconveMencei experienc
ed from back water. It is considered by those,hav
ing them in use as one of the most important improve,'
menft - lliptairetteepeen introdtired
ty, strength, steadiness of motion mid durability.. It
is constructed altogether of iron.itial not so expensive
-to - make as an i nntlershot,and operating with about
kali the water and not liable to .be olisteacted:by ice
in the , tvinter. - The subscriber - will devote his Mien
' titan to calls for these wheels 01, such places as may
be required. . • .
-,AMILVEL 111:31.A.TH, Harrisburg.
.• .
. . [Cor.r.]' .
. • Patent. Cast Iron Direct - a - a - on WatiiF - Wliri.,l"Clic
place of a Reaction Wheel-, that the Direct Wheel
does.not flood' the. tail.race as much hy three inches
- es the rem:Pion .ditl, and that.l. ean grltitl seyen bush
--__._els with the dirpq:aetion wheel, an .1 - Jour, drive
Live - run orstones,'Where I could not grind four bitsh
----els in_the_samultinkeirlith the rearti.nrive4iiie
run of stones. :• , I'ETEICITABNESTO - (2i..
Kuplwati,t; f ait, co. .
Alroway,'lNTty s, i s 3s .
•thisinamertify,,litat I have hurt engage d hp put-,
ting;in S. ,13. • Unwd's cast iron 'direct%ctinit water
Wheecbellitilbe - Stafe - of - New — York_andimigiehl , ,
gan, and can, give it as my decided 'opinion that with
tifect headoe under; rightly put in, it will do more
businens with the sane .water than any other . whtCr .
wheel which I have yet had any vxp6rienan hi, and in
reference tn.back,„watee, is second best to none that I
have yet •Iricd.; `ln reference to guarding - against-ice,
there can be,nobetteroperation, and - it is very easy
- to bb kept hi repair.
• . STg(IEN AILYS, .."I,67!anv:gld.
. ,
, Allowly, Sept. 3, 1838.
.1.1 11§ mity isOrtjfy tha 1 have lautju my Mill one of
Air:Joard'i'direet water wheels for the apace of one
year. •yt is ; a five feet, wheel, and I have had, a re
actiOn,MAlM4ilitne,iilitel have also had IVlteeler's
tjulort - Wheel; Yet I think Mr, lload's will - d 6 more
buSitiesi,with lesswater thamany-otheri. Lave tried.
It "dosein , eilinintait'nnter. . I hare had front, sto 6
feetlend: vid could do nsynueh Work 'with
half the Water as weused to 410 with the undershoot
whatil;'W hiehlattailso been in operation' in•my
. -
',yens; Sefit. na.
Certify, that wet have used . one of S.
• . floWirti intent. Water Alteela sitieb.Deeeinber
the re-petion wheel, and we think' that
IfosOd'if husineaa With the' sane
water that the re-action will , do, or very near.. , ' We'
' , bit three feet head; and can grind With'
. • thitt'cightbnaltel phr. hOnri. We aye attbitte4o back-
Thi4.(vheel Wit) 'do' it's yl undo
,„siness und'
—.L.,..ltatirwlateciti the re -fiction; antiwe - yei . : Vjiainenil" it Ap •
thbn(ttnlibq. • • fi • stmcesiluirt-ti:
. .„
. .
' • - 1V1iii,,,,W.--, , 8L11.G.5' W. - r4Sr. , 11,-...i . nillright, is
r f -- mentioned::,m'ater wlic . cl In :Ch . e
'. . a .g ebt- - IY . 1,.. Iw i ll
• counin Cumberland. ton tn niu nu
- .'t. : raliiit to ticattuial (I) their sale - tiad - tru ,-
4''''.,• ,tiikti ,01., . nollee, by addressing him , . at
',.l“;;lliihtiPlierillitown, ..,-_, tberland county, Pa.:,
T,. - f': , - .:April .1•180! ~., .:, . ...
, .
- ';' ; : -- 1 - ' . "-7- • -•-•;- ,'!- `7'" ' ; 4.lslli,iii'tiliiiinesit,. :, -.,
.',.,, '1. , •-•llirk tiitiel iii'Oarfiliked to cure Plics?,f,',A
,w .
.:feYillpfk.ip airflows, or no,•gsy taken for , it
...., -, :::: :i',
:,-- 1 ,4 7' --- !' '' - '' l 4!' - :F.fah'Atik,G: .- FAZ. 1241 ::::: : . ' ,
.4 i , ID,'
.46'il ou'icitiot.eii:eitei..b.,sljur 6,4 foi), io6kU :Ati - !.
.. : ' 2 ' -- tempt - 11 iiii - thilitirtiCie infl.'SeTcrit liaii bLen nearly
'':,'.:': ',, ; 'A' ,1 f. , ,,.,„'' . - a - Nl, v ' er ' EuV..,if, - uulnaiiii'litis the'
-, ...,i110 -- r, 4 _ l ' l `'.!f -Y - JP B i, , ' ! ANToms . r6elc•-'flic ,- C10.106 00'
, `";:c' ' ' l "-*O*3 -, l ,l V: tt !! -° ' • 4 . th e'o,ii - rr lit to
.-;;;;',, ;spleputu,t pkier.,Tbst„ Oro?.
.., wvc, y , g
~,.mali'iill'it., for 20 - years,. anti. oli ,
,:::4,7,ll";k:'*ird i ntidlleife - criVi (111100elit to effuoiuid In all - mica.
6..-- " ' '''''' - 'lf' At - -- ` , 'sll - 16 . 1
'llse falil6 - li -- - - itimbeintving
#l'• . - 1 i : 41.- ° - .,,° ° I, ' tine -I'd ' Y ' i` - I, - ',,' . ,
. 1 0)R ir-llPP9o , 'm , 7' . C e i 11. 3 111
~', P IPZ Al .'' , ? . '
' S' ~ .., ...4 0.5 . ............. .- '.......` ,
.AgicioeThvggid(l4o.2 Iletchpr SLITQW 101 K.
rf;_•;";,:', Y ::;',*:. 801,40401: 44118, Pillill4l trgetly . ,, , ;,.. ~ . . 1
..., , ......;,.iialliti pomp! is.tor palo i SJ.4vouspfi:St..Potkle 1
rt , eij4s. - i de.:,p5...,•: ;. , . ~.----t . 4.-
..t. .•11, l li,V.-0-Iy.
-11-#..446,?, - ,k'.i:l' . :. - :'„ , -.,'• -. :': ' n '.:-'• . ',- ....,'....`-'','1.4;.., ' '" - 'l
Met,ellantesb.tlene , .
:Bt tveci,et, I&strati esbi;rEr - - eat
r ocillitiop*;
lzw. i,suhsprillprp . . , grotaful: for past factpis; ,
-. T .,. beg ten,ve2to Anfertil theit nal ynbl
encral ty;Ahnt they? kit cent' hue, n'W.',llfie - " er
burthen Cnitt:regotaitly.between Meelitiniesburg.,
Plri Istlel phi it' Or PRI ine by,'Whieli.goods and, ptre:. 7
'ilnee.cil; .tteseei Ones .forwaerled witb . ; care
nod w est: rates
PeOrluee will be reeked; at tiie.i,;Waie.ll r en'seii
in . Affect tied for4nrrinil .;te. either,
delphin ',llaltimpre, nueneding to the direction df
the db•urr.
' tifighest price will be'
birssimoi. Sr. MI ILY. - '
. A.l s ,l4ster ef Pirri#nnASalt.nlwAys kept
41111(1;4A ,for Sak:'nt Flie Lowest inieei. -, • ,
--• • ,
eat, Zinc of Freight Cars,.
_ • •
.*ll - I(fßa f3ll Dlr3ritt
THE subsTriber,grateful flu; padt tb s'ors, respectful
y ne:ptaints his &Vet als antl - the public, that he Intsput
tau operation on tI Harrisburg, Lancaster Etc. po-
Itunbla . 4
• ,
a liticadneW•liOLlßLE t....;AItS, Which w ill ,euttre,,stn
litelv between I Inerlntoteg add Philatlelphin;lik \ - Vbxeli
(;:,( * ),i3 nod Produce.. of nll desel'iptitiiiit will beTciPtvittez•
ii (1 with (lire and devateli, ttt th 4 lowest rates of,
(:nods will I:Teat:lN - tt :mote Wtreenons - a - Vt - ri tos.
,L.N . LAN \V .N. corner of: Broad .. and •Yilo,
streets-Pl!iltitli:ljrhin 3 -- nod- fo r!!!!'g,
'anti ihterwiellititttt: places,
Ity the 'Holoceeiber., -; • O\VIN ;SP,CALIP.:- •
5 - 1539: • • • •
inr.FlSll, 13 A 11r N P P.L.A ST INL'i constaittly po
lenol.• Cash. loth: let. :tiniest all kiacts of country
A '. •
I renio,vl4l to tlie. - rapaidoilaWarelioitar recently
Ceeeli & Co. at. the nortti- , wesfeor.ilyr.
df Clie'rry /1 )Iki if1 1 0:111
the farilitio which:the loaatiomintal iliternal
!..iix.railsofriei.t ,, of • thiy :depot afford,. 2.9 t0..10
Cara C:111 Lc areol modid«l to 111110011',iiiid Idol
.ranie s tinie a ith *laciest rooni to store '20,000 barrels
or Flout., t ud 401) to (100 , taii of Grain cxelusivo ofthe
Protlarxi of every description ttecOived as
moat oil roikaigrintentai itittl tide:urea-made on
receipt (if requirol) 'salcs:are!effijeteil.'
• - BELLAS & Co.
eorner of Clirry_&•lll ,- oiul sf.
. .: • . Philadelphia.
. .
nr.rEa .tEN .
- . .-• . cr.s. .• .- . __ __
w..s. co,. scaoaer,,
..- . - : ,- 7 ----
nc,i,(1,..,5,m, ~,- ' l, ,a rkr r, .---- .carri- Carrick •: , . •-•
.11Corr.lthoodf , . • , .. - . „ , :..
Sail mterson 0/416m:rimy]; • 1
L.lecol) Swoyer, Aimmillo. -
David getio, Shippemsburg. _____ ..._. : .. _
J. LOgon Smith, fliai. Caeliiql - ciambershos .
F 1 rster liOtz 1 1 / 4 , Co,
nObert.Pleining,. .
Coil lerwomi & Craig, ' pidi w kinh ia ..
Wm. R. 'lllompsiio ti.• Co. . .
WIMal.l & Brown, •
Prodoe, Wanted Itimiediately
CAST[ will - beinitillor. - FIVWTDOUSAND ban.
refs of linur t - TENJIIOUSAND-bushels of Wheat;
TEN - THOUSAND buFliels of Rye, and TEN
TfIOCSANI) bushels of Corn, q- the subscriber,
who . can at nll times be found nt his Ware-house on
the canal betwcen,Whluut anthStnte streets.
Harrisburg, April I, 1.8,10.—tf
Thd finman, itrafr;
. •
y • A . • „
Is'am:anted staid or restored; and 'lib' head kept
free from dandruff by the genuine :OLRIDCE'S
Reinember the genuine as described below. • ---•
certified to by - several - Mayers; Ministers
of tlidGospisl,British Consul, Physicians,mul a greftt
number or our most honorable citizens, to be •BCCU
mduire sold. .
. -
_ elude elde hasbeen imitated by a notorious coim-•
tesfeiter. Let it never be purchased or used Unless
it 'luxe the name of L. S. COMSTOCK, or the sig
nature of comsTocK, & CO, on. a splendid-,wrap
per. This is the 'only . external;test that will secure
the-public-from titicepttUn "
the--ivholesaloLand -rettill-Office t iki
Fletcher street, near Maiden Lane and Pearl st.• •
- • - WitolesidoWnggists:
. genitine for - sale - br, Stevenson It-Di
kle Carlisle, Pa, v•-••• [Dee„ll 11359, ty.
. . .
..1. :LeitlY";-,celebrat . ed: TEraltr. AN!) ITCH
OINTIENT -is daily becoming' intim pOpular..,Pni s 7
{ly do IlUlnerous inillitillualif stop and' ittfortri'llac-prO
. prictor of its great suc6eSs in mum:Ting and curingthe
Tetter . and Itch.`' .•.. - t .
_RumotoustestimOnialSinight lie,published of its 'elli..
racy, but for. the by individuals: laying
their namis. published i n tonnecttou with so loathsome
and disagreeable 61V4titinti. '
,nu ma e lise ' d with perfect' safety by:young and
old, even' pon infants, containing no • mercury, or oth
er mineral stibstattgeS. .Pr. N: IL:Leidy • prepares it
hi niselfond knowing itsoomPiisitiOn; most confident
lv rei , ommends it lig superioriti any other retnedy for
the Totter and Itch.. 'Prepared and .sold at Dr Let
tly's Health Emporidin,lSign of the (101tletc. - lingle
miff SerpentS;)No... 191 •Islortli Second - street; below-
Vine. • Also sold by :•• ' • ~ ,1 , ',.; "• . '''', , . -
,r'... .. ,
STEVgNSOIsI, tz DIIsIKLI . i . Drugg,ists, Ctirlisle.
. n
. -
Price' 25 Cents a p0x . .., - , .
... .- .„-
July-29,18'40,---.812 ,' .. .
• - • - ,
. ... ~ . . ,
Vi I, by .the use - or Ile 9 linflteh'sCOmpound-Strength-,1
eni ng mid . Certrinn . Aperient Sarah Bever;
wiftt, - of. William , iloyeroleith' 4th .. stilset-nhelle
low hill, ttailadelphin, .entirelv: cuied or the above
distressing.. disease. ~ Iles symp t toms' Wei e, habitual
costive nesti s :q(the hOwe:s.,totat loss'of Appetite; exerit.
titlg p4Z4re nin itt the side; storniteb*Mhae lie epreMinn.
of optritsnie debilith could n ot 'on liei,lett
side tiltliont tico.nAri'vntiOn' n;ivlth-Othei. Ontp ,
. tornsindienting , great;thifittigetnetitinAhe flinetiens'of
the' ireY;''. - Mrs.'.l36yrer; witS'.'ritterided. lky,,Sdvernl : of
. the first' physicians, but.reeeived but little rater fisinn
.theirjrieditlNO ittlastitt,•fiinntlqiftitersrlirbented -
Dr.:'l3n,rliell!s_strengthdiditit antl - Gerrean
.thre.oselof One:rmikAti , ..''' ili
dnoed her to co 'ntintie the Zriidilicitie,Liviticti.i;6-
- suited •iit'.i:freviittgtt'ilertoitnent cntiv o l)cSmnd
liectat~onoflier friend • , •
Principal Office , Goe this medicine is tit.!;:e. 19 north
Bth street;TlAiln, 2; : • •
cgig-The above !inlunbie'. medicine may at
cuTE.:ilitonnens, ' FODlatialsTNEtt.
OF iC,ONSDUPTION,-1 4 11iictlisease is vel:
olooltlik'e a ionimpO,UturrbiltzeueritilY COnimentlo
likeOM LtstitOtici . Chilliness,
slight Cougit sirk.uPjaprOilion tittd Itighlßes,s about tlie.
breast. - littnat4 inStoniUes the ttlitede seenutitt Olt Of nee
verlieridu4 Ow:aster. Atill4bAbleNtie,Oentitt4co,the
oppression in the hreniktinereliri4the otiunt , Malloo
beemnes „Opt - pos . l'o Moiety the - respiration be.:
rittling , :tOottrid, fib. it the ttleivas - forged•rthroUgl6
nerve - o r . oltO:rt9 INT - anted i*ltfit
gleet th is deikase it ing",:t.c , ..p'f-7serights Mnsehuenee;
' , Out by a tinsel'ys application .te tDr. Syipayielf Von:,
Poing' Sllrui6 of 'HNN ,cher r y, with st strict:attention
to' the direetions,allibese, • unpleatiant eiree o m 11 1 ,144
reoved. ~, Do carefulia Nit is sold at' no place-ex
cept at No. 19 Eltreci, at,the
restective agents.. '•r - •
For sale_at ithe Drug Store, - of Sohn `Myer :&
Co. Capiltile, Va. 4 - '2O ion
-•-• • - • -• .
•• 4, Joint
• Jr .r: lir/Or /14 " • • •r'•
' r
thiS 10-Ith ,- Oiret.4lOiii tei
- jortiOntitilOC in
I tol4lo.
• ,
i v it. lit! niiswer
res !tear , fOroo&otoinOnt,,theilusorpf its loss,
0ty;4.1140 An&
w coOtasot . Olietilitithi:: of : fine blood.",
that, its I,iisify is i
!co , lot'Ott witlititO'flot..Stoili, , Now anyt.iiinkw,itiobiri: , '
jortht the it", of the ',hoot]; or • fliv6rts: talto awny,,
,:it. ilitifani , :esitise that obstruots -orwgEtkoloi.tliO.Oir-f
-cl4atioti.of firodtt tin the skin, Orgiliat
bloodte ethel p irta of th systctn, will bike - OwHi the'
foo-Sh'atitlyeitititfol:Opp6ii*Oe,of--titOlotir,- wr.=.
;its griiiiitt4 torsi' griirsootiOiJ a n ti
'• ' '
FrEvlalsoti sz.plN,:t.t ry., Ctu•lishi,, Pa.
, •
I: • *by' 13 §,C6.--rty, • ' '
• . •
, call, tbc
. attention of those of -;
Ilietett with TweritsturtaMlilitess. to The excellent I lair
Tonic itlepttretl-by-Dr4.Jnyite of this
it BM) it ourselves ; -we cab stielik'of lks virtues -by expe
rielie,,Mitl We tiniteititatingl,V proliounee It an.wialu
io rO otore it from dealt,a ll , to - fine;
eitti ilis'o spek•
Of the '.e:ises'Of two or-ti n frieiitirttitti '),VT 'ti
icp - Ts q l,t6 baht;l F Fp' 101;:e.u4o . cif ,
's jdair
haV•e*itmvluxurisiit Mar..' • We have
sition to puff, ititliseriniiimielvMl) kinds of I'M-ill...diva
for 111scnSCB, but: when we
hnvd tels'ft,il, the virtue of iat,artiele,•to.s;ty
ilirygood;--,-SaiwilairEveniiip Post.' •
brceil oneselyeao OTT, those alio believed Oita; the
i lair Tonic,:prilUito. 1 - watt one' Of the'
Many quack. nostemiis AViitsse.:Virso are nevelt seen'
_bey_and the fulsotne t tailors, :Vire are
vrilli lengtli;TotualaTituldirmeleriom lefrautent-of_
the - error of one belief., Ai , int intolo frieliti,souie tWo
- oe three-montlio , sineertill4ite .top M . ;whose dritninut
was, as bald ati. n •tet,Co of -poi ialti;ol loorbro . out traee all
our_jehtiag.aror) ,c,f•the idea 'oi.altcplOotr,
to ruitithiti! so -bareforti7.t.pot 'pftrepoSefraloltltt oC
two Of thin ll d Timid. from 1)0, joy tiemnd 'otteorditra
to Ifist,fliiOtimai.alitilled it. Mitring the Pretand week-
OM same friend ushered hiMsellipto our,peesetatemnd
,uncovering his hitherto astotualied us with
illiMilitoradi - luxiMianl growth: or ffire::t“
tyro intulics is lepgili---upon the vdity Premises we hint
believed as unyielding.tu cultivation as Ow trackless
sand 'that skirts - the Atlantic. Tlfis fs no pelt hot is
rim bapointed out_:_Mitat s inure in fivout or till's.'
:":I`onic,"3lie cast bete ell ed . was bbt one of tempura-
ev halfluess--`do sifildeti loss of the hair—but anti gulf
o'f yearS' standinit,..thfuralt dee ilfekraenti e tram is.. tal t
forty 4. !5 .. -yeao,of
- WA It !.W..1 ft !•L- . Tlie - Wig titakers ha en
decrared hoidilit ex against Our neighbor Dr: .lartte,
on account of Itis'llair knocking - all
their btisinesstnto a "cocked hat." 'LadioS - rnl ,en
tlenien—obl and yotutg . arc flocking to. the Dnetor's :
standard. Ileada long divested of even the first rudi
,petitS °Chair, after tibitigttislfair tonic soon appear
. A lisfkm fit ' l ' l r
might have envied. ..13c1.1 r4II es s are seen - with .
large and - tniSty whifikers'; abd itidies smile altaiit
through their - own raven ringlets.niore beautiful and,
liewitehingtisau ever. Bald lietids_• . are doffing their
.Wigs.and•throWing th'em to the . ‘4nalts.and the bats,"
while the Wig makers. stand aghast , as they behold
the demolition of their busiites.•, " •
• What will he the Consequence ofillis War we know'
not, tig the wiggies are outrageous, and the Doctor Pc:—
mains firm, and declares that "some things can be
done as with as othcrs,"and that bald sheads may as
.well weal' their owntiair us that of others.---r Wee
kly Messenvvc • •
1140...!r0nic.:;-71Ve meet almost,every
eOrimc,. when
. peyamhulati the' streets, men wearing
long and glossy hart., they - seims - tO - im proud
Ltd, and others ivlinhaYsygiie' a few weeke,:i crop
-or-black mOustaclies, that WoultiViii.iili-tTi-gTo-csiF-d
-bruin that ever walkttithi; foreq: -- It has puzzled us
,Mknow the secret of sall those wondrous crops• of
hair; but Messrs. SANDS, 79 ainl I 6.0 pultnii sweet,
have got the remedy,•wbere all who are curious in
such matters may 'learn, a valuable secret: T r./Veze
York. 11-714 , . • . •
Sold in Philadelphia at 5.. k) South Third Street
. This - Can 'be effectually done by Dr. Leidy's
season, the Spring time of year, when the grossint-
Anors : oftimaystent. ouglitito be removed from the be
lly and the blood purifi r ekthus -preventing the sin
gular, and 'unpleasant: feeling common to all, of : a
dizziness, drowsiness, peculiar heaviness of the hend,
and other feelings, giving rise. to what is generally'
called the Spring' Fever.
-Upwards ol . LOO,OJO of Dr. Leidy's Blood
have been sold during-the past year, at rebid alone.,
Order's have been received from the South and
during' tha . past montli, for:more than 10n gross !„ thus
showing the great demand fer.theni, and proving that
there must be some extraordinary . cause to -produce :
-it ---it-ill-0“81ly-explained, they_are ,ilie,tvilhle . st- aPil
safest - purgative , as well a§ the most-;- effectual 'in
cl eau sl ng and purifying the blood, Mill Qr , ~, ovi nKO 1 c
principal causes of disease exer dis Covered. They are
safeiheetinse .they are-warranted free from -minerals',
apd•may be taken iiii‘lioutiliet ; restraint front siccupa
tion or a fear of taking cold from their use. -They do
no - ailiilitatelffe - SYStimiTt - s -11 6 tillierpillii Mifftitirga
tives;--their=.oPeration;iigenile., Init always ellectuali'
They have elicited numerous Witimonials from phy
-Sieians-and others, wltioli-accomtiany„-the-directtons,
•- and arc confidently' recoutmended in Rheumatic Af,
Diseases of .the liverokin;-bopes 'and glans, Pian of
the aides, along the backlit:id spine over the region of
thelleart and stomacli;inward: fevers, bad taste in the
month, fonl breath; Flatulency, Indigestion; Want of
Appetite; Sour Eructation nail Acidities of the StOin-:
cielt, U Icereus sores of the node, throat antibody, Sealy
Ereptions and blotches, of the skin;;Dry and watery
rhples and pastalei bf the NO end bodi,Teiter avid'
Ringworms, Ss elling and hardening of the glands of
the neck„in the groins, breast, kc. ,Stomach Coughs,.
Liver Complaint, Waterbrash, 8.5 c nd all the' whole
fraiii:of diseaSes,•resitlting 'froM Impurity, of Blood,
ConstitMknialDiSeases,lte.;only in Philadelphisr, at
Dr:Leidy'S - /Wilt Emporium,2d below Vine at:. • •
Also sold by .F. K I ett, D ruggi a ;t:tl mid' CallOwliill
Streets; J. Long lk.A!. Vniir&c Druggist, Lancaster;
Peter Tont p',Dritg4ti:PastPlli'W; D ! Pottip, Drug
. . . .
4 1 1%4 1 Y 1 4.4 1, --- ' ' '
..,... •
Also. hY.-STEVENSON ''k DINKLE', Deuggi SP;
. b ar li s l e ;ls a .: ::, • :: ,:t !::- : [Joy '29 7840-3 m • ,
~ „
.Price2s , CentsTd' Bottle.;". - - —"
Cp *GI tau, SyPup Of ,Xl/il-Cherriilarfo'as foetid_ to
be. the Annit article", for healing' the ulcerated lungs,
stopping ni relieving / the cough ,that
ever liss
do well - to tirdeure.th9itieedVoliiti before it Isloci.inep.
.Certificities:of m'an.f . en Safi lie. Skid by , applying' at
Nori,h !
Otis reed i ricieno Allyn* el tie - obtained. r,Priepskiver,
136ttle 'or six: bottles for4s • I
CO.,•° Carlisle
COlum!)iii; Pa; • •:•• • •:••.: JAW.: 8s 1840.
; (-1,141i1)1VIAiltillg16201
I '8 Of
_.,°_,..,.. ...I'.liaireArtitC2.lo ul - -- , - „nowt
- -- . lame me -
,t e rlii,d,' &elks - v. O- -7 , ~,, puke:l4o9le SUI ~.. . , Ili
1721..0u1d imswefut 01100_-,'!"i'ho,,,iel.,,ii.coniumptetims ei.!.o-7.
lU'r66t:th6 di s ease
tal l ,W .2 44, : d IT ti,:.billai.
;how jiery.ip4orlY,leay gwe'iiiii!iPP.944fint,wri?-'.
ji l (
43,atetfritem.011,!*'IniOtbiiih' s 6i ". !r l i WOx iilli A ,
reilt4'6ol4.l"ce;l'amse:o4:6ll44°l* witimay
I,6e.r*4l#s4**lnnd ; kab O st ;*Aki il PLlP* ll Wi l iii '
tie iraostAlgtl°:P „c ie - ilia arVi).° rr,"-'s. '.1041{`61111
,;. „4„Thoci6or m e ans - i ifiblt avert its hell ...
'l"` e- ' ,- ' h `fitild*quAst 0 .. , ..L hiiidy e bv . toe
• ititoliT'-iii!.4l I,° A , t -the 4 Ma d ': o - rl ' l "*- 'f7." kilta S)*tre
).)liilltll424:#2l'l44 Fl i i l atell i i ,
.-01' W i l4 M herr * 6 k l i gl e o je i 4 V e ilr 4 e- -I '. of'. check ,
~- k,,, ggreeol.l"-t 0 .pillell tiMest l e lo t P i r ,.,, ~.:,,,,,;
it5...,t.h.-.,,„.04n0r1Y . . ~' n6410'104 k ,Ntr•e -j " -I,
-plul ' , " -, 'S.''' ii 4 i.caltdit:the.P4 .Ep-4,th,Ntr•ept,TM 7....
its pruitelirtnm,6,No,"A-9 N,..,„(414- ,'‘. ••,P ..' ' - ' always. .
11'i111r;31;grft iP C1 ;!! )cif i lii:7:jiic
Co Cu ft.; V
If" ~ tt~eisonisty pates AsiTtlitts;
;',,, - "Arseaske o tlih ltredit a nit Poise, and •:..'
roWnaPP.)oaclo. l .l;
2 ": on of the most`ellidncious,evet'empploped in the
abeiM:idfC/Ctions. -, 7,, It is ?}l'ell known to' lltbUsatitls},b'uf
oillef f•? : nigitelii:iniireseifeiAlly..kn4Wii, the- Bth- strikerthinklijit.liecesstkr.tC(publialfkke•
priiefs;;:whielf 'Constitute lititt• a :farlatilt. portifou
tclititntal: that might he adduced 01 pyo9fpfipii'effr,-,
throughput 'Germany it., - is 19ell C 11100 9 1)
more than any other iirepar,ition. , for
is there aoitell known . .forlMjefficlpty4htit. they:Calk ,
l‘The'lLife.liresenver." .•••
• •
•; 7 . F,rt.pat:th; United Slates: Guiretie.,: •
. : 601.7011141C4110$ TA7O; ; IM:STIMRS;
.Having seen an•itd V irtiti'enienOn the,4itkuireiv of
'this city, of Ds. Ilecliter' 0 ; .eulir,tokioy:r,i
for Cough . B;.Colds„' Ric'., I ')Vitiliarre,t.ttl frinti
rending its t 9 tnPke it lejak_ofit.. of
;seven small childreu,there . soldovn patios a dale.with-,
out having .1.9 give :sonte ' tine' for
the lannerotts affections common or.lll
the different Patent' Medicines, I. never found - 61M sn
eneral effiCiielons,l notoOonly,"Bervicenblelor
,g COil!i n SW. !Alt also . .very beneficial indeed.
for Chalk anti restltsiiteis, - so corn=
mon teatnall cialdren ; ourhich account I shall never
be wifhput a bottle alit. It has relieved unecf a trou-
Lie eome iffiiigh,sliortiiess of lireadiltig;itial triy
side null- breast; with - 4100i - I.lmVe:been - troubled'
neM , ly tkv else months.. Two skilful plisiciatts afthiS
pity attended 'me fat' it ivithout - effect. -.4 aCcordifigly
Triliseliargetill'iiial having useql :fmirimittles'aftlic
'ithoye medicine, ',was catireli;relievetl ICss di fin
.three weeks. -Vu yretivectfullY.. • • •
So ' me.d SUN I IV I,N
_ tastod, I:oven - deer '161.1);183f.
Dr. , •
should - con - sitter ungrateful, if t did
riot inferni . you (titid with 'my consent tiliCw ',you to
s,) that. after latOng.tried by the recoiumen
thitioa of my friends, ahubst every kind of medicrne
for coughs, colds, &e,, , ldiever found relief until late
ly, having used Itr. l'almonary Preserva 7
lice, recOmniended to lUe..b.V.yoUr agent iii shit: pl eo,
and which cured me 01 a violent coligh, spitting of
to 0011, pia of breast, and bliorl9ess of Meath,' with all
of which I have I,t+a Milk:led rm. ew am
. lio j illritt ever ; tiid
owe I,l32'Qu'avery to the above Ito,
Signed, N. ATWOOD,
'f 11;11)860o') frotii
. ,
• Pittsinitzi-J une-Vith .1„81111,, , --- -
DR. LEIDY, at D4tilodelphia,
,ResitertedSir,-..-I...ras)noch.pleaset l after mt 411•1•1- .
cal in thiS-country ?, to iiinlthat.DrAlechter'sitiluable
prep:Math:fp; fit s g- in many pacts
qt Geriumix tiOW prepared' by y ou. • 1 • have seen
cures, nettle by it in the Ordcountr . v.
111anv person's uliwn Imps wi.tre •stippusetl to. be. 81- .
niosC entirely . destroyed, and M•onouneed incurable,
haVateen restored
.good lwaith by - its • boo w
y, one. dific Was heymal the tapes of .exotirecov-.-
t;rrt4Aul'Avat. ftir'. ears helpless. Mal confined to bad
without able IV sitbut 'Ayas raises: Ville
,s.voiaterful cu=ter; of Dr. llrcbter's•l'ulnioilai . fl'aeseV-!
'votive; and so far curettlig - to - bi•lible tr, •rtehrand walk
'gibout:• A .great , many IptihlllljF.y.hare bton cured in
The ta r lptis.lo.lnathart - Tif. : ctions,:uni I have
received great benefit fOmn it, Loth fiet•ej and in
native count! v. I line it mar* successful in this'
country. as it Las be.M ni , Gerofany. Whet; properly_
:knoNim no . •tv ill it •
I'. -S. 1 grt it tr this Blatt: of your' itgeut.
- Yonrs,-•- - • Signed, S. SCIEI.III - {E... ,•
DIL N, B.LEMY, ' • '•
• TOIL reiannthendarlon;lmalle Ose - of
triell all other renaitlies for toV congh, I never foinal
rtilielexcept oil tbe abode hayed:A.6'i
numb benetitted by it, Mal have reecaninimileil it to
many. OthiTS, ho have sulli.rv.l NOt11.1)1611$ 1114101:
-breasts, cot spitting of Wool, di Ilicitlty of itrear
thing, colds, mlbieuzas; odd all have been speedi-,
ly cured thereby, •
- -
- With respect-,..yours, 1 / 4 e. • , •
Signed, I. 1113 - PKINS.
. _
• Trenton, N.J. 0ct.12, 1839.
Friend Leidy—Thee nitrite much surprised at my
conummication, when 1 inforth thee of my perfect re
coverv;after it:Wing - IV:Ili FAX bottles of thy medicine.
Thro'knows how miserabb.• and distressed I WaS.—
Pale and sickly; without moictitc, full of pain, .witit
much cough, and opPression in toy - chest, rattling in
mt- - thetwiti - &c.. lam now -enjoying good _health, and
thong Guyears of af;LC. feet: org spirits,and most
attribute nor giaal heal th to t goOd eflt•Cts or 'Ey
Puimomyy:Posevvaiire.: Thy friend and well wishq.
•• . • Signed, - • • - 11. DNILEN. I
Lancaster, January 411,1839.
Sir—l must inlbrm con of the' recovery - of my wife,
whose case I ile;:crillctl to yew=s the city of
phin. The hosrseness and wreness of her thrrint, with
'Which she suftlited many mouths, has entirely disap
penved, her cough is out (9 violent, neither has site
troy more pain in her breal;hut is entirely cured.—
She used may 13r. Weiner' Pulmonary Pr o st:try:dire,
=which you st:. strongly redeptinended.• I rental 0 yours.
Signed, • . JOHN TURNER..
The above medicine is NT:wed only and•for• sale,
'wholesale and retail at Dr. N. 13. Leidy's Health Ent,
porium, No. 19 North fieednd street, borow Vine st.
(sign 011ie Golden Eagle toll 'Serpents,)
plus. Also for sale at • j .
Klett's•Drug Stoett, 2tal and Callowhill street;
J. Smith Sr, Co's do.- 2d st. next. Red Lion Tavern,'
J. Long's+lit A. rith•er's do. Lancaster; Peter Pomp's : .
' do. Easton; W. 11. PonijOt do. Milton. •
Also, STDVENSOY & DECKLE, Druggists;
•Carlisle, [JUly.c29
. .
Tke .I.lllftean' if? l , v elq le 4. agi:,. •
11 v .p,pp rg a l ivt5.-nedticiiie, si) natural to-thii-linnummi
constitution, and Witliiil iio - inild;aiiii pleasant in - their.
dperation,that not time slightest dread orpaithhr sick- ,
'testi, need he apprehended from_their mat, even by
(he most- delicate: at time Nooollow, it used lit such a
mounter as to operate Emily .by the...bowels ;- those
morbid humors, (which &posited* tipon;the varititts
parts of the body are 1116 1 ' cause of 'every ache or pain
-we suffer) will most assuredly be removed; and not
'only a ill pain,"or di strew+ of every description lie dri
ven from the bOdy, but disease 'Many farm will be im
pot.sible. . .•
F9l* the Same reason, when; from the sudden tliii iig
es of aiimmqdmeri. or any ether t s trat;the perspiration
is checked, and those huntors which slyiuld passelrhy .
the skin, are thrown inwardly, causing headache, tam
seau , a tot sickness, paint, ill the botOts, watery and in
flamed eyes, sore unrest, tobr senesS, cough s,con sump
limn, Olean - attic pains in various putts of the, binly,and
inairi--011ia•-kihiptoimis'ofeateltillgchld;:thc-hirlian vei--
clable Pills Will invariably give immediate - relief.—
'l:llree. - .dr four pills, taken at might on going to bed,aini
repeated 'a few.times, willyemove all the above un
pleasant symptoms, and resttute•the body to even &dam =
derlicaltli r than before.
Thelndian Vegetable l'ills-, (Indian Purghtive) are'
a natural, and therefore a certain mire fOr Costiveness:
because they cleanse the stomaelt mid bOwels hf those
Milting humours, which not only paralyze; and weaken
the digestive orgasms, but are-the cause of headache,
nausea(' and sickness, palpitation of the heart; flying
pains in various parts ,e( the body, anti many other
ilisagreable coinplailltV" "flie same rilay be said of
difficulty of breathing; or asthma; the Indian Vegeta
ble Pills will loosen and carry off by the' stomach and•
bowels, those tough pleglitnY humors which stop up
far /1117;MIS Oftll6lungs, and are the conic of the above
dreadful complaint.
In all disordered motions ofthe blood, caliectinter
mittent,remittent, nervous, , inflammtitory and ' , putrid
FEVERS, the Indian Vegetable Pills will be found
ascertain remedy; because 'they cleanse the stomach
,and bowels of all bilious matter,and purify the blood;
. . ~
- - . ..11-CIIAILLEN E. consequently,as -they remove the cause of every kind,
G - . - • of diserise, they are absolutely certain -to cure every
I, 0 OT - Dolltersitilit - be - Forfeited- - xiffd - or r efer; -----,-------------:—.._,_....._____,._
".1.....T9 any individual whO will produce n preparation So also when morbid humors arc deposited upon.
equal to DICLEII/I"VIIP.DIOATED.ExTrucT_ Alemerobrapp. and muscles, causing those Pains, in-'
OF SARSAPARILIN -It-is positively the. strong-. flamMations and'inrellings ealledllheumatisrit,Qet;:
eat prep . armion ht existchce, One bottle of it is equal Ste.; the Indian Vegetable Pills may he.relied on - at
to stx,...pints:2“l4l4liplitg.s.YlllP.:Aat—ea.a.ble_maliet--- -ulviayseetttitin-40-glieintl-if-perseverectrivithi.
1 .
and numeronsindiviu is prepare from it ri'syrap 'will most assuredly-, and without fail, make 'a perfect.
'which they Put in bottle of differentsikesinaskspen cure of the . above painful maladies. From three to
'selling it as -their, prep: :Ilion, whert in. reality it is six of said Indian Vegetable Pills, taken every 'night
the-preparatiOn' of Dr, L lily ; the.syrup.being made • on.going to bed, will, ut 4 sitOrt.l.iMP_,.9 o ." l l44!elyr . td
from his extract, a receip for which accompanies each the ho t ly' 'of -all . morbid and • corrupt utunocs; and
%de of_Dr-Leitly's pre 'oration, whereby - if a syrup Itheumutistn, Vont and pain °revery description; will
is wanted it can be made it an expense of two'dollars
diSaPpear as if by magic. '
4 gallon with Out paying. It it_at !finr_n . te of 50 to 175 . :-.
. ' - ' . • .
' , shonidheremenibered thattife riftletnVegebthle
cents'Ahottle or eight or n dollars a gallen.
is_ onos ' o - '', ol-; vim are certaiwto remove pain hi the_- side, oppres 7 '
i Dr. I..eitly 's, Extract od Sarsaparilla
likaisant_tocthelatte,tlketichlier hy itself' or in a 'glass Alton, neiiniefi find lia.liess, loss of -optietite, eostive•
,of water: - .It is uselesslnftri'lt r -speld r -o f -its-Inetlicali ist ne ti s o 9 r _ ,4 _ s Y., e o l i i ,..".‘ o 'c i t .:" lo of the skin and eyes, .and every
yirtues, as C'i*C . 6' Mall,
.tvoiali and child who can read ~, tit, ,a t, g r wa r t t i i ,., bo °. ( f iv it A° r ": , , ( l.l ii h r 6 .."l.L i • l ; n ee ''Xi t _ h tlie l! ): : .
knows of its efficacy, its qiialities haviii,l been amid is i
MINS Willeil, 'When deposited upon , the Liver,,nretke
daily being Published in lit newspapers.' •-• ' ' ' cause aboveOf Cl
e angerbus complaint. .They, ore
is particularly sulaphd to the sKitigand summer j
also CeitithipreVetith‘e of apolexyand sudden death;
Peaionst being - 9r 11 -- inertf - .l , 9rlfYing` natuve - I t ' k "Y . Because they carry ofr - thosolumoorsultichiebatrue-i
other medicine ever 'dilloyered, ' Its character, and
tiog Ow eirettlation, seethe. cause Of a 'rids, 'Or deter..:
efficacy is well known dfroughout the United States, ,
minatien of blood to..ilie bead---iiddiness especially
4 being ,in general use and referred. to . alf,others ' •
throughout pe, Si:Mikan I nectar; ,upwards of 11,000
...o . u . turning Suddenly round---blindness--drowsiness
hias of trittinoryinfltintrnatiou , a thelealu:-4-11M'
liottles flaying been 4 Sohlduring the past 'l 9 months.
r :;--- •
Ntt*V4tis certifittah:4lioih . Pht,j•tifetitheratittothersi - 7 . 64llllt Y' ll" Tk f4 ?:f.' l •l
t ,Other.,disOrder;of . ,,tlmMthd,,,,,• •
i' :41 as fulLdli:cahmsprt'Oropsnyinie.ackbau4,4,__ ' ONE'. WORD
..1101.1111 SEDENTARY. ~
= ' Extract 'of a letter frO4Dri.ll . l3. Ilatiliff; Mobiles.:---Those•Whofromlitibit or oceopotiortowe ep r
! . o .Your, vrepuration oflarsaparillit is the most ern-
• Within:doers„sliould r retnomber: that theyl'requetitly,
carbaus bf any - I litive-M.:4-emPloYed,-.:-1 have kaolin' breathe an attnnipliere whieh"is 'wholly' Unfit fertile
more beneficial results Pam using:2 or 3 bottles of '
oPwro.illoi.viiiiiiiiaitac_Sioicfxogliistseltuli:eg,ba,oaN,topt entr-tinittsasilufriiectmnie.;
, 1 than has been effected ii 'similar', cases by, a dozen, or'
' more of other extracts'a t'l syrups of Sarsaprieilla,'i - ' ' IYevactiated--,the blood becomes irimure, Mulliesul-
Extract of It letter (VIM ' Mr. James . C.' Malsford'a ache, holig,e4ioti, phVitatteh of
,the ',l3eUrt, and ;many
higioi,rotimeoitao 'AI chant-iiillaltittiore.. -. ' •
i . -other4isitgree,able sytniitonts, arc sure to follow. ' . ,
' '..., ”Ilavlagiliatl. frequeit enasion to ethitlaY'prelittra-i , A :• ` THE 11` . .1 9 1)14 . Isi' . .vr.,.9 e; T :max: is! ) [lls,- .: t :
.0 0 9 8 ef„,arsttlaleilia. in I.Y7faluiJY:durlu-thqllust. tell , licinitt'eleainier..ofthe.steinacli c iind bewela,atidn'di , ,
years last 'year tried' aura, tied .found ' one bottle rect purifier of flip hlood o are , certain; hot ethly,to,re . ,
equal in efficatiY, to tlYeet anrotheetbatieverNised.” -
inei'it pain Or distressef eVerikihd freili the the body;
Extract' f a:letter froraily. SiiffordOfNorthainptoiu . b ut :it moo d
,o e ooo n tihr,, v ,,,,,
,t et , t,„-eep4helsoily , ,,,free:
•,;-'..`f. 3 .4rour txtrm4 of Slirapiiiit4 has PeObigiled wiiii7 .froin iliOieliiiitkOrs itall'tkr. the cause of every:maid-.
tiers with' rne,,,ltayktg,restored ruelo- . p:erfeet.jieultk,: • t r y w i s t er ,h",, ?o ,4:; t hoy. wilt Imost ,, ossu i, ot u y , promote
though for alit:years, 'ufllettal.,tis. I. liiive n 'ilekribed-le . Snellft . Just. and. equal .turcubtliaii 3 Of A tiin-;hiand, 'that
YijOitit!nif;77llk - ittliio 7 l- 1 1 - 01 1 iZtrit'd - itiglokt' - e, - ver7.4l — nase 'UII6IE - ail st~: sae - tit - AT lifer4ill UF•i; enabled) - ,to
rythillg ils-*Cii. fiEV ' lmvitig' 'eeelved - skilfulL Inedlea'., enjoy.actund bealth,and disease:Of =ianY,klud ;,
etteniltmee;tltirink , it:griat tiertion' of the tithe? -'; V ' alisnlutel .; impossible
,-- -, ''', • ::! ".• ' ':-':
Niunertmareeernisseadattons and eitritetall•orn:NlL-.. , -,, ;ro r ! g .i& t. b.i,..- • :y., f -,1:,': ,:-,! :.."-.:;*:, !,:.:.. ',. i ~.: ,:. 4C . . ,
.!k .. , ...:.?.
Ocala OpitiMnirotiOils e•Ofiltl be . addial;'btit for . !tip ;...„,,,. , ~, ,
~ .-!, r. - cHAut,Es ,tiGit,tit li; el it
treat aspen , * attentlin ' liewsinver advertising:. I'. . ::-. ~ . ' :.-y ' ;-,: : ~, •..; .0 c ar g i k k eii;
1 , . , : II itilimayeil'and..S &whet esale ead7retailet.Dr.-Y '. - c t iri e elan' d4,3,enerialtittit'.-*OA.66'fiiiiie'tittittiC
:I.,ertlyYsllealtliEMPor ,
u,. 0. - A:9I 7 A pis - ,.0q Tii dai n bi a , ; ,.:. - ~
•; ," " :
streettehAyne:YA io.fcfoltsby , .`,: 1 1
i` r; .:- ~.,;,,. „ r, llsta y' go,f. 0 i.,
.Frerk ileit;prttpitit,'eetiei
efSeriond-and Cal ! ,
iikwhillidroets„',,o4 .I..,4.p.*4:ki'tFoitOri: , proggiisto,
LUk:ttakeri:Lf_eter .I*Uu#o •Druggifit' . Amon •" , W , ; Ii
roriiiilDrugestMitti4 -7 7 . :7 .- - -- .74,,,,z-,- , ----'- 1 .! , ---
'.,,Alito lipsTrxrasilos:tilDlNKLu; Druggist's': ',
clu'lls!Vs.P4?W-,.11i 4 .-== 7 ,:',:".;' '..taulY:';g 9 lSY2tPiti ::1,
' ' "::Pr.icaxlite:DiAait-it'B4Oo4' ,: .;:' : ` , -::',',l''''
lich , a:convoinkit Strengthening Tonle, and .Grer.,),
man Aiii'riotit Pillg.-"..Those• pills remove all those'
distrf smog (lineages
atlliotetl (Vith. They reM o ie thonkincOld See - redoes" .
WlllOl llille.ll,4Mtilitled! so enitiptetki:ir - number ortlisen4!
SeB and 401 4111 10 .PpilowFcla* 6 # . 44 l 4PY:iinfLAisf .
,Nri - • e , i,eoable „•I'licisO;pllla used'!
J°Y ' 4! '` Tr t.j4k/M9.'“'-'•dirgtticipailmiiiptll4.ol,f,bi*iio..4:Aliiir;tiiiil:litilt)l,lle.-.
! , AM) ilangeratis, , 4 11irovgheut.the wll4 l o . 4aleill
°ltiP*!'the lilhoil;'and
Impair The health and4leStrajli.tlipAiVen Pf seine
e p?in'ioth4Bide,
'EoluleVerinifitge,'As.evtalaandisaFen'pre;• - baakAnihloiraii vt,,t- dpveti .44 ,
initidi.oo . 6-th:evdtpoynortioYitriona)chultiqWernl44.4pteMagitin:tb. , i(e , :propem,:. , fttpCtiona-lind'i•egPring •
dyipapsisq . sailr,afornaelti:rant . .akpiirittitet;' , l,66ipiil9YtrVitil repose. • '!„
iii•gans 0f.(110idlori !.•-:143 lia,lia(144;;;Xo;: apik,znit. 4 46:3lAnyi ApaiTelit •
I 1 3 rinel Eighth - 011ieb;'10.nortli treat, ;
Also to be thd of Samuel Elliott and Stevenson phia. Also for sale at the, Store of .1. 3.‘ Myers
tinkle - • imay, -tl; Co; • i 834). •
, .
, . .
,role4)l:9piletii - 2.,,N0.,
sheet;' P,liittideplAia;;lputlgay .: U of
ELT,I6, P M AVY 4 L':S 7 III9
SON'SPlNKLYl.)rtiegist:9;' , Car.:
These'tnedicincs rir,e'reComnamared;nti '4 & tenily
used httlie most intelligent`pertiorks - in3liePtiiteir
.by numerous Profeis,ors and 'Presidents: of
Collegeti,PhYsidianti'ef"theA.v my raid Nab', and of
'llosnitals' inutAltrisliouses; and by.inere thtm• three'
litindeed Clergyrritaiof
They, are - ox essly,..treptired. faniily'use; anti
bliYeacq U uired.tin Unprecedented popularity through
die-nited States; -and. as they are So' admirably
calculated,to Preserve t;rn'and'eurc! .
should ever be without them;::: The., preprie-'
• .tor of th'ese ;valuable Preparations .received', his. edu.,
cation'ttt One of the best NedicalColleges hythe
ted States, aijdlias had fifteen yearsemierieriee in an:
:extensive and:d)versifiedpractice,nywhiclibeliailiad,
-ritimleoppertunities of acquiring n practical knOwl-.
'edge:cif thseatiesi and,,of tne remedies best calculated
to remove diem.. , .
'These I'reParetitins ecnisist of "•: - • - •. •
EXPEC'FORANT, a valuable remedy.'
for-cough, colds, consimmtion, astlinri i spitting Of
inflamniation ofthe lungs ortliroat, difficulty of bea,
• thing , and all:diseases of putmoniiry..organs..7—Prie - p.
- - ... • •1
• .. Also 'JAYNE'S - . HAIR. TONIC; for'the Preserva
' (ion, groctl, and beauty of the; Indivand • Which . will
-frositiMy'bring-in-nevr e--On4baltt-licad4;-.---,Pritte--
one dollr. . • • •
. lain and pleasant remedy for viorms,dyspepsia,piles;
'.and many other diseases.---Price, 50 cents.
set!tain' cure -fqp bowel and summer complaints,
rliw, dysentery cbolic, crainps, headache; sour
- stoina4;ehOlera 'ambits, and all (I erangeluents of die
°mach and bowels, nervous affeetions,&e.-.-Price
it.) cents. .
• so JAYNE'S- SANATIVE; PILLS, for Female
lin C 0 11111idlut coMl'Veitets, feve s .11 I4jrn- •
mations. glatithility, obstrutAions;clisens(n oftlic gun,
Sc. and in all cases where an .altcrative, or purgative
inetlittine Vs required.---Price e 2.5 cents n box.. • -
tiVYN RA N .7 l'. --- , This
medicine liasi - ilreallyproviitl itself to he rill that
it - has beep, reeniZnentled, Ity. those echo - havegien
it a latest it i; cotinlrV, and theAltiniand for it
creases daily. \Vc have just heard of an important
cure - of Astlkart;--ivhich-has•betaielreCit.eillbv the uStiof
it iil a-ri - eighlwringtown- - -the cast ‘vas Tit of :11'e
male'Who hail-far 0 Wag thiie_lieetr wider the care of
pliVsiciab; but liad received no,relief, hiir-ctiso
Was begiiiiiing to lic considered hopeless: As a _lasl
resort she purchased a bottle of I)r...l:ytle's Expecto
witi•Akentised her to expectorate freely,gradual
ly, eased her cough, mid is rapidly restoring
IVe have-no licisitatioirin sayin thialiiiepa.
11e. Jayne lor tie eiire conglis, colds, ins
lioct A stholit,,Cluisitinfilioii, -- fioii. is.theynoqx - altai-..
ble medicine over offered 1 0 .0,e, A ou T ical t
is tin ilo:laery JI'S:Ile:IS 000 0:
the -most praerispg physiei ans. in l'emisylva,
ilia; and whores e' his preparations have lieen thor
oughly tested, he is looked up.ofi'iis a great public b . ett :
clactor.---[Somergel (Me.) -'
For sale by_Samitcl Elliutt tititl - Slcivrifsan StA/in
kle, Carliile, Pa, (may 13 1840
, ..• _ .
1 1 .47.E10"..,V4'0.0P4.11,LEP1LLAY.
More.tba4,pi. mi llions of boxca'af these celebrate, thC.f.TnitediStatie
.:Hondreualutil tunuiatideblesa the day-they,beittinac
acquainted Peters:" YegetableTilpi, which,' in
conse4uence:=of, their :extraordinary gOodecas,
'attained popttlitritYinipeeeidentedin the histot'•;y:af: l
- • • I
• • .IVhentakeniecOrding to the . di rectionfriecompa
tiyingthena, they - fled highly bcnelleinrin the ,Prei , etit
tion and etird.of ever and Ague r Dys.!
Pepsia; Ver`CompinintS; Sick
Asthma, DroPay.idthemnatism,
,Ehlargement .the
Spleen; .Piles - Colie,'Peinale:PbstructionS;4leart- .
bura;,Furred.Tongue,Nantieri; DistenSien of the,Stoi•
: maeh andr,-Bowels,•,lncipient Flatulence;
11aliitual•Ctistiveness;Loss of..ApPetite,Blotched or
SalloY,COmplexiot4'ond',in:*alr. cases. of ~ Torpor of
cathartic or an aperieritis need-.
ed.' They are; eXceedieglY :in . their OPeration;
'producing neither-nausea, griping,, n Or debility, •
The.effteacy - „theie pill a:t s so. well knoWn, and'
their use so general; tlfht further comment is consid
ered unnecessary.',.. :
For further-partieulatis,seePr; Peters' pamphlet,
'which•can be bad, gratis, of any of theAgenta.
• The pill's' nee neatlY,put np•in'tin boxes, containilt
'2O and 4.5. pillay price 25 and 50 Cents, Per Vox'.
- • ~- .• Ortoano, April 24;
Dear Sir-ZA,S. an- bid 'classmate 01 "yours in Yale
College, I take the libet:ty',of opetting:U - eorrespon;
`Hence.-- ' , _ • • •
i I -
y n aat ma :mg. aOl TCT ty - tag sale
of your pills, which I trust is the case, as:1; am fully
aware - Chat throUgh them you line conferring;ft great
blessing on the public.
I myself ant among. those 'who have been, peculiar
lY benefited by tbnbt,•ttic , Since' my ;irriVitl-,heve, I
had been siddPet :flOV6'e. bilious attacks. whleh bad
'nearly tronght the'grave • but, (and I acknow
-ledge". it with gratitude,) 0 few ' boxes' of your pills
have-, vovn pletely restored Me. would - ad d„that
their-vire:et npint Sick llead-ache„avl Spur Stotharb
is - almost miraculous. - - t:,;-
._With sentiMents of esteem, • ...
- • H. 31. $7172; P Ell 71 "D.
' Bait reel of a eller 'mil fir. Yrancio , 'of •
'PrNrafrace, lt, 1., Dea.7 1833.
Petei-e - Pi II
de medicine, (•10r,0 el,reets being fritodueed. by the
- di f: the quantity - taken,-) and •areAlveilledly
.superioi r t - P_l.e.eis,-11rantireth 7 s f or-Aferrisitn's
Extract (fa lettoqifm, Waines' Ofl'l4l7a(lePria,
'- • Pelawarr.?.o 838;
four pills are the mildest in their opertitions,.and
yr; Most powerful aM"tliat:f •
(Wei' TOt _with in a - Maeticiof andiventyyears.
Daimon the chyle, and- hence on the •imptni
Lies-Of thillilbUti; is evniently.very_Euriirkito;_ , •
:12.7.i.iract of a eller front Dr.
_8(.04, of Ballihore;
.Deceinhur, 17,.183(1. . . - .1
Writ in thitAnitylialtiirof (l'efers'
anti they in neri•ly niiswerett
pose. 1 tinive ilis'eurtleti other inetlieiiirs, sortie of:
titctit very..goottpite.; theirlavor,. •
l'aspretank 10836:
(..111111' . 0•01 j.t this letterlitoiii
eotire sty:diger: Your ontiiiitilie is Alin etitts:c nod
apology I offer for olitrutlinif youVll6-
tiee.• !laving- eNperieneeti a sir/anis :mach of Bilious
Ftiviti'trils 17).11,1. nonsitquenee of their
popularity, to try your.pills; ;AI so beneficial has
lfreVa,ttic VeSilit,that :till dealt otts to iirooire Itutge
quantity of theralo - use'io P)enne ivrite
ine Word wltat is }Tow—lowest price to. the ilieultr for
twsklinititrgil-koxe_s. Yonreurliest attention to
. .
_ li. l 6 I? JO ISM', M. D.
No. '25 .7.frotion! X., Tay, Q 7;1:338.
Iteeeliv,eertify,-thitt WBA - in a very diseti
sett state; dim—skill of a highly
popular'physieinti, , but that it ftni.been rendered:per
fectly healthy by the-use of Peterst.Negetuble:PillS
They Vvere first reeunnnetuled to ma'. -by Dr. Nelson
T 1111.11.4.5
I have much pleasure in witnessing to the trutlt .o
the above, is I knoW fermi . eApeelenr.c thati3lr. Pe
ters'Pillsoi.e an invaluable nil:till:11 . -
• J. 1.1.1 E S .717 E 111.1). 1
.4 E.VT . •
T3l •
? 0 INY L'3l-,./(ES,Nri-Cihailibersbueg.
-- - sAmur—wri.sam,cf.f . co. r. stoppensburgc,
wr.r.L1.4.3r 8.417 I?, Nenwille. .
8.1011.14. - ..1;1,7:1 01'7', ,Z Carli s le:
. JOI/A.f. - ./ . ItPERS &* 'Co. 5 "
And by all the Dri,,,Tists of Philadelphia and bid
timore. " .. ' ,
Nov. 6, 1836.-1 vcar. . '..- • ' ' - •
Intik)?7ltriii Digcovv.w.
. . . -
Thd public are hereby directed to the Medical ad
vertisements-of pr. Ilarlich's Celebrated Comp Mind
Strengthening Tonic, and " German Aperient Pills,
which are a medicine. of great Value to the afflicted,
iliscoveredby Ilarlich, a celebrateil plivsician
at Altderf, Germ:My, which- hits been -used with un
duccess throughout Gems:inv. 'This inedi
chic consists of two kinds, vii : the German Aperi
eht, and- the 'Compound Strengthening, Tonic Pills..
They. arc each putup packs, and should both
be used ter effect a permanent 'cure. Those who are
afflicted Would do well to make a triaCof this
al& medicine, as they- never produce ,- sickness or
nausea while using. A safe and effectualivmedy•for .
and alt stomach complaints; pain-in side, liver_com
-plaints, loss of appetite, flatulency, palpitation cif the
lrettrt;general-debilityi - nervonsirritability,sinkhea4.
ache, Female diseases, spasmodic affectionsirheuma
tism, asthpus, consumption, tke.: .The Ger Man Ape; ,
rient Pills are t6cleanse_the:stomttch - )tha purify . . the
q.7l*lteTTOnie-Or----Sti!Ctig,thettiUg• Pills are to
strengdienland invigorate the nerves andllifeltiire'.or
Riming' give tone to the titomgCli;asall diseases ori
i gmate fromimpurities of the blood, and disordered
stoMach. This mode ot treating diseasCs is pursued
by all practical Physicians; which'experienee .bas
taught them' to lie theonly - remedy - A° effect it mire:
They ae , aot r only recommended and prescribed , by
,the Most experienced Physicians in 'their daily rime
, tice;but also ttiken by those gentlenien themselVes
heilevvit' thek feel the symptoms of those diseases, in
which they know them to, he efflcacions. Thk ig the
case in all lnige-cities • in which they have-an exten
sive Ede. - It is to be understoOd that.theseinedi
_cines_will cure all diseases merely by, purifying.the
.and sufficient authOrity'of dall,f , proofs' niserting that
those Medicines, taken as recommended:by the direc
lionS-which'aCeompani-ihein,-trlll enre-al,leat Maim ,
ritY oCdideaSe'S ol and lker,hy
Which impurities'of the blgod•nre occasioned..
cry.'Ask for Dr;llarlieh's; Compound Strengthen
ing Tonle, and .Gerinim'Aperient fills, .
Principal office for the sale of, medicine, is at
..,..Alsc4,-__Thir_sale..attlid_,Drugl'sture of JAM
ers & Co;
• -
CI -TEET-IIING:;—To *then =Mid
U-Nurses.-HY.Oa ,are 'aware that there are hun
dreds of those little ones that you so dearly loveorho
are daily hurried . into ;an untimely grivie, from that
distressing . mttlidy'Coin•ulsiinis,abieli , RIM oat'!OvOry
infant falls a prey to at; the time ot. dentition ;Aliia*
fore; yOu who are mothers, and have!the care those
little ones, shOgia apply Dr. Puri a's eelebtsded Sootli
Ing;',SYrupf6rTeething:Aich hitapreseried
thodastids,*lieit thrttiglif pit rep:n .o .l7* from that'tle-;
strdetive razagerZ : - invaluable -medicine eat] al4
7iitiyti,be obtained atthe . Medieat Offiee-;NO:4l) . North'
gightlEstrect,:'.oPtiOstterilbert .Street,llidadolphis4
T or - sale the
CRILP N 1.),1J;r•TI ; N: G TuKtit.
atunially . from The: eflbetti - of
.Prolri , eteil
..(lenTitit On.; .4./r,44;aras'TB4stAfici—S,p-upfpe,ChitOvi
;puffing ' 'l4x
reedveey,frem:Conv4sions, -.500n,. us 'the,",..Syruk
'l...obetl od.g.i . frili,;.the amid out teeet*ei.;, e llits
liiretuiration ism°, Diea .
=snots IttM:nOellilc~ - vvilt ' i to_ltot ltA tmsborublicil,
it':'"NY4t.en , infitAte.''in l e At an Aga to"u"r iuisiitha
ftAo aiipearaiilap. o f .toefb,'9n6 bottle !ii
sykup• sUouid "be
ser y..op r r e 'o ti,•ere. A kro,:yonng . ellitftenli, - For if 4. ,4010 2
-the es in the "guniystliti.Sy.
liealloo: the gums, therOiy.yreveUting,:comsOsipUi.
I`.-..• -2 2 . .0::
For sale s onljr,At,No: 12 North Bigbillat'reet,'ll4l!a! ,
' 'A . -7 • ' ' • •
For sale at the Drug t . .0r0. of .Toho
Co., Carlisle at the store of A. li;eefer,}Jarrishut*f
I)ennet & liumgardiker, York i- -AftctillOtt
Columbia, •' , ' •
10 1 : 01 a 88 .0 1 ":ef Pecfp)e; in pl'eferenee to other
BECAUSE they are prepared from ixture extract
of a-Wholesome medicine, mild in operation
mot pleasant ineffects»-the most certain preserver
ochealth; a.srife and effeCtual Cure of ; DYSPEPSIA
or INDIGESTION, 'and , all Stomach 'Coniplaints ; a •
preserver and purifier of the wluile system."' _
Becausethey scaithithinerVes of sensibility and
fortify_the..narves.ofOaptiimOrripartipeto_their_most._ - _
'subtle fluid its . pristine toce, thus giving strength and •
clearness or mud : "• : • . .
. 'Because -they never .destroy 'the ',errata :of - the; sto
matiti rind boivel s • at; stroug•
Berause*science and experience...teach uri - lhat ncr
psirgative labile- will ewe _the_ diseases of the
Stritaash and
of a iiost continually reaottigg to
DR ASTIC, Purgatives;_ youmake: tire diseriselnuch
worse, instead;of better. ' • . • -
• .Becruise DrAlarliell'i Medicines are put up *ion
.the,%Coalman sense principle, .!to Cleanse and atrength , '
er;',' which 1/3' the only coarsO•to pirate lo effect a'
cure. ;Lastly; ,
llecriase these medicines reallrdo CURE diellbs
eases_ for which they are recommended.
PRINCIPAL OFFICE for the: UnitedPtates o No.
.11q, North Eighth street, Philadelphia. - •
'l , ,irsTlicabo've named inedici ads are for sale at tit&
"Store, of JOHN J. .71f.YERS e.s CO., Car
lisle, and -William Peal, ShiPpensburg. . •.,
• And at the
,store of•A. Reeler,frlain Dennet
tv B tun gn Muer, Yark and Wm.'Matlii ot, Cole inb ia ,
I'a. , • ' [January 8;1840:
is it with those who
. neglect their' 'COLDS and .
COMM' At first you complain of having . a cold,
which i's neglected; sifter which . a soreness caper
rienced in`the llroasbiu,'with a hacking• Couell, and
finally the diseaSe settles upon •the .lungs, which the •
patiem s wlll soon perceive by a - wasting away-otthe '
body, attended - with hectic fevers and spitting up or
:florid blood and. matter from ulcers on the lungs; a
pain„ and weight is also experienced at the affected
part of thelungs; the ftinctions of the animal econtimy,
grow languid; the body becomes ; the eyes sink
deep within their cavities; at length the patientpays
the debt of nature, When lie is nattering; Imuself':with.•
the:fairies-of ti speedy recovery: To obviate all those
distressing symptoms. " Spnee no, Me , " hi procuring
-De.:Swayne's COmpound - Syrup - of - Wld - Cherryi - nt -- ,
the.veey commencement of your colds , and 'coughs;
whereby. tnanj night so fsitelia - repose will be procured
and timeand.rorn saved, and almvc.:illyour healqt :-
secured: Therefore, Remembet;, Delays are Danger- •
ous ! _ . . •
-- .Tli - o - abii - ff,Tot - dionicrcarr al way 8-lie-obtained-aCtla;-
Principal Office; No. 19 . ,NOrtli Eighth street, Phila
• del phia ;Uirnt etrspetive agents throughout-the - United
States: .
nt the Drn,.-;.at.oie of John, J.AlyerO & Co.,
*Jail ;ski nt the store 01 A. Keefer, liniTishnrg; Den:
net & Ifonr;ardner, York; and Win; Mathiott, Co-
• . .
. A ND. STI?"?.,NGTIIEN.-.--
tri: purium;
of_Ulizilever nature they 11111 Y be, .
iv;first—M.o eattseriallpoci fy the: Stomackand flow
els - 14.' kmtle 'aperients: - secontlly,to give strength '
-and time to-tlinse tender organs by the•use of proper.
tonics.' - This mode 114re:ding- pursued
Iry rewttlac physitidans, which they well
. lctiow to he
tbe,ot7ly course tri rpsort fri.;, , to . a speedy and
peril - M[lmA: core. • DR.] A IHACIPS-COMVOHND- --r-
APERIENT .P.1.1.):S arc a sum-medieitie to efrect. --.
MI grand oldeet: 'The Cerniati.,PVerii.ifil.Pills are to .
ritunse-the-Stemochtill --I I al, htille ' tirtilr-Mjiltil _are
C onmciti ntl.Strengtheuiltg.Teni c 1?ill - .S" are used to give • -
strength and tone to tkos,t organs which require ten
-1 der - treatment. - Near!) , two thirds-of the diseases
wide]; ut• daily belibld are, diSenses of the Nervous
system, and - hy . tMotinuallyttsing. drastic whim:ll'w- •
gatives,.thestilliirer will soon find himself A being too
mach refined to rem:Milting-10 existence: Tull and
explieii directions, botli in. English and German, ac
company this intilicine.
PRI NCI PA L OFFICE for the United States, No.
19 Nrirttli I:1(01'1W street, Philadelphia. '
cc_74 , co. sale* by Jokig: ..I.lyers',V Co., Carlisle, •
and alhorirthe,store•of A. KcetiM, Harrisburg; Den
, ta?.t dinmgaratier, York ; and Wm. Malltiott; - Co- -
S -
031 P OV:VD BaLS'.l.ll-sOF
Composed of the conee - ntrated virtues the-herlss
of horehound,Bonesett and other vegetable
substancCs• Wmranteil purefrom any mineral what- ,
over. This invaluable medicine is &City effecting
some of the most 'astonishing cures that have ever
been known. ,All who have used it for asthma,
coughS, spitting of •Liloed, whooping .cough, eroop or, '
hives,eonsumption; chronic pleurisy, hoarseness,pain
and soreness - of the breast, difficulty of breathing, and •
every other disease of, the lungs and breast, can and •, -
do attest its usefulness. 'Bronchities, a disease *Mat t
is sweeping thousands up,pn thousands td a premit- •
tore gIItVC, under the mistaken name of Consumption,
is always cured . bv it. The usual symptoms of this •
disease, Bronchi ties, ate cough, soreness of the lungs
or throat, hoarseness, diffienlty of breathing, asthma, -
hectic aver, a spittingup of phlegm. and matter, and
'sometimes eilood.-
is an ,inflammation' of the fine
Skin which lines the insido of the whole of the wind o• .
tubes or air vessels, which run through every part of
th&lungs. This Balsam immediately Suppresses the
coughi: ; paini infintiiMation• fever and: difficulty of •
brcathingoottproduees a free and easy expectora7
Aka tind a Aire is soon-effected.
BeadllZfiilloWirig litter from
Pittsford - , Monroe co., Nov. 9, 1938.
Mr. John - 111. Winslow, Druggist,
Bear Sir ; I have been for a series of years afflict- •
ed affection of the. Lungs, and:a hard cough,,, -,
have molly ttinedaroseernatim.mortung,
pletelYe4austed by excessive coughing during the"'
as 'a Peradn would lie by acliartt dayslab - or.' 1 -
have tried most of the 'Minder remedies of the day, •
but never found-relief. until 1 met-with your-Balsam
of Iforehound: All the'other remedies or.palatives,
that Lliay . k.:used,leave :the bowels . in a congested
state, While yonrs fea - raili — ,era -- eoleble and free.A3ds._
I consider a great desideratum. On taking : a;doSe of
yolir Balsam when going . to bed, I 'rest quietly thro'
the- night, Mid my sleepas refreshing. - I - take great
pleasure in recommending yotir Balsam of. H.ore-,_
hound to - alLthose afilictetl with-pulmonark cow- •
plaihteor. • any disease appertaining to the lungs; and
I taltirthis - zipportniiityLto_thank you' for the great re.
Deland' benefit I have, experieneedßilifligloronrinb - r ---
strumentalitr. YouraiWith much respect, .
• • .• - • • • IV - Ikt - CQVGSWELL.
- -For. sak-by
s..Butorr, Carlisle. .
A t 3 - NORTH, Newville..:.
AlsO, by Druggists generally' throughout: the tong
try.' . Price SO cents per bottle. • - . .
uP,lncr.s. • ISM, entirely cured by the use of Dr'
JUL. O. P. Harlich's "Compound Strengthening tend .
German . Aperient Mr. Solomonof.
Cliester for two years' with the; boe'
distressing disease, of which' he had to use hiiterule4-
ds for 18. months; jas "Were excruciating •
,paln ; in all,hislointsinspeciallyin: his lip - , sliould©,
and,ancles, increasing toWards evenings
4ittendedWitklieat.'::.ltl4.,Wilsen; was at onetium not
able Move, hiSlimbSen account 0. the-,pain- being,•
so - great . ; lieheinKadvised by a'friend `of' pro
bores pills of which ho .seot te the
la West Chester. and
. oCleared' seine ; on uSingthe• •
medieine.the-third tWI . the:pain 'disappeared and his '
strength, inereasinkfr st.; Mid in three weeks was able, •
to fittetutto his business,Which . 'he ;had not done for
18-Month's ;ler thebenefitif others offlicterille-A , isk
es these lines ptiblishe&t iat:
,they. maybe relieved,
andpia enjoy Ilie . pleOsOiciof.a.lie . oltl* , life.,: •
...-Principid Office, .A 9 Also
.fOr saki at 'the 4..l4Yeei'llt Co.
• ~ • - „.. •
, „ „ •• .
IkIONIAL.S of. Om Er) AC.A.2CY
.umhey tow
of . tho , "Poi.e. (.1 i ykiiokho Alas
tilieted ' opuptorda, Nara a
t - otkt&iii4oostoo aidoppressiiin 6.fter eatiag;ilistioa-
04.14 11,1 4 tof flip. stoinach tunisc . 4l9o tit At at OW
tYNII4 aleaoir,licrid-OiutifatiOasi -;.ponle4l.loV9o o t4iting,
soaViNta,ii. the .right:
t0r,4 . 1 sfifaitittio's; niula4al3l4l9'.'tin*? ,. lo3
t Si Wismitign and tstti►-
4.1 toronti fill:id 'filo 41fill . Let&I;"
liarpoeiyadfropiitio- .
Sierikt!ieaiag , dna
poi it -131 us , diojne obtained at No
Foi sale at Oie Dr . as'
Qat...11619, • ' iets9c: