- m t.'4*.Ak 7 r.V. 5170 ,7 4'/E. THE- subscriber .has jiist returned` tioto .•'"•• the Cities of New York, Philadelphia add Ilal;* tirpote, and is now opeipor, at his store ronni Of Market Square and Main Streets •(for 'merik,occupied'.by peo, yV.,lli . tocr,) a, general as ---Nlorttnent of - , ' , • • iriluiare,Stone ,kare, Cedar - : Ware,' .Trittania: Ware, ....Groceries, Ails, • • Paints, Vin7iisliei, Glass, Brush es, • Whips, ..Canee, Lamps for . . • •• .burniizg Ca2nphine , and a great cnriety. oi`articles us lid .and necessary; • for furnishing and keeping a house. He hasaisto, and will:constantly keep on lend ' • ' • • • • Canopillite Oil, a' cheap and clerk substitute . for sperm oil, and having been appointed the ao•ent of Messrs. BaCkers and Ilrollter of Newark for the sale•ot Jone's JTOte - nt Limps in this county, - he is prepared to fur nislitanipirand'Oil;at a very , reasonable rate to all. irhotnay wish to use this now and economical light; _ Having . selected hiiigoods'hiniself, and made his i • . purchases for cash, he s able, and is determined to ' sell tow. • . • %•,. Those haring the cash to lay out will lind'ittn their advantage to give him a call; • • • • - • , .HENRY DUFFIELD. • Carlisle, July 8, 1840.—tf.'. • : To,th9se A. halik e to ride , easy! . •-- • S.A,MIUEL E'N'S.AINGER. - , ---7- _ RESPECTFULLYriiifOlitraliis-triends inid-the.: . • public ht ,„...enerril, th at .lie has purchased the Patent-Right ofit - oliett Wiheivfor - Cumberlqiid - co; fat' constructing anew and 'Unproved ',. 0 „ . .......... .'2 . !, - .. - Spring Seat W r ipTior . ' 4:\ K . ,,... - •TA D D 1.3 '2 - r- 4 . - ---- . .4fhal. is now prepared to receive orders for the 'same. The improvements claimed are applicable to ' 'any of the cuddles now in use; and consist . of springs .of a-peculiar construction in the seat, ovarranted7tO be " 'good, durable and superior to anY,Over.yet invent:ed. •• .Per Sons desirous . of. examining . th e - alioye mined - sittlills,Ure requested to call and Judge for themselves, -- : .- : --at.liis well-knowit.establiihmentoniligh_street,tiear-. • ly opposite the Postoffice, where they can alio be ac commodated with any article in the. line of Sarklle, - 7 - - .l4liMeticlee:mi-the most - rcttsoiutble"ierioi - ; ---,-- . Thesaddlemof the county =arc ,most,. respectfullv ---- invited tweak! andsthilexCillent - improvemebiit --- , . saddles: - • ' - - - - Reference,mito ' ie . ' iliac- and superiority of this improved' spritir,', maybe" had to the following nom - • ed gentlemen :—Iloti: - Saimiel' Hepburn, - Samuel Al - .. len, 4; G 4 Ege, Joseph Ege, - Thomas Greaion, I len r,f Stubbs, Henry Iltiftor11; 11. Yotter, J. Stevenson, -'• and Benjamin PefferJr. ' . -,.--------•` --- ---- • June 24, 1240.--.1m., • Dehttil'Surgery. rpm SUBSCIUntIi respectfully., tentkys his • grateful ackuoulledgments to the :public for the Very share of patronage - he, has received thir ;ng-the pait feariund - vVimiditill continue to offer them his professional services ill their carious bratt rhea 41t his tesitlence;NO. , 7, Hatrper!s Row. He files, eleinsesomd -plugs teeth, and inserts incorruptible tatrer - metalicititilicial teeth in the most approved maziner. . - Chargds,always moderate. • CarlislN March • • • Deutis.try. - - DR - ..I. C . ...L00M15 -- rem tied to Carlisle, and will, as heretofore, attend to the pitaettee of Dentistry. 'De may • •be found at ColiMiir Perree's Hotel. -Persons re f , • questing it, will be waited upoMat their residedce.“ - , DR. GEORGE D. FlitiLKE, - R er s ° Da. DAVID N. 111.ttioN.• • March if 1840.• • IMPORTANT TO MILLERS & MANUFACTURERS. . Bowd'i Improved Water IV-IreeL . THE Eiiliscriber hating Mtrebased 'of the - origin '' al --Patentee 'the above Water-Wheel , for the stare of Pennsylvania, will di spose.of individ cal tights,or counties on advantageous terms.- This --araterwireel-has . been fully.testett anti vrovell to beau : far superior to any kind in • its power , of, propelling machinery, havisig a greater force than any other. . _wheels in proporttoti to the quantity et water applied. is calculated. to be Moreparticolarly _usetul. at .._mills,ltatiog from two to eight feet head and fall, • and to greatly obviate the inconveniences experienc ed from back water. It is Considered by those hav ing them iiluse ns one. attic most important Improve ' ments-that has ever Leers introduced for its siinplici- i ! .7, - itran g thrstehiliuess of motion and durability. It ticonstructed altogether of iron and not so expensive .to- make as no 'undershot, and operating with about half the water and not liable to be obstructed .by ice. in the winter: The subscriber will devote his utten _ Lion to calls for these wheels at such places its may . _lle required. \ILCHtLti 31i'DiATH; Harrisburg:= . . [Cotr..] Via is to certify, that I.have put ;none of Ho'd's --Patent Casilron_Direct Action Water _~Vheele; in ----place of a- Reaction_Wheel ;that tliireet.Wheel does not flood the tailrace as much by three inches ,/ftts the reaction did, and that t can_ grin() seven bush els with the direct-action wheel an hour, and drive two run of stones, where I could not grind four bush els in the 'same tithe with the reacti.m and driie one run" of stones. . ISTER. EARN) STO CK._ Euphrata, Lati.'eo. Oct 1838. - • - - c - • :=Alloyay,-May 5,-1838; , eirtify - ;drit-thar.e.te' vengaged..ni ut-. • Ting in S. B. in caet direct action water wheel both in the State, of New York and 'in Michi gan; and can give it as my'd ecidekofinion thdf,iyith ''B feet head or under, rightly : Pad. in, it wilt do more . business with the same - water than-any other,. water wheel whichl.have yet had any expertehce in; and in reference to, ak Water , is second best to' none-that I • hate `yet tried .-Ipreferencetoguarilinjagainstice, --- 7thePe — iionlie - tittliettereperation, and - it IV very - easy . to he" kePtin STEVEN JlEthr)irla • - - . . • -""• t t • - Alloway, ep .. , `lids may,eertify that ljtace had in my Mill oni-StT - 'ltlr:lloWil's direct water wheels for the spliCe -of-one year: It is a five feet wheel, ant I hate , hail a re action in the Fame place--1 have alsoluul Wheeler's Union, Wheel; yet (think Mr. HOord's will tto more business ,Witklesswitter than-way oilier 1- hata-Arled.- - It does well in. baelt. water. - I.have had froni'6 to 6 feet head.- . ....f,think we could do as much - work With, • hall,the .wstrr apwe wed, to do with the undershoot - • wheel, Which hits also been in operation in my I.AWBEINCE. RILEY. • . . „ • • . :Lyons, Sept. 3,1838. . is Inity, certify;thnt w - e - have used - one of - S. - Howl patent irater Wheels since December - the ..si e t of- a re.aciion , wheel, and we think that -- - Howtrawill-Alo . double the business with the tame - water chat the re-action will do, or very .near. never:have but three feet head, and. can grind , with that eight bushellinitiour.. We are subject to back water. .-' This wheel:will do, c as good btuoness under ki,mrilterli .. oti on and - wo - recommendlt - to• thenttenilin and patronage of thepeblie• • • • ' ' SIMON AURTT; ,• , • - , MILES S. LEACH. Wi.-BSD,OSTRESSED.- inilt-wright,. is *rigor the above _ mentioned water wheel -in the, eesutieS of Dauphin, Cumberland and 'Yerk, aaJI wif at all tittteiiiie rcadyto atilt - id' for il - Citi - side - and. Cite cf,ttiti:Att'' -at notice; ~by _addressing - him.- at lberland 'county; Pa. vamiited to cure iiiicaor -no pay Laken for it. ' NG FRJUDI - • . iterepiti4bia , dared to make en at-' lole, and several have Veen - nearly: Neve, Buy - it, unless:it has the ' COMTOCK & CO. on the firm havethe only-right to 20 yimira, and all - from them is innocentantlegeetaal Wall eases.' acted ie' &l by. its i4t hiving ii*Mbeirtteaiild only '"tf..CCIMSTOCIC fir. CO; ii&i,lld.:2FleteheriOlelr,Varlf; *VW PrciPlielthr• litevedion Meehan icsbo rg Line / is • ifiterevecit MechanicOolirg and lsalraiiclpltin.,or . ii.d.u.,:poAh= on vadvapi _ rrHE subscriberi grateful - for 'iiast fayors i beg leave to inform their friends and the truistic generally, that they' gtill continue to yun a line of burthen Cars regulattly between Mechanicsburg and Philadelphia or Naltimore,by which goods and pro duce of all deseriptions will be forwarded with care and despatch nt the lowest ratespf friight. PrOduct; will:lie-received, at their Ware Houses in Mechanicsbni7,..and, ferwaided to• either Phila delphia or Baltimore, according to the direction of the- ownem The highest price will be given for Wheat and limn% nimsmtcii N. B. Plaster of Pario and Salt atways-Itept„ on hand,ind for sold ht the lowest prices. . • 1 -- JitlY - 2.9,1840.--ly., • • - • ell .11eui tine of Freight ears, , . . . • , • -k0.17'41"? ' ' . •' . , . „ • 4 : Wu', , ' _141: • • Wat.*7: • liorawatautamatawv-ma —TO PHILADET.PHIA. , •: . timsui)scriber,gratefulfcir past respectful ly acquaints-his friends and the_publie,„tbat fie has put into. operation on the Hattisburg, Lancaster lc Uo lumbia • . , .• mMIt TA,1001:4 . . a line of Ale \V DOUBLE CABS, which will run rev:- ladyb ven Harrisburg and Philadelphia, by winch Goo . I Produce of nil descriptions 1011 be forwnr: ded with rei and despatch, at the lowest rates of freight.. • • Boodsavill be recetrert at the , Warcnouse of THOS. J. MAXWELL, N. E. corner of Binad and Vine sheets,Philadelphia, and forwarded to Harrisburg, - Earlisev - Cliambersburg, -and intermediate _Places, by the subscriber. 0-- • OWEN WCABE, ._ I larrisbur , ••;_Feb..s,l _ . • . - 1.1811, ' S ALT:AND PLASTER - , constantly on lepul,..Cashpaid for almost all I;juds •Qt . .cpuntry pro duce. • • . . . . Craig, lt elias h• -Co. - COMMISSION &_FORWARD - . • ING MERCIIANTS, ' . nave removed lo.the_capaciousMarehouse recently_ occupied by.D. Leech & Co. ittrthemorth-westcorner olCherrymnl-Broadatre - et, PhiladelPhia. 77"'•''' . '..- From the . &Citifies which the location-and internal arrangement of this depot uffiZil, 30 to 40 Burthen Cars cite be aeconnnotlated to unload anflThad of. the same time with sufficient room to store.2o,ooo barrels of Flntir, and 300 to GOO ton of Grain exclusive of the forwarding department. -yrotlnee nf every descrip tion will be received as It usual on consigillnelltB; a & n ibernr.atlt W inCeSlnade9 receipt (it required) until Se es are effected. • - . , . CRAIG...,.IIELLAS & Co. -: .--. .. Nurth:West,corner of Cherry & Broad st. . . . , .. ,_,. _Philadelphia. - - . • REFIMENCES.. ' • . W.'S. Colman, Cavhier. ' ' . • .• IIe.MIL - r ti & Parker, car i sB 7 c. _ • • 'Henry Hhoatla; ' . , • • • - ' -- - Saunderson Sr. Bossermaa' , .Irecnb g‘i'oyer, Neurville„ ' _.........._ . ,- David Nesu,, Shitipenthurg. _. • • - 'J. Logan Smills,baq...CaehierZ c liambersburg. Eyster; Huth & Co, _. --S -- ' itobert Fleming, • Catherwood b:, Craig, Wm.ll:Thompson & Co. PhiraderPina• Whit All & Brown; -.-°— • . . . _ Produce Wanted Immediately. • CASH will be paid for - 'NIT THOUSAND 'bar rels of-Flour; T r.N.-T usAND bmtheis of Wheat; FTELN .1110USANDTa - Rb - EF -- 3 Amt -- TEN THOUSAND bushels nf-torsi, by tile subscriber; bo can at all times be foinul at his Ware-house on j the Cabathelir . EialWahiut and State strectS. - OWEN . CXBE - . --- . . .1 Ibirriiburg, April I, I tblo.-tf - Th‘e • Is warranted staid or .restored, mid the head kept free from dandruff by .the genuine', OLMIVE'S BALM OF COLUMBIA., . "Pdem embrr. the genuine nn-described below. 'This is certifiedto by several Mayors, Ministers of the Gospel, British Consul, Physicians, and a great number of our. most:honorable citizenerta-henseeu where it is sold. DRING :FRAUD! • • This article has been imitated by a notorious'comi terfeiter.. Let it never be ptir — dia - sed or ftised unless -it-have-the:iiime-nf—L.-.S..COAISTOCK} {, or .thesig - ,; nature of COMSTOCK Ri CO. on aliplenilid wrap . per. , This is.the only;external_test _that_willseettre .the public from deception. c • •. • Apply at the wholesale and retail - Office, No. 2 I..Fletcber.street,near Maiden Lane and Narita.. • , Address COMSTOK &CO., Wholesale Druggists. .....aThe 'genuine is for sale by Stevenson &Din ! kle Carlisle, - [Dee. 11'1839. 1y: . i• • TETTER! , ITCII !- 7 TETIF.II-!--ITCII !—Dr. . Leidy's , celebrated TErl'Ell. AND ITCIL QINT.M.ENy. ildaily becom,ing more popular.. Dai ly de numerous individeals stop and inform the Imo -prietor of its great Meccas in.removing and curing the_ Triter and Itch. , 1 Numerous testimonials might be published of eacy, but for_ the delicacy felt by individuals having them namesibitilislied in connection with so loathsome amidisagrecableaf(cctions. It may be used with perfect Safety by young .pad 1 old; even upon infants', containing no metjury or othr lista • er mineral souces mpareal itscomilosition, m st confident ' .I±Tecommends it as superior to any Owe remedy Hu. Ttltelretter ainlitek , =Preparedinurinild'at - Dr.:114;2. dy's licaltli.Emtioriiim, (Sign ,of the Golden Eagle and Serpents,) No. 191 Nurth Second street, beton , Vine. Also sold by • • • '' • — STEVENSON - &DINKLE; - Deuggists; Carlisle • Trice 25 Cents a Box:." - - - Ju1y:29;1840 —3ra • • ir IVOR - COMPLAINT, ten years standing, cured !' „r o i( by the nseef Dr.lhirliclesCompound Strength.: eningand German Aperient pills: Mrs. Sarah Boyer, _wifecof William Boyer, north 4th street above Gal lowhill? Pliilitilelphia,Aintirele• cured Or. thgAthaVe distressing disease. - Der • symptoms were,'"habitual costiveness of thibowe s,total lossefappetite,exerii-' -Ciating•pain in the - sideistohuch and backAciireiiii - n - i of epiritit; extreme debility, cbuld not He 'on her left side without an aggravation of paintwitliother.syntp toms indicating great derangement in the functions of lthe liver. Mrs. Beyer, was attended •by several of the first phySiciaiis e but received but, little relief from their medicine I at lag, a friend of hers procured a package Of Dr. Hirlich's Strengthening and. German which i by-the-use-ofene-package T in, 49ccd-herlo - continue with the medicine; which re. suited in effecting a peipanasit cure; beyond the pFesTitiakof her friends. • ' • • PrinCi&il (Mee for . l.Eicraediciae'ii at No.'l9uortb -Bth zitree4Phila t , ar-The lied at the-Thisk Carlisle' Pa. j lk CUTE BRONCHITIS,'-tOREHITINEiI. :11 •QP .CONSUMPTION.7-Thas disease is very much likew common catarrh, it generally commences dike an. Ordinary coldorith - Lassitude,, slight Cough and oppression and' tightness about the breast. In many i n stances the disease seenmat first Ofno very:serious cheractee. As the disesie continues the Oppression in the, breast4inereases,t ll o countenance becomes ,expressive Cr - anicletY,' the respiration be conies more and more labciriousoromethwes wheezing or ratting sound, as irthe, air 'wrid fcirced. thrOugh a narrow aperture' clogged'.with vieold fluid— ne glect this disease it tour be of scliouriwOntrequenee,' that by a, thnelyTaiplication. to Dr. Swayne a • Corp- Oend 61P1fP d Chan, 4h• a strict attention to the'dineOtibAilltheee-uuldesseet-elreelti'wlll-be removear ;circle), as „It is . sold at no place ex. -cent at Hoolt/HORTII. EIGHTH Steeet,c*atthe rerzectlye.ogents... Poi sale-at the Drut Store' -John. ' Alyce k CO. Gailisle ••PO, 411, 11/844. - ‘ITJ..--,.104_,.,_..:::0,41- ::: ,:4:v i ii:.l*4:it: . -R):**'. - #.4.:.tx.:, 4 . .. - :::._,':: p.:40 . '110: . t._ - ,,10_ .-,v4- . . . . • jct . .Tonic,• For the grOwth, preservation :cif ! 64 • hair.. This is int•etieellent article, soil line, in nu merous instances, produced a line , grciWth of 'hair . on the heads of persotie who had been baldfor years. LADiEi ANn GFNTLEtiEN - Do .you Wl9l/ CIE nt t~ luxuri ant and.betiutifuhl hair ? I knowyou ilt ansWP.r. yes. Hear, for one moment; the cause of haloes, why , it. - tarns gray; sislyan'd coarse;harsh and: unpleesan jiiits appearance; and filially falls pit Each hair has a root sir the skin, ind is itself a hollow tube, through which there is a constant drculation of fine blood:: By this ,circulation the hair is .nourished and :held covered glossy.eolnuriS given and preserved, and it with the tioest oil, N ow any thing which in jures the skin of the head, or diyerts or takes away. the blood frpiiiit, will prevent or impede thy; jcireula tion through the tubes of, the hair, stii"tti groWth, and cause it to fall (Afar Curn gray; or both. - Hence it is that any cause that obstructs or weakens the cir- , culation of blood the skin; or that diverts the blood to ether pa in of the.systere, will take away the' lively, fresh and outhful appearance of , the hair,' ar rest its growth, urn it gray sopnor or later, and in - , thousands of ins tances causehirentatiire baldness. . . . . • .._ . FOr ttaip . ' . . . . . STEVENSQN 84.,D1NN1 r'l Y: , S; ELT.:IOI - 1%, and ___.,-... Carlisle, re . . May,13,1844).—1y Hair Tonic.--We call the attention of those If flietedvith premature baldness. to the excellent, Hair :Ironic prepared by Dr. Jayne of this rcity. Having, used itourSelves, we call speak of its.virtites by expe rience, and we unhesitatingly pronounie it ariinialu able remedy to prevent the' falling off ofilielfair,und to-restore it-from-Iti-dead,-'to-ii-fine ? „healthy_appear , mice. Wecan also speak froto_personfil knoWledge Of the cases tWii - mr threejeiends - Wlio - werepredisz wised to baldness, who by.the use of Jayne's Hair -Tonicihave now-luxuriant hair. :_We havemoaispo rAtion to puff, indiscriminately all kinds of remedies for all diseases which flesh helm. to, hut when we have testeil,the virtue of an article we are free to say it is good.—SagurcroyEvNingAst._ .. ' • Jczynes hair Tonic.— . -We have, heretofore, punt-. tiered ourselVes among those who believed that the i fair Tonic, prepared by Dr,. Jayne, 'Was one of the many quack .nostrums Whose virtues are never seen bevond the fulsome puffs of their authors. We are waling, at length, to make public acknowledgment of the error'of. our belief. ---Aim intimate frientl i some two 'or three months since, all the top of„ whose crani u m 'wttattabald'as a-piece-of-polished marble, toutgrd-ell, 'our jesting and ridicule' of the idea of attempting to cultivate so- barren a spot purchased a bottle or' live of the flaieTenic from. D r . to his ilirectiionsnpplieilDitring_the present week -the same_friend itsbcreti Ameoveriogliishitlierto naked head. ast oni ihed esyvith a thitritbousli lexutgaittgrowth of hair, from one to tteo ibehes in lengthupon the very premises we had es unyielding to cultivation as the trackless -sand that skirts the Atlantic.. This is no puff, but is religioeslitrite,and_to_tbetse who doubt : Abe gentleman can be pointed out. What is more in favor of - fliis "Tonic,' the case here cited - was not One of tempora ry baldness—no sudden loss of the hair—but was - one of years' standing, though the -the gentleman is but forty-five years Of, age. , .-11,,itadelphia - I:Spfril of the noes, ' . !-WAR-1 WAR !---The Wigmakers have dechtml-hostilities agahist. our neighbor Or. Jayne, on account of his Hair Tonic, which is knockin g all their business into a "cockcil 1140_, Ladies andbeii tlemen-L-eld i smt. young areflocking to the Doctor's standavl. Heads long divested ateven the-fl - rst rudi thents of hair,Tafter_usinghi - hilfah; tonic _soon aypear with new and flowing locki, which Absalom !muse! might have envied.. Beardleas -boys - are.seen with large - and .bushy whiskers ;-mid smiliKagnin through their!own - riiveit ringlets more beautiful -and bewitching than ever. Bald heads arc doffing their wl4 - 8 and throwing Them to the "molts and the bats," while the Wig makersstandaglnfsVhs - Alhy - b - Thitilik, the demolition of their business. • - - - - - _ ' What will be the 'Consequence - of this iirir we know not, is the wiggles are outrageous, -and the Doctor re mains firm, and declares that "some things catibc. done as well as others," andAhat bald heads may as well wear their own hair as that or others.---[Week-_ ly Messenger. • • Jaynes Atilt Tohic...—We.meet utalmost every corner, when perambulatingthe streets, men wearing long and glossy hair, which they seem. to. be-. proud cd, and others whoitave raiscdmi a few weeks, n crop of,-blici: moustaches; tip t i‘yould vie with the 'hiiiiiithatiiver Walked' theforestH4t . bas puzzled us t dow the -secret of - alLthose - wondrous crops-of liabl but Messrs. SANDS, 79 and 160 Fulton-street; _Vase .got. tit c.remetif itherrAti:=Wll9lllr_ecalrillt:l_.s. in such matters. may: learn - a valuable .secret.- , --ere York NWT: • Sold in 'Philadelphia at 20 South Tliird[Stivet CLEANSF. AND . PURI FY YOUR BLOOD! This can be • effectually done by'Dr, Leidy's SARSAPARILLA BLOOD. PILLS. Now is the season, the Spring time of year, when . the gross hu mors of the system - ought to be removed from the bo dy and the. blood purified, thus preventing the sin. .gular, and unpleasant feeling common to all, of a dizziness; drowsiness, peculiar heaviness of the head, and other feelings, giving rise. to what is generally called the Spring Fever. • _ Upwards of tt.IFK) of Dr: Leidy's Blood pills have been SoliCiloring the past year, at retail alone. . :Orders-hay& been .rezesved ICani_theSOutkaintWest, during the past Month, Ibr more than 100 gross !. thus . ! _showing thegreat depand fol 4 thetn i and proving - that.. there -must lie f - knife eXtriieriliiiiiry cause to produce" it. It is easily explained, dick are the Mildest, and - Safest . pin-alive, as well as , the most efibetual in cleansing anditurifid ug thebloOd;iail QUI moving the principal causes of disease ever iliscovereil„: 'limy : are' safe, beeauw theyare warranted free from ' Minerals, and may be taken without diet, restraint from Occupa- ' lion, or a fear of takin g cold fi•ointheifase. They. do not debilitate the system as do otliciiiilh aid purga tives; thein.'. operation is gentle, b -always effectual, They have elicited numeromi te moniala-from_ phy-... 7sr p sicians . and others, which accmipany the directions, ainlare Confidently recommended in - Rheumatic - Af- - fections Scrofula, Erysipelas, Jaundice , Heartburn, Diseasai l or the liVer,.skin, bones and glans, Pain of I I the sidee;along the back and spine over the region of the heart and-stomach,ltiwatil fevers, bad taste in the mouth, foul breath, Flatulency, Indigestion, Want of Appetite, Sour Eructat ion and A.cidities of the Stom ach, Ulcerous sores of the nose, throat and body, Scaly ruptioniand-blotclies-01-the-akin,-Dry_and..xxat.ery_ pimples and pustules or the face and body,Tetter and Ilingworms, Swelling and hardening , of the' glands of Jheneck,imthe,groit - ophreast, bt.e.,StOntach Coughs t Liver Compluint,Waterbrash, &c. Andall the wltole . train of diseases, resultingMom' Impurity of Blood, Constitutional Diseases, &c.,-only in - Pliilailnltiliiii, -- iit - Dr. - Leitly's -- HealtliEnnporium -- ;2ii below - Vine sL - , -- ' ---, Also sold by F. Klett, Druggist 2d and Callowhill streets; J. Long & A. Fairer; Druggists, Lancaster; Peter Pornp,Druggist, Easton; W.ll, Pomp, Tfrug - Also by STEVENSON &t. DINKLE, Druggists, ',Carlisle,Ta. : ' [July 29 194.0=-3m : . - . Price2s.Tenli et „ifottle. . __ --,La-OUGHS: 'CONSUMPTIONS, ANA spwriNGNoP - BLocia;- , .nr. -- swaY.NE'S - , Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry Bark is foundlci be the best 'article for healing, the ulcerated lungs; stopping night sweats,and relieving the- cough, that ever has been in use: Thoes who are afflicted, would "do well to procure this medicine tieforelt is too late. Certificates of many cures can be seen by_applying at No' 19,VV'brth - .E(exth - Street., Philadelphia, where ' edicine.canalwatittedL_Price-$l-Per. 'Bottle, or six .bottles for $5. - • Por sale at theDrugStorelif.TOßN J ..711TERtt 41 CO., Carlisle; also, by A. Reefer,. Barrisburgl pelmet & Bombgardner, York; and Mm. Matlitidt, Columbia, Pa.- • ---- C urrymuit ONSultit'TlCihT! CONSUMPTION I that fell destroyer' which destroys Its Thuirettarli and -- imiht-annually.-Ilesr-shall-we:avert ' its fata progrees before it inezes'upon the , vitals ? I would, answer at once: Take some suitable , medicine to arrest the disease at the very: oommencemente-t Hovi'very Marty do' e bee in the world Attie 'deli cate frames look scarcely Wet° supporteven &short reign of existence—hut for the timely care and pro:.. per means they make use , ofoltimes will...far outlive, themost athletic and robust; who begleet such timely care and proper means that are-placed,within their midi, which. would unquestionably avert if ~ taken.k_ proper time: At the bitad - of all reniediett, antHbe first in rank, sttinds Dr: - Swayhe's' Componnd Syrup Of W,ild,Cherry. Which, if adroln*red in titoe; mid taken agteeably to the prescribed rules which accom pany tbe medicine,Will nine times but , of ten check tts_proglvib,sindrstbre'-theltatiebt.hi-health.-- - ''x,•-• -1.- Principal 001ce t No:,19"hTorth Eighth p trect; Phil 'Webb%) Where thislqvalcalde - medioino cab always ' be obtained : Prick $t per bottle... , : , • • "._ rib ., bale itt -thiOrtqp•Stoei 'of TolM3'."hlyers.bi Wet. arlisle, 1%; . • , _,...., . Nov. p '2O, 1880. . DR. BECH.TgR7s" . ,• C i ohlsauffuenitis, 4ethnias,'Catarrhs, ;Diseases of the Breast and Lungs, 'and Cr- : • . rest of .approaehing. Consumption. • • • , medicine has . proved itself 4 !"...0ne Of the most efficacious ever employed in the abode uffcoti6ns. -Itis-wellltndwn-to thousands; but. iii_Order to_ make _lin:tore genertilliAnoWn„thellsollt. scriber - thinks it necessary' to- publish the : following proofs, which constitute bin 'a • small portion of the tcstimeny. that might he adduced ' in ; proof of., its effi cuey.' :Throughout Germany - it is used' employed' more than any-other preparation for Colds; &c., and' isthere so well known for iSs effictioy,that they..cali it "The Life preserver." ' • - '" • „ Price 50. cent a _Bottle. , om the• United States Gazette. ' COM= CATION TO AIOT.HEItS.- - • Having seen 'an 'advertisement. in the' Inquirer of this city, of.-Dr, Bechter's Pulmonaryeservatlyei ; for Coughs, Colds, Astlinins, Stc:, I was induced-from reading it, to make a trial of it. liaving>a . ffimily of seven small . children, there seldom passes a dav with out baying t o . give some one of Omit something . for the numerous affections cOmmoifto children.. Of all the di fferent:Patent-Medicines, I never found one so general efficacibus,l Of - only-found it serviceable fOr Coughs, Gelds, ke. )- but also very. beneficial- indeed' for Cholla Pains; Diarrhoea and restlessness, so com mon to small - children ; oil which account 1 slutlinever bewjtliMit a bottle of it. It a relieved me of a tron bleiome cough, shortness o breathing.;and pith) in my 'side and breast, with • ich have been .troubled nearly twelve months. Two skilful physicians ofthis city attended me for it without effect. 1 accordingly discharged them, and lia . ving•used four bottles of the three weeks.'__Very respectfully-- . " • Signed, }.l SULLIVAN. - •Eastonv November. 16th, 1837. .- N'II;I;EIHY, - Plii la - del • Dear should consider it ungrateful, if I did not inform you - (and - with my consent allow you to publish this) that after having tried by the recommen dation a my friends, almost every kind of medicine for coughs, colds, tie. , lOver found relief until late ly, haying used Dr„ Beehmr's Pulmonary - Presdrva tivccreeonmiended to me by your agent in this d. an which cured me of n violent congli, spitting of blood, pain of breast, and sherteesi of breath, ofWffirla liaieJteeti.otilicted for two years past, lam now, hOwever, enjoying as. goodiiealth as ever, and twenty recovery tothelitiove - valuable Signed, 14. ATWOOD. ---- ITraeslatiettfecdnweettetesteationin German. • Pittsburg, June 261:11 1.839. DR., LEIDY, at Philadelphia,_ . • • • /161)1.1ed much pleased after, My.arri vallii this-country, tolled that Dr. Beelder's valuable preparutioniso long. ;successfully used in many- parts of Germany, is now prepared by you.-A-•-have seen marry wonderful cures•matle by it in thb old country. Marry pelaucnis whose-lungs were suppoSed-to be al- MoSt entirely destroyed, and pronounced hieurable, lctvc becturestored- , to goodAlealth by it. . I know where one.case-was-beyond-theitoPes_tif broe:uakr-0v...: cling, and teas for yearalielPless. 'and confined to bed without being .able to sit up, .buit• uWas raised-frolic wonderful effects of Dr. BLehter'S Pulmonary Preser vative, and so far cured as to he able to ride and walk about. A great many instimees haves-been - cured in the various pnlmonartaffectiona, and I • have myself received,-great-benefit from it, both here. and in my. .native coni.ti V. I.liiifie it ' May be' siteceSsful iii this country - xi it half been in .German a:. When properly, known no family Will be without:it. I'. S; I get it ii. this place of your agent.' Nears, • Signed, S. SCHATIRE. IL D N.• B. LEIDY, • Oit-votir-rccommendation,imaile_use_ot,Di...Bech ,. ter's Tinton:my PrcserVatiVeS, and although I hind tried ; ill other reiheiliealbe'iny cough“ never.fOund relief except on the ;time ,medicine.- I have been much - benelitted b - Y it, and_ Rave recommended - itto -- many °Biers; who have suffered with pains -in their breasts, coughing, spitting of blood; difficulty (Oren- , thing; colds, roflucnzas, &c. and till have been speedi ly cured thereby.; • •With.respect, yours, &c. . • • - • Sigma, I. HOPKINS. Trenton, N. J. Oct. 12, 1839. friend Leidy—Thee will be much surprised atmay coinmumicationMieut I inform thee of my perfect-re covery, after having used six bottles of thy medicine. Thee - kilows - how miserahle - truirdistrest - ed - -I-was.-' , - - ; Pale and sickly, without appetite, full of pain, with much cough, and oppression in my chest, rattling' in my throat, &c. I am now enjoying good health, and thougli.6o years. of age, feel Young in spirits, and must 'attribute my good health to the_ good effects oh thy -Pulitionar"-Preservative: -Thy friend Signed; • • R EMLEN.-- 1 - ' Lancaster January 4th, 1839. whose case I described to you in; the city of Philadel phia; The hoarseness and•soreness of her throat, with which she - suffixed many months, has entirely disap' reared, tier cough is -not so-violentineither has'she any more pain $ll her breast, but. is entirely cured.* She used only Dr. Beater's Pulmonary Vreservatire, which you so strongly recommended. I remain yours. Signed; . JOHN•TURNER. . • The above medicine is prepared only and for sale; wholesale and retail nt Dr. N. B. Leidy's Health Em 'porium, No. 19 No i rth Second street,helow Vine st. (sign of the Gold& -Eagle-and- Serpents,) pbuc Also' for sale at • P. Klett's Drug Store, end and Callowhill street, J. Smith & Co's do. - 2d- at. ,next Red Lion Tavern, J. Long's & A. Fairer'sdo. Lancaster; Peter Pomp's ilo. Easton; W". IL Pomp's db. ' • - -- Alt - oTSTEVENSO Carlisle, Pa. .• [July 29 1840-3 m • . . .. The . b eg et ladiaiaable ri14... __. . Area purgative -- medicine, so natural to the litinattii .1 'constitution and-withal So mild, andpleasant in. their en - operati on, that not the slightest dread of pain or sick, t - to ness,.need - bc. apprehended_ from =Their-use,-evertliy-- - their :the most delicate: at the-same dole, if used in such a /een- , manner. as io operate,freely, by the .bowels; those . speed's- Morbid humors, (which- deposited upoictlie.varions ,we sulfa.) will most assuredly be ternovet ....,_ ... . parts of the body . are the cause of every tactil; ande_ or not JPKINS. ' only will ;min, oigli steels of every description ne A ri- Itt, 1839. - Yen from the botlyibuttlisease in any form will bairn surprised attny possible. Jf my perfect re- For the same . rea son, when, frOm the sudden cluing aof thy medicine. es of atinospliere, or any other cause, the perspiration distresfed - -I-was.- - - - - - : ischecked,-andthose humors which should passoff by. te, full .Of pain, with the - skin, are thrown inwardly, road ng headache, nau- I my chest, rattling' in scan, and sickness, pains in the bones, watery tend in : jiving good health, and flamed eyes, sore throat, hotirseness,couglis,consump loung in spirits, and must tionolieumatic pains in valious parts of the body,and o the_ good effects. of by _many other symptorwtofcatchingceld, the Indian veg -Thy friend antlwalvisher.- - etablellilis _will . invariably: giVeAnditediate ,relia..- , -. lt. ENILEN. ' Three or four pills, takeout nighten_goingiolied,end caste_ ,r .Trinuary 4th, 1839. repented a few times, Will remove all, the above un ofthe2i-tioreirreitiiiy..wife; pleasantsymptomikatuliesVaethebtely_to,exerLautt_e_ -on in the city of Philadel- derhealth than before.. ... . : . . "fe"e" of her thro 4 t , with - The Indian Vegetable Pilla, , (lndian Purgative) arc nths, has entirely disaE, a natural, and therefore Reertaineure for Costivenesi: violent; neither has's e .be - cause they Cleanse the•stotinichand.bOwels of-those ut. is entirely cured.— bilious humours, Which not only paralyze, and weaken I monary Vreserva tire , ;the digestive or but fire the cause of headache, tiled. I rein:tie yours. 01IN -TURNER.• nauseau and sickness, palpitatioe of - the heart, flying pains in various parts of the betlY,' and many other , I only and for sale , disagreeable qomplaints. 'The same may be said of 'tide's health Em- difficulty of breathing, on asthma • the Indian Vegeta -A:below Vine st. ble Pills will loosen and carry off' by the stomach and vents,) Philadel- bowels, those toug,h plegbmy humors which-stop up '- t ... • ---"" all air cells of the lungs, and aro the cause of the above 'lowhill street, dreadful complaint. . . '.• .- • Lion Tavern • . PeterPomy's, In all disordered motions of the.bloint, called inter-- mittent,remittent, nervous,. inflammatory and putrid' -.....FEVERS,AIm..Jediae Vegetable Pills will be found a certain remedy;. because they cleansefEe's-fiiireneli and-bowelsof-allbilious rnatteriond purify theblood;- - A CHALLENGE. • • • consegnently,as they remove the cause or every kind ~ of disease, they arc absolutely certain to 'cure every fOO 11Pollocrs will -- be: Forfeite d - kind of F,ver., , .- - - -• To any individual ivhovill pr o duce a -preparation -So also - when morbid limners are. deppsited upon equalto•Dr- LEIDY'S NIEDICATED.LxTIIAGT the membrane and-muscles, causing those pains, in- OF SARSAPARILLA. It is positively' the strong- flammations and swellings called Rheumatism, Gotit, est'preparation in existence. One bottle of. it is equal '&c.; die Indian Vegetable Pills - ,mey.. be relied on as to six pints of the strongest syrup - that - Mr be made, always certain to give' relief, and if - persevered - witty and - numerous individuals prepare from it a syrup will'most assuredly, - and without fail, make a .perfect which they - put - in - bottles of different sizes and-shapes- cure- of- the- above- ;inlaid maladies. ~-From-three-to: selling it - as - their - Preparation- ivliem- in t-reality-:d is. six of said-Indian Vegetable Pills, taken every night ' the preparation of Dr. Leidy ;- 'thesyrup.being . made:, on going to bed, will, in a short time, completely rid from his oxliact;li receipt fur which accomeames each the 'hotly - of - all7lnorbid - rtintetierupt -humors rand bottle of Dr. Leidy% p re oration,Wherebrif a syrup Rheumatism, Gout and pl,iti of every description, will is wanted it can be made at an expense of - two 4511 - ars - disappear as Irby magic. - . — a gallon without paying for it at the rate of 50• to 75 - • ]['should be rentertibered that the Indian Vegetable cents a bottle or eight or ten dollars a gallon. Dr. Leidy's Extract of Sarsaparilla is unusually .• Pills are certain to remove paid the side, oppres iii pleasant to the taste,taken either by itself or in a glass • sion; nausea and sickness; lois of appetite, costive liege', a yellow tinge of the skin and eyes, and every of water. - It Is useless here to speak of its medical, -virteesvueeveryinalf, - Woulifo - Mcd - eifilil - Wh , t . :, -- tMreati --, othee-symptom-of-Liver-Gomplaitiltbecause,they know.s elf its efficeey„ its qualities having been, and is Purge from the body these corrupt and stagnant hu daily being published it, all pewit - papers. - . • mors which,tvben deposited upon .the Liver, are the ....Itia.partieultirly.adepted - to the-spring and aumuler ,=cause of the- above-dangerous' toniplaint.---They-ire ; also a certithi'Preventive of apoleiy.and Sudden dliith; seasons, being of a more purifying nature than any- Because they carryon' those humours which, obtitruo othereietticine„, ever_ discovered._LlttLeharacter,tind :. ths „ theetees i st i es seethe eses , c if a r esh._ oe _d eter ,, efficacy_ is .well known throughout the United - StaTes, _ 0 li".being in genera) use .and preferred to -all-ruliertr on turnip • bland ' to_the bead--giddlness especell n turning suddenly raued.=blintliiessowsi i ness throughout the South and West; upwards of -11,000 —loss of - memory--inflammation of the brain—in bottles having been sold during the past 12 months.. . ' , Numerous certificates froin • ith,y miens and, others,: of the mind. and every other disorder, • - aswell as directions accompanying each bottle. I ONE WORD TO THE _SEDENTAR.Y.:...:i•-•,1 - Extract Of a letter from Dr. J. B. Ilaidiff, Mobile :_i --.-Those whefrom habit or occupation,are kept rnuch "Your preparation of Sarsaparilla is the moat eff t - withintdoors;ahOuld remember that they i frequentl . more beneficial - results - using 2. or 3 bottles of it '. Pr per expansion of the lungs, and at the same time, eac h- J o s a mmy . I have ever _eteptOyed • • 1 have known breathe an atmosphere -Which tewholly.o ifit fort t. than has been - effected in similar cases by a-dozen - or -- owingto_want cif exereige,the howelierenotaufficient: more of other extracts and syrups of Stirsa lt parille , ....:: _ly evacuated—thebloodheconies impure, and heed__ E xtract:Ora' letter' from . Mr. James C. lialsford 'ache, indigeatitin,Pidpitaton a i of the heart; and many ' highly respectable Merchant in Baltimore. .' .. +. otherdisame . cable symptoms; are sure to follow. "Having hadfrequent occasion to employ prepare. . ' THE 'INDIAN VEGETABLE - PILLS, Ciotti of_ Sarsaparilla in my family during the past ten years,l last year tried, yours, and found 'one bottle .. Being a cleanser of the stomach and bowels,and a di ytara, root purifier of the blood; are certain not only to.,re. equal iii efficacy to five'of any other that I ever esed.'.; tufty:pain oi distress of every kind'from the'the hotly; Extract of aletter from Mr. Sulford elNorthampton: • "YOur•Extract of Sarsaparilla has perfOrrried won- • but if used - occaaionally, so as to keep the binlyfree froin those humors which are the cause of every male . :derii.with_me r linving-restored-tne-to T perfect-healthundeelleaven-therwill-most - asstiredly - promote: though - forsixTyeareCtiffliiiteiltui 7 l - ter7,described to such a just and equal -idecidation of the blood, that you, and during thallium having tried almost eve• those.who-lead a sedentary life, will be enabled to' •ry thing as Well at' having received Skilful Medical eUjo. sound health, and disease of any kind - will be attendance, during a great. portion of the time. - ' - abso l utely impossible. . . --Numerous-recommendations . antleXtracts.from.ma........__F e , eious communications: could ,be added,. but, ,fer,the_ • .-. . . .. sale by , . - ... . - greatespepal attendiaguempipee_advertising. It bsyrepared and Sold wholesale and retell at Dr.' l frf °Mei and General Depot, No. 169 Race street Leidy's.lie.alth.Erriporiure, .NO.'• 191 North Second phig t d e to t fi, . '''- • ".. (May . ,20;180...-ly ' • t - ifre - e - cite --- rciff - Viife. - 7AlifiTortiete - by • . . . ..---' , r--- . -- . --.- r , .:. - • -": •-- - 7 4 - - , . Freit'k Klett; Drugg ist; • of Second and' Cal - lowhill streets, and'T. - Long &A. Fairer, - DrOggists, PORTANTTO FEMALES.-Dr. - 0. P.Har. Lancaster. t. Peter Pomp, Druggist, Easton ; W. H. • In . an . hich's Cototriound Strengthening•Tonle, and GeV.' A ' P*ll Th ill ''all those ' pt rtent i s. ose Ai tills .remove Pomp, Druggist,Millon.. ' ' • " -' - Also by. 'llietressingdisetises which' Fe ales are liable' to be Carlisle, ,, Pit: • . • •'-•,, , : 'r v sTEY4NSON' 6s. HINKLE, Druggists, afflicted wi th ;, -They remove those morbid secretions ' Jul ' 121111 •1 v • • h retained,number f l' hic when soon induce .a o t met'. ' '' • : • Paco one Dollar a !leak: - . ' ' ' - ' .' seattnd oftentimes render Fereates unhappy and dela. . , . erable ill their lives. Those pills vied according to WORMS .1,,1",'9,1?/ . 1/$l.!. WOR.Af& ell - directions, immediately create a new and healthy so. .TOrimiive these troublesome and dangerous- lion throughout the „Whole system :- by - Purifying' lithabitanti oldie' stOmachand bowels, which so ofted the .I)l6o . l;'aridrgivitig strength to . the stomach aed, impiiirtlio.bealthand destroys the live/id' children, ' hoWehi, at tliii same timairelimdingthe yain inthe side, ! tiOJOyeelatTonieVenuiruge,,e certain atitleafe pre..'• back, andluirta,giving, appetite and . invigm , titidg the' paratien fortherentoyeleftheveriouskindaof WOClMll,i'syalemageituto,',its , proper , furicticeii ". and restertirg dYspepeltysouistomifkle;'*ant olapPetittYinfiintile - tren ditreptisei••' - --" ~. - • ,•• .1 7-.7 -- . ----- .777 7'7, ~. 0 4 . fever anil•atpie;lidd dibilityeifthe stomach and liow. , :- , ' lA* for Dr. Harlitdt's • Care onlid'Strengthed elk inittorgardt or 4gOion. r :•To.lie• had pt .1q0.',20' . OV ,I. apie, and • Gerinan Aperient ills.--- - :,. • - . , .. • South Third Street PhiladidPida.„, - ~I. .'• . , '.,' .-.- '-,' . ' .1 , - . itielpeltlfiloei'l9,nortlr Eigh , street,Philadel, '' • Also to be bad of Samna' Elliott ina Stev e nson .e le I AM. ' Also for tale at theLlrug.S ore of J: .l. Myers tiokla,Ksieliale t Po... ' • -, ' • - treat 16'1.840:•. k,Fe, .i. Carliele.. : . ' • I.Ner. r,111160. ,• • Prepared only only by Dr. ,D. Jayne,anventor,: . and sole proprietor,-1576. South ..Third street, Philadelphia, and. may be had of S. ELLIOTT,. and also-ofSTEVEN ... 'SON_ 4- Druggists,, Gar, : lisle, Pcr • • , • • These medicines are • recommended and-eitensive . ly used by the most intelligent persontrin the,Hnited States, by.-tiumeroui Profeasors-and Presidents of Poilegs, PhySiciatis of the Arny and Navy; and of Hospitals and A.lmslionsescand by more than three hen red Glergyineapt - carious denominations: They are exprealy prepared . for family use, and luiveauquiredini unprecedented popularity through out the Bnited States;'and -as they .are so admirably 'calculated to preserve SEA ,T5l and cure DISEASE, no family should ever be without them. 'The proprie -tor of these valuable preparations received his edit 'cation at one of the best Medical Colleges in: the . 1./n i• ted States; and lass had fifteen years - experience in an extensive and diversified pnactiee,oy which beliftilnid ample oppertunities of acquiring a practical; knowl edge of diseases, and , of tne remedies best calculated to remove them. • • • These Preparetions consist of • • , . JAYNE'S. EXPECTORANT,a valuable remedy for cough; colds, .consumption, asthma, spitting of brood; croup, 1, ping cough,hronchitis,plettrisy and • inflammation ofthe lungs or throat, difficulty of brea thing; and all-diseases.of pulmonary organs.—Price one .dollar. • • •.. . • Also JAYNE'S HAIR TONIC, for the preserva tion, growth and beauty of the hair, and ;which h will. positively bring in-new air on bald heads.—Priee one dollar. • • - • Alsoi JAYNE'S TONIC YERMIKCGE, a Cetn tain and pleasant Mindy forWorms,dyspepsia,piles; 'and ninny ether diseases.'--Pric? 50.,cetits. AIsoJAYNE T SCARMINTI TYE BALSAM, a Certain cure for bowel and summer coMplaiints, rine, dysentary cholic, cramps, sick heittlache,`Sour stomach, cholera morbus, and all dermigimenta of the - stomach atid bowels, nervous affections,Szc.--Price 50 cents. AIsodAYNE'S SANATcP, PILLS, for Female diseases, liver complaints, c stivenesi;feverti, mations, glandular, obstrticti Qs — diseases o t • &c. and in all . cases where anallesative, or purgative medicine is required. - 7 . Price 25 4nts a boy. . May 13 11340::.-ly •'.- •,, . • JAYNE'S - EXPECTORANT:--,.-This medicine has already. proved itself lie all tlia`f it haS been recninmenilcd, by those who:lave given it a fair test-in-this .cottary, and-the dentaltd - for it iq- creases (laity.- We have Just heard of autimportant eiitieOf A Silt ma; whichhalieeliiiffeeted by !be tiidilr it iii a neighboring towntlic - case was that of a tea Male who had for a long time &en under the care of a physiCian, but bad received relief, and her case was beginning, to be considered hopeless,, As a _last resort she purchased it bottle of Dr. - Jayne , s Expecto rant, which caused her to expectorate freilly - :;grailual.- 45 ,- eased bercoligh, - and is- hipidli restoring-her-to health. 'We have no hesitation to sayinn• this prepa ration of Dr. Jayne, forthe,cure of conglia,.thllls, in fluenza, Asthma,Cotisumption, is the most valua blemedicinuever offered to the. American public.--- There is-no:quackery about' it- , -Dr..layne is 'one o the most practising physicians,in Pennsylva niai and wherever. his preparatians have„heen .thor 6110)Y:tested,- he islotikeil tiian as a great public bent' rfatctor.- , -[Somerset (Me.) Journal. - . For sale by Samtiel Elliott and Stevenson kle, Earthy, , -fumy 13 1840 CHARLES OGILBY, A. nt. Kore than six - millions of boxes of these celebrate Pills IMve been sold in the United States.sinte Janiy. • hundreds and thousands bless the day they became acquainted with Peters' Vegetable Pills, which in consequence ,of their:extraordinary . goodness, have a "popularity unprecedented the history of medicine. • 7 • ' . . When taken according to theilirections accompa:L hying them, they. are highly beneficial in the preven= tion and cure of Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Dys pepsin, Liver Complaints, Sick Ifead_.fteke, Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy, Rheumatism; Enlargemeni. •of the Spleen, Piles,•Colic, Fefiiale Obstructions,Beam burn, Furred Tongue, Nausea, Distension othe Sto machand BoWels,• Incipient Diarrlisca,:Flatuknee; Habitual Costiveness; Loss. of Appetite, Blotched or Sallow'Complexion, and in all cases of Torpor of the Bowels,•whem a cathartic or nn aperient is need ed, TheY are exceedingly mild in their operation, producing neither nausea, griping, nor debility. ..• • The efficacy of these - pills is so well known, and their use so general, that further comment is consid ered unnecessary., • • • • • For further particulars; see Dr. Peters' pamphlet; which can belied, gratis, ofany of the Agents. . The pillsare neatly put up in tin boxes, containing 20 and 45 pills, priCe 25 and 50 cents-per box.. ' • . . ./Irev Orlenna, APril 24, 1837. Dear Sir—As an old - classmate Of yours in Yale : College, I take the liberty - of opening a• correspoe;: (fence. •: . • , - 411): learn that-you-are making. alrinne-by-the sale of your pills, which I trust is the case, as I am fully aware that through them you are conferring a, great blessing on the public. • , . • --I myselfam among_these who have been -peculiar ly benefited by their use. Singe my arrival here, I had been subject to severe bilious attacks. which • had nearly brought me to the grave; but, (and I acliticiw ledge it with gratitude,) . a few boxes of Tour, pills have completely: restored me. f would add, that their , effect upon Sick Mead-dale and Sour Stomach is alinest miraculous. • . I , With-sentiment*of-:esteem, -. IL Of. SIIEPERP, M. D. . Extract' of a slier from Dr . . Francis Boiari, of ' .Pravidence, R. 1., Dec. 7 ,1838. . • "'Peters' Pills are an eteellent aperient and cathar- - tiCiiie4iiiii - e . , - .(iliose - eWtieta — being Wodireicit:Tifili-e -difference of the = quantity taken4alid. are decidedly superior-to Lee's, Ilrandretles, or Morrisofr's Pills,., ~_ &I-tract ofa letter from Dr. trainee of.Philacypbia,. - ' " i l ebruary f.l ? 1838. , '.7-Yourpills arc the-. mildest in theiroperatinnsiand yet most powerful iit tliiiir'effiEetil - of anythi4 I , Piave' ever met with in a - praerce of eight an4tvtentyyearti. - Their action on the chyld and hence 'oirthe =purl ties of the blood; is crate tly very surprising. ~ . _ Extract of a eller from" Dr. Scott; of Baltimore, F=-, _, December, 17, 1836. __Lam= in the daily liabitof'presefiliing - thein (Peters' PUN and they in nearly all cases-answered my pur, pose.T I !laic discarded - qther medicines, • some of them very goodones, iii their favor. rasryttetank ,ce): X C., Xov. - 18,;1436. , ' Sir—,l3e not siirpriseil at recei v i ng this letter from an entire-stranger. Your medicine is the cause and aSiologi. I otter for obtruding mrielf upon , your it,no tice: ing, ex er 'lt:wienced a seri on s taloa' of MI ious - Fever this fall; l I ae induced, in consequence of their popularity, fo try our. pills; and sq_ beneficial has been the result, th t I am desirDus to procure itlarge_ quantity of them' to use.iii- my-practice: Plemse write me-word What is your hiwest,price-to the . ficulty for tiro hundred . boxes, Your earljeit attention .0 this ..., - Tow's, R.- 11. _ILLTISEY,3I—D LIVER. CoNIPLAINt. - • . 5 Proome street, X Ilt,Ofay 27,1338. hereby_certify,that-my liver was in a very disea sed state, and had long baffled the 'skill of a highly popular physician, but that it has been rendered per fectly healthy by - the use of Peters' Vegetable Pills. They were first rccommendrd tome by Dr. Nels On. • • • • • THO.M.IS ,IXSOX.' I have glitch plea Sure in witnessing to , the truth of the above, ail know, from experimicePe - tern' Pilla are an invaluable medicine. JAMES XELSOX M.D. _ - AGEXTS, • . • • BR °INV Eg• KESEY, Chambersburg. SAM. ILSO.X C.s Co., Shippensburg. - • If 1LL1.9.3f BARR, Newville. Co.SCar il s i e• And 11 . 94 tle_ . ,Druggits 9f POl9dejr4l9'ami Bal.. timore. Nov. 6,1839.-1 year. Dis.tavell7l. • The public are hereby - directed to the medical ad= vertiseinents of Dr. Harlich's Celebrated Compound Strength • g Tondo, and Gentian 'Aperient Pills,' which are a medicine of great value to the afflicted, discovered by 0. P. Ilarlich, a celebrated physician nt Altdovf, Germany, which has been used with un paralleled success theoughout Germany.. This medi cine consists of two kinds, viz: the German 'Aperi, eat, an‘the Compound Strengthening Tonic Pills. They are each put up in small packs, and should both be used to effect a permanent cure. Those who are afflicted would do well to make a trial of this invalu able medicine, as they never produce - sickness or nausea whileiisitig: — A - safeaniteffeetnaLremedy - for and all stomach complaints; Pain in side . , liver corn "plaints, loss of appetite, flatulency, palpitation of the h cart, lity, nervoni ieritability,siekheait• ache„temale diseases, spasmodic affections, rheuma dam; asthma!, consumption; ttc. -The- German Ape rient Pills are to cleanse the stomach and purif:y the blood. • The Tonio or Strengthening Pills are. to - strengtherrand-invigorate the nerves and digestive-or= - gans and give tone to the stomack,as all disuses ori= -gn:du-from impurities of the blood and ' disordered stomach. This mode et treating diseases is pursued by all ,practical Physicians , "which experience has taught - them - trim - the only -Temeily : -. to-effect-a-cure, They "are not only recommended' and prescribed by - the - mostexperienced-Physicians - in-thent-daily-prae-- dee, but also taken by those gentlemen themselves Whenever they feel the symptomkof those diseases, in which they know them to be efficacious. This is the , case in all large cities in which they; have an eaten ►ce-sale.=lt to will cure all diseases merely by purifying the blood-,--this they will not do• but they certainly will, - an d.sufficient.authorily_otilaily-Tireofs.a.ssertingShat those medicines, taken as recommended by the direc tions which accompany them, will cure a great majo rityof diseases of the stomach, Mugs; and liver, by which impurities oftheblend arc oceasianed. Compontid Strengthen- ing Tonic, and German Principal office for the sale of this medicine, is at N 0.19 North 'Eighth' street, Philadelphia. It~o--For-sale at the.Drtig Store of. John J.,My-: ' a irs ?"e.Co.,..Carlitdp,' and William Peal, Shippens- I :burg. . (Nov. 20,1839. HILDREN TEETiIING.—To Mothers and Nurses.—You are aware, that there are bun- . dreds of thiise little ones that-you-so dearly love. Who are daily hurried into' an untimely grave, from that distressing malady Convulsions, which almost every Infant falls a prey to at the time at dentition; there fore, you who are mothers, and have the care of those little ones, should apply 'Dr. Paris's cClebrated Sooth. ing Syrup frr Infantile Teething, which has preserved thousands,when thought past recovery, frorn that de structive ravager. This invaluable medicine can al ways be obtained at the Medical Office No. 19 North , Erglith street, oppeititeFilliii•Ci - itieePhilideTtii where testimmitals of its efficaor,can be seen. OlierrOor sale at the Drug Store of John J. Myers & Co. Carlisle. Pa: r, • , , , • . CH•I.LD,R.EN CUTTING THEIR -TEETIL--How-many-thousands. of _those littl sufferers die annually from the effects. of Protracted dentition. Dr. Pam' Soothing Synupfor Children . 'reinedy.litt preserved hundreds of Children when thought past recovery from Convuldions.As soon as the Ova:up is robed:on the gums, the child will receveri:, ;This preparation is so innocent, So effleacians,ind so 'plea- sant, that no child will refuse to letitsgumsberubbed with, it. When-infants are. at an age , of- foci months, though "there is no appearance. of teeth, one .bottle bf Syrup should be used on the gums, to open the pores. Parents should never be without Syrup in the nur aery there are , yeung..skittlren ; Tor if a child wakes in the- night, with pa ins in the gnuns k the nip immediately gives esse, h y. opening th e pares and healing the lums,_ th erehy p r eventing Convulsions, .Vor'saleitiniyet - N0.9 - NoithAighth istkeet, For. sale at.the Drug Store cap:At:J. Jltyera Eit Vo4.Carlisle; at'the store of A. icesTer,garrisburg; Dennet & Domgsirdner, Yokk; Mid Wm. Matbiottp, Colunthiai Pa. • Jan. II • !SW:, ICE pßiNcz PA - REASONS WHY DR, BARUCH'S COMPOUND ENING and. GERMAN APERIENT plus are used by all classes of peoples hipreferericeto other Medicines • , • . - BECAUSE they are prepared from a pure extract of herbs, a wholesome medicine,mild in its operation bind pleasant in its effects—the most certain preserver of health, ti safe and effectual• cure of DYSPEPSIA or INDIGESTION, and) all Stomach Complaints, si preserver and purifier of the Whole system. • I ilec , ause theysoidbre..the,nekires,of. sensibility and fortify - 411e nerves of ini4,l4nOtOpstrtring to .theicnaost .. stibtle , aoa its pristine, topei th 9S giyin-strength and • ' - clearness:et - Mind. - • • • . Because Aber ,neverAestror ..qte coats of the Ate , mach and bowels as all stiong.purgative6.oo; • ecause science andexperiefice.terich.titv that. no Mere .purgativealone';will 'odeezthediseasesiOfther Statnaelt andliVerfes. Wealthesststlie;primarYcaute ofit. host•of diseases, and; by , continually' resorting tO DRASTIC purgati,yes;-you. make the diSeittk` Muck , worse, instead of better:. , ',Because Dr. liarlich"alleditine:sLare pump the common sense principle, "to cleanse and strength.. en," which is the only course to pursue to effect* . cure. Lastly, • Because these medicines really do CURE the, dia.. eases for which tbev are recommended. • PRINCIPAL OFFICE for the United States, my, 19, North Eighth, street, Philadelphia: (C.The abovenamed.raedicines are foe sale' it the Drug Store Or jOHJV J. MYERS a' CO., Car. , lisle, and Williarn'Peal, Shippensburg. . • • And at the store of - ATReefer, Harrisburg; Dennel: • Ic Bumgardner, Yorki• and Wm: Mathiot, Columbia ? ' Pii. - - • - [January 8;1840. • ELANS ---ARE—DANGEROUS.SO • is it with those who neglect their COLDS.antt • . COUGIL. At first you'complain of having . a cold, which is neglected; after which a ,soreness is ape- • . rienced in the .Bronshio,.siith -a ..hacking. cough; and. finally the disease settled' upon the lungs, which the ' patient will soon perceive by - a 'wasting away of the • body, attended with hectic fevers and • spitting up ,of florid blood,rd matter from ulcers on the lane; a pain and weight is else 'experienced at the affected__ • part of the lungii;• the functions of the animal economy grow langulik. the body becomes dry; the eyes sink deep within their Cavities; at length the patient pays , the debt of nature, when -he isilatteringlimself With . the - hoperof - a - speelly - reievery: — To obviate all those - __, distressing Symptonis. "Spare no time" in procuring Dr. Swayne's Compoitnd Syrup - of 'Wild Cherry-, at ' - the Tery - commencetnetA - of - youl , eolds - and - ocrughsv --- *h_e:rcbrmAnzinikhtanfsweetrepdae:villbeprocured;.. ' and time and zfinnerssived„ and above all your health secured. Therefore,Remember, Delays are Danger- . . Above medicine can always be obtained lit t h e • -Principal.Office;No.-19:, street;•Philii- . • delphia ; anureapeetive.agents throughout the United • !States. , Also at the Drug Store of 'John J. Myers & Carlisle; at the store of A. Keefer, Harrisburg; Defi ne Bomgardner,' York; and. IV m. -Mathintt, Co lumbia, Pa.. • ' 'Jan:B,4B4o. - - CLEANSE AND STR,ENGTH - ENI Thp ONLY sure and the best' course' to pursue is curing diseases.. of whatever initnre they may be, _ _ first---to cleanse mid Purify the Stomach and , els by gentle_aperients secondly., to gm_ strength . - ind.tone-to-thoseletider organs -by the use-of-proper - tonics: This mode of treating-disessea is pursued: by ycguliiiiihygicialis, which they well the_only course to resort to, to effect a- speedy and permanent eiMe. DR. HARLICIPS.COMPOUND STRENGTHENING TONIC AND GERMAN APERIENT PILLS are a 'sure. mediCine effect this grand object: The GermaiiPperient Pills are to cleanse the Stomoelf and IntestifiesOiftey-which the - - _Compound Strengthening Tonic Pills are used to give :Strength and tone, to those organs which require•ten der •treatMent;7 - Nearly two thirds of the diseases which We daily behold are diseases of the Nervous - system, and fly continually using drastic mineral pin"? gatives, the suffeierwill soon find himself a being too much refined to remain long inexistence.' Full and explicit direcitmis, both in English and German, . conmanv this medicine. - PRINCIPAL OFFICE for the United States, No.. 19 Nortth ElGHTioktreet, Philadelphia. - trreFor sale bylllin J. Mere .e.e Carlisle, and Ohio-at the stoic of A. Head., Harrisburg; Den net St thimgitlihier, York and Wm. Matluott, Co- _L_ 1-10itEit Abotnyosed of the- concentrated Virtues of , the herbs n iirehYdric, substances. '• Wanlinted purefrom.any Mineral what- • ever. Thushaelhabfis , medicine, is. daily effecting some of the, most astonishing. cures that have ever . heen- known ---- Alli*ho — have — used it for abtlima, coughs, apiifieg of bloadd, whooping cough, croOpvir •hives,Consumption, chronic pleurisy, ioarseness,pain,and soreness-of the breast, difficulty of hreathing, and - - every other disease of the lungs and breast, can and , do' ttekt its usefulness.,..Yironchities, a disease'which is sweeping thousands ..upon thousands to a prema ture grave,under the mistaken name of Consumption, is always cured by. it.: The usual symptoms of this disease, Bronchities, are cough, sorenessof the lungs or throat, hoarseness, difficulty of breathing, asthma, hectic fever, a spitting up of phlegm and matter, and ' sometimes blood .--- It num inflammation of : the fine- " skin which lines the inside of the whole of tho wind . tubea - or:air - vessetsi - which - rdohrough - every - part - of- -- -the-lungs.--This-Balsam i mmediately.snppresseathoL..:._ cough pain, inflammation, , fever and difficulty of, breathing, and pyoduces ree and easy eltpectorst- thin and a - cure - TS soon ellecteL. Read the following letter froin Pittsford, Monroe ea:, Nov. 9, 1898 Mr. John M. Winslow, Druggist, Dear Sir: I have been for a series of years Afflict mithon affection of ,the: Lungs, and a hard cough, and have many tinier arose in. the morning' as com pletely exhausted by excessive coughing during the. night aka 'person would be by a hard dayslabor. have tried most of the popular remedies of. the day, but ne.ver_fouittlsellef until 1-met-with your Baliam of Horehound. -All the other remedies or pilatives, that 1 have _ used, leave the bowels in a congested state, while yours leaves them soluble aid - free.. This I consider a great desideratum. sOn taking a•dose of your Balsam when going to bed, I rest quietly thro' tie night, and my sleep Is refreshing. l take great pleasure_m_rerommeniting_yos 'Balsam-of-Hort-- hound to all those afflicted with pulmonary imom= 7 " - - - plaints or any disease appertaining to the lungs, and Itakeithis.opportunity to tbarik you for the great re lief and benefit -I have experieneed•through your-k -strumentality: -Yours,vith much W.M.COGSWALL. =For-sale by___ __-, ..— _< - • S.ELLIOTT., Carlisle. • __ • _ A„.l NORTH Nesrville -- Also, Druggist s generally througtiourthistimet‘ • . • : try. Price 50 oc t ets per bottle. • ' April 15, 1840.—.1y. • . RHEUMATISM, entirely curetthy the use of De • 0. P. lilarlich's Compound Strengthening and • German Aperient Pills. Mr. Solomon Wilson of. Chester co. - PC;afflicitirfOrlwo yearii-with distressing disease, of which he had to useliiii Crutch._ _ es - for 18 months, hid .symptoms were. excruciating: pain in all liiiklqints, especially , in his, hip, shoulder;. '- and andes, paw increasing. always towardieeyenhig% • attended w ith heat. Mr. Wilson, was at one time not' ableto attended limbs on'account of the pain being . so great; he being advised by a friend of his to pro— cure Dr. Harl ides pills of which he sent to the Agent in West Cheater and precured 'Some ;. im • using the medicine the third day the pain disappeared and hiss • • rti - litth-incresisiitfirst;l4 — fidlif-tbree-weeßs-was-able to attend to his , business,. which lie had not. done Ibr• 'lB months; for the bene fi t of others affiicte 4 ,lie wish es these lines published `that they 'may he rehired,.. 'arid again enjoy the pleasures . of a hearths_ • • •- principal Office, 10 north Bth street, Pidla. Also . for sale at the Drug Store of John Jrlloo6 & _ _Pier.-20,1899 _ . I)YSPEPSIA!DYSPEPSTAM---'MORE TESTI-- MotilirA ofthe EPPir&C,Y-OfikabeichsL-- edieines. ,'Mr.-;.lonas Hartman, of Smianeytown, Pa.,•entirely cured of the above ditiease, which he we. ' afflicted with for sic iears.: His symptoms were a sense of distension andopimession aßer eatingolistres sine pain in the pit of the stomach, nausea, Foss ofap...-:' petite, giddiness and dimness of sight, extreme debilf. ty,flatAeticy, acrid eructations, sometimes vomiting,.- andr.pain in the right side, depression of,splrtts, turlied icstifaintxtess,.and not able telteralte hit: o ' ll 47 ness withoat causing _immediate exhagst-id!n and wee- d riness. Mr. Hartman, IS, imiimto 6144'L to , h.ercr 'and is willing to give any information to 't he fi respecting the wonderful benefit he receivedikonithe sae of Dr. 'HarlicleV, Compoodd Stfecemning afar - termite Aperiebtßilloi; -'• - . . •'-opstavichis' medigi -ettn he obtaine.d at No. : -19;North Eighthitreet,opposite rilbeitstieet;rhilt. ,ror sale at the Dreg Store ofJohnj. Myers Itt Co. , . - Ergot. 20, 1,849. -W.l rishiw's COMPOUND BaLS'XII OF
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers