Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 30, 1840, Image 3

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    i-15...::.,23i ,,,,, 7 , -/(: ,-,. ., ,,,,, ,..i ,,, , , , , . -
. ,
sing is that your old age may; 140tvo -less
figs for libertpthaw mine:
Oiii'of the two suririving.LifeGuards of
Gen. Washington..
• Newbprghi•N. lc. Angust.2B,:lB4o.
tikthrtGEr.ti: citiiisno-131ditor:
?,:0:ARL1 . 0.11't..,-:', , 1;
WEDICESDAY, SEPTkAlltElt '90,1840.
...... .. . . .
Our bsimetqlOats proudly-come riiny around it, •
Nor flinch from the contest till LIBERTY'S ,Avon;
'Tilt we---place 7 our — country , w,here Jackson first
found it,
Ere.nn itnd Viz Bancstheir follies begun! •
Coins FREEMEN 1 il..y.cpliaCti rood name goa would
•• • ' chprish,•• • •
Nor boW down. as subjects on knee ;
47,omoTal!ytootneralfy rtortliotroo4r - ticaish -- - -- .
, Who fawa•on a tyrant mai fearlo be free.
. •
F . 012 PRESIDENT,". •.
~ .. . ,
trhigs of Carlisle,
. , . ~.
.Meet at the Log. Cabin this evening at GI o'clock.
Tm )ortant liminess will be transacted, relating to the
boroughlitiiiessinent and tlrep - oltrvaismg; - and County .
Meeting on Thursday, (to-morrow). Let there be a
fulhineotilig: — : — : • .. .
By order... : ' ' •• ' .
. .. _
are constrainer - to'ttpologize to
our friend BO,' for the non,appearanee
his communication. We' have either lost'
er mislaid it—Land up to this time, - although.
WC iIP.VP diliffently st-arched for it, we have
.been unable-to Perbaps we may
be More lucky-before next- week;
:OUR. - OWN . -_-*.COU,N_TY.I r e feel no
. • I
disposition,tolacatya our - fyieukabibad by
falieCalaulationS, - or to:beig orhluSter about
'What we intend to do ia . Ctimberland. .Our
desire is to state as nearly as -possible - .the
truth. We'believe that we - shall be able
to 'give a majority to; the 'Harrison:
Electoral Ticket. We believe that; ve can,
. with .afrill turn out, perfeetii
proper:exertion, elect . our County .- -Ticket .
--but thaTclia . irces,are againstuir,' and we
expect to be beaten 'by. from 1 . 50" . t0 . 2,56
majority. s Still, we insiituponit that the
issue - i 4 in "the hands of the Harrison party
of the-cciunip—they can elect the ticket if
they will. But they must - polls
to a mat,_and•act like. men and:like patriots
when they are there: They must strain
every - nerve, and;put. in._ reqtliiSitien-.every
fair means-in their power. They - Must not
suffer-themsblies to tie browsbeaten :by the
Locofocbs. Modesty at 'the 'ballol-bogea
. ,
is no-virtue—on the eontrarra bold front,
' -' a watchful eye,' and a tongue ever ready
--to-opealc_feadessl.trin-the-4 .- ause of truth;
are-absolute requisites, on._the day of elee
tion.q, Insult no one--deTeeive no one; but
- vindicate and -ativ"hace your- principles,. - hen-
estly and rationally On 'every proper occa
sion:Talltioand' win every Men you can
by the force_ of truth. See that our Tickets.
are placed in charge of vigilant men and'
faithfully distribUted; see that they are in
abundance at thepolls 'from half past seven
. o'clock
in the morning. iiiiirilietirsaf
olosing='a - future - -, 4fr011 - carry-tho-count' .4-
Friends.of Harrison, remember what 7 we
yout4r-tlia- itieda - islir,.yeursown - Thands
--do .yotir ° whole ditt;y. for- once--.-doit, ~on
the' 13th and on the.3oth and 'VICTORY
Will reward yonr exertions. :- We can poll
2700 voles z The counlij: — Wh - arsay oi]; -
:friends, shall we triumph or be defeated ?
We believe that.ever) thing we publish
tif last tveelc, -in relation to the kaine'elec=
fully confirmed.. 1 a been rned. 'Pile vic
toryon, s
is g °n d ous beyond -precrlent;:and the
to selithemselves for sOrriettling less than
ic 9 a' 9uite altea4. 'Phe Whigs of Balti- L
- -pore-celebrated—the victory by-firing 300
antl . guppowder has beenjgnited for
*Pi ,Sanstepatriotic purpoee~ttir niaily all:the
groat caries bordering on the seaooast.:.'ln
;COie.,.on.Thursdaknightlast; Mr. Mac
rine% Betel was beautifully illuminated,
an " three.' ch eers for Maine", testified
Ate interest felt for the liberty and
4Velftre of the'llepnblie: loy . the" Whigs
'Carlisle; - „
`We barb the authority' of 'the :Waste')
Allasi-and-other-Whig-journals for claiming
• the,
:Edward Kent elected rGOiernoib37— up.
of2oo-majorityi- . -;
, 2'9trr Members• of Congrqs t ,
' ',Sixteen Whig Sencitgrs, ply]
4 loa jority of th
'tite r s;; 'Wbich seem
;e2 , 117q1,Unitet
• babliquo, if Ar:,
will. of,hia'denstittp
The Ticicordetia
tors;: :10
' twb
chojce: $ They will probably :retuyo, at
,i,be next trial ? pots .Whig at et
''=' Glo ry: enough for
'.., We may as well prepheefas our
bore. .The twit' Volunteer publishes „a
natculation g s 6'600
uren_over ,
majority ! in- Pennsylvania. - Thaftr. what
we, call ”gnmmon.7 : . Vnless ,the ''public,
works east 10,000; votes "!,for " Van
,13uretti the State of Pennsylvania will.east
her electoral vote for Vent. Harrison, as
certainly as the rday - of election Will arrive.
We are not backward in ''expressing this
opiniori s hecanse it is founded upon the best
information. itespeciing the GeneratElee
don we hare an opinioneleo, not however
so . . well founded, but iibita - as' honestly
entertained; and we put it npori paper to
be compared with the actuatresult., -
We shall gain Two membent of Congress
---one in the district, composed of Hunting
don, Mifflin, Clinton and Centre, and one
in the — Wleltingtorr:disitriet; - and - we - have
an excellent chance,ef gaining one in_ the
[Erie ' 7— • .
We shell gain ,one Senator in I.ancaster.
and York certainly, and v.woin the . Chester
district, if the adntiniStration Agents - Om the
State Rail Road don't &teat upon a' very
large scale... We learn, however, that they
haVe over' 1500 workinien employed
in that diitrict 'on work' that.,should haire'
-been-finished two .. sittee,:_nnd, they.
Probably -- hat,re - . as many more, . before .
the election.- -Under: these circumstances
:our ehatied:fOrjcarrYhiitheldistriet =is n .
sliffi One - If we Should - not - succeed 4e,',
next Senate will stand 16: Whigs-17
co . focos, 'giving the latter Gen. Case. In
the-House. of -Representatives wei . .elarm the .
ibilitrwelect44 - members,lm.LaltalLder-._
thinlyelect 60, if- any relcnnce can be : pla
ced upon inforinatiott from .gentlemen of
honesty and intelligence, or_upon the gene
- .
ral Signs -a-the-times- -The majority_ in.
the state, at the . general election, will not
exceed 3006:either way. • If the LocofocoS
should not reach . Shove that; on either their
Representative' ot _Congreseieinal tickets,
the State will go for Old Tip by frp'm - 5000
to ,1Q,990 majerity.'.• Let the LoeOs sticka.
pin thera=we rneari preehiely whit we Say:
..Phe Pole raising at Landisbut
day last, was a very pleasant affair, ;there
wpri.probably 150 Harrison men present;
50 from Cumberland and 100 Perry . .boy.
ThO pole; was raised" iittle'affer 2. o'clock,
It is about 100 feet high s - and is raced
,a 'Liberty:cap, flag, and streamer.—
'After - the pole vin - s - fixed - In - the grotifill7a, -
procession was formed and marched thrOugh
town, - during 'which, several 'patriotic songs
Were sung. The meeting was then. organ;
lied, and -ably-addressed' by
Esq., Dr. John J. Myers, Wm. M Porter s ,
L. a. BandeburY, and Joseph L. Casey,
Esqrs. The Locos'behaved very decently'
—the landlords gave ne good dinners—and
- every - thing passed - ca charmingly. Ilniza
for Perry 1 , The only objection ,We have
to her is' s , that'slA will gin Van. Buren
about• 700. majority. .
ricrThe Loeofocos say that the Aboli
tionists of Maine 'Noe() for the Whig can
diddles; and " iliey ; coiisol "
-taylit-thatAltifactwill=open - _tite , cy_a_of:
the people. of. the South.. What, gentle.
you- Opened - . thtiTifyeilit:ttio
-8,54-.-Yell iron - have:lieen ;applying_
plasters.:of Lie salve to their nyes : for:.-the-
Tast Monthaiml' if you' hav'nt got .
them to see through your specks yet; They
must be 'a kale the blindest• critters in all
creation. Lilut pray who •elected Marcii
'Morton Governor of Massachisettsl Ile
is an
. .open, 'honest, avowed Abolitionist,
and we ask you
. whonorninated him—who
elected him ?: Well ad you won't answer
Pig, : LifetiVi-CW:rattituretr-party-that_tlid
both. Who nominated Paul Dillingham
kir:Governor, anqE.A,Barber for dent.
GovernoF of Yertnetit,":antl voted - for them
to a man? The Van'Buren tocefocos.—
Aow.,,xo..ilti. ',AM:: if, eith_er of_thn. great
.political partie „have identified themselvei
with the cause of Abolitionism, it , is the
nominated; ,openly
,advocatecr,,and openlY
voted - =for= Abolitionists .16i-hign_otaices.,..„-
if the Abolitionists choese c to vote the Whig
Tieket, they do it tyou - biMs from the'etio
,iictiOn that by,so doing they.bittebunitain
the 'true interests oFthe:counityrand-,lve
are certamlY,not bigoted or foolish enough
to staff nt the - polls with cudgels in our
n tird keep - the b .-awfif-'fromios. .---Bkt
W '' s et gene, kilt t
thmiste to' kunt, up 'candi ates; as the z to=.
We* baye: done;.. That's. a ,point in the
arguMent-which; we imegine,,the'Seutliew
people have'been . ,loolting 'St.,' They see
,that the Lopofacos.afe shallow hYPocritcs,
.Whilar o e ,;: }Alv' inivonough al*Sys to. take
,ote,s,- even ttt. the cost of multi
nap4,Toindiates .from. their ranks ; end
-th'et they lacier , seem': to .be scared at the,
I 'Abolitienists only tylten,therfail te secure
thsir support:, , This 'sort of huu;tbuggery .
Car Xis
e ,,,,, b ..,.. 2t ,„,_
don't take at he "South, and the ehonsand,
and orie lies of;the':Van;l3gren leAders , abm?i,
General' Harrison: will, only result in ghiL g
the Old Hero o Vote than
lie Othirviise'hOye ' :•
ohno.--Thfi electiOn for GOvernor
members of Congress; , and Legislators Makes
place in Phio on the lath of. October._ Por
Governor,, the are running iom ai
.Corwin, and the LocOfocos, Shan
non. Many ,of 'the Loccifocos . claim the
state 'for lfnri 'Buren, among tilt:lk-Geo:M.
Dallas- 7 4U of:them, we belieye,',in these
parts the election of Shannon as cer
tain. 'Now . we_ place our opinion against
- theirs;. and the issue will decide_ who is
correct:`'_''We- say that Tom GOHWIN
will beat Witson
,Shaniioli. by at leak
5000 majority, and that Harrison's ma-,
jority''will exceed 10)040.
:The , liiinericati Sentinel, 'ln . Thiren]
expresses the. opinion that TORY .
G - ERSOLL :be again defeat'ed..:F9r
the loner.of Our - country---'-for the: bake of
- repuhlicartistiaTuroliepe so huffear,rt. con-
Arai:lr ' rnsult: •If the ; " Whigs support .Me
IVIICHAET,: with per - feet nriabimity;.and the•
Porter Locofocos are true to:the term's of
the treaty: - -of alliance;- Then, ...indeed, --the
defeat of . ..Tory Ingersoll would be certain,
and signal; but we have no' 'Confidence. in
a faction- that . repudiates. and condemns
every, prominent - measure of Van Suren - ,.
and yet with cservility._whictrii'degrading
to.human.nature, fear's to.dentince.and cut
loose-from the-Inert and - his party
man or the men who see and. feel - that the
party-with whiCh they act and the - inert
Whom their support-are pursuing .theasures
adverse to liberty. and the jnterests,of their
country, and yet rads° 'to sever. their con
nectionfaire-both;-6w ar447-and-traitors:-4-
And:such are. the PO4r-frion who support
Van ' • • -
The .next elections take place in Georgia.
. ,
on the:sth of 'o.ctoberienditillaryland on
the 7th:- Both thir states are claimed by
the Locofoces'ps certain `for - Mr.-Van c . ivery .calculatian' have seen, in
eluding. thatof the editor of the Richmond
- 00 - . the .contrari,:most ;of our
Whig calculters put down,_Maryland .as . a
certain VVhigistate, Jmai—T_Georgia . ai More.
:likely to vote for -General . Harrison than
Mr. Van Buren. For
. our own-part, re
ly ing
,mpon,,all. the information we have re
ceived from gentlemen who ought to know
something of those states, we claim Mary;
land by-from-1500- to 3050.majoritynd.
conSider . Getirgia a Very , doubtful state.—
-Al the Jast-state., election, the' Locofocos
parried the state by a small majority, and
our . friends entered -the field this year, at a
very-late - day—not 'earlier than J.uly: In,
the Whigs were beaten-at 'Alm
laSt Governor's election, but they Organiz- -
ed 'early and effectually this year, and, de
pendiog .upon; this, we say Maryland is
safe, for Harrison,
Tine HArtniseN: EN:rnusrAsia.---.AV hen
the Patriot of North Bend was put in no
mination for the first office . in ,the 'gift of
the People, by the Whig Convention which
'assembled .at, Harrisburg last winter b . the
Loeofeeos,, in the - pletilititde. of their - ivie
do m, prodictectilt~t - [lie people < vonCcTNom
- sapportliithatilirtnitirm no ac
ledge the chants - of Patriotism, Honesty,
Rani,. and-Wistionzands. asserted that
the-nominee-et thatOonvention,m7Onld - lie'
hopelessly 7 ,-shareefully-beaten,---But now,
in the langtinge;of their,own:drill_serjeant,
" How - Gees-O'E yrortz...r The news. of
the nomination of, Harrison was received
'by his countrymen with enthusiasm and
rejoicipg, and the NORTIr,. the WEST, the
EAsTi'and the Bovril, hailed . . 'tint .4. the
saviour who was to . deliver them trent the
rude hand of the Spoiler. Has this - ,en
th sialm subsided ? : Look at the immense
I gatherin gs .
B4l;mtene, N.Atitrvit.4;..EttNrcirt
r thouSand
other places ! would artendlesstas . give-to :our.readers
.the:proceedingi - or these4neetinge: . We can •
merely: mention them ..' Every' man feeler
hint; 0 . 0 .:hnoWledge;
411icit - 4rOinfi*tlietn*Apave. , cartif , tirne
Alecllo:;:etare7hougies,o4 counting rooina
*lend*bi*44itvarditithe great cause
stßiform - 1-- - 44,t7theilispfritOand-heitte! . ..
that these Me*
iiiiti , 4 ! ‹,get lior . 'effeet;,antf that the real
uipnte,nf_TllEl+EOP E lave riot as yet_
been intideltooWit-thr.oueh the ballot-boxes.
'ort;can; get UP:the - Se.
meetings, a nd no ' effort ':c on keep lfiern
down! ``;. no;., nqt . ' all ; the .. influence . ` of the
ing 'of: an honest and ; insulted : people,.who
eannOt . he IrightettettihY . ,'`the': . :Aicot4 , :thit
frowns, and th"e impotent , railings, of . dies=:
pOinteffoffice 7 hoNers: .
pie not.'spe4en'thrpugh:their
ballot boxes?;
Bineetherienthiatiert of.crenerat' , HOsisoit,.
its 4606*41pt,'it1.r.0;
0' , .':',',:..''.,"?:,.'':'. : ,:::..". - :, - x .
;: , .. -,. •X7:•,...,F;:: - :7 , '!,‘•':',' - ' , .,'/'': - .1 - " , ..':"f:',.j . • .7 ' ,.. ;': 3 .T - T' . ,, ';' , -:./ ,, 'Pt' , .', , ,.',:'',: , . , : . :z:.,?., - ..;: ..,- ,;.::, , ,,,z . ,: , ,;,:, , ..-r•i, , T..::' , 7,•::' - '7' ,- :?: , :-...7,,j'...:.:';', , :'"' - : . - ,, -- .''' - :,...; - . .:,.:.:.',Y . ,:; - _,.. , , - ; ..:,. i r....:..:...
le'lr''' . 44 : 4 . 'llW''':::'lt . :' : 3 l 4ll . :4,l ; • , : , :iirr:;,:::,r4t)::::lol' . .*l - . - :ti,t'o .-, V. ,. 4 - .:' , ' . •:::-• , :- . -", - ; . ':: , :':::. , .. , ''.: . :::' . .'.''.,:i .- r -.- .;:
..7.7, : „,......_ : .,.,ir." ! ..: ::: ,.. :,: i .,,,.:: 7 ., ,: „ :,,,,,',, ,:,,":. ~ :; , `, „ 1",,. ',. ':'
~..:(:., ,'.,, ~::-.,' ',".:;•,:." '-.-
~::. ' , , ,:::;`: - ..:4 ; 1 :44'7::' ,. , ::::: , , :r . i . „..,...:'::: . : : V..j . 10::::: - . 1:q., , .44' . .15; < , ': . , , ',i,..::::;•1: , , ,.: - 1: : :; : •:' , •••; , , ,..'1 ',
',:.; .L
::,,, :1! : '' ',, , %1", : ',::,? . ';, : fi ;' . .. ; : , :."..: . ,•,:. , :,',.::. - j.::, • '''','
INDIANA, a9d YEit?4 o3 ' , 'St ate 'and
creathed: :,lie 'has:::dohe more
than this : has succeeded in , gnining
from the spoiler the States of CoNNEcitour,
ISIAN49,'NVT#,,CAROL;NA . 4 and, tie!, cep-
Wary, io2,ther..expectlition '.'ot friend foe,.
MAlNfa r glorions'lClNE is -" redegthed;'
regenerated;and . ditient;trallea." The news.
Or the defeat of the' • pOpular t'AIRFIELD.haS
come like It'ciap *of thunder upon the already:
prohtrated Locofocose It is thedr the
haud r writing upon , the wall, which warns
them of their approaChingfate.
And'how, one° word t 0.001411110 friends
. this, the:KEYSTONES TATE we
haVe succeeded in wresting from the'hands
of thelocofecos the feir state - of Memu,we
begin to think that the Tfhiii naikdo any
ihing•!•!.-that they can redeem ;PENDIEtYIArit-
NIA. Well, then, LET US Tux— ,We haye
'the Office•ilolders upon tke hip,.and with
a little:exertion, a_little hard fighting, yve
will 'give the state to " Old Ti 3 O" by a
handsome - 111qm - -
" TELL DALLAS TO • CROW l"— : Our rea-,
ders 'are' aware that the - result-Of •the
ana and, kentucky ' , elections completely
knocked the breath out of the celebrated
d . 600908-are Owl, un
fortunately; - deprived Of that gentleman's
Valuable ..servicei. remedy this evil,
however, the Hon. Gronyz:M. DAiLAs, of
this.etatei•has. been lately trying
crowing"- iniVirdinia,7With - : great.
.acceptation by the'faithfut. " .4p;
peal to, the .Sou'i . lt," . under date - of 29th - of
-Atigust,_ he=Crozasliti:The.folloWing-strain-;
I shall - be surprised Pennsylvania.
does not give to Mr. Van Buren a Majority.
exceeding Tth. enty Thotisand!
_Of Maine,.
-New . Hampshire,- Matisachusett,s; New
-1.-York- and, Ohio; .our friends -send- us ac-
Coutits - which - relitTei.Th7frem every_ appre
hension."- • • - - -
Wben-theminent-men of the locofoco
party—those .of - thont
,ys'rh litivireitaratters
to loosel ciont7rin this manner, it is not
at.all surprising 1.114_0m f! small fry" here
.aboutsfiretend-to be so eangnine of success.
The L . ocofo' co's ofthe
Ist - and 3d Cobgressiojiiit Distiicts
-deipbiticouiityl-liavi.'ilblininated dui an
neked - Ticket:—. • -
- • c_ONquisa.T — • ~..-'7 , - ,
. ... .
„„ • . .
First Disirld.—JOEL 8.. SUTHERLAND.
.Third District.- 7 -M maim MeMicuAgi.
JOse . ph Johns.
l'homas D. Grover,
_John Kinston,
Michael bray,__`__
George P 'M rear;
Geri. J. D. Goodwin,
Franklin Lee,. •
Richard D. §Paitif•
'rhos: D. Donglierty,.
" In the Third Districi—Mr. Naylor hay.:
ing declined. a re-nomination—the Whig
Delegates settled tiPeri 'Mr. McMichael.
We don't like the plan—but an!j . thing to'
defeat a Locofoco , TOßY., . The atnalga=
mation of :Whigs - and Porter=nten — eitends
'no•furtiei than the Vhig•De;
legates having, put in nomination. the fol
lowing eonnty - tieket , i : . ,/, -•
John Stevenson, 'Kensington.
James Gregeiy,
Wm. Hughes, 5
Wm: G: Siitith Moyamteing:
James-H._Perkins;:liow_er Pubfin,
Charles F.`Rorer, Diptel•
fir:PALolofoao, on fearing the glorious
neivs from Mmtii, sneeringly remarked,
that he "would not b. at all 'aurpilsed if
IlAnnisox were to, get Nova Scotia and
,Lower' Canada , also." " Why," said a
wag present, " it is
r ne unlikely, as he'at
one time got Upper Ca ada!!'
--- Nrl - 11 - SEle,iiitier:_kiioliriria che,./fuek-.
eye B/acksmithritiviiinilress the people of
.CurrilierlandCimnty at: his,'place, to-mor.
_,... ,
'row.. , The addresses - f, ,, this. - gentleman
have tnade , hundredse-of converts from the.
Laeotoeo ranks, and, he ce. the leaders of
that party have reiertedio every, means to
'n'nre_hirain_p_tiblie striation, and ,to de-
. ,
stray his character. ,In i rOey - tliat' he may
-come-before - Ourrcitize47lo4nairilsTfrac
frog the:lirejudicCwhjali,Lnaalban slanders
may have'ertlisOil,igainit him, lirs'etihieill
. hdlow,ing lettbr and certiticatee, talcen
from-thil - IV„lttinnal-Intell ganger:4
Hass oir Ilisennsairrinves, tEr z
Jusoi to. it3:lO.S
When a"certificitte• : stine. by leper Pere
eons, purporting ' to , reside in Mnskingunt
county; Ohio, eppeared hi the sante
tee days sineo,apparetifiy designe,d,'tp,,l6-
jut*the chtilacter 'ef' John W. Beiri who
has been recently _ known by thelitkof the
"Ohio2.filliekithitr `hi, this' seefibit - tokthe
country,,; not, VW et then pequainte4 4 ;with ,
the °Prof* or 'Mt. Baer, eithotigh he Is
a 'constituent of miaow X could pot oOntra
the .o a t e nu T t t. i : ,
, 110:itneilkatOYenclosed .• t he:
GLOW, containing the eertifiottteo,..-AY ith
note inquiryoct a frienfi.or mine of high
standing, of .81601641, Ohio .) the'
First District.
place• of Mr. Beor's rtsidence,.depirmi'hith
to otite whoi his Effokir's) Otanitineyos:in
that community
This - day I receiveanswer,•from my
firierUl ilteSubject, the sUbstanco - of which
answer fully corroborates' a stUienieritWhich
afpfarir .the: Pilot Snit Trailscript or this
day,„signed - nineteen the,ettiipUs, of ]
South Bloomfield; OhiO. •Indeed :my Mend
is ono of the -signers , of; the t- statement ; -. in
question.:' •
1 can Most 'clieerfidlY'firtlier state .that
fain_acquainted with the major' part otthe
gentlemen .Who , have' given : the
to. character • 'of .Ifear; which
pears in :the Piiot, 'atitl - „it . 'is. with. igreat
pleasure 'that I'can, beer: - eAderice , 'to ',the
high : standing. of, thoie.gentleinen'aeto tbeir
probitY, and. , uprightness; and.. What' . they
have stated in:yelation to. Jahn -Bear
can •be ,relied upon as correct., •
Will you d ivine- the:few:4' to publish :in
your valuable paper, the statement alluded
'to in the Pilot and . Transcript, with this
note; and much oblige
Your obedient servant,
• ' PRP. in congress.froM Ohio.
SOUTH 1400i1FIELli t 'Una- 20, '1 040.
: We, Ahiundersigned, 'citizens - of .Sopth,
- Bloomfield ;Pickeviay -- comity; Oliito;"
with regret that 'our - fellotveitizen „JOHN
W. BpAß . has . beeb slandered in 'the vilest
manner by the press, and Otherwise, at the
East; and having - been . requesteti to state
what .we knOVtr concerning-hira, do:certify,
-to.all ivhoin-it may concern; that he
lived amongst us, and . vie - htiye been - • well
acquainted with him- for.: more than direeL,
years,' arid that he isjust what he'profe'sses
to be., JOHN W. BEAR, a'poor but hon
est Blacksmith; ihat.he has a respectable .
fa m as tififer ted rby rtibiir g
at- his trade, -and : that alonb; has ,
never bbOh - other ant - Other naniithan
Jong W. BEAR;. that he is: not a' defaulter,
and is -mot- guilty of -larceny or :any-'otiter
crime or net that.will.preventlisreturning:
to this neighborhood whenever he plcases,-
as. pretended by-those - whci slander and
abuse him; and that we' - are bredibly-in
formed that_Mr;l3etitialaiited!thesatne
character in other counties where he resided
liefore-he-bettled •
.IVothini but a desire to have - justice done
to every honest and worthy_American -
zen.- has _prompted ue to_ ,make__th &I above
declaratimtv ' • • • '
Denny, ugh : O'llera,
A. St z F. W. Kellogg,.
I. S. Kellogg, 2 . I. R. Hilr, -
_Jacob' deasler,_ • •A. I)ennia,
Anthony ,S,haff,. - A. C—Slyles,.
_John Adel, Isaac
A. Newmari,- Joseph Epochs, ' •
John Cochran, B: F. Gand*,'M.-D.
Thompson, M. D: •
cincLuvittz; June 29,1840-I—.
I am. acqnainte& With the most of. the
signers of the foregoing, and know ; them
to be,among'the most respectable .of the
citizens of the township . in which they
reside,'thid tp:the'extent of my,,lsnowledge
fully corroborate _their statements.
.111artin Van Buren stands . eharged on the
books of the:TreaSury of th e United Stateh,
with the following sums paid
iiefisation, vii: • •
Pay and mileage as Senator
. in the 17th Congress,
Do: in the 18th Congress;
Do:in thelElth,do.--•
Dd. in the ISt session State
dn.-, t,728 . 00
Salary. as Secretary of State from._ •
. March 1829, till-list March. •
• 1831, " 12,759 00
Ont-lit and salary as IVliuister. to
'London. ..15,409 02
Salary us Vice President, 20,000 00.
Salary as President till 4th Of' .
March, 1841, 100,000 OCt.
.101, - 008 o.g
- paid - to - one
_ - _nton -- for --- wages; - 41ic - , --- for - 1 - 9
year's service. $7OO 10 A MONTH - or
SQ4. 00 A- DAY-for-the- whole- tiine;;;Sur
daye alit What - has the!country'Vet
- orAhis-enormous-sum-?-----A-deranged-cur , _
rency, prostrate business, a Florida Vir a r
with bloodhounds, Natiiitial bankruptcy, ,
Treasury shin ,plesters, and- the promise
of a direct tax, and a Standing army If you
will re-elect and pay• him 100,000: drillers
more. Will you do it ? In October you
will give an emphatic NO. '
f--ierom the Boston -
Prepared for r. the Old' Federalists; who
.have just:been admitted into 'the Democrat
ic Infant schools, gilder the charge of re
fessor ,BroWnson; Robert Dale 'Owen; and
Vannf. Wright. — To be - imprinted • oO:'a
ehilds Spitalfield handkerchiefe, by : the
English \ liadicali, for the uSe or;the,
eignersitt Tammany Hall, who . are desirous:'
of learning'the arCof reading .. , c . 1.1 2
2 _ll was elletton, ajtuntliug and quack.;; ?
" C -wass.Calhgn'i'it•dierlsAatilligg„,_•_„:
U Doctor Duncan, a "whole lieg” • with swine:. , 7
E was an. Baer', chiss- mate .
FWA a .FOrsyth, for virotocolit lainetts:' ,' •' ,
Gives' a Glundll, an olistintitt anile,. ;
„11 was , a ilitlf a Sub-Treasury.leOL',
. was an ingertAtuilted,iin - •
_:_l_seatta_leidttett.itot.maittet for ' . Vice." •
K was a Kendall, quite tcetid - at a , v
" - chui,7
L 'Ansa Lewis, eaTdpetoti'the
wai Oidetin, la Uncle; am a az, .
N,waa e; NI/Oitha moit'itaplit of bloekt,
0-wllls Ortistes;•tt very deep thinker;7 ,, :•.-:::
1' vrallm-Pauldinva-aeohlerond tiniteo.!! ,
,Q iv(ie old I
.>" it wtaea ; ltitchie a tw4ddie • •
S was it"..Staartioeutiakbkii,elari'd•out r .thi , olotilA
Tat!eli, - ; *ho'ittaVed
*l4ll‘',Uttg.' hi the ays
mal.4,;Wiptitire;:niokmkated.;o_o4o . l 3 abil
'lC:iesulAustr i r. n irq fill4bY-IMdo. )
ifivaat a; wiaiewillit the moob4 ' t'•
Z oak. attudo !, let di-Iltatftttlat 10019#1.vvi.,'
put 140:11vAio'ar .
Vtlit‘ th to'
9)4- 1 401X:'
, • ,„ • .
hibitediriihis.bobiughfoisale, t he
. 101 , of . October..
quE..cygßEßLAND:pslatc,T,, ,
ojearra ihat, : a. Diksvm.,
AVA_Ot'i'EStf, has heeii
for nr b I,ente
the, liarriSsin;lerats
iguinberlend;,Jtiniata aturre'riy: _Mr.
Ad§r th -0 4h.cluit,O, has
te'w.SrOara pTactice'ats the
one , . or the strongest in
. i the ' , State=gained
foe — ltintself a hiiiii,reputatiod for Joie':
Aue - di . earriiiientiantlif'tilested to
Congtessi will .he nho« oormWte
The citizens o that district ccield* not do a
.Wiser act than voting for • • him.—liar.
. • .
.i., - ,•:,'J . , ':;.‘, : 'i,.fflyiiiig, - .,t e 4Aiiiris*;:i;Viidlt r eit;;;',.;' : ',i; . .',,
2 : .. 1..:: - .' - '-'. 1 :',`' . .4 1, -... ,:.. ' '!.0.;?:/..01'
*-'100;11. 1 .40:50 iii:it;''(o6,4fiii.) , : . : -:',l
, m :, ..i'i,;.•::::,400.?0*i::-:'...,--.;;;:‘::::::- . ..
Reitiitiilikle*.lol4 1 1 4($1iikil *g)
A ll l 4 ;44 l i o Ob.: . 'WP*Co l ..4(Mi?o!areb#%)
:::'-'.,.:.:•:.:::;.;-:::...':: 06***fie . i!"::;)::'•,;:
• GePli*T ' ': :: /4:itk41 1 . 11 0;:kM0i 4 *5 1: ::: ':-.- -1:
: ..Director 44 . 0 Poor e
David Ruiz, (North Middleton.)
- .12ydit0,i.,. -
jaCiPlikliiiretz, (Carlisle.)
. f L.
The'only•the - field for
the Sheriffalty ate •
Ti n irensburg, ,,
t 1 11: ;1 11: e 1 4 1:111 17 45
47 — f f
.he iioininated cavlidate: • • -
- ,STAGNATION-or. uE 8L00n. 7 -The repeated clin
gettlit the )itmospiere, kr:actinges they-do Upon the
:ctinsistence.andltutlitymt tlic-.bluoil f give.ottataitifor ,
the most fatal. and , . t. disorders.' The blood
from n state
a. cifliettltk.heeinnesatagitant.oo4i4;phim„-....
stai o .cir c orruption,—
-- . "..
Tlufait hisesitsputity; its circulation is impeded;
the - elti.nneht of liatire clo,gged; the bliWels become
costive,tiOagirnot an immOiate" nun* of some int&
lignantlever t headaelie, nausea ,: loss of 'appetite, awl
a general debilityok the.-whOle frame arq-spre to al
low. It. requires the tempest . add the tornado to s.
bring - abouta state,of. purity in the;oceatt, when its
waters become stagnant; and it will require repeated
-evacuations,lty3the - , , bowels-before the blood 'can he
relieved-of its accumulated impurity.:
are itideed.a unzvereal - remedi
because_therLdeatiselnitd. pnrify Alm 'blood. -Flve
; years thistnedecine ha's been before thepoblic in the
United States: wherever. it has been introduced, it
'KW attperseded ail other remedies. "
.L..-13ememher t ,these.Pills_are.not aold.gentting.iittiny_
Drug Store, either in the "City or country.. • -
-Purchase-them in Carlisle of Pm:, \V. lirrstrt,
or of agents published in another rift of this paper.
•.. .
Baltimore, Sept: 0084D: - .
_price for
trood,_fat cattle. • • _
Flour...Marliets . ..dull—.—fccelpt- Klee'
• ••• • • •
-Tp'beat: Soles of-.-good - Pennsylvania
svlientrj were made at.prices'-varying from
$1 . .031041,10. . -
Yeltow.Corn.—Safes -
,56 to 57 cents.
Rye.--1660 bushels Penn; Itye were
sold at 65 cents.
Oats.-27 to 28 cents. . •
.• . •
• ••• MARRIED, .
In Norville, on Timesll(4- - kit, by the . Rev. Wrn.
Cropszy-lle:nnet,Ar.,Jace4, Wetzel, ta
..11mzer, both of this cotillty..- •
_ The undersigned wishes to resume his business
of furnishing Grave Stones, of 'descriptions, cheap
er and better than can be bought:in this or any other '
country, for, cash or country •ProdUce. They kill '
be executed iu the neatest style—of-the Philadelphia
au& New England Marble. The Stones will, be
.pliteed nt Graves if the purchaser. .thinks proper,
leaVing the age mild inseriptioa at my huase or at the
Post Office.
carlisle, Sept.- SO, 1830.-9 t
$2,576 00
, 2,824 00
.2,712 00 .
-The • subscriber bus-just returned &bin. the city
with u lore supplyrotsuperi.or new styled .
„ . .
consisting.. in part Of—Wool dyed Black, Bine, Cla
yet, Baliha., Brown, Int isiblelßregb and. Mulberry
woo., dyed,lllech, Blue; and figured
Sattinetts of all deserlptiotts; Cords and Beitverteens;
Ticks and Checks; imported Stair and figured- Car
biT,. tn . ei,Meri noes, :blue haelt,bl tick, Mantua, rown,.' I
Brown, Figured, and Plain Silkaj , 'Figui•ed, , and
Plain:_Sniss.landinconetAizzatinei Green Baize and
Flannels bf • different„cOlonrSiGletes and flosieryf '
Cloth - and:Ftir] Caps; -Broshe , and
MacklitaWßOL3'.e. and. Point Blinkets; Leghorn- and
Straw.Bonnettn . togitkilTW.illi - ttlytissortment - of , -: - L - •
' ' • • •
rikeriCS glitectiswa re: •
All of which , will be sold on the Most, reside - able
ierins,' Person are invited to cull' and ,extunitie for
thentselves before purchasing 'elsewhere; .
• . ANDREW 121q11.-IRDS,q
Ira'liable rarni for: 4are.
Wilt be pablie sal,e on•Ote.lTemises,,on
Saturthiy the iTtlajlayiefOchhbery react ;
iitgate it(Squthampton, to i! . ushi
,Putuberlan it. coon
ty.,.ttat„trtite,east,,of Shippisiishurg, , botraded by the
Dr..J ohn'SturgiS,lffm. McCon nell , and Pans-
Foy,--aentalphig aibount: ' , _
. .
about alitf-fime acres thereof. are cleared aell iu
;good state' of - ,..eoltivation and repair; the residue is'
cor'pred with excellent .tbriyiag thobrr; having
thereon-a-two story•
s e . 11
and , Kitelieit t: tog and'PrittaLliaro;, -
• tid-other-out.builitlinga4anApple Irtreba kiorebeiett.
and Wytat eraser:llea 'and hover failing water.;
Tbe-is of,firitlualitylimitig.rlato the
'estate,or Wm,. Dever; Esti: sold in
'pursuaned of thddiretiipus of bin. - Sate.t,evaqi
inence" at 12 o'clock, uoba,.tatid.j.lay, when . -atid
whewhere'attendance given tied Aerpti titlti
'adoicito:wa by --, ' • ' ' •
• • :__,Nitri2444.:l44utat,
- se t k g mbeeso,. 18 , 10;—;-tds' ' ' :.• :
Sheri, :
By virtue'or 8 , writ of IrenAitioni EAAnati to nie
, Beaded ' bllttell , ,clut Cone! COOtoottgleits:_;'
at Conet- pubicSßle
lienite, the` 64rottgit, CaillAff!M,‘i.y 150 e ieba_ti, tOioctoelt
4..14 4 thlifoliowing4escribo icatcoota;-As,
• '
.bititge eatiOti, - 4:0415.
f*(l4'!.ip.b' kind ,2c4o,fe`ta', in4,l!cppl4
,rn i *A 6r.l6l ;%h a k i nt
, ;;;;. '
7 gritti.slo,rY ..or oils& 11.
7.;.: • 7. •
tat of
thethin OatiAtitip
Ettielly on AheAveet;eind on 014 out the rsouflr. ;
Seized {end tikken in Exeetttipnsl4,' 616-
T 9 or
George tobe eold by rso ,
- • !
•n 'SkeriflN
£2` 100.' s'_:• r•
._coro:yr; .
O:erti.4 ltA -1 2-I 0
',Where-as' •und , by ati'-'ant• GeneratAssem..
paiietthe 20. day,t0f . ,1),y,,1839, it li•proilded
that the•eleetnifinf the' seieritfOountids the - COO,
inontvialth, qnalifital to' vote. Orinembera Geri- , .
erns Assembly ; shall hold eit: election :at !the same' ,'
plae6s:at,which the'iaid•lnembera: shall .have 'been"
voted for tif the preceding electienii - pritlitrfifth "Pit , •
day pieceding the first Weduesday lit December . '
ry foarthleaf.the*ftery lie - ink thq Oito- -
ber,j'foithe.piarpotip.of - .eleetin# electors of a I,'rei*.•
'dent and:Vise. Pkesideiitol the Cubed States.' • *. • •
r• tv*,-;therefoi•e;',l.,. ~. 145bei.!•NVeys,- ) High 'Sharifrii
the cOunty. of. Onnberlan4
. 111 pursuance or the duty , •
'enjoined , on me biftbo phoSOrecitetl'aqt., doissue this.
`my.prfielaonatiOngiiing notice-co the freetiten of aithk •
county qualiPed, to..yot'e for ittenthertrOf • the`terieraP .
o Aasetnidy,t6Lxneef,at ...the'. seyeral Fleetion idistricta— •
:I , lierettios 'follows vim , : • • .
eleeiionin'the 'eleetion-sdintilOt * (.eirnpoie&Of
tlie‘•Boi.ough 'of Carl isle,' and • towneltifkkbf . '•N•
dleton, South. •Middleteni-Lower Diekinson,,Lower
Frankfoi'd,:atnl.Ltrivei , ;,•West.Pennsberough; will
it eld at the Conit.Honse in the boioughlof Carlislp; • . •
Tho',.election in the disnict rcornpolted bf,
SprhigrtOWnship,*will he- held at ihePtibrte 'flouter . •
of Joseph; Grier, n linguestown, " •
The election in the district eoreposed ofitast, Penns-
'borough.townellip, will beheld at the Ptittlic Flansis
of. A ndrewAreitzer in said township; ,•,.•-•.- • "
The election in the district composed of New Comm
berhuid and' a part of Allen.township;will be held at
the Public House of John-Sotirbeuk; in New • Cuua...
The elation in the district _composed of_Lfollmrte.
.ind a •part'of Allen township, iviq beheld at the '
.lic Howie df Petee .... •
'l'he.electfon in the 'district ccnnpdsed of . that 'part •
:of,..Allen-townehipototincituled-iiithe-New . -Gumber‘--7-
hind and Lishurn districts, will be held' at the:PO-lila •
.House of Deihl Shearer; inc'SliepheedstoWn.'in 'said
;township.' • • • - - • -..
The election_in the diStrict composed of :the..bor-:- . .
ougli of ,Mechatiicsburg„tvill - be held at
•llOtise OfJohn'lloaer„-in saldberough. " '
The, election - in the 'district composed Of lioniott
township, will be held at the. Publio Hanle of:With:n
Paul, in Clitirchtoixii„ in said township. ' -"- - • •
The eleotiOn in the district Compoiett.of , Upper .
held tit Weakley'sßchotil' -
I House, in said township. - •,- ,
The electiou.iii the district composed of:the,bor
ought, of New . eille, and townships of Mitilie;llpper .
Frankford, Upper-\Vestpetinsborough; and that part '
of.Newttin township;Lnot-includedln---the-.Leesbuir
electiOn district hereinafter Mentioned,. will be held'
at the l3rick School HOUsekiii the borough of.Nete
• The election in the' district composed of the town,: -
ship of Hopewell, will'be held atAlie School__HOusto-
in .Newberg imsaiit . toWnship: - '
The election in the district 'entimoseil bribe - 1001 4 . '
0n4116f Shippensburg, Shippensburg township, end • • .
that iart'of Sputhantiltoat - towntship' f nbt_ included' in •
the Leesburg election' district, will be-Bell' at tho '
Council House - , - in The IScough bf Shippensbura.
Anil iu and by an act_ of the General Assembly of
this commonwealth ; passedthe 2d July tag, it is thus
-provided; "That the qualified electors Orptirts. of. •
Newnifiriiial - Southampton tuiclieltipsint_the county of
• Ciiiiilierlanth' bounded by , litimand dis
ttinces,viz Beginning at the Adams countiKlitie,-!,
thence along the line dividing, the towitsbios of Dick-.'
bison mid Newton to - the ittropikesoa,ll4tence p. 15367:.
said turnpike to, Centre school-house, on said Mims.
pike, in Southampton township, thence telt
the Walnut Bottom , road ' Reybuclee,tutiluding
Re) buck's fat•in, thence a- straight_direction to tact
saw-mill belonging to the heirs-of George. Clever', .
thence tilohg .
ruiwto the Adami
.theriee the place
of beginning, be and the same la hereby declared *
new imikteperate election - district, the, ginerul
flint teliebehl at the...public house' now occupied - by • .
_Wm, ii'Leetburg,Smitlittnniton-townithip...
At a bleb time and place, the iflialified electors, na
tif wetild, will elect by ballot— •
2'////iTY ELBGTGRS' • -
for Pm:l - demand Vice Prßideurel die UnitetlStiqit. '
Anil the several judges, inspectoes;anil clerks-who ".,.
shall attetid-at the.precellitrelect ion for -nit:ratters of •-
A oseinbly, , are required to attend and perform at the
'said election, Ili , like duties, and he, subject to. ihe •
like penalties toe ne'lleet or mist:male - et, as they shall
be - Babb:twat:Mg election for titetidiees
Aid tin:return Jialg,"'s of die: several _election dis ---
tricts of 'Cumberland county, are hereby reqiiired to
meetatt the Court House, is the borough of,Carliole„
on'..Nliottilay neat title'. die:said eleution;.at,ll: o'clock
A. AL, with certificates if the election iii• their dint
_Lids, • , '
Given tinder-my Band- dup. of -
September, - .A. Slaty-fifth', ear a
American Inqczetidence. • • r
. . JOIL*T MYkrt.§, Meta'
• • U 1 :011.1 : •
_- .I . lrtt largit and anortiodions'thrett;
e trr,' . story,lll2lC K USE South.
...:41411; Hanover., street, adjqining BeteetnAk
's Hotel, and now in dm' oemq-nc o f
'Mrs: AAnnl'ostiessiou "l maY bo.
hadon the 1:tof October. F or terms apply to
Sept, 30; 1
Public. Sale.
Y 'virtue of an order of: sAle to mu; .directed t
sued , out of the Court of Common Picas of
Cumberland county; will be,etrlcsed to public sale o
on the Oremises iu Frankfort! to.wniship, on Saturday
.the 17th gay of October 1840; at.l,o'cleck, P. M. the
following described roil estate, late lite propertrof
Samuel Neit.l44ll o dec'd., • • ' •
A Tract orliand,
s..tuateln — Fran - ortl-township, Cum er an •sonn
bounded by lands of John Snyder,, Abraham Kiehl,.
John Fishburn;and %Abraham -Wagoner, containing -
Ninety-Amps and allowanee, having titereln erected
a-one-and Thaltstory, ),og Holm, Lognain
ee out houses.
• The conditions w ill -beltstfollowsthe .pureintse - -
money to hp paid cash on the confirmation of the asks
-by-the Court.
Sheriff's Office.- -
_Carlisle 4 , 4840. .S' •-• • - r
.• Sate, -•
On Thu . i'sdarithe 15th otP#o , per, •
60 . sold nt itale, - on the prenth"ln k
Dickinson tnwttslup, Cumberland toduty,, ' •
Two 'Farms of prinie Lime,
• • stone' ILand
-the one contnild ngstbont : 1 60 - 'nerefall - cleared, vi,sh„ , • -
a large Double Brich.ltank liara•autt . first• tide tittii7 .
story Dar eilieg Ifouse - thereon. erected., with' IL *UT - .
-sim vzif water is the cellar, and - another ATOM Su ,
the bottslK — The-Vellow_iireoches - ;tieekj-beirndlise ''
It, slide part running throe - PE - I:t tre - plitee.--Ilatewhole,
, fowl is under geedie:nos, and . a large:Ram bew M os t`,—_
Irlte other ragni coutlaisia. , l3o:7,
•of excellent !mid i of first qiutlity, with a lesr-..' '-' •••"
n - 1.,"„ ' ' Feaing ‘ -, Barra: .: fr . :7100,.,,,: ,
1 tereou‘s•reinwl., is olso - ':
good fence; ' upon the farM in (went - the' itest'. l lllldelji,-
Powima, in the eountj, einntininding ait thp•isatecitt ~- '
the Nollow_Brerebes creek With beatf' tail till''. nark, `,
Ito,tbe'neressities of anrwater-worka,,Witiell nuitstbet,Y •
erected, the name hai mg . formerly ben;
. 491fed, - *••• 4 •
, driving a Forge Wad Saw/gill: TheSeare alto Mgr'
I 10r .o
Ings.f„.watet.bn_the_lbrni.,_.'•' - •- -.•__ • ' ____. -• '.2—
. s 'l.'here will - he sold with 'club tef : t eaeliiinit l7 lo4 7- ..-
-Unwired 'Aires of first tute.,Cheinet Lend* vitthltsf;'•••• '
:ono mile 'Of either furuntioe a lei? quantity ;exult any , •
• •Tierre will also be told at'the tame time aud place.;-? :::,
, 4 . I,I".A.ILNLIviog; adjoining, the- above; ou''' die 'eattlit.: ,- ,',/
; side of, the • Vel low. llroe4eicereelt,itraltaiiiler, iilitinit'„,.-;,:o
100 acres, about 20 Stereo' Of „uttivkare'l,ll, •.'.'l•,''l
uittler'good fence,•and hiving *goad Vendetta, hoot.;fri''' ,:.•
11Wellint tiOnael)ll ii,..;!mre*lile t)Kiike . 4t44 . o o4 l:, l #!!:
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