Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 23, 1840, Image 3
Cad apaaprE W. 4PRADDrElliitora RERALD & EXPOSITOR. -OARLOSEI, , E. , ;WEINVEgDAY,,SEOTIMWER , . Our banner floats proudly— . come rally around it, ' • Noe flinch from the contest till Lierwry's won; -pi wu place our' country wliere •Jacksolt. fiest faund , it, ' . Ere HE and VAN Bunstheir follies begun!, • Come .TREEMEN! if yet that.proud name you-would cherish. Nor bow doWn as s ubjects on slavery's knee; i3omV 'rally! come rally! let those only perish . Who lawn on a tyrant and fear to 6e free! • FOR, PRESIDENT, I'V3l. H. HARRISON, • ' FOR VICE PRESIDENT. fIEOS; JOHN TYLER, • S. .11Sin1:10 Adair; • . • -..e2iBembly, Reymiolds, (Si)ipp'burg) Dr. Jacob'Weaver, echantbuig - ) . Gcore Brindle, (Monroe.) . • Director of ifie Ppor,' (North_Mitldletsin : ) . 7 Robert Laud, (Frankfort.) Jacolb. Brietz,-ICa-rlisle.) • The Sheritratty.. • ••••• ,:rhe only candidate now in the field for the Slieriffaliy,are • ,•- _ of.§ldpinmsburg, th,e , Vo/unteer l eandideter-and - . • ~. Janies_ tikved, of Newville,. the:itorninated eandid,ate,H," • postponed. no, 01211 heard next week.. - , . BbCKEYE BLAtICF4,III-R,T: Mr. BAER, the 'Buckeye ,Blackernitli; will :address the people of _Cumberland county, at the .Cottri- House, Carlisle,,on Thursday . the 1.4 of October. The chi; wit,houtdistinction 'of "party, are in= • vited to attend. •Mr. Baer has - made this appointment himself, and *certainly .be here. • Pole one Inintrred feet . high will lic.raised on the morning of the und _a ..tCregTl3 ve • feed flge_helosit_ll .-1, ••..4 SO come along boys, there's no tam.ysiya . The tun that hate at this pole raisin. :Besides Baer; we -- ;61 - peit to hive. • several other speakera on 41tand. The lion. Ff r ni.':Cost, JOhnsok, of • Maryland; has promised to be on the spOt if possible: As As this probahlylie the-last Cocnty . • Meeting held preceding Abe General Elec. tioti; we calluponlottr_Harrisonlrfentiri every quarter to come in and gathots.trength for the contest. It is probably the only. opportunity they will, ever have' of listen- 1 icg to the. most pepula'r and 'convincing . speakei in the Union, the celebrated But t- eye- Blaaismith. . • .., • _ OLD ••1:1!"§. • There .be a 'Log .Cabin an& Pole at - Litinliptirg, Pe. - trr 'county, _tin Friday itext, the 26111 iiist. Our friends . . are,notvery plenty in that region, and they aekve4o-lend-titem--n-hanti . : - . - Sei;1611; come 610n . g . !Joys j A ditisibn of the Whig Army will'leave Carlisle on Friday morn ' ling to lerid our "little daughter" a band, in puttingup• Old Granny Harrison's Cabin and Sign post.• "We want all the Log Cabin boys idthe nation 4itro boon the ground ulletl3l ... lay,the foundation; Kid_ well .nake -all- the - Offtee-Holders - thint its - To see how . we work at Old Tippecanoe's raisin% " ~ The - way that , "honest John :Davis' "wife's eakes"Land hard cider will' peer — wilfbe irsiti‘to Davy Qieckelt: • gather, 'gather, gther boytowe must get the logs up before the hard frosts set.-in, * so as to kelp Old Tip's toes warm until the,4th 'of Narehi:nett, when we'll sling _ -his cot in -the -White - }fouse; and 'male side of 'them .'ere 'French bedsteads, Liquor' „ • stands, and milk strainere: - • . 4. , :rheres•Stiippentbdri, Mechanicsburg, Newrille others - Will/Mae in meres to kelp us like so many kroth- TheTrankro; ll ;#Pril,!t!iddlet9n,stnl Silver:Spring They all know the right way to cariyup , the „tor. And every one's good enough Calitienter and minion to do a little Work-at Old Tippecanoe's , raisin.' " along too! sand it ! thtlyt4erinitroop over the Moutitoitt,,-ind raiiniMitteattlitinike shout for trip and that.sbait' AAA the, hills of Perry and Make her 4a1103;1•.vocal , with - ltS'echo.: ComitialMig,,than t 'hrethisys " n the goad caugt let u - s - shovcihtt toedexal tiiiitocritti that idthough Tippecentaihas notpriot4ttritte,itt,p ° Pasco ' 4r. Pry. to rkside in, Jo begs of 'gold or nne Piiisessed ofi!fottorkakr . better thsqthose's Plii love rk4i, happy, nd true ji thi riebes and portion of tlispeeanoe." , Whig ComfiresslOnal ClOnferees met,at Bloomfield Wednesday' last, and unanimously.put in-nomination, as the Elar risOn candidate for Congress - in this district; DUNLAP ADA IR, of earlisle...'.oo. tickit is '.now complete, and all we have to Rah ahead and. try'to . elect it. - Ouraandidatistre all com petent' to.'perform ..wit. the duties of 4he various offices for which they are selected. Mr. ADAtit is a.young man,, bilt.kis talents and zeal in 'the Whig cause hove - made him pitty well litnown , thronghout the diatrict,- If the interests of the people were'looked to ,instead :of . the interests of the Office Holders, ,no doubt could be entertained of Mr.ADAtri!selectionand even as it is we intend to give the . Locos a hard push.-* Since we have' carried .the'•state of Maine; we See po.reason to-deSpond.of Cumber; land and Perry--Juniata . We. feel pretty. confident - of - carrying. • LANCASTER CONVENTION. Notwithstanding the 'great inclemency of tlieleather, we le'rti from our delegates to the LaneasterPotiventionoltat tife grail -a-611g or ;tieitulmense';We have heard the numher .in ,attencianeeT , es timated as,high hs 40,000-4ut we in cline to the opinion that from-28 to 30r 000: would--be` about the trta. The delegation . from - Cumberland_ county' was at • least 300 strong—some bay 400. Old-Berk s Sent' 600. delegates, ;_amting . , them was one hardy veteran over 80 years of .age, and several hard upon 70. It rained incessantly from 'Thursday 'evening until 4' o'clock on . Fridaraftorimon - .: - The . .rand in the streets .of Lancaster mail from three to six inches- deep, and; yet 'fioni 12 to 15.1®00 marched in,,p - rOcession. We shall give 4 full. account next week. THE PEOPLE IN MOTION riemendous gatherings at. Wheeling, Dayton anil - Erie._ . • It is• impossible tomore than • liierely: _ . note the fact that every.. day, in Sefne,,, quarter of the' Union; --- thousands, tens of thoneandi,_aktififties : radd _hu - ndreds ofilunt, sands . of „the peopliiisemble -Cotiveh - On; to push on the cause-of Harrifen and Constitutional Liberty. Within . the last two weeks, the . coices of congregated thou sandt, inspired by the , cheering results of the recent elections, and the general aspect of politics_iliroughotit the syliole -- cuuntry, rent the air and smote to the hearts of - the . few - retiiOining adherents .of Federal poWer in, and about Wheeling, Dayton, and Erie. -At AV eel ng_ the_number_of.._persons_asi , : .PSn'llia.ilistiMated at 35,0.002 : at Hrie. This ladwas the mightiest meeting of them ..The Valley-of the Miami-poured - eta' its hardy, log era* inhabitants in. a stream - which .can be compared. to nothing else than dint follows the bursting of a mighty water-spout and descends the hills with a . power that pealing can resist. And wae there- 7 -that .lorious Old Chieftsd 7WhO, 'under Providence,. Zis,destitted„we_ .hope, to rescue 'this nation- from the dominion of the spoilers, was there iii the - mitlit,of Mat. multitude-.the,--Lobserved-! of all Observers:” He. was there to 'con . tradiet niiiiHeanding figure ant , by elootidnCe and wisdom of his well cal tivated mind - the - ivholeSale Bladders - of his Onsernpulous• assailants._ - .Anklie factually refute them,-as. his speech (which we will puldish . hi our- nw.-number)..will abUndantly_show. 'the - Cii - iffeiilleist Wheeling and Dayton, and the- addresses - which lie - delivered In' the people arn,highly spoken of. We,shall probably notice all •these gatherings wore fully hereafter. . - • , WiIia_MEETING DILLETOWN.--bn - Solinlpyl_thp._l2thinst.,._the .Harrison nten . of Di,llStown;_York—county,-:incl — vicitiity - , - hcld a large and enthuidastic meeting. Up= wartof $OO-voters- vere-uoOn the grutiiid. 6; ELtioti •of Dauphin and_, UEL ALE2cANDER, .of-this county, addreSsed the:naeeting:- After the - addresscifiad been delivered, tlwyeottipany ereateil , a 41entlid .pole, 111 feet ,bldh, which 0)4 „docorhied pennantoSte, on tihiCh wen, itOcethed varidyi titotio :and devic es: The. company theiy„Oitielly 4iipeteet!, . ,pleased with,the : exeicisea of.the Our friends, in -this pounty ap - On'ar -dp. terminnit that,- the Ameofkos shall, not the sport of RaisiQeblo themselves.- -PLANIii:Of :South Middleton, to nshiP, , Jhe assistance of ,stnne of his neighbors, erected 'a pole on remises,ty•eni atoll e-,1 2th inst.,•B9 re l it high, d Bagr wjth• the signi. , 'iidant naineslof ‘#.llarrllon - arid 7'leri""is affizedlo it. • • ' • :Tie volunteer ftie7l ;; ve - . ral gee *a, Rote •bzongin,againat' Pilt;• Arco' 13u !en, andlcalls fbr tber.proor 4101 forita it betwegn, ova I ilici THalogirt' soitig @ rtit;zOaa Locofoao 'pale at this 4 `4A 1 . 1 51.cel `I4C„,PoDr' Fri (Ildr - - ....1) - .J,i• '::',.v.'..#.:':i..'iti,itt:'-zu* GIAO'REOUO Ten thoutiand: . brosnlsides, toe Blaine " . .111 Hail to the. • • . • "Star in the Bail !". Shebas oet . for ever in the sky of . Loco ----- locoi§miv andiiieirwith—dozzling-splen dor in the Harrison firmament . . Friends and . Countrymblil .- WVhave the kondanOtioloolied4or satisfaction of. •an:- .nouncing:thisiweek, that. MAINE, of which wehad no hope; has - butst the shackles - of ._._ . • Van Buren and placed hertitrotid searjy I lliiiiitl - COTCiftis Cabe r - ttventy sisters,-who :have' pledged' themselves to., redeem the - natjon from the spoilers:.. Alaine,glortotts Maine., that we .had thought medded to the Tairkv-of - the'op - pressor T beyentlihe redempiion—followiiig the' example - of her. `Eastern Sisters; ,Connecticut and Bliotie Islandlias nobly - stepped from the raghs of the Vandals, - ,brolten.'thiitiell 'that' so long _Bound ; her to n tijelipd . f . aCtion, and .written her. name. iu undying high tipon'the list of patricitie Whig Com monwealths it the language of aplented -eortenmorary_sve may now safely - say'"tite atixious hour is .past--the-.danger. that Itts hung- oven our free 'institutions is over— :the itubican_is_ crossed::: :Maine Bade of -the lir,,hie Y arinY carried the Gibraltar tif . ..the enemy - by Stottn,•and • the . fruits 151 the victory are splendid almost be yond conception.. The Janissaries of the 'administration are appalled at the - result.;: Field Marshall Sir John Fairfield, Major General Bantiibal Retrain; Brigadier Ge , tteral. Albert Smith. and t'host of subordi nate officers, horse, foot rind dragoons, are among the prisoners ; ofwar who. have fal len, Into the liandwed iho oonquorore." _ ',Linder to show how great a victory we • . • lavo_achieved - ot ,-Will only,banacessary to say that in 1838',Van. Etnren!,, majority. .vias t,75 ops, - FAIRFIELD - was elected Governor by irihiority of 3,000; in 1839 the Locofocii-majority was 00 SO, and the. Van Buren,-Party . had-. 6 members . of Congress to 2 W bigs . ; . .17 State Senators to 8 Whigs, and a large majority in . the Honsoof RepiesentatiVes. Now the Whigs have - probably • . ELECTED. KENT_GOVERNOR;--e, . _ .. _ELEG_TEDFIVH MEM HERS OF-CON -1 . . GRESS; . ELECTED SIXTEEN STATE SENA ___l.------i-2T-ORS;---and - ~,. ELECTED A . MAJORITY, OF THE HOUSE OE REPRESENTATIVES.- If this be so, antrpur Whig:papers speak of - the •resalt'as iilmosi certain, it ensures the election . of...a:YVhig U. S.-Senator-AO place of lohnauggles,'y whose term expires on the .4th. 'Of • March. net. Whig 'mem t)._erstatiGoogressare-returned-froort Districts:—Cumberland, Win. Pitt Fessentien ;1 4 ! Kennebec, George ,Evans ; Lincoln, Benjamin' Randall; Penobscot; Elisha 11a4ock and -Washing /on,-Jaieoh C—J oyes.—*• locorcico mein hers arc returned Na -than Clifford ; - Waldo; Alfred Marshall: In :Oxford there is no choice: 10 - 327 towns heard from the vote for Governor stands For EDWARD.X.ENT-(Whii):. 42,813 PAl_nytALD . . • -.KenCa majority; -1,282 Again *e say, One "th i oKaand•. Broad= sides for . Maifie and .; • - • liazio - for the Father of all tho Preen - West, The buckeye:that loilorsrs hie-plongls.7 MAJOR EATON IN THE FIELD. . Maj. John 1-,: Eaton, Secretary of War _Gett."..lacheon!e_ "first 'Oabitiet, and "re.- , cently Minister to Spain, is stumping -it in favor or , ..Gn, Harrison. He has already_ ,atititepsed the citizens of Uniontown, Pa. ; TiNleeling,Sa.;__Columbui r Ghio; and oth -er places West--and avowsshis, deterntina. tion to take•ihe'stutnp as soon as bc.reach es.Tennessee. . The Major bears utiquali- the gsllantry and rePnb liboo ' pri nei pies: of /Glen, .Harajstin 7 :-and coa:ten - kris lin 'seyere, e terhis.. 4he : , rascally ineast&ii Ilmren's : adirsiniatratien. ,Ths 01d' Lion , of .the• Hermitage roars in vaini ,The.pefut second childhoOd is *daily used up ;gm ' flied Coiantlit e nave p IK:i7The Loco . e üb. , , ~, Hotted as :address;.','' Those who. eigord.. it quglolo fit( ashamed ~ to show - 'Themsolires °beat ''doors.• Its ia most vtio - compriatid of "slang- altd falsehood. .Tf!r-.). - -0.1t,!,:1:41.'„0::7 - ::-:(it . : . 4-: . 11- . .i.: - .:1.4' : *::.:0:0'0,34' ... *.i..* : 4.:, - ,,... .ifit*.i6040i...,. pwryv.t4N prA.torviti m The annexed:coninitiMiiVonZlAWl t y,e, beliefe to be from a pfoi,t...p r A f fieofo g o ; places our last . Year's representatives .(Messrs. McKinney and Zimmermsn,) in a proper light before the people:: 'Do the people.of Guinberland''''eetinty wish , to ',see the clis gusting fooleries of last winter , re-enacted? Do they wish to see' theccommOnwealth disgraced by the blusteriqg dolmens.° - of A wden and a.eennirnaii;, erclegraded. by the contemptible 'conduct.i f='n Hopkins.? If they do, then let , them re-elect the tools of these,men ; let:Ahern seekback McKie-. hey and4inimernwith a certificate of Approval in the officiial.returns-of the court ty, and we shall .be gratified once more with :Anti-Bank, Hard , Mi'iney and Maudlin harangues 'o . .u,tbis happy ef fects of destroYing the: ; credit system.-_, Governor Porter will-be' forced to - rid ceu mb to ultra-radicals, 'and we 1`3411 'Witness the glorious spectacle of a greatcenuitonwealth refined by the deliberate- Action of her citi- 131E01 eii. used, between' a LOcofoco- beitiOciat and a .De mocrat'of the 'old . school;,ks at. your Ser vice. The'balanee pf.the,diakigue shall be fat wart).o4 to you in season: r for publication - in your next paper.. ..TRANKLIN. • . . B. I have just called to.have a little:talli with you, my Mei!, onithe- all' iinportant of -.that are. to take - place next monitt. lam Old that you" have • expressed yourself Unfriendly to. our As , sembly ticket. I hope not so, E...1t is true_ that. I. did;say to. our-friends .C. .and,S...that I co - old - MA: support McKin- , noy and, Zimmerman for reasumCivhich gave Mein. • R. What reasons pr?,.tl4,y,?•—why are you_so much .opposed to them 3, *They 'acted- with our:party . -- -throughogt'the last session.of the AAseinbly.i.learlesslyAnd az. :,Iwve-boord; and if. it liatroPt, been . for-the rascally ihterterenCe ; - of Governor- Porter, the banks would all have ,heeti . compelled -to pay specie the. Ist. Of 'Vehronry last, or have their_doors closed,'aed-all their:pro :party-taken possession Of.byeonimissiotters to be- appointed by-the: Goverlipt. - -- - -- , -'-' B. Yes;__l • :remember._.Gev,ernor_Porter did Send a message to the Senate to pre- vein '_their.; positing that bill; Ai, it_ Basset!. .the lower house. 'And wliy,;tlitt ho do. so? fort - m.l)oler reason cr , earth,than because' lie•had sense Cnpugh tO Itit4iw,...that the pas-1 sage of. that bill : _weuln,AA tite.Aanguage of Speaker Hopkins, produc.e. 4 ,`ruin and diii. Army from the centre to . .the •cireuniference of :our state." And . heltad'i integrity and patriotism enough to use Lia personal and official influence to prvent tke ruin, even : at the risk : oLbeing. denourieed hy.a „large portion of the party, as iniePorty of. their cenfidence.. - -- -•- ,--- • - - - - , . . ~ R. Let me- tell yOut rib - P.efs O n :knows Dail &11 . D ~ Porter :bette r llian - I . do; and' it was nothing' tet a mean, ,k cowardly, tim -serving opirit;tlt4 made him act n 6 he did., - But I . did 'ii:ii.l . erkme : to-Say any, thlr r . y u about the ci.oyernor—ii was to • wilt , to you about . 11 , 1.0"Kioncy_ and Ziminerman, who acted likelitinest, hide pendent democrats in veniog' , Aitli.oUr party : to put down- the hanks,' asv ; Wei, were ex pel:ten by our friendi at VilaslAtigton : to do.: E. And do - • you not belle\FP,that if the. this state had heek"cjimp - elled:to - re - suthe specie payments ins( winter, that they, in sell-defence, wbinti'iaSe, been un der the necessity of coiiiklitog-,All who owed them4o_pay-in : specle-itki4-- , ./--- -,--- 7 R. Well, suppose theY' , 'ilitipld have called on theiedebtorsforitlitele4iger.eould, not possibly compel th e fiqyrustit of it in time, to aiti them in .meeting l :thptlematids citi the bankslor specie, sellhat ; the.great. object of our party--the puttiW : dawn...tlie banks, - antlestablishing'•a. : o4le currency, —would hare been' accbmplrshed.-. . . E. Btu. )'ou seetn_--to forget-, 41Injai, that all _t h e.--fat rm ere ..-- store - -ItAppe rs . ;7'itt e.e hail idi and other enterprising; liWumiipus._ . men, who have beenaided4firienpY . from the banks,, together with their ,Si*llrities, and nhousorids•of widows and . erpltes, whose. whole property is in &sink ty.te t k,s, as Avelli as thousands of honest. ItArfht,eoillg men and women,•with their . : eltildren,..who are employed and'maintained bye liciSe .who Are connected With. the -hatills * either as stockholders or debtorathese4llortheop; TrittA t - ho - Vb been - greatly irijtired4nd..triany of Ihent totally , joined, if ..144sittrA Plkm .bilLvoted . „-for by McKinney_Apti;Zimmer- Man, had not lieen VIC - Cited In: lie,fiCAll'hy. • our , Governo r.. . . ' ...- 'l . •• ''.'"" -- /Z. No, no; I - don't-for - get pny such thing, Mr. E. I knoW very ifflf that all you have stated must havelblidwed the passage.. of the bill;.-,which that' infernal _traitor stopped in the Senate, akeerfainty as. the shadow 4 follows the subsenice,--. But I would, never let any such soitifhlerations induce the to vote against toy .piftty ' • and it Was becausel find •McKinnettandZim tneFtnan to be: ts_. fierce and *fetillies .stir r • petters. of our "party, meesuresilltst Winter as I could have been turrelf, if :l4 ' l 'nd been a_memberi that I exerted myselrliO meth to have them - put .on the ticketvtliis fall;' and !ION,: when they are .r,unnift,:io' find you—tintl7sem - e iii - ultili - 61' 0 lir I}l d - fri en a drawing back, and speaking agninettheni - ,' is discouraging; and 'tempts'niele':iiiipiet. that there is something of the Patitleaven—anfortnift4. higulow-iiii think, better of it. • : ' ' ,-1 . Al' '. - ,E:' I bare thought 04featileal ajifinkit, Major, and it has been the , caisi.tff rife little Anxiety to , me: that I' Slioultrfialvin , old,' friends,.Meltintiey-and ZiinntiefbiatOoiing in favoi et.measures that I titYrietreaw So - much evil -in, and ovbich f'.34;_dilihll,Mr., Speaker , Ilopkint Ain& fetellfgeiligho. 'Oi-. eel ve Wei .calettlited' te "!pteileeliiran(nitittl, distress fremtdie cents to tinfelfettd e,tine - 0 of our state;;!. end.hfitri.erifiailiii? 4,tir*„' under kis cikih'efofteqefelilhltVAl;lteped j to.oppose-siF.destrueffic'ef llikr - #itlii'd character oLthectiite, To 'findrticolit vo ting for luck Measures, I ' say,_ hal,i_ialib. fielletl-pc; against ell 'Mr former podia' WEE ties for them, to look'tipesi•thern as sOly. deficient inn:tit:at:Moral '-coui;age,,tyhich will, ever lead 'ittrpoiSesSer tesact 'accordiegJo_ the honest convictiOna.: of. - his ; jtidgrnent ; -regardiess"-Of party consideratione, or else that:Wei:. '.anted IntelligeticOci 'perceive the obvious, ruinous • consequencesLoLthe ineaitire voted;fOibithem, I and 'many other's, of ; our , more ,c,orfacien-. ticiui,friends,. feel that we cannot support them: Besides, I suspect their being. put on' the ticket this fall,*.tvasi-One of Your min ning,Planti; Major, to ,rebuke Gov: - Porter for 'preVenting ..the,passago of. yew . favorite resnmptian Bill; ;' • ' r . , , • • R. To' tell- . 'Yon the..truth, that *as one - Of "the motives that induced my nephew and' ytielf to have them put on the ticket. Btrt ive ifive.,other. and stronger reasons for wanting them to be elected this full. We have tried Allem, and hive confidence •in their" sticking to us in party measures, andif our party.throughout the State .can only succeed: this fall in electing a majority Of such well , tried,..e)tperieneed asserably. , Men as Peiniiman•of Philadelphia, Snow , , den Of Venango, and . McKinney and. Zim inernsen of ;Cumberland, we will put:the democracy and :Anti 7 Bank principles •of Mr. GoVernor Porter to - a full - and final trial twit January: - .• - • . • E. I have no doubt that is your object -in—running- the- Atlcl—members.—itut- you- Will be greatly . .diesappointed. There is much more dissatisfaCtion with McKinrity'ii and Zimmermait'ir conduct-last winter than you have 'any. idea of. It 'extends atitong the' More reflecting, sober portion of. the democratic party, .thronghout every town and township in the county, , • -I?.—WhY - •tio - you - think E. Because I heard Many of them Com plain last winter , .McKinney .and .Zitn mernian voting 'with -the enemies of the : Governor to destroy the banks - mid all con cerned with them. They Were: as midi opposed - to the destructive measures of the party as! was, and deelareu that they' would never again vote for those. whO advocated them; and I, who be greatly inistalten in thepersons who sairlso, if.they do-not-live .up to. their declarations—especially, as we 111- believe that if the old members are re elected,-.they will - cc:insider. it such strong evidence of the - people being in. favor Of their course - last winte - i;titat they _will; feel themselves bound to carry out the work of destruction as far as the most bitter enemy of our state institutions could-witilio-..• . R. If I did not—believe they: wouitl„gO . the .whole hog with the - _ Party . jri down the ereditrqsteni, - FwniildliaVe troth - - ing to do with them. It is-the rich "dial .are keeping the credit system. The poor' mechanicz and working ,menof the country are all opposed to itg--..they are all interested' to put dottm the banks._ E. 1' knew that is jiist- what-you' . said last winter. Birt . Governor Porter thought differently when lie said in the message he sat - to tits Soitnte lnot winter, stopping the passage. of that destructive resumption "A system of credit:acted:on with' sound judgment, is tic:it : Only. wise, but indispenei; tile in. an enlightened business sommujj)ty„; capacity of a poor man is his. only .capitsl;and unless -it gitrei hits credit Where he is -known, there is little practieel difference-"between. the condition of the honest. and the'dislioneet; the capable and , the Ignorant : man. The stations ofmien in eoeletyoThrthe Opposite principle", woultibe fixed by. their births, and merit would be regarded as a bootless qualification. This is . not the doctrine• of nature, .nor of our- Declaration of Indepen dence and Atherican system of . govern-. • - mont;" • • B. .I don't care'a farthing what-David . 1. Porter said last winter, nor for what he says now, about ihe cretlitlsystern_beingLio avor of the poor mechanics and working len of _ourstatc—ies-all balderdash,alul lie peopledMetsbelieVe a. ward of it:" B. There you nre:miitaken, Major, fur_ homore-reflecting and independent liortiiiii of the 'democratic . party, go with . the Go. •arnor for the . of the,state, regardless' of:the interests and 'w titles tif the party at Washingtdn. • 'And they believe , that by his' relness..: n.-=d cleat' nethat -- favorire — bilriif ,yoins, - I,e - saved the credit of iliostate, : and j protected the iritereste.of ;belaboring-chisel of the cotentanity . i , They say with — the Govern Legislature liad coin ', •bl , ► banks 10 pay, specie on the 15th . ebruaiy last, that thobanks would have 'required all who owed _them to pay in spe:. ale also. 'Woltituw dim, people could not pay one-tenth:ef their debts in gold and' silver,'end.that the banks -then, instead of discounting to-nicksmimeyfdrilleiritock- - holders, or being. able to lend Money, to the state; weuld - be compelled to ~call on: all - , who owed __ them, and to sue every drawer and' endOrser who did not' pay all lisowetl''" 'without fu reet , c ity::" - KoW; doeenot every bodfsee that the, poor but induatrinua'mechanics, and „enterprising tradestitei“ who are indebted to the banks,: either'as endorsers or draWera, must. have been_ greatly - injured, - if, not totally, ruined,. - bythe operation of thin bill; the property, of many of .theni . .milstiimie,l*ll sold by the sheriffs fOr its, value; to raise gold and silver to tntable.lhe Banks to' do what-Your - faVorite: 'bill Said they must do er 'forfeit . th.eir charters.. ;.,_. .•iR., Bu qua;hlr..l:.. of us, expect ;that 44111,to_collect-etiitigior-speeie-iitlin•te-Tto !z!vo Ahethseli!es,• . - Uud •'fiutlint. thty. ctiuld• not do So, elose ttiors. and " , up- gradyal!y;. ,tli:sjr:AlubiorA. time to-pai i -father -- thm run tle risk of hieing these , debts, anti r :paymg co . sts hy , pttshipg . aptY eueink mkny„ proPertY enough 'to 04. • " , Yee I do uoderaMnalt,.l*Eajors—and . although ; ' the books might not sue drgivers who; hAF*l« , piopertytfor..fear of 'haring 'to pay 'coati", yet. their Eiidorsers • who .110,0 Pr9PerlYlF°utd - baiii` to'sie j!.Racrifmed f9r Pelt JO -value', to pay the debts of, their ,fetpndet under - the opet'athr:- your ; re ',o"infkitlsll.APF Adtriftll6.4l4B, b een' lore,O.:tp.;elotie tiiiirlidoni,.and.,,wind' up j nekOoltictiffed Mc- Kinney 'tintrZinitertnanyouetteOrne ties,w party And, expected the.-Ligie. .htttito ould Initippel titont to .do, where could the Porertter'liaic -borrowed J k INS . . . n in lime to 'o3Ttiiirty • • Millions,: of .. tie;clollurtr_ ay.' the • Ste r 'where onuiAllte hare obtained titibtittlltniti to'lnable - 'earl' 'the . :ttlti4'itilt! ,proVerneins? :..He kit e'w that if t .eri ; the 4tate,debtalreadk i thie'bftlie' , einit; "monwreslth, -wrist not' . 111013 - 941)de::Of _our: citizens, iliclpding - nntity - witIOVS 'Orphans, tirtto bee . the...whnle of:their lunch; vested in , the slate 'bank: inoSI be de.: prived Of,,their only means of support, 'and cornpelledlo sell their state:stocks for less than . • one tbirtl'off , their 'parreltie,:to 'sonic of Iheir,rielter neighbors; . . • R. That's - not corning up to what you asserted, Mr. E. There are' none*Of otir mechanics or farmer's br (i•oilting,mdfr; that holthstate'stocksi. I.don't" care how Meal) thedealersr in state ,snicksM'id .bank'stoeks, and corporation storks are burnt, or whether. they hoe all they own. good of the party, I tell Yeti againYthatWe , .s . o.. And by your own shoWing., - it •Wifilor - the good of the rich , ewnerof state steel:l44lnd, to-enable him to borrosi motty, froar the banks that Perier killed otierOfmrptinivbill the Senate. '• Yon: - bare v iit been able to. show that.that bill:would' hare injured any of our Mechanics - or furniers or . working,. . 4 " L'. brit t do :yen call all Who vest 11l cir money in state stocks rich speculators; and untvorthy----the'-,-proteFtion-of:lbe inent ? fou.would make a bad Governer, Major; vitt with such men as • MpKinney and - Zimmerman fur your ! l egislators, you would soon have thc..!eredivantl'Alte, cur‘' rency of litir state: as Wdrdilcsi as that.of liut as to :the .effcet that putting down the 13ankswo .ti ld have onjthe,,ltdiort ing if our citizen s, I would if the banksr - Itati'bectifereeiViii wind 'up; as 'you, McKinney and Zimmerman, Wished to. compel them to'dti, how ;ceuld ; they - have - loaned-. either te . individhals ,or to the state ? And if the Governor could. hot lfave - .b.OrloWed nioney to.carry - tl e. infprovementS. of the 'state, gni! pay ; the large sums due. on 'account of :those proveineets, hundreds,:_taf,thousands,..of honed ; ' hard tvorhitig - e:miracleEs and.'lti 7 borers, with their wives..and children Inns!. have been not only dismissed Slid - Suddenly thrown idle to seek:. employment, in oilier. states,: but _actually, defrauded the: money due to them; 'and thus' depriVed ',cif their, only trieans - of,nipintaining4lietneelvesl and fa miliel, - unta they could .find men; elsewhere l : What say - y - oti nuu .Alajer—"nre net our rnichenies.and farmers .and interested in preventing the destruCtion;-o,lanks.-7 - --: And do you think we can.sacritice all these interests_ to party purposes,, • and_snpport the very.menifor the,legislature who 'voted, to bring these evils upon us? Islo, depend . upon e — p - co _their whole, course, and will - blitek-hall them. -on thes . l3th of-October next. '7 ‘1 • - 4 6,4 - . Tilt; Buckeye dress the People of Cumberland county, On_Thrs." daythe ist of October. Every body is invited to'be present. • • [comitm Ie.ATED.] 'At a meeting of the *Junior Class tf Dickinson Col- . lige, Carlisle, Pa., convened to take into - cobaitler Lion the properinethod of . exin-csting their re -111:ta, kOdinifeigncaLsorrow- for—the-carly - anthmex- Petted tlcatli of GkoncE W. Rtmot,-late a men Mer of that class, Mr. Nathan C. dore_presiding, Mossi•s: T. 'W. Mulford, A. A:. B..AndersoM the ettimnitter , , , reported ;the following preamble and repolutiou.s, "hull Wc.r.e.tnamiitnausly:adopted •• • • Whereas, Our class-nude, Or.onoe. test, - who parted - with - us= but .a - few weeki_sit.cejo: return fora time to the-Immo..Of liis eltildhoothinis been separated from us by , the liand:of detail ; and'''' IneVeas,• His conduct as a member of society, Mil Adeportnietit as a student; and hisl intve-everbeetratieliiii terentribrih the respect of his acoitaintance, the esteem of Ina preceptors and e l a n': mates i and the coLfidenbe titubloVe,e(tboge:who - were. 611101V•4111P (find • `lnerecilli His characterand promise were Such as justly to gladden the hearts of his parents, and raise high their hopes coneerning hisfuture usefulness and excellence: therefore, - • , • - Resolved,' That we do deeply inmmatbizeWith-his friends and relatives, and tartictilarly with hie par, ents, iu this afflictive dispensat . .on . of Providence; by which ninny of their fond Ipt•esbave been destroyed, I this institution and society deprived •of a.., valuable -member, and we of a much-lot!ss-iante; - •' Resolved Tliatjorliile-,we-monin-over _we rejoice to learn dud it .was peaceful-and „nappy •, .whAce we are enabled to indelge for :btirsilves, and 1 presentio. histiends-the stronge!.t.eottsolliti6l, ina3- much as tourloss has been hissgant.' . ResolVed, That the usual ..batlge,.of worn by us for thirty - days, and that A copy of the Risolietions.of doilelle.2.leilreg:;j4ciing•• • • Ihi*th of GEortCE At a niceting'of Dellea-Lettros Society of Dick- Intel) College, Sept. 19, the'4llowing resolutions were reported and unatilineu!ly adopteti: • ' „liesoive.d.,,. That it is with sincere.t regret,we,learti Ihe death of our - highly "rsteeiliddTeliew member GEUAGE W. /igNICK. lireenbriar ,co. Va.; distiu gnished for;;11is talents, endeared by 14i affection, and belortarfor his piety. •'• ,' • • . •••• ' . That -deepiy . .'isfinpathick! with . the rel,atiies and .Iriends of the .duceusad in - this .untr-- peeled dispensation of Arro% idence, ; • 414:o d, : .rrhat, its xi testimony-of-.our mispCct for hisineliory' r a u:wear the cuStomary,putte of mourn.;;" ing fur the space of thirty. days.. - . -.7. -- Recoto odi "That - s it copy of ihese reeolutions rim liarents and friends,- two,id•dished In the Carlisle papera and,.Clirkbtian_Mvetsitok-JOOr 1-tiaL, - : . " 7 :,.CHAS. "'• . • • 1 ' Al • IL'AV. HITE, ." C°" l. • ' • . . • • shei,ur.s. • It teed' a wilt of "%renditioni Exprinas to sns 'directed, loaned . out of the Cadrt Conimini Cinnhiiitaiiil rowdy - , wilEhe.eineseil to pahlic.fisle, at the'.Court:.hOntio,, in the borough ,el•Carlisle, on Thureilit,y - tbe .154 day of October, .1 s:4O, at 40 iorlock A. M., the following described real estate, Wit: • ... .A. ,114 at of a °inner__ . , _ sultate in Shkrernsinstown Citraberlio‘s:gentitricon.! Mining 88. ferk,-in-•breaddi, and • id/Q:fect moist orlesit,'having thtreoti-et*eda..• • , .1 47.00Ag01v Log irloqs,e,- . , • • , idtddev!elt bd;h4 d Zcaring. an •din east, Main Street the'northinjoiel_ 'Shelly onth'e watt:soil sin , '- Seized sisal token in Etecutlen as the 'vroiveri.,l of George Eppley, and to l,,'sold by me. , • • • • ' JOHN. SherifrsHiWre. - - • '640. • C z 7. Com') NV•imj tut), 0 .I:kaniFf? gstlV vs litriid,ty of .11ir Txx,Toimisiti:OT Carlisjpottill, 7 iilOciotothoAlowlrut 11006 'aiSifkiktienilt,arie: i r- - . oN4q9k.;,Tfie: a r ey,-..0r4 I SA& ' . ...tvin thottkate •.. causop, total abatituaice (roniall'intrixichtintliirfrike "Altitorsons of ibillorougli arid neighporlio4wlll4; , are.hictally or istitiosest•iirthe cause r sarr;avittedktp., ;t-,7--fg..‘ Z4la4 irOr : • .•• - • Jf ti' . • • . The . sub: sii Ler will-reit \ itiat:trell - lendwn:' ,l2 4e c ' and uonveniel.t house, for- many ytiiira;ottuPteaby Cliribrain lltinirieli; and niore recently. by lathcripas.a....t , • .. • . . • - E . • tea- The house house is reinurkahly *ell calculated for enter- Mining BOARLIERSkyItere bkinA:tlnve .ontlF/ re plaims:inl'alott orth6 roots's. :The situaltlon::."- is very pleasant' end desirable, being on the terthi...: west qiirner of Hanover and - LoutLer'streets4lrliile - .l' tor eobveniedees, it excelsnny, other house in the b 4. 4 rough or counfry; 'lt possesses the -uausaai advalifs• ges of 12 rooms-On the first- floor, I'l rooms on` the second, antl.4 rooms on the:third floor. Two .44-11. 7 . of water I (one at the front door on Lumber Aired:- t"! wiLlue pump • thereini•,the other-'in,- the- yard nt . kitclictudooll) ti CristerOTOode to otmtkiiO eisht74laO lioksheads; large avid , .convenlenf: itablfogOsittr , age hon se lint! She . 0 1.6i s ;lirgii; and- e*cellent atisehi:ll to the buildings; besides munreolivenien.. , - . , 'cos not speckled. For particulars enquire of : 7talitisTlAN -HUNtitic.rl# 'Carlisle; Sept: 23, 1840:174f: --Ptiblic Sale- • - • == .07-, Thurs . day. the 15th." oP.Oetaberi: •"' sell nt,public sale te'the cuptbelds;sl. ~t • r Twzi' Farents • Of , rtgime - . ll,llnes 2; • . • • mtbase • the one•oentianing . abeet 160 acres-all eiesred,;'adth tilarge_Double-Braißank-thirtr - aud - ftrierate twar Story H ouse ; thereat, erected; - w ith' a ••• !Trite ef water in the cellar * and another cid= Id; the Leese' .The Yellow : Breeden creek -bounding; • . it, Had s:part runaieg.througirthe place.. -The whale tetra is ul.ler keel! heacee_siata large pact aiesf post Red rail.- • • • ; • • The o!iler .Fa confaiiis 30 =CM Ackttkir. . , . of,.sif ,firit.sittality,lt;lth ".• , .- ; ,$* l'tFis • • : ..1 t.• PjtoryAiwellkrir- Lactase - • • octiqi;zi,,i it it nisi ? 'nll cleared and ...tinder good teneci npoir the • farm - is ohe of the hest lystiesrl_.._ tAo r wera in the eutuity, corn:maudlin; all the - 4 - iffer:nr _ the ell'o iv Breeches creek' with lived - mut fail equal' to the r.teessities orany math works . which mi g ht, • . erteted i the saute hitting iorther:k Gicittr.ayidtetiilat 'driving a•Foige anti Juw else tainjt• • • ,st,n fogs : of watt..r Oli the farm. ' - , 6e re will.bu sold with each of :these .farnis ChM Aegis of kst . rate Gilt:shut 'Land, within. • . one in ile.ofeitliet Jartuti, or it leaV quantity to. suit arty ••; - - " _There Will alSo Ge geld at the same time aid Plice t •-•- ti PAlt.:ll hing,ailjoiMag the -aUote. pa thq - sotitit'• , , side .el the Veltow.Breeehes creek; containing abed I 00416.e5, about 90 - &Maws of which, are cleared and 1. : • under good fence, and having' a gbed two story Log= _ Dwelling Douse on it. tile tet•idue tithe laud is gt» ' Cheshut and:Oak thnter. - *Mere upon all lire farms a large portion- of Nivatiow ititui,mal - theilliole is situate at the south, side.of the (:;untberland . Vi.thyy,combluing . the troaslo, • - situation for e.ittfe :find raisit. g -grain 4nti torn tel Ot''ater Works, thatts to be foUnd : • , • - • • . The rrgperty sultlittlon , rensonable- tap* awl no totli3ol . thlile title witlot warrant be giveti to , he.,povelotser or , "ptircluoiera. -;jktia tibt loforiniitio9 will he giveuittout the property- before the (lay of sale by • . -- litttrK. wan's, • cbrE,:.?;s:epteiacr • Nike/ C 0440,18401. Ventlue; 'on . in:preniiiielf,, iirpurtinance,ofnn °vies ., of the Orpfnuur t;ourt. of 'bolt Fount'', the following- kirrineit Ito& E, stitie 1at. , .; the property cf4njut .hon,lk;of : Nonberry town. ship, York county, dilcettsci), stz. _ . •-• . . - An exevi tea.l t • igation‘ _- _ or Trart tiff.:Lial;situAte6 said Neri.lierry -York county, iihunt three lin Fishing Creek iivijoining' binds or Juba liclir% II lti Ja cpJI ,Rant, Jaunt) %V sit, ohn Jacob iSletz tr , 111.10;ti:1' Kt:l4ler, viltl.Johip • • . '• 152 .Icrt'ssf Lan • •• • . The improvements Ape 4 Tilarx-srouT BRicg - • ; a d s• fee ti'r.,largy -IG,lfili•K - .13 - ditAr t - • Itlu et. moil. itolijiinci- the , :upper , Shed-km(l Corii-Cri4,a two story.otooe.Slo.glictuimQ.;.- add otha• Amt. l iztt of . - "Water now...the liouse.stul'a ~ !..hriv4sg„Wt(7, •ot- • •7:: -- thoiee.timitr orpc beatplants-• Vlsliiitg".Civek:l'B4T,alt.untivr go;;Ofenices,:. pilau:41)01:y Cholitzt WA - high stat e - attopt4o.aeie — s at WO.MI.4ND; in the sable sownsidp;•ailjninit% leudirot. Joiepls • Nrererv, Esq[solist Ot•th and 11...Ork)lowen,.iilOcti is. coie: ed with ttwiying oui ch - ettaut.' • SALE t&coran/Onoe Hula - - of said di.y, winai ilitio,nttoudance will" be ; L,Ften - ted .- terms of Sale OnattE LEVI •-•• ..fdrninittrater.. 5ept.5.23, 130;lit tile of an•ortier of sale to . 'meted. suld out of tint. Cowl. cquoon_..Pl2.a . colintyi . will b e exposed to pnbliu sale, . tin the'premises is lorankforiLtointhhitkiy - • 184% at t Al. the, . 9ttgt9 t ,litit the priiperti . 4,; ; . • Truer •Cii• Land ••• • „_ • 'aittiate . Vl:antrum] . 40i:tail); ;•Ciiittliejlakide hininded bY . lniiiit of John .SnydervAbilipirciirjelit.. ; John Flariti;ii*,:and_Ahrialunu -Wagoner, eoniainil i. - 1 Ninety Acies and allowance, hitting-thereon. cycle' k: a one and alialf.atoryLor • House, Log 11011 . !il.dbi.hw, ,ur Out . •I^ lioilijt.lol4 will tk , • money to conhilinitipiipt.the by the COO." • 3 - • • Shen SliCl'iii to ont# z;; - SeptA . 184( 1 ..": 5 • • - • lINZ .-•....---.,•1 -- a • stated• _ ; h,a . COW t• b- • . g o_pnskil4ll.-of t __Ti m ul f ty the , gstiftday - oVAugt! ..1h)40, at'eprliele t foi• Ciitidtmielandcountyi bedokie Mt ' . • fkciiiiir Ali", Samwil .1 iviibiitp,.-.7greAdentiliitu.autqc..., - ..oivart and Jbh:i Liifevre EUpdres,•Apior/itte"Audits• •• .. I ot-tbd . 114Ne... - ,Ctlyn,i4si.gard-t4-thb..-Tonc 6l 4t:r!!- - ':.' --- -7; -i 1 Jja.. - diiiit Nt•cl•Nt lud,Aulfit ri? , •! , ' -..-?!. .".7e--. ' P,lk• '-•••,ft • •',. ; "....;', 1 - .- Ystlc • A* . rsti intk•-• hole a .GCorgellciltetiv,.-x '.•;i, , . 'llarld Clerer;loliii'Clo'er . ,4Gefi-mfe;tlbieetkl#Ar-4;'i464* bat Bniglinsabillo7 , :lhirer; itirtVii!4l!l:-10VIspteel• , •' ' • ,-;;:.,,, 'siiii •iljre clid.driip • or?kdi411101.. &An? di •tWt'W— r"" ... '-' ,-7 : , " - • ''. i , i,, , ,soilfohlitifiwiEi, , .itv.4.4oii.t:SCiAtAits*or.chtil*::-* , :::::: , -, z - I 00(4. Urilltiovt:ltattl . -'6ootikt-"lrel!d4Witri-- sttt.:ts, , ,4 34 , ..0-0 iolited..9r.plutiie eautt•tiite itch!' 6% t,,stlislq--•%.-.iv.,,r. oiillic•-`2sth dfiirt.ufAteimiser.trit,th olloy.elkusiVitht tA1 : f..!.7: .; ; , , . Ptirivit ',Wks: •*bektrg A' 1-4* - Ir• 0•101.1441* 4rat:c;: , ,::-, _-'.,:' siori . ..L.6ollodk:ißt.d:Stidok.., _thuitiff i 4ddrog~iF.-- . . ,. . - •:•;.•,.ri'••,;, ttiti.;riml,'Oetatti : iirio.l: l tlo74l:;" ithdtild.not7o6lsll:o.liW"?.:::',;.:: -. !,• , likatiiiii Of *lli!' rule 4 , 15:, 4. made ii74AW#;•AtIIOO.•,- ~...,t3', . ."; ; ;,,':; ; 4,• ;14•14401 . -in'pgii1W9:01,:,tfix- vix<callivf,..r , . i , ' ,. 1: , ,N . irt4 - .suifigicnt #01 0 ;040-isetitt 'il4'ci re- .3I 4'SW ' '' - ~.:1'.•2., . .,:14'7 4 4.i : i ktlitr= :-.-1 - i-6::• - •• ~''..-..-":• ' . ,', 10 '.- . ',0;'&i.:,,, , ,v,'" ~ ... ~.... , , 4.- ,- .;, , . , ~' • ....,,, IN , •P. , .. , '(''. -- ... , "., :00001.4141Cootyi i5,, ,,, x•-"it, - -, , 1- • If - F.:r? , .;.f.g31.,.,. , ;:, -..,',. • ''', "'.';,ttlir4rtit,t,tirt etbp., - WWVAPiltti*f - . ,:',i,: , : :: `," red 1 1 -1 .-42Vititionimp--,1 ' • . _. d9#•'l!W . -.",--,*:. -'-,,. Lphy*. lo6.ol4ll.sosl.*Le;.: .1>" 1( 'r, Alt teictiWmt itot4mliiOnettfirite!'i..:f.:-:-:- . Vi - , ' "• , , - aii 'lnt haiiiL. ; .10ilirkif'4 1 4.01000:11k . :::h..•:;:;?:V, #f1.11", • 4.:ut14,9A1it•.,.. 1, '' . ...ifi_riVM -1 ,, , , V'' 1, 1 , --',,,,:- • .-..;' - ' ' ..;,i -..v,iiiii,M2: '.4.1-I•,;ii., • '7:. , .. ; • .. - - ~ • ..: . , .• ~:- •-- ~_ .. - -,!,--,,;,;',,,-;v-13 . 'l ol4at i rei* ' lll4lif :7 'l. ' .. . . . ,Pubii.o:.Sale, 7.1 F 3119 FIN