Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 23, 1840, Image 4

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- , ... .
Vete4firtritvaf . e. - 4 Grotert 4•' - '4 I. ' 11-: i--
* ...-.:l_ , ' - • " 15 I UM ecitanics,,tirtr. iine
4-_ , iranzEr ~ston.e. r , ,-,' '
VIE subscriber has just returned (iota ,c,r4 - 4 , ..W - I. I F, , ,
.., ,
. . the Cities of New York, Philadelphia and ILI- ' 7l ----"
-. 4, t:• • 0- , '''' . .
tirnore, and is now opening at his store roma S 11. p c i l vecit' GififiTh ef,teleSbirr........ and
Cortier_ot Miirket Square and Main Streets (fgi- mar it a a t - -. u.. ... "'"' ',.. )
merry occupied by Geo. W. Hinfie - i-,) a p o em,' nn . , 4 .- f. a..a, , t.,p4ifi 0) midis,' Otifo6 e.
--- gortMent - or . - s _ I . . (Br ima - noan OR O.1,1:11.]
Hardware, Stone• ,
Ware, Cedar , Ware, TM , ' c/ If ii
..- - ...d,.er.aerS - gtatertil-for-pastinsors
• -: Brittania Ware, Groceries, •Oils, { Ina), le
to inform iconic; and the public
Paints, Varnishes,blasi, Brush- . generally, that they still tiontinue -to run a line of
.. „ lairthro Val.% regularly between Meelriniesburg and
e B ri. Whips, Canes, L amps for . viiiimtaphia ops3animore, by which goods and pro
burning Camphine Oil, l
(Ince elan docriptions will be
~forwarded u ith care
1,..t. the lowest rates of freight.
and It great variety of articles useful and necessary
and despatch
for filfinislihirsind keeping a house. Ho has also, and I P'1"" will be i'Ll'l s e d at. de d e * W"ee ir°"'e s
will coratantly keep on hand in lleehatiirshiirir, mid foruardeil to either Phila
delphia or Baltimore, at ecaiiig to the direction of
Campikitte 01 9 the nu ner. ~
a cheap and el9aitt substitute for permoil, and 1 t-- ..4 ihe high:est peree ,u ill be girin for Whest
h tying been apptionted the agent of . es a. Ilackeils i and i'lour. '
t I
told Brother 6f .N6wark. N.)., for tl y . .de of Jono's
Patent Lams in, this county; he ptepared te.fur
nish Larapsond...oil;nta very reasonable mite to all
whO may wish to use this. new and economical light:
Having selected his goods himself, and made
inlinhases for cash, he. is able, and' is•determined to'
Chose having the cash to by out viilliod it to their'
ittifaxilim to give him a call. •
Carlisle; July 8i
. . .
TO those- wifolike to ride easy!
- SAMUEL Ei.SMlNGdpirt,','
- - - - - -
RESPECTFULLY informs_hiS friends tpul- the
jitiblic in 'general, that he has purcitti!sed. the
Patent Right of Robert Wilscw, for Cumberland co,
for constructing-tvnew_and_immtacll
• - - „Seal .. •
• 5.A.D . ,1),-li - E
and that lie isuow:_prepared to receive orders for...the
' The improvenveids claimed are applicable,to
• - any 'of tbs.: saddles now-itvvis.i, atittecnts - et of spring:.
- - , of a peculiar tiMtstructlatt seat, warranted to be
good; durAble and superior to any ever yerinv - eoed. -
t'eesons desirous of examining the - abnrc natimt;
- eaddlei itre'requested to coil atalj: I dge . 0)0 It e
at his well known estabashment tit Righ t;tret.t, near
ly eippoSite the Post office, Avitere they eau also he rte
. . commodated with any•artiele, hi the Line of Sada? -,
.iliteness, M.-on - the most-i•,6sanabletern - 0.• ' •
•' The saddlers of the Mnny - are -tn,)st..eentetilfily
haTiied to call Attd see this excellent - improvement in
... . .
• Reference, as to the ease and stiperiol'ity or 11,1 i, I,
impeovcd spring, may be had to the fdlowieg nam
ed vittlemett t—lititt. - Satuttel Ilephttrn, Samuel Al
ien, M. G. 11.4 e, .lOseith Ege Thornas.Gxcasott, I len-
Stnblm, - licnrc,Buttortf, ilv...Yettee 4 ,l,JteKensoo x
and-Benjamin Pjll'er; , . • - . - I
•;I,tute.:ll, ; 184.0.-,:::361.. • •- I
-.- Dental 42€1 ,- -geiw.
. .
• • ..
/g lo m SDDSCRIBtR respectiiilly teniltrB Ids
• • grateful acknowlellgtrionsio the- public. finr the
very liberal share of patronage be leis rim( i veil dor,
lug tlie — PititTyear,iiiiil l ivould stilt enidinue to ow,.
then, log.vnt - bcb,aNno ~,,,.,i,,g•iii tlici. , v.t . i.... 1 ) , 11!1.7.
ehes'at his residence, No. 7;ll,:lepil:e's It ow:- He files,
•• clesnse•s,- and ',pings teed!, and insiirts'ii(corriiiitibl I.:
tarter. inetalle artificial, tt eth. in' the tuba' approved'
- mintier. — Cluirzesalusys rrinileratr.- - - •.• . *
. . • ••:J. C.- NDFF,..M. D.•
' • Paidisle, Marek g.1•;1£46. ,• •• • -tf :. * ' •:. •' , .
061itiS . try:.
. .
0.0(1 to Carlisle, and w:11, as herr tnfori . ,
BA attend to the practice of Dentistm lie may
be tumid Fcrrce'a • lintel. ' Persons re+
questing it, will be waited upon at thrib• rtisideclec.
tiS • D4. , GEOILGE I). FOULIZt,
U-J .Beier Da. DAVID
Carlisle, March - 1 - 1, 1840. • -
) .
. - .
_ _._ „____Arod u(',.. \Vim tecl - Immediately:
l!sproved Ifider IVh 1
ee.,l- --CA.Sil.w:ll be_p:4lll fn. rtyr; .rlit)tisAxi) bar
rIF., Sultscriber havin , ; portbased d the orin'inal rels of r lour; s'IEN TimusA NI) Imshels of Wheat;
PatenteelliF•right or . the above Water Nilleel . TEN TuOusAND ''heis of Rye , sand r i'L''' , V
TIIOUSAND bitshelS of Corn, by the subscriber,
for the state of Pentitylvania; Will-tlispose•of juin yid-)
w he; can atall tunes be found at his Ware4Muse on
eel rights or comities on advantigeous terrns. This .
*atei, wheel has been:fully, tOsted and provedteite sal the "m a hetwee" Walnut nod st"temiTos•
, tar sufierier'to any kind in its Tower of propelling] '' 2 • . , 0 WM'S APCAI3E.
, . , . flarrisborg-,-April 1, 13.10.--tf .- ' :' ' •
) • mnaltitty,• havingTh greater torr,e than any other
wheels an proPor ton to the quantity ol water applieil. •, ----
. It is' calculated fo be more particularly usetul. at ' ,
- Ti l t fi n i n i m : ffrni • -
mills,.hivink. from two to eight feet head and fall;
- -
'and to greatly obviate the ificonvemica - ccs evinuienc., Is warranted stnid or restored, nod the bead kept
• fromed fro back -water::-Itis7. - ecinsidered by those.hav, free from dandruff' by the genuine OLUIDGE'S '
.-,.... - -
- --- thern in use as one of themost important improve:. 13A1. - 4`‘l- OF--C0L1i.!..111.11A _^_._
ments that has ever been introduced forles simplici- !. flemeraber the. getath , as aeseeibed 'below- • '-----''
ty, strength, steadiness of motion and durability. It 1 T h is , is cel ; tifi " d to F Y iec e r " l M "Y e r i ; miiiistees
of the t;os., , el,.British Consul, Physieinnsond a grent
•is constructed altogether of iron and so expensive
of otir most *honorable. ettizens, to he seen
4.0 make as' an ''und'e'rsha; and operating with about. I of
hilt the wider Met not liable to . .be °listens:tett by ice , ." . .h er e it is sold* -
••in ilii"WififeW - Tliti - subscrilier - will - clevote-Itis'atten-i- - ' '/)R. LNG-. PRA . 77
lion to calla foNthese wheels at such
. PlaceS as may
b required. . - • .
TfICILVEL ;111. 1 SIATIT,'Ilitfrisbiarg.
This I 9 AO . scruff; ( Id - :i.have put in one of How d's:
fAte.tlf Cast Iron' Direct Action Witter Wheels, in
-- ' Pie tifit-rteaditai-Wheel ~ that the Direct Wheel
. doeS not flood the tail rade as midi by, three ittelk.S
•its - tlie reaVtiovrilid, - and that 1-etni genci sevn bosh
- els with-the direct action wheel an. hour ' :mil drive
-two-dun 9f . stones, where; Leonid not grindfour hush
. els in she same time with the ImactiJn Mal drive one
rowel stones. • --- , VETFIR FAIINIASTOCK.'
• ' Bupltrida - tati. Co; 0ct.'.1835-.----- - - -
' _.....--
. .
' lhlouny, May 5, 1838.
7 111Y:certify, that I have been engaged in put
--tingiitf43,ALAjowtrs %east, iron direct. action water
wheehliiitliin'the State of New York - and in Mid&
gan,ned can give it as my decided opinion that with
B'feetlitiad'or under, rightly put in, It will do .more
' busiliess with ttie - same water than any' other ,water
wheel which t have yet had any eperienee'in,and in
referenetito - „back,w,ater, is' econd best to none tit§t 1
Wave yet 'tried. In rjerftee toznarding against iee;
- there tan-be no better. operation,:and it is very easy
to- be kept in repair,. .
• Alloway, Sept, 3; 1838.'•": .
Tliremqy iitlltfihitTliiiWTl lid in my:lj7 m 1 tir
direet Woter wheels for ornoe
_ yen . t... It is„ n r ,fivifeet: wheel; anut-1 Nye land n re
netton in theme place-1 have nlsn land 'Wheeler's"!
Union Wiiiii;'yer I tint:WAIN.. - 11cFt.Ps dos morel
- business with lesswnter than : iny other I have - tried:
ft-does wellin wnteri: lurvointil.frotn st) 6 -1
feet hentl, do its nitnili .work witk
'halfilte'`Wittc , r'sailWo used to do with . the tinalerslinot
wheel, witielvitits'utito been Do operation in my mill.
•• • ••' -•'; • •• LAWREACP; JULIEIY.
.7 • ° IIS 3 'P • 3 B f lB .
..1:131aw ay , vertity; that :w have used one' .of' ss
, • llo*:d'aVatent tvaterWheels since
. the„ - side , of:a re-action wheel, and , tve• think that
- peand!s, double.the business n ith the some
water that'the r&-action ;will do, or very near. ,IVe„.
..7,lyeker-littve but three feet bead, and can glint{ with
that eight bushel pet boar. "\'c are siibiect to tack
water. This urhbatitill do as good - business. under ,
==lsack-Natetaa,there:s}etlonijmiL*e'rpgillitnenflit. to
`the-attentonsin:patr.oniagrAlhentiltfie. .
' • 4 • •
• • MILES S.:.LEACIE:"., ••
tvg.: INf,„ At.lll . 6tntsshit,. ram -w1 ; 10,t, is
.g ent r ort il e 4b. r a_ a ientio n 'e l Lyater .wheel m , the
countiea cif Dauphin; Cdniberlatit/anirTitif tirTIV
all-titees be ready to attend to tbeir sale and eree
the,-shertest :notice, by addressing hint •at
..,,..Shentterirstewn,Cumberland coupfy', Pa.,
?1, - pit:B;4B4o;',' . •
318 ..-- I , Rhos Ma.,
'' fia , ,TAlll
churleCvli.ilett:o,: - . ,
i L i ix ;faril/4"Atli° an for it'' ;' - '
l ' "-thii mile
see, nn no wy t a k _
_ 11 . :01
:, ,
..,„; 4r.,, tiiirtrisl ll 7 3 7.d R Ilk' 9-„..Fo4ed to Itialc'e 111 11 1 1 111' o
' '' ' 'l.‘ '''' ''')::/ikkif-lifi;Cltinte'tfet h°'lval IlaVe teah ii - d t a
,„-,,*.,,p.,•.. biinrttelp,. g 71„ , 1t,.., 4 1,4iii it ha ,i f
, 4,. , , ,, x*ptu R n- ilt. -1,1..,e,s ~,Icicise CO.
Ch . ht t o
-- ,-reiA
„it? t ape' drUo'• b.- e thecilibLilg. is
'ltted" ,-- -,-', .Thut elem.. aY li f . .,, 0rn them
i,4:4,;.:1:r164 i',ortia I pefii i . 020 years, Ilydßetual,M-al/'"8".
7'.,':;:Ao e:'C' 1 ''',61440Z jaaccel,a"cl'iege by„ithlint riavirg. t.
, , 1, v04011. , V i .,„,„^ '*l'la,. ct„ t 1 . ,IA ciely!ks,,
..,., :.„..,...- i it...„,5."..-%0 toe 0 ,.. A -Ez.,, . •.; ,-. ..
'''''''-acO ItPlg tlikil!,..ttr. '.V.: .,,,.,. , ' r • AiBTitje4lcil g‘; l i "rk ' ''.
4'-t2-" ----;l. fbaiggistligl
rietor• ''' •
, '.... , NilhotesO ur ,e , v • o o r i lc i v o , rioPstniremion sc Dm,
Ss-4 :,,,-.7
._-0.00, zron-461;116 it 144,% . 4 iki 1)149.-101:-
,:::'6FrOfr tt *-' 4l- : 6,, ';',P• a. ,
- 2 ,,4 1
, . .
N. II Kislev of Paris and'Salt .alwaybiim 7l ii bh
harp', nod roi. sal,i at the lowesi prke . s. ..
July .29, 1 8.1:)..:--ly. ' ~ • ' •
.1 I 4)11 e Eat►n of freight ears,
. t . ; a u _ -
lIE subseriber,grateitiffOr past tbvors,respeetful7
ly nelpatit:ts his Mende; nrtd the public, that he lies put
into operation on
.the Harrisburg, Lancaster Et Co-
,d 1
. . .
1 line of 'any DC/1.1111..E (.A.JIS, whie"dv,-ill run rer
larly I.liifiTi;On Ilvgthorzi- - and-P-Idtatiolphitchv:winel:
Uocids and Vraltive of all cleac•iptions \SAL bli:rll'.WllV
"dell. with' and dedpatch, at the lowest,rates of
Gnarls nil!
.1y: eceoweo rat the ;li-i'a - fe - nou§e 0; 'II 108.
J. 'MA X ‘VI;L.I_,, N. 1.',. coruer of Broad- a n d -Vino
- shl.rtc; 14dladelphia, and forwarded to I ini-iisbarg,
Chrlisk. Charnhersbuit, and int,nonediato . . plaeea,
hy.the salmeriber. . . OWEN :11.!CAllE.• '
ihn-i-islao , g, Vol). 5; 1...:39. ,
' - Li:7'll:3li, 5A.1.:1 AND I'I.ASTMTI, cansfantly OM
'ond: - Cal,li laid for ahaost all hinds.of eOuntry . pre
dace. ' ' , --. •
drirteig, r.f(as 61'
- LNG 32 E RC' kf ANTs,
l'ave-rinom et 4- t,:t-tbe..zapaciotta..N.Kilifelitat -recently
oectipiC4l by I): beech & Co. ttf the tiortlit.Tjt
of Clicony toid:liroad street,
From Me litellitiea At filch the toe:ition and ktertini
tivrattgenim t r I tie depot to• 40 iiurtliut
Cars colt be vecoramodat'ed to tedead and Inad aC the
some time Vvith Stifftviem room to %tore 20,000 barrels
of I'lmtr, and 400 to GUI) On of Grain'exclasive
forwar,/i.tgtl,"partnteot. .
Frmlttue br every de cription still lie -rect.-4% ed as
moat oit coosi , giarteals,,,:mtl'liberat nolvaacc.s made en
fitecipt (if cases are effected,
, 412.1:111,_ & CO;
'ea •• •
. N,:rth-wccu of
ir2r Cherry &•13i-oad
• -Philadeloltiat
REEEIitEN ets. • • ,
w. •S. dolipali,
I!vinlerslii Fc l'al'ker, c ar h, a ;
11enryititoatIN • . . • . - 1
Satunleraonti, Itasserman,_ -
Lena) Si - wocr . ,,Vew - idlle.
1)ari:1 Nevin, Shiprensburg. -
J. •
Logan Smith, li,sll. Cashier Cha-:ocreburg
I-.70-s,tc.r, - I Intz & _Co, •
Haber!. Fleming, '
Catlwaa.ooill•cCraig, ramta;fetnhzii.—
AlTin:.TUTlnirappiitt CtT.r,
Nl'll4Bll Brown, J
• Ildsar tide has been ini - tija - eir by - 6 iiiii.orious—eoniF:
tcrfeiter. - Let it never .be purchased or used unless
ithave the: name of L. S. COMSTOCK, or the sig
nature or com sTocp: •sz CO. on it splendid wrap-
1.1, •
az„publis.ll:o4kAktleption.-_ • •
Apply at the
Fletehet. stret:qamv Mitten Laird anti Peati st.
Address, - " 'COMFrOIi & CO.;
, • - NVholesale llruggists,
.Crlllie. - gerinine is Col , ' sale by _Stevepspa &I/lil
t:le Carlisle, Pa. . • tbee.'ll 183 b. lv.
TIPETTEII! !--TP.I"I ! trcii
-Leidv!s- celelirated. TETT_EII,' AND Il'Cl,l
61.NTTNIENT:- is daily beiloriving more popular.llii
ly do numerous i duals stop and lam in the pro
prietor ofitilgitud suceess in removing intil curing the
retter and !MIL:—
. -
Nu merous tei•timmilalt iniglitlie-Pliblislied-orits'efil
,eacy, but for the. 'delicacy lilt liy individuals having
tl i el r.natiies published hi tomiectiou with. so' loathsome
and disagr&elifilvratiections.: • '
It may lie used with perfect sillily by young and
_old, even upon infuntS; colitiviniug no mercury or oth ,
ermincial stibstailein. Dr. N. •B. Lkidy prepares it
himself, and knori ii,g iteompositiiiii, most confiilinitz -
Ay recentmendc it as superior to any other remedy for
Ll'rcpared mid sOld . at'Dr:
I lea Itli porionl, - (S ign= of AO - Golden - En*
tiol•SerpeatsL l Yrt: Nurth SecciniLstiTct,Aielcivi.
Vine. Also sold by • • . . _
STEW MNS ON' ;Sr K 1 ,1 - , Druggists; .Cat•l tate
.P.riceVf. Ceirta rt Box. „ . .
Zulv 29, 16•i0 --Sax • -; •
• v
- I v COM . PLAINToen vears.stainling, cured
II ,
~ .by. the use of Dr. Itarliell's'Compound Strength.'
ening and ,Geriniot Aperient pills. Mrs.Sarali
wiiu at' William Boyer, north Atli street/alp:n*oo
- PitiladelPhiai entirely" cured of " the shove .
distressing. disease,. tiler .symptoms were, , liabitual
costiveness of the hove'l,i,lotal loss ofappetite;exi.
eiating pailitn . theisitle, stomach and' tatekolepreSsion
aftiptritsv exireme dehility,•Could nottic cittlier left
side without an aggravation of pain with othei , spiv:
tains.inditi'ating great derattgemtM in the functions of
the liver. Airs. Boyer wits attended by _several of
firit physitiaini;,biilfteliired but little relief from
their medicine;at 'last, a. friend • of hers procured a
package of Drlarlieli's Strengthening,and Geilann
Aperient Pills, WltichitY the use ,ofone pitikitge,
to - conlinue with tll6;;Meiliciitei which re"-,
- stiltediiireffectlngm-permafieittctire r heyond-the:-ex:-
peetatiOn of her friends•.• • ,
• Principal , o9loefor this medicine is at No, 19 north
9th 'street; Iltiloo • • • • .
medlcine 'inay he had
UXILA.;arIiTICe •aw
:111 qtolSLlAlPTlON.E:—..Tliiii'ilibense is Vary
'ranch like n'isornmeii eattrrh, it generally toinnienees
like. au '''ordinary ,eolil; with , Lassitude;''
slight Cough arid Oppres - sion tightness about:the
breast.. many instaneeSthe illseiiseheetnS fit drst
'very serious elukraeteklY-Atilte disease eputinues the
ojitirossion in . tlie hreaSt'inifrensesithe.'imunCenrun'ee
heecunes expressive,
lakfoleas g opme!inies wheeling or tutling '
nptirid'ns„ifthe,gir.•,ss '
nurroW;nortom,eioggeli vb,34itr fin ici ,
qiet t t.46,lliseMiell :11e 7 tir - Aieri6g., , ,tiftvifien . cei
:but hy,"11,, timply„!opplicatipn .SVrovnes Perna.
poiiiid,S,viiip of 1304 .Clietty,witi testiittliterifTiid'
,tp tlip•OirecqOilei thes9rtmidem,intit • Olfacta !Wilt :he'
ne -- eni 4 Ofia, - ne 1 - sold
eept. - NO:=1 - 9INCIliTii ElGli'rift - .l3tret; or
ressecti s e agents.. ,
k'or bAle aLtho ' DraiSicira;'oF. .3 , 01,1) .Myer,8r. •
glov, Sib;ll#3o,-
- 7.- - .-
~ •---, , ,----- ... . 7 , ;77:7,,,.7,77.7.7,,,;777
_ - -- -- - -------- - - - ----- - --.7. ',.. ...., .. .., s . 0....... --• ..- s r . .''lv: n • • • •,• ''.4 - - , f , •-. +. 4 •••• ri , ....1.;77, ~.....„0...„...i ,77,-,,7 r.....c 77. 17 ..r r...T ., 77 . "= .4 ''''''. 7 ; .". '" '''''''''''
. . ,
. •
.. . .
~,,-..,(_,1 Ali- e',„..••• • ,-4,-V 11-Zi 1.-V, WC V 0.4,-ti,, , -it It . Ct- • - lair plat ,1 i m+ •- •
. . .
i l :% - . , •i•--. , ;',. ~ , ,, : ', 3 ..7 : ,... , .'-,, ~ ~=..„.
-, •','..1• T.. , ... ' , c . ,..!. '•• .. ~• •1V,... , 1 , :.• ,...• 4 11... .I',h I. ! , 1t:,..:;_, j..., 4, , .•. i•::: ''{W..•,.; . , -f.leP ; •.i.. ~..;.741 - •.,,0 ' . ,r ., ;', " l'',. • 2 .)1?- : . . ,i . :;.. ~ ,,...7, /0/ .d., ', , 7,- .` ..^. -,.. ".' ''''S . ; .1,, - , 4, , , ' 0 1 , -
. .
• 7" ttyiie - • •
. . „
';Flor . thegi•owtl), , priqicHntion 'find ,restorntiott
narraus jusinuces; pFoilticect a fine groxill.l of hair
ou tho:h'e:uls of iii;rsouTs Who hAti bilen bald for years:
uriant'nutl beantilut hair? I ;tok , you 011 onswer
lletir, inie"thinn'ent,'Alte,i4utsu of its In'ss, ivhy
it .turnsg•ray;rtity and contsci;
.in its It upetirsu4.4, A ii4l.llpallyti•
whieltthertri s n constant
Ily thia.eircillntien the •: hair
fast, its glonsy.eoltiiir• is-given and prttscryet4tiinficts
onilered,Withtlie tinest oil. Now any thing which in
jorca the atriii,of.the •head; Or diverts or takes' away
the blood f . roin'it Will prevent ror'inpode tliettircultr ,
tion.tttroogit titcmibes of the hair, stop ita. growth,
mid cliise_it to , hilt tiffin•ltiri gray, or 'both: • Ilene°,
it isthat ant. cause...that ohstrecta-or„weakens die eir
relation of iiloott throtigh tlic•akin; that averts the
LIo r therlArtr. of th.G hten:o\lll take ttway the
Seely, fresh anO.yOutlirtil appearancenf din Ipiirk,nr
rest its, growth, turn it'. gray snotinr, or • bier,
thousands, of' instances causelwernaturc buldnets.
- For sale' by
' • • CarliatO,
May 13, „•• . . .
, flab* tOnic..---WO call 'the attention of. ttn . :Si.
flieted with pt•einaluce baldness. to Ihi..exeellent flair
Tonics prepared by De- Jayne of-thin city. I facing
•used it otteselys.s,..we coo speak t4:its virtues by expt ,
pienee, and we uoltesitatinglr Uttotionnce it aninvalti
able remedy to prevent the * failing ofrof the Int ir,Miti
to restorelt from it dead, to a fine,-Itrablay appear
mice. We eau arso speak from 'Prespnal knowledge
.of the eases of two or threi frieutls why . ), Wert.. prod's
toged to baldness, oho by the use t'd• ,Invite's
Tottic; linen now htxttrinnt hale. We havemotlispo
sition to puff. intliseelmituftelc nil kinds of remedies
for all diSeases Which flesh iw licit. to, hut sellcn me
iinve tcs - tt 1 Me - victim of boa 10-,-*-e- reliant o_say
It is good,..—SalttralpSt Ere..qin:g POst.
....Ta.llnett MO. have, heretofore, nu in-_
;lair Tonic '
prepared by 1:r: wits one of tlic
immy tpinek nostrums whose tirtties are
110 . ,11111 flii_ fulsonleAntirs - Cl. their: anthers, . We are
:it length; to Make piililieaCktion ledgmetit• ni
the error of our belief. A tiinci mate frientl,sontv two
or - three Months sinew, all the top or w hose cranium
was as !dd as a piece or. polished mtu.tgre
ottr jesting nod ridicule of the it'ea if attempting
to-co/avow hn' barren a 'Spot purchased a hottlitliir
two - ill:the I inir Tonic from I)r—lavne,and according :
to hisitircittionii tipplieir,it. inritellie pfeseht wt k
the iatme 6 ientl tisliereithitriself into ourgiresence,and
uncovering his !litho to caked head, se lontslted us with
tlihr.thintgleluxuriant-growth..ol.hitir, froin
_one to
two inchesinlengtlr,-tviii the very premises we hail
believed its unyielding t4tittltivation as the trackless
that.skirts the Atlantic. This:is_no puff, lint is
relioiouslv true,and_to -those si 119 donht,the.gentleman
`IS-11 . 1%1142.. 111^ faV(II . Or ibis
ficyft se hecti.oltecliwnstintone of_tenipora- . :
cv baldness-3- 7 1M sudden lobs or the w a s rol a ,
ot . yeari? mantling, tilligh the this gentletnatt. is but
Piety-liven:ars-of age.- -- Sydrit 6f ate
_ . _
I ! , ! IZ. !--=:The' i prmakers have
ileelatted hitstilitie iiy nit st otir - ueighber lh.- Jayne,
ou iteeditiA of 106,111 M. Tonic „which is knocking all.
their _liminess-into otmeked-Itai.' . !7:-CMIVes h n ul pn
-tlemem--old'and_yonng are pne.king to the lieetPr's
srandard - . ,- Heaifs ogr rested f eve+, the.ficst
ine'rds of hair; alki:r Using his Hair tonic soon' appear
with, new and flawing rocks, which Atistdom-httaF.eri
might bane envied,' . Ileardless Sims are Seen w ith
la r ge and whiskers; and 'smile again
ihrouglwiheir owaynnen ring lets m
lets ore heantirul and
bewitebink.than ever. - Bald ' heads :o'9 cloning; their
wigs and throwing t7ii dire 1621111,dt - wand - Om bats,"
makers stand
,agliast as V11(.3110 . 1614-
the demolitionof their business. • -
What will die the consequence-c.f . -this-war. we know
not, - as the wigi;ies are nutrageous, and the Dactorre
mnios firm, and &dares that "some things eWii be
done as well aa others,"and that Mild heads may as
Will wear ttietrllll n bAir ac timt. amtheri.•.4 Week.
nela-fraiejraniz,—AVe meet nt tamest every
-corner, when perambulating, the streets, nit7n7vearing
15lig-iiiid-Wasrbinticlwinehthey---semn-to-be- period,
and othepswho have raised in 'a few weeks, a crop
tor blaek moirStaithes, that would viC with - the glo:siem,
,bruin that ever walked the - fiftest. ft has puzzled os
4ci know - the,. secret of-all those .wont;ous crops
'hair; but Messrs-SANDS, 79 and 160 Fulton street,
have got the Temetly; where all who are curious - in'
"such mutters may learn a valuable. seeret:- , t,ireve
.York I,l7tig. • ,
'Sold' in litiltidelphia at 40 SonthrThird Street
Tbis can be effectually dote by Dr. Leitty'S
-season- file-Springtime. of_y ;trot:hen the gross lui
..mors atlie_systei_ought to Ile VelllONed from the In) ,
aly and' the blood purified, thus
. preventinglhe sin=
gni:Cr and unpleasant feeling common tit all; of a
dizziness, drowsiness,
.peculiar heaviness of the hem:,
and other feelings,-givrng rise to what is generally
calk(' the'Stiring Fever.
base been sold during the past year, : at retail alone.
Orders hare-been. rectilved from the'South and West,
dttring the pas( annulifor more thairloo,...,rosSA thus
Altowinglye_great demand for them, and proyiug,:that_
bell: most beiriffre --- atfrint'dinarrcause -16 7Producel
easily' explained, %trey - a - are-liar mildest—anti
safest purgative, as well as the most: effectual' in
cleansing and purifying theblood, and of r, moving the
principal causes ofalisease ever dischvered.
sale, because they are warranted free leant minerals,
and may be taken-witlicart diet iestrhint - frami occupa
tion or feat ut of taking cold tro their use. They do
riot Aebilitate the system as tiobiliee pills and purga7.
Oven their, operation is gentle,. hilt alWays effectual.
IGcy,hnve Cliched numerous testimonials from,plky
sicians others, which accompray the +directions,
and are confidently recOnimentled in-Rheum:die At . -
fecal° 's, Scrofula, „Eryvipelas, Jainolice, He , 1111111.11 . 11,
I)iSellSeeo - 411C-livvr A„li
innites*(l,,glah,e?:ill ' Or
the sides, along the Click and spine over the reginiarf
the heartand,stontach, I nwaell fevers, bad taste in
Mouth,foul breath, Flatulency, Indigestion, Want of
Appetite, Sour Eruct:llion and Acidities .of the Swill
iich,.lllceroussores of the nose, throat and body; Sealy -
Eruptions and blotches Of the skin, Drv. and watery
-, pimple - sand - plistules - of the-face- and
,-bralv;Tetter and
Ringworms, Swelling and 'hardening of the glands of
' the neek, In the 'grnins,•breast, Stomach Coughs,
Liver-Complaint,Waterbrash, And all the_w hole
train-of disessear resulting,irnmlift - tinVitrrifiqfniiii; -
:Constindional Diseasei; In Philadelphia', at
.Dr. Leidy's IfelilthEruporiuni 3 Oit below Wile st. -
Ala; sold by .1 7 : Klett, Druggist 2d and Callowh ill
streets; .I,,ling Bc.'
,Fairer, Druggists;Lancaster;
,Peter' Pomp, Druggist, E4tont . W. 11, Primp, Dru , --:
gist:-Milton: •
- -Alan , bv- STEVENSON, &c.DINKLE, Druggists,.
Carlisle, Pa. . • [July '29 1840-3 m
' - rt. Bottle. %Price 25..Cento
. . .
' • • • • .• • • "
CQ'in.P . ounel of Bai* is f01111(1 to
he the best article Tor • healing; the ulcerated' lungs;
stopping night sweats,
Ll .rtnd• vol ieving cough; that
everfitta 4E4' soes who are
,itillicteti, would
tit) yell - to iirocurethiatt)ettitlint before it is too Jiitc..
Certificates of,tinany come can be seen, appkiing' iti
No. ,19, - Xorth,EiglAth
metticitte can. al v,varslie ,obbtineg. - 2 , Price $1 per
pottle,:or six - bottlea . fth. $5,
VOi sale - iiCthlitlruedtore - oOO7lJlt, f
al sicc - V7k.. KeelerTHartishurn-
Dennet St,BomhgartitieriNock i e nini-Mro.:Mathiint;
Colubbia; Paw' '".' • • ', 140.
- - tteatreyer,., w hick. tleitmy ita 'mitt
7 enit.of .27tquittifik a nimal , avert
liefdre iYstezepupon the ylO l lB
would inswerat tiniet • Take some suitable thedfcine
to arrett the disease at the - t ,aery.
How; very-140Y :4 0 #e
,frit mettle ok tTareelY, able, teteipp art eYftt a tihort,
fviga eisfenee.—=but, frivtlietimeliVare lot , pre.-
tier nenttaihry•.Make - tiiie',of 7 ottiaiett will fat- ituttiitt
care sttalli . i!OßPr.trieant(thetare': placed , ultlthe' their
ithe:.hetitt . ihe
ftrit ranki-statitta_
!tit }Vlhl'Olterr,r;'whNit, }f a}llri~tniateced ill ti ~i:Agd
Wltielvacherii r
Tilley the .ntedieinif i fitrill itiWe, tlati,! , iitit'or
` l ltitrtroObstr . tritit rept:ore e patient
;! , Pri tie optteglrtee t ,t 0 N. 0111). 'eighth fitretl,T,Thij 7 ,'
adel~ilila, Where thlti
beobtalaed. , •Vriae sl;per'bettlt:
For.:aate At T ,the ;:prus_ . Stop, of:John 4#llWyerfilt,
• . Nov. . aft, typo; •
• . • . • • •
*•-•-•• ~••
ritinionitri): - 41Freservottive!,
For. Coughs, , Colds, itilliciags, .4othmaa r Caturrhs,:
.Ilitie,afierritrthq : lireait'ond <ha 44 ,1 '-'
u' fthis . comovdkn. •
911, n abqife •pietlicing
Of thellitiit'elliSti'eious ei;er eTbriVeil
Atm: affeeift?'tis. tyell ictio . wri• to - thettiiiisi)mt .
1 . 11 - ortlyr .htake i t more gttom:allyri:ftown, the tittV,
s - oriber'thitik9 it . 'netieory to •pyblisli follow ing
vvocfs,-whielt,constitu:te hut, small portioo'oy. the
t• ' t _stinDiv id moor of its LIB;
.. ,
'I , bronghout Gerinaiif it if! used ii - iiii employed
mere than anj• other prejmniltion' for Colds; ke.i . nini
is theo - do l vyll known for its (ay.:toy, thnt th 4, 'call.
it "The Life prrservtir." -..: . ..
Price 50 Cenla' a Belle.
• - ..Prpla the Wart] Malta Gaulle.,
!laving' seer° . aw ; atlyertisenlent iii• ; !the Inquirer of
this city, of Ijr.: Beelder's Pulnionary Pt eservatire,
for entrglis; Colds; Asthma»; wits induced froM
reading it, to make a trial of it. 1 1 1tiving a ‘ f,urtily of
seven 'small children, there seldom passes a thir with
out having to give some one of ,them :snmetbin.: file
the numerous afreetions common to 'children,. Of all
the different Patent 'Alediciows, l never Mond mie so.
geineral efliyacieter,l not only found it serviekoilile toe'
Conghs, Odds, &e:. ' hut, also eery belie:fiat! 1 hiked
Diarrltt li sit l reArttAlthess, sOef.,m
moo to small childeeot on S Idyll accould I shall cevee.
without a bottle or it. It lags relieVeil.meortitrnit ,
blesome.entigh,sbortiwss of brething.,aniipain in my
side' and breast, with I have beenAroulded
alai ly twelfe months. Two Skilfill physicians of.this
e'ts attended the for it Without 01. m.. I ttccordipgly
discharged them, and having.nsed four bottles of the
abeyemtellichim was cctinly_ relieved in less than
three weeks. Yeti' respCrtfullv: _
• . Siolie7;l6 SULLIVAN'. •"`
I • Easton, November 16111,1'837.
Dr; N; I) LEIDY, Philadelphia. ' - •
Dear Sir,—l should bonsider it nogra tan), ir I dill
net Mfocin you (mid with my, consent allow yell to '
Ityjll_o 4 jcoMnbel , "
lir.lioll,or my tlietals, almost every kind of medicine
for coughs; colds, &v.., l never ropol refit:road late-
Iv, haring tised I)e..l6eldef's l'illnionary Preserve
't ive;ree , tomeetleitta.me_hy..yQUl• place,
and wikh cored me- of. a ‘'iotent eough, - 41 - itting .nf
blnail,.pain or I,reakt, and slioritiosspf hreath, With ail
ir ,fvylikh I have 'well alllicicd fcriwo ye:u s past. lam
now, however, enjZ)fittg. as goad--health-ti; over;
otie my recovery, to the above valntui la medicine. •
. .
• • utz, J uhe
I)1I. LE DP, at,
.Itespets.bASir,--1 wits 11 , 1'1011de:0c:11 virtie7voyarri
vel coutery, to lied that Dr. ilrehter'svitliiiible
preliration,,lti Long hucce.,,bliiifs uses fu tiauy'parls
ni Durnealy, t 9 pow -prt-inired Gy yeii. 1 have sec!,
100 fly. woetkrtub.coretupitVir by it iti - dioPld conpliT•
Alany,l,ol_ls s%:iv l te 1111,6 , 5 were:aipp 15(3i to be ill
niost claim:ly ilel.trviild, itiiirproteceired
have bre» . restored In good health, by D. I know
Whei'L• (»IC east , %Fel ?espied Viii! boves of cvui• reefiv
{Vas for yeerii lief lens, met
t t eis6: by:the
s%‘o:lficrrulefFrefi of Dr: Be Otter's
wed so Ist :15 to be ride stud
.:A-great teeny bet:ewes - have been cercti in
tttt varioes jenlnueciry zifreeti - ona, t• vv; veygell'
received great benefit froin it, both here and in ley
tintive eveibti tit it' »My be stircegiAlil iii this
country asit lms betel nt Derrtpity. - WittevpropiTry
knoe'iv-tio,faii-iily',oll be without it.- - - -
I'. S.'l get it p.. 11115 plaea ol yofir agent. •
• Vont s f Signed,, y. fiellAnlre u
Ott LELIV; - ..•
y.wre.recointliensla - tioNl IrPatle. use of` 1)1(.
.l'i•eservtilive; and althengli 1 had
tried all otherCein&ilies rm. ,mt g it, Coerce l and
rcliifesrclft on the ahove-14:.lieine. have tcen
sani:h benciittc(l by ii-, 81111 ' hilVe rccumnicndeii.ltto
tiiaily ho 'hay c • si(iVet•cil With pai.(l4
lire:l:is, coughing, siiitting bloo:1, difficulty of brea :
thing; (i.filits, influenz:o,"ke. anti - ail-have- been aveedi.
ly cureirtherchy. - -
- With ve:Teet,.pturs,&:e.:.-
. t.(l
• Trenton, N. J. 00,1.4 4 1839.
Primal tcitly—Thee will be mnbh surprised at my
I infol m. thee or my pun fect re
corery., after having used six bottles or toy ine.14:1./...
Thee ktioArs • how misettble and distressed I was.-7.
Pale Mal sickly - , without appctile, full of palm with
-My-t I treat, ain_nnw tatjo s dug.4 - 0911 health, nud
though BU yi•ars of age, feel young in s iirita,anti must
it u •ibuttcpty gotA health, to the goinl effects of tbyt.
PUllllOllllll' Prestircativc. Thy fi:lettil and well wriTi -- tir.
_ Signed, It.
- tal:caster, .Tailuary 4th; 1839.
Sir-4 mint inibrnifi•ott of the recovery - of ray wife,
'VIIOSC case 1.• descri bed to yolk in the city of Philadel
phia. The hoarseness and sureta-ss oflice thWfat,:with
which she suffered many 'months, has entirely disap
peared, her cough is not so vioieol, !Wither has the
any more pain in her breast, but is entirely cured.—,
Site used only 1)1.. Ileeliter'syulmonstry Preserratice,.
which ) ow so strongly recbtumended. I remain yours.
. .
Thesabove-medieine lazpreparetLobly.and,,
-wholesale Kitt
porinin, No. 19 North Second street, below Vine st.
(sißt; oldie Golden Eagle nod Serpents,) PhiAndel
plum. Also rm. sale at
' P. Rlett's'llrog Store, 2nd nod Cnllowhill street,
J. Smith & Co:s_ito.. 2t, st. next Red Lion Tavern,
:L'OrneiT - 81 - A7Poirer . Sito. - Lanritster;:-Puter-llon - 4147-1
do. Easton; W. 11. Ponm's4lo. Milton.
Also, STEVENSON mmtty.;.Dru n ists,
tin-lisle Pa. • - - • ' 1.8.10-3 in
-- A — Cl-1 - ±L - LENGE.
00 Dtilietrti writ be Iforfeited
TO tiny intlii•ithial - % vim will.proilliee a preparafihri '-• Si also when morbid hun tors are deposited upon
OF SARSAPARILLA It is positivcly the • stroiig, the membrane slid muscles, canning those pains , in-'
- litiminations and swellings milled Rheumatism, Clonj,
- est - iti!epttraticurlieoXibtejine,-Oue batik of it- I sil I- , ......[&‘%; the Indian Vegetable Pills may be' relied on as
'" . X .
to ph" 01 : the AtrOakieSt , 8 3 .111 1 1 that eaR. he 11 a oei al waise - ertain - ici );ice. reliefould if . d erse'ver'eil.with,
and numerous' individuals prellai.e fia-nt it a syrup - -will Montasiairedly. and withoid fail, make a 1101 , fect
Which they put in bottles of iliMrent sizes and slur s ctit , e2-4 1-- the above painfOl maladies. Prom three - to
.selling it as • their preparation,-when- in. reality itis aixtor, Stall - Indian Vegettible..Pills, taken every night
111 e 1111111111111011.
It receipt wi ol De. l -'-ei t ili t Ille sYroll berg; "Made nti'gding to„ hot, will, ina short time, completely-rid.
from his extract, dth ar P eth i th ie S' eaeh tlitl hotry of till morbid- and corrupt .hurrinrsi` and
bottle of Dr. Leidy 'S preparation, winJ . .oly if a syrup Illietiimitism, flout and paiii °revery description, will
Is r iyatitedlLeati_be_ounkelit_7lll cIIIViiBC of tWO thilialli (I our if b • • •
_ _.____ _ _ isw . 4 ,931"1ML:.... - . -.
4,ga110» witliait paying Mr it at the rate" 0f .51) to - 75 - ------=--- ---,-----..--- -L.
-It should be remembered that the Indian. v egefahle
cents II bottle; or eight or ten dollars a gallon. • • .
Dr. Leilly'Sl Extract of Sarsaparilla is unusually Pills are certain to remove p a in in the - side, •oppres
pleasant to the taste,taken either by .itself or in a glass soon, iteausen and :sickness,loss of' appetite,' costive.
of water. It is •iiseleSs here to sliest: of its medical IWSB, it yellow tinge of the skin and eyes, and every
virtues, as every M
luau; woman 11101 - child' who can
other symptom of Liver Comlithint ; because they
1 "'
knows of its ellicacri.itatinalitieS__havingLbeettaild is'. purge from..the body these corrupt _ and .stagnailt liu
i/pAy....being paillislied in all - nen. sp l ip ees , , • . • 7 - toots which, a heti deposit ml upou_tlie Li vtaloli: . Thit
It is particularly adapted to the spring and saltine,. cause ilftlie. above dangerous coinplafut. ' They are
also o certain of acolexy mid sudden death)
-.llllasoostbritig....oLii_moi•e_-,pe_rifying 'nature Allan any:
other medicine ever 'discovereil,: - ITErteeteriii, e ar itr i l et ' a "' e- t h4 ''' ,--nfr-th., iudicw".-liii ' li,(4l4 ' 4l . °-
efficacy is well known tlirottlthiit the United State's, Ong tile eineulation.,lire the cause ofit rush, or deter-.
it 'being. in general use and ,preferred to all ethers , . rit"'"" of, b/""/ to the 1"e"(1-'64'1'lines especially
throughout the Snali and \Vest ; u p wards, of 11,000 On turning sinfilenly 'rettal--blinilness--"-drow shiest
bOttlesllllVillg'been sold durin g tb,f l ,,,et. 12 mouth s . ---less 91: meinol7--,iiillatnination of thebrain---in
--, 'Nuirierons certificates front' Physicians iiiit'aliera, .sanity, unileyery. other iliseriler of the 'mind:
as well as full dii•ections itiatemptinying each bottle. I - ONE WORD TO THE - SEDENTARY: - '
---.: , -Ext met of a letter,frem Dr...J., ll ._ciailliff,.Mobile t : Thosewhofronilitibit er occimaition iire kept much
• , "Your 1n of Sarsaparilia'is , the innsiidlll - ilitliiii - tleas, should - remember - Mai-LT, frequeatly
cacicius of atiy.l live ever:employed. ' 1 have known 'breathe airittniosidiei.e which is wholly. unfit ibis:the
more beneficial results fran rising 2or 3 bottles of it proper expansion of -the lungs. 'and •at the•same time,
than has been effected in similar cases 1.4 it dozen or . owing to Want of exeritist,the bowels are not sufficient-
More of other extriiets aticr'sYri3ils' of Sarsaplirilla,l , 'ly eYstimateil-;-the blood hey-Imes impure, and head
kl.strael. of is •letter from -141 r: 'James C. •-I‘l4lsford , ti ache,indigestion, palpitation of the heart, and ninny'
,:highly respectable Merchant in Ilaltimoi.e... -' .;: .' ether dispgreetilde 63;11111tiiiiik tiro sure toTott9w.,
• . "Daying bad freiment_oceasionlO'eroplov prepare, - ' - ill E - I'&'DlAlki'' VEGE:PAIILE PILLS,
tions'of 'Sarsaparilla hi my family during ihe Past ten lie in „- 1„...0,,,•0f the's'tomach and bewels,and a di,
years;l last' year tried yours, 'nod- tbund :nite-liottle-'-• - " - b '' e ' — ' - '
equal in efficacy : to five-of aily 'other that lever used." •reet pitrifier Of !lie bloodOtro certain ; not only tii re
:mole•pitiii or distraitiof every kiiiil from the, the anty,
Extract or a letter,frorri Mr. Sultin•d'oflSlorthamptoUt .
wirad, Extroot , of . sorso(okiiiio tool ti o dorolod
woo. -but if used 'occasionally, so as' tec,keep the body free
dolts' with' me; Itaiing'restureit nit: to•perfect• health, from those humeri ' t t h,ie h nr e 'the cause PEerVvY male - -
though•for six.years. afflicted as CI !- 'described to dy untlerlieaven, 014 wilE'rnost aistiredlY promote
~ c " i t dorma . i hot.tioloAloviog (lied mown ore.. such a .4uit and equal-circulation of the.-blood,:that,
those wno lead a sedelittay lifei'tvill be ambled , to
ry - tlong - as:WellTairlitiving-irettaivell-slcilfulLincilical
attendance; during s:-great POrtioOofifillioe.' ''' .-TenjufsoutOlvealtlrotkidilisetise7of-any-kintl-will---hei
Numerous recommeitilations'and extractilfrom Ya - ,- 2486 "iei
For f impossible. . - . . -- -'
noes ePththatthattiol lB .could. be added,; but-for the ~ '.
:rent expense attending newsiiiMa• rilliertiSing. 1
.. . ,], ::'.- • , . - ~.„.. ...CIIAR-LES ',OOII-111(;t(gent,
-;,.. - It iilirepareil anitsolitiniOtgale unirtreUirtit•Dr. - 1 - •' ' ... , .-,-1-- • .' ~'" , i :Ccietis7e; Pa.
Lenly's flealth EmpuriUM:No.,49l•North' 'Seem d -
street, below Vine. Also for 81110-1131--'''' C.:YPfficOt STlGenerill Depot, NO. 09 ttace strelß:
- ' ',Philadelphia. ' • ..; [gay 2'0,1840.-41y ... - 41,
... -......
- Freilt Klett' - ' '
. _
red Jett; Droggist, corner of Second stad Cal- . .
16lain elll6etSt and 3., Lon. - Si' A':'rairer, 'llrmtgista, ,1 71 ' i l ic ° 6 1 8 4 c T is A m N po T u T ti O s t,F4, i t it he li n tS 4 - 1 ,7 0 1) ft li;ICO ,
, Z,( G lir .r.
Pomp, tlrtitt r t Stilton.
rATl,Olifleti; Peter, Pomp,' Druggist,
,Easton i
,_ , ,
~ It . l :' !!' 14. , iialuv Apt rient Pills.' t-Thote,...•plihr.wmOiCalP..those
;„, . distr'esaing disea sea whit
,b. Females are lif!ble to.,be ,
"14S°14' 8r-
. INKLZ; Ilje llß . R"'! 3 ; Wilhite& with'; TbeY , renioVe illinacinorbidlle'eretione
Carlisle, p t - , 1 1: 1 ... 1
~,,''''''i . ' i i e .:-
. L'n' o il a : ;.''' 11 . : 4 j ; t 1 1 4 9 . 4 . 9 . : . 1 :,
...,: 5 . 1 1 .
s w e - s , ii a t d ", o i n ie e n iirti e m ca .e i
9 lle , ,d ,:ifl o c o r n, r 't rti ci,u a. e re e B 4 l: :; l7l.ti l
i tr , : .,o : .n r ,
.i . c .i i t t in sr is; ::
' ••' .. • - .. .'.' ierabl4ll lliiiieliveit.o -, Tl4o , Pilis 1313 C q " e ,P i n 1 " , u) :
11/11PrCRM s I'WPQRNeS7I,, TFORMSt i itt„,direetioa . a > immediately , create a new and nea l l i tli t i e l . ,;.
''rilr . IF ''''r - 4r 6 n).1 4 -gisiik'oill)leB 6 l 6 l'i'd 41 illigi'll'il?ii,an tbrooghnlit the • • whole , sylifei'a ,
,:. Y 1
i ld ne . , ) an q
dababitnntO but N' vdrither, 'an'tl hOWithi;iithreb'tio ottoir ille blood, and , givins'AtAtagt.4,4o .t ;ti,,e, m at ti ? i, n .he l
sid : s.,
,i',luldt!? pittllli , ptegya the-Pisil'of ‘Jahlltlreti,'.:fbliwels,.intilirn.t.P.unr,Ln'lelilZitkiiii,PirragogUagaiti
llPeillYn - PVr oWit Yelrlifllgq; 4:cel'44ll4lngt,-.oifq4*'-'111"1';:anr "'" ' l' t slll ' ' B '
tin' fofietiona - toitl, restoriNt.
,liktiitioi,fe ' r l ifei **O r i i-O rt l i ..V tivi° 4Bl ti3 l(l6 °t:wqleinq;: . AY S t A in ii 4 P! R i t : , ji•.• Tifmid-_, ..,,4,..,,.:...,,!.„.., ...„.
141 :YpePaillitiChielitt)rilhiih' -AtitigyttifizipiioEifiii itilimiffelitithlu- re rt oi if i lk', Pi ',Co i n ouo , Eqreir : si(lien::.
reV°tlPftel aguta"Cl'diblatYl‘9"ll"4"44' liF and'bwß fr " 1 1-.Asl 'Sf ' l l :l - G :. ri„ Lt ati - Ap . e?lelif lills. ": ' - -Qs
Ole, am organkof'digeation. To ,14e,,1vl . , ' . ;5i0. , .?.9, 1 ,j,,,g . owe,
13iiutliThriursi r eet Phil;Cdulphia:''' - ~ , , - ~- ~ .;.(Pritolipal Offted e , - ,19 bitn , EightlP..atreet, Pliilrdlel...._
_Also to be bad of , Snniall - Pigott illul'Epeer`erisoil Si. Oda. •Alio for, sale at thepros
.: l.o_ iki. re cif./ 20 :4. i tf a y fa ers
Di %Me= 6 1 94: 11 0dlili rst-; , ' , ...:-...? ,,, -- ...1. - ' , (1ng3r1 , 4'.11140 , '...';'k irp,-CArlisle:•,:, - .
- -. .
Signed,. Y. ATW01)1)
rranaliitiop from n luCe!itittn.
Prepared only by Pr, D. Jayne, Inventor,
and Bole , proprietor," 'Va.-South-,Third
street, Philadelphia, and may be lad of
d S. ELLlOrP,Ad'also of 8,774FE11r
_lisle, Pa. • ,
,;,. •
. These medicines are.reetitn'tnended and
ly• used by the, Most: intelligent iii the United.
,States •, - ,b —onmerens:_. Professors:and Presidents of
Colleges, Physicians: ArtnymuHstaand-o•
'Hospitals and Almehou Se s,'anif , by in:ore . . than three
hundrfal Lleagyincsi of various denoMinatiabs;•
Therare exitces - sly prepared- for ,flunily.: use, mil
have acquired„no mrprecedemed popularity throngh.
out the United Staten; and as oli k 'y are so .admirably
calculated to preseril! and cure DISEASE, 110
'fioilv should 'ever be without.theth.' 'The • proprie.
tor a these valuable preparations received his Hu-
Cationat one cf the best, Medical College's iii the
ted Staten, and bas hasefifteen years expefience is an
extensive and diversified practice,oyiMilat he hashad
ample oppertunities (ifiteippring.4:l66tical
'edge of disease's, and ofjne ferue - iltios tukulitted.
to remove . ,
These Preparetions consist
. . ...
.1 A 1 , NE'S •EX PEC'rMA
ONflrst,vihmbiq i'ernedy
Ow emiglfi'altls,'ét . isisuilipti6o,,dstbniqi spitting: of
Wood, offal I), Wo;iiirog . ,o'saik,tls, bratitliiiisipleaofq and
inflamraa.tioa of tla. latigit.or,lhroafisliflioulty of boon
thi ag, and all disease; of, pOplointry orgaos.—Pri cc
one 11011:11 . . . • .. • ~1-,
._ . ,', .
Also JAYNC'S Ain; TONIC ;tot the preservn , .
tinn.Tgrirvtioial beatkr of!he hair, "and which will
positively'bring hyifir, hair Oa heads. 4 PriCe
one'dollar: ••
lain and pleas:Mt - remedy (or wormsolyspepsia,
and many other discnses.--Price 50 cents.
Also-JAYNB'S cAllm!NrrivE. 11 AIA AM, fi
certain cure for bowel and summer compiniids; ifinr
dy'sentary clinlic, in'amps, sick,r_livairsiche, sour
-Sionmeb,,Alifth,rs morbusopd aft deramponents of the
siomach a n d hoWels, neriMTticrioid , ;&c.---Priar
50 ceilts. • -
A Iso ,cY3ssiti'S SANATIVE P 11.1.5, for Female
tliossEes, liver conspistiNs tsmtiveiscsa.
obstroctioiss, sliSsissOeg - of - tb - cr - sicio:
0. ism' in all P:l!:ll`g'Sdlel•C•llll'4llierntive or purgative
medicine's risgisit.i.( '25 Cents st box.
• . -
JAY E'S P ECT-01?.1NT.L.:--Th is
ntetlivitie Inevalreavly provvfil itself to be all that
it has ltiwit rveammentivtf,, liy those. µllO
it :I nth' tet;till this eolll.teS, iuul the lle111:111(1 (C4' it in
•ereaset; dairy. We' hate just hv of ;111 important
care of Asthma; whi . v. - 41 vlrected by the usenl,
it in a neighboring tosvti---01e.caFe svas that of a le
malt, wlio had fn• a long time been tlw care'of
a - plivsfehm,.but vvWeivetl aioh lien.' ease
was beginning to he uoitsitl - ei•etl - As - a tst
resort she purchased a bolt! e or 1)1'. Jay tw's Espetto
rant, whi.:lieattstal her to e.vpi....elm'ate ft-eely.gratlttal,
ly eased live Cough, nmi:olk eusforiag- live to
lit:altll7 - We. have mv hesitation 'in, — :' --- ia)li.rg7tlkts - prtp - a , -:
-ration of-Dr.-Ja,yuq,.lor Ow cure of coughs, eoltls. in
ilkirta, Asthma, Consumption. Esze:istlie'tiviv.t
theotetliv,ine rdiVretl IteAinevienit
There is no. i'fortel:ery Japie is 0:n !
the roost skilful itatit•th,ing. itit)stitians tit Penns) Iva
; anti.Ulteres et. his preparations have twen thor-:
mighty te:iteo, Ito ivvlookod upon ass great pttlilie hen=7
efavtor.---[tionte.e'Set 'We.) Journal. - - -
Env-sale hi: !Saltine' Elliott - anti Stevenson Si. -
k , Pa: [may - 13 1840
lisraiott - PRA. •••
Are , !! purgativn.medicitte k .sti natural to the human'
constitution, and withal se mild, mat pleasant in
operatiott,tlirot not the- ilell . test dread of pain or sick,
nerd' lie appieliewlilli front' their use, even by
the most 41eliel4c14 at. the sarnetime, if used - insuch a_
.operattOl'eely . by_ the - bowels; th - osu
morbid humors, hick de posited upon the varions'
pail's !tithe hotly are the' ionise of e! ery ache OP Itil;P
we starer) will most nSsuredly be _removed;-aujd , not._
only w pain, or,distress of every description ne dri-•
von frnm the body, but disease in any form wilt be itn
Frig the same 'renion, -
ea prat PflOikplieve,OP nay (Alibi, cause, the'perspiriltoon
is checked, and those IntinorS which should pass off hy
the skin, are thrown inwardly; causing headache,
jis-Ll tiatt.-
. k.04,44 4 4.44,-4 4 . .in
.ss.„pajas._thcizs_ovatery •atal in
• ila tiled evesysoretitront,boarsettess,cougg:icriiiiaiqi: -,
lion, rheumatic pains tiOdyTrairt
mat-otiter symptoms ofentelting cold, the veg.-
etAle Pilts will IfiVitriabl) give - inunctliate„-relief,--
.Threc or four pills, takettat night on going to bed,and
i.epented tifew times, soul remove till the atiove ian.-
pleasant symptenis,and restore the'budy to eYell soun
derhealth titan before. -•
'ri l e Vegetable PI fl, Ifiirtvitive)ave
natnral, stint titerulhre a certain cure for•Costivene_ss:
iieai,ose !nu cientile‘Jite stomach aiid bowels of those
biliuttahumours; which not only' paralyze, tied weaken
the digestive organs, but are the , cause, of headache.
nausent! !till sickness, palpitation of the heart, ]]sing'
pains in Nations parts'of the body, ond many other
ilhotgreeable •comphattits. , -"file-salue inav_in! said of
•-difficulty of breathing, or asthma; die Indian Vegeta
, hie Pills It• ill lbosenutal carry ofrby tht! stonilich ami
bowels, thnse• tough jileglimy humors which stop tip
nil air cells of the lungs, and are the cause of the above
dreadful complaint. •
In till disordered motions of the Woke:Med inter;
tniit marory nodinttrid , -
FP.VEI{S, the Italian Vegetable Pills -till be found
n certain rentedv; because they' cleanse the stomach
oul bowels'of all bilious matter-41nd purify diet/land;
V rel»ove the (NUM of every' kind
L. 1 - 'K INS
th - cy h.
qisonse..they us:Abaci.
of revc,r..
, .
Miere - tflanaiiimillieei of liSerVi'ef ilieseltelelirate
Pills haye.been.aold in the';Lldt.lul Suites since Janu
ary 1835:
Hundredsand.theusands Mesa the day theilkecame.
newish:tad with .Peters' 'Vegetable Pills, whiell,in
consequence 'of their exteaooinnili , goodness, have
nuaieed.a:populasity unprece(lctited in the history - of
medicine. '
r ten asit — l . /WM:MN"; totise direetiostriecoMp .
eying them, they are highly beneficial in the preyeul
tints and core of Hilions - Pever, reverrind Ague,.Dys
pepsin, Live'. Complaints, Sick liettd-acheoausidies; .
Asthma;Dropsy.Rliciums 'titn,_PMlargement of the.
Spleen, Piles; Colic; •emale ..Obstruettons,. ffeitit'-;
burn; purrpd Tongue, T amen., Distensfon of the ace:.
'niatslinnd Bowels, Inc dent Distrithx:i ; Platittc!ice,
Elubitir•l Costiveness, Lo. Appetite,lltotebed or
Snilirw COMpleXiOlf. and is all ;eases-of Torpor of
d ie Bowtils; , wher , a cathartic' or nil aperient, is steed.,
ed. , They are exteetlingly mild - in
.tbeir. operation,
producing - neither nausea,
• The.efliestey of these pills is so- well•knoww, and
their-use. sn general, that further coinnientis.consid
erell unnecessary. - -
F% , 11' further particulars. See Dr. Peters' pstmphlet,
which van be hail, gratia,.fif any o f the. Agents.
The pills fire neatly out ,no in tin boxes, containing ;
•20 and 45 pills, price 2.s4tittl 50 cents per box. -
• • •• , _Orlemis., April 24:;.485 . .
Dear Sir—;-As an ;T old classmate of yours in Yale
College, I take thojiberty ot. opening a. correspon
J learn that you are making e' fortune by the sale
,of Your pills, which I trust is the case, as I am fully
aware that through them you al.e.conferring a great
blessing on the public:.
hmyselfarit among those whd have beeti peculiar . -
ly benefited hr their use. Since my. arrival here, I
had been subfeq to - severe,bilious attacks whichluul
nearly brought Me to the grave; but, (and I eel:mow
ledge it with gratitude,) a few boxes-of your pills
Vnve completely lestiveell — nre: I Nroidditthkthat-
I heir efil-et upon Sick Iletid:ache;and Sour Stomach
is almost miraculous. •-• , -
• Midi sentiment , or esteenri, • •
Ex:tPticto crterl Vont De. ranclo Bogart; of
ProvidenCe; I?. L. Dre:,7, 18313.
Patel•e - Pills are an-excellent miectent 2 owl-
( how. elreets king protitit:etl by• the
iliftertana . .L tpiantity talteth) mat are (fCci.lolly
supetiut to_ltce's,_llramiceth's; - or : Alm...holes Pills.
I:4lract q'lctt.-1. Pam - "ainco
• February • .
.Yone pills are the miltlert iu theiC rtheratinna, and
yet nibs. powerilit in their t 111 , cts. t 1 nny that
ever met with in a pil...tiee cjght and twenty 'yeacF.
Their action on'the cli!, It.; anti henec on the impuci
tics athu 0j,.4.1it1y very
Ertiltet of it Fltrr Irani Dr. Srott, of Ilall:morc,
tun in Ott! daily Jialiit of pi:est-tilting then[( PetCys'
- 1 - ‘,111n).•:aml--tlit-t-iii-tworlkt-a-11-4 , 14aus.anatttertabsnx,ppy, -
pose. Ina of
tbititi very Bondouesi - iti-ilimiwfitAter,-,- • •
— l'ustiu.;tank. c 9. „v. C,, Abu. 18, 18311. • •
• S not hutipri seilaiititeti %Aug this kw,. ri•nr.
. .
an mit' stvattg(T.
. - Yotitt Medicine is tliu unit se tang
apologit T Cut obitn(ol) . g mmewl[upo . n yotor
(lasing exptiiiitineed a serious tutack of Bilious
Ferri , this ! was inititneenrl, inn eptiiimpttliuttpittieht
popilla•rity, in try Vii pills; tintbso lens
Main t h e remit, aim I ant tlysirous- - to pittiorri;;wltitig t ,
14,,,h.tily,,,s11:114i.puslig...im_inlaltiiatlytt. Plea so
-me wnlitlm•lutt is-ynint-lOwttst
two hundred buxes,,Nuuri.ttarlicht attention •to. this
• Will oblige, - .
1 onus, &c.
it.Liz,six, M. D
LIVER CO NteL.VlN'.r.-
• .
;Vo. `l5 Br*lie street, .Y., - Oftiy e 7; 1:333.
.7) hvi , ,it,:y:cl , l , tiri';:tlii,t iny.tiver was - in a 3.1!),-. tlitLiry
sed state, unit infil Iring . leaflet( the ihilf of a 'highly'
110milar - pbysielatiOnitvhat:it fins 1,6_ , n- ew ido; e it .p er _
feetly healthy by the u s e c .r• Peters' Vegetable Pills.
Tfic,y were firSt recommended to me by lle„ Nelson,
,T 110,11.38
trytnnefi Wham:We in witnessing- to- tbe truth of
the :atm; tei - i--Ichate learn exp , rieeee that Dr, Pe-
Jens' Pills are an invaluable mediely
• 1V1L1.44.41 Ll.9llll,NeWville. '
••8:11:30... ELLIOTT • Car li sle,); i •
.lOILAe J. on - Ens t zs co.-S"
And by
- all the Drtinksts of Philadelphia and Bal
- .
ffaiiportaul .Dtscovery.
The IMIAie are hereby directed-to the medical ad
. vertisemems of Dr. Himltch's Uelelirated,.Compound
Strengtheidog Took, a n ti G l i.rnsatt Aperient Pills,
wlaltare it medicine of great cattle to the7aillicted,
iliscorerell by D.T,.Darlich, a celebrated pflysician
at A lidolf,laermaiff,Altkit. has heeii;uiil Wit
1111.1:Iiided success diroughout Germany. This
wine consists of two Kinds, v%z: the German Aperi
entounl. the Cotilpound Streogftning Tonic Pills.
They are each ptit up in small packs, and should both
he used to .. elrect a.pernment cure. Those who are
-inietetVwoultl-do-vwlLto:make.alrial.ofiltia inval 47_
able medicine,, as they never produce . sickness or
,natoira while using. .A safe 11111 i efrVetlllll rt•ttledy for
acid all atom:tilt t;onii,
irlatritsT.l o ,s 9 :Ptill!))4'
aelic i 'll"emale disease.. spasmodic affectiotis,
iismoistbmas, ermsnuiption, &u. The German Apo,
livid Pills are to cleanse the stomach and purify the
blond. The To-ic 'or SWeiigt . lieffink• Pill are -to
strtingtliel ya lid ifivignrate the nerves awl :digest ive
Rfits[and'gi ye tone 1(1'042 ht 0111101; as all diseases on-.
gmate:from itriptirities -the blond and disordered
stomach. TI is_nwdc ge tre . ating , diseases js Ruratteil.
- by [ all - practical' Physielatis, which eiperiefice ItA'
tonight:them 16 he the onlY...remetty to t uffect a -cure.
They arc not only rettrourie.aduct, mid. :prescribed, by
i the most experittoced their daily prac
[ whenever)hey feel the symptoms of those diseases, in
they knoirthem to he eflicacitms. This is the
ease in ally arge cities in which they intro on exten
sive 8:1IO. It IS trot to he understood that.these
cinefi will cure all ditienses .merttly by, purifying , the
blood—this they will tiottla _but they certainly will,
nn Tniffiiiieliralitlioritrof - daily-prootslasserting-that
,those medicines, taken as recommended by,the
rity'oP diseases of the stomach, longs, rind' liver, by
which impuritleti hlOoll are occasiiMed.
Ask for Dr. Compound-Strengthen-.
ing-Tommie, and fleinitatt Aperient Pills,
office for the sale of this' medicine, iS at
No, ferNortlin.liglith strere, Philadelphia.
A150..-.[ thenrtig:Store of: Johnj. - Ity;"
ere -8,•., Co, Carlisle, and . Willitim;.Peal; t$ hi ,pens =
hiteg. •, • •
,~N,nyc:lO t 1839
HILDHEN A:inters and
Nurse's.—You are aware that there- are hull
areas .
of those little ones that - you so dearly love-ovho
are daily hurried into an untimely grave, from that
distressing matlailyX:onvulsions, which. almost every
infant faille a prey to at the dentition',-.there
fore, yOn ; who arc! anothersond have the cane OC‘ll9l3e
iittie , sitteri;'Rtibalcl : lippl4'De•Pairis's celebrated Sootli--,
ing Syrtipfrr lidlintilsteethikt, which hastareserYed:
thous :mils; when thought past recovery, fi:orn,that de=
structiverayager. , , This inyithisible• medicine :can iif
vyaye be obtained at the Medie7ail,Officti, No. 1,0, North
'Eighth street; - optiesite Filbert 'streetiPhilaidelpl4:
•where testimonials nrits'olliCargy can hii teen.
fi , "ead sale tAia.Drug, Siore:orJohi% J. Myers &
• • •
C 6 - tri:tik TiiEiß
thoniintils: of those' little
Btif,ipi. " 44,4te. annuallyfrom the . v itl, 9 4 of ieratrat.koF
datitiOn: Dm. Parte -Sythpfsi.. children'
, remedy Put
,preserred . hmadreds or Children when thott4ht past
reenvery froiniConVnlidons. , "-As -skin .as :the' Svu up*
ltf!rnbell on the - gams, the chili,. will recoyer; *g.lrina
preparation is so nmocert, so ellicacious,tintlito
'sant; that no child ivill , refur4o-let its gums be rubbed
iiwith if, IV hentniiints are tat
-nit age of,,ibitr.rannths,
apPeatance . tif-4eeth.dho bettliiiif
Syrnp,shottlsl,bc Ms-est qii,qie . gteins; &el enee.Pie
Parents,thenht nct:reVtie'withant SYrtip in the`iiar=+
- Agry 19}iird.t4eri,ittq *ming : children:l fOr"a child
whkes tit 'the 'fiight,'with pains in the g uins, did Sp•
rtsol) immediatelygi'ves . ease,by ope.'nirt ,
heating the guns, thereby-pmenting-,Colivulsions,
4. ? i've„/! 0 4 ssc , -;
Pnr'stileottly..o;: fTNOrth Eighth
1 101 1) 11 1;,,L ;
~ V rxer. sate at pie tiEttg ptore orvohnif,p a
Co. Carlisle ' at theit . Ore or A. Keifer . iifit . ratiblim k ,
Dennet liomgardner; York; and . vtVro: - Mathiott/'
Columbia, Pa. • • , JAMS, 1:840:
p •
, REA,SQNS.3.YI - II,OR. •
used bialf:Olasiei.ef - peeple,itrpreferenCe to Ot4c -
Meditinea. • .
.13ECAUSE.diey are prep q rwi from'aptieeiailtyfct
of herbs, a• wholesome medicine, mild in its operation
and pleasant in its effects—the most certain preserver
of health, a safe and . effeetnal cure of DYSPEPSIA:
!oi• iN DIGESTION, and `all' 'Stomach .Voitiplaitifs, a
preSeiwer anti purifier °film Wholeclstem. .
• Reponse they ,soothe tlio,:nemtes of sensibility and'
fortifyAu nerves their
subtlefinikrits yriitine p::,IITA girtg .
letu•t . B.
,ecauseAhe3-' never destroy the : Coots - a t e sto
'mach and boiveln asi;all strong, pottaitVeB
Because scienee:pici.experience "teach,AS - s4ist
mere , puitgative alone. will Cure. the' illSeaseir Of the'
Math tidisletit e s;• - zWetiliness ithe+rimitry etto tfe.-
of a . h'aSt'el di senses, nnd; by continually : resorting :to
DR;#.BlrWiltirgatives, you make - the (incase:much
.worse,lnsteadAlfhetter• . A
I.3ecadie Dr. Hat lich's Medicines vire..put . •iiii
the common sense principle, "to eleimseanitstrength4!
en," which is 'the only course to pursue to, effect
cure. • Lasqy, .
Because these medicines really do CURE the dis:
, .
Cases foe , Odd; they are recommended.-
PRINCIPAL O'FFICF, for the'United States;`Nd. -
19, North
,Eightli street, Philadelphia.,,
• no med medicines are - for 'sale at the
Drug': Store' of JOILIV 4117 ; ,11S
lisle, and Peat,
A the store of A. Kerrey; beimet
Butogardfier, York; and Wm. Mathiot, Columbia;
Pa. ' • - [January 8,1840. '
. .
it.with those who neglect their COLDS' and
cOUGlL''At . - first you complain of•linsltig a cold,'
lvhich ih neglected;after which a sorenesa is expe
rienced itr the .Bro?isbia, with tir listeking - cough, and
fluidly the disease settles uPott the , leers, which the
patient will soon perceive by A waging away of the
nttetided with hectic 'leVers .ned spitting up of
florid blood and mance front__uteers on the lungs; a
-pniii—imil_weiglit_ialaistis,perieliceil at the iiffeCted
part of the (nuns; the functions of the animal economy
grow liti4tiitl; the body becomes dry ; the eyes sink
deep within their : cavities ; at length-le pticht pays
the-Licht Tuit um, whew he is flatteCing.henselfAiiith:
the hopes 6r - icriii - 661rrecacery. ()Mime -
illistrei!Sing symptoms; "Spare no time" in procuring
Dr. Swityrie's• Compound Svetip - of Wild Cherry. at
the very ennimencenwitt Or your colds and' erittglif, •
, whet•eby really s treqtrermie will be procured
1111(1:tirilectn.I niniwy_savet,l, stititatliniqt hil your health
Titcrefore r ltenternber,Delas are Danger
ous ! • • -
shod• modieine can 81 , :v8):$1 fir ol)tained si't the
Mire' Offir e. Nc:.19, - Nortlk Eighth Strrrt, -
110 phif; ; two respect; It.. agrtits throughout the titiiteit
'•Also'at'tiat Drug Store or .ighly. J. Eff Co.,
C:111isle;' fit-1 lie RtOre. Keefer; I larrialooltt. Pen
net &limn g atrincr , 1. - Orii; .liii4l Wm. .Nfatitiott, Co
inmbia, Pa.r r• • • jail. R,lB 4 °1...
r i -• : LE I . k ?; 8 T 2 RE NG I
'rite UNLY's;we anti the lii i:f"cniiPei to rorEtio
-111 oltl'lllg clisvfiseS,of Mite roc ilatt_re they tmaY-be,
is; tics(--to'cletto se and purify the Stomaelt and Isow-_
el s ,be. gentle aperients: .secorally, to }isle strength
a n ti tints to those tender ()twins by the use of proper'
This mode or (writin g aisea,;(..4, is pursued
by_retMlor'pbysicions which they wtll - knoir to be
the ta l ly - course to resort to to_ effect n opeedwand
permanent ions.. Dlt. .11 AII I.IC II EI3NI POUND
AltE.ll.lEXlL.lll.l.'S.ttrela sitri• Medickw to_ cifeet.
this grand object. The German rpet'ient Pills are. to
elettoseAlte .Stomoch nut Intestittes,-after which-the
Crimp nilli d Streitgtitetting'Tiatie_eillkgre . .llSed to git• q
,trpiigtliontl tone. to those Orgit w i F./1 require ten
der treatinent. Nearly' twit' thirds of the diseaSes
which we daily- itc4told are di rtlises - tlie...Nervotts
system,-nod be coatittuully nsiiig
_iptiiVe - 0110 ..5001, find Itingsaf a being,too
mulch relined to_reitatiti itoMt l in,existettee.
eX . l3lk it directions. bbtit iu English and Ccilnan, at
commiiir this medicine.
PRINCIPAL for.die.lsMted States, Noe
-19 Nortth ElGEMl:street, Philadelphia
--- Cy•FOr' ale - byYdrohn-J.-- Olyers
atld`asi at the store of A. liettlitr, Harrisburg; Den- ,
ilumgardocr,'York;.nod AVM. Mathiott, Co.
• .
. ,
CoMposed - of the c o n centrated virtifes•of the herbs
of 'Horehound, BotlesfAt and. several other vegetable
- substances:.' iyaiistoted p.urrfrom any Mineral what
ever., this . invalt?able '
medicine la aily efrecting
solo° Of the_trosCastonishink , cures , that have ever,
been known. All 'Oho have ' used it for asthma ,
coughs, spitting 9f blood, whooping cough, eroop or
hives,consurrpt . uln, chronic pleurisy, Imarseness,pain
anWsoreness of the breast, difficulty of breathing, and
every other disease of the lungs and breast, can and
do attest its usefidness. Pronefifties, a disease which
is sweePilig thoifSands• plin , thousands to a premn
titre gravc,uniter the mistaken name of 'Consumption,
is always cured by it. The usual symptoms of this
disease, Bronchities, are cough, soreness of the lungs
or throat, hoarseness, difficulty of breathing, asthma,
hectic fever a spitting up of phlegm and matter, and
-sinnetimcsblood,_k_mfol inflammation of the fine
skift-tvhich lines the inside of the whereorlhicd
tubes or‘ttir res Sela, which run through every part of
the lungs._ This Balsam immediately suppressesthe.
cough, ,pain, inflammatiMi, fever• and diffircltyi-of
breathing, and produCiis a free and easy expectOrit-,
- tmd - trettrels-soomellccted..L_____
• Read th T '
ire following letter frsm.
• Pittsford, Monroe Co., Nov. 9,1838..
Mr. John M. Whishiw,Thiiggist,
flour Sir: 1 have been for a series of years nfiliCtt ;
erbvith rut affection of the Lungs, and a hard cough,
Anil have manylinutsurase in the - Monting as corn,
pletefy exlmnsterl - try excessive coughing-duiing the
night as ri person would be:by a .hard days labor..
hive trued most of lbe:potittliar remedies of the
lint - never found relief- usitlLkikt.witit your-110mm _
of Horehound. All the other remedies or pajatives,
dint Lbrive Used, leave the bowels in a • coligested
Inane, while yonrs !elms them soluble and free. This
eonsiderwgreatilesTiliFnitirm. 'Orreilting a - dose - of ---
yourvibilsani when going to bed,2l rest quietly thre •
the night, and-'my-sleep is refreshing. • take great
pleasnre in recommending your Balsam ,of Hore
bound to all those afflicted with pulinonitry corn- •
;dolma or any disease appertaining to the -lungs, ar1d... 4
takc - this - opporturnty to the_great tom -
lief. and benefit I have experiebeeti through-youVin.'
str.lttnentality. . Yot,gi i _u" 1.11 mulch respect.
sale-by - •"_
_ - _ . •
_ _
• S. Er.LTOTT, Carlisle:
A.. 1. NoitTil,Newvilic.
Alsu,ty Drulmists geurriilV throughout the cou
nt. ::•Prieeso elms per bottip. -
- , ,
timumATISM., entirely cured the use of Dr
1111,- - ! 0.7P: - Harlielt'S" Compound Strengthening and'
German Aperient Pills. • Mr. Solpr , non Wilson, of .
Chester co. Pn:, aftlictd Tor two ears With the.aboire
flistretising disease, of which he lintl.toitse his crutch-
Cs fOr 18• months, his symptoms. were excruciatiag: -
pain in all Icie
,joint , esjieeially i%,his 'hip, 'shotilder„ • --
and ancles, - paiiii . increasing always to w ards evening,,
.sttencled 'with lien f." TIVTi•: wds - itt Otte time not
able to aim-Olds limbs'en neentiat of. Of& pain. being •
se great beingativiSed'hy a (Head oflds to.pre , .-
I :cOre Dr. Hirlich's pills . of 'Which he. tient . to Ob Agent'
InMest Chester•• and proof some; on'tising the ,-
tnedieine the. hird day theliain Jlistippeared andhis
strength increasing that, and in ,thrTieweeks was able •
to attend to his business; which he; had -not done for'
I 8 months; for'ibe benefit of , othera ailliCte.che wish- . "
_ekthose 1141 published that they may :bisrelleved;,.
and agaiit.eury Alto pleasures uf
()Moe, 19 mirth Bth street, Phila. ~Also
fi;r sale at the' Drug Steve" ofl'.yohn.J. Myerif & Co:
' '• Nor:.::0;1899.
„ . ,„
pItSki: I SM . 1 . 1, --41104E 1 T- ESTI=
- 11101 , 11ALS theF.FFICACII_ODk. Harlieles,
ledieines. ,
,jorja3 Ilartioalt; oi.;;SiarbllePtowe.
• Pa:=, eritivelyeeretl of the above disease,;whtcl he teas
4911etet1 ivith'foo:air tiympteitis *ere si
'l 9 PRPf.ilistPosionql)(COPPrcribn,Otting . ,4istres;
Bit. 'pall] lit the' pit of the sfoinachiitieSio; less' of ap
petite; gi of,extrxree debIII
1$;11litul eney; acrid ertftationsi,'socnetioles
hi 'the riglif4iiliOleitreitiott Nsr . spirits, dis
tuebed rest, fs,intnestl, sod.ookolit.l.).„PLAVAl. Otis. Web,:
” oes:s witlioot e;thrstio'n lino well- •
rifiesi.. atettesti.tthlotOyvthiefite
'lOl i sfit*lke 'Soy iejerritstieo,to: die aMetetl,
rt i vec tik r the si g otiicet . tef.beetlithe'reFelye,o,44l`l the
Coiliftistiord ' ; Stiengthining , had_
:;` •
i ' :'O II sEILV"Pr - Irbia,pegiCkl,r,e . sle,4toitted
'l9, Mild.' tiilitlf 011.44 ilbe:its!keet c ,.F! . ll .t .,
. 11 , 2 tt .
I ', --For Stile at.the:Dres , Store ofJellitiJ.llfyiiite,".C&..
• *Woe, 90,
C O.IIP 0 UAW B. 41, 5.9.11 OF