Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 23, 1840, Image 1

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mz‘aédagx 5:43
i :'.'!
4* .
, -
V 7,011 i#91.4 •1,1, 1 1311 1 1 , 4--TIVQ 494
. .
To the Voters Cninberland county.'
FELLUW CITIZENSI-4' offer -myself, to yOur Con
• ;t candidlite.for the office of ,
, • ' SHERIFF, : • • -
It the election in OC . tOber-nest. If elected, I pledge
anyself to perform'the duties olsaid office :with fidel
ity . • • Yours Sic.
Shippeiisburg, April 15,1840,-4o . • - •
To the Independent:Electors of (lumber=
• . '• • land 'County. -
iiiieNTLEatErn—t. •
offer. invade as a candidate—
the 11117 a 6f
SiIgRIF.F., •
at the nal' general election, and - shall be thankful
for your suffrages.. Should I be elected- I'm - il1: die
chargelthe duties of die office to the -4estof thy
Smith Middleton Owlishly
July,ls, t8;19
• •
To the .- Eleetot s of eamberlapd Cotinty,
FELLOW-crrizENS:---1 offer niVgelf 09 a candidate
' for the office of SIIERIFP-of suiil county at the en
siting_General Election, aunt will he thnnkful for your
. . .
Newville, April 15,100,
-To the Free and Independent ..Voters. of'
Cumberland county.
ELLow4.l . riz NS: -1 subunit nty'Self to ypur
owisitleratiotiot . tltu eitsuing_olectiott,!.
theoffiee of
and would respeetfuily eolicit year anal:ages lot: the
same. .
TiloNrAs crtAiGirEAD.:
Sou . th Middleton township.
April 8, 1840:—te
To the Bleffprs of Cumberldnd Coit)ity..
Ciiiitcf.c-1 - -offor-nii'....sell to your eliii•-
sidt;ition for the office of SHER in..: a t the e nsuing
elstition and respectfully solicit co,(11. supporl;iod it
:elected will endeavor to' n scliarge the duties of tie
office to (lie best of toy judgment and abilities, •
._•,_ • •. •-•
.. r silver:Spring
April 1 , . _ . •
. •
To the trotee - s of ChinOerlitild - Co ihtt
FELLo‘i - rny9clf -it,s a candidate
or the office of
, tii 11.1 lit I ; . •
at the enstdit General Bleedion, and Will' et I_l4llk ,
ul for ypur'support,
Mifflin township,
June 3,1840. - S
_ .
- T S hereby 'giveri that the Direetoos of the Poor and
Ji. of the House of Employment of the, County of
. Cumberhuid, will meet at Sa.d 11156 tall 011 on the .28th
of Sept. inst., to
receive sei proposals for a Stew
ard,- larfner t „Clerli, &e t ch
4 ron - of Michael
Fishburu, resigned,. to, do Ho duties ol• 6,.--
•ard, Fat.
r:0 g ..C1etti:: , ,,... ..:', .... ' : 1.....afq .C 591111:
foe thili institut ion, at his own ext 114, is, as re
'gar& the, wagea Of hirelings.) •I,', tiettlars ap-'
. ply to . Abe presioit Stewaril-or , a4 ." 1 1
,ib Directors,
---who-will_furuish the.rul&s_af - the Ty!;l*;e nutl all: the
•. other dieles-tbstt :Will_ loi.,cojolucd on iii.m=:to ~.etdck‘
-- 711Wiliti - e - diffel• oh tii!..7 - enttiroftAl oirtilkti''-qiyen
' __under_our_luppls this 15th day, tt: pit, tB4o : _
AP; li3f; Wa ' 1r,, - r ----
' JOHN 'D bi.. Ar.; :,,,., . 'Directors.
SANIL"E f t .:: '.',74' , ,• . ' .
'Sept. 16,1840.-721 '..'!••••.,„ ''t , . - ;.„.!,. - " ,
'N. B. None but pract1 1 ,.. , ,-;. *
,• Os need apply,
To Schoo Aix - tors.
• CoroassroNpts OFFICE,
CARLISLE, Sept. -11, 1840.
The several hoards of School Directors are hereby
notified that packets containing the sixth annual re
or of the Superintendent of Common Schools , and
blailltiol , ms foe each School district within the coun ,
ty-Oftathberland for tfiV, have beenrccefyed at this
offic4and we' ready for delivery to those entitled to
•eceive them.
. •-•;ift ' - CA ILLISLVi Sept I i:,
The Journals of. the Sendte and House of Retire
scatatives of- Pennsylvania, and. the Reivois of -the
State Treasurer and Auditor General, forlB4o,lmYe
been reeekved at this Wow, audstre ready tor delivery
'to those entitled to receive them. ' •
- - -- • • JOHN IRWIN, elk.
Estaie of .11fieliaerGaraz, deed. -
upon the estate of MietinaGatitz, hav'e.
been issued in due° term of Taw Pl•edeidek
of Monroe. township, Guniberlaiut emuityr..Alt per
emir biiViiiig"etairtis - ngninst - titc - estate - will - present
_them settlement., and these. iatfehted to. flit; estate
make payment to the eutiseriber.. - ,
- Monroe township,?
e it. 16,18.40.--6tS
• • ..
. .
• ..etitte of Guitavis .111iPer,
. . on-the eaatt: of-Gusts:Oa
' Cniirdiv*PAl.,j 4 /“ , ' 144 ' 6
All4:6'sotii: kaki efittitO 2 iwp requested Ito
• inaltelmymen't
- to present thefii peopeelv" authenticated forsettlern•ent:.
• •
Sept.• 16, 18400+:60! • - •
:wiLia,e. sold bythe. stibserilier, on the
. premise,,, in Eatt Pennsborotigh, township,
Cutriln rininE Yebtinty,.Pti: nit 'Siittirdaj ofCle
!totier next, the following . ; deter real estate, pro
- ‘* -7 •llziatith-Loo - ne 7 e)cee UV-11dt ' -
A • Tra(;t-pf:ll ? ,a 110 1
- told others, bontaitiing. arcs. • The improvements
. 'are
-agootl'ay'ci `.
WO .. , ST.O.IIY - I.'
- ,k 7.4; , , ;fir ,• .-
~ •
.Shopointtkrahlei-ii ? og..l)arin-all.kindirofridltrees..;_'
under goittfreillidtuidlnic highisfaa.a.eitilvittion. •
ALIN on the,sape day _sod place, will ho sold ..
14.:. , ,ticres of -Mountain .:
cif dohn lloliiitud ethe s -
9)46101, the:nifter.nonn,
• .:whertattiftlavii,o,!#ilkliegiveO;itediernisritake known
. • -'';l9 , OPl-I.,I:O'N'GNECKEtt.
- Sept,: 1),
r 'r,l
.‘.*--•-:,-,":.:-/ 4:- ~,,, „ „,..t6.1.,..i.,: e k ..., : i - ifie b, - ..'
~ T4e anl'uall el m ei: 4l :e. l oZrir r :CL l :E r ) t y i,
, ea t t rs ,l^ o 4; pl it a s ...n a l erS .y .,.. o4 e t e .y,,
Ir in 7 "diatir ---- ill -he'heltl ht the uhliel)ease
- t iil ' ita " C64l i' i r l.'w - li.halael sli;liavie`ol;
' of . C. , ,llllilkfirlatie; hithe , htl!'clilg ......,,. 4 .....4.6.., ._
ifi4'fiOilissl4o','AVM..atiid-Vo'clo 0
, T., !Fqlr.., ,
flay the sili.Of Octqbgr'neiFt. - ""
t,' ii''
',..„:vv..q.',..,::,;:' , ,.f.. , :: ,:.: To , . At. • )!BOLE, Secr et ary .
'-' , 1
,- .' ~.,67 : :, - ; : -, - •
. ~,
a . . .
• ''
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~,,, , , i- T.
~,4. t7 ' , ' ''-'7 1 ,. : ',' * **'',' -**e' ,
fil '-14. .'*"**.;. • .110 ' • •* * • -
-t . 4.* 6 . , ' :''' • i- '` ''' It.: ' .11 ?: 4..**.
'' t.' ..i.t IL' • r....t:,1i . ' :4'.-.:';.. , ....?:: - ''.... , ........... - ~ -,, ....i...
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'. 4 ''. ''-‘. • ' • ' *,' ' . -..,---,..—,-.0— ' ,,.. , -- ' .,..-1.--.-.2.2 * -- 1 —..--
. _
. .
. Valuable. Farm Fur
The:eilibscriber offers dt private Ole, his': •
3(1,4 .L U. 113 E 1111&711: OF
Laild •
.• •
situate in North Middleton • to‘Cnhip, CuMberland
county, Pa., bounded by lands of Wrn. Cornman, Old
Sulplkur Springs, and the Counodciguinet creek, cop-
'more or , less: The iMprevements are; a • TWO
STORY LOG HOUSE; B_94k:rt. - rime Barn, a never .
failing well of water 'near the. house, fruit trees,.;•:a.
`Ahout'seventy aer - vgaKe el*lak a good mead
ow along th 9 ere , •etWillt riving, thither.
All personp wishing to. parahaSe Will do well to . Call
soom - ,the terms'ivill r be
Sept. 9 1840:-:--tf. .
WILL be sold nt Public Sale, at: the house oftlie
V' ttobscriber, in Carlisle, on Wednesday the ‘23d
the following pertional property, to wit
.708.161e5 5;
Sofas, Looking.oasStts,
aini Lain ps of differerit,
cry'. varity of: -
•Snle to kointnenee at 10 'o'clock, A. M. when (Inc
atteinlhotie - Will be given um! terins InatiOcnown by
BENJAMIN snix,s(
p Y virtoo of 1111,0 ' 1 . 11c1 . of the, Orphans: COart; . nill .
. •he rt:xposed - to ottthe etnnist:s, On
:,uturday p rc
deSeribed real estate, with th 4- •Ippurtenniices,
---•••• •
A. , : f g",raet :of Land,:,.
situate. 011 i ht. Nel 19w. breed e keret. k , ii. South"
dletonlownshiP;Curdberland county, adj9inifig l an ds
formerly efireter Loba-eh,Daiidy.hy,&e.,contitining
. .
more or less t being part-of a tract of o 1 which
"hlennas 'Alchalry died. siezetl, "cm. which James
Nlcijune . now esttles.
• Terins—ohe half • the purchase money to be • paid
oh the contirmatiou• of the sate by the Court; the
other half in two equal annual instalments, without
interest. It is supposed the-title unexceptionable:
The land is good, hut _ the improvements are indificr
-- Cart - isle - __Evinale_ -Seminary. L.
Afti - !ralkeiTsiltrth,er vacation, thcr-dillbrent-depart--
HmentilillinfiraniaiFed;:ts - k....aboid to
operations. Mr. Edward, Cystic Walker, has been
appointed Instructor in-Mtsje, Ileislamirably-knOwn
as a very superior teacher. 'l le will be ready to be
gin givinginssous by . the Ist of October. •
Suitable arrangetneids are znade .. FOVlErelfing - the
-ancient and rendcra" languages—painting, drawing,
and all the Int:lckes which constitute - u complete and
liberal Education. Mrs. Stephens' department will
open the 14th, inst.. , • •, . • -
By the liberality of the State in its anntal,,appro
priation, the Trustees will be thudded to increase the
theilities for instruetionyhy procurmg select- Books,
Models, Charts, Maps, Apparatps, ac. 'They feel'
ccinfldent that a Course of instrtictson,tiseful and ornar
mentaljs here presented, not surpassed St boy other
'- • • , . ,
'" • ,
A PAMILIt_ NEWSPAPOIL DEVOTED;TO...IIIVWS,...POLITICS, LITEItATIME,'.TIIE : Apors , AND sp.lN,lpips,4ooogiarifigtrstmEisit sic:' 47e.
Eighty-seven elckes,
Public Sale.
alTirVil . WO.
1 good Mitch Cotc.
96-Acres & 127 terche.s,
§ . 4teaubev . 0,1840:
.JOHN RECD, President of.the
IBoard and Principal of the Seminary
,9ep s t.g-,71.840: .3tb . . • •
CHARLES RARNITZ having for Med a partner-
Ship., in the Mercantile business; with• 3911 N A.
PEFF,EItii desirous of settling tip bis books. Those'
bmingoccomds standing are requested to JIM and'
discharge them. : •
The business Avill,be• contittned by the firm of
Charles Baynitiz. &.• Co. at the old stand of Charle's
Coalisle7ll 7 entale - Oin.inaryr ---
TrHEl:4ronclicof - this School the
-IL care - pt the , tsubsetib6r will re-open on Monday,
September:kith, in a suit of rooms in•the.basetnent
of the M. - 11.7. Cootie* to the school room,.
-- w hielc-wiaLhe-lattge_antl_att - st; will lie an extenSive
atd fr- - - -all of - ' die ds
roout for exerciser—at.. which; with tTia.grountle.
coot:et:tett -with. them, ore -undergoing . repairs and
improvements, with a referenee Co, coilveniettee,.pl ens-.
anluene runt health ~..- -E ntreinee on'igh street., '
--Ity-a recent arrangement of the T 1 'stet s;these,hool
will be more fully,supplied with ap :trains - for
. il lus ,
.t.ration, the coming quarte.r, them •etofore. . • .
For further mid More partieulitt •iiifbrination RIM'
the eintriteter and o'ujects cf httivtlionl; the subserit.
, ,
er- no's neon' indly.permitted to nutke. reference. to
rkt , -'fo
-tlllOwing_ g m
entleen t—jletr...PrOcle:tit :Durbin
ittul,tlieotlitir members of 'the Facielty . hf Pl6kinstrii .
Collitth,\ ViViT.M. -Biddle 'Estr:ot-- - Carlisio - ritev7-t
TI t. C. I.larnton, ilti.° (-:.. 2 .(1..; Cooltanan, Rev.'
ert Emory, and Rev. 11. Slicer, of the,Banimore Can
t feretiee; Pit 'Thornas St; Witll ; 'of War!liikvoti,
_qty, M. C;; and John , Ziiii :Esq.,' of, Ifia/timare. , ' -
. -: - -, . - 13.. MAI.- 'l',ENT_E.l'.lSt____ - .2.
. ' 7 ernzg. of intion - . -.•
•Cpmry1,414:4 4 ,14,11 Stu'dies. tut )Peography,pntory,,
Grititviroar';' titthriii•tin; cwllip g riplly;
~I, t eading and,
Wiiting -,- - , -Pel' gitailel'i $ 5 , 011 : - IrMs - e'littetiompottled_
,I witljlthetAtrie,AJgehra:or - 3it r atitml Thilplnphy; with :
I English . Cern position, isT,O.:_, ti9tatly,, Attlynal,niftl .
• I Vegtkable PlVaiology,Cll(finifitry;,A hir6l . lollly, \lento)
_Ler 'Wei& filtiluitopity,lt'OP#t:lnsteutt ton-lir-Pr'euelt;'
$ kat ttisit , Atilt... DEM. It Ana tittr,. .erspeottve; . •
w,ll involve an ex tra •cl tattc, OC, ai!othiv,
h t: a t chet',leasnaa..nty. giiTti . in , Malin
tetteh'er;firn - nxteri ehnig tiTsl2.9l).
,0-.Eturilctri in tiiin depitetthetieis'Togutred'in.i,a ,
v,vanni anti no: deduction isinailasSov.n.lisenen, except
in cilia :sickitaia.
G'drlfele,Sept.2;l64(l- 9!'`] . " .
, .
' ri?Linr , sm.r. OF
~,° 1_,;•
q folloMnivr.grnis .reEpenT,
tive 'cbuMiee. "'Ao Imnivroun clAinii•rffipi - 0r.1450
pills are; ptfeiiijded'to live iininietEtilMo 'the 'eol s oinifill-'
ty;thevinniety iOfl,piurelniins only from the rt&g..
ngot it,a, wlll hq . appoent i ,, „ •;. • f
Curnborliunl Cniinty—Gdin'Mp II thier; i
.s,Aw Onkbejl6ol4,l , : Sltippeati4l'g BokinV:
lirvinto In n_»ICCW-Ctur d), . e r ll
/a,i l ,;; hiftivell l 494 l 'it.:Liem
d.L- 1
; MO C Att lity-*l'itexittdrrtillltigee••;;Ptiltioyitfield; , l
J.' . ( tr. S • . 0•••:;g 8 Y),..',/ittiaktittrg•, , , :;• : tl
''Ait g itse'26, t 840 , • • • A '
ILTENtGArt: .4I,4 t vieklink•Alliwor
conspmtly or. sp* rr.l°
,?, S.• ELL:torn
Edited and .Pnblislied , far tilie Prd - prieto,r, Georie .otrifst*, eqintly ra•
, _
ElecijOii',llict.iniatioit' ,' i ,
. . ,
Whereasin and:by an, not of. the. General Assem
bly. of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. entitled,
"An act relating to the , elections 'Of this Common
wealth," passedlhe 2d day of July Antic; DOmini one
one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, it is made
the duty of - the Sheriff of every County within this
Commonwealth to give Dublin notice of. the General
Elections and in such notice to enumerate.•
1:: The officers. to' be
„pleated. . • . ;
2: Designate the:place af which the election is to.
be held.
. .
I John Ayers; High' Sheriff of the County of-Cum
berland; dolterebY make known and giVe - this,...,'
. .• •
..• - Pviivrtic .711'0T ICE '
to the electors of the County of Cumberland; that on
'the second Tuesday' of October 714 . 11, (being the 13th
day• of the montb,) a General Election , wills be:. held
, .
at the several election diStricts . establiShed - by. lam. in
said County, at which time. they'syiq vote by_ ballot
for the severatofficers hereinafter named, viz, i • •
• • , .
to represent the District coinposed. of the' counties of
Cumberland, Perry and the Congress of
the United States. , ' • . . • . - - .
. .
to'represent the Connt r of Cumberland in We .Ilouso"
of-Representatives o f : yer i iisylviinia. ' ' • .:-
'ONE titimmissioliErt
. -
(5 /
for the County of OtiMbea .. tild. .. -
u . _
- . ONE Dinnru E, e. oor THE, ...
and of the House of , Emplovinetit of 4 ltid Oomity:' ~,.
• - ONE N.LTDITOR - - - --' -
to s ettl e the public accounts of/th e :_Counfy_Cominis-.
sioncrs &C. , ... /
for .the office of SberilliaCuinberland Counts', an'
UIZ 11.0 R
for said - , • ; • - ••
And the ejen - tioini-inlllp afferent election' districts
in said connty will be held sit the following places,
The election in the election district eoraposeirof
„AIM- Borough of Cal:lisle, and townships of
'illeten, South Middleton,' Loiver Dickinson, Lower
Frankfort!, :mil Lower \Ye - at Pennsborough; W'il I be
liehl-iit-the-Courlllottite in the
_bitoYlgh cd
•- The !elect loll' the-aistrict composed - of -- -•
-Spying tisnlisiip, r will h - e - Ifelel - nt 'the ['Oldie lions()
of JosefaiGrier I logliy.slowit, ni Hat 'township.
The the distri - civotniniell of Eait-P`enlis,•
boroiogli - Townsliip, Will-birlipld--af-tlim:Publicrliouse
.6l Andrew lireitzer in' said township.
The-election iu tin district of "Cum.:
-berland nitiriepart: of Allen township, will be-Veld:a
thel Pnblin Reuse Of John Sourbeck, in New Quin
. beel a - •
The . - electioir the „ district composed of • Lisburn
and a Tart orAllenTosql - Slip,
lie House oflieter APLaim, in Lisburn. • •
The electiog in the district composed - .of that, part
of Allen township, not included hi tlie - New CUTIII.3CI ,
land 111111 Lisburn districts, - will he held at„ 'the Politic
House of Hasid - She:tier in Shepherds:ow - said i
township. --
The electioMin the districi - cOmpescil ‘' -
if the boo- -
°ugh of Nlecimniesburg, will be held at the Puhtic
llonse - ofJolin Lloorcri - in said borough.
he election in the district composed of Monroe
township, will be held it the Public I louse of \V idow
Patti, in Churelitown, in said township. .
The electiOn in the district composed - of - Upper
Dickinson townshi p,sy ill held at NYeakley's School
[[Dude, ill said township.
Fraukrov(l, Upper NVostpetinsborough, and that part
of-,•New foie to w ilhhip;; not included - in tlie , -Leesburg
c thereinafter mentioned, will 'mild&
-Wt‘thr-13rick-School-Ilerktoit-tlicloroug 4 • pf-New : ::
vale. --
- TIE - e - TiVetion in the district coal - posed - Of - thetown --
ship of Hopewell, will be held at die School House
' in-Newberg:in said. township,._-,` -.
The election in the district composed of the - bor
ough ef Shinpensburg, OiPpdilsbiarg, township, :Md .
that part of. SotaliamptWrowilthip, not included
the Leeslairg election district, will be held at the
Council House; in the * bdrough oissSliippensburk.,•
And in and by an act of the General Assembly of
this wommonwealds,passed the 2t1.191y 1839; it is thus.
provided, "That the gualiftea clE4ors of parts of
N ew t i iii - IttnLawitt townships in.the county of
Cumberlandebounded by the iolfc ? Flints and ilia
tances, viz: -.beginning at' the Adams county line;
thence along.theline di - tiding:the to - win:W i n; of-Dick
inson anal :Newton to the turnpike road, thence :don
said turnpike 'to Centre 'school-house, on said turn,.
lilli - Eriii - Southamptotrtownshipi -thence
41 10 -Walnut_HottouLATtuLat-RerlataclO dimlig g ,
• •••bitek's farm,• thence ;a • straight direction to the
saw-mill belonging . to the tieorge rle — Nee
thence along Kshir's run to the Adams county line,thence along the line of Adams county, to the place
of beginning, hemul the saMe is hereby declared • a
new and:seperate-eleetion district, the..._general
tion to beheld la the public liouge now occupied by
Wm. Maxwell,-in Leesburg, Southampton township.
Given Under My. hand'at .Carlisle, this- sth day of
• • Septeindiet:, A. .• •
-_-• Oeplaalot- Capri Sale.
„• • -
The undersigned .NtiTill,expope,lo.isoblic
-"L. - ante; on the pretnise's,-.on 'Thursday the let-day.
of 06toter neNtott 11 o'clock' in the forenoon.,
a tract, of pail Lime'sforie and
- nirt Slate Land, •
situate : in NErrtli ,Middleton townsrdp, Cumberland
county- i liounded by (be' poppodoguinet creek; lands
of Ross Lamberton,Abraliam !Lumberton, Zeigler's
byirs and others, containing ,
• •
irvero tilkirtriaiise •
Neres- - and twenty-.8 - efen
StriA mensirre„ - linving thereon' erected n 'I7BV 6
STORY 1.101,1SE:OF 131219( • AND STQNII;
New Frame Bet n and Stable - .e.
s and: . good;*ell - of u:ater'wlth n About:
eighty acres of this farni is covered ',.mrith'Tyoun.g'
€4iivinKtin l 4 , - ;. •
One hnlf 91 the purelutio, money, to 1)e, paid on the
•eofirniation Of-the sale, -antl'the balance In'
equal annual payments: thereafter, to. be sectuttl *b•Y
recogoizauces.m,tite-Orphnus.Court with approved_
seenrltty., , The. grain growing* the.Premisen'tit'llies
:time of saleg4 to the purchaser, except the tettnto
"shar,e - thereof; which is,e,iprestly reservtd•to" him;
-PiPiqP,F4ion -Nyitk-bb;*ltyci•ett-imitlie:;lit -day-,-of
Aptfii . ne?,X,4tir.,if puriAtaser Atould ,prefer , i!,
eon - hate:liossession , inimediatelr atter complying
Twitirtim - terms of lialevetthjeet-Wllidllnilatier , -ofltlieL
present- tenant,"Ayhich:iyill.,e.rpire .9n,theist -of ,AD ei
184 p
H—, • :
E , :sqhseriiier4:llttklejUSt-reOeiVetta.COMl
I ttottieti of Stir gent,'s Pplitiettl ltegister,exltibltts9kr,
tliCsitsitltsof Elect.liTihild 161116 dijEiriiut Si - ate:li and
C 11610114 iltibuithilitit the' UnitedliiiiteTifflat 11 i=
--rhB,4Q4:4ll.ritAtt.e'ru:'tirk-41rEbT:Itiunti ;11,•tconwinient •
'..l:eterettee . tor:thoPetv he 'itt'Aitt - - 1 0 Orlint11: 1 4 , the,,
ttiotte,thatlitil e
ro e
, r I .O II V
tint , tlg ;
1,-.44lien.AAtvpio,l,llk.,l4sall a nth ArgAlti4aid.-Enc,k.. , ,
‘ll.c ,fief.01(1.)40!.1 9 .o).r,.ll,alavri . 100.4 tu v ,
liintiz(l67 - 1 3 .a;i1las'bk , t)
'w,p1;111 f,tittitli'huarript.-.:Aor4. • by- lirickbrii.
f9ylll,a;?:w acparpte , t18C.7 r k ••'':SNNitirot;l)4VlbSol4;',
' :'Alt1111113 lA1),
30111 , 7111YERS; - Sheriff:
e~},§t~i -
r1ii4:0.....0.ii;1:q . it:4.;(' i..1.4'
. .
orphaull 'court Sale:...:=
irjb.Y 'virtue, of; an Mor '.of•the Orphans Court . of
jup. Cumberland County, the foll Owing real. estate,
lath the 'property of ilenry' Zimmerman, deceased,
will he 'sold, ow the • premises, on Saturday/. the Slat
'day of Clefober next, at 12 o'clock, noon of :that day,
to wit:
•,.All that. certain plantation . or.
t m et of land, situate in East Vennsugli township;
Cumberland '
county, aforesaid, bo wed by lands of
John' Holtz, Martin 'Henninger, hand Longnenker.
and 'others; And' containing , • • •
-One- litindr.el and Fifty *rea l ,
more or less—ahout, one Inindred - tie 't..4 ..of .-whiCh ie
the residue wel tirnbeied. ' The,
hiripro*enienta are a • _
. • •
. .
Jft4;): -14rORSe
a double Log,paili itnd TheiT
is 0: 6111:111 of excellent water running near the
house; and also a good spi:eig.. There is it - first rate
tlpple;drehard nn tfie . premises, and other ,fruit trees:
F,i'lle . terms of. sale ore os follows: tWci hundeed
„dollars to be paid no the confirmation of the sUI&--
one third the purchase money, to reinain_in the heel,
tirriiiterest - whereof is to, be paid yearly and , eery
year to the: widow during:Ater life, sail] interest to,
youttnebee tstOf April nt.-xti mid the prinelpal other'
death to and among the -helps and representatives:of
the:. sUid Henry Zimmerli - inn— The residue of the
purchase ~imnty nu ; the said 1 st,of April 'next,-when
poisession_ w i I flie_ given;
rent is reserved, ,SaliLlinyineUts-to'.ltit secured by
reeognizances in the-01.0[1 m. Court. . ' .• •
- ANrnoxy GRETNER,
Sepheniber .6 IB.lo.—tds .
• : Public ale .
Will be exposed to Piddle Side, nt the resideliee
of the sulisid'iber, in Newville„ on Wednesday the
90th ,VePtentho. ilia., a variety of , • .
• iNgeigehlget.:ls' ' V.Yehen- •
-FAT N Ti 1.911,
9 •
co:rsisliugof ihe folloivingltiligi:s, viz:
Zitort;tinis,z4lzialbto..x. r ..Eteg4t.eagls . ,
Chairs; Stands; Stove and
. • -VOW Io° • •
• •
up -alter - a itli
la:ass:try mime. - Sar`etq e`onott.'ner at If crtlitrit;
A. At., - Itad al - Ha:rat credit en.. ' •
Ali,o, pti the cstane.tint•, wilt be cffereil ftir . .sale, the
• - „ ~...,,, . .
, .
, , „•
House ah(l. - I:6tgi, - Prait,. ,
.. ~. ~ -.. v , • 4
0.4-e.....1 r '-•
. . . . ..
occupied bp _ the stilmcriber; and if not soli!, will be
rented u lil doe first of April *next. Terms Will be
Made known on the tiny of ictle. by , ._„,
'1), .1). - ItOSENMILLER.
- Sept. 3,181.0...--ttle _._ ...
_ .__. _.
• ..
Orphafis 7 . C o ' ' sl-i-- •
oi toe Orphans' ("owl or
ICombe:ellok(1 County, will .Im exposed to public'
sale, on the premises, on Friday the' 2d of October
next, at.liiseolosdi,4l6AniAlviktilowititt._ile s ealre sl .rgta
_estakffilatt. the propeerr - of - John - Davit4oui-F4q.-d4;-
ceased, viz.:—
Trutt of .41.1a , etoife . Land,. in Westpennshoro'
township, about 2. miles east of Newville, boundvd by'
hinds az:bonnet Siies„latieb Ullman
and Join :%Ivers, containing - fifty-six arms, ntore or
lesv: About:lo arresnre cleared. the residue in thriv
ing timber---ahout '2O acres sown Willi Clover 'seed
last spring. There is'n'welLini,the prentkes, which ,
w ith a little repair ? would affinal a coitstaot supply
or w;oo. 'the oil Li ;40(1 Mot prodort:s equal to
any in the neighborhood , . •
*Also, on - Sit(nriloy, the 3d , if PctOber, at one .d-
clock;l'. ttr the lionse of ll—Wood
burn, in Newville, wilt be offered ad public side a
1,014 ..ITradorii ground,' ikbotn or n mile north west
of Newville, bounded by lands of NVoodhurn; Walk
er, and the f:onntaloffniu,et creek, y 1,141014 ng 8 acres
121 perches, well eirilooal and good gross land.
Alsolld the saine time and place { it lot of 3.tterea
of WO --Tl:Zewville--1
bounde7dly lands, of Ales.
And on MondaY . the - Sth of October, at ono o'clock
P. M.- on-thelwi.'inises,mill.bc idrereilat puttlie sale,
a lot of • first rate. eaeadoii , land, on the Monut -Hata
spring; linuniled by lands oriVin-Davidscin'anthintn
soon fartif of deceased; containing 6 -acres-and-4 31
. .
Persons wishing to wirehase• ore-invited- to. view
the above property previous to the day . of Sale.
-Teems offiale,preseMbeti by-t he effort. •-One half
the purchaie money to be paid on•the'confirriaittion
-of-the salet_thelabinee in two equal yearly payments,
- without.interest,Ao.be_seeueNt by,O•lien
The' titlit will lie made and possession "delii
ered vu the •‘-
'• Ily order of.the,Orphans
. .
'ROBERT LA1111),,
_%tpuli,Lirc' 8.44 E.
. • . . _ .
Tl-I:.tiubscribers execut o rs of Abe !nit
- wilkitnd testament of Daidel Shireinan,,sen.late
of -Allen:Jew mhip, Curelietland,t:outity,Acccoced, I
will expose to 'public s:de r the followin,, ,, real 'eatafe,
on the prentiaes, on Sattirday the 3,7thday of Oidober
neNti art fgo'Clock , nooni in Shiremanstown entnber
-hintt,eottlay,about.,s-lailes.wt at,to,wl
. • .• . ,
: • . - -;-, - -tt. - Xll. ' - Of•FAZtaW_ltettf - .IIne , SIO I W ,
land, containing .abotik, affrl 4 Y - Aef..o;,,liall.Oe'
,therena erected a Two Story, Dwelling .flouse mot
double. 1.,,0g. Born; nod other out, hottsoi , adjoiniug
lands of Jacob itlerker,.loanh Shopp; David Shopp,
ittid tltt lot 5; of Shivenutustbwo, ,-,----:- -.- ,-,'' .. .".. - •
Also;..t - tavern stand '3o , ,Shire ,
. .
. .
monstown, Containing 4 rterra and 131' perebee of Ovid
roto.,lnod,,whereoh: l B 01..0 , 11 - al large :Two . StirY
How, double r Le t T-13ttrn,,,Slanahtty, flome . sheds.
it'il - tiliti - r - Ttilif VOlD'llka. .-,-------=
, ~• - .-4` . „.,- -,
Ir..:',A,l'Ail.„'" fi -1 .'1:11' 0 ' 1',.1 tti ry." 41 otist • itnci ,
e' 6 '''r• ''si* ' * • '''. hi g" 1 Did_
-ntrio - 1 .1 tint - , - - m- ttratuanstouT,enutun ug_ai
:65' feet ' , feiiilti . tunl 103. feet deep:•witlo O.' 111liekatiii tit
Sliop thertiOn rEcoteilotal so, welt of irOOd..*Rigr , ' , 7. ''',
~ , Aiso ,-,. Ft) ti r .bits ii ,S 10 rem an ST
tOv n, t.,w.0 on ,Nifti o . t,tre4t,so fret frorit.apti , 3, , A10 deap,
iiiiillUitibil Second till'oet, Sil feet; fy orit .and 20 0 }lap
1- ' : Al',4f4 l ; it' Two''StOiy IfiniOtaiiil
4,cargi:outiii;%iiTtlicliewtti i4e.'"Of Miiiii,"4er"i'ld
Sid t€ruituataw notnittaining t s3 feet; iti.fronVitiA.l: l l
lit*.k ilei.ipiyitttotiThlu!, :.:__:.;:,, ,5 . cr; "+ 1 .11,, :: v ..
' • Al'gp Th7Twn,fitoryTHOosn,arld
lot .of...zrounttion, thrO ;north , sidlt l oflklalitt'itrq4 in
ShirernouotewO,,Containing,illlQ4 .59. - I:l'at II I v:4.511,4,04
2co-,leid,Aeli,'Wlth a St a ble, ' - -,-,-, ;., zi ', .. - 14
: ', c 'Ali.'q'ii:': - .TWO . 4 4 Wry illou,se' and
fa'lifirii'Mjil,lri tlii h'Or'Ongh a.o.:Cintitinidiiiri-7,oitit: ,
site: t int t.;,taititit , alr , _ACt, alhitaiitille 80 feet lillotie. twit
4bP"t4.(}o..ft:etrAPOPi..'.::!=,:.;.,:,.; ,'; •'t •,-:,,-,-; . Ir.
•!. 4ttemyunie,vd I.lp illyen;,;i4teitikr ii.f..o*.tivi,t l ,9,
known oi')'lliellit 'Mg :O'4Y", `,- "...'. ".;,' '(:: 1 . ';' •'' '..*: '
: , 4'...,, , , v..,.....•i}:i.: 1 .1 t1i5T , 11MP.1n , ' ,6 ";: , ; , ..:? i ? Ili - .' it
' ,•'1'..9' ,. : •:, '•l',,,Gsongz; . tipt,e.j .,, !: ,
i• Ts o o. ,p, ,#3 - 4 ~-r: sliii, ~ ~ ~ • - ~,,,.......,:,,,.,': .. •-t
11.`.0.7171-thhilleLtiptc,:fot-iii":Meelrant`eo,bilt *,,tv.ill
116':abldfttirtItti itir4 , i,nitale, , oil: !Old tlay3"tit 4 coliely at
1 4 9, 6 ' . 444 4A xlie3 riyem o9n. . '•i .;..J..
l;.'gr, ;.i i,il•i.4
31wtopk§teqoullsItYylvAik ita er09pper , )
liti ltrtiti
tndtotkleptitibii,llri'tto . o4 . o a O
hiorftrKt ' 7 ~!.
. .
•TH aps 1.4 IN IG ` MACHINE S
With ''''illittiti4rato,s
-Patent' Mork rrolver.
THE greet'. encouragement. ;heretofore received
from the sille'ef his Machina"; induces him AO
fer: to' th e politics ne W: and i 416 rse -, Pni'?/eC;
which can be shifted in gear or out or-gear by: Item
and shift the band to give it five ; different revolutions,
• nd he'has no hesitation in assuring the Fat:frier - at : ha
tic iiitiow able iii4tirnish them with an , artiCle'far su
perior to those manufactured heretofore,..' . For speed
anduderin__threshing:and-ease-to.-llic-,horses, be be
lieves his' machines to be titiegnalledi • .
His Price is $l4O- , ‘se'ventV dollars to be paid cash,
and the balance in , six , months; for; which' m note wilt
be rciiii.ed ; with interest. •: Any, person purehasing, a
maChineind upona fair'triitl, not Whig pleased, can
etnrnit: fie4ill„-at. ,, a11- , :ti Mei -bi- ready-tollirniali
tlicMon the 'shortest tioti - & • 1 orders trom a.distance
will be punctually attended , to. • He' will also repair
machines on - the shortestnotice.
' • [ELIA M. 11 -1 .1111114 G AN.
Newville,July 29, 11340-tf.
0'V.14 ZeIILLPE)
Farm'of 147 Acres o Slate
and Lin scone Land, '"
Situate in I Middleton township, Ciunbei land
co., two miles from Middlesex mills, and lice 14m
C lisle The imp. ollnittit gni e good
110 .7.1017-V:l3 t om =ill
Doetble 1 7 31 , f WEI ,g---:4P
uil et , pertstone , withfour stahles, '
willsback nail front
sheds, one ol• which is a gi many With .t cellar nutlet,
A.ll - 4 rcrr
LAI\ 7 * 1 73
- r R9RCRIA :I„
together with Mint irnpi mcments coma' 100 saes
hire cleared, under good Fence tad good state . or
cultivation, the I (112911121 el Is - cot ei•ed with ;nod tim
n pert of which is Locust; springs nevottv-till
the tickle. he Conoilo,_ mutt (teal( bounds Mist it tri
ou one Bide 252 pare beg, %ditch Abed loc ition
tot•watc noel. t Alll, II( I SOll 1\ 141111242 t() purchase a
f in 4.l•this de sec Twin will do V. al to examine it, as
1 am 'lit, t !maul to sell .
Appliciition tan be made to Willcutinc Sholly on
the harm or to the subscriber in Carlisle .':
bs FIBL. C E.
- ••• • • . .
1,17 ILL be ex-ficiseil pubkie §:du o n pr - efi)ise's
- Vbrikr - uf the Orphan s Courfor Cumber
laud Comity, on Soturiiay S(l.(tay Oetpbfr nest
ot 11 o'clock A. Al. the folbiiitt,described proper
Fiese Rote
a I ,LI Mai _it-AV/7M lb - &ram . ,
Sitytto 1111).Ali+ifi7rii-%0,!.11111, Curl - 0)04:1nd :cotinty,
It(ljoii.ipg. hinds of NV ri).:Moore's heirs, tha
braiOy's heirs,' and other 41111 i of Jo!in
- - FIFTP - ITirt: ACRES,
~,nosv, I 37; Stible
ter and a large 'apple orehard'on the !wend oes. About
twenty acres °film land is .co,vered w ithri Me timber,
niul the residue is tinder sood knee and'
'rhe. prokerty Were(' tor sale is the north end' of
trierCFM of
The-terms of sale arc one half the ptirehrise money
to be paid on the Ist'of April,lS4l, wheii postkssion
will be giveil, and the" residue - in tWo - anutini payments
: ‘s ititutit -interest. '
uartlinnp of the children of John .Gnlbrivith, dce'd.
September 2,
The subscrifier . has i reeently received large 'addi
tional supplies Of • ". '• " •
- '
11.111MiellliCS -Co ors! --DiCAinfrs,.
Linseed Oil, Spts..Ttirpentine,Copal Varnish, Pain
ierSi Brushes, Varnish Hand Brushei, SPeY
tnaceti Oil,• (very fine) - Spot m.Candles,. Soaps in
great_vitylety„Olass 1.49 . 111p5, CaLnild Lttter Paper,
ui tr-Spiees,
to Plivsadans, Merchants find (Aim, WHOLESALE Or
y RETAIL, at the lowest rates, l'atinnitn - elmvett - ery- -,
tirely for cash; lie will offer bargains, to those who
Wisifto purchase at wholesale.
Aiigusi 5, 1840:1
. . ._. .
. .
„•-• • - NOTICES. , ..• .--.
All persoui; havie; dosettleil accounts w:tlt , the
sub . seriber,will please prOseot them for settlement
- betwen this-ietd-tlte-Ist-Niii•Crnbeto nrlchr-%,,,-...-s--.
. . . - .. .
A. G. EGE.L.:-
--Septeni4r-Ci_l£4 l . ..... i . .. • -- -- • --...
- ,
' l V:iiiriety Store;:Sze': . ' .
Tram sti l )i-Ewberonnukro for. pnst_facntnav
eect . -
AL . fully, hilbrinsllic pu4llc.that he still- ecnAtinnc:n
to "hold rth7'to ,Chunat MI vv., plecir ....Zdtication
titgl,7 ifo
w t f .ilLe 'has how arritanA ti ittr ,g (...:llsncetment
of notions,onsiiiiiegifthe - following - i -41rein g
.cches;Cheenc, Baretni, Limps': Ficttle * ,/33igne, (.I.olfeei
Sonii, Grier, Spence,. re,ultx, ' Sxecepnents,„ WI , 01119:
necessaries c ihmhited for thisyneredinn. ''''''
t - N - .- B. He nisi) continursio'l4,ep'.lln:Eatiogli kus;;;
_who,o g entlemen cam be necomrihninte(l otl,l,.Tri . le,
1? - 1 , 4M :et Fielded thintifen;&c:lnt - Alle - Nliortent - in .11 W
- • , .-• • , AtHil b 1.2 A..
•' Pt; 9,1840:--1 , Yeife:' , ''' - - . ,-- • .f ,- .-
• (.0 ri - i? a (11 , 111 .,
Of ae . sT4fe-I::illefiliie;deeelZ
1.4 "..11ttei9f ci;aygt..;;Ciii l e. ii . iff, , , ttactcy4ll..ow 1 1 7
sso it
to the gintmiit:il)o resiiliriM'hi ild=to~i'iisliip:' i\ T. CE
title ifithitded to said ,estilicAO
make i ! onekliiitepay . ol,llqtripsise.lipsjpg i,4ol-4,0
present qiol,.pioh
• •
.:-; , Angnst 'no 4.10 =4L :'
• 40 . •
ovAt)AtlNlSta'kricys t,3 " l ;'tii 6 : 4B,-.
- tate situ3ilil'Aini, !kits& Mreist'iltoinsboroty,li"
to‘ i n si i iii,•Curol!evialot:Clt;ityl . (lps' 4l ..l l s , bc, ell ..o ,l7
iti(;(1 to tg.t 1:1:e-61i:141g ; NO.•
"all tiiisOltutibe6tr to 'iard.
- estate ranke-iminetli4tft',lttiy 'MU AI i cow
bjtving tisciiinst snits kstfile, to p1:F4ei1k...1.111:».,
. •
„ • - 9LOR IthAl At.m r• •
. .
n. • . ,
Nplice 1431teiv,43 ,.
ttfro o o, l ,Y , lß
k 3 01".'041 4 •
tintt t T 4e 't9l (ers itototi9l kttyml
n t
, . ;ogitTat.ire . ,
wealth fur.
a ronitit.totelittrteri;lalutpgeorillioet . atilti
tq - ,1`411.4.90 0114 04 . 1 4- 1 !,9 1 . Shilik 'lr ii , , 6 lMite-. or ,
tistit,to ;ma 'o4lexArAllseopittit:ig it,ri%l o bnplitta mnit
li=geo,'•;lll;tirldki - ... 31 1h
t i t it.y.d!rect4ll.ll&jk.koiiv.A4t l l, , ittuts';4o9 ,:. .s oAtitttted
4.1 -1)" . • 4•i A
• .•-• 7
M i i o
74, ' , `",rl 615 ;1111',1,artr,Ir.
6.1 V ferias
, 11..i•Acr 'Farm of .10.5 scree •first rate
Limestoneland, situated in' North Midilleton•toi4ft: miles frotriprlisle,,adjoittingthp Poor House
kltrm; Sl.D . r.endemaii,attd others. About 115 acres
coi , ered with gpoil thriVing
limber: ,Theimpraeittents.itre it Double Lor, House;
a new Bank Baru, a young. thriving orchard , a Well
40 feet deep . of 'levet. failing ; Water. _
: A_Farrn containing 165 acres of Slate
lanil sit noted Idsaid fbwriship',lorillisti•Orn Carlisle, ,
adjoining lands of George Wise and others, of whicW
Bad acres are eledred, and Abe residue in‘thriving.
-timber: TWI mproveMerits are .:,.I'F'rartie House
arid Kit'clieit, Logl3nrii;Teiiant h 3i goo6ilidieing
.orchard, coiling. 'well of..watcr At the doer, Und
springs in ever field.„ ,
• .3. 7 A -Farm . con tain ing . 224 acres. of• first ,
rate Limestone land.; alittle tooted with slate, Situat
ed in' said township 5• miles, from Carlisle, and' one
mile north cast of Middleitri;fidjoiningulid.,Cnitothr
guinet creek, Peter'llettrick•and . others; Alniet 150.
acres are cleared, and the residue. in !Mai) , timber.
The e rtivei n ents are n Stnim • liouse and
a fi'und 'Log Barli, atone Spring-house, ' , Atli a never
fliliilg spring, rt.tming through the.farrn, and an Or-:
chard of choice fruit' and other,iniprin . ententi. •
• 4. ". Fartnref '26`,.`) acres - Slate land teixet.ll
with Lintestcate„ at:joining the Ina mentioned and
ha - traded lirdru . eatiddbgtlinot's•r : eelc„ 7- 1 - Atl - nerrs - nre
elenrett - , -- nntl - the rbsiMm 'covered with hravr- thaberii
alio 5l) tleres is iirst _rat rdeatbow._Taml._ Ite it r
pr - 5,47 - iMials are m Log tarn,
Spring,Llottse Stith a never. Gltht g-Sprig: pad. OM
doer, and ao Orehard. ''fills Fttrin wit:Mrs:al a 10,
Farui of 2.26: - -acres. Slate:land.
..inikt:d. with I,itneSitme,rldjommg thin lost •Mentioned_
and danntlopi net creek. 130 neves ate des red and
the residue ut good timber, about 50 items of which
are first rate' meadow. The-iroprovements.are•a
Double' Log house nod Log • Barb, and fi•SpFing
- lioiprfitilitig spring, and an orchard of
chidee fruit trees. 'Flidiast mentioned three Farms
will be sold Separate)); or together as it may suit taw
'elasers. A good_ e i ttattiay :or - rdoldow taii"be - yet'
made of the•Woodlantlialongithe Saidirrsk. A lityg .
;quantity of rocustisv,i•owiag out thelast Ihre c mention
ed Patina; 'For further particulars applyto the sub-.
- scriber, -one_ mile east of • Carltac, near the C. V
. .
''. Aug 50.1‘40. . .-- 7 - ..• ~ •
-. .N. - . 1. 1 -: Also a iiitalia:r - af first. ratel,:iniestglie ii - ial
'Slate.Farra4 ail d, Mi I I - Properties for. sale ~:$l. r• ...
• .__ '----
• - • -45VacUlaick - • • •-•
• • -
Estate of
I:ESTAMENTARY-• on the last
Will and !ref-hula:tit Of Michael l‘lorret. Ote Of
Nloitroe township, entitherlatitl:c - pntitF,-ilec'tl.
been itistted to the subscribers rdsitling in the same
uncushipa IsZirriqs AI those intlebt the above estate to wake payment,'
111111 to alkthose having klaims against the estate to,
present them ; properly authenticated, for scitleutetit.
~.-..____GEORGE.IIIIINI)I,F., •
41 1 4 Ltlj •
Eatitte_ pf Paul (;her,(tec'il,'
Errrgits---oNaD3tiNistaiVtioN on th.e es
tate of Patti Ghee, late of Allen-township, Cum
tit'rianri cetnny;-<lca'J: •nave-licep-~ issorcl.w.: W t~stllL
serilierliving in the same township ; Imre
bY 'given .to ail those indebted to said estate'. to make
immediate payment, and all those_littiing • claims ii
gninst-stAd estate tolivesent.olpu, - propett , 19.011enti
• • ".1 OSl'. J I NIPSCiII , t; •
August 12; 18 1.0:-61.1
Ltio• Cabin Button - a..
gram subscribers have. just received a further sup.
ph o'.Log Cabin .Buttons.
Augat 1 8 40. •
I[lON . ..t . ite (pit , !t.",
-,. • . .
• - .
S.Tir 11 , v
--Logyob:i, lirtizil - leitßi.'
WHYlifu,, , i‘ua, Fititm - Iriiiiiiev - Altitiv, -- Coeltioral; -
- c ; -illtur-Vitriolitilevoli ' lodigo , PiLa i LY it,,
I iioi o Islitrio Acid, iltirilitic do., Soltition of Tit; ; tic
above 'irill - tic-suid lori , fur G'ila, liy -.
. -.. • ....
• . h S. LLICIT'r.'
, •
9 1 0 DR. SIVAYRE4 •
with sineere:pleasure.l Write von these lines.
Having beeirreduced by a long spell of siekness in the a yery critical state of health, and
rettiewing_te this climate, l was attacked by
distressing pulmonary complaint. 'Tltly, symptoms
u,etc,i)E trio. Most:alarming kind, and. in my , week.
- statertifitealtlei thought I
eonstancougli, p . m!, a sense of pain bp ,
mr chest Veit seemed , to be obstructed so thiK.l .
wnlil net'brcutlie with'ease:i, - I got no rest aynight,
nodmiy-my produced a higli / ferer at
times. In this alarming stater ok
rtcollecOng.yopr l' sent to yeur agent
fat :tWO„ POttle •of Wild Cherry,,,Sy rup, and lidare
tishig - theseiond bottle,' (Mind ny cough had dirap;
peicretliand with - . it all distressing 'symptoms,
Youim iitliberty _V2_l.ll_ollll sli this i mall must ea rilmt f ..,
ly et:commend 'yopy,,Sirtip of W. ild : Cherry liariCte
suireret% witli diseases of the Lungs, its at 'cfrectMil
--Resp6iitrullyNottrsi— • .
,:tII;I I .:OI.W.N , RICELN PicYS.ON. _
l'ittOtirg,!Sept..."27,l 839: •
• tr
PriviciMil'ollice,NM 119 Nertli ,s ree , icre
thiti iiii;iluable 'Medicine . .bnii'aln , ays
he obttiincd;w
ahnitC•Colificate tlyar be seen, with Abe
si Kgspectable tatizcaog Pittsburg, ,
WitsiOssiktlicialnite'tql)c ii't;cytaitt litct. - ':Tillie had
at ilie'brngsiniir-or".1:-,L.1%1Yees Si C 0 ..; Carlialc, l PW.
Noy. 29:'.1839.1:. „
•Ift_ h'eattli, most ,iertaisdy' teelle.:set! . t%
ttodijarictli6tlielvits td those sttfret';ei's that 4 il3lVi.' bead •
.afflitt:d for scars With:various diseases which the lid
oiat I 'atit,ttiV.sultjgep.o.' ll c treuhled ,
aOtl fr_otO _
C"a`riciiis the - 6atiiittreattrinCif ,
n10y..11l tkeviwelaji tv nse oY Dr,;(); P. tlatiich!s -
C,oomotind, ,Stcoo,stfitolog: (i9.totto-,Avcricot
the side; iI, litn'nusld, genc",ral 'tli;liility;Teitttitti
eaScsi ttottalL diseases to A% hill! ,illlll2lllll.lllttlire'ls sub.
bete Atic,.storwattt. I)ivyo.:9l)s Set.
•nicandaeioCan '4.. t he
Ectoalu; ttatho axe-child - tn . tkeir.otte
`lfnif OfriCei:oetht• t r s taloi 1
slll:,itteCeti 016 . 'l.lrtik SiCit"..' of
Otltii - 1 -, 26;1
, •
„7iNII. ,J WcI''. , i4PSIY-k:Pitl' fi47L P; - ii ( *!b
Cp,ipbtind'byrttAlt`Wllkt (Itcyry-pvT-7
%strekt:tnd.-I L, , ,fpyts
orIGS);P?1±007;11: V.9011011:411041Y,i4t11:0 kW tnp 7 .•
41)11,1 44 1 j g „ i ll:4 9, 7141,!T0.3"0"."‘41-44 i'Aiit.a„llollllnitt,
iptir hiu.k, With' oth4i.
4141.:0;tbe .4•lgnAd.l.i(kttlO9l-
med b iel 4(..k,..Fougfrit...iktiray mot'
i.fii6iitiff,lfthikk*l'lliq, ',end Ity'
City i 1 A:410 akit vain, ,3Attpl 44'1X 1 p 1 91 1 itt
Ojell Iter
pOrealicalthitiiir4 Any
: ‘.4)iii:44lll6;' , ,llilt , i'Aite''.'".. l 'Sliirtili:e‘Viihic r oll ikiligids
)'33.!l4l2.lilt,iifir.etVil' with TIVPITO Ve FX .4 . I6I S O,I * -7 ;
tahgs, %.kco,-.:1P;,t.10r rigPli,strevt, Pit?
0 4. ' J .:4,N . ROl,-.10.0
iii,wcii.i.tuzittothfi;: '4'..v - ..1',:4'.---',U:6::•' 441.
_.alrentfor thc ovine-c
': i
ERIENT PILLS are a safe and 'efllcientneedicinee
:,Ad cart ,be taken by the mostdelliate - renoilc.,.
seldom fait ;i:11,otlilog Dyspepsia,. Liver. Complaint; .
pain in tile side and breast,.Snele. 'Herelaidie, Loss of
Appdtite,Pal pitation of thelleart.ltrerWitis -
Loyness'ot Spirits (which, -too mnny oro:.subject to,)
hypechendriacism, hysterical ; Paintings, VoTiting,,
&e. theie.pillaseccording to directions; and a'
perfect cure will be the result.. Fo solo•fit No. 1.4 i ' .
North) ighth !street, .;_;,.• • . 4 _
Alan;a(the Drug o Store of .I.OII*,,J.,ItIVERSEs,
CO., Carlisle; Keefer, Harrisberk
Beingardner;. Vaal' 'and W. Matht'ott; ColeieblS
' '
4'l 01.V1IS,'.COLDS- and . 0081.1 . .IcIPI'IONS - ;
MrS. A. Wilson, of Lane-niter cm: P 4 entirel
Clierry.;-:.114.r symptoms were eonstrint uotighing,pahi ;
in her side, back and . head, depraved lippepte, spit= ;
titur of blood, no rest tit night, &it. After Biting I.wiz
bottles of DilSwayne's Compound Svruir of-- Pettilua:
found 'herself ri , lieyed,
itiul by the'tinie•she used the third bottle, she found
116.Seif entirely cured of the - nNresahl- diseatcvvvitli.l4
She .heen .afiliered with for three-years. ;There
are daily certificates, of various persons, Which add,
tadricient testimony cif 1.1. - e great cfficacrof this invaltil
lible medicine. -- For sale - rit the AlviliCiil:Offine, 1 , 5
north Sib streefilPhiladelphia ; aid also at the:llot
Store of - az. .11';‘1yera.47. Co., Carlisle, Pa. • , '
. ,
1 VEll. COAIPLAIN't - air - F4 tire list of 1)i
man Aperi.nt Pais. Mr. 'Wm: 'Richard, Pitatiarg, _
Va T entirely cured et' the abovedistressing . diense: -
his:syroptartn6 were, pain and Height in: the leftoitle; -
loss orappatiie, Vornitina'•,"tteritl a
Sinn of the tleianch Inetdadm. furred tOngite4 .
'entnitenance "change() to a" citrdn. colon, difficulty oi ..,*
Itrauthi ng, disturbed rest, :,Ittended with a cough, great
wit other - svinptonts indicating -grthtt. de.. •
rangement of the fanoions df the Ever. •\L•.ltichaird
had the advice of sev"eral physicians, hot received no
relief, until [wing Dr. lianlich'sracillcineiAlch ter.: -: • -
initiated in ending a perfect care. - :
Office, l 9 n orth 6th street., Philadelphia.,
Also for safe at the Drig• §toe of J. l'lyers -
Co.-Carti4e, = '
1 - h R. gW.Vilsat 1-•4lopeeted - Friend :—From " -
the vei 7 y beneficial ef. •cttel k i 1 luniV'eeeive4
I .lrom the use ofillyCoMpottud of Wild Cli4ey,,-
Bark, I ant fully willing to testify to the astonishing
effect. My'atuivli - tas that of a-common cold, which - •
begau to threaten something . of a more serious nature.'
lirinn recommended to use the above SvrttP, I fipidly -
!,;:kve. , 1.1 a -trial v andur happy _to_sayAC., gave. intot.. . .
no 4 ihshint relief.- I have - used it frequently, and
afira's; th e beliaChki eireCl9., If others
. • .li m ,
wijuld use thiedeeine "at - the aomineitaemeal - of -
their Cohls and Coughs, they would prevent a-diseasu .
which -}c -dild be more at - arming in its eliatli,cter ; add.
intieli more otsiiiade 1 n the cure- ' • •
_ EI,W00 . 1) L.-Pusr,v,
- N. W. corner of Arcii and- fifth streets,'
mouth, '230, 1839. -
, .
The idiove Iledici lie is' forlaler at:the. !tletliv,id •
Office;l9 NortliEil - ;th Sreet, alai] 1184
AFor sale also at the Driw, Store, of Byers
Carlisle; Pi..; at the store of A Keefer, Ilunt --
rishurg; Dentiet & Ilumffarthier, Vol Rod
• fNo*. '2O, 1839.
CURE YOUR oOTTV WM - ore:it:ls 100 •
late. 11-Memher delays itre dangei-ons.•
sands die annually frotn.that' th.endlul 'disease. con-
idualed.ol-114L. • _
commeneeineat and disappointed of its prej,if - proper
:•nfeatisliall=been--exisorttaLiai-..:_iheliem.pillY who
- have thus been snateliedfrbm • fatal Taltiy,er;diy
ilia timely use of Dr. Su ayikla' , CanipoinulSyrup of
Cherry, Lear testimony to this day, anLooncinz
tiwes,,the _wonderful Ores, pePtbrfakty duo
of this invalitable inedieine: •
• . •
;Far sale ONLY at No. 19, North
• Pliiladelphi a, and. respective,ar„ents.
For sale by Alin 'J. - .3l"yers CO Co., Carlisle'l
Keefer, Ilarrislont ;,• Menet 8/..porngardueri Yorks •
suttWlM,Mtlthiott,columbia,Pa...,- . • ,
Janual.V 8, tB4-0..
,IVER'' ; disease s ; disease
often terminntes to of it more serious nay
tore, if proper remedies :ire not resorted to in.time.
In nil forms of tits disease; Dr. ilarlich's 'Compound
Strengthening and 'German Aperient Pills 'wit •A'; r •
forma perfect cure---first t ly elriinsing. the st Mach
imdl9iyeW,lntsiremoy.ilig.nll; tlisopses fro the Li? ,
'ver, by ,'.the,L'd ar tn l r r ei
to tire 'strem, , th and tone tOthoset tier organs which
require such trectincut P.M.1..,Y effect a permanent
• cure. These pills arc midi • put small packf
np~es,~itfi tutu direotioir kor sale, at No. 19,Ntirtli
gieith street.. Also,h CL•Cari
lisle; at the ctore'prA.,-KeeP• Harrisliurg;
St, Beingurduerf:York, m m, id 3 athiott, Colum
biarmt. ' • ' ;As -,..-•;1;ipati..8.,184.9,:i
__IIIri.SYKI'SIA. 'AM) HYP.OO, )ItIAISId. our-
I /Zed hj , Ilaillifi'e - i - elebirritedinedieines. -- W - . - _ -
MOrrisoni Sialh'4'strett,•Philadelphila;
aillielptior pet eraeyears with-the-abport dititresat6g-
di sease---Siekness.atdie7itotnaeli, headache, palpita
tion'of the heart, iinpairedirippetite,perid
kln eructattoopi •
enetia a nt
the extremities,•eaciatioii '
and,genoral,debility,;distarbedyesti pressure ‘and.
weight at the Osmanli atret-ealtlivseverolying
in the . rhest, Uncle and,sides, eostrvenii,AS;,A
sneiety , or conversation, larrguori and
die least , Occasion: . 11r.. Morrison - bad al
the _most eirdoept w4 O
'roairth - 6. -- iiiriree - - of huitddrtkilllo • restore
health; lioNee'rer.,,tis ;hail
-to a deplorable:condition, haling • been induced by
friet al el his . to try I:t. ,s tnedicinci3, as they
hyinghighly 'rtStoninteinled.; by which he
two; varkages fur trial before ',Osing . the secate
juttkagei,lte., fotnalld nraelt;greatly relieved, and*
eantintneg th . e_o . ao of thent.the. disease. entirely:dip;
appeared--Aie ',ls Ow cqrly;ir4 The 'blissvagi
porfeet_heallif ,- • .; • ' • -
ttuipat Office, 19-..1t1i oightWstreet,.Philtulel-- F -1
; Also; for, 170e.tet, the Drug Sforo of •John
- •
D,FIAD'ri:,,I4IIS! - ; ....11' :a .417. I S . - cam-
DI -1' O . U.:111) SYRUP — ; OF .PRFAVS.,.. JUR- 1
G LiV7.l 1. .3 : or ' Trim • ch - 4.1,--zpiis is decia , a
'ono of the hest remedilitt lit- - Liaghti liar r.t4. thi ' . I
in use--4t.nilays rtilrosi s ion 0f,..11 1 4,',1444, 1 i 100 ge1ti the'' ' ~..
__C t ntp,h,,ennshig tit'opfp
hien to rime free totd ereiii;li : ' I
-bthan;l.'utmonttry .C . ottstouptiVir-itec ent=m4dhio==. I
' oie.,.Coutlits,,AVltrezing ' itnil' 'thitliire nr Phlegm 1
Jioarsenesst,llitlicuttfof ,Brenthingilarmo;,Stillthlt • •
,of.=-144 - 41,..&r.;, This Svrtifii irttrrtatoti, to trootta.
I liVemitiient , iztare,'. ir tiiViii, ticcoittliiil - c7 7 4li4i.thitis
Which I keeproinar The , Tattlei. Eor. tin . l(titt : l44.i . go
North Eightle.stroot; ritilthrtlithin.',l '_;..; '•.~. '',..t.
.. 1;A:'or, &tie stf thei.l.)Fig Stcrntit,.4(,, , ,l't. i'Sfycrlt!4‘..
1 1 . i. , !
- , . .' .; :1,, ..' 2 ';' V ' : -
.--.'. , - .- 1 , -:,..*:
i,-;IVIIIII CONIPiA.iNT.-::' , .•!llCia tlisetite'iii4ll4.4 4
. Vzi i • VrC 4 4): 4, figgsl,:oTitiise,.llaki;*ilki 'weight inllYe . , .7
yigitt side•tuttler the' short ,rabs,stternied with hest.c.
attnbitiisiiiblatathei . iit of ,'e?ettilin'ithy there " it to. ,
i,litt.ti,i;l4Bifid Oltiiik, IV, flittiet4lo' .
' oppetttenntll4o4!itkl ,
1 IV: ttlicgui - hybao!ri l e
ii'lianges:to it:Vide otc'pit
itlJteto) ,w)th. j:itialiot
turhe4 rest.;„nttOtttlid'
Jit,!, ing'ou . the' It* . slit*
tinnily tho ilisea,4 ttt
tile, pow O r -of liimPl. ,
Tata Strenglinnito,4
tiken nt the ovation*
,it;4014 hynattiniingt
I.,ptlitt, a yle.rfogtarr
..••'ltif testifylli,thiif fife'
) 03_4_. .qM yr tfic 4r:_ tifittl ir lii i ii t , n3 i
ii,t Hil..
Id miti 1
mfamik al t, ilmicQ, '
7/kisK.4iii 0,,,i'
• CO:tiklile; ''' :'''
. ' -'
- ' lk- ••• ' ';''''.